Brand Manual
Brand Manual
Editorial Purchasing decisions today are influenced by many different factors. Apart from purely product-oriented arguments, factors such as trust, experience, word-of-mouth recommendation, service, time-saving and image have been assuming more and more importance for many years now. Since the decisionmaking process prefacing actual purchase has become so complex, one of a company’s main concerns nowadays is to establish greater loyalty among its customers. Contact: [email protected] Phone +41 (0)62 919 75 75 Loyalty is created when customers have the feeling of confidence in a brand. To achieve this, the brand must have a clear-cut, independent identity. Customers need to know and understand this brand personality. This is why it is so important to go on building this identity or personality whenever we have contact with our customers or consumers. For the simple reason that every form of interaction contributes to this identity and either makes it clearer or weakens it. Manuel Gerber Marketing Manager A corporate design system is only any good if it is used consistently. For this reason, this manual comes with an appeal to all users to comply with the rules it contains whenever they are creating some form of communication. Consistency is the factor that will decide the success or failure of these measures. Our visual presence, therefore, should lean on our main brand values and express the brand personality of MOTOREX. On the following pages, you will find basic guidelines. If anything is unclear or you have questions, the marketing department will be glad to help. Edi Fischer Deputy Managing Director Langenthal, February 2006 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Introduction Contents Brand personality Brand values/essence Basic elements Trademark Typefaces Wording Colours Visual imagery Stationery Letter Fax Business card Greeting card Envelope Label Communications Product brochure Data sheet Promotion sheet Presentation Job ad Miscellaneous Vehicle signage Building signage Secondary applications Classical advertising BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Contents Brand personality 1.0 The brand personality. A strong, solid brand identity is crucial to the building of a successful brand. In order to achieve this, our brand must be consistent and unmistakable. A brand becomes unmistakable when it displays a unique personality. This brand personality consists of a brand essence and various brand values. MOTOREX brand essence: Who we are: MOTOREX, Oil of Switzerland What we do: We produce motor oils and high-performance fluids. Why this matters: Our customers trust us and rely on our products because we are part of their world and understand it completely. Our products prove their superiority in demanding technology as well as in racing at the world’s top level. Brand strapline: MOTOREX. Challenge the limits. The projection of a consistent, high-profile brand personality is indispensable in integrated communications and is a mandatory component of all marketing activities. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Brand personality Brand personality / Brand values and essence 1.1 The four brand values of MOTOREX. Apart from these core statements, we also speak of brand values. In the case of MOTOREX, these are four distinctive, independent brand values that apply exclusively to MOTOREX and which the company upholds in its day-to-day business. They reflect the company’s philosophy and encapsulate the essence of the brand. They project a consistent, immediately recognizable brand identity that is anchored permanently with the consumer. Professionalism Our products, services and all contacts with the customer and consumer radiate professionalism. This professionalism implies good quality but also extends to the way we present ourselves, our understanding of the customer and our profound expertise in our field. Innovation Our profound understanding of our customers helps us to identify new needs at an early stage and to develop suitable products. But we are also innovative in other areas such as communications. The essence of our brand is our continual desire to make everything just that little bit better and to go on improving. Sports orientation The world of sport and the technology it draws on are part of our understanding of ourselves. We learn and exist through sport and the exacting conditions it involves. Our belief in tackling challenges in a sporting fashion shines through in everything we do. Swissness Our roots are in Switzerland and in our Swiss mentality. We uphold these values but at the same time are cosmopolitan and encourage the exchange of ideas. In short, our brand promise is as follows: MOTOREX The professional, sports-oriented helper in the green tin. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Brand personality Basic elements / Introduction 2.0 The basic elements. A brand’s corporate identity comprises a selfenclosed, homogeneous unit consisting of various basic elements. These elements are fundamental to the corporate identity and harmonize perfectly with each other. They help us project our attitudes and values to the outside world and shape our brand image. They not only provide our brand personality with a visual aspect but also give it emotional expression. 2.1 Trademark 2.1.1 Trademark 2.1.2 Line logos 2.2 Typefaces 2.3 Wording 2.4 Colours 2.5 Visual imagery This takes place not only through the trademark, typefaces, colours and visual imagery but also the tonality and style of verbal communication: professional, innovative, open to the customer and confidence-inspiring. Consistent application of the basic elements will expedite brand awareness; it will give the brand a clear profile and make it unmistakable. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Basic elements Basic elements / Trademark 2.1.1 The strength of being unmistakable: the trademark. The MOTOREX trademark is a combination of a word mark and a pictorial mark. 1 Brand/product level The negative version of the logo is to be used in all product level communications. While the pictorial mark creates a strong, easily understandable connection with the company, the word mark – also known as the logotype – underscores its unmistakable nature because it can only refer to the name behind the pictorial mark. 1 Brand/product level 2 Corporate level The positive version of the MOTOREX logo against a white background must be used for all stationery and other applications at corporate level. 3 Sponsorship A simplified version of the word mark is available for special applications, such as sponsorship. Every use of this trimmed-down version of the logo must be discussed with the marketing department. Only the logos enclosed here may be used. Nothing may be changed or added. 2 Corporate level 3 Sponsorship BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Basic elements Basic elements / Protected area around trademark 2.1.1 The effectiveness of space: protected area around trademark. The self-enclosed unity formed by the pictorial and word mark only comes fully into its own if it is given enough space. Because space makes it more effective. No other lettering or design elements may appear within the protected area (1) or be added to the trademark. 0.5 A A When using the negative version of the trademark, the top edge must be bled-off and flush with the edge of the format in question. 0.5 A 1 Various templates showing the exact positioning of the logo can be found in the following sections. B Effectiveness of background: the trademark against a colour. B 2 Background colors may have a defined brightness of a maximum of 15% black (or 100% Pantone Cool Gray 3). 2 3 If the trademark is shown against a picture, no obtrusive graphic elements may appear in the protected area. 3 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Basic elements Basic elements / Trademark: don’ts 2.1.1 The clarity of straightforwardness: don’ts. Misuse of the trademark that must be avoided at all times. 1 No more than one logo per application. 2 No modified logos. 3 No use of individual logo elements. 4 No use of logo with copy. 5 No logo modifications or in-house creations. 2 6 Especially for sponsorship logos: no black frames! BROSCHÜRENTITEL Lorem ipsum dolor sit quod laudat demons 1 3 GABELOELE HUILES DE FOURCHES FORK OIL MOTO LINE Products RACING FORK OIL Für Separatschmierung (Injection) oder Gemischschmierung (Pre-Mix) mit verbleitem und bleifreien Benzin. 5 Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade durch 130 Millionen Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfaßt. Die Zellen werden dadurch in einen Erregungszustand versetzt, der sich über den Sehnerv in dem hinteren Teil Ihres Gehirns ausbreitet. Von dort aus überträgt sich die Erregung in Sekundenbruchteilen auch in andere Bereiche Ihres Großhirns. Ihr Stirnlappen wird stimuliert. Von dort aus gehn jetzt Willensimpulse aus, die Ihr zentrales Nervensystem in die konkrete Handlungen umsetzt. Kopf und Augen reagieren bereits. Sie folgen dem Text, nehmen die darin enthaltenen Informationen auf wie ein Schwamm. Nicht auszudenken, was mit Ihnen hätte passieren können, wenn dieser Blindtext durch einen echten Text ersetzt worden wäre. Ich bin Blindtext. Von Geburt an. Es hat lange gedauert, bis ich begriffen habe, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man macht keinen Sinn. Man wirkt hier und da aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen. Oft wird man gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich deshalb ein schlechter Text? Ich weiß, daß ich nie die Chance haben werde, im Stern zu erscheinen. Aber bin ich darum weniger wichtig? Ich bin blind! Aber ich bin gerne Text. Und sollten Sie mich jetzt tatsächlich zu Ende lesen, dann habe ich etwas geschafft, was den meisten «normalen» Texten nicht gelingt. 4 6 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Basic elements Basic elements / Line logos 2.1.2 Unmistakable at product level: line logos. Product trademarks – also known as line logos – are word marks with several colours. Use of the three versions of the line logo is closely linked to the type of design in question. At product level, we distinguish between three different versions of the logo: 1 The negative version, for instance, is used on brochures. 2 The positive version is used on data sheets. 3 There is also a black-and-white version for monochrome applications on newspaper printing machines, etc. 1 2 3 Various templates showing correct use of the line logos can be found in the following sections. Only the logos enclosed here may be used. Nothing may be changed or added. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Basic elements Basic elements / Typefaces 2.2 Personality we can see: typefaces. The corporate typeface implicitly makes statements about the brand and its values. It should be as timeless as possible and not be a slave to fashionable trends. 1 Univers In general, we use this clear, classical and very popular grotesque typeface. Uses • continuous text and subtitles: Univers 45 Light • Univers 45 Light Univers 55 Roman Univers 65 Bold 1 • ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.:,;-–/&*!?«» 2 DIN Light DIN Regular DIN Medium BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL main titles/subtitles in body copy and margins: Univers 65 Bold For typographically demanding applications, other Univers types are available. 2 DIN This unusual but not particularly fashionable typeface should be used exclusively for headlines and titles as well as for special emphasis. As a rule, DIN should only be used for upper case; in exceptional cases, a mixture of upper and lower cases may be permissible but should be carefully looked into. Generally speaking, body copy is set flush left. Justified text and/or copy flow are used only in exceptional cases. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.:,;-–/&*!?«» MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology body copy and emphasis: Univers 55 Roman Brand Manual Other typefaces (e.g. Arial or Helvetica) can be used for Internet applications. Basic elements Basic elements / Wording 2.3 Writing clearly: wording. Consistency and clarity in our wording ensure that the company speaks and writes the same language both internally and externally. This is how we write in the trade press, fact sheets, labels and in the MOTOREX magazine: Additives (always plural) Additives package Additives technology Basic fluid(s) Rapidly biodegradable BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL BUCHER-MOTOREX Group CHF Clean & Care EURO 3,4,5 Fully Synthetic ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004 Lines: Alpine Line, Arctic Line, Bike Line, Car Line, Farmer Line, Green Line, Marine Line, Moto Line, Truck Line, Swissline LongLife Low-Ash Low SAPS MC Moleculary Converted Medical technology MOTOREX AG MOTOREX Magazine MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology MOTOREX-TOPTECH AG NOACK Official homologations BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Safety + Performance Semi Synthetic Business unit Synthetic Performance Workshops Two-stroke engine oil Four-stroke engine oil Basic elements Basic elements / Colours 2.4 Reinforcing the message: colours. Colours are another important element and improve brand recognition and differentiation. They determine the emotional climate of the brand world and attract the observer’s attention. Pantone 3285, a rich shade of green, is the corporate colour. Corporate colour 1 100% 80 60 40 Pantone 123, a strong shade of yellow, is a highlight colour and emphasizes the positive overall feel of the visual image. A reasonable proportion of white (e.g. the paper) creates clarity and freshness. Corporate colour 1 Green Pantone: 3285 C CMYK: 100 C, 56 Y RGB: 0R, 157G, 137B 20 Highlight colours 2 Yellow Pantone: 123 C CMYK: 31M, 94 Y RGB: 249 R, 182 G, 0B Highlight colours 2 100% 80 60 40 4 White RGB: 255 R, 255 G, 255 B 20 3 100% 80 60 40 3 Black Pantone: Black CVU CMYK: 100 K RGB: 0R, 0G, 0B 20 4 5 Grey In exceptional cases (on brochure titles, for instance) a discreet shade of grey can be useful as a means of dividing up the layout. Pantone: Cool Gray 3 CMYK: 25 K RGB: 200 R, 200 G, 200 B All colours may be used full tone or in percentage gradations. 5 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Basic elements Basic elements / Colours; line colours 2.4 Colours make a world of difference: the line colours. The various product lines are differentiated in terms of name and colour-coding. These make it easier for employees and customers to recognize specific products and assign them to a group. A wide range of colours is available and leaves sufficient room for manoeuvre for any design job. Line colours 1 “Car Line” CMYK: 30 M, 95 Y RGB: 50 R, 185G, 0B 2 “Farmer Line” CMYK: 50 M, 90 Y, 30 K RGB: 188R, 111G, 14 B 3 “Moto Line” CMYK: 100 C, 56 Y RGB: 0 R, 157 G, 137 B 1 100% 80 60 40 6 100% 80 60 2 40 7 4 “Marine Line” CMYK: 70 C, 40 M RGB: 92 R, 133 G, 195 B 5 “Arctic Line” CMYK: 80 C, 20 M RGB: 0R, 156 G, 218 B 6 “Alpine Line” CMYK: 70 C RGB: 45R, 190 G, 240 B 7 “Green Line” CMYK: 50 C, 80 Y, 30 K RGB: 115 R, 151G, 64 B 3 8 8 “Bike Line” CMYK: 15 C, 25 M, 60 Y, 15 K RGB: 201R, 170 G, 101B 9 “Truck Line” CMYK: 50 K RGB: 152 R, 152 G, 152 B 4 9 10 “Swissline” CMYK: 100 M, 56 Y RGB: 0 R, 157 G, 137 B 5 100% 80 60 40 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 10 100% Brand Manual 80 60 40 Basic elements Basic elements / Visual imagery 2.5 Evoking emotions through atmosphere: visual imagery. Images set the tone for our communications: they convey atmospheres and evoke an emotional response from the viewer. At an image level, the photographs we use underpin the central visual ideas expressed by “Challenge the limits” (1). These visual ideas, which express the idea of challenge and performance, are also the campaign strapline and provides the basic criterion when selecting the content of the images. 1 The following keywords apply when selecting images: overwhelming challenge overcoming obstacles opposites, discovery performance, extreme situations nature and roads cars and deserts sky and motorcycles people and machines As do the following: unposed, exteriors, panoramas, landscapes, colour, contrast 2 At the second stage, the search can be further refined by the addition of concepts such as people (2), nature (3) and technology (4), although these concepts can be used either alone or in combination with each other. 3 4 All images must fulfil the following photographic and technical requirements: colour (preferably), fine grain, even focus, natural lighting, no obvious manipulation or retouching. The use of blackand-white or duplex photographs may be considered on a case-to-case basis. Please consult the online database at BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Basic elements Stationery / Introduction 3.0 Stationery. Every contact with a piece of stationery which we send out is also a form of contact with the MOTOREX brand personality. And we can have a major influence on this by ensuring that all our stationery conforms strictly and consistently with our corporate design. When we sign a business letter, a fax, a memo or even a greeting card, we are not only accepting responsibility for the content of the missive but also implicitly demonstrating our solidarity with the brand personality. If the prescribed design guidelines run like a (green) thread through all our stationery, the MOTOREX brand projects an aura of credibility, competence, professionalism and strength. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual 3.1 Letter 3.1.1 Letter, page 1 3.1.2 Letter, page 2 3.2 Fax 3.2.1 Fax 3.2.2 Fax, handwritten 3.3 Business card 3.4 Greeting card 3.5 Envelope 3.6 Label Stationery 0 Stationery / Letter, page 1 3.1.1 Radiating professionalism: the letter. Format: DIN A4 Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 65 Bold Dimensions: state in mm 35 187,5 Trademark (preprint) Size: 90% 21 1 Address block Max. no. lines: 6 Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 13 pt Colour: black BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 50 89 1 Beispiel AG zH. Herrn Sample Funktion Matthauserstrasse 123a Postfach CH-1234 Stadtname 2 Data block Max. no. lines: 3 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black 2 Datum Unsere Referenz 110 3 10. August 2005 Vorname Name, 000.000 Xy/Yz Direktwahl 062 000 00 00, [email protected] Vorschlag für den neuen Briefbogen 2. Zeile möglich Sehr geehrter Herr Sample Lorem ipsum dolor sit ameuscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulpu te velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero te eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril dele augue msan et iusto odi duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna albe quam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation dodo ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim te qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilizete sizlite Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad ur minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit te augue uis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euism volutpat. tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad ur minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate. 278,5 4 3 Body of letter One blank line each between salutation and body Max. no. lines: 30 Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black 4 Sender’s address Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black White, chlorine-free bleached paper must be used for all stationery. Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, Postfach, 4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95, 32 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 180 Brand Manual Stationery Stationery / Letter, page 2 0 3.1.2 35 187,5 Trademark (preprint) Size: 90% 21 1 Page number Type size: 8 pt Colour: black 50 60 1 Seite 2 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit ameuscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulpu te velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero te eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril dele augue msan et iusto odi duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna albe quam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation dodo ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim te qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilizete sizlite Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad ur minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit te augue uis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euism volutpat. tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad ur minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse. 2 Body of letter Three empty lines to the sign-off, one to the name Max. no. lines: 30 Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black 3 Sender; function After line break with 14 pt spacing Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 10 pt /8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black 4 Information block (opt.) Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black Freundliche Grüsse BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL 3 255 4 Edi Fischer Manuel Gerber Stv. Geschäftsführer Bereichsleiter Marketing Kopie an Xy 32 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 180 Brand Manual Stationery Stationery / Fax 3.2.1 Aiming for clarity: the fax. Format: DIN A4 Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 65 Bold Dimensions: state in mm 0 45 187,5 1 Trademark Size: 90% 1 21 2 2 Sender Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8.5 pt/8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 50 Fax 60 4 Joachim Sample 2. Zeile möglich 3. Zeile möglich Faxnummer 000 000 00 00 Absender Tanja Mustermann Empfänger 3 Address block Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black 3 4 Subject Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black 10.08.2005 3 Betrifft Vorschlag für den neuen Faxbogen 2. Zeile möglich Datum Anzahl Seiten 5 Sehr geehrter Herr Sample Lorem ipsum dolor sit ameuscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulpu te velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero te eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril dele augue msan et iusto odi duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna albe quam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation dodo ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad ur minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero. Freundliche Grüsse BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL 6 260 Edi Fischer Manuel Gerber Stv. Geschäftsführer Bereichsleiter Marketing 7 Kopie an Xy 8 Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, Postfach, 4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95, 278,5 42 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 100 Brand Manual 5 Body of letter Two blank lines after subject. One blank line after salutation, one blank line to sign-off and one to the name Max. no. lines: 27 Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black 6 Sender; function After line break with 14 pt spacing Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 10 pt/8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black 7 Information block (opt.) Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black 180 8 Sender’s address Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black Stationery Stationery / Fax 3.2.2 Aiming for clarity: the handwritten fax. Format: DIN A4 Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 65 Bold Dimensions: state in mm 0 45 187,5 1 Trademark Size: 90% 21 2 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL 3 Fax 1 MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 50 60 2 Sender Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8.5 pt/8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black 3 Title Type size: 14 pt Colour: black Empfänger 4 Kopien Faxnummer 4 Subject Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 28.35 pt Colour: black Absender Datum 5 Sender’s address Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black Anzahl Seiten Betrifft 278,5 5 Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, Postfach, 4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95, 43 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 90 Brand Manual 135 Stationery Stationery / Business card 3.3 Radiating expertise: the business card. Format: 85 x 55 mm Dimensions: state in mm Trademark (preprint) Size: 55% 78,5 0 Front 1 Name; function Typeface: DIN Light, DIN Medium Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 9 pt/8.9 pt Spacing: 1.5 Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black 15 25 1 PETER MUSTERMANN Buchhaltung 2 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31 · Postfach · 4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Direktwahl +41 (0)62 919 75 75 · Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95 Mobil +41 (0)79 234 56 78 · [email protected] 51 2 Sender’s address Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman Max. no. lines: 4 Type size: 7.4 pt Spacing: 2 Line spacing: 9.1 pt Colour: MOTOREX green, black 4 1 Back Generally speaking, the five subjects from the “Challenge the limits” campaign are illustrated on the back of the card. If necessary, contact information can be shown on the back of the card in a second language. 1 Subject “Desert” 2 Subject “Truck” 3 Subject “Combine harvester” 4 Subject “Manifold” 5 Subject “Mountain bike” 6 Subject “Motocross” 7 Subject “Laboratory” 3 2 4 White, chlorine-free bleached paper must be used for all stationery. 5 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 6 Brand Manual 7 Stationery Stationery / Greeting card 3.4 Cultivating relations with our customers: the greeting card. Format: DIN A5 Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 65 Bold Dimensions: state in mm 0 22 58 119 187,5 1 Trademark Size: 90% 21 2 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL 1 MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 37,5 3 zur Kenntnis pour info for your information zur Stellungnahme prise de position attendue for your attention auf Ihren Wunsch en réponse à votre demande as requested gemäss Besprechung comme convenu as discussed 3 Message block Circles: 2 mm diameter Line width: 0.2 pt Type size: 6.5 pt Line spacing: 7.5 pt Colour: black zur Bearbeitung à traiter for processing Bemerkungen / Remarques / Comments 112 Datum Date Date 133 4 2 Sender Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8.5 pt/8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: MOTOREX green, black Freundliche Grüsse Bien cordialement Best regards Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31 · Postfach · 4901 Langenthal · Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95 · 4 Sender’s address Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black 120 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Stationery 0 Stationery / Envelope 3.5.1 Conveying personality: the envelope. C5 with/without window Format: C5 Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman Dimensions: state in mm 22,5 Trademark Size: 90% 21 1 Sender Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 8 pt Colour: black 48 0 11,5 38 1 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik · Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, Postfach, 4901 Langenthal, Schweiz BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Stationery Stationery / Envelope 0 22,5 3.5.2 125 C4 upright with window Format: C4 Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman Dimensions: state in mm 21 1 48 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, Postfach, 4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Trademark Size: 90% 1 Sender Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: black BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Stationery 0 Stationery / Label 3.6 First impressions count: the label. Format: DIN A6 landscape Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman Dimensions: state in mm 10 137,5 53 148 Trademark (preprint) Size: 55% 12 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31 · Postfach · 4901 Langenthal, Schweiz 1 50 2 Beispiel AG zH. Herrn Sample Funktion Matthauserstrasse 123a Postfach CH-1234 Stadtname 1 Sender Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 7 pt Line spacing: 8 pt Colour: black 2 Address block Max. no. lines: 6 Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 13 pt Colour: black 105 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Stationery Communications / Introduction 4.0 Communications. Consistency in our communications, both internally and externally, is not only important but also indispensable. This applies not only when we are establishing and consolidating a brand but also makes the brand more easily recognizable and distinguishable. Having a consistent presence in all our communications calls for strict, consistent observance of our design guidelines. Depending on the level in question, the interplay of basic and design elements within the prescribed parameters will have a specific communicative effect. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual 4.1 Product brochure A4 4.1.1 Layout A4 4.1.2 Grid A4 4.2 Product brochure A6/5 4.2.1 Layout A6/5 4.2.2 Grid A6/5 4.3 Data sheet 4.3.1 Layout 4.3.2 Grid 4.4 Promotion sheet 4.4.1 Layout 4.4.2 Grid 4.5 Presentation slide 4.5.1 Layout 4.5.2 Grid 4.6 Job ad Communications Communications / Layout DIN A4 4.1.1 Layout principles for A4 brochures. A “tidy” layout, the extensive use of expressive illustrations and the clear portrayal of the products provide the central design theme of the brochures. Generally speaking, all publications are laid out in standard DIN formats. The products are presented in clearly laid-out, appealing four-colour A4 publications. A Front cover design The front cover (A) of all DIN A4 brochures is divided up in the same 7:3 ratio, with the picture taking up the larger area. Depending on the colour and brightness of photograph, the smaller section may be white or grey. The MOTOREX logo, the headline and the line logo in question complement the cover picture and are visually linked. Inside page design On all inside pages (B), product presentation indisputably takes pride of place. Vertical arrangement Sometimes the products and descriptive copy are arranged in columns next to each other, or a group of products is shown together. BROSCHÜRENTITEL Lorem ipsum dolor sit quod laudat demons BROSCHÜRENTITEL Lorem ipsum dolor sit quod laudat demons B Horizontal arrangement Sometimes the products are shown in rows, one beneath the other. Back cover design The design elements and pictures on the front cover are taken up again on the back. The dealer’s coordinates and sender’s address are shown only on the back cover. MOTOREX – Oil of Switzerland GABELOELE HUILES DE FOURCHES FORK OIL Precise dimensions can be found in section 4.1.2. Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade durch 130 Millionen Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfaßt. Die Zellen werden dadurch in einen Erregungszustand versetzt, der sich über den Sehnerv in dem hinteren Teil Ihres Gehirns ausbreitet. Von dort aus überträgt sich die Erregung in Sekundenbruchteilen auch in andere Bereiche Ihres Großhirns. Ihr Stirnlappen wird stimuliert. Von dort aus gehn jetzt Willensimpulse aus, die Ihr zentrales Nervensystem in die konkrete Handlungen umsetzt. Kopf und Augen reagieren bereits. Sie folgen dem Text, nehmen die darin enthaltenen Informationen auf wie ein Schwamm. Nicht auszudenken, was mit Ihnen hätte passieren können, wenn dieser Blindtext durch einen echten Text ersetzt worden wäre. MOTO LINE Products RACING FORK OIL Für Separatschmierung (Injection) oder Gemischschmierung (Pre-Mix) mit verbleitem und bleifreien Benzin. Ich bin Blindtext. Von Geburt an. Es hat lange gedauert, bis ich begriffen habe, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man macht keinen Sinn. Man wirkt hier und da aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen. Oft wird man gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich deshalb ein schlechter Text? Ich weiß, daß ich nie die Chance haben werde, im Stern zu erscheinen. Aber bin ich darum weniger wichtig? Ich bin blind! Aber ich bin gerne Text. Und sollten Sie mich jetzt tatsächlich zu Ende lesen, dann habe ich etwas geschafft, was den meisten «normalen» Texten nicht gelingt. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Communications Communications / Layout DIN A4 4.1.1 MOTO LINE Products RENN-GABELOELE Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade von 130 Millionen Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfaßt. Die Zellen werden nun in einen Erregungs zustand versetzt, der sich über den Sehnerv in denhinteren Teil Ihres Gehirns ausbreitet. Von dort aus überträgt die Erregung in Sekundenbruchteilen auch in andere Bereiche des Grosshirns. Ihr Stirnlappen wird stimuliert. Von dort aus gehn jetzt Willensimpulse aus, die Ihr zentrales Nervensystem in die konkretesten Handlungen umsetzt. Kopf und Augen reagieren bereits. Sie folgen dem Text, nehmen all die darin enthaltenen Informationen in sich wie ein Schwamm auf. Further examples of double-page layouts. Für Separatschmierung (Injection) oder Gemischschmierung (Pre-Mix) mit verbleitem und bleifreien Benzin. B Cross Power 2T 1L – 10W/40 und 15W50 – JASO MA Probieren Sie es doch aus wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Maximaler Reibwert Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Original Rennsport-Qualität Mas se de o anúncio é só de Mas se o infeliz for portguês Corremos o risco do cara não entender a piada que piada nada, é só uma simulação de texto é só de dólares, arcos, pesetas. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy. There’s every That your competitors even As a marketer Rennerprobte Rezeptur Legend 4T 1L – 10W/60 – API SG/CF/ACEA/A3 Ja, und zweitens haben wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Original Rennsport-Qualität Corremos o risco piada de Irredutível, ele vai recusare canúncio porque o texto é es catológico. Mas se o anúncio for recusado por causa que não valia nada poderá valer alguma coisa. Extrem temperaturund drehzahlfest Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung Keine Verkokungen Rennerprobte Rezeptur You will have convinced And anything you want, body copy, dinners, And by the time all women, will be yours. There’s every body Advertisement demands Chance to immortalise Maximale Schmiersicherheit GABELOELE / HUILES DE FOURCHES / FORK OIL Motorenoele Racing Power 2T 1L, 4L – SAE 20W/50 – JASO MA/API SG/ACEA A3 Racing Power 2T ist ein drittens sollten wir für ein paar Zeilen abschweifen und uns dem Gegenstand unserer Bemühungen zuwenden. Was heißt überhaupt power! Maximaler Reibwert Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Racing GP 2T 1L, 4L – 10W/60 – JASO FC/ISO-L EDG/API-TC/FIA Schön, daß Sie neugierig reinschauen, obwohl hier ja eigentlich noch gar kein richtiger Text steht, sondern nur der sogenannte Blindtext. Der aber soll Ihnen diesmal mehr Spaß machen als das «Eiriseididum» oder das «Kisuaheli omryx nomryx». Original Rennsport-Qualität Extrem temperatur- und drehzahlfest Keine Verkokungen Bom, agora imagine se no meio de uma aprensentação, digamos de uma campanha da Mercedes ou da Lada em Hamburgo ou em Bogotá, alguém na reunião, por acaso, fale «essa língua» que fala de uma campanha da «Mercedes». Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung Rennerprobte Rezeptur De tomara que o diretor des de arte não escolha uma foto tão boa, assim esse cara vai reclamar e de vai pegar esse anúncio para ver de perto. E vai ver de o que em primeiro lugar! Maximale Schmiersicherheit Simply put they rise to all the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the be raised! That your competitors even There’s every Raucharme und saubere Speed Mix 2T 1L – 10W/40 und 15W50 – JASO FC/ISO-L EGD/API- TC/ISO-Global GD Ausserdem haben wir das wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Maximaler Reibwert Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Original Rennsport-Qualität Mas se o anúncio é só peset Mas se o infeliz for portguês? Corremos o risco do cara não entender a piada que piada nada, é só uma simulação de texto de dólares, marcos, pesetas. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubereVerbrennung And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy, There’s every That your competitors even As a marketer Rennerprobte Rezeptur Power Synt 4T 1L, 4L – 10W/60 – API SG/CF/ACEA/A3 This of course is not the real copy for this document. The real words will be written once you have approved the headline. Rest assured, «the words» will expand the concept. «With clarity». Für den Fall, daß Sie doch der der Meinung sind, es gäbe über Ihre Sache ja gar nicht so viel zu sagen, gibt es diese alte Werberegel als Trost. Hoher synthetischer Anteil Maximale Schmiersicherheit Speziell für Enduro- und Crossmaschinen Mit führenden Rennteams entwickelt Raucharme Verbrennung Primeiro lugar de localition por acaso, fale essa língua que ninguém fala. Parta do princípio que esse alguém está olhando esse layoutes decoro, olha para foto. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Couldn’t be fairer than fair this is not the real copy for this advertisement. But it could well be. There’s every That your competitors even Raucharme und saubere B BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Communications Communications / Grid DIN A4 0 4.1.2 181,5 21 Format: DIN A4 Permitted typefaces: Univers 47 Condensed Light Oblique, 55 Oblique, 57 Condensed Oblique, 65 Bold, 65 Bold Oblique, 67 Condensed Bold, 67 Condensed Bold Oblique / DIN Regular, Bold Dimensions: state in mm 29,7 The surface area is divided up using the following principle: The long and short sides of the format are divided up by the same factor (10). This produces a grid upon which the various elements on the page can be aligned. 208 Trademark Size: 90% Front cover 1 All caps Max. no. lines: 1 Typeface: DIN (only caps) Type size: 33 pt Colour: 80% black, white (see 4.1.1) 1 259 BROSCHÜRENTITEL Lorem ipsum dolor sit quod laudat demons 2 7,5 76 3 Cross Power 2T 1L – 10W/40 und 15W50 – JASO MA Probieren Sie es doch aus wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Maximaler Reibwert Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Original Rennsport-Qualität Mas se de o anúncio é só de Mas se o infeliz for portguês Corremos o risco do cara não entender a piada que piada nada, é só uma simulação de texto é só de dólares, arcos, pesetas. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy. There’s every That your competitors even As a marketer Rennerprobte Rezeptur Legend 4T 1L – 10W/60 – API SG/CF/ACEA/A3 Ja, und zweitens haben wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Original Rennsport-Qualität Extrem temperaturund drehzahlfest Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung Keine Verkokungen Rennerprobte Rezeptur Racing Fork Oil Racing Power 2T ist ein drittens sollten wir für ein paar Zeilen abschweifen und uns dem Gegenstand unserer Bemühungen zuwenden. Was heißt überhaupt power! Maximaler Reibwert Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Racing GP 2T 1L, 4L – 10W/60 – JASO FC/ISO-L EDG/API-TC/FIA Schön, daß Sie neugierig reinschauen, obwohl hier ja eigentlich noch gar kein richtiger Text steht, sondern nur der sogenannte Blindtext. Der aber soll Ihnen diesmal mehr Spaß machen als das «Eiriseididum» oder das «Kisuaheli omryx nomryx». Bom, agora imagine se no meio de uma aprensentação, digamos de uma campanha da Mercedes ou da Lada em Hamburgo ou em Bogotá, alguém na reunião, por acaso, fale «essa língua» que fala de uma campanha da «Mercedes». 5 Chance to immortalise De tomara que o diretor des de arte não escolha uma foto tão boa, assim esse cara vai reclamar e de vai pegar esse anúncio para ver de perto. E vai ver de o que em primeiro lugar! Maximale Schmiersicherheit Simply put they rise to all the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the be raised! That your competitors even There’s every Speed Mix 2T 1L – 10W/40 und 15W50 – JASO FC/ISO-L EGD/API- TC/ISO-Global GD Ausserdem haben wir das wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Maximaler Reibwert Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Original Rennsport-Qualität Mas se o anúncio é só peset Mas se o infeliz for portguês? Corremos o risco do cara não entender a piada que piada nada, é só uma simulação de texto de dólares, marcos, pesetas. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubereVerbrennung And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy, There’s every That your competitors even Hoher synthetischer Anteil Maximale Schmiersicherheit Speziell für Enduro- und Crossmaschinen Mit führenden Rennteams entwickelt Raucharme Verbrennung Primeiro lugar de localition por acaso, fale essa língua que ninguém fala. Parta do princípio que esse alguém está olhando esse layoutes decoro, olha para foto. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubere Brand Manual 4 Body copy Typeface: Univers Type size: minimum 8 pt Colour: black As a marketer Rennerprobte Rezeptur Für den Fall, daß Sie doch der der Meinung sind, es gäbe über Ihre Sache ja gar nicht so viel zu sagen, gibt es diese alte Werberegel als Trost. Inside pages 3 Headlines Typeface: DIN Colour: white, black, MOTOREX green and yellow Raucharme und saubere Power Synt 4T 1L, 4L – 10W/60 – API SG/CF/ACEA/A3 This of course is not the real copy for this document. The real words will be written once you have approved the headline. Rest assured, «the words» will expand the concept. «With clarity». MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Advertisement demands 4 Original Rennsport-Qualität Extrem temperatur- und drehzahlfest Keine Verkokungen BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL There’s every body Racing Power 2T 1L, 4L – SAE 20W/50 – JASO MA/API SG/ACEA A3 MOTOREX – Oil of Switzerland Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung Rennerprobte Rezeptur You will have convinced And anything you want, body copy, dinners, And by the time all women, will be yours. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Gabeloele Huiles de fourches Fork Oil 3 Corremos o risco piada de Irredutível, ele vai recusare canúncio porque o texto é es catológico. Mas se o anúncio for recusado por causa que não valia nada poderá valer alguma coisa. 2 Subtitle Max. no. lines: 2 Typeface: DIN Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 13 pt Colour: black Couldn’t be fairer than fair this is not the real copy for this advertisement. But it could well be. There’s every That your competitors even 5 Emphasis Typeface: DIN Use Bold/Oblique or colour to differentiate from body copy. Colour: black, MOTOREX green and yellow Communications Communications / Grid DIN A4 4.1.2 Further examples of double-page layouts. MOTOREX – Oil of Switzerland 1 Format: DIN A4 Permitted typefaces: Univers 47 Condensed Light Oblique, 55 Roman, 57 Condensed, 57 Condensed Oblique, 65 Bold, 65 Bold Oblique, 67 Condensed Bold Oblique / DIN Light, Regular, Bold GABELOELE HUILES DE FOURCHES FORK OIL MOTO LINE Products RACING FORK OIL 3 2 Für Separatschmierung (Injection) oder Gemischschmierung (Pre-Mix) mit verbleitem und bleifreien Benzin. 1 Headlines Typeface: DIN Colour: white, MOTOREX green, 60% black (depending on background colour) Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade durch 130 Millionen Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfaßt. Die Zellen werden dadurch in einen Erregungszustand versetzt, der sich über den Sehnerv in dem hinteren Teil Ihres Gehirns ausbreitet. Von dort aus überträgt sich die Erregung in Sekundenbruchteilen auch in andere Bereiche Ihres Großhirns. Ihr Stirnlappen wird stimuliert. Von dort aus gehn jetzt Willensimpulse aus, die Ihr zentrales Nervensystem in die konkrete Handlungen umsetzt. Kopf und Augen reagieren bereits. Sie folgen dem Text, nehmen die darin enthaltenen Informationen auf wie ein Schwamm. Nicht auszudenken, was mit Ihnen hätte passieren können, wenn dieser Blindtext durch einen echten Text ersetzt worden wäre. Ich bin Blindtext. Von Geburt an. Es hat lange gedauert, bis ich begriffen habe, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man macht keinen Sinn. Man wirkt hier und da aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen. Oft wird man gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich deshalb ein schlechter Text? Ich weiß, daß ich nie die Chance haben werde, im Stern zu erscheinen. Aber bin ich darum weniger wichtig? Ich bin blind! Aber ich bin gerne Text. Und sollten Sie mich jetzt tatsächlich zu Ende lesen, dann habe ich etwas geschafft, was den meisten «normalen» Texten nicht gelingt. 2 Body copy Typeface: Univers Type size: minimum 8 pt Colour: black 3 Emphasis Typeface: differentiate from body copy by use of Bold/ Oblique or colour Colour: black, MOTOREX green and yellow (depending on application, use line colours) 1 GABELOELE – HUILES DE FOURCHES – FORK OIL 2 Probieren Sie es doch aus wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen genbracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Ausserdem haben wir das wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Ja, und zweitens haben wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen gebracht und wollen damit etwas daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Maximaler Reibwert Maximaler Reibwert Original Rennsport-Qualität Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Extrem temperaturund drehzahlfest Original Rennsport-Qualität Original Rennsport-Qualität Keine Verkokungen Mas se de o anúncio é só de Mas se o infeliz for portguês Corremos o risco do cara não entender a piada que piada nada, é só uma simulação de texto é só de dólares, arcos, pesetas. Mas se o anúncio é só set Mas se o infeliz for portguês? Corremos o risco do cara não entender a piada que piada nada, é só uma simulação de texto de dólares, marcos. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubereVerbrennung Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung Rennerprobte Rezeptur Rennerprobte Rezeptur Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung Maximale Schmiersicherheit Maximale Schmiersicherheit Rennerprobte Rezeptur And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy. Corremos o risco piada de toto Irredutível, ele vai recusares canúncio porque o texto é esto catológico. Mas se o anúncio for recusado por causa que não valia nada poderá valer algum a coisa. And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the fini-shed copy, There’s every You will have convinced And anything you want, body copy, dinners, And by the time all women, will be yours. There’s every That your competitors even There’s every body That your competitors even As a marketer Advertisement demands As a marketer BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 3 Racing Power 2T ist etwas sollten wir für ein paar Zeilen abschweifen und uns dem Gegenstand unserer Bemühungen zuwenden. Was das heißt überhaupt power! Probieren Sie es doch aus wir Sie bis hierhin zum Lesen ge-bracht und wollen damit belegen, daß nicht alle Marktforscher und Kaffeesatzleser recht haben. Maximaler Reibwert Maximaler Reibwert Extrem temperaturund scherstabil Extrem temperaturund scherstabil De tomara que o diretor des de arte não escolha uma fotos tão boa, assim esse cara vai reclamar e de vai pegar esses anúncio para ver de perto. E vai ver de o que em lugar! Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubere Simply put they rise to all the the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the be by raised! That your competitors even There’s every Power Synt 4T API SG/CF/ACEA/A3 1L – 10W/60 Power Synt 4T JASO FC/ISO-L EGD/API- TC/ISO-Global GD 1L – 10W/40 und 15W50 Speed Mix 2T API SG/CF/ACEA/A3 3 1L – 10W/60 1L, 4L – SAE 20W/50 JASO MA/API SG/ACEA A3 Racing Power 2T API SG/CF/ACEA/A3 1L, 4L – 10W/60 JASO MA Legend 4T 1L – 10W/40 und 15W50 Cross Power 2T And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy. 4 Colours as background Copy and images may be placed on a coloured background. Here with 10% black and 20% MOTOREX green. Für den Fall, daß Sie doch es der Meinung sind, es gäbe über Ihre Sache ja gar nicht so viel zu sagen, gibt es diese alte der Werberegel als Trost. Hoher synthetischer Anteil Raucharme Verbrennung Primeiro lugar de localition es por acaso, fale essa língua que ninguém fala. Parta do princípio que esse alguém está olhando esse layoutes decoro, olha pas el fotos. Original Rennsport-Qualität Mas se de o anúncio é só de Mas se o infeliz for portguês Corremos o risco do cara nãos entender a piada que piada nada, é só uma simulação de texto é só de dólares, arcos, des pesetas. Maximale Schmiersicherheit Raucharme und saubere Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung Couldn’t be fairer than fair this is not the real copy for this advertisement. But it could well be. Rennerprobte Rezeptur There’s every Maximale Schmiersicherheit That your competitors even And in such a way that the reader will read on. And by the time your readers have reached this point in the fini-shed copy. There’s every Chance to immortalise Brand Manual That your competitors even As a marketer 4 Communications Communications / Layout DIN A6/5 4.2.1 Layout principles for A6/5 brochures. A “tidy” layout, the extensive use of expressive illustrations and the clear portrayal of the products provide the central design theme of the concertina-fold brochures. Front cover design The front cover of all DIN A6/5 concertina-fold brochures (A) is divided up in the same 2:1 ratio, the picture taking up the larger area. The smaller part of the areas is always grey. The MOTOREX logo, the headline and the line logo in question complement the cover picture. A Inside page design The inside of the concertinafold brochure (B) is designed to focus clearly on the products and their use. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Für Power im Rennen und Fun in der Freizeit BIKE LINE LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Für Power im Rennen und Fun in der Freizeit MOTO LINE CAR LINE Für Power im Rennen und Fun in der Freizeit B Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade durch Millionen Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfasst. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Product groups and application types The two pages following the front cover feature selected products shown as a group. The descriptive text can be shown against a background or given emphasis through the choice of colour. On the back, the product features are described in more detail and, where sensible (e.g. Bike Line), assigned to a specific type of application. Back cover design The design elements and pictures on the front cover are resumed on the back. The dealer’s coordinates and sender’s address are shown only on the back cover. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet BIKE LINE Für Power im Rennen und Fun in der Freizeit BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade durch 130 Millionen Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfaßt. Die Zellen werden dadurch in einen Erregungszustand versetzt, der sich über den Sehnerv in dem hinteren Teil Ihres Gehirns ausbreitet. Von dort aus überträgt sich die Erregung in Bruchteilen auch in viele andere Bereiche Ihres Großhirns. Brand Manual Ihr Stirnlappen wird stimuliert. Von dort aus gehen jetzt Willensimpulse aus, die Ihr zentrales Nerven-system in die konkrete Handlungen um-setzt. Kopf und Augen reagieren bereits. Sie folgen dem Text, nehmen die darin enthaltenen Informationen auf wie ein Schwamm. Nicht auszudenken, was alles mit Ihnen hätte passieren können, wenn dieser Blindtext durch einen echten Text ersetzt worden wäre. Communications Communications / Grid DIN A6/5 9 0 99 4.2.2 105 The products are presented in clearly laid-out, appealing fourcolour A6/5 concertina-fold brochures. 21 Format: DIN A6/5 Permitted typefaces: Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman, 55 Oblique, 65 Bold / DIN Light, Bold Dimensions: state in mm Trademark Size: 72% Front cover 1 Main title Type size: 20 pt Colour: white 140 1 155 LOREM IPSUM DOLOR 160,5 Für Power im Rennen und Fun in der Freizeit 166 2 2 Subtitle Max. no. lines: 2 (if flush right) Type size: 10 pt Line spacing: 15.8 pt Colour: black 210 Inside pages 3 Headlines Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 12 pt Colour: MOTOREX yellow 13 9 0 105 210 3 21 MOTOREX BIKE LINE – Höchste Qualität Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade durch Millionen 4 Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfaßt. Die Zellen werden dadurch in einen Erregungs-zustand versetzt, der sich über BIKE CLEAN X-Treme Performance Formula Fahrradöl den Sehnerv im hinteren Teil Ihres Gehirns ausbreitet. Von dort überträgt sich die Erregung in Sekundenbruch- BIKE GREASE 2000 teilen auch in viele andere Bereiche Ihres Großhirns. Long Term Formula Fahrradfett 5 WHITE GREASE 83 Special Bike Formula BIKE SHINE Zweiradfett Hi-Protecting Formula 7 Pflege- ind Schutzspray Achtung! Dieser Blindtext wird gerade durch 130 Millionen Rezeptoren Ihrer Netzhaut erfaßt. Die Zellen werden 4 dadurch in einen Erregungs-zustand versetzt, der sich über den Sehnerv in dem hinteren Teil Ihres Gehirns ausbreitet. WET LUBE Von dort aus überträgt sich die Erregung in Sekundenbruchteilen auch in viele andere Bereiche Ihres Großhirns. 6 5 Emphasis Type size: 10 pt/8 pt Line spacing: 11 pt Colour: black Back cover 6 Sender’s address Max. no. lines: 5 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt Colour: MOTOREX green, black 140 153 4 Body copy Max. no. lines: 7 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black For Chains DRY LUBE EASY CLEAN Kettenschmiermittel nass BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Postfach, Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal Tel. 062 919 75 75, Fax 062 919 75 95 For Chains Kettenschmiermittel trocken FORK OIL 5W–10W X-Treme Chain Degrease Multigrade Entfetter Federgabelöl 7 Space for dealer’s coordinates 115 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Communications Communications / Layout DIN A4 4.3.1 All the information at a glance: the data sheet. MOTOREX MOTOR OIL Data sheets are produced using preprints with the grey banner, MOTOREX logo, appropriate line logo and the green dividing line at the bottom of the page already in place. The same preprint can also be used for other purposes. EDITION TS-X White, chlorine-free bleached paper must be used for all data sheets. 0 21 181,5 10 32 SAE 5W/30 54,5 Teilsynthetisches Hochleistungs-Leichtlauf-Motorenöl für PKW 69 Beschreibung Einsatzbereich Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Abgeschieden wohnen Sie in Buchstabhausen an der Abgeschieden wohnen Sie in Buchstabhausen an der Küste des Semantik, eines großen Sprachozeans. Küste des Semantik, eines großen Sprachozeans. Ein kleines Bächlein namens Duden fließt durch Ein kleines Bächlein namens Duden fließt durch ihren Ort und versorgt sie mit den nötigen Regelia- ihren Ort und versorgt sie mit den nötigen lien. Es ist ein paradiesmatisches Land, in dem Regelialien. Es ist ein paradiesmatisches Land, in einem gebratene Satzteile in den Mund fliegen. Nicht dem einem gebratene Satzteile in den Mund fliegen. einmal von der allmächtigen Interpunktion werden Nicht einmal von der allmächtigen Interpunktion die Blindtexte beherrscht – ein geradezu werden die Blindtexte beherrscht – ein geradezu unorthographisches Leben. unorthographisches Leben. Nicht einmal von der 79 allmächtigen Interpunktion. Vorteile Spezifikationen –Maximaler Reibwert ACEA A3-02/B4-02, B3-98/2 – Extrem temperatur- und scherstabil API SL, SJ, MB 229.1 – Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung VW 505 00 – Rennerprobte Rezeptur –Maximale Schmiersicherheit Einheit Prüfung nach SAE-Klasse SAE J300 5W/30 DIN ISO 2049 grün g/ml ASTM D 4052 0.845 mm/s DIN 51562-1 73 mm/s DIN 51562-1 12.2 Viskosität nach HTHS bei 150 150 C mm/s CEC-L36-A97 >2.9 CCS bei -35 oC mPa·s ASTM D 5293 5200 Farbe o Dichte bei 20 C Viskosität bei 40 oC o Viskosität bei 100 C o Viskosität DIN ISO 2909 154 o ASTM D 5950 45 Flammpunkt o DIN EN ISO 2592 >200 Sulfatasche Gehalt Gew. % ASTM D 874 1.2 TBN mg KOH/g ISO 3771 10.1 NOACK % CEC-L 40-A-93 9.4 Pourpoint 237,6 Werte C C 11.05 – CH.D Eigenschaften Wassergefährdungsklasse WGK 2/Entsorgungscodes VVS 1470, EWC 130 205 267,3 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Postfach, Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95 7,5 21 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 109 Brand Manual 203 Communications Communications / Grid DIN A4 0 4.3.2 21 10 181,5 1 MOTOREX MOTOR OIL 2 MC POWER PLUS Format: DIN A4 Permitted typefaces: DIN Light, Medium / Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman, 55 Oblique, 65 Bold, 65 Bold Oblique Dimensions: state in mm 29,5 40 SAE 10W/40 59,4 69 79 3 Trademark (preprint) Size: 100% Beschreibung Einsatzbereiche LKW und PKW Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Abgeschieden wohnen Sie in Buchstabhausen an Abgeschieden wohnen Sie in Buchstabhausen an der Küste des Semantik, eines großen der Küste des Semantik, eines großen Sprachozeans. Sprachozeans. Ein kleines Bächlein namens Duden Ein kleines Bächlein namens Duden fließt durch fließt durch ihren Ort und versorgt sie mit den nöti- ihren Ort und versorgt sie mit den nötigen gen Regelialien. Es ist ein paradiesmatisches Land, Regelialien. Es ist ein paradiesmatisches Land, in in dem einem gebratene Satzteile in den Mund dem einem gebratene Satzteile in den Mund fliegen. fliegen. Nicht einmal von der allmächtigen Inter- Nicht einmal von der allmächtigen Interpunktion punktion werden die Blindtexte beherrscht – ein werden die Blindtexte beherrscht – ein geradezu geradezu unorthographisches Leben. Line logo (preprint) Size: 100% 1 Range Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 10 pt Colour: black 2 Title block Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 24 pt /18 pt Line spacing: 24 pt Colour: black unorthographisches Leben. Eines Tages aber beschloß eine kleine Zeile Blindtext, ihr Name war Lorem Ipsum, hinaus zu gehen in die weite Spezifikationen Grammatik. LKW ACEA E7–04, E5–02, E4–99/3, E3–96/4 Vorteile API CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, CF 3 Body copy Max. no. lines: 30 Type size: 9 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black MB 228.5, 228.3 4 Maximaler Reibwert MAN M3377, M3275 VOLVO VDS-2, MTU TYPE 2 Extrem temperatur- und scherstabil Safety & Performance: Original Rennsport-Qualität VOLVO VDS-3, MAN M3277 CRT SCANIA LDF, DAF HP-2 Raucharme und saubere Verbrennung RENAULT RVI RXD Rennerprobte Rezeptur PKW ACEA A3-02 / B4-02, B3-98/2 Maximale Schmiersicherheit API SL, SJ MB 229.1 VW 505 00 11.05 – CH.D 237,6 Safety & Performance: VW 502 00 7 267,3 5 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Postfach, Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95 6 7,5 21 4 Emphasis One blank line between each of the catchwords Type size: 12 pt Line spacing: 14 pt Colour: black 5 Sender’s address One or two columns Max. no. lines: 4 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 13 pt /15 pt Colour: black 109 203 6 ISO stamp Size: 100% 7 Date code Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 7 pt Colour: black BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Communications Communications / Layout DIN A4 4.4.1 Special offers: the promotion sheet. Making the most of promotions: Promotion copy, visual elements, emphasis on offer and general information. In the case of particularly complex offers, the promotion sheet can be extended to two sides. The second side should contain tables and ordering information. 0 21 181,5 10 MOTOREX MOTOR OIL 29,5 40 FASS-& TONNELET-AKTION 59,4 75 Apart from special offers, giveaways are also possible. Profitieren Sie jetzt! Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Abgeschieden wohnen Sie In Buchstabhausen an der Küste des Semantik, eines großen Sprachozeans. Ein kleines Bächlein namens Duden fließt durch ihren Ort und versorgt sie mit den nötigen Regelialien. 50.– FARMER TRAC FARMER UNI MC POWER PLUS FARMER MC FARMER POLY IH B-6 PLUS Rabatt pro Tonnelet 20.– Rabatt pro Tonnelet 267,3 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Postfach, Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95 7,5 21 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 109 Brand Manual Communications Communications / Layout DIN A4 0 4.4.1 21 181,5 Example of second page 10 MOTOREX MOTOR OIL 29,5 48,5 FASSAKTION TOPAZ 59,4 75 Ihr Bestellschein Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Abgeschieden wohnen Sie In Buchstabhausen an der Küste des Semantik. MENGE ARTIKEL ART.-NUMMER MENGE GEWÜNSCHTE ZUGABE(N) König Kaffeemaschine «Capri» Olympus Digitalcamera C-370 Z JVC Micro-System KUNDEN-NR. NAME DATUM/UNTERSCHRIFT 267,3 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Postfach, Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal, Schweiz Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95 7,5 21 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 109 Brand Manual Communications Communications / Grid DIN A4 0 4.4.2 21 10 181,5 1 MOTOREX MOTOR OIL 2 FASS-AKTION Format: DIN A4 Permitted typefaces: DIN Light, Medium, Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman, 55 Oblique, 65 Bold, 65 Bold Oblique Dimensions: state in mm 29,5 40 IDEAL FÜR WIEDERVERKAUF UND SERVICE 59,4 75 Trademark (preprint) Size: 100% Line logo (preprint) Size: 100% Profitieren Sie! Wir unterstützen Sie im Wiederverkauf Ihrer Produkte: 1 Range Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 10 pt Colour: black Aktionskleber auf jedem Fass 3 Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie Aktionsblätter als Rechnungsbeilagen für Ihre Kunden Bon für Kunden 2 Title block Max. no. lines: 2 Type size: 24 pt /18 pt Line spacing: 24 pt Colour: black FÜR IHR GEWINN PRODUKTE 3 Fass eine 25-Liter Kanne gratis Produkt nach Wahl 6 Fass ein Tonnelet plus 2 Kombis gratis oder Fr. 162.– Rabatt (Fr. –.15/kg / Fr. 27.–/Fass) 12 Fass ein Fass gratis oder Fr. 540.– Rabatt (Fr. –.25/kg / Fr. 45.–/Fass) FARMER TRAC FARMER UNI MC POWER PLUS FARMER MC FARMER POLY IH B-6 PLUS 4 24 Fass 5 2 Fass und 2 Tonnelets gratis oder Fr. 1296.– Rabatt (Fr. –.30/kg / Fr. 54.–/Fass) Alle Preise in CHF, exkl. MwSt. Lieferung sofort nach Bestellung, in einer Partie, an einem Abladeort. 267 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Postfach, Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal, Schweiz 6 ISO stamp Size: 100% Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75, Fax +41 (0)62 919 75 95 6 7,5 21 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 4 Table copy (example) One blank line between the articles Type size: 13 pt Line spacing: 16 pt Colour: black 5 List (example) Type size: 18 pt Line spacing: 24 pt Colour: relevant line colour ,3 7 3 Body copy (example) Type size: 10 pt /13 pt Line spacing: 13 pt Colour: black 109 Brand Manual 205 7 Sender’s address Max. no. lines: 4 Type size: 8 pt Line spacing: 13 pt /26 pt Colour: black Communications Communications / Layout presentation slide 4.5.1 Information in words and pictures: presentation slides. Internal and external information can be conveyed clearly and understandably using four-colour presentation slides. The presentation slides can be used to make large, extensive presentations as well as small, simple ones. The following templates are available: Front cover Contents page Chapter page Copy page Copy page for one-pager Format: 277 x 190 mm Background: white Dimensions: state in mm Specifications Format In principle, we use only landscape format. The presentation format in PowerPoint should be modified to comply with these specifications. The defined format is particularly suitable for presentations using an overhead projector or digital ones via computer projector. Depending on needs, however, another setting may also be used. However, care must be taken to ensure that the dimensions change with the setting and that the layout must be adjusted accordingly. EINE MOTOREX PRÄSENTATION Lorem ipsum dolor sit Zürich, 20.Oktober 2005 VERKAUF – MOTOLINE / GABELOELE DUIS AUTEM VEL DOLOR Henderit in sed diam velit Adipis 5000 4000 3000 Colours The entire range of MOTOREX colours may be used to organize the presentation, to emphasize individual sections of text, or to design tables and graphics. However, be sure to use the appropriate line colours. LOREM IPSUM SIT AMET 2000 TUER ADIPISCING ELITSED DIAM VERKAUF – MOTOLINE 1000 NONUMMY NIBL 2000 DUIS2002AUTEM 2003 VEL 2004IRIURE 2005 2001 © BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 20. Oktober 2005 / Peter Mustermann / Seite 2 · Duis autem vel eum iriure · Quis nostrud exerci tation · Dolor sit amet, 25/40-7C · Ut laoreet dolore in aliquam Duis autem vel eum iriure. Quis nostrud exerci tation ullas Dolor sit amet, consectetuer ut laoreet dolore magna. © BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual 20. Oktober 2005 / Peter Mustermann / Seite 2 Communications Communications / Grid presentation slide 4.5.2 0 254 Format: 277 x 190 mm Background: white Dimensions: state in mm 23,5 2 Front cover Trademark Size: 80% 1 Title Max. no. lines: 2 Typeface: DIN Medium, Light Type size: 25 pt Character spacing: +5 (only caps) Line spacing: 28 pt Colour: MOTOREX green, black 80% 135 145 1 173 277 3 EINE MOTOREX PRÄSENTATION Lorem ipsum dolor sit 2 Picture Images from the visual world of “Challenge the limits”. Zürich, 20.Oktober 2005 190 25 0 256,5 25 Overview of contents page 4 Title Max. no. lines: 1 Typeface: DIN Medium Type size: 26 pt Character spacing: +5 Colour: black 21 30 4 ABLAUF 5 1 EINLEITUNG Was Sie über uns wissen sollten 2 HAUPTTEIL Das Kernthema der Präsentation 3 SCHLUSSWORT Aussichten und Perspektiven 65 174 178 5 Contents Type size: 25 pt /24 pt Typeface: DIN Medium, Univers 45 Light Character spacing: +5 (only caps) Line spacing: 27 pt Colour: MOTOREX green, black 80% 6 7 © BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 20. Oktober 2005 / Peter Mustermann / Seite 2 MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology 6 Lines Width: 0.7 mm Colour: MOTOREX green 7 Copyright, date, author, page Max. no. lines: 1 Typeface: Univers 65 Bold, 45 Light Type size: 8 pt Colour: black 38 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL 3 Place, date, author Max. no. lines: 1 Typeface: DIN Light Type size: 16 pt Colour: black 80% Brand Manual Communications Communications / Grid presentation slide 0 4.5.2 25 Contents page with diagram To the left of the diagram is a descriptive text. 11 1 VERKAUF – CARLINE 2 DUIS AUTEM VEL EUM IRIURE 30 Trademark Size: 80% Adipiscing elit Sed diam nonummy 4 LOREM IPSUM 88 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 70 Consectetuer adipiscing elit sed 60 diam nonummy nibh euismod 50 tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna 40 aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi 30 enim ad minim veniam, quistor 160 1 Department/range Max. no. lines: 1 Typeface: DIN Regular Type size: 9 pt Character spacing: +10 Colour: black SIT AMET nostrud exerci tation ullamco 20 suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquipex 10 eat commodo consequat. 0 2000 2001 2002 © BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 2003 2004 2005 20. Oktober 2005 / Peter Mustermann / Seite 3 123 254 0 23,5 2 Title Max. no. lines: 2 Typeface: DIN Medium, Univers 45 Light Type size: 26 pt /18 pt Character spacing: +5 (only caps) Line spacing: 25 pt Colour: MOTOREX green, black 3 Body copy Max. no. lines: 10 Typeface: Univers 45 Light Type size: 15 pt Line spacing: 24 pt Colour: black 4 Captions Typeface: DIN Medium Type size: 12 pt Character spacing: +10 Colour: black Chapter page Full-page images from the visual world of “Challenge the limits”. 149 BILDER WECKEN EMOTIONEN Lorem ipsum Dolor Trademark Size: 80% 123 5 BILDER WECKEN EMOTIONEN Lorem ipsum Dolor BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual 5 Title Max. no. lines: 2 Typeface: DIN Medium, Light Type size: 25 pt Character spacing: +5 (only caps) Line spacing: 27 pt Colour: white (black if background is very pale) Communications Communications / Grid presentation slide 0 11 4.5.2 38 256,5 Copy page Trademark Size: 80% 1 VERKAUF – CARLINE 2 DUIS AUTEM VEL EUM IRIURE 30 69 1 Department/range Max. no. lines: 1 Typeface: DIN Regular Type size: 9 pt Character spacing: +10 Colour: black · Duis autem vel eum iriure · Quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper 3 · Dolor sit amet, consectetuer · Ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam 4 178 5 © BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 20. Oktober 2005 / Peter Mustermann / Seite 7 25 3 Body copy Max. no. lines: 7 Typeface: Univers 45 Light Type size: 24 pt Line spacing: 45 pt Colour: black, MOTOREX green 38 0 VERKAUF – MOTOLINE 21 4 Lines Width: 0.7 mm Colour: MOTOREX green DUIS AUTEM VEL EUM IRIURE Adipiscing elit Sed diam nonummy 69 2 Title Max. no. lines: 2 Typeface: DIN Medium, Univers 45 Light Type size: 26 pt /18 pt Character spacing: +5 (only caps) Line spacing: 25 pt Colour: MOTOREX green, MOTOREX yellow, black, all line colours · Duis autem vel eum iriure A · Quis nostrud exerci tation · Dolor sit amet, 15/40-2C 5 Copyright, date, author Max. no. lines: 1 Type size: 8 pt Colour: black Copy page with picture on right Dimensions and specifications as for slide copy page. Here, however, the picture is placed on the right (e.g. mirror image packshot (A)). · Ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam 174 © BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik 20. Oktober 2005 / Peter Mustermann / Seite 8 25 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Communications Communications / Job ads 4.6 Creating work: job ads. Format ratio: 3 to 5 Typeface: Univers 45 Light, 55 Roman, 65 Bold / DIN Regular Dimensions: state in mm A 0,5 A 1 Trademark Size: 64% 1 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adi piscing elit, sed diamat nonu my nibh euismod tincidunt ut laore et dolore magna aliquamu erat volutpa. Ut wisi enim admin im veniamtiu quis nostrud exercition terra natation. LABORASSISTENT (M/W) 4 5 2 About us Typeface: Univers Who are we, what do we do and how do we do it? We present our company and our identity. Ultimately, we are looking for people who fit in. 3 Ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip elanat comi modo consequat. Duis autem velo eum iris dolor in hendre rit in vulputate velit esse molesties consegit vel illum dol eurat feugiat nulla facil sat vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesentio luptatu zzril delenit. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Personalabteilung Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal Tel. 062 919 75 75, Fax 062 919 75 95 [email protected] 3 The vacant position Typeface: DIN Should be large and easily legible. 4 Job description Typeface: Univers Here, we say clearly who and what we are looking for. 5 Sender’s address Typeface: Univers Type size: minimum 6 pt 6 Visual world In order to put more emphasis on the vacant position, we work with job-related visuals. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adi piscing elit, sed diamat nonu my nibh euismod tincidunt ut laore et dolore magna aliquamu erat volutpa. Ut wisi enim admin im veniamtiu quis nostrud exercition terra natation. AUTOMECHANIKER (M/W) 6 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adi piscing elit, sed diamat nonu my nibh euismod tincidunt ut laore et dolore magna aliquamu erat volutpa. Ut wisi enim admin im veniamtiu quis nostrud exercition terra natation. TEAMLEITER (M/W) Ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip elanat comi modo consequat. Duis autem velo eum iris dolor in hendre rit in vulputate velit esse molesties consegit vel illum dol eurat feugiat nulla facil sat vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesentio luptatu zzril delenit. Ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip elanat comi modo consequat. Duis autem velo eum iris dolor in hendre rit in vulputate velit esse molesties consegit vel illum dol eurat feugiat nulla facil sat vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesentio luptatu zzril delenit. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Personalabteilung Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal Tel. 062 919 75 75, Fax 062 919 75 95 [email protected] BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Schmiertechnik Personalabteilung Bern-Zürich-Strasse 31, CH-4901 Langenthal Tel. 062 919 75 75, Fax 062 919 75 95 [email protected] BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology In the bottom left-hand corner of the photograph is the internet address. Brand Manual Communications Miscellaneous / Introduction 5.0 Miscellaneous applications. If our corporate design is to remain consistent and unmistakable, the design guidelines must also be followed strictly in the following applications. This will ensure a stronger, even more solid brand identity in all forms of communication. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual 5.1 Vehicle signage 5.2 Building signage 5.3 Secondary applications 5.4 Advertising Miscellaneous Miscellaneous / Vehicle signage 5.1 A clear identity on the road: vehicle signage. On the road, we are all the same: that, at least, applies to the signage on MOTOREX vehicles. Signage differs from one type of vehicle to another: Transport vehicles (trucks, transporters, pool vehicles, merchandising vehicles, etc.) The vehicle should be clearly recognizable as a MOTOREX vehicle from all sides. Logos are always in colour and, the colour of the vehicle permitting, the negative form. Other signage with no direct relevance to MOTOREX is not permitted. Service and sales reps’ vehicles All vehicles bear the coloured MOTOREX logo (corporate). Signage is at the back of the vehicle. Management vehicles The signage on these vehicles is discreet and features the corporate logo. Depending on the colour of the vehicle, the logo can be either black or silver. Third-party vehicles Generally speaking, the negative green logo should always be used on vehicles (dealers, importers, sponsorship receivers) that are not the property of MOTOREX. In exceptional cases, after consultation with the marketing department, the sponsorship logo may be used for sponsorship receivers. BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Miscellaneous Miscellaneous / Building signage 5.2 Building signage. To make a MOTOREX location immediately and unmistakably recognizable: that is the aim of our building signage. 1 “Fun Flag” 400 x 85 cm Detailed guidelines on building signage can be found in a separate manual, “Brandboard”. For orders or more precise information, please contact the marketing department. 2 Frontage plate, convex 100 x 150 cm 100 x 75 cm 3 Tubular frame stand, double-sided, convex 119 x 400 cm (50 cm in the ground ) Plate: 100 x 150 cm 4 Aluminium baffle 300 x 65 cm, various elements: MOTOREX logo, blank element, company name 4 GARAGE MUSTER 3 GARAGE MUSTER 2 2 GARAGE MUSTER BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology ZENTRUM GARAGE MUSTER & SÖHNE Brand Manual Central-Garage Muster 1 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous / Secondary applications 5.3 Consistency down to the smallest detail. Overall brand communications are greatly assisted by consistency down to the tiniest detail. Templates for secondary applications such as name tags, CD stickers and press kit folders can be obtained separately from the MOTOREX marketing department. 1 Name tag Trademark: 55% Format: 75 x 37 mm Typeface: DIN Light, Medium Type size: 12 pt /11 pt Line spacing: 12 pt 2 CD sticker Trademark: 60% Typeface: DIN Light, Medium Type size: 10 pt/8 pt Line spacing: 10 pt 1 PETER MUSTERMANN 3 Press kit folder Preprint Format: 215 x 303 mm Aussendienstmitarbeiter 2 CD-Titel / 07.10.2005 Lorem ipsum dolor sit diam Amet, consectetuer adipiscing Elitsed diam nonummy CD-Titel / 07.10.2005 Lorem ipsum dolor sit diam Amet, consectetuer adipiscing Elitsed diam nonummy 3 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Miscellaneous Miscellaneous / Advertising 5.4 The springboard to brand communication: classical advertising. The guidelines to classical advertising can be found in a separate manual. You can obtain these guidelines, or further information about them, from the marketing department at MOTOREX. Contact: [email protected] Tel. +41 (0)62 919 75 75 5X 6 1/2 X 6 X 1/2 X 14 14 6 6 X Y 2/3 Y 2/3 Y 6X no matter where you want to go, the oil to get you there is MOTOREX. 1/2 X Getting ahead means going over the top. The only way to do the impossible is to keep on going when others stop. And X The only way to do the impossible is to Y MOTOREX. 2/3 X Getting ahead means going over the top. keep on going when others stop. And no matter where you want to go, the oil to get you there is Y Star Import AG X X ★STAR I MPORT 5X 6 Industriestrasse 13 50887 Köln 1/2 X X Records are there to be broken. The only way to do the impossible is to keep on going when others stop. And no matter Y where you want to go, the oil to get you there is MOTOREX. ★STAR I MPORT MANUAL Manual Star Import AG Industriestrasse 13 50887 Köln 2/3 X Y 1/2 X 2/3 Y 14 6 Y X X X Advertising Guidelines Stand 2004 BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Miscellaneous Notes BUCHER AG LANGENTHAL MOTOREX-Lubrication Technology Brand Manual Notes