readers - Magazines Canada
readers - Magazines Canada
Agenda Industry trends Past & current Future of magazines How magazines work Key advertiser benefits Creative use Magazines Canada What we do and how we can help you. • • Support the Canadian magazine industry Help advertisers and agencies get the most from magazines by providing the latest/greatest research info: – – – Industry trends Planning info Accountability & effectiveness: • Ad receptivity • Engagement • Sales effect • ROI • Multiplier effect • And more… Magazines Canada Key resources. Magazine Fact Books Consumer, B2B & Digital Media Podcasts magblast Newsletter Info Sheets FastFacts So, what do you think? Is the Canadian magazine industry… Growing? Declining? About the same? Content is KING Most Engaging INDUSTRY TRENDS NUMBER OF CONSUMER TITLES Number of Canadian Consumer Magazine Titles 1,114 908 941 961 1,160 1,201 1,244 1,282 1,276 1,283 1,286 1,000 1,032 Recession 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Statistics Canada; Masthead Magazine NUMBER OF B2B TITLES Number of Canadian B2B Magazine Titles 751 750 754 761 775 780 788 785 786 777 778 783 Recession 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Statistics Canada; Masthead Magazine TOP ENGLISH MAGAZINES RANK TITLE CATEGORY READERSHIP FREQUENCY (000) Source: PMB Fall 2011 1 Reader’s Digest General Interest 5,610 Monthly 2 Canadian Living Women’s 3,806 Monthly 3 Chatelaine Women’s 3,291 Monthly 4 Canadian Geographic General Interest 3,235 Bi-monthly 5 Maclean’s News 2,437 Weekly 6 Canadian House & Home Home Shelter 2,350 Monthly 7 Canadian Gardening Gardening 2,148 7X 8 Food & Drink Food & Beverage 2,108 Bi-monthly 9 Hockey News Sports 1,800 26 X 10 Fashion Women’s 1,786 10 X 11 Outdoor Canada Fishing & Hunting 1,772 6X 12 Today’s Parent Parenting 1,694 Monthly 13 Elle Canada Women’s 1,354 Monthly 14 Style At Home Home Shelter 1,318 Monthly 15 Homemaker’s Women’s 1,336 9X Top 15 titles deliver over 890 million ad impressions annually. TOP FRENCH MAGAZINES RANK TITLE CATEGORY READERSHIP FREQUENCY (000) Source: PMB Fall 2011 1 Qu’est-ce qui mijote Food & Beverage 1,185 Monthly 2 Touring (Bilingual) General Interest 1,079 Quarterly 3 Coup de pouce Women’s 1,073 Monthly 4 Châtelaine Women’s 986 Monthly 5 L’actualité News 907 20 X 6 7 Jours Women’s 889 Weekly 7 Sélection du Reader’s Digest General Interest 850 Monthly 8 Elle Québec Women’s 783 Monthly 9 Clin d’oeil Women’s 740 Monthly 10 Les Idées de ma maison Homes 681 10 X 11 Bel Âge Magazine Mature Market 603 11 X 12 Chez-Soi Homes 576 10 X 13 Ricardo Food & Beverage 562 8X 14 Sentier Chasse-Peche Fishing & Hunting 531 11 X 15 Decormag Homes 465 10 X Top 15 titles deliver over 320 million ad impressions annually. HIGH SUBSCRIPTION = HIGH READER LOYALTY Country Subscription Newsstand (%) (%) Sweden 91 9 United States 90 10 Canada 88 12 Germany 54 46 France 45 55 Italy 24 76 United Kingdom 17 83 Czech Republic 14 86 Australia 10 90 Spain 10 90 Source: FIPP World Magazine Trends, 2010 CANADA POST IS A KEY PARTNER Over 90% of subscriptions are delivered by Canada Post. Magazine ads are delivered by you! Source: FIPP World Magazine Trends, 2010 MAGAZINES ARE HAPPY MAIL Canadians look forward to receiving their magazines in the mail AVERAGE ISSUE CIRCULATION HAS RATIONALIZED & STABILIZED Average Issue Circulation (Millions) Excludes Digital Editions and Websites Consumer Titles B2B Titles Recession 62.8 65.9 69.3 72.5 73.1 66.2 Recession 66.5 11.8 10.2 '04 Source: CARD '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 NA NA '04 '05 13.1 13.5 '09 '10 NA '06 '07 '08 Number of new consumer launches in the past five years Number of consumer launches in the past 10 years Percent of Canadian magazines that were launched after the internet became commercially available in 1989 % How many U.S. spill magazines (magazines published in the U.S. but sold in Canada) occupy Canada’s list of Top 100 circulation magazines? All 100 74 51 22 9 3 None THREE U.S. SPILL TITLES IN CANADIAN ‘TOP 100’ Titles (Rank) National Geographic (35) Cosmopolitan (53) People (79) Source: ABC; CARD; Magazines Canada U.S. SPILL CIRCULATION TREND U.S. spill circulation is in long term decline as Canadian publications repatriate readership 100100 93 80 86 80 62 1983 Source: ABC 1989 1998 76 60 2000 74 59 2002 Total Spill 72 68 62 53 2004 52 2006 51 2008 Avg. Circ/Title 59 53 2009 54 2010 CANADIAN MAGAZINES ARE A “MUST BUY” 2.1% 97.9% Canadian Circulation Source: ABC * Average Issue Circulation. US Spill Circulation WHY IS U.S. SPILL CIRCULATION IN DECLINE? • More and more great Canadian titles replacing U.S. titles in key editorial categories • Editorial and advertising content created by Canadians specifically for Canadians RELEVANT B2B CONTENT FOR CANADIAN NEEDS Given a choice, Canadians prefer magazines that report Canadian stories and reflect Canadian needs. They prefer content that reports on companies, products, services available in Canada . 87% of business decision makers claim it is important to have a Canadian Business Publication in their industry. Importance of Having a Canadian Business Publication Very/Somewhat Important Total Agriculture Automotive & Trucking 88 81 Computers & Technology Manufacturing 87 83 Resources & Construction Retail Travel & Tourism Source: Starch Information Sources Study, 1996-2010 87 90 88 89 AVERAGE READERSHIP PER TITLE IS STABLE, AT A MINIMUM Average # Readers per PMB-measured Title (in Millions) 1.1 1.0 PMB 09 Spring Source: PMB 1.0 PMB 09 Fall PMB 10 Spring 1.0 PMB 10 Fall 1.0 PMB 11 Spring 1.0 PMB 11 Fall READER INTEREST SCORES REMAIN STABLE 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.9 PMB 2011 Spring PMB 2011 Fall Score 1-10 PMB 2005 Source: PMB PMB 2007 PMB 2009 Fall PMB 2010 Fall TIME SPENT READING REMAINS STABLE Time spent reading 40 41 41 41 42 42 Minutes per Issue PMB 2005 Source: PMB PMB 2007 PMB 2009 Fall PMB 2010 Fall PMB 2011 Spring PMB 2011 Fall So, what do you think? Are Canadian magazine readers younger or older than the Canadian average? Younger? Older? About the same? CONSUMER MAGAZINE READERS YOUNGER THAN THE GENERAL POPULATION 43.5 5% 41.6 Years Total Population Source: PMB Magazine Readers MAGAZINES ARE READ BY ALL AGE GROUPS % Read a PMB-Measured Magazine in the Past 90 Days 87 12-17 Source: PMB 89 18-24 87 25-34 84 35-49 81 50-64 75 65+ THE FUTURE Magazines are changing… MAGAZINES, AS CONTENT PROVIDERS, ARE BRANDS THAT EASILY SPAN PLATFORMS AND DEVICES zinesCanada THE READING EXPERIENCE: PAPER WINS Paper versions of magazines, newspapers and books continue to be the preferred method of reading, particularly magazines where the gap between paper and digital devices is greatest. % who are “extremely/very satisfied” with reading activities on paper/device* * Among consumers who have tried or currently do each activity Paper eReader Tablet Smartphone Source: Content Consumption in the Digital Age (Webinar Presentation Deck), Harrison Group, 2011 PRINT MAGAZINES STILL TOPS WITH AFFLUENTS Magazine readers in households with income $100,000+ still prefer hard copy print editions over their digital counterparts viewed on various platforms and devices. Print remains the background of magazine brands. How magazines and other media are consumed in households with $100,000+ income 17. Magazines Newspapers Television Websites Read hard copy 93% 86% -- -- View on computer 27% 39% 23% 94% View on smartphone 9% 14% 7% 32% View on television 6% 7% 94% 13% View on tablet computer 6% 7% 6% 15% View on tablet via website 5% 6% 3% 14% View on tablet via app 5% 4% 4% 8% View on e-reader 4% 3% -- 5% Source: Mendelsohn Affluent Barometer, March/May 2011 PRINT REMAINS B2B READERS’ PLATFORM OF CHOICE Print magazines remain a staple for 93% of B2B readers with 41% preferring access to both. Digital “only” access remains low at 7%. Percent preference for magazine access in future 7 Print Edition Only 41 60 Source: Outsell, 2010; Taken from State of the B2B Industry, ABM 52 Electronic & Print Electronic Only READERS WANT MAGAZINES IN PRINT & DIGITAL FORMATS Readers believe that digital content complements print content. However, the vast majority (87%) still want a printed magazine. 87% of those interested in reading magazines digitally still prefer a printed copy 75% of consumers feel that digital content complements print 13% 25% 87% Source: CMO Council, 2010 75% Source: Harrison Group/Zinio/ MEMS Technologies, 2010 DIGITAL MAGAZINE EXTRAS ENHANCE THE READING EXPERIENCE 85% of digital consumer magazine readers are satisfied/very satisfied with their digital experience Which of the following “digital extras” have enhanced your digital magazine reading experience the most? Videos 15% 75% Extra photos 85% Slide shows 37% Audio 36% Flash animation Source: Texterity/BPA Worldwide Certified Profile of the Digital Edition Reader, 2010. N = 9,443 digital consumer magazine readers 58% 31% Source: Smarter Media Sales/Nxtbook Media/VIVmag, 2010. N = 5,612 subscribers to one of eight specific interactive online magazine titles DEVICE USERS ENGAGE DIGITAL B2B CONTENT Like print magazine readers, tablet and e-reader users are extremely engaged by content that relates to their professional needs and passions. It’s how they remain up-todate about business and industry news/trends of importance to them. The digital magazines I read are a primary way that I stay up-to-date & current on news & trends in my business/industry (% agree) Tablet users E-reader users 58 Source: Harrison Group/Zinio/MEMS Technologies, Sep-Oct 2010. N = 1,816 age 18-64 80% 73% CONSUMERS ARE READING MORE DIGITAL & PRINT CONTENT THAN EVER Digital readers are reading more digital content than they ever thought they would. They are even reading more print content since they began reading digitally. Since starting to read digitally… 58% I am reading more dIgital content than I ever thought I would I spend more money on buying things to read 58% 33% 33% 26% I am reading more in print 28% Dedicated e-reader users Source: Harrison Group/Zinio/MEMS Technologies, Sep-Oct 2010. N = 1,816 aged 18-64 Base: Read digital magazines, books or newspapers (44% of the sample) Tablet users MAGAZINES AND THE FUTURE The ongoing launch of digital brand extensions ensures: Continued relevance to readers Build-out new and emerging audiences Continued industry competitiveness 360˚ marketing surround Magazines will be ready when the reader is ready… zinesCanada MAGAZINES AND THE FUTURE Magazine Brand Enhanced Measurement Magazine media brand metrics can now be combined into one report to display the magazine’s total distribution footprint across all platforms and devices. 2011 AND BEYOND Compound Annual Average Advertising Revenue Growth Rate (%) Canada 2011-2015 Internet 14.9 B2B Magazines 7.9 Out-of-Home 6.4 Consumer Magazines 5.3 Total Advertising 5.2 Television 4.7 Radio Newspapers 3.9 2.3 Source: PwC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) Global Entertainment and Media Outlook – 2011-2015 HOW DO MAGAZINES ADD VALUE? TIGHT TARGETING Consumer & B2B Demographics Geography Passions Needs MAGAZINES MEDIA IS MASS TO NICHE 2,069 Titles in 136 Editorial Categories – CARD Consumer B2B 46 90 Source: Canadian Advertising Rates & Data (CARD) CARDonline Source: Canadian Advertising Rates & Data (CARD) Source: Canadian Advertising Rates & Data (CARD) MOST ENGAGING MAGAZINES POWERFULLY ENGAGE Engagement Dimensions Measured Across Media Channels 350 300 Magazines Television Internet 250 200 Inspirational Trustworthy LifeEnhancing Social Interaction Ad Receptivity Source: Experian Simmons Multi-Media Engagement Study, Spring 2010 Experian Simmons uses a 100-500 rating scale with 500 being the highest score HIGHLY FOCUSED THE MAGAZINE READING PROCESS DRIVES ATTENTION & UNDERSTANDING The Brain’s Response To Watching TV Passive, Slow Brain Waves The Brain’s Response To Reading Magazines Active, Fast Brain Waves The brain works at a fully engaged, higher level to process the printed word “When you read it, you get it!” Source: Electroencephalographic Aspects of Low Involvement: Implications for the McLuhan Hypothesis, General Electric Co. 5 time’s the amplitude of TV watching The fully engaged reading process allows readers to quickly absorb detailed messages at their own pace increasing understanding of brand benefits MAGAZINES DEMAND ATTENTION CONSUMERS PAY ATTENTION TO MAGAZINES ADS 50 52 I’m likely to pay attention to an advertisement if it appears in/on (medium) (%) 28 18 19 10 Magazines Source: Starch Research 2009 TV Newspapers Internet Radio OOH MAGAZINE ADS DON’T ANNOY CONSUMERS 51 I find advertising in/on (medium) most annoying (%) 38 29 13 11 6 Magazines Source: Starch Research 2009 TV Newspapers Internet Radio OOH MAGAZINE ADS DEMAND INTEREST Top 31 advertising touch points ranked by interest Advertising Touch Points Have considerable or some interest (among those seeing ad) Magazines 63.1% Television 63.1% Newspapers 62.9% Grocery stores 59.7% Department stores 54.9% Bookstores 50.8% Websites 50.0% Shopping Malls 48.6% Restaurants 46.2% Movie theatres 42.3% Drugstores 41.7% Mail sent to home Advertising Touch Points Have considerable or some interest (among those seeing ad) Café/coffee houses 36.1% Hair/nail salons 35.3% Pubs/bars 34.2% Gas stations 33.1% Health clubs 30.9% Airports 30.8% Video screen ads 27.3% Airport lounges 27.0% Elevators 26.6% Subways 26.1% 41.6% Bus/subway/train stations 25.8% Medical offices 41.1% Trains 24.9% Sports stadiums/arenas 40.6% Buses 24.2% Billboards 37.9% Inside taxis 20.4% Convenience stores 36.4% Taxi roofs 19.3% Source: Ipsos Mendelsohn Affluent Survey, 2010. Base: Heads of house, HHI $100,000+ MAGAZINE ADS ARE SEEN AS ESSENTIAL Readers were asked to pull 10 pages that best exhibit the essence of their Magazine 3 of 10 were advertisements Source: Starcom, In-home Consumer Interviews WHERE CONSUMERS STAY INFORMED MAGAZINE ADS WIN RELEVANCE MEASURES 55 40 The advertising in/on (medium) is most relevant to my interests (%) 30 24 16 5 Magazines Source: Starch Research 2009 TV Newspapers Internet Radio OOH B2B ENVIRONMENT IMPROVES AD PERCEPTION Ads viewed on B2B websites outperformed identical ads on consumer equivalent websites across key perception parameters such as advertiser trust, respect and understanding among B2B professionals. Is a brand I trust Is respected within my industry 63 47 63 Understands my business needs 57 +28% 45 39 47% 35 Consumer Websites B2B Websites Source: B2B Advertising Study, Ipsos OTX MediaCT, 2011 Consumer Websites B2B Websites Consumer Website B2B Website BUSINESS BUYERS TRUST “FAMILIAR MEDIA” MOST On a scale of 1 to 4, how well does each statement describe your company? (Percentage who say this statement describes their companies, either 3 or 4) We trust familiar information sources more than new information sources 86 Personal relationships are important when making a technology purchase Vendors are trusted sources of information about the products they sell 36 Source: Forrester ‘s North American & European B2B Social Technographics Online Survey, Q1 2010 63 57 ADS ARE A SERVICE, PROVIDING DETAILS MAGAZINE ADS PROVIDE IMPORTANT DETAILS 57 Ads in/on (medium) contain important details (%) 39 34 21 14 2 Magazines Source: Starch Research 2009 TV Newspapers Internet Radio OOH READERS “SHOP” MAGAZINES FOR WHATS NEW & WHAT TO BUY 50 46 37 I have saved or made note of an advertisement for future reference that I saw in/on (medium) (%) 31 22 25 10 4 0 Source: Starch Research 2009 Magazines TV Newspapers Internet Radio OOH THROW TO WEB MAGAZINES DRIVE TO WEB Effectiveness of Media Driving Consumers to the Web Magazines 26 Broadcast TV 17.8 Cable TV 16.4 Newspapers 13.7 Radio 11 OOH Other 8.2 6.8 Source: ICOM, American Advertising Federation, July 2009 BUSINESS MEDIA WEBSITES ARE “GO TO” DESTINATIONS % Agree Directly searched for and visited a website belonging to a specific supplier or manufacturer 80 Visited a website belonging to a specialized business publication or business newspaper 70 Visited a website belonging to a supplier or manufacturer through a link on a publication's wesite 68 Visited a supplier or manufacturer website based on an ad in a specialized business publication 58 Visited a supplier or manufacturer website based on an article or new product announcement in a specialized business publication 56 Source: Starch Information Sources Study, 1996-2010 61 0 20 40 60 80 SEARCH MAGAZINES ADS DRIVE ONLINE SEARCH Top Media that Trigger Online Search (A18+) 36 35 48% of readers go online to find more info about the advertising in their printed magazines. 35 31 31 24 23 23 23 15 10 48% 52% 8 M ag az B ro i ad nes c Fa ast T ce -to V -F N ew ace sp ap e C ab r le TV R ad D i ir ec o tM Em ail ai lA O nl ds in In e te C om rne t m un iti es O O H B lo gs Yes Source: BIGresearch Simultaneous Media Usage Study (SIMM 17), December 2010 No Source: Affinity VISTA Service, January – December 2010 PURCHASE AFTER SEARCH MAGAZINES INITIATE PURCHASE AFTER SEARCH % who made a purchase after seeing an ad and conducting search Magazines 30 TV 23 Radio 22 Did any of the following help you with ideas or information on any of the online purchases you made? MEDIUM OVERALL FAVOURITES Magazine ads 32% 55% TV ads 32% 43% Newspaper Ads 21% 46% Radio Ads 10% 26% Source: Magazines in the Driving Seat, BMRB 2007 OOH 19 Source: JupiterResearch In-Market Media Usage Survey, 2007 Base: 16-64 online adults who have a favourite …(Magazine, TV programme, Radio programme, Newspaper) + have gone online in last 12 months to look for info on products considering buying + have made an online purchase. WORD-OFMOUTH MAGAZINES A LEADER IN WORD-OF-MOUTH (Medium) is a leading contributor to word-of-mouth product recommendation (% Agree) How likely are each of the following types of ads to influence whether you would talk to others about a product category? (%) 54 Magazines 53 Saw in a store 53 55 TV 47 Newspaper 37 Radio 35 Internet Email 18 Adults 44 45 26 Influentials Source: Roper Reports: What Prompts Consumer Word of Mouth 53 61 58 Magazine ads 70 Television ads 70 51 Internet ads Newspaper ads Radio ads 42 40 Source: Targeting Influentials, BMRB, 2008 MAGAZINE READERS… READERS HAVE AN ACTION-ORIENTATION Actions readers took or plan to take as a result of exposure to specific magazine ads Consider purchasing the advertised product/service 19% Have a more favourable opinion about the advertiser 12% Gather more info about the advertised product/service 12% Visit the advertiser’s website 10% Purchase the advertised product or service 8% Visit a store, dealer or other location 8% Save the ad for future reference 6% Recommend the product/service to a friend, colleague or family member 5% Took any action (net) Source: Affinity Research VISTA Effectiveness Rating Service, 2010. Based: Actions taken based on respondents recalling specific ads 53% AD EFFECTIVENESS IS BUILDING Ad Recall (%) Actions Taken (%) +11% Change 59 2010 2005 +4% Change 53 Source: Affinity Research VISTA Print Tracking Service, 2010. Actions taken based on respondents recalling specific ads 53 2010 2005 51 B2B DECISION MAKERS RECALL MAGAZINE ADS Ad Recall (%) Lowest Ad Recall 29 49.0 Highest Ad Recall 77.0 Average Ad Recall 65.2 Source: Ad-Gage Readership Norms; Mendon Associates MAGAZINE READERS SAVE AD PAGES IMMEDIACY OF ACTION MAGAZINE READERS ACT IMMEDIATELY UPON READING Immediacy of reading a typical print issue 92% Same day I receive it 43% Within 2-3 days 34% Within 1 week 15% Within 2 weeks 5% Two weeks or longer 3% Immediacy of sales impact is virtually identical, upon exposure 77% Source: Affinity’s VISTA Service, 2010. Base: All magazines Immediacy of reading a digital magazine issue Same day I receive it 58% Source: Texterity-BPA Worldwide Certified Profile of the Digital Edition Reader, 2010 Source: Media Marketing Assessment (MMA) PURCHASE MAGAZINES ADS DRIVE PURCHASE I sometimes purchase a product or service as a direct result of the advertising in…: Magazines 35% Television 20% Newspapers 14% Internet 10% Radio Direct Mail OOH Source: Starch Research, 2009 4% 2% 1% PROCTOR & GAMBLE CANADA Volume Sales 106 100 INDEX 100% TV 100% MAGAZINES 606 573 298 Spending in Magazines (1999 = 100 Index) 100 1999 Source: Procter & Gamble Inc., 1999; Leading National Advertisers (LNA) 2001 2005 2010 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING INCREASES SALES & ROI Chosen by Media Week magazine as one of the best global media studies 21.6% % increase in sales + 11.6% Sales $ ROI result $2.77 10.0% No Exposure to Magazines Source: Return to Spender, Sales Uncovered, PPA 2005 Exposed to Magazines $1 spend in magazine advertising $1 Multiplier Effect Two media are better than one Communication Effect and Targeting Effect Multiply Sales MULTIPLIER EFFECT Improved Communication Experience MULTIPLIER EFFECT BENEFITS • • • • • • • • • Xtra attentiveness – Each medium peaks interest in the other Xtra involvement – A richer experience across two media Xtra learning – Ability to read and reread adds vs. TV Xtra recall of message – Print spells it out in black and white Xtra credibility – Print adds credibility to more emotive TV spots Xtra action – Intensified ‘intent to purchase’ Xtra reach – Magazines reach light TV viewers Xtra audience quality – Upscale; opinion leaders Xtra targeting – Go beyond demos to passions MAGAZINES DELIVER MOST DESIRABLE CONSUMERS 136 134 136 HHI 129 Television 125 112 109 103 TV Quintiles 1 & 2 (Heaviest) Index 100 Magazine Quintiles 1 & 2 (Heaviest) 88 80 90 86 80 71 77 Magazines Average HHI HHI Source: PMB, A18+ <$20,000 59 $125,000+ THE ADDITION OF MAGAZINES HELPS IMPROVE DISTRIBUTION OF AD EXPOSURES The Final 25% of Budget: Use TV or Magazines Gross Ratings Added Television The Final 25% of Budget: Use TV or Magazines 4+ Coverage (Reach) Added Television Magazines Magazines 26.4 204 188 187 24.4 23.2 218 207 15.7 12.5 118 8.9 72 41 Light-Non 8.0 4.5 Medium Med-Hvy Weight of TV Viewing Source: KMR-SPC (BARB/TGI fused database, Mercury software) Heavy Light-Non Medium Med-Hvy Weight of TV Viewing Heavy THE ADDITION OF MAGAZINES DRIVES PURCHASE INTENT Aggregate of 39 Cross-Media Accountability Studies Average % Increase vs. Unexposed Control 7.8 7.5 7.7 6.7 6.5 4.6 4.7 4.2 3.7 3.6 2.9 3.6 2.5 1.9 Aided Brand Awareness TV Only Source: Dynamic Logic, 2009 Ad Awareness Message Association Incremental Impact of Online to TV Brand Favourability 1.6 Purchase Intent Incremental Impact of Magazines to TV + Online BUSINESS SERVICES BUYERS RELY ON MAGAZINES & WEB Identify & scope business needs or build the financial justification Source: Forrester ‘s North American & European B2B Social Technographics Online Survey, Q1 2010 Craft formal Business requirements or authorize the funding Select vendors or third party service providers or approve a purchase Help implement a project or do status reviews of active projects Review the payback or business results of completed projects HOW DO MAGAZINES MEASURE UP? MAGAZINE AD CREATIVITY • In a world where Canadians are getting harder to impact meaningfully, readers opt in to magazines, driven by personal or business needs The power & potential • Great content and the focused act of reading means magazines win printed across all engagement metrics of the page • Ads are accepted and an integral part of the magazine package driving advertising receptivity, not avoidance • Magazine readers have an action orientation after reading ads. Magazines win at: • • • • • Driving to advertisers’ websites Driving search Driving purchase after search Driving word-of-mouth recommendation Driving purchase intent and advertiser favourability • Magazines are proven business builders when used alone or in combination with other media CREATIVE USE OF THE MEDIUM: NEW IDEAS ROP ADS DO THE HEAVY LIFTING INTERACTIVE INSERTS ARE A SURE WAY TO INVOLVE CONSUMERS Norm Total Male Female (7-10 out of 10) Index Index Index Index Interesting 100 131 144 119 Innovative 100 144 136 152 Visually Appealing 100 140 133 147 Eyecatching 100 125 120 130 Average Scores 100 136 134 138 Interactive inserts are a great way to catch attention and demonstrate product benefits. Source: Exploration of Magazine Advertising Formats, Starch Research LIGHT SENSITIVE INKS INK CHANGES COLOUR IN SUNLIGHT FLAVOURED PAPER PAPER CAN BE FLAVOURED TO MATCH VARIOUS FOOD PROFILES DRY TATTOOS A PAPER RELEASE SHEET THAT TRANSFERS THE IMAGE TO THE SKIN OR OTHER SURFACES WHEN RUBBED ON BANANA LEAF AD AN AD INSERT SCREEN-PRINTED ON A BANANA LEAF TO SUPPORT A RETURN TO NATURE AND THE GREEN BENEFITS OF THE SUV eINK MESSAGES FLASH, SCROLL, CHANGE INTERACTIVE VIDEO PLAYER PAPER-THIN, SMALL SCREEN CAPABLE OF LOADING A SHORT VIDEO PERSONALIZED PAGES (VARIABLE PRINTING) SUBSCRIBERS SEND THEIR PICTURE TO WIRED TO CREATE A PERSONALIZED COVER ADDRESSIBLE OUTSERTS/INSERTS (VARIABLE PRINTING) GEO-TARGETED ADDRESSIBLE MESSAGING TO SUBSCRIBERS SOUND CHIPS A LIVING (SORT OF) BREATHING PAGE CELEBRATING THE RELEASE OF THE STAR WARS TRILOGY DVD 3-D THE IMAGE APPEARS V3-D WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE PAGE FROM DIFFERENT ANGLES LED LIGHTS LED LIGHTS THAT BLINK (RED EYES) SCRATCH-OFF PAGE READER WILL POWER IS PUT TO THE TEST AS THEY ARE CHALLENGED TO RESIST REVEALING ANSWERS TO STATEMENTS QUICK RESPONSE (QR) CODES SNAP A PICTURE USING A MOBILE PHONE TO TRIGGER ACTION AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) CODES HOLD A SPECIAL SCAN CODE IN FRONT OF A WEBCAM TO TRIGGER ACTION (Click on image to hyperlink) NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION (NFC) TAGS TAP AD WITH NFC-ENABLED MOBILE DEVICE TO TRIGGER ACTION WEBKEY INSERT PRE-PROGRAMMED, ULTRA-THIN USB KEY THAT THROWS TO THE WEB MAGAZINES: 360 DEGREE THINKING Integrated sales teams specialize in creating 360ₒ communication platforms to bridge advertiser and reader needs With augmented reality, 3D images, audio/video capability and more, print magazine ads have the power to capture attention like never before. Rapidly emerging magazine brand extensions in the digital space ensures there’s little a magazine can’t do. FOR MORE INFORMATION… Thank you!
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