mawev-show 09


mawev-show 09
competence from A to Z:
The range of offers
at the MAWEV-Show 2009:
Austria, Kottingbrunn/Lower Austria
Kottingbrunn Airport
2542 Kottingbrunn
Opening hours:
Wednesday, 25 March to Saturday, 28 March 2009,
daily from 9:00 to 18:00
Construction machines | construction vehicles | construction
and transport devices for structural & civil engineering and road
construction | machinery, equipment and vehicle accessories as
well as resources | constructional facilities, boarding and scaffolding | cranes | rough terrain forklift trucks | screening and
crushing installations | construction waste recycling | disposal
and landfill technique | roads and open space planning, surveying, design, equipment, maintenance, care and winter service |
road traffic safety | municipal technology and municipal vehicles
| planning | surveying | consulting | financing and much more
Free (exclusively for professional visitors)
Know-how for your progress:
Parking fee:
Passenger vehicle / day:
Bus / day:
€ 8
€ 25
Messe Congress Graz Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.
A-8010 Graz, Messeplatz 1 / Messeturm
T. 0043 316 8088 - 0, F. 0043 316 8088 - 249
[email protected],
MAWEV – Verband Österreichischer
A-1040 Wien, Schaumburgergasse 20/7
T. 0043 1 504 26 98, F. 0043 504 26 99
[email protected],
You are receiving this invitation from:
AirSeal | Albatros | Alfred Minichberger Baumaschinenersatzteile
und Hydraulikomponenten | Alfred Schramm moleculartechnik |
Allu Deutschland | Alpina | ALSTEC Anlagenbau | Altrad-Baumann
| AM-Laser | Ammann-Yanmar | Anhänger Steininger & Partner |
Anker-Flexco | Anton Sommeregger Energiesysteme | Antosch |
ATBM | Atlas Copco | Atra | AUSA Center | Baltrotors | Barbeda |
Batsch Waagen & EDV | Bauer | Bauer Maschinen | Baumaschinen
Handel | Baumaschinen Technik | BAUMOT | Bau-SU | BBB/WEKAVerlag | BBG Baugeräte | BEKA-Lube | Bergmann Maschinenbau
| Best Se ting Center Walter Tausch | BHS Sonnhofen | Binder |
Birner | Black & Decker Werkzeuge | BOMAG Maschinenhandel
| Brendon Powerwasher | Breuer Harald Baumaschinen Handelund Reperatur | Bulldozer | CAB Aufbereitungs- und Verschleißtechnik | Cangini Benne | Castrol Austria | CEE Maschinenvertrieb |
CfT-Ortungstechnik Promberg & Partner | Colnar Baumaschinen |
Compair | Containex | CWB-RIKU Enterprise | D. Gutzwiller | Deutz
Austria | DI Hitzinger | Dolanza | Dorn Lift | dsb Maschinenbau |
Dr. Mauric Generalvertretungen | Dreger | E. & G. Kronsteiner EKRO
- Baugeräte | E6 Hard Materials - Element Six | ECOFLUID Handel |
Edler Reifen | ELBA-WERK Maschinen | Ellmauer Umwelttechnik |
emtec Tankanlagen | Ernst Müller | Esch-Technik Maschinenhandel
| ESTERER Gießerei | Etertec Tiefbau | Eugen Schmidt | Fami |
Faymonville Distribution | FIBO | Fleischmann-Spezialstahl-Handel
| Fliegl Bau- und Kommunaltechnik, Fliegl Fahrzeugbau | Friedrich
Berger | Fuchs Austria Schmiermittel | Fuhrmann Fahrzeuge |
Funk Fuchs | GAP-Trade | Geel Maschinenbauzubehör | GOECKE |
Goldhofer | Gölz | Hans Bruckmüller | HARTL Anlagenbau |
HAZEMAG & EPR | Hein, Lehmann Trenn- und Fördertechnik |
Heinz Bühnen | Hematec Arbeitsbühnen | HEN | Hetronic Central
Eastern Europe | Hitachi Power Tools | HITTMAYR Baumaschinen
| HKS Dreh-Antriebe | HMH Engineering-Consulting-Trading |
Holms Industrie | Hostra Gummi- und Kunststoffe | Humbaur |
Humer | Hünnebeck Austria Schalungstechnik | Husqvarna Austria |
Huss Umwelttechnik | HYDROPIPE | Hydrema Baumaschinen | IBS
Scherer | IFE Aufbereitungstechnik | Indexator | Infostars | Ing. Fritz
Kohlschein & Sohn | IPAF Deutschland | Isenmann Siebe | Italvibras
| ITB Innovative Technik Baumaschinen | JCB Deutschland | Josef
Duben | Josef Laurer | Josef Martin | Juwel-Schraubtechnik | K & W
Drive Systems | KAESER Kompressoren | Kaiser Fahrzeugtechnik |
Karl HALWACHS | Karnebogen | Keestrack | Klöcher Basaltwerke
Abt. BAG Aufbereitungstechnik | Kögl | Kogler Krantechnik | KoHyd
Kopeczky Hydraulik | Komptech | Kraker International | KramerWerke | Kroggel Industriebedarf | Kuhn Baumaschinen, Kuhn
Ladetechnik | Landesberufsschule Mistelbach | Lehnhoff Hartstahl
| Lenz & Atzl Systeme | Liftprofi | Lincoln | Lissmac Maschinenbau u. Diamantwerkzeuge | Löffler | Logic Line LLE | LösomatSchraubtechnik Neef | Lowatschek & Regner | LST | M.R. DROTT
| Makita Wergzeug | Maltech Arbeitsbühnen | Maschinenfabrik
Liezen und Giesserei | MAUCH | MBV Minnibaggerverschleißtechnik | Meccanica Breganzese | Meiller Fahrzeugtechnik | Menzi
Muck | MEVA Schalungs-Systeme | Michelin Reifenwerke | MLTMitterndorfer Landtechnik | MS Johann Grafinger | Mobile Wiegetechnik | Mörtlbauer Baumaschinenvertrieb | Motoren-Filterdienst
| MTS Mobile Tiefbau Saugsysteme | NBB Controls & Components | Neuenhauser Umwelttechnik | Nils Italia | Nino de Martiis |
Nissan Center Europe | Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag |
OilQuick Deutschland | O. Kubicek Fördertechnik | Olaer SpeicherTechnik | OMV Refining & Marketing | Optimas Maschinenfabrik H.
Kleinemas | OSWALD Baumaschinen | Perforator | Peter Bachhuber
Innovative Bautechnik | Pfeifer Seil- und Hebetechnik | Plastoseal
| Powertilt | PPK - Management und Industrieservice | Pramac |
PROBST Greiftechnik-Verlegesysteme | Profiteam Holzer | Prucha
Baumaschinenhandel | R.A.L. Handel | Reifen John | Reifen
Wondraschek | Reinhard Hydraulik Ing. R. Fellinger | RIDO Baumaschinen | RINGER Gerüste-Baugeräte-Schalungen | Röchling
Leripa Papertech | Rosi OBER Fahrzeuge- Maschinen | Rothlehner
Arbeitsbühnen GmbH Betriebsstätte Graz | RSP | RTS-D.Rotzoll
| Rupert Possmann | Sandvik Mining and Construction | SBM
Mineral Processing | SBH Tiefbautechnik | Schalbau Vitzthum |
Seiringer Umweltservice | Seppi M | SF-Filterdienst | SIBLIK Elektrik
| SKF Economos Österreich | SM-Maschinen Klaus Weidecker |
Sonnek Engineering | Sortimo | Special Media | Spiel + Modellbau
Weickenmeier | Springer Transport Media | Steyr Werner Techn.
Handel | Streif Baulogistik Österreich | Strobl Austria | Sysbohr
| Techmo | TERRA Maschinen | Tes Car | Teufelberger | Theis
Feinwerktechnik | Theisen Mietpark Baumaschinen | Theodor
Wimmer | Thwaites | ThyssenKrupp Gft Bautechnik | Trimble |
TWF Baumaschinen Technik | VAUTID Austria | VEP Fördertechnik |
Vermeer | Versalift | Volvo Baumaschinen Österreich | Volvo
LKW | VTN Europe | VTS Verschleißtechnik Schaffhausen |
WACKER Neuson | WANGGO Gummitechnik | Wear Parts | Weiro
Maschinenbau | Weiss Franz Baumaschinenersatzteile | WILO
HandelsgmbH | WIMMER-Hartstahl | WINKELBAUER Maschinenbau | Wirtgen Österreich | Wolffkran | Yuasa Trading Deutschland |
Zeppelin Österreich | ZF Österreich | ZUWA-Zumpe Pumpen- und
excerpt from exhibitor list, as at January 2009
7th International Construction Machine &
Construction Vehicle Demonstration Show
MAWEV-Show 09
Wed, 25 - Sat, 28 March
Kottingbrunn / Lower Austria
Experience construction machines LIVE!
MAWEV-Show 2009
Europe’s largest demonstration event of the construction
machines and construction vehicle industry.
Optimal conditions at the
Exhibitor’s catalogue
new location in Kottingbrunn
Every visitor receives a free exhibitor’s catalogue after
• In the immediate vicinity of the A2 motorway exit
• Vienna-Schwechat or the Vienna Danube Harbour
are only 40 km away
• Gain an overview of the latest developments and trends on the market!
• Get a view of more than 1,000 of the most modern construction machines and construction vehicles!
• The trade fair management and the press centre are located at the main entrance
• You will find the trade fair information centre and the GPS coordinates:
MAVEW Café in the centre of the exhibition hall
47° 57‘ 24‘‘ North
“Demonstration instead of mere presentation”: Accor-
16° 15‘ 52“ East
• You will be continually informed about the latest news ding to this motto, construction machines, construction
2542 Kottingbrunn
regarding the mega show per video wall
Approximation search word:
• Culinary delights await you on approx. 1,500 m2 of
Flughafen Kottingbrunn
catering space: the restaurant with self-service and devices and construction vehicles from international manufacturers can not only be appraised at close range for
the 7th time at the MAWEV-Show 2009, but also tested
the VIP area connects with the exhibition hall in the live on the scene!
north. There are also several snack stations.
• Utilise the unique opportunity to also try out the
newest devices for yourself!
• Take advantage of the unique contact platform – from Attention - new daily combination
pros for pros! Nowhere else in Europe you will find - Wednesday to Saturday
such a density of offers and sectoral decision-makers stand, at the information centre, in the service headquar-
As a service for you
(follow the guidance system)
machines LIVE!
sector-related visiting card at the construction leaflet
ters or in the press centre.
• Sufficient parking area capacities
A2 motorway exit Baden or Leobersdorf
Experience construction
submission of the completed visitor survey section or a
in 2009!
The show goes on for four days: Wednesday 25, to
• Europe’s most exciting “construction site” in 2009: Saturday, 28 March — the turbocharger of the con-
200,000 m2 exhibition space in Kottingbrunn –
struction industry, far beyond the borders of the Alpine
only 30 km south of Vienna!
republic! The success of previous events will be carried
• Trade fair information:
[email protected]
[email protected]
• Press centre:
[email protected]
• Trade fair management: 0043 316 8088 - 0
•For room reservations, contact:
Mondial GmbH & Co. KG
Frau Claudia Zudrell
on with a new organiser and venue.
Tel: 0043 1 588 04-606
The excavation, loading and driving demonstrations are
[email protected]
again integrated into the corporate demo areas. The
operation and testing of the exhibited machines and
devices is only allowed in the presence of and with the
consent of the concerned exhibitor, and takes place at
one’s own risk.
You will find detailed
information at our website