LEVEL CROSSING Vorschlag zur Schwerpunktsetzung (Stand


LEVEL CROSSING Vorschlag zur Schwerpunktsetzung (Stand
Vorschlag zur Schwerpunktsetzung
(Stand: August 2012)
Sequence 1 Intro
Topic 1 pp.8-10
p.11, D+E
Going abroad
• getting to know each other
An international seminar
• reading comprehension (skimming and scanning)
revision simple past
word formation: adjectives ending in -ing and -ed
pp.12-13, Are stereotypes 'bad'?
• useful adjectives for characterising people
• working with an authentic online article
• first steps in comment writing
Topic 2 pp.16-17, Global English
• giving a short talk
• analysing the text type and use of layout/language
revision: passive
pp. 18-19 Rude Germans?
• polite vs. rude
• analysing the text type and use of language
• first steps in comment writing
Topic 3 p.24
p.28, E+F
Topic 4 p.32,
Volunteering abroad
• understanding and analysing a video
A work camp
• understanding a podcast
• creative writing (writing a report)
revision: going to /will
word formation: word families
revision: present perfect vs. simple past
revision: comparison of adjectives
word formation: negative prefixes
pp. 32-37 From Africa to Europe
• working with a photo documentary
• talking about geographical data
• understanding an English speaker of African origin
• listening comprehension
• creative writing: How will the story continue?
• analysing and evaluating a documentary
Sequence 2 Intro
revision: simple present
Topic 2 pp.48-55, Growing up between two cultures
“How the Garcia girls lost their accents”
• background information on Hispanic Americans
• working with an extract from a novel
• first steps into an analysis of fictional writing:
setting/characters/main events/narrative
perspective/rhetorical devices (repetition, exaggeration)
• creative writing (adopting the perspective of a character)
p.56, H-I
Topic 4 pp.63-66
p. 67,C+D
Sequence 3 Intro
revision: relative clauses
connecting ideas
When life goes wrong – two real life stories of two young
• comparing online newspaper articles
• working in expert groups
• first steps in argumentative writing
• letter to the editor
infinite or gerund
expressing opinions
Talking about modern media
Topic 2 pp.86-87, How journalists write
• different jobs at a newspaper
• typical tasks at work
• elements of a newspaper article / structure (inverted
pyramid etc.)
Topic 1 p.76, D
revision: singular and plural nouns
pp. 77-83, Fact or opinion? Three newspaper articles on asylum seekers
• quality newspaper vs. tabloid newspaper
• news article / leading article
• analysing non-fictional texts: aspect – method – effect
on reader / tone and language
• letter to the editor
• writing a leading article
Topic 2 p.93, E-F
Topic 4 pp. 100105
revision: reported speech
adjectives to describe the news
Welcome to the dark side: Negative aspects of the cyber world
• cyber friends and cyber bullying
• blog articles
modal auxiliaries expressing possibilities
Sequence 4: George Ivanoff: “Future Dreaming” (OPTIONAL)
Weitere Materialien aus Sequence 4 können später bei entsprechenden Themen (GM food,
environmental issues) in der Qualifikationsphase eingesetzt werden.