Humboldt-Gymnasium Köln Fachschaft Englisch Schulinternes


Humboldt-Gymnasium Köln Fachschaft Englisch Schulinternes
Humboldt-Gymnasium Köln Fachschaft Englisch
Schulinternes Curriculum für die Qualifikationsphase
für das Zentralabitur 2011 u. 2012
Jgst. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
12.1.1 British traditions and visions:
 British history: From Empire to
Commonwealth, monarchy and modern
The UK and Europe
12.1.2 Post-colonialism and migration:
 The post-colonial experience in India
The role of New English Literatures: Indian and
Pakistani communities in Britain
12.2.1 American traditions and visions:
 The American Dream then and now
12.2.2 Globalization – global challenges
 Economic and ecological issues
 International peace-keeping at the turn of the
century: the role of the UN and the USA
13.1.1 Shakespeare – a literary ‘giant’ in the 21st
 Shakespeare and the Elizabethan World (nur
 In-depth study of a play and corresponding
film passages /scenes from theatre
performances (nur LK)
 The interest of young audiences in
Shakespeare – passages from a
Shakespeare play and from a contemporary
film (nur GK)
13.1.2 Utopia and dystopia – exploring alternative
 Science and ethics: genetic engineering
 Science fiction, fantasy and utopia
13.2.1 Evaluation and revision
Medien u. Materialien
- Non-fictional texts:
- political speeches
- the press
- Non-fictional texts
- Short stories
nur GK:
- Drama
- T. Williams: A
Streetcar named
- L. Hansberry: A
Raisin in the Sun
- Film: Sam
Mendes: American
Beauty oder: Jack
Ford Coppola: The
Great Gatsby
nur GK:
- Poetry :- Social
criticism in
modern poetry
and songs
nur LK:
Novel:- Paul Auster:
Moon Palace
- Film: Sam
Mendes: American
Beauty oder: Jack
Ford Coppola: The
Great Gatsby
nur LK:
-Non-fictional texts
-Non-fictional texts
nur GK:
nur LK:
- Sonnets and
Passages from
“Romeo and
Juliet” or
- Drama:
- Much ado about
- Film extracts from
Zeffirelli /Luhrmann
(R-J) or Polanski
nur GK:
- Non-fictional texts
nur LK:
- Non-fictional texts
- Novel :
- Don DeLillo:
Falling Man
- Novel):
- A. Huxley: Brave
New World