September newsletter web site - Fife branch of Parkinsons UK
September newsletter web site - Fife branch of Parkinsons UK
FIFE BRANCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 Hello Everyone from Bob Copeland THIS ISSUE - CONTENTS It’s hard to believe that we are starting our Autumn session already! The summer has just flown past and we were lucky to get good weather this summer. The committee hope that you all enjoyed the fantastic weather and have had a good break in the sun. We hope you will enjoy the forthcoming events and meetings, if you have any suggestions for next year please let a committee member know or write or email our branch secretary. One or two items to report on since our last event which was the trip to the theatre at Pitlochry to see Whisky Kisses and there is a report in the newsletter later. The branch had a can collection at Tesco in Cupar in July and as usual the customers of the store were very generous and donated a wonderful £637.55. Unfortunately only five volunteers were involved and this meant they had to be there for two hours at a time, and even some doing more. All members benefit from the money raised at these fundraising events so hopefully we can encourage more members to help fundraise for our branch. A busy programme is coming up and it will have started by the time you receive this newsletter. We have a new item: a Country and Western afternoon at Falkland on the 25th September from 2pm to 4pm. Please come along and take part in line dancing by Alistair’s Angels. More information later in the newsletter! We are still looking to fill the post of Branch Secretary as Mary Kennedy cannot carry on due to family commitments. The role is an important one as it is the main branch contact for Scottish and London headquarters and any other Parkinson’s business. If you know someone who may be interested please contact Mary or myself. I am pleased to let you know that we have had a volunteer to put together the newsletter for us; Duncan Blair, Alex and Annabel Blair’s grandson has volunteered so a big thank you to him. Note from Chair Branch Website Live Transport Arrangements Donations and Fundraising Thanks Fundraising Bunty Hughes Members News Summary Bo’ness Outing Anstruther Meeting Nairn Holiday Walking Group Picnic Ceilidh at Kirkcaldy Pitlochry Theatre Trip Talk on Bermuda Bowling Updates Christmas Cards Medication Advice Future events Slide Show – 18th Sept. C & Western afternoon Fred Daniels – China Festive Ceilidh Falkland days Branch Contact details FIFE BRANCH WEB SITE IS NOW LIVE – Bob Copeland Our web address is As reported in the last newsletter, we have been trying to launch our own dedicated Fife Branch web site, as the committee felt that a page in the main charity’s web site (where we can put in the details of meetings and events), but nothing more, was not enough. We felt people who have just been recently diagnosed or anyone looking to find out about our branch needed more than a page of dates. As the Internet is the place most people turn to for information, our own web site can have details of our meetings, events, outings etc. and lots more detail of what we do as a branch. This would give people accessing the site a flavour of who we are as a branch, what we get up to and hopefully encourage new members. Links to the main charity’s web site are included so the main charity can be accessed via our own site. The site is being sponsored and was built by Brian Copeland of and we are very grateful for the support and time given by him to assist Fife Branch of Parkinson’s U.K. 1 TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS – John Kennedy In February’s Newsletter I said that members requiring transport should contact me. However, it seems to be easier if I make contact with individual members to enquire about their transport requirements and I will continue to do this. If I haven’t made contact with you within a week or so of a meeting or event and you need transport then please give me a call . If, for any reason, the transport arranged for you is no longer required could you please let me know as quickly as possible so that I can in turn contact the transport company and any adjustments required to transport arrangements can be made. DONATIONS and FUNDRAISING – Elizabeth Thomson Our sincere thanks to the following who have recently made donations: In Memoriam Mrs B. Hughes, Auchtermuchty; Mr. R. Mercer, Leven; Mr. G.Robertson, Ceres Fundraising Mrs. E. Donaldson - making and selling cakes May & Shirley, Wee Pin Cushion - making and selling tablet Cupar Highland Games - £35.05 Collection at Tesco Cupar - £637.55 Mrs. Joan Stewart, Kinross - Walk for Parkinson’s at Scone Palace Other Donations Mrs. Anderson; Mr & Mrs R. Bonthrone; Mr & Mrs J. Brand; Mr & Mrs J. Buchan; Mrs D. Jenks; Rosyth under 16 Amateur Football Club FUNDRAISING Last year we applied for a lottery grant to cover the cost of providing transport for the branch activities and meetings. Our application was successful and we received a grant of £9,500. This was ring-fenced to cover transport costs throughout the past year. This year we will have to provide the cost of transport from our funds and the committee would like to encourage members to think of ways to fundraise however small and encourage their family members who might be taking part an event that they could be sponsored for the Fife Branch. We will of course be doing our normal fundraising can collections at Tesco and our Cupar Coffee Morning and volunteers are always needed for these events so please help out if you can. For the collection on Friday 10th October at Kirkcaldy 10am to 3pm Please get in touch with Margaret Martin If you have spare time and can volunteer. BUNTY HUGHES As you know Bunty Hughes recently passed away, and her daughter Sandra has given us a copy of the order of service. She spoke of her mum’s love of reading and poetry and would like to share these words which meant a great deal to Bunty: This life is not about what we have or what we don’t have. It is about who we are in our daily lives, How we use our god given blessings, And how we respect all humanity. (Minnie Robertson Hughes) 2 MEMBERS’ NEWS SINCE LAST NEWSLETTER SUMMER OUTING TO BO’NESS – 29th May – to Bo’ness Railway This was a summer trip with a difference! Fife members were on the coach heading for Bo’ness in West Lothian on a sunny dry day and enjoyed the countryside on the way. The destination was the Kinneil and Bo’ness Railway on the south shores of the Firth of Forth to visit the steam railway there. Volunteers of the Scottish Railway Preservation Society run it, and their hard work shows in the preserved station and other facilities. It also attracts large numbers of visitors and school children on educational day trips. We enjoyed a look round the station itself, shop and coffee shop before heading on board for the journey west. Midway we enjoyed a lovely sandwich lunch presented beautifully on cake stands with fancy tablecloths, probably the nearest thing to the Orient Express! A very enjoyable day was had by all, and thanks are given to Catherine Wilson for her good organisation. Werner was busy with his camera and has taken many super photographs if you would like to view them here is a link to his internet page MEETING 19TH JUNE AT ANSTRUTHER – Catherine Wilson Thursday, 19th June saw several members; Evelyn and Donald MacLeod, Christine and Peter Blyth, Werner and I travel to Anstruther village hall for a coffee and a chat. Two new couples together with the local Pharmacist, Mr Brown came along to meet us for an hour. I explained the wonderful three-hour Falkland monthly meetings enjoyed by approximately fifty local members where we enjoy Tai Chi, followed by lunch. Reflexology and upper body massage being provided by two experienced therapists and then a great selection of activities: singing, painting and drawing, quizzes, and bingo. Evelyn distributed the relevant forms to each prospective new member who showed interest in joining our branch and therefore the afternoon's chat was an enjoyable success. We look forward to meeting them again at the Community Centre in Falkland at 12 noon on Thursday, 11 September. 3 BRANCH HOLIDAY TO NAIRN 17-24TH MAY Fife members winged their way by bus up to Nairn for our annual Branch holiday and joined by 3 couples from Fort William. The holiday has been blessed with good weather in the past and this year was no exception. The hotel was as good as usual and the staff did their best to ensure we had an enjoyable time. We had excursions around the highlands to Speyside Heather Centre, and Holm Mills shopping centre together with Brodie’s Country Fair. SUMMER CEILIDH AT KIRKCALDY - 26TH JUNE – Bob Copeland On the 26th June we had our summer Ceilidh and it was as well attended as usual. This is our second time at Dunnikier Golf Club where the staff made us very welcome. The meal was excellent, many thanks to the chef and the waitresses. Our favourite band, Lomond Ceilidh Band, played for us and they had us dancing and singing away. A video of our superb dancing skills was even sent to Australia. A good night was had by all with thanks to Margaret and Bob Martin and Catherine Wilson for organising the evening. Also thanks to all who contributed to the raffle and George Birrell (Vice chair) and his helpers for organising and handing out the prizes. Congratulations to Bob and Sheila Bonthrone on their GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY and a big thank you for their generous donation given by family and friends to Fife Branch. Also congratulations to Bob and Margaret Martin on their forthcoming GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, who received gifts from the Walking Group on their 50 years together. THEATRE TRIP TO PITLOCHRY – 9th July – “WHISKY KISSES” - Margaret Stewart The morning looked promising weather wise for the outing and it turned out really lovely all day. On arrival we had time for coffee and scones in the sunshine. The show I felt was a little bit slow the first half, but certainly was much better second half. It was so well acted, very funny, and the cast gave it 100%. High tea was as usual first class and most enjoyable. Catherine looked splendid with her (whisky kisses) sash and thanks to her everything went well. She did a super job and we all appreciate all the work in organising such events. So overall a good time was had by all. WALKING GROUP ANNUAL PICNIC –Friday 4th July - Alex and Annabel Blair The walking group had their annual picnic at Gaddon and Birnie lochs and as we gathered the rain decided to show up, however we had come prepared with a gazebo - this kept us dry until the rain thankfully headed off and we enjoyed a sunny spell while we had our picnic. The walk around this delightful loch is very pleasant and when you think that it was once a quarry it is even a more surprising place. As you can see the rain did not stop us walking - we are a hardy lot at Fife Branch. Alex demonstrated a new way of keeping the rain off and have hands free – a new idea. It was also Davina’s birthday which all celebrated in style with a super buffet. 4 TUESDAY 26TH AUGUST AT DUNFERMLINE /BOWLING MATCH AGAINST EDINBURGH - Alex Blair For only the second time this annual event was won by Fife Branch. The score was Fife 81 points and Edinburgh 49 points. The quiz however was won by Edinburgh. A happy friendly day with soup and sandwiches, chat and competition enjoyed by all. On behalf of all who attended - thank you to Alex and Annabel for organising the day, which also an opportunity to interact with the Edinburgh Branch a grand day out with a great result. TALK AND PRESENTATION BY ELDON ZUILL – ON BERMUDA – 28TH August at DUNNIKIER GOLF CLUB, KIRKCALDY The first talk of the new session proved to be highly entertaining and enjoyed very much by everyone. Eldon Zuill shared his photographs and memories of his days as a youngster in Bermuda – and his enthusiasm for his home island – being 20 miles long, nearly 8,000 miles from the UK enthralled the audience. His range of photographs was certainly impressive, blue skies, lovely blue seas and sandy beaches – a dream come true!!! CHRISTMAS CARDS AND GIFTS Members will have received their Christmas catalogue with the latest Parkinson's UK magazine. Sandra Ovens will be taking our orders again this year and further copies of the catalogue, together with some cards and gifts, will be available at our next Falkland meeting. Contact Sandra Ovens. MEDICATION ON HOLIDAY Whilst on holiday up North, one of our members had to be admitted to hospital. Despite having all the information regarding his medication, medical staff insisted on seeing the boxes for the medication. Subsequently, the following advice has been given by our Parkinson's Nurse: "When going away, people with Parkinson's should ensure that all their medication is taken in their original boxes. This is because medication has two names - the generic name (the active ingredient) and the brand name (given by the pharmacy company). No matter where people travel the generic name should be the same and this will be on the box. It's important also that medical staff can identify strength of medication and this too is on the box. If anyone has a Nomad or Blister Pack made up at the Pharmacy then it is recommended that they take this. The little pill boxes could cause problems should anyone need to know the strength etc." DATES FOR YOUR DIARY - COMING UP FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR SLIDE SHOW – Thursday 18TH SEPTEMBER 2 P.M. AT CUPAR FIRE STATION – Come along and enjoy an afternoon together plus a slide show by Bob Copeland – mystery topic to be announced. 5 COUNTRY AND WESTERN AFTERNOON - THURSDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER -2 TO 4 P.M. AT FALKLAND A new idea has been put forward for your enjoyment: a Country and Western Afternoon at Falkland where Alistair’s Angels – experts on line dancing – will take the floor. So please come along and take part (or spectate). If you would like to come along, please complete and return the slip to Catherine Wilson as soon as possible and not later than 12th September. 23RD OCTOBER 2 to 4 pm at ST. ANDREWS ERSKINE CHURCH HALL DUNFERMLINE FRED DANIELS talk on his adventures in China Once again by popular demand we have invited Fred Daniels and his wife Rita back to give us another talk of from one of their journeys. Fred and Rita are pensioners from Edinburgh and world travellers - they go to far flung places under their own steam organising and planning their journey and recording the sights and cultures. Fred has an enthusiastic and humorous style when telling his audience of the trips they have made and you will get transported with them on their journey. This afternoon is not to be missed, so come along and enjoy an entertaining talk FESTIVE CEILIDH IN NOVEMBER – Thursday 20th November at DUNNIKIER GOLF CLUB, KIRKCALDY Yes it is early to think of the festive season, but because of our dates for newsletter distribution we are including a reply slip to indicate both your coming along and choice of menus. Can you please return this completed to Margaret Martin by 30th October. ACTIVITY DAYS AT FALKLAND FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 11TH SEPTEMBER 9TH OCTOBER 13TH NOVEMBER 11th DECEMBER - Branch Christmas Party Please note new address for Scottish team of Parkinson’s UK – King James VQ Business Centre Riverview Business Park, Friarton Road, Perth, PH2 8DH – tel. 0844 225 3720 CHAIR Bob Copeland VICE CHAIR George Birrell SECRETARY Vacant TREASURER Elizabeth Thomson Assistant Treasurer Alan Thomson NEWSLETTER Duncan Blair TRANSPORT John Kennedy WALKING/BOWLING GROUPS Alex. & Annabel Blair MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Evelyn McLeod LIBRARIAN Alex Sneddon CATERING TEAM Christine Blyth SOCIAL TEAM Margaret Martin Isabel Chalmers Catherine Wilson 6
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