crumpton - Hunt County Shopper
crumpton - Hunt County Shopper
AUGUST 10, 2016 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM Ready For Football?! 55” LG LED TV HAY FOR SALE $ 4X5 ROUND BALES 55” 903-456-0420 -Full HD 1080p Resolution -Triple XD -Smart TV -Energy Star® Qualified 55LH5750 55” 40.. BERMUDA / RYE GRASS K&K REMODELING: all remodeling, trim, vinyl siding, windows, painting, tile, vinyl floors, porches, decks, gutters. Free estimates. James Kennemer: 903-883-4179 or 903-450-6076 KJ/TF Only $799 ...the World Series? 55” LG Smart HDTV -4K Ultra HD -Tru Motion 120Hz -web OS 3.0 55UH6150 65” ISAAC’S EMPORIUM featuring Scentsy, antiques & collectibles. Booth Space Available. 101 W. Main, Ladonia 903-367-7095 GP/TF PAGE 5 Dr. Mumtaz Tejani, Therapeutic Optometrist FURNITURE Comprehensive Eye Exams for Glasses & Contact Lenses Treatment of Ocular Disease 494 W. I-30 • Royse City • 972-635-2520 Bill’s 903-450-3532 Furniture 2304 Lee St ROOF LEAKS: Same day leak repair in most cases. Complete roof replacements, re-decks, nailovers. Insurance Claim Specialist. 903-441-2334 FK/0111 NEW • USED VINTAGE Voted #1 • Siding ROOFING • Roofing CONTRACTOR • Windows in Hunt County Readers’ Choice Awards • Gutters Only $999 The Time is Now! CHICKENS! PRODUCTION Red & White Jersey Giant Chicks, Straight Run. 903-883-5395 JJ/TF FREE ESTIMATES Payment Options 903-456-9956 75” 1980 YAMAHA 1100 Gold and Black Classic motorcycle. Road ready, Strong motor, good tires, small tear in sheet. RARE bike in excellent shape! $3,000 or trade. 903.413.6257 KC/0810 B&B FENCE 65” LG Smart HDTV 75” LG Smart HDTV Only $1599 Only $2799 -4K Ultra HD -Tru Motion 120Hz -web OS 3.0 Model 65UH6150 All your fencing needs! _____________ Pipe • Goat • Field No Climb Horse Barbed Wire Privacy • Chain Link _____________ -4K Ultra HD -Tru Motion 120Hz -web OS 3.0 Model 75UH6550 CRUMPTON & VIDEO FREE ESTIMATES! _____________ References Available _____________ FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Servicing the Greenville Area for 54 Years! 903-366-2299 Jerry FREE CLOTHING GiveA-Way August 13th only. 8:30 am- 4:30pm. New & used clothing, all sizes for the entire family! Quinlan First Assembly 728 E. Never let the things you Quinlan Pkwy. 903-356want make you forget all 2477 or 214-926-7842 the things you have. SF/0810 8602 Wesley • Greenville, Tx 75402 Mon. - Fri.: 8:30 - 5:30 • Sat. 8:30 - 12 903-455-2043 FREE COMPUTER Classes: Basic keyboard to advanced. Mon. & Fri. 10:30-12; 2615 Crockett Greenville. 214-532-1109 HC/TF $ Weaning McGee Septic Service SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Conventional and Aerobic Systems 903-456-0989 SHOP THE SHOPPER MOBILE HOME & PIER & BEAM LEVELING Interior/Exterior Repairs Remodeling New Construction Doors, Windows, Siding & Painting FREE ESTIMATES 903-272-0002 FREE COMPUTER Classes: Hope Center of Greenville. Certified Microsoft Office Instructor Providing skills training from basic keyboard to advanced level. Classes offered each Monday & Friday mornings from 10:30-12 at 2615 Crockett St., in the Family Life Center of First Baptist Church; Greenville. Call 214-532-1109 HC/TF Pigs 50 EACH 214-385-7867 FREE CLOTHES Closet & Food Pantry for those in need. Open the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am-1pm. Campbell Community Outreach Ministries, 310 Beasley St. Campbell. 214-900-9692 RB/0826 GuardianGarageD GARAGE DOOR & OPENER REPAIR • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Veteran Owned & Operated • 903.274.2414 SALES POSITION available!! Mon - Fri 9am-5pm. Off weekends and major holidays. Sitting at a desk, talking on the phone all day. Getting paid to be friendly! Sales experience a plus. Must be computer literate, honest, dependable and have reliable transportation. Email your resume to [email protected] SF/0810 Hooten’s Hardware 1139 W Lennon Dr • Emory, TX 75440 • 903-473-8788 PAGE 6 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM SHINGLES, METAL & FLAT ROOFING • REPAIRS HAIL DAMAGE SPECIALIST Will Beat All Reasonable Competitor Prices! 35 Years Experience In Greenville area Charlie Allen Roofing A Revolutionary New Energy Efficient Base! 97% Reflectivity • Saves Energy Costs Vernon Melton • charlieallenroofi[email protected] 903-413-1620 • 903-883-2962 GRANNY’S PLACE & Resale Shop, 10 South Plaza, Ladonia, Texas. Open 10 P.M. – 5 P.M. Tuesday – Saturday. 903367-7095. GP/TF WANTED TRACTORS, trailers, farm equipment, gates, panels, chutes, anything farm & ranchrelated. Buying or hauling cattle & livestock. 903217-4342 SJ/TF Jones Metal Buildings Shops • Hay Barns Arenas • Metal Homes 903-456-5142 WANTED CASH for small homes on 1 or more acres or acreage only in or bordering northern Collin County. 972-727-5647 CW/0824 2 SEASON Tickets for the newly opened Splash Kingdom - $70 for both. 2 Professional basketball hoops - $40 each. SJ/0810 LITTLE TRAIL FENCE CO. Any Type of Fence 903-456-3549 903-217-7537 ¢ Barbed Wire 85 a Foot Supporting another’s success won’t dampen yours. AUGUST 10, 2016 DAVE’S Quality Used APPLIANCES Prices from $129 Warranties from 6-12 Months Servicing All Brands • Warranty Repair for Most Manufacturers Parts Counter for Self Service • Kitchen and Laundry Appliances “Serving Hunt County Since 1970” Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00 903-886-2178 • 903-454-3283 903-356-6565 1115 Main St. • Commerce Lord, we thank You today for the hedge of protection you have placed around those who YOU have c Protect them and keep them safe so that they can return home to their family at the end of their shift. E H T K C BA TERRELL GUN SHOP SALE ON GUNS & AMMO 208 E Moore Ave Terrell TX 75160 972-563-5971 FREE ESTIMATES! Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Shearing & Forming • Welding 4702 Lee St. • PO Box 1333 • Greenville, TX 75403 903-455-3876 • Fax: 903-455-0434 Carpet || Wood || Laminates || Window Treatment || Vinyl || Tile GREENVILLE CARPET Hwy 34 S, 2.5 miles south of I-30 903-455-7000 Granny’s Place Resale Shop Garage Sale 6 Days A Week 12 - 5pm • Closed Mondays 10 South Plaza Ladonia 903-367-7095 E U L B When private citizens come into contact with law enforcement, that contact is not always made under ideal circumstances. While keeping order, law enforcement personnel must write citations or take action when anyone violates the law. However, enforcing the law involves much more than simply writing tickets or making arrests. Officers and agents are on the side of the public and are often the first people men, women and children look to when they need help. Law enforcement professionals are often taken for granted. But it’s never too late to thank a police officer for his or her efforts. The following are several ways to express appreciation to local law enforcement in your community. • Wear and display blue. Many law enforcement workers are known for their blue uniforms. Blue usually represents police and other upholders of the law. Proudly display blue ribbons, blue lights or flags on homes and businesses. Wear blue shirts or law enforcement-inspired insignia to public or high-profile events as a token of appreciation for local law enforcement. • Thank an officer. Approach an officer in person and offer some words of thanks. Law enforcement is often a thankless job, and many officers do not get the recognition they deserve. A few kind words of support may be all that is needed to brighten their day. • Schedule a tour. Many police departments are more than willing to offer tours to youth groups, such as schools, scouting organizations and clubs. Giving children an insider look at the daily operations of a police department or other law enforcement office can be a positive moment in their lives. Children can learn at an early age how law enforcement works and what it means to be a good citizen. • Obey the law. One of the best ways to show respect for law enforcement officers is to obey the law. Should you be called out for an infraction, treat the officer or agent politely and comply with his or her requests. • Share a positive story. Use social media or your networking connections to share a story of how law enforcement helped you or did something worth noting. • Help out an officer. Oftentimes local businesses will provide discounted costs to officers or other law enforcement workers as a means of thanking them for their efforts. Such gestures may seem simple, but they are much appreciated. Anyone can do their part to show appreciation to the men and women who wear the uniform and keep our communities safe. 4205 I-30 • Greenville • 800-291-2036 SHORTEST DRIVE! • LOWEST PRICE! SER Sgt. Whitten serv and was promote that time he has specialities: Fie instructor, SWAT lethal munitions Sgt. Whitten for h ••• WE’V ••• THI ••• BLUE CON Green Lone Celes Wolfe City .......... Royse City ......... Caddo Mills ....... Commerce ......... Quinlan .............. Hunt County She Hunt County Sca AUGUST 10, 2016 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM Keener Dozer Service Semper Fidelis 214-325-3300 Call Robert Keener! 50 Mile Radius Free Delivery & Pickup BIG DOZER, SMALL PRICE! 50 yds x 30 yds 10 ft deep...$2950 Dozer & Trackhoe Service • Pools • Ponds • Tanks BLACK LAND House Leveling & Remodeling Slab, Pier, & Beam FREE ESTIMATES 903-227-2860 WE BUY, SELL or trade tractors & equipment, including salvage tractors. 903-455-1220 or 903-3551220; ask for Keith PK/TF COURTESY COSTS NOTHING! PORTABLE BUILDING Any Distance! MOVING CO. We Also Buy Used Buildings! Call: 903-439-7666 WE BUY All kinds of Double Barrel Shotguns S/S or O/U 903-355-1220 or 903-455-1220PK/TF tery Farmers Uphols6-0 624 903-527-4842 • 903-45 DRIVEWAY A Mess? 5120 Hwy 66 •Royse City Call Cook’s Trucking and .FARMERSUPHOLSTERY.COM WWW Driveway Repair. No job too big or small. Call Joe at (903) 624-1465. CJ/TF Never measure God’s unlimited power by your LOVE THE ONE IN limited expectations. FRONT OF YOU! PAGE 7 S cott’s olar olutions 10% Discount for Veterans “We focus on structural functionality as well as solar energy” 214-336-1556 or 903-268-3423 Licensed (TECL#31756) and Insured chosen to serve and protect us. Help them to truly rest in You—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Guide them and direct them to have a clear mind in all you would have them do. In Jesus’ name, amen. THANK YOU FOR YOUR RVICE TO OUR COMMUNITY The Hunt County Sheriff’s Office “Unsung Hero” of the week is Patrol Sgt. William Whitten. ved two years as Detention Officer ed to the rank of Deputy in 2011. In become certified in the following eld Training Officer, TCOLE T member, Trainer in less than and patrol supervisor. We thank his dedication and hard work. 2040 Tx Hwy 66 • Rockwall 214-771-0002 VE GOT YOUR SIX ••• IN BLUE LINE ••• E LIVES MATTER ••• Gober Post Frame Buildings Shops • Garages • Houses • Agriculture • Commercial 405-595-0770 NNECT ON FACEBOOK! nville ..................... GreenvilleTXPD e Oak .............................LoneOakPD ste .............................. CityofCeleste ....... Wolfe-City-Police-Department ...... Royse-City-Police-Department .....Caddo-Mills-Police-Department .......... commercepolicedepartment ............Quinlan-Police-Department eriff... Hunt-County-Sheriffs-Office anner ............. HuntCountyScanner SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE OFFICERS Protect Your Home & Property!!! Make Sure Your Contractor is Following the Law Ask For General Liability & Worker’s Comp Insurance Hauling and Excavating WHO DO YOU CALL? 9-1-1 “Putting the pieces together for your health” 101 King’s Place • Suite H Commerce, Texas 75428 903-886-2666 Roadway & Driveway Repair Cell: 903-441-5577 Office: 903-454-6017 House Pads & Dirt Work • Call Jason Pitts! LIVE OAK PROFESSIONAL CENTER 1705 Live Oak Commerce, Tx 75428 903-886-8818 PAGE 8 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM Silver Eagle Coin Holders 4 ALL OCCASIONS! • Father’s Day • Graduation • Birthday • Baby Shower • Congratulations & More! TREE PROS VELVET GIFT BAGS, TOO! THE COIN SHOP 903-454-9198 2813 Lee St. • Downtown Greenville, Tx WE BUY IT ALL! All Coins, Collections, Gold & Silver ESTATE SALE Friday & Saturday August 12 & 13 8am – 5pm. Piano, Furniture, Microwave, washer/dryer, dishes. 6303 Chapman Dr. Greenville. MB/0810 AUGUST 10, 2016 LAYING CHICKENS & FOR SALE 16ft wooden peacocks for sale! Call ladder - $30, 8HP Sears 903-461-5373 GF/0907 Craftman task handler WANTED: RUNNING rear tine tiller - $200. Call: or Non-Running riding 469-377-0190 KR/0810 mowers & tillers. All mower 7 CHIHUAHUA 2 female repair and servicing. & 5 male. Black, white, FREE Diagnostics! 214- ginger. $100 each. Call 726-5780 ZC/0810 903-356-6239 or 210-617BRUMMET CONCRETE. 8000 MC/0810 Foundations, driveways, patios. Quality work, at reasonable rates. Call: • Tree Removal 903-461-2200 BC/TF • Tree Trimming • Stump Grinding FIXER UPPER’S for sale. 5th wheel, ’83 Sea Ray Serving Hunt & Hopkins Boat with cuddy cabin, 903-366-1150 Truck bed camper. Text GARAGE SALE LIST 214-533-8401 RS/0810 SON’S 5TH WHEEL in my driveway. Excellent condition, No smoke. He’s wanting $5400, make offer and I’ll try to make up the difference. Call 214-5871248 RK/0830 r e t h g u a l S TUESDAY-SATURDAY Soil Technology of Texas 10 South Plaza........ Ladonia Bulk Organic Compost Growing Soils • Mulches Expanded Shell Azalea & Rose Mix 101 W. Main............ Ladonia WEDNESDAY – SUNDAY 1101 SH 276..... W. Tawakoni FRIDAY – SATURDAY 1.8 Mi. South of I-30 on FM 36 6303 Chapman.....Greenville 5602 New Haven..Greenville 903-883-2200 1815 FM 499........Greenville Remember to shop SATURDAY ONLY local; it matters! I-30 & Hwy 37......Mt. Vernon ••• Family Owned and Operated ••• Gravel & Excavation Great pay based on experience 34 hour restart at home 75% Drop & Hook All New Trucks • Weekly Direct Deposit Medical/Dental/Vision 903.474.3938 Rock • Sand • Tanks • Lakes [email protected] Mark Slaughter Treat everyone with kindness, even those that are rude to you; not because they are nice - but because you are. If you are tired of corporate America JOIN the American National Family Call Rebecca at 903-213-4239 or apply online @ 50% OFF 49 SPECIAL $ Complete Heating & Air Conditioning System Coupon Required. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Restrictions Apply. Expires 07/31/16 License No. TACLB017891 Air Conditioning System Tune-up Coupon Required. Cannot be combined with any other offers. $30 service charge for outside our service area. Restrictions Apply. Expires 07/31/16 903.455.5662 • [email protected] BACK 2 SCHO O l AUGUST 22nd IS THE BIG DAY!! GREENVILLE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STARTS AUGUST 24th LIVE OAK PROFESSIONAL CENTER 1705 Live Oak Commerce, Tx 75428 903-886-8818 Holiday Villages of Lake Fork 125 Holiday Village Dr. Quitman 903-878-7263 1. Pack your backpack the night before. 2. Wear something comfortable and choose it the night before. 3. Doublecheck that you have everything you need BEFORE you go to sleep. 4. Get a good night’s sleep. 5. Set your alarm clock 15 minutes early! 6. Eat a good breakfast. Breakfast gives your brain and your body fuel. 7. Get to school early to figure out where your class(es) are located. 8. Skip the gossip. Focus on your classes & your teachers. Call your friends later to catch-up. 9. Make sure your afternoon transportation is squared away. 10. It’s okay to be nervous but stay positive! (Help encourage your child with positive reinforcement.) Carole Bates, D.D.S 1010 W. Audie Murphy Parkway • Farmersville, Tx 972-784-8282 • Fax: 972-784-7084
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