Concordia Nachrichten 2015-11 web
Concordia Nachrichten 2015-11 web
Nr. 537 November 2015 87 1 Nachrichten 141 JAHRE 141 YEARS 3 - 2014 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: [email protected] 7. November 2015 Stiftungsfest 15. November 2015 Volkstrauertag Woodland Friedhof CONCORDIA IM NOVEMBER/ DEZEMBER 2015 Klub Vorschau/Club Events Concordia in November 7th 7th 14th 14th Schenke Main Hall Schenke Main Hall DJ Novak Stiftungsfest Edelweiss Duo Mardi Gras Grand Opening doors open at 7:30p.m. 15th Woodland Cemetary – German Remembrance Day Ceremony 21st Schenke Black Forest Band 22nd Main Hall Ladies Group Christmas Bazaar 1:00p.m. 28th Schenke TC Alpine Echos 29th Main Hall Children's Christmas Party 1:30p.m. SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Jaegerstube 1st Main Hall Seniors Christmas Party 5:30p.m. 5th Schenke DJ Novak 12th Schenke Edelweiss Duo 13th Main Hall Choir Christmas Concert 19th Schenke TC Alpine Echos 24th – 28th Club Closed for Christmas Holidays 31st Schenke New Years Eve Celebration 6:00p.m. 101 101 101 102 103 104 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Weinstube Concordia in December Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting Group Events 7.30 19.00 Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Jaegerstube 8.00 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Oktoberfest ist vorbei und hoffentlich auch ein erfolgreicher Abschluss.. Informationen über den finanziellen Abschluss kann ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht geben, werde dies aber im nächsten Nachrichtenblatt nachholen. Danke an das gesamte Personal, die Gruppen und alle Helfer, denn ohne diese Leute, wäre so eine Veranstaltung wie Oktoberfest nicht möglich. Damit wird auch unsere 3 deutsche Kultur und Tradition erhalten! Vielen Dank! Am 7. November feiert der Concordia Klub seinen Geburtstag und wir nähern uns immer mehr, dem 150. Jubilaeum. Am 14. November ist die 49. Eröffnung der Narrenzunft, mit Krönung des Prinzenpaares, in der Halle! Am 15. November ist Volkstrauertag, organisiert von der Rememberance Society auf dem Woodland Friedhof. Kaffee und Kuchen ist anschliessend im Alpenklub! Damit sind wir schon im Dezember mit: “Christkindl Market”, Weihnachtskonzert der Concordia Choere, Senioren Weihnachtsfeier und viele private Weihnachtsfeiern. Ich wünsche Ihnen gute Erholung von den Strapazen des Oktoberfestes und hoffe Sie bei den Klubveranstaltungen zu sehen. element of surprise for this evening as the group will also welcome a new prince and princess. Who will this new couple be? Ihr Klubpraesident Sunday November 15th will be the German Remembrance day service at Woodland cemetery. A reception will follow at the Alpine Club. Rob Kerr President’s Report Oktoberfest has ended for another year and we have packed away all of our booths, bars and equipment for another year. As the tent is being dismantled we can rest easier as another Oktoberfest has been orchestrated here at the Concordia Club. We as members should be proud that people talk about our club from near and far and will do almost anything to be able to attend our Club during this seasonal event. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who worked tireless hours to make sure that this year’s festival was a successful one. It is you the membership that keeps upholding our culture and traditions so that our German heritage can remain vibrant and we can be a beacon of light here in the community for anyone who choses to embrace it. Our support of each other and our groups will only help solidify our strength and longevity in this community. I do not have any financial information to share with you about Oktoberfest at this time but will be happy to share this information in the next bulletin. On November 7th we will celebrate Stiftungfest in the main hall. I hope to see everyone there to celebrate the birthday of this club as we move closer to our 150th Anniversary. The next weekend will see the Mardi Gras group celebrate their 49th anniversary of their Karneval season opening. There is an November will finish with 2 events that are looked forward to every year. The first will be the Ladies group bazaar. This event will take place on Sunday, November 22 in the main hall. The last event is the children’s Christmas party on Sunday, November 29. December will then bring a very busy month with the Chistkindl market, choir Christmas concert and many Christmas parties. I hope to see all of you at one of the events mentioned above. Please take the month of November to rest and recuperate from our Oktoberfest season and become invigorated for the Festive season that is ahead of us. Your president, Rob Kerr Senioren-Gruppe We discussed our Christmas Party during our last meeting on October 7th. It will take place on December 9th, 2015 at 4:30pm in the Jaegerstube. We have a few birthdays in November to celebrate: Hilde Kreitzer Jochen Missfeldt Kurt Boese Franz Feest Joachim Nanders We wish you all the November November November November November best! 3 3 4 19 25 Our next meeting will be on December 2, at 2:30pm. Rotrud Schaar 4 From the Manager’s Desk New Fire Panel It is Thanksgiving Monday and the Tent, Hall and Schenke are full of patrons enjoying Oktoberfest and we just experienced our first fire alarm with the new panel. The heat sensor in the Tent Kitchen was triggered. With the old panel we would have had to do a full evacuation of the entire facility immediately. The new panel gave us 5 minutes to determine what caused the alarm, investigate and reset the system before it went in to full evacuation mode. The Fire Marshall happened to be on site at the time of the alarm and was very pleased that we followed our evacuation and fire plan to the letter. Thank you to all the staff that assisted in the process. Job well done. Kale Dinner Special Every Fall Chef Andreas prepares a wonderful Kale Dinner Special and this year is no different! The special will run from November 10th to November 14th. Please call the office for reservations and mention that you will be having Kale. Seniors Christmas Dinner For all of our members over the age of 65 we will be having our annual Christmas Dinner. It will be held on Tuesday, December 1st starting at 5:30p.m. The tickets will be available for purchase in the office at a cost of $20.00 per person starting Tuesday, November 10, 2015. A wonderful way to celebrate the season! 5 New Year's Eve 2015 Hard to believe that we will be ringing in another new year! The year 2015 has gone by so quickly. We will be celebrating the evening with a wonderful 5 course dinner and dance. In the past we have sold vouchers in the office ahead of time for $60.00 per person to be applied to the bill the night of the event. This has always caused confusion on New Year's Eve when the bill is presented due to the addition of tax and gratuity added to the bill for the voucher. This year we will be trying a new format for reservations. When you make your reservation we will take your credit card information to hold the reservation but you will not be charged until that evening. However, should you not show that evening, we will have to charge the “no show” fee of $60.00 per person on your card. My hope is this will eliminate any questions and concerns when you receive your bill at the end of the evening. The cost per person is $60.00 per person plus tax and gratuity. Christmas Hours of Operation During the Christmas holidays the Club will be closed from Thursday, December 24th to Monday, December 28th. We will be reopening on Tuesday, December 29th for regular business. Sincerely, Ruth Rajna, Manager Contact: Mike Doersam, 519-622-7777 | 1-800-294-0656 | 1425 Bishop St., Cambridge Radio Herz, German Broadcast Inc. 63 Hoffman St., Kitchener, Ont. N3M 3M8 Radio Herz können Sie folgendermaßen hören: Übers Internet für $7.00/Mo. unter Abonnieren erhältlich. Über Bell-TV, auf Kanal 986 als Abonnent erhältlich und über NexTV, Deutsches Internet TV auf Kanal 1252 als Abonnent erhältlich Tel: 1-866-365-6724 YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467 Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information You are invited to the screening of the Documentary Film OTHER LOSSES by James Bacque The Film deals with the treatment of German Prisoners of war in American and French camps after the war had ended This film is based on the book Other Losses by James Bacque which was first published in 1989, and became a bestseller. The screening takes place on November 12, at 7:00 p.m. at the Alpine Club in Kitchener 464 Maple Ave, Kitchener, ON N2H 4X5 Admission is free, but in order to cover the cost, donations are very much appreciated The event is sponsored by the German Canadian Remembrance Society For more information you can call 519-885-0876 (Ernst) or 519-744-1819 (Tony) 7 DATES TO REMEMBER Concordia Chöre With Oktoberfest safely behind us its time to sit down, take a deep breath, and relax a little before Santa arrives. To everyone who helped put up the booths, worked in the booths, supervised the operation,or did anything which contributed to the success of our Oktoberfest fund raising we thank you. None of it would have been possible without you. Your help was very much appreciated. Our next big event will be Stiftungfest November 7, 2015. Stiftungfest celebrates the birthday of the Concordia Club as well as the founding of the Concordia Mens Choir. Congratulations gentlemen on 142 years of dedicated singing. We were so pleased to see Adolf Bretz return after his summer surgery. Adolf you look wonderful, welcome back. While Adolf was recovering he has been doing a lot of work on our summer tour. Thanks Adolf we appreciate your efforts. Liz has also been putting in a lot of time. Please make things easier for these folks by continuing to get your payments in on time. We are so grateful that we have folks that can organize this trip for us. November 15 Volkstrauertag Woodland Cemetery 2;30 pm November 30 Next payment for choir tour. Five Hundred per person. Liz will be in the Schenke at 6;30 to receive your payments. If you are going away on Winter vacation, please see Liz before you leave to arrange for any payments which will be due during your absence. Thank you. December 14 Choir Christmas Party Dinner at 7:00p.m. Until next time, Keep a song in your heart, Beverley Weinkönigin 2015 Elaine Keller A special thanks must be given to the following ladies who spent an entire day reorganizing and sorting our music: Else O., Ilse G., Doris E., Erika K., Gerti R., Ursula D. and Katharina B. Great job ladies, you are the best. Once again the choir will be selling beautiful Christmas Poinsettias. These are very hardy plants from a very reliable nursery. Order yours from any choir member. They will be delivered to you in early December. 8 CONDORDIA CHOIRS’ POINSETTIA SALE 2015 It’s time again for our POINSETTIA FUNDRAISER for the Concordia Choirs. Supplier: Warren Greenhouses, who have supplied us with excellent-quality plants in the past. Colours: RED, WHITE and PINK and come in a decorative pot cover and sleeved for protection. Available sizes and prices (HST included): 6” pot: 8” pot: 10” pot: $11.00 (1 plants per pot) $22.00 (3 plants per pot) $27.00 (4 plants per pot) Orders and payment are due to Ilse Gessner no later than: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16. Delivery to the club on: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. Please note that these plants are very sensitive to cold and should never be placed in an unheated vehicle. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 9 Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere Jubiläen feiernden Mitglieder des Concordia Klubs! Founded 1873 60 Jahre Founded 1873 Renate Keller, Eugene Vogel 50 Jahre Karin Aysslinger, Adolf Bogad, Dorothea Hopf, Erika Koeckritz, Gustav & Luzia Neuhof, Hilde Sigel, Anne & Hans Winge 40 Jahre Barb Basler Bews, Thomas Bews, Reimund Engel, Maria & Walter Grupp, Gitta Kelp, Reinhard Kohnke, Werner Kuehlenborg, Ellen & Henry Laube, Herta Obel, Erfa & Horst Schmidt, Siegfried & Waltraud Schoepke 25 Jahre Kenneth Belford, Hannelore Bluher, Hilde & Manfred Blum, Margot Bollert, Guenter & Heidi Cwiklenski, Rudy Freiheit, Louise Hallman, Monika Hoedl, James Kuehn, Barbara & Wolfgang Meindl, Dirk & Kathleen Raab, Roxanne Schott, Hedwig Schreyer, Brian Ward 10 Jahre Nicole Bergen, Brian Fairey, Walter Feddern, Bill & Linda Fraser, Henning Grumme, Tim Hattle, Stephen Humphreys, Larry Kelly, Judy Kerr Schnarr, Mary & Ralph Mehnert Sollten Sie ihre Auszeichnung noch nicht erhalten haben, fragen Sie bitte im Concordia Klub nach um sie abzuholen. 10 Congratulations to our members on their Club membership anniversaries! Founded 1873 60 Years Founded 1873 Renate Keller, Eugene Vogel 50 Years Karin Aysslinger, Adolf Bogad, Dorothea Hopf, Erika Koeckritz, Gustav & Luzia Neuhof, Hilde Sigel, Anne & Hans Winge 40 Years Barb Basler Bews, Thomas Bews, Reimund Engel, Maria & Walter Grupp, Gitta Kelp, Reinhard Kohnke, Werner Kuehlenborg, Ellen & Henry Laube, Herta Obel, Erfa & Horst Schmidt, Siegfried & Waltraud Schoepke 25 Years Kenneth Belford, Hannelore Bluher, Hilde & Manfred Blum, Margot Bollert, Guenter & Heidi Cwiklenski, Rudy Freiheit, Louise Hallman, Monika Hoedl, James Kuehn, Barbara & Wolfgang Meindl, Dirk & Kathleen Raab, Roxanne Schott, Hedwig Schreyer, Brian Ward 10 Years Nicole Bergen, Brian Fairey, Walter Feddern, Bill & Linda Fraser, Henning Grumme, Tim Hattle, Stephen Humphreys, Larry Kelly, Judy Kerr Schnarr, Mary & Ralph Mehnert Please ask at the Concordia front desk if you have not yet received your reward. 11 Important!! Ladies Group Dear Concordia Members, Unfortunately, it has come to the attention of the board of directors, that there was a member of the Concordia Club who was trying to sell Oktoberfest tickets at a highly inflated price. Well, Oktoberfest is over and I hope that everything went well for all the groups and the club. November is here and a very busy month for our group. We would like to let the membership know, that this will not be tolerated and we will revoke the memberships of any members who are found doing this. On Sunday, November 22 is the Ladies Group Christmas Bazaar and I hope that everyone will come out to buy our crafts, cookies & cakes. It is also nice to just come out for coffee & cake and just visit with friends from the club etc. The doors open at 1:00 pm. Not only is it illegal, but it also tarnishes the reputation of the Concordia Club. This is not acceptable. Concordia Club Board of Directors Liebe Concordia Mitglieder, Leider hat der Hauptvorstand erfahren, dass ein Club-Mitglied Oktoberfest tickets für sehr viel Geld verkaufen wollte. Wir lassen euch alle wissen, das sowas nicht erlaubt ist, und diese Personen werden ihre Mitgliedschaft verlieren! Die Gesetze sind klar und sowas ist verboten. Wir wollen den guten Ruf unseres Klubs nicht schaden und nehmen diese Sache sehr ernst! Concordia Hauptvorstand Also on Sunday, November 29 will be our children’s Christmas Party which takes place at 1:30 pm. If your child is between 1 & 10 years of age, please call the club to register him/her well in advance. All information for the Children’s Christmas Party is advertised in the bulletin. It would be really nice to have many children at the Christmas party. The more the merrier. Santa can hardly wait to meet them. Our Ladies Group Christmas Party will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 2 in the Jaeger Stube. All the best till next month. Elisabeth Rowsell For information, contact: Tom Mennill, Partner KPMG LLP 115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3 Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830 AUDIT • TAX • ADVISORY 12 Treffpunkt As I mentioned in the last bulletin the Treffpunkt group was looking forward to our annual cottage weekend in September. We had a wonderful time as always. This year we rented a cottage in Port Carling where we enjoyed great company among friends. On Saturday some of us went into the picturesque town of Port Carling while others stayed back at the cottage and played games. In the evening we had a delicious barbecue where everyone participated in either cooking or cleaning up after. All of our shifts were filled for volunteers in the dunk tank booth. The sign up list was started quite early. Thanks to Monica Gaertner for organizing it so well. Also thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to help make this year another fantastic Oktoberfest at the Concordia Club! A special note regarding our blood donations; Dietmar Kubasta has informed us that so far we have not only met our pledge number for donations, but actually far exceeded it! Thank you to everyone who donated on the behalf of the Concordia Club. Your generous donation will save many lives. If you can donate, please do. Our partners in life number is CONC010846. Till next time, Andrea Schilha Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: [email protected] M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. Areas of Practice Include: Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken 13 Concordia Bowlers Ein herzlich Willkommen an Stefan Domiczi und an Jochen & Uschi Missfeldt, die jetzt mit uns kegeln. Unser Oktoberfest ist schon wieder vorbei. Der Kegelvorstand möchte sich bei allen, die uns ausgeholfen haben recht herzlich bedanken. Jetzt stehen unser Turkey Roll und unsere Weihnachtsfeier vor uns. Bitte notieren Sie sich die wichtigen Daten. Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck WICHTIGE DATEN/IMPORTANT DATES: December 11thTurkey Roll/Cosmic Bowling December 20th Christmas Party *this is a Sunday - noon *NO BOWLING ON CHRISTMAS DAY NOR NEW YEAR’S DAY!! January 15th Annual Meeting February 12th Cosmic Bowling April 29th Last Day of Bowling May 6th Closing Banquet *this is a Friday - 5:30p.m. The bowlers would like to welcome Stefan Domiczi and Jochen & Uschi Missfeldt to our group. Well, Oktoberfest has come and gone. The committee would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who volunteered to work in our booth. We now have our Turkey Roll and Christmas Party to look forward to. Please take note of the important dates. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: November 1. Diane Hennebry 3. Jochen Missfeldt 4. Lilo Grüneberg 10. 11. 14. 28. Heidi Schumann Käthe Zensner Anita VanReenen Karin Kruse Until next time, Monica Kauck 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia Hello to all Concordia Members and Friends!!! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Its hard to believe Oktoberfest 2015 has come and gone. The Pretzel booth was well visited during the festive week and many of you had a chance to enjoy them! A special thank you to those members and friends who helped set up and take down the Pretzel booth. A lot of effort goes into this process and we cherish all of you for taking time to have made this a successful Oktoberfest! November 14th is our 49th Karneval Season Opening As November begins we are preparing for the Opening of our new season on November 14th!! Sadly Princess Karin and Prince Manfred end their reign which lasted 5 seasons! We will be crowning a new Prince and Princess. It’s not too late to get your tickets for this event! Doors open at 7:30 pm with the Proclamation of the Opening of our 49th Karneval Season at 8:11pm. Enjoy performances by the Narrenzunft Garde with music by Euro Connection plus a surprise performance. Tickets for this event are $12 and can be purchased through the Concordia Club. 519 745-5617. Until next time Alaaf und Helau Joan Trautrim 14 Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning We now do COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: [email protected] Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2015 7. Nov. 14. Nov. Stiftungsfest Main Hall Mardi Gras Grand Opening Main Hall 15. Nov. 22. Nov. German Remembrance Day Service Woodland Cemetary Christmas Bazaar 1:00 pm, Main Hall 29. Nov. Children’s Christmas Party 1:30 pm, Main Hall 1. Dec. Seniors Christmas Party Main Hall Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 16 Skat-Gruppe Hallo Freunde ichnhoffe Ihr hattet alle soviel Spass beim diesfaehrigen Obktoberfest wie wir mit unserer Minigolf Bude. John Zimmermann 2310 Points Richard Sonnenburg 2157 Points Congratulations We will play for our Silvesterpokal on December 8th and 15th Zu Herbsbeginn haben wir um den diesjaehrigen Anne Wolf Pokalmgespielt: Our Christmas Party will be held on December 6th Ich freu mich unsere Gewinner bekanntzugeben Annual Skat Meeting will be January January 16th 2016 Guenther Bauer 2806 Punkte Rudi Freiheit 2802 Punkte Peter Evers 2357 Punkte John Zimmermann 2310 Punkte Richard Sonnenburg 157 Punkte Herzlichen Glueckwunsch Wir werden am 8ten und 15ten Dezember um unseren Silvesterpokal spielen Unsere Weihnachtsfeier findet am 6ten December statt Unsere Jahres Versammlung wird am 16ten Januar 2016 sein Gut Blatt Marcus Kallweit, Schriftfuehrer SKAT GROUP Dear Friends I trust you all had as much fun during Oktoberfest as we had with our Mini Golf Booth. As we went into Fall, we played for our yearly Anne Wolf Pokal. I am very happy to announce our winners: Guenther Bauer 2806 Points Rudi Freiheit 2802 Points Peter Evers 2357 Points 17 Gut Blatt, Marcus Kallweit Secretary Outdoor Group I’m happy to report that despite some difficulty filling all the shifts in our booth, we managed to have a successful Oktoberfest, and this income should allow us to keep going for another year of fun filled events! I’d also like to thank everyone that came out to help ‘man’ the booth and also with setup and tear down. Our Christmas Party will be on Sunday November 29th with cocktails at 5:00 p.m. and a wonderful Country Style Dinner will be served at about 6:00 p.m. Cost is $25.00 for members and $35.00 for non members, but will be complimentary for anyone who worked shifts in the Oktoberfest booth – Please call or text Jesse Turner 519‐841‐4905 to sign up for the dinner or if you have any questions. Your committee is here to serve you, so please feel free to contact any of us if you have suggestions on how to improve the Outdoor Group so we can all have fun together! Bruce Emmerson Concordia Club Board of Directors 2014/2015 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Directors: Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Archives Bulletin Christkindlmarket Club Buildings Club Historian Club Ombudsman Club Rental Properties Concordia Seniorenhaus Economic Affairs Employee Liaison 19 Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Marcus Kallweit Mike Matich Ruth Rajna Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Alexandria Thoene Elaine Keller Sarah Fretz Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Elaine Keller Mike Matich Mike Brasch Helmut Kruschat Leo Tukums Harald Schwegel Ronny Horvath Helmut Kruschat Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Peter Bergen Ali Novak Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Ali Nowak Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene Farm Committee Mike Matich Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Finance Committee Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Float Committee Ronny Horvath German Culture Marcus Kallweit Honorary Member Sarah Fretz Ali Nowak Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimmer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Oktoberfest Chair Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Sales and Marketing Rolf Malthaner Marcus Kallweit Ronny Horvath Security Rob Kerr Alex Thoene