Concordia Nachrichten 2014-01
Concordia Nachrichten 2014-01
Nr. 526 November 2014 87 1 Nachrichten 138 JAHRE 138 YEARS 3 - 2011 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: [email protected] 014 2 r e mb fest e v o s 1. N ung r 2014 t e g Sti6f. Novetmrabuertieadhof 1 Fr ks Vol dland o Wo Uschi Dreiucker / CONCORDIA IM NOVEMBER/DEZEMBER Klub Vorschau/Club Events Concordia in November 1st 1st 8th 15th 15th 16th Schenke – Graham & Bowie Main Hall – Stifftungsfest Schenke – Edelweiss Duo Schenke – Black Forest Band Main Hall – Mardi Gras Grand Opening Woodland Cemetary – German Remembrance Day Service 18th to 22nd Schenke – Northern Kale Special Menu 22nd Schenke – Black Forest Band 23rd Main Hall – Ladies Group Christmas Bazaar – 1:00p.m. 25th Schenke- CLOSED IN THE EVENING FOR A PRIVATE PARTY 29th Schenke – TC Alpine Echos 30th Main Hall – Children's Christmas Party – 1:30p.m. SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Jaegerstube 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Weinstube Concordia in December 7.30 19.00 Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Jaegerstube 8.00 6th Schenke – Graham & Bowie 9th Main Hall – Seniors Christmas Party 13th Schenke – Black Forest Band 14th Main Hall – Choir Christmas Concert – 7:30p.m. 20th Schenke – Edelweiss Trio 24th – 26th CLUB CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS 27th Schenke – TC Alpine Echos 31st Schenke – New Year's Eve Celebration Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting Group Events 101 101 101 102 103 104 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Wenn dieser Bericht gelesen wird, ist das Oktoberfest im Concordia Klub vorbei, doch heute wissen wir noch nicht, wie erfolgreich das diesjaehrige Oktoberfest verlaufen ist! Es ist aber wichtig, dass unsere Klubmitglieder, Gruppen und Helfer dazu beitragen, um wieder ein erfogreiches Oktoberfest zu haben! Weitere Veranstaltungen: 15 November - Eroeffnungsfeier der Narrenzunft in der Halle 16. November - Heldengedenktag auf dem Woodland Friedhof Im naechsten Nachrichtenblatt werde ich selbstverstaendlich darueber berichten. Ich moechte aber schon allen Helfern danken, fuer ihre Zeit und ihren Einsatz, um ein erfolgreiches Oktoberfest zu ermoeglichen! 3 1425 Bishop St. UNIT 15 519-622-7777 Contact Mike Doersam 23. November - Weihnachtsbazaar der Frauengruppe in der Halle Please note some upcoming events: 30. November - Kinderweihnachtsfeier, organisiert von der Frauengruppe The Mardi Gras society will celebrate their grand opening on Saturday, November 15th in the main hall. 4.-7. Dezember - Weihnachtsmarkt im und am Rathaus, Kitchener 14. Dezember - Weihnachtskonzert der Concordia Choere The Remembrance Day ceremonies will take place at Woodlawn Cemetery on Sunday, November 16th. Unterstuetzen Sie die Veranstaltungen des Concordia Klubs und haben Sie mit Familie und Freunden eine gute Zeit! The ladies group will have their annual Christmas bazaar in the main hall on Sunday, November 23rd. Ich hoffe, Sie dort zu sehen! Choir Christmas Concert Sunday December 14th Ihr Praesident, Rob Kerr President’s Report As you read this report we will have packed up from another Oktoberfest celebration. We do not know the final results from this years’ festivities so I will report on them in my next bulletin message. I would like to thank all those that volunteered their time during the festival to help showcase how great our club is and how dedicated the membership is to preserving this tradition. We must continue to support each other to continue the longevity of this club. We will then be starting the holiday season with the children’s Christmas party on Sunday, November 30th. Don’t forget to mark the weekend of December 4-7 on your calendar as your board of directors and some special helpers will be at the Kristkindle Market “warming the insides “of all those that visit our booth. Hoping to see everyone at some of the upcoming events. Your President, Rob Kerr IMMOBILIEN UND FINANZIERUNG SIND VERTRAUENSSACHE WHEN IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST HOME REALTY INC 4169 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2P 2E8 MARCUS KALLWEIT Bus: (519) 570-4663 Cell: (519) 590-3056 Email [email protected] 4 From the Manager’s Desk As I write this we are in the first few days Oktoberfest. A very busy time so my report will be brief. Stiftungsfest On Saturday, November 1st we will be celebrating our 141st birthday! Tickets are still available so please pick yours up and join us for a great evening of dinner and dancing to the Golden Keys. Kale Special Menu Chef Andreas will be serving the traditional Kale Dinner the week of November 18th to 22nd. Please make your reservation now! Seniors Christmas Dinner For all of our members over the age of 65 we will be having our annual Christmas Dinner on Tuesday, December 9th starting at 5:30p.m. Tickets will be available for purchase in the club office for $19.00 per person. New Year’s Eve Come ring in the New Year with us this year! You can purchase your $60.00 dinner voucher in the office and select your table. This will include a 5 course dinner and dancing for the evening. The Schenke does sell out quickly so don’t delay! YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467 Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information 5 Ladies Group Well, Oktoberfest is over and I hope that everything went well for all the groups and the club. November is here and a very busy month for our group. On Sunday, November 23 is our Ladies Group Bazaar and I am hoping everyone will come out to buy our crafts, cookies & cakes. It is also nice to just come out and have coffee & cake and just visit with friends from the club etc. The doors open at 1:00 pm. Also on Sunday, November 30 will be our children’s Christmas Party which takes place at 1:30 pm. Please call the club to register all children well in advance. All information for the Children’s Christmas Party is advertised in the bulletin. It would be really nice to have many children. The more the merrier. Our Ladies Group Christmas Party will take place on Wednesday, December 3 in the Jaeger Stube. All the best till next month. Elisabeth Rowsell 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia Hello to all Concordia Members and Friends!!! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Its hard to believe Oktoberfest 2014 has come and gone. The Mardi Gras booth was well visited during the festive week and many of you had a chance to enjoy the hot pretzels! A special thank you to those members and friends who helped set up and take down the Pretzel booth. A lot of effort goes into this process and we cherish all of you for taking time to have made this a successful Oktoberfest! November 15th Karneval’s 48th Season Opening As November begins we are preparing for the Opening of Mardi Gras on November 15th!! Its not too late to get your tickets for this event! Doors open at 7 pm with the Proclamation of the Opening of our 48th Karneval Season at 8:11pm. Enjoy performances by the Narrenzunft Garde and music by Euro Connection. Tickets for this event are $12 and can be purchased through the Concordia Club. 519 745-5617. Until next time Alaaf und Helau Joan Trautrim 23. November Ladies Group Christmas Bazaar 1:00 pm, Main Hall 6 WE NEED!!!! Concordia Mardi-Gras Dancers Ages 6+ Practices are held on: ∑ Tuesday nights, 6:30pm8:00pm For the 14+ age group Saturdays 1:00pm- 3:00pm for the 6+ age group. ∑ The cost for the whole ∑ year is $40.00 ∑ We dance out of the Concordia Club, hold our practices there, and events. ∑ We dance from September – April, as well we travel all over Ontario. ∑ We have danced in Hamilton, London, Brantford, and Cincinnati Ohio. ∑ We also perform at Oktoberfest, and walk in the Oktoberfest parade. Principal: Elaine Keller (519) – 496-1141; [email protected] 7 Contact instructors for registration: Hannah Trautrim: (519)-575-6058 Sara Bews: (519)-616-1905; [email protected] Concordia Kegler Ein herzliches Willkommen an Rosemarie Gaertner und an Christa Meyer, die jetzt mit uns kegeln. Unser Oktoberfest ist schon wieder vorbei. Der Kegelvorstand möchte sich bei allen die ausgeholfen haben, recht herzlich bedanken, besonders bei Ted Hennebry, der unsere Bowlers’ Booth wieder neu gemacht hat. Jetzt stehen unser Turkey Roll und unsere Weihnachtsfeier vor uns. Bitte notieren Sie sich die wichtigen Daten. Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck IMPORTANT DATES: December 12thTurkey Roll/Cosmic Bowling December 21st Christmas Party *this is a Sunday noon *NO BOWLING ON BOXING DAY DECEMBER 26th! January 16th Annual Meeting February 13th Cosmic Bowling TBA April 24th The bowlers would like to welcome Rosemarie Gaertner and Christa Meyer to our group. Well, Oktoberfest has come and gone. The committee would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who volunteered to work in our booth. But a huge thanks goes to Ted Hennebry and his team who spent hours giving our Bowlers' Booth a new facelift. It looks fantastic. We truly appreciate all of your time and effort. We now have our Turkey Roll and Christmas Party to look forward to. Please take note of the important dates. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: November 1. Diane Hennebry 4. Lilo Grüneberg 10. Heidi Schumann 11. Käthe Zensner 14. Anita VanReenen 28. Karin Kruse Until next time, Monica Kauck Bowling Tournament Last Day of Bowling May 8th Closing Banquet *this is a Friday - 5:30p.m. Thanks Anita for helping out at the Molson Lederhosen Beer Launch Party. 8 Skat-Gruppe Hallo von der Skat Gruppe Wenn ihr dies lest ist das Oktoberfest vorbei, wir hoffen ihr hattet alle eine Super Zeit. Wir haben im September unsern Anne Wolf Pokal ausgespielt und die folgenden Spieler haben am Besten abgeschnitten: Guenther Bauer 2674 Punkte Oswald Radke 2502 Punkte Rudi Freiheit 2365 Punkte Lothar Dahlke 2119 Punkte Ewald Novak 2109 Punkte Die traurige Nachricht dass unser langjaehriges Mitglied Eddie Appelt gestorben ist, hat uns alle sehr mitgenommen. Wir sprechen unser herzlichstes Beileid seiner Famile aus. Eddie war ein eifriger Skatspieler, wir werden ihn sehr vermissen. Herzlichen Glueckwunsch SKAT GROUP Hello from the Skat Group Octoberfest is over by the time you read this, we hope you had a Fantastic Time We played for the Anne Wolf Pokal in September, and the following players had the best ranking: Guenther Bauer 2674 Punkte Oswald Radke 2502 Punkte Rudi Freiheit 2365 Punkte Lothar Dahlke 2119 Punkte Ewald Novak 2109 Punkte Congratulations 9 EDDIE APPELT † The sad news about the passing of our long standing member Eddie Appelt was really upsetting to all of us. Our condolences to his family. Eddie was an eager player and we all will miss him tremendously Senioren-Gruppe Hurra der November ist da! Ein fahles Ross streit’ durch die Lande, Der Schweif ist einem Nebel geich, Frost heist sein Reiter und traegt ihn aus des Winters nahem Reich. Bei Unserem Treffen am 1 October begrusseten wir 3 neue mitglieder. Seit 3. September Seit 1. October Danuta Grigaitis Gitta Vetter-Shoppel Bill Vetter Herzlich Willkommen in unserer gruppe. Herzlichen Glueckwunsch den GeburtstagsKindern in November. Hilde Kreitzer Fraz Feest Joachim Nanders 3. November 19. November 25. November Viel Freude wuenscht die Senioren-Gruppe fuer die naechsten jahre. Auch war ein Geburtstag am 30. October. Bill Vetter feierte ihn. Unser naechtes Treffen ist am 5. November wie immer in der Jaegerstube um 14:30 Uhr. Das war’s. Bis zum naechsten mal verbleibe ich mit vielen Gruessen. Rotrud Schaar 10 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events PREVIEW - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 1. Nov. 15. Nov. 16. Nov. 23. Nov. Stiftungsfest Main Hall Mardi Gras Grand Opening Main Hall German Remembrance Day Service Woodland Cemetary Ladies Group Christmas Bazaar 1:00 pm, Main Hall 30.Nov. Children’s Christmas Party Main Hall 1:30 pm, Main Hall 9. Dec. Seniors Christmas Party Main Hall Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 11 Erreichen Sie Ihre Immobilien Träume! - Achieve Your Real Estate Dreams! Ihre Quelle für Immobilien in der Region Waterloo - “Your Source” for Real Estate in Waterloo Region Denis Pellerin Sales Representative Phone: 519-742-5800 ext. 2334 [email protected] Not intended to cause or induce the breach of an existing representation agreement Service disponible en Français Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: [email protected] For information, contact: Tom Mennill, Partner KPMG LLP 115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3 Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830 AUDIT • TAX • ADVISORY Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: [email protected] M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. A r e a s o f Pra c t i c e I n c l u d e : Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken Treffpunkt Our group came out together late in September to set up our Dunk Tank for another great year of Oktoberfest at the club. Everyone worked well together early that Saturday morning. Thank you to Fred Trautrim for bringing hot coffee for everyone. We have been kept up to date with the ongoings of the Long Range Planning Committee and continue to give feedback in hopes of a resolution that pleases all members of the club. We enjoyed wonderful food, song and camaraderie at this years Winzerfest. It was great to hear the Toronto, Hamilton and Concordia Choirs come together and sing. I was gleefully surprised to be crowned this years Weinkönigin. I must thank my husband for sharing the dance floor with me. Thank you to all who helped me drink from the goblet of wine! After we finish working hard and celebrating Oktoberfest our group looks forward to a fun filled evening at Stiftungsfest. Hope to see many of you there! As always, if you can donate blood and help those who need it, please consider do- European Vision of Fashion nating to the Cana• CUSTOM MADE DRESSES dian Blood Services. • WEDDING GOWNS CASUAL WEAR Our group number is • ALTERATIONS Marzanna CONC010846. Till next time, Andrea Schilha Calujek Master Dressmaker Designer 80 Wellington St. N. Kitchener, Ontario Bus: (519) 571-9169 (Corner of Waterloo Street & Wellington Street) JUST A REMINDER….. Mildred & Ronald Lantz, Vale Buttinger, Cathy Aubin, Ilse & Ludwig Wallach, Barbara Hasner-Hiuser, Matthias Otto, Bernhard Schuster and Wolfgang Wania. Please see the Concordia Club to pick up your awards from recent years for your Membership anniversary. Thank You 14 15 Concordia Chöre Wir hatten unser Winzerfest. Unsere beiden Gastchöre haben uns Spaß gemacht! Sie waren Germania Hamilton und Maennerchor Harfentöne Toronto. Unsere Dirigenten waren Richard Heinzle vom Harfentoene Maennerchor Toronto und Linus Press von Germania Hamilton. Linus dirigiert seit etwa 40 Jahren, und es war sein Geburtstag! Sein Chor schenkte ihm einen Geburtstagskuchen, wie Sie im Bild sehen. Meine Frau Andrea Schilha wurde zur Weinkoenigen gekroent! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an sie und ihr schönes Dirndl. Vielen Dank an alle, die geholfen haben und auch an Erika Koeckritz die die schöne Schärpe gemacht hat. Und denken Sie daran, die Laender, die den meisten Wein produzieren sind Italien, Frankreich und Spanien. Diese drei Laender produzieren die Hälfte des Weines in der Welt. Vielen Dank an alle, die mit den Oktoberfest-Buden geholfen haben und beim Erntedankfestzug geholfen haben. Wir schätzen alle ihre Hilfe bei der Einrichtung und dem Betrieb der Bude. Ich hoffe, es war angenehm für alle! Wussten Sie, dass Oktoberfest im Concordia-Club im Jahr 1967 als Jahrhundertprojekt zum 100. Geburtstag Kanadas als Nation begann? Auch während des Oktoberfestes, sangen wir beim German Pioneers Day im Kitchener Rathaus. Etwas Geschichte: Im Jahr 2000 wurde der Regierung von Ontario die Einführung eines deutschen Pionier Tags durch einen Act des Kitchener MPP Wayne Wettlaufer vorgeschlagen. Seitdem wird der Tag in der ganzen Provinz von Deutsch-Kanadiern gefeiert. Nirgendwo aber wird er mehr als in Kitchener-Waterloo gefeiert. Hier sind einige Termine: 16. November - Volkstrauertag, Woodland Cemetery, Beginn 14:30 Uhr 6. Dezember - Christkindlmarkt, 18:00 Uhr 14. Dezember - Weihnachtskonzert, 19:30 Uhr Lied hoch, Andre Schilha CONCORDIA CHOIRS We had our Winzerfest. Our two guest choirs sure made it fun! They were Germania Hamilton and Maennerchor Harfentöne Toronto. Our conductors were Richard 16 Heinzle from Harfentoene Maennerchor Toronto and Linus Press from Germania Hamilton. Linus has been conducting about 40 years and it was his birthday! His choir presented him with a birthday cake as you see in the picture. My wife Andrea Schilha was crowned Weinkoenigen also! Congratulations to her and her beautiful dirndl. Thanks to all that helped and to Erika Koeckritz who made the beautiful sash. And remember, the world’s three biggest wine-making countries are Italy, France and Spain and they make one-half of the world’s wine production. Thank you to all who helped out with the Oktoberfest booths and walking in the parade. We all appreciate the help given with setup and running the booth. I hope it was all enjoyable for you! Did you know that Oktoberfest was started at the Concordia Club in 1967 as a centennial project to celebrate the 100th birthday of Canada as a nation? Also for Oktoberfest, we sang at German Pioneer’s Day at Kitchener City Hall. Some history: In 2000, the Ontario Government instituted German Pioneers Day in an act of parliament proposed by Kitchener MPP Wayne Wettlaufer. Since then, the day has been celebrated across the province by GermanCanadians and others, but none more vigorously than in Kitchener (formerly Berlin) and Waterloo, the home of Canada's largest German-Canadian community. Here are some upcoming dates: November 16 – German National Day of Mourning, Woodland Cemetery, 2:30pm start December 6 – Christkindlmarkt, 6:00pm December 14 – Christmas Concert, 7:30pm Yours in song, Andre Schilha Concordia Garden Group We hope Thanksgiving and Oktoberfest was enjoyable for all of our members. It is a very busy time for the Club. The frost held off until well into October, so gardens continued to bloom . Edith has continued to reserve a table for our social get-togethers at the Schenke, every second Wednesday at 6:00pm. Join us for a coffee, food or just a visit in our Club’s Schenke. Our next meeting/social will be on Wed. November 12th in the Schenke. Mary Stammwitz 17 Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere Mitglieder die ein Klub-Jubiläum feiern! 50 Jahre Ingrid Dixon, Rosemarie Gaertner, Lotty Mayer, Dieter Sigel 40 Jahre Otto Berg , Amalie Hatesohl, Erna & Guenter Horn, Frank & Irma Kiefer, David Moritz, Christine Schwegel, Erich & Ingrid Sonnenburg, Mike Sostaric, Mary Stammwitz, John Jr. & Veronika Szierer, Murray Taylor 25 Jahre Dieter Bergen, Christine Bews, Gunhild & Juergen Budczinski, Hans Buehring, Kim & Sylvia Christensen, Peter Evers, Marion Grohmann, Linda & Reinhardt Klein, Ken & Sigrid Matchett, Dieter & Martha Patzold, Jan Pisarczyk, Brandon Schulz, Reiner & Jackie Schulz, Anita Specht, Engelbert Steiner 10 Jahre Jay Aissa, Robert Bews, Cornel Bruggemann & Kathleen Bruggeman Maas, Klaus Burmeister, John Doerner, Robert & Rose Hutson, David & Kathryn John, Olof & Sheila Kuipers, Heidi Nutt-Powell, Heidi Peller-Oliver, Chris Purtle, Steve P. Richtaritsch Jr., Kelly Schertzer, Andre & Andrea Schilha, James & Joyce Vogel Sollten Sie ihre Auszeichnung noch nicht erhalten haben, fragen Sie bitte im Concordia Klub nach um sie abzuholen. 18 Congratulations to our members on their club membership anniversaries! 50 years Ingrid Dixon, Rosemarie Gaertner, Lotty Mayer, Dieter Sigel 40 years Otto Berg , Amalie Hatesohl, Erna & Guenter Horn, Frank & Irma Kiefer, David Moritz, Christine Schwegel, Erich & Ingrid Sonnenburg, Mike Sostaric, Mary Stammwitz, John Jr. & Veronika Szierer, Murray Taylor 25 years Dieter Bergen, Christine Bews, Gunhild & Juergen Budczinski, Hans Buehring, Kim & Sylvia Christensen, Peter Evers, Marion Grohmann, Linda & Reinhardt Klein, Ken & Sigrid Matchett, Dieter & Martha Patzold, Jan Pisarczyk, Brandon Schulz, Reiner & Jackie Schulz, Anita Specht, Engelbert Steiner 10 years Jay Aissa, Robert Bews, Cornel Bruggemann & Kathleen Bruggeman Maas, Klaus Burmeister, John Doerner, Robert & Rose Hutson, David & Kathryn John, Olof & Sheila Kuipers, Heidi Nutt-Powell, Heidi Peller-Oliver, Chris Purtle, Steve P. Richtaritsch Jr., Kelly Schertzer, Andre & Andrea Schilha, James & Joyce Vogel Please ask at the Concordia front desk for your award if you did not get it already. 19 3. Schriftfuehrer auf 2 Jahre, Tischtennis Gruppe Liebe Tischtennis-Freunde, Wenn ich diesen Bericht fuer die Novemberausgabe des Nachrichtenblattes schreibe, drehen sich alle Gedanken um das bevorstehende Oktoberfest. Das Festzelt steht seit einiger Zeit und unser TT-Stand ist bereits fertig. Vielen Dank an die zahlreichen Helfer beim Aufbau. Die Arbeitseinteilung fuer unsere Bude wurde festgelegt und die Oktoberfest-Ausweise wurden bereits ausgehaendigt. Wer von unseren Gruppenmitgliedern im letzten Jahr noch nicht an einem der Pflichttermine zum „AODA“-Seminar teilgenommen hatte, konnte (musste) es bis zum 08. Oktober nachholen. Also: „Auf geht’s“ auf ein neues Oktoberfest. Wie bereits in den Jahren zuvor, hoffen wir wieder auf ein gutes Ergebnis fuer unsere Gruppe und fuer den gesamten Klub. Wir wissen, wie wichtig die Einnahmen vom Oktoberfest fuer unseren Klub sind. Terminvorausschau: Unser Concordia Club feiert am 01. November sein Stiftungsfest in der Halle. Hoffentlich habt ihr euch eure Karten rechtzeitig besorgt. Vorstandswahlen: Unsere TT-Jahreshauptversammlung ist auf den 20. November 2014 um 21:00 Uhr (also nach einer verkuerzten Spielzeit) in der Jaegerstube festgelegt. Auch in diesem Jahr stehen Vorstandswahlen an. Bitte erscheint alle und stellt euch als Kandidaten fuer die Wahlen zur Verfuegung. Folgende Vorstandspositionen muessen neu besetzt werden: 1. Praesident auf 2 Jahre, 2. Kassierer auf 2 Jahre, Unser Vice-Praesident verbleibt fuer ein weiteres Jahr im Amt. Traditionell findet unsere Weihnachtsfeier jeweils am ersten Samstag im Dezember, dieses Jahr also am 06. Dezember, in der Jaegerstube statt. Unsere Feier beginnt um 18:00 Uhr mit einer Cocktailstunde und freier Getraenkewahl. Nach 19:00 Uhr kostet jedes Getraenk $ 2.00. Wie in den Jahren zuvor bitten wir auch in diesem Jahr um eine Spende fuer die „Food Bank“ im Werte von ca. $10.00. Es kann auch ein bisschen mehr sein. TABLE TENNIS GROUP Dear Friends, When I write this report for the November bulletin everybody has the upcoming Oktoberfest on his mind. The tent has been finished a few weeks ago and our TT-Booth looks good again and is ready for business. Many thanks go to all helpers for decorating our booth. The work schedule has been finalized and everybody knows when he is on duty. The Oktoberfest passes were handed out and everybody is ready to go. Ferdel would say: „Aufi geht‘s“. As always we hope for a successfull Oktoberfest not only for our TT-Group but for all the other Groups and especially for the Concordia Club at large. Preview: The Concordia Club is celebrating its Birthday/Stiftungsfest on November 01. Hopefully everyone bought his ticket in time to share the fun with the Concordia Club Family. Our annual TT-Group meeting will take place in the Jaegerstube on November 20. 2014 at 9:00 p.m. (after a shorter practice 20 time in the hall). Since we have elections for our Group Committee please attend this meeting and make yourself available as candidates to fill the vacant positions as there are: 1. President for 2 years, 2. Treasurer for 2 years, 3. Secretary for 2 years. The Vice-President stays on for another year. Traditionally, our Christmas Party goes down on the first Saturday in December. This year that day falls on December 06. Our party will take place in the Jaegerstube, as usual. Please bring along a donation to the local food bank in the value of $10.00 or more. Our party begins at 6:00 pm with crazy free booze. After 7:00 pm all drinks will be sold for $ 2.00 each. Tschuess and „good bye“ until later, Eckhard Michalski Eis Stock-Group Die Concordia Eisstock Gruppe hat am 25. September voellig ueberraschend und unerwartet ihren Ehrenpresidenten Edmund Appelt verloren. “Nacht der langen Messer” miteinander gefeiert, wie er zu sagen pflegte. Wir werden es schwer haben die Luecke die er hinterlaesst zu fuellen. Ruhe in Frieden Eddi, du wirst fuer uns fuer immer unvergessen bleiben. Deine Sportfreunde vom Eisstocksport Ronny Tennis Group As I am writing this we are busy underway with Oktoberfest preparations. We will get all the details of our hard work at our annual meeting Wednesday November 12, starting with a dinner before at 5:00 PM and the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. Hope everyone can attend and we can discuss plans for next year. Also Saturday, November 29 starting at 6:00 PM we will be having our Christmas Dinner, please call Maria and order what you would like. Sincerely Yours Martin Patzold, President Wir moechten allen Hinterbliebenen unser tiefstes Mitgefuehl aussprechen. Als seine Freunde bedauern wir diesen Verlust ausserordentlich, da Eddi aufgrund seiner lebenslangen verbundenheit mit dem Sport und unserem Club mehr als nur eine Respektsperson war, er war vielmehr fuer viele von uns ein vaeterlicher Freund und Ratgeber, sein Wort war immer gewuenscht und gehoert. Viele schoene stunden haben wir miteinander verbracht und so manche 21 Andre getting ready to play next year Concordia Club Board of Directors 2014/2015 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller Farm Committee 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Peter Bergen Michelle Zimmer Ronny Horvath Finance Committee Directors: Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Marcus Kallweit Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Float Committee Ronny Horvath German Culture Marcus Kallweit Honorary Member Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimmer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Oktoberfest Chair Mike Brasch Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Michelle Zimmer Rolf Malthaner Sales and Marketing Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Marcus Kallweit Security Rob Kerr Alex Thoene Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ruth Rajna Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Archives Alexandria Thoene Bulletin Martin Patzold Sarah Fretz Christkindlmarket Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Elaine Keller Martin Patzold Club Buildings Mike Brasch Helmut Kruschat Club Historian Leo Tukums Club Ombudsman Harald Schwegel Club Rental Properties Ronny Horvath Helmut Kruschat Concordia Seniorenhaus Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Economic Affairs Ali Novak Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Employee Liaison Ali Nowak 23