concordia nachrichten 2014-04 web
concordia nachrichten 2014-04 web
Nr. 520 April 2014 87 1 Nachrichten 138 JAHRE 138 YEARS 3 - 2011 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: [email protected] 4. Mai - Halle ab 19:30 Uhr Bockbierfest Frühlingskonzert der Chöre mit Krönung der Miss Concordia 2014 Helene Souza/ 12. April - 18:30 Uhr CONCORDIA IM APRIL / MAI 2014 Klub Vorschau/Club Events SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Concordia in April 5th Schenke D.J. Christa 6th Main Hall Long Range Planning Membership Meeting, 2:00p.m. 12th Schenke Edelweiss Trio 12th Main Hall Bockbierfest, 6:30p.m. 18th Good Friday – Club Closed 19th Schenke D.J. Christa 20th Main Hall Easter Sunday Buffet 12:00-2:00p.m. and 5:00-7:00p.m. 26th Schenke Black Forest Band 26th Farm Home on the Range Clean Up 27th Farm Farm Clean Up Jaegerstube 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Concordia in May 3rd Club – Spring Clean Up, 8:00a.m. 3rd Schenke D.J. Christa 3rd Main Hall Fruehlingsfest, 8:00p.m. 4th Main Hall Choir Spring Concert, 7:30p.m. 6th Office Members Oktoberfest Ticket Sale 10th Schenke Edelweiss Trio 11th Main Hall Mother’s Day Buffet 12:00-2:00p.m. and 5:00-7:00p.m. 17th Schenke Edelweiss Trio 19th Victoria Day – Club Closed 24th Schenke TC Alpine Echos 31st Schenke Black Forest Band Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting Group Events Weinstube 7.30 19.00 Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Jaegerstube 8.00 101 101 101 102 103 104 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Ich möchte mich für die Unterstützung und das Vertrauen, das die Concordia Mitglieder in mich haben, bedanken. Ich werde mein bestes tun um das Vertrauen zu rechtfertigen. Ich habe vieles von meinen Vorgängern gelernt, aber ich werde doch einige Unterstützung brauchen von den ehemaligen Vorstandsmitgliedern. Auch von der Mitgliedschaft erwarte ich, dass sie mit Rat und Tat aushelfen. Für die Mitglieder, die mich nicht kennen. Ich bin verheiratet mit meiner Frau Janice, 3 die mir immer aushilft, wenn ich sie brauche. Zusammen haben wir 3 erwachsene Kinder, die auf dem Weg sind, selbstständig zu werden. Ich selbst arbeite als Geschäftsführer bei Sobeys und viele kennen mich vom Oktoberfest. Seit 1997 bin ich für die Sicherheit des Oktoberfestes zuständig. Ich möchte die neuen Vorstandsmitglieder, Rolf Malthaner, Helmut Kruschat, Martin Patzold, Elaine Keller, Michelle Zimmer und Marcus Kallweit herzlich willkommen heissen. Ich gratuliere auch den wiedergewählten, Alexandria Thöne, Ronnie Horvath und Mike Brasch. Ein besonderes Dankeschön möchte ich ausscheidenden Vorstandsmitgliedern aussprechen, Karl Braun, Eckhard Michalski, Peter Schöpke, Hans Malthaner, Joe Liebel und Bob Nowak. Die Arbeit dieser langjähri- gen Vorstandsmitglieder haben viel mit dem heutigen guten Zustand des Concordia zu tun. Ich hoffe ich kann auf die Erfahrung der langjährigen Vorstandsmitglieder in Zukunft zurückgreifen, wenn es notwendig ist. Ihr Wissen ist wichtig für die Zukunft des Klubs. Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Ruth Rajna, Martina Koslowski und Chef Andreas Christopherson sowie mit der ganzen Belegschaft. Ohne diese Leute kann unser Klub nicht funktionieren. Horst Beyerle unser langjähriger Ombudsman hat sich entschlossen sein Amt niederzulegen, vielen Dank für deine geleistete Arbeit. Harald Schwegel hat sich bereit erklärt, die Stelle als Ombudsman anzutreten. Vielen Dank Harald. Einige wichtige zukünftige Daten: 06. April 2014, 14.00 Uhr Mitgliedschaftsversammlung in der Halle (Zukunft Farm) 12. April 2014, Bockbierfest der Frauengruppe (Wahl der Miss Concordia) 20. April 2014, Ostersonntag Buffet in der Halle (Reservierungen im Büro) 26. April 2014 Farm Clean -Up. 03. Mai 2014 Reinigung des Klubgeländes. (abends Frühlingstanz von der Treffpunkt gruppe) 04. Mai 2014 Frühlingskonzert des Concordia Chores. 06. Mai 2014 Verkauf von Oktoberfest Eintrittskarten (Genaues im Geschäftsführer Report) 11. Mai 2014 Muttertags Buffet (2 Sitzungen in der Halle). Bitte unterstützen Sie die verschiedenen Klub Aktivitäten und ich freue mich sie alle begrüssen zu dürfen. Euer neuer Präsident Rob Kerr President’s Report I would like to thank the membership of the Concordia club for your support and encouragement in choosing me to be your President. I will try to do the very best that I can for you and I know that I have some big shoes to fill from my predecessors in this position. The board has had many changes in the past 2 years and with a lot of new blood we will need to ask for support and guidance from the former board members and the membership of the club, and I hope you will support us in our endeavors. To those who do not know me, I am married to a lovely lady by the name of Janice who is my constant support and sounding board. We have 3 grown children who are well on their way to their goals in life. I am a store manager for Sobeys and the place where most of you know me from is heading the security department (during Oktoberfest) for the club since 1997. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new Concordia Club board members Rolf Malthaner, Helmut Kruschat, Martin Patzold, Elaine Keller, Michelle Zimmer and Marcus Kallweit. A hearty welcome back to the board returnees Alexandria Thoene, Ronny Horvath and Mike Brasch. I would also like to extend a sincere thank you to Karl Braun, Eckhard Michalski, Peter Schoepke, Hans Malthaner, Joe Liebel and Bob Nowak. The years of service and dedication of the aforementioned people has contributed greatly to the strength and longevity of this Club. Your knowledge will be called upon to help guide us into the future and make this club a sustainable entity. I look forward to working with Ruth Rajna, Martina Koslowski and chef Andreas 4 Christopherson who are an integral part of the everyday operation of the club. We also say good bye and thank you to Horst Beyerle who has tendered his resignation as the Ombudsman for the Concordia Club. Your years of service in this position have been greatly appreciated. After a short discussion with the board we approached an individual for this position and he accepted. I would like to announce that Harald Schwegel has been appointed the new ombudsman. Please don’t forget some of the upcoming events at the Club: The long range planning membership meeting on April 6/14 at 2 p.m. Submissions for Bulletin On April 12th we have the ladies group holding their annual Bockbierfest with the crowning of the Miss Concordia 2014. On April 20th we have Easter Sunday buffet with 2 sitting, please contact the office to book your reservation. April 26th will be the home on the range cleanup with the general farm cleanup being the next day April 27th. The annual club Cleanup will take place on May 3rd, you can also dance this night away and join the Treffpunkt for their Fruehlingfest. On May 4th the choir will have their spring concert in the main hall Oktoberfest ticket sales to the membership will take place on May 6. TO ALL THE GROUPS! The ever popular Mother’s Day Buffet will take place in the Main hall on May 11 with 2 sittings. Your monthly reports have to be handed in by the 08. of the month of April. Please make the time to come out and support our groups and your club. Your new contact person is Your President Rob Kerr MARTIN PATZOLD ([email protected]) or handed in to the mail box in the office. Don’t send anything direct to Joe or Monika Liebel. Everything has to go over Martin Patzold. Hans Malthaner 1425 Bishop St. UNIT 15 519-622-7777 Contact Mike Doersam 5 New Group We are going to start a VOLLEYBALL GROUP at the club. Any member or members friends please contact Rolf Malthaner 519 998 4203 ([email protected]) From the Manager’s Desk Bockbierfest Our Ladies Group will be holding their traditional “Bockbierfest” on Saturday, April 12 this year. A wonderful evening to come and enjoy a traditonal German meal and of course Bockbier will be available as well! The tickets are available in the club office for a low cost of $26.00 for the evening which will also include the crowning of our new Miss Concordia 2014! Come out and enjoy the evening with all the members and friends of the Ladies Group! Easter Buffet Easter Sunday, April 20th we will be having our annual buffet for lunch and dinner. This is always a very popular day for our families to come and enjoy the delicious meal that Chef Andreas and his team work so hard to prepare. Please call to make your reservations for either the noon seating or 5:00p.m. seating. We usually fill up weeks before Easter weekend so don’t delay! The cost this year is $22.50 for adults, 1/2 price for children between the ages of 4 – 12 and of course free for children under the age of 4. Club Clean Up Every year we set aside the first Saturday in May...May 3rd this year... for all our members to come and help us clean up the property around the Club. We count on the members support for this and are never disappointed with the wonderful support we receive from everyone that comes to lend a hand! Hopefully the weather will cooperate again this year so that we can get ready for patio weather! We will be starting at 8:00 a.m. with the hope of having everything completed in time for a great lunch served in the Schenke for all the hard workers. Fruehlingsfest The Treffpunkt Group have turned this into a wonderful annual event on our club calendar! A great evening with dancing to the sounds of the Seven Castles, doorprizes and lots of fun! The date for this year is May 3rd and the cost of the tickets is $15.00 each or 2 for $25.00. IMMOBILIEN UND FINANZIERUNG SIND VERTRAUENSSACHE WHEN IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST HOME REALTY INC 4169 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2P 2E8 MARCUS KALLWEIT Bus: (519) 570-4663 Cell: (519) 590-3056 Email [email protected] 6 OKTOBERFEST TICKETS Well here we go again!! Another year has passed and it is time to start selling Oktoberfest tickets for 2014! Of course one of the great perks of membership is the opportunity to purchase tickets before they go on sale to the general public. I have heard from members on a very regular basis that it is difficult to take the time off work to be here for the members sale so this year we are going to go about this a bit differently. The members sale will be in the evening this year... TUESDAY, MAY 6TH STARTING AT 7:00P.M. WE WILL BE HANDING OUT WAITING NUMBERS AT 6:00 P.M. Members Sale • a maximum of 10 tickets per Friday and/or 10 tickets max. per Saturday per membership (a family membership = 1 membership) • no maximum ticket restriction on other Oktoberfest event days Submissions for Bulletin TO ALL THE GROUPS! Your monthly reports have to be handed in by the 08. of the month of April. Your new contact person is MARTIN PATZOLD ([email protected]) or handed in to the mail box in the office. Don't send anything direct to Joe or Monika Liebl. Everything has to go over Martin Patzold. Hans Malthaner 7 • only adults of legal drinking age (19 years of age and older) are admitted (except family days = Sunday & Monday) Acceptable payment methods: cash, visa, mastercard, debit and cheques We will hand out waiting numbers starting at 6:00p.m. for the people standing in line. This will give everyone an opportunity to relax, take a seat in the Schenke & enjoy a nice meal & beverage until their number is called. Once we call your waiting number it is time to go to the office to obtain your tickets just like in the past. Public Sale • on-line “e-ticket” sale only, commencing May 14th, 2014 at 10:00a.m. Access through our website or via • a maximum of 6 tickets per Friday and 6 tickets per Saturday per purchaser, no refunds on ticket orders • no maximum ticket restriction on other Oktoberfest event days • only adults of legal drinking age (19 years of age and older) are admitted (except family days = Sunday and Monday, where minors 16 years of age or younger are admitted free of charge as long as they are with a family unit • there will be an additional processing fee charged on each ticket • tickets will be emailed immediately as pdf attachment and will be scanned at the door the day of the event for validity • acceptable on line payment methods: visa & mastercard Concordia reserves the right to fulfill or decline orders, should the purchaser have already obtained tickets via the “member- ship” sale. On line purchase depends also on the capacity of the online server. Ticket pricing for 2014: event dates / times / price of admission per person: • 1st Friday, October 10th, 6 pm – 1am $27.00 • 1st Saturday, October 11th, 6pm-1am $23.00 • Monday, October 13th, 11am-6pm, $10.00 (Members & children 16 & under are admitted free of charge) • Tuesday, October 14th, 6pm-11pm; Restaurant open in the evening only, admission free with a donation to the food Bank • Wednesday, October 15th, 7pm-1am $12.00 • Sunday, October 12th, noon-6pm $10.00 (Members & children 16 & under are admitted free of charge) • Thursday, October 16th, 6pm-midnight $17.00 New Group • Saturday, October 18th, 6pm-1am $27.00 • Friday, October 17th, 6pm-1am $23.00 Ticket price includes all applicable taxes – ticket price includes 13% HST Corporate Tickets We are going to start a VOLLEYBALL GROUP Will be handled the same way as they have been done in the past on a case to case basis, if tickets are available. Mother’s Day please contact Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 11th! We will be having our annual buffet at noon and 5:00p.m. again this year. Chef Andreas is working on the menu already. He always ensures a wonderful selection for everyone to enjoy. Please make your reservations early to avoid disappointment. The cost will be $22.50 for adults, 1/2 price for children between 4 and 12 and free for children under the age of 4. Rolf Malthaner Come celebrate Mother’s Day with your family! We look forward to seeing you there. at the club. Any member or members friends 519 998 4203 ([email protected]) With best regards, Ruth Rajna, Manager 8 9 Upcoming Events: Concordia Bowlers The Bowlers’ Group would like to welcome 4 new bowlers: Karl and Katharina Braun and Jay and Janet Hausman. Well, it is hard to believe that another bowling season is coming to an end this month. Time sure flies by when you are having fun. As I write this report, our play-offs have yet to take place. I will report the results next time. For our year end trip, the bowlers are heading to Discovery Harbour in Penatanguishine followed by a dinner and Drayton show “Run For Your Wife.” We will head up north on Saturday June 28th. Last Day of Bowling – April 18th Closing Banquet – May 2nd (Main Hall – 5:30p.m.) *Please Note: This is a Friday! Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: April 9. Heidi Nowak 13. Nicole Bergen 19. Nick Zeis 21. Linda Klein 21. Günther Stoye 25. Karola Leuschner 27. Ursula Uebel Until next time, Monica Kauck 10 Ladies Group I hope the snow is melting for good by the time you read this bulletin. This year in October the ladies group will have their 80th anniversary. On Sunday May 25th the ladies will be treating our men for Brunch at the club. The committee wishes everyone a nice warm spring. Elisabeth Rowsell Submissions for Bulletin TO ALL THE GROUPS! Just so you know, we do not have any of the founding members in the group anymore. Your monthly reports have to be handed in by the 08. of the month of April. Our Bockbierfest this month is on April 12th and I hope you all have your tickets. It is always a great evening. Just call the office for tickets. Your new contact person is Our meeting this month will once again be on the 1st Wednesday of the month, April 2nd at 7 pm so ladies, please mark it on your calendars. or handed in to the mail box in the office. Don't send anything direct to Joe or Monika Liebel. Everything has to go over Martin Patzold. Hans Malthaner MARTIN PATZOLD ([email protected]) Attention Hunters The Hubertus Hunt Camp is situated on 1000 acres north of Huntsville. We are currently looking for guest hunters to join us for the moose and/or deer hunts. The camp was established in 1966 by members of the German Canadian Hunting and Fishing Club (Mannheim). Accommodations are spacious, warm and dry in a large lodge. Meals are prepared by cooks who provide a hot breakfast and excellent dinners daily. The camp is lit by propane and electricity and has running water and showers, sauna and 8 bedrooms (4 per room). Getting to camp is via paved road except final 9km which is gravel. Access by car is no problem. If this sounds like it would be of interest to you, check us out at or call Dave Mendler at 519-742-9573 or [email protected] 11 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia Hello to Concordia Club Members and Friends, As you get this Nachrichten I am hoping the extreme cold weather has left us and the sight of spring is around the corner! The Narrenzunft Group’s 47th Season has sadly come to an end but it was an enjoyable one! Highlights of this season were as follows: Oktoberfest Pretzel Booth, Narrenzunft 47th Stifftungsfest (Anniversary) on Oct. 26th, Opening Ceremonies November 16th, Christmas Party December 10th in the Jägerstube, Cincinnati’s Germania Society Maskenball January 31 - February 1st, Narrenzunft Maskenball/Closing March 1st. Maskenball 2014 Cincinnati Three of these events I will report on now. Entertainment for the evening was led by Heinz Lindlau and the Variations Band. Special performances were also given by the Narrenzunft’s Garde Dancers, Blauweiss Sarnia’s Garde Dancers and a few laughs with “Laurel and Hardy“. We sadly buried our Hoppeditz but look forward to wake him again in the new season. Princess Karin and Prince Manfred von Ostfriesland were reigning over the evening and were thoroughly pleased with everyone’ enthusiasm! Our Christmas party in the Jägerstube was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all! Members savored the dishes from the Schenke’s menu including the seasonal Duck dinner, thank you to Andreas and his staff for a wonderful job! At the end of January we had the privilege to celebrate in Cincinnati’s Germania Society Annual Maskenball themed “When in Rome”. Narragonia Brantford members and dancers joined us on our bus trip January 31st - February 2nd. We made new friends Narrenzunft Christmas Party 2013 and shared good times with old friends. The Cincinnati Group welcomed us and many other Karneval groups again with open arms. We look forward to hosting them for our future events. The last event of our season was on March 1st, The Maskenball/Closing was enjoyed by all who attended!! As special thank to all of the Narrenzunft members, if it wasn’t for team work this season wouldn’t have turned out as good as it did!! We have had new members join and look forward to anyone else who is interested!!! Our next meeting is on March 25th at 8pm in the Jägerstube. Come out and join us!! If you have questions please call Joan at 519-886-6009. Until the next time.. Helau und Alaaf Joan Trautrim 12 Tischtennis Gruppe Dear Friends, When I write this report the winter is obviously not over yet and holds everything in his strong grip. Even our Group Tournament seemed to be frozen. But finally the first matches were played and we are on our way. Keep it up and come on out playing because the golfing season is just around the corner. Ha, ha.... By then we should be able to announce our winners. We are looking foreward to having a little table tennis tournament with our Soccer Group on March 13, 2014. Their request to use a soccer ball was denied by our group. Depending on the outcome of these competition games I will report in the next Bulletin. Here is a reminder to the upcoming Special Membership meeting on April 06, 2014 at 2:00 P.M. in our hall. The main topics on the agenda will be the economic situation of our Club and the future operation of the Farm campground with its unavoidable investments. As outgoing Farm Director I reported on this subject in the February bulletin. Since the decision of this discussion process is of great importance of our Club’s future, I strongly recommend to participate and air your opinion of this matter. Until next time, Eckhard Michalski Submissions for Bulletin Your new contact person is MARTIN PATZOLD ([email protected]) 13 Campers As I’m writing this, and the snow is still is 6 feet deep, and overnight temperatures at minus 20, it’s hard to imagine that Farm Clean-up is only a few short weeks away! Unless we have a few extremely warm weeks between now, and April 27th, we may be asking everyone to bring your snow shovel, rather than a rake. Unfortunately, the next Nachrichten won’t come out until after the scheduled Farm Clean up, so if you have access to email, please make sure you have subscribed to the Camper’s email list, so that we can let you know of any last minute changes. If you haven’t yet subscribed, please send an email to [email protected]. A few things to keep in mind for Farm Clean-up: • The Farm belongs to ALL club members, so everyone is encouraged to come and help out. • For the Campers, this IS NOT the day to clean your camp site, it's the day for the common areas to be looked after. • Everyone please register at the pavilion, so that manpower is sent where needed. • Please keep vehicles off the grass areas, as they will probably be very soft and wet. • Remember the expression “Many hands make light work”! Hope to see everyone 9am on April 27th!! P.S. Don’t forget to put fresh batteries in your smoke detector, and carbon monoxide detector!! Submitted by Bruce Emmerson Concordia Chöre Wir planen für unser Frühjahrskonzert. Vielleicht wird es schön und warm sein. Wir werden ein Lied von Mozart singen dass kleine Maedchen keine Schokolade vor dem Abendessen essen sollen und den Appetit verderben. Mozart war ziemlich einzigartig. Sowie “Fair Thee Well Love”. Dieser Song ist von Die Rankin Familie. Die Rankin Familie ist eine kanadische musikalische Familien Gruppe aus Mabou, Nova Scotia. Die Gruppe hat viele kanadische Musikpreise schon gewonnen, darunter 15 East Coast Music Awards, sechs Juno Awards, vier SOCAN Awards, drei kanadische Country Music Awards und zwei Big Country Music Awards. Wir planen eine Reise! Ich schrieb inkorrekte Informationen in dem letzten Bulletin. Ich hoffe, dass niemand für Orte gestimmt hat, die wir nicht besuchen oder dass sie in ihren Kalender den falschen Termin eingetragen haben! Die aktualisierte Info ist, dass wir eine Reise im Juni 2016 planen und die diskutierten Ziele waren Nordost-Deutschland, OstKanada (woher die Rankin Familie kommt), der Ostküste der USA und Texas. Das sind alles wunderbare Orte aber ich erinnere mich an ein spezielles amerikanisches Sprichwort: “Don’t mess with Texas”. Das bedeutet aber nicht, das sie nicht fuer Texas stimmen duerfen! Wir planen den 150. Jahrestag vom Hamilton Germania Chor zu feiern. Das Datum ist am Victoria -Day-Wochenende, Sonntag den 18. Mai. Wir haben einen neuen Chor Vorstand. Bitte beachten Sie die Abbildung unten für die Mitglieder. In der ersten Reihe sind v.l. Marilyn Bleach, Tanya Rahn-Kubasta, Ulrike Ryzebol, Mary Mehnert und Ilse Gessner. In der zweiten Reihe sind Fred Trautrim, Nick Zeis, Helmut Kruschat und Andre Schilha. Fehlend: Bev Gottvald und Siegfried Schranz. Marianne Kelly führt uns zur Zeit. Sie ist sehr begeistert und wir üben viel für unser Frühjahrskonzert. Die nächsten Termine: 4. Mai Frühlingskonzert beginnt um 19.30 Uhr Konzert May 18, 150. Jahrestag des Germania -Chores in Hamilton Lied hoch! CONCORDIA CHOIRS We are planning for our Spring Concert. It will be nice and warm in Spring, maybe. We will sing a song from Mozart about telling little girls not to eat snacks before supper 14 which would wreck your meal. Mozart was quite unique. As well as “Fair Thee Well Love”. This song is from The Rankin Family. The Rankin Family is a Canadian musical family group from Mabou, Nova Scotia. The group has won many Canadian music awards, including 15 East Coast Music Awards, six Juno Awards, four SOCAN Awards, three Canadian Country Music Awards and two Big Country Music Awards. Upcoming dates: We are planning on a trip! I wrote incorrect information in the past bulletin, so I hope nobody voted for places that we weren’t planning on visiting and / or have booked their calendars with the wrong dates! Wir trafen uns am 5. Maerz in der Jaegerstube, anwesend waren 13 Mitglieder. Unser Praesident Franz Feest berichtete kurz ueber die Wahlen des neuen Vorstandes und bestellte Karten fuer den Praesidenten Ball am 22. Maerz. Der geschaeftliche Teil war schnell erledigt und wir beschaeftigten uns mit unserer 30 jaehrigen Geburtstagsfeier der Senioren Gruppe im Mai dieses Jahres. Es wurde ein gemuetlicher Nachmittag mit leicht politischen Diskusionen und einen Rueckblick in die Vergangenheit. Also langweilig war es jedenfalls nicht. Wir hatten keine Geburtstage zu feiern und liessen uns den Kuchen gut schmecken. Ueber’s Wetter wurde nicht geredet, wir haben ja schliesslich alle den Winter richtig satt und freuen uns auf den Fruehling, eventuell muss er ja doch kommen. Wir treffen uns wieder am ersten Mittwoch im April um 14.30 Uhr. Gaeste sind bei uns immer herzlich willkommen. The updated info is that we are planning a trip in June 2016 and the destinations discussed were Northeast Germany, Eastern Canada (where the Rankin Family is from), the Eastern Seaboard of the USA and Texas. These are all wonderful locations however I do remember one special American state phrase: Don’t mess with Texas. That doesn’t mean you can’t vote for it though! We are planning to visit the Hamilton Germania choir’s 150th Anniversary on the Victoria Day weekend, Sunday May 18. We have a new choir board. Please see the picture below for the members. In the first row are: Marilyn Bleach, Tanya Rahn-Kubasta, Ulrike Ryzebol, Mary Mehnert and Ilse Gessner May 4, Spring Concert, concert starts at 7:30pm May 18, 150th anniversary of the Germania Choir in Hamilton Lied hoch! Andre Schilha Senioren-Gruppe Willst du klug durchs Leben wandern, In the second row are: Fred Trautrim, Nick Zeis, Helmut Kruschat und Andre Schilha. pruefe andre, doch auch dich! Missing are: Bev Gottvald und Siegfried Schranz. doch am liebsten jeder sich. Marianne Kelly is currently conducting us. She is very enthusiastic and we are practicing lots for our Spring Concert. 15 Jeder taeuscht gar gern den andern, Friederich Bodenstedt Ursula Harfmann Schriftfuehrerin FRÜHLINGSKONZERT der Concordia Chöre SONNTAG, 4. MAI 2014, 19:30 UHR Concordia Club, Main Hall, 429 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener, Tel. 519-745-5617 Concordia Männerchor / Male Choir • Gemischter Chor / Mixed Choir • Director: Marianne Kelly • Accompanist: Marisa Strban Kinderchor / Children’s Choir • Director: Angelika Werner • Accompanist: Ulrike Ryzebol SPRING CONCERT Concordia Choirs SUNDAY, MAY 4th 2014, 7:30 PM Concordia Club, Main Hall, 429 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener, Tel. 519-745-5617 Freiwillige Spenden zur Unterstützung der Chöre. Donations for the support of the Choirs are accepted. THIS YEAR’S CORPORATE SPONSORS: Kitchener-Westmount Rotary Club - Dr. Egon Beiler, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry - Piller’s Fine Foods, a division of Premium Brands - Lorne E. Walters - Heffner Motors - Accu-Temp Cooling & Heating - Gross-Klein Investments Limited Mr. Helmut Oberlaender - Ontario Drive & Gear - Remax Twin City Realty, Inc. - Tuerr Holdings Inc. Henry Walser Funeral Home Ltd. - Walters, Gubler Law Office - Matthias Muller 16 Treffpunkt Our February meeting took place at Chicopee Tube Park with many of our members coming out in the cold for a night of snow tubing! Even a few of the kids came out to join us. Our next meeting will have taken place March 14th at the Club with a fun filled night of games and camaraderie. If any of you are considering joining our group, please feel welcome to come out on one of our games nights. It’s a perfect way to meet our members in a fun, relaxing environment. Many of us will have attended the annual President’s Ball decked out in our finest attire. Us ladies in the group often find this a great excuse to buy a new dress! Also, Maskenball took place and some of our members made it out to celebrate. The theme this year was Animals. Please mark your calendars for May 3rd when we will be hosting our annual Fruehlingsfest! We invite anyone who would love to come out and enjoy the sounds of the Seven Castles, an award-winning band playing a great variety of music for all ages. You don’t have to be a Club member so please bring your friends and dance the night away with us! There will be a “leather lounge”, prizes, food, and a Jaegerbar! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to ring in Spring with us! Once again, we encourage everyone to donate blood if you are able to. There are many people in need of blood and it’s an important and meaningful event for our group. So if you can give, please do. Our partners in life number is CONC010846 or you just need to say that you are donating for Concordia Club. Till next time, Andrea Schilha 17 Nomination Committee Meeting of Dec. 08. 2013 ERGAENZUNG ZUR GESCHAEFTSORDNUNG DES CONCORDIA KLUBS. [2013] Mitgliederversammlung in einer kurzen Rede zur Person vorzustellen. Ankuendigung einer Kandidatur und Stimmenwerbung fuer den Sitz im Vorstand des Concordia Klubs. English version: (by Werner Schlueter) In der Vergangenheit galt als ungeschriebene Regel, dass eine Stimmenwerbung oder Ankuendigung einer Kandidatur zur Wahl in den Klubvorstand ausserhalb des Concordia Klubs nicht stattfinden darf. Dies hat sich bis auf sehr wenige Ausnahmen gut bewaehrt. Zur Verdeutlichung wurden fuer alle Kandidaten, die sich um einen Sitz im Klubvorstand bewerben, die folgenden Regeln aufgestellt: Die Stimmenwerbung und Ankuendigung einer Kandidatur zum Klubvorstand in Klubfremden Medien ist unzulaessig. Jedem Bewerber wird jedoch die Moeglichkeit eingeraeumt, sich vor der Jahreshauptversammlung auf einer Viertelseite in der Januar- oder Februar-Ausgabe des Nachrichtenblattes vorzustellen und seine persoenlichen Gruende und Befaehigung fuer den Vorstand zu erlaeutern. Die Fristen zur Abgabe dieser Vorstellung im Nachrichtenblatt sind entweder der 08. Dezember oder der 08. Januar. Zusaetzlich zum schriftlichen Beitrag im Nachrichtenblatt wird den Kandidaten am Wahltag die Moeglichkeit eines Redebeitrages von zwei Minuten vor den Klubmitgliedern eingeraeumt. Jeder Kandidat fuer den Klubvorstand hat die Wahl, hiervon Gebrauch zu machen oder auf eine muendliche Vorstellung zu verzichten. Eine Ausnahme stellt die Wahl fuer das Amt des Praesidenten dar. Die Kandidaten fuer die Praesidentschaft haben sich vor dem Wahlvorgang der RE: ADDITION TO THE STANDING ORDERS OF THE CONCORDIA CLUB. [2013] Advertising and canvassing for the position on the “Board of Directors” of the Concordia Club. In the past, it has been an unwritten rule that there be no advertising or canvassing for a candidate running for a position on the Club’s Board of Directors outside the Club. This has worked well in the past with very few exceptions. To clarify the rules for any candidate running for the Board of Directors, the following rules have been established. No outside advertising or solicitation outside the Club at any time. The candidate will be allowed a quarter page in our “Nachrichtenblatt” prior to the annual Meeting [meaning the January or February bulletin] outlining his or her reasons for being a candidate, as well as summarizing the person’s qualifications. The deadline for submission to the “Nachrichtenblatt” is either December 8th or January 8th. In addition to a written report, the candidate will also be permitted to speak at the Annual Meeting (two minutes) if the candidate so wishes. A candidate for the Board of Directors can choose to do either, both, or none of the above advertising. The exception is if the candidate is running for President, in which case the candidate is required to speak at the Annual Meeting prior to the election process. 18 Outdoor Group Our Winter Karnival on Sunday, March 2nd was a huge success! What a wonderful sunny day at our farm with well over 100 people in attendance – great food and camaraderie was abundant! Many thanks to our committee and everyone that brought their snowmobiles and Argo’s to transport people in and out. Home on the Range cleanup is on Saturday April 26th, 2014 starting at 9:00 a.m. please come out and give us a hand! Also mark your calendars for our delicious ribs that will be served at Father’s Day on Sunday June 15th. Andrew Saur Concordia Garden Group After this record breaking winter, everyone is looking forward to spending time in their gardens. However, the Garden Group did continue to meet socially at the Concordia Club Schenke, every second Wednesday evening, during the cold and snowy months. In April, we hope to attend a demonstration at Sheridan Nurseries on Ottawa St. from 78 p.m. on Thursday, April 17th for “Creating Spring Containers”. These are perfect mini-gardens for our patios, balconies or entrance ways. This is a tentative excursion, our first for this spring. hat is the Thursday before Good Friday. We could even meet before at the Schenke for dinner or snacks. All the best for our gardens this season. Mary Stammwitz 19 YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467 Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information Submissions for Bulletin TO ALL THE GROUPS! Your monthly reports have to be handed in by the 08. of the month of April. Your new contact person is MARTIN PATZOLD ([email protected]) or handed in to the mail box in the office. Don’t send anything direct to Joe or Monika Liebel. Everything has to go over Martin Patzold. Hans Malthaner For information, contact: Tom Mennill, Partner KPMG LLP 115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3 Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830 AUDIT • TAX • ADVISORY Die Frauengruppe invites you to their annual Bockbierfest with the introduction of the new Miss Concordia 2014 Saturday, April 12th, 2014 Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. Admission $26.00 including Dinner Dancing to “Twin City Alpine Echo” A Special Presentation by “The Enzian Schuhplattler” Tombola Tickets available at the Club Office starting March 13th, 2014 Please reserve your table ASAP 21 Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: [email protected] M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. A r e a s o f Pra c t i c e I n c l u d e : Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken Welcome to. . . The Schenke Open 6 days a week CONCORDIA DAILY FEATURES TUESDAY through FRIDAY THURSDAY EVENING: WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPECIALS CHEF’S NIGHT SPECIAL or SOUP SANDWICH COMBO TUESDAYS: BUY ONE, GET ONE FOR 1/2 PRICE purchase one entree and get the second of equal or lesser value at half price!! 2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with Potatoes and Vegetables only $18.99 FRIDAY EVENING: FRIDAY NIGHT BUFFET all your favorites and much more only $16.45 WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY EVENING: BAVARIAN BUFFET Lunch: $11.95 Dinner: $14.95 DINE & DANCE Live Entertainment All prices plus applicable taxes Gratuity not included Certain exclusions/conditions exist as of August 2008 Regular Menu & reasonable prices SUNDAY: 11:00am - 2pm BRUNCH $18.99 Reservations are recommended 24 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events PREVIEW - APRIL / MAY 2014 6. April Long Range Planning Concordia Membership Meeting Halle, 14:00 Uhr 12. April Bockbierfest Halle 18. April Good Friday - Club Closed 20. April Easter Sunday Buffet 12:00-2:00 and 5:00-7:00 pm 26. April 27. April 3. Mai 3. Mai 4. Mai Home on the Range Clean-up Farm Clean-up Club Spring Clean-up 8:00 Uhr Frühlingsfest Halle, 20:00 Uhr Frühlingskonzert der Chöre Halle ab 19:30 Uhr 6. Mai 11. Mai Oktoberfest Vorverkauf 18:00 Uhr, Schenke Mother’s Day Buffet 12:00-2:00 and 5:00-7:00 pm Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 25 Erreichen Sie Ihre Immobilien Träume! - Achieve Your Real Estate Dreams! Ihre Quelle für Immobilien in der Region Waterloo - “Your Source” for Real Estate in Waterloo Region Denis Pellerin Sales Representative Phone: 519-742-5800 ext. 2334 [email protected] Not intended to cause or induce the breach of an existing representation agreement Service disponible en Français Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: [email protected] Concordia Club Board of Directors 2014/2015 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller Farm Committee 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Rolf Malthaner Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Finance Committee Directors: Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Marcus Kallweit Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Float Committee Ronny Horvath German Culture Marcus Kallweit Honorary Member Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Oktoberfest Chair Mike Brasch Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Michelle Zimmer Rolf Malthaner Sales and Marketing Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Marcus Kallweit Security Rob Kerr Alex Thoene Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ruth Rajna Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Archives Alexandria Thoene Bulletin Martin Patzold Sarah Fretz Christkindlmarket Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Elaine Keller Martin Patzold Club Buildings Mike Brasch Helmut Kruschat Club Historian Leo Tukums Club Ombudsman Harald Schwegel Club Rental Properties Ronny Horvath Helmut Kruschat Concordia Seniorenhaus Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Economic Affairs Ali Novak Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Employee Liaison Ali Nowak 27