The Black Sea contribution to the Mediterranean Sea
The Black Sea contribution to the Mediterranean Sea
Emin Özsoy Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University Erdemli, Mersin Turkey • ROLE TURKISH STRAITS SYSTEM DARDANELLES AND BOSPHORUS STRAITS AND MARMARA SEA coupling of Mediterranean and Black Seas CONTRASTS the meeting place of: Mediterranean and Black Sea waters, land and sea-based traffic, migrating fish and birds, fault lines, earthquakes, pollution and people Wide Straits in Europe Narrow at the center stage of climate variability in the “Seas of the Old World” Black Sea and Eurasian water cycle: Closed basin fed by continental runoff abd Turkish Straits System Energy pathways Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration 17th April 2014 4 Shipping Casualties Akten & Gonencgil, 1998 7 April 7, 2000 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sub-scene in the visible and infrared channels. Vegetation appears red, and urban areas blue-green. POLLUTION RRISKS Waste disposal system dye studies and measurements, Özsoy et al, 1995; Beşiktepe et al., 1995, Beşiktepe et al., 1995 İSKİ Waste water disposal system dye studies Özsoy et al, 1995 R/V BİLİM ve R/V Arar works! Satellite chlorophyll SEA STRAITS BOSPHORUS AND DARDANELLES STRAITS IN PARTICULAR Sea straits constitute complex, high-energy physical environments with rapid currents, hydraulic transitions, stratification and turbulence, and are controlled strongly by geometric constraints, often creating complex multi-scale interactions influencing the states of the interconnected basins. A wide range of coupled motions at scales extending from short-term to climatic co-exist and interact in sea straits and their adjacent basins. Turkish Straits System Interaction with adjacent Seas Forcing land based and from adjacent basins: - sea level - barometric pressure - wind setup - water balance R+P-E Surface forcing: - atmospheric interaction (momentum, heat, salt, contituents) Time scales: Bosphorus: Transit time < 1/2 day Dardanelles: Transit time ~ few days Black Sea: residence time 1-5yr for CIL, >2000yr for bottom Marmara Sea: residence time 3mo for upper, 6-12yr for lower layer Mediterranean: residence time ~100 yr Forcing: < daily - multidecadal Experimental results deep bathymetry adjoining wide shelf areas, interconnected by straits, canyons Turkish Straits System Bathymetry Karadeniz Qnet=P+R-E Water balance Ünlüata et al., 1990 1331 1010 452 330 919 658 Türk Boğazlar Sistemi yıllık değişim akımları 337 598 69 (km3/yıl) 40 Çanakkale Boğazı Marmara Denizi Bosphorus salinity ratio: S2/S1 = 38.5 / 18 ≈ 2 Mass conservation: Q1/Q2 = 658 / 337 ≈ 2 average mass conservationi S1 Q1 = S2 Q2 50 31 İstanbul Boğazı 639 318 Physical complexity Seasonal and interannual variability in Black Sea water budget Upper 10 m average salinity from available station data At Bosphorus entrance Shipborne ADCP measurements of Bosphorus fluxes Jarosz, Teague, Book and Beşiktepe (2011). GRL 38, p557, 2011 Observed volume fluxes in the Bosphorus Strait Turkish Straits System and northern Aegean Sea exchange MCIW CIW MW Dardanelles Marmara Strait Sea Bosphorus Black Strait Sea upper layer circulation (Beşiktepe et al. 1994) lower layer circulation Salinity, April 1995 (Beşiktepe, 2000) Surface salınity and dynamic height (Beşiktepe et al. 1994) Gravity currents, Hüsrevoğlu, 1999 operational models POM NEMO Özsoy et al., 2001 Özsoy et al., 1993 EU Project Sesame Ümit Ünlüata cruises April 2008 Chlorophyll fluorescence cabled ADCP system real-time measurements Gökçeada Coastal station DYNAMIC RESPONSE The oceanic response of the Turkish Straits System to an extreme drop in atmospheric pressure Jeffrey W. Book, Ewa Jarosz, Jacopo Chiggiato, Şükrü Beşiktepe Marmara R/V BİLİM data, Sep1994 with Michael Gregg U. Washington Bosphorus contraction Black S sill Hydraulic controls ? Özsoy et al., 2001 Entrainment fluxes MAXIMAL EXCHANGE THEORY for a two-layer flow If two topographic controls exist at north sill and the contraction, there is a unique solution fully determined by the strait. And the exchange is as greater as it can be. Summary sketch of the Bosphorus flow, Özsoy et al., 1998 normal lower layer blocked Bosphorus ADCP measurements İki tabakalı normal akımlar ve engllenmiş akımlar (blocking of layered flows) Bosphorus CTD measurements normal lower layer blocked upper layer blocked thermal image sar image MODIS image Fertilizer factory producing organic matter for Marmara Sea: Türk Boğazlar Sistemi Satellite chlorophyll Marmara Denizi eutrophication EU Project Sesame Ümit Ünlüata cruises R/V BİLİM chlorophyll Toksik Algae HAB Harmful Algae Bloom 25 April 2013 MODIS satellite ocean colour images Silent death of a small internal sea neigboring to large marine basins! Marmara Sea Toxic Algae Blooms HAB Harmful Algae Bloom 24 Nisan 2013 tarihli Milliyet gazetesi haberinde Tekirdağ kıyılarında gözlenen olası toksik alg patlaması 97729/default.htm) ve Marmara Denizi üzerinde uçaktan elde edilen resimler, 28 Nisan 2013 (Foto: Dr. Bettina Fach, IMS- Flow, water mass changes, and hydraulics in the Bosphorus Michael C. Gregg and Emin Özsoy, 2002 48 Flow, water mass changes, and hydraulics in the Bosphorus Michael C. Gregg and Emin Özsoy, 2002 49 Mixing on the Black Sea Shelf of the Bosphorus Michael C. Gregg and Emin Özsoy 1999 Dissipation W/kg Vertical diffusivity m2/s 50 Concept of measurements • Compass • Acceleration (linear+rotational) • Tilt angle Spectrum Two-point correlations Auto (Structure fuctions) correlation Velocity (3C) Temperature Salinity 51 Length scales Longitudinal & transverse Longitudinal Longitudinal Emin Özsoy, Özgür Ertunç, Çağatay Köksoy, Hermann Lienhart TÜBİTAK – BMBF İkili İşbirliği Araştırma Projesi İstanbul Boğazı’nda Yüksek Reynolds Sayılarında Türbülanslı Karışım Sergi ve Katılım: 2014 Türk-Alman Araştırma, Eğitim ve İnovasyon Yılı Açılış Etkinliği “Science Bridging Nations” Türk Alman Uygulamalı Ortak Projeleri Sergisi 23 Ocak 2014, Berlin models Simple linear model of TSS sea level oscşillations at Marmara and Black Seas versus barotropic fluxes at Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits ? Özsoy et al., 1998 Nonlinear models of straits with hydraulic controls Barbary Macaques The Flow of Atlantic Water Through the Strait of Gibraltar DAVID M. FARMER and LAURENCEARMI The Flow of Mediterranean Water Through the Strait of Gibraltar LAURENCE ARMI and DAVID M. FARMER 1988 Farmer and Armi, 1986 Farmer and Armi, 1986 MAXIMAL EXCHANGE Ilıcak and Armi, 2011 Non-hydrostatic and high resolution modeling of the Gibraltar Strait Gianmaria Sannino1 [email protected] L. Pratt3, J.C. Sánchez Garrido2 Environment and Energy Modeling Unit 1 Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development Belgrade 21 May 2012 2 3 MAXIMAL EXCHANGE THEORY for a two-layer flow If two topographic controls exist at north sill and the contraction, there is a unique solution fully determined by the strait. And the exchange is as greater as it can be. Summary sketch of the Bosphorus flow, Özsoy et al., 1998 A simple two-layer model of the Bosphorus Exchange Flow Özsoy, 1990; Özsoy et al., 1998. Model integrated between two control sections and with Black Sea water balance, free surface storage Stable and unstable fixed points 2D models Real B(x,z) for the Bosphorus Strait Density distribution across Bosphorus Strait Ilıcak, Özgökmen, Özsoy, Fischer, 2009. Non-hydrostatic Modeling of Exchange Flows Across Complex Geometries, Submitted - Ocean Modelling 3-D MODEL Strait with hydraulic controls In MAXIMAL EXCHANGE configuration contraction sill Simulation of idealized hydraulic controls (contraction and sill) Idealized Bosphorus Strait Tamay Özgökmen (RSMAS, University ofMiami) ROMS OCEAN MODEL PRIMITIVE EQUATIONS Momentum Tracer transport Equation of state Hydrostatic pressure Conservation of mass +biochemical module bottom following (sigma) coordinates, Arakawa C-grid, free surface, many options for open boundary conditions, turbulent mixing, model configuration MODEL CONFIGURATION Irregular coastline and highly variable bathymetry Heterogenous structure North-sill Contraction Complex 3d physical interactions Demand of high resolution South-sill South-exit In the past: simplified models due to limited computer resources MODEL CONFIGURATION MODEL DOMAIN Model Grid Dx=50-200m Dy=50-325m L=11,500m M=61,475m Min Depth=25m ROMS Dz=0.7-2.9m Grid Size=163x716x35 MITgcm Dz=1.4m Grid Size=163x716x70 MODEL CONFIGURATION Orlanski Net Flow ~175 km3/yr Marmara S=38.0 T=13.0 Black Sea S=17.6 T=24.1 SEPTEMBER 94 ROMS LE Initial Inc. Vert. Mix. Restart GLS scheme MITgcm LE Initial Ri dep. Vert. Mix. Gregg and Ozsoy 2002 TS Forcing TS Forcing O r l a n s k i R a d i a t i o n INTER COMPARISON of the ROMS vs MITgcm MODELS Thalweg Salinity Contour:MITgcm TS FORCING Thalweg Temperature Contour:MITgcm Characteristic through the thalweg V=0 S=27. 8 Recirculation TWO-LAYER FROUDE-NUMBER Eddy at the Contraction CONTRACTION Active Section ROMS Kandilli Vanikoy Critical zone V ≥ Vave Q ≥ Qave Local Increase Transverse variation in velocity * Pratt 2008 TWO-LAYER FROUDE-NUMBER SOUTH-EXIT Uskudar ROMS South-exit Active Section Eddy at Golden Horn TWO-LAYER FROUDE-NUMBER NORTH SILL South Sill ROMS Critical zone TWO-LAYER FROUDE-NUMBER Cross-channel Integrated South-exit Uskudar Contraction Energy Correction North sill Horizontal distribution of mechanical energy dissipation (W/m2) in the (a) upper and (b) lower layers Bosphorus and prototype Canal İstanbul coupled model predictions (Sözer, 2013) Bosphorus and Canal İstanbul currents (Sözer, 2013) Bosphorus yes yes ‘hydraulic jump’ ! yes Canal İstanbul no ? Sea level variation between Black Sea and the Marmara Canal İstanbul Black Sea Marmara Sea Bosphorus Results from various coupled simulations of Canal İstanbul and Bosphorus Increase in average flux resulting from the addition of Canal İstanbul is about ~4% amounting to 600 – 800 m3/s BUT CARRYING BLACK SEA WATER! Like a medium size river added to the influx entering the Marmara Sea: e.g. Sakarya river (Black Sea): 200 m3/s Nile River (Mediterranean): 1000 m3/s Gianmaria Sannino (ENEA), Adil Sözer, Emin Özsoy (ODTÜ-DBE) Yüksek Enerji Çevre Dinamiği: Türk Boğazlar Sistemi'nde Süreçler TURBO / DEEP (TÜBİTAK – İtalya Dışişleri Bakanlığı İkili İşbirliği Projesi) Supported by the EU initiative PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) for supercomputing MITgcm non-hydrostatic model (curvilinear variable grid) Δx = 35-500m, Δy = 60-1000m, Grid Size = 2184*648*72 Model results versus ADCP and sea level measurements Sözer (2012) ROMS model results, Sannino, Sözer, Özsoy (2014) TSS model Tusak (2012) Analyses from 4years of measurements Özsoy and Latif (1994-2000) R/V BİLİM on board ADCP measurements Merz (1917-1918) measurements) • Modelling of the Turkish Strait System • Using Finite Element Ocean Modeling System Ozgur Gurses Nadia Pinardi Emin Ozsoy Paolo Oddo Ralph Timmermann MyOcean2 is an EU funded R&D project (FP7) which fits into the European Earth monitoring programme GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) 17th April 2014 Turkish Straits System with Finite Element Ocean Model Özgür GÜRSES*, Emin Özsoy*, Ralph Timmermann IMS-METU* / AWI FESOM: i hydrostatic primitive equation OGCM (Danilov et al. 2004, Wang et al., 2008, Timmermann et al., 2009) continuous linear basis functions triangles in 2D tetrahedra or prism in 3D different grid types (z-level + shaved cells; sigma; hybrid) ui, hi: nodal values, N N N u= ∑ ui ϕ i ; m= ∑ mi ϕ i ; a= ∑ ai ϕ i ; 1 1 1 ϕi base functions N N N 1 1 1 uh= ∑ ui ϕ i ; m= ∑ mi ϕ hi ; a= ∑ ai ϕ i ; Model Horizontal Discretization Number of nodes: FESOM G1 FESOM G2 2dnodes 75000 100000 3dnodes ~3 mil ~5 mil Resolution: 17th April 2014 FESOM G1 FESOM G2 BOS DAR 65 m 100 m 50 m 100 m MAR 2 km 1 km BS/AS 12 km 5 km 19 Model 20 17th April 2014 Circulation of the Marmara Sea Simulation T2G1L110b, averaged over the third month Simulated surface circulation Simulated surface salinity 26 17th April 2014 HYCOM Modeling of TSS Inter-annual variability of upper layer blocking of the Dardanelles strait and its connection with the fish catch in the Aegean sea (1979-2013) by Murat Gündüz and Emin Özsoy HYCOM-TSS model There are 10 hybrid vertical levels. (with different target densities for the three seas). The horizontal resolution is about 1.2 km. Initialized from September 2008 cruise T/S data. Forced with the ERA-Interim Re-Analysis atmospheric data. September 2008 to July 2009. (11 months). Quasi-permanent feature of the Marmara Sea circulation is the S-shaped jet flow. The jet flow successfully reproduced in September. It is very organized in this month. But it breaks up to form small eddies as in the case of October and November. In December, the jet flow become to be organized again. Model generated zonal velocity at the mouth of the Dardanelles Strait average over the whole model integration period. Positive values are toward to east an negative values are toward to west. MODIS SST and wınd stress. when there is NOupper layer blocking, left side; (a) 1 March 2009. (b) 15 March 2009 (c) 31 March 2009. and when there is blocking of the upper layer, right side: (d) 26 January 2009 (e) 5 February 2009 (f) 28 March 2009. “Is it possible to detect inter-annual variability of the upper layer blocking in the Dardanelles Strait based on wind stress magnitude and direction?” For this purpose; • Dardanelles Strait upper llayer transport is calculated from ocean model, and its relationship seeked with wind stress direction and magnitude (ERA-Interim wind stress data 19792013). • An estimate is made of the number of blocking days, based on the above relationship • Criteria: wind stress values are greater than a threshold value of 0.22 N/m2 and within the 0 to 80o degree sector are asumed to correspond to blocked days • Fish catch data in tons were obtained from Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) database ( for horse mackerel, Anchovy, Atlantic Bonito Monthly mean number of upper layer blocking events deduced from 3 hourly data. (1979-2013) Anomaly Annual mean number of blocking events (black line, right axis) and fish catches in tons (red line, left axis in the Aegean Sea for (a) Horse mackerel (b) Anchovy (c) Atlantic Bonito some HISTORY History: “Isolario”: Island stories that often end up in İstanbul In the middle ages Petrus Gyllius (1561): 2nd century stries of The Bosphorus based on Dionysios Byzantios Golden Horn (Keras) Recirculation role on Palamut (pelamydes) fishing, sated fish trade Bekker-Nielsen, 2005, Bursa, 2010; Tekin, 2010 Ara Güler (2012) Kumkapı Ermeni Balıkçıları 1952 Tarih boyunca balıkçı ailelerinin yaşadıği ve yakın zamana kadar görülebilen, kazıklar üstündeki balıkçı evleri (Petri Gylii, 1561) Ara Güler Kumkapı Ermeni Balıkçıları 1952 Bebek koyunda balık dalyanı ( Ara Güler (2012) Kumkapı Ermeni Balıkçıları 1952 Historical beginnings of the science of the seas: starts with navigation and map making Kristof Kolomb - Cristoforo Colombo - Chios 1474 - America 1492 Isolario – geographers and captains of thr middle ages Piri Reis 1465 - 1554 - Mediterranean - Indian Ocean First reference to tides in relation to moon - ‘Bahriye’ – 1526 Galileo (1564-1642) - tide related to sun – 1632 Isaac Newton (1642-1727) - first scientific theory of tides - 1686 Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1658-1730) – first ‘oceanographic’ Investigation In the Bosphorus! Bosphorus: Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1658-1730) Bosphorus - ‘Osservazioni intorno al Bosforo Tracio’ - 1681 Histoire physique de la mer - 1725 Danube – 1732 Spratt 1870, Wharton 1872, Makaroff, 1881, Magnaghi 1882, Gueydon 1886, Spindler 1894, Nielsen 1910, Merz 1917, Möller 1928 Kosswig (1903-1982) - first marine science effort in Turkey Ulyott, Ilgaz, Pektaş 1943-1956 Defant 1961, Carruthers 1963, Özturgut 1964, Bogdanova 1961, Ottoman Navy: Kaptan-ı Derya Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa (1534-1546) (Hızır Reis) sancağı Piri Reis Kitab-ı Bahriyye (1516) world map M2 tidal harmonic amplitudes (5cm intervals, dotted contours) and phases relative to UT (301 intervals, dashed contours) in the Strait of Sicily and Gulf of Gabes, Mediterranean Sea (Sammari et al., 2006, adapted from Tsimplis et al., 1996 Luigi Ferdinando Marsili in İstanbul - his first experiments in the Bosphorus -, - his life and times Emin Özsoy, Nadia Pinardi, Franca Moroni (IMS-METU, Erdemli; UB, Bologna) Karlowitz Karlofça 1699 L. F. Marsili (1658 – 1730) İstanbul visits (1679-1680, 1691) Serving Habsburg Empire (1682 – 1690) Siege of Vienna (1683) and Buda (1686) Karlowitz border demarcation (1699) Osservazioni interne al Bosforo Tracio (1681) Histoire physique de la mer (1725) Danubius Pannonico-mysicus (1726) Accepted to Royal Society, London (1699) Académie des Sciences, Paris (1715) Bologna Institute of Sciences and Arts (1715) Stato militare dell'Imperio Ottomanno (1732) L. F. Marsili 1658 – 1730 Pozzi Museum İstanbul 1680 L. F. Marsili 1658 – 1730 Marsili, L. F. (1681). Osservazioni Intorno al Bosforo Tracio overo Canale di Constantinopoli Surface currents based on Measurements, 1999 Keras – Haliç Palamut tuzağı Petri Gyllii (1561). De Bosporo Thracio Dionysios Byzantios 2nd century AD recirculation Palamut trap Bosphorus Surface currents ADCP measuremen ODTÜ-DBE, 1999 Palamut akını Beşiktaş – Haliç girdap dolaşımında kümelenen balıkçılar: Ara Güler (2012) Keras – Haliç Palamut tuzağı Petri Gyllii (1561) Ara Güler (2012) Kumkapı Ermeni Balıkçıları 1952 L. F. Marsili 1658 – 1730 İstanbul 1680 6th century AD, people knew – Manfred Korfmann The laboratory experiment done with Porzio in Rome (1681) Black Sea Marmara Sea Heavy waters Light waters Results (interim…): •The Turkish Straits System (TSS) is a World Heritage with unique hydrodynamic and ecological processes and high level of climatic sensitivity •The TSS through the regional hydrological cycle determines the climatic interactions on a continental scale •Canal İstanbul and ‘new İstanbul’ constitute intervention to nature, threatening to disturb delicate natural water balance and the well being of land and marine ecosystems, and make worse the environmental health on a regional scale •The present design of Kanal İstanbul, without a trace of a scientific motive of investigation is insufficient to answer the many questions about its environmental fingerprint. •The development of marine governance based on scientific and cultural basis is acutely needed in Turkey to help in planning CONCLUSIONS on modeling aspects Present models are quite well developed, yet quite incapable to fully represent the mosaic of nonlinear, stratified turbulent processes in the Turkish Straits Model solutions are in very good agreement quantitatively and qualitatively with measurements and with one another, yielding realistic characteristics of the various flow regimes Yet the grand challenge calling for clear development objectives is the ability and the immense task to make predictions of the coupled behaviour of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean with surrounding land and atmosphere in view of the inter-basin and climatic interactions Thanks !