File - Ocean Grove Primary School


File - Ocean Grove Primary School
Grove Gazette
Ocean Grove Primary School e-Newsletter
“Learning for Living” since 1891
Assistant Principal
Business Manager
Together we support each other to be passionate learners,
growing to be our best for a positive future in our community
Darryl Diment
Em Kaiser
Judy Webb
Wednesday, 7th September , 2016
Confident, Compassionate, Creative, Curious, Committed, Collaborative, Critical Thinkers
School Calendar
From Mr Diment
Wednesday, 7th September
Coastal Ambassadors at Philip Island
Dear OGPS Families
Thursday, 8th September
Junior and Senior Disco at OGPS in Multi-Purpose Room,
Foundation to Year 2 — 2.00-3.20pm
Years 3 to 6 — 4.30-6.30pm
Tuesday, 13th September
Whole School Incursion — Author visiting OGPS
School Council Meeting, 6.30pm, Staffroom
Friday, 16th September
Footy Colours Day — Gold Coin Donation
Assembly will commence at 2.00pm
Last Day of Term 3 — 2.30pm Finish
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday
Monday, 3rd October
First Day of Term 4
Tuesday, 4th to Friday, 14th October
Swimming Program for Years 2 to 5
Wednesday, 19th October
Geelong Cup Day Public Holiday — No School
Thursday, 20th October
School Concert, Foundation to Year 2,
Theme “Our World”, 6.00pm Ocean Grove Pavilion
Friday, 21st October
School Concert, Years 3-6, Theme “A Musical History”,
7.00pm Costa Hall, Geelong
Planning for 2017 Planning for 2017 is well
underway with staffing, classes and rooms being
organised. At this stage if you know that your child /
children will not be attending OGPS in 2017 we would
appreciate you contacting the office to confirm your
intentions. Your early assistance with this will help us
with our classrooms and class make up for next year.
Thank you to the parents who have already informed
us of your intentions regarding schooling for 2017.
Years 3 to 6 and Foundation to Year 2 Discos
This Thursday we are holding our annual disco. This
year there will be discos, plural, as the Foundation to
Year 2 students get the ‘chance to dance’ from 2.00 to
3.00pm (approximately). The Years 3 to 6 disco will
follow and be held between 4.30 and 6.30pm. The
disco besides being a fun night is the major fundraiser
for the Year 6 graduation ceremony to be held later in
the year.
Fun Run Our annual fun run was an enormous
success and at this stage we have raised over
$5,000. This will result in work being done to improve
the quality and functionality of our school oval. Thank
you to everyone for their support. It was a great day
with such a great community attendance at the event.
Thank you to Miss Pollen, Miss Fehling and Miss
Kaiser for their organisation and planning.
Monday, 25th October (change of date)
School Council Meeting, 6.30pm, Staffroom
Continued / … …
Thursday, 27th October
Year 1 Extended Day
Thursday, 3rd November
2017 Foundation Information Evening, 6pm
Calendar dates continued on Page 2 … …
64D The Terrace Ocean Grove
5255 1832
Ocean Grove Office
5255 4099
2016 Apple Fair Gold Sponsors
The Terrace, Ocean Grove
5255 1566
Glenn 0422 766 858
Aaron 0423 307 477
From Mr Diment / Continued … …
School Concert Just a reminder that our 2016 school
concerts are at the beginning of next term, so please
save the date. Both concerts are being held in week 3
with the Foundation to Year 2 performance on
Thursday, 20th October (6.00pm start at the Ocean
Grove Pavilion) and the Years 3 to 6 concert (7.00pm
start at Costa Hall in Geelong) on the following night,
Friday, 21st October. Students have been busily
preparing for their performances. Entry to the
Foundation to Year 2 concert is a gold coin donation as
families enter the park. It is hoped the gold coin
donations pay for the hire of the Grove Pavilion and
lighting. We would love to see as many families as
possible to come along and have a picnic tea before the
start of the concert. Tickets for the Year 3 to 6 concert
can be purchased at the office and will go on sale early
in term 4. Tickets are $15 per ticket, $5 for students who
are not performing, children on a knee are free of
charge (students in Years 3 to 6 who are performing do
not require a ticket).
No Hat Means No Play Please remember from day
one next term all students are required to wear a dark
blue broad brimmed or bucket hat. Students without a
hat or an appropriate hat will remain under shade for
recess and lunch. No hat definitely means no play!
School Calendar — Continued
Friday, 11th November
Remembrance Day
Tuesday, 15th November
School Council Meeting, 6.30pm, Staffroom
Friday, 25th into Saturday, 26th November
Year 2 Sleepover at OGPS
Monday, 28th November to Friday, 9th December
Foundation to Year 1 Swimming Program at OGPS
Year 6 Surfing Program
Tuesday, 6th December
Orientation Day for 2017 Foundation and Year 7 students
School Council Meeting
Thursday, 15th December
House Celebration Day
Year 6 Graduation
Friday, 16th December
Final Assembly for the year, 9.30am, followed by
Parent Helpers’ Morning Tea
“2017 Day”
Monday, 19th December
Year 6 to Adventure Park
Foundation Christmas Assembly, 2.30pm
Tuesday, 20th December
Emergency Management Procedures A reminder
Last Day of Term 4 — 1.30pm Finish
that all DET schools are required to have an emergency
management plan in place in the event of an emergency
occurring at school. This plan is updated and submitted
on a regular basis to reflect school changes in factors such as enrolment and local environment. All schools
are required to practise the outlined procedures and processes. This is not designed to frighten our students
but to improve our processes to ensure they are the most responsive and effective. In term 4 we are
scheduled to have more practise drills.
Building Plans The building plans continue to evolve and hopefully I will soon be in a position to outline the
scope and parameters of the project to everyone. The school council has been included in the ongoing
process as we work with the DET planning team and architects. The plans have changed over the last
month as changes to costings and DET policy changes emerge. I would like to assure the school community
that I am negotiating for the best outcome for our learning community.
Year 3 Camp Last Thursday and Friday I was fortunate to attend the Year 3 camp at Camp Wilkin with our
wonderful students. Camps are so much more than the many new activities students get to experience. The
challenges and successful completions that come with taking children outside of their comfort zone are
equally important. Being away from home, attempting the 'leap of faith' and sharing accommodation are all
examples of the social development that came with last week’s camp. Thank you to Mr Kayler-Thomson,
Miss Clarke, Miss Quinn and Miss Fehling for their fantastic planning and attendance at camp.
Melbourne Writers' Festival Last week Mr King and I took 26 eager young writers to the 2016 Melbourne
Writers' Festival. We were fortunate to see and hear Sally Rippen (Billy B Brown series) and Jacqueline
Harvey (Alice Miranda series) talk about the craft of writing. In particular, it was interesting to hear about
where the ideas for their stories came from.
Kids’ Hope Program The Kids’ Hope Program run by the local Anglican church has been at OGPS for over
8 years. The program at our school will conclude at the end of the year due to the difficulty in sourcing
volunteers. On behalf of OGPS I would like to thank the church for all their tremendous commitment, time
and energy they have given to the students that they have worked with over the years.
Continued /… …
From Mr Diment / Continued … …
End of Term Next Friday, 16th September our school assembly will be at 2:00 pm with a 2:30 pm end of
term dismissal. I would like to wish all of our families a fabulous break and enjoy the time together.
Thank you for your continued support of OGPS the best school since 1891.
I acknowledge the Wathaurong people as the traditional custodians of the land on
which we are gathered and pay respect to the Elders both past and present.
Our current student
enrolment is
Darryl Diment
OGPS email address:
[email protected]
We welcome and appreciate your feedback,
therefore please feel free to contact us at this email address.
NEXT week, Friday,16th September,
last day of Term 3,
Assembly THIS week,
Friday, 9th September
we have a whole school assembly at 2pm
and 7Cs awards for students in
Foundation to Year 2
and 7Cs awards for students in Years 3 to 4
School finishes at 2.30pm on this day
Wathaurong Word of the Week
platypus : perreedak
Footy Colours Day
on the last day of Term 3, Friday, 16th September
Wear your Footy Colours for the day
Gold coin donation
for social service
to wear normal school shoes
on this day
Mr Diment’s
Interesting Word of the Week
Each week I will publish an interesting word
\ uh-BEY-uh ns \
Temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension: Let’s hold that problem in
abeyance for a while.
Law a state or condition of real property in which title is not as yet vested in a
known titleholder: an estate in abeyance
The mass does not act by reason. A mass is not even formed by reason. The more
intense or extended the COLLECTIVE consciousness, the more does the truly
reasonable, individual consciousness sink into abeyance.
--- D.H. Lawrence, Kangaroo, 1923
abeyance stems from the Old French term abeyance meaning “aspiration”, or, literally,
“a gaping at or toward”. It entered English in the 1500s.
Disco for Foundation to Year 2, from 2.00-3.20pm — SCHOOL UNIFORM
and Years 3 to 6 from 4.30-6.30pm — CASUAL DRESS
tomorrow, Thursday, 8th September,
in Multi Purpose Room
Counting down to our Year 6 Graduation fundraising disco. Thanks so much to
everyone who has returned their slip and payment for both the junior and senior
disco coming up tomorrow, Thursday, 8th September.
Students do not need a ticket to gain entry to the disco, their name will be marked off
as they enter the multi-purpose room.
For children in Years 3 to 6 who will be in casual dress
are reminded to wear suitable footwear for dancing
— thongs or high heels are not recommended !
Children in Foundation to Year 2 will be in school uniform
Supervision at the disco will be provided by teachers and parents for the full duration of the disco.
Students will only be allowed to leave the multi-purpose room to get a drink of water or to go to the toilets.
All areas will be supervised.
Children must be picked up from inside the multi-purpose room at the end of the night,
no later than 6.30pm. No child will be allowed to leave on their own.
Thank you to all of the parents who have indicated that they can help out on the night.
“The Digital Dilemma” - Tech Tips
Following on from Mr Diment’s Technology piece the last edition of the Grove Gazette, the points below
are an extract from Dr Kirsty Goodwin’s book Raising Your Child in a Digital World
5 to 8 Years
• There’s no specific chronological age that determines a child’s readiness for a smart phone. Consider their
organisational skills and their social and emotional skills to determine if they’re ready for a phone.
• When looking for educational apps or websites, look for simple clean designs that use praise and rewards
sparingly. Children quickly become conditioned to receiving praise and rewards and can become dependent
on the external validation.
• When using apps, find apps that allow your child to create, communicate and consume. Try to limit their use
of consumption apps (like YouTube) and encourage them to be active on a smart phone by selecting apps
where they create digital content or interact on screen. A balanced approach is essential.
• Help your child relate what they see on-screen to their real life experiences. This can bolster their language
skills. It also teaches your child that screen time is a fun, shared experience and isn’t a taboo or secretive
• Avoid fast-paced, rapid-fire screens before school (and bed too). It can over-stimulate the brain and make it
harder for children to focus or relax.
• Set maximum volume levels on mobile devices and music players and use earmuff-style headphones with
your child. Correct poor posture and encourage the 20-20-20-20 rule when using screens.
• Teach kids at this age that technology is a tool, not a treat or a toy! Avoid using the withdrawal of screens as
a form of punishment — we want them to see screens as an integral part of life. Have firm consequences if
they don’t adhere to the contract.
• Use a timer or screen time printables to plan when and for how long your child can use technology each day.
Be specific and stick to your plan!
8 to 12 Years
• Don’t be in a rush to prematurely introduce your child to social media. You need to ensure your child has the
maturity, emotional and social skills to use social media, and not because of peer pressure. Look for ageappropriate alternatives if your child isn’t quite ready to enter the social media arena, (like Kuddle). Establish
firm rules and guidelines when they do start a social media account.
• Look for pro-social and educational video games. Try to play video games with your child where possible and
avoid aggressive or violent content.
• eBooks book apps and audio books are great alternatives to traditional books. But it’s all about balance —
these digital books can’t and shouldn’t replace real book experiences.
• Keep bedrooms as tech-free zones, as screen use can delay the onset of sleep (especially back-lit devices
like tablets and smart phones) and can also interfere with children’s sleep cycles (alerts and notifications can
disturb sleep cycles).
• Keep an eye on your children’s screen time. While you don’t need to enforce universal age-based screen
time limits, we need to ensure that our kids’ screen time is healthy not harmful. If you’re concerned about
how much time they’re spending online you can use a technology audit tool to monitor their usage and then
use a parent control app to help you help them to manage their usage. The ultimate goal is that we want our
children to have the skills and self-control to manage technology in health ways.
• Have regular conversations with your tween and keep actively involved in their online life to minimise the
chances that they’re accessing (or creating) pornographic or other inappropriate material.
• Understand that today’s kids want to communicate with their friends online. It’s their way of socialising (even
if they’ve spent all day with them!).
• Teach your child to mono-task, not multi-task. Despite what they think tweens aren’t capable of
simultaneously performing multiple tasks (in fact no one is). Teach them from the outset that multi-tasking is
a myth. Teach them to put a fortress around their focus and do one thing at a time!
• Jointly establish a written contract what, when, where, with whom and for how long your child can use
technology. Revise it regularly.
Ocean Grove Primary School Annual Fun Run
Well done and congratulations to all the students, parents and teachers who participated in
the OGPS Annual Fun Run. The weather wasn’t looking too flash in the morning, but the rain
managed to hold off! A little bit of wind was easily managed!
The Foundation students started the day off at 9.15am with a fun warm up on the grass, then
they ran as many laps of the park as they could in 20minutes. The year levels continued
trekking over to the park throughout the day, to complete their warm up and run. We
increased the running time to 25 minutes for Years 5 and 6 students. All students thoroughly enjoyed
doing as many laps as they could in the allocated time while listening to some motivating music to
keep them going. It was fabulous to see so many parents joining in the fun too! Students walked back
to school where they enjoyed sausages for lunch and were given chocolate medallions or ribbons for
their efforts.
Thank you…
Firstly, thank you to the fabulous student leaders who were spread out around the track acting as
marshals. They did a fabulous job encouraging students, parents and teachers as they ran past.
Thank you to our fabulous local businesses that supplied us with fantastic prizes and sponsorship money.
Keep a look out in the Bellarine Times and The Voice for your public thank you!
A huge thank you goes to Fiona Dempster and the wonderful OGPS Parents and Friends’ Club who
volunteered many hours on the day and in the lead up to the event. Thanks to all the other parent helpers
who were recruited to help out on the day - on the BBQ, drink station, tallying laps and as marshalling. An
event like that simply cannot happen without amazing community support, so to everyone - THANK YOU!
Your help is truly appreciated!
Fundraising Reminder… Please
don’t forget that the run is one of our
major fundraising events for the year.
As a school we need to raise as much
money as we can so that we can put
the money towards our long term goal
of resurfacing our oval. Please do
your best to fundraise as much money
as you can.
Looking forward to next year’s event
Nikita Stanley, Danni Fehling
and Em Kaiser
Fun Run Coordinators
Year 3 Camp
The Year 3 cohort went to Camp Wilkin in Anglesea overnight on
Thursday, 1st September into Friday, 2nd September. It was a
great success. We are very proud of all the students that came
along to camp and participated with passion in all the activities.
Some students were staying away from home for the first time.
Some of the camp highlights were the flying fox, the night walk,
toasting marshmallows by the fire and making the 'leap of faith'
from an eight metre high tower!
Thank you to Miss Fehling, Miss Clarke and Mr Kayler-Thomson for
all their organisational help. Thank you too to Miss Quinn, Mr
Diment, Rhonda and all the student teachers for attending the camp
and making it a special experience for the students.
We had fun on our Year 3 Camp
Ocean Grove Primary School Concerts
Thursday, 20th October
School Concert, Foundation to Year 2,
Theme “Our World”, 6.00pm Ocean Grove Pavilion
Friday, 21st October
School Concert, Years 3-6, Theme “A Musical History”,
7.00pm Costa Hall, Geelong
Well, concert term is heating up! We’ve got some very hard working students and the items are well and
truly coming along. If you’re not aware, the concert dates as mentioned above, are in week 3, next term.
Foundation to Year 2 Concert – Thursday, 20th October, 6pm at Ocean Grove Park, gold coin
donation as families enter the park with a family picnic to be held before the start of the concert (it is
hoped the gold coin donations will pay for the hire of the Grove Pavilion and lighting)
Years 3 to 6 Concert – Friday, 21st October, 7pm at Costa Hall in Geelong.
Tickets for the Years 3 to 6 concert at Costa Hall can be purchased at the office and will go on sale early in
term 4. They will be $15 per ticket, $5 for students who are not performing, children on a knee are free of
charge (students in Years 3 to 6 who are performing do not require a ticket).
Please advise me if your child will not be attending as I will need time to arrange for other children to fill in.
Thanks to those parents who have already contacted me.
A costume requirement note will be sent home soon and I must stress…… Please DO NOT spend too
much money on costumes — Op shops are great resources!
Thanks everyone
Dallas Holden
As part of our Inquiry unit on recycling, a group of Year 1 students are
making a school op shop to sell some unwanted toys to raise money for a
We would like all students in Foundation to Year 2 to bring along 1 or 2
unwanted toys that are in good condition. Please take them to Mr. Mac’s
classroom before September 8th.
At lunchtime TOMORROW, Thursday, 8th September we will hold an op
shop on the top basketball court where children in Foundation to Year 2
can buy a toy for a gold coin.
Foundation to Year 2 children … … What do YOU need to do?
Bring along 1 or 2 unwanted toys that are in good condition
Take them to Mr. Mac’s classroom
Bring a gold coin to school on Thursday 8th September.
Thank you
Broad Brimmed Hats — Terms 1 and 4
A reminder that in Terms 1 and 4, it is compulsory for students to wear a
dark blue broad brimmed or bucket hat (either plain or with school
logo) whilst outside.
Peaked caps, baseball caps or any other hats are not acceptable.
Hats are available from the Uniform Shop.
Once again thanks to parents for helping to ensure life-long good habits that will protect children from
sun exposure.
School Disco — TOMORROW, Thursday, 8th September
Foundation to Year 2 — 2.00-3.20pm (FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM)
Years 3 to 6 — 4.30-6.30pm (CASUAL DRESS)
Each year, Ocean Grove Primary School conducts a school disco as a fundraiser for
our Year 6 Graduation night. We are pleased to invite the junior school to also
experience the fun of the disco this year, with DJ Mitch spinning the tunes, a smoke
machine, balloons and giveaways.
Separate permission notes have been sent home, one for the children in Foundation to Year 2, and one for the
children in Years 3 to 6
(Remember to bring your asthma medication to the disco)
Have fun everyone !
The Year One students visit the local library regularly. This particular
visit was extra special as we went in our Pyjamas for Book week!
Notes that have gone home recently, or going home this week
Acvity Date
Acvity Informaon
Group(s) Involved
Note and Money Due
4 to 14 October
Years 2 to 5 Swimming Program
Students in Years 2 to 5
14 September
March 2017
OGPS Apple Fair 2017 Informa$on for Parents
Whole school
8 September
Fundraising Disco, Founda$on to Year 2
Founda$on to Year 2
5 September
8 September
Fundraising Disco, Years 3 to 6
Years 3 to 6
5 September
Fun Run Blue Feedback Sheet
Whole school
13 September
Division Athle$cs
Selected students
9 September
27 October
Year 1 Extended Day
Year 1 students
21 October
13 September
Visi$ng Author Incursion
Whole School
20 October
Costume Le6ers for Founda$on to Year 2 Concert
Founda$on to Year 2 students
21 October
Costume Le6ers for Years 3 to 6 Concert
Years 3 to 6 students
Geelong Winter Food Appeal — Annual Toucan Appeal 2016
As you know, each year our school assist the Geelong Food Relief Centre by
collecting non-perishable food items for needy families in the Geelong area. The
appeal has been running for the month of August, and has now finished.
A big thank you to our generous school community for
Term 3 competition
If you bank 3 times at school during Term 3 then visit to find out
how you could win heap of prizes, including a PlayStation 4
OGPS at the Geelong Zone
Primary School Chess Championships
Apologies … ...
Last week, we reported that 7 students competed in the Geelong Zonal Primary School Chess Championship. One member of the
team, Zach Franklin’s name was reported incorrectly — apologies for this Zach
Photography Competition
The Yearbook team is calling all
photographers within our school to send in
their favourite photographs of our Ocean
Grove Community to be highlighted in the
2016 Yearbook!
The photographs can be taken of anything in the Ocean
Grove community and need to be emailed with a short
description of what the photograph is and why you
chose to take that photograph.
Photographs can be emailed with their description to:
[email protected]
Holidays are once again fast approaching, book now to have some great holiday fun here with us. We have many fun
acvies to be enjoyed by all ages, we will be taking a trip to the movies to see the Secret Life of Pets, building and
creang many fun things to play with, lots of different cooking, all from our new cook book.
Holiday Club is now open to book so jump online today to see what fun is happening this school holidays.
Please remember to bring hats for next term.
**Save 50% or more on our Holiday Club program with the Child Care Benefit and Rebate.
From the OSHC team
12th to 16th September
12th – 16th
Activity Plan
Nature poster
community tree
Parachute fun
Cooking and
group games
Coordinator: Cynthia Todd
OSHC phone: 0424 472 967
Visit our website for program details, view fees and register or call 1300 105 343
Term Dates for the Remainder of 2016
Term 3
Term 4
Monday, 11th July to Friday, 16th September
Monday, 3rd October to Tuesday, 20th December
Courteous Kids
Courteous Kids ~ this week we have:
Harvey Waites of J2H for having lovely manners in the office.
Lucy Owen of S5K also for having lovely manners in the office.
Remi Reilly of S5M for being very kind and helping a younger student.
Courteous Kids will be presented with a certificate at the next assembly.
Well done and keep up the great attitude
If you change any of your contact details, home telephone numbers,
mobile numbers, family circumstances, etc
PUBLIC HOLIDAY for Geelong Cup Day 2016
Wednesday, 19th October
No school on this day
School Council 2016
President David Kilpatrick
Vice President
Amanda Hooper
Darryl Diment, Em Kaiser, Leanne Kelly, Chelsea Hair,
Ryan Baltetsch, Judy Webb
Staff Representatives
Parent Representatives Adrian Anderson, Amanda Hooper, David Kilpatrick, Belle Donald,
Brett Lange, Ainslie Tyrrell, Avanelle Derham, Lisa Dickson, Sarah Synnott and Darren Bishop
Student Leadership Representatives
Lauren McInerney and Billy Dawson (School Captains)
Audrey Hughan and Sam Hines (School Vice Captains)
School Council Meetings
are held twice per term, usually on third Tuesday of the month
as per Newsletter calendar.
School Council Dates
Tuesdays at 6.30pm in the Staffroom
Meeting Dates
13th September
15th November
25th October (4th Tuesday of the month)
6th December
Apple Fair 2016, our SILVER Sponsors … …
MSP Photography
call 5222 6747
We thank all these
wonderful local
for their support of our
Apple Fair in 2016
Flying Brick
Cider Co
call 5250 6577
Kip McGrath Ocean Grove
call 0457 050 350
The Dunes Café Ocean Grove
call 5256 1944
4D Surfboards
Simon Forward on 0409 598 381
C&C Eyewear
frames through Greg Sly
Optometrist, call 5256 1295
Ocean Grove
call 5255 2444
Geelong Cosmetic
and Laser Medical
call 5229 6866
Playground Supervision
before and a&er school
Quote of the Week ……
8.45 to 8.55am before school
3.20 to 3.35pm a8er school
Playground Opens 8.45am
Playground Closes 3.35pm
Call 5255 1340
[email protected]
School Canteen
Open Wednesday to Friday,
at recess and lunch
Contact Lana Purcell on 0403 939 709 or
[email protected]
Order online at
for details visit go to
the Sprouts Canteen page
Before and After School Care Bookings and
Mobile 0424 472 967
Uniform Shop Open Mondays 3.15-3.45pm
and Fridays 8.30-9.00am
Enquiries call 9836 3388
Email [email protected] and Website
You can view our Newsletters,
in full colour, on our website!
follow the links — sign up via Skoolbag
app on the OGPS website to receive an
emailed link to the Grove Gazette
Music Tuition at OGPS
Please contact music tutors direct
Sylvia Thomson, piano, call 0407 532 954
Matiss Schubert, guitar, call 0409 868 226
Felicity Thyer, violin, call 0407 556 229
David Robertson, drums, call 0411 532 133
Aaron Lilley, guitar, call 0400 888 936
Di Moore, ukulele, call 0400 696 448
“Is there some principle of nature
which states that we never know the
quality of what we have until it is gone?”
Richard Hofstadter
Ocean Grove Primary School takes no
responsibility for and does not endorse the
quality or conduct of any activity mentioned in
this section of the newsletter. Customers are
required to make their own enquiries and
Dogs and Kids Safety Training for children to learn confidence
and safe handling techniques when dealing with dogs, great for fears,
phobias, and dog care, bookings essential, call 0414 389 076
Fundraising Trivia Night for a Geelong Family Grandparents who
have permanent custody of 4 grandchildren, Leopold Sportsman’s
Club, Sat 10 Sept, 7pm, tickets $20, door prizes, silent auction, raffle,
trivia call Rebekah 0425 851 455 or Matthew 5250 1685
Ocean Grove Cricket Club are looking at starting 1 or 2 girls
cricket teams, if you’re interested, call Dana on 0437 464 448 email
[email protected]
Ocean Grove Cricket Club Jnr registration at Shell Road Sports
Precinct, 28 Aug and 4 Sept, details at
or call Dana on 0437 464 448
Geelong Baycats Baseball Come and try Teeball or Baseball,
Geelong Baseball Complex, Waurn Ponds, for more info, call
Andrew 0434 605 370
Wallington Cricket Club Cricket is back, sign up day Sun 11 Sept
at Wallington Reserve, call Daryl 0430 355 558 for more info
Collendina Cricket Club Jnr players sign up, Sun 28 Aug, Sun 11
Sept, Collendina Reserve, for more details email Des at
[email protected] or Matt at [email protected]
Rookie Hoops Basketball Surfside Primary School, 6-week
program starts 8 Oct, for info call Nathan 0417 993 354
Go Ride a Wave Surfgroms program for primary school aged
children, intensive school holiday programs as well as after school
programs, for more info, visit or call
Daniela on 5263 2111
Could you be a friend to someone in aged care? It only takes one
hour per fortnight, or half an hour each week, to brighten the life of
an isolated elderly person. Red Cross Geelong is seeking volunteers
in Surf Coast region. For info contact Lauren Carroll on 5223 8700
or [email protected]. Local training and orientation provided.
Date of the next issue of the Grove Gazette … …
Wednesday, 5th October