boss ce-1 big muff the ibanez twins 4444 line6 dl4
BOSS CE-1 FAMOUS USERS The Police The Killers John Frusciante (RHCP) Chorus Ensemble ro d y h Th e “ m space machine” n o i t a l o du T he Chorus Ensemble CE-1 was published June 1976 and it is based on a circuit [LMGL6SPERHYWIHMRXLIMV.'.E^^'LSVYWEQTPM½IVWJVSQ6SPERH LEHJSYRHIH&SWWMRSVHIVXSWTIGMEPM^ISRIJJIGXWERHXLI')[EWXLIMV½VWXIJJIGXWTIHEPERHEXXLIWEQIXMQIXLI½VWXGSQQIVGMEPTIHEPWM^IHGLSVYW8LI') GERXLYWFIIEWMP]EGGVIHMXIHXSFIXLI±QSXLIVSJGLSVYWIW²7MRGIXLIR&SWWLEW WSPHSZIVQMPPMSRTIHEPWFIMRKSRISJXLIFMKKIWXGSQTER]MRXLIFYWMRIWW8LI ')[EWEPWSXLI½VWXIJJIGXTIHEPXSYXMPM^IXLI&&(&YGOIX&VMKEHI(VMZIVGLMT EEREPSKHIPE]PMRIMRERMRXIKVEXIHGMVGYMX8LI-'SVMKMREPP]HIWMKRIHF]4LMPMTW LEHNYWXFIIRPMWIRWIHXS1EXWYWLMXEERHXLYW[EWEZEMPMEFPIJSVQEWWTVSHYGXMSR 8LI')MWEQEMRWTS[IVIHYRMXXLEXJIEXYVIWFSXLGLSVYWERHZMFVEXSQSHIWERH EPWSXLIWXIVISSYXTYXW[IVIJIEXYVIWRSXGSQQSRMRIJJIGXWTIHEPWEXXLEXXMQI 8LIWEPIWSJXLI')[IVIWPS[EXXLIFIKMRRMRKYRXMPEXXLIIRH SJXLI³WMXWTSTYPEVMX]WXEVXIHXSKVS[IWTIGMEPP]EQSRKLEQQSRHTPE]IV´WPIHF]XLII\EQTPISJ,IVFMI,ERGSGO7PS[P] MXWJEZSYVKVI[EPWSEQSRKKYMXEVERHFEWWTPE]IVWFYXWMRGI MX[EWEVIPEXMZIP]PEVKIWM^IHERHTVMGIP]TIHEPMXHMHRSXWIPP XSXLIFMKQEVOIXW8LYW&SWWHIZIPSTIHWQEPPIVERHQSVI EJJSVHEFPIZIVWMSRWLSYWIHMRXLIGEWXMVSRWLIPPWORS[R EW XLI GSQTEGX TIHEP WIVMIW MR SVHIV XS XEVKIX PEVKIV QEVOIXWLEVIW Compact Boss CE2 BIG MUFF A pinch smoother than its American-made comrade, the Russian Muff exhibits slightly less sustain, yet retains that unmistakable Big Muff sound. Prized by bass players for its IHKIERHWSYKLXEJXIVF]KYMXEVMWXWWIIOMRKMXWYRMUYI¾EZSV Mike Mills (REM) From Russia with fuzz comes the FAMOUS USERS Christopher Wolstenholme (MUSE) David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) Mike Mills (REM) Carlos Santana T he following is a direct quote from Mike Matthews, Electro-Harmonix founder and president: “Back in 1969 I (Electro-Harmonix) was already selling the Muff Fuzz, which was a mild overdrive circuit in an LPB-1 box. I wanted to come out with a three knob distortion unit in a bigger box. I asked my buddy, Bell Labs designer, Bob Myer, to design a unit, one that would have a lot of sustain. When I got the prototype from Bob, I loved the long sustain. This was done by cascading the circuit into additional sections, each one clipped by twin diodes. However, when you clip, the tone can be a bit raspy. So, I spent a couple of days changing capacitors to roll off distortion in the highs, and eventually found that the best long sustaining tone that was a sweet violin like sound was done by having three capacitors in different parts of the circuit rolling off XLIVEWT;ITPYRKIHMRXSTVSHYGXMSRERH-FVSYKLXXLIZIV]½VWXYRMXWYTXS,IRV]XLIFSWWEX Manny’s Music Store on 48th Street, NYC. About a week later, I stopped by Manny’s to buy some cables, and Henry yelled out to me, ‘Hey Mike, I sold one of those new Big Muffs to Jimi Hendrix.” The Big Muff was used by artists including David Gilmour and Carlos Santana. David Gilmour famously used the Big Muff on the Pink Floyd albums Animals and The Wall and most recently on his 2006 On An Island tour. Electro-Harmonix owner and founder Mike Matthews was friends with Jimi Hendrix and claims .MQM FSYKLX SRI SJ XLI ½VWX TVSHYGXMSR &MK 1YJJW JVSQ 1ERR]´W 1YWMG MR New York, shortly after they were released, and that he had one in the Electric Lady Studios shortly before his death in 1970. Hendrix played an integral part in the making of the Big Muff, as Matthews has often stated that Hendrix’s guitar sound was the inspiration for the creation of the Big Muff. LINE6 DL44444 can you repeat that?? T his is it, folks; the fabled green box thats been igniting creativity, passion ERHWLIIVE[IWMRGI0MRI½VWXVIPIEWIHMXWHMKMXEPP]QSHIPIHQEVZIPWSR XLI[SVPHMR'SRXEMRMRKQSHIPWFEWIHSRPIKIRHEV]IGLSERHHIPE] FS\IWJVSQXLIWXSVMIH1EIWXVS)4)GLSTPI\XSXLIE[IWSQI8')PIG XVSRMGXLI(0LEWMRXYVRFIGSQIEGPEWWMGMRMXWS[RVMKLXEWTSTY PEV[MXLKYMXEVMWXWEWMXMW[MXLWMRKIVWHVYQQIVWFEWWMWXWOI]FSEVHMWXWERH ER]SRI[LS[ERXWETYVIFMXXVYIWXIVISWMKREPTEXLMRXLIWIVZMGISJHI PE]WXLEXVYRXLIKEQYXJVSQKVMXX]ERHTW]GLIHIPMGXSTVMWXMRIERHLIEZIRP] =SY´HFIMRWERIXSTEGOERSVMKMREP6SPERH6)7TEGI)GLSSV)PIGXVS,EVQSRM\(IPY\I1IQSV]1ERMRXS XLIFEGOSJ]SYVZERJSVEGPYFXSYVFYXXLI(0TEGOWQSHIPWSJXLSWIWSYRHWERHQER]QSVIMRXSEVYKKIH VSEHXIWXIHWXIIPLSYWMRKXLEXGERVYRJSVYTXSLSYVWSRJSYV'FEXXIVMIWSV[MXLXLISTXMSREP4<TS[IV EHETXSV1SHIPWSJGPEWWMGHIPE]FS\IW²ERHXLIW[IIXGLSVYWIWERHZMFVEXSWXLEXEGGSQTER]QER]SJXLIQ²EVI NYWXXLIFIKMRRMRKXLI(0EPWSFSEWXWMRRSZEXMZIWSYRHWPMOIMXW%YXS:SPYQI)GLS[LMGLGSQFMRIWEZSPYQI W[IPP[MXLEX[IEOEFPIXETIWX]PIIGLSSVXLISYXWXERHMRK6IZIVWI(IPE][LMGLEPPS[W]SYXSTPE]WXYRRMRK FEGO[EVHWKYMXEVWSPSWSRXLI¾] FAMOUS USERS Kirk Hammet (Metallica) Dave Knudson (Minus the Bear) Eric Clapton The Edge (U2) Robert Smith (The Cure) Omar Rodriguez (The Mars Volta) Maestro EP-3 Roland RE101 Boss DM-2 The DL4 was based on some of the most notorious vintage delays: Memory Man Dave Knudson 4 x DL4’s THE IBANEZ TWINS WH-10 T he wah-wah pedal has a long and distinguished history. This is a truly classic effect that controls the timbre of instrument sounds, making it one of the most important tools of many guitarists. The reason for this continued popularity is to be found in the wah-wah’s unique capability of letting the player express himself directly in the quality of the effect sound he controls. What makes the WH10 Wah Pedal evenmore unique is its ability to switch between frequency ranges in order to accomodate not only guitar, but bass as well. In addition, a Depth knob lets you freely control the intensity of the wah-wah effect for a whole host of characteristic sounds from mild wah-wah to a dramatic distortion wah. WF-10 B uilt just like it’s twin the Ibanez WH10, the basic difference is a side switch that turns an onboard fuzz effect on or off and rotary knob that adjusts the amount of the fuzz effect rather than the side switch being guitar/bass and rotary knob wah sweep as with the WH10. There is also a jack on the left for a external footswitch that will turn the fuzz on or off with the WF10 pedal. The WF10 also has hidden trimmers under the unit, just remove the rubber bungs to gain access, there are two trimmers in the bottom of the unit w.d. = wah depth and f.l. = fuzz level, these are adjustable with a small ¾EXWGVI[HVMZIV
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