

September 18, 2013  ISSUE 543
Pilgrim Call Newsletter
A weekly newsletter of First congregational Christian church
A Note From Pastor Jon Tice
Please study the following questions as you prepare for the lesson this Sunday on “Multiply How? Who is Jesus?” We will be discussing these questions
in small groups at the round tables from 10:00-10:40. Please plan on attending and enriching your Worship experience even more!
Small Group Discussion Questions:
1. Many people don’t mind talking about Buddha, Mohammad or Confucius,
but are uncomfortable with the subject of Jesus? Why?
2. In Exodus 3:13,14 and John 8:56-58 Jesus connects a truth about Himself and God Almighty – What did the crowd understand Jesus to be saying?
3. Why did they attempt to stone Him?
4. What do you think are the significance of the statements by Jesus?
5. What prophecies in the Old Testament are most significant in their fulfillment?
6. Where do most people get their ideas about God?
Involve Sunday—We were blessed with a beautiful day, not only in weather,
but by the beauty of God’s people uniting together in Worship and in service.
God was glorified through the Praise Band’s music, learning about local nonprofit organizations and their role of service to the community, and the message which focused on when people in our community hurt or are affected by
something like the flood—we are all affected and hurting. It was an inspiring
day! Thank you for attending and supporting this event.
Prayer Concerns
September 16—Ella Herron, 6 year old granddaughter of Cindy Pyle. Please pray for healing, as she is recovering
from mono and has a very low platelet count that will keep her from doing much activity.
September 16—Jerry Caylor, please continue praying for discernment and healing for him.
September 16—Sonny Hunt, please pray for Sonny following surgery to unclog an artery in his neck. He is at
home and is doing pretty well. His address is 417 W. Mulberry, Apt. 14.
September 14—Phil Hamilton, please keep the Hamilton family in prayer. Phil has been moved to Golden Living.
September 13—Pastor Tice, please be in prayer for healing following a skin procedure that has been very painful.
September 12—Bea Young, please pray for healing and comfort for Bea. She fell and broke her arm.
September 11—Rachel Schoenian. Please pray for Rachel, as she is serving in the Peace Corps in the country of
Peru. She will be a blessing to the many lives that she will touch while serving there.
September 9—Family of Sue Smeltzer, please pray for peace for her family and friends upon her passing. She is
at rest with her Lord and Savior.
September 8—Margaret Tice, please continue to pray for health concerns. She is at North Woods Village now.
September 8—Ron and Mary Lou Nutt’s son Jeremy, lost his job and things are very difficult for him.
September 5—Linda Trent, please pray for peace and comfort as she starts radiation treatments this week. The test
results showed that it is Stage 1 cancer. She really appreciates our prayers.
September 4—Don Hutchison, Sandy Winslow’s brother, please pray for his meds to stay regulated, and for comfort during his chemo treatments.
Continue with Prayers
September 1—Harry Werbe, former member and Sarah Werbe Scott’s brother, please pray for comfort and peace
upon his passing away. Her address is 927 N. Phillips, 46901
September 1—Jim Ball, please pray for continued healing. He is home now, using a cane and walker.
August 28—June Cristallo, neighbor of the Walters, passed away. Please pray for peace and comfort for her family during this difficult time.
August 28—Teresa, Cathy Trout’s friend. Please pray for Teresa’s friends and family upon her passing.
August 26—Marianne Ingwerson, please pray for comfort and peace upon the passing of her husband, Frank. Marianne has been a longtime, faithful volunteer at the Nearly New Shop. Her address is: 1023 Linda Dr. 46902
August 19—Mary Lou Ricketts, Please pray for healing and recovery following foot surgery.
Continued prayers for: Sandra Bargerhuff, Craig Shuck, Nancy Lazorchak, Alice Malkoff, Karen
Ebeling, Bill Schoby, Nancy Hosier, Peggy Land, Susan Cottingham, Dick Schoenian.
Please continue to pray for these members and friends of people in our congregation who are facing cancer treatments, those who have finished treatments, and those in remission.
Military Soldiers of our Church
David Carey
Andrew Reed
Aaron Knight
Richard Young
Riley Johnson
Amy Peabody
“Fill the Pantry” and “Serving at the Rescue Mission”
Please help support Kokomo Urban Outreach by bringing in the following items:
Toilet paper, canned fruit, shampoo, canned vegetables, & canned chicken. We will collect the items this week and on Sunday, September 22nd.
We will be serving dinner at the Kokomo Rescue Mission this Sunday, (always the 4th Sunday of the month)
September 22nd from 3:50-5:30. If you would like to serve, please call Nancy Phillips at 419-1368. Thanks!
Address Updates
Karen (Fowler) McCoy—313 Southlea Dr., 46902 Karen’s phone # is 765-860-9070
Nate & Brooke Gibson—1105 W. Mulberry, 46901, Brooke # 765-480-7569
Joe & Nell Stewart—4100 Brooke Rd., 46902 Phone # 765-864-9659
Phil Hamilton—Please keep Thelma Hamilton and her family in your prayers. Phil Hamilton has been moved
to Golden Living Center at 2905 W. Sycamore, and the family has to provide 24 hour supervision for Phil.
Thelma has been sleeping there most nights and staying with him.
“Involve Sunday”
Thank you to all who helped in any way with Involve Sunday!! Thank you!
Thank you!! It was a beautiful day, and we hope that you were blessed in
some way by the unity of the people and organizations that came together to glorify God and His work
in our community! A special “shout out” goes to Brad Johnson for coordinating and preparing all of the
wonderful food for the event. It was delicious! Thank you to Pastor Jon for his part in planning for the
event. We also want to thank our First Congo people who were sponsors and/or donated large items
for “Involve Sunday”: TGR Signs, Clifford Signs, Cone Palace, Johnson Insurance Agency, Button/
McGonigal’s, Shirley and Stout Funeral Homes, Hal & Sherry King. Thanks also to all of the cookie
bakers, and to Kent Wilson for cooking the pork. It couldn’t have happened without all of you!
Cathy’s Corner
Congo Choir Practice—Thursdays at 7:30
Dear Heavenly Father, help me to carry the
music of this church into my daily living.
Show me when my witness for You is weakened by a wrong attitude. May my life be characterized with
Thy joy. And let the music of our choir challenge each believer with the goal of victorious, joyful living that will ever
glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen
HESP 5K Run/Walk Event
Newsboys in Concert
& For King and Country in Concert
Wow! How awesome is that to have the Newsboys in town
for a concert! They will be performing at the Kokomo H.S.
Auditorium on Friday, October 18th at 7:00 PM. Because
McGonigal’s & Button Dodge are helping to sponsor the
event, we can get a block of 25 tickets for $25.00 each (they
are normally $40, and 12 of the 25 are already spoken for).
Please call the church office to reserve and pay for your tickets. The block of seats will be in a great location!
Date: September 21
Place: Kokomo High School
2501 S. Berkley, Door 13
Time: Run @ 8:00 AM, Walk
@ 8:30
Cost: Donations start at $25.00
General public and all ages are welcome.
Thank you for your ongoing support on behalf of the poor children in Haiti that HESP
supports. We are joining hands in our fund
raising efforts with Maple Crest Student Council and Kokomo Road Runners Club.
Shuckstrong Golf Outing
Saturday September 28th, at Green Acres Golf Course
18 Hole 4 Person Scramble
Light Lunch Provided
Registration/Check In starts at 7am.
Shotgun Start at 8:30 AM
$200 per team of 4 players, $50 dollars for Individuals
(You will be placed on a team)
Hole Sponsor $100.00
You can also donate items for silent auction/raffle.
*All Proceeds Benefit Craig Shuck's Battle
with Melanoma***
If people want to enter a team, sponsor a hole, make a donation, or have any questions, please contact Wes Blankenberger at 765 210 5476 or email me at
[email protected].
Upcoming Dates in our
Dad Camp Dates
Upcoming DadCamp dates.
 September 27-29 Father-son
camp (K-5th grade)
 October 11-13 Middle School
(6th - 8th grade)
L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday)
October 19th from 9 AM-4:30 PM at
First Presbyterian Church
Blush— “One” on Saturday, Nov. 16
at Oakbrook Church
Leaders for this Sunday, September 22nd
Greeters: Jo Hightower, Sherry King
Bill and Margot Fox
Junior Church: Lee Ann Hughes
Denette Schoenian
Penguins (Grades 3-5)
The Penguins will meet on Sunday, Sept. 29th
at Ron & Nancy Phillips house from 3:00-5:30
p.m. There will be games, horseback riding,
and a bonfire, complete with hot dogs and s’mores. You
are welcome to bring a snack to share. Please bring your
own bike helmet for the horseback riding. Bring friends!
The address is 350 W 3480 S. Call 455-1926 if you need
directions or need a ride. We will continue our lessons on
the fruit of the spirit.
Congratulations to Jill & Jesse
Daugherty on the birth of Sawyer
Mitchell Daugherty! He was born
on July 31st, and weighed 7lb,15oz.
His proud big brother is Lincoln.
“Yes We Can” Congo Participation
September 22nd
“Yes We Can” rules have changed! We can
announce that we are assigned to Western
Woods, south of Sycamore. Our Mega
foods are corn, green beans, and meals in a can. If
you’d like to help the Congo Youth by dropping
canned food off at the church, we will get it to the
neighborhood where we are collecting, so it counts
for their collection amounts. You may also drop it
off at Kim Herr’s home at 607 Branded Blvd. between 1:00-2:00.
150th Anniversary: Interesting “Tid Bits”
505 Beginnings
Contract for the construction of the edifice was awarded to Elmer L. Danner for a price of $81,467.
He was a member of the church.
The Original organ was an Estey Pipe Organ. The very latest design giving nearly perfect flexibility, thus relieving the organist of much mechanical work of playing. Given in memory of Mr.& Mrs. Henry C. Davis.
Incorporated in the plans for the new church was a gymnasium..housing locker
rooms, showers, toilets. (Many memories here in Pilgrim Hall)
This week’s question: What year was this building completed??
Answer to last weeks question: “What special item needed repairs in the late 1880’s?” A natural gas
furnace was installed. (This was in the first renovated church.)
Yes, We Can—Sept. 22—1:00
Ladies Bible Study
Our next Bible Study will be at 10 AM
on Wednesday September 25th at Kitty
Bell’s home (201 Orchard Ln.). We will
continue with week 1. If you have yet to
pay $10 for your study book, please
plan to bring your money to our study.
Sunday School Offering
Our Sunday school offering this year will
be given to Curtis Stout and Project 117
the mission project to Haiti. We were
able to collect and give $100 through our
Sunday school department last year and
have the goal of doing as well again this
year! Thank you for all who give during
the Sunday school hour.
“Yes We Can” is a community canned food drive
that our youth participates in. We will meet in our
church parking lot at 1:00 PM on Sunday September 22, and divide into teams. WE NEED DRIVERS! We have 3 teams! After collecting the canned food, we
will go to Bible Baptist Church on S. Dixon Rd. to hear the results and have pizza. It will be followed with a "See You At
The Pole" (Global Day of Student Prayer) Pre Rally beginning
at 4:30 PM Once we are done there we will go to Grace for
Youth Group—game night. We will end our day at Grace with
games and snacks. Students may be picked up at Grace UMC
at 7:30.
“Yes We Can” rules have changed! We can announce that we
are assigned to Western Woods, south of Sycamore. Our
Mega foods are corn, green beans, and meals in a can. If you’d
like to help the Congo Youth by dropping canned food off at the
church, we will get it to the neighborhood where we are collecting, so it counts for their collection amounts.
Sunday School Schedule
Our Sunday School program and Small Group Discussions will resume this Sunday, September 22 nd.
We have an exciting program that we are using with our children ages 3 years old through 5th grade
that will lead them in learning verses and stories from the Bible in alphabetical order.
The Adult Sunday School Class will meet in Pilgrim Hall for eight to ten weeks beginning September 8th to study Jon’s sermons on making disciples. This will be a small group format at the round tables with a designated group leader to facilitate the discussions. You will have access to the topic
each week, prior to Sunday, through the previous week’s Pilgrim Call Newsletter. You are encouraged to take advantage of this material to enhance your understanding of the material being discussed. Please plan to attend these opportunities as it provides shared experiences with our church
family as well as personal spiritual growth.
The children’s Sunday School classes are as follow:
Birth-3 years old
4 Years Old—Pre-K
Far West room with Miss Betsy
K - Grade 2
Middle S.S. Room with Miss Carolyn
Grades 3-5
Drama Room with Miss Marcia
Grades 6-12
Youth Room with Mr. & Mrs. Bewley
The Way Youth ( Grades 6-12)
~~This Sunday, September 22nd, we will be participating in the “Yes, We Can” Event and then ending
at Grace at 7:30. Please see the announcement above.
~~Fall Youth Retreat— There is a sign up sheet in the lobby for anyone who would be willing to donate food for the upcoming youth retreat at the end of this month. None of our youth are going, but we
would still like to provide the meals, if possible. There are about 25 students from Bridges Outreach
who are going and we can help to supplement their meals. Our group is in charge of 2 meals over the
weekend. Please consider what you can give towards this project. Thank you! Stacey
Non Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 83
First Congregational Christian UCC
505 W. Mulberry St.
Kokomo, In 46901
Kokomo, Indiana
Come Worship With Us
On Sunday Mornings!
9:02 Praise Service
10:00 Small Groups
Sunday School
10:45 Classic Service
Contact Information:
Phone: (765)452-8285
Nearly New: 459-8121
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Facebook:FirstCongo-Kokomo, IN.
Nearly New Shop Kokomo
Update on the Elevator
All of the windows and doorways on the main floor and Sanctuary have been removed, reframed and covered. Digging has started and is almost finished!! There
were some issues with the gas company, but they have been resolved, thanks to John
Beechy, our architect for the project. Construction is progressing very quickly!
Man-2-Man Breakfast Ministry
The Man-2-Man Breakfast Ministry will resume again on Saturday, September 21st at
6:30 AM. Please mark it on your calendar and plan to attend. It is a great time of food,
fellowship, and sharing of testimonials. If you have any questions, please call Rex Gingerich at 271-5478.