Workbook Animals Table of Contents 1 Contents
Workbook Animals Table of Contents 1 Contents
Workbook Animals Contents: Seite: 1.2 Birds 1.2.2 The Owl 8 1.3 Reptiles 1.3.1 The Sand Lizard 1.3.2 The Crossed viper 1.3.3 The Nile crocodile 1.4 Fish 1.5.2 The Shark Table of Contents © Jakob Locomotion Teeth, gastrointestinal tract and excretion 12 13 14 19 Sensory organs and the nervous system Gaseous exchange, respiration and transport The pages are not numbered consecutively. The paginations correspond with the German version “Arbeitsheft Tierkunde“ Animal Integumentary system Reproductive system Cell structure Behaviour Vocabulary: content = Inhalt, bird = Vogel, reptile = Reptil, fish = Fisch, owl = Eule, Sand Lizard = Zauneidechse, Crossed viper = Kreuzotter, Nile crocodile = Nilkrokodil, shark = Hai, cell structure = Zellaufbau, integumentary system = Körperbedeckung, sensory organ = Sinnesorgan, nervous system = Nervensystem, Locomotion = Fortbewegung, teeth = Zähne, Gebiss, gastrointestinal tract = Magendarmtrakt, excretion = Ausscheidung, gaseous exchange = Gasaustausch, respiration = Zellatmung, transport = Transport, reproductive system = Fortpflanzungsorgane, behaviour = Verhalten 1 Workbook Animals 1.2.2 The Owl Chapter 1.2 Birds Beak: Owls have g a highly beak, which marks c d e h Feet: Another identifying feature of c d e are the owl’s feet, which are equipped with h strong The owl is a The f which are nowadays labeled g Sensory Organs: Covering of the body: © Jakob f flight feathers enable the owl to Vocabulary: sensory organ = Sinnesorgan, circle of feathers = Federkranz, ears = Ohren, light-sensitive = lichtempfindlich, eyes = Augen, nocturnal = nächtlich, predator = Jäger, fringed = gefranst, to enable = ermöglichen, to fly = fliegen, soundless = lautlos, curved = gebogen, raptor = Räuber, bird of prey = Greifvogel, to mark = kennzeichnen, to label = bezeichnen, to identify = kennzeichnen, feature = Merkmal, predatory = räuberisch, bird = Vogel, equipped = ausgestattet, talon = Kralle 8 Workbook Animals 1.3.1 The Sand Lizard Chapter 1.3 Reptiles © Jakob d Sensory organs: Apart from the eyes, the c and d play an important role. Skeleton of Sand Lizard and Slow worm Locomotion: c Lizards and snakes both move by a action of the whole spine. The Slow worm or Blind worm is a kind of . The absence of legs has its benefits in narrow , for example when moving through low vegetation. Behaviour: When the external temperature falls below a certain level and during , the lizards retreat to a hiding place and . During this torpid state their internal temperature can fall to almost 12 °C. In spring they bask in the sun. They are Feeding: The many pointed teeth take hold of When attacked by a predator their tail can Insects, be shed to visually the aggressor. A replacement grows back. and Vocabulary: sensory organ = Sinnesorgan, apart from = neben, ear = das Ohr, tongue = die Zunge, winter = Winter, hibernate = überwintern, torpid = träge, zero = Null, ectothermic = wechselwarm, to distract = ablenken, sideways = seitwärts gerichtet, action = die Bewegung, lizard = Eidechse, absence = das Fehlen, space = der Raum, unvarying = gleichartig, caterpillar = Raupe, spider = Spinne Workbook Animals 1.3.2 The Crossed Viper Chapter 1.3 Reptiles © Jakob Hunting: The viper catches sight of a passing Feeding: mouse. It picks ups the The venom with its tongue and by a pair of long poison fangs. shape. The of its prey. If the mouse pauses The fatal with a anxiuously, the viper freezes before is the result of its effects on the striking with its poison fangs. prey’s Integumentary system: There are scales on the dorsal side of the viper’s head. The head has a primary colour is pattern on its back. The pupil is vertically . After the bite the mouse still stumbles a few steps and then collapses. The snake devours its prey head first. Subsequently the viper takes shelter in order to rest and digest. . The amount of venom is designed for small , and therefore rarely dangerous to humans. Vocabulary: integumentary system = Körperbedeckung, many = viele, tiny = winzig, scale = Schuppe, dorsal = Rückenseite, triangular = dreieckig, slit-shaped = schlitzförmig, primary colour = Grundfarbe, pattern = Muster, to catch sight of = erblicken, smell = Geruch, to keep track = verfolgen, anxiously = besorgt, to freeze = erstarren, to strike = zuschlagen, poison fang = Giftzahn, to stumble = stolpern, to collapse = zusammenfallen, to devour = verschlingen, head first = mit dem Kopf voran, subsequently = darauffolgend, to take shelter = einen sicheren Platz aufsuchen, to digest = verdauen, venom = Gift, to inject = einspritzen, fatal = tödlich, paralysis = Lähmung, effect = Wirkung, nervous system = Nervensystem, amount = Menge, designed for = vorgesehen für, mammal = Säugetier, rarely = selten, dangerous = gefährlich 13 c d Workbook Animals 1.3.3 The Nile crocodile Chapter 1.3 Reptiles 14 © Jakob e Locomotion and movement: h The f , which is flattened on both sides, and the g serve as swimming organs. g Feeding: The pointed cone-shaped teeth f the prey, which is They are not suitable for chewing up the Senses and perception: prey and therefore big parts are gulped Above the water-level the crocodile has good c and e . intact and crushed by big ,d . in the stomach. Below the surface it uses mainly its formidable haptic sense. Hunting behaviour: Breathing: The crocodile rises for a short moment and locates its prey by The e Then it dives and head can be sealed. Under water the breath can its way to the selected animal by marks on the ground. On arrival it emerges, catches the prey with its yawning jaws and on the upper side of the for a long period of time. it. Vocabulary: sense = Sinn, perception = Wahrnehmung, above = über, sight = Sehsinn, hearing = Gehörsinn, sense of smell = Geruchsinn, below = unter, surface = Oberfläche, mainly = hauptsächlich, formidable = großartig, haptic sense = Tastsinn, to hunt = jagen, behaviour = Verhalten, to rise = sich erheben, auftauchen, to locate = orten, to dive = tauchen, to feel = tasten, selected = ausgewählt, marks = Wegmarken, Arrival = Ankunft, to catch = fangen, yawning = aufgerissen, klaffend jaw = Kiefer, to drown = ertränken, locomotion = Fortbewegung mit Ortswechsel, movement = Bewegung, tail = Schwanz, webbed feet = Füße mit Schwimmhäuten, pointed = spitz, cone-shaped = kegelförmig, to take hold of = festhalten, to chew = kauen, to gulp = verschlingen, to crush = zermahlen, stones = Steine, stomach = Magen/Bauchregion, to breath = atmen, nostrils = Nasenlöcher, to seal = verschließen, to hold breath = den Atem anhalten Workbook Animals 1.5.2 The Shark 400 m 50 m Chapter 1.5 Fishes 30 m 15 m 2m 0m © Jakob Olfactory sense Hearing Lateral line Sight Haptic sense Sense of taste Senses and perception: When closing in, the shark uses these four senses or sensory organs in the following Teeth: order: The teeth are - The pointed and sharp-edged teeth - enable the shark to tear his prey to - pieces. Terrestrial animals usually don’t have a In his natural environment he - mostly hunts and . Covering of the Body: The dermal denticles covering the whole surface of his body and the shape reduce the Vocabulary: olfactory sense = Geruchsinn, hearing = Gehörsinn, lateral line = Seitenlinien Organ, sight = Sehsinn, haptic sense = Tastsinn, sense of taste = Geschmacksinn, perception = Wahrnehmung, to close in = sich annähern, sensory organs = Sinnesorgane, order = Reihenfolge, terrestrial = landlebend, to replace = ersetzen, constantly = ständig, fortlaufend, sharp-edged = scharfkantig, to tear to pieces = in Stücke reißen, dermal denticles = zahnartige Hautschuppen, environment = Umwelt, seals = Seehunde, fish = Fische, streamline = stromlinienartig, shape = Form, friction = Reibung 19