Community Directory 2011 - United Religions Initiative
Community Directory 2011 - United Religions Initiative
C O M M U N I T Y D I R E C TO RY 2 011 TABLE OF CONTENTS URI Preamble, Purpose, & Principles………………………….2 Global Council Trustees………………………………………..4 Regional Coordinators………………………………………...14 Global Support Staff…………………………………………..21 REGIONS Africa……………………………………………………….......25 Asia…………………………………………………………….57 Europe………………………………………………………..122 Latin America and the Caribbean…………………………..141 Middle East and North Africa……………………………….156 MultiRegion…………………………………………………..182 North America………………………………………………..195 Southeast Asia and the Pacific……………………………..219 URI Multiple Cooperation Circles…………………………..236 In Memoriam – Celestial CC………………………………..240 preamble We, people of diverse religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions throughout the world, hereby establish the United Religions Initiative to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. We respect the uniqueness of each tradition, and differences of practice or belief. We value voices that respect others, and believe that sharing our values and wisdom can lead us to act for the good of all. We believe that our religious, spiritual lives, rather than dividing us, guide us to build community and respect for one another. Therefore, as interdependent people rooted in our traditions, we now unite for the benefit of our Earth community. We unite to build cultures of peace and justice. We unite to heal and protect the Earth. We unite to build safe places for conflict resolution, healing and reconciliation. We unite to support freedom of religion and spiritual expression, and the rights of all individuals and peoples as set forth in international law. We unite in responsible cooperative action to bring the wisdom and values of our religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions to bear on the economic, environmental, political and social challenges facing our Earth community. We unite to provide a global opportunity for participation by all people, especially by those whose voices are not often heard. We unite to celebrate the joy of blessings and the light of wisdom in both movement and stillness. We unite to use our combined resources only for nonviolent, compassionate action, to awaken to our deepest truths, and to manifest love and justice among all life in our Earth community. purpose The purpose of the United Religions Initiative is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. 2 principles 1. The URI is a bridge-building organization, not a religion. 2. We respect the sacred wisdom of each religion, spiritual expression and indigenous tradition. 3. We respect the differences among religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions. 4. We encourage our members to deepen their roots in their own tradition. 5. We listen and speak with respect to deepen mutual understanding and trust. 6. We give and receive hospitality. 7. We seek and welcome the gift of diversity and model practices that do not discriminate. 8. We practice equitable participation of women and men in all aspects of the URI. 9. We practice healing and reconciliation to resolve conflict without resorting to violence. 10. We act from sound ecological practices to protect and preserve the Earth for both present and future generations. 11. We seek and offer cooperation with other interfaith efforts. 12. We welcome as members all individuals, organizations and associations who subscribe to the Preamble, Purpose, and Principles. 13. We have the authority to make decisions at the most local level that includes all the relevant and affected parties. 14. We have the right to organize in any manner, at any scale, in any area, and around any issue or activity which is relevant to and consistent with the Preamble, Purpose, and Principles. 15. Our deliberations and decisions shall be made at every level by bodies and methods that fairly represent the diversity of affected interests and are not dominated by any. 16. We (each part of the URI) shall relinquish only such autonomy and resources as are essential to the pursuit of the Preamble, Purpose, and Principles. 17. We have the responsibility to develop financial and other resources to meet the needs of our part, and to share financial and other resources to help meet the needs of other parts. 18. We maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct, prudent use of resources, and fair and accurate disclosure of information. 19. We are committed to organizational learning and adaptation. 20. We honor the richness and diversity of all languages and the right and responsibility of participants to translate and interpret the Charter, Articles, Bylaws and related documents in accordance with the Preamble, Purpose, and Principles, and the spirit of the United Religions Initiative. 21. Members of the URI shall not be coerced to participate in any ritual or be proselytized. 3 Global Council Trustees The Rt. Rev. William E. Swing URI Founding Trustee Bishop William Swing is the President and Founder of the URI. Bishop Swing had the original vision of URI in 1993 in response to an invitation from the United Nations which asked him to host an interfaith service honoring the 50th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. Bishop Swing served as the Episcopal Bishop of California from 1980 until his retirement in 2006. In that capacity, he was a national and international leader in response to the AIDS crisis. He co-founded Episcopal Community Services to address San Francisco’s homeless problem as well as the Community Bank of the Bay to support local businesses and the economy. [email protected] The Rev. Canon Charles P. Gibbs Gibbs URI Executive Trustee Canon Gibbs, an Episcopal (Anglican) priest, has served as URI's founding Executive Director for 14 years. He has worked with religious, political, and business leaders in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas, Asia, and in the Pacific Rim. He has been a featured speaker internationally and has written extensively about the transformative power of interfaith cooperation. [email protected] Ms. Yoland Trevino URI Global Council Chairperson & MultiRegion Trustee Ms. Trevino, from Guatemala and of Mayan ancestry, holds Master’s degrees in human behavior and in psychology. She is a visionary educator, professional trainer and facilitator in transformative leadership. In 1996, Ms. Trevino founded Transformative Collaborations International, which works internationally to support transformational organizational change. Ms. Trevino served on the federal Domestic Policy Council during the Clinton Administration in the 1990s. [email protected] 4 Dr. Shlomo Alon URI Global Council ViceVice - Chairperson Dr. Alon is a scholar in the Arabic language and is the head of Arabic Languages for the Israeli schools. He is the president of a large synagogue in Jerusalem. Dr. Alon has been active in interfaith work for 25 years, serving on the boards of the International Association for Religious Freedom and the Interfaith Encounter Association. [email protected] Ms. Perri Kathryn McCary URI Global Council Secretary Ms. McCary is the founder and host of Think Peace Radio, a broadcast and web-based radio station that brings a global perspective to interfaith efforts for peace. She also is an author and storyteller. Ms. McCary is a URI co-founder with special interest in mentoring the next generation of URI leaders. [email protected] Rabbi Doug Kahn URI Global Council Treasurer Rabbi Kahn has served as Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council in San Francisco, California for more than two decades and is a founding member of the URI. Throughout his career, he has worked to build bridges of trust and cooperation among people of different faiths. Most recently, he has pioneered efforts to strengthen relations between the Jewish and Muslim communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. [email protected] 5 AFRICA Ms. Rattan K. Channa Ms. Channa is a Trustee for the Sikh Women Society of Kenya and the Convener for Social Welfare for the Sikh Supreme Council. She has served many roles in the Inter-Religious Welfare Council of Kenya during the past decade, including Co-Chair. Ms. Channa has also served as an Executive Member of the Social Welfare Committee of the East African Ramgahria Board from 2003-2007. She received the Outstanding Leader Award from the Sikh Supreme Council of Kenya in 1992. Ms. Channa is a founding member of URI, which was first introduced in Kenya in 1998. [email protected] Bishop Samuel G. K. Lubogo Bishop Lubogo is a retired bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church in Busoga, Uganda. During his ministry, he dedicated himself to addressing the urgent material and spiritual needs of his people. He has a longstanding commitment to cross-cultural and interfaith work for peace, justice and healing. [email protected] 6 ASIA Swami Agnivesh (At (AtAt- Large Trustee) Trustee) Swami Agnivesh, an internationally renowned Hindu leader, served 10 years as Chairperson of the United Nations Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery. Since 1981 he has been Chairperson of the Bonded Labor Liberation Front, and since 2004 he has served as President of the World Council of Arya Samaj. He is a co-founder of URI’s Religions for Social Justice Cooperation Circle, which has been a powerful force for interfaith harmony and cooperation in India. [email protected] Maulana Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad is the youngest Grand Imam of Badshahi Mosque, the largest mosque in Lahore, Pakistan. He holds Master’s degrees in Islamic Studies and Arabic Language. Mr. Khabir Azad is distinguished internationally as a leader who promotes interfaith understanding and cooperation for peace, reconciliation, and addressing urgent human need. In 1995, Mr. Khabir Azad organized the first interfaith conference inside the Badshahi mosque. [email protected] Ven. Jinwol Young H. Lee Dr. Jinwol Lee is a Buddhist Monk and Zen Master. He belongs to Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, the major traditional Mahayana Buddhism in Korea, and serves as the acting chairman of the Committee for Internal Relations. He is a trustee of the URI Global Council, elected in the Asia Region in 2002. He holds a Ph.D from the University of California Berkeley and is a professor of Buddhist meditation and culture at Dongguk University in Gyeongju, the thousand year old capital city of the Silla Dynasty. [email protected] 7 EUROPE Ms. Kiran Bali Ms. Bali has founded and chaired several local and regional interfaith groups and worked with many international organizations to enhance understanding among cultures to address community challenges and resolve conflicts. For this work, she was honored by Queen Elizabeth II and has been designated an Ambassador for Peace. Ms. Bali serves on URI’s Young Leaders Program Steering Committee and on the URI Europe Executive Committee. [email protected] Sheikh Bashir A. Dultz Sheikh Bashir is a spiritual leader of the Sufi order Tariqah As-Safinah. He is a founder and serves as president of the German Muslim League. He is a founding member and delegate of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, a Muslim team member of the Three Faiths Summer School in Ammerdown, UK, and an honorary fellow at the Jewish Leo Baeck College in London. Since 1999, Shaikh Bashir has served on the URI Europe Executive Committee. [email protected] Ms. Elisabeth Lheure Ms. Lheure has worked with the UNESCO Association for Interreligious Dialogue for the past decade. Since 2006, she has worked in the field of mediation for social cohesion in urban areas. She uses specific interfaith dialogue as a tool for prevention and resolution of interconvictional conflicts in the city of Barcelona. Ms. Lheure heads a program, Citizen Dialogue Between Beliefs and Convictions, in cooperation with the local government. Since 2006, she has served on the URI Europe Executive Committee. [email protected] 8 LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Ms. Fany Avila Eleta Ms. Avila Eleta is a leader of the Commonwealth of the Kuna people of Panama. She has participated in several international forums, including “About Knowledge Traditions of World Intellectual Property Organization” and Forum of Rio, Brazil on “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.” Ms. Avila Eleta is the former president and founder of the Association of Handicraft Artisans of Balboa and the current Coordinator of the Circle of Kuna Women Artisans Cooperative. [email protected] Rev. David Limo Pajar Rev. David Limo Pajar is an Anglican priest, clergyman and activist for Human Rights for people living with HIV. He has been involved in ecumenism and interfaith cooperation programs and projects in human rights, health, peace, justice and fight against poverty for more than 15 years. He is a leader in the international network INERELA (International Network of Religious Leaders living with or personally affected by HIV and AIDS) for America region. He is the former Executive Secretary for the Interconfessional Committee in Peru where Christians, Jewish and Islamic Communities are represented. He was the first Executive Secretary and founding member of the Multisectorial National Coordination for Health (MCP-Global Fund PERU). [email protected] [email protected] Rev. Elias de Andrade Pinto Rev. de Andrade Pinto is a pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil. He is a member of three Sao Paolo state organizations: the State Council of Peace of the Legislative Assembly, the Permanent Forum InterReligious of the Secretary for Justice, and of the National Council of Christian Churches. Rev. de Andrade Pinto is a founding member of URI Brazil and is active in organizing ecumenical spiritual retreats to build bridges among people of different faiths. [email protected] 9 MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA Mr. Anas AlAl - Abbadi Mr. Al-Abbadi is the Director and Co-Founder of Youth Spirit Center in Jordan. A freelance trainer and project manager for intercultural and interfaith dialogue, he has organized more than 20 regional and international youth exchanges and seminars and 17 Jordanian youth forums. Mr. Al-Abbadi also has managed several local and regional projects for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, National Forum for Youth & Culture, and Anna Lindh Foundation. Currently Mr. Al-Abbai is studying Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution at the American University in Washington, DC. [email protected] Mr. Tareq Z. AlAl- Tamimi Mr. Al-Tamimi conducts leadership training and economic development in Palestine and is the coordinator of Volunteering for Peace Cooperation Circle of the URI in that country. He is an active member of the URI MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Steering committee, a member of URI’s Young Leaders Program, and is active in several other URI projects. [email protected] Ms. Suzan Dababneh Ms. Dababneh holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and economy, and has attended the Summer Peacebuilding Institute at Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Va., USA. Since 1991, she has worked for the Pontifical Mission Library in Amman and focused on religious education, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding. Ms. Dababneh also works as a freelance trainer focused on conflict resolution, effective communication skills, and other managerial competencies. She is a founding member and coordinator of Jordan Seeds of Peace. [email protected] 10 MULTIREGIONAL Dr. Linda B. Elder Dr. Linda Bennett Elder, Trustee of the Multi-Region of URI is a retired Professor of Religious Studies whose expertise includes Women’s Studies and Peace Studies. Her publications include articles, book chapters and a textbook: Creating Women: An Anthology of Readings on Women and Western Culture (Prentice Hall-2005). A member of Phi Beta Kappa she has taught Honors courses related to Peace Studies throughout her career. While teaching in the deep South, she established an interfaith women’s organization, and the Religious Studies program within the Department of Philosophy at her university. Her anti-racist activities “on the ground” include the Political Action committee with the local Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Board of Directors of Project Change for which she received the Ron Brown award in 1998. The current project within her CC, The Pilgrimage Project, is to foster development of a series of texts and multi-media presentations highlighting significant differences within the major religious traditions that proceed from cultural and regional differences including, politics, economics, environment, and education. Previous to her academic career, Dr. Bennett Elder was Director of the "Opera Theatre Workshop" in Toronto, Ontario. Professional artists in The Pilgrimage Project Artists Alliance are committed to building community through the arts. [email protected] Mr. Donald H. Frew (AtAt- Large Trustee) Trustee) Donald H. Frew is a Wiccan Elder and High Priest of Coven Trismegiston in Berkeley, California. He is a National Interfaith Representative for the Covenant of the Goddess. He has represented Wicca in interfaith work for over 25 years, including on the Board of the Berkeley Area Interfaith Council, at all of the modern Parliaments of the World's Religions, and on the Board of the Interfaith Center at the Presidio. He founded & serves as Director for the Lost & Endangered Religions Project. He has been active in the URI since 1988 and currently coordinates two Multi-Region CCs: Expressing the URI in Music & the Arts CC and the Spirituality & the Earth CC. He also served as a North American Trustee on the URI's first elected Global Council and as an At-Large Trustee on the second Global Council. [email protected] 11 NORTH AMERICA Ms. Anne V. Roth Ms. Roth is a founding member of URI. Formerly an Ordained minister, she holds a B.A. in Music and History, a Masters of Divinity, and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction. She has published writings in Biblical studies and social justice issues. Moving from pastoral work to AIDS ministry and then into interfaith connections, she has spent the past 14 years helping to grow URI’s network around the world, was instrumental in getting URI North America organized, and continues to use her skills as a planner, organizer, and networker. She and her husband have served URI as support team and hospitality workers over the years. [email protected] Ms. Adelia Sandoval Ms. Sandoval is a respected leader of indigenous Acjachemen people of southern California, USA, having dedicated herself to reclaim and teach her people’s cultural heritage. She is a gifted storyteller and singer. Ms. Sandoval also is dedicated to building bridges of interfaith cooperation to foster a climate of goodwill and justice on our planet that enables all people to walk in beauty. [email protected] Ms. Rebecca Tobias Ms. Gonzalez-Tobias has served as a Fellow at the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva with the Working Group for Indigenous Populations and is presently the Program Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics, as well as a Board member of the Levantine Cultural Center and the Euphrates Institute at Principia College. Most recently she has been invited to join the program design team at the InterSpiritual Center of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Rebecca is also working to develop a CC entitled, "Protecting and Restoring the Sacred," which encourages collaborative activities between members of the formal environmental movement and the regional First Nations communities. [email protected] 12 SOUTHEAST ASIA & THE PACIFIC Dr. Amir Farid bin d. Isahak Dr. Isahak is a well-known and respected figure among religious and government leaders in Malaysia, and is a senior medical consultant with 25 years experience. He leads two interfaith organizations in Malaysia and is an adviser to several Islamic organizations. He is a pioneer of anti-aging medicine in Malaysia and in promoting the use of holistic integrated medicine. INSAF/Pure Life Society Batu 6, Jalan Puchong Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 58200 Business: (603) 4108-4300 Home: (603) 410-51-300 Mobile: (601) 7871-3000 E-mail: [email protected] (cc to [email protected]) Mr. Musa M. Sanguila Mr. Sanguila is Chairman of Muslim Sharing Skills for Peace & Development and Director of Pakigdait, a grassroots interfaith, peacebuilding civil society organization in Mindanao, Philippines. He has participated in the Summer Peace Building Institute of Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Va., USA, and completed a course in “Islamic Theology: Mazhab Shinazi” at AlMufid University, Quom, Islamic Republic of Iran. Pakigdait Inc. Door 1-9, Monian Apartment, Purok Anthurium, Mahayahay Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines 9200 Business: (63) 63 492 3103 Mobile: (63) 916 579 1333 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Jessiee K. Singh Ms. Singh is the co-founder and President of Centre of Melbourne Multi-Faith and Others Network (COMMON), aURI CC. She formed partnerships with UNESCO Clubs Australia and worldwide, and with universities and other educational institutions, government bodies, and NGOs. Over the last 15 years, Ms. Singh has attended and assisted to coordinate many national and international conferences on interfaith, world peace, world aid, and international education and health. She is also the president of GreenFaith Australia and president of Women's InterFaith Network Foundation, both of which are URI CCs. 5 James Street, Noble Park Victoria, Australia 3174 Home: (61) 39-547-8958 Mobile: (61) 0411-600-355 E-mail: [email protected] 13 Regional Regional Coordinators AFRICA Africa Continent & Horn of Africa Ambassador Mussie Hailu Ambassador Mussie Hailu is a peace activist who is working at national, regional and international levels for peace, reconciliation, interfaith harmony, disarmament, the Golden Rule, world citizenship, right human relationships and international cooperation. He considers himself as a Citizen of the World and strongly believes in the interdependence of human beings and celebrates cultural diversity, seeing the differences in race, ethnicities, religions, politics, and nationalities as important elements of the one and indivisible humanity. He has served many national and international organizations including the United Nations. Currently he is the Regional Director of URI for Africa and representative of URI at the Economic Commission for Africa and African Union. He is a founding member of URI. He also serves as Board Chairman of Interfaith Peacebuilding Initiative, a URI CC. P.O. Box 7785, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Business: (251) 11-6-627-237 (URI Africa office) Mobile: (251) 9-11-202-503 E-mail: [email protected] Malawi SubSub-Region Ms. Joyce D. Ng'oma As she performs her work for URI, Ms. Ng'oma says she has developed a strong belief that people of different beliefs can live and work together, and has become more knowledgeable about other religions through URI, and also that URI has taught her to be humble, and to live in the Preamble, Purpose and Principles as stated in the URI Charter. “I have always enjoyed the unique way of bringing together different believers of all ages, of varied backgrounds, both male and female,” she said. “From the first meeting I attended years back, I felt that these times of togetherness have been beneficial and binding and have helped to build bridges across the board.” Box 5038, Limbe, Malawi Home: (265) 1-918-038 E-mail: [email protected] 14 Great Lakes SubSub-Region Ms. Despina Namwembe Ms. Namwembe has a social scientist background which has enabled her to work with different people from diverse walks of life. Her past and present connections with interfaith and ecumenical movements worldwide have given her the contacts to promote URI work within her region. She has been successful in leading several national and international events that motivate people to act on issues of concern. She has also been able to identify talent within Uganda and is now making contacts within the sub-region; this continues to make the URI's impact in the area to grow. P.O. Box 72190, Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda Business: (256) 414-531-066 Mobile: (256) 772-457-791 E-mail: [email protected] ASIA South Korea Ven. Dr. Jinwol Young H. Lee The Ven. Dr. Jinwol Lee is a Buddhist Monk and Zen Master. He belongs to Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, the major traditional Mahayana Buddhism in Korea, and serves as the acting chairman of the Committee for Internal Relations. He is a trustee of the URI Global Council, elected in the Asia Region in 2002. He holds a Ph.D from the University of California Berkeley and is a professor of Buddhist meditation and culture at Dongguk University in Gyeongju, the thousand year old capital city of the Silla Dynasty. Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong, Gyeongju, Korea 780-714 Business: (82) 54-770-2832 Mobile: (82) 17-264-8260 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 15 India, East Zone Mr. Biswadeb Chakraborty Mr. Chakraborty holds a BA degree in Accounting. He was raised in a family with strong spiritual values and commitment. Since 1996, he has been involved in community organizing and serves in a leadership role with Ektaan Cooperation Circle. Mr. Chakraborty is an accomplished musician and songwriter, dedicated to using music as a medium for awakening inner consciousness, building bridges of respect across social barriers, and uniting life on earth. K1, 4th Floor, Vijay Apartment. A.C. Road Burnpur, District- Burdwan West Bengal, India 713325 Business: (91) 341-223-0915 (phone & fax) Mobile: (91) 947-469-9238 E-mail: [email protected] India, North Zone Dr. Hira P. Gangnegi Dr. Gangnegi was born in a remote tribal village, Kanam, in the District of Kinnauar (Himachal Pradesh) situated on the border of Tibet. He is the first educated member of his family. After completing middle school he left his village for Delhi. He attended the Ladakh Institute of Higher Studies, a Center for Himalayan Buddhists. Dr. Gangnegi completed his MA, M.Phil. and Ph.D degrees in Buddhist Studies in the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi. Currently, he is a senior lecturer and teaches Tibetan language and Tibetan Buddhism. Dr. Gangnegi traveled with Nirmala Deshpande to join a celebration of 1000 years of Tabo monastery in Spiti (HP). She asked him to look after Harijan Sevak Sangh in Delhi, an institution founded by the Mahatma Gandhi to eradicate untouchability in the Indian social system. For the last two years, he has served as secretary for Harijan Sevak Sangh affairs. C-18, Probyn Road, University of Delhi Delhi, India 110007 Mobile: (91) 996-805-3119 E-mail: [email protected] 16 India, India, South Zone Dr. Abraham Karickam Dr. Karickam holds a Ph.D in English and Inter-religious Studies and MA degrees in History and English Literature. He served as Director of Comparative Literature for Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla,under Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala. He retired as Principal of Mar Thoma College. A graduate of Bossey Ecumenical Institute, Geneva, he has been involved in interfaith activities for past 20 years. He serves as URI's South Zone Coordinator and President of of the World Fellowship of Interfaith Students’ Movements. He trains young adults in interfaith peacebuilding and is s Dean of URI Traveling Peace Academy. He is the founder Director of URI International Peace Research Instiute in Kerala, India. He is the author of 15 books. His recent books include: Concept of Salvation in the Upanishads; the Bible and the Qur'an. He has edited a series of books and organizes the International Interfaith Seminar on Holy Books every alternate year in India. Mundackal Buildings, Karickam P.O., Kottarakkara Kerala, India 691531 Business: (91) 474-245-4087 Mobile: (91) 944-659-3013 E-mail: [email protected] India, West Zone Ms. Ms . Qutub Kidwai Ms. Kidwai has been working for interfaith harmony since her university days. "In India, we often experienced violence in the name of religion," she says. "Therefore I was actively involved in youth and peacebuilding programs. At present, I am involved in women's empowerment and other related issues, irrespective of caste, creed and religion. Humanity -- not any particular community identity -- counts. I believe in tolerance and propagating the gems of values present in all faiths and beliefs, as well as sensitivity toward human needs and sufferings." What Ms. Kidwai says she finds most compelling about URI is that it represents hope in this war and conflict-prone world. "URI is a world of love, peace and humanity in itself," she says. URI West India Office, 504, 5th Floor, Ashiyana Tower, Relief Road, Opp. Kabarastan, Oshiwara, Jogeshwari (West) Mumbai, India 400103 Business: (91) 982-189-4350 E-mail: [email protected] 17 Pakistan Fr. James Channan Fr. Channan is a Pakistani Christian and a Catholic priest, the head of the Dominican Order in Pakistan. At present, he is serving as Director of the Pastoral Institute, a Catholic establishment, and is working with the Vatican's Commission for Religious Relations with Islam. Fr. Channan attended the Pontifical Institute for Islamic Studies and Arabic language in Rome from 1982-85 and obtained a Licentiate Degree. He was also awarded a Masters Degree in Counseling from Emmanuel College, Boston, MA and received graduate credits from Harvard. Pope John Paul II appointed him as Consultor for the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the Vatican, and Fr. Channan served as Executive Secretary of the National Commission for Christian Muslim Relations for 17 years. He was the primary organizer of the URI's 1,500 miles Journey for Peace from Karachi to Khyber. Fr James Channan OP 125 B, Pak Arab Housing Scheme Ferozepur Road Lahore 54600 Pakistan Tel. (92) 42- 3592 4566 Cell; (92)300- 8730 669 Email: [email protected] Website: EUROPE Ms. Karimah K. Stauch Ms. Stauch holds a MA degree in Economics. She also received a MA degree in Islamic Studies at the University of Bonn, Germany. She currently works for the IT Department of German Agro Action (development NGO) in Bonn. She has been the Europe Regional Coordinator since 2003 and is a member of the European Executive Committee (EEC) of URI Europe. She also holds the following positions: Vice-President of the German Muslim-League Bonn, Inc.; founding member of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany; member of the Council of the Sufi-order "Tariqah AsSafinah"; Vice-President of the Christian-Islamic Society (URI Europe),; member of the planning team for "Standing Conference of Jews, Christians and Muslims in Europe”; member of the advisory board and adviser for Islamic questions for the ESWTR Deutschland; and DMLBonn's delegate to the Muslim Council Bonn. Ahornweg 3 Bonn - Heiderhof, Germany D-53177 Business: (49) 228-230-476 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 18 LATIN AMERICA Position vacant, search in progress MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA Mr. Mamoun Khreisat Mr. Khreisat holds a BA in Business from the University of Jordan. Currently, he works in Amman Jordan for a commercial bank in charge of the Global Trade Finance unit. He also is a workshop trainer in Leadership, Teambuilding, and Effective Communication. Mr. Khreisat has extensive volunteer experience. He is the founding member of the Self-Improvement and Community Service Initiative and is a Youth Officer with the EUROMED youth programs that offer young people form Europe and Mediterranean countries opportunities to exchange culture experiences. He is working with Seeds of Peace Cooperation Circle, an American NGO dedicated to empowering young leaders from regions in conflict to develop leadership skills for co-existence and reconciliation. P.O. Box 7693, Abdali-Parliament Street Amman, Jordan 11118 Mobile: (962) 79-566-4141 E-mail: [email protected] MULTIMULTI-REGION Mr. Abdallah Hendawy Abdallah Hendawy was born in the Mediterranean Alexandria of Egypt, he holds a BA in Business Administration and some advanced certificates in peace and conflict studies. Hendawy is a dynamic trainer in fields of Human Rights and Intercultural Dialogue, he has conducted several workshops in many countries and worked in different international organizations. Hendawy is also presenting a weekly talk show on TV commenting on the current political situation in Egypt and write regularly in some local newspapers as a political commentator. Cairo, Egypt E-mail: [email protected] 19 NORTH AMERICA Search in progress SOUTHEAST ASIA & THE PACIFIC Search in progress UNITED NATIONS REPRESENTATIVE Ms. Monica Willard Ms. Willard helped organize the first URI gathering in New York in 1997 and signed the URI Charter in June 2000 at the United Nations garden. She has been at the UN since 1991 and began representing the URI in 2002. Since 2005, Ms. Willard has worked with member states and the UN system agencies to promote interfaith dialogue and cooperation for peace. She is actively involved in promoting the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21. Most recently, she has worked with the Steering Committee to create a general assembly resolution that proclaims a "decade for interreligious cooperation for peace and Understanding." 1809 Meadow Ridge Court Bethlehem, PA, United States 18015 Business: (610) 625-2696 (phone & fax) Mobile: (631) 697-7972 E-mail: [email protected] 20 Global Support Staff United Religions Initiative The Presidio, P.O. Box 29242 San Francisco, CA 94129 USA Business: (1) 415-561-2300 Business Fax: (1) 415-561-2313 [email protected] The Rt. Rev. William E. Swing President & Founder Founder The Rev. Canon Charles P. Gibbs Executive Director Ms. Debra Bernstein Associate Executive Director E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Bernstein began her tenure with URI in November 2009. She brings to URI extensive experience in strategic planning, evaluation, and organizational and fund development. She was raised Catholic with a lifelong commitment to social justice and has enduring interest in other faith traditions’ teachings on justice. Ms. Bernstein has worked her entire career in the nonprofit sector in executive management and as a consultant for social change organizations. Her approach focuses on increasing impact and sharing best practices in the social sector through strategic long-term visioning, building and repositioning organizational assets, and creating innovative solutions for external and internal challenges. For the first 18 years of her career, Ms. Bernstein worked in theater as an actress, writer, teacher and producer. She served as Associate Chair of the Musical Theatre Program at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, where she co-developed an innovative curriculum in the writing of new music theater and opera with an emphasis on collaboration and story. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Theatre from Mills College. 21 Ms. Sally Mahé Director of Regional Development E-mail: [email protected] Core staff since 1996, Ms. Mahé helps lead URI from vision to practice, supports international staff and regional development, and designs crosscultural interfaith gatherings. Ms. Mahé is co-author of Birth of a Global Community: Appreciative Inquiry in Action, 2003; and, A Greater Democracy Day by Day, 2004. She holds an M.Ed from Harvard and a MA in Theology from General Episcopal Seminary. Prior to URI, she developed a nationally recognized curriculum and trained teachers in the basic principles of democracy. Ms. Regan Murphy Director of Development E-mail: [email protected] For the past three years, Ms. Murphy has served as URI's Director of Development. Prior to that, she was the Director of Development at Episcopal Community Services and Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. Ms. Pamela H. Banks Director of Finance and Administration E-mail: [email protected] Pamela joined URI in March 2011 originally as a Fiscal Consultant tasked with completing the annual audit, and then transitioning finance department. In July 2011 she accepted the position of Director of Finance and Administration. In 2000 as corporate finance was going through various changes, Pamela discovered non-profit service was a better fit for her skill set and was personally more rewarding. Her background includes 20 years of accounting experience, with the last 10 years being exclusively in not-for-profit service. Mr. Mark Mancao Communications Manager E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Mancao joined URI in 2007. He recently managed URI’s 10th Anniversary celebration, the redesign of, the Trustee Selection Process 2007 to the present, the 2008 Bowes Awards and the Global Assembly in India. Mark manages website content, online community features, URI's brand, redesign of print and digital resources, community surveys, and orientation/training resources. 22 Mrs. Mrs. Julian Foley Public Relations Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Mrs. Foley joined URI’s development and communications teams in September, 2010. She has been working as a writer and editor since 2002. She became interested in interfaith cooperation while doing research and editing for journalist Sandy Tolan’s powerful book, "The Lemon Tree," published by Bloomsbury Publishing in 2006, about an unlikely friendship between an Arab and a Jew in Ramla. She holds master’s degrees in Journalism and Latin American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. Ms. Ms . Krithika Harish Young Leaders Leaders Program Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Born in India and raised within the Hindu Faith, Krithika holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis in International Relations, with an emphasis in Peace and Security, as well as a minor in Spanish. She previously worked in the California Governor’s Office with the Schwarzenegger Administration as an executive writer, and is involved in various community service projects in the Bay Area. Ms. Harish has also done non-profit work focusing on education and health in India. Mr. Mr. Matthew Youde Global Youth Training Program Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Youde has a background in media and communications, specifically in video work and publicity for non-profits. He is involved in Catholic youth work in the UK and the support of refugees that arrive in the country from overseas. Mrs. Maria Eugenia Crespo CC Global Support Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Mrs. Crespo has been connected with URI since June 1997, when she participated in the Stanford Assembly following the first Buenos Aires gathering in May of that year. She was elected Interim Global Council member and was asked to serve as Latin America Regional Coordinator with Andre Porto from 2000 through 2005. She is Roman Catholic. 23 Ms. Kay LaVerne Markham Executive Assistant/Office Manager E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Markham, a Christian-Baptist, brings organizational skills, problem solving and deep compassion for all people to her job at URI. What she finds most compelling about URI is the incredible dedication of its people. “As I interact with trustees, regional coordinators and global support staff, I'm always amazed at the level of dedication, compassion, acceptance, respect and cooperation exhibited by all of the URI community. I'm honored to be a part of this much needed organization,” she says. Mr. Sam Ruben Administrative Assistant to the President E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Ruben serves as Executive Assistant to Bishop Swing and the President’s Council. He previously served as a communications and development assistant for URI from 2007 to 2010. Mr. Ruben was involved with local interfaith work on a volunteer basis growing up in Ann Arbor, MI. He served as Chair or Co-Chair of the Social Action Committee of the Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations for 8 years and has also served as both Teen and Young Adult Representative to CSJO’s Board along with leading workshops on a variety of topics at their yearly conference. Ms. Brittany Hutchison Grants and Communications Associate E-mail: [email protected] Brittany received her B.A. in English Literature from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2004. She has been with URI since 2007. Mr. Stephen Wang Fung Chow Technical Support Associate E-mail: [email protected] In his role as Technical Support Associate, Mr. Chow works with IT Manager, Mr. Deepak Jagannath, to provide IT support for the URI office. Mr. Chow also actively supports the Finance Department with expense reports, payroll, accounts payable, invoices, and other various accounting job duties. 24 Africa 98 CCs in 26 countries Africa Regional Conference in August 2011. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, URI-Africa Regional Director, presented the Go.den Rule Medal to INSTITUTE President, Joseph K. Grieboski in 2011. URI-Great Lakes led a non-violent elections campaign in Uganda in 2011. 25 Over 100 people attended URI Foundation Kenya’s IDP celebration in September 2011. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, URI – Africa Regional Director for Africa, received a Silver Star Award from the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) for his work in international relations and peacemaking in March 2011. URI Regional Leadership Meeting in Uganda in 2011. URI African Youth Ambassador, Ogaga Maxwell, attended the Global Youth Summit in Nairobi, Kenya in August 2011. The URI-Great Lakes office and URI CCs in Uganda participated in the IDP National celebrations in Gulu in 2011. 26 Primary Contact: Contact: Daniel Uforo 01BP 4229 Cotonou Benin [email protected] ANGOLA Comfort CC Purpose: To visit the sick and elderly, and to comfort and counsel women in domestic violence situations. BURKINA FASO Description: The ending of the war opens a new chapter in Angola. Now Angola can move towards the fulfillment and achievement of its development goals. The progress of Angola requires the inclusion of all Angolans. In this respect, it is critically important for our CC to participate in the building up of a new mentality and a new vision of Angolan society as well as the spreading of the word of unity and tolerance. We have visited leprosy colonies and we are involved in educating and counseling on HIV/AIDS. URI Burkinabe Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation, a culture of peace and the Golden Rule in Burkina Faso. Description: We managed to bring people from different faiths to work together for culture of peace and we all believe in the preamble, purpose and principles of URI. Our aspirations are to promote the purpose and principles of URI in Burkina Faso. Primary Contact: Contact: Jorge Panguene FAO. 197 Rua Major Kanhangulo P. O. Box 1335 Luanda Angola [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Yamba Elie Ouedraogo 06 BP 9293 Burkina Faso (226) 50 36 92 21 (226) 76 61 1345 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Odete Maninguange FAO. 197 Rua Major Kanhangulo P.O. Box 1335 Luanda Angola (293) 3-328-953 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Maguirata B. Kontougme Sama 06 BP 9293 Burkina Faso (226) 50 36 92 21 (226) 76 61 1345 [email protected] BENIN BURUNDI United Religions Initiative Benin CC Initiatives Pour Le Development Integre (I.D.I.) (I.D.I .) Purpose: To promote enduring daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing for the mother earth and all living beings. Purpose: To enhance overall social development and environmental protection. Description: Our CC members are followers of different religions who work together for 27 BP1782 Ngozi Burundi (257) 22218551 (257) 77754339 common issues in Burundi such as promoting environmental protection and social development in the country. Primary Contact: Contact: Licius Karenzo 29, Avenue de la Mission 562 Bujumbura Burundi (257) 22-24-3315 (257) 22-25-9213 (257) 29-92-8587 [email protected] CAMEROON New Jerusalem Ministry CC Purpose: To promote one God, one aim, one earth, and one people. Description: One of our CC's main activities is to organize meetings and discussions of love and unity between people of different religions and beliefs. Secondary Contact: Contact: Blaise Nsengiyumva Nykabiga I , 6TH Avenue 13 1256 Bujumbura Burundi (257) 22-24-3315 (257) 22-25-9213 (257) 79-59-3109 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Johaness D. Biyick BP 5000 Douala Cameroon (237) 450-5357 [email protected] Rift Valley Peace Initiative and Integrated Development RPID CONGO Purpose: To promote and strengthen peace in the Rift Valley Region. Congolese Association for the Salvation and the Life Description: Our CC´s aspiration is to break barriers among religious believers. We meet regularly and share information on peace initiatives. Purpose: To promote the welfare of the population, in the whole concept of the word, and to support religious and moral education in favor of peace and mutual tolerance. Primary Contact: Contact: Muhimuzi Bencit Ngabara, QG BP1680 Buzumbura Burundi (257) 22249723 (257) 22232263 (257) 77802474 [email protected] Description: Our CC promotes peace and tolerance and does our best to alleviate the great poverty and sufferings of the population, particularly in the countryside. We do this through the creation of mini-projects, the creation of a credits, building a small hospital and a small boarding school. Above all, setting up a modern sawmill in order to provide employment to the young given that I am myself the owner of a rich land/forest not yet exploited in which we can find a lot of wood and where I can exploit the mechanized agriculture. Secondary Contact Contact: ntact: Jean Pierre Ngabonziza Mivo 28 Primary Contact: Contact: Aloise M. Goma PO Box 1873 Brazzaville Congo (99) 242-713-06 DEMOCRATIC EMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO United For Peace, DRC Purpose: To promote peace in our country and worldwide in spite of diversity of beliefs and religions. Coordination Des Confessions Relgiouses Congolaises De Lutte Contre Le Vih/Sida (Corec) Description: We are youth from various organizations here in the Democratic Republic of the Congo united for the cause of peace in our country and worldwide. Most of us are volunteers from various organizations who belong to different religions and beliefs.We are attracted to URI because of its work for peacebuilding and reconciliation. As there was a civil war in our country, we found the work of URI very important and relevant. We value very highly the work of URI. Purpose: To coordinate, follow up and assess activities of all Congolese Religious against the fight of HIV/AIDS in Congo Brazzaville. Description: Description: We have been working on addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS and caring for people who are living with the virus. Our main work is removing stigmatization. Since we have many followers of different religions in our network, we will use the charter of URI as a guiding principle in our work and act according to the PPPs of URI Charter. We plan to organize a big campaign to teach more about HIV/AIDS in schools and social gatherings throughout the country. Primary Contact: Contact: Aimé M. Pingi United Nations Association of DRC Vivi 35, Q/Wenze, C/Kintambo Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo (243) 818-109-062 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Jean Bruno Ndzoundou 116, Rue Mbokos Poto Poto II Brazzaville Brazzaville Congo (242) 5369301 (242) 5783998 (242) 4081328 [email protected] ETHIOPIA Family Peace to Family Association Purpose: To assist and support the family unit by helping parents realize the impact of family on their children's character, to teach youth to value the benefits of a good marriage, to build the capacity of married couples to appreciate and respect the institution of marriage, and to build the capacity of the already existing institutions dealing with the issues arising in the family in Ethiopia. Secondary Contact: Contact: Bienvenu Kokolo 2000 Avenue Loutassi ( Moungali) Brazzaville Congo (242) 5232312 (242) 6441828 [email protected] Description: We have celebrated the International Family Day in collaboration with Interfaith Peace Building Initiative; scholars, 29 Mussie Hailu P.O. Box 7785 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251) 11-6-627-237 (URI Africa office) (251) 1-1416-2425 (251) 9-11-202-503 [email protected] government bodies, students and representatives of different associations attended the program. Primary Contact: Contact: Tibebe A. Seyoum N/L/K/K Kebele /02 19551 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251) 1-911-62-72-76 [email protected] Modern Information Information Center For Persons With Disabilities Interfaith PeacePeace- building Initiative Purpose: To empower persons with disabilities by helping them to find educational opportunities. Purpose: To establish a neutral platform wherein people of different religions and faith groups can come together to engage in constructive dialogue and make religions a healing force in Ethiopia and in the world. Description: We are attracted to URI because of its over all purpose and because it is a people's movement. We value URI for what it is. Our CC members strongly believe in the need of caring and creating a better opportunity for people that are living with disabilities. Description: The Interfaith Peace-building Initiative (IPI) is a peace organization which has been working actively since 2003 to promote interfaith cooperation, a culture of peace, harmony, constructive dialogue and the Golden Rule. It is a nongovernmental peace organization legally registered with the Ministry of Justice in Ethiopia. IPI was established by concerned citizens from different religions here in Ethiopia that strongly believe that religions should play an important role in building trust and promoting a culture of peace, healing and reconciliation. Primary Contact: Contact: Emebet Zewde Arada /K/K Kebele 15/16 26811 code 1000 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251) 1-911-40-87-43 Professional Alliance for Development in Ethiopia (PADET) Primary Contact: Contact: Aissetu Barry P.O. Box 11274 Addis Ababa Ethiopia [email protected] Purpose: To support vulnerable communities to improve their livelihood through participatory and sustainable development programs. Description: PADET wishes to see empowered citizen group enjoying their life necessities. Our activities focus on promoting of reproductive health and food security, and we have achieved remarkable outcomes in terms of improving livelihood of target groups. Secondary Contacts Contacts : Bizuayehu Abiy P.O. Box 11274 Addis Ababa Ethiopia [email protected] 30 Primary Contact: Contact: Amare W. Degaga 365 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251) 011-466-6683 (251) 011-348-2606 (251) 911-406-703 [email protected] GAMBIA URIURI - The Gambia CC Purpose: Purpose: To ensure that people of different faiths, including animists in Gambia, continue to live in peace and unity. Description: We believe that the peace that has prevailed on our country for many years should be firmly consolidated and spread to other countries. We have been working with the International Society for Human Rights in Gambia since 1991 for the promotion of peace and cooperation between Christians and Muslims. Secondary Contact: Contact: Habtamu A. Getu 365 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251) 114-666-683 (251) 911-632-238 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Amusat Bello 38 Fitzgerald/Grant Street P.O. Box 80 Banjul Gambia [email protected] GABON New Jerusalem Unity CC Purpose: To unify all religious beliefs and unite the world through God, who has been revealed through many prophets and prophecies. KENYA Description: We have begun to work towards unification of all the religions, traditions, and beliefs in Africa in general (and even the world!) and Gabon in particular. We hold common celebration days. Angalidom Interreligious Peaceology International CC Purpose: To implement the global strategy of saving the unprotected neglected street kids worldwide. Primary Contact: Contact: Azzah Agustah [email protected] Description: Our Anglidom Street Kids International CC is the United Citizens for Peace Chapter in the Vihiga District in Western Kenya, East Africa. This CC was commenced by street kids and the youngsters of the training department of Street Kids Educators, Anglidom Street Kids Academy of Lumbatania. We are deeply committed to involving younger people in interfaith work. This CC will use music to draw young people to learn about peace and join our movement. Secondary Contact: Contact: Johaness D. Biyick BP 5000 Doula Cameroon [email protected] 31 Primary Contact: Contact: Angali Musinde Lumbatania Castle P.O. Box 88 50317 Chavakali Kenya 0724-491017 [email protected] Prayer for Peace CC Purpose: To gather and pray on a regular basis for peace among nations and peoples of the world. Description: We meet once a month to pray for peace. We believe in the power of prayer. We hope to increase our membership and work at being people of peace. Global InterInter- faith Alliance Against Human Trafficking GIFAAH Primary Contact: Contact: Margret Derek Miss Sisters of Our Lady of Africa P.O. BOX 76275 00508 Nairobi Kenya [email protected] Purpose: To halt human trafficking practices worldwide through the collaborative effort of URI CCs. Description: We train our members to understand human trafficking concepts, activities and trends. We developed a worldwide network of faith – based HT victim support services. Secondary Contact: Contact: Father Luigi Morell Missionaries of Africa Nairobi Kenya (254) 20-557605 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Sarah A. Simons P.O. Box 79741 00200 Nairobi Kenya (254) 734-661-116 (254) 720-874-259 [email protected] Prolife Interfaith Kenya Purpose: Purpose: Our purpose is to economically and socially empower youth and society at large to become self-reliant and responsible members of society, and to make life better for all people in the world irrespective of their race, color, tribe or faith. Secondary Contact: Contact: Abdulghani H. Duale P.O. Box 79741 Nairobi 00200 Kenya (254) 734-661-116 (254) 720-874-259 [email protected] Description: Description: This group began as a village youth group in a rural area in the western part of Kenya with only 20 members in 2008, just after the post-election violence in our country. We wanted to help ourselves as youth and envisioned helping other less fortunate people of the community like orphans and families affected by the violence too. We did so by uniting ourselves not withstanding our faiths which initially were dividing us. Here we are now joining URI. We had a common aim to make life better for all people in the world 32 Secondary Contact: Contact: Lucy Muthoni P.O. Box 60311 00200 Nairobi Kenya (254) 020-559-9853 (254) 020-559-636 (254) 072-222-3151 [email protected] irrespective of their race, color, tribe or faith. Some of the activities that we are involved in are: 1) Cattle keeping – where we pool money to buy calves which are reared, then lent to members for breeding. One calf is returned to the group in appreciation. 2) Green groceries – the group pools money to buy seedlings for the vegetables and when the crop is harvested, they give 10% of the proceeds back to the group. 3) Exam Project – this is in the pipeline. The group is already registered with the Ministry of Gender, Sports and Culture in Vihiga District. Single & Widow/ Widowers Association SAWA Primary Contact: Contact: Evans I. Kinavuli P.O. Box 154 50313 Mbale Town Kenya (254) 0710152501 [email protected] [email protected] Purpose: Purpose: To maintain and improve the living standards of the families under the SAWA umbrella who have been struck by tragedy that affects their financial ability and well being; to prevent their economic status from declining into poverty; and to prevent the increase in poverty level of the nation. Description: Description Our group meets every Monday for arts and crafts. Everyone has to save a minimum of ksh.50 per week. We save money and give loans to the members to sustain themselves. We printed a booklet to record all the savings of all the individuals. On the booklet there is a logo with a caterpillar and butterfly. The caterpillar signifies that people look down on widow and widowers, and the butterfly symbolizes that when you live with dignity you fly like a beautiful butterfly and multiply. Secondary Contact: Contact: Collins S. Adagi (254) 0712201285 Salaam CC Purpose: To live and work peacefully together as a way to bring peace into the world. Description: Our CC's activities include visiting Nairobi slums and visiting the elderly who don't have anyone to take care of them. Once a month, members of the CC visit these areas to help clean the homes, wash clothes for the elderly and provide food. Our future plans are to expand our work to include other activities in slum areas. Primary Contact: Contact: Martha Makhambi (254) 725 834 595 [email protected] Secondary Contacts Contacts : Arpana Sarkar (254) 727 525 346 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Marie Cloutier Msola P.O. Box 3615 Nyao Stadium 00506 Nairobi Kenya (254) 2-55-61-82 [email protected] Lydia Kola (254) 727 525 346 [email protected] 33 Secondary Contact: Contact: Annirene Nyambura Mundia (254) 2-0522-488-89/90 [email protected] Somali Forum for Progress Purpose: To promote interfaith and multicultural debate and dialogue. Description: Promoting peace through interfaith and multicultural dialogue. We have already organized different public events. LIBERIA Association of Disabled Females International Primary Contact: Contact: Abdihakim Aynte Westland, Kaplan Floor 00610-6965 Nairobi Kenya (254) 711-417-400 [email protected] Purpose: To promote and encourage interfaith cooperation and to seek non-violent approaches to religious conflict. Description: Our Chapter focuses on helping females with disabilities. We also hold awareness and evangelical activities in various communities to teach about religious tolerance, peaceful environment and accepting each other regardless of different religious beliefs. Secondary Contact: Contact: Maija Kajava Helsinki Finland (35) 840-533-0757 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Esther Seton-Care P.O. Box 3902 Monrovia Liberia [email protected] United Religions of Nairobi CC Purpose: To generate interest and awareness about the work of URI in Kenya and to promote harmony among the participating religions. Secondary Contacts Contacts : Vera R. Nyanway P.O. Box 3902 Monrovia Liberia [email protected] Description: We work towards creating better understanding among the various religions represented in Kenya. We are also committed to promoting the name and work of URI in Kenya. Ricardia Dennis P.O. Box 3902 Monrovia Liberia (231) 377-47-51785 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Hamed Ehsani P.O. Box 19-00621 Village Market Nairobi Kenya [email protected] 34 Secondary Contact: Contact: Cliff M. Tebulo Education Office P.O. Box 2474 Blantyre Malawi [email protected] MALAWI Balaka CC Purpose: To sensitize the youth of Balaka on issues like HIV/AIDS, human rights, and environmental degradation. Description: Our CC mainly focuses on conducting awareness campaign meetings on the danger of HIV/AIDS. By the year 2010, we hope that most of the youths of Balaka should have civic education on issues like HIV/AIDS, human rights, environmental degradation, early marriages, etc. Bvumbwe Cooperation Circle Purpose: To fight AIDS/HIV and to promote cooperation. Description: Our CC holds HIV/AIDS prevention programs in schools and surrounding villages which include peer education, workshops, and field trips. We work with both local and international organizations, ie, PSI, AIDS coordinating committees, and churches. Primary Contact: Contact: George A. Angachefu c/o Dibag 27 265 Balaka Malawi (265) 545-459 Primary Contact: Contact: Synowden Bauleni PO Box 58 Bvumbwe Malawi (265) 8 8147644 Blantyre CC Purpose: To unite all Malawians, look after the needy, and facilitate peace among people of different faiths. Chapomoka CC Description: We have focused on behavioral change in youth, youth-friendly services and interfaith alliances amongst people of different religions. Some of the youth-friendly services have been aired on Radio FM 101. Also, we encourage people to participate in forums intended to build mutual respect and dialogue and to foster peace. Purpose: To work in accordance to URI's Preamble, Purpose, and Principles, and to assist flood victims. Description: We meet every fortnight to discuss peace and interfaith cooperation. We hold assemblies and meetings for people of all religions; during one such meeting, people expressed the need for a collaborative effort to stop violence in the area. We also conduct meetings for youth to tell them about the need for peace. We hope that this will change the attitude of people in the area, and we plan to encourage religious leaders to preach about peace in their denominations. Primary Contact: Contact: Jones T. Laviwa P.O. Box 2733 Blantyre Malawi (265) 641-331 [email protected] 35 and widowed. We hope to do a lot of such visits around the area. Primary Contact: Contact: Felson Galafa P.O. Box 63 Ngabu Malawi Primary Contact: Contact: Prescott Mkhwema Chirimba Cooperation Circle c/o Mr.F.G ilemba, private Bag 51 Blantyre Malawi Chigumula CC Purpose: To foster inter-religious dialogue. Secondary Contact: Contact: Beatrice L. Nyirenda P.O. Box 2001 Blantyre Malawi (265) 093-005-32 [email protected] Description: To assist orphans and the elderly, educating them on peace and HIV/AIDS through plays and songs. The most memorable activities were when we went from village to village telling people about URI and peace. Another activity, done jointly with Chisapi students, was when we donated food and clothes to the orphans and the elderly in our area. Our hope and plans are that we reach all villages around our CC to tell people about URI by conducting workshops for village headmen, chiefs, religious leaders, politicians and business people. Community Care and Support Trust (CAST) Cooperation Circle Purpose: To advance the spirit of living and working in harmony, as well as supporting each other regardless of origin, skin color, creed, tradition, religious or cultural beliefs, and to make the world a better place for all living beings. Primary Contact: Contact: Bwanali Marko PO Box 5060 Limbe Malawi Description: Our CC's activities so far have included: helping clean a pediatric ward at Queen Elizaberth Central Hospital in Blantyre; meeting with different religious leaders and community members to tell them about URI's preamble, purpose and principles; visiting the elderly and sick, including HIV/AIDS infected and affected households; and practicing equitable participation of women and men in all aspects of our CC's activities. Secondary Contact: Contact: Lucius Kalungwe P.O. Box 5060 Limbe Malawi (265) 9-321-624 Chirimba CC Primary Contact: Contact: Shy A. Ali Box 3074 Blantyre Malawi (265) 999140267 (265) 999140267 [email protected] Purpose: To unite people from different religions. Description: Chirimba CC has been to a number of villages, such as Mwachande, and we have donated clothing items to orphans and the elderly, and some of these are blind 36 the best example promoting peace building, human rights activities and transparency. We hope our people will benefit from our group and stop domestic violence. Secondary Contact Contact: Benjamin M. Longwe Box 3074 Blantyre Malawi (265) 888 554 239 (265) 888 554 239 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Lazarus Chilongo C/o P/Bag 3, Bwengu, Mzuzu Malawi (265) 08-550-356 Community Youth in Development Activities (COYIDA) CC Lilongwe CC Purpose: To facilitate the empowerment of local communities for improved living standards and socio-economic development, with special focus on youth and children. Purpose: To unite all Malawians, look after the needy, and facilitate peace among people of different faiths. Description: Our CC's activities so far have included: providing farming support, construction of community grain banks and shallow wells for 60 communities, and holding interdenominational meetings and capacity building meetings to support community development. Primary Contact: Contact: Jones T. Laviwa P.O. Box 2733 Blantyre Malawi (265) 641-331 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Patrick J. Mwale P.O. Box 58 Luwerezi, Mzimba Malawi (265) 8-58-265 [email protected] Makungwa CC Purpose: To assist orphans and the elderly. Primary Contact: Contact: Bernard Phiti P. O. Box 58 Bvumbwe Malawi (265) 889-1330 [email protected] CRECCAP Purpose: To expand the promotion of an enduring daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Secondary Contact: Contact: Lingo Elleman Buumbwe Model School PO Box 27 Buumbwe Malawi (265) 8-891330 [email protected] Description: We believe that URI Charter can make people unite, promote peace and culture and prevent domestic violence so we are committed to share it with different communities. We can make a change by changing our own behavior. We want to be 37 Malawi (265) 991-8326 [email protected] Mangochi United Religions CC Purpose: To help the needy and elderly people in our community. To help the sick people, our members and sometimes others. To help at funerals by providing cloth for covering the dead who are muslims and providing timber for coffins to members who are Christian. Secondary Contact: Contact: Peter Mapemba PO Box 240 Lirangwe, Blantyre Malawi (265) 991-856-56 Primary Contact: Contact: Dennis N. Kulua PO Box 313 Mangochi Malawi Mulunguzi CC Purpose: To promote cooperation and harmony among different religious affiliations, and to assist orphans and the needy. Matindi CC Description: Our members come from nine villages in Mikolongwe area in the district of Chiradzulu. Our activities include uniting leaders of the various religious affiliations to work together in promoting peace and stability and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention education through songs, dramas, plays, recitals, discussions, and debates. Purpose: To promote enduring daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Description: We are a community-run, community-based, non-profit and nonpartisan youth group established in 2001. Our group was initiated by young people from different religions. Our major goal is to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in our society. We are implementing a youth-toyouth project with funding from the Global Aids Interfaith Alliance. The project targets people aged 14-30 years old and focuses on behaviour change. We have established 11 youth clubs and trained 60 peer educators who share the information with fellow young people in their particular areas. We have distributed 1,000 T-shirts advocating for voluntary counseling and testing. Our other activities include awareness campaign meetings, the establishment of youth clubs, peer education training, and counseling. Primary Contact: Contact: M. Chikopa Box 49 Mikolongwe Malawi (265) 9-938-4654 Naotcha CC Purpose: To reduce the infection of HIV/AIDS in our community. Primary Contact: Contact: Kondwani Bulamayele Box 36 Soche BT 4 Blantyre Malawi Primary Contact: Contact: Mwalwanda Jones PO Box 240 Lirangwe, Blantyre 38 Sharp Valley CC National Interdenomination Alliance Cooperation Circle ( NIDA ) Purpose: To work with URI so that peace prevails in our area, and to assist the elderly. Purpose: To bring people together of different religions with the aim of sharing religious experiences and beliefs, and to economically empower the members in order to change their standard of living. Description: Description: Our CC's activities include: inviting religious leaders to discuss how to curb religious conflicts in our area, conducting a fornight of prayers of love and peace, sharing peacebuilding skills and religious dialogue with people of different religions. We hope that the entire community will be participate fully for a better Malawi and world. Description: The Interdenomination Alliance (NIDA) was formed by members from different denominations. Our activities include providing training to members of different denominations on how to interact with one another, providing income generating activities such as small businesses, empowering members through gardening and livestock production so as to ensure their livelihood at community level, and providing vocational training skills to helpless members such as tailoring etc., in order to enhance their independence. Primary Contact: Contact: Donald Betha Sharp Valley School P.O. Box 49 Bwanje Malawi Thunga CC Primary Contact: Contact: Elina Mbiri c/o P/B 6, Soche 4 Blantyre, Malawi Purpose: To assist orphans and the needy. Description: We have been busy for the past year disseminating information to awaken people to the dangers of HIV/AIDS in our community. We encourage voluntary counseling and testing. We have also renovated houses of some of the elderly members of our community, and assisted them with a little money. Salima CC Purpose: To end religiously motivated violence and create culture of peace, as well as working for the social development of girls and women. Primary Contact: Contact: Alex Mabedi Mlambala F.P. School P.O. Box 60 Bvumbwe Malawi (265) 147-1651 [email protected] Description: We organized an Islam-Christian peace debate in March 2006. We managed to meet a group of Muslims and share peace process with them. We plan to expand our working force to include more people from different religions. Primary Contact: Contact: Hebert Makanjira P.O. Box 511 Salami, Malawi (265) 9-261-740 39 pregnancies to go back to school with the effort from religious leaders. Tigwirane Manja Cooperation Circle Purpose: To promote love and peace among the elderly, the sick and orphans living in both the rural and urban areas of Malawi through the following services: introducing home based care after training the caretakers; providing the sick with general care, food, and medicine; providing orphans with the basic necessities of food, clothing, education etc.; and building houses for elderly. Primary Contact: Contact: Ian Wisiki P.O. Box 31702 Blantyre Malawi (265) 9-309-504 [email protected] MOZAMBIQUE Description: Our members are from the Chilobwe Township in Blantyre District in the southern part of Malawi. Our aim is to engage in various activities to promote love and peace among the elderly, the sick and orphans living in both rural and urban areas. It is also our desire to try and reduce the spread of HIV AIDS epidemic for better standard of living. We are determined to work together as one, which is the meaning of our CC name Tigwirane Manja. Association for Reduction of Absolute Poverty CC Purpose: To organize activites, projects and means for reduction of absolute poverty. Description: We dream of sustainable income for the poor, and we organize initiatives and projects that support this such as professional training like carpentry and locksmith, the production and selling of goods, and animal rearing. We also conduct and run a nursery center and pre-primary school for poor children, and provide health aid and counseling for women. Primary Contact: Contact: Grey Kasamale Box 2486 Blantyre Malawi (265) 9-965-0642 Primary Contact: Contact: Jacinto Temele Rua Oliviera Martins #1237 4487 Maputo Mozambique Youth Actions in Development (YADA) CC Purpose: To put the vision of URI into action. Description: Our CC has been teaching young people about HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health, in order to shape the youth to become productive citizens. We have an orphan and vulnerable children center, where orphans and vulnerable children are given basic education as any other children who have parents that can support their early education. We intend to open a youth center and are working to encourage adolescent girls who drop out of school because of Association Homeopathia de Mozambique CC Purpose: To introduce homeopathy and other holistic treatments as alternative medicines, and to train and teach others to help the poor and sick. Description: This CC consists of trained homepathic/holistic staff who assist with the treatment of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases for the poor in their community. They 40 issues including HIV/AIDS, malaria, cholera, drugs and abuse of women, etc. We also annually celebrate World Religions Day on the third Sunday in January. We also have representation at Government functions as well as all Nongovernmental Organization and civil society events. We also hold seminars, workshops, and conferences on diverse issues. Our organization also promotes peace-building, moral education, etc. also provides free weekly homepathy/holistic trainings and counseling on health. Primary Contact: Contact: Qudsiah Vajihe Yaganagi Post Office Box No. 109 Maputo Mozambique [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Bishop Gonsalves Magagule PO Box 369 Maputo Mozambique (258) 826 315 690 [email protected] Association Ntwananu Mozambique CC Purpose: To educate people in our community so they may have a better life, to run projects to empower women economically, and to encourage inter-religious dialogue. Secondary Contact: Contact: Ethwaldo Hipolito P.O. Box No. 109 Maputo Mozambique (258) 1-494-265 [email protected] Description: We have contributed to running of the primary school in Costa Do Sol where there are several hundred poor children studying. We managed to get the school registered so that next year on the text books and the teachers' salaries will be paid by the government. The active members of our CC are not more than 10 and are of diverse religious backgrounds, we have been able to join forces and work as one. We continue to get a better understanding of URI objectives, but in the small study groups that are going to be organized we will be better equipped to do this. Escola Cumintaria Ntwananu CostaCostadeldel - Sol CC Purpose: To educate children to serve the nation and mankind, and to hold inter-religious moral activities. Primary Contact: Contact: Luisa Rodrigue Sales 1781 Av. Ahmed Sekou Toure Maputo Mozambique Description: Most of our CC members are teachers who work at the school. Our attitude and actions to promote inter-religious understanding among the 350 primary school poor children are in themselves educationally complimentary to what they learn at school, how to read and write, etc. In addition, we have weekly moral classes where they learn about virtues. They are also taught sewing and ceramics, which may help those who are not academically inclined acquire skills for possible future professions. Occasionally they benefit from visiting religious leaders who talk to them about good conduct, etc. Council of Religions in Mozambique Purpose: To promote inter-religious unity, cooperation, peace and justice. Description: Our CC organises interreligious activities for dialogue and understanding, and is also involved in health 41 Primary Contact: Contact: Tinga Rungu PO Box 109 Maputo Mozambique Escola Tecnica de Ciencias de Medicina Alternativa CC Purpose: To educate children and adolescents on health and life skills. Description: This CC's focus has been the establishment of a school for training teachers who can educate children and adolescents on health and life skills. Escola Ntwananu Matola RIO CC Purpose: To help the poor and work for peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Galema Chothia Rua Marginal 4501 Maputo Mozambique [email protected] Description: The members of this CC belong to a school that caters to training women from the age of 18 to 45 who are from broken up poor families, some of whom are the head and earning member of the family with an average of five children. This school is self sufficient with the help of financial assistance from a German Association helping in Mozambique. They constructed classrooms with the local government authorities for training these women in the fields of sewing/tailoring, ceramics, cultivation of medicinal plants, and kitchen-gardening. Sewing machines were donated by the German Association and some of the women students now, after learning in these classes, have bought their own sewing machines and run small, home based sewing businesses of their own. A total of more than 80 women have been trained and have benefited. The desire of these women to form a CC came about after 5 of these students and their instructor attended the URI National Conference at the invitation of URI Mozambique. InterInter- Religious URI CC Namaacha Purpose: To be instrumental in establishing peace. Description: Our highlights of activities so far have been regular interfaith meetings where we discuss and make decisions jointly to take action against our common enemies like HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, and cholera; to combat against poverty and crime; and to educate and establish good relationships for peace in our locality, in the nation, Africa and the world. Our action for the future is to collaborate with all like minded institutions and to work for Peace. Primary Contact: Contact: AlexAndre Z. Vilanculo Sabino Machara No. 25-26 Restuarante Kanimambo, Estrada Nacional Namaacha Mozambique (258) 82-735-1950 Primary Contact: Contact: Jorge Migel PO Box 109 Maputo Mozambique 42 Mozambique (258) 82-773-708 [email protected] Kulunguane Cultural Association CC Purpose: To exalt our culture and traditions in many aspects like dance, music, theatre and literature. Secondary Contact: Contact: Julio V. Langa Rua Trinidade de Coelho 83 2 Maputo Mozambique (258) 82-748-131 [email protected] Description: We participate in many interreligious activities and sponsor a cultural project to help the poor in Manhica, Maputo Province. Primary Contact: Contact: Carlos Fernandes Rua Rufino de Olivera No. 77 R/C Maputo Mozambique (258) 1-426-508 [email protected] Medecina Alternativa CC Purpose: To promote and serve as alternative medicine to cure the sick Primary Contact: Contact: Telmo Mascarenhas 1781 Av. Ahmed Sekou Toure Maputo Mozambique (258) 1-431-846 [email protected] L iga Dos Escuteiros De Mozambique CC Purpose: To contribute to the education of young people through a value system based on Scout Promise and Law. United Religions CC Beira Description: Our CC was created by members of the League of Scouts of Mozambique and co-operated with the InterReligious Council of Mozambique. Our aim is to promote education of the culture of peace, Scouting and the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. The method of achieving this aim is by providing enjoyable trainings and discussion, organizing national and international events, and promoting values based on religious values as well as the Scout Promise and Law. Purpose: To work towards establishing world peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Leonardo Adamowicz Maputo, C.P. 3610 Maputo Description: Our activities include a moral and religion education program, small projects for income, and inter-religious activities. Primary Contact: Contact: Orlando Amedeu Tone Central Correios e Tellecomunicacoes CCT Beira Mozambique (258) 23324390 (258) 848868677 URI Dondo CC Purpose: To spread the word of God and to establish love and peace. 43 Primary Contact: Contact: Emmanuel A. Ivorgba Dadin Kowa Last Gate P.O. Box 6545/6451 Jos Plateau State Nigeria (234) 0805-2627-310 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Henrique E. Mandlate Rua Da cadeia #2 PO Box 188 Dondo, Sofala Mozambique (258) 3-950-194 [email protected] Women for Peace CC Secondary Secondary Contact: Contact: Robert I. Hope NEEDCSI Dadin Kowa, Opposite Kumar Mill, Inside CMIA Premises 234 Jos-Plateau State Nigeria [email protected] Purpose: To organize, promote and work for peace. Description: We are women folk who get together for prayers, meditation, and service to the poor and needy children. Most often when religious communities meet, women are in the background while men dominate the show. This situation led to women forming our own group because we wanted to have the opportunity to voice our own views and create our own programs for peace, etc. Several meetings were held and a core group decided to form the Women for Peace CC which includes women leaders from all religious communities in Mozambique. ElEl - bethel Global Initiative Purpose: Our purpose is to promote peace, good governance and a violence free society. Description: Description El-bethel Global Initiative (Centre for Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development) is a nongovernmental and non-profit making organization. It is formed with the aim of addressing the challenges of youth to ensure the full realization of their potential and relevance in national development efforts. We carry out our activities on community development, leadership trainings on peace promotion, good governance workshops, and educational programs on HIV/AIDS among the youth and in-school students. Primary Contact: Contact: Nedah A. Salgado Rua Aortis Maria Matos No. 47 1-d Maputo Mozambique [email protected] NIGERIA African Christian Youth Development Fund Primary Contact: Contact: Deborah D. Ajai Plot M358/ M359, National Judiciary Institute Quarters, Opposite Fakad Eatery, Dutsen Alhaji, Kubwa FCT, Abuja Block B Flat 1, FCT Abuja Nigeria (234) 81-3975-2883 (234) 80-2377-7854 [email protected] Purpose: To promote interfaith dialogue, religious harmony and active youth participation in the process of community change, social transformation and the building of bridges across cultural, religious and geographical boundaries. 44 Description: Description New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation was established in 2006 and formally registered in Nigeria as a national non-profit organization, and also in the State of Virginia-USA as a Charitable Project of United Charitable Program (UCP). We are committed to offering inclusive and holistic paradigms of education that prioritize experiential learning, crosscultural dialogue, and a global ethic of peace and social justice. The organization actively addresses and works on the issues of education, peace and conflict mediation, health and capacity building and leadership development among the youth in Nigeria. Our programs and projects focus on initiatives that improve educational opportunities and provide life skills, including self-confidence, goalsetting, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and teamwork by equipping youth with essential skills that will empower them to become competent, confident, responsible, and caring adults. Our values include: 1) a sense of belonging to a common humanity; 2) respect and consideration for all people; 3) compassion and non-violence; 4) a commitment to preserving the natural environment; and 5) a social service ethic. Visit for more information. Secondary Contact: Contact: Ronke V. Fagbemi (234) 81-3975-2883 (234) 80-6572-2480 [email protected] Kaduna CC Purpose: To understand each religion's practices and to promote cultures of peace. Description: Our CC's activities include many interfaith meetings, workshops and seminars on religion, and visits to social and religious leaders. Primary Contact: Contact: O. A. A. Kupoluyi PO Box 1974 Kaduna Nigeria (234) 62-240-921 New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation Purpose: Purpose: New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation is a unique organization whose mission is to build, support and empower teams of youth with capacities to emerge from a life on the streets, drugs and dysfunctional families, to becoming leaders capable of helping themselves and their communities. We are leading a movement that connects youth, educators and communities and empowers them to transform themselves from recipients of information and resources into valuable, contributing members of their communities. We help young people discover and develop their inherent gifts, talents and abilities and support their development as ethically responsible, self-disciplined and creative social citizens capable of participation in a positive and sustainable society. Primary Contact: Contact: Ivorgba Ande Emmanuel New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation Rabo House, No.1 Mazaram Road, Rayfield P.0.B0X 6451 234 Jos, Plateau State Nigeria (234) 708-792-7295 (234) 805-262-7310 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Ijigue M. Peter New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation Rabo House, No. 1 Mazaram Road, Rayfield P.O. Box 6451 234 Jos Plateau State Nigeria 45 traditional, spiritual and modern healing systems. One of our annual events is an interfaith service project. We try to bring together people from many different religious communities in Nigeria to organize a service project that benefits the entire community. The youth benefit from these activities by working together for a common purpose, and it also helps the broader community to see that interfaith cooperation is possible. This focus on young people contributes to the URI purpose of building future cultures of peace, justice and healing. (234) 805-705-7857 (234) 706-327-7910 [email protected] NURCC Nigerian United Religions CC Purpose: To create interfaith and interreligious harmony. Description: We educate students and children about the importance of peace, and we visit religious leaders, advising them to stop preaching extremism. Primary Contact: Contact: Felix I. Mako P.O. Box 261, Abor-Amawa 433107 Ogbunike, Anambra Nigeria (234) 080-6796-3392 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Muhammad N. Yasin 77 Creek Road Port Harcourt Nigeria (234) 80-3754-7945 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Ngozika C. Okonkwo P.O. Box 261, Abor-Amawa 433107 Ogbunike, Anambra Nigeria (234) 080-6796-3392 [email protected] United Religions Initiative Nigeria CC Purpose: To support URI in peace-making and other URI objectives as outlined in the PPP. To care for the needs of all the world's humanity, especially the poor and neglected. Primary Contact: Contact: Idah I. Offor NITR PMB 2077 Kaduna State Nigeria (234) 62-241-255 (234) 62-213-267 [email protected] RWANDA Rwanda Evil Fighters Through Talents (REFTTA) Purpose: To fight against any kind of evil. Description: Our CC works to empower youth to find employment to create better lives for tomorrow. Universal Church/Healing Center CC Purpose: To teach universal and religious practices for external healing and internal peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Mugabo A. Dodos Kigali Rwanda (250) 788-219-724 [email protected] Description: We have focused on getting both young and elderly people involved in interfaith work and healing people through 46 Senegal (221) 824-9063 (221) 825-7231 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Nzeymana Sevge Kigali Rwanda (250) 788627178 [email protected] SIERRA SIERRA LEONE SENEGAL United Religions Interfaith Initiative Sierra Leone A.S.R.E.F.L.U. CC Purpose: To end religiously motivated violence. Purpose: To contribute to a peaceful, free expression of faiths throughout the world. Description: Our group was formed by representatives of different organizations and like-minded individuals. We have been working to promote peace, interfaith harmony and understanding among youth in Serra Leone. Primary Contact: Contact: Moussa Ndiaye Cité Millionnaire No. 96 PB 948 Dakar Senegal (221) 827-62-60 (221) 827-87-64 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Donald B. Kalokoh 8 Peter Lane, Off Campbell Street 00232 Freetown Sierra Leone (232) 76-680-128 (232) 22-440307 (232) 76-680-128 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Mamadou Doudou Diagne [email protected] URI West Africa Committee CC Secondary Contact Contact: ontact: Franklin Koroma 8 Peter Lane, Off Campbell Street 00232 Freetown Sierra Leone (232) 76-680-128 (232) 22-440307 (232) 76-680-128 [email protected] Purpose: To promote interfaith dialogue between Christians, Muslims and nonbelievers in West Africa. Description: In collaboration with a Dutch Reform mission, the West Africa Committee CC started its activities in Gambia in 1991 to consolidate peace and prevent religious conflicts between Muslims and Christians and to ensure that religious conflicts and violence which has devastated our region is reduced. URI Sierra Leone CC Primary Contact: Contact: Davies Iber Villa No 1574 Sicap Liberte II BP17526 Dakar Purpose: Uniting the strength of individuals and organizations into a cohesive movement to make the world a safer place. 47 (252) 1580-060 (252) 1593-6040 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Ibrahim S. Kamara B27 King Harman Road Via New England Ville Freetown Sierra Leone (232) 22-241-685 Secondary Contact: Contact: Ali Shiek Yasin (252) 159-360-40 [email protected] SOMALIA Gender Education Empowerment and Leadership Org. GEELO Cogwo Coalition of Grassroots Womens Organizations Purpose: To empower the Somalian Community. Purpose: To promote human rights. Description: Our organization was started by committed people who want to help the community through humanitarian aid and be part of the solution for our country. We dream of peace in Somalia and the entire world. We are planning to support the pastoral/agro community since the rainy season was not enough. As we strongly subscribe to the Preamble, Purpose, and Principles of URI, we will use it as our guiding principle in our work. Description: We create peace and harmony in Somalia by empowering the Somali women as women are the victim in many aspects in Somalia. We highlight women issues and work as a voice for oppressed women. Primary Contact: Contact: Ahmed Mohamed Zahra Mogadiscio Somalia (252) 509-63125 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Zahra Mohamed Abtidon Belet-weine Somalia (254) 722 438 838 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Naolig Sufi Aboli Somalia (252)162-963-125 [email protected] Secondary Contact Contact: tact: Faaduma Mohamed Haaney Somalia (252) 1585-9887 [email protected] Elman Peace and Human Rights Centre Purpose: To advocate human rights and development. National Assoc.of Somali Science & Environmental Journalists Description: Our organization was established to advocate human rights and development in Somalia. We work to empower people through vocational training. We are helping many young people to establish their own businesses and get jobs. Purpose: To promote environmental protection. Description: Our association was established by journalists who have compassion for the environment and highlight environmental Primary Contact: Contact: Fartun Adam 48 rights. The highlight of our work is organizing our country independence day on July 9, 2011. We will contribute to the development of our new country through peace building and promoting social harmony given the tribal and religions diversity in South Sudan. issues to engage Somalians in protecting the environment. Primary Contact: Contact: Daiud Abdi Mogadism Somalia (252) 1223-421 (252) 1234-357 [email protected] Primary Contact: Nathniel Garang Aduot (211) 955-083-866 (Business) [email protected] [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Bashir Mohamed (252) 1223421 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Eunice Phil Jada (211) 977-179-758 (Home) (211) 9757-179-758 (Business) [email protected] Skype Name: eunice.pihilip.jadal SOUTH AFRICA Capetown Environmental CC SUDAN Purpose: To ensure that the environment becomes sustainable and is not destroyed. Al Khatim Center for Enlightenment & Human Development KACE Primary Contact: Contact: Roland Langley Fairyknowe, 33 Keppel Street, Walmer Estate Woodstock 7925 Western Cape South Africa (27) 21-550-7510 (27) 21-447-2783 [email protected] Purpose: KACE is a non-governmental and non-profit organization which undertakes research and campaign on issues pertaining to peace, human rights and democratic transformation. Its vision is to see a peaceful democratic and truly multi-cultural Sudan, where all people are equal in dignity, rights and opportunities. Description: We are promoting dialogue and trust building to resolve conflict in the country. So far through we are developing four programs in the following areas: 1) Peace & Human Rights; 2) Educational Reform & Curriculum Development; 3) Africa Culture; and 4) Cinema & Book Clubs. Through them we promote the culture of peace, coexistence, democracy and respect toward one another. We will contribute to URI in promoting its principle and purpose in Sudan through our organizational network. SOUTH SUDAN Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of South Sudan Purpose: To promote peaceful co-existence in South Sudan Description: As a coalition of 45 civil society groups in South Sudan, we work in different areas, such as peace, climate change, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, social development, good government, human 49 Khartoum Sudan (249) 83-741-690 (249) 83-741-691 (249) 915-073-749 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Albaqir A. Mukhtar House 2, Block 10, 57th Street, Alamarat Khartoum Sudan (249) 183480510 (249) 122884920 (249) 9197058570 [email protected] www. SWAZILAND Secondary Contact: Contact: Arwa A. Elarable (249) 912-835-002 [email protected] Interfaith Dialogue for Peace CC Purpose: To create a culture of love, understanding, and interfaith dialogue for peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Deborah Dadgar P.O. Box No. 1757 Mbabane Manzini Swaziland (268) 505-2689 [email protected] Sudan InterInter- Religious Council SIRC Purpose: The main aim of SIRC is to strengthen the values of tolerance, coexistence and cooperation among various religious groups, to undertake dialogue and extend ties among religious leaders, to protect religious freedom, to solve conflicts between religious sects and to encourage co-operation among religious groups. Sohum Association of Swaziland CC Description: We facilitate dialogue and promote relationship among religious leaders, emphasizing common spiritual values, peace and national unity. Since our establishment, we have been working in promoting interfaith cooperation, unity, peace building, dialogue and freedom of religions in Sudan. Because our work is based on the purpose of URI, we are working for URI on a daily base. Purpose: To treat the sick and train health practitioners. Primary Contact: Contact: Rekha Govan Box 754 Manzini Swaziland (268) 505-2259 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Faroug A. Gadir Jamburia St. Khartoum Sudan (249) 83-741-691 (249) 912-301-709 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Mac M. Govan Box 754 Manzini Swaziland (268) 505-2259 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Amal K. Mohammed Jamhuria S. 50 Secondary Contact: Loum Patrick [email protected] Youths for Peace CC Purpose: To organize activities for peace. Description: Our primary focus is to have young adult leaders convey ideas of peacebuilding among the younger generation. The involvement of young people is a source of great enthusiasm for the elders of our CC. AFFINET CC Purpose: To reconcile man and woman to God and to each other, in order to work for social justice and liberation of the oppressed. Primary Contact: Contact: Renee Edwards Post Box No. 1053 M200 Manzini Swaziland (268) 505-5304 Description: We started ALFA in 1998 with a group of eight people in Sweden for the purpose of serving Africa. We established ALFA in Uganda in 1999, which now is called AFFINET CC, and we have over 100 members working with a number of communities to create a forum to engage and encourage communities to demonstrate the love for each other and the good stewardship of the riches of the world. We are centered not on exploitation but on harmony of the natural world. UGANDA Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative CC Purpose: To promote sustainable peace in northern Uganda by transforming violent conflict through dialogue, negotiation, mediation and reconciliation. Primary Contact: Contact: Senabulya Box 293 724 74 Mityana Uganda (256) 774-75640 Description: ARLPI is actively involved in the following: advocacy and lobbying in response to legislation; research and documentation on topics such as the Juba Peace Talks Agenda and the UN Security Council Resolutions; peace building and conflict transformation activities such as community sensitizations, cross boarder workshops, learning visits, community peace prayers; and women empowerment issues such as sexual based violence against women; and interfaith relations. Body and Soul Development CC Purpose: To teach entrepreneurial skills and spiritual development. Description: Some of our members have been involved in peace building training workshops and have been part of the consultative peace teams in northern Uganda. Some members are also involved in the current good governance programs for the 2011 elections in the country. We have also held workshops on entrepreneurship skills in Luwero district thereby helping small scale projects to operate better. We fully participated in the International Day of Peace celebrations at Nakivubo Stadium. Primary Contact: Contact: Musa Khalil Uganda Muslim Supreme Council Acholi Region PO Box 546 Gulu, Uganda (256) 317-391 [email protected] 51 Primary Contact: Contact: Joy Kemirembe c/o 72190 Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda [email protected] Interfaith Youth Partnership CC Purpose: To bring youths together in order to share a common vision of harmonious coexistence. Description: We have promoted the Golden Rule in our community and we are planning to have a national outreach for the same. We have also promoted interfaith dialogue among students at four schools, using the Golden Rule. We were among the organizers of a peace football match and some of our members also participated in interfaith peace prayer events. Some of our members have been involved in the URI youth mentorship program. Secondary Contact: Contact: Grace Nalwanga c/o 72190 Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda (256) 777675272 [email protected] Friends of Community Health CC (FCOH) Primary Contact: Contact: Despina Namwembe P.O. Box 72190 Clock Tower Kampala Uganda (256) 414-531-066 (256) 77-457-791 [email protected] Purpose: To promote meaningful living for all human beings through living holistic, healthy lives. Description: We have carried out free counseling and HIV testing services to the most vulnerable poor communities in our district. We carry out home based care for HIV/AIDS patients. Patients are provided with counseling from social workers, spiritual guidance from the religious teachers, food supplements from the nutritionists and medication from the doctors and nurses. We are currently conducting workshops among married couples because national statistics show that HIV/AIDS risk is highest among married couples compared to the single youths. Also, we have some programs on the lake shores as statistics also show that the fishermen and their wives are at high risk. Secondary Contact: Contact: Asma Kanagwa P.O. Box 72190 Clock Tower Kampala Uganda (256) 782 468524 [email protected] InterInter- Religious Dialogue Programme (INTERDIP - UGANDA) Purpose: To promote peace through interreligious dialogue, peace building activities, and to promote peaceful, cultural harmonious co-existence. Primary Contact: Contact: Florence Mirembe c/o Box 72190 Clock Tower Kampala Uganda (256) 71-283-9948 [email protected] Description: We have carried out workshops in conflict resolution skills. We have been able to contribute to the domestic relations bill to be presented in parliament soon. Our women 52 Primary Contact: Contact: Samuel G. K. Lubogo Box 3896 Kampala Uganda (256) 772 534171 [email protected] have acquired skills in peace and conflict transformation workshops in the country. We have joined other interfaith networks like the Women of Faith Network which is affiliated to the Inter-religious Council of Uganda. We participated in the interfaith peace prayer during the International Day of peace at Nakivubo Stadium organized by URI office. We have participated in the different peace marches including the week of prayer for Christian Unity, the promotion of Christian Moslem relations, etc. We have trained the youths in conflict resolution and mediation skills. Secondary Contacts Contacts : Wako Hannington Box 3896 43 Kampala Uganda (256)773-832-878 (256) 712-967083 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Mary G. Kisaakye P.O.Box 34091 Kampala Uganda (256) 772-603-488 [email protected] Florence Kitagenda P.O. Box 21 Jinja Uganda (256) 772 470606 [email protected] Latter Glory of Religions in Busoga CC Living Water Ministries Purpose: To work together in religious unity for the sake of our religions in Busoga. Purpose: To promote cultural unity in diversity and the empowerment of underprivileged people. Description: We have held interfaith dialogue sessions among our members. We have shared about our doctrines and faith in general and how this can help us work together. Also, we have carried out interfaith visits visiting our members in their own homes. This has increased a lot of trust and love among the CC members. We are now discussing together to have different developmental programs in our community to help us work together and have a common goal for development in spite of our diversity. In addition, we have also worked with the young people to promote the solar cookers project. Currently a number of families are using this knowledge to venture into alternative sources of energy for cooking their daily meals. Primary Contact: Contact: Robinah E. Kamya P.O. Box 242 Masaka Uganda (256) 77-713-400 Pamoja Cooperation Circle Purpose: To promote religious tolerance through education, communication and sports. Description: Some of the members of our CC have been engaged in conflict training sessions to utilize the knowledge we gained from a training we received on alternatives to 53 violence. We have also teamed up with the other youths from other CCs and assisted during the International Day of Peace Soccer Match. Uganda (256) 782-222-570 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Joe Kigozi Seeta Parents College P.O.Box 91 Seeta, Mukono Uganda (256) 773-003-231 [email protected] Stewardship Ministry CC Purpose: To promote inter-religious harmony and peace in the community. Description: Our CC carries out peace education whereby we educate the communities about ways to either preserve the peaceful conditions they have or to resolve the prevailing conflicts in the community. Because our area was once hit by food shortage and similar situations keep on resurfacing, we are also incorporating it with food security education through training farmers on the best food preservation strategies. We have also trained some farmers about the opportunities of growing upland rice. We are encouraging our members to deepen their faith by sharing it together through our periodical gatherings. We have been actively involved in the environment, especially in the planting of trees. In this activity also involve students and pupils in the primary schools with the aim of educating them on importance of protecting the environment. Secondary Contact: Shabnam Olinga [email protected] Peace Kawomera Coop LTD Purpose: To promote unity among faiths by providing just economics to the community. Description: We have been privileged to receive an award by the Ugandan government for the 100 best performing middle size organizations. We were number 23 and this gave us a lot of inspiration. We are also currently the highest vanilla buying organization in the area to the farmers. Our coffee buyers have increased their buying price from 1.85 cents a pound to 2.15 cents a pound because of our improvement in quality. This has greatly encouraged the farmers to produce even more coffee. USAID has also given us a grant and which we have used to begin construction on a new building, to buy coffee drying trays, to provide electricity to our offices and coffee equipment, and to construct wall fence. There used to be only one employee but there are now 10 employees including the 6 facilitators who are field officers educating the farmers about improved coffee production. Primary Contact: Contact: Jackson Matovu PO Box 1200 Kasaka-Gomba Mpigi Uganda (256) 77-475-640 Twekolere Women's Development Assoc. CC Purpose: 'To create job opportunities for disadvantaged girls and women. Primary Contact: Contact: J.J. Keki P.O.Box 225 Mbale Description: We were the recipients of the URI Bowes Award this year from Africa. This 54 Box 293 Mityana, Uganda (256) 77-586-211 [email protected] greatly boosted our activities. We have been able to carry out home based care and food supplements for HIV/AIDS patients in our community. We have also supported orphaned children with scholastic materials. We were also able to train our members in business management skills so that they start small scale projects of their own. We continue to entertain the community through our cultural dancing skills and sometimes the government also contracts us to dance for prominent events in the country. This year one of our performances was for the World Cup Trophy Tour to Uganda. We also participate in community events including cleaning and digging to have safe roads. Youth Interfaith Mission - Uganda CC Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation among the young generation. Description: Our CC conducts environmental awareness workshops in universities and other institutions of learning, and also carries out interfaith visits to places of worship. We also participate in the International Day of Peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Annet Nandujja P.O. Box 1643 Kampala Uganda (256) 772-467-398 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Paulos Dhabunansi Box 26149 Kampala, Uganda (256) 772 610925 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Sylvia Nazziwa P.O. Box 1643 Kampala Uganda [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Hikim Kibedi Box 26149 Kampala, Uganda (256) 772 908456 ZAMBIA Universal Ministries Uganda CC URI Zambia CC Purpose: To promote religious unity in diversity. Purpose: To promote human dignity, equality, tolerance, peace and justice, and to establish a National Resource Center and a platform for all members of religions and faith traditions in Zimbabwe to express themselves freely on matters of national and civic affairs. Description: We are group of religious leaders and believers who help disadvantaged children in the community without any religious bias. Our target has been out of school children. We train them in the area of tailoring, prevention of HIV/AIDS through educational campaigns and health talks, and home economics so they can be selfemployed when they leave our center. Primary Contact Contact: act: Bwalya Peters Box 22000 Kitwe , Zambia (263) 96-24-146 / (263) 96-780-790 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Michael Lubowa 55 ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe Nat'l Forum for InterInter- Faith Dialogue CC Purpose: To promote human dignity, equality, tolerance, peace, and justice. To establish a National Resource Center and a platform for all members of religions in Zimbabwe to express themselves freely on matters of national and civic affairs. Primary Contact: Contact: Munetsi Ruzivo University of Zimbabwe Department of Religious Studies Box Mp. 157, Mount Pleasant Harare, Zimbabwe (263) 430-3211 ext. 1479/1248 (263) 433-3407 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Tendai Chikuku P.O. Box H94 Hatfield Harare, Zimbabwe (263) 4-57-03-11/2 [email protected] 56 Asia 197 CCs in 7 countries Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights CC Environmental Awareness Walk in Pakistan. URI-East India medicine distribution clinic. Computer Training in a Mosque in East India. 57 Members of CCs in Korea. Interfaith harmony conference in Bangladesh. Anando CC International Day of Peace Celebration in Bangladesh in September 2011. th 4 International Interfaith Conference on Holy Books in South India in August 2011. 58 Description: Cox's Bazar district is located at south-east part of Bangladesh, where world's longest sea beach is situated. The majority of inhabitants are Muslim and a certain percentage of them have migrated from Aracan (Rohinga). The Muslim community is more fundamental than other parts of Bangladesh as they prefer madrasha education rather than formal national education. The Cox's Bazar Muslims are dominating other religious community people, as they think the Muslim is the only religion by what they can achieve Bhahesta (Heaven). So children do not have the opportunity of getting to know other religions, and other minorities can not freely observe their religious festivals with out government protection. Our CC members frequently sit and share about our own religious context and that sharing makes our friendship stronger than before. So we feel we have created the opportunity to share and know about each other and our religious beliefs. Thus the fundamentalism and conservativeness may reduced finally we can get culturally peaceful society. BANGLADESH Anando Purpose: To promote peace through community understanding and fulfillment of basic needs. Description: Since 1997, we have been promoting peace, the protection of indigenous culture, human rights, and youth development through education and training. We also work for peace especially among rural people in the plains and hills. This work is really needed in Bangladesh because people from the plain are migrating to the hill in search of land and work and there are some basic cultural differences. Sometimes they treat each other as enemies. Primary Contact: Contact: Md. M. Miah J- 6 Kazi Nazrul Islam Road Mohammadpur, District- Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh (880) 2-811-9760 (880) 2-912-1816 (880) 1-71-311-8371 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Rafayel Roy Muhuripara, BISIC Area Link Road, Zhilonja Cox's Bazar Bangladesh (880) 1714-104729 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Shipan K. Debnath Vill - Sonabazu P.O-Joykrisnapur Nababganj, District-Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh (880) 2-811-9760 (880) 1-81-940-6096 [email protected] Banglanet Cooperation Cooperation Circle Purpose: To initiate interfaith actions and ensure interfaith cooperation in Bangladesh and in the the South Asian region. Association for Religious Objectives Mainstreaming ASROM CC Description: We are working with women and child rights in combating violence against them which is also part of maintaining overall peace in the community and society at large. We have worked with police sensitivity on gender issues and child rights so that women Purpose: To develop cooperation among all religious neighbors and inter religious issues transformation for peaceful society. 59 Zirabo, Dhaka Bangladesh (880) 201-553-571-337 [email protected] and children get social justice in the hands of the law enforcing agencies. We do advocacy for pro-women and child-friendly policing at all levels. Our future plans will be to coordinate with our South Asian partners and share each other's experiences. Our members advocate for peace and tolerance through their deliberations in various seminars and workshops. Our expectation is to organize a South Asian Regional Seminar at Dhaka and disseminate the purpose and principles of URI more widely in the region. Flower Exchange Initiative at CHT CC Primary Contact: Contact: Ishrat Shamin Centre for Women and Children's Studies 92 New Eskaton Road 1000 Dhaka Bangladesh [email protected] Description: Our highlights include doing rural development work for the past 20 years, engaging youth by teaching them conflict management and resolution, and leadership skills. Our major activities include community building through peace education, conflict resolution, peace education for children, leadership development, inter-community dialogue and peace forums. Purpose: To develop racial and regional solidarity in the warfare zone of Khagrachari, a district of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Bangladesh. Bridge of Peace CC Primary Contact: Contact: Francis Halder c/o Francis Halder ECT Apartment43/5 Senpara ParbataMirpur-10 1216 Dhaka Bangladesh (880) 2-901-5641 [email protected] Purpose: To ensure communal harmony in rural society. Description: There are two main religious groups in our village: Hindu and Muslim. At the time of celebrating Durgapuja, these two groups were on the verge of conflict. They filed cases against one another. We have been working with them and now they are friendly with one each other. We also work on untouchable and religious issues, in the part of Bangladesh we see so much discrimination especially to the tribal and so called lower caste people. Many times we have participated in their festivals to show the support and care for them. There have been riots here in Bangladesh, but people in the community are living in peace. We are working to promote communal harmony by attending to community needs. Initiative for Solidarity CC Purpose: To develop social and cultural solidarity in the disadvantaged area of Dinajpur, the districts in the northern part of Bangladesh. Description: Dinajpur is one of the largest districts in Bangladesh. The community there consists of Bengali and Indigenous (Adivashi). The people in Dinajpur districts, especially the Indigenous community, live under the poverty line. Having no resources, no power, and no developmental support, they are exploited in every respect. They are socially oppressed and marginalized, and politically immobilized Primary Contact: Contact: Md. Eahyia Hossain Village : Nishchintopur, Post- Zirabo, P.S : Savar, Dist: Dhaka 60 and powerless, not to speak of their virtual exclusion and estrangement from the development policy and program-decision making processes. CC members are struggling to establish their citizen rights in their own country. We are planning to celebrate festivals from various religions. We think that when we witness and experience happiness and joy together, we come closer in understanding one another. Souharda Cooperation Circle, Joypurhat. Purpose: Our purpose is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Description: The area we come from is largely fundamentalist. There have been various conflict and tension. We are connecting people from various communities to teach co-existence and how to take care of animals through the Animal Development Authority. Primary Contact: Contact: Mukul Das Village: Ramchandrapur Post Office: Kaharol Upazila: Kaharol WEST BENGAL 5200 Bangladesh (91) 01-724-393-709 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Francis Halder c/o Francis Halder ECT Apartment43/5 Senpara ParbataMirpur-10 1216 Dhaka Bangladesh (880) 2-901-5641 [email protected] Love and Peace Circle CC Purpose: To build up love and peace among the society, the followers of different religions. Description: Our CC members are staff of Caritas Bangladesh under the Khulna Regional Office. We are already working with interfaith groups and we hold inter-religious dialogues. We always start our day with an interfaith prayer and usually people from various faiths offer prayer. We have held spiritual seminars where we learned about the best practices from various traditions. Through these day to day activities we wish to implement the URI vision to sustain harmony and peace in the community. Secondary Contact: Contact: Ziur Rehman c/o Francis Halder ECT Apartment43/5 Senpara ParbataMirpur-10 Dhaka 1216 Bangladesh (880) 2-901-5641 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Francis Das Caritas Regional Office Rupsha Strand Road 9100 District-Khulna Bangladesh (880) 41-722-906 (880) 17-133-84-120 [email protected] Purpose: To develop solidarity and religious harmony for the different communities in Bangladesh. Spark of Light CCCC- Dhaka Description: Bangladesh is the ninth largest country by population in the world. There are four main communities in Bangladesh. Almost 90% are Muslims, 6% Hindus, 3% Buddhist, less then 1% Christian and others. Sometimes there is religious violence. We 61 are working with minority issues in Bangladesh, promoting peace through mutual understanding and social services. We have plans to host interfaith activities on a larger platform but need to learn more about URI. Our members have been getting together frequently to discuss the issues of promoting communal harmony and other religious issues. INDIA AAWAAZ CC Purpose: To promote development and human right issues through the interfaith movement. Description: With URI's support, we would like to campaign and promote the message for peace across the Maharashtra Region. We have been involved in empowerment and development of the downtrodden in the village, and are also actively promoting human rights. Two meetings of the Awaaz CC members have been held so far, and we are in the process of planning few interventions at the district level. Primary Contact: Contact: Rubna Reberio 24, Monipuripara, Tejgaion, Dhaka 1215 Bangladesh (880) 1715-462-214 [email protected] URI in Bangladesh CC Purpose: To remove inter-religious hatred and promote understanding among people belonging to different faiths. Primary Contact: Contact: Ramdas T. Kamble Loni, Taluka-Khandala, Dist-Satara, Shirval Maharashtra India (91) 982-201-2615 Description: We are group of seven consisting of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Christians and Muslims. In Bangladesh we have been working for interfaith understanding and for the promotion of peace among people of different faiths. We want to initiate a moral revolution in the society through systematic study and training of religious ethics in the world. We have arranged national and international seminars during the past few years. One of the most remarkable programs was an ""International Seminar on Inter-religious Harmony."" Participants from USA, Canada, Japan, Pakistan and Bangladesh took part in the seminar. Secondary Contact: Contact: Hakimuddin N. Qazi New Colony, Shirwal, Taluka-Khandala, DistSatara, Maharashtra India (91) 976-348-0793 AhlAhl - e - Aman SocietySociety- AASS CC Purpose: To promote peace and harmony initiatives among various religious groups with secular approaches at national and international levels. Primary Contact: Contact: Kazul N. Islam Department of World Religions University of Dhaka Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh (880) 2-861-2651 (880) 2-861-5687 [email protected] Description: Description: Our CC has had long time association with the Gandhi Bhawan, a renowned centre for art and culture in Bhopal so we have many connections with social activists and their activities. Our activities focus on topics such as health, hygiene, localself government and interfaith dialogue. 62 Secondary Contact: Contact: Sasidharan Pillai Rohini, Sadanandapuram P.O. Kottarakkara, Keralaala 691538 India (91) 474-240-4297 (91) 996-180-0976 Primary Contact: Contact: Syed M. Hasan Samar House, Opp. Community Hall VIP Chouraha, Lal Gati 32 Bhopal, West Zone India (93) 0038-1061 [email protected] Ambala District CC Amar Jyothi Centre, Sadanandapuram CC Purpose: To live and let live. Description: Our CC helps people with all kinds of needs/difficulties and provides food and shelter during floods and other natural calamities. We have participated in various URI activities like the Asia Regional Assembly, New Delhi, Zonal meets at Delhi and Patiala, Global Assembly at Mayapur, National Assembly in South India and other URI activities in our region like IDP, UN Day, and International Non-Violence Day. Purpose: Our purpose is to join hands with all peace lovers to build a world free of wars and conflicts. Description: Sadanandapuram is a place which is famous for the Hindu Sadananda (Sada+ananda= always happy) ashram. They have developed their own ayurvedic medicinal system, which is the oldest system developed in India. All the members live around this ashram, which is a Centre of universal brotherhood. There is a famous Agricultural University also in Sadanandapuram, and this CC wants to work closely with this institution to provide healing for the environment. Members strive for a better world by promoting understanding among religions to protect earth. We meet regularly and conduct classes on different religions, ideologies in addition to visiting centers of learning. Our members have been engaged in various social, voluntary activities as part of different organizations. Aamar= without death. Jyothi= light. Amar Jyothi is perennial light. Let us hope this CC will be a source of never fading light and hope. Primary Primary Contact: Contact: Pawan Kumar Sharma Jai Durge Automobiles & Service Station Ambala-Nahan Road, Naraingarth District Ambala India (91)946-630-2574 [email protected] Anandalok Purpose: To promote communal harmony by engaging more local people in interfaith dialogues and jointly responding to the critical needs of education and health. To create a place where people from various traditions will feel connected and to come together to do good work for humanity. Primary Contact: Contact: P.K. Varghese Puthen Bunglow Vettikkavala.P.O, Kottarakkara 691539 Kollam, Kerala India (91) 474-240-2753 (91) 984-780-2753 [email protected] Description: Our CC responds to the health needs of the poor people, works to boost the educational system in the local area, works with the local schools to stop the school drop out rate. takes care of orphans, and raises 63 funds to build an old age home. We also organize and mobilize local groups to promote communal harmony through various social actions like blood donation, tree plantation etc. ANUVRAT Council for Interreligious Dialogue Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation, educate young and old in a culture of peace and nonviolence and thus make an endeavour towards the creation of a nonviolent sociopolitical world order. Primary Contact: Contact: Subhas Maji Vill + P.O.- Hirapur District-Burdwan Burnpur WEST BENGAL 713325 India (91) 33-2937-5414 (91) 9434-147-920 [email protected] Description: Our CC is working hard for rejuvenation of moral and spiritual values. We have organized international conference and training programs on peace and non-violent action and interfaith dialogue. We have also organized various URI activities in our region like IDP, UN day, and International nonviolence day. Anugraha CC Primary Contact: Contact: S.L. Gandhi Anuvibha Jaipur Kendra Opp. Gaurav Tower, Malviya Nagar Jaipur 302017 India (91) 141-5127358 (91) 0982-801-6989 Purpose: To make unity among our brothers and sisters of India. Description: Work among students is one of our CC's top priorities. We run a tuition center for poor students. Primary Contact: Contact: Rajesh Kumar G. C. Mavarathala House, T. C 2/ 2247, Asdarsh Nagar-119, Pattom Palace P.O. Trivandrum 695004 India Association for Interfaith Dialogue & Action CC Purpose: To promote religious harmony and peace through education and training. Secondary Contacts Contacts : Sheeba Begum Qno.73, Type II, Sector A, CRPF, Pallippuram Trivandrum, Kerala 695316 India [email protected] Description: Our CC organizes and participates in various seminars on interfaith dialogue, provides a platform for meeting and exchange of views of various religious groups, actively promotes religious harmony and helps victims of religious strife, discrimination, conflicts. Ligin V.S. Anugraha Vlathankara, Chenkal.P.O, Neyyatinkara695132 Kerala India [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Sarpv C. Swami 33 Mahalingapuram Main Road Nungambakkam Chennai 600034 India 91-44-43081015 91-44-43502028 64 Primary Contact: Contact: M. Abraham T. Renjana Ayur P.O., Kollam Kerala India [email protected] 91-940021008 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Devarakonda S. Nathan President, JNIAR Buddha Bhavan Apartment Secunderbad 500003 India (91) 402-754-1551 (91) 233-049-46 (91) 984-915-0190 [email protected] B.V. Foundation for Promotion of Peace Peace and Harmony CC Purpose: To promote world peace and interreligious culture in society. Description: B. V. Foundation for Promotion of Peace and Harmony was established in 2006 to promote peace in Vizag. Our activities include monthly interfaith meetings, discussions, and interfaith prayer meetings. We observe festivals and all important days declared by UN. We visit religious places regularly to promote inter-religious harmony. Association for Universal Faith CC Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation and harmony in Bangalore. Primary Contact: Contact: M. A. Hussain KGN Compound 84/1 V.V. Nagar, R.T. Nagar Post Bangalore 560032 India (91) 80-363-4937 Primary Contact: Contact: Prakasha Rao N LIG -10, A.P.H.B. Colony, Setammadara, Visakhapatnam District Andhra Pradesh 530022 India (91) 944-0675-955 [email protected] Ayur InterInter- Religious Center CC Purpose: To promote human understanding and amity. Secondary Contact: Contact: Aziz Mehdi Shelter 112-10 (a) Daspalla Hills, Visaktman Andhra Pradesh 530003 India [email protected] Description: We meet once a month for inter-religious studies, prayers, scripture readings, etc. We hope to develop a center for reconciliation and peace. We function as a bridge building organization to foster harmonious relationship among people of different faiths. We want to reduce all forms of violence. We work in the Thadicadu senior secondary school and undertake different projects in collaboration with the National Service Society. We participate in the IDP peace rally every year organised by the Cosmic Community Centre. B.V.N. Memorial Service Society Society Purpose: To make peace and harmony among people. To raise awareness about rural education. Description: The URI Charter Principles and URI's commitment towards religious harmony 65 our chief goal. We collaborate with Rotary Club, Y.M.C.A and other similar organizations to promote peace and harmony. We regulary attend the Leadership Training under the South India Zone. We deputed two delegates for the TPA training in Peace Building at Kottarakkara and we are thinking of starting a seeding program in Bangalore. and global peace attracted different religious groups in our community, and we decided to form our CC in Andhrapradesh, South India. We donate spiritual books of all traditions to the rural libraries. We run a bi-monthly magazine called Satyam (Truth) and we also celebrate different religious festivals. Primary Contact: Contact: K.V.V.S. Murthy 13-5-169 Ashoknagar Colony Bhadrachalam 507112 India (98) 485-752-502 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: C. N. N. Raju No. 18, 4th 'A' Main, Obalappa Garden K.R. Road Bangalore 560 082 India (91) 80-2676-2095 (91) 80-2676-0541 / (98) 4542-6151 [email protected] Bangalore Cooperation Circle - CC Purpose: To promote better understanding among members of different faiths. Secondary Contact: Contact: V.S. Shan Bhogue No. 18, 4th 'A' Main, Obalappa Garden K.R. Road Bangalore 560 082 India (91) 80-2676-2095 / (91) 80-2676-0541 (98) 4542-6151 [email protected] Description: Under the direction of Dr. Mumtaz Ali Khan, Executive Director of the Centre for Research and Develpoment of Dalits, the Bangalore CC is helping the breakdown of isolation and separation of Muslims through various programs for integration and understanding. Our chief purpose is to quell all forms of violence, intercultural and inter-religious. Beyond SARHAD Primary Contact: Contact: Mumtaz A. Khan Khwaju Gharib-Un-Nawaz Welfare Center 181 1C Main Road Gangenahalli Extn., Bangalore 560032 India (91) 80-333-6186 (91) 80-333-3217 [email protected] Purpose: Promotion of Values to lead us to peaceful society in general and an empowered being in particular. Description; Description; The name of our CC, Beyond Sarhad, means no boundary of religion, caste and creed. We engage in social movements to denounce all forms of discrimination and violation of human rights. At the individual level, we work in human rights, women’s right and labor rights issues irrespective of caste, creed and religion. As a CC we will work together organizing community meetings, workshops on empowerment, research and legal assistance. Bangalore South CC Purpose: To promote religious harmony. Description: This is the second CC registerd in the hi-tech city of India called Bangalore. National integration and unity is Primary Contact: Contact: Shazia N. Shaikh 66 Description: Our CC is working with the Indian government for justice and good pay for laborers. We are working for the the implementation of a new law National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NRGA) in India. We also work to address the unemployment situation by creating a network for local employment, raising the voices for hard working laborers and helping them to retain their rights. Our planned activities include: working to address tribal issues, assuring 100 days of work under the government new policy, interfaith dialogue meetings, peace rallies, and developmental work like education, health for all. Apartment: Room No: 6, First Floor, 93, New Noorani Building, Cadell Road, SV. Marg, Mahim (West) Mumbai 400016 India (91) 9702382710 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Nilosree Biswas Apartment:_Flat No: 9, Building 1, Cardinal Garcias CHS, Malad (West), Maharashtra Mumbai 400066 India (91) 9967-75-0847 Primary Contact: Contact: Fagu Singh Munda Village- Chakru, Post.- Tarosiladon District- Khunti, Jharkhand 835221 India (91) 995-515-2875 Bhatinda District Cooperation Circle Purpose: To work toward bringing people together. Secondary Contact: Contact: Binod Ahir Village- Erud, Post- Tarosiladon District- Khunti, Jharkhand 835221 India (91) 979-838-6086 Description: Our CCs works to bring people of different religions together, to provide timely help to students in needs, etc. We promote communal harmony and raise our voice to end religiously motivated violence like terrorism. We have participated in various URI activities like the Asia Regional Assembly, New Delhi, Zonal Meets at Delhi and Patiala, Global Assembly at Mayapur, National Assembly in South India and other URI activities in our region like IDP, UN Day, International Women's Day. Buddha Education Foundation CC Purpose: To spread moral education in society and work for the social peace, justice and environmental healing. Primary Contact: Contact: Surinder Singh 207 Kawal Street Bhatinda, Punjab India (91) 164-225-5294 Description: Our organization is committed for social peace, harmony and a greener world. We are working for moral education amongst the younger generation and also deeply concerned with the social and environment issues. So far we have conducted an all India moral education examination on April 26th 2009 in which more than 5000 students from different states in India participated and certificates were issued for the participants. Every year we organize a World peace March (Vishwa Shanti Charika) in Delhi. Birsha Munda Jan Vikash Kendra Purpose: Working for Human and Tribal rights and create a peaceful society. 67 Primary Contact: Contact: Sang M. Baudh H-2/48, Sector 16, Rohini Delhi 110089 India (91) 278-90-923 (91) 092-8953-8438 sanghmitr [email protected] Purpose: To promote interfaith understanding in keeping with the URI objectives with special reference to environmental and social issues. Secondary Contact: Contact: Bhikkhu V. Bandhu Maitrya Buddha Vihar, 3rd floor H-2/48, Sector-16, Rohini Delhi 110089 India (91) 278-90-923 [email protected] Description: Our CC has organized and participated in various URI activities in North Zone like Asia Regional Assembly, New Delhi, Zonal Meets at Delhi and Patiala, and other URI activities in our region like IDP, UN Day, International Women's Day, International Day of Non Violence. We also have programs for the welfare of senior citizens. Centre for Environment and Social Development CC Primary Contact: Contact: Gurnam Kaur 101/4, Kaushalya Park Hauz Khaz, New Delhi 110016 India 2696 0801 (91) 98-1017-0417 [email protected] Central Delhi CC Description: Our CC organizes different programmes with URI principles like Children's Day, Women's Day, Non-Violence Day and national holidays. We've also organized rallies in support of URI principles on occasions like Birth Day of Mahtma Gandhi, Tree Plantation, and Nanhi Chhaon project to promote Girl Child and Environment. Apart from this we also actively participated in various URI activities like Asia Regional Assembly, New Delhi, Zonal Meet at Delhi (held at our school), Global Assembly at Mayapur, National Assembly in South India and other URI activities in our region like IDP, UN Day, International Women's Day. Chandigarh Interfaith Forum - CC Purpose: To attain peace by developing tolerance and respect for all religions. Description: Our CC volunteers organize blood donation camps and provide blood to needy people and also created a data bank to increase our effectiveness through which reinforce interfaith understanding among the people. We've also participated in various URI activities like Asia Regional Assembly, New Delhi, Zonal Meets at Delhi and Patiala, Global Assembly at Mayapur, National Assembly in South India and other URI activities in our region like IDP, UN Day, International Women's Day. Primary Contact C ontact: ontact: Sushil Salwan Salwan Public School 47, Pusa Road New Delhi 110005 India (91) 11 25-784-776 (91) 11 257-24-612 (91) 98 1104-4412 Primary Contact: Contact: Pal S. Dhindsa HIG 839, Phase-2, Mohali Chandigarh, Punjab 68 Secondary Contact: Contact: Pankat Kumar House N(a) 428, Street N(a) 07, Shalimar Village New Delhi 110088 India (91) 11274 90345 (91) 981-0873-566 [email protected] 160 059 India (91) 172-222-7712 (91) 172 267 2712 [email protected] Chavara Cultural Centre, Cochin Purpose: To promote interreligious culture in the society and world peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Deo Kant Mishra House N(a) 428, Street N(a) 07, Shalimar Village New Delhi 110088 India (91) 11274 90345 (91) 981-0873-566 [email protected] Description: Founded in the name of Chavara Achen, our organization runs a number of programs related to education and national integration. Father Albert Nambiar parambil was the founder Director and we support all activities of the World fellowship of Inter-religious Councils meeting at regular intervals. We ahve several training courses for youth, women and children, including MBA programs. It is situated in Cochin called the Queen of the Arabian sea. Churachandpur Interfaith CC Purpose: To formulate and uphold URI's Charter and its Preamble, Purpose and Principles with specific reference to creating awareness of HIV/AIDS and the primacy of peaceful co-existence. Primary Contact: Contact: Roby Kannanchira Chavara Cultural Centre, Kochi-11 Kerala India [email protected] Description: Churachandpur, where we lived and formed the circle is predominantly tribal but we have people from various faiths and traditions. For a long time we did not have religious conflict or tension -- the place was very peaceful. Now we have problems among the various communities, so it is important to address those issues together so the conflict can be resolved by mutual understanding. Affiliating to URI will give us more strength and more ideas to solve the problem. Chetna Educational Society Purpose: To uplift the poor in society through imparting basic education to them, and spreading the message of communal harmony and peace in the society. Description: Our CCs activities focus on upliftinng the poor section of society through imparting basic education to them and spreading the message of communal harmony and peace in the society through our children and teachers. We have participated in Two Zonal meets at New Delhi and Patiala, and a national Assembly at Alwaye, Keralaala. We've also promoted URI's activities in our school through different programmes. Primary Contact: Contact: Vung D. Tombing Mualkoi, Churachandpur Manipur MAN 795128 India (91) 943-6622-691 [email protected] 69 Primary Contact: Contact: Abraham Karickam Mundackal Buildings, Karickam P.O., Kottarakkara Kerala 691531 India (91) 474-245-4087 (91) 944-659-3013 [email protected] Conflict Relief and Peace Organization CC Purpose: Purpose: To spread the message of harmony and peace. Description: We have been an NGO called Conflict Relief and Peace Organization since 2003. We are all involved in peace work, human rights, inter-religious, and other social work activities. We have worked with people in Naroda Patia to seek their cooperation and trust. We have organized peace tea meetings, inter-religious get-togethers, local policepolitician government gatherings, and other activities. After three years of extensive labor, the community builds enough confidence to work together. Naroda Patia has become one of the Peace Zones in the state of Gujarat. Secondary Contact: Contact: Susan Abraham Mundackal Buildings Karickam P.O. Kottarakkara, Keralaala 691531 India (91) 474-245-4087 [email protected] Dalpur Sree Sree Gyanananda Saraswati Ashram CC Primary Contact: Contact: Sadeque Hussain 268, Jawahar Nagar Colony Naroda Patia Post Krishna Nagar, Ahmedabad India [email protected] Purpose: Our purpose is to improve the quality of life of people through sustainable community development along with spiritual awareness and daily interfaith cooperation. Primary Contact: Contact: Madhabananda Saraswati Dalpur Sree Sree Gyanananda Saraswati Ashram Dalpur, Post: Kharbona West Bengal India (91) 3242-205-917 (91) 973-207-9089 [email protected] Cosmic Cosm ic Community Centre CC Purpose: To promote inter-religious harmony and to work for world peace Description: This is the second CC registered in Keralaala and we have become a pioneering unit in promoting URI ideals. Our organization was established in 1991 with objectives such as to procalim all humanity as children of one creator God, to promote study of various religions and ideologies, to promote ongoing dialogue among religions and ideologies, to help form interfaith students' movements in different parts of the world, to strive for justice and ecological soundness and to propagate the idea of community living etc. Our regular programs include a Peace Rally on UN International Day of Peace, a celebration of Gandhi Jayanthi as a day of youth service, study pilrimages, etc. Secondary Contact: Contact: Pintu Pochhali Dalpur Sree Sree Gyanananda Saraswati Ashram Dalpur, Post: Kharbona West Bengal India (91) 9749160622 70 Desinganadu Interfaith Council CC Divya Sanskriti Pratishathan (Devine Cultural Foundation) CC Purpose: To promote peace and harmony. Purpose: Health, harmony and happiness for all through yoga education, natural health care and enrichment of the environment. Description: We are a group of chartered accountants and we support all programs related to peace and harmony. We work in close collaboration with the Mar Thoma Cyrian Church of Malbar, Rotary International, YMCA, etc. Description: We serve our community by promoting value-based healthy lifestyles through yoga education, natural health care, and cultivating ethical attitudes in society. DSP organizes workshops, lectures, classic yoga training camps, spiritual retreating programs, and annual yoga meditation camps deep in the Himalayas like Kedar Nath Dham, Badrinath Dham and Gangotri Dham etc. We have plans to help the needy in our community too, especially youth. Primary Contact: Contact: Kunju K. Varghese Women´s College Road Kollam, Kerala India (91) 474-279-4852 (91) 474-274-6083 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Chandra Bhushan E-12, Maurice Nagar, Delhi University Campus North Delhi, Delhi-7 Delhi 110007 India (91) 112-766-6778 (91) 986-801-2006 [email protected] Din Ilahi Kaviyoor CC Purpose: To establish peace and harmony among religions. Description: We are mainly peace lovers from different religions and we organize interreligious conventions and study meetings at regular intervals. DIN ELAHI was a movement started by the ancient Mughal emperor of India named Akbar, in order to bring all religions together. Ours is a predominantly Hindu area and we accept this name to show our goodwill towards Muslims and all other children of God. Some of our members are artists who work for tolerance and amity. We also produce films for national integartion and understanding. Secondary Contact: Contact: Rahaja Deepak ADI Automotives PVT. LTD. 58 K.M. Stona, Delhi- Jaipur Highway Binola IND. Zone GurgaonHAR India (91) 124-201-7187 (91) 124-403-4432 (91) 931-345-1003 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Neelakanta Sharma Naithalloor Illam, Kaviyoor.P.O, Tiruvalla, Pathanamthitta District Kerala 689 582 India (91) 474-261-2683 [email protected] Durgapur Sadhbhavna Welfare Society CC Purpose: To establish communal harmony by good thoughts in action. 71 Description: Our CC focuses on addressing health and education, specially among the poorest in our community. Description: Our CC holds awareness meetings on interfaith understanding to reach and spread the message across our city. Primary Contact: Contact: Kaushik Roychowdhury 20/26, Tilak Road Durgapur, District- Burdwan Durgapur, West Bengal 713205 India (91) 985-102-6831 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Deepika Jayanti B. Rathod 1762/4, Jivram Bhatt Chawl, Topatia Ward, Rajpur, Gomtipur Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380021 India (91) 99-098-700-97 Secondary Contact: Contact: Shaikh Amrin Telephone Exchange Quarter Juna Bapunagar Ahmedabad India (91) 966-221-8991 Secondary Contact: Contact: Nitai C. Gorai 11/21, Mahiskapur Road Durgapur, District- Burdwan Durgapur, West Bengal 713205 India (91) 9434-348-347 Ektaan CC Edamulackal URI Purpose: To foster healing through music, art and cultures. To create a communal platform of cross-cultural dialogues and develop understanding among traditions through shared learning for a peaceful and blissful community. Purpose: To promote unity of human kind. Description: This CC is situated in a predominantly Hindu area, striving to foster harmony among various communities. We promote Gandhian ideals and propagate his teachings. Members include writers, teachers, doctors and so on who all work together to protect the harmony of the place. We have published several books. Description: One of our major programs is Journey of Peace, an ongoing Ektaan project to nurture and preserve traditional harmonious festivals in rural communities in India. We also have a computer educational program where we engage children and youth especially in the areas where barely any opportunities of learning computer. Many of these youth learn the computer and later on teach it to other youth. We also hold interfaith, intercultural music performance involving children and women, record and publish CDs, and promote local musicians and artists. Primary Contact: Contact: Kottuckal S. Pillai Sreeniketanam Edamulackal.P.O Anchal, Kollam Kerala India Primary Contact: Contact: Kaushik Chatterjee Central office, DPSC Ltd. Post- Dishergarh District- Burdwan DishergarhWEST BENGAL 713333 India Ekta Sangathan CC Purpose: To promote communal harmony and women's empowerment. 72 691305 India (91) 475-220-7494 (91) 960-523-3438 [email protected] (91) 933-374-4455 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Biswadeb Chakraborty K1, 4th Floor, Vijay Apartment A.C. Rd. Burnpur-Asansol West Bengal 713325 India (91) 947-469-9238 [email protected] Forum for Interfaith Dialogue, Tiruvalla CC Purpose: To promote harmonious coexistence among students, religions, and sects. Fathima Public School CC Description: Our CC is a chapter of the Interfaith Students' Movement of India. Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla is about sixty years old and it is the second accredited college in India. Our unit conducts different activities with the intention of fostering unity and peace among students. We support the study of different religions and ideologies. We regularly attend the annual youth camp and other zonal programs related to peace studies. Purpose: To work for national peace and religious harmony. Description: Students and teachers meet at regular intervals for the study of different religions. We also organize various other programs for the development of weaKerala students. One of the most fascinating programs was the celebration of Diwali (Festival of Lights in the Hindu tradition). The whole school community participated in it and for Muslim students this was the first experience in their life.We have organized leadership trainings, visits to the interreligious pilgrim centre, and interreligious dialogues. The school wants to gain a lot from the association with URI, as an international organization, which will widen the horizon of their students and help them grow as universal citizens. We want to kindle the light of oneness in young hearts and eradicate all evil thoughts of hatred and terrorism. Primary Contact: Contact: S. M. Amma Department of Maths Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla Kerala India (91) 469-263-0901 Gujrat CC Purpose: To spread the message of harmony and peace. Primary Primary Contact: Contact: Greshma P. Raju Fathima Public School Pumalur P.O. KERALA 691305 India (91) 475-222-8964 (91) 944-613-8918 Description: Description: URI is working for the same purpose we are working for, and this is what attracted us to URI. We do lots of activities, but they can't be recognized as big achievements. These small achievements give us a sense of satisfaction that at least we are doing something towards the better understanding of the world. Secondary Contact: Contact: Ishana Ismail Fathima Public School Punalur, P.O.KERALA Primary Contact: Contact: Jayesh Patel 73 Manav Sadhna Kendra, Gandhi Ashram Ahmedabad 27 India (91) 79-756-0002 Harijan Sewak Sangh CC Purpose: To promote the spirit of interfaith cooperation and harmony in keeping with the aims and objectives of the URI charter. Guwahati CC Description: We are the Zonal Coordinator of all the URI activities in North Zone. We have managed to have more than 30 CCs in our zone, organized Asia Regional Assembly in 2007, attended all the meets in Ballamborosa, USA, Korea (Asia Executive Council Meet and Asia Regional Meet in 2009, Also actively participated in Two National Assembly organized by South Zone, and all the Zonal meets in our region organized by us, participated in Global Assembly with more than 25 CCs representaives from our zone and also is a force behind organizing almost all the URI activities as listed in our yearly budget like, Women's day, Children's day, Labour Day, IDP, UN Day, Environment day, Non violence day, etc. We laso involve in running schools for childrens of lowest strata of the society, Conferences and seminar on Communal Harmony, peace, ahimsa, Terrorism, interfaith prayers from time to time apart from some of the festivals of all religions and national days of our country. Purpose: To promote enduring interfaith cooperations and religiously motivated violence adn to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the earth and all living beings. Primary Contact: Contact: Biju Michael Don Bosco Junior College Azara, Guwahati, Assam 781 017 India (91) 361-842-148 [email protected] Habel Foundation CC Purpose: To work for international, peace, harmony, and cooperation. Description: Habel Foundation has been working for the welfare of the Dalits for more than twelve years. Our activities include Tribal welfare, leadership training, education subsidies for weaKerala sections, honoring social worKeralas and leaders, training for inter-religious harmony and peace, etc. Last year we conducted a peace building institute for one week, with the help of South India Zone. A study tour was also part of the program. About 100 students attended our personality development camp. Primary Contact: Contact: Hira P. Gangnegi Harijan Sevak Sangh, Gandhi Ashram Kingsway Camp Delhi 110009 India (91) 996-805-3119 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Dinesh Bhatia Harijan Sevak Sangh, Gandhi Ashram Kingsway Camp Delhi 110009 India (91) 11-2374-6641 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Samuel N. Pariyaram Pariyaram, P.O. Mallappally, Pathanamthitta Kerala India (91) 469-273-5790 [email protected] 74 people and raise grassroots voices to a national level. Since we have been working to build a discrimination free society, we also include the religions as they play a major role in our country. In collaboration with the local government, we are working to create employment opportunities in areas where there are many conflicts. We are also hosting interfaith dialogue meetings and facilitating interaction between management and workers to resolve various professional issues. We are also providing legal assistance to those in need. Our future plans include: raising our voices for human rights, inter religious learning and sharing through community service programs, promoting education for children, and working on environmental issues. Indian Dalit Ecumenical Federation CC Purpose: To promote harmonious coexistence among religions and to work for the betterment of the oppressed sections of the society. Description: We are a group of aboriginees (Dalits) who have been very active in striving for the uplifting of our class. We have stories of centuries old sufferings, but today we are in the forefront of working for peace and justice. We organize programs with the help of the National Council of Churches and also with the support of WCC. We conduct interfaith meetings regularly. Our main project is the URI Peace Centre, which was built up with the support of URI Hub in SFO. A Peace Building Institute was conducted here with the help of the South India Region and leadership training. We run a tuition centre and a women's welfare program at the centre, in addition to regular study courses. IDP was celebrated with the support of the Bethany Ashram. Gandhi Jayanthi was also celebrated as a day of youth service. Primary Contact: Contact: James Herenj Vill- Chiro, Post- Chandwa, District- Latehar Chandwa, Jharkland 829203 India (91) 947-0396-732 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Joseph Chacko Thadathil House Kuttappuzha P.O Tiruvalla, Kerala689103 India (91) 469-270-3685 Secondary Contact: Contact: Mithilesh Kumar C/O Gokul Basant, near Bazar Samiti, Sudna, District-Palamau Daltanganj, Jharkhand 822101 India (91) 6562-235-821 (91) 9431-193-202 [email protected] INSANIYAT Cooperation Circle Purpose: Creating Social Platform for all voices to be heard to sustain justice for a peaceful society. Inter Religions Centre Kuttappuzha CC Purpose: To work for world peace. Description: We work in the state of Jharkhand, recently a hotbed of conflict and tension, partly due to Maoist activities. Poverty is extreme, with shortages of food, and human rights are regularly violated. We are working with like- minded organizations and with the government as well as with the media to highlight the common needs of the Description: Our CC is the Kuttappuzha Inter-Religious Center, established with the objective of promoting inter-religious harmony among the people in our locality. We conduct dialogues, house visits, and meetings for propagating the values of justice and peace. 75 We also have social awareness programmes related to the environment and pollution. We also conduct career guidance and counselling classes. We are also focused on providing paliatory care for those in pain. Interfaith Centre, Kottarakkara CC Purpose: To work for world peace. Description: Our CC's primary programs are educational counselling and inter-religious workshops. We work mostly among students and youths. Primary Contact: Contact: Rani George Nellickal, Kuttapuzha. P.O. Tiruvalla, Keralaala 689103 India (91) 469-261-9480 Primary Contact: Contact: G. Jacob Vazhavila Veedu Pulamon P.O. Kottarakkara, Kerala 691531 India (91) 474-265-2283 (91) 9847-458-969 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: George Mathew Nellickal, Kuttapuzha. P.O. Tiruvalla, Kerala689103 India (91) 469-261-9480 [email protected] Interfaith Dialogue Centre Kollam CC Interfaith Interfaith Association Kanjirapally CC Purpose: To foster religious tolerance and understanding and to see the world the world as an extended human family. Purpose: To create a world of religious harmony and peace. Description: This is an association of Hindus, Muslims and Christians - the first CC to be registered in the Kottayam District of Keralaala. The majority of our members are youth. The leader is Prof. Dr. J. Prameeladevi, a well known poetess of Keralaala, and an authority in Hindu scriptures. Members participated in a Leadership Training conducted at the Cosmic Community Centre CC in Karickam. The group meets regularly in different homes and conducts studies on various religions and ideologies. They participate in community development programs on topics such as literacy, AIDs awareness, forestation, etc. Description: Our CC members are mostly advocates and we work in the area of social justice. We extend support to poor people to protect their civil rights. Primary Contact: Contact: Prameela Devi J. Aparna Anakkal P.O. Kanjirapally, Kerala 686508 India (91) 482-820-6866 [email protected] Interfaith Forum CC Primary Contact Contact: act: Alex Thomas House No. 108 J.D. Nagar Cutchery Ward Kollam 13 India (91) 474-279-1693 (94) 474-30-745 Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation. Description: Our CC organizes quiz competitions for youth and children on different current topics of interest to promote 76 Students' Movement in Keralaala State. We visit various educational institutions and meet students to tell them about the necessity of building peace among different communities. spiritual values, etc. We are also engaged in community service, environmental projects, meditation classes, etc. We've participated in our North Zone URI activities from time to time. Primary Contact: Contact: T.P. Jose Mar Theophilus Training College Nalamchira P.O. Trivandrum, Kerala India Primary Contact: Contact: Herjinder S. Chawla H.No 4840 - 44,Regharpura, Karol Bagh New Delhi 110060 India (91) 9810476082 (91) 11-257-39196 [email protected] Interfaith Students Movement CC, Thadicadu Interfaith Religious Forum Trivandium CC Purpose: To work for harmony among students. Purpose: To promote harmonious relationship among people of all Faiths. Description: Our CC has been working for almost a year now in the AKM Vocational Higher Secondary High School in THADICADU, Kollam District of Keralaala. This is a school managed by Muslims who are very happy to have an Interfaith Students' Movement in their school. Thadicadu is a Muslim area and very often Hindu - Muslim clashes occur in this place. People really crave for peace and an interfaith organization can contribute a great deal to this. When youngsters come together, it is a good sign for a bright future. Members belong to three different religions- Hindus, Muslims and Christians. These student leaders have attended the Peace Building Institute conducted by URI and they know our charter very well. We have regular camps and leadership training with the help of National Service Scheme. Description: Des cription: We are the only CC in Keralaala formed exclusively with women members. We stand for human rights and women's rights. Primary Contact: Contact: Mary Oommen Rodi Rocks, Kizhakken Muthoor Kuttappuzha, P.O. Tiruvalla-3 Kerala689103 India (91) 469-261-9773 [email protected] Interfaith Students Movement CC, Kerala Region Purpose: To bring unity among the student community to see the world as one. Primary Contact: Contact: Manu Krishnan c/o The Principal, AKVMHS THADICADU P. O, KOLLAM Kerala India (91) 475-230-5382 Description: We have initiated Interfaith Students' Movement in Keralaala. Most members are youngsters and they will be our future leaders. Our contact person has been very active in interfaith activities for quite a long time. He was a volunteer at the Taize community in France a few years back. We coordinate the activities of the Interfaith 77 Interfaith In terfaith Students Movement of India CC where poor women find employment. This centre is affiliated with UNESCO. Purpose: To promote harmonious coexistence among students, religions and all sections of the society. Primary Contact: Contact: Mariamma Mathew ICSD, Valakom Kerala, Kollam P.O. 691532 India (91) 474-247-0075 [email protected] Description: This is the umbrella of Interfaith Students' Movements in India. We target various campuses in India to spread the message of peace and harmony. Leadership training, educational counselling, personality development etc are our chief programs. Programs include inter-faith dialogues, study of various religions and ideologies, youth exchange, programs to overcome violence, and peace building institutes. Secondary Contact: Contact: K.C. Mathew ICSD, Valakom Kerala, Kollam P.O. 691532 India Primary Primary Contact: Contact: K. Jacob Panchiyil Muthoor. P.O Tiruvalla, Kerala 689107 India (91) 469-260-5010 (98) 4786-1261 [email protected] InterInter- Religious Centre Kureeppally Kollam CC Purpose: To promote inter-religious harmony and peace. Description: This is a group who works mostly among the youth in the Kollam area. Members are deeply involved in various social, voluntary organizations like YMCA and Rotary Club. We support medical aid and social awareness programs. International Centre for Study and Development CC Primary Contact: Contact: Y. Thankachan Nellivila House Alummoodu P.O. Mukhathala Kollam 691577 India (91) 474-252-2593 [email protected] Purpose: To promote the development of the weaKerala sections of society and to encourage study of religions and ideologies. Description: The International Centre for Study and Development is a social voluntary service organization started in 1982 and currently conducting the following projects: drug counseling, drug treatment and rehabilitation, a home for the aged, family counseling, and continuing education. Each year we organize a World AIDS Day Campaign, Children's Day, Human Rights Day, and Republic Day. We have 39 full-time staff. In addition to service programs, we have a khadi (Indian cloth) production centre also InterInter- Religious Council CC, Odanavattom Purpose: To strive for a sustainable and peaceful world. Description: We have been active in the Odanavattom region in Keralaala for many 78 conducts various programs for promotion of harmony and understanding among different communities. We organize inter-school competitions, seminars etc. IDP is celebrated every year with a marvellous peace procession. Gandhi Jayanthi is celebrated as a day of youth service. An essay competition was conducted this year for students on the topic Global Healing and the Future of Humanity. Our senior students attended the URI National Assembly at Santhigiri Ashram, Alwaye. We receive guests quite often. Last year we had the visit of Rev. Elias Pinto from Brazil. The MI participants of Kottarakkara Peace Building Training visited our school and we had an interactive session. years. We are basically artists. We have our music troop and give music training to students and youngsters. Rajan Cosmic, our contact, is a gifted musician and a music teacher at school. We have conducted various other training programs for young people and want to become involved in programs related to overcoming violence. Music for harmony is our motto. Primary Contact: Contact: Rajan Cosmic Cosmic Home Odanavattom P.O. Kollam Kerala 691512 India (91) 474-246-3020 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Jiji P. Mathew Karickam International Public School Karickam, P.O. Kottarakkara 691531 India (91) 474-206-66662 (91) 474-205-7050 (91) 944-67-10367 Jammu District CC Purpose: To bring relief to suffering humanity. Description: Help families affected by militancy who are living in shelter camps and organize URI activites in our area aprt from participation in all the activities of North Zine URI and other URI activities like Zonal Meets, Asia regional Assembly, Global assembly at Mayapur, etc. Secondary Contact: Contact: Sophy Biju Karickam International Public School Karickam, P.O. Kottarakkara 681531 India (91) 474-2066-662 (91) 474-245-7912 Primary Contact: Contact: Satish Kumar c/o Mr. R. C. Mathawan 95 Sector 7, Nanak Nagar Jammu India (91) 243-6360 [email protected] Karni CC (Karni = name of the local Goddess) Purpose: Youth for communal harmony and peace. Description: Des cription: Our CC holds regular programs and camps for youth to equip them to fight against religious extremism. Karickam International Public Public School Purpose: To promote harmony and peace among students of various religious identities. Primary Contact: Contact: Khiyaram Choudhary Student Federation of India District Description: We have around three hundred students in our school at present and our CC 79 President OPP. Ramden Marble, Near New Bus Stand, Balotra Rajasthan India (91) 982-862-2048 [email protected] Kashmir Valley CC Purpose: To promote interfaith harmony and peace especially in the most violent states like Jammu & Kashmir. Description: Our CC is involved in activities to nullify the affect of terrorism and communal violence, to try to bring peace and harmony among people, to uplift the poor section of society, and to spread the message of communal harmony and peace in the society. We have participated in all the programs of URI in our region. Secondary Contact: Contact: Khamis Khan Student Federation of India District President OPP. Ramden Marble, Near New Bus Stand, Balotra Rajasthan India Primary Contact: Contact: Babita Chaudhary 281 1st Floor, Mukherjee Nagar Delhi 110009 India Karol Bagh CC Purpose: To end religiously motivated violence and to serve society as one organization barring all narrow domestic walls. Description: Our group works to help girl children through a project called ‘Nanhi Chhaon’ which means a ‘tiny shade.’ We also work for the education of the under-privileged. We believe that unity in diversity will bring harmony and happiness in society and we will keep working for it. Also, we plant trees and serve the poor. Kasturba CC Purpose: To promote non-violence & communal harmony. Description: Our CC seeks to inspire and educate poor girls with the principles of nonviolence and communal harmony, hold interfaith prayer and social activities for school girls, and celebrate IDP on regular basis. Our representative also participated in Global Assembly at Mayapur, Zonal Meeting of North India Zone and one National Assembly at Keralaala organized by South Zone, and we have also been involved in URI activities of North zone as we are related to or part of HSS (Coordinating Office of URI in North India). Primary Contact: Contact: David Lall G. D. Salwan Public School, Rajinder Nagar New Delhi 110060 India (91)-9212735380 Secondary Contact: Contact: Bharat Chawla 90-91, Rajinder Nagar Market New Delhi 110060 India (91)-11-25787018 (91)-11-25752700 (91)-9818852527 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Savitari Khanduri B/27, East of Kailash New Delhi 110065 India 80 Primary Contact: Contact: Biswajit Das Srikrishnapur, Mandirtala, Ward No-10, Kharagpur District- West Midnapur Kharagpur, West Bengal 721301 India (96) 09491120 [email protected] Kerala Kavya Kala Sahithy Purpose: To organize artists for peace. Description: Description: Our CC is a group of social worKeralas, teachers and counselors. We concentrate among the students of Keralaala and organize various programs in schools every year. We give leadership training, scholarships, and computer education to many student groups. Kolkata CC Primary Contact: Contact: John Kurakar Kurakar Centre Pulamon, Kottarakara 691531 India (0474) 265-2590 (0474) 245-3237 944-755-9495 [email protected] Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation and communal harmony. Description: Our CCs works with minority groups in various places around India, particularly in the North East area of India where religious conflict and tension is a high concern. We also engage at an academic level to address the issues of conflicts and are involved in research and education. Secondary Contact: Contact: S.A. Kareem Kurakar Centre Pulamon, Kottarakara 691531 India (0474) 265-2590 (0474) 245-3237 944-755-9495 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Himadri Banerjee 27 Tarasankar Sarani Kolkata 7000037 West Bengal India (91) 9433-061-616 [email protected] Kharagpur Peace Circle Purpose: To create a platform to nurture communal harmony thorugh humanitarian services and addressing the current issues to bring justice in the community by mutual understanding. Krishnagar Aikyo Sammiloni CC Purpose: To promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Description: We are working to create a peaceful environment to support the younger generation to fulfill their aspirations and maintain the educational standard of the area. We also work with those living under the poverty line so they can make a better living. Our dream is to create an interfaith library connected worldwide. Description: Our CC works together in order to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. 81 Primary Contact: Contact: Sukumar Sarkar Diocesan Youth Animation (Yuba Kalyan Bhavan) 1/4 L.K. Moitra Road District-Nadia, Krishnagar WEST BENGAL 741101 India (91) 97-353-25-078 [email protected] Mahila Chetna Kendra Purpose: To spread peace and non-violence Description: Our CC is dedicated to the development and the upliftment of women and girls through promoting education and teaching principles of non-violence and communal harmony and holding interfaith prayer and social activities on regular basis. We celebrate International Day of Peace and our representative also participated in the Global Assembly at Mayapur, two meetings of the North Zone in India and one National Assembly at Keralaala organized by the South Zone, and other URI activities of the North Zone. Secondary Contact: Contact: Sree U. Das 40, Kansari Para Lane District-Nadia, Krishnagar, West Bengal 741101 India (91) 09-43-43-102-08 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Srishti Dunkal F-22, B.K. Datta Colony, Karbala New Delhi 110003 India (91) 11-22563043 Kulakkada Ikya Vedi CC Purpose: To foster inter-religious harmony. Description: This is a new CC in Kollam District of Keralaala. Kulakkada is predominantly a Hindu area with many famous temples. There had been Hindu-Christian clashes here some time back, but it is now peaceful. We work closely with different organizations of the Mar Thoma Church. We participate in conferences and peace related trainings. Community development is our priority. Maitray CC Purpose: To develop inter religious harmony Description: Our CC has recently formed to promote inter-religious harmony and peace. We plan to organize workshops and seminars to promote inter-religious harmony and peace. Our members are working hard in society for the improvement and betterment of the people and making the people aware of the aims and objectives of URI. Primary Contact Contact: ntact: K. N. Thomas Vazhuvelil House, Kulakkada East P.O., Kollam District, Kerala 691521 India (91) 474-261-2683 Primary Contact: Contact: Harpal Singh Pannu B-1, Punjabi University Campus Patiala 147002 India (91) 175-304-6469 (91) 175-228-2832 (91) 946-425-1454 [email protected] Madurai CC Primary Contact: Contact: N. Muthumohan Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai, Tamil Nadu India 82 drives. We are a major constituent of the Manipur Peace Committee, which was formed in the June 2001 uprising and has the same goal as that of URI. We made a timely appeal to those concerned including India's Prime Minister for restoring peace and communal harmony among Hindus and Muslims, who were responsible for creating the Godhara Carnage which claimed many lives of women and children and thousands of rupees' worth of property. Secondary Contact: Contact: Rajesh Ranjan Q-19, Punjabi University Campus Patiala 147002 India (91) 941-746-9174 [email protected] Manbazar Chandra Memorial Purpose: To bring people together from various religions and traditions to create one platform to uplift cultural values and maintain communal harmony for peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Radhamohon Das ISKON Sangaiprou Airport Road District- Imphal MAN 795001 India (91) 385-222-0921 (91) 9436-270-641 [email protected] Description: We have organized health camps for tribal children and sports events and other communal, social activities. We also have organized tree plantings in various communities, engaging government officials and community leaders from various communities. Our motto is to form a harmonious community of all traditions and religions to sustain justice and peace. MAP Madhukunda Association for Peace CC Primary Contact: Contact: Bharat Sen Village + Post- Pialsol, Via - Manbazar District- Purulia Man Bazar West Bengal 723131 India (91) 993-396-4551 [email protected] Purpose: To promote communal harmony through humanitarian service. To provide the opportunity for children to get education. Description: Our CC works with local schools to promote education for children and address tribal and caste issues. Primary Contact: Contact: Goutam Roy A 4/3 DCW Township. ACC Ltd. Damodhar Cement Works. Dist- Purulia, Madhukunda West Bengal 723121 India (91) 943 418 2018 [email protected] Manipur URI CC Purpose: To promote and uphold the URI purpose as stated in the URI charter. Description: We have been working to fulfill the URI Charter and PPP to strengthen interfaith cooperation by way of worshipping God through prayer, rituals and discussions about URI's concept at each community's sacred workshipping place, ie, masjid, Church, Gurudwar, etc. This continues the process and also helps membership and fund Mata Ikya Ik ya Vedi CC Purpose: To promote harmonious coexistence among all religions and sects. 83 690503 India (91) 479-233-5369 [email protected] Description: Our CC is an organization with members from various communities of Kottarakkara. Our members are social worKeralas of long-standing repute, who have been office bearers in various social voluntary organizations, like the Y's Men's Club, Y.M.C.A, Balajana Sakhyam and Keralaala Council of Churches. We have a ecumenical study forum and we organize study sessions on various topics. Our delegates attended Asia Assembly at Delhi and the National Assembly at Alwaye. We are drawn to the ideals of the URI. Mazdayasnie at a t Colaba CC Purpose: As a youth group connected to the Zoroastrian College, we encourage youth to promote peace activities and develop good friendship through CCs in other countries to bring about better understanding among people of different religions and cultures. Primary Contact: Contact: George PanicKerala Parankimamthottathil, Kizhakketheruvu P.O. Kottarakkara Kerala 691542 India (91) 474-265-0262 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Minoo Jokhi Mazdayasnie 122A, Kismat Bldg. all Sassoon Dock Colaba, Mumbai 400005 India [email protected] Mazdayasnie at Juhu CC Mata Samannuya Samannuya Vedi CC, Elippakkulam Purpose: As a youth group connected to the Zoroastrian College Peace Studies Department, we encourage youth to develop a new world social order where young people understand each other's cultures and religions in an an atmosphere of peace, love, and cooperation. Purpose: To promote the idea of communal harmony and secularism in society. Description: Our CC functions in a Muslim area and we organize various events to build harmony in our society. This is an interesting group of people who are involved in various peacebuilding activities. They have good access among the fisher men as they live near the sea coast. They attended the URI Zonal Assembly at Adur. Gandhi Jayanthi was celebrated as a day of interfaith youth service. Interfaith prayers, celebration of religious festivals, study pilgrimages, etc. are our priorities. Primary Contact: Contact: Priyank Nevatia 59, Kamal, 6th N.S. Road Juhu Scheme Mumbai 56 India (91) 22-2620-9034 (91) 22-262-0934 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Shamsudeen Kunju Kottal Puthupparambil Elippakkulam P.O. Pallickal Kerala Mazdayasnie at Mumbai CC Purpose: To promote interfaith peace through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds as well as positive action projects. 84 Primary Contact: Contact: Kurshid Cooper Madayasnie G-2, 1st Floor Captain Colony, Tardeo Bombay 400034 India (91) 22-2494-2579 Mysore CC Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation and harmony in Mysore. Description: Mysore is a city near to Bangalore in the Karnataka State. We promote different programs to build up a peaceful community. Our members work in various other social voluntary organizations as well. Millat Congregation Purpose: To promote peace through building in an inclusive community (where there are no orphans, no injustice and everyone's traditional values are respected and supported by each other to create a peaceful community). Also, by deepening into our own cultural values to bring positive change for better peaceful life. Primary Contact: Contact: M. A. Hemalatha Prathibimbha 3848/3 12th Cross, St. Mary's Road Karunapura, NR Mohalla 564786 India (91) 821-245-5000 Description: We think we can create a peaceful community to support children so they grow in harmony. Our highlight has been working with orphan children. We have also participated in cross-cultural programs in various occasions. N alamchira Sneha Sangamam, Mar Theophilus Training College Purpose: To make youth instruments for peace in a world of tension and terror.As teacher students we hope to carry the message of URI principles to many educational institutions in the near future. We will move as ambassadors of peace and harmony. Primary Contact: Contact: Md. Akram Village:- DEONA. P.O.- Tilrath. District- BegusaraiTilrath BIH 851122 India (91) 99-55-719-845 [email protected] Description: Our CC works in a reputed Teachers' Training College in Trivandrum, the capital city of Keralaala. We have about 200 members who are all teacher trainees. We organize a number of programs every year bringing together students from different communities. We adopted a nearby village and designed various programs to uplift the people there. We invite a lot of prominent religious speaKeralas and listen to the tenets of all important religions. We regularly participate in the Annual Youth camp and other zonal activities. Mumbai CC Purpose: To foster interfaith harmony and undertake activities under the umbrella of URI. Primary Contact: Contact: Homi B. Dhalla 4 Ivorine, 154 M. Karve road Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 020 India (91) 22-285-6530 / (91) 22-202-6303 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Ligin V. Anugraha Vlathankara, Chenkal.P.O, Neyyatinkara- 85 Khitiz Impex Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. 8&9, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi India (91)-11-41425374 (91)-11-45006207 (91) 9899470034 [email protected] 695132 Kerala India [email protected] Noida Interfaith CC Purpose: To promote the spirit of interfaith cooperation and harmony in keeping with the aims and objectives of the URI Charter. Paippadu Paippadu Interfaith Council CC Purpose: To promote harmony among religions. Primary Contact: Contact: D. S. Jaggi Flat 375, Sector 29 Arun Vihar Noida (U.P.) 201303 India (91) 981-044-8529 [email protected] Description: There are ten members in this CC hailing from Hindu, Muslim and Christian traditions. Paipadu is an area where there is a large Muslim population and usually there is tension in Muslim - Hindu relations. We have a good core group there drawn to URI ideals and we had several meetings there in the recent past. It was per their suggestion that we first translated the URI Charter into Malayalam, our regional language. There is a Sri Ram Krishna Ashram nearby and the inmates are very enthusiastic about this CC. We bring together people of all communities and keep vigil to avoid religious clashes. We participate in all the programs of the URI Peace Centre, which is three kilo meters away from us. They inspire us to undertake peace processions every year. Old Rajinder Nagar CC Purpose: To promote peace and harmony in the world, to follow sustainable development and ensure safety of our children and environment protection, to leave a better world for future generations. Description: We promote quality education for children of all faiths and economic groups. We plant trees and have pledged to protect the environment to the best of our abilities. We want to promote social harmony and universal peace and caring for mother earth. Primary Contact: Contact: Ishmail Parackal Paippadu.P.O, Tiruvalla, Keralaala Kerala, South India (91) 475-229-2805 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Meena Jain 3718, Upper Ground Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar New Delhi 110060 India (91)-11-25721687 (91)-9310150783 [email protected] Panagarh Help Care Society Purpose: To promote national integration and communal harmony among all religions and traditions. Secondary Contact: Contact: Priya Handa 86 110007 India (91) 955-505-5023 (91) 955-505-5023 [email protected] Description: We are working to help those in need and we provide information regarding health care. We also distribute free medicine to the poor. In India, the health conditions of poor people arevery serious. We also address the education of poor families and their children. We work with the government to sort out various local conflicts in poor communities and this includes working with people from various faiths. Secondary Contact: Contact: B. Tirkey 140, Milansar Apartment Delhi 110063 India (91) 954-054-0610 Primary Pri mary Contact: Contact: Jai P. Prasad Netaji Subhas Colony Road District- Burdwan Panagarh 713148 West Bengal India (91) 993-214-6967 [email protected] Patiala CC Purpose: To fulfill the need for peace and humanity through institutional service by all members, especially poor and special children, the handicapped, and leprosy patients. Secondary Contact: Contact: Anjali Prasad Netaji Subhas colony Road, Panagarh District- Burdwan, Panagarh 713148 West Bengal India (91) 993 280 0720 Description: To help hearing impaired and blind people to become self-reliant and to help the leprosy affected by running a Leprosy Colony in Patiala. We have also participated in almost all the major activities of URI in India like the Global Assembly, Asia Regional Assembly, URI National assemblies, and North Zone URI CC Zonal Meets. Pashchim Vihar CC Primary Contact: Contact: Ashwani Kumar 839, Shahid Sewa Singh Thikriwala Nagar Patiala, Punjab India (91) 175-204-200 [email protected] Purpose: To promote peace and social harmony. Description: We are associated with Harijan Sevak Sangh CC of URI and we work to promote social harmony and peace. Though we are a newly formed organization, we hope to excel in this field. We also work for those in need and also carryout signature campaigns on social issues. Pattazhi Sarva Matha Souhardha Samithi CC Purpose: To promote inter-religious harmony. Primary Contact: Contact: Balmiki Prasad Depart. Of Buddhist Studies Room No. 328 Extension Building, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi Delhi Description: Pattazhi is a remote village in Keralaala, which is famous for its Hindu temples and festivals. We are one of the oldest CCs in Keralaala and have been working to promote inter-religious harmony. 87 Our programs include the study of various religions, seminars on economic and social issues, community development activities, and visits to religious centres etc. Rainbow CC Purpose: To organize interfaith youth actions for better harmonious community, to engage youth in dialogue and in decision making in society; to bring youth talent to the forefront of the society; and to bridge the gap between the elders and the youth in a very sacred way by creating a common platform of dialogue to address the issues and the social challenges. Primary Contact: Contact: N. G. Nair Manimandiram,Thekketheri P.O., Pattazhi, Kollam, Kerala 691522 India (91) 475-239-9574 [email protected] Description: Our CC promotes education for children through several projects like Run for Peace, Youth in Social Action, and a computer training program. We also work jointly with other local URI CCs on community projects. Secondary Contact: Contact: Lukose Cherian Manimandiram,Thekketheri P.O., Pattazhi, Kollam, Kerala 691522 India Primary Contact: Contact: Udit Chakraborty Vill- Adhkara Post-Panchmura District- Bankura Panchmura West Bengal 722156 India [email protected] Perumbavoor CC Purpose: To promote global peace and harmony. Secondary Contact: Contact: Saildul I. Mullick Panchmura, District- Bankura Panchmura West Bengal 722156 India Description: Perumbavoor is an education center and the CC concentrates mainly on the student community. Programs include seminars, discussion groups, study tours, etc. We are one of the oldest CCs in the Ernakulam District of Keralaala. Ours is a predominantly Muslim area and we are the link among various communities in the region. We meet occasionally to study about various religions and ideologies. Rajinder Nagar CC Purpose: To promote peace and harmony amongst all faiths, to protect the girl child, and to create environment consciousness. Primary Contact: Contact: Jacob P. Oommen Poonthottam, I Mile Perumbavoor. P.O Kerala 683542 India (91) 484-252-7070 [email protected] Description: Description We are new but plan to engage ourselves in generating awareness of moral and spiritual values in society through activities and dialogue among people in our community, especially youth. We recognize the need for dialogue on nonviolence, education and training. On April 25, 2009, we enjoyed coming together to affirm allegiance to URI on the occasion of URI CC meeting. 88 Primary Contact: Contact: Anuradha Mathur Salwan Montessori School, Pusa Road New Delhi 110060 India (91) 1125781118 (91) 1125686383 / (91) 9971883320 [email protected] Religions for Social Justice CC Purpose: To create an active forum for uniting various religious traditions that flourish in India. Description: Our CC aims create and develop a shared agenda to promote good of people for the safe guarding of the health of society. In recent years we have been actively involved in organizing the Asia Regional Assembly in New Delhi and we attended North Zone CCs Zonal Meeting at Salwan School in 2009 and also the URI National Assembly at Keralaala. Secondary Contact: Contact: Sampati Sharma Salwan Montessori School, Pusa Road New Delhi 110060 India (91)-11-25781118 (also fax) (91)-11-46082848 (91)-9811903883 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Mohinder Singh C/O Director's Residence Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan Bhai Vir Singh Marg (near Gole Market) New Delhi, Delhi 110-001 India (91) 11-23363510 Ranchi CC Purpose: To raise the voice for tribal and dalit rights as well as securing food for life and promoting communal harmony. Description: Our CC is motivating people for a corruption free society. We run a national campaign to speak out against discrimination, promote voices for tribal rights, and take a stand for saving Zamin, Jal, Jungle ( the land, water, forest) around the local tribal area of Jharkhand. Rohini - CC Purpose: Our purpose is to promote Gandhian values of communal harmony, nonviolence and peace; to fight against untouchability; and to work for education for girls and women and healthcare issues, like water sanitation and proper hygiene. Primary Contact: Contact: Gopi N. Ghosh Florescent Nightingale (N) School Campus Birsa Chawk Ranchi 834002 India (91) 919-953-9809 Description: Our activities include rallies, workshop, seminars, personal visits to affected areas, pamphlets and literature distribution, etc. Primary Contact: Contact: Rishi Singh 57, Saraswati Enclave Apt, 26/3, Sector-9, Rohini New Delhi India 0091-11-27557757 0091-11-27867757 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Md. Talib Near Madrasa Hussainia, Kadru, District Ranchi Ranchi, Jharkhand 834002 India (91) 993-457-0445 [email protected] 89 development and bringing tribal people into the mainstream, taking care of handicapped, helping in the rehabilitation of Leprosy and breaking the barriers of caste system in India. We are also working with the tribe known as “Dalit.” Roshini CC Purpose: To promote rights and religious tolerance Description: Roshni CC conducted two meetings with members to discuss URI work in their locality. We translated the URI PPPs and Charter into the Gujarati language so it can be better understood. We have been actively holding talks with the like minded groups in Ahmedabad city and promoting interfaith understanding. In the month of December, we organized an all women rally in collaboration with Action Aid on the occassion of the Babri Mosque demolition and rallied the city to promote communal harmony. Primary Contact: Contact: Kalyan K. Kisku Central Church Compound College Road District- Bankura Bankura, West Bengal 722101 India (91) 32-42-250-001 (91) 32-42-251304 (91) 94-34-021-526 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Susanta Modak Central Church Compound, College Road Bankura, West Bengal 722101 India (91) 03242-250001 (91) 92327-40673 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Naila Mansuri 69/235, GHB, OPP. Urdu School Old Bapunagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat India (91) 999-811-8339 [email protected] Rural Development Society CC Purpose: To create an equalitarian civil society free from exploitation, oppression that involves all section of people irrespective of caste, creed, color or religion. To promote holistic development for the people by the people for the creation of a just world. Sadar Hills and Valley CC Description: When we were thinking to celebrate 100 years of the Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha movement, at that time we got introduced to URI, so it was very right moment and call for us to join the peace building organization URI. We are already working to break the barriers of caste system in India and creating communal space where we can all be supportive in solving the issues that hold the nation hostage. We work to promote enduring, communal harmony through Gandhi’s message of non-violence. We try to achieve communal harmony through holistic Primary Contact: Contact: Vumthang Sitlhou General Secretary, Manipur Baptist Convention (MBC), Distict - Imphal Imphal, Manipur MAN 795001 India (91) 385-232-0177 [email protected] Purpose: To promote and uphold URI's charter and its Preamble, Purpose and Principles with specific reference to Hill and Valley inter-religious and communal harmony. Sadbhawana (Goodwill) Purpose: To spread non-violence and peace in this world. 90 Primary Contact: Contact: Arvinder K. Banga 7/7, Old Rajendra Nagar New Delhi 110060 India (91) 1145083202 (also fax) (91) 9811045249 [email protected] Description: Our CC promotes communal harmony through celebrating festivals of different religions and also by organizing interfaith prayers. We participated in the Global Assembly in India, Zonal meeting of the URI North Zone and other activities of URI organized by HSS. Primary Contact: Contact: Nidhi Sharma B-55, M.I.G. Flats, Chitrakut, East of Loni Road, Shahdara Delhi 110093 India Secondary Contact: Contact: Sherry Kapoor E-209, 2nd Floor, New Rajendra Nagar Delhi 110060 India (91) 1145090036 (91) 9871032159 [email protected] Sahredaya Interfaith Forum, Mylom CC Purpose: To promote peace and harmony. Samaanta CC Description: We concentrate on health care. We have a blood donation forum. We promote re-habilitation of T.B. patients and supply their medication. Other activities include educational promotion, inter-religious workshops, child wefare projects and so on. Purpose: Our purpose is to promote peace and rights. Description: We formed our group with people who are already active in peace building work though they are from different professions. The members in our group have been campaigning against caste and religious based discrimination and also promoting peace and inter-religious harmony. Our most memorable activity so far was a Marathon Peace March to end religious motivated violence which took place in the neighboring province in Gujarat. We certainly hope to have a strong group with more financial support and to work rigorously for peace. We also hope to involve people from the political arena to make our voice heard at policy level. Primary Contact: Contact: E G. Benny Elamkulathu House, Pallickal P.O., Kottarakkara Kerala India (91) 474-265-2244 Salwan PTA (Parents, Teachers, and Alumni) CC Purpose: To promote enduring interfaith cooperation and religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the earth and all living beings. Primary Contact: Contact: Aamb Singh Village Post Kita, Via Fatehgarh, Dist: Jaisalmer Rajasthan India (91) 09828294191 Description: Description We participated in the zonal URI CCs North Zone meeting at Salwan School, a signature campaign against terrorism, and tree plantings, etc. Secondary Contact: Contact: Kundan Singh Mal Singh Shivalta Pada, Jaisalmer 91 Rajasthan India (91) 9784025566 Sangrur District CC Purpose: To make co-existence of different communities possible in a healthy way. Description: Our CC to maintain communal harmony in Malerkot and other regions of Punjab through URI activities which mainly include interfaith prayers and peace talks. Samaj Joro Abhiyan Purpose: Promoting friendship and communal harmony building undivided and equal society. Primary Contact: Contact: Salim Ahmad Vill. PO Haider Pur Tehsil, Malerkotal District Sangrur, Punjab India (91) 981-425-5388 [email protected] Description: Our CC is working to protect the rivers from encroachment and save the forest, and we also work to help with health problems created by pollution in local villages. We protested the construction of a local dam, to protect local villages living on the land near the proposed construction site. With the help of the government, we were able to relocate the villages, and are working for compensation for the people who lost their land. Our future activities include: environmental work, such as campaigns to save the rivers and forests; health awareness projects; protesting construction that causes health problems; and working on issues of discrimination in the community. Self Assisting Training Herald SATH Purpose: To promote education, communal harmony, national integration, and sociocultural awareness for the downtrodden people of the society. We strongly feel that providing proper education to every child and illiterate adult will prove the backbone for development in every sphere of the life of the citizens of this country and will prove catalyst to imbrue self development awareness in the mind of every individual. We intend to sketch, plan and implement methods feasible for literary and educational development in the Indian socio-cultural setup. There are social and biological factors ( e.g., caste, religion, region, sex, language etc.) that makes every society unique and facilitate in making unique social bonds, the nature and use of which either hinder or pave the path for the development of society. We plan to organize awareness camps for the nature and use of such factors in constructive ways. Primary Contact: Contact: Pramod Kumar Village + Post - Satbarwa, P.S- Medininagar, District- Palamau Medininagar, Jharkhand 822126 India (94) 3157-3250 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Chhameswar Mehta Village + Post -, P.S- Medininagar District - Latehar Medininagar, Jharkhand 822126 India (91) 943-1573-480 [email protected] Description: Our CC plans to execute activities regarding literacy, social issues, health, and environment. We are trying to eradicate social ills prevailing in Indian society, check environmental degradation and 92 establish peace and harmony among people of different communities. 249193 India (91)-9997976556 Primary Contact: Contact: Md. Yahya Saba Dept. of Urdu, Kirori Mal College University of Delhi New Delhi 110007 India (91) 9968244001-2 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Suraj Rauniwal Hanuman Chowk, Uttarakashi Uttarakhane 249193 India (91) 9997976556 [email protected] Sirmour District CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Vikas Kumar Dept. of History University of Delhi Delhi India [email protected] Purpose: Living together makes life better for everyone. Description: Our CC promotes interfaith dialogue, prayers, peace, non-violence, and the principles of URI among the masses. We participated in the Asia Regional Assembly in New Delhi, the Global Assembly in Mayapur, and the Zonal Meetings of URI North Zone. Shanti Van CC Purpose: Interfaith dialogue and religious harmony and peace along with care for environment. Primary Contact: Contact: Rohit Kathuria 255/10 Arya Vatika, Devi Nagar Paonta Sahib Dist. Sirmour, Himachal Pradash India (94) 18061025 [email protected] Description: Shanti Van CC is working in the Holy city of Uttarkashi in the foothills of Ganges, a place for almost all people from different religions. Members of the Shanti Van CC are working for the solutions to religious conflicts that arise due to incomplete knowledge of different religions and to make people aware of their religions by arranging meetings at block level. We also educate on the logical literary meanings of different Holy Books. We develop workshops and seminars to promote interreligious harmony and peace. We promote inter-religious harmony and peace and protection of environment. We are mainly active in the Uttarakashi Region of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Social Team CC Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation and harmony in Bangalore Primary Contact: Contact: P. Sethu 874, 17th E. Main 6th Block Koramangala, Bangalore 560095 India (91) 80-552-4036 Primary Contact: Contact: Nileshwara Nand Shiv Kutir, Lakheshwar, Uttarkashi Uttar Pradesh 93 Primary Contact: Contact: Renu Singla Deaf & Dumb School Behind Punjabi University, Patiala 147002 India (91) 175-205-0353 [email protected] Society for Awareness & Prevention of HIV/ AIDS CC Purpose: HIV/AIDS Awareness and AIDS prevention in Indian subcontinent Description: Our CC generates awareness through peer education for HIV/AIDS among sex-worKeralas and migrants, manages counseling centres, and advocates HIV/AIDS education as part of the public health agenda to support behavior change communication programs. We recently participated in the URI Zonal Meeting of North India. Secondary Contact: Contact: Karminder Singh Col Amar Ashram Patiala Patiala 147001 India (91) 175-230-1819 (91) 175-221-2929 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Rajiv Tandon C-55 Anand Niketan New Dehli 110021 India 9811103305 [email protected] South Delhi CC Purpose: To promote interfaith cooperation. Description: Our CC promotes interfaith cooperation, harmony, perace in society through our activities. We have also participated in various URI programs organized under the North Zone. Society for Welfare of Handicapped CC Purpose: Promotion of peace and harmony initiatives among various religious groups with secular approaches national and international levels. Primary Contact: Contact: Madan B. Sindhu B-517 New Friends Colony New Delhi 110065 India (91) 11-268-33749 (91) 11-268-46922 Description: Our society has been working for 43 years to provide shelter and education for people of all classes and religious affinities and to those with physical challenges. We are running schools with a hostel facility for children, men and women with physical challenges which is free of cost. We also started religious counseling to promote nonviolent religious interactions through interfaith dialogue. We arranged a north India URI workshop in November 2009 at the premises of the Patiala school for the hearing and vision impaired. Col Karaminder Singh, the secretary of the Society for Welfare of Handicapped CC, has been the administrator of the institution for 20 years. Springtide Opus Purpose: To become a thread that binds the organizations working at the grassroot level with an established organization and help them communicate as one entity, to provide them with ample of support for their sustenance, and to sensitize youth towards social issues. 94 Description: Our CC has been involved with a group of street children and helped them engage in constructive social activities. St. Goretti CC Purpose: To work for religious harmony and world peace Primary Contact: Contact: Anjan M. Sadavarte Sushil Bldg, Block 5 T.S. 5 Santacruz (East) Mumbai 40055 India (91) 0222-6184-784 (91) 982-079-3628 [email protected] Description: Our CC activities include counseling classes for teenagers, a peace building institute; interreligious dialogues, and awareness campaigns on drug and alcohol abuse. Primary Contact: Contact: Leethu Thampi Valiya Vilayil House, Mavila P.O. Punalur, Kerala 691305 India (91) 475-2222457 (91) 9961448394 Secondary Contact: Contact: Rajeev Raghavan (91) 9821205290 Sri Garib Dass CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Rahul Raj Oam Nivas, Elampal P.O. Punalur, Kerala 691305 India (91) 475-222-2457 (91) 949-615-1161 Purpose: To create an environment where every one lives in complete peace and harmony with each other. Description: Our CC seeks to impart education to rural children by running a school in a rural area, to care for elderly, and to preserve the environment. We actively participate in URI activities of North Zone India. Suchetana CC Purpose: To promote communal harmony by nurturing love through art, drama, music. To build trust so people live a sparkling peaceful life with the truth from the heart. Primary Contact: Contact: Karamjit Kaur Satkar Vihar Behind Eagle Hotel near Focal Point, Rajpura District Patiala, Punjab 140401 India (91) 176-223-2032 [email protected] Description: We perform street drama and theatre performances to promote nonviolence and co-existence and received various awards and recognitions. The performances capture the reality of society as well as the future challenges for us. Our work has been appreciated and well reputed in various communities. Through our performances, we have demonstrated and protested various issues that lead to the violence and conflicts. Secondary Contact Contact:: R S. Dhaliwal (91) 941-743-6656 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Ramkrishna Chand 95 etc. Apart from this, we actively participate in URI programs like Zonal meetings, the Global Assembly, the National Assembly, etc. We also celebrate Environment Day and IDP and hold interfaith prayers, peace programs, and other programs of URI. House of: Swapan Dutta. Bara Kali Tala., P.O.-Sonamukhi District- Bankura Sonamukhi West Bengal 722207 India (91) 94-3425-4596 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Jagdeep Singh SGB International Foundation Dham Talawandi Khurd Via Swaddi Distt., Ludhiana, Haryana India (91) 162-424-5988 [email protected] Sunlight CC Rajasthan Purpose: To promote communal harmony and interfaith dialogue Description: Description: Our CC, Sunlight CC, along with Kiran CC were able to hold a meeting with the City Collector to seek his cooperation in carrying out URI work in our region. Since then, we held a meeting of more than 100 people on the occassion of Eid and Diwali to celebrate the composite culture which is the very essence of interreligious tolerancel; this was a big success. Secondary Contact: Contact: Jasbir Kaur (91) 981-450-8488 [email protected] Tagore Peace Circle Purpose: To promote communal harmony and peace through tagore philosophy and by promoting art and music. Primary Contact: Contact: Bhanwari Vyas Sawera Sansthan, Ghadiwas Rd., near New Bus Stand, Balotra Rajasthan India (91) 982-894-8701 [email protected] Description: We are all from the local areas of Bolpur and Shantiniketan and very inspired by Tagore philosophy. We believe in unity in diversity and we come from various ethnical backgrounds, promoting and practicing best ways to manifest human love. We are raising our voice through educational programs and through Tagore University. We are also working with government and other institutions. Swami Ganganand JI Bhuriwale URI Purpose: To create an environment where every one lives in complete peace and harmony with each other. Primary Contact: Contact: Biswajit Ghosh School Bagan, Bolpur District- Birbhum Bolpur, West Bengal 731204 India (91) 943-410-1550 [email protected] Description: Our CC is involved in working for religious and social causes, working for orphaned children, organizing games for developmentally disabled children, holding religious confrences, running a home for abandoned and orphaned children, running a free medical dispensary, and holding behavioral change communication programs, 96 Primary Contact: Contact: Sajan Varughese Kunnumpurathu, Tiruvalla R.S. PO Kerala 689111 India [email protected] Thirikkannamangal URI Purpose: To build a peaceful and just society. Description: Most of our CC members are government officials, teachers and students. Our goal is to see a place free of communal rivalry and we extend all support to local bodies and organizations in designing programs for this goal. We also have a music troop and conduct concerts to raise funds for our activities. We attend all zonal programs and participate in IDP celebrations every year. Secondary Contact Contact: Iype Abraham K I Abraham & Co. Chartered Accountants Tiruvalla -1 Kerala 689111 India [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Shibu Thomas Anandabhavan, Thirikkannamangal P.O. Kottarakara, Kerala 691506 India 0474-345-4468 944-613-4243 [email protected] Trivandrum Interreligious Fellowship CC Purpose: To foster inter-religious harmony. Description: This is the second CC in the capital city of Keralaala. Most of the members are reputed teachers and students. Programs undertaken have included: educational counseling, health care, hospital guidance, seminars on varoius topics, scholarship for poor students and so on. Secondary Contact Contact: tact: A. Abdul Jaleel AboobacKerala Jasmine Manzil, Thazhuthala Kottiyam, P.O. Kollam, Kerala 691571 India (91) 0474-253-1947 (91) 944-611-9152 Primary Contact: Contact: W. Alexander Kunnumpuram, 676, Darshan Nagar Peroorkkada P.O. Trivandrum, Kerala India Tiruvalla Interfaith Forum Purpose: To make our world a better place to live in. Description: We work in close communion with the Interfaith Students' Movement of India. Our members are very active in the Y.M.C.A and Rotary. We conduct a series of activities aimed at leadership development, career guidance, counselling and personality development. We help schools to build up libraries. We also support the BrainsTrust, Bestarts and other such organizations in schools and colleges. Tronica City CC Purpose: To promote a harmonious world living on a clean, green earth, with fresh air, pure drinking water and food for all. Description: We work with other CCs and we wish to see URI growing in strength. We promote harmony for universal peace and brotherhood, teach destitute children, visit orphanages and old homes with gifts and food, plant trees and save stray animals. 97 Primary Contact: Contact: Divya Tyagi B-70 Lal Bagh Loni Ghaziabad 201102 India (91) 9811399482 [email protected] Upasana CC Purpose: To promote interfaith dialogue and harmony. Description: Upasana Centre, Thodupuzha is a CC founded by Fr. Albert Nambiar Parambil, a veteran in the field of interfaith dialogue in India. This is the only CC in the Idukki District of Keralaala. There are programs on all days of the week. These include various counseling courses, educational seminars, women's welfare projects, interfaith dialogues, literary clubs and so on. An excellent library is also run by the Centre. Secondary Contact: Contact: Gurpreet Singh D-6/10 DLF Ankur Vihar Ghaziabad 201102 India (91) 9212822336 [email protected] www. Primary Contact: Contact: Albert Nambiaparambil Upasana Centre Thodupuzha P.O. Kerala 685584 India (91) 486-222-3286 [email protected] United Religions Initiative, Ladakh Branch Purpose: To promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. URI Anjilithanam Kerala Description: Our CC is working to uplift the downtrodden section of the society and marginalized communities of by educating girl children, and caring for the sick, elderly, disabled and visually impaired people. We promote religious harmony and interfaith unity among Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Christians. We also actively particiapte in North Zone programs like Zonal Meets, IDP, etc. Purpose: To strive for a peaceful community and to unite the down trodden sections for healing the earth. Description: Several of our members have attended peace-building trainings in Thiruvalla. We want to be the change. We meet at regular intervals in different places. Primary Contact: Contact: C. Muthu Thottathil, Anjilithanam P.O, Thiruvalla, Kerala 689582 India (91) 0469-269-0109 / (91) 965-660-2047 Primary Contact: Contact: Bhikkhu Sanghasena Mahabodhi International, Devachan Meditation Centre, P.O. Box No 22 Leh Ladakh 194101 India (91) 1982 264372 (Meditation Centre) (91) 09906902025 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Mohanan Pillai V.M. Chandravilasam, Kaviyoor, P.O. Tiruvalla, Kerala India 98 Vayakkal Vayak kal CC Women's Self Help CC at Mumbai Purpose: To make peace and co-operation among different religions. Purpose: To promote interfaith peace by supporting programs for school and college students to improve peace awareness and interreligious harmony and cooperation, including celebrations of festivals during the year. We wish to join in the pursuit of peace and support the purpose of URI and accept the rights and responsibilities of the membership of URI. Description: Vayakkal CC specializes in agriculture and related topics. We give assistance to farmers for organic planning. Primary Contact: Contact: Varghese M.C. Munjanattu House, Vayakkal P.O. Kollam District, Kerala 691548 India (91) 474-247-0238 Description: The education of poor children continues to be a deep passion and giving free educational books to children is central to the work of this CC. Doing this social work together has helped to galvanize the will of many other women. Women Welfare and Rehabilitation Center CC Primary Contact: Contact: Kety Jokhi 122A Kismet Bldg Sassoon Dock Colaba, Mumbai 400005 India (91) 22-2218-2246 (98) 2140-7519 [email protected] Purpose: Stands for women rights and dignity and eliminate violence on women to establish peaceful family though promoting self help women group. Description: We are more than 100 women from around local areas who raise our voices to stop domestic violence against women. As a result of our work, we have resolved many cases in the court against women who needed support. We set up various small scale businesses (like making dolls and toys, cloth, etc.) to support women financially. We have fought and still fight against the dowry system in our country. World Fellowship of Interreligious Councils CC Purpose: Purpos e: To promote inter-religious harmony and peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Sikha Misra Serpur Telengabar, Post - Contai, East Medinipur District Contai, West Bengal 721401 India (91) 933-393-9361 Description: This is an organization of international repute which celebrated its silver jubilee recently. Many international conferences were held in different parts of India. WFIRC functions as a hub of all interfaith activities among various related organizations. Secondary Contact: Contact: Amalesh Misra Serpur Telengabar, Post - Contai District: East Medinipur, Contai, West Bengal 721 401 India (91) 933-393-9361 Primary Contact: Contact: Meher Master-Moos Mustafa Buildings 2nd Floor Sir PM Road 99 Bunpyeong-dong, Heungdeok-gu Cheongju, Chungbuk Korea (82) 43-253-7422 (82) 43-265-8729 [email protected] Bombay 400001 India (91) 222-364-4737 [email protected] Secondary Secondary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] KOREA URI Busan/Gyeongnam CC Purpose: To create cultures of peace and love. Description: Our CC holds interreligious workshops and sporting events. Primary Contact: Contact: Simsan Hwang 1120-1 Dugu-dong Geumjeong-gu Busan Korea (82) 52-508-0345 [email protected] URI Chuncheon/Gangwon CC Purpose: To realize the spirit of the URI charter in Chuncheon/Gangwon. Description: Our CC holds interreligious and intercultural dialogues and workshops. Secondary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Hyeuk Lee 255 Deogduwonri, Seomyeon Chuncheon, Gangwon Korea (82) 33-244-6448 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] URI Cheongju/Chungbuk CC Purpose: To practice in the spirit of religious pluralism. Description: Our CC holds URI dialogues and workshops. URI Daegu/Gyeongbuk CC Primary Contact: Contact: Younghwan Kim 806-702 Hyundai-Daewoo Apt. Purpose: To build harmony and cooperation of religions in Korea. 100 Primary Contact: Contact: Gwangmin Kim 1 San, Chipyeong-dong, Seo-gu Gwangju Korea (82) 62-383-6448 [email protected] Description: Our CC holds URI open classes. Primary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Ki H. Chang 907-2 Mok 5 dong, Yangcheon-gu Seoul 158-055 Korea [email protected] URI Incheon/Gyeonggi CC URI Daejeon/Chungnam CC Purpose: To realize the URI spirit in Incheon. Purpose: To create harmony and cooperation between religions and to preserve the culture of traditional religions. Description: Our CC holds interreligious dialogues and workshops. Primary Contact: Contact: Namsu Park 813 Suwoon Bldg. Gyeongun-dong Jongno-gu Korea (82) 2-2264-8260 (82) 2-2264-8261 [email protected] Description: Our CC holds interreligious workshops. Primary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] URI Gwangju/Jeonnam CC Purpose: To realize the URI spirit in Gwangju. Description: Our CC held interreligious gatherings. 101 Purpose: To actualize the URI spirit in Jeju. (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] Description: Our CC holds interreligious and multicultural meetings. URI Korea CC U RI Jeju CC Primary Contact: Contact: Muncheol Lim 114 Samdo 2 dong Jeju 690-809 Korea (82) 64-698-9963 [email protected] Purpose: To accomplish the URI's purpose and principles in Korea and around the world. Description: Description: Our CC holds a URI Peace Forum monthly and organizes multicultural workshops. Primary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 / (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 (82) 17-264-8260 [email protected] URI Korea Cyber Society CC URI Jeonju/Jeonbuk CC Purpose: To realize the URI idea in Korea through the internet. Purpose: To create cultures of peace and justice. Description: We manage an interreligious website. Description: Our CC holds intereligious dialogues and workshops. Primary Contact: Contact: Sung C. Shin 813 Suwoon Bldg, Gyeongun-dong, Jongnogu Seoul 100-775 Korea (82) 2-2264-8260 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Se W. Lee 737 Dangte0rum Usei-myeon Wanju-gun,Junbuk Korea (82) 63-221-5940 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Jinwol Young H. Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju 780-714 Korea (82) 54-770-2832 Secondary Contacts: Contacts: Seong Beob 907-2 Mok 5 dong Yangcheon-gu Seoul 158-055 Korea 102 [email protected] levels of society and to promote interfaith understanding. Ven. Seong Beob 907-2 Mok 5 dong, Yangcheon-gu 158055 Seoul Korea (82) 22642-0363 (82) 222-64-8260 (82) 222-64-8261 [email protected] [email protected] Description: Our CC promotes interfaith dialogue among people and peace programs by involving youth and also participating in the Global Assembly and Asia Regional Assembly. Primary Contact: Contact: Minakshi Yogi Prakashananda Marga, House No. 15 (Po Box) 6810 Sinamangal , Kathmandu Nepal (977) 1-449-5223 (977) 1-980-301-0435 [email protected] NEPAL Shanti Shanti Sangh CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Jagannath Kandel Prakashananda Marga, House No. 15 (Po Box) 6810 Sinamangal , Kathmandu Nepal (977)1-500-6224 (977) 1-980-301-0435 [email protected] Purpose: To promote spiritual harmony, peace, and development with a spiritual foundation. Description: Our CC aims to spread the principles of URi among the masses. We have participated in the Asia Regional Assembly in New Delhi and the Global Assembly in Mayapur. Primary Contact: Contact: Chirendra Satyal P.O. Box 2605 Kathmandu Nepal (977) 1- 441-4267 [email protected] PAKISTAN A Better Community for all Pakistan ABC4ALL Purpose: To seek hope, peace and harmony in the world. To promote interfaith dialogue for peace and reconciliation. To work towards maximizing charitable contributions locally and globally. To create sustainability and development for suffering communities. To save children now from oppression and protect their rights to education and health. To promote youth and women empowerment. To increase awareness of Health concerns, including HIV/AIDS. To work towards ending human rights violations. To work towards elimination of poverty. To work towards confronting climate/environmental issues, Secondary Contact: Contact: Anthony Willett P.O. Box 4201 Kathmandu Nepal Youth Society for Peace (YSP) Nepal Purpose: To encourage youth to uphold and promote peace and selfless service at all 103 communities through micro crediting, community development, and capacity building of community leaders; 2)To work on non formal education, formal education, and vocational education in poor and neglected communities; 3) To promote peace building concepts on social harmony, interfaith dialogue and communal harmony for harmonious living and culture of peace and tolerance; 4) To empower communities through access to enterprises education and micro finance services; 5) To make people aware of their human rights and civic rights and provide needy women and children free legal aid and advocacy on women and children's issues legislation; 6) To remain vigilant to work for the relief and rehabilitation work during emergency situation cause by natural and man-made disasters; 7) To provide advisory services and training in reproductive health, gender equality, women in development and poverty alleviation, community development, social studies, social issues, health, education and other related fields of human development and human welfare and other related fields. thereby promoting a healthy, sustainable planet . Description: Description: A Better Community for All/Pakistan was launched on May 3, 2008 while celebrating the Global Love Day. As a CC, we have organized community get togethers to tell children, youth and women in our community about URI's PPPs and have also invited other interfaith communities for interfaith dialogue. We celebrated International Day of Peace in 2008 and 2009. Primary Contact: Contact: Yuel Bhatti 23-A Forman Christian College Ferozepur Road Lahore 54600 Pakistan (92) 42-3591-4227 (92) 321-944-4992 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Nauman Zaki UG-25 Eden Towers 82 E/1 Main Boulevard Gulberg III Lahore Pakistan (92) 423-6114003 (92) 3004217118 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Sarfraz Clement House #60 La Salle Colony Multan 60000 Pakistan (92) 61-6511212 (92) 0300-630-7403 [email protected] Action Against Poverty CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Amir Yaqoob House 966 New Street Chathalay Wale Multan 60500 Pakistan (92) 61-458-7448 (92) 333-611-6872 [email protected] Purpose: To organize and encourage people to participate in actions that lead toward sustainable peace. To motivate people to utilize their resources, their time, talent and treasures (TTT) for peaceful co-existence. To speak out for tolerance and human respect, regardless of religion, color or creed. Description: AAP is working for Development and Disaster management in Punjab province. AAP is working with the following objectives: 1) To work for the economic and social uplift of the underprivileged and neglected 104 Primary Contact: Contact: Ehsan U. Bajwa House #52, Street #5 Gala Nishat Wala, Mohalla Islampura, District Sialkot, Punjab Province,Daska Pakistan [email protected] All Faiths Harmony CC Purpose: To promote harmony, peace and interfaith dialogue though sports, meetings, and by celebration of religious and national holidays. Description: All Faiths Harmony CC organizes programs at Christmas, Easter and Breaking of the Fast for Muslims, International Women's Day, and Pakistan Independence Day. We host student study camps, youth awareness programs and social awareness programs. Through these activities, hundreds of Muslims and Christians have joined and worked together for peace and harmony including teachers, youth, journalists, lawyers, human rights activists, political personalities and also people in civil administration. When ever there is conflict between Muslims and Christian, we intervene and help with reconciliation. Ambassadors of Love, Arts and Peace ALAAP Purpose: To promote a culture of peaceful coexistence in Pakistan. Description: Alaap was formed as a volunteer initiative by a group of artists, research worKeralas and human rights activists. It was created as a research-based cultural and interfaith organization against a backdrop of rising religious extremism and socio-political violence in the society of Pakistan. Alaap was created in response to the depleting cultural diversity of Pakistan. The research areas of Alaap mainly emphasis cultural diversity and has three aspects. The first focuses on peace and Sufism; the second is about the communities of Lahore; and third is a community profile of the Bahar Colony of Lahore, one of the oldest Christian localities of Lahore. Alaap is closely linked with the social and Human Rights organizations and literary/artistic forums, such as Janniesses Musicales International (JMI), which is the world largest network of the organizations working on youth and music. Primary Contact: Contact: Javed Younas Catholic Church, Shadman Colony, Dist. Toba Tek Singh Pir Mahal 36300 Pakistan (92) 46-566-1535 (92) 46-566-1535 Allama Iqbal CC Purpose: To promote peace and religious harmony through schools and other educational institutions. Primary Contact: Contact: Aftah Javed Alaap- Flat-8 First floor, Salim complex Q-Block, Model TownLahore Pakistan (92) 42-840-4430 (92) 300-812-12-42 [email protected] Description: Allama Iqbal CC promotes interfaith harmony through education in different schools. Our activities have included celebrating the Eid, Easter and Christmas programs together with all faiths, especially Muslims and Christians. We held a school event in May 2009 and awarded prizes for the best performance in school. 105 Description: Our CC has organized different programs on interfaith dialogue, youth awareness, equality, community development and health. We provide information on health and free medicine through the Free Medical Camp. We also hold training workshops for teachers. We've celebrated International Day of Peace and held a peace walk. Anglo Asian Friendship Society Society CC Purpose: To work for the welfare of humanity, to promote interfaith harmony for peace among the religions, and to help the oppressed community with medical help. Description: Anglo Asian Friendship Society is based in UK. It is a Welfare and Charity Organization and has a branch in Pakistan. We hold many interfaith events at the eves of Dewali and Holi with coordination of Krishna Mander Society and Aquf Board including Eid (Muslim), Christmas and Easter (Christian), the Birthday of Guru Nanak and Waski (Sikh), Shabe-E-Narooze (Paris and Bahai) Dewali and Holi (Hindu). Our Society also holds free Eye Care Camps at the United Christian Hospital, Lahore. We distributed relief packages to the earthquake victims in Pakistan. Primary Contact: Contact: Shahzad Francis St. #8, Hostel Road, Khurampura Colony Khanewal 58150 Pakistan (92) 65-255-6179 (92) 300-789-6630 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Shazia Sarwat St. #8, Hostel Road, Khurampura Colony Khanewal 58150 Pakistan (92) 65-201-9956 (92) 65-255-6179 (92) 300-789-6630 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Munawar Chand House No. A / 236 Bazar Sammian, Inside Taxli Gate Lahore Pakistan (92) 42-765-7616 (92) 306-467-2267 Bhatta Brick Kiln Labourers Welfare Organization Secondary Contact: Contact: Chaman Sardar House No. 3, Saeed Park, Near Toll Plaza. Ravi Road, Shadara. Lahore Pakistan (92) 42-793-3223 (92) 301-841-8020 Purpose: To provide special attention towards labourers working on Bhatta (Brick Kilns) for the improvement of their rights. They have miserably oppressed in society and and have been deprived of all sorts of facilities. Description: Our CC is now focusing on youth empowerment. We hold interfaith youth seminars and workshops. We celebrated the International Day of Peace 2008-2009 in Kasur and Youhanabad and being a Lahore MCC member, we jointly organized interfaith events. Our CC also attended MCC Pakistan meetings in URI Regional Office and joined in Regional Office events. BETHAK Be Empowered Through Awareness and Knowledge Purpose: To develop and spread the idea of friendship and fraternity among the people through interfaith dialogue. 106 Secondary Contact: Contact: Sohail Javed H # 786, St #19, Zikiria Colony, Shahrai Rashid Multan 6000 Pakistan (92) 333-6101-885 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Ch. B. Masih House No. 338, Nawaz Sharif Colony Ferozepur Road Lahore 54000 Pakistan (92) 300-479-8159 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Aslam Masih Zahid Aslam Masih zahid, Dullo Kalan, F Block, Ferozepur Road Lahore 54000 Pakistan (92) 300-885-1894 [email protected] Education for Peace CC Purpose: To promote peace through formal and informal education. Description: On September 21st we celebrated the International Day of Peace with Muslim and Christian disabled persons, and other interfaith dignities participated. Civil Society Socie ty CC Primary Contact: Contact: Lubna Francis P.O.Box No. 922, P.O. Gulgasht Colony Multan 60700 Pakistan (92) 321-632-0284 [email protected] Purpose: The purpose of our CC is to promote a homey atmosphere for people of all religions with discrimination towards none. We will work for social harmony and respect all religions and their beliefs. We will work especially with university and college students. Description: Many of our CC members are members of different organization like Amnesty International, Pakistan Minority Alliance, and Liberal Forum Pakistan. Our Civil Society CC has arrange many forums, dialogues and religious celebrations and holy ceremonies like, Dewali, Eid-ul-fitar- Baba Guru Nanak birthday Celebration, Christmas, Aman Mushaira, International Peace Day, Minorities Day (celebrated for the first time in Pakistan). Flowers of Peace Women's CC Purpose: To promote interfaith harmony and peace among women of different religions, especially among Christians and Muslims. To help Muslim and Christian school children receive a better education by providing free tuition and books. To help financially poor and deserving Muslim and Christian women at the time of their wedding. To celebrate together religious feasts as well as national and international days such as Women's Day, Mother's Day, International Children's Day, World Peace Day, etc. Primary Contact: Contact: Joseph Riaz House No. 504, Main Street No. 1, Sarfrazabad Colony, Old shuja abad Road Multan Pakistan (92) 300-6326-105 (92) 300-6326-105 [email protected] Description: Our CC seeks to promote awareness among women about the role of the mother to develope the peaceful society and religious harmony. We celebrated the Mother Day International of Children and 107 International Day of Peace with coordination of All Faiths Harmony. (92) 333-532-6995 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Farzana Kabil St. Anthoney Middle School Shadman Colony Pir Mahal 36300 Pakistan (92) 46-566-1299 (92) 46-566-1299 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Areej Azmat Malik Dhoke Jalan, near Poultary faro Barakahu Islamabad Pakistan (92) 512-233-222 (92) 512-550-470 (92) 333-532-6995 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Fasgana Sadia St. Anthoney Middle School Shadman Colony Pir Mahal 36300 Pakistan (92) 46-566-1299 (92) 46-566-1299 [email protected] Ibteda Foundation CC Purpose: To promote interfaith harmony, peace, justice, and understanding in the world. To respect equality among all religions. Description: We installed a filtration system for clean water. We are running school named Vision Public School wherein Muslim and Christian students study together and socialize and eat together. In morning interfaith prayers are offered for peace and justice. It is best example of religious harmony. Our CC also distribute the relief packages for IDPs of Swat Valley in July and August. We are running vocational training schools for Christian and Muslims girls and women for enhance the women development. We celebrated the International Day of Peace in 2009. HayatHayat- E-Nou (New Life) CC Purpose: To promote interfaith peace and harmony in Pakistan. Description: We recently affliated with URI family and pleased and inspired to learn more about the world religions and traditions. We are focusing on women development. We have started the Vocational/Sewing training centre and trained 110 Muslim and Christian women and girls who are either widowed, orphaned or oppressed. Now at present 25 students are enrolled. The fruits of this are very positive for religious harmony. We distributed relief packages and aid to 150 families in the Swat Valley who were affected by violence. Primary Contact: Contact: Syed M. Gillani Ibteba Foundation Vision Public School System PD - 1067, St. 2 Rawalpindi 46300 Pakistan (92) 51-445-0999 (92) 333-515-9812 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Khurshid Malik Dhoke Jalan, near Poultary faro Barakahu Islamabad Pakistan (92) 512-233-222 (92) 512-550-470 108 Purpose: To educate our society for socio economic and health development. To work in the spirit of tolerance, forgiveness, and acceptance. and passed resolution to end such acts. Our CC has distributed the relief packages for IDPs of Swat, Bonair and Deer; celebrated the Intrnational Day of Peace 2009; and held youth interfaith seminars for the empowerment of youth. Description: Our CC holds interfaith seminars on the theme of promoting interfaith dialogue for peace in the present situation of Pakistan. Around 100 interfaith people participated, including women and youth. We are giving interfaith education in three school in slums and have held celebrations of Eid and Christmas. Primary Contact: Contact: Shahzad Syed House #263-B, Street #21 Sector G-6/1-2 Islamabad Pakistan (92) 300-555-2588 [email protected] Interfaith Education Karachi CC Primary Contact: Contact: Ashraf Rehmat House number 288, Sector "D", Bhittai Colony, Korangi Crossing Karachi 74900 Pakistan (92) 21 545646 (92) 0307-266-9906 [email protected] Karachi URI CC Purpose: To promote interfaith peace and harmony. Description: We were established in 1999 at a meeting of members from the various religions present in Karachi City. Allama Abulfateh G.R. Chisti presided over this meeting. Muslims, Christians and Hindus were the first members of this group; later its branches were extended to all five provinces of the city (East, West, Centre, South and Malir) through which Sikhs, Theosophists and Zoroastrians also joined. We actively worked to establish religious peace and tolerance among the different sects within a religion. Members get together every three months. To achieve URI's purpose, they organize and participate in inter-religious functions to promote tolerance and daily interfaith cooperation. Secondary Secondary Contact: Contact: Bhan J. Bochia House number 362, Sector "D", Bhittai Colony, Korangi Crossing Karachi 74900 Pakistan (92) 21-545-646 (92) 0307-266-9906 [email protected] Journalists Information Bureau Pakistan CC Primary Contact: Contact: Allama A. Chishti 2006A Jamia Masjed Rd, New Sohan Islamabad 44000 Pakistan (92) 51-261-053 (92) 301-505-5014 [email protected] Purpose: To promote the noble cause of peace, harmony and reconciliation among believers of different religions. Our mode of promoting these will be through media. Description: Our CC organized a peace conference in Azad Kashmir. The theme was Terrorism and its effect in our society. All speaKeralas condemned such acts of Jehad 109 (92) 51-221-7409 (92) 333-530-1018 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Aftab Anwar c/o POB 1056 GPO Islamabad Pakistan (92) 300-505-5014 LahoreLahore- Pakistan CC Kiran CC Islamabad Purpose: To promote cultures of peace and justice. Description: During the year 2009 the Lahore CC Pakistan carried on several programs for youth, women, religious leaders, scholars and children, and also collaborated in organizing programs such as the Symphony of Peace Prayer in May and the International Day of Peace in September. Moreover, the members of this CC have been very active in providing relief to the internally displaced people of Swat Valley, Pakistan. We visited these refugees and gave them food, clothes and some cash. Fr. James Channan, the URI Pakistan Coordinator, was interviewed by a Spanish television network on the present situation of Pakistan and role of URI in promoting peace and harmony among people of different religions. Fr. Channan gave 6 interviews to Radio Vatican, including two explicitly on inter-religious dialogue in Pakistan. The activities of URI in Pakistan was explicitly mentioned and how URI is serving as agent of change in our society and doing its utmost best to bring healing and reconciliation in our region and create a culture of peace and justice. Purpose: To promote interfaith, intercultural and intercivilization harmony; to bridge the growing gap between various faiths and belief systems; similarly, to work for the promotion of peace and justice all over the world. Description: Our CC is focused on promoting interfaith dialogue for peace and harmony in Pakistan and explores women issues and religious harmony in our staff of Muslim and Christian worKeralas. In 2009, we received an award in recognition of our work. Primary Contact: Contact: Saeeda Y. Raja Flat No. 5 Faraz Plaza G-9 Markaz (Karachi Complex) Islamabad, Pakistan (92) 333-503-1018 [email protected] Kiran Rajput Welfare and Social Organization Islamabad CC Purpose: To work for the welfare of man, women and children, orphans and widows of all communities. To promote interfaith harmony for peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Fr James Channan OP 125 B, Pak Arab Housing Scheme Ferozepur Road Lahore 54600 Pakistan Tel. (92) 42- 3592 4566 Cell; (92)300- 8730 669 Email: [email protected] Website: Description: We run a vocational training center wherein Muslim and Christian girls and women study together in religous harmony. Primary Contact: Contact: Raja Gul Muhammad Islamabad House, Doray Taornale Islamabad Pakistan Secondary Contact: Contact: Nadeem Walter H. No-683 St 5/A, Makkah Colony 110 Lahore 54600 Pakistan (92) 42-840-6660 (92) 321-42-39171 [email protected] National Muslim Christian Dialogue Gujrat CC Purpose: To work for peace and harmony among the believers of God and to lessen the hatred among the society. Description: Our CC has organized many programs of interfaith celebration like the Holy Eve Eid, Christmas and Easter involving Muslim and Christian scholars and relgious leaders to creat harmony among the religions. National Commission for Inter religious Dialogue & Ecumenism Purpose: To promote an atmosphere of interfaith dialogue, acceptance and understanding among religions living in Pakistan in order to forge a spirit of nationalism and pride in national identity. Primary Contact: Contact: Zubair A. Farooq Offnois, Hussain Plaza, 13-Fane Road Lahore 54000 Pakistan (92) 42-784-8407 (92) 333-840-0914 [email protected] Description: The commission is working among different religions such as Muslim, Christian, Hindus, Sikhs, Bahais, etc. Ongoing regular dialogue between minority and majority groups is a major highlight of the commission. Other highlights include: conferences, seminars, meetings, workshops and discussion sessions with people belonging to all age groups. Also, we participate in and organize activities such as joint celebrations, visits to religious places, advocacy /awareness campaigns, peace prayers, the Annual Peace Awards, forums for women, and value education programs among school students. All of the above mentioned activities leave a memory but the youth conferences and diplomat conferences were the most memorable ones. We would like to continue our work with youth and take it to the college and university level. Secondary Contact: Contact: Mehr T. Mehmood Off. No. 5, Hussain Plaza, 13 Fane Road Lahore Pakistan (92) 333-840-0915 (92) 333-840-0915 N ational MuslimMuslim - Christian Fellowship Gujrat CC Purpose: To establish durable peace. Description: Our CC is exploring the voice for justice and doing our best for justice. We work on a professional level for Muslim and Christian victims. We also attended and orgaized the program with Lahore MCC and URI Pakistan on International Day of Peace 2009. Primary Contact: Contact: Javaid William 51/1 Shah Jamal, Ichra Road Lahore 54000 Pakistan (92) 42-613-8808 (92) 300-8412-247 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: George F. Din Mission House Mehmdan Road Punjab Province 111 Youhanabad, Feroze Pur Road Lahore 54760 Pakistan (92) 42-502-7814 (92) 42-527-0207 (phone and fax) (92) 300-48-4752 [email protected] Gujrat 50700 Pakistan (92) 307-627-7953 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Ayub Shamas Mission Compound Mehmdan Road Gujrat 50700 Pakistan (92) 033-2536-8144 Pakistan Children and Youth CC Purpose: To promote peace education and culture through children and youth. Organization for Peace and Development CC Description: Our CC promotes interrelegious harmony in youth by orgaizing games in which Muslims, Christians and Hindus participate. Purpose: To promote human values and creeds for a culture of peace and integrated human development of each person. To create a space for activity and a bridge among different faiths and religions for peace and harmony. Primary Contact: Contact: Shahzad Syed House #263-B Street #21 Sector G-6/1-2 Islamabad Pakistan (92) 300-555-2588 [email protected] Description: Our CC has organized meetings and planned discussions for the promotion of peace and harmony among the religions and creeds. We have also shared and participated in the religious programs of Bahai, Muslim, and Christian religious activities. Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Noreen Shagufta House 100, Street No. 10, B Block, Near Stitch Craft Factory, Youhanabad, Feroze Pur Road Lahore 52760 Pakistan (92) 42-5270207 (92) 42-502-7814 (92) 344-456-7506 [email protected] Purpose: To promote justice and peace, interreligious harmony, human rights, and interreligous dialogue. Description: Our CC works for economic empowerment of women affected by the earthquake through vocation and routine life skill training. We've established 10 parks for children and women at various localities of Azad Kashmir with the Collaboration of OBOS ""The One Body One Spirit Movement "" Korea. The main purpose of this project is to provide the recreation facilities for children, especially at earthquake hit areas. We also organize inter-religious activites and Primary Contact: Contact: Jahangir Piara House 100, Street No. 10, B Block, Near Stitch Craft Factory, 112 awareness campaigns for peace, a minority and human rights program, an awareness program for child rights and child abuse prevention, and youth groups for interreligious harmony. Tel. (92) 42- 3592 4566 Cell; (92)300- 8730 669 Email: [email protected] Website: Primary Contact: Contact: Muhammad I. Noori Muradia Road Near Makki Mosque Model Town Sialkot 51310 Pakistan (92) 52-356-3809 (92) 523-56-115 [email protected] Peace and Development Foundation CC Pakistan Hindu Sikh Social Welfare Council CC Description: Our CC conducted interfaith dialogue sessions between Christians and Muslims of Pakistan, when the horrible incidents took place in Gojra and Korian village in Pakistan. We helped them during this traumatic time and supported them emotionally as well as financially, providing them with food and household items. We also help and support people affected by different kind of disasters such as extremist movements in Pakistan. We've conducted medical camps in slum areas, developed a basic health program, educated women about breast cancer. We are also facilitating education for children and encouraging youth in healthy pursuits like volunteer work and holding inter-religious activities and awareness campaigns for peace. Purpose: To promote Peace and Harmony among religions; to develop mutual understanding among all man kind; to motivate the community by sharing to resolve the issues; to develop a culture of peace for development for the oppressed community specia, espeically working for education and health for children and women. Purpose: To promote brotherhood among believers of all religions. Description: We arrange different functions, seminars and conferences. People from different walks of life are invited and the role of URI is highlighted. We focus on promoting peace and interfaith dialogue. We hope to bring positive changes in the world, end the prevailing violence and create fellow feelings. Our CC is fully committed to the purpose and principles of URI. We have also worked for the social, providing legal aid and financial support to our communities.This year we established ten women and children projects in various locatiosn throughout Azad Jammu and Kashmir state, in collaboration with OBOS (The One Body One Spirit Movement of Korea). The main purpose of the project was to provide recreational facilities for children, especially in earthquake hit areas. Primary Contact: Contact: Abraham A. Murad 56-S- Model Town Extension Lahore 54700 Pakistan (92) 42-586-7751 (92) 321-477-2704 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Fr James Channan OP 125 B, Pak Arab Housing Scheme Ferozepur Road Lahore 54600 Pakistan Secondary Contact: Contact: Nawah Fazal 113 harmony; and to train women and youth for interfaith dialogues for peace. Bethesda Church, Church Road, Bahar Colony, Kot Lakhpat Lahore 54700 Pakistan (92) 42-5830-274 / (92) 42-586-7751 (92) 321-4865802 [email protected] Description: Our CC holds many workshops for the promotion of interfaith dialogue for peace. We planted a peace pole in the Christian Study Center with Coordination of URI MCC-Pakistan, celebrated International Day of Peace, and have attended national and international conferences. Peace and an d Environment CC PIRMAHAL Primary Contact: Contact: Mehboob Sada Christian Study Centre 126 Murree Road, PO Box 529 Rawalpindi Cantt. Pakistan (92) 51-556-7412 (92) 51-558-1450 (92) 322-500-8378 [email protected] Purpose: To promote peace and justice for all living beings. Description: Our CC promotes peace and environment by involving Christian and Muslim youth and women. We established the Green Club which is open for all faiths. We hold seminars for enviornmental issues and promote greening the city of Pirmahal. We give peace education in schools and have a minority and human rights program. Secondary Contact: Contact: Muhammad A. Malik House No. M-630, St. No. 31, Amar Pura Rawalpindi Pakistan (92) 51-596-2536 (92) 333-513-5980 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Nasir M. Saleemi Education House Junior School Thana Road Pirmahal TT Singh Punjab Pakistan (92) 046-301-4339 (92) 300-656-1419 [email protected] Peace and Progress Welfare Society CC Purpose: To promote interfaith dialogues for Peace and harmony; to spread the message URI vision and mission with our society; to understand each other religions and visions; to respect each other religions; and to promote Sufism. Secondary Contact: Contact: Azra Nasim Education House Junior School Thana Road Pirmahal TT Singh Punjab Pakistan (92) 300 656 1419 Description: Our CC holds many interfaith activities and our community is inspired with more motivation and awareness. We will spread the message of URI Mission to create a peaceful society in our city and in Hyderabad city and around the province of Sindh. Peace and Harmony CC Rawalpindi Purpose: To promote peace among people of different faiths in Pakistan; to create religious 114 Secondary Contact: Contact: Cheetam Lal Circular Road Jatoi Dist. Muzaffargarh 34400 Pakistan (92) 301-7870-843 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Mir G. Mustufa Talpur House No. 5/B Khalid Colony, Near Muslim Society Hyderabad 71000 Pakistan (92) 22-265-1746 (92) 22-265-174 (92) 331-352-4498 [email protected] Peace Group of Journalists CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Ghulam M. Babbar House No. 22, Old Campus Model School University of Sindh Hyderabad 71000 Pakistan (91) 300-3444-0997 Purpose: To use writing to promote peace and harmony among the followers of various religions of the world generally and in Kashmir particularly. Description: Our CC holds interfaith workshops and promotes interfaith dialogue for peace through journalism. We work hard and distribute relief packages for IDPs in Swat. We are creating religious and political harmony in Azad Kashmir. We hold peace conferences, support youth groups for interreligious harmony, social and religious tolerance, peace, justice, democracy, confidence & character building, and identification of local problems and their solutions in utilizing local available resources etc. Peace Foundation CC Muzaffar Garh, Pakistan Purpose: To promote peace, love and harmony among the people of different religions. To work for the respect of human rights and to end violence done in the name of religion. To work for peace and justice for all humankind, especially for women and children. Primary Contact: Contact: Saeed-ur-Rehman Siddiqui Peace Group of Journalists Media Center Peace Model School Behind Physics Department AJK Muzaffrabad AJK Pakistan (92) 588-104-7713 (92) 588-104-7713 (92) 301-510-7501 [email protected] Description: Our CC holds Eid and Christmas celebrations together to promote relgious harmony, awareness on child rights and Prevention of any kind of child abuse at any level. Primary Contact: Contact: Ashiq Zaffar Bhatti Mohalla Rainwala Circular Road, Jatoi Dist. Muzaffargarh 34400 Pakistan (92) 066-203-1776 (92) 301-787-0843 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Khwaja I. Ahmed Peace Group of Journalists Media Center Peace Model School Behind Physics Department AJK Muzaffarabad Pakistan 115 Description: Most of our members have been working to promote interfaith harmony, human rights and empowerment for women since 2002, being a member of New Youth and a few other organizations. As the political situation is getting worse day by day we felt that there should be a group that works at the local, national and international level. ROOTShas been established to promote interfaith harmony among the tribes in Quetta, Balochistan. During the last six months, we conducted several educational and awareness programs for students, out of school adolescents and other young people regarding their issues, interfaith harmony, peace and provision of new opportunities where they can get together and share their ideas with each other. We plan to network with different religious leaders; organize trainings on cultural identity and practices and our role in peace building; celebrate Peace Week in Quetta and different occasions of different faiths such as Eid-eNowroz, Easter, etc.; hold community discussions through meetings with different groups; organize youth exchange programs and seminars on peace and harmony; and conduct dialogue with religious leaders regarding peace and harmony. (92) 588-104-7713 (92) 301-582-2063 [email protected] Rays of Development CC (ROD) Purpose: To promote peace and harmony among the people of diverse religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions through out Pakistan. Description: Our CC focuses on peace education and development for children, youth and women. As educators, we hold peace education classes in different schools and interfaith seminars for youth. We are working for human rights and religious minorities and child rights and child abuse prevention. Primary Contact: Contact: Ferhan Mazher 43 Rehmat Park University Road Sargodha, Punjab Pakistan (92) 32-1603-2504 [email protected] http://RaysOfDevelopmentOrganization.Blog Spot.Com Secondary Contact: Contact: Imran Mazher 43 Rehmat Park University Road Sargodha, Punjab Pakistan (92) 321-601-2462 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Shazia Wahid 7/73/18 Alamdar Road Quetta Pakistan (92) 812-650-240 (92) 3366-31-9177 [email protected] Roots CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Irfan Ali D1,177 C/2 kashmir lodge pechs tariq road Karachi Quetta Pakistan (92) 313-821-0418 [email protected] Purpose: To work for peace building, tolerance and interfaith harmony around the principles of social justice, acceptance, diversity and socio-cultural pluralism of all communities. To engage youth and promote interfaith actions through dialogues and consultations. 116 workshops and dialogue meetings. We also do management, implementation, and supervision of our projects with the full involvement of local peoples, giving them ownership of the project. Seeds of Peace CC Purpose: To promote harmonious coexistence among religions and to work for international peace, harmony and cooperation. Description: We hold monthly interfaith harmony program with women, youth and children. We organized a Christmas program with women and children. We held an event with university students to celebrate World Youth Day on August 12, 2009. We also celebrated International Day of Peace, International Women's Day, and Teacher's World Day. Primary Contact: Contact: Younis Khan New Diamond Glass 114-S Model Town Ext. Lahore 54600 Pakistan (92) 321-456-3727 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Naseem George House # 99-A Old Civil Lines Sargodha 40100 Pakistan (92) 48-322-0411 (92) 345-860-5212 [email protected] Toba Tek Singh Sin gh CC Purpose: To promote interfaith harmony at the grassroots level. Description: In the past year we focused on two things: school drop-outs and youth. We organized a poster and essay competition in ten schools. Three hundred children drew posters and wrote essays on peace and interfaith cooperation. We also organized tree planting and matches of a local sport called "Kabaeli" for school drop-outs. For youth, we formed a study circle to focus on social and economic matters and prepared an interactive theater piece on peacebuilding and interfaith cooperation that was performed in ten communities. All these activities included Christians and Muslims working together. Tehreek Taraque E Insaniat CC Purpose: To create peace among the religions, to develop social harmony for all mankind, to cultivate peace builders, especifically women and children, and to work for the economic and social uplift of the underprivileged communities. Description: Tehreek Taraqe-e-Insaniat (TTI) Development action for Mobilization and emancipation is a nonprofit, non-Government organization established in 1993 for development work in Lahore. Its an alliance of social workers and educational professionals from various fields who have significant experience with NGOs working with grass roots development on a national and international level. Our ongoing projects are operating a middle school and a mother/child health clinic, and women's vocational training. We do awareness campaigns about improving living conditions through Primary Contact: Contact: Atif J. Pagaan Harmony Foundation House 2 Street 4 Daud Nagar Faislabad Pakistan (92) 41-551-144 [email protected] 117 awareness among the youth and women about the utmost need of interfaith harmony especially in the villages where there is no concept of interfaith. We promote the vision and mission of URI's PPPs which is very healthy and positive for the country. We hold many interfaith activities and the community is inspired to take this work to other villages. Travel Agents CC Pakistan Purpose: To promote interfaith unity and peace among different religions as well as between different sects of Muslims. Description: We promote interfaith harmony through our travel agents business. We explore the purpose of URI with conversation and dialogue and try to learn about religious traditions. We celebrated the International Day of Peace in 2009 with Lahore MCC and URI Pakistan. Primary Contact: Contact: Nazir Barkat Village Ghalib Key, Post Office Ladeh Key Distt. Sialkot Daska Pakistan (92) 347-6760-729 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Asad Yameen Nafees Travels (Pvt.) Ltd 29 Empress Road Lahore 54000 Pakistan (92) 42-637-3067 (92) 62-630-263-538 (92) 321-0600-222 [email protected] Secondary Contact Contact: act: Dilwar Sager Village Bikhi Sundhwa Daska, Distt. Sialkot Pakistan (92) 344-651-6711 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Inam Ullah Nafees Travels (Pvt.) Ltd 29 Empress Road Lahore Pakistan (92) 42-630-2435 (92) 333-422-5100 WAKE Women And Kids Education CC Purpose: To help educate women and kids. Description: Our CC held a Christmas program together with all school girls and women from sewing centre. The situation and condition of women in our country is not encouraging at all. There are women participating in all spheres of life but it is very limited. There is a low rate of literacy, and the rate of bad health conditions, sexual harassment and violence is very high. A large number of women are anxiously waiting for someone who can release them from bondage, ignorance and violence. Unity for Peace Group CC Purpose: To promote interfaith unity for peace; to promote the message of URI's vision and mission through welfare work; to understand each other religions and vision to respect each other religionsand to promote interfaith dialogue for peace and harmony, especially in youth and women. Primary Contact: Contact: Sabina Rifat Sheraz Public School, Street #5, No. 692 Warispura Faisalabad 38090 Pakistan Description: Our CC holds many interfaith activities with Allama Iqbal CC Sialkot. We are trying hard to promote and spread the message of URI in villages, and to create 118 (92) 041-855-4937 / (92) 0302-865-8499 [email protected] Women InterInter- religious Dialogue and Ecumenism WIDE Secondary Contact: Contact: Rukhsana Jerald Faisalabad Pakistan (92) 0300-798-2577 (92) 041-855-4937 [email protected] Purpose: To ensure the community participation for positive sustainable understanding on inter-religious matters; to work towards combating and eliminating religious intolerance and extremism in society; to continue to arranging inter-religious dialogue in order to foster understanding and better relations between diverse religious and spiritual communities in Pakistan; and to educate children through mothers in acceptance and tolerance of religions and cultures in Pakistan. Women and Children Development Program Program CC Purpose: To provide education, health services, women and children's development, and creating an inter-religious environment. Description: We are known as Women for Intra/Interfaith Dialogue & Education. We participated along with NCIDE-CC in different activities like Iftar, Diwali, Eid and Christmas celebrations and very soon we will be conducting a teachers training at a government school in Lahore. Description: Our work started in 1998 long before we became a CC. We work with women and children and with different religions leaders. In 1999 we started educational communities in Sargodha and Fasialabad, Pakistan. Our religious diversity is Christian Catholic, Islam Sunni, Islam Shi'i, and Hindu. We continue to develop grassroots programs to help women and children develop livelihoods and receive education. Primary Contact: Contact: Sunila Javaid 43/11 FCC Villas Gulberg IV Lahore 54000 Pakistan (92) 300-842-8403 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Livina H. Gill 73 FCC, Gulberg - IV Lahore 54666 Pakistan 92-42-527-3283 92-451-217818DrKhan [email protected] Youth Peace Revolution CC Purpose: To promote peace through art. Description: Some of our CC members had amazing experiences by attending the Youth Leadership Program and the Global Assembly in 2009, and were also inspired by the meeting of World Youth to share their cultures, traditions and interfaith activities. We celebrated Global Love Day and International Day of Peace with great zeal and also participated in a peace candle rally and protest against terrorism and violence. Primary Contact: Contact: Francis Xavier H. No.13, St. No. 4, Block No. 4 - J Youhanabad, Ferozpur Road Lahore 54760 Pakistan (92) 42-527-3283 (same as home/fax) (92) 322-4470-747 [email protected] 119 (94)912234473 (94)354920808 (94)713480676 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Shumaila Bhatti Forman Christian College, Ferozepur Road Apartment 23-A Lahore 54600 Pakistan (92) 322-476-2280 [email protected] Sarvodaya Shanti Sena CC Purpose: To promote non-violent action, training and education in peace efforts and to offer a wide range of activities to bring out harmonious integration of all communities and religious faiths. Secondary Contact: Contact: Abraham A. Murad 56-S- Model Town Extension Lahore 54700 Pakistan (92) 42-586-7751 (92) 321-477-2704 [email protected] Description: This is the first CC registered in Sri Lanka. With a wide network in about 1500 villages in the country, ours is an NGO with a great reputation for peace initiatives. We undertake a wide range of programs for community development and peace building. The war that has taken an enormous toll on Sri Lanka and its people during the past 20 years has been concluded with a cease fire. The political agreement is very fragile and must be strengthened by building public opinion, which is among the many tasks facing Sarvodaya Shanthi Sena. We want to bring together the youth, in particular, through peace dialogues. Inter-cultural cooperation among selected leaders is being tried out by providing opportunities for youth from the North and East to get together to develop mutual goodwill and understanding at the village level. At the close of one gathering of North and South youth, a Tamil girl said ""We have known Singhala soldiers only as enemies and not as civilians. Now we realize that we are all human beings with similar aspirations. Even though we are poor, we brought thirty bags of rice as a token of goodwill."" Such experiences help to bridge the gap. SRI LANKA InterInter- religious cultural coco- existence CC Purpose: To propagate the objectives of URI. Description: Ours is a country that has been ravaged by war for more than three decades and our immediate task is to build a community of trust. So we undertake several peace initiatives to bring together our people from different religions. We work in close association with sarvo Santhi Sena, which has a wonderful network in the whole of Sri Lanka. Primary Primary Contact: Contact: Upali Premachandre Sarvodaya District Center, Bataganwila Galle 80000 Sri Lanka (94)912234473 (94)354920808 (94)713480676 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Ravindra W. Kandage 72/5 Rawatawatta Road Moratuwa Sri Lanka (94) 1-265-5049 (94) 0-777-6363-02 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Nihal Nanayakkara Sarvodaya District Center, Bataganwila Galle 80000 Sri Lanka 120 Primary Contact: Contact: Hsi- Ming Wu 10F, No. 164, Sec. 4 Nanjing E. Road, Songshan District Taipei 105 Taiwan (886) 2-2577-0370 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Dharma S. Senanayake 72/5 Rawatawatta Road Moratuwa Sri Lanka (94)-1-655049 shanthi To Provide Relief for Families of Drug Addicts Addicts - CC Purpose: To provide relief for families of drug addicts and to support community empowerment. Primary Contact: Contact: Kuppiyawatte B. Thero Mithuru-Mithuro, Sevana Pelmadulla, Ratnapura 70070 Sri Lanka (94) 45-22-74363 TAIWAN Buddha Heart World Headquarter Hea dquarter CC Purpose: To promote charity and do research on solutions for the problems of poverty, disease, death and war, while personally doing physical and spiritual practice at the same time. To bolster people's understanding of the reality of the world and cosmos, so as to reduce people's greed, disputes, robbery and wars. As such, a world full of love and concern will be realized and world peace will come true. Description: Buddha Heart World Headquarters is a well established organization (with 40 full time staff and 40,000 volunteers). This organization provides service work and spiritual education. We believe that ""more uniting can bring more good things to people."" We are involved in public welfare work such as environmental protection, social service, peace work, and enriching cultural understandings. 121 Europe 37 CCs in 14 countries Interfaith Cricket Match organized by Faith 2 Faith CC in the United Kingdom in 2011. Participants of URI-Europe Assembly in Turkey in October 2011. 122 Euro-Asia CC from Serbia joined URI in June 2011. Faith 2 Faith Cooperation Circle in the UK holds a picnic to welcome asylum seekers. Forum of Religions and Convictions in Helsinki CC hosts URI-Pakistan Regional Coordinator Father James Channan in 2011. URI’s Heidi Rautionmaa presents Golden Rule Award to President Tarja Halonen of Finland in 2010. URI-Europe celebrates URI’s 10th Anniversary and the UN’s International Day of Peace in Barcelona in September 2010. 123 URI Europe CC B ELGIUM Purpose: To support and coordinate CC work in Europe and lead URI regional development in Europe. Bond zonder Naam CC Purpose: Bonder zonder Naam is a social cultural movement which strengthens the best in people. Description: The URI Europe team meets several times a year, mostly in Brussels for consultation and decision making. It brings together URI activists from Belgium, Catalonia/Spain, Germany and the UK, working as volunteers with part-time staff support. In October 2010 a European URI Assembly was organised in Istanbul, Turkey, bringing together approx. 60 interfaith activitists from 15 countries across Europe. Several new Cooperation Circles could be welcome since then, including from Bulgaria, Siberia/Russia and Belgium. A European newsletter, the URI Europe Dialogue Letter, is published 3-4 times a year. New stories are also posted to the URI Europe website A brochure on recommended films for interfaith activities was created and published, it can be downloaded from the URI Europe website. Description: For BZN, 2009 was a fruitful, exciting, but not easy year since the international crises was part of our daily reality. We celebrated our 50 anniversary with a National Values Assessment online, and we will organize 'Talks on the Market' in cooperation with 10 mayor cities in the country and supported by different partners specialized in process building and digital communication. BZN Metanoia, a centre for silence and mediation, was finally accepted by the government. BZN Atlas wrote a important book about children abuse and domestic violence and won different prizes. BZN realized an important new style cooperation between the city mayor charity organizations in order to serve better different core groups that are focusing on poor people. Also, with the 'Flemish Partnership for Interfaith Dialogue' we started a reflection group in the country's most diverse city (cf. Heusden Zolder) in order to see whether what we can offer people today facing the increasing need for intercultural and inter religious dialogue. Primary Contact: Contact: Patrick Hanjoul Sint - Jacobsmarkt 39 Antwerp B-2000 Belgium (32) 3-201-2210 (32) 3-288-7793 (32) 476-201-787 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Patrick Hanjoul Sint - Jacobsmarkt 39 Antwerp B-2000 Belgium (32) 3-201-2210 (32) 3-288-7793 (32) 476-201-787 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Karimah K. Stauch Ahornweg 3 Bonn - Heiderhof D-53177 Germany (49) 228-230-476 (home office& fax) [email protected] 124 background. Furthermore, we deal with a number of religious texts by reading them together and reflecting upon them. Our members are from the traditions of Roman Catholic, Bahai, Ahmadiya Muslim, Sunni Muslim, Hinduism-Vainavism, and Vrye Christian. Convictions en Dialogue CC Purpose: To develop an association for meeting and for dialogue amongst persons with the most diverse philosophical or religious convictions in order to awaken an atmosphere of respect and cooperation. Primary Contact: Contact: Rita Bouwman Galgenweellaan 7, Box 3 Ground Floor Antwerpen 2050 Belgium (32) 321-62-969 (32) 497-933-936 [email protected] Description: Convictions in Dialogue CC is meeting regularly to have discussions on different topics and to eat a meal together aftwewards. We also produce the Interfaith Calender that is subsidized by the city of Brussels. This year we are planning visits to the Synagogue and Zen Temple. Primary Contact: Contact: Martin Gurvich Petite Somme 8 Septon 6490 Belgium (32) 86 32 39 19 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Karim Avonts Verenigde Natieslaam 125 Antwerpen 2660 Belgium (32) 474514077 [email protected] Secondary Contacts Contacts : Ines Wouters Rue d`Edimbourg 23 Bruxelles 1050 Belgium (32) 496-706-024 [email protected] VPiD (Vlaams Partnership voor Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog Flemish Partnership for Inter Religious Dialogue) CC Marianne Groffoel 79 Rue Potagere Bruxelles 1210 Belguim (32) 47-96-41-150 [email protected] Purpose: To bring people together through meetings, dialogue, exchange and cooperation and empowering actions. Description: As many URI members may recall, VPiD was launched in 2007 at the big interfaith concert in Antwerp, where URI Europe members and URI's Global Council were present, together with 1200 people, and witnessed a beautiful symphony of music, dance, prayer and testimonies from people of diverse faiths. This was also broadcast live over the internet. VPiD is now restarted in Heusden, which is the most multicultural city in Flanders. The team is working in cooperation with the city hall of Heusden. Together a programme for intercultural and PrismaPrisma -Group CC Purpose: Our purpose is to build bridges through dialogue. Description: Members of the PRISMA group come together and discuss various issues, also speaking about and sharing their personal experience and personal 125 communication skills; lectures and discussion-groups; a pilgrimage to important places of different traditions in the Mostarregion (Catholic, Muslim, Serbian-Orthodox, Jewish); an art-exibition, fashion-show and a concert; prayers for peace of all religions involved; trip to seaside; workshop on environmental challenges; ceremony on Mostar-bridge with an inter-religious choir; introduction to URI; and developing actionplan for further activities. interfaith discussion will be developed. Living Values Education (LVE) will be used in a programme for the entire community, but with a focus on diversity and interfaith and intercultural exchange. We aim creating a network for young & old, profit & non-profit, religious & non religious. The website will be open to all interfaith efforts in Flanders. In this way people who have a small or big interfaith organization or group can introduce themselves. The website is meant to be a platform and forum for activists in interfaith and intercultural issues. Primary Contact: Contact: Vjekoslav Saje Antuna Hangija 75 Sarejevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina (387) 71-203-916 (387) 90-165-109 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Patrick Hanjoul Sint - Jacobsmarkt 39 Antwerp B-2000 Belgium (32) 3-201-2210 (32) 3-288-7793 (32) 476-201-787 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Zijad Pekmez Antuna Hangija 61 Sarejevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina (387) 33 666 516 (387) 63-145-497 [email protected] B OSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Balkan as a Soul Bridge CC Purpose: To develop relationships with and appreciation of different cultures and religions, and to promote joint action, build a network for peace, and launch URI in Mostar, Bosnia. BULGARIA BRIDGES CC Purpose: Our purpose is to promote religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence between people of different religious traditions. Description: Des cription: We were formed at the European URI conference in Dobogoko near Budapest, Hungary in March 2000. Our aim is to organise a conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Millenium Rainbow of Mostar" (English) / "Mostarska Duga Novog Milenija" (Bosnian). This event will bring young people together in Mostar, half of them from Bosnia and Herzegovina (of Bosniak, Croatian and Serbian background), the other half from various European countries. The conference programme is planned to be comprised of different elements, e.g. workshops on Description: Bridges is a non-government and over-confessional organization, which brings together people of faith from different religious traditions represented in Bulgaria. The main goal of a forum is to be a platform for dialogue for the Christian denominations and to present and to popularize the peaceful model of co-existence between Orthodox Christianity and Islam in our country. In our 126 Description: The college programme has existed 10-12 years and has proved very successful. It has been registered for 2 years now. The programme which focuses on cinema and sports is very innovative. The College gives scholarships to disadvantaged students and students coming through institutions. The education emphasizes reconciliation and conflict resolution. Currently it has a membership of one hundred and eighty seven people from the traditions of Islam, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. future work we will be guided by the following basic principles and goals: 1) To reinforce the contacts between different religious communities in Bulgaria and to create basis of interreligious and intercultural dialogue; 2) To enhance understanding and mutual respect among members of different religions traditions; 3) To bring together people from different religious experience and ethnic background to help understand diversity; 4) To create contacts with men and women of different religious communities in Bulgaria and in Eastern European countries; and 5) To promote the tolerance and the equality between men and women in the professional domain and especially in the Theological domain – Teaching and Research. Bulgaria is a crossroad of civilizations and religions is a bridge connecting Christianity with Islam. That is why a Forum for dialogue should emerge to bring together different religious groups and traditions. Primary Contact: Contact: Petar G. Gramatikov Boul. maria-Luivza No 34, apartment 24 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 888557732 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Gergana A. Vulcheva P.O.B. 183 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 326-22-118 (359) 878-170-140 [email protected] Primary Contact: Angelina Ivanova Vladikova 46 Parchevich st., 3 “7” Sofia, BULGARIA 1000 (359) 298 65481 (Home) (359) 898 478333 (Mobile) [email protected] Skype name: Angelina_vl Secondary Contact: Fr. Petar Gramatikov 34 Princess Maria Luisa Blvd. Plovdiv, BULGARIA 1000 (359) 888557732 [email protected] Europress Club of Journalists Purpose: Our purpose is to promote human rights and freedom of speech. Description: Our CC is a group of professional journalists from various medias who educate other journalists in interfaith dialogue and cooperation. Our members cover a lot of conferences and topics e.g. including human rights issues. The Evropress Club of Journalists is the local branch in Plovdiv of the national Bulgarian association of journalists. East European Educational Center College Purpose: The purpose of the East European Educational Center Private Professional College is to offer short term and long term qualifications and vocational education for marginalized young people, which stresses on reconciliation and conflict resolution. 127 organised a conference on ethnicity and globalization. Topics included "Society against violence", "Plovdiv a city of ethnic and religious diversity" and others. The foundation also organizes the International Film Festival BALFEST against violence and terrorism. Primary Contact: Contact: Petar G. Gramatikov Boul. maria-Luivza No 34, apartment 24 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 888557732 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Petar G. Gramatikov Boul. maria-Luivza No 34, apartment 24 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 888557732 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Anna S. Topalova P.O.B. 183 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 32622118 (359) 878170160 [email protected] Secondary Contact Contact: ntact: Ilia D. Karadimov P.O.B. 183 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 898-992-222 [email protected] http://helptheneedy.hit. bg Help the Needy Foundation Purpose: Our purpose is to support marginilized persons and families. The main goal of Help the Needy Foundation is to support, help and protect those who are needy and to permanently solve their specific problems. The Foundation stands for tolerance, equal opportunity and good life conditions for everyone. It works for Bulgarian Eurointegration and for democratization of our country. Saint Apostle Hermas Center for Ecumenical Dialogue Purpose: The purpose is to promote ecumenical bi-lateral and multi-lateral dialogues, offering a space for practical dialogue and cooperation of various religious traditions. Description: Help the Needy Foundation is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent public organization. For more than seven years, Help the Needy Foundation has developed and coordinated various programs to improve the conditions of those in need, such as the elderly, orphans, refugees, migrants and displaced people. It was established almost fifteen years ago. It was the first official partner for UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees), as at that time there was no state body, which took care of refugees. Since there are now government agencies doing work for refugees, the Foundation's focus or trend is now to work with the gypsy community. There are more than 100,000 gypsies in the city of Plovdiv which has approx. 400,000 inhabitants. On December 17, 2010, the Foundation Description: The Apostel Hermas Center for Ecumenical Dialogue is a center for ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. Its people are very open-minded and very interested in interfaith dialogue. It was officially registered in the summer of 2008. They regularly collaborate with people of various faiths (next to people of various Christian traditions). In Plovdiv there are minority communities of Muslim and Jewish background. There are rarely people of other faiths in Plovdiv. Representatives of the Jewish community are often invited to and take part in the events. Likewise for the Muslims. In summer 2010 the Center organised a first international ecumenical conference in partnership with the 128 the pilgrimage in Bosnia at the end of the tour. We are at the moment 4 active members and 6 more passive members from 7 different religions and spiritual traditions. European association of religious men and women. Participants came from all across Europe. Primary Contact: Contact: Petar G. Gramatikov Boul. maria-Luivza No 34, apartment 24 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 888557732 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Lone Klemmensen Bygaden 15 stoedov Knebel DK-8420 Denmark (45) 86-36-1965 (45) 2291-1965 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Vasil Marinov P.O.B. 183 Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria (359) 898-992-222 FINLAND Forum of Religions and Convictions in Helsinki Hel sinki DENMARK Purpose: To promote deep dialogue among different religions, traditions, and worldviews; to support a culture of peace, social justice, and healing. URI Aarhus Cooperation Circle Purpose: The purpose of URI Aarhus is to promote deep dialogue and build bridges among different religions, traditions, and worldviews; to support a culture of peace, social justice and healing for all on the local, national and global level by visiting different religious societies and taking part in interreligious events; to promote April the 5th, The Day of The Golden Rule; and to focus on International Day of Peace on September 21st, so that this day will be celebrated with events also in the years to come. Description: We had an opening meeting on the topic of religious Pluralism and postpluralism in the cultural center of Helsinki. We were also one of the organizers that held an interfaith prayer event for the victims of the tsunami in January 2005. Primary Contact: Contact: Lars Silen Mankholmantie 3 Espoo FIN-02380 Finland (358) 40-7351-628 [email protected] Description: One of our CC members took part in the Global Assembly in Mayapur and a couple of members are considering to take part in the European assembly in 2010 in Turkey. Here in 2009, we had a visit from Mussie Hailu and took part in a interreligious christening. In November 2009, Heidi Rautionmaa from Finland will visit us. We are preparing several events in the European tour of the golden rule by Mussie Hailu and Lone Klemmensen in May 2010, and are considering for the whole group to take part in Secondary Contact: Contact: Heidi Rautionmaa Rautakiskonkuja 1 A 12 Espoo FIN-02650 Finland (358) 440-412-189 [email protected] 129 FIN-20500 Finland (358) 6319-1514 (358) 2251-6190 (358) 40-725-4386 [email protected] Forum of Religions in Turku CC Purpose: To increase the mutual understanding and cooperation between various religions. Secondary Contact: Contact: Hülya "Hissu" Kytö Linnankatu 51 C 87 Turku FIN-20100 Finland (358) 40-559-6647 Description: The Forum of Religions in Turku holds seminars and panel discussions with members of different faiths in order to increase mutual understanding, to exchange knowledge about different religions, and to provide a meeting place for inter-religious encounter. We participated in the Fair of Religions and Ideologies, where we had a booth with a peace pole and the altar of peace. This was the first event of its kind in Finland; people from seven different faith traditions gathered around the peace pole to pray. We will organize a study session for adults and also visit some schools to teach children. URI's ChristianChristian - Muslim Circle of Helsinki CC Purpose: To promote expertise in ChristianMulsim relations and in these religions as well as to promote sincere and open dialogue. Primary Contact: Contact: Isra Lehtinen Marunakuja 4 B 49 Helsinki FIN-00840 Finland (358) 9-755-6835 [email protected] Through Hulya Kytö, one of the contact persons of our CC, we are also involved in working for immigrant women and elderly people through "Daisy Ladies Association," which has three focuses: immigrant women, immigrant pensioners, and young immigrants. They are all working towards achieving the same goal, that is to say, to enable the involved stakeholders to live in Finland as equally as possible. Their work includes, amongst others, teaching the immigrants the Finnish language and the Finnish culture. They work together with diverse religions and their guiding principles are that we have to accept and respect each other, encouraging good behavior. The Association is not only working and dealing in Finland but also coordinating and working with all Scandinavian immigrant women. Furthermore, they are also planning to start working with immigrant women from all over Europe; for instance it is planned to soon open a Daisy Ladies section in the former Yugoslavia. Secondary Contact: Contact: Marko Pitkäniemi Hämeentie 95 B 26 Helsinki FIN-00550 Finland (358) 40-820-1911 [email protected] FRANCE Pacific Teams CC Purpose: To support peace and conflict resolution committees. Description: Pacific Teams is a non-profit organization supporting local initiatives in the area of community development, training, education, health and peace and human Primary Contact: Contact: Jouni Elomaa Kaivokatu 2 A 8 Turku 130 with various partner organizations. DMLB members participate as speakers in panels, lectures and other events at acamdemies, religious communities, political foundations, etc. They also actively participate in a broad network of like minded organisations. The DMLB CC has won the URI Bowes Award 2009 with its project ""Sharing the Ammerdown experience with URI CCs"". It will invite and financially support approx. 6 young leaders from the URI Europe network to participate in the Jewish Christian Muslim Summer School at Ammerdown, UK, which will take place July 7-13, 2010. rights. It is focused on addressing the following fundamental rights for people living in the Big Lakes area in Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda.) Pacific Teams aims to work systematically with local partners, fight poverty and improve the social economic condition of people, fight against HIV/AIDS, and malaria, give medical support for vulnerable people, provide training for social/medical workers, provide assistence for women who are victims of rape and sexual assault, renovate the health centre, supply ambulances in rural environments, eliminate adult literacy, educate poor children, and much more. Primary Contact: Contact: Bashir A. Dultz Hans- Boeckler Allee 15 Bonn - Bad Godesberg D-53177 Germany (49) 228-330-915 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: René K. Masumbuko 342 Avenue de L'Europe Moissy Cramayel F-77550 France (33) 16- 060- 4891 (33) 61-777-32-61 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Karimah K. Stauch Ahornweg 3 Bonn - Heiderhof D-53177 Germany (49) 228-230-476 (home office) [email protected] GERMANY DMLBonn DML Bonn CC (Deutsche MuslimMuslim- Liga Bonn e.V) Purpose: To promote a dialogue between all human beings with particular emphasis on members of the Abrahamic religions. Unitheum e.V Description: The DMLB co-organizes different interfaith events, including several regular events: the Christian-Islamic Conference at Pentecost for approx. 80 people, including families and children (4 days, anually since 1988), the Jewish Christian Muslim Summer School at Ammerdown, UK (1 week, biannually since 1991), the Standing Conference of Jews Christians and Muslims in Europe (1 week, since 1972), the Peace Prayer at Namedy Castle at the festival ""Art in the Park"" and others. For furthering the aims of dialogue, peace and justice, the DMLB co-operates Purpose: The purpose and the most important idea of the association is, to create and to maintain a place of consideration of the common ethics of world religions, to give an impulse of thinking in a new manner about a peaceful togetherness of all religious persuasions; to promote the exchange of thoughts, the understanding, and the peaceful coexistence of people of all world religions. The association wants to realize these aims particularly by erecting a sacred building and organizing and celebrating Universal Worships in it with the aim to promote respect and understanding of the different 131 Description: We formed our CC in March 2003. Our activities include organizing schools with at least three URI members of different traditions to teach young people about different religions and the culture of peace, as well as promoting peace between religious communities such as Muslim and Hindu communities. In 2009, the URI Berlin CC was very much engaged in the erection of the URI peace pole in the Mauerpark (Park of the Wall) on April 30th, 2009, which divided Berlin into East and West for 28 years. Under the protection of a Berlin TV's camera we Taufiq Mempel, Peter Amsler and his family, Adilah Dilman, Ralf-Müller Amenitsch and many others - could remind the audience that the people in Germany themselves, but especially also their neighbors, had to suffer terribly under the effects of World War II. The erection of the Peace Pole was supported by URI Berlin, URI Germany, Baha'i Congregation Berlin, German Muslim-League Bonn, Cultural foundation for Interfaith Education and Encounter and the initiative "Love your enemies." In addition to that, the URI Berlin CC has established a Sunday's film afternoon in cooperation with a meditation centre in the middle of Berlin municipality Prenzlauer Berg. These film afternoons focusing on spirituality and dialogue in our religions are completed by a vivid discussion group with tea and cake after watching the film. religious persuasions; creating and supporting a meeting place for information and to exchange ideas and share reflections; organizing seminars, congresses, meditations, concerts and much more of that kind according to the purposes of the bylaws; organizing and offering spiritual welfare; establishing a library with the Scriptures of all world religions and literature. Description: One of our CC's highlights was in 2009, when we organized an ongoing series of Universal Worships in Goettingen supported by a small circle of voluntary helpers. More than 50 people took part in the last services and there was much positive resonance. Also, we are involved in a new project to create a book of interfaith wisdom with texts from different faiths about topics such as love, the meaning of life, forgiveness etc. The book will be offered to hotels - this way hotel guests will find this interfaith book, next to the New Testament, in their bedside drawer. Members of other German CCs including the DML Bonn CC and URI Germany CC - will also contribute to this enterprise. Primary Contact: Contact: Puran Lehmann Schillerstr. 44 Göttingen D-37083 Germany (49) 0551-5073461 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Taufiq Mempel Danziger Str. 109 Berlin D-10405 Germany (49) 30 42 33 162 (49) 179 521 3836 taufiq,[email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Holger Schenk Schoopacker 21 Siblingen 8225 Switzerland (41) 52-682-1900 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Peter Amsler Reiherbeize 26 Berlin-Zehlendorf D-14169 Germany (49) 30-28-87-71-83 (49) 30-6981-9718 URI Berlin CC Purpose: To promote dialogue and peacebuilding actions between different religions in Berlin. 132 through glocal (local/global) projects and media coverage of productive collaboration across the divides which are rightly seen as an urgent threat to the international balance. (49) 163-164-7528 [email protected] URI Germany CC (URI Deutschland CC) Description: BRIDGE is composed of a group of colleagues at The Glocal Forum and their interested friends and partners who work in the area of interfaith and discuss their work from an interfaith perspective, capitalizing on their organization's diversity. The Glocal Forum is a non-profit organization created in 2001 active in the field of city-to-city cooperation. We believe that mayors are poised to be the new diplomats of our world, and that they are in a position to mobilize the goodwill, energy and expertise of civic communities, to build an environment in which divisions and conflict can be overcome. Our explicit work in the area of interfaith stems from the Fifth Annual Glocalization Conference in Ankara, Turkey in June 2006, when conference participants agreed on the danger of a growing rift between civilizations and the necessity to take urgent steps to counter this rift through city-based peacebuilding. Though we are just getting started, we are pleased to report very positive discussions about our work with the Jesuits international secretariat, the UN's Alliance of Civilizations, the Royal Institute of Interfaith Studies in Amman, as well as URI itself. Purpose: To create an administrative structure for URI in Germany, to inspire and support CCs in German-speaking countries, and to promote the aims of URI and make them better known in Germany. Description: URI Germany holds a general annual meeting, where our members consult about the development of URI and exchange experiences and good practices. Our members participate in a large number of interfaith activities and are involved in different organisations and networks. We held a general meeting in May 2011. Primary Contact Contact: ct: Karimah K. Stauch Ahornweg 3 Bonn - Heiderhof D-53177 Germany (49) 228-230-476 (home office) [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Bashir A. Dultz Hans- Boeckler Allee 15 Bonn - Bad Godesberg D-53177 Germany (49) 228-330-915 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Megan Hallahan Intercultural Relations Department The Glocal Forum, Via G. Zanardelli, 34 Rome I-00186 Italy (39) 6-68-884-203 [email protected] ITALY BRIDGE CC Purpose: To bridge cultures and religious divides by promoting intercultural and interfaith dialogue and cooperation among citizens (particularly youth), policy makers, academics, and civil society practitioners 133 experts on subjects as responding during floods/inundations, dealing with a radio-active cloud, counseling for dying people and souls of people who just died, and healing the earth and nature after a disaster. NETHERLANDS Interfaith Dialogue Utrecht CC Purpose: To deepen and widen interfaith dialogue and understanding. Primary Contact: Contact: Ari van Buuren Carolina McGillavrylaan 364 XB Amsterdam 1098 Netherlands (31) 6-5106-5426 [email protected] Description: This group has been in existence for quite a long time, maybe 10 years. When we got to know URI we decided to join this framework, which excited and enthused us and continues to do so. We hold monthly meetings which promote deep conversations amongst ourselves. We once held a celebration in a church on the Muslim Fest of the Sacrifice. It included talk, prayers, and sharing food. Our members belong to the following religions: Christian (CAtholic and Protestant), Subud, Muslim, and Sufi. Secondary Contact: Contact: Adriaan Frans Feith Van Halewijnplein 18 Voorburg 2274 VC Netherlands (31) 070-387-1196 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Ari van Buuren Carolina McGillavrylaan 364 XB Amsterdam 1098 Netherlands (31) 6-5106-5426 [email protected] Steering Committee URI NL CC Purpose: To organize and coordinate activities for interfaith dialogue and understanding. Description: Since 1998, the Steering Committee URI The Netherlands CC puts itself forward as a national organization which works to develop URI CCs across the country and to support existing CCs. same day. All groups however serve very similar constituencies. Last year, URI The Netherlands wrote a plan of approach. Three themes were important: 1) how we can work together with interreligious partners; 2) in which way we can support the national CCs; 3) how can we acquire finances; 4) how can we realize the foundation of new CCs. In April 2010, we held a symposium on the theme: "I make difference!! Difference in education." We organized special sessions with the local CCs in The Netherlands. Moreover, a new Interreligious Council has been founded in The Hague, in a very multicultural area. This Interreligious Council Secondary Contact: Contact: Carlos Spoor Brigittenstraat 15 Utrecht NL-3512 Netherlands (31) 30-294-8471 [email protected] Procesbegeleidersgroep Samenwerkingsverband Traumahulpverlen Purpose: To offer additional help to people, animals, nature and environment after big calamities. Description: Our CC has been involved in many activities such as workshops held with 134 institutions, such as a project to prevent and fight poverty. will also apply as a URI Cooperation Circle (on 13 June 2010). Several representatives from mosques, churches and mandirs form a fascinating group. The members of the URI Steering Committee are working in more than one interreligious setting, in the Netherlands as well as abroad. For example we took care of the translation of a book entitled "Die Bibel interreligiös gelesen" by Dr. Reinhard Kirste (Iserlohn) from German into Dutch: "De tolerante Bijbel" ("The tolerant Bible"). Description: We are currently preparing a presentation of our CC in order to present the IBS during a meeting for which we wish to invite other CCs from The Netherlands and hopefully some from the rest of Europe. We organized two meetings for the residents of Segbroek on the themes “The resumption of the IBS” and “No discrimation, but communication,” which featured special speakers and music and cabaret. Apart from this, we participated in a project to fight and prevent poverty. We collaborate with several other local social organizations on a project to support the poor in our district. Primary Contact: Contact: Ari van Buuren Carolina McGillavrylaan 364 XB Amsterdam 1098 Netherlands (31) 6-5106-5426 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Bart ten Broek Loosduinseweg 251 AD 's-Gravenhage 2571 Netherlands 070 3624009 06 19599553 [email protected] Secondary Contact Contacts acts : Aart Mak Kokstraat 12 KJ Haarlem NL-3512 Netherlands [email protected] Secondary Contact: Sharief Imambuks A. Sacharovstraat 17 The Hague 2552 HK Netherlands (31) 062-3308-247 [email protected] Bart ten Broek Loosduinseweg 251 AD 's-Gravenhage 2571 Netherlands (31) 70-362-4009 (31) 61-959-9553 [email protected] Women's Group IJsselstroom Zwolle and Surroundings Stichting Stichting Interreligieus Beraad Segbroek Purpose: The value of our organization can be summarized in a couple of elements: openness; respect, looking for what unifies instead of looking for differences between religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions; growing in love and peace; curiosity at the unknown, practicing awareness in our own environment. Purpose: To contribute to and to enhance peaceful coexisting in the multicultural and multi-religious district of Segbroek (The Hague, The Netherlands); to contribute to and to enhance the livability and the cosmopolitanism of this district; and to organize activities such as theme meetings and to participate in projects with other social 135 and other places. We like to encourage people to get inspired by the possibilities of interfaith dialogue and learn about their own and their neighbors' religions. We deepen our knowledge about each other's religions and meet once a month in our churches and mosques. Description: Our CC's activities include coming together every six weeks on Wednesday with the aim to know each other better; growing in love, peace and respect for ourselves and the people around us, showing this by our behavior; starting from a point of unity helping each other to become more aware of it; getting more insight in our own religion, spiritual expression or indigenous tradition, as a result of regular contact with each other; taking responsibility in peace, with tolerance and respect for our own religion, spiritual expression or indigenous tradition at the moment that a situation asks for it; cooperating to give more publicity to URI; developing different URI projects; offering cooperation to work on peace between religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions, within URI and other organizations; and dealing with Mother Earth, both economically and with care and respect. Primary Contact: Contact: Alexandru I. Stan Str. Calea Calarasilor 83 Bucharest, Sector 3 Romania (40) 21-322-3445 (40) 72-299-0363 [email protected] RUSSIA EuroEuro- Asia CC Purpose: Our purpose is to encourage people of our region to unite in the name of the common good; to promote interfaith cooperation between the people of all breeds, different cultures, social status; and to share with the people of the world with our Siberian heritage and to learn more about the heritage of other nations. Primary Contact: Contact: Lonneke Gunnink-v.d Berg Dolte 1, Zwolle 8032LA Netherlands (31) 38-452-7475 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Wanja Vermolen Sala Papaverstraat 3 8012 EA Zwolle Netherlands [email protected] Description: Our CC members have been already active, each in their own way, for peace, justice and healing for a long time. Our activities include organizing symposia around issues of health and traditions, round tables and workshops. Some members help the elderly and people with physical handicaps, and some teach children. Our group would like to share the wisdom of the indigenous people of Siberia. We would also like to learn from people around the world. ROMANIA URI RomaniaRomania - Int'l Ecumenical Center CC Primary Contact Contact: act: Galina G. Ermolina Ivanov sreet 30"A"Apartment: 128 Novosibirsk-117 630117 Russia (07) 383-332-97-13 [email protected] Purpose: To develop interfaith knowledge and cooperation. Description: We expand cooperation between Christians and Muslims in the capital area by hosting panel discussions and seminars at the Univeristy, a Cultural Center, 136 Secondary Contact: Contact: Rimma P. Zvereva 4, Ekvatornaya Street Apartment: 42 Novosibirsk-060, 630060 Russia (07) 383-333-4397 [email protected] SPAIN Associació UNESCO per al Diàleg Interreligiós AUDIR CC Purpose: To bring together experts from various religious and cultural traditions; to promote attitudes of mutual understanding and cooperation; to organize studies about the various religious traditions; to facilitate the enculturation of religious traditions. Religions for Humanity CC Purpose: To implement the purpose of URI and to spread knowledge about various religions and to support people's belief in human values. Description: We are a Catalan organization which brings together about one hundred people from more than ten different religious traditions through activities promoting knowledge, dialogue and cooperation among the various religious confessions in Catalunya. Our current activities include the organization of interfaith prayers about "Spirituality and Aids" Description: Our CC meets regularly to discuss both information from other CCs and the URI movement, urgent present day problems as well as philosophy and history of various religions. Recently we discussed the problems of Sikh religion: its history, ritual and specific problems in different countries outside India. Primary Contact: Contact: Francesc Torradeflot carrer Nápols, 346 Barcelona 08025 Spain (34) 934589595 [email protected] Primary Contact C ontact: ontact: Liudmila V. Khokhlova Flat 104, Festivalnaya 17 Moscow 125195 Russia (7) 495-629-40-87 (7) 495-457-1757 (7)-8903-580-50-38 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Elisabeth Lheure carrer Nápols, 346 Barcelona 08025 Spain (34) 934589595 / (34) 609107494 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Gyuzel Strelkova Chertanovskaya Str. 64, block 3, app. 168 Moscow 117534 Russia (7) 495-386-4656 (7) 903-769-8856 [email protected] GUNE CC Purpose: To promote the encounter, the dialogue and mutual understanding of people of different spiritual and religious sensitivities. Description: Our group was legalized in 2008 and our most important activities have 137 Description: Description: Our members are from different countries of Central Asia, all of whom currently live in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Our main focus is to promote a dialogue of cultures. We have organized various seminars, roundtables and concerts, as well as an International Peace Day celebration, under the direction of the Ziyadullo Shahidi International Foundation with the partnership of the UN Tajikistan Peace-Building Office. More than 1500 participants attended including representatives of different faiths present in Dushanbe. A seminar ""Dialogue of Religions for the Culture of Peace"" was held at the Slavic University of Dushanbe. Speeches about Islamic tolerance for diversity of cultures and religions elicited many questions from the students. been retreats, discussions and principally hosting pilgrims from Zumaia. We have organized debates (tertulias) and weekend retreats to deepen in knowledge and abilities that can help us to live together in a better way (co-listening, reflex therapy, etc). During the summer we take care of a hostel for pilgrims of the "Camino de Santiago." We are also promoting an interreligious network in the Basque Country. We would like to create a center of permanent encounter as well as a centre of documentation from which we would know and promote a healthy coexistence of the different religions and spiritualities. Primary Contact: Contact: Maddi B. Etxaide Av. Zarautz, 49-1B Donostica - Gipuzkoa 20018 Spain (34) 943460571 (34) 943311931 (34) 656775200 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Munira Shahidi Ziyadullo Shahidi Foundation 108 Loiq Sheralli Street Dushanbe 734002 Tajikistan [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Joseba Ossa Altzibar Narkis Balentziaga 2 Arroa Behea Gipuzkoa 20749 Spain (34) 943148306 (34) 943148065 (34) 619402174 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Nargis Shahidi Ziyadullo Shahidi Foundation 108 Loiq Sheralli Street Dushanbe 734002 Tajikistan (992) 372 24 23 42 / (992) 372 21 75 47 T AJIKISTAN TURKEY Center for Peace and Dialogue of Cultures SIRF Society for Intercultural Research and Friendship Purpose: To expand our network via art. We are inspired to raise our voices for peace and understanding and to widen our cooperation further between the diverse cultures and religions. To encourage people to create a peaceful society locally and globally without any discrimination. Purpose: To arrange a peaceful atmosphere among 4000 members from 70 countries studying in Turkey. Description: SIRF is an organization involving 4000 students from different 138 countries and different religions who come to study in Turkey. We organize trips to tourist sites, parties and various gatherings to promote inter-cultural and inter-religious opportunities for students to get to know one another. The President of the Turkish Parliament attended one event and issued an intercultural friendship certificate to all students. SIRF was established in 1995, and we have seminars and events every other week. Description: Faith 2 Faith has been involved in a number of activities in 2009/2010. These have ranged from the International Day of Peace event to peace vigils to celebrate Diwali amd Christmas events. We have also held daily luncheon clubs and weekly discussion sessions on topics of interest. In January 2010, we marked the Holocaust through through reflections, candle lighting and pledging to work togther to prevent future discrimination. Primary Contact Contact: ct: Semsettin Turkan Konur Sokak 36/15 Kizilay-Amkara 6690 Turkey (90) 312-356-3717 (90) 533-580-3006 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Kiran Bali 25 Ripon Avenue Fartown, Huddersfield HD2 2QP United Kingdom (44) 1484-307-429 (44) 7944-335-855 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Gurdev. S. Gossal 20 Zetland Street Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 2RA United Kingdom (44) 1484-515-370 [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM Ahimsa for Quality of Life CC Purpose: To relieve poverty, sickness & distress; to advance education and the protection of health; to advance provision of micro enterprises leading to self-sufficiency and promotion of human dignity throughout the world. Minorities of Europe CC Purpose: To support and assist cooperation, solidarity and exchange between different minority communities and young people in Europe. Primary Contact: Contact: Natubhai K. Shah 20 James Close Woodlands London NW11 9QX United Kingdom (44) 181-455-5573 [email protected] Description: Minorities of Europe runs a dozen or so seminars, exchanges and training courses across Europe and the Caucuses per year, exploring intercultural issues with young people of all religions and many different backgrounds. We also undertake work at our base in Coventry, UK with local communities seeking to facilitate effective integration into British society. We also carry out work in schools and colleges across the country, usually working with our Swapping Cultures Faith 2 Faith CC Purpose: To foster harmonious and positive relationships. 139 development of Shared Sacred Spaces within each region of the UK. programme. In recent years we organized and facilitated a ground breaking summit between young people from the UK and Saudi Arabia. Our programs include are: Millennium Volunteers (2000), Beyond Labels (2002), Give a Book - Help build a Nation (2001), Educational Trip to South Africa (2001), Sharing the Sacred, Serving the World (2004), Interfaith Champions 2007 -2008, Connect Youth European Activities (ongoing). Primary Contact: Anne Vince Lioncare House 58a Livingstone Road Hove, East Sussex BN33WL United Kingdom (44) 127-374-8482 (44) 777-566-3955 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Deepak Naik Legacy House, 29 Walsgrave Road Coventry CV2 4HE United Kingdom (44) 2476-225-764 (44) 7932-065-453 [email protected] Secondary Secondary Contacts Contacts : Ajit Singh 107 Whitton Road Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2EJ United Kingdom 0-20-8898-8880 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Mark Gifford Legacy House, 29 Walsgrave Road Coventry CV2 4HE United Kingdom (44) 2476 225 764 (44) 7747 820 072 [email protected] Malcolm Stonestreet North Side Grange in Borrowdale Keswick, Cumbria CA12 5UQ United Kingdom (44) 194-672-3242 (44) 122-971-7104 [email protected] URIURI - UK CC Purpose: Purpose: To promote daily, enduring interfaith cooperation, end religiously motivated violence, and create cultures of peace, justice & healing for the Earth and all living beings. Description: Our new umbrella campaign, "Faith in the Community," provides a framework for delivering both the traditional elements of our work, such as Faith Evenings and the "Spirit of the Nation" photographic programme, as well as new areas of work involving long-term partnerships with community, public and business sector organisations and the 140 Latin America 33 CCs in 11 countries Members of Fé-minina CC in Brazil. Members of Bridge-Builders Program in Argentina. 141 Members of Amaru CC. Members of ETSA CC (joined URI in August 2011). Members of URI-Lima CC in Peru. Comunidad Cosmica and Indigenous People of Argentina CCs held a peace event at a local YMCA. Fundación Proyecto 3er Milenio CC tree planting for International Day of Peace 2011. Qewna CC hosted Sally Mahe, URI Director of Regional Development, in Jujuy,Argentina. 142 Primary Contact: Contact: Mabel Marina Pereira Marinero Justo Mamani 3342 Barrio Islas Malvinas San Salvador de Jujuy 4600 Argentina ARGENTINA Asociación Intercultural Diálogo CC Purpose: To promote dialogue and friendship between all people. Description: The CC engaged in several activities to promote dialogue and friendship in 2011. Together with Escuela de Amor CC and the CC of the Indigenous People in Argentina, Asociación Intercultural Diálogo organized an encounter around URI's Preamble, Purpose and Principles for the International Week of Interfaith Harmony. Comunidad Cósmica CC Primary Contact: Contact: Alejandro Ponieman Av. Alvear 1891 Buenos Aires, 1129 Argentina (54) 11-4808-2160 [email protected] Description: We work to generate and strengthen relationships and cultural bridges among diverse people, incorporating the life project of indigenous people to the project of a peaceful and fraternal citizenship. We dream of deepening the space of intercultural, interreligious and intergenerational dialogue between youth and adults as a healthy and favorable condition for our human and spiritual development. The initiative of Comunidad Cósmica CC is the result of the work of a group of young indigenous who come from different social, cultural and religious backgrounds. The initiative of this circle is founded in the consciousness of the need to build community in diversity and sustainable development. We gathered for this initiative after reflecting and recognizing the diversity of religions and spiritual conditions that existed within our own indigenous community. Our work helps youth to strengthen their identity. Lack of a clear identity has been a serious problem for us, sometimes causing youth to abandon education, recurring to violence, and also early parenthood. This initiative was strengthened by the support of our elders and our immense love for our Mother Earth. Purpose: From the perspective of the Cosmovision of Indigenous Peoples we want to share and promote a human attitude in relationship with life and nature to contribute in the construction of a more just and equitable society. Secondary Contact: Contact: Maria Eugenia Crespo de Mafia Castex 3330- 7 “g”Buenos Aires, 1425 Argentina (54) 11- 4805 1038 [email protected] C.O.E.MA.TI (Comunidad Originaria Ecos de la Madre Tierra ) Purpose: To revive and disseminate the values of our ancestral culture in favor of our Mother Nature and Humanity and to generate greater ties of love, peace, and understanding and respect for all cultures and our Mother Earth (Pachamama). Description: This CCs meets regularly and participates in different capacity building projects. Most of them have to do with the defense of the indigenous communities and the less economically gifted in the country. Primary Contact Contact: Francisco Esteban Morales Ventosa Córdoba 2206 - 8 53 Buenos Aires Argentina 143 (54) 11-4954-8557 (54) 9-11-5928-1664 [email protected] Fundación Proyecto 3er Milenio CC Purpose: To work to install new ways of thinking and acting in the areas of education and peace and through the diffusion of new paradigms. Escuela de Amor CC Description: Fundación Proyecto Tercer Milenio develops initiatives to educate youth in the actual concept of peace, and how each person can contribute to a culture of peace from his/her own reality. This includes planting native trees and peace poles at schools, institutions and public spaces where with a joyful celebration we experience the powerful transformation of peace. Since 1993, Fundación Proyecto Tercer Milenio has actively worked to develop a culture of peace through interfaith dialogue, panels with prestigious specialists and free conferences. In 2000, Proyecto 3er Milenio was elected as “Messenger of Peace” by UNESCO. Fundación Proyecto Tercer Milenio also builds bridges between different medical approaches by organizing workshops with the participation of reknown health professionals. In August 2011, the CC planned to bring S.S Dalai Lama to Argentina for a working day on the topic of Science, Health and Spirituality. Purpose: Our CC's purpose is to teach and experience mutual respect and appreciation between different religions and traditions and to celebrate unity in diversity. Description: Escuela de Amor is promoting knowledge and understanding among Mulsim, Christian and Jews conducting several weekly dialogues using texts and readings of the three traditions and deepening the common values. Escuela de Amor leaders are often invited to visit schools to speak about religious identity and interfaith cooperation. Through panels and workshops, we help students at primary, secondary and university levels learn about different identities as well as the huge possibilities that mutual respect and interfaith cooperation can bring. The observance of the International Day of Peace in 2010 included five visits to schools in September. This Cooperation Circle was the initiator of Bridge Builders program. This program was funded by an award given by the US Embassy in Buenos Aires and will have a second phase in 2012. In May 2011, the Spanish version of book Bridge Builders: an Interfaith Experience was publised. Primary Contact: Contact: Susana Reich 11 de Septiembre St. 1740 - Apt. 13º Buenos Aires 1426 Argentina (54) 11-4788-4929 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Arieh Sztokman Virrey Loreto 1546 Buenos Aires 1426 Argentina (54) 11-4783-5380 [email protected] Misiones Unidas CC Purpose: To support a foundation created to think over and spread the new paradigms in health, education and enterprise organization under the umbrella of partnership relations. Secondary Contact: Contact: Maria Eugenia Crespo de Mafia Castex 3330- 7 ”g” Buenos Aires, 1425 Argentina (54) 11 4 805 1038 [email protected] Description: Our CC is collaborating with peace organizations in Argentina to observe the International Day of Peace, the Day of 144 Non-Violence and Unity Day. We are also organizing study groups. Many of our volunteers are youth interested in working for unity, dialogue and cooperation. For more information, visit Of the Indigenous People of Argentina CC Purpose: To use dialogue with children and with the different religions, spiritual traditions, and indigenous traditions of the world as a means to achieve harmony among human beings and Mother Earth. Primary Contact: Contact: Ciro G. Avruj Av. Cabildo 2720 9*B Buenos Aires 1428 Argentina [email protected] Description: We share the wisdom of our culture and we learn from different religions and spiritual traditions. We participate in different meetings and events that have to do with the understanding among religions and spiritual traditions. In 2010 and 2011, we visited public and private schools to share our cosmovision and values with students. We are indigenous from different groups, such as kollas, wichis, tobas, guaranies, and we have engaged in interrelious dialogue with other indigenous communities. We supported the voice of the indigenous of our country suffering discrimination and also created spaces in which they could tell their truth. A good example of this was a meeting organized in the YMCA center in Buenos Aires together with Comunidad Cosmica CC. Secondary Contact: Contact: Susana Reich 11 de Septiembre St. 1740 - Apt. 13º Buenos Aires, 1426 Argentina (54) 11-4788-4929 [email protected] Mujeres Originarias en la Política Social y Comunitaria (MOPSYC) Purpose: To make our rights known. Description: This CC is organizing activities for awareness and defense of the indigenous communities in the north of Argentina. Today this implies the struggle in defense of their rights and lands. Their efforts are directed to the need to keep their cosmovision without loosing contact and dialogue with other religious expressions. Despite economic hardship and discrimination, our CC keeps a solid group that is active and organizes different activities and workshops in defense of the indigenous and women's rights, and to promote respect and conservation of the cultural legacy of the indigenous in Argentina. Primary Contact: Contact: Rosalia Gutierrez Avenida Córdoba 2206- 8 Buenos Aires Argentina (54) 11-4954-8557 [email protected] Qewna Cooperation Cooperation Circle Purpose: To provide inter-religious and intercultural dialogue. Description: We formed with the need of rescuing our heritage of indigenous values and to project them in the search of intercultural dialogue. In URI we value the effort to obtain through dialogue a better understanding among religions and indigenous traditions. Qewna works with a lunar calendar related to the feasts of the Primary Contact: Contact: Luisa Pereira México 1218 Buenos Aires, 1097 Argentina (54) 15-4170-8039 [email protected] 145 Primary Contact: Contact: Calixto Q. Huanca Calle Saucari 1025, Villa 6 de Agosto Bolivia (591) 706 781 21 [email protected] Kolla culture of which all of us are a part. Our plan is to include children and youth and help them to be conscious of the importance of dialogue to strengthen the work for peace and the care for our Mother Nature - Pachamama. Primary Contact: Contact: Raul Mamani Constitucion 853 Jujuy 4612 Argentina (54) 388-427-4744 [email protected] Qhana UTA Purpose: To systematize the wisdom of the ancestral people and culture through the production of audiovisuals for the strengthening of the identities in the New Bolivia Pluri-national. BOLIVIA Description: This group has met and worked together since 2005 to rescue the cultures and ancestral wisdom as a contribution to a world that wants to learn and share. We aim to contribute in the processes of decolonialization through reflection encounters and debates, reaffirming a new dawn for Bolivia. We've offered TV programs and workshops on topics such as interreligious and intercultural dialogue, spirituality, education, and health. Through our activities and approach, we aim to promote the initiative to respect the earth, to take care of Mother Earth and global warming, to bring awareness of water scarcity and of the melting of glaciers through documentaries and videos and alert the community about what this represents for our community. Confraternidad Confraterni dad Ecuménica CC Purpose: To promote the unity of Christians. Primary Contact: Contact: Moisés Morales Murillo La Paz 591-2 Bolivia (591) 2-240-9396 [email protected] Movimiento Ecuménico Interreligioso de Pueblos Indígenas (MEIPI CC) Purpose: To be Qullan Jaqi in aski pacha, or a "humanity with a clean conscience," to proclaim jallalla, affirming and re-affirming the suma qamaña, and to live well in an interspiritual, intercultural, ecumenical and interreligious context for a new plurinational Bolivia. Primary Contact: Contact: Julian Ticoua Ramon La Paz, Murillo, Bolivia (591) 712-002-90 [email protected] Description: Our group has met since 1987. Our highlights have included participating in social movements during 2000-2003 and in the process to create the Constitution for our country in 2006-2008, and generating ecumenical and interfaith spaces in different churches. Wiñay Llayta (Eternal People) Purpose: To harmonize relationships and understanding between people in the world. Description: This CC is right in the frontiers between Argentina and Bolivia and helps to 146 (55) 31-3371-9802 [email protected] develop relationships between people of Jujuy and Villazon. This CC also supports people suffering problems of water contamination because of mineworks. Campinas CC Primary Contact: Contact: María Patzi Copacabana Street, between Modesto Mist Yruya s/n Villazon Potosi Bolivia (54)93885815610 Purpose: To promote the peace, unity among religions and harmony with the environment in search of a more socially just and sustainable planet. Description: Description: We are a group of seven different religious traditions, gathered with the purpose of promoting dialogue and cooperative interfaith actions in Campinas, Brazil. We started our activities at the Social Forum of Campinas in 2002. Our activities 2010-2011included: visiting various religious traditions worship places; attending various religious ceremonies from different traditions; intensive labor for disarmament and arms control in partnership with the Brazil's Disarmament Network; partnership with the Human Rights Commission of the Campinas's City; supporting the campaign "Faith in Prevention" that unites different religious groups in support of campaigns to prevent drug use and alcohol abuse; organization of the International Day of Peace annual celebration and participation in various activities and events for the Culture of Peace; disclosure of the Campaign Planting a billion/seven billion trees on the planet; coordination of a women's group - working in solidarity economics at Jardim Campo Belo I; and working in FIB - "Felicidade Interna Bruta" (Gross Internal Happiness), which started in the "Campo Belo" by influence of the Campinas CC and the NGO "Sonha Barão" (Dream Baron). B RAZIL Belo Horizonte CC Purpose: To promote fidelity and dissemination of URI's purpose involving the community. Description: Description: Our activities started in November and from then on we have organized two principal events with the objective to introduce URI purpose and principles to the community. During the first event we counted with the participation of seventy people representing more than thirty religious traditions and for the second one more than five hundred turned up to learn about URI. Our objective is now to strengthen the group and reach out, integrating more people and together develop projects with the community. Primary Contact: Contact: Aurora Oliveira Rua Americo Macedo, 782/701 Gutierrez, Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, Brazil (55) 31-3295-3822/ 99827765 Primary Contact: Contact: Maria Salette Mayer de Aquino Guiliano Rua Visconde do Rio Claro, 379 Barao Geraldo Campinas, SP 13.083-650 Brazil (55) 19-3287-0200 (55) 9276-4413 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Patricia Carvalho Rua Industrial Jose Costa, 587 Nova Granada Bela Horizonte - MG Rio de Janeiro 30460-550 Brazil 147 Secondary Contact: Contact: Raticliff Bravieira Rua Visconde do Rio Claro, 379 Barao Geraldo Campinas, SP13.083-650 Brazil 19 - 32720645 917-53-205 Curitiba CC Purpose: To provide a permanent forum for inter-religious dialogue. Description: An important moment for our Cooperation Circle was the first Assembly of URI Brazil that took place 11-15 November 2004. Curitiba CC hosted and organized the the event. Since then, Curitiba CC, in assocation with SESI ( Social Service of Industries), runs the Sacred Waters of the Paraná project which aims to identify and systematize the cultural pluralism of the Parana through the manifestation of the sacred focusing in the Occidental, Eastern, Afro descendants and indigenous. Círculo de Cooperação URI Goiás Purpose: To function as a bridge and promote actions related to interreligious dialogue, a culture of peace, human rights, human values, family virtues and ecology. Description: We were born on April 18th, 2009. On that special day we counted 16 members. Our action plan for 2011 includes: Keeping Goiás URI CC active; Promoting actions and gatherings related with the interfaith dialogue, culture of peace, positive vibrations for Planet Earth, reconciliation with mother nature, moments of coexistence, cooperation and solidarity among the signatories of the URI Goiás CC; Prayer and meditation for peace every first Saturday of the month; World Walk for peace in September; Interfaith and culture of peace gatherings, possibly twice a year. Prayer and meditations for peace in February, March and May during the CC meetings; and Participation in actions in favor of the release of Bahai's. Primary Contact: Contact: Regina M. Bueno Rua Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza 2019 Curitiba 80200-100 Brazil [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Silvio Espindola Rua Visconde de Rio Branco Curitiba, 1335 Brazil [email protected] FéFé - m e nina Purpose: To rescue the feminine principle in the religious, spiritual and indigenous traditions to promote justice, cooperation and healing among people of different genders, thereby creating a culture of peace. Primary Contact: Contact: Genivalda Araujo Cravo dos Santos Rua Noruega Qd. 109 Lt. 14 Jardim Europa Numero: s/n Goiânia Goiás 74330-120 Brazil (55) 62-3934-1963 [email protected] Description: Our activities this last year included: a) During the Easter of 2010, the First Fé Menina Retreat was held and it was exceedingly important to strengthening the CC, with a new approach to understanding and widening the view of the Reign of the Mother of the World; and b) Fe-minina participated in the creation of the MCC on the feminine and women within URI global. Secondary Contact: Contact: Catarina Cavalcante de Jesus (55) 62-3224-0784 (55) 62-3203-5966 148 Sào Paulo, SP 03590-020 Brazil [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Marly Pedra Rua Dr. Luiz Azevedo Filho Filho, 38 - Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP 04044-050 Brazil (55) 11-5078-8093 [email protected] Rio InterInter- Religious Movement CC (MIR) Purpose: To gather and promote dialogue among religious groups in Rio. To organize interfaith social action and solidarity campaigns. Secondary Contact: Contact: Celuta L. Wagner Santos Casa-Urusvati-Rua Dr. Luis Azevedo Filho, 38 - Vila Clementino Sao Paulo, 04044-050 Brazil (55) 11-2578-7254 (55) 11-3749-1667 (55) 11-8558-8358 [email protected] Description: Description: Our Cooperation Circle meets monthly and organizes various activities to develop and strengthen dialogue and respect among different religious traditions and spiritual groups. We have an ongoing partrnership with ISER (Instituto para Estudios Religiosos) and other associations. We also participate in meetings and work with the government of Rio de Janeiro state through the secretariat for Social Assistance and Human Rights (we discuss and develop public policies against religious intolerance) and the secretariat for the Environment (we participate in the Managing Council of the State Parks to guarantee the harmony between the care for the environment and religious practices) Our most outstanding activities have been: Particiaption of the Project Brasil Real to discusse about family, environment, media and communications with the participation of 10 religious traditions; Participation in seminars about sexuality and religion in the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro to deal with homophobia among religious groups; Participation with ISER of Degase program(Department of Educational Policies for children in Conflict with the Law) about religious assistance of youth; and Participation in meetings on the theme of Spiritual Predestination in Brazil with the participation of various religious traditions. Grupo InterInter- Religioso de Sào Paulo CC Purpose: To develop dialogue attitudes among religious and spiritual leaders in our city and share solidarity actions with the poor people among whom we live. Description: Our CC is working on forming new partnerships with entities linked to the culture of peace, always valuing the contribution of URI, and spirituality of the religious leaders as forces of transformation in the social context. For this reason, we support the renewal of CONPAZ - Parliamentary Council for Culture of Peace of the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo. We are always attentive to environmental issues and we also support UNISOES "Ecological Panorama for a sustainable and peaceful world" event in DC. Another focus of our central committee is to educate young people on interfaith dialogue. We also collaborate with the community of Taizé Brazil in the "Day of Trust," a meeting for youth focused on the theme of interfaith dialogue. Primary Contact: Contact: André Porto Rua do Russel 76, Gloria Rio de Janeiro - RJ 22210-010 Brazil (55) 21-2555-3766 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Elias de Andrade Pinto Rua Pe. Claudio Gomes, 82 Apto 12A 149 Secondary Contact: Contact: Rogerio Favilla Ladeira da Gloria, 98 Rio de Janeiro, 22211-120 Brazil [email protected] Ana Santos Rua Afonso Rui de Souza, 554, Itaigara Salvador, Bahia, 41815-300 Brazil (55) 7132-34-3689 (55) 7187-88-1947 [email protected] UNISOES - BRASIL URI Brasilia CC Purpose: To promote the union between all the segments and work for the common good. Purpose: To promote the harmony between the many religions and expressions of people, emphasizing the importance of the primary spiritual search and the divine conscious platform, as a means of obtaining a lasting peace and universal brotherhood. Description: Our CC engages in political, educational and spiritual activities. Some of our activities include, but are not limited to: cataloging knowledge of the natives who hear nature (afros, indigenous) for educational use; planning educational activities aiming to work the balance of masculine and feminine principles; conducting gatherings that allow the exchange of knowledge on topics related to bioethics; and working in favor of the expansion of consciousness and a global view of life by conducting retreats and vigils. Description: Our Action Plan 2010-2011 includes: interfaith event to observe the National Day of Religious Intolerance Combat; public events and debates in the Foreign Relations Ministry on the issue Baha'i in Iran; mobilization for the consolidation of the entity that will deal with the Federal District's government about the issue of Religious Education; supporting the Reference for the Promotion's Centre and Human Rights Defense to Religious Diversity - CRDHDR, for actions in Brasilia and contacts in other states; restarting to articulate to constitute the Religious Diversity's Forum of DF; and discussion and articulation about the General Law of Religions in process of being transacted in the Senate. Primary Contact: Ernesto Cardoso Rua Afonso Rui de Souza, 554, Itaigara Salvador, Bahia, 41815-300 Brazil (55) 7191-94-2118 (55) 7132-64-2342 [email protected] Secondary Contacts: Contacts: Marly Pedra Rua Dr. Luiz Azevedo Filho Filho, 38 - Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP, 04044-050 Brazil (55) 11-5078-8093 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Elianildo Nascimento Asa Sul - Brasília DF Brazil (55) 61-3368-1752 / (55) 61-3340-4095 (55) 61-9633-8420 [email protected] Paullo Santos Rua Dr. Luiz Azevedo Filho Filho, 38 - Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP 04044-050 Brazil (55) 11-5078-8093 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Iza Marina Vicino SQS 405 Bloco T, Apt. 107 - Asa SulBrasília-DF, 70.239-200 Brazil (55) 9622-2510 / (55) 613-342-1730 (55) 6132-44-9711 [email protected] 150 CHILE (56) 2-7698358 [email protected] Foro Espiritual de Santiago por la Paz CC (Spiritual Forum of Santiago for Peace. CC) ECUADOR Purpose: To promote peace at social, family and individual levels through interfaith dialogue and cooperation. SAMAY Purpose: To recuperate spirituality. Description: Foro Espiritual de Santiago por la Paz is an informal group of people related to value-based and faith-inspired institutions. A wide array of faiths and spiritual traditions with active communities in Chile are present in the Forum, which include Bahá’ì Faith, Buddhism, Christian Faith (Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals), Islam (traditions Sunni and Shia), Judaism, Mapuche indigenous tradition, Sufism, Sikhism and Spiritual University Brahma Kumaris. The Forum has remained active since its creation on June 1996, with around 10 monthly meetings per year. This macroecumenical interaction is appreciated by its members as a source of spiritual development. Its main activity for the general public is the annual celebration of the International Day of Peace, which includes an Interreligious Prayer ceremony, prayers for peace at the community level, and a campaign, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, promoting this celebration in the schools across the country. Description: We are having meetings creating a space for conversation with families that are having addiction problems. We want to overcome the problems in Saraguro with the practice of love in action Primary Contact: Lauro Vicente Sarango Andrade & Rosa Delia Quizhpe (593) 220-0356 / (593) 0932-75-418 quizhperosa Secondary Contact: Asuncion Zhunqula Sarango Ilincho (593) 0878-01-725 [email protected] GUATEMALA Nimalaj Molojri'il Richin Ajq'ijab'Kamol Taq' B'ey Q'alpul Mayab'ixim Ulew Ruk'amal Ab'ya Yala (Mayan language)(Gran Confederacion Confederacion de Consejos Principales Ajq'ijab' Originarios De Pueblo Mayab' De Guatemala Centro America) CC Primary Contact: Gerardo Gonzalez Cortes Via Esmeralda 9440, Vitacura Santiago, Chile (56) 2-218-5578 [email protected] Gerardo.gonzalez97 Purpose: To promote ancestral cultural values through the Mayan Cosmovision searching a universal and pluriversal integrate life. On our people weighs six centuries of Spanish invasion and actually internal and external colonialism that have not allowed the validity of our spirituality, philosophy, science, art and our technology and given the decay of all systems today, it is necessary and urgent that we return to what is ours, and strengthen Secondary Contact: Patricia Smithson 151 the unity of our people in the frame of our cosmovison. (509) 2511-4585 / (509) 3558-9157 [email protected] Description: We come from millenary people with ancestral roots with the practice of the Cosmovison and balance. The Great Confederation of Principal Councils Ajq'ijab' is a community organization and a network of 96 indigenous organizations with the purpose to recover the ancestral Mayan values and demand peoples rights. Our activities are social, cultural and political and they take place in diverse regions in Guatemala. and Visual Maya Communication make an effort to disclose Mayan ancestral culture from Guatemala and at the same time offer service of graphic design with the purpose of creating a service for self-sustainability. Secondary Contact: Contact: Herode Garry Laurent 2, Marassa 12 Croix des Bouquets, HT6310 Haiti (509) 3775-6524 [email protected] MEXICO Consejo Interamericano Sobre La Espiritualidad Indígena A.C. (CISEI CC) Purpose: To offer the URI family aspects of the indigenous wisdom and culture from the academia, mystic, cosmic and practice points of view. Primary Contact Contact: ntact: Apolinario C. Pixtun 9na Calle 9-61, Apartamento 1, Montserrat II, Zona 4 de Mixco Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala (502) 24323795 [email protected] Description: CISEI is an inter-american nonprofit association that academic, science and world specialists and spiritual leaders of the indigenous people of America together to do a work of systematic reflection regarding multiculturalism, access to the environmental and cultural heritage, the promotion and defense of the Cosmo vision and the spirituality of the indigenous people of America and the construction of a culture of peace. It is intended to be a space of dialogue, respect, encounter, participation and mutual support for indigenous and nonindigenous of America and the World whose principal aim is to contribute in keeping alive and revitalizing the rich natural, cultural and spiritual legacy of the indigenous communities in our continent. We are now organizing our Seventh Forum of Indigenous Spirituality on the theme "Spirit of Fire". It will take place in Argentina in November 2012. With the material of the Forums, CISEI has published three books. A fourth one with the material of the fifth and sixth forum is under production. HAITI Haiti Interfaith Peace Initiative Purpose: To promote interreligious dialogue, corporation among different religion the culture of peace and the golden rule in Haiti. Description: We promote mutual understanding and respect among different religions in Haiti and work together to promote a culture of peace. We have been meeting informally to build interest on what we can do to involve religions in building a culture of peace in Haiti. Primary Contact: Contact: Daniel Tillias 2, Marrassa 12 Croix des Bouquets, HT6310 Haiti 152 Primary Contact: Contact: Vilma Diaz y Zárate Jufre 705 Buenos Aires, 1414 Argentina (54) 1147-77-1130 (54) 1147-73-0460 [email protected] PANAMA Mujeres Kunas Artesanas (MUKUA) CC Purpose: Our purpose is to improve the quality of life for Kuna women through selling craftwork, to help kuna women to be conscious of the conservation of their indigenous knowledge, and to value and take care of our Mother Earth. Secondary Contact: Contact: Marina Villalobos Eucaliptos # 74, Balcones de Santa María Morelia, Michoacán, 58090 Mexico (52) 443-3-23-60-00 [email protected] Description: We help all in the Kuna community. We help support Kuna women, who do not always have the opportunity to work in enterprises or have a salary, and many of them are single mothers. We hold capacity building workshops, to teach design and educate on how to start a small workshop and create markets without intermediaries. We also promote dialogue among people of different religions and learn together how to face the challenges. One of our most important activities has been participating in training workshops to learn practical ways of facing problems such as climate change and the food crisis. We also promote protection of women from domestic violence and rights for Kuna women. Mexican Interfaith Council (CIM) CC Purpose: To promote tolerance among religious groups and within Mexican society. To develop understanding of the different traditions in the country and act with other projects that reflect the universal values for all humanity. Description: Our past activities include: holding a silent meditation in front of the US Embassy prior to the Iraq War, meeting the president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, to offer counsel on interfaith matters, accepting an invitation by the Interior Department to offer our comments and suggestions on reforms to the Mexican Law governing Religious Institutions, and celebrating the International Day of Peace in the Park close to the Peace Bell. Primary Contact: Contact: Fany Avila Eleta P.O. Box 2203, Balboa, Ancon Panama, Panama (507) 25 06 193 (507) 66 503 641 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Francisco Zuniga [email protected] Fany Gonzalez Calle Septima Casa 72, Veracruz Barriada, Koskuna Arraijan, Panama (507) 25 06 459 (507) 694 91 448 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Lorena Perez (44) 55-5433-1539 [email protected] 153 Av. Los Geranios Mz. "O" Lote 7 Cooperativa Pablo Patrón Chosica - Lima Peru (51) 3559169 (51) 990418305 michayak@hotmail PERU ERU Amaru CC Purpose: To contribute to the development and objectives of the URI and to join others in daily enduring interfaith practice and model this in our reality. URI Lima CC Description: Amaru CC is comprised of 25 members from Catholic, Protestant and Indigenous Cosmovision backgrounds. They organize interfaith activities and have influence in the south of Perú. The principal activity of this CC is to keep this dynamic group together finding the common ground that unites rather than that which separates them. Purpose: Our purpose is to contribute to the consolidation of a space in Lima where interfaith cooperation is enduring and daily, and that with its dynamism, end religiously motivated violence and promote a culture of peace, justice and healing for the earth and all living beings. We look forward to promoting participation of new members in the Cooperation Circle through shared open events as well as support the creation of new CCs and give URI Lima CC visibility in events aligned with URI Charter. Primary Contact: Contact: Diana P. Quispe Jr. Ricardo Palma #476, Distrito Jesus Nazareno Ayacucho, Huamanga, Peru Description: The coordinating team of URI-Lima is formed by five people that meet every two months with the aim of deepening their fellowship and organizing public events that take place in the Synagogue and gather more than fifty religious leaders of the nation. High regarded intellectuals and personalities in the Peruvian context are invited. During these events, themes of the national situation are worked with. URI-Lima, through fellowship meetings and public events wishes to keep dialogue alive and work so that respect and cooperation among different religions and cosmovisions is a reality. For further information visit: Secondary Contact: Contact: Alejandrino Q. Mejia Jr. Ricardo Palma #476 Ayacucho, Huarnanga, Peru (51) 66-315-054 [email protected] ETSA CC Purpose: Purpos e: Incentive the openness, the defense of life and the pacific co existence between different religious faiths. Description: This group has been meeting with frequency this past year. We have written articles and created a blog to comment on the different situations our country is facing at this moment. We believe this work is important because it favors a wider approach to the current issues, especially regarding minorities. We also plan to produce a virtual magazine. Primary Contact: Contact: David Limo Pajar Av. Juan Casio Montarella (Lima) No.117 Chorrillos Lima 09 Peru (51) 1252-4119 [email protected] [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: H.K. Michael A. Alva 154 Secondary Contact: Contact: Andres P. Huertas Av. Coricancha 667 Urb. Tahuantinsuyo Distrito de Independencia Lima, Peru (511) 526-5533 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Enoe Texier Colinas de Bello Monte - Calle Chama Qta. Trebol Caracas, 1050 Venezuela (58) 212-751-3305 (58) 414-020-0736 [email protected] VENEZUELA Secondary Contact: Contact: Maria Eugenia Franco Apartado 49133 Colinas de Bell Monte Caracas, Venezuela (58) 251-263-3321 [email protected] Circulo De Cooperación para el Diálogo CC Purpose: To develop interculturual dialogue to promote peace, mutual comprehension, forgiveness and reconciliation. To study the biological, psychological and spiritual potential human beings have to build peace, and to educate families and communities about mutual respect, dialogue, fraternal solidarity, cooperation, trust, justice, tolerance and peace. Description: The Circle of Cooperation Dialogue - CCD URI / Venezuela is a nonprofit association created June 15th, 2000. In 2001 Circulo de Cooperación para el Diálogo signed a cooperation agreement with the Central University of Venezuela for the creation of the Luis Dolan's Chair as an academic body attached to the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. This Chair carries out regular activities aimed at studying the psycho-social reality both individually and collectively and promote the role of spirituality in the modeling of human beings and their societies toward a Culture of Peace. This CC has worked uninterruptedly for over a decade in various research and action lines: tools for dialogue, negotiations and agreements, building a culture of peace, ethics training, and citizen values, awareness and education on human rights, the right to spiritual, mythical journey into the myths that shape our life, interreligious and intercultural dialogue, and consideration of indigenous ancestral legacy. 155 Middle East & North Africa 58 CCs in 12 countries International Women’s Day in Jerusalem in March 2011. MENA youth engage in dialogue and training. Iraq Youth for Dialogue and Coexistence CC participate in rally in Baghdad, Iraq in 2011. 156 Trust WIN CC and Mada CC members attend “Chefs for Peace” Program. Volunteering for Peace CC’s “Environmental Awareness for Palestinian Youth” training, part of the URI Environmental Satellite seed grant program. Participants from URI-MENA and URI-Europe at youth training in Rabat, Morocco in June 2011. 157 Description: Al-Karma and CIDT offer internships to Egyptian and Western students to work on papers on interreligious understanding for publication in the electronic magazine Arab-West Report. The connections between former interns are maintained through updates via newsletter and through discussions in the ENAWU forum, and we encourage former interns to report on their personal experiences and developments and to write on peace building initiatives and experiences. Members off the CC are encouraged to contribute to the forum of the Electronic Network for Arab-West Understanding (ENAWU) on issues related to interreligious understanding Any member of the CC can open a new discussion on the forum. Once in a while, the members of the CC will suggest a meeting in the ENAWU chat room to share experiences. The CC also discusses analytical reports on tensions between adherents of Islam and Christianity in Egypt with the purpose of contributing towards solutions. ALGERIA Afrikkayyaah Interfaith Action Purpose: To join people of different religions and hold meetings and activities related to the North Africa region. Description: Afrikkayyah Interfaith Action CC is the first of its kind working in the north of Africa and Algeria and the EU. We are planning to hold several activities such as seminars, workshops and conferences as to promote interfaith and religious dialogue and understanding amongst local communities, mainly targeting youth as being agents of effective change in the society. Primary Contact: Contact: Tamam bin Fahmi F. Koudeih P.O.Box 620386 Irbid 211-62 Jordan [email protected] Primary Contact: Ahmed Osama '33 Ahmed Heshmat st., 7th floor, Zamalek Cairo, 11211 Egypt (20) 122-490-883 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Bakary Sambee Associate GREMMO Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, Université Lyon 2 Lyon France [email protected] Egypt Women Empowerment Boosters (EWEB) CC EGYPT Purpose: To empower women in society, and to spread the awareness of their rights. AlAl - KarmaKarma - CIDT CC Description: On our way to empower Egyptian women we will run several activities dedicated to increasing women competencies and skills to enhance their role in building their societies and become self-sufficient. These activities will include computer courses, English language courses, sewing classes, craft courses, and rights awareness gatherings. In addition, we will organize activities that will increase women awareness Purpose: Our purpose is to build an Electronic Network for Arab-West Understanding between different religious communities, offer internships for intercultural and interreligious experiences for young people, and organize meetings on topics of interests to people of all faiths. 158 Our activities include Scout for peace and Misriyti, a voluntary initiative that works on peace education and spreading the peace ideas through education and art, trainings , theater, music, and different activities. We intend to start our awareness campaigns & training programs to promote our goals, in addition to enlarge our circle & make our voice reach to every one who believes that the world needs to become a better place , with more understanding & cooperation between people from different cultures & faiths. of their rights and conduct activities to help them attain and sustain their rights. Primary Contact: Contact: Reem H. Mehanny 17 Sudan St. Dokki, Giza Egypt (20) 12-2884-754 [email protected] Egyptian Interfaith Association Associ ation CC Primary Contact: Contact: Faten F. Kassab 28 Ahmed Mokhtar Hegazy Almanil, Second Floor, Flat 12 Cairo, Egypt (20) 106759962 [email protected] Purpose: To further interfaith dialogue and mutual understanding in Egypt. To create and develop new religious discourses encountering our social, political, cultural, and economic problems. To launch our religiously motivated social action projects, created and maintained by religious people belonging to different traditions. To make conflict resolution initiatives once religious conflicts erupt and to help prevent them in the future by exploring and treating the underlying causes. To stretch our hands all over the world so that we can exchange ideas and experience. Secondary Contact: Contact: Nancy I. Taha (20) 198905457 [email protected] New Horizons Primary Contact: Contact: Georgette B. Beshay 3 Owase St., Masr El Kadema, Apartment 3 Cairo Egypt (20) 226335109 (20) 227194022 (20) 165523914 [email protected] Purpose: To promote a better understanding of freedom of religions and to create a culture of peace among all religions. Description: Our group was created as a separate group from our mother organization "Development No Borders." The idea started after organizing a series of informative sessions about religions in Egypt as a part of a course called "Ambassador of Egypt." These sessions aim at helping Muslims and Christians to understand each other better and to live together peacefully. We have organized informative sessions about religions & accepting each other and also prayer meetings for the peace of the world. Giving without Borders Purpose: Our purpose is to help people in our society regardless of religion, background, education or color. Description: This project aims to teach children and young people good ethics, attitudes and behavior. It concentrates on the idea of all is one, and how to respect and accept the others no matter they are different. Primary Contact: Contact: Mary K. Rizkallah 89 El-Montaza St., Heliopolis Apt7 Cairo, Egypt 159 dialogues, and traveling to discover new cultures. (202) 27972308 (202) 26373389 (202) 010-643-7333 [email protected] Description: We are a group of youth from different countries (Gulf, Jordan ,and Egypt ) we work together to promote peace in the Middle East. We participated in a lot of youth conferences such as the euro med programs, most of our members are active in their communities. We organize youth conferences, conduct capacity building training courses to improve our members’ skills, we participate in discussion forums to promote our ideas. Secondary Contact: Contact: Hesham Ashour Al-Ahram Newspaper 3 Eid Nafea St., El-Malek El-Saleh, Giza Cairo, Egypt (202) 358-73-495 (202) 012-391-7663 Primary Contact: Contact: Mostafa F. Rodwan 48 Felipe Jalad Street-Victoria Alexandria Egypt (20) 104-036-857 [email protected] PlanetPlanet- E CC Purpose: Planet E(earth) is named after a new earth we want to create, one that enjoys peace by giving the chance for groups of youngsters from different cultures and religions to be together in activities that bring more communication and understanding as a step for acceptance and friendship that lead to cooperation creating this new/old Planet- E (earth). Secondary Contact: Contact: Lina Issam Amman Jordan (962) 795-820-035 [email protected] Description: Planet E. CC promotes interfaith dialogue on local and international levels. Our past activities have included visiting orphan houses to present toys, books and sweets. For the future, we plan to support religious harmony through making kids happy (especially orphans) and through the Arts (as a method of communication and a way of understanding). Sohag Community Development Development (SCDA) CC Purpose: To find a better future through improving the community's conditions. Description: SNA seeks to improve the quality of life and find a better future for the local community through comprehensive development. The small Muslim community in the city of Sohag is in daily cooperation with the majority of Coptic Christians in this City. Therefore, we can say we have experienced countless interfaith encounters between Muslims and Christians. To highlight one particular experience, once we arranged Ramadani Iftar (Feast) attended by Christian and Muslim friends, and after we had our food we spontaneously started to talk about fasting in Islam and Christianity. It was great Primary Contact: Contact: Yasser A. Gawab 1001 Project Cairo Egypt (20) 101-144-602 [email protected] S.A.W.A. Purpose: To build bridges between people whom came from different faiths, cultures and backgrounds through discussion forums, 160 group of co-workers, this festival of intercultural exchange and manifestation shows the people of the Mediterranean that we share more than a beach, and Alexandria (Egypt) is the focal point in the region in supporting such diversity of nationalities with diverse religion & culture. After Alexandria Church Bombing – Jan 2011 (New Year’s Eve): Hearing the news of the bombing, the exchange of phone calls and emails to convey condolences and sympathy between us - Muslim youth with our Christian friends in Alexandria was an overwhelming experience. The first Friday after the bombing we went to the site together Muslims & Christians and lighted candles and prayed for the souls of the people who were died in such a horrible terrorist attack. We knew that united we must stand and divided we shall fall. It was a tragic attack from an extremist yet it brought Muslims and Christians closer together to overcome such tragedy and to show that we are against such a brutal religious Intolerance. experience. The atmosphere was unique, and we felt how close we are. We've had similiar experiences since this and this has really urged us to enhance the spiritual relationship between Muslim and Christian in the City of Sohag. Primary Contact: Contact: Rasha M. Hassan Sohag Community Development and Caring the children with Special Needs Association Sohag El emary St, building 44 entrance A,B Sohag Egypt (20) 12-410-4829 [email protected] Sustainable Development Circle Purpose: To encourage dialogue and support peace. Description Description: scription Sustainable Development Association facilitates dialogue between different cultures once they are in a youth exchange together abroad. We have many stories, some of them reflecting the very hard stereotypes that we are living in. Primary Contact: Contact: Sherine M. Ahmed Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference Centre, 3rd Floor - Anna Lindh Foundation P.O.Box 732, El Mansheya Alexandria 21111 Egypt (203) 4820342 Ext 5003 (203) 0103739289 [email protected] Primary Contact Contact: Abdallah Hendawy Number 5., Mustafa Morsi Street, Sporting Alexandria Egypt (20) 123-717671 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Muhammed M. Abushaqara P.O. Box 138 Chatby Alexandria 21526 Egypt (203) 487-9951/52 (002) 012-770-5517 [email protected] The Diversity of Becoming One Purpose: Our purpose is to create a better future by showing the world that diversity unites us and does not divide us. We should work on finding and embracing common values and similarities between all individuals rather than differences. Tolerance CC Purpose: To spread tolerance. We are working to set up dialogues based on accepting the others no matter where they are from or what they believe in. Setting up Description: We participated in the Annual organization of Farah Al Bahr Festival at the Citadel of Alexandria. Being part of a diverse 161 dialogue will help us understand more about others, bearing in mind that life is made up of differences, and we can't exist unless we coexist. The more we talk about ourselves, the more the others understand us. We can make any progress unless a dialogue is always set up. That's why it is so urgent that talking begin everywhere, all the time. In order to bring about change we have to be that change. We cannot change unless we talk to each other, know about each other's pains, problems and aspirations. In order to bring hope to new generations we need to work hard on spreading tolerance and the culture of peace. IRAQ Iraq Iraq Youth for Dialogue and Coexistence Purpose: To create a common platform for Iraqi Youths to interact, communicate, and develop dialogue skills in areas related to interfaith. To spread awareness among all Iraqi youths on pluralism, democratic rule, interfaith dialogue, transparency, human rights' education, gender equality through workshops, multimedia tools, and advocacy campaigns. To gather Iraqi, Arab, and Middle Eastern youths from all sects, religions, ethnics, and non-partisan groups to discuss and solve cultural and religious clashes. To train young activists on leadership, intercultural, conflict resolution, and peace building in an attempt to help them become initiators in his or her own community. Description: We are planning to establish an online magazine that focuses on tolerance and accepting others by highlighting great figures that support the idea of tolerance, such as Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mohammed Younis, and Oprah Winfrey. Description: In an attempt to encourage Iraqi youths to engage together in non-violent education, peace building, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, and human rights education this CC came to be a dream to be achieved by joining the URI family globally and in MENA region in specific. The founding members of this CC believe that joining the URI will help us be involved more with other CCs carrying same values and share and discuss our ideas and projects. URI is such a place and spirit to learn a lot from all the members and that is a real experienced that I had in my participation in URI MENA conference 2009 in Madaba, Jordan. I wish that after joining URI, I will be able to elaborate and enhance my work with youths in Iraq to achieve and spread the values and themes of URI in Iraq and the MENA region in coordination with other MENA CCs. We value all URI PPPs and charter and we promise to work under the URI umbrella in our aims and projects. Our activities are focused in: Providing opportunities for youths to interact, learn, and develop their skills necessary to contribute to the general well being of youth at national level, Educating and encouraging Primary Contact: Contact: Sherif A. Rizk 27 Ahmed Moustafa Nadim off Khalafawy off Shoubra Street, Apt. 2 Cairo 2241 Egypt (20) 123-573-591 (20) 227-976-866 [email protected]/[email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Georgette B. Beshay Saad Hanna Son's Co., Apt. 2 Cairo 11631 Egypt (20) 226-335-109 (20) 2-263-35107 (20) 165523914 [email protected] 162 Primary Contact: Contact: Saja S. Abdeli Shmesani, Yousef ben Tashfeen Street Apartment: 36 Amman 11194 Jordan (962) 65693613 (962) 785915778 [email protected] youths to pursue and practice their heritage, language and culture, Empowering Iraqi youths by promoting peer participation in community organizations and civic structures. Primary Contact: Contact: Essam A. Mohsen Al Nahreen University, Faculty of Political Science, Strategic Studies Department. Apartment: Al Jadrie St. Baghdad Iraq (964) 152-133-25 (964) 790-146-3837 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Mazin Al-Yasery Baghdad Iraq (964) 901221307 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Ahmed A. Mohammed Salih Iraq-sulamanyah- shorshst.101 Q : 33 B: 14 Apartment 14, Sulamanyah Baghdad 964 Iraq (964) 075-0117-0636 (964) 077-0141-9707 (964) 077-0141-9707 [email protected] ISRAEL The Abrahamic Reunion CC Purpose: To bring healing and reconciliation between the Children of Abraham in the Holy Land. We intend to bring the voice of the religious leaders of Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Druze communities to be heard as a force for rebuilding trust between our religious communities. We also travel as a group to different parts of the world to give public forums, giving hope that peace in the Holy Land is possible. Voices from Iraq Purpose: Our purpose is to shed light on what is happening on the ground in Iraq. We are eager to share the fears, dreams, challenges that Iraqi youth, women, refugees, and children are facing with the whole world. to show how destructive the war is. We also aim to enhance the life of Iraqi people inside and outside Iraq. Description: The Abrahamic Reunion Cooperation Circle was originally formed from an informal network of spiritual peacemakers who journeyed together to the Parliament of the World's Religions in Barcelona in July 2005, and who held a founding retreat in Istanbul in September 2006. Since then, the AR has held over a dozen interfaith events in towns and villages across Israel. A typical event includes an interfaith dinner, discourse and prayer, and a public walk together through the town. The group also supports interfaith social projects such as emergency relief for people affected by violence, and a variety of interfaith projects spearheaded by individual members. Description: We meet frequently to develop projects that help Iraqi people in Iraq and Iraqi refugees outside Iraq. We wrote several articles/ studies on: The suffering of Iraqi refugees, Drugs in Iraq, Empirical study on the increased number of cancer patient in Iraq as a result of war, The difficulties Iraqi refugees are facing in finding jobs and integrating in hosting countries. We manage a facebook group to support Iraqi refugees in Jordan. We manage a website ( 163 Primary Contact: Contact: Andrea Blanch 520 Ralph Street SarasotaFL 34242 United States (1) 941-312-9795 [email protected] Heartbeat: Jerusalem Purpose: To foster dialogue and peaceful coexistence between Palestinian and Israeli youth using music as a primary tool. Description: Developing relationships with Palestinian and Israeli musicians and music educators determined to make a positive difference in the region. Heartbeat: Jerusalem was conceived by Aaron Shneyer, winner of the 2007 Fulbright/MTVu Fellowship, as a study project creating a musical dialogue coexistence group taking place in Jerusalem from November 2007 to June 2008. However, this is only the initial term of the project and we intend to develop it into a nonprofit organization and annual endeavor. Secondary Secondary Contact: Contact: Eliyahu McLean 26 alef Harlap St. Jerusalem P.O.Box 31894 91316 Jerusalem Israel [email protected] Green Prophet CC Primary Contact: Contact: Aaron Shneyer PO Box 28403 Jerusalem 91280 Israel [email protected] Purpose: To report on environment news in the Middle East, while being mindful to cultural and religious sensitivities in the dialogue for a healthy environment and Middle East peace. Description: is a Middle Eastern environmental news site that focuses on green stories and living tips. We believe that as ecological issues have no boundaries, there must be a forum for green leaders in the region to come together online. Jerusalem Peacemakers CC Purpose: Our purpose is peace building and working towards reconciliation in the Holy Land and reclaiming the religious voice as a positive force for reconciliation in the region. Primary Contact: Contact: Karin Ann Kloosterman PO Box 3602 Tel Aviv 61036 Israel [email protected] Description: We’ve facilitated the birth of the Abrahamic Reunion, a group of spiritual leaders to gather to educate and empower each other and their communities about multifaith peace building; we built a website identifying, highlighting, and supporting the work of religious peacemakers in the Holy Land; we have established peace centers of east and west Jerusalem. Secondary Contact: Contact: Jack Reichert Israel [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Abdul A. Bukhari 58 Via Dolorosa Road nr Al-Ghawanmeh Gate Old City, Jerusalem Israel (972) 2-628-0563 164 Description: We live in a local community where there is often violence based on mistrust and fear between the different religious groups. We see that women can meet together to learn about religions within our community and create harmony together and have a positive influence on our families and larger social circles. We have held regular meetings for four years in different religious groups to get to know each other and our customs so as to support women to create calm and harmony between religious groups in our community. Recently we held a large meeting with deep discussion about our religious holidays – sharing customs and rituals. We hold regular meetings with Jewish women’s groups from other communities to strengthen connections between women in our local region and country - from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem -and to learn more about other religions. In May we will hold a meeting for the membership to create new programs and more ways to bring our communities together. We are a program within the Daliat Ha Carmel Community Center and therefore are part of the Israeli National Community Center system and have access to meet regularly with the twenty other Arab community centers, and the many Jewish community centers. We meet with them regularly to discuss coexistence. Khoyoot CC Purpose: To create a network between the different faith groups. Description: We are 16 members who meet once a month. So far we have arranged a mother’s day party, father’s day party, youth summer camp, voluntary work and community service, interfaith visits (meeting people from different faiths in our village), and hosting foreigners from different faiths at our houses. We want to make everything good and very special with Eilaboun (our village) people Christian and Muslims and especially for the future of our children and our village. We believe in doing… not only talking .So if people see our continuous doing and giving for all people in the village they would like to take part and do such a thing. Primary Contact: Contact: Randa F. Zriek-Sabbagh P.O.B. 132 Eilaboun Village 16972 Israel (972) 467-81-954 (972) 527-47-3308 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Weaam G. Sabbagh P.O.B. 662 Eilaboun 16972 Israel (972) 467-89-780 (972) 526-997-185 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Siham Halabi Daliat Ha Carmel Israel (972) 483-957-07 (972) 483-960-43 (972) 52-4267-228 [email protected] MADA (Horizon) Purpose: For women to bring their hearts together, to create peace locally within our community and our religions, to strengthen women religiously and create cooperation among the religions in our local community. Secondary Contact: Contact: Anaam Abu Isla POB 2229 Daliat Ha Carmel Israel (972) 483-953-48 165 in, or facilitating, a 7 day intensive Jam, and are interested in carrying this work forward in the MENA region. The MENA Jam is not a conference, seminar or a typical meeting. It is a gathering for three different levels of conversation about change: the internal (self), the interpersonal (relationships) and the systemic (the whole). The MENA Jam creates a unique space for deep listening, sharing, self-discovery, systemic inquiry and community building. It allows for authentic dialogue about each participant's struggles and dreams, and about the challenges and opportunities facing the region through the eyes of individual stories and experiences. By starting from the member's very human journeys, the gathering is able to avoid the kind of heady political posturing that so often destroys cross-cultural dialogues in the region. Relationships built at the MENA Jam are real and profound, and creates a fractal of possibility for healing and reconciliation in a region of extraordinary cultural and spiritual import to the future of our world. MENA JAM (Middle East & North Africa Youth Leadership Jam) Purpose: The main objective of the CC is to create a platform for MENA Jam alumni to continue interconnecting and networking, taking tools and experiences from the gathering and bringing them into their daily lives. We also want to support our members in organizing more Jams and other transformational gatherings in their regions and communities. The MENA Jam CC will help members: -Continue to create a sacred space for learning and exchange of active young change-makers from the region after their participation in a MENA Jam. - Further exchange information about diverse peace, justice, ecological, educational and human rights movements in the Middle East and North Africa. - Give space for MENA Jam alumni for self reflection, self transformation, and cultivating our connection with the one another and alumni from different years. Build more bridges and understand more deeply the interconnections between the issues we are working on, the problems faced in the various communities represented, and how we can join the efforts in creating a better reality for young change-makers in the region. - Support members in organizing Jams and other transformational gatherings in their regions, and in participant outreach for future MENA Jams. Primary Contact: Contact: Ilana S. Meallem Benyamin Metudela St., Apt. 27/4 Jerusalem 92305 Israel (972) 2- 567- 0998 (972) 508-737-911 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Yasser R. Adel 24 Sakalia street, from Makram Ebaid, 6th Zone, Nasr City, Apt. 6 Cairo 11371 Egypt (20) 10-11-44-602 [email protected] Description: The Middle East & North Africa Youth Leadership Jam (MENA Jam) CC is a network of diverse young and enthusiastic change-makers who are engaged and committed leaders from across the MENA region (including: Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Lebanon, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Iraq) active in movements for sustainability, peace, interfaith dialogue, environment, human rights, women's rights, social justice, refugee support, trauma recovery, and related causes. All members of the MENA Jam CC have shared the same deep and powerful experience of participating m - network for peace Purpose: Our purpose is a network for peace. Description: MEPEACE is fostering a growing movement of peacemakers. Our 166 emphasis on music production, performances, composing, etc.. The cc will build on the expertise and knowledge its members possess. The Musaique group will meet three times a year in different MENA region countries. Each meeting will be held for three days. The first day will typically be orientation and presentations by the participants, and introduction to the songs/music pieces to be played during the meeting. The second day will include rehearsals and practice between the group members, preparing for the last day. Day three will include studio recording of the music pieces/songs prepared in day one and two. The same process will be repeated three times a year. Once the group has enough songs and music pieces, there will be production of a CD compiling all the tracks recorded during the year. The CD(s) will serve multiple purposes: spread the message of Musaique, and bring financial contribution to URI. The meetings will include educational components on religions and faiths, music and music production, and culture, through showing videos, and inviting speakers and teachers in various areas of interest and relevance. We will to work with local communities around the region to teach and learn from each other and to bring our music in to places where people need faith and love. peacemakers, from 200 countries, are committed to realizing peace in the Middle East. Our community is active online and on the ground. Online, our web platform enables individuals and organizations to share and find information. On the ground, we create community-building encounters, provide activist leadership training, and offer technology consulting to other peace organizations. We’ve been called the “Facebook of Peace”. There are thousands of peacemakers involved in in programs such as ‘Peace Talks’, Peace Cafes International Making Things Possible Primary Contact: Contact: Eyal Raviv P.O.Box 65179 Tel Aviv 61651 Israel (972) 52-688-2828 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Lemuel Melamed P.O.Box 1199 Jerusalem 94224 Israel (972) 52-784-5584 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Lee Ziv 20 Amnon ve Tamar Str., Apartment 8 Herzelia 46417 Israel (972) 547-879-3551 (972) 507-245-050 [email protected] Musaique CC Purpose: Purpose: To bring together on a regular basis, musicians amateurs and professionals from all over the MENA region, with the objective to establish a better understanding of each other's culture, religion, and traditions. The main purpose is to revolve around music creation as a means to bring people from different faiths and backgrounds together under the umbrella of music production. Secondary Contact: Contact: Jamil A. Sarraj Shmesani Abu Jandal Street, Apt. 12 Amman 1467 Jordan (962) 656-03-031 (962) 65-539-406 (962) 79-5429-557 [email protected] Description: Description: We dream opening people’s hearts and minds using music as the vehicle. The founding members come from various backgrounds and walks of life, with main 167 teacher from El Zeitoun into the Occupied West Bank for weekly teacher trainings. Our highlights are: 1.The development of our Friendship Bridge program with Arab students from El Zeitoun and Jewish students from the Waldorf schools in the Galilee.2.Funding a high caliber High School Peace Leadership Program in the Galilee where Jewish and Arab students learned communication skills while working together producing plays while using their theatre classes for matriculation into university.3.Funding and coordinating a national lecture tour in the U.S. with a Jewish Waldorf teacher and Arab Waldorf teacher from Israel.4.Bringing Muslim Palestinian teachers and doctors from the Occupied West Bank into Jewish educational communities in Israel to study Waldorf methods of peace education. Music of the Soul CC Purpose: To use music (but also other performing arts) with connection to religion, to create understanding and unity for people from different cultures. Description: We are raising money for a musical ensemble in which Jews and Arabs in Israel will play religious music together. We want to realize the purpose of the URI through art and especially music. We believe that music helps to bridge differences between cultures and beliefs. Primary Contact: Contact: Yoav Frankel P.O. Box 3814 Jerusalem 91037 Israel [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Tally Bat AmiZahor Haggome St. 40 Kiryat Tivon Israel (972) 4-953-0286 [email protected] Salaam Shalom Educational Foundation Purpose: To promote innovative educational methods and conflict resolution training aimed at nurturing the minds and souls of Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Druze children in the Middle East living under chronic stress of regional conflict.. Secondary Contact: Contact: Shepha Schneirsohn Vainstein P.O. Box 1614, Agoura Hills 29476 Lake Vista Drive Agoura 91301 United States (1) 818-707-2164 (1) 818-707-1837 [email protected] Description: 1. We currently support development of Ein Bustan kindergarten into an integrated Jewish/Arab Waldorf grade school and the ongoing growth of El Zeitoun, the first Arab Waldorf school in Israel.2. As Arab Waldorf schools grow in Israel we aspire to support The Friendship Bridge program between Jewish and Arab students to cover grades 1 -8 in Israeli Waldorf schools.3. As El Zeitoun continues in its growth we aspire to support the first fully integrated Path to Peace High School in Israel that includes students from Harduf Waldorf School and El Zeitoun Waldorf school.4. We are currently in our second phase of teacher training in the Occupied West Bank which involves sending a master Waldorf teacher and a kindergarten The Hope Flowers School Purpose: To educate a new generation on peace and democracy so that we find and strengthen positive attitudes for peaceful coexistence among different nations as the basis of equality and justice. Description: Our CC group formed through the common activities we do together through 168 Primary Contact: Contact: Elad Vazana Jaffa Israel (972) 542-497-009 [email protected] the Hope Flowers School. Through the School we have been bringing people together from different places, faiths, nationalities and from different cultures to work together on issues of joint interest and to unite in one culture of peace, justice and equality. We are looking to make real URI's purpose and principles by doing our best efforts to promote these principals in our community and in every aspect of our work. Hope Flowers School offers inter and intra cultural understanding classes taught by both Christian and Muslim teachers, long-standing programs of bridge-building with Israelis, peace education and joint activities with schools outside of Palestine. Please refer to our web site for further information on our unique programs: Secondary Contact: Contact: Gaby Meyer 15 Yam Suf St. Jaffa 68059 Israel (972) 54-464-2343 [email protected] The Voices of Peace Purpose: To spread a message of peace, tolerance and acceptance by performing songs in Hebrew, Arabic and English for diverse audiences in Israel and around the world. Primary Contact: Contact: Ghada Issa P. O. Box 732 Bethlehem, West Bank (Via Israel) Israel (972) 2-274-0693 [email protected] Description: The Voices of Peace choir spreads a message of peace, tolerance, acceptance and respect by performing songs in Hebrew, Arabic and English for diverse audiences in Israel and around the world. The choir meets for weekly rehearsals, and during the various holidays we spend time at members' homes to learn about the customs and traditions of the Jewish, Muslim and Christian religions. We believe that music and songs can be moving and inspirational and can also bring people together. Through music, we hope to bring people from diverse backgrounds together and encourage dialogue through a mutual belief in peace, understanding and tolerance. The SULHA Peace Project Cooperation Circle Purpose: To provide a group for the healing and reconciliation of the children of Abraham through developing a culture of coexistence between Arabs (Muslims, Christians, and Druze) and Jews. Description: The Sulha Peace Project, a grassroots organization, inspired by the indigenous process of mediation (Sulha), aims to rebuild trust, restore dignity and move beyond the political agenda. Working primarily on the grassroots level, we are preparing people for peace from ""bottom-up"" and complementing peacemaking efforts that are undertaken at the governmental and diplomatic level. Primary Contact: Contact: Idan Toledano 109 Kedem Street Jaffa 68051 Israel (972) 350-80-929 (972) 3-508-0898 [email protected] 169 Description: We operate on two levels: the first is to educate Arab women to be community leaders, and the second is to hold monthly interfaith meeting of women of the four religions. In March we held an event for Women’s Month with 300 women attending, with participation of community leaders, music, and featuring exceptional women as role models. In the summer for the graduation ceremony of our home-based businesses course, we had 150 women attending with leaders of women’s organizations and featuring the arts and handicrafts that the women students created and sold. In summer we held a TeenTalk program for young women from our community paired with young women in Jerusalem from TRUST – Emun with meetings at centers in both cities to discuss religious issues relevant to young women with a woman rabbi and a sheikya. One week ago we held a URI reception for Rev. Charles Gibbs with 30 people Muslim, Christian, and Jewish from many nearby towns to honor him and to learn more about URI. Secondary Contact: Contact: Ibrahim Abu Shindi 109 Kedem Street Jaffa 68051 Israel (972) 350-80-929 (972) 3-508-0898 [email protected] Trust WIN Purpose: To build trust and understanding among Israeli and Palestinian women Muslim, Christian, and Jewish -- through meeting in each other's homes, visiting each others communities and performing service projects together, visiting each other's holy places. Description: Bringing together Israeli and Palestinian women - Christian, Jewish, and Muslim - to empower each other, learn about each other's religions, visit each other's homes and communities, and build a better future for our children. Primary Contact: Contact: Ibtisam Mahamid POB 1806 Fureidis 30898 Israel (972) 547-433-956 (972) 463-971-39 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Michelle Katz Mishol Hakitron 8 Ramot Israel (972) 2-587-9635 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Hitam Hasadia POB 1049 Furedis Israel (972) 547-360-046 Secondary Contact: Contact: Rula Salameh POB 38881 East Jerusalem Israel (972) 54-547-3175 [email protected] Women Reborn Women's Interfaith Network of the Middle East and N. Africa Purpose: To provide an opportunity for Arab women (Muslim, Christian, and Druze) to become leaders in their communities. Purpose: Our purpose is: 1) to learn together and share information about our religions, traditions, and customs in order to 170 Primary Contact: Contact: Heiam Hammad Amman Jordan (962) 795-145-997 [email protected] dispel stereotypes, avoid prejudice and mistrust, create sisterhood and 2) to act together effectively to enhance the cooperation and respect between religions in our region. Description: WIN MENA CC was formed by Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Egyptian, Israeli, Jordanian, Palestinian, Tunisian women at the 2003 MENA Conference, with the goal of creating interfaith women's solidarity and the opportunity to pursue joint activities. We regularly meet in conjunction with the annual MENA Region Conferences in Jordan. In the past, we held a three day Women's Interfaith Leadership Workshop in Amman. We focus on promoting interfaith understanding and solidarity among women of the Abrahamic religions in our region. Iris Women CC Purpose: To mobilize women for their rights and social leadership for a positive change in society and peace building. Description: The Black Iris of Jordan, a flower unique to our country, is a symbol of growth and renewal. We have chosen the black iris to represent our values: Innovation, Respect, Inspiration, Social Services. Our most memorable activities, hopes and plans for the future focus on promoting the rights of women on a national & international level by providing them with a strong voice. This voice shall be achieved through the formation of committees where educated females learn how to train and hold workshops for less educated women regarding human rights, issues of gender and problem solving. We also aim to strengthen women's self-groups through capacity building, to help youth to maximize their potentials by networking and helping each other to grow personally and professionally, to build a strong membership base of women from different walks of life, to show appreciation to elders by raising the awareness of local people in order to encourage their participation in community building and improving the quality of life, and to create an ethos that is based of social justice, self-reliance, gender equality, and good governance. Primary Contact: Contact: Elana Rozenman 15 Naomi Street Jerusalem 93552 Israel (972) 267-496-698 (972) 2-672-9317 (972) 522-861-779 [email protected] JORDAN Humanity Group Purpose: To live together in peace and harmony, loving each another. Description: We conducted several workshops on the following themes:World Peace, Peace in Islam, Peace in Christianity.We hold debates (discussion groups) about our personal experiences of a world of love and friendship.We are working on a project entitled ' lets love together and live together'. Our goal is to achieve what our predecessors were not able to achieve Primary Contact: Contact: Amenah Dharagmeh Amman Jordan (962) 777-955-195 [email protected] 171 Jadara Interfaith Action CC CC Jordan Seeds of Peace CC Purpose: To bring peace to our region through facilitating inter-religious dialogue and understanding, and by taking actions and initiatives which bring people from different religions closer together. Purpose: To spread the idea of peace in the world, in our families, friends, and the region. Description: All of our members are voluntarily working for Seeds of Peace organization programs as delegation leaders. Seeds of Peace (SOP) are an American NGO dedicated to empowering young leaders from regions of conflict with the leadership skills required to advance reconciliation and coexistence. For further in information please visit: Our Activities: 1- Interfaith gatherings (to enhance the dialogue among Arab and Israelis). 2Capacity building (we organize workshops on Dialogue, Handling difficult situations, Effective Communication Skills, Team Buildings...etc, our target group is School student and School teachers) Description: In the part, we've taken part in activities held by Jordan Interfaith Action CC at Theodor Schneller School for the less advantaged, implementing a set of exercies to promote peace through sports. Now Jadara Interfaith Action CC will be the first of its kind working in the north of Jordan. We are planning to hold several activities such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to promote interfaith and religious dialogue among local communities, whom we target because they are agents of effective change in the society. Primary Contact: Contact: Omar Tayeh The Jubilee School/King Hussein Foundation P.O. Box 830578 Amman 11183 Jordan (962) 6-420-7973 (962) 79-577-6330 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Amer B. Amer (962) 79-591-1121 [email protected] Jordan Interfaith Action CC Purpose: To build bridges between youth in Jordan with youth from outside Jordan. Also to spread interfaith dialogue principles among Jordanian youth. Jordanian Association for Orphans & Widows Care Description: Jordan Interfaith Action CC is the dialogue unit at the Youth Spirit Center "YSC." Purpose: To empower women in the province of Mafraq particularly the villages around the city of Mafaraq and other rural communities, and to take care of the orphans and widows in these areas. Primary Contact: Contact: Anas Al-Abbadi Raymond St. 3518 Chevy Chase MD 20815 United States (1) 301-652-7642 / (1) 240-271-6988 [email protected] Description: This CC is a group of ladies who help their community by empowering women through socio-economic and cultural development, helping widows to start and build their own business to increase their skills to be active in the economy, enhancing Secondary Contact: Contact: Waleed Zude [email protected] 172 (962) 795-545-574 [email protected] the self-reliance and integrity and the productivity of women, securing job opportunities for poor and needy women, and encouraging women to be creative and take the initiative. Mercy CC Primary Contact: Contact: Nancy Momany P.O. Box Amman 182 Jordan (962) 6- 535-5275 (962) 79-575-1032 [email protected] Purpose: To show solidarity with less fortunate people and empower them through non-formal education, vocational training, and recreation activities, thus preparing them for better future. Description: We are group of adults and youth that share same goals and aspirations. We are dedicated to relieving human suffering, developing community and volunteer work to make our world a better place. We are willing to stand by the less fortunate youth and empower them through non-formal education, vocational training and creating hope for better future. We serve youth with the spirit of mutual respect despite the race, social class and beliefs. Our past activities include a football game competition for over 100 youth of all different ages and an Easter Egg Competition for school children to improve their painting talent, which we arranged at Schniller School with the help of volunteers. Secondary Contact: Contact: Fozeh Al-Shdefat (962) 79-668-5924 [email protected] Masar CC Purpose: Purpose: To introduce interfaith dialogue to the Jordanian community and utilize our regional networks to create understanding and communication between Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the region. To focus on youth and their active involvement in this regard since we have active youth networks. Description: We are an organization composed of mainly youth and we work in the fields of peace, co-existence and dialogue between Jews and Arabs. We believe that religion can play a constructive role in creating communication and understanding among different peoples of the Middle East. We took part in the URI international conference held in Jordan in September 2003, and since then we have held many smaller meetings for Jordanian members of our network. We organize meetings both for Jordanians and other activists to build on their current projects and initiatives. Primary Contact: Contact: Haitham Nassar Box 183872 Amman 11113 Jordan [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Samir Shahatit Box 183872 Amman 11113 Jordan (962) 79-513-6586 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Khaled Shorman Sweifieh, P.O. Box 850481 Amman 11185 Jordan 173 Naya CC One Maghreb Cooperation Circle " OMCC" Purpose: As diverse group, we aim to bridge the gap between people from different religions not only in Jordan but in the whole world in order to eliminate stereotypes, provide a clear overall image of the peaceful world we all deserve to live in, and to celebrate our similarities. We will work on the following challenges: Spread religious tolerance. Help the needy and less fortunate families. Promote women empowerment. Support marginalized youth and socially trouble people. Purpose: To work together for more understanding between all the religions and to look for commonalities to be able to collaborate between us for our persons and for our communities. Description: We started the association in our neighborhood seven years ago . We have done a lot things we never dreamt we could do. We have created a sport area and a cyber coffee in a wagon of train. It was the first time an association can use a wagon of train in a district in the middle of the city and everyone can use internet in this wagon to connect with other people. Description: Description On individual level, our group members have been actively engaged in interfaith, coexistence, and community service. Since our members come from different religious traditions, believe in freedom of belief, and share the same humanitarian interest, we decided to organize our work by establishing our group that will enhance the cooperation between the followers of different faiths; therefore, we held few planning meetings last year. In December 2009, a delegate has met Mr.Khreisat and URI GT Tareq Tamimi who had introduced URI and answered our questions. We are currently working on attracting more interested people, and contacting more NGOs (Nongovernmental organization) and local companies, in order to achieve enough fund and logistic support . Examples of our activities: helping Iraqi refugee to integrate in Irbid society; collecting economic support for 18 orphans in Irbid (north of Jordan) where our CC is located; and empowering women who suffer from domestic violence (we have expert social counselors in our group). Primary Contact: Contact: Dina Lahlou P.O. Box 182185 Amman 11181 Jordan (962) 777-991-771 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Younes Naoumi P.O. Box 182185 Amman 11181 Jordan (962) 777-991-771 [email protected] Quested Peace Pea ce CC Purpose: To promote understanding and cooperation between people of different cultures and religious traditions and to help our local community. Primary Contact: Contact: Morad Jarah (962) 788-024-039 [email protected] Description: The story began in May 2001, when a group of vibrant youth established a youth initiative at The University of Jordan Alumni Club to improve graduates' lives and professional skills and help our local community. In the wake of the World Trade 174 Description: We have conducted many activities to help orphans and less fortunate children live better life, we organized several training, educational and entertainment activities for them. Moreover, one of our members, Suzan Dababneh, is already active URI member in Jordan and she invited us to several activities organized by URI office in Jordan. We intend to start our awareness campaigns & training programs to promote our goals, in addition to enlarge our circle & make our voice reach to every one who believes that the world needs to become a better place , with more understanding & cooperation between people from different cultures & faiths. Center tragedy and its global repercussions, a new mission emerged - how can we combat the growing cultural misconceptions and stereotypes among nations? We believe that to achieve real peace, we should establish cooperation between governments, NGO's and people. This cooperation should be based on religious tolerance, respect, and intercultural understanding. Therefore, we established Quested Peace in June 2003 as a non-profit group, locally rooted in our traditions and committed to helping our community and connecting our endeavors globally for the creation of a more peaceful world. Quested Peace supports the purpose and principles of URI. In January 2004, Quested Peace joined URI as a Cooperation Circle. Our activities include: voluntary work and community service, capacity building, local and global interfaith dialogue, intercultural exchanges, social and recreational activities, and networking. Primary Contact: Contact: Heba Sharsheer P.O. Box 840581 Amman 11181 Jordan [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Mamoun Khreisat P.O. Box 7693 Abdali-Parliament Street Amman 11118 Jordan (962) 6-500-5642 (962) 79-566-4141 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Suzan Dababneh P.O. Box 1128 Amman 11181 Jordan [email protected] LEBANON Secondary Contact: Contact: Safaa Abu Tarha P.O. Box 7693 Abdali-Parliament Street Amman 11118 Jordan [email protected] Lebanese Interfaith Initiative Purpose: To create a common platform for Lebanese Youths to interact, communicate and develope dialogue skills in areas related to interfaith. To spread awareness among all Lebanese youths on pluralism, democratic rule, interfaith dialogue, transparency, human rights' education, gender equality through workshops, multimedia tools, and advocacy campaigns. To gather Lebanese, Arab, and Middle Eastern youths from all sects, religions, ethnics, and non-partisan groups to discuss and solve cultural and religious clashes. To train young activists on Save Our Souls Purpose: To find better methods to serve the children and provide help to children regardless of religious affiliation. 175 leadership, intercultural, conflict resolution, peace building in an attempt to help them become initiators, each in his/her own community. To advocate human rights education as the first and essential guarantee for transition toward full democratic Middle Eastern societies. MOROCCO Salam Shabab CC Purpose: To work together on a group of initiatives, share our experience with young people in the Arab work, participate in a research group, all on the theme of culture of peace and tolerance. Description: We like to show our readiness to act and work in accordance with the Preamble, Purpose and Principles of the URI through planning and implementing events and projects that serve the humanitarian goals of the URI. LYDS team, represented by its core executive committee, does believe that our Cooperation Circle with URI will help us achieve part of our intercultural and interfaith understanding goals. We plan:1. Providing opportunities for youths to interact, learn, and develop their skills necessary to contribute to the general well being of youth at national level. 2. Educating and encouraging youths to pursue and practice their heritage, language and culture 3.Empowering Lebanese youths by promoting peer participation in community organizations and civic structures. 4. Engaging youths in international humanitarian and human rights endeavors. Description: Our CC educates people about being one by organizing workshops, especially for youth, and writing press releases and articles. Our future goal is to establish a society that contains people with difference religions, and to organize a huge conference with government officials to make people closer to each other and recommend having a learning course at schools to educate students of the importance of having one alliance no matter what religions or beliefs are. Primary Contact: Contact: El Hammoumi Naoufal 1121 hay andalous Tiflet CP 15400 Morocco [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Rowaida F. Mroue Hilaliye area, Talaa't Al Mouhafez street, Panorama 2 building, fourth floor. Saida City, Lebanon (961) 712-19941 (961) 772-8805 (961) 7089-1330 [email protected] Secondary Contacts Contacts : Mouna Ouafik Rabat Morocco [email protected] Remon Shokery Massoud 2 Said Rabee St. a€"6 October Street Elminya Egypt (20) 124-003-295 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Hadi A. Joubali Beirut-Apartment: Radio Orient StudiosKentari area Beirut 961 Lebanon (961) 136-5454 (961) 369-6482 [email protected] Zainab Al Nasheet House 346, Road 309, Manama 303 Bahrain (973) 366-78-722 [email protected] 176 Primary Contact: Contact: Halima Daoud Abdel-Fattah Ahmad Idna, Wadi Elefranj Hebron, West Bank Palestinian Territory (972) 2225-8333 / (972) 599-9380-261 [email protected] PALESTINIAN TERRITORY Palestinian Palestinian Peace Club CC Purpose: To achieve peace in the world and especially in the Middle East to remove the differences between the peoples. Secondary Contact: Contact: Maysoun Suleiman Ibn Rushd Circle, Waha Blg., Floor 4, Office 6 West Bank Palestinian Territory (970) 599-770-929 [email protected] Description: We participated in many activities related to peace in Israel and Palestine. We work for peace and Tolerance in the world and especially in Middle East to end the conflict in Middle East. We gathered as a group of peace and this group is small and we hope to expand this idea to more and more. Palestinian Young for Peace Primary Contact: Contact: Ra'ed A. EID (972) 59-927-8871 [email protected] Purpose: To struggle against bigotry and sprout peace amoung the Palestinian and Israeli Grass-Roots Youth, despite faith, confession, ethnic origin, tribe, sect, tenet, color, boundary, or cultural difference. Palestinian Women for Peace Society Description: We are doing our bests to urge those "blocked" groups to participate in our activities and express their points of view frankly and run peaceful and constructive dialogues between different parties. We carried out many peace meetings with our Israeli colleagues, as well as with young from Europe, USA and other Middle East Countries Purpose: To sprout peace among Palestinian women. Description: Description We run activities to empower the Palestinian women politically, economically, socially and medically as well as cooperate with other women from adjacent countries and abroad. We dedicate to women empowering and to teach our members that humanity is the most precious thing that we must struggle for, despite the race or religion or identity. Our most memorable activity was our first meeting with Jews from Israel; we still remember the time of looking to each other with awe, every one looked in the eyes of the other speechlessness and skeptic, then the Norwegian facilitator started breaking the ice between the two groups. After 3 days together in a humble resort called "Peace Oasis" in Latroun-Middle Israel/Palestine, we were playing together chess + volleyball + cards + etc. Our plans to pursue such activities will surely help actualize our dreams to live together in justice, peace and mutual respect. Primary Contact: Contact: Osama M. Ali Jerusalem University in AbuDis, Faculty of Law, Jerusalem/Abu Dis Town West Bank-Palestinian Authority Palestinian Territory (972) 599-395-084 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: George H. Issa Everest Hotel Nearby the Orthodox Club Beit Jala-Palestinian Authority Palestinian Territory [email protected] 177 interested. We think that there are several ways in which we can help to create a better world. For example, we can emphasize the idea that we are all human beings aiming one thing: inner peace. We will promote that people share with each other some of their spiritual traditions trying to communicate, understand, and respect. We will communicate with other groups and organize workshops and activities to encourage people to welcome the diversity and stand together against discrimination. The Palestinian Peace Society Purpose: To enhance peace between different religions. Description: To promote the ideology of peace, tolerance and non-violence among the Palestinian grass-roots. To arrange, attend and participate in any peace activities in or outside Palestine, to clarify the Palestinian sufferings, and to combat the bigotry and extremist, fanatic ""ideologies"" among the Palestinian Youth. We organize workshops, seminars, courses and meetings for the Palestinian public to understand their dilemma in a progressive way in order to think rationally how to overcome the daily atrocities and agonies the Palestinian people endure. Primary Contact: Contact: Dalia S. Deareyyah Wad Ma’lli Str. Bethlehem 00972 Palestinian Territory (972) 2274-5436 (972) 599-66-2688 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Taleb Al-Harithi Bab Alzawyeh-Maraqua Blg. #2 Hebron Palestinian Territory (972) 2-599-898-516 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Dina I. Hilal Bethlehem 00972 Palestinian Territory (972) 227-45-669 (972) 569-002-063 [email protected] United for Palestine Purpose: To be united in order to serve our society and spread awareness about some different issues that concern everyone. Volunteering for Peace CC Purpose: To spread the idea of peace in the world and create a bridge between Muslims and Christians in Palestine. Description: We create activities where Muslims and Christians can share together some of their spiritual traditions. Besides that, we draw the smile on orphan’s face by creating festivals or activities. We have volunteered in different activities such as, summer camps for kids, clear-up day and earth day. Moreover, we were part of different workshops as the use of ICT to enhance Gender Awareness and Resilience in Palestinian society. We participated in different interfaith activities that took place in Bethlehem between the different religious faith groups. We participated at Volunteering for Peace URI CC activities in Palestine and there we heard about URI and become Description: Volunteering for Peace is a Palestinian non-governmental organization aiming to participate in establishing a bridge between the different faith groups in Palestine. Our was established to participate in building a bridge between the different faith groups in Palestine and the world. The idea came to create a working group to regularly discuss the different aspects of the daily life and to encourage cooperation between the different faith groups. The name came from a Euromed program that took place in Greece in which participants from different countries 178 ground of religious politics among Moslems, Christians, and Jews. It comes as part of the historic dialogue that was started a long time ago, to bridge the gap between two civilizations - between the civilization based on the Bible and the Torah and the civilization based on the Quran. met in Greece to learn about every community and every faith prospective to peace. Volunteering for Peace participated in different local and international faith groups activities. Volunteering for Peace is active in the field of non-violence and peace building. We organize different workshops, training programs and exchanges in topics related to interfaith, non-violence, peace building, conflict resolution, intercultural learning and other topics. Primary Contact: Contact: Mohammed S. Dajani P.O. Box 4414, Al-Bireh Palestinian Territory (972) 2-656-4485 (972) 54-776-0936 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Tareq Z. Altamimi 18 Ain Kahir Aldeen St. Hebron, West bank Palestinian Territory (970) 2-229-9663 (970) 59-987-0067 [email protected] We are Palestine Purpose: Our purpose is to create an interfaith culture between the Palestinian youth. Wasatia CC Purpose: Purpose: To spread the word of moderation, centrism, justice, and balance as reflected in the three Abrahamic religions with a focus on Islam since the name is taken from the Holy Koran from the Cow Sura Verse 143 which states: And thus we have created you an Umatan wasata ""a moderate nation."" We call for regenerating the seed of love, peace, tolerance, that lies encoded in the spirit. Description: Description We are a group University students and graduates that meet together for one objective: to create a change in our community through organizing joint activities for youth. One of the main activities we organized is a visit to SOS Children Village in Bethlehem and we organized fun days for the children there with games and various activities. We also participated in last Year international Day of Peace IDP 2010 in 21st of September with volunteering for Peace in Bethlehem. Mr. Ahmad participated in last year URI Annual conference which took place in Amman and he was one of the Volunteers for URI 10th anniversary Celebration. He shared information about URI with us and we decided to create this CC. Description: Description Wasatia endorses a platform that blends verses from the Quran, extolling the virtues of peace, moderation and tolerance, with calls for a negotiated peace with Israel and looking for solutions to the acute economic, social and political crises plaguing Palestinian society. Wasatia is the first Islamic religious party to advocate a peaceful, negotiated settlement of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict and a tolerant, democratic society at home. Wasatia calls for the respect of the religious identities of other religions like Judaism and Christianity. Wasatia shares the many values embodied in all religions to be an integral part of its bridges of cooperation and understanding.. It is aimed at the middle Primary Contact: Contact: Ahmad M. Tahboub Ain sarah St, Apartment: 12 Hebron 97000 Palestinian Territory (972) 599167019 (972) 599167019 179 Secondary Contact: Contact: Lila L. Sabat Alsaf Street, Apartment: 12 00970 Bethlehem Palestinian Territory (972) 598234018 TUNISIA Club Unesco Alecso Bardo Purpose: To promote tolerance between religion. To promote respect between different religions. SYRIA Description: Our group is very interested on the purpose of URI. Our NGO has the same goals. Nowadays, with the increasing of the impact of globalization the war against the terrorism …. This initiative is like a torch of light for peace and tolerance. We want restore the bridges and to bring the trust between religions and nations. We have in our plans: The European Cultural Agenda 20142020.Anna Lindh Foundation Campaign and voting for the peace award 2009 Supporting Sue Thompson Global Rally Peace Network. Forum of the intercultural dialogue Jordan organized by the Arab League Debate Club Purpose: To empower Syrian youth by engaging them in debates that tackle issues of their interest as well as involving them in international multicultural exchanges and peace building camps. Description: The idea of our group born in 2005, copying the program we used to be part of while we were at the university. The program was called Social Debate club. We want to continue this activity after we graduated. Therefore, we established this group. We organize a monthly Debates session, most of time we invite a considerable number of youth and facilitate a debate and some time we invite quest speakers to talk about issues of our interest. In addition, we have participated in several international Youth Exchanges in Syria, Poland, Spain, etc. Primary Contact: Contact: Zine N. Elias 13 rue des marguerites Zouhour 2 2052 Tunis Tunisia (216)78400482 (216)98632701 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Nadya Al-Turk [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Fedia B. Gasmi 119 rue Taher haded cite Magoulaa beja sud9023 Magoulaa Tunisia (216) 784-00-745 (216) 967-39-384 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Mouafaq Hashem Jarratt Hall, 55 Dale Road, Selly Oak B296FG Birmingham United Kingdom [email protected] U NITED ARAB EMIRATES Help the Natural Disasters Victims Purpose: To help the natural disasters victims as much as we can. Many people die every 180 year due to natural disasters and many die after the disasters because of not receiving help. We are young people of different Middle East countries willing to help. Our help might not be vast or huge but at least it is something that we can share with others to live a better life. Middle East Youth Network Netw ork Purpose: To build a network of young people of the Middle East with the young people in the West in order to learn from each other's traditions, religions and cultures to promotes understanding and peaceful living with each other. Description: Educating people and more particularly children and youth is the driving force for our activities to reach the goalsSome concrete actions of our CC lately are: Having 5children of Bam city in Iran (after the disastrous earthquake about 6 years ago) adopted by our team to support them financially with the living and education expenses, sent some donation to Lebanon after the recent war to reach those in need. Description: We believe that almost everything can be achieved when a proper understanding is gained. Through educating young people in our network and involving them in meetings with people of different traditions, cultures and religions we promote this knowledge and therefore a culture of understanding for cultural and religious understanding. Our vision would truly come alive through our activities as our network grows and more young people involved having the understanding spread around in our community in the Middle East and further to the Western societies about ours. This mutual understanding is what we think would mostly bring into action our vision. Primary Contact: Contact: Atefeh Sadeghi P.O. Box 121632 Dubai United Arab Emirates [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Abrar M. Obada Faculty of Engineering P.O. Box 346 Ajman University Ajman United Arab Emirates (971) 50-8444002 [email protected] Iran Youths for Peace and InterInterReligious Dialogue CC Purpose: To get familiar with different religions and to create friendship between youths of different religions. To promote the culture of peace and justice among youths. To hold small meetings for Iranian youths to acquaint them with the common ground that religions share in the building of peace and peaceful co-existence. Primary Contact: Contact: Atefeh Sadeghi P.O. Box 121632 Dubai United Arab Emirates (971) 50-378-5035 (UAE) [email protected] 181 MultiRegion 27 CCs across the regions 1000Kalema, a joint project of Think Peace Media and Communications CC and NaYA CC, announced winners of its photography competition on October 1, 2011. First place went to Sudipto Das of India for his photograph "Friendship." URI Global Council Chair Yoland Trevino represented URI's Global Indigenous Initiative at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York in May 2011. URI welcomed a new MultiRegion Regional Coordinator, Abdallah Hendawy of Egypt in June 2011. 182 Members of TRUST WIN (Women's Interfaith Network) CC at the site of a fire-damaged forest where they will join with two other CCs to plant trees in honor of fire victims and widows of interfaith leaders, part of URI’s Environmental Satellite seed grant program. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, URI Regional Coordinator for Ethiopia, and URI’s Lone Klemmensen, traveled through Denmark in March 2011 for the Golden Rule Tour, which included visiting local schools. International Network of Peace Studies INOPS CC, a group of young people who met in a Peace Studies program at Innsbruck University in Austria and joined URI in December 2010. Members of the URI Global Youth Cooperation Circle, over 600 youth across 65 countries. 183 Primary Contact: Contact: Ardey Turner 4754 W. Rosetta Fresno, CA 93722 United States (559) 276-3519 [email protected] 2048 Project Purpose: Purpose: Our purpose is to promote the International Bill of Rights project to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Description: 2048 is a project within the University of California, Berkeley, Law School. Through its website, 2048 provides curriculum for teachers to teach about the evolution of international human rights. One example is the lesson plan 2048 has prepared for International Human Rights Day, December 10, of each year. The plan includes a film, made by university students for students, and discussion points so that, on the same day, students in many countries learn about rights they all share. Dr. T.D. Singh Science and Spirituality CC Purpose: To honor the memory of Dr. T. D. Singh by encouraging World Wide Science and Religion Dialogue and inviting all persons who are open to reflection and dialogue on the relationship between science and religion. Description: Most of our CC members are already engaged in integrating science and religions and dialogue around the world, organizing international conferences, and writing and publishing books on science and religions. In the future, we hope to hold meetings via teleconferencing so that we can plan globally but act locally. Primary Contact: Contact: Kirk Boyd University of California Berkeley School of Law Berkeley, CA 94720 United States (415) 690-6687 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: K V. Rao RC_8, Raghunathpur, VIP Road 700 059 Kolkatta India (91) 33-2500-9018 [email protected] A Circle of Healers CC Purpose: To be a gathered circle of healers from all traditions and all methods who bring healing to the Earth and to all living beings. Secondary Contacts: Contacts: Susana Reich 11 de septiembre 1740 - Piso 13, C1426BKV Buenos Aires Argentina [email protected] Description: Description: We support the URI purpose by being mindful and prayerful for all the participants of URI. Daily we send the healing energy of Reiki to each and every person involved in this process of healing every living being on the planet. We offer this support with love and caring. As we do this work, we too are blessed. Varun Agarwal [email protected] Amir Farid bin Isahak INSAF/Pure Life Society Batu 6, Jalan Puchong 184 58200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (601) 7871-3000 (603) 4108-4300 (603) 410-823-00 (603) 410-51-300 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Faiths Without Borders [Uskot ilman rajoja (Finnish) / Tro utan gränser (Swedish)] Purpose: to promote constructive dialogue and cooperation between people from different cultures and faiths and convictions, internationally, to build the culture of peace and to work on the field of sustainable development for social justice, equality and peace and well-being for all, to promote Global Ethic and Golden Rule EURIMA Description: We plan to start an interfaith project regarding the Five Elements in order to promote sustainable lifestyle. The first couple of years of the project we will deal with the element of water. This part of the project is called “Holy Drop!”. Faiths Without Borders is a part of the Interfaith Dialogue Network in Finland that each year gives the Golden Rule Award. We published a book called “Flikat maailman Turuilta” in cooperation with the Daisy Ladies. The book presents twenty interviews with women from different cultures who answer questions about things learned within families, from older generations, and about how things they have learned helped them through life. The book is a part of the project called Learning all the time. It is a part of the working group of environmental NGOs that has a task to create a national Zero Draft for Rio +20. Purpose: To gather together musicians, artists, dancers, those in radio and television and theater to bring fresh creativity to the varied expressions of the URI. Description: We began in 2000 with a core group in Pittsburgh and now have a widespread membership on foucontinents. To date we have two major projects: the first is the publishing of the first-ever interfaith songbook, ""One World-Many Voices"" which was edited by Jack Lundin and organized by CC members with some experience in the field of music. The book, expressing hymnody from six continents, more than twelve faith groups and in twelve languages, is now used all over the world. The second project is a global contest among architects and artists for the design of a sacred interfaith space. Other projects are anticipated including concerts around the globe organized by members and others outside the CC. Primary Contact: Mussie Hailu P.O. Box 7785 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251) 11-6-627-237 (URI Africa office) (251) 1-1416-2425 / (251) 9-11-202-503 [email protected] Primary Contact Contact: act: Donald Frew 1145 Cedar St. Berkeley, CA 94704 United States (1) 510-524-2078 [email protected] Secondary Contacts: Heidi Maria Rautionmaa Lotankatu 2 C 68 Espoo, Finland 02680 (358) 440 412 189 185 several Africa Projects in Malawi, Southern Sudan, South Africa, and Uganda. In addition, Global Healing is helping refugees from Africa through its Art Forms project. [email protected] [email protected] Skype Name: heidi.rautionmaa Aarni Kaleva Moisala Tuhkimontie 2 A 4 Helsinki, Finland 00820 (358) 403538426 [email protected] [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: David W. Randle 3844 36th Terrace South St. Petersburg, FL 33711 United States 1-727-388-6675 [email protected] Global Family for Love Love and Peace CC Global Interfaith Network for Golden Rule CC Purpose: To promote interfaith dialogue. Description: GFLP is a non-profit tax exempt organization founded by Dharma Master Hsin Tao, who also is the founder of the Museum of World Religions. In accordance with the philosophy of respect for all faiths, tolerance for all cultures, and love for all life, GFLP is dedicated to building a harmonious world through promoting values-based education, organizing and directing activities for young people in the field of social service, and sponsoring interfaith dialogues. Purpose: To practice and promote the Golden Rule through out the world as a guiding principle of life and as a means of promoting the culture of peace and interfaith harmony. Description: Our CC works to promote the Golden Rule. When it is applied to politics, the Golden Rule leads to policies that create the greatest good for the greatest number, with basic rights for all. Thus, total good is maximized and no people are denied the basic needs of life. This is a good formula for happiness and social stability anywhere. The Golden Rule, which is clearly stated in different religions and sacred texts, is the password and key to a better world. Our latest activities, awards received and given and plans can be found at Primary Contact: Contact: Laurence Singer 46-60 156th Street Flushing, NY 11375 United States (1) 718-353-7398 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Mussie Hailu P.O. Box 7785 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (251) 11-6-627-237 (URI Africa office) (251) 9-11-202-503 [email protected] Global Healing CC Purpose: To provide education, development, and implementation of the Call to Global Healing. Description: The Global Healing Initiative has endorsed the Interfaith Climate Declaration and encourages other organizations and individuals to consider doing the same. Global Healing is supporting 186 examining our spiritual and religious differences, the journal will inquire into shared core values, survey religious news, offer various perspectives on the unparalleled religious diversity enveloping humankind, reflect on theological and spiritual issues, and perhaps develop a social network for interfaith activists focused on service. There has been a lot of support for the idea since Paul Chaffee started approaching leaders from the interfaith community in this country and abroad. A wonderful design process for the publication and its website generated wonderful results and a new website, The “Who We Are” page shows who is participating so far. Happy Heart Compassionate Eating Vegetarian CC Purpose: To educate and inspire others in ways to make our food choices reflect our compassionate worldview. Description: URI is a forum, and we want to take advantage of who we are and form a forumneighborhood to pull religious resources together in service to the world. Primary Contact: Contact: Heng Sure 2304 McKinley Avenue Berkeley CA 94703 United States (1) 510-848-3440 [email protected] Primary Contact: Rev. Paul Chaffee 2107 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94109 USA (1) 415-292-7059 (Home) (1) 415-775-4635 (Business) (1) 415-317-4093 (Mobile) [email protected] The Interfaith Observer Purpose: The Interfaith Observer is a monthly electronic journal created to explore interfaith culture locally and globally. Our mission is to cultivate a healthy, peace-engendering interfaith culture locally and globally; to share interfaith news that rarely gets published; to grow 'connective tissue' among interfaith activists, their interfaith ventures, and the millions who participate; to provide resources for both interfaith newbies and seasoned activists; and to survey exemplary interfaith practices, including funding strategies. Secondary CC Contact: Contact: Rev. Terry Weller 44 Metcalfe Street Aurora, Ontario, CANADA L4G 1E6 (1) 905 727 7011 (1) 416 801 5597 (Mobile) [email protected] I nternational nternational Interfaith Peace CC Description: The Interfaith Observer will provide historical perspectives, survey current interreligious news, and otherwise provide maps and sign-posts for newcomers. It will offer a context to explore and respond to the unique diversity and close proximity of religious, spiritual people today. Along with Purpose: To promote peace in different countries of the world through the presence and work of our CC members so that URI goals and objectives can spread and to have interfaith dialogue to promote peace and remove ignorance, which is a cause of conflicts. 187 Secondary Contact: Contact: Sowmya Ayyar 16485 Del Monte Morgan Hill, CA 95037 United States (408) 893-8550 [email protected] Description: This CC is an international and multiregional CC and comprises persons from three countries and six religions. Our activities target fifty schools and colleges in India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia for peace promotion and spreading URI message. We meet youth through visits and motivate them to promote peace projects and to work for interfaith peace. Mazdayasnie ZC Global URI CC at Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Primary Contact: Contact: Minoo Jokhi 122A Kismet all Sassoon Dock 400005 Colaba, Mumbai India (91) 22-2218-2246 (98) 2140-7519 [email protected] Purpose: To promote interfaith peace through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. Description: We promote interfaith peace by supporting programs for school and college students to improve peace awareness and interreligious harmony and cooperation as well as by promoting the practice of good thoughts, good words and good deeds. One of our projects is to prepare a Calendar of Festivals of All Faiths, and to promote peace, understanding and harmony by encouraging people of different faiths to participate and share in the festivals so that festivals can become an occasion for joy instead of an excuse for inter-religious fighting and terrorism. We provide a unique opportunity to those graduates interested in peace development, including URI CC members from all countries, to gain a Research Doctorate by submission of a research thesis through the Zoroastrian College/World University in the USA. International Network of Peace Studies INOPS Purpose: Contributing to peace-building through interfaith dialogue, conflict transformation and non-violent communication. Description: This CC is a group of young people who first met in a Peace Studies program at Innsbruck University in Austria. The group is searching for projects and action programs involving Yoga and other meditative practices to help provide the peace within each individual which precedes peace in the community, the nation and the world. Members are in Egypt, India, United Arab Emirates, Europe and the United States. The group also plans to organize activities related to intercultural and interfaith dialogue, poetry, and environmental conservation. Primary Contact: Contact: Meher Master-Moos Mustafa Buildings 2nd Floor Sir PM Road 400001 Bombay India (91) 222-364-4737 [email protected] Primary Contact Contact: tact: Abrar M. Obada P.O. Box 346 United Arab Emirates (971) 50-8444002 [email protected] 188 Secondary Contact: Contact: Deepak Naik Legacy House, 29 Walsgrave Road CV2 4HE Coventry United Kingdom (44) 2476-225-764 (44) 793-206-5453 [email protected] People for Peace CC Purpose: To build a dialogue for peace and share peacebuilding tools with others. Description: Our dream for making a difference in the world is to build relationships between people based on human understanding rather than pre-judgement s and prejudice. The Everest Peace Project Primary Contact: Contact: Abdallah Hendawy Number 5., Mustafa Morsi Street, Sporting Alexandria Egypt (20) 123-717671 [email protected] Purpose: To promote peace, teamwork, and cultural understanding; and to further interfaith dialogue. Description: The Everest Peace Project is not a religious organization nor does it have any political agenda. Our mission is to inspire and to show that people from diverse backgrounds can unite together in a peaceful manner and accomplish amazing things. The main focus for the organization has recently been on its history-making documentary film which is narrated by Orlando Bloom and has been endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, titled Everest: A Climb for Peace. It is now being shown on PBS World outlets. In May 2011 a new team of climbers reached their goal, the Base Camp on Mt. Everest. Spirituality & the Earth CCCC- Linking the People Peopl e & the Earth Purpose: To foster and facilitate communication and cooperation between all those who feel a spiritual connection with the Earth. Description: Our dream for making a difference in the world: To bring together those who follow indigenous, tribal, pagan, nature-based, and Earth-centered spiritualities; To reach out to spiritual traditions and groups (especially indigenous and tribal) who have not been involved in the process before; To share information and resources; To bring our combined wisdom to bear on the needs of the Earth and all livings beings. We operate by consensus, assisted between meetings by an interim Coordinating Council. Primary Contact: Contact: Lance Trumbull 6071 SW 208th Place Beaverton, OR 97007 United States (1) 503-547-3089 [email protected] The Pilgrimage Project CC Primary Contact: Contact: Donald Frew 1145 Cedar Street Berkeley, CA 94702 United States (1) 510-524-2078 [email protected] Purpose: To initiate a series of global pilgrimages for the purpose of connecting with networks of women who are committed to spiritual practice, equitable peace and social justice. To organize and facilitate a 189 (1) 845-629-9509 [email protected] series of conversations through the United States, In Description: We are developing a Pilotprogram for Learning Service Internships that are scheduled to begin in the summer of 2010. We have identified some thirty sites that include a variety of service opportunities. Initially these internships will be available in the US, India and Pakistan. Future sites will be in South America, Africa and the Middle East. Secondary Contact Contact: ntact: Audrey E. Kitagawa 327 East 48th Street, Apt. 31A New York, NY 10017 United States (1) 212-963-0984 (1) 212-688-8142 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Linda B. Elder Religious Studies Department, Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA 31698 United States (1) 229-333-5949 (university department) (1) 229-245-8036 (preferred) [email protected] Think Peace Media and Communications Purpose: The purpose of Think Peace Media and Communications CC is to tell the stories of peace in action in many media formats based on the principles of respecting life, rejecting violence, sharing with others, listening to understand, preserving the planet and The United Religions Initiative at the United Nations Description: The purpose of the Think Peace Media and Communications CC is to establish a forum to tell the stories, News and Current Events of interfaith cooperation, efforts to end religiously motivated violence, and the ideas, solutions and wisdom of those who are creating cultures of peace, justice and healing for the earth and its inhabitants. From June until September 11, 2011 we are sponsoring a photo contest the details of which are found on our regional website at Purpose: To provide an ongoing presence for the United Religions Initiative at the United Nations and to engage the URI in initiatives and agendas of the United Nations. Description: URI-UN is very proud of the widespread participation of URI CCs in the International Day of Peace on September 21st, which our CC encourages. In 2008, URI-UN co-sponsored a ground-breaking consultation between UN officials and NGOs on the International Day of Peace. In February 2011, an initiative of the Jordanian UN representative resulted in the 1st Week of Interfaith Harmony which is intended to become an annual event. Primary Contact: Contact: Perri Kathryn K. McCary 24433 San Mateo Carmel, CA 93923 United States (1) 713-893-1304 (1) 831-233-9361 [email protected] / Primary Contact: Contact: Deborah Moldow 251-B. Heritage Hills Somers, NY 10589 United States (1) 914-669-0133 190 build community and to generate new possibilities for a dignified human life for all women, children and men. Secondary Contact: Contact: Rachael Watcher 2122 Lakeshore Avenue, #309 Oakland, CA 94606 United States (1) 713-893-1304 (1) 415-850-7268 (1) 713-359-6562 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Annie Imbens-Fransen [email protected] Secondary Contact Contact: tact: Elana Rozenman 15 Naomi Street 93552 Jerusalem Israel (972) 267-496-698 (972) 2-672-9317 (972) 522-861-779 [email protected] Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk CC Purpose: To walk to change the world one step at a time. Description: With every step we take we touch and are touched by people- heart to heart, face-to-face creating an opportunity for a more peaceful world. Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk 2005-2009 is presently in Hawaii beginning the 2nd year of their inspiring project. Unity Walk CC Purpose: The Unity Walk brings together people of all ages, backgrounds, and faiths to walk as family - learning to respect each other's differences, and serve beyond themselves. Primary Contact: Contact: Audri S. Williams 4046 Windhurst Court Lilburn, GA 30047 United States (1) 770-685-1900 (1) 404-374-1162 [email protected] Description: With every step we take we touch and are touched by people, heart-toheart and face-to-face, creating an opportunity for a more peaceful world. In 2000, the Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk journeyed from Pennsylvania to Georgia and around Ghana, West Africa. In 2005-2009, the Walk went around the world. Right now members are walking around the USA. See the details at United Religions Initiative Council for Women CC Primary Contact Contact: tact: Meg C. Poole 3716 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 United States (202) 244-5006 (314) 910-7012 [email protected] Purpose: To create enduring cooperation among the people of the world, to honor the sacred, to end violence, to promote justice, to build community and to generate new possibilities for a dignified human life for all women, children and men. Description: To create enduring cooperation among the people of the world, to honor the sacred, to end violence, to promote justice, to 191 (63) 9175-389-358 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Kyle I. Poole 3716 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 20016 Washington,DC United States (202) 244-5006 (314) 910-7012 [email protected] URI Global Youth Cooperation Circle Purpose: The purpose of the URI Global Youth CC is to be a global youth organization for URI; to support wider participation of youth at all levels in URI (in local CCs and actions, regional and global levels); to develop young peoples' skills, capacities and confidence so that rooted in our traditions, we can respect each other and serve the world in which we live; and to support communication flowing between young people and exchanging stories, ideas, and values as a model of cooperation and a means of building "cultures of peace, justice, and healing for the Earth and all living beings." URI Circle for Peace and Nonviolence Education Purpose: To be an online, globally-based group of URI members committed to sharing, learning, and teaching the ways of Nonviolence Communication and Training in Nonviolence and Peace at core levels. Description: Our members offer trainings from various traditions and in various models for CCs and others, and contribute to the Resource section of the URI website with suggestions for readings and opportunities. We are building on a foundation of effective use of different techniques from trainings at the Children’s Peace Palace in Rajasthan, the Youth Ambassadors Program, and several trainings within CCs,notably, Hendersonville, North Carolina’s Peace Academy. Description: Our CC now includes more than 500 youth interfaith activists from 68 countries. You can learn more about our CC on the Young Leaders page on the URI website. Primary Contact: Contact: Krithika Harish URI Global Support Office 1009 General Kennedy Avenue, Floor 1 San Francisco, CA 94129 1 (415) 561-2300 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Sohanlal Gandhi Anuvrat Global (ANIVIBHA) Opp. Gaurav Tower, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302 017 Rajasthan India (91) 141-2722412 [email protected] Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons CC Purpose: To assist in the effort to abolish nuclear weapons. Secondary Contact: Contact: Marites G. Africa 17 Luna Street, Ayala Heights Village Old Balara 1119 Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines (63) 2-920-7622 (63) (2) 931-8667 Description: Formed in 2010 by a distinguished group of educators, religious leaders, statesmen and others, this CC has made several statements on the need to eliminate nuclear wepons from the world now. 192 Please see their web page at for more specifics. (1) 626-297-4227 [email protected] Primary Contact C ontact: ontact: The Right Rev. William E. Swing 1 (415) 561-2300 [email protected] W omen's Interfaith Network of the URI CC Purpose: To provide an interactive global network for women's projects to be realized locally and globally. Secondary Contact: Contact: Roger Eaton 355 Serrano Drive, Apt 4F 94132 San FranciscoCA United States (1) 415-349-4666 (1) 415-933-0153 [email protected] Description: Description: WIN URI was founded at the URI Global Council Meeting in May 2006. One of our CC's first service projects was to donate funds to help support services coordinated by two of our members, Joyce Ng'oma and Shakun Vaswani. Joyce is leading a series of visitations to women prisoners of different faiths in Malawi, to assist the women with hygiene, mental health and education. This project inspired our members to agree to research the situation of women prisoners in our own countries, with a view to identifying interfaith service opportunities. Shakun's project provides small loans to Christian and Muslim women in the Philippines, to help them start individual handicrafts business. This CC is integrating its work into the Women's Coalition MCC. Women and and Spirituality CC Purpose: To bring women together to explore our common concerns and share the richness of our varied spiritual traditions. We will seek to model ourselves in non-hierarchical fashion in true circles of sisterhood and hear and link the voices of women of all faiths Description: Our CC exists in virtual space (on the internet) as a forum for discussion, awareness and networking for women who are exploring how their unique feminine spirituality has common bonds. We are working towards several conferences and are supporting each other's initiatives. We welcome new members. Primary Contact: Despina Namwembe P.O. Box 72190 Clock Tower Kampala Uganda (256) 77-457-791 (256) 414-531-066 [email protected] [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Betsy G. Stang 17 Jonet Lane 12409 Bearsville NY United States (1) 845-679-6347 [email protected] Secondary Contacts Contacts : Rachel Watcher 2122 Lakeshore Avenue, #309 Oakland, CA 94606 United States (1) 713-359-6562 (1) 713-893-1304 (1) 713-264-8631 Secondary Contact: Contact: Yoland Trevino 4234 Canyon Crest Road 91001 AltadenaCA United States (1) 626-797-3379 193 (1) 415-850-7268 [email protected] [email protected] Elana Rozenman 15 Naomi Street 93552 Jerusalem Israel (972) 267-496-698 (972) 2-672-9317 (972) 522-861-779 [email protected] Monica Willard 1809 Meadow Ridge Court 18015 Bethlehem, PA United States (610) 625-2696 (home/office/fax) (631) 697-7972 [email protected] 194 North America 50 CCs in 2 countries The Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk Cooperation Circle completed its 13 Moon Walk for Peace on November 11 in Atlanta, George. The 13-month journey took them through sixty of the most marginalized communities in the United States. URI Youth Ambassadors from North America and students from American University attended a leadership training in Washington D.C. in April 2011. Father James Channan, Regional Coordinator for URI-Pakistan, visited Unity Made Visible CC in New York in July 2011. 195 Global Clergy Association of Canada CC organized a peace conference at Northwood United Church in Surrey in September 2011. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, URI-Africa Regional Director, attended the North American Interfaith Network Conference (NAIN Connect 2011) in Phoenix, Arizona to speak on the Golden Rule. San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee presented Rita Semel with a proclamation of Rita Semel Day on November 22, 2011. .Semel is founder of San Francisco Interfaith Council CC (SFIC) and long-time URI leader. URI-North America leadership team visited the United Nations in New York City in 2011. 196 Global Clergy Association Vancouver, BC CANADA Clergy for Compassion and Harmony CC Purpose: Our purpose is to learn to respect to support each other's religious groups and organizations to make a peaceful and environmentally friendly group. Purpose: We are an association of clergy from historic religions. We provide spiritual support to fellow-clergy through friendship, prayer, worship/devotions, theological reflection and discussion of common issues and problems faced by religious communities; we also take action of a spiritual nature if necessary. Description: Our CC formed with the purpose of creating awareness on peace, environment and poverty issues and to promote equality for all. Most recently, we organized a Pre-Parliament event in the greater Vancouver area in the fall of 2009 which was very well attended by dozens of local interfaith organizations. We coordinated a community wide Olympic peace prayer in February 2010. We did a fundraising and community prayer event for the people of Haiti. We gave a presentation on environmental stewardship at the University of Victoria in February 2010.Our group was awarded an Ambassador of Peace designation from the Federation for World Peace at a conference where we presented on the Hindu perspective in peacebuilding. We want to continue to work with other Circles of URI and local interfaith associations to organize the North America Summit 2011 in Vancouver. Description: We are made up of visible minority clergy serving visible minority communities of historic faiths in the lower Mainland, primarily Surrey, Delta, and Richmond. Our mission is to support visible minority clergy through friendship, prayer and devotions. We discuss common issues and problems to take action of a spiritual nature. During the past years, we have joined others in prayers over the Taiwan earthquake, Gujarat earthquake, and South American flood. During the conflict in Kashmir, we appealed to the Presidents of India, Pakistan, and the Kashmir Premier to labor towards a peaceful solution to the conflict. We also appealed to the president of the USA to desist attack on Iraq. We were represented at the PWR Cape Town, SLC URI-NA Summit, UN- Peace Summit, LANAINConnect and Rio Global URI. Primary Contact: Contact: Acharya S. P. Dwivedi #4, 12738-66 Ave. Surrey, British Columbia V3W 1P3 Canada (1) 604-507-3099 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Eprahim AlKhaliq Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Centre 7251 Langton Rd, Apt 306 Richmond, British Columbia V7C 4R6 Canada +1 (604) 507-3032 +1 (604) 537-4484 +1 (604) 507-3032 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Lamo Tsewang 11815 82nd Ave. Deita, British Columbia V4C-2CG Canada (1) 778-785-1096 [email protected] 197 but around the world. We will then mandate the wise and harmonious ways Mother Earth's gifts should be safely and sustainably developed, as well as, when development is not appropriate, no matter how much profit is to be made. Our Sacred Places and the Healthful Life of our Beloved Mother Earth are not for sale and exploitation! Protecting and Restoring the Sacred Purpose: Protecting and Restoring the Sacred Description: Our Indigenous Peoples and allies need are working to rebuild and reunify the Americas and beyond, utilizing the Guiding Principles of The Fourth Way. Primary Contact: Hereditary Chief Philip Nathan Lane Jr. PO Box 75028 Surrey, British Columbia Canada V4A0B1 (1) 604 542-8991 (1) (604) 812-5434 / (1) (604) 542-8994 [email protected] / [email protected] Skype Name: plane1234 1. We have the ancient prophecies and a clear vision of an emerging future of social justice and collective prosperity for the Americas, and beyond, which we will, as promised, co-create with all members of the Human Family. This new era will occur assure as the sun rises every morning. 2. We have a spiritual foundation of guiding principles and values that empowered us to survive a great spiritual winter that was filled, at times, with the utmost human cruelty, violence, injustice, abuse, and physical and cultural genocide. In spite of this, throughout the Americas, increasingly, our Indigenous relatives are reawakening to their spiritual and cultural identities and are healing their Sacred Relationships with all members of the Human Family. Secondary Contact: Ms. Rebecca Tobias 1240 Shavington Street North Vancouver, Canada V7L 1L2 (1) 310 916 8888 [email protected] Skype Name: rebecca.tobias URI Vancouver CC 3. Together, with our allies, we have the cultural, spiritual, scientific, technological, social, environmental, economic and agricultural capacities and wisdom needed to co-create and rebuild our Tribes and Nations stronger than ever before. Purpose: To carry out the work of the URI in Vancouver. Description: We have held a 12 hour vigil observing International Day of Peace each year for the past four years. One of the highlights this year was a Earth Healing Ritual created by one of the members of Interfaith Community Church. 4. Our Indigenous Peoples, with the support of our allies, have the collective material resources to bring our greatest dreams and visions to reality and to fully protect and heal our Beloved Mother. Collectively our growing social capital, our land base, our natural resources, including water, petroleum, natural gas, timber, rare minerals and gems, fishing and hunting rights and those rights and resources we have still to justly acquire, will soon enable us to become a major economic and spiritual force not only in the Americas, Primary Contact: Contact: Barry F. H. Cooke 305 41st Ave. West Vancouver, British Columbia V5Y 2S5 Canada (1) 604-321-1302 [email protected] 198 Purpose: We seek to be faithful stewards of God's Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. This ministry intends to protect the earth's ecosystems, safeguard public health, and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all. UNITED STATES BALTIMORE URI of Greater Baltimore Bal timore Purpose: To promote peace, justice, healing, and interfaith cooperation in the city of Baltimore. Description: We have hosted several Interfaith Dialogues in collaboration with groups in our wider community with a local veteran’s return and community healing organization (Soldier’s Heart Seattle); and the Islamic Educational Center of Seattle (IECS.) Description: We meet on the third Tuesday of every month for fellowship, and then have a special program. The individual, interfaith relationships that develop as well as the opportunity to learn about and appreciate the religious orientations of others are very valuable. There has been a constant effort by active members to make the URI cause known to the community through a variety of contacts. We emphasize the search to understand the similarities and differences between other religions and one's own, especially in terms of the distinctions between eternal beliefs vs. cultural beliefs as well as the essence of a religion vs. erroneous expressions of the religion. We also coordinate monthly mailings to promote our next meeting, summarize the last meeting and announce related news. After five years of monthly meetings which featured guest presenters from various faiths, members now promote URI among other area groups and send newsletters when appropriate. Primary Contact: Contact: Rachel Medema 220 Montgomery St., Ste. 450 San Francisco CA 94104 United States +1 (415) 391-4214 [email protected] Culver City Area Interfaith Interfaith Alliance CC Purpose: Our purpose is to promote the exercise of faith and practice of religion in Culver City, California and adjacent areas; to cultivate a friendly cooperative and synergistic relationship between the city's government and religious communities to build partnerships among the religious congregations to develop affective ministries for Culver City residents; and to work together for the benefit of the total community without compromising doctrinal values or beliefs. Primary Contact: Contact: David W. Cammack Fairhaven C-31 7200 3rd Avenue Sykesville MD 21784 United States (1) 410-448-3631 (1) 410-552-9475 / (1) 410-539-8665 Description: Following some incidents of gang related violence at the high school in 1998, the City Council of Culver City, at the suggestion of Council member Al Vera and others thought it would be a good idea if the spiritual leaders of the community were summoned together to discuss ways that these problems could be addressed. Specifically, the City wanted to know if the houses of worship might be able to help by CALIFORNIA California Interfaith Power and Light CC 199 International essay contest since 2007 for two groups in different age brackets: under 18 years old, and between 19-25 years old. In their essay they respond to the following question: ""Please describe how your religious or philosophical beliefs about this world manifest in your behavior to bring about peace and harmony in this conflict-torn world, and promote respect and acceptance of people who have a belief system different than yours."" Each group's winners receive $500 for first prize, $300 for second prize, and $100 for third prize. providing after school care - safe spaces where children could go after school until their parents returned home from work. Several programs were started. In addition, our CC hosts events on various discussion topics from the point of view of their various faiths traditions for example charity, fasting, conversion, etc. We also collaborate with other organizations who are producing events which we also support, for example: Peace Sundays and a Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Celebration. Primary Contact: Contact: Jahan Stanizai 9429 Beverlywood Street Los Angeles, CA 90034 United States (310) 467-3337 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Raman Kular 5570 Newfields Lane Dublin, CA 94568 United States (559) 618-1966 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Sura Das 9701 Venice Blvd. #1 Los Angeles, CA 90034 United States (310) 204-0799 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Joty Sikand 5570 Newfields Lane Dublin, CA 94568 United States 1 (510) 304-3643 [email protected] Ik Onkar Peace Foundation Interfaith Center at the Presidio CC Purpose: Our purpose is to promote personal growth toward Divine Consciousness within and in relationship to on another, seeking harmony in the world. It strives to promote peaceful conflict resolution, encourage economic and social justice, preserve planetary beauty and resources, and work toward peace. Purpose: Our purpose is to welcome, serve, and celebrate the diverse faith trditions and spiritual wisdom of the Bay Area. Description: In 1995, the Interfaith Center at the Presidio was incorporated as a nonprofit organization devoted to interfaith dialogue, collaboration, friendship, education, and service. Representatives from seventeen Bay Area interfaith organizations elect a board whose mission is to welcome, serve, and celebrate the diverse spiritual wisdom and faith traditions of the Bay Area. The Center cares for and operates the Main Post Chapel in the Presidio of San Francisco, California. More than 1,000 events a year are hosted at the Chapel - worship services, weddings, Description: The name of this CC comes from the Punjabi words, Ik - One, and Onkar, meaning the Creator manifests Its Self in Its Creation, which is the foundation of Sikh practice. Our members include multigenerational people from the Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish and Bahai faiths. We feed homeless people during Christmas times. We have also held a yearly 200 concerts, retreats, and ecumenical, interfaith gatherings. The Center is largely selfsustaining. The Center is developing an academy for clergy, seminarians, and lay leaders focused on respect, friendship, and collaborative relationships among diverse faith communities. Walnut Creek CA 94597 United States 1 (925) 933-6030 1 (925)933-6030 1 (925) 825-7256 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Susan Strouse PO Box 29055 San Francisco, CA 94129 United States 1 (415) 775-4635 1 (415) 317-4093 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Margaretmary B. Staller 4821 Wolf Way Concord, CA 94521 United States (1) 925-682-3021 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Sandi Pilon PO Box 29055 San Francisco, CA 94129 United States (415) 775-4635 [email protected] Interfaith Millennium Development Goal Coalition CC Purpose: To use legislative advocacy and education to encourage US commitment to 7% of national income for MDGs. Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County CC Description: We have 20 members who meet monthly to work with 56 organizations involved in planning the One Voice of Faith conference coming up April 20-21, 2010, addressing global poverty and hunger. Purpose: Our purpose is to seek a deeper understanding and nourishment of the value of human life, especially as fed by our diverse spiritual foundations. We believe our openness and commitment to human dignity will lead to cooperation, reconciliation and transformation. Primary Contact Contact: act: Michael Duffy [email protected] Description: We gather congregations and individuals, lift up minority religious voices, advocate for communities of faith and the poor, publish a newsletter, sponsor juvenile detention and nursing home ministries, oversee health and social justice arms, lead public commemorative and educational events, encourage regional common good will, and interface with public officials. Secondary Contact: Contact: George Wesolek Archdiocese of San Francisco One Peter Yorke Way San Francisco, CA 94109 United States 1 (415) 614-5572 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Brian Stein-Webber 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue 201 environmental exhibits and workshops. Our main focus now is global warming. We educate and empower people to do what they can for the environment. Each board member has a special interest and leads their efforts in those areas. Our programs include: toxics in home and yard, how to start enviro ministry in church, basic stewardship things individuals can do, creation spirituality, energy issues, and transportation alternatives. Marin Interfaith Interfaith Council CC Purpose: Our purpose is to celebrate faith traditions and advocate justice and building community. Description: We address the social justice issues of poverty and the impact of a lack of healthcare for children. We hold forums with local clergy and civic leaders for open discussions, and create spaces for faith leaders to gather and engage in a featured topic - to sit, walk, pray, meditate, and to be present with a diverse gathering of colleagues. We also have day-long retreats four times a year, and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the National Day of Prayer. Primary Contact: Contact: Deborah Strunk PO Box 7241 Orange, CA 92863 United States 1 (714) 809-6166 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Carol M. Hovis 1510 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 United States 1 (415) 456-6959 1 (415) 456-6957 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Margaret Henke P. O. Box 555 Tustin CA 92781 United States 1 (714) 731-6775 1 (714) 321-3502 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Allison Hedley 1510 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 United States 1 (415) 456-6957 [email protected] Peace Prayer CC Purpose: Our purpose is to gather persons from all traditions and faiths to pray and work together for peace. Description: Our primary focus is on prayer, meditation, and discussion on peace when we meet each Tuesday at noon. Our second area of focus is on collaboration with others to promote peace, understanding, and cooperation among persons of all faiths. Each year we participate in the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service and Religious Understanding Day coordinated by our local Interfaith Council and Community College. We provide peace literature and prayers from many faith traditions at these and other community gatherings. Orange County Interfaith Coalition for the Environment OCICE Purpose: Our purpose is to educate, raise awareness, and empower people to actively protect and preserve creation through responsible stewardship. Description: We represent many different faith traditions; all of whom have a passion for protecting our earth home. One highlight is the Caring for Creation conference held annually in October, which features 202 Rita R. Semel Interfaith Center at the Presidio PO Box 29055 San FranciscoCA 94129 United States 1 (415) 474-1321 1 (415) 673-2190 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Michael Madrigal P.O. Box 191 San Jacinto, CA 92581 United States 1 (951) 654-2086 1 (951) 654-2432 1 (951) 970- 1370 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Marianna Torrano PO Box 908 San Jacinto, CA 92581 United States 1 (951) 654-2086 1 (951) 654-7899 [email protected] SARAH Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope Purpose: Our purpose is to empower the community, learn from each other, and enlighten one another and to create a culture of peace. Description: We were established as a group of interfaith women committed to making a difference in our community. We have created a group where we can discuss and expand our experiences of women's spirituality in the home, community, and the world. We want to learn about one another's cultural and spiritual foundations in order to enrich our own lives, and together improve our community. We can learn all of this from each other through dialogue, community service, guest speakers, and book discussions. We know that collaboration is essential to creating miracles and, like a good parent empowers her children, so do we empower the community to make a real difference towards peace and understanding. San Francisco Interfaith Council CC Purpose: Our purpose is to bring people together to build understanding, serve our community, and celebrate our diverse faiths and spiritual traditions. Description: SFIC provides a wide variety of programs in the San Francisco area. An Interfaith Winter Shelter Program is being coordinated from the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving until late February thanks to many of the leaders in the community and congregations that have provided meals, has emerged as one of San Francisco’s premier shelter programs which last year provided over 8,900 meals and shelter beds to homeless men in the City. Primary Contact: Contact: Sande Hart 34 Berlamo Ranch Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 United States 1 (949) 584-7841 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Michael Pappas Interfaith Center at the Presidio PO Box 29055 San Francisco, CA 94129 United States 1 (415) 474-1321 1 (415) 425-9631 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Theresa Barnett 34 Berlamo Ranch Secondary Contact: Contact: 203 Description: Description: The Coalition of Welcoming Congregations (CWC) helps congregations to bring spirituality out of the closet by encouraging them to engage the “best practices” of inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and questioning individuals into their spiritual communities. Also to engage in what we call “sacred activism” which is to take their spiritual convictions for social justice/public witness outside the walls of their meeting space. In 2010, the CWC hosted two media training sessions for clergy and lay leaders to be spokespersons for marriage equality on the campus of Pacific School of Religion on January 21-22 and advanced sessions April 29-30. The CWC hosted a LGBT/Mormon dialogue at the Berkeley Ward of the LDS church with four LGBT couples who answered the question “Why Marriage Matters.” A total of 75 people, mostly Mormons, attended the event. In conjunction with California Faith for Equality, CWC was able to craft talking points for progressive clergy and religious leaders to use in their congregations the day of the worship following the CA Supreme Court decision to uphold Proposition 8. Proudly, CFE has asked CWC to use the talking points we have crafted with congregations statewide for the “Sunday After” following the federal court case of “Perry vs. Schwarzenegger.” Santa Margarita, CA 92688 United States (1) 949-635-0279 (1) 949-584-7841 [email protected] Spiritual Alliance for the Earth CC (S.A.F.E.) Purpose: To form an interfaith, spiritually focused ecology movement that allows people from different traditions to find a common cause in caring for creation. Description: S.A.F.E. hosts an interfaith ceremony and environmental fair to honor and bless the environment each year on Earth Day. Currently, SAFE is working with other URI CCs and local environmental groups to create a conference around the growing world water crisis, bringing to together faith traditions, environmental activists, government, business, youth, and more to discover how local engagement and collaboration can lead to global change. Primary Contact: Contact: Donald Frew 1145 Cedar St. Berkeley, CA 94702 United States (1) 510-524-2078 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Roland Stringfellow 77 Fairmount Ave. Apt. 320 Oakland, CA 94611 United States (510) 849-8934 (260) 515-6943 [email protected] The Coalition of Welcoming Congregations of the Bay Area Purpose: Our CC brings together religious leaders, LGBT people of faith and their allies from a wide range of religious traditions in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area to form a progressive, effective and media-savvy voice on matters relating to sexuality and religion, homophobia, and the enfranchisement of LGBT people within society as a whole. Secondary Contact: Contact: Nancy M. Bacon 1798 Scenic Avenue Apartment 519 Berkeley CA 94709 United States (661) 900-5536 [email protected] 204 1 (310) 390-5220 [email protected] The Interfaith Experience CC Purpose: Our purpose is to further interfaith bridge building and cooperation. URI Global Support Staff Deepening the Journey Primary Contact: Contact: David S. Thompson 2212 K. Street Sacramento, CA 95816 United States (916) 254-8243 (916) 447-2712 [email protected] Purpose: To deepen our understanding and experience of diverse religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions and to ground our work in the URI Preamble, Purpose and Principles. Secondary Contact: Contact: Judy Tyzzer 848 Swanston Drive Sacramento, CA 95818 United States (916) 254-8243 (916) 446-8991 (916) 719-9885 [email protected] Description: As a group supporting the URI Global Office, it is important that we deepen our journey and understand all that we do and why. We invite in different faith traditions to learn and participate in their ceremonies. Primary Contact: Contact: Kay Markham P.O. Box 29242 San Francisco, CA 94129 United States 1 (415) 561-2300 [email protected] U nity and Diversity World Council CC Purpose: Our purpose is to establish and sustain a local-to-global cooperating body of individuals, groups, and networks for the pursuit of peace, justice, and an environmentally sustainable civilization for all races, cultures, and religions based on universal ethical and spiritual values. URI of the Monterey Monterey Peninsula CC Purpose: Our purpose is to create a local community of individuals from diverse faiths and spiritual traditions who will meet to build friendship and foster education, understanding and appreciation for one another's religious and spiritual traditions. Primary Contact: Contact: Leland Stewart PO Box 661401 Los Angeles, CA 90066-9201 United States 1 (310) 391-5735 [email protected] Description: We, the ladies of Monterey Peninsula, meet often to have tea and to discuss any issues we want. Primary Contact: Contact: Hajjia Katharina Harlow P.O. Box 51817 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 United States (1) 831-372-1118 (1) 408-625-0235 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Roger Eaton 355 Serrano Drive, Apt 4F San Francisco, CA 94132 United States 205 World’s Religions - now an alliance organization only) which, in 2011 has decentralized into regional groups. Our current WICPWR membership is mostly comprised of board members of that previous entity. During it’s time (approx. 5 years) SCCPWR was involved in creating many local interfaith events and Pre-Parliament of the World’s Religions events. As a “new” group we are now developing different projects. Currently some of our committees are youth, the arts and a jail ministry. We also organized a most successful Sound of Peace Singing Bowls Concert earlier this year. Other than planning our own events at this time, we actively support and co-sponsor other organizations events. We have several members who are ordained ministers of various traditions. URI San Francisco Peninsula CC Purpose: To educate about matters of social concern; to act, listen, share thoughts, and reinforce personal beliefs. Description: The primary way we contribute to URI's purpose is by sharing each member's faith with other members. Any questions may be asked of the faith presenter, and all members respect each other's beliefs and practices. Primary Contact: Contact: Margaret J. Jones 62 Crystal Springs Road San Mateo, CA 94402 United States (1) 650-401-6828 (1) 423-349-6119 (1) 423-773-3204 [email protected] Primary Contact: Debrah Daya Friedland Van Zyl 1448 Berkeley Street: # B Santa Monica, CA 90404 United States (1) 310 453 2101 (1) 310 526 1492 [email protected] [email protected] Skype Name: debrahvanzyl155 Secondary Contact: Contact: Oscar E. Koechlin 1214 Shafter Street San MateoCA 94402 United States 1 (650) 345-4826 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Linda Groff 8160 Manitoba ST # 315 Playa del Rey, CA 90293-8640 United States (1) 310 – 890-7976 [email protected] Westside Interfaith Council For a Parliament of World’s Religions (WICPWR) Purpose: To be a bridge between our Parliament group in our local (Los Angeles/So Cal) community with URI and other interfaith communities and to model interfaith cooperation supporting each others projects and initiatives. As a URI CC, we also want to participate and share ideas with other CC’s and the URI global network. Women's Interfaith Circle of Service Purpose: Our purpose is to provide a positive and respectful interfaith forum and to respect one another's service projects. Description: WICPWR (Westside Interfaith Council for a Parliament of World’s Religion) is an offshoot of the original SCCPWR (Southern CA Committee for a Parliament of Description: The Women's Interfaith Circle of Service is composed of women representing various service groups affiliated with different religions. The Interfaith Circle 206 1 (415) 342-2650 [email protected] provides a respectable forum for the sharing each group's religious ideas and offers voluntarily support to each group's service project. We have activities two to three times a month which include seminars, retreats, and conferences for greater learning, and for good. We sponsor fundraising for the Schools for Africa project among others. Secondary Contact: Contact: Eileen Barker 20 Sunnyside Avenue, Ste A-268 Mill Valley, CA 94941 United States 1 (415) 459-7274 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Tomiko Nojima 307 Zagora Drive Danville, CA 94506 United States 1 (925) 736-3321 1 (925) 984-1314 [email protected] COLORADO Interfaith Council at Stapleton Purpose: Our mission is to encourage awareness of spiritual dimension of people and to enhance the development of and education about various religious faiths in the Denver Community, specifically in the Stapleton redevelopment area, by promoting dialogue and discussion between the various religious faiths in a safe and neutral environment. Secondary Contact: Contact: Pat Fleischman 280 Caralsbad Court San Rafael, CA 94903 United States 1 (415) 472-2418 [email protected] Description: Our 15 members meet on the second Wednesday of every month to do the Trilog Interfaith workshop, and for the past three years we have participated in the Science and Spirituality Conference where we explored the convergence of spirituality and science. W orldwide Forgiveness Alliance CC Purpose: Our purpose is to globalize the healing spirit of forgiveness. Description: We are working on holding forgiveness workshops with chemically dependent women; and collaborating with Community Action Marin on a program for the homeless and mentally ill; and on a fundraising concert for foster children. Setting up an International Forgiveness Day to be held the first Sunday of every August. We have 45 volunteers working annually on Forgiveness Day, and a core team of 20 in the CC. Visit Primary Contact: Contact: John Denker 6530 Upham Street Arvada, CO 80103 United States 1 (303) 421-6799 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Peggy Yujiri 3582 Allison St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 United States 1 (303) 422-2676 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Robert Plath 20 Sunnyside Avenue, Ste A-268 Mill Valley, CA 94941 United States 1 (415) 381-3372 207 classrooms, community cecenters and extracurricular youth programming. Likewise, we will continue to bring Encounter Point and accompanying Arabic Screening Guide to villages, refugee camps and community centers in Palestinian Society. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Just Vision CC Purpose: Our purpose is to inform local and international audiences about underdocumented Palestinian- Israeli civilian efforts to resolve the conflict non-violently. Using media and educational tools, we seek to raise awareness and expose Israelis, Palestinian, broader Arab and American audiences to non-violent civic peacebuilders from both sides of the conflict who are working together to foster understanding and trust. Through education we seek to inspire those who are not yet involved to explore and take part in the range of sectors in which conflict resolution work is happening. Primary Contact: Contact: Ronit Avni 1616 P Street NW, Ste 340 Washington, DC 20036 United States (1) 202-232-6821 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Nadav Greenberg 1216 P Street NW, Suite 340 Washington, DC 20036 United States 1 (202) 232-6821 [email protected] Description: We are currently reconceptualizing and redesigning our website to include new areas of functionality, as well as a Learning Center, a Media Center, a Press Section, a revamped Homepage and What You can Do section. Our aim is to make all of our media as accessible as possible to journalists, educators and community leaders in order to broaden awareness about Israeli and Palestinian peace workers. Just Vision is also producing a timely and powerful new film, Buldrus Has a Hammer (working title): A Palestinian Community organizer unites all Palestinian Political factions along with Israelis in a Gandhian struggle to save his village, unleashing a non violent movement that is gaining ground today. Finally, new educational and training initiatives are also underway. In the U.S., we are focusing our outreach on four target cities with large concentration of Arab, Jewish and Muslim communities (Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago and Detroit) where we are introducing facilitators, teachers, youth organizers and interfaith leaders to our materials, including our classroom and community screening guides, website and films. We will continue to conduct outreach to ensure that Encounter Point and an accompanying Hebrew Classroom Screening Guide are incorporated into Israeli FLORIDA Center for Religious Tolerance Purpose: Our purpose is to promote peace and harmony through spiritually-based interfaith activities in the Middle East and in the United States. Description: In support of interfaith work with Palestine and Israel, the Women's Empowerment group meets once or twice a month to explore the role of women in the healing of nations. We have projects that include food drives for the hungry, Grandparents Day in senior care centers, and support for issues such as racial hate crimes. We are looking to expand to other areas like Miami beyond our local community in Sarasota, Florida. 208 Primary Contact: Contact: Andrea Blanch 520 Ralph Street SarasotaFL 34242 United States (1) 941-312-9795 [email protected] ILLINOIS Euphrates Cooperation Circle Purpose: Our purpose is to improve relations between the Middle East and West by providing educational, cultural and interpersonal dialogue and programming which focuses on what unites us rather than divides us. Euphrates' purpose is to provide fresh views and accurate information to begin to build a movement of North Americans who are better informed about the Middle East and the common ground that exists between the three Abrahamic monotheistic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Secondary Contact: Contact: Robin Saenger 36 Ada St Tarpon Springs FL 34689 United States (1) 727-934-2379 [email protected] Description: Euphrates currently operates in four main areas: A) Travel Study Program Euphrates is partnering with the Center for Ecological Living and Learning (CELL) ( to offer its first student abroad program to the Middle East. The Winter 2011 program focuses on a theme of sustainability and peace building. The group will explore the work of various organizations in Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan, and will be introduced to practical peace building efforts, as well as environmental sustainability initiatives, some of which involve cooperative efforts across borders and cultural boundaries that are taking place presently in the region. B.) Student Fellowships & “Campus Base” Program Euphrates is partnering with Principia College ( and working with undergraduate student Fellows in our think tank, research branch. Euphrates’ Student Fellowship program calls upon undergraduates to achieve a baseline understanding of important players in the Middle East, to look beyond headlines and politically motivated arguments, and to make connections between their own lives and the Middle East. They’ll also gain opportunities and skills to respond to this region’s needs through actions such as publishing and making connections with others in their communities. C.) Media activities Kashi Foundation CC Purpose: Our purpose is to awaken a radical awareness about one's spiritual self and the issues that face the world today. Description: We are an interfaith spiritual community of long duration. Among our many practices is the teaching of yoga. We recently created a separate non-profit named By the River which demonstrates care for seniors who are living below the poverty level. Primary Contact: Contact: Anjani Cirillo 11155 Roseland Road, #10 Sebastian FL 32958 United States 1 (772) 589-1403 ext 112 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Mohan Das 11155 Roseland Road, #10 Sebastian, FL 32958 United States 1 (772) 589-1403 ext 106 [email protected] 209 (documentary, video shorts) - On the 6th anniversary of the U.S. invasion, Euphrates filmed interviews with top-evel Iraqi government officials about political evolution and covered street scenes and conversations that provided viewers with a taste of Baghdad in March 2009. Filming will continue in the future. Short films are also being created by the Euphrates student Design Team, both for promotional and educational purposes, and these will be made available as a resource on the web. D.) 9/11 Summit - Euphrates Institute and Principia College’s George A. Andrews Distinguished Speaker Series will host Transforming the 9/11 Era. This gathering is the first of its kind in the US Midwest. The event will bring together leaders in the areas of religion, politics and environmental sustainability who are working concordantly on relevant issues in the Middle East from a place of common purpose, humanity and compassion. The summit, intended to “inform, inspire, and transform,” will take place September 9–11, 2011, in Elsah, Illinois on the Principia College Campus, and will also introduce its attendees to the relevance and significance of the upcoming UN International Day of Peace taking place just days after our program. We also aspire to take full advantage of our unique position here in the Midwest to introduce North Americans to the enriching possibilities found through interfaith and intercultural exchange. We want to establish ourselves as an interactive community resource for those seeking better information, and to offer the opportunity for dialogue and education which highlights the importance of interfaith cooperation both here and in the Middle East. Being a Cooperation Circle of URI will serve to broaden this opportunity for those in the Midwest who at present may not yet have experienced interfaith dialogue, while also encouraging those already engaging with their communities. United States (1) 618-374-5454 (1) 201-378-3524 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Hillary Austin 4464 Russel Blvrd, 3w St. Louis, Missouri 63110 United States (1) 618-374-5454 (1) 216-513-0182 [email protected] INDIANA Muncie Interfaith Fellowship Fellow ship Purpose: Our purpose is to foster understanding between religious faiths and serve as an opportunity for people from different religious traditions to share and appreciate each other's teachings while working together for the good of the Muncie community. Description: The Muncie Interfaith Fellowship is an existing group that has been going strong for a number of years. In addition to a monthly dialogue group that attracts a core of 10-20 people, we hold larger public interfaith events drawing hundreds of people, such as 9/11 commemorative services, Thanksgiving events, interfaith dinners, events honoring the International Day of Peace, and fundraisers for the local food pantry. We try to get two people from each tradition to represent the fellowship in their own places of worship, and to be a liaison. We have a weekly radio show on a local station. Archives are available at Primary Contact: Contact: George Wolfe 3304 W. Ethel Ave. Muncie, IN 47304 Primary Contact: Contact: Janessa Gans Wilder Euphrates Institute, I Maybeck PIace Elsah, IL 62028 210 4046 Windhurst Court Lilburn, GA 30047 United States 1 (404) 374-1162 1 (678) 613-6739 [email protected] United States 1 (765) 285-5418 1 (765) 284-1195 1 (765) 717-3978 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Susan I. Magrath 3304 W Ethel Avenue Muncie, IN 47304 United States 1 (765) 748-8851 [email protected] MISSOURI Raoul Wallenberg Wallen berg Institute of Ethics CC Purpose: The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics designs and facilitates interfaith and inter-cultural programming that serves to foster a culture of peace. Its humanitarian programs are aimed at community building and the resolution of conflicts based on the foundational values of equity, justice, compassion and mutual respect. MARYLAND Spirit of Truth Foundation CC Purpose: Our purpose is to build upon the foundation we have laid to continue to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation (and intercultural cooperation), to end religiously motivated violence (and violence of any kind) and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Description: The three major projects and programs that we are involved in are community building through Internet dialogue projects; Golden Rule and ethics education programming for youth and adults; and the study and facilitation of interpersonal and group methods of conflict resolution and reconciliation. Description: The Spirit of Truth Foundation (STF) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization founded in 1991. The STF expands the paradigm for leadership development through the implementation of programs and services that expose our local communities to an expanded worldview through the facilitation of interfaith, intergenerational, and intercultural dialogues and programs. Primary Contact: Contact: Rebecca Gonzales-Tobias 13413 Pardissi Court Maryland Heights, MO 63146 United States (1) 310-916-8888 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Michael A. Ware 3604 Skip Jack Court Abingdon, MD 21009 United States (1) 443-423-9066 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Roger Eaton 355 Serrano Drive, Apt 4F San Francisco, CA 94132 United States (1) 415-933-0153 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Audri S. Williams 211 with the idea that they are seen as part of a collective group. NEVADA Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada Description: Description We began with A World Alliance of Interfaith Clergy and developed its mission and purpose to become the home and support network of interfaith clergy. We have developed partnerships with several ministries and organizations. Upon developing a relationship with URI at the Parliament of Worlds Religion’s (P.W.R.) in Barcelona and Melbourne, URI’s CC model seemed to be a natural fit for A World Alliance’s concept of spiritual activism. From this concept, IGCC was formed within A World Alliance. A steering committee was formed in 2010with representatives from our diverse groups to form our first CC. Purpose: Purpose: To facilitate the unity of the interfaith community. Description: The highlight of our work now is a youth camp called Camp Anytown. We bring 70-80 kids together twice a year for four days and take them through a process of self understanding, looking at their biases, etc. All ethnicities, income levels, and cultures are welcome to attend. ICSN works with school districts to advertise the program to counselors and kids. Kids also come from neighboring schools/camps for troubled youth. This is major program in our local community. We have a curriculum and DVD. Another highlight was the ICSN sponsorship of the URI/NAIN meeting in Las Vegas in 2004. One great part of the meeting was the feast put on by the Muslims with dancing and poetry and drumming from the different Muslim countries, so the various Muslim ethnicities and cultures were shared. Primary Contact Contact: act: Robert W. Hrasna 108 Mt. Tabor Way, Apartment 1 Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 United States (732) 604-1856 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Karen Boyett PO Box 73070 Las Vegas, NV 89170 United States (1) 702-321-1160 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Claudia Roblee 423 Mill Pond Lane Brighton, MI 48116 United States (810) 599-3946 [email protected] NEW JERSEY NEW YORK The Interfaith Gateway Gatew ay Cooperation Circle Mid Hudson Valley URI CC Purpose: Our vision is to provide an allembracing community of members of all wisdom traditions in the Hudson Valley region. Purpose: Our purpose is to promote the ministries of spiritual leaders in their activism using an Interfaith Model. IGCC will do this by providing resources and mentoring for Spiritual Leaders. It is the intention of the IGCC to help form and build other Interfaith Clergy-based Cooperation Circles (CC's), Description: We work to support interfaith dialogue in the Hudson Valley Region through a variety of interfaith events and through networking with existing religious 212 [email protected] organizations to make them aware of URI and its goals. Secondary Contact: Contact: Deborah Moldow 251-B Heritage Hills Somers, NY 10589 United States 1 (914) 669-0133 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Betsy G. Stang 17 Jonet Lane Bearsville, NY 12409 United States (1) 845-679-2331 (1) 845-679-6347 (1) 845-679-9764 [email protected] URI of New York CC Secondary Contact: Contact: James Davis 17 Jonet Lane Bearsville, NY 12409 United States (1) 845-339-8226 [email protected] Purpose: Our purpose is to further the purpose, principles, and charter of the URI in New York City and to create interfaith dialogue in the wake of the September 11th tragedy. Primary Contact: Contact: Betsy G. Stang 17 Jonet Lane Bearsville NY 12409 United States (1) 845-679-6347 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Ilfra Halley 02 Pine Street West Hurley, NY 12491 United States 1 (845) 679-0353 [email protected] Unity Made Visible, a Cooperation Circle of the URI Purpose: To create opportunities for education, dialogue, and community among people of all beliefs. Description: In an initial program, leaders from Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities presented their perspective on customs and practices of prayer in a program which attracted 200 people. Musicians from each tradition presented the role and context of music in prayer services, and the event concluded with a sharing of food from the different backgrounds. Since then, smaller groups have gathered around specific interests within our CC, specifically music, sports, food, learning and peace pole dedications. Women Wom en Transcending Boundaries Purpose: Women transcending Boundaries is an equalitarian community of women from many faiths and cultural traditions. Through programs, events and social interaction we seek to nurture mutual respect and understanding through education and service. Description: Our recent highlights include international dinners, a Tent of Abraham Walk, a Tapestry Garden and a county wide endeavor called A-OK! Acts of Kindness weekend (September 9/11) to build community through service projects. Please visit for more information. Primary Contact: Contact: Paul D. Storfer 14 Pine Road Bedford Hills, NY 10507-2108 United States 1 (914) 729-6333 213 Primary Contact: Contact: Danya M. Wellmon 201 Butternut Dr. Syracuse, NY 13214 United States (315) 446-7156 (315) 430-3092 [email protected] Pat Moore 1571 Queens Road West Charlotte, NC 28207 United States (1) 704-333-9054 (1) 704-332-1546 (1) 704-333-9054 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Gay Montague 7546 Marble DR Liverpool, NY 13088 United States (315) 415-0734 [email protected] URI of Henderson County, NC Purpose: Our purpose is to promote peace in our community by promoting understanding among the religions present in Henderson County as well as promoting peace inwardly, locally, and globally and to be a sign of peace in our community and world. NORTH CAROLINA Description: We have been discussing ways to bring healing to places that have experienced religiously motivated violence through initiating concentrated meditation practice at these site locations. United Religions of Charlotte CC Purpose: Our purpose is to learn effective methods of cultural cooperation; to honor and appreciate the religious traditions of all; to demonstrate values of tolerance and fairness; and to promote peace and understanding through developing trust relationships, education, and advocacy. Primary Contact: Contact: Ronnie Pepper 222 Leverette Drive Hendersonville, NC 28791 United States 1 (828) 692-3344 [email protected] Description: We meet monthly and recently have been studying Non-Violent Communication, A Language of Life, by Marshall Rosenberg. For eight years we joined many others around the world and other organizations in our community in a celebration of United Nations International Peace Day. SOUTH CAROLINA Interfaith Forum of Greenville Purpose: The Interfaith Forum of Greenville is a non-discriminatory coalition of faith communities and individuals that promotes religious freedom and interfaith dialogue. Its primary purpose is to build understanding, respect and cooperation among the various religious groups in our community, our region, our nation and our world. Primary Contact: Contact: John K. Moore 1571 Queens Road West Charlotte, NC 28207 United States 1 (704) 333-9054 1 (704) 332-1546 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Laurie Rovin 104 Longstreet Drive Secondary Contact: Contact: 214 Jonesborough, TN 37659 United States 1 (423) 349-6119 / 1 (423) 773-3204 [email protected] Greer, SC 29650 United States 1 (864) 467-3650 1 (864) 242-9100 1 (864) 630-9617 [email protected] TEXAS Secondary Contact: Contact: Tony McDade 1100 S Main St Greenville, SC 29601 United States 1 (864) 271-3424 [email protected] Rothko Chapel CC Purpose: The Chapel has two vocations: contemplation and action. It is a place alive with religions ceremonies of all faiths, and where the experience and understanding of all traditions are encouraged and made available. Action takes form in supporting human rights, and thus the Chapel has become a rallying place for all people concerned with peace, freedom, and social justice throughout the world. TENNESSEE TENNESSEE Northeast Tennessee Chapter URI CC Purpose: Our purpose is to promote awareness, respect, and cooperation among the diverse religions of Northeast Tennessee. Description: The Rothko Chapel is delighted to bring a distinguished roster of outstanding intellectuals, poets, musicians, and journalists to speak and perform during its 2009-2010 season of public programs. The programs include an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service and programs commemorating Human Rights Day and Martin Luther King's Birthday. All programs are free and open to the public. Description: For the past six years, we have held an annual interfaith Thanksgiving dinner called the Gratitude Dinner. This year we had almost 90 people in attendance of the Hindu, Muslim, Wiccan, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and Native American faiths and traditions. We danced the Dance of Universal Peace with joy and wonderment of all that is. We have met three times with Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist people for discussion, mutual learning and knowledge. Primary Contact: Contact: Emilee M. Whitehurst 1409 Sul Ross Houston, TX 77006 United States 1 (713) 524-9839 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Jacqueline Luck Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church PO Box 8383 Johnson City, TN 37615 United States 1 (423) 477-7661 1 (423) 677-8710 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Suna Umari 1409 Sul Ross Houston, TX 77006 United States (1) 713-524-9839 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Janet "Sam" Jones 152 Booher Rd 215 Unity PeaceMakers/Houston Interfaith Forum CC UTAH Utah CC Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the greater Houston Interfaith community by promoting deepened mutual understanding, harmony, and peace. Purpose: Our purpose is to provide an interfaith center for celebration, learning and healing. Description: In existence since 2002, UPM/HIF provides a variety of programs on inner and outer peace and interfaith cooperation. Our major events in 2009 included a series of classes on the Wisdom of Gandhi, a Language of Peace Dinner, Concert and Global Café at a local health food market, sponsorship of Dialogue Racism and speakers on topics such as Nonviolent Communication, 10,000 Villages and the United Nations International Day of Peace. In addition, we support the activities of other interfaith groups such as the Gandhi Library, the Institute of Interfaith Dialogue, the Boniuk Center for Religious Tolerance, Interfaith Ministries and the Amazing Faiths Dinner Dialogues. More information is available at the web site: Description: In 2009, the Utah URI CC held a benefit for Uganda to raise funds for the children, which were sent to Father Centurio Olaboro to purchase land for planting crops. They have since had a good harvest and it is now in its second growing season. We also bonded with St Olafs Catholic Church in Bountiful, Utah where Father Olaboro spoke, resulting in a donation of $1000 for Uganda. The Temple of Understanding in New York has also giving us money for Father Oloboro, as well as the Interethnic Health Alliance, and Engineers Without Borders. These groups have been to Brianna Mary Hill Orphanage to build a new classroom in Uganda, and have also have set up solar power for two other schools. A third grade teacher and her class donated enough funds to enable all the children at Father Olaboro's orphanage at Uganda Martyrs Orphans Projects to have mosquito nets, and Bill Oliver from our CC gave the Orphanage the funds for a piano keyboard. Primary Contact: Contact: Ann Clark 2314 Gray Falls Drive Houston, TX 77077 United States 1 (281) 496-5224 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Steve Ritchey 3332 Silver Fork Salt Lake City, UT 84121 United States 1 (216) 965-4301 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Katie Zammito 1 (713) 894-9351 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Marsha Pilgeram 1120 East 400 North Bountiful, UT 84010 United States 1 (801) 298-7496 1 (801) 879-5068 [email protected] 216 Secondary Contact: Contact: Kia Scherr 2610 Adial Road Faber, VA 22938 United States 1 (757) 644-3380 [email protected] VIRGINIA Interfaith In terfaith Cooperation Circle - Central Virginia Purpose: Our purpose is to foster a culture of peace and understanding by creating opportunities for interfaith community, exploration, healing, and celebration. WASHINGTON Description: The Interfaith Cooperation Circle of Central Virginia is still working to fulfill our purpose of fostering a culture of peace and understanding by creating opportunities for interfaith community, exploration, heeling and celebration. To this end, we recently hosted a celebration for the International Day of Peace on the evening of Monday, September 21. The event featured musicians---from an internationally known cellist to a virtuoso banjo player-songs of peace, news of cease-fires, poetry reading, interfaith chanting, a peace-day slide show, and story-telling. It was held at the Unity Church in Charlottesville, VA was cosponsored by several partners: Amnesty International Group 157, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, The Gesher Center, The Harmony Center of the Blue Ridge, LOTUS Center for World Faiths at Yogaville, Synchronicity Foundation, Sojourners (United Church of Christ), United Nations Association - Blue Ridge Chapter, and Unity Church. About 75 people attended, and we raised enough funds for a modest contribution to URI and other efforts for peace and reconciliation. This was our fourth annual Peace Day celebration, and the feedback has been very positive. Interfaith Circle of Love CC Purpose: To create a genuine interfaith community by celebrating diversity, respecting one another and embracing compassion. To evolve into the fullness of being (spirit & potential) through experience, education, worship, dialogue, fellowship, and charitable service. Description: Annually we host a city-wide interfaith prayer and music gathering at a local park (now in our 11th year) followed by a contemplative walk around the lake. This gathering was birthed at the URI 72 Hour Peacebuilding initiative at the turn of the millennium. We have been discussing ways to bring healing to places that have experienced religiously motivated violence through initiating concentrated meditation practice at these site locations. We have held a 12+ hour vigil observing International Day of Peace each year for the past four years. One of the highlights this year was an "Earth Healing Ritual" created by one of the members of Interfaith Community Church. Primary Contact: Contact: Karen Lindquist Interfaith Community Church 1763 NW 62nd St. Seattle, WA 98107 United States (1) 206-222-5270 / (1) 206-406-1453 (1) 206-783-1618 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Ronald Povich 1878 Simms Road Stanardsville, VA 22973 United States 1 (434) 990-4220 [email protected] 217 Secondary Contact: Contact: Jamal Rahman Interfaith Community Church 1763 NW 62nd St. Seattle WA 98107 United States 1 (206) 434-6054 The Interfaith Network of Washington Washington CC Purpose: Our purpose is to support and promote interfaith community understanding, social interaction, and individual spiritual growth through education, service, and celebration. Description: We see a world where all faith traditions and communities are honored, respected and celebrated. Our goals include to discover common ground among faith traditions; understand and respect the differences between faith traditions; build relationships between faith communities; inspire participation in interfaith programs and events; celebrate, enjoy, and learn from one another. Our programs include an annual Thanksgiving event, youth programs, and the World Religion education series. Primary Contact: Contact: Brahmatmananda 2716 Broadway East Seattle, WA 98102 United States 1 (360) 435-6373 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Tony Salvata 2619 39th Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98116 United States (206) 915-8672 [email protected] 218 SEAPAC 34 CCs in 7 countries URI members participate in a peace ritual in Mindanao, where Peace Secretary Deles lights candles with her grand-daughter in February 2011. Pakigdait CC engages Mindanao civilians and military in peace trainings and community development in 2011. SEAPAC Regional Meeting in August 2011. 219 SEAPAC youth at Forum for Youth in Peacebuilding in Manila in August 2011. Seventy youth from Mindanao participated in the 10-session Strengthening Interfaith Youth Leadership training as part of the URI Bowes Award program. Muslim-Christian Youth for Peace and Development CC members wrote prayers for Japan in wake of Tsunami and presented General Secretary of the Japanese Embassy in Manila with Lotus with prayers in March 2011. Around 500 people, mostly youth, gathered in Quezon City on September 21 for an IDP celebration on the theme “Kapayapaan, Ating Karapatan” (Peace is our Right). 220 Description: Our CC has organized a number of different events and activities. We have held a multi-faith concert and multi-faith forum. We hosted a dinner to entertain the Parliament of Religions team and also participated in Multi-faith Week. We have produced a fantastic website and a newsletter that informs Melbournians about many interfaith and multi-faith events that are happening. One of our highlights is the social meetings where we eat together, listen to musical performances by some of our members, and share about our religious heritage and traditions. AUSTRALIA Bumblebee Global Renewal Projects Purpose: To act as a centralized power house of creative ideas, solutions, support systems and structures to assist communities and like minded organizations around the globe who work towards sustainable spiritual wellness and economic renewal. We work towards an end to global hunger and support and develop long term sustainable projects in education, health, agriculture and enterprise that assist our most poor and marginalized citizens at the local, national and global level. Primary Primary Contact: Contact: Jessiee K. Singh 5 James Street, Noble Park Victoria 3174 Australia (61) 39-547-8956 (61) 41-130-0655 [email protected] Description: Description We are currently involved in agricultural education in Nepal, working in design and the early stages of product development in Kenya, sending shipments filled with medical supplies to East Africa, and establishing a central station for support and management of these medical supplies. We are inviting the various members of organizations and communities to join us. Secondary Contact: Contact: Norman Currie [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Pauline M. Crosbie PO Box 263, Olinda Melbourne, Victoria 3799 Australia [email protected] Cultural Infusion CC Purpose: To promote harmony, diversity, inclusiveness and well-being. Secondary Contact: Contact: Anand Shome 7 Harvey Place, Endeavour Hills Melbourne, Victoria 3802 Australia (61) 397-080-254 (61) 422-726-483 Description: Our CC recently directed and produced the opening and closing Melbourne and International Plenary at the 2009 Parliament of the World's Religions. We are actively involved in school programs and have visited 3,000 schools with audiences as big as 300,000. We also produce numerous events across Austrailia for various communities and councils. COMMON Centre of Melbourne Multifaith & Others Network Purpose: Our purpose is unity within diversity. Primary Contact: Contact: Jamel Kaur Dhillon 138 Cromwell Street, Collingwood 3066 Australia 221 ecological issues aimed at healing ourselves and our environment. Through this action, to create opportunities for interfaith friendship and learning. To foster ecological and cultural flourishing through diversity. (61) 3-9412-6666 [email protected] Dya Singh World Music Group Description: We began in August 2008 when a meeting was called for all those of diverse faiths interested in starting an ecologically focused interfaith and spiritual network. Out of this meeting a board was formed. We launched our organization with a three part seminar series on Water with high quality presentations by faith leaders, scientists and political and community speakers. We have established communications with other green oriented faith networks locally, nationally and internationally. We are registered as an incorporated organization. Purpose: To spread peace, harmony, and love amongst all humans through spiritual world music. Description: Our past activities include being invited to do a spiritual (nonIslamic) concert in Dubai under the auspices of the Sikh community there. We were also invited to the official opening of the first Sikh Gurdwara in Dubai in January 2010; the opening and closing ceremonies of the Parliament of World Religions in December 2009; the anniversary of the Sikh holy scriptures being ordained as the final 'Guru' of Sikhism' (5000 Sikh and non-Sikh audience including Prince Charles) in September 2004; opening of first ever Sikh Exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC (invited guests included senators and White House representatives); and various other inter-faith concerts in the USA, UK, Canada, Kenya, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia over the last 18 years. Primary Contact: Elyse J. Rider 13 Manallack St. Brunswick, Victoria 3056 Australia (61) 3-90-770-181 (61) 408-888-334 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Dya Singh No. 5 James Street, Noble Park, Melbourne Victoria 3174 Australia (61) 3-9547-8958 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Freeman Trebilcock 185 Faraday Street Carlton, Victoria 3053 Australia [email protected] InterAction Multifaith Multifaith Youth Network CC GreenFaith Australia Purpose: Building mutually enriching relationships and respect for identity by engaging young people in common action for the common good. Purpose: To bring together people from different faiths in responding holistically in thought, practise, community and spirit to the ecological problems our diverse society is facing. To learn from the wisdom of the faith traditions in responding ethically to our ecological environment. To act practically on Description: We are an incorporated association, registered as a non profit in the 222 state of Victoria. We have a constitution and an elected board. We are doing more than running one-off events. We are helping promote daily interfaith cooperation. Our young people spend time together, get to know one another and then serve together. We are working at universities to get youth from all backgrounds to work together by tending a community garden, running clothing drives, and organizing workshops. We continue to engage young people in interfaith by means of service, linking groups and individuals to make positive change to the community. InterAction ran an event in November last year. We brought together people from all the religious groups at Monash University. They worked together in the community garden, served together, grew food together and then shared a meal together. It was a great way for them to connect, learn about one another, and make friendships. We hope to continue working with university students and others to foster friendships between people of different religious backgrounds and serve others. We want to help those most in need in our own community. WIN Foundation (Women's Interfaith Network) CC Purpose: Our purpose is: o To provide an opportunity for women of different faiths & traditions to come together to share & become a bridge between families, government, NGOs, business, academics & communities. o To provide an opportunity for women of different faiths and ethical backgrounds and who are of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to come together to share from their traditions. o To address issues and concerns faced by women of different faiths and ethical backgrounds and of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds living in Australia. o To mutually encourage women of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to enrich and enhance their contribution to Australian society from their individual faiths, ethics and values. o To encourage city/country, rural/regional connections and support across Victoria among women from different faiths and ethical backgrounds and from culturally and linguisticall diverse backgrounds. . o To support Victorian children of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, irrespective of their faith and ethical backgrounds, and aid and assist them in their holistic development. o To act as a bridge between peoples and organisations and facilitate and promote the diverse contribution that culturally and linguistically diverse communities as well as the different faith and ethical traditions bring to mainstream culture in Victoria. Primary Contact: Contact: Freeman Trebilcock 185 Faraday Street Carlton, Victoria 3053 Australia (61) 0353-48-7808 (61) 431-034-254 [email protected] Secondary Contact Contact: act: Nireditha Balachandrah 185 Faraday Street Carlton, Victoria 3053 Australia (61) 433-238-406 [email protected] 223 peacebuilding, democracy education, and good leadership. We engage in peacebuilding initiatives and promote the protection of the environment . Description: We had a birthing ceremony with YortaAboriginal Traditional women, who took us to their sacred site. Since then we have had various meetings and gatherings with women and their daughters. For photos please view our website In January 2011 we will be celebrating Australia Day by bringing women together to say prayers and work with the Somalian community to collect gifts and paint a container for ship to refugee children in Somalia. We also plan to celebrate International Women’s Day inMarch 2011. Primary Contact: Contact: Ros S. An Wat prey chlak, Svay Rieng Province Cambodia (855) 16-64-03-53 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Khieng Mony Svay Rieng district Svay Rieng Province Cambodia 855 - 44 715026 855 - 11439356 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Jessiee K. Singh 5 James Street Noble Park 3174 Victoria Australia (61) 39-547-8956 (61) 41-130-0655 [email protected] Youth Partner in Development and Peace CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Heather Abramson 2 Alfred Street, Caulfield 3162 Victoria Australia (61) 401-238-882 Purpose: Our purpose is to: 1. Build capacity of the youth through organizing venues and opportunities for them to learn from each other and from other resource persons on necessary skills and ethics to be good leaders of the future generation. 2. Impel social development through establish network and coalition among the youth and elderly who support youth activities to help develop their society. 3. Strengthen communication among youths and leaders, and their communities. 4. Build youth partnership with all youth nations and international institutions around the world 5. Build solidarity, peace, and unity among people with different believe and religion to end violence in society. 6. Lead to unit peace builder in community altogether and to create strong voices of culture of peace. CAMBODIA Interfaith Youth Circle of Cambodia Purpose: To build up peace among youth through dialogue and friendship in Cambodia. Description: Description: The Interfaith Youth Circle of Cambodia was organized by Sam An, a 25year old Buddhist peace activist in Phnom Phen. Our members are Muslims, Buddhists, and Christians who have worked together in the Cambodia Interfaith Council (CIC) and the Alliance for Conflict Transformation. We have monthly workshops and roundtable discussions among youths from different religions and faith traditions on topics such as 224 Description: Youth Partner in Development and Peace, (YPDP) was founded on January 1, 2009 by a group of dynamic young people who want to impel positive social changes and promote solidarity, leadership, culture, development and peace through youth participation. We believe each and every one of us has a moral responsibility to our country and society. By promoting love and creating friendship and partnership instead of enemies we can heal the world. In 2009-2010, YPDP conducted regular team meetings with 50 participants in Phnom Penh where we discussed and finalized our YPDP work. YPDP has conducted 4 workshops with 60 participants in Phnom Penh on the specific topics such as youth morality, religion and culture, the role of youth in the interfaith work, and youth and peace. We have presented and shared ideas, information and experiences among youth participants from different universities. Our future plans include projects related to education, peace, religion, and technology. All activities will be conducted in 2 provinces (Kandal and Phnom Penh). Some of our activities include: interfaith public workshops and forums, interfaith roundtable discussions, multifaith conferences, and capacity building trainings on topics such as workshop, Interfaith Public Forum, Interfaith communication, public speaking, fundraising leadership, positive thinking, presentation skills, and basic report writing and proposal writing. INDONESIA Ahimsa Satya Karuna CC Purpose: To empower people to become truly independent and free through living and practicing the Gandhian lifestyle of simplicity and refusing to harm anyone or any creature in our daily life. Primary Contact: Contact: Agus I. Udayana J L Gandapura 22 Denpasar, Bali 80237 Indonesia (62) 818-43-646 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Gede Suantana Sevagram JL Pandu 4 & 6 BR Jabon Sampalan Tengah Klungklung, Bali 80114 Indonesia [email protected] Gandhi Puri Ashram CC Purpose: To promote the Gandhian ideals of truth, non-violence, peace, universal brotherhood, and humanitarian service. Description: Since its inception the ashram has been very involved in service for education and peace - prompting activities that are conducive to a greater awareness of our religious, cultural, social and economic life in general. We offer scholarships to disadvantaged children; organize seminars and discussion sessions; translate relevant Gandhian writings into Indonesian, particularly those that are relevant to current social problems; and publish books and pamphlets on different aspects of interreligious dialogue. Primary Contact: Contact: Sok Sidon #94, Sensam Kosal I, Sang Boeung Tompun, Khan Meanchey Phnom Penh Cambodia (855) 12-688-706 [email protected] 225 Jalan Kelang Lama Kuala Lumpur 58200 Malaysia (603) 7782-8303 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Agus I. Udayana J L Gandapura 22 Denpasar, Bali 80237 Indonesia (62) 818-43-646 [email protected] MIN Malaysian Interfaith Network Secondary Contact: Contact: Gede Suantana Sevagram JL Pandu 4 & 6 BR Jabon Sampalan Tengah Klungklung, Bali 80114 Indonesia [email protected] Purpose: To promote interfaith understanding, tolerance, respect, appreciation & cooperation. To promote our motto: Treat others as you would like to be treated (or the Golden Rule or Global Ethic). Description: We have participated in all seminars and conferences in Malaysia related to MIN aims. We have also organized talks on the common values found in various religions and brought an exhibit of religions of the world to different parts of Malaysia. Last year, we organized a celebration for the UN International Day of Peace. MALAYSIA Interfaith Spiritual Fellowship / Kuala Lumpur CC Purpose: To provide a platform and means for people of different faiths to come together to promote common principles contained in all religions, thereby fostering unity in diversity. Primary Contact: Contact: John Gurusamy 26 Jalan 14/29, Petaling Jaya Selangor 46100 Malaysia (60) 1-2609-7487 [email protected] Description: Our CC's activities include monthly talks, seminars, conferences, workshops and study circles. We also publish Dharma Magazine twice a year. Primary Contact: Contact: Amir Farid bin d. Isahak INSAF/ Pure Life Society Batu 6, Jalan Puchong Jalan Kelang Lama Kuala Lumpur 58200 Malaysia (603) 4108-4300 (603) 410 51300 (601) 7871-3000 [email protected] Purpose: To encourage cultures of peace by being peaceful ourselves, to promote multifaith harmony in Malaysian society, especially among youth, and to spread understanding and respect for one another's faiths through community bridge-building and grassroots peace building. To learn to accept our differences and to celebrate the wonderful diversity of Earth and humanity. Secondary Contact: Contact: Datin Paduka Mangalam Batu 6, Jalan Puchong Description: Our CC's activities include: 1) interacting with other interfaith bodies by attending and supporting their programmes Nur Damai - Light of Peace 226 Primary Contact: Contact: Jocelyn Armstrong 1/91 St. John's Road New Zealand (64) 9-521-4367 [email protected] on Malaysian interfaith and national issues;2) establishing ties for ongoing dialogue with Sisters in Islam and Prof Ibrahim Zein of the International Islamic University in Kuala Lumpur (UIA); 3) On-going compilation of our interfaith stories that emerged from the Appreciative Interviews. We marked Nur Damai's first anniversary in January 2009 by bringing out a booklet of these stories of our Malaysian experience of intercommunal harmony; 4) Our 18 meetings so far have been exciting events in themselves - so much enthusiasm is generated and there is a promisingly high level of energy and initiative; 5) Our inaugural ceremony was an interfaith prayer and dedication ceremony attended by 20 friends of 5 faith traditions; and 6) We have had 7 exposure trips so far, the highlight of which was a visit to a Hindu temple where the group participated in the pooja and bhajans and asked the Hindu youth group at the temple questions. PHILIPPINES Bohol Goodwill Volunteers CC Purpose: To pursue the URI Preamble, Purpose and Principles. To promote sustainable and holistic development. Description: In pursuit of the realization of URI's Purpose and Principles, he Bohol Goodwill Volunteers, Inc. CC has held the following notable activities in the past: the following notable activities in 2002-2003. We initiated and galvanized support for the signing of a Statement for Peace and Nonviolence among the major religious groups in the Province of Bohol, Philippines on the occasion of the heightening of conflict in Iraq. We received unequivocal support from the province's legislative body. In pursuit of ecological imperatives and ""healing for the Earth and all living beings,"" we have also embarked on a vigorous campaign for animal welfare and vegetarianism. Primary Contact: Contact: Padmini Solomon 0905 , Scott Sentral Kuala Lumpur 50470 Malaysia [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Zaharah bin Md Noor 0905 , Scott Sentral Kuala Lumpur 50470 Malaysia [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Bonifacio Amado M. Quirog P.O. Box 74 Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300 Philippines (63) 38-441-2786 (63) 917-906-3061 [email protected] NEW ZEALAND United Religions Education CC Purpose: Through education, to promote understanding and cooperation between different religions. In particular, to promote and lobby for religious studies in schools and universities. Secondary Contact: Contact: Maria Corazón A. Ponteres 120 CPG East Ave. Mansasa Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300 Philippines (63) 38 411 4099 / (63) 917 3041757 [email protected] 227 Cebu City Interfaith Cooperation Circles CCICC Description: Our CC activities include mass feedings, spiritual retreats, yoga exercises, meditation, music, dance and the arts. Purpose: Our purpose is to promote interfaith cooperation among religions in Cebu (as a movement); to conserve/protect the environment especially in Cebu (focus on solid waste management); to provide livelihood endeavors for our partner organizations; and to promote participative governance, leadership and good citizenship values education. Primary Contact: Contact: Jaimini Dasi B. Araneta Cor.3rd st.Guadalajara, Gualalupe Cebu City 6000 Philippines (63) 09-224-061-649 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Jasmin E. Alvarado Cor.3rd st.Guadalajara, Gualalupe Cebu City 6000 Philippines (63) 032-256-8362 (63) 927-958-3755 [email protected] Description: This year we focused on the following: interfaith advocacy, education, dialogue symposiums and forums to educate our people in Cebu, an International Day of Peace celebration, and livelihood programs for mothers in the community (like collecting used papers and selling them). One highlight was when, in June 2008, the faith-based sector was recognized by the City of Cebu. We have also held an annual International Day of Peace celebration since 2007. HigaHiga- onon Ha Migsabuwa Ta Lanao, Inc. CC Primary Contact: Contact: Delia A. Villacastin 375-E, Acacia st., Camputhaw Cebu City 6000 Philippines (6332) 0918-230-5545 [email protected] Purpose: To promote unity amidst diversity among Muslims, Higanonons, and Christians, and to promote enduring daily interfaith cooperation to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Secondary Secondary Contact: Contact: Sandra G. Clemente #1 Kabajar Road, Guadalupe Cebu City 6000 Philippines (6332) 238-2592 (6332) 09045-4341317 [email protected] Description: The tribal leaders and Chieftains/Datus gathered together in 2006 to call Christians, Higaonons and Muslims to have a unified agreement for peace in a community near Lanao del Norte and Iligan City that was in conflict. Representatives from Christian, Muslim, and Higaonon religions agreed. During this time, we came up with the resolution to join the United Religions Initiative. In November 2008, in Malandog, Rogongon, Iligan City, we gathered more than 500 tri-people to have a cultural ritual for peace and unity; the event was called Pamalis Ho Kumba (The first peace gathering). In June 2009, we held a peace ceremony at a house G.R.O.W.T.H. (see notes for full name) Purpose: To give and share our knowledge to youth in a way of music and arts. 228 (6332) 238-2592 (6332) 09045-4341317 [email protected] of worship in Malandog, Rogongon, Iligan City which drew more than 300 tri-people from Rogongon. We educated more than 100 children and adults in interfaith and Higa-onon and introduced URI to our tribe through seminars and workshops, Secondary Contact: Contact: Humaida Jumalon Bahai Center, B. Rodriguez St., espina Compound, Cebu City, Cebu 6000 Philippines 63 921 441 8491 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Lanelio T. Sangcoan Husay Mindanao Barangay Hall of Barangay San Miguel Iiligan City 9200 Philippines (63) 918-5238744 [email protected] Mindanao Peace Garden CC Secondary Contact: Contact: Rey P. So-ong (63) 918-5238744 [email protected] Purpose: To create opportunities to bridge religious and cultural gaps amongst students and teachers of different faiths and social orientations, and to sow seeds of peace and harmony in different schools starting in Cagayan de Oro City and spreading to neighborhood provinces of Mindanao. Kalinaw CC Descri Descri ption: ption: We were recently approved as a Cooperaton Circle and just started organizing and planning our initial activities include: 1.)Launching URI at Xavier University on September 23 with the installation of a Peace Pole and a panel discussion on interfaith dialogue at a park which will be called the Peace ; 2.)- Information dissemination about the URI by putting up a permanent bulletin board at Xavier University. First to be displayed are the different signs and symbols of the different religions; 3.)A Poster and Slogan Contest - winning entries will be displayed on our Bulletin Board. 4.)Come up with pins similar to the “Ako Mismo” campaign where members will be asked to commit something which they would like to do in accordance to the essence of URI’s Preamble, Purpose and Principles; 5.)Conduct essay writing contests and winning entries shall be published in a Newsletter for the Mindanao Peace Garden Multiple Cooperation Circle. 6- Conduct seminars and workshops on Peace and Interfaith Cooperation. 7- Community immersion of CC members in an Indigenous Community in Purpose: To achieve the goal of URI. Description: Sharing in the vision of the URI, Kalinaw (meaning "peace" in the Cebuano language) CC members deepen their knowledge and understanding of the various faiths through rituals and celebrations and by promoting health, fitness, and wellbeing with spiritual awareness. With regular monthly meetings, the CC engages in advocacy work for environmental concerns and establishes relationships with other organizations and likeminded faith groups. The CC also organizes interfaith concerts, like the Celebration of Life and International Day of Peace celebrations at the University of Cebu campus. Together with the local government, Kalinaw CC launched an Interfaith Sector in Cebu. Primary Contact: Contact: Sandra G. Clemente #1 Kabajar Road, Guadalupe Cebu City 6000 Philippines 229 Bukidnon.8-Create Core Groups of URI in selected schools in Cagayan de Oro City and start interfaith and intercultural discussions in each campus. 9- Celebration of International MuslimMuslim - Christian Peacemakers’ Association of Caloocan CC Purpose: Purpos e: To promote peace, unity, and harmony between Muslims and Christians in our grassroots community in Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Day of Peace on September 21 and Mindanao Primary Contact: Contact: Noemi Alindogan - Medina, Ph.D. B4-L18 Scions Village, Kauswagan Cagayan de Oro City Philippines [email protected] Description: We are a grassroots community in Metro Manila. Our meeting and eventual growing together in friendship was made possible through the assistance of the Peacemakers Circle CC. We meet weekly to discuss ongoing activities and community projects such as the livelihood programs of individual members and building of a cooperative store. Recently, we also engaged in the Intra-Imam Grassroots Dialogue Workshop Training and participated in the Imams-Priest Dialogue Forum and workshops of The Peacemakers' Circle CC. Mugna Kabataan CC Purpose: To lead the youth in promoting peace and interfaith dialogue through creative thinking on mutual respect and understanding and to support young leaders, so they might be accountable leaders among the youth today and for the future. Primary Contact: Contact: Eric D. Tomarompong c/o The Peacemakers' Circle Foundation, Inc. 59 Salvador St., Varsity Hills Subd., Loyola Heights Quezon City, Metro Manila 1108 Philippines Description: Most of us are youth volunteers. We come together to celebrate life, most of all, serve as facilitators in handling classes for the National Service Training program of University of Cebu while others are youth leaders of their own spiritual practices and have their own programs. Secondary Contact: Contact: Loreta Borlongan c/o The Peacemakers' Circle Foundation, Inc. 59 Salvador St., Varsity Hills Subd., Loyola Heights Quezon City, Metro Manila 1108 Philippines (632) 460-5432 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Mary Jean Abenir 113 A Sikatuna St. Cebu City Philippines (63) 9283036380 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Haylen C. Ybarita Lupa, Sapangdaku Cebu City Philippines (63) 9081023795 [email protected] MuslimMuslim - Christian Youth for Peace and Development CC Purpose: To influence and persuade others, especially the youth of different religions and different races to participate and be part of the changes that we aim, and also to 230 representatives. As a result, a building that was formerly used by combatants and victims of the Mindanao war in Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, now serves as the Peace Centre Building and is used for on-site trainings and assemblies, as well as Maranao language classes to bridge the communication divide in Kauswagan and nearby Iligan City. The yearly Lanao del Norte Month of Peace, celebrated every March is a also a showcase of the successful policy-making and lobbying done by peace-based civil society organizations with the LGU on the provincial level. The Panagtagbo sa Kalinaw, an ecumenical convergence of major religious figures and cross-cultural leaders became a centerpiece of festive activities since its introduction by Pakigdait some two years ago. The Panagatagbo reflects the fraternal nature of society, as when Christian leaders visit Muslim leaders at the end of Ramadhan and partake in the festivity. Likewise, the Muslims show their friendship and affinity for the Christians by bringing gifts to them at Christmas time, a gesture that is rarely seen or felt in this country. Pakigdait co-sponsors programs with other organizations, and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a non-stock, non-profit corporation. Recently, Pakigdait has been judged as the best non-government organization in the Philippines for the year 2007, by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (First Infantry TABAK Division). inculcate the real essence of having peace in spite of our differences. Description: We have been involved in: tree planting for the 10th anniversary celebration of URI, attending a seminar-workshop on Strengthening Interfaith Youth Leadership, participated in candle-lighting ceremony in QC memorial circle for the peace talk, participated in making a prayer video for the people of Japan Primary Contact: Contact: Crispin R. Lingkuran Block 86, Lot 18, Phase 12 Barangay 188, Tala Caloocan City 1427 Philippines (63) 9108872067 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Edmark Christian L. del Mundo #372 Blk 54 Lot 45 Phase 12, Tala Caloocan City 1427 Philippines (63) 929 5050488 [email protected] PAKIGDAIT of Mindanao CC Purpose: To promote unity, trust and confidence among Muslims and Christians. To promote peace and solidarity in the community. Primary Contact: Contact: Musa M. Sanguila Pakigdait Incorporated #18 Narra Street, San Miguel Village Palao, Iligan City 9200 Philippines (63) 63 492 3103 (63) 916 579 1333 [email protected] Description: Pakigdait is short for "Pagamoma Alang sa Kalinaw," which means "to safeguard peace" in the native Visayan dialect of the people of the Southern Philippines. We are an interfaith grassroots peace-building civil society organization. Pakigdait conducts interfaith dialogue among Muslim and Christian leaders which has paved the way for the creation of the adhoc Municipal Inter-Faith Council (MIFC) composed of an equal number of Christian and Muslim Secondary Contact: Contact: Abel J. Moya Pakigdait Inc. Door 1-9, Monian Apartment 231 Description: We have been doing interfaith work during the 1980’s. We were attracted because we saw our efforts in the global context. It is astonishing because grassroots interfaith undertakings are heard and seen in the global arena. The movement gave birth to other interfaith groups like the Bishops-Ulama Conference, Pakigdait, Baloi MuslimChristian Movement and Panday Kalinaw. Purok Anthurium, Mahayahay Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Mindanao 9200 Philippines 63 927 440 7133 [email protected] Pathfinders' Commune Primary Primary Contact: Contact: Moctar I. Marian Mindanao State University Marawi City, Lanao del Sur 9700 Philippines [email protected] Purpose: To learn, share, & experience the profound essence of love. Description: Our activities this year include: Commune Workshop Series (June 18; August 27/28; September 3/4, 10/11), Regular blog posting at, Launching of lecture and sharing series,Commune Sharing activities, Invitations for talks and seminars, and Commune Workshop series. Tambal Para Kay Inang Kalikasan (Medicine for Gaia) CC Purpose: Tambal Para Kay Inang Kalikasan (Medicine for Gaia) is an alliance of prayer dedicated to promoting healing of the natural environment and the Earth community primarily through the medium of ritual and ceremonial prayer. The Visayan term tambal means medicine, and as such, our cooperation circle is composed of dedicated individuals from different walks of life brought together and inspired by a common vision that seeks healing of the entire Earth community by engaging in spiritual practices that benefit Mother Earth, Her children, and the next seven generations. Primary Contact: Contact: Ryan (Rem) M. Tanauan 057 Sta Anastacia, Sto Tomas Batangas 4234 Philippines (63) 043-405-8480 (63) 916-499-8539 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Rhea Claire (Claire) E. Madarang Evangeline Reyes St., BF Resort Las Piñas City 1740 Philippines (63) 02 872 7089 (63) 917 364 3374 [email protected] Description: Description: We are a group of people from different circles who have started doing fire ceremonies and other healing rituals together since last year. We thought that we should do these earth healing ceremonies more often. Some of us have also collaborated with other ritualists in doing a ritual-service to the environment. Since last year I have been meeting people from different faith traditions who are interested to come up with a universal fire ceremony by blending different traditions. We plan to put up a website to publish & share our activities. We also want to Ranao MuslimMuslim - Christian Movement for Dialogue and Peace Purpose: Purpose: To protect and help transform Mindanao and the world into a more peaceful, just, free, and progressive place to live. 232 Transformation offers a weekly support session called Inner Work Circle every Tuesday evening for members from different religions or faith traditions who are committed to be the change that they wish to see in the world and who aspire to be instruments of peace by practicing self-awareness and transformation based on the teachings and ideals of their respective faith traditions. Program II: Interfaith Dialogue for Relationship-building offers various forms of dialogue through dialogue circles for religious leaders, women and the youth, various activities that address common concerns among people of faith in the country, and peacebuidling workshops/seminars (e.g. Visions of Peace Among Religions, Religion as Source of Conflict and Resource for Peace, etc.). Program III: Interfaith Action for Social Change -offers grassroots MuslimChristian Dialogue and Relationship-Building activities in Muslim-Christian communities around Metro Manila. Among the recent activities are the Imams-Priests Dialogue Training Workshop-Seminar (August-October 2007) that yielded the creation of a National Imams-Priests Dialogue Forum (NIPDF), and the pilot summer training workshop-seminar on Muslim-Christian Dialogue for nationbuilding (April-May 2008) that successfully launched the Interfaith Peacebuilding Institute in Manila. These have produced Muslim and Christian leaders from various sectors of society who are committed to working in grassroots communities and conducting ongoing dialogue and relationship-building workshops and activities in their respective locales. create sacred spaces where people could visit, revive indigenous traditions and celebrate bounties of life and also document the different ceremonies. The Earth day celebration last April in Manila was a great experience – the SEAPac youths and Ambassadors met with diverse people from different faith traditions to celebrate this day for healing mother Earth. One activity that touched me was that conducted by a fellow URI Ambassador – a youth from Nepal, Sushil Koirala - who bought 200 roses to give away as symbols of peace and love to the community gathered there. There were smiles all over as people jostled to get a rose and feel the happiness of holding it and exchanging with one another. Lots of friendships were built with this simple gesture. Primary Contact: Contact: Ishilta Pinlac 28 Mindanao Avenue St. Charbel 1, Tandang Sora Quezon City 1116 Philippines (63) 2-4544650 (63) 906-2471499 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Paul L. Cabalfin 37D, Road 6, Brgy. Bagong Pag-asa Quezon City 1105 Philippines (63) 915-295-2826 [email protected] The Peacemakers' Circle CC Primary Contact: Contact: Marites G. Africa 17 Luna Street, Ayala Heights Village Old Balara Quezon City, Metro Manila 1119 Philippines (63) 2-920-7622 (63) 91-753-89358 [email protected] Purpose: To bring together people of diverse cultures and beliefs in Metro Manila to collaborate in the spirit of mutual respect, understanding and cooperation for the common good, and to promote various forms of interfaith dialogue and relationship-building for individual and social transformation. Description: Activities fall under three main program areas. Program I: Self-Awareness & 233 Secondary Contact: Contact: Brenda Rain Bautista [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Shakuntala M. Vaswani 26 Regidor St., Varsity Hills Loyola Heights Quezon City 1108 Philippines (63) 2-426-0367 63-09223664590 [email protected] United Muslim & Christian Peacemakers SEASEA- K Assn Purpose: To introduce and start the harmonious relationship between people of different religion through exchanging dialogues. TULAY Trust, Understanding & Learning Among Youth Description: We have a regular meeting every Monday. We have a Dept. Social Welfare loan for livelihood and have received seed money from the Australian Embassy. We have been participating in different activities such as: Livelihood program, we organized a petition that requested from the local government the cementing of the pavement and setting up of street lights in the dark alleys of the village, we participation in treeplanting, riverside cleanup, basic waste management (for URI’s 10th anniversary celebration), we had a partnership with the Peacemakers’ Circle in engaging the MCYPD youth in the first celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week on February 2010 wherein the youth visited and performed for the communities of the Bahai and the Sikh faiths, we participated in a 10-month training program (June-March 2010) under the Peacemakers’ Circle-Australian Embassy’s Strengthening Grassroots Interfaith Dialogue and Understanding (SGIDU). Purpose: To trust, understand and learn from each other. Description: Our CC members met each other for the first time at the first VPAR (Visions for Peace Among Religions) Seminar for youth in Bohol conducted by the Peacemakers Circle and a Vegetarian Feast and Animal Welfare Advocacy. Then, in 2006 another VPAR was sponsored by Bohol Goodwill Volunteers CC and the United Nations Fund for Population. After that, upon encouragement by Ms. Marites, Dr. Shakun, and Mr. Boni, we decided to organize formally. Our most memorable activity so far was when a Roman Catholic young person gave a Muslim young person a guided a tour of the local Roman Catholic church. It was a moving experience for both parties. The second one was when we organized a creative workshop. The name of our CC, TULAY, means Bridge in the Philippine language. Our next plan is to understand Islam through literature shared by our Muslim colleague. Our future plan is to visit remote areas in our province and inspire other youths and expand our membership. We dream of no more war in Mindanao. Primary Contact: Contact: Eric D. Tomarompong Blk 86, Lot 18, Phase 12, Riverside Tala Caloocan Caloocan City 1427 Philippines (63) 918 5333584 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Bonifacio Amado M. Quirog P.O. Box 74 Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300 Philippines (63) 917-906-3061 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Magdalena M. Betonio Blk 86 Lt 18 Phase 12 Riverside Tala 234 Primary Contact: Contact: Shakuntala M. Vaswani 26 Regidor St., Varsity Hills Loyola Heights Quezon City 1108 Philippines (63) 2-426-0367 63-09223664590 [email protected] Caloocan City 1427 United States (63) 918 5333584 [email protected] Value Laden Professional Circle (VLPC) Purpose: To sustain and embody the spirit of volunteerism in every heart of the youth in the city of Cebu. Vietnamese Interfaith Council in the Mekong Delta CC Description: The VLPC organization make different activities that provide trainings that will capacitate youth leadership for Cebuano young leaders and greening programs for the betterment of our environment. Among our highlights in 2011: Tree-planting at Iiloan Cebu on June 4, 2011 and our second activity, the National Greening program with local government, VLPC, MCWD, at Iiloan Cebu on June 25, 2011 Purpose: To develop more relationships with different groups so we can share one another's values and wisdom. Primary Contact: Contact: Shakuntala M. Vaswani 26 Regidor St., Varsity Hills Loyola Heights Quezon City 1108 Philippines (63) 2-426-0367 63-09223664590 [email protected] Primary Contact: Contact: Lordsoon Rafols Gonido Basubas St., Tipolo Mangubat Compound, Mandaue City Philippines (63) 932 268 6582 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Contact: Ruel Perena P. Basubas St. Tipolo Mandaue City Philippines (63) 929-561-2972 [email protected] VIETNAM Vietnamese Interfaith Interfaith Council in Tayninh & Saigon Vietnam CC Purpose: To use interfaith cooperation to create and maintain a vegetarian restaurant that serves the poor in the city. 235 Multiple Cooperation Circles AFRICA Primary Contact: Mrs. Sara Timana Post Office Box No. 109 Maputo, Mozambique Uganda Interfaith Cooperation Circles Initiative MCC CCs Included: 1. Association for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty CC 2. Association Homeopathia de Mozambique CC 3. Association Ntwananu Mozambique CC 4. Council of Religions in Mozambique CC 5. Escola Cumintaria Ntwananu Costa-del-Sol CC 6. Escola Ntwananu Matola – Rio CC 7. Interreligious URI CC Namaacha 8. Kulunguange Cultural Association CC 9. Liga Dos Escuteiros de Mozambique CC 10. Medecina Alternativa CC 11. United Religions CC Beira 12. URI Dondo CC Purpose: To promote URI's work by coordinating URI's Cooperation Circles. Primary Contact: Mr. George Olinga P.O. Box 480 Kampala Uganda (256) 77-401-109 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Ms. Despina Namwembe P.O. Box 72190, Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda Business: (256) 414-531-066 Mobile: (256) 77-457-791 E-mail: [email protected] ASIA Malawi MCC Eastern Light MCC Purpose: To unite in the efforts of curtailing religiously motivated violence and facilitate the flourishing of the integral human good. Purpose: Purpose Strengthening URI work on the local level and connecting to a broader national community. Primary Contact: Mr. Cliff Morson Tebulo Education Office, P.O. Box 2474 Blantyre, Malawi (265) 0923-0192 (265) 0168-3796 [email protected] Primary Contacts: Ektaan CC Kaushik Chatterjee Central office, DPSC Ltd. Post- Dishergarh, District- Burdwan West Bengal, India 713333 [email protected] Mozambique MCC Rainbow CC Udit Chakraborty Vill- Adhkara Post-Panchmura District- Bankura West Bengal, India 722156 [email protected] Purpose: To promote expansion and to establish URI CCs, MCCs, and MMCCs. To promote URI activities. Description: Our group supports CCs in their work and needs. We promote CC growth through personal contacts and organize events to bring CCs together for fellowship and common action. Rural Development Society CC Rev. Kalyan Kumar Kisku Central Church Compound College Road District- Bankura 236 CCS Included: 1. Tehreek Taraque-E-Insaniat CC 2. Women and Children Development Program CC 3. Peace and Development Foundation CC 4. Bhatta Brick Kilns Welfare Organization CC 5. National Muslim Christian Dialogue CC 6. Allam Iqball CC 7. Organization for Peace and Development CC 8. Travel Agents CC 9. Youth Peace Revolution CC 10. ALAAP CC West Bengal, India 722101 [email protected] CCS Included: 1. Ektaan CC 2. Rainbow CC 3. Rural Development Society CC URI Korea MCC Purpose: To accomplish URI's purpose and principles in Korea and around the world. Primary Contact: Mr. Yuel Bhatti 23-A F.C.C., Feroze pur Road Lahore, Pakistan (92) 42-5914227 [email protected] Primary Contact: Ven. Dr. Jinwol Young Ho Lee Dept. of Seon, Dongguk University, 707 Seokjangdong Gyeongju, Korea 780-714 Business: (82) 54-770-2832 Mobile: (82) 17-264-8260 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Secondary Contact: Mr. Xaviour Francis Youhana Bad, Ferozepur Lahore, Pakistan [email protected] CCs Included: 1. URI Korea CC 2. URI Incheon/Gyeonggi CC 3. URI Chuncheon/Gangwon CC 4. URI Daejeon/Chungnam CC 5. URI Cheongju/Chungbuk CC 6. URI Daegu/Gyeongbuk CC 7. URI Busan/Gyeongnam CC 8. URI Jeonju/Jeonbuk CC 9. URI Gwangju/Jeonnam CC 10. URI Jeju CC 11. URI Korea Cyber Society CC Pakistan MCC Primary Contact: Father James Channan 153 Ali Block New Garden Town Lahore, Pakistan 54600 Home: (92) 42-591-4207 Mobile: (92) 300-873-0669 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Lahore MCC CCs Included: 1. Bhatta Brick Kiln Labourers Welfare Organization CC 2. Civil Society CC 3. Flowers of Peace Women's CC 4. Ibteda Foundation CC 5. Peace Group of Journalists CC 6. Karachi URI CC 7. Lahore Pakistan CC 8. National Muslim-Christian Fellowship Gujrat CC 9. National Muslim-Christian Dialogue Gujrat CC 10. Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights CC 11. All Faiths Harmony CC Purpose: Our MCC is comprised of CCs based in Lahore and around in the Capital of Punjab province. We will work together to promote interfaith dialogue and peace for the development of the oppressed in our communities. Description: Our goal is to spread peace and harmony as violence is at its peak. Working together we can create the fabric of a peaceful society. By forming the Lahore MCC we are unifying our CCs. Therefore, we can coordinate our visions and goals as well as events in the light of URI Preamble, Purpose and Principles. 237 Rua Pe. Claudio Gomes, 82 Apto 12A São Paulo, Brazil 03590-020 (55) 11-8338-5700 (55) 11-5587-2223 E-mail: [email protected] 12. Peace Foundation CC Muzaffar Garh, Pakistan 13. Tehreek Taraque-E-Insaniat CC 14. Toba Tek Singh CC 15. Travel Agents CC Pakistan 16. Women and Children Development Program CC 17. Pakistan Children and Youth CC 18. Pakistan Hindu-Sikh Social Welfare Council CC 19. Education for Peace CC 20. Allama Iqbal CC 21. Organization for Peace & Development CC 22. Seeds of Peace CC 23. URI Islamabad – Pakistan CC Secondary Contact: Paullo Santos e Marly Pedra Rua Dr. Luiz Azevedo Filho, 38 – Vila Mariana São Paulo, Brazil 04044-050 (55) 11-5078-8093 (55) 11-2578-7254 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail 2: [email protected] CCs Included: 1. Belo Horizonte CC 2. URI Brasilia CC 3. Campinas CC 4. Curitiba CC 5. Grupo Inter-Religioso de São Paulo CC 6. Rio Inter-Religious Movement CC 7. UNISOES – BRASIL LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN MCC of Indigenous People Purpose: To unify and fortify the indigenous CCs within our diversity. To energize and consolidate our work in URI. MULTIREGIONAL MULTIREGIONAL Primary Contact: Mrs. Fany Avila P.O. Box 2203, Balboa, Ancon Panama, Panama Home: (507) 250-6193 E-mail: [email protected] Earth Wisdom MCC (Sabiduría de Nuestra N uestra Madre Tierra MCC) MCC ) Purpose: To promote and facilitate the Communications and cooperation among those who live their life as a ceremony in honor of Mother Earth. Secondary Contact: Mr. Alejandrino Quispe Mejia Jr. Ricardo Palma #476 Ayacucho, Peru Home: (51) 66-315-054 E-mail: [email protected] Primary Contact: Raul Mamani [email protected] CCs Included: 1. Of the Indigenous People of Argentina CC 2. Qewna CC 3. Mujeres Artesanas CC 4. Amaru CC Secondary Contacts: Alejandrino Quispe Mejia [email protected] Yoland Trevino [email protected] URI Brazil MCC Don Frew [email protected] Purpose: To bring together CCs in Brazil to promote enduringly URI development and interfaith cooperation in all the country. CCs included: 1. Amaru CC (Peru) 2. Movimiento Ecuménico Interreligioso de Pueblos Indígenas CC (Bolivia) Primary Contact: Rev. Elias de Andrade Pinto 238 3. 4. 5. 6. Qewña CC (Argentina) Spirituality & the Earth CC (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Venezuela) Rainbow CC (India) Women Welfare and Rehabilitation Center CC (India) Women’s Coalition MCC Purpose: To unite the energies of women within the URI. To create a platform for joint activities, advocacy, communication and sharing of resources. To strengthen and support existing women’s CCs. To align ourselves with other organizations who share our vision. Primary Contact: Yoland Trevino 4234 Canyon Crest Rd. Altadena, CA 91001, USA (1) 626 797-3379 Mobile: (1) 626 297-4227 E-mail: ytrevino@ Secondary Contacts: Despina Namwembe [email protected] Ardey Turner [email protected] Elana Rozenman [email protected] CCs Included: 1. Pilgrimage Project CC 1. TRUST WIN CC 2. Golden Rule CC 3. WIN MENA CC 4. Fé-minina CC 5. Mujeres Artesanas CC 6. Twekolere Women's Development Association CC 7. Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk CC 8. A Circle of Healers CC 9. Think Peace Media and Communications CC 10. Center for Religious Tolerance CC 239 In Memorium Memorium CELESTIAL CC Sheikh Bukhari Sabapathy Alagiah Dick Couch Rev. Jack Lundin 239 Dr. T. D. Singh (H. H. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami) Mrs. Susan Crosier Doctor Nirmala Deshpande Mr. Dharma Senanayake 240 Mr. Gary Smith Samdech Preah Maha Ghosananda Rev. Dale White 241 Rev. Mary Ellen Gaylord Rev. Sanford Garner Father Luis Dolan Ibu Gedong Bagoes Oka 242 Mr. Bob Miessler Mr. Jerry Chang Mr. Joel Beversluis Ms. Josephine Natukunda Mr. Pelecinnah JosiahJosiah-Pele 243 We, people of diverse religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions throughout the world, hereby establish the United Religions Initiative to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings.