nota de prensa - Institut Fatima
nota de prensa - Institut Fatima
NOTA DE PRENSA: Contenido: 1.) timetable / contactos / links 2.) Institut FATIMA Bio castellano 3.) Institut FATIMA BIO english 4.) Sonarmatica 2009 castellano 5.) Sonarmatica 2009 english 1.) timetable Sonar 2009: 18.6. 21 hs Concert: Sonarcomplex, Capella Convent dels Angels, CCCB 19.6. 18.20 hs en directo: Radio 3 “siglo 21.”, Patio de les Dones, CCCB 18.-21.6 Sonarmatica: exposición “the reacball system”, CCCB 21.6. Sonar Kids: “the reacball system”, CCCB Institut FATIMA contacto prensa: Carsten Galle movil: +34 660160192 Paul Rose movil: +34 647256718 Email: [email protected] (musica, videos, fotos) (news , videos , fotos) (all videos) (musica) 1 2. Institut Fatima Biografia castellano ---------------------------------------------------------------------Institut For Advanced Technologies In Music and Arts, corto Institut Fatima. Este es el proyecto que fundaron hace 3 años Paul Rose y Carsten Galle, dos barceloneses alemanes, ya amigos sonoros desde hace más de una decada. Componen, cantan, copian y comunican música electrónica con un toque ameno, interdisciplinario y experimental. Pioneros del “baile fiducial”, abren sus puertas hacia otras disciplinas como la moda, el cine, la arquitectura o la exploración espacial. Frecuentemente viajan con la nave espacial del Club de los Astronautas al Eternal Nightclub en el lado oscuro de la luna donde DJs famosos ya solicitaron su slot. Vuelan a planetas jazzeros, de géneros inclasificables para la humanidad como la cantautrónica alemana cumbia. Sus juguetes son pelotas, pelucas, guitarras y melódicas. Cantan, encantan o mis-cantan, es decir, saben convertir fracasos en oportunidades, errores en creaciones. El público, o más bien sus conejillos de india, participan felizmente, formando parte de sus experimentos y locuras. El nuevo tripulante a bordo del Institut Fatima es el wii-jay Marti Sanchez. Parece que se ha caído en un monte de cámaras inalámbricas, que tiene por todo su cuerpo. Con wiimote y propio software novedoso embruja al público. Un “calidoscopio life-stream” se proyecta en una pantalla enorme, aumentando el espectáculo visualmente y convirtiéndolo en una experiencia alucinante e inolvidable. 2 ECBWA significa “Everybody can be wireless Artist” y permite alejarse (hasta 15 metros) de los ordenadores del escenario mediante cámaras web y el software reacTIVision. Este año presentarán en Sónarmatica su nueva instalación "das Reacball". Una pelota de fútbol, cámaras, controladores midi, wii-motes, pistas y despistes sonoros serán los elementos de la caja mágica que destacan la filosofía de Institut Fatima: re-controlar el caos aleatorio de notas midi en un nuevo arreglo musical… en un nuevo realityshow. 3 3. Institut FATIMA Biography english version Institut For Advanced Technologies In Music and Arts, abbreviated to Institut Fatima. Two Barcelonan Germans, Paul Rose and Carsten Galle founded this project 3 years ago. They have been friends, musically and otherwise, for more than a decade. They compose, they sing, they copy and they communicate electronic music with a satisfying, interdisciplinary and experimental touch. Pioneers of the “fiducial dance”, they are currently opening their ever expanding doors towards other disciplines such as fashion, cinema, and architecture or space exploration. Frequently travelling in the spaceship of “El club de los astronautas” to the Eternal Nightclub to the dark sides of many moons; where famous djs are already requesting their inputs. In their quest to advance humanity they explore various unclassifiable, jazzy planets, like the German ‘cantautrónica cumbia’. Their musical protagonists are melodies, cards, guitars, keyboards and as they are from Barcelona, of course, a football. Sometimes they like what they do and other times not so, but needless to say they know how to turn failures into opportunities and errors in creations. The audience can happily participate, and form part of their experiment and their madness. Their newest crew member of Institut FATIMA on board is wii-jay Marti Sanchez. It seems that he has fallen from the sky with a lot of wireless cameras, that he has attaches to his body. With wiimote and his own software he bewitches the audience. A “kaleidoscope life-stream” projects on an enormous screen, increasing the spectacle visually and turning it into a hallucinating and unforgettable experience. Institut FATIMA participated with ECBWA which means “Everybody can be Wireless Artist” an installation in Sonarmatica 2007 and allows to navigate remotely (up to 15 meters) from the computers by the means of wcams and the open source software reacTIVision. This year they will present in Sónarmatica their new installation “DAS Reacball". A ball of soccer, cameras, controllers midi, wii-motes, sonorous tracks and confusions will be the elements of the magical box that emphasize the philosophy of Institut 4 Fatima: re-control the descontrol with random midi note chaos in a new musical adjustment… in a new reality show. 3. Sonarmatica 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Institut FATIMA (ES): El sistema reacball version castellano Paul Rose y Carsten Galle, alemanes residentes en Barcelona, fundaron Institut FATIMA (Institut For Advanced Technologies In Music and Arts) en 2006. Ambos componen, copian y reproducen música electrónica juntos desde hace más de quince años. Los pioneros del baile “fiducial” organizan eventos y talleres, se presentan en conciertos y espectáculos producen de música baile, de para moda, películas sobre arquitectura y mucho más. Entre colaboración otras, con cabe El destacar Club de la los Astronautas, un proyecto con el fin de instalar un “Eternal Night Club” en el lado oscuro de la luna. Algunos DJs famosos ya solicitaron su “slot”. En 2007 Institut FATIMA empezó a experimentar con nuevos controladores para dirigir sus máquinas sobre el escenario. Para el proyecto "Everybody Can Be Wireless Artist" (ECBWA) utilizaron cámaras web y el software reacTIVision para alejarse de los ordenadores en directo (¡hasta 15 metros sin que pare la música!) y en Sónar 2007 presentaron "ECBWA" como instalación interactiva que permitía al público componer música utilizando tarjetas de cartón. Durante el proceso de investigación que les llevó hasta "ECBWA" llegaron a la siguiente conclusión: "No hay control absoluto, sino una dosis de descontrol 5 que alimenta la creatividad". Institut FATIMA aplican esta idea a "El Sistema ReacBall", en el que una pelota de fútbol, una cámara, un ordenador y un controlador MIDI generan una remezcla de sonidos, pistas, muestras y despistes. La pelota permite generar secuencias aleatorias de notas MIDI que descontrolan un arreglo musical. El controlador MIDI recontrola dialécticamente el descontrol. Así se provocan resultados sorprendentes a través de un proceso creativo e intuitivo. The Reacball System english version Paul Rose and Carsten Galle, two Germans Barcelona, living founded in Institut FATIMA (Institut For Advanced Technologies In Music and Arts) in 2006. They have been composing, playing copying electronic and music together for more than fifteen years. The pioneers of "fiducial" dance organise events and workshops, perform concerts and produce music for dance and fashion shows, films on architecture and much more. Of particular interest is their collaboration with El Club de los Astronautas, a project that aims to create an "Eternal Night Club" on the dark side of the moon. Some famous DJs have already requested a slot. In 2007, Institut FATIMA started to experiment with new controllers to guide 6 their machines on stage. During the "Everybody Can Be Wireless Artist" (ECBWA) project, they used webcams and reacTIVision software to move away from their computers live (as far as 15 metres without the music stopping!) and at Sónar 2007 they presented "ECBWA" as an interactive installation that enabled viewers to compose music using cardboard cards. During the research process that led them to "ECBWA," they came to the following conclusion: "There is no absolute control, but rather a small dose of chaos which stimulates creativity". Institut FATIMA apply this idea to "The Reacball System," in which a football, a camera, a computer and a MIDI controller generate a remix of sounds, samples and slips. The ball generates random sequences of MIDI notes which de-control a musical arrangement. The MIDI controller rearranges the chaos dialectically. This creative and intuitive process leads to surprising results. Institut FATIMA contacto prensa: Carsten Galle movil: +34 660160192 Paul Rose movil: +34 647256718 Email: [email protected] 7