Drugs – Addiction
Drugs – Addiction
Drugs – Addiction Abhängigkeit Some drugs can cause both psychological and physical dependence. betrunken What are the long-term effects of being heavily intoxicated / drunk? Verlangen nach etwas He quit smoking in 1980, but he has still an overwhelming craving for a cigarette with his coffee. Alkoholspiegel A person with a blood alcohol level in the range of .08 to .10 is considered legally intoxicated. Gruppenzwang Peer group pressure is a major concern among teens. verordnen, verschreiben Anti-depressants are the most prescribed drugs in the UK. Entziehungskur You should always go through alcohol withdrawal treatment under medical supervision! Ersatzdroge Patients with opiate addiction often get drug substitute treatment. Alkoholverbot National prohibition of alcohol in the US turned out to be a failure. schnüffeln Very little is known about the effect sniffing petrol has on the brain. körperlich, physisch People who try to quit smoking will experience both psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms. ein Verlangen nach etwas erzeugen The decision to kick the habit of smoking might spawn an immense yearning for a cigarette. Selbsthilfegruppe The main focus of self-help groups is to provide emotional and practical support as well as an exchange of information. Drogenmissbrauch Any person can develop problems of substance abuse / drug abuse or dependence. Überdosis My friend took an overdose of sleeping pills. Krankheit Pregnancy is not a medical condition. gelten als, gehalten werden für The top 50 Olympic athletes were dubbed drug free. Drogenhandel Eight people were charged with drug trafficking. Drogenhändler The book is called “Confessions of a drug pusher / drug dealer”. Schmuggelware Police found 200,000 contraband cigarettes inside a minivan. synthetische Droge The study explores the relationship between designer drug use and HIV risk behaviour. Abstinenzler A teetotaller is a person who completely abstains from alcohol. Sucht Gaming is like any other addiction. süchtig auf Many youngsters are addicted to unhealthy online games. Drogenlieferant Police targeted a major drug supplier of illicit drugs. Gefängnisstrafe The hacker was given a five-year prison sentence. beschlagnahmen 60 pounds of a particularly potent breed of Marijuana were seized. intravenös einspritzen Drug users who are injecting intravenously are at an increased risk of contracting HIV. tolerant, liberal In our permissive society you can say what you want, do what you want, be what you want. Stimmungsumschwung Narcotics can trigger severe mood swings. Schachtel Zigaretten Every packet of cigarettes carries a mandatory health warning. abmildern ↔ verstärken “To mitigate” and “to reinforce” are opposites. nüchtern For a cured alcoholic it is vital to stay sober for the rest of his life. billigen, verzeihen It is inacceptable to condone drug abuse. genau festlegen, den Finger auf den Punkt legen This is the first study to pinpoint why some drugs are more effective in men than in women. neu überdenken, ändern The government had to review the decision to reclassify cannabis as a less dangerous drug. psychiatrische Abteilung I don’t want to describe my stay for depression treatment in a psychiatric ward.