Ikes News March 2015.pub - Lincoln Izaak Walton League
Ikes News March 2015.pub - Lincoln Izaak Walton League
I KES N EWS V OLUME 15 I SSUE 03 M ARCH 2015 Published monthly by the Lincoln Izaak Walton League WES’S NOTES In case you haven’t, noticed our youth shooting sports activities continue to increase. If they haven’t reported growth, Dave Tunick and Dick Mavis, our youth trap coordinators, soon will be. It seems that all youth teams are at least shooting more. At the first high school conference shoot, 35,000 targets were thrown for seniors on Saturday, followed by the juniors with almost 10,000 more. And then you will note all the trap practice going on after school on weekdays. All of that plus yesterday we had 720 Archery-inthe-School kids participating in the state tournament at the Lancaster Event Center. I bet that if any one of our members could start an IKE’s 4-H rifle team we would find some kids to clean up at the Pressy State silhouette tournament this fall. That could really round out the Lincoln Ikes Youth shooting sports. But, it all takes work. CHAPTER HAPPENINGS Wow, the clubhouse project is finished and just in time for that first trap shoot. Our visitors that had been in the facility in previous years have nothing but favorable comments about the now ADA accessible restroom facility. The Ikes can be proud. But more improvements will be continuing. Soon trees will be re- N EW M EMBERS moved and fill dirt donated to provide a place to build a seventh trap range, thanks to a substantial donation. As we approach the one thousand member level for this year, I think I maybe better apologize to some members up front. If you turned in a renewal through the website, thank you, but I am thinking the membership chairman (that’s me) probably did screw up some of the processing. Particularly if you are a user of the self-use trap option, we may not have gotten the new year’s information. Information like you will need the new combination for this year; and there are a couple of other changes in our protocol. Since we haven’t figured out just the best way of getting the new lock combo back to you automatically, please contact me via the phone or email and I will promise to fill you in on the missing info. And if you note any other screw ups, do give me a blast and I will try to correct any errors. Did you know that we have a Student membership category? One of our chapter’s goals, and one of the national goals, is to support education through young adulthood. So our chapter has a half price “student” membership for young folks who are still pursuing a college degree and O N THE W EB A T www.lincolnikes.com Steve Mulinix Travis Nelson Kenneth Nguyen Bill Norris Art Provost Daren Reynolds Shawn Rourke Steven Schukar Brandon R. Seifert Pamela Simpson Gary Snyder Jonathan Whitehead Russell Wren I KES N EWS P AGE 2 W ES ’ S N OTES [ CONTINUED ] Living at home, up to the age of 25. If the student is at least 19 and has time to shoot they are eligible to acquire a range card as a member. We also annually provide the Merit award for the UNL student wildlife club. This is given to a club member who demonstrates a high level of engagement in the activities of the club as well as preparations to begin a career in natural resource management. This year we are also pleased to be able to host the club’s annual banquet at our chapter clubhouse. Of course any member is welcome to attend and participate in this year’s event to be held on April 11th. If you want a ticket, contact me and I’ll see what I can do. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS Our legislature is now half finished with this year’s business amidst the usual firestorm of controversy over some wildlife issues, like mountain lions by an Omaha senator. But before it got too hot, a good law was passed and signed by Governor Ricketts to react to the threat of aquatic invasive species such as the zebra mussel. LB142 provides funding via a registration fee to allow a way the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission can work with boaters through inspections at boat ramps and education programs. Remember some of those critters can survive in miniscule amounts of water or wet conditions attached to your boat as you move from lake to lake. Take a minute and clean them off before you hit the road. In the mean time Senator Chambers would have us remove the lion from list of hunted game animals. If you would like to watch some of the debates live, it is easy to do. Simply go to the Unicameral website at http:// www.nebraskalegislature.gov/ and you can watch the debates on the live stream internet feed. Some debates become almost unbelievable but they are real. In the meantime at the national level, we have participated in the current hearings on proposed legislation that could strangle existing provisions of our nearly 50 year old “Clean Water Act”. Because of a couple of Supreme Court decisions a dozen years ago the definition of what are waters of the U.S. has been muddied (no pun intended). Legislation is already passed in the House and pending in the Senate to curtail EPA and Army Corp rulemaking that could more clearly define what’s what and where the law applies for farmers, ranchers, contractors, conservationists and whomever is working in or near our precious water resources. Nebraska Senator Fischer held a field hearing for the Committee on Environment and Public Works in Lincoln a couple of weeks ago to line up her support for stopping the rule making, with a panel of invited testifiers. By protocol a minority contingent was included on the invite list. The wildlife coalition which includes the IKES along with the Center of Rural Affairs were invitees. So with a lot of help by our national staff and others in preparation, I presented testimony that basically said that we believe the rulemaking should go forward to hopefully un-muddy the definitions. We strongly believe that if there isn’t any breaking point in the flow of water from the very upstream tributaries all the way down to the gulf, where below you are subject to regulations, but upstream you can do anything you wish. To allow that would be grossly unfair to those folks downstream both economically and ethically if subjected to a more stringent regulation. Of course the panel was stacked 6-2 for stopping any further clarifying rules, but if you are interested I would be happy to send you what we provided in that testimony. Enough Ramblin’ But Remember this, “If swimming is so good for ones figure, how do you explain whales?” ---thoughts of a retiree’s wandering mind. Cheers-Wes Sheets V OLUME 15 I SSUE 03 P AGE 3 IZAAK WALTON BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING that followed, the volunteers have been Tuesday, April 14 doing a GREAT job making sure these 7:15pm AT THE things run without a hitch. I don’t know CLUBHOUSE where you could get this kind of help ALL MEMBERS ARE for a free lunch and t-shirt from time to WELCOME TO ATTEND 300 Y ARD B ENCHREST , M ARCH 1, 2015 What a difference a month and 30° makes. We had eleven guys shoot nineteen guns. The Custom and Hunter classes had six each and the Varmint class had seven people shooting. Pretty good turn out for our last match at 300 yards. Next month we will go back to shooting 200 yards and also go back to the regular start time of 9:00a.m. This will let our guys get some good 200 yard zero’s before the Nebraska Score Championship on the 13th of June. This year the “big” match schedule is a little different because the State Games of America Benchrest match is going to held August 1st. This match, the Cornhusker State Games, is usually held in July. But since this year it is open to persons from all over the United States, it’s being held a few weeks later. The above mentioned is usually the third weekend in June, but we turned that date over to the Cowboy Lever Action guys. And our registered NBRSA match this year is on July 11th and 12th. So, June, July and August are when the other Benchrest are held this year. We still have our “monthly club” on the first Saturday as always, but these other matches take more manpower and time to pull off. I have to say that since 2010 when we started the first Nebraska Score Championship, and the others time. They are what it takes to make a program work well year after year. When you look at this month’s winners you may think that these three were the only ones shooting. There were more as mentioned above. Robert DeMoss was shooting from bench number 3. Mike Durbin was shooting from bench 5. And Don Westover was shooting from bench 12. So, to say conditions were better on one side of the range as compared to other…who knows. That debate will always there. This months match winners are: CUSTOM CLASS: 1st Don Westover 188, 2nd Robert DeMoss 185-5x, 3rd Mike Durbin 183-2x. VARMINT CLASS: 1st Don Westover 184-1x, 2nd Robert DeMoss 182-2x, 3rd Mike Durbin 175. HUNTER CLASS: 1st Don Westover 186, 2nd Mike Durbin 177, 3rd Robert DeMoss 174. GOT A PARTY? RENT THE HALL Clubhouse, food service area, and beverage services are available. Beverage service includes a full bar. The hall will seat 300. The daily rental fee is $500.00. A refundable damage deposit is required. The facility is perfect for receptions, class reunions, anniversaries, birthdays, or office parties. For price quotes and hall availability call the clubhouse at 4746555 and leave a message on the answering machine. Members and non-profit organizations may receive a discount on the rental fee. Contact Mike Kunkee (540-7120) for discount information. Good shooting to all and start reloading for the next match, scheduled for April 4th Mike Shapoval Member’s classified [continued from page 8 (Top) .303 BRITISH N4M2 all parts match Arsenal refurbished, Simmons 4x32 scope plastic stock,good trigger . $250.00 (Bottom) .303 BRITISH N4M1 Arsenal refurbished adjustable latter sights $200.00 Phil Sommerfield, 402-792-2484 REMINGTON MODEL 30S, 30-06 90% gun with original Lyman #48. $775 email Jim [email protected] 613-8782 V OLUME 15 I SSUE 03 P AGE 4 I KES N EWS P AGE 5 C HAPTER 65 D IRECTORY OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS CHAPTER 65 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ray Rowen (president) Brian Koenig (vice president) Dave Tunink (secretary) Wes Sheets (treasurer) Mike Alexander Dick Mavis Mike Moore Brad Philson Tracy Ross Mike Shapoval Ron Teselle Todd Walter STATE DIRECTORS Larry Hutchinson John Wittwer NATIONAL DIRECTOR Wes Sheets CORPORATION BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Gene Ripa MEMBER SERVICES WEB MASTER Mike Moore NEWSLETTER EDITOR John Carter MEMBERSHIP Wes Sheets CLUB MANAGER/CLUBHOUSE RENTALS/ BAR MANAGER Mike Kunkee RIFLE/PISTOL RANGES Bob Sibal EVENT MANAGERS 300-YARD INFORMAL SHOOT/ 300-YARD MATCH SHOOT Mike Shapoval AMERICAN RIMFIRE ASSOCIATION Mike McConnell CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM Brian Koenig COWBOY LEVER ACTION SILHOUETTE Ed Mundorf GLOCK PISTOL EVENTS Sean Gewecke INDOOR AIR RIFLE/PISTOL Chris Westover Ed Mundorf PISTOL SILHOUETTE Ed Mundorf RIFLE SILHOUETTE Chris Westover SELF-LOADING TRAP Dave Tunink TRAP LEAGUES/ATA REGISTERED TRAP/YOUTH TRAP Dick Mavis Dave Tunink VINTAGE MILITARY RIFLE MATCH Ray Rowen Contact Information MIKE ALEXANDER (423-9141) [email protected] JOHN CARTER (477-2150) [email protected] SEAN GEWECKE (432-6304) [email protected] LARRY HUTCHINSON (440-7240) [email protected] BRIAN KOENIG (617-0771) [email protected] MIKE KUNKEE (540-7120) [email protected] DICK MAVIS (430-7519) [email protected] MIKE MCCONNELL (423-3809) [email protected] MIKE MOORE (483-7394) [email protected] ED MUNDORF (217-9234) [email protected] BRAD PHILSON (416-3018) [email protected] GENE RIPA (328-0078) [email protected] TRACY ROSS (474-4372) [email protected] RAY ROWEN (730-2808) [email protected] MIKE SHAPOVAL (420-5763) [email protected] WES SHEETS (466-9040) [email protected] BOB SIBAL (423-1315) [email protected] RON TESELLE (535-9872) [email protected] DAVE TUNINK (483-4973) [email protected] TODD WALTER (560-2320, 423-5551) [email protected] CHRIS WESTOVER (202-0333) [email protected] JOHN WITTWER (261-8668) [email protected] CLUBHOUSE (474-6555) V OLUME 15 I SSUE 03 P AGE 6 H IGH S CHOOL AND J UNIOR H IGH T RAP S HOOT A B IG S UCCESS ! The Lincoln Izaak Walton hosted the annual high school and junior high trap shoots (see facing page for photograph) on March 14th and 15th. The high school shooters had good weather on Saturday, with the exception of some winds. We hosted 345 senior high shooters representing 17 schools and 4-H clubs. We started the meet at 7:30a.m. and completed the shoot-offs and awards around 6:30p.m. It was a full day and it took some very special volunteers to keep the traps, computer, and all aspects of the meet running smoothly. On Sunday, the 15th, we hosted 196 junior high shooters representing 15 schools and 4-H clubs. We began at 1:00p.m. on Sunday. Once again, the weather cooperated and it was a good day to get out and enjoy the sport of trapshooting. Again on Sunday, our team of volunteers were there to keep the traps working and the computer keeping the numbers in order; we had a very successful afternoon. These trap meets give our young shooters an opportunity to enjoy their sport and many expressed their appreciation that our facility provides a clean and safe facility to enjoy trapshooting. We also received many compliments about the improvements made to the interior of the clubhouse. We would like to thank our special volunteers who show up each year to host these meets. We will be doing these same shoots on April 18th and 19th. We can always use help so if any of our members want to see some good shooting by our young people, boys and girls, please come out and spend some time with us. With deep appreciation to our team who make these meets a success, Gene Ripa Summer Trap Leagues Organizational Meeting We are in the process of forming teams for the summer trap league. Attached is the registration form. Either mail it or bring to the organizational meeting on April 28th. If you know someone that is also interested in forming a team, please pass on this information. THE SUMMER TRAP LEAGUE The Summer Trap League is a 16-week league that will begin on May 7th and end on August 20th. Dick Mavis is the Ike’s member supervising this league. The league is made up of teams sponsored by various businesses or, alternatively, the team can sponsor themselves. An $85.00 sponsorship fee is charged and the money used for awards at the dinner at the end of the shooting season. Both Ikes members and non-Ikes members are invited to shoot. The team roster with up to ten shooters, along with the sponsorship fee, is required before shooting starts. We charge a fee of $6.00 per round. Shooting typically starts at 6:00p.m. or 6:30p.m. and ends at 9:00p.m. or 9:30p.m.. The team that shoots at 6:30p.m. one week will shoot at 7:00p.m. the next week. Only the team members on the roster are allowed to shoot. During the first two weeks of shooting, scores will be used to determine averages and classification will be finalized (AA, A, B, etc.) The first round team scores, fired from the 16 yard line, will determine handicap yardage. Teams will be assigned opponents, and those opponents will change every week. One point will be assigned for the 16-yard, handicap, and overall scores, for a potential total of 3 points. Team members need to have a minimum of one round of 16 yard targets and one round of handicaps during the first two weeks of qualifications. Note – Summer Trap League organizational meeting scheduled for April 28, 201 at the Lincoln Ikes clubhouse starting at 6:30p.m. We will try to get the shooting schedule for the first two weeks out by May 5th. If you are an individual shooter contact Dick Mavis (402) 421-3485 or Dave Tunink (402) 483-4973 and we will try to place you on a team. YOU CAN FIND THE SIGNUP SHEET ON PAGE 9. Hundreds of junior and senior high school student descended on the Ikes' trap ranges on March 14th and 15th for the High School Trap Shoot. Look at the crowds. The trap ranges are full. The parking lots are full. The clubhouse is full. In other words, a HUGE success. This aerial photograph by HARVEY SWANSON give you a good idea of just what success looks like. Thank you, Harvey, and sincere thanks to all the great volunteers who make this happen year after year. Ikes' Youth Programs are a big part of the future of outdoor sports in Nebraska. This is What Success Looks Like! V OLUME 15 I SSUE 03 P AGE 7 V OLUME 15 I SSUE 03 P AGE 8 M EMBER ’ S C LASSIFIEDS Custom REMINGTON 722 VARMINT .223 Action, trigger, bedding and Hart stainless barrel by Darlo Beasley Grand Island, NE. Bushnell Elite 4200 6x24 dot scope. Serial # 446858 $700.00 REMINGTON 700 .223 Synthetic “carry gun” Bushnell Legend 5x15x50 with RangeFinder reticule with cover. Custom trigger work, Military sling. Serial # E6523633 $600.00 WINCHESTER M70 .375H&H Weaver Classic 4x scope, Leather Sling. Serial # G986337 $650.00 WINCHESTER M70 .308 sporter Bushnell 3x9 scope Serial #885200 $400.00 RUGER MODEL 77 MKII Stainless heavy barrel varmint laminated stock 243 Tasco 6x24x44 target dot scope. Bedded custom trigger Serial #781-29225 $675.00 .30 CARBINE gold plated, peep rear sight, 4 magazines Serial #42990 $225.00 RUGER 10/22 Stainless HBV. Custom molded stock 3x9 scope. Serial #112-609587 $475.00 REMINGTON 341P .22 SPORTMASTER bolt action, tubular magazine Factory peep sights. $350.00 M98 GERMAN MAUSER 7.92mm (8x57) SS cartouche on action Serial#EA04600 $500.00 THAI MAUSER converted to .45-70 good wood $350.00 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 V OLUME 15 I SSUE 03 P AGE 9 LINCOLN IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE CHAPTER 65 P.O. BOX 6755 LINCOLN NE 68506 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 38 LINCOLN NE 68506 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Be certain you are up to date! Check the calendar at lincolnikes.org for fast breaking changes.