Pharmaceutical Preparations Newsletter 9
Pharmaceutical Preparations Newsletter 9
Pharmaceutical Preparations Industrial Weighing & Product Inspection Precise Weighing of Highly Potent Pharmaceutical Compounds Weighing platforms from METTLER TOLEDO ensure precision weighing of highly potent pharmaceutical compounds for Telstar ACE, a world leading manufacturer of specialist high containment barrier and isolator systems for the pharmaceutical industry. Telstar ACE needed highly accurate scales for weights varying from 10 grams up to 10 kg in an ATEX Zone 1 environment. The solution from METTLER TOLEDO was two weighing platforms: a WM503xCL platform for the small weights and a KA15sx for the larger weights. Both platforms are connected to one IND690 weighing terminal. The weighing terminal is then connected to the clients system through an RS232 interface. The scales in this system are intrinsically safe and ingress protected to IP66, allowing high pressure spray washing. They are then connected via barriers to the indicator in the safe area. According to Telstar ACE’s Project Engineer Neal Horobin, “We selected METTLER TOLEDO because of its reputation as the leading supplier of weighing technology. The equipment has worked exactly as required, meeting the very precise weighing accuracies expected by our client.” He added, “I must say that I found METTLER TOLEDO to be very helpful throughout the whole process, from the selection of the right weighing equipment right through to final commissioning on site.” 9 News High Precision High Precision Weighing for Isolators METTLER TOLEDO’s new stainless steel WM-Ex platforms are designed for measuring small weights, in this case up to 500g with a readability of 0.001g, in haz- ardous environments (ATEX Zone 1, FM Class 1, Div. 1). The WM-Ex range was specifically developed to meet the growing market trend towards decreasing sample sizes coupled with increasing quality and precision requirements, particularly in hazardous environments such as pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. The picture above shows the inside of an isolator with the KA15sx located in the foreground and the WM593x located in the background Publisher Mettler-Toledo AG Industrial Heuwinkelstrasse CH-8606 Nänikon Switzerland Production MarCom Industrial CH-8606 Nänikon Switzerland Subject to technical changes © 01/2010 Mettler-Toledo AG Printed in Switzerland 2 METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 KA15sx Maximum capacity 15.0 kg Approved readability 0.1g WM593X Maximum capacity 510 g Approved readability 0.001g The KA15sx, also stainless steel, is designed for measuring larger quantities, up to 15kg, with a readability of 0.1g and is also approved for use in hazardous environments (ATEX Zone 1/21, FM Class 1, Div. 1). The IND690 weighing terminal can be used with up to four weighing platforms simultaneously. Designed for hygienic sensitive areas, including GMP areas, it is water and dust tight to IP69, allowing high pressure cleaning. Easy to use, its large high luminance VFD dot matrix display shows weight or other data with characters up to 35mm high. IND690 Up to 4 platforms (IDNet, SICS, analog) can be connected. Suitable for all industrial environments thanks to IP69k protection. Fully expandable with 8 application specific software pacs. For more information Log onto: The picture above shows the outside of the isolator with the IND690 weighing terminal in its panel format. About Telstar ACE Telstar ACE, formerly known as Applied Containment Engineering, was purchased in 2007 by Telstar, an international business group operating in sectors as varied as industry, scientific research and development, and life and health sciences. Based in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, UK, Telstar ACE specializes in the design and supply of sophisticated high containment barrier and isolator systems almost exclusively for the pharmaceutical industry. The company has a worldwide client base including names such as Astra Zeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer. METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 3 ® Formulation FormWeigh.Net A UnSizeable objectif Objective: de taille : Ensuring BetterlaFormulation Traceability mieux assurer tracabilité de la formulation The pharmaceutical sector isestone the secteurs most rigorous industrial sectors, and for Le secteur pharmaceutique l’unofdes industriels les plus rigoureux ; this all sites production sites arefont subject to d’inspections regular inspections by the aussireason tous les de production l’objet régulières deAFSSAPS l’AFSSAPS (French Products SafetySanitaire Agency). des Produits de Santé). (AgenceHealth française de Sécurité In 2006, Pharmatis decided automate Pharmatis a décidé en 2006 tod’automatiits weighing ensure ser central ses processus en processes centrales and de pesée et IT securityune for formulation. d’assurer sécurisation informatique de la formulation. Initial contacts with producers of formulation software packages were des madeéditeurs at the Les premiers contacts avec end of 2006, and in 2007 official de progiciels de formulation ont consulété pris tations fin 2006began. et en 2007 les consultations officielles ont commencé. As a specialist in industrial weighing and laboratory and already Spécialiste instrumentation en pesage industriel et insatrumentation supplier of several balancesetondéjà thefoursite, de laboratoire METTLER TOLEDO hasbalances quicklyduestabnisseur de nombreuses site, lished itself TOLEDO as one ofs’est the possible proMETTLER vite imposé viders formulation software. commefor unthe desnew prestataires possibles pour ® software, With its FormWeigh.Net le nouveau logiciel de formulation. Avec ®, METTLER METTLER in fact offers an son logiciel TOLEDO FormWeigh.Net ideal solution automating formulaTOLEDO offre, for en effet, une solution option. of its modular timaleBecause d’automatisation de lastructure, formuFormWeigh.Net the specific relation. Grace à®sameets structure modulaire, quirements and®can interface with FormWeigh.Net répond aux easily exigences the existing ERP system. aisément au particulières et s’interface système ERP en place. responsiveness of the METTLER «“The La réactivité de l’équipe technico-comTOLEDO technical teamawas demerciale METTLERsales TOLEDO été adécicisive factor in choix. our decision”, explains sive dans notre », explique MonMr. director of at sieurClément, Clément, directeur desOperations Opérations de Pharmatis. anune answer to Pharmatis. «“We Nousreceived avons reçu réponse all ournosspecific requirements”, adds à toutes spécificités », ajoute Monsieur Mr. Hyfte, IT Manager at Pharmatis. Van Van Hyfte, Responsable Informatique de In place since new2008, softPharmatis. EnMarch place 2008, depuisthe mars ware package has provided usersatissatle nouveau progiciel donne100% entière isfaction. All utilisateurs. the raw materials, faction aux Toutesexcipients les maand ingredients, will now identitièresactive premières, excipients et be principes fied with label on entering the actifs, sonta barcode désormais identifiés avec une storage operator job étiquettearea. codeThe barres dès lareceives zone dehisstocinstructions on thereçoit screenses of the ID30 inkage. L’opérateur instructions dicator located in thedeweighing terminal de travail sur l’écran l’indicateur ID30 and its de rawpesée materials with the situéidentifies dans le box et identifie ses aid of a barcode reader. matières premières à l’aide d’un lecteur codes-barres. For optimum security, a calibration check of theune balances is routinely bePour sécurité optimale,requested un contrôle fore weighingdesoperation. the de laany calibration balances Then est systéoperator proceeds to weigh each material matiquement demandé avant toute réalisation de pesée. Puis l’opérateur procède ® software, ®, Weighing rooméquipée equipped with an ID30 ID30 indicator FormWeigh.Net Salle de pesée d’un indicateur avecwith logiciel FormWeigh.Net with a platformde of 60kg, 60 kg,de 1500 kg and a laboratory de plate-forme 1500kg et d’une balancebalance. de laboratoire. 4 6 METTLER M ETTLER TTOLEDO OLEDO Préparations pharmaceutiques News9 8 Pharmaceutical Preparations News included current batch. Thanks à la peséeinde the chaque matière intervenant to interface between enthe Pharmadansthele lot de la fabrication cours. Grace tis CAPM system, containsGPAO all the à l’interface entrewhich le système de data in the contenant raw materials and Pharmatis, toutesdatabase, les informa® software, the it is et postionsFormWeigh.Net de la base matières premières le sible to FormWeigh.Net, display information on the safety logiciel un affichage autoof the weighed product automatically,des in matique, sous forme de pictogramme, the form of a pictogram. Theduoperator informations sur la sécurité produit conpesé tinues weighing using asuit barsachart est possible. L’opérateur peséewhich grâce indicates accepted à un barrethe graphe qui luitolerance indique lazone. zone “We have achieved de tolérance acceptée.considerably « Nous avonsgreater consipharmaceutical safety and productivity dérablement gagné en sécurité pharma® since implementing the FormWeigh.Net ceutique et en productivité depuis la mise software”, Piha, a pharmacist en place dudeclares logicielMr. FormWeigh.Net», déwho the site’s Production Department clare isMonsieur Piha, pharmacien, respon- ® formulation Logiciel de formulation FormWeigh.Net FormWeigh.Net software ® avec affichage des données sécurité dessafety matières premières. with display ofderaw material data. 9000-liter tank mounted on 3 Système de METTLER TOLEDO contrôle statistique sensors. de la qualité. Garvenspondérale checkweigher with remote display déporté Trieuse Garvens avec affichage Trieuse pondérale Garvens avec affichage déporté sable du service Production du site. « Les Manager. “We no longer need to weigh sable du service Production du site. « Les doubles pesées et les saisies manuelles sur things twice and manual entriessur on doubles pesées et make les saisies manuelles l’indicateur de pesage ne sont plus nécesthe weighingdeindicator”. acl’indicateur pesage neMoreover, sont plus all nécessaires. » De plus, tous les accès sont gérés cess is »managed by user passwords that saires. De plus, tous les accès sont gérés par des mots de passe utilisateurs qui gaguarantee thedetraceability of data.qui gapar des mots passe utilisateurs rantissent la traçabilité des informations. rantissent la traçabilité des informations. Weighing: Present at Every Stage Le pesage : présent à toutes of the Production Process Le pesage : présent à toutes les étapes de la fabrication In addition terminals, balles étapes todeweighing la fabrication Outre les boxs de pesée, les balances sont ances are also found all over the PharmaOutre les boxs de pesée, les balances sont présentent sur l’ensemble du site Pharmatis site. After reconciliation the présentent surthe l’ensemble du sitestage, Pharmatis. Après l’étape de réconciliation, les marawAprès materials usually enter production in tis. l’étape de réconciliation, les matières premières passent en fabrication le mixerspremières equippedpassent with weighing sensors. tières en fabrication le plus souvent dans des mélangeurs équipés Thesesouvent reaction vessels then supply équipés several plus dans des mélangeurs de capteurs de poids. Ces réacteurs alimenpackaging bothCes forréacteurs liquid and semide capteurslines, de poids. alimen- tent ensuite plusieurs lignes de conditionnesolidensuite pharmaceutical forms. In order to tent plusieurs lignes de conditionnement aussi bien pour les formes galéniques optimize and comply withgaléniques the regument aussifilling bien pour les formes liquides ou pâteuses. Afin d’optimiser le lations, statistical checks then made liquides ou pâteuses. Afinare d’optimiser le remplissage et d’être en conformité avec la using METTLER TOLEDO SQC balances remplissage et d’être en conformité avec la réglementation, des contrôles statistiques connected to the software. réglementation, des FreeWeigh contrôles statistiques sont ensuite opérés à l’aide de balances Garvens checkweighers can be for sont ensuite opérés à l’aide de used, balances SQC METTLER TOLEDO connectées au loexample, to check the average weightauand SQC METTLER TOLEDO connectées logiciel FreeWeigh. Des trieuses pondérales for missing items Des in drug packs. giciel FreeWeigh. trieuses pondérales Garvens permettent, par exemple, de conGarvens permettent, par exemple, de contrôler le poids moyen et les manquants dans Beingle very satisfied METTLER trôler poids moyen et leswith manquants dans les étuis de médicaments. TOLEDO’s equipment, Pharmatis enles étuis de médicaments. Très satisfait des équipements METTLLER trusted all the of its balances Très satisfait desservicing équipements METTLLER TOLEDO, Pharmatis a confié l’ensemble and its legal metrology monitoring to TOLEDO, Pharmatis a confié l’ensemble de l’entretien de son parc de balances et METTLER TOLEDO. planned new verde l’entretien de son Aparc de balances et le suivi en métrologie légale à METTLER sion of the softle suivi en statistical métrologiequality légale àcontrol METTLER TOLEDO. Un projet de nouvelle version de ware is even new chalTOLEDO. Un being projet discussed. de nouvelleA version de logiciel de contrôle statistique de la qualité lenge fordeMETTLER TOLEDO… logiciel contrôle statistique de la qualité est même en cours de réflexion. Un nouest même en cours de réflexion. Un nouveau challenge pour METTLER TOLEDO… veau challenge pour METTLER TOLEDO… Issu à l’origine, d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire Issu à l’origine, d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire Initially comprising a multidisciplinary du groupe Boehringer Ingelheim, le laboradu groupe Ingelheim, le laborateam from Boehringer the Boehringer Ingelheim group, toire pharmaceutique Pharmatis est fondé toirePharmatis pharmaceutique Pharmatis laboratory est fondé the pharmaceutical en 2001. Spécialisé dans le façonnage des en 2001. Spécialisé dansSpecializing le façonnage was founded in 2001. in des the liquides de sachets et sticks et des pâteux, liquides de sachets et in sticks et des pâteux, manufacture of liquids sachets and sticks Pharmatis est aujourd’hui le leader euroPharmatis est aujourd’hui le leader euroand Pharmatis is now the péen semi-solids, sur les gels buvables conditionnés en péen sur les gels buvables conditionnés en European in drinkable gels packaged sachets etleader en sticks et compte environ 150 sachets et en sticks et compte environ 150 in sachetsPharmatis and sticksréalise and has workforce salariés. plusa de la moisalariés. Pharmatis réalise plus de la moitié around de son chiffres d’affaires More à l’export of 150 employees. than pour half tié de son chiffres d’affaires à l’export pour le compte de grands groupes pharmaceuof Pharmatis’ export sales are to major le compte de grands groupes pharmaceutiques, de laboratoires et de lapharmaceutical groups,génériques generic laboratories tiques, de laboratoires génériques et de laboratoires vétérinaires. and veterinary laboratories. boratoires vétérinaires. Outre la fabrication, Pharmatis est capable Apart from manufacturing, Pharmatis is able Outre la fabrication, Pharmatis est capable de fournir un service complet à ses clients to provide complete to its customers de fournir aun serviceservice complet à ses clients depuis l’analyse des matières premières depuis l’analyse desmaterials matièresto release premières from analysis of raw of jusqu’à la libération des lots. Pharmatis réajusqu’à libération des Pharmatis réabatches.laPharmatis alsolots. develops formulas, lise également le développement de formules, lise également le développement de draws formules, validates analytical methods up les validations analytiques et laand rédaction de les validations analytiques et la rédaction de pharmaceutical dossiers (CTDs). For some dossiers pharmaceutiques (CTD). L’entreprise dossiers pharmaceutiques (CTD). L’entreprise years now, the company has even had a fleet s’est même dotée, depuis quelques années, s’est même dotée, depuis quelques années, of vehicles for véhicules transporting pharmaceutical d’une flotte de permettant le transd’une flotte de véhicules permettant le transproducts at controlled temperature.sous temport des produits pharmaceutiques port des produits pharmaceutiques sous température dirigée. pérature dirigée. Located at Estrées Saint Denis in the Oise Située à Estrées Saint Denis dansPharmatis, l’Oise sur department on a 35,000 m 2 site, Située à Estrées Saint Denis dans l’Oise sur 2, Pharmatis, déjà un terrain de 35000m already certified ISO 9001, is one of the déjà first 2 un terrain de 35000m , Pharmatis, certifié ISO9001, est l’unindes premiers sites pharmaceutical sites France to have certifié ISO9001, est l’un des premiers sites pharmaceutiques français a avoir obtenu la been granted the ISO 14001 environmental pharmaceutiques français a avoir obtenu la certification ISO14001 pour l’environnement. certification.ISO14001 The production site, which certification pour l’environnement. Le site de production, soumis aux Bonnes Le site dewith production, soumis auxPractice, Bonnes complies Good Manufacturing Pratiques de Fabrication, est capable de Pratiques de Fabrication, est capable can produce 3 million single doses de a sortir jusqu’à 3 millions de doses unitaires sortir de doses unitaires day, jusqu’à resulting3 millions in annual production of par jour soit une production annuelle d’envipar jour soit une6000 production approximately tons ofannuelle product. d’environ 6000 tonnes de produits. ron 6000 tonnes de produits. Monsieur Piha, pharmacien, Monsieur Piha, pharmacien, Mr. Piha, pharmacist, responsable de la Production et responsable de la Production et Production Manager Monsieur Van Hyfte, and Monsieur Van Hyfte, Mr. Van Hyfte, Responsable Informatique Responsable Informatique IT Manager METTLER TOLEDO Préparations pharmaceutiques METTLER TOLEDO Préparations pharmaceutiques METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 8 News 8 9 7 5 7 Metal Detection Tablex-PRO Provides New Cure for Pharmaceutical Metal Detection Headaches METTLER TOLEDO Safeline has announced the release of a new generation of its well established Tablex metal detection systems. Tablex-PRO utilises a new version of Safeline’s advanced Profile software which is tailored to meet the specific requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. Developed with today’s highly regulated pharmaceutical production plants firmly in mind and with an emphasis on current and future compliance requirements, Tablex-PRO delivers the opportunity for manufacturers to increase productivity, reduce overall manufacturing costs and improve their competitiveness. The new systems will take metal detection for the On-screen detector access log information pharmaceutical and neutraceutical industries to an even higher level of sophistication providing manufacturers with real benefits to address the challenges of an increasingly demanding market. Meeting and Exceeding Compliance Needs Among the features in the new software package is a dual level, electronic signature log-in system which requires operators to enter a user name and password for access. This advanced system captures 6 METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 Tablex-PRO pharmaceutical metal detection system and stores all access activities in the form of an access log. The log can be displayed and viewed on the full colour touch screen along with other important manufacturing data providing full compliance with the requirements of 21 CFR part 11. Inspection process traceability is supported through the inclusion of important barcode and manufacturing batch code information within the data collection and storage system. This key data can be displayed on the operator interface during the manufacturing process. Enhanced quality assurance is provided through a dedicated password protected QA system access level. Tablex-PRO systems advise when test routines need to be performed and when testing is overdue via highly visible screen messages. Built-in performance validation software provides intuitive, step-by-step guidance for quality assurance testing. Operational Efficiency – the Key to Success Maximising process efficiency and minimising downtime are critical as manufacturers strive for operational excellence. The issue of maximising uptime is addressed through the use of a revolution- ary Condition Monitoring feature which constantly assesses the performance and operation of key detector elements. This system gives advanced warning of changes which could potentially cause downtime if left unaddressed. Messages from the Condition Monitoring system are displayed on the high visibility touch screen user interface. The early warning of potential problems before they escalate to stop the production process enables maintenance routines to be conducted when equipment is off-line to maximise uptime and production capacity. System faults and warning messages are also signalled via a high level, highly visible, tri-colour status warning lamp mounted on the machine. The lamp displays a green, amber or red status to indicate Condition Monitoring messages and gives warnings of performance verification test requirements. Informed to Make Decisions Critical messages from Tablex-PRO detectors can be communicated directly to key individuals within the manufacturers’ organisation via a unique GSM gateway communication system. This allows the detector to send instant SMS text messages and emails to the mobile telephones or SMS messages sent direct to your mobile telephone in-boxes of those that need to know. Typically, maintenance engineers can receive early warnings regarding potential downtime or line stoppages via the Condition Monitoring feature whilst QA or Production Managers can be advised of over-due validation testing of the system which could lead to non-compliance issues if not addressed. Detecting Challenging Contaminants Sensitivity enhancements have been achieved through the development of a multi-channel inspection technique combined with the use of ultra high frequency technology. These techniques will set new standards of performance within the industry, particularly with respect to the detection of stainless steel contaminants and irregular shaped contaminants such as broken sieve wires. Effective Contaminant Rejection Tablex-PRO retains the benefits offered on existing Tablex systems of a choice of two interchangeable and failsafe reject devices suitable for all product types and applications. The side diverter system is particularly effective where inlet and outlet heights are low or restricted as the compact design minimises overall throughput length. The lift flap diverter system has been specifically developed for manufacturers needing straight line product flow. This can help to reduce potential damage to larger, effervescent and delicate tablets. Both systems offer simple ‘no-tool’ stripdown, easy cleaning and are fully compliant with 21 CFR parts 210 and 211. Tablex-PRO side-divert reject option METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 7 Pharmaceutical Serialisation Integration Smart Pharmaceutical Solutions Help in the Fight Against Counterfeiting The XS2 MV checkweighing, marking and vision control system from METTLER TOLEDO Garvens has been chosen as the standard solution by one of the top 3 global pharmaceutical manufacturers as part of their worldwide serialisation, anti-counterfeiting and quality improvement programme. The XS2 MV is designated to be installed in different production lines in over 20 countries worldwide processing over 750 products of varying package size and weight. The pharmaceutical company had a very clear vision of the solution and requirements. These were meticulously written down in a 60 page “User Requirement Specification” (URS) document, cataloguing the 160 minimum technical, software and performance requirements which needed to be fulfilled. The pharmaceutical company made it clear that The XS2 MV is the complete pharmaceutical serialisation solution 8 METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 there was no room for compromise on these requirements. During the 5 day Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) carried out on each unit, not only all these requirements were thoroughly tested but also 0.02% false reject rates at a line speed of 350 ppm were achieved. Only after all tests had been passed and fully documented was approval given for delivery. Why METTLER TOLEDO Garvens? This very complex project was processed by Wulf Pries and Frank Borrmann at the Garvens production site in Giesen, Germany. During a recent interview Mr. Pries stated that, “there were three main reasons why this company chose Garvens: the first was the trust which had been built up between the two companies through many years of business; the second was the very reliable worldwide service and support essential for global operations and the final reason was that only Garvens was able to satisfy all requirement specifications and deliver the very consistent and high quality product needed for the applications.” Integrating Laser Printing Systems “A further area of great interest is always the choice of printing and camera systems” continued Mr. Borrmann. “The decision for this pharmaceutical company was really quite simple. This company already had experience with using printing systems from Domino and Wolke and vision systems from Systec, Laetus and Cognex. All these companies were already listed as one of their trusted partners. The URS specified 3 different marking and vision configurations depending on country of delivery, production line constraints and application requirements. The integration of these marking and vision systems were Laser marking, vision control, checkweighing and labelling combination system Strong Strategic Partnership One small but very interesting point Mr. Pries mentioned at the end of interview was that he noticed that the relationship between the two companies had changed. The pharmaceutical company now regarded Garvens more as an important strategic partner and not just an equipment supplier. System Advantages and Benefits The XS2 MV is the most compact complete serialisation and checkweighing solution at present on the market needing only a minimum of floor space which allows a seamless integration in almost all production lines with the absolute minimum of production line re-engineering. There are two major plus points which make the XS2 MV so innovative and interesting for multinational pharmaceutical companies: • Flexibility The XS2 MV has been designed to be a standard solution which will satisfy the requirements for the majority of production lines where global deployment is planned. It also has enough flexibility to offer bespoke solutions where a standard solution is not possible. • Designed for Trusted Partners The XS2 MV has been designed to function with a multitude of world leading marking and camera systems giving complete freedom to choose components from suppliers already designated as “trusted partners” which greatly simplifies the integration into IT networks by using tried and tested data communication protocols. All components, which include world leading ink jet printing or laser marking systems, high-resolution verification cameras, mechanical transfer units, weighing assembly, automatic labeller and 3 separate sorting devices, have been finely tuned to work in perfect unison even at extremely high speeds up to 90 m/min. Application Functionality The high precision mechanical transfer unit takes the carton directly from the cartoner and transfers it to the printer in the optimal position for serialisation marking. The marking is verified for legibility and correctness using a very sensitive optical camera system before transferring the carton to the weighing section. Once the correct weight has been verified the carton is then transferred to the optional labeller for additional marking. The XS2 MV can optionally detect if the box has open flaps or is not correctly aligned to protect the printer head and downstream bundle packaging equipment. All cartons where the marking or weight cannot be 100% verified as being “good” are reliably rejected into lockable catch bins. Each component has its own catch bin to effectively separate and sort rejected items. Finally all “good” boxes are safely transferred to the customer’s conveyor for further processing. Full Track & Trace Compliance The XS2 MV is fully compliant with current pharmaceutical regulations and guidelines for the many different Track & Trace concepts at present in use. The open software interface concept eases communication with all standard data protocols and network systems with simple upgrade procedures for future Track & Trace requirements where standards may change or are evolving. The XS2 MV Marking and Verification system is a complete serialisation solution giving Track & Trace capabilities to existing or new production lines with the highest degree of flexibility presently available on the market. GARVENS White Paper no problem for Garvens as the XS2 MV was designed to work with all possible combinations of all leading printing and vision verification system components.” Checkweighing A Guide to Pharmaceutical Serialisation Choosing the Right Equipment Supplier METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 9 Online Tools Use as a Work Efficiency Resource Webinars – Learn More with Little Time and Effort Join a wide array of webinars to learn about various topics from choosing the right technology to process optimization. We offer both Live Webinars where you can speak directly with our specialists and recorded On Demand Webcasts which are available at your convenience, 24 hours a day. View the full range of webinars: Value Calculators – Find Out How to Save Money Download our calculators and work out how much you could be saving. Colored weight control system saves both time and money: Save money with quality control and correct filling: Eliminate unnecessary costs during formulation and maximize your profitability: Learn how to save over 100,000 €/year by reducing only 0.5g per pack: 10 METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 Download Comprehensive Product Documentation METTLER TOLEDO Safeline Profile Metal Detectors provide the ultimate in metal detection performance. They help manufacturers increase productivity, reduce overall manufacturing costs and improve competitiveness. The largest selection of hazardous area weighing equipment on the market has been combined into one easy to use catalogue combing regulatory guidelines and comprehensive product information. Case Studies Looking for solutions to a problem? No problem. Read case studies of real problems and see how METTLER TOLEDO found a solution. Free Guides and White/Technical Papers METTLER TOLEDO has published a range of authoritative guides and white papers that cover focus areas which enable you to select the right solutions to improve your processes. From statistical quality control, installing equipment in an explosive area and Good Weighing Practice™ these free guides provide comprehensive information on how you can improve your process, comply with hazardous legislation and ensure you weigh to your regulations. Request your free copy here. Garvens Checkweighing Guide Safeline Metal Detection Guide Safeline X-ray Inspection Guide GWP® Good Weighing Practice™ These guides offer support in installing an all-encompassing product inspection program and provide advice to help you in achieving compliance with standards, regulations and legislation. Request your free guides: Good Weighing Practice™ Guaranteed Quality Minimized Risk Reduced Costs Secure Audits Minimize Weighing Risk by Adopting Good Weighing Practice™ SQC Guide Hazardous area guide Good Weighing Practice™ METTLER TOLEDO Pharmaceutical Preparations News 9 11 IPac Delivers Optimised Performance Qualification and validation protocols and documentation solutions that satisfy the demand of the FDA and other regulatory bodies. ISO standards state: "Equipment shall be verified at specific intervals, or prior to use. The basis for verification shall be recorded. Records of the results of calibration and verification shall be maintained." At METTLER TOLEDO we appreciate the importance of obtaining the optimum performance of new equipment from day one. Our comprehensive IPac qualification package ensures new machines are providing a return on your investment right from the start. Knowledgeable service professionals will confirm satisfactory installation of new weighing systems and commission your equipment to achieve the highest level of performance. Getting the best from your weighing system, providing peace of mind for you and guaranteed product quality for your customers. Ongoing performance levels are assured through hands-on operator familiarisation training. With IPac you will: • Achieve and maintain the qualified state • Reduce the chance of audit challenges • Ensure proper results using OEM protocols • Lower the expense of in-house solutions ISO22000 & ISO9001 CI 7.6 Industrial Weighing: IPac Initial Qualification Package (IQ, OQ, PQ) IPac is designed to be consistent with the requirements of GMP and other quality systems. Execution of an IPac by a trained METTLER TOLEDO service representative delivers a self-contained solution for new equipment qualification or for re-qualification of equipment that is re-purposed, moved or lacks adequate documentation. The IPac qualification package supports your verification processes and includes: • Confirmation of acceptable equipment installation standards • Initial commissioning, set up and testing using your own products • Generation of an initial performance verification certificate • A proposal and schedule for a continuous performance verification programme For more information log onto: Mettler-Toledo AG CH-8606 Greifensee Switzerland Tel. + 41 44 944 22 11 Fax + 41 44 944 30 60 Your M ETTLER TOLEDO contact: For more information