Vizită în Transilvania - der HOG Hundertbücheln


Vizită în Transilvania - der HOG Hundertbücheln
Vizită în Transilvania
Besuch in Siebenbürgen
Sa. 10.05. - Sa. 16.05.2015
Cuprins Itinerariul călătoriei
Itinerariul călătoriei
Participanţii Teilnehmer
10.05: Sibiu
11.05: Sibiu – Carpaţi – Mediaş
Hermannstadt – Karpaten – Mediasch
12.05: Mediaş – Viscri – Sighişoara – Alţâna Mediasch – Weißkirch – Schäßburg – Alzen
13.05: Alţâna – Hosman – Biertan
Alzen – Holzmengen – Birthälm
14.05: Alţâna – Hamba – Apold
Alzen – Hahnbach – Trappold
15.05: Apold – Movile
Trappold – Hundertbücheln
16.05: Movile
17.05: Movile – Sibiu – Răşinari – Europa
Hundertbücheln – Hermannstadt – Răşinari – Europa
Workshop Results
Mulţumim gazdelor noastre
Danksagung an die Gastgeber
Map based on: Web Map of 2015
Participanţii Teilnehmer
Participanţii Teilnehmer
We are 23 lively and interested people on their first
common trip through Transylvania. According to our
identity as Europeans we come from a wide range of
countries: Rumania, Slovenia, England, Austria and
Germany. Most of us met while studying landscape
architecture or landscape planing, the friendship
stayed until today. Our professional background brings
manifold know-how, project-experience and creative
ideas along.
Patrick Tekei
Jana Kilbertus
Will Dutch
Michael Schmölz
Linda Breth
Matthias Riedl
Rowan Longhurst
Victoria Luft
Jonas Arndt
Ines Hoffmann
Reimond Bausse
Lisa Rathjen
Matteo Sönning
Paul Diehl
Anja Drazic
Markus Weinig
Rebecca Bedelean
Dorina Bohn
Felix Erlbeck
Bernhard Bacherle
Juliet Hutt
Radu Tenche
Felix Ziegler
Wir sind 23 lebensfreudige und interessierte
Menschen auf ihrer ersten gemeinsamen Reise
durch Siebenbürgen. Unserem europäischen Selbstverständnis entsprechend kommen wir aus den
unterschiedlichsten Nationen: Rumänien, Slovenien,
England, Österreich und Deutschland. Die meisten
von uns haben sich während des Studiums der Landschaftsarchitektur und -planung kennengelernt und
sind Freunde geblieben. Durch unseren professionellen Hintergrund bringen wir vielfältiges Know-How,
Projekterfahrung und kreative Ideen mit.
Suntem un grup format din 23 de persoane interesante şi pline de viață şi participăm împreună
pentru prima dată într-o excursie prin Transilvania.
Fiind cu toţii europeni, provenim din următoarele
țări: România, Slovenia, Anglia, Austria şi Germania.
Majoritatea dintre noi ne-am împrietenit în timp
ce studiam arhitectura peisajului sau planificarea
peisajului. Experienţa noastră profesională conferă
grupului aptitudini şi abilităţi diversificate, know-how,
experienţă în elaborarea şi implementarea proiectelor
precum şi multe idei creative.
Sibiu Hermannstadt
Descoperind Sibiul
Sibiu Sa. 10.05
Discovering Sibiu
Prima noapte în Sibiu a fost foarte intensă pentru majoritatea dintre noi. Am reîntâlnit vechi prieteni și am cunoscut
persoane deosebite, inclusiv pe faimoasele noastre gazde
Angelica și Padre. Primul răsărit de soare, l-am admirat din
curtea lui Padre, în timp ce am savurat împreună cafeaua.
Până când grupul a fost complet (inclusiv “maimuțele
insulare“ - englezii) şi totodată pregătit de plecare s-a făcut
deja ora trei după-masă. Am pornit spre centrul istoric al
oraşului echipaţi cu ustensilele noastre cele mai de preţ:
“Alarmhahn“ (ceasul cu alarmă) și “Reisekrug“ (cana de
It was a short night for most of us. We spent a lot of
time for getting-together with old and meeting new
friends, especially our famous hosts Angelika and
Padre on the first evening. The first coffee in Padres
courtyard was accompanied by sunshine. Slowly we
gathered, but until we actually took of it is already
three o`clock in the afternoon. After the “island-monkeys” joined our group we headed on to the city,
escorted by our most import utensils Alarmhahn
(alarm-cock) and Reisekrug (traveling mug).
Parcurgând zona istorică a oraşului, am observat că titlul
deţinut de Sibiu - capitală culturală europeană în anul
2007, este pe deplin meritat. Astfel, am admirat Piaţa
Centrală cu clădirile sale frumos restaurate şi moderna
fântână cu jocuri de apă până când am ajuns la graniţa
cu partea de sus a oraşului, la fostul loc de muncă al lui
Jonas din perioada studenţiei (GTZ). Totodată am vizitat
piaţa agroalimentară unde sunt comercializate legume şi
fructe proaspete şi ecologice, cât şi talciocul de unde se
pot cumpăra de la rromi (ţigani), linguri de lemn, coşuri
şi pălării. După aceasta, membrii grupului nostru au decis
să îşi petreacă în mod diferit timpul: unii au preferat să se
relaxeze la o cafenea, alţii au urmărit o demonstraţie împotriva defrişărilor ilegale din Transilvania, iar alţii au urcat în
Turnul Sfatului pentru a admira priveliștea și pentru a face
câteva fotografii.
We went to explore the historic centre of Sibiu. The
modern central plaza with a nice fountain reminds
that Sibiu was the cultural capital in 2007. We walked
through the old part of city until we came to the
border of the upper city to Jonas`s former workplace
Ulterior, ne-am reunit şi am asistat la prezentarea
susţinută de Ruth István, reprezentanta Biroului de
Coordonare Biserici Fortificate. Ruth ne-a prezentat cadrul
istoric din Transilvania, starea actuală a bisericilor fortificate, precum şi eforturile pe care organizaţia din care face
parte le întreprinde pentru a restaura aceste biserici, în
special cu ajutorul fondurilor europene.
După terminarea prezentării ne-am întors la pensiunea lui
Padre, care ne aştepta cu grătarul încins. Am aranjat masa
pentru a servi cina dar, din păcate, în timp ce mâncam
supa a început să plouă şi am fost nevoiţi să mutăm, în
grabă, masa sub acoperişul terasei. Punctul culminant al
serii a fost concertul spontan susţinut de Padre şi acompaniat de aceia dintre noi care ştiau, mai mult sau mai puţin,
să cânte.
In the lower city we entered the market, which was
fool with fresh and of course biological - as people
here cannot afford pesticides and fertilizer - vegetables. Behind it is the gipsy-market, where one can
buy wooden spoons, baskets and hats. At this point
the group separated, to hang around in a coffee, see
a demonstration against deforestation in Transylvania
and go up the city tower to enjoy the view and take
pictures. We met again for a presentation of Ruth István of the Coordination Office for Fortified Churches.
She introduced us into the history of Transylvania, the
current situation of the church-fortresses and effort
they take to restore them with the help of EU-funds.
Back in Padres hostel the barbecue was already
sizzling. The spirit was cheerful and the long table was
set. Just after sitting down for a soup along the nicely
folded napkins, it started to rain and we hectically
rushed the table under the roof. The highlight of the
evening was a spontaneous gig of Padre accompanied
by all of us who could sing (or not) or play an instrument.
Sa. 10.05
Die Entdeckung Hermannstadts
Für die Meisten eine kurze Nacht, da man dem Wiedersehen der alten und dem Kennenlernen der neuen
Freunde - besonders der prominenten Gastgeber
Angelika und Padre - angemessenen Raum gegeben
hatte. Der morgendliche Kaffee auf den Treppenstufen
in Padres Hostelhof wird von Sonnenstrahlen begrüßt.
Langsam rottet sich das Volk zusammen – bis es sich
endgültig erhebt ist es drei Uhr. Die Reisenden setzen
jetzt ihre Existenz angereichert durch die spät gekommenen „Insel-Tiere“- und im vollen Bewusstsein der
wichtigsten Requisiten „Alarmhahn“ und „Reisekrug“
Getting in contact with other tourists
Die Bewegung erfolgt in das Zentrum Hermannstadts. An die Ernennung Hermannstadts zur Kulturhauptstadt (2007) erinnert gleich zu Anfang der
moderne Hauptplatz mit ebenerdigem Wasserspiel.
Wir laufen durch die Altstadt weiter, bis wir an der
Grenze der Oberstadt auf Jonas ehemalige Arbeitsstätte (GTZ) treffen. In der Unterstadt betreten wir
den Markt mit frischem Gemüse – und weiter hinten
– den Zigeunermarkt mit Holzlöffeln, Körben, Hüten.
Hier trennt sich die Gruppe, steigt zum Teil auf den
Turm, schlägt in Cafés Wurzeln, schaut einer Demonstration gegen Abholzung in Transsilvanien zu.
Man trifft sich wieder beim Vortrag von Ruth István
(Leitstelle Kirchenburgen). Sie gibt eine Einführung
über die Geschichte Siebenbürgens, die heutige
Situation der Kirchenburgen und die Bemühungen,
diese mit EU-Geldern in Stand zu setzen. Dem Vortrag
folgt eine intensive Diskussion.
Als wir in Padres Hostelhof ankommen ist der Grill
schon in Aktion. Sp(i)rit wird ausgeschenkt und die
lange Tafel gedeckt, die, nachdem sich alle an den
gefalteten Servietten mit der ersten Portion Suppe
niedergelassen haben, hektisch vor einem Sturzregen
unter das Dach gerettet wird. Die Krönung des Abends
ist ein musikalischer Lifeact von Padre mit intensiver
Sibiu (Hermannstadt) – view of the city tower towards the fabled “lying bridge”
Music – singing – coming together
Padre and the three robin redbreasts
Main square
Oceans 11
Sibiu –
Mediaş Hermannstadt
Ziua drumeţiei
Punctualitate germană, am împachetat totul până
la ora 9, fiind pregătiţi pentru a explora Carpaţii.
Cu toate acestea Padre a întârziat pentru că, din
păcate, concertul de noaptea trecută s-a desfăşurat în
dormitorul lui. În timp ce l-am aşteptat, am petrecut
momente frumoase în curtea pensiunii. Când în sfârşit
Padre a fost pregătit de plecare, am întâmpinat un alt
obstacol şi anume maşinile de teren au avut dificultăţi
la pornire.
Într-un final am reuşit să plecăm. Drumeţia era
minunată, admiram verdele intens al pădurilor de
brad, chiar dacă drumurile erau desfundate şi pline de
noroi, iar câinii se împotmoleau până la gât. Deşi ne
simţeam foarte bine în timp ce am făcut o fotografie
de grup pe traseu, alarma ceasului ne-a avertizat
că suntem în întârziere. Ajunşi în ultima treime a
călătoriei, în apropiere de cabană, am observat că
pădurea era împânzită de utilaje forestiere, care
în mod evident defrişau doar arborii afectaţi de
Când am ajuns la cabană am fost înconjuraţi de
numeroşi câini de toate culorile şi mărimile şi am
observat impunătoarea toaletă în aer liber. Deşi am
primit multă mâncare a plouat din nou, ceea ce ne-a
obligat să rearanjăm masa sub acoperiş.
Coborâm, alunecăm, trecem prin vaduri oprindune doar pentru a admira broaștele și mormolocii cu
burta galbenă. Ajunşi într-o parcare, în timp ce l-am
aşteptăm pe Padre, am jucat frisbee printre cai, oi şi
Am ajuns noaptea la Mediaş şi ne-am cazat în centrul
oraşului. Nu ne-a fost permis să mergem cu maşinile
în oraş decât după ce Jonas a aranjat lucrurile. S-a
încins o petrecere între maşinile care așteptau şi
într-un chioşc din apropiere. După aceasta am rearanjat camera pentru a fi potrivită activităţilor noastre
favorite “Reisekrüge” (căni de călătorie) și altele
So. 10.05
Hiking Day
German punctuality - we packed everything at nine
to be ready to go to the Carpatian mountains.
Padre however - the place of music last night was
unfortunately his sleeping room as well - is late. We
enjoy the time waiting and a first day of summer
holidays in the courtyard. As Padre appears the Jeeps
hesitate to work - one has learns to keep busy when
on the road.
Finally the motorcade drives up along the muddy
road accompanied by the dogs muddy up to their
shoulders. Hiking was wonderful, rushed by the
Alarmhahn, we reach fresh and green birch forests.
We paused for a group photo. We were in the last
third of our way. Here the forest is fully tilled by forestry machines - the attempt to cut down bark-beetle
ridden trees.
When we arrived to our cottage, dogs of all colours and sizes kept us company. The cottage itself
impressed us with a great outdoor bathroom. We get
food - lots! And again we had to rescue our nicely
folded napkins and the soup under the roof.
Walking down - sliding down - wading down - stopping for yellow-bellied toads and pollywogs. On a
parking lot between free running horses, sheep and
human-loving dogs we waited for Padre while playing
Arriving in Mediaş - our accommodation in the
community centre - it is already dark. We were
not allowed to go by car into the city until Jonas
has arranged the things. The spontaneous party as
developing between the waiting cars - a kiosk made
our evening. In the community centre we found a
living room which we rearranged to suit the group and
our favourite activity - Reisekrüge and so on.
Sibiu –
Mediaş Hermannstadt
So. 10.05
Deutsche Pünktlichkeit, man hat um 9 Uhr fertig
gepackt, um rechtzeitig in die Kaparten zu kommen.
Padre jedoch - der Raum der Musik war bedauerlicherweise auch sein Schlafzimmer - lässt auf sich warten.
Man genießt die Zeit als sommerlichen Urlaubstag im
Hof. Als Padre auftaucht, zicken die Jeeps - man lernt,
sich auf der Straße zu beschäftigen.
Schlussendlich zieht die Autokolonne hinauf Matschpiste, aussteigen - Hunde pflügen schultertief
durch die Bergstraße. Die Wanderung ist wunderschön, Alarmhahn im Nacken, frischgrüne Buchenund Tannenwälder - zwischendrin ein Gruppenphoto.
Im letzten Drittel vor der Zielhütte ist der Berg
metertief von Forstmaschinen durchpflügt, offensichtlich herrührend von dem Versuch, von Borkenkäfern
befallene Bäume abzuholzen.
Am Zielort angekommen wird man zuerst von
Hunden in allen Größen und Farben beschäftigt. Die
Hütte selbst beeindruckt mit einem beachtlichen
Freiluftbadezimmer. Es gibt Essen - Unmengen. Und
wieder rettet man die gefalteten Servietten und die
Suppenschüsseln unters Dach.
Absteigen - abrutschen - „abwaten“ - stehenbleiben
bei Gelbbauchunken und Kaulquappen. Auf einem
Parkplatz zwischen frei laufenden Pferden, Schafen
und menschenaffinen Hunden wartet man frisbiespielend auf die Ankunft von Padre.
View down the rainy mountains
Summit happiness
Meeting local dogs
Mountain dog riding
Bei der Ankunft in Mediasch - die Unterkunft ist im
Gemeindezentrum - ist es bereits dunkel. Man darf
nicht mit dem Auto in die Stadt - solange bis Jonas
das klargemacht hat. Party entsteht zwischen den
wartenden Autos - ein Kiosk macht‘s möglich. Im
Gemeindezentrum gibt es einen Aufenthaltsraum, der
erst gruppentauglich umgebaut, dann noch ein wenig
genutzt wird - Reisekrüge und so weiter.
Lunch in the Carpatian Mountains
Mediaş –
Viscri –
Sighişoara –
Weißkirch –
Prima noastră biserică fortificată
Am luat micul dejun în grabă, am încărcat în maşini
şi am plecat. Am vizitat Biserica Albă ale cărei faţade,
clopotniţă şi turn de veghe sunt construite în stil
tradiţional şi au fost restaurate de mai multe ori. Deşi
a plouat am înconjurat biserica, iar ghidul ne-a oferit
detalii despre aceasta. Jonas s-a urcat în hambarul din
acoperiş şi ne-a furnizat câteva informaţii în timp ce
noi ne-am adăpostit de ploaie.
Când a început ghidajul turistic am intrat în biserică
şi am admirat-o din clopotniţă şi din turnul de veghe.
Peisajul rural tradiţional, cu găinile ce alergau pe
drumurile prăfuite şi frumoasa biserică vor rămâne
mereu în amintirea noastră. Acesta este locul în care
îşi desfăşoară activitatea de restaurare Prinţul Charles
şi Peter Maffei.
Următoarea oprire a fost la Sighișoara, oraş al
cărui centru istoric este inclus în patrimoniul mondial
UNESCO, de asemenea cunoscut şi ca fiind fosta
reşedinţă a lui Vlad Ţepeş (Dracula). Ghidul nostru,
Peter Suciu, ne-a povestit despre dezvoltarea orașului,
istoria și cultura comunității săsești, istoria bisericilor
și a școlilor precum și despre tehnicile de apărare
medievale. S-a discutat şi despre recenta restaurare
a clădirilor istorice şi a pavajului din piatră. Turul
oraşului s-a încheiat la restaurant cu o cina copioasă.
Am ajuns foarte târziu la Alţâna şi ne-am cazat. Aici
frații Eugen și Ştefan Vaida au creat un mic muzeu al
tradiţiilor locale, al artei și meşteşugurilor tradiţionale,
pe care l-am vizitat a doua zi.
Am campat în livada din faţa muzeului, iar acoperişul
unui hambar ne-a oferit spaţiu pentru cină şi pentru
socializare. Frigul ne-a ajuns până la oase, dar din
fericire berea, pălinca şi căldura oamenilor ospitalieri
au reuşit să ne menţină temperatura sângelui deasupra punctului de îngheţ pentru o bună perioadă de
Alţâna Alzen Mo.11.05
Our First Church-fortress
Sporty breakfast - packing the cars, departure.
We visited the traditional Weißkirch - with picturesque façades, dirt roads and free running chicken
preserved for eternity. This is the village of Prince
Charles Foundation and Peter Maffei ’ s hometown.
We were portioned straight by our guide, to wait for
a while in the rain and circle around the beautiful and
also beautifully restored church a couple of times.
Jonas climbed up in the barn roof (well visible) to
provide us with some information while protected
from the rain.
When the church finally opened, we entered the
inside (Church-ship) and looked down from the belland watchtower. The next point on the program was
Schäßburg, world cultural heritage town, also known
as Dracula´s whilom residence. Our town guide Peter
Suciu tells of the town´s development, the Saxon
history and community culture, the history of the
churches and schools and medieval defence techniques. We were fascinated. One the topics was also a
recent restoration of the pebble stone pavement and
the historic buildings. Finally we reached a restaurant
where the tour ends with a nice dinner on a long
Alzen is our place of accommodation. We arrive very
late. Here the brothers Eugen and Stefan Vaida have
established a small museum for local traditional way
of life, art and hand-craft which we are going to visit
the next days.
We pitched the tents under a romantic orchard in
front of the museum. A spacious barn roof served as
dining room and lounge. One is chilled to the bones
but fortunately a beer, palinka and cosy people kept
our blood over the freezing point for quite a while.
Mediaş –
Viscri –
Sighişoara –
Weißkirch –
Alţâna Alzen Mo.11.05
Die erste Kirchenburg
Flottes Frühstück im Frühstücksraum - Autos beladen, Abfahrt.
Besuch des traditionellen Weißkirch - dessen Fassaden, dirtroads und frei laufende Hühner für alle
Ewigkeit konserviert sind. Es ist die restauratorische
Wirkungsstätte von Prinz Charles und Peter Maffei. Wir
werden von unserer Führerin versetzt, warten etwas
im Regen und umrunden mehrmals die schöne - auch
schön wiederhergestellte Kirchenburg. Jonas steigt
ins Scheunendach, um uns, vom Regen geschützt und
gut sichtbar, mit guten Informationen zu versorgen.
Als der Tourismusbetrieb gestartet wird, werden wir
eingelassen, betrachten das Innere (Church-ship) und
schauen von Glocken- und Wachturm.
Der nächste Programmpunkt ist Schäßburg, die Weltkulturerbestadt, auch bekannt als Drakulas einstige
Wohnstätte. Unser Stadtführer Peter Suciu erzählt
äußerst spannend von der Entwicklung der Stadt, der
sächsischen Geschichte und Gemeinschaftskultur, der
Geschichte der Kirchen und Schulen und den Verteidigungsmethoden. Thema ist außerdem die aktuelle
Restaurierung des Kieselpflasters und der historischen
Gebäude. Die Tour endet mit einem Abendessen an
langer Tafel.
Citytour through Sighişoara
Visiting our first churchfortress in Viscri
Alzen ist unser Übernachtungsort, den wir sehr spät
erreichen. Hier haben die Brüder Eugen und Stefan
Vaida ein kleines Museum über einheimische traditionelle Lebensart, Kunst und Handwerk errichtet.
Wir schlagen die Zelte auf einer romantischen
Obstwiese vor dem Museum auf. Ein weiträumiges
Scheunendach stellt Essens- und Aufenthaltsraum.
Die Kälte der Nacht ist bis ins Knochenmark vorgedrungen - Bier, Palinka und Gruppenwärme schaffen
es zum Glück, unser Blut noch eine ganze Weile über
dem Gefrierpunkt zu halten.
Street hostel
Alţâna –
Alzen Holzmengen
Ziua proiectului
Deşi eram îngheţaţi în corturile umede, am reuşit să
împărţim frăţeşte cantitate limitată de apă caldă de la
duş, iar micul dejun a fost bine pregătit.
Am plecat la timp spre Hosman/Holzmengen, pentru
a afla despre proiectul de morărit al lui Joachim
Când am ajuns acolo, Joachim nu era prezent, astfel
că am avut suficient timp pentru a ne plimba prin
livezi şi pentru a vizita biserica fortificata din Hosman.
La sosirea târzie a ghidului a început un tur minunat
prin vechea moară săsească restaurată. Joachim
ne-a povestit că a cumpărat şi a restaurat instalaţii
vechi pentru a determina oamenii să macine din nou
grânele la moară.
În această locaţie el organizează periodic o piaţă cu
obiecte de artizanat şi doreşte să amenajeze spaţii de
cazare pentru vizitatori și angajaţi. Ne-a impresionat
iniţiativa şi angajamentul acestuia.
Project Day
Wir sind recht durchgefroren, das Zelt ist nass. Zum
Glück hat der Frühstückstrupp gut gearbeitet. Es gibt
sogar eine Dusche, deren begrenztes warmes Wasser
man sich brüder- und schwesterlich aufteilt.
We departed - this time punctually - to Hosan/
Holzmengen to learn about the mill project of Joachim
Diesmal pünktlich brechen wir nach Holzmengen auf,
um das Mühlenprojekt von Joachim Cotaru kennenzulernen. Wir sind da, er jedoch nicht. Dafür haben
wir Zeit im schönsten Sonnenschein Holzmengens
Kirchenburg zu besichtigen und im Obsthain spazieren
zu gehen.
With his arrival a wonderful tour begins through
the restored old-saxon mill. Joachim tells how he
has bought and renovated the old machines and now
people come again to mill their corn. There he also
regularly organizes a hand-crafts market.
Accommodation for guests and temporary helpers is
the next project he is planning. We are impressed by
his initiative and his commitment.
Back in Alzen we were relaxing in the sun, playing
minigolf-soccer and sitting together in groups cooking
up plans for big projects and wild herb soups.
Zurück in Alzen ruht man in der Sonne aus, spielt
Minigolffußball oder sitzt in Grüppchen zusammen und
schmiedet Pläne für große Projekte oder Wildkräutersuppen.
În acea după-amiază am ajuns prea târziu la Biertan, iar biserica este deja închisă. Iniţial am dorit să
testăm capacitatea defensivă a zidurilor de apărare
ale cetăţii, dar ulterior ne-am hotărât să vizităm un
magazin local şi să hoinărim prin împrejurimi.
For the afternoon it was planned to go to Birthälm.
Unfortunately we came to late and the church was
already closed. At first we considered to test the
defensive capacity of the fortress walls but decided to
explore the small supermarket, hang out around the
village and watch the goings-on.
Für den Nachmittag ist eine Fahrt nach Birthälm
geplant. Leider kommen wir zu spät an und die Kirche
ist schon geschlossen. Wir überlegen zuerst, die
Angriffsresistenz der Wehrmauern zu testen, nehmen
uns stattdessen lieber den kleinen Supermarkt vor,
laufen im Dorf herum und beobachten das Treiben.
The supper was prepared again by Padre and Angelica. Reimond ’ s cousin Patrick joined us and also Alex,
Padres music student, visited again. The meal was
tasty with lost of fat and garlic. The night was cold but
fast warmed up by the smoking fire and Rumanian
folk tunes.
Das Nachtmahl wird wieder durch gemeinsames
Grillen mit Padre und Angelika bestritten. Reimonds
Cousin Patrick ist zu uns gestoßen und auch Alex,
Padres Musikschüler ist wieder dabei. Das Essen
strotzt vor Fett, Knoblauch und Ruß. Die Kälte kehrt
wieder, wird aber konsequent von rauchendem Feuer
und rumänischen Volksweisen verdrängt.
Alzen Holzmengen
Mit seinem späteren Eintreffen beginnt eine wunderbare Führung durch die wiedererweckte alt-sächsische
Mühle. Joachim erzählt, wie er alte Maschinen gekauft
und wiederhergestellt hat, dass jetzt die Leute hier
wieder ihr Korn mahlen lassen und dass er auf dem
Grundstück regelmäßig einen Handwerkermarkt
veranstaltet. Unterkünfte für Gäste und temporäre
Mitarbeiter sind in Planung. Wir sind beeindruckt von
seiner Initiative und seinem Engagement.
Reîntorşi în Alţâna, ne-am relaxat la soare, am jucat
minigolf-fotbal şi am făcut planuri pentru proiecte
viitoare și pentru supe din plante sălbatice.
Cina a fost pregătită din nou de Padre şi de Angelica.
Patrick, verişorul lui Reimond, şi Alex, ucenicul lui
Padre, ni s-au alăturat. Mâncarea a fost foarte grasă
cu mult usturoi și cu funingine. Fumul de țigară şi
muzica tradiţională românească ne-au ajutat să
învingem frigul.
Quite chilled through, the tents were wet. Fortunately the breakfast brigade has been working well.
There was even a nice shower; its limited warm water
we shared brotherly.
We are there, our host not yet so we have the time
to visit Holzmengens church-fortress in the nicest
sunshine and to walk through the orchards.
Alţâna –
Our “hortus conclusus“
The millar
Amazing fresh lunch in Alţâna (Alzen)
Mill in Hosman (Holzmengen)
Short break in the sun
Alţâna –
Viaţa curge ca mierea
Trappold Mi 13.05
Life is Honey Licking
A trip to Hahnbach to visit the bee keepers family
Tartler. Anja Schneider guided us with her two children across the site. The beehives are standing on
the slope behind the main building. She showed us
the partly renovated church-fortress and the former
school building, which they are restoring as a working
space for workshops.
Fahrt nach Hahnbach zur Imkerfamilie Tartler. Anja
Schneider führt uns mit ihrem Kind im Arm und einem
am Rockzipfel über das Gelände. Am Hang hinter dem
Hauptgebäude stehen die Bienenstöcke. Sie zeigt
uns die teilrenovierte Kirchenburg und das ehemalige
Schulgebäude, welches gerade zum Seminarraum
ausgebaut wird.
Anja ne-a vorbit despre tehnologia apicolă pe care
ei o folosesc în familie precum şi despre dificultăţile
apicultorilor locali pe care încearcă să-i ajute prin
cursuri de specializare. Una din probleme este aceea
că apicultorii locali nu deţin aparatură pentru a pune
mierea în borcane. Vânzarea cu amănuntul a produsului finit ar aduce profituri semnificativ mai mari pentru
producători. Am fost invitaţi la o degustare de miere şi
cafea, de unde am cumpărat tot stocul de miere.
Beside the beekeeping procedures they explained the
difficulties of the local bee breeding praxis and their
own initiatives to help by training the people. One
problem is for example, that the locals don´t own the
machines to fill up the honey into glasses. Over selling
the end product directly however the profit is much
better. Coffee and honey tasting is served on a roofed
terrace. We buy the whole stock of glasses.
Neben den Abläufen der eigenen Imkerei stellt sie
uns die Schwierigkeiten der einheimischen Bienenzucht dar und die Bemühungen des Ehepaars über
Schulungen Hilfe zu leisten. Ein Problem ist zum
Beispiel, dass die Einheimischen nicht die Maschinen
besitzen um ihren Honig selbst in Gläser abzufüllen.
Über den Einzelverkauf lassen sich für den Hersteller
jedoch deutlich höhere Gewinne erzielen. Es gibt
Kaffee und Honigverkostung auf einer überdachten
Terrasse. Wir kaufen alle Vorräte auf.
Back in Alzen we pack the tents. A wonderfully
prepared table with filled plates is awaiting us.
Eugen Vaida ne-a prezentat muzeul compus din două
camere mobilate tradițional precum şi o mică sală de
curs. Ne-au fost prezentate aspecte despre starea
activităţilor de restaurare din Sibiu. Foarte interesantă
este practica recentă de înlocuire a dalelor vechi dar
de calitate cu altele noi, mai ieftine şi de calitate
The next info point is on-site: Eugen Vaida shows us
his museum. It contents two traditionally furnished
rooms and a small lecture room. Here he gives us an
interesting presentation, which gives insight in the
current preservation work in Siebenbürgen.
Especially interesting is the recent problematic praxis
of replacing the old high quality tiles by cheap new
După ce ne-am luat rămas bun de la Dori şi de la
Matteo, ne-am îndreptăm spre Apold. Renovarea
bisericii fortificate de aici se datorează muncii de ani
de zile a lui Sebastian Bethge.
After saying goodbye to Dori & Matteo, the rest of
the group drives to Trappold/Apold. The renovation
of the local churchfortress is owe to the years-lasting
work of Sebastian Bethge.
Soția preotului ortodox a pregătit deja cina, pe care
am dus-o la fortăreaţă. Am montat corturile e în
curtea interioară, iar unii dintre noi au dormit în turnul
de veghe. Am încins un foc de tabără în jurul căruia
s-a creat o atmosferă vibrantă în sunetul chitarei şi al
vocilor noastre. În acest moment, din întuneric, ni s-a
alăturat Radu.
The wife of the orthodox priest has already prepared
the supper, which we carry up to the fortress. Our
tents are pitched up in the inner ward. Some of us will
sleep in the watchtower. Not very long however for
the night creates a remarkably vital round with fire
site and collective guitar aided singing. In the dark
Radu comes for joining us.
Trappold Mi 13.05
Das Leben ist Honigschlecken
Am călătorit spre Hamba pentru a cunoaşte familia
de apicultori Tartler. Anja Schneider şi cei doi copii
ai săi ne-au ghidat prin localitate şi ne-au prezentat
biserica fortificată parțial renovată precum și fosta
clădire a școlii pe care o renovează în scopul de a
fi folosită pentru cursuri. Stupii sunt amplasaţi pe
versantul din spatele clădirii principale.
Întorşi în Alţâna am împachetat corturile şi am
mâncat prânzul pregătit de mama fraţilor Varga.
Alţâna –
Zurück in Alzen packen wir die Zelte. Eine wundervoll
gedeckte Tafel mit befüllten Tellern wurde von der
Mutter der Vaida Brüder für uns vorbereitet.
Der nächste Infopoint ist vor Ort: Eugen Vaida zeigt
sein Museum. Es enthält zwei traditionell eingerichtete
Räume und einen kleinen Vortragsraum. Hier hält er
für uns eine sehr interessante Präsentation, die Einblick in den aktuellen Denkmalschutz gibt. Besonders
spannend ist die problematische Praxis, alte hochwertige Dachziegel durch billige Neuware zu ersetzen.
Wir verabschieden uns von Dori & Matteo, der Rest
der Gruppe fährt nach Trappold. Die Renovierung
der hiesigen Burg ist Sebastian Bethges jahrelanger
Eigenarbeit und Workshops zu verdanken.
Die Frau des orthodoxen Priesters hat bereits
Abendessen vorbreitet, das wir zur Burg hochtragen.
Die Zelte stehen im Burghof, einige schlafen im Turm.
Nicht lange jedoch, denn die Nacht bringt eine äußerst
lebendige Runde mit Lagerfeuer und gemeinsamen
Gitarrengesang hervor. Im Dunkeln stößt Radu zu uns.
Typical Saxon village layout
Amazing dinner in Apold (Trappold)
Patchwork table
Campfire night
Apold – Movile
Apold – Movile
Prima zi în Movile
First Day in Movile
După un mic dejun sănătos, Sebastian Bethge ne-a
prezentat biserica fortificată pe care a renovat-o pe
cont propriu. Am aflat foarte multe detalii interesante
despre procesul de renovare şi despre munca investită
în fortăreaţă în ultimii 15 ani.
After a wonderful night and a healthy breakfast
Sebastian Bethge showed us the church-fortress
which he renovated on his own. We learned a lot of
interesting details about the renovation and the work
he put into the fortress in the last 15 years.
După ce am mâncat prânzul delicios pregătit de către
soţia preotului ortodox am plecat cu maşinile într-o
scurta excursie către Movile. Am ajuns la clădirea
ONG-ului “Hundertbücheln” ai cărui reprezentanţi au
avut amabilitatea să ne ofere găzduire. Ca şi cadou de
bun venit, mătuşa Sini, ne-a pregătit o mare cantitate
de gogoşi cu zahăr.
Also the lunch was prepared by the wife of the
orthodox priest and very tasty. In the early afternoon
we started our short car-trip to Movile. We arrived at
the house of the HOG Hundertbücheln, who invited us
kindly to stay there. As a special gift Aunt Sini prepared a huge amount of delicious Krapfen for us.
Fericiţi şi sătui am început să explorăm biserica
fortificată. Am escaladat în special turnul de est
care a reprezentat o provocare pentru cei cu teamă
de înălţimi, însă ca recompensă am avut parte de
o privelişte deosebita asupra satului și a peisajul
După-amiaza târziu am început să lucrăm în grupuri
de câte trei persoane, am împărtăşit impresii despre
ceea ce am văzut în ultimele zile și am conturat
primele idei și concepte (Anexe). Între timp, organizatorii noştri au pregătit cina, au savurat pălinca locală
foarte puternică şi au dansat prin bucătărie.
După o cină foarte animată, am organizat un al
doilea atelier de lucru, într-o atmosferă mai calmă
și mai silenţioasă. Fiecare a vorbit câte cinci minute
despre motivația lui, despre cât timp poate să dedice
proiectului și despre impresiile săptămânii.
Do. 14.05
Happy and full we started afterwards to explore the
church-fortress. Especially climbing the eastern tower
was, due to the fear of heights, a challenge for some
of us. But as a reward we got a great view over the
village and the surrounding landscape.
In the late afternoon we started with our workshops.
In small groups we talked about the manifold impression we got in the last days and developed the first
ideas and concepts. (see attachment)
In the meantime the organizers prepared dinner and
enjoyed some very strong local palinka while dancing
through the kitchen.
After a lively dinner we had the second workshop,
this time more calm. Everyone of us talked five
minutes about his motivation, the amount of time
he could imagine to spend for the project and the
impressions of the week.
Do. 14.05
Erster Tag in Hundertbücheln
Nach der schönen Nacht im Burghof von Trappold
frühstücken wir gemeinsam und schauen uns, geführt
von Sebastian Bethge, die von ihm restaurierte
Kirchburg an. Wir erfahren viele interessante Details
über die Sanierung, den Ablauf und die vielen Arbeit,
die er rund um die Burg in den letzten fast 15 Jahren
gemacht hat.
Nach dem Mittagessen, das wieder von der Frau des
orthodoxen Priesters für uns zubereitet wird, fahren
wir weiter nach Hundertbüchlen. Dort beziehen wir
das Haus der HOG Hunderbücheln, die uns freundlicherweise eingeladen hat, dort zu übernachten. Als
besonderes Gastgeschenk hat die „Sini“-Tante für
uns einen großen Berg an selbst gemachten Krapfen
Ideas workshop in Movile (Hunderbücheln)
Glücklich und satt geht es im Anschluss an die Entdeckung der Kirchenburg. Besonders die Ersteigung
des östlichen Wehrturms stellt einige auf Grund von
Höhenangst vor eine besondere Herausforderungen.
Dafür werden mir mit einem großartigen Blick auf das
Dorf und die umgebende Landschaft belohnt.
Am späten Nachmittag beginnt dann der erste
Workshop. Mit den vielfältigen Eindrücken der letzten
Tage im Kopf sammeln wir in kleinen Gruppen erste
Ideen und Konzepte. (siehe Anhang)
Unser Organisationsteam bereitet in der Zwischenzeit das Essen zu und vergnügt sich mit Palinka,
den Sie im Dorf gekauft haben. Überrascht von der
belebenden Wirkung fragen Sie noch einmal nach,
woraus er gemacht ist. Es stellt sich heraus, dass er
natürlich nur aus Früchten ist, aber die etwa 80 % tun
ihr übriges.
Zum Abschluss des Abends gibt es noch einen
kontemplativen Teil des Workshops. Jeder von uns
spricht in Ruhe an dem langen Tisch über seine eigene
Motivation und Zeit, die man in das Projekt einbringen
The famous church ship (Kirchenschiff)
Our lord in the tower
View towards Movile (Hundertbücheln)
Movile (Hundertbücheln) with its main road and houses in a typical Saxon village layout
O sută de movile şi atelierele de lucru
În cea de-a doua zi a şederii noastre în Movile am
explorat peisajul unic din împrejurimile satului parcurgând drumurile desfundate cu ajutorul a trei căruţe
trase de cai. Am escaladat dealurile înverzite şi am
admirat vederea panoramică a zonei, flora şi fauna.
Ne-a impresionat peisajul deosebit al zonei caracterizat de o mare biodiversitate: pajişti cu orhidee,
vulturi, turme de oi şi câini ciobăneşti.
Am fost avertizaţi de către ghizii să ne ferim de câini
agresivi ai ciobanilor, care sunt o ameninţare pentru
excursioniștii și bicicliștii din zonă. Unii dintre noi au
cules ciuperci proaspete pentru cină.
A treia sesiune a atelierelor de lucru a avut loc dupăamiaza în Movile. Fiecare echipă a analizat punctele
tari şi punctele slabe ale Transilvaniei în general şi ale
localităţii Movile în special.
O parte a grupului s-a întâlnit cu preotul paroh care
le-a prezentat biserica ortodoxă şi cimitirul. Ceilalţi
au preferat să cutreiere împrejurimile şi să intre în
contact cu tinerii din sat şi au observat că YouTubeul, Facebook-ul și rapul american sunt cunoscute în
Seara am pregătit cina de rămas bun, la grătar după
cum ne-am obişnuit. Padre și Angelica au sosit din
Sibiu după-amiaza şi au adus cu ei elementul forte al
banchetului: 25 de păstrăvi proaspeţi și delicioşi.
Ca de obicei în această săptămână cina a durat
până târziu în noapte. Pentru prezentarea rezultatelor
atelierelor de lucru ne-am reunim obosiţi după miezul
nopţii, cu toate acestea au fost prezentate gânduri şi
idei foarte interesante.
Fr. 15.05
The Hundred Hills & Workshops
Hundert Bücheln & Workshops
On our second day in Movile we explored the unique
landscape around the village. We went with three
horse-waggons over muddy roads to the fascinating
green hills in the surrounding. After arriving there, we
climbed the enchanting hills, enjoyed the view back
to the church-fortress and discovered unique flora
and fauna. The highlights were the vastness of the
landscape, orchid-meadows and three eagles circling
above our heads.
An unserem zweiten Tag in Hundertbücheln
machen wir uns daran, die einzigartige Umgebung
kennenzulernen. Mit drei Pferdewagen fahren wir
über schlammige Wege in die faszinierenden grünen
Rutschungshügel der Umgebung. Wir besteigen die
einzigartigen Hügel, genießen die Aussicht auf die
Kirchburg und entdecken eine vielfältige Flora und
Fauna. Die Offenheit der Landschaft, Orchideenwiesen
und drei kreisende Adler sind einige der Höhepunkte.
The landscape is mostly cultivated by grassing
sheep. But our guides warned us to take care of the
aggressive dogs of shepherds, who are also a problem
for hikers and bikers in the region. In the meanwhile
some of us collected fresh mushrooms for dinner.
Bewirtschaftet wird die Landschaft weitgehend durch
Schafbeweidung. Unsere Fahrer warnen uns allerdings
vor den aggressiven Hütehunden, die auch ein Problem für Wanderer und Radfahrer in der Landschaft
sind. Währenddessen sammeln einige noch Pilze für
das Abendessen.
Back in Movile in the afternoon we worked on our
third workshop. Every team dealt with topics such as
strengths and weaknesses of Transylvania and Movile,
communication in the group and the like.
In the meanwhile a smaller group of ours met the
priest of the town and visited the local orthodox
church. Some preferred to spend the time hanging
around and getting in contact with the youngsters
of the village. They noticed, that YouTube, Facebook
and American rap are also a big part of the youngster
culture in Transylvania.
In the evening we prepared the farewell dinner.
We had a barbecue again. Padre and Angelika, who
arrived from Sibiu in the afternoon, brought the
highlight of the banquet with them: 25 fresh and
delicious trout.
As usual in this week the dinner lasted far into the
night. We met again for our presentation of the workshop results already very tired after midnight, but had
again interesting ideas and thoughts.
Fr. 15.05
If it fits it sits
Search for divine assistance for secular affairs
Tour with horse waggons
Farewell dinner with twenty five fresh trouts
Our driver and his assitances
Zurück in Hundertbücheln arbeiten wir am Nachmittag an dem dritten Workshop, in dem jede Gruppe
sich mit den Themen Stärken und Schwächen von
Transsylvanien und Hundertbücheln, Kommunikation
in der Gruppe etc. auseinander setzt.
Dazwischen treffen sich einige von uns mit dem
Priester des Dorfes und schauen sich die orthodoxe
Kirche an, die ebenfalls dringend saniert werden
muss. Wieder andere knüpfen erste Kontakte zu den
Jugendlichen des Dorfes und merken, dass YouTube,
Facebook und amerikanischer Rap auch in Siebenbürgen angekommen sind.
Am Abend organisiert ein Teil der Gruppe das
gemeinsame Abendessen, bei dem wieder gegrillt
wird. Padre und Angelika sorgen für den Höhepunkt
des Essens: 25 frisch gefangene und sehr leckere
Wie immer in der Woche zieht sich das zelebrierte
gemeinsame Essen bis spät in die Nacht, so dass wir
für die Präsentation der Workshop Ergebnisse erst
nach Mitternacht zusammenkommen.
Hundertbücheln –
Hermannstadt –
Sa. 16.05
Hundertbücheln –
Ziua plecării
Unii dintre noi au plecat deja cu o noapte înainte,
iar ceilalţi am făcut curățenie de dimineață în casa
gazdelor noastre, ONG-ul “Hundertbücheln”. După
aceasta majoritatea celor din grupul nostru au pornit
spre casă, fie cu maşina (aproximativ 16 ore de
condus până la München sau la Berlin) fie, mai confortabil, cu avionul de la Sibiu.
Ceilalţi s-au întâlnit cu Sebastian Bethge, care a
făcut o evaluare din punct de vedere a eforturilor de
restaurare pentru complexul arhitectural al bisericii
fortificate din Movile. Foarte interesant pentru grupul
nostru este turnul din nord, care a fost folosit pentru
afumatul şuncii, deoarece ONG-ul “Hundertbücheln”
ne-a solicitat o estimare a costurilor pentru reabilitarea acestuia. În acest sens, Sebastian ne-a asigurat
că va pregăti un material despre turn. Sebastian ne-a
oferit informații şi sugestii foarte utile, discutând cu el
ne dăm seama cât de incitant este să poţi fi capabil să
“citeşti” evoluţia istorică a unei biserici fortificate. La
prima vedere, Sebastian ar spune că, per ansamblu,
starea bisericii fortificate este bună.
Pentru noi este foarte interesant de ştiut că se pot
face aproximativ optzeci la suta din lucrările necesare
de restaurare în ateliere de lucru supervizate de
profesionişti. Pentru aceasta am putea folosi organizarea și forța noastră de muncă. Pe scurt, există multe
întrebări cu privire la o “metodă ideală“ de conservare
şi restaurare. (Ce trebuie făcut în legătură cu nivelul
ridicat al solului în jurul zidurilor?, Cum ar fi mai bine
să abordăm restaurarea pereţilor?, Cine este specialistul pentru fresce, tencuieli, țigle? și așa mai departe).
Sebastian consideră că pentru a face o conservare
judicioasă ar fi nevoie de aproximativ zece ani de
planificare și execuție.
În încheierea călătoriei am degustat diferite brânzeturi din lapte de oaie și de bivoliţă în Răşinari şi am
asistat la un dans tradiţional al tinerilor din localitate.
La final, ultimii dintre noi, şi-au luat rămas bun
rememorând o săptămână interesantă şi incitantă.
Departure Day
Nachdem die Ersten schon am vorherigen Abend
aufgebrochen sind, räumen wir gemeinsam das
Haus der HOG Hundertbücheln auf. Der Großteil der
Gruppe macht sich dann auf die Heimreise, beschwerlich mit dem Auto (etwa 16 Stunden Fahrt) oder von
Hermannstadt aus bequem mit dem Flugzeug.
The remaining group met with Sebastian Bethge,
who offered us to have a quick look at the church-fortress and made a short assessment of the stability
of the construction. Particularly for the “ham-tower“
in the north the HOG Hundertbücheln asked us to
estimate the costs of the restoration, so we took
a closer look. Sebastian assures us he will make a
short documentation of the tower and its important
historical features and gave us many interesting
suggestions and information. By talking with him we
realized how exiting it can be to be able to “read“ the
historic development of a church-fortress. On the first
sight Sebastian estimated, that the overall condition
of the church itself is good.
Die Restlichen treffen sich noch mit Sebastian
Bethge, der uns angeboten hat, kurz die Kirchenburg
anzuschauen und eine erste bauliche Einschätzung zu
geben. Insbesondere der nördlich gelegene Speckturm ist dabei von Interesse, da uns die HOG Hunderbücheln gebeten hat, eine Kostenschätzung für die
Sanierung einzuholen. Sebastian sichert uns zu, dass
er ein etwa zweiseitiges Kurzgutachten schreiben
wird. Daneben gibt uns Sebastian viele interessante
Anregungen und Informationen. Wir merken, wie
spannend es sein kann, die Entwicklung einer Kirchenburg baulich „lesen“ zu können. Den allgemeinen
Zustand der Kirche sieht er auf den ersten Blick als
gut an.
Under professional guidance and in workshops we
could do about eighty percent of the renovation
works. This is very encouraging, for the grounding
of our organisation and investing further work and
Für uns ist interessant, dass etwa achtzig Prozent
der nötigen Arbeiten an der Kirchenburg im Rahmen
von Workshops unter professioneller Anleitung
erledigt werden können. Ein Punkt, an welchem wir
unsere Organisations- und Arbeitskraft einbringen
können. Grundsätzlich steht man bei der denkmalgerechten Wiederherstellung vor vielfältigen Fragestellungen (Gewachsener Boden abgraben/alte Wege
freilegen oder Flora/Fauna erhalten, Soft-capping
oder Hard-capping der Mauern, Umgang mit historischem Putz/Fresken/Ziegel etc.) Für eine durchdachte
denkmalgerechte Sanierung muss man laut Sebastian
mit etwa zehn Jahren Planung und Ausführung
At the end of our trip we tried different sheep- and
goat cheeses in Răşinari and saw traditional dance
performed by local youth. Afterwards we said our
goodbyes while looking back on an interesting and
exiting week.
Hermannstadt –
Sa. 16.05
The first group departed already the night before,
and we cleaned the house of our hosts (HOG Hundertbücheln) in the morning. Afterwards the majority
of our group drove home, either by car (about 16
hours ride to Munich/Berlin) or, more comfortable, by
plane from Sibiu.
Many questions regarding a “best-practice“ conservation arose: What to do with the risen soil? How to
deal with the walls - soft- or hard-capping? Who is
specialist for the frescos, plastering, roof tiles? And
so on. Sebastian says, that for a thought-through
conservation one has to count about ten years of
planing and execution.
Zum Abschluss unserer Reise kosten wir noch
unterschiedliche Schaf- und Büffelkäse in Städterdorf
und sehen einen traditionellen Tanz, bevor sich auch
die letzten voneinander verabschieden.
Bye-bye Movile, see you next time!
All along the watchtower
Norok – Prost!
Pretty good picture of keys
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
1. Team “Pies in the sky“
Woofing holidays
- People come and work and learn new skills but also aiding in the help with the restoration
- We need a tractor!
- Get large trumpets!
- Develop the baguette coat of arms!
The “Dan Pearlman“ Effect: Make up something - A new religion/ cult
- “Find” a (fake) real artifact
- Create a “frame” patron to the castle (e.g. George Clooney)
Association of castle keepers…
- To create a collective group of castle keepers to inform the process of restoration
Village development fund
- Support local projects and village by donating a
percentage of profits from stupid touristy stuff
Rehabilitation of victims of the working world
- Experience the Romanian peace of life, De-stress, Star gazing, Building campfires, Simple living
Producing natural “Pure” castle stuff
- Castle Palinka, Castle Veggies, Castle Hops
Rural Gardening Movement
General Tourism/ Development of hostel
- Old people tours visiting castles
- Events (Stag, Hendoos, ELASA)
- Landscape Safari
- Foraging holidays
- Hiking holidays, departure dating and exiting week.
The funding/ research/ paperwork Bit
- Research castle character & village demographics
- Apply for various funds and have a chat to Charlie
International music festival
- DJs and Bands playing, once in a lifetime gigs
University workshops & study trips
- Bringing students and educating them
Developing a “designed” restoration
- Subtile changes to show the development of the
castle e.g. Roof tile pattern design
International design and arts festival
- Invite key designers (“Dan Pearlman”)
- Competition entrance for others
- Workshop and residency phases
Regional Market Venue
- Locals come to sell & exchange Produce
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
2. Team “Hedonistic Playground”
- Festivals, Workshops, Tourism
Movile Mobile: Movile in Motion
- Rei’s cycle lab
- Long distance cycling tracks
Sciencetraffic Landbrotory Movile
- LAREG churchfortress LANDSCAPE
- BOKU Wien (LAP, Pomology, Bees & Flowers, Eco
logy and Botanics)
“Urgeschmack”: taste the time
- Herbal wild kitchen
- Green Nut Pralines
- Market feeling – Market filling
- Milk processing
100-Bücheln, 101 Ideas
- Land Art
- Trunk-Table
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
3. Team “ MOV(il)E-IT”
Studying in Movile
- University affiliation & workshops
- Of party people & jam buyers (from Europe)
Destination Movile
- Retreat and guesthouse
Movie night and the castle
- Subtitles for locals
Invaders vs. locals
- Local football league
Living Stories
- Personal social history recorded and broadcasted
With love from Movile
- Unique, Branding, Marketing
Jams, jellies, cordials, pickles, palinca,
Business & cooperations
Palinca Fest
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
4. Team “Brainstorm”
Landschaft/ Kulturlandschaft
- Touristisch verwertbar: Wege restaurieren,
Wandern, Radfahren, Land Art, Hand craft tours
- Essbare Wälder
- Spiritual hill tops
- Rodelhügel
- Obstbäume, Obstbaumschnitt
- Naturbildung für Touristen
- Naturschutzworkshops
- Mülltrennung – Recyclingzentrum
- Design-upcycling mit alten Mustern
- Landschaft verstehen, Landnutzung, Architektur, Studenten, Dorfstruktur, Gebäude aufnehmen, Architekturgeschichte, 360° - Exkursion &
-summer school
- Benefit: Geld für Unterkunft & Führungen,
Bewusstsein – alte Bausubstanz, Landschaftsstruktur = Wert
- Schulwochen: Geschichtliche Reise im
- Gemeinschaftsbildungsseminare
- Fahrende Märkte (Märkte generieren, mehr
Produkte anregen)
- Subsistenzkultur (Exchange subsistenz 1 Jahr zum testen), Aussteigerservice
- 10 % Steuern an die Burg (siehe 14. Jh.)
- Plastikfreies Jahr
- Textilherstellung: Wolle – Waschen – Weben
(Decken, alte Muster & neues Design), Mühle (altes Handwerk, neue Wirtschaftsform, Holz, Keramik
- Chor für Alte und Kinder
- Obstpresse auch fürs Dorf
- Selbstreparaturwerkstatt für Dorf + Touristen
(routieren, Leute vom Dorf anlernen)
- Oma-Krapfen-Kaffee, Seminare – Kurse, Malen/
Zeichnen, Pflanzenwanderungen, Essbare Wild
pflanzen, Keramik – Geschirr, Ausdruck – Skulptur, Land Art, Alkoholproduktion
- Was-wäre-wenn-Kreativitäts-Workshops
- Lager, Türme, Geschichte, Kirche (Spiritualität, Meditationszentrum, Retreats, Schutz), alte Bau-
kunst, Garten: Gemüseanbau, Selbstversorgung
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Workshop-Results IDEAS
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
Ergebnisse der Ideensammlung
5. Team “ideas”
Landscape and infrastructure
- Walking & cycling paths: implementation &
- Communication (Touristic network, maps, apps, folders, …)
- Nature & Education -> raising awareness
- University
Excursions and classes
Land use, rural development
Landscape history
Architecture, heritage, history, preservation, restoration
Landscape preservation
Vegetation ecology
- Schools
Living history
Pretty Children Book
Creative holidays
- Retreat character
- Creative Expression Workshops
- Pottery – Art – Painting – Yoga – Horticulture –
- Land Art – Food/ Food Production
- Dance and Music
- Drawing – Landscape
- Experience
- Edible wild plants
Arts & Crafts & Local Economy
- Local textile production (sheep wood): new and old patterns, ways of production, technic, natural
colors plants experiment, collective workspace
(income for locals)
- Pattern collection: traditional patterns (textile, furniture, …)
- Recycling projects: collection, separation,
upcycling (design), new products
- Horticulture and subsistence: workshops, courses, exchange
- Private accommodation, sharing family life,
cooking events in private homes, marketing of
local precuts and services (horse carts, …), map
with local high lights, milk transport, office and
cake with grandma
- Temporary villagers: one year of subsistence in a traditional house, preparation courses, social
- Location – facility: for local production
(EU-kitchen, juicer, juice – press, …)
- Art & handcraft & pottery
- Village parties: markets, choir & intercultural choir, grannie-meetings, repair cafés
- New ideas
- External – neutral expert/ mediator
- Good connection: church fortress & local
- Social & economic impact for locals
- Alternative tourism & foreign quests, enabling and promoting of alternative life style
- Intercultural & mutual understanding
- Creating appreciation of local values
Historical heritage
- Spirituality, education, protection, storage, every
- Creative space and good Genius Loci, Space for transformation, Buildings and gardens, central spot, landmark, central communal value (potential)
- High diversity
- Fertile (food production)
- Historic cultural landscape
- Arcadian and aromatic sheep landscape
Local community
- Knowledge, handcraft, agriculture (subsistence), social networks, men force, time, products, empty buildings (high potential), informal business
International quests & connections
- Tourism brings knowledge interest, money
- Different life forms (collective community,
eco-village-movement, sustainability)
- Old crafts, products
- History, architecture, culture
- Creativity, self expression
- Experience (EU-funds & foundations, rural
6. Team “Clouds”
7. Team “Keep It A Nice Place To Stay”
8. Team “Communication”
- Energy, Corn, Palinka, Distillery, Brewery, Winery, Livestock, Hand Crafts, Fruits and Veggies, Honey
- Cinema Evenings, Markets, Parties (Wedding, … ), Sports/Playground, Exhibitions
Community Building Resource
- Internet, Café, Public Spaces, Bath House,
Launderette, Social Interaction, Playground,
Adopting & Valuing
Self sustaining farming
- Veggie Garden, Mushroom Production, Livestock, Brewery, Beekeeping
Communication Systems (Vote and Comment)
Email List, Social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Le:Norte), Discussion Forum/Local Groups (In Person), Website (Internal and external), Thematic subgroups, “Whole group” (Get togethers), Gather support from our existing & new professional
Quality of life
- Pub & Café, Playground, Life Admin, Drop in Sur
gery, Health Care, Communal Transport (Bus, Bike, Car Pool), Regular Party (“Stammtisch”): Concert, Celebration/ Achievement, Income/ Jobs/ Training, Social Interaction, Adopting & Valuing
- Exhibitions, Museum, Presentations, Income/Jobs/
Training, Time Witness/ Oral History, Interviews, Restore/Open (fortress)
- Hunting & Fishing, Outdoor, Kitchen, BBQ, Fire
Pit, Tastings, Livestock, Cookery, Partnerships, Sport, Outdoors & Adventure, Trails and Info Boards, Arty Stuff, Retreat (get away from it all), Brand (Marketing, Networking)
- Universities/ Institutions, Business, HOG & Com
munities elsewhere (Saxon, Romanian, Roma), Road Show, Host Expo/Conference (Annual
Transvestite Conference)
- School in nature, Homework program, Language lessons, Ecological education, Workshops (farming, arts, crafts, meditation/yoga, tradition)
- Sightseers, Scientific University Cooperation, Nature Tourism, Burn-Out-Clinic, Volunteery
Woofing, Workshops, Hobby scientists, Bird
Watchers, Historians
Projects & Thesis
- Landscape people, Historian, Restoration,
Ecology, Craftsmanship, University Cooperation
Local Economy
- Transportation (Railway), Craftsmanship, Farming, Proceedings, Products, Use Wild Fruits and Hedges
- Creating Cooperatives & Markets to
Surrounding Cities
Villages around
People from abroad (Tourists, Workers,
Sub Groups (Sign up, add ideas)
- I.T. Tech Stuff (Admin, Website, Social Media,
Secretary, etc.)
- Funding
- Networks (Academic, Institutions, Existing
Programs (e.g. Woof, Air BnB, …)
- Niche Markets (Crazy Ideas)
- On the ground
- Self decided “Homework”
- Group management
Levels of involvement (Vote/ Sign up/ Think
- Not interested anymore
- The odd Reply/Email/ Comment Now and Then
- Come and Visit for ‘on (The ground involvement)
- Meet up with others, locally and regularly -> Will
- Take on an “inner circle role” -> Will
- Carry out a piece of homework based on interests/ skills -> Lisa, Will
- Promotor -> Will
Group values, visions, Organisation (Vote and add)
- Controlling peer
- Decisions based on a majority
- Decisions based on consensus
- Forum for reflection & update
- Sharing personal values & ethnics
- Agreeing on a vision statement/ charter
- Voluntary and paid Roles
Workshop-Results Strength & Weaknesses
Workshop-Results Strength & Weaknesses
Stärken & Schwächen
Stärken & Schwächen
Region/ Churchfortress Landscape (Kirchenburgenlandschaft)
- Diverse, attractive cultural landscape
- Churchfortresses and CF-Landscape are already a brand
- Good networking of attractive spots and activities
- Interesting diverse history
- Good contact network (German, English, Romani an)
- Working subsistence agriculture (shepherds,
horse keepers, bees, …)
- Old knowledge
Missing infrastructure/ Transportation
No job opportunities
Cultural conflicts
Aging society
Missing infrastructure (Hospitals, schools, social institutions)
Difficult political structures (Corruption, high
bureaucratic barriers)
Dangerous dogs
No sensibility for environmental issues
Dilapidating structures (Buildings)
Region/ Churchfortress Landscape (Kirchenburgenlandschaft)
Region/ Churchfortress Landscape (Kirchenburgenlandschaft)
Village / Community
- Open minded people appreciating our interest
- People are pride about their region and landscape
- People have consciousness about possible changes (older generation!)
- Main square structure of the village
- Intimacy, small structures
- Direct personal communication is possible
- Social infrastructure (pubs, …)
- Mixed History & People
- Friendly and open people who are interested in getting involved
- Trapping into the knowledge of the local
- Saxon heritage, HOG Hundertbücheln (resources, house, network)
Infrastructure / Connections
- Dead end road invites for longer stays
- Immediately usable structures accessible
- No barrier through high wall
- Airport in Sibiu and Cluj
- Condition of the roads
- No passing trade
- Cheap prices for land etc.
- Visual connection to main square
- Integrated
- Land mark
- Unique Ensemble
- Unique towers/ Owl tower!
- Equipment: benches, organ coloration
- Details (e.g. heart ornaments)
- Diverse free/ large spaces
- Existing garden and green structures
- No essential damages
- Surrounding buildings
- Small walls without defending character
Surrounding Landscape
- Integrity of landscape
- Uniqueness of landscape, tourism label and name “Hundert-Bücheln”
- Need of intervention is obvious
- Integrity of agriculture
- High potential for milk processing
- (Uniqueness) Beauty of the landscape & Wildlife around
- Special layout of the town
- Village green before the church/ center
- Peaceful, further away, not on a road
- Open arms
- Accommodation management
- Provider of information
- Mono functional
- Damage of Speckturm
- Amount of work
- Missing view
- Building structure unknown
- Church is a tiny bit isolated from the village
- Sheep dogs
Surrounding Landscape
- Seemingly open landscape
- Chemicals
- Sewage system& infrastructural standard
- Different interests
- Limited possibilities for unlimited ideas
Village / Community
- Shut community through distance
- Distance to bigger cities
- Issues of integrating different communities
- Poverty, lack of employment
- Lack of permanent Saxon community
Infrastructure / Connections
- Dead end road
- No public transport
- Little choice of accommodation
- Connections to Carpathians
- Critical beer supply
- Highway (Planned)
Mulţumim gazdelor noastre!
Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei unseren Gastgebern!
Padre and Angelika, not only for being enchanting hosts offering us amazing palinka, wine and food. But most of all for lovely nights, music, talks and
the great time we had together. (Hostel La Padre, Somesului 14, Sibiu)
Ruth István, for a nice introduction into the topic of Transylvanian churchfortresses and a very interesting discussion afterwards (Biroul de
Coordonare Biserici Fortificate, Leitstelle Kirchenburgen, Str. Gen. Magheru 4)
For the lunch in the Mountains: Cabana Bărcaciu (Orașul Avrig, Fogarash Mountains)
Caroline Fernolend, for offering us the tour around Viscri, although we missed each other (Viscri/Deutsch-Weißkirch)
Peter Suciu, for a comprehensive and very interesting tour through Sighisoara (Agency: Wanderlust)
Joachim Cotaru, of course for showing us the mill, but also for the short glimpse of how one can live, work and develop ideas in Transylvania (Old
Mill/Moara Veche, Hosman/Holzmengen)
The beekeepers, Willy Tartler and Anja Schneider, for the short introduction into their home & work, delicious honey and the warm hospitality
Stefan and Eugen Vaida, for the refreshing insight in the tasks of contemporary monument preservation in Transylvania, (in particular tiles), the
lunch at the Interethnic Museum in Alzen/Alţâna and the two days camping on their ground
Sebastian Bethge, for accommodation, organizing the dinner&lunch for us and showing us his restoration of the church fortress in Apold/Trappold.
HOG Hundertbücheln, for allowing us to stay in their parish house next to the church in Movile (Movile/Hundertbücheln)
Doniţă for preparing the parish house for our stay and showing us the area
Hermann Ongert for organizing the tour with the horse wagons and our three drivers for the great tour and showing us the delicious mushrooms
The orthodox priest of Hundertbücheln/Movile for showing us his church and the old graveyard
“Tante Sini” for the delicious home-made “Krapfen”
Some took part at the cheese lunch with Christi Cismaru in Răşinari/Städterdorf
All photos are made by the participants in 2015.
Vizită în Transilvania
Visit of Transylvania
Sa. 10.05. - Sa. 16.05.2015