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Free Vocabulary
Vocabulary Serial Novel:
Zischen für den Umsatz
Episode 45: I Wish It Was All That Easy
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Sohn (m), Söhne (pl)
Bauunternehmen (nt), Bauunternehmen
building contractor
to refuse
Diplom (nt), Diplome (pl)
Großvater (m), Großväter (pl)
etw schaffen
to manage sth (fam)
ein Ziel erreichen
to achieve a goal
Ich wünschte, es wäre so einfach.
I wish it was all that easy.
Copyright Dominique Clarier
Vocabulary Serial Novel:
Zischen für den Umsatz
Episode 45: I Wish It Was All That Easy
For this video
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Buch (nt), Bücher (pl)
etw katalogisieren
to catalogue sth
Bibliothek (f), Bibliotheken (pl)
offene Stelle
Ja und?
So what?
Ausbildung (f)
arbeitslos sein
to be unemployed
Versager (m), Versager (pl)
enttäuscht sein
to be disappointed
seinen eigenen Weg gehen
to go one's own way
aus etw austreten
to leave sth
jdm verheimlichen, dass
to conceal the fact from sb that
sich ändern
to change
Copyright Dominique Clarier
Vocabulary Serial Novel:
Zischen für den Umsatz
Episode 45: I Wish It Was All That Easy
For this video
please click here
For further videos
please click here
Kunden verlieren
to lose customers
Angst (f)
Keine Sorge! (fam)
Don't worry!
Privatschule (f), Privatschulen (pl)
privat school
staatliche Schule
public school
to change
to understand
more often
die Stirn runzeln
to wrinkle one's brow
to sound
etw mögen
to like sth
etw sparen
to save sth
to work as a waiter
einverstanden sein
to agree
Copyright Dominique Clarier
Vocabulary Serial Novel:
Zischen für den Umsatz
Episode 45: I Wish It Was All That Easy
For this video
please click here
For further videos
please click here
for free
etw annehmen
to accept sth
to hem and haw
in Ordnung sein (fam)
to be all right
Investition (f), Investitionen (pl)
über jdn staunen
to be amazed at sb
einen Vorschlag ablehnen
to defeat a proposal
(m) = Maskulinum (masculin)
(f) = Femininum (feminine)
(nt) = Neutrum (neuter)
(sing) = Singular (singular)
(pl) = Plural (plural)
(fam) = umgangssprachlich (informal)
(hum) = humorvoll (humorous)
(sl) = Slang (slang)
(Am) = amerikanisches Englisch (American English)
(Brit) = britisches Englisch (British English)
© Dominique Clarier
Copyright Dominique Clarier
Please have a look at our further publications
Frau Brettschneider Goes On
Frau Brettschneider Goes On
Episodes 1 - 16
Episodes 17 - 32
Novel about friendship, love
and a nice young lady.
In German language with
German-English vocabulary.
In German language with
German-English vocabulary.
€ 1.99, GB£ 1.67, US$ 2.60
€ 1.99, GB£ 1.67, US$ 2.60
€ 2.99, GB£ 2.51, US$ 3.91
How to Survive the Phone
Call from Germany
Checklist Vacation
Frau Brettschneider Goes On
Strike - Novel
In English language
22 useful phrases on just one
sheet for your desk
Novel about friendship, love
and a nice young lady
Original edition with all
episodes. In German language
without vocabulary.
In German language with
German-English vocabulary
English- German
German - English
For free.
€ 0.99, GB£ 0.89, US$ 1.29
While listening you’ll see the
text also on the screen.
For free.
Learn German with Martha
Ovalyth - Novel
More than 50 lessons teaching
German everyday words and
Er entführt sie. Er hält sie
gegen ihren Willen fest. Er will,
dass sie ihm vertraut.
For free.
Zischen für den Umsatz
In German language
Prior publication
Chapter 1 - 14
€ 0.99, GB£ 0.89, US$ 1.29
Prior publication
In German language
While listening you’ll see the
text also on the screen.
For free.
Expected publication date
of the complete ebook:
Autumn 2013
Greeting Cards – Vacation
25 text examples in German
language with German-English
€ 0.99, GB£ 0.89, US$ 1.29
The prices in US$ and GB£ may change depending on the current exchange rate.
For further information please visit our website:
Copyright: Dominique Clarier
Video Lessons: Learn German with Martha
Hotel – Booking By Telephone
Hotel – At The Reception Desk:
Hotel – Complaints
Hotel – Departure
Say it in German: How much is it per night? Is breakfast included?
Say it in German: I have booked a room. Where can I park the car?
Say it in German: The key doesn't fit. The tap drips …
Say it in German: I'll be leaving tomorrow. Please prepare the bill
Appointment Hairdresser
At The Hairdresser's
Make an appointment by phone. Fix date and time …
Go to the hairdresser. Get your hair cut or tinted …
Being Allergic To
Doctor – Having A Cold
Say it in German: I suffer from hay fever. I'm allergic to nuts …
Say it in German: I have a bad cold. You need a few days in bed …
Doctor – Pain/Injury (Leg)
Doctor – Specialist
Say it in German: I've hurt myself. I can't move my leg ...
Learn German words for: eye specialist, dentist, surgeon …
Leisure Time
Making A Date
At The Cinema
Going Out
Meeting Friends At The Pub
Make a date, pick up the girl, go to the cinema.
Go to the cinema. Order something to drink. Discuss the movie.
Say it in German: Would you like to dance? I'd love to …
Order a glass of beer. Say “Cheers” to your friends. Go out for
some fresh air.
Conversation 1
Say it in German: Can I have a look at that? See you tomorrow! …
Conversation 2
Conversation 3
Say it in German: Have you got a moment? Yes, of course …
Say it in German: What's on TV today? Shall we watch a DVD? …
Conversation 4
Saying Thank You
How Old Are You?
Paying Compliments
Say it in German: Can I give you a lift? Drop me at the corner ...
Learn phrases like: Thank you very much for your help …
Say it in German: I am 29. She's your age. In a year I'll be 18 …
Say it in German: You look great today. I like your hairstyle ...
Watching A Soccer Game
Learn the German words for goal, defender, penalty area, offside,
free kick …
Learn phrases like: The score is 1 to 0. The ball wasn't out of
bounds …
Financial Affairs
Money And Banking
At The Bank Counter
Numbers 0 – 19
Numbers 20 – 99
Learn German words for payment, cash, small change
Say it in German: Has any money been transferred for me? …
Learn the numbers 0 - 19 in German.
Learn the numbers 20 - 99 in German.
Shopping - Shops
At The Supermarket
Buying Some Rolls And Cake
At The Baker's
Sweets And Savoury Biscuits
Learn the German words for department store, DIY superstore …
Learn phrases like: Excuse me, where is the sugar? …
Learn German phrases like: I'd like six plain rolls …
Learn German words for rolls, white bread, apple cake …
Learn German words for: dress, skirt, shirt, suit, coat …
Learn German words for: pumps, ballet flats, sneakers, boots …
Learn German words for milk, cheese, honey, coffee, tea …
Learn German words for apple, strawberry, cherry …
Learn German words for chocolate, wine gum, biscuit, cookie …
In The City
Asking The Way
Road Traffic
Find Your Way Through The City
Driving Too Fast
Find the way to the museum. Ask how to get to the motorway.
Learn German words for diversion, traffic jam …
Learn German words for museum, station, hospital …
Have you been driving too fast? Understand what the policeman is
telling you.
Christmas Decoration
Christmas Sweets
Christmas And New Year
Learn German words for Christmas tree, fairy lights, Advent wreath
Which traditional Christmas sweets do we have in Germany? Let
Hänschen explain to you.
Say it in German: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! …
How do Germans celebrate carnival? Learn the carnival salutation
“Helau!” Why is Old Women Day dangerous for men?
School – University
First-year Student
Meeting Other Students At The
Say it in German: Where do I get a lecture timetable …
Say it in German: I'm studying medicine …
Office Equipment
Office Supplies – Stationary
Office - Conversation 1
Office - Dialgue Managing Director /
Learn German words for swifel chair, printer, copier …
Learn German words for: file, hole puncher, stapler …
Say it in German: Did you have a nice weekend? What was the
weather like? …
Say it in German: These letters are urgent., Make a copy of this,
please …
Post Office
Post / Mail - Letters And Parcels
Learn German words for: letter, parcel, stamp, postcard, postage
At The Post Office
Say it in German: How much is a letter to Italy? I'd like to send this
parcel …
Sound + Miscellaneous
The vowel „a“ has a long and a short sound. You’ll find some rules
in this video lesson.
Vowels E, I, O, U
The vowels „e, i o and u“ have a long and a short sound. You’ll find
some rules in this video lesson.
When To Say „DU“ And When To Say Get some useful tips.
Vowel A
Short Stories
What Are Friends For
A nice audio book short story about exam nerves and friendship. In
German language with German-English vocabulary.
Too Late
A nice audio book short story about missing an appointment and
meeting a beautiful girl. In German language with German-English
Frau Brettschneider Goes On Strike
For advanced learners:
Not a single further business dinner with notorious Martha and
Alois Fuchshuber. Herr Brettschneider is in the hot seat. Where on
earth can he find a charming lady to accompany him? To him it’s
crystal clear. No successful dinner, no profitable order. (In German
language with German-English vocabulary. On YouTube you'll hear
the audio book story for free. At the beginning the speaking rate is
slow, speeding up gradually.)
Zischen für den Umsatz
For advanced learners:
Extended original version of "Frau Brettschneider Goes On Strike".
In German language (On YouTube you'll hear the audio book story
for free. - For advanced learners. Of course everyone else is very
welcome, too.)
For advanced learners.
He kidnaps her. He won’t let her go. He wants her to trust him. In
German language (On YouTube you'll hear the audio book story for
free. - For advanced learners. Of course everyone else is very
welcome, too.)