
Bundesjugendspiele 2016
am Freitag, dem 10. Juni, finden die diesjährigen
Bundesjugendspiele für die Klassen 5 bis 11 statt.
Die Bundesjugendspiele sind ein leichtathletischer
Wettkampf in den Disziplinen Sprint,
Schlagballwurf, Weitsprung und 800m/1000m-Lauf.
Bitte denken Sie daran, Ihrem Kind an diesem Tag eine Trinkflasche und Sonnenschutz (Mütze
und Sonnencreme) mitzugeben.
Die Kinder sollten bereits in Sportkleidung an der Schule erscheinen. Wechselkleidung zum
Umziehen nach der Veranstaltung wäre sinnvoll.
Bei Regen werden die Bundesjugendspiele auf den 17.06.2016 verschoben. Bei unklarer
Wetterlage geben sie Ihrem Kind bitte zusätzlich die Unterrichtsmaterialien zur Schule mit.
National Athletics Games 2016
On Friday, June 10th 2016 we are holding this year’s National Athletics Games for grades 5 through 11.
The National Athletics Games are a competition in the disciplines sprint, shotput, long jump, and
800m/1000m run.
Please remember to send your children to school that day with a refillable water bottle and sun
protection (hat and sun screen lotion). The children should come to school already dressed in their
athletics gear. We suggest bringing a change of clothes to switch into for after the event.
In case of rain the National Athletics Games will be postponed to Friday, June 17th 2016. If the weather
forecast is uncertain for Friday, please send your child to school also with their school bags.
-J. Sayer, J. DiBetta, and G. Henn
SUMMER CONCERT, June 15, 2016 @7.00PM
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!
Your commitment to academic excellence and dedication to the community have been recognized by
leading colleges and universities. We wish you all the best as you continue your studies in higher
College and University Acceptances 2106
United States and Canada
American University
Concordia University
Connecticut College
King’s College London
George Washington University
Maastricht University
McGill University
University College London
Skidmore College
University of Edinburgh
State University of New York at Genesco
University of Kent
University of Maryland
University of Warwick
University of Massachusetts Amherst
-Erica Schmalhofer
New Street Named in the Honor of the Masur Family
On Monday, June 6th at 10:10am, Tomoko Masur, wife of the late Maestro Kurt Masur, and White
Plains Mayor Tom Roach cut the ribbon on Masur Drive. After the ribbon cutting, Mrs. Masur,
accompanied by her son Ken-David Masur, a GIS graduate, and daughter-in-law Melinda Lee Masur
joined the Administration, members of the Board of Trustees, and GIS 7th through 11th graders at a
ceremony that paid tribute to the many contributions the Masur family has made to GIS and to the
Westchester community. Mayor Roach officially proclaimed June 6th to be Masur Family Day.
Photos from the event are available in our Media Gallery.
Please continue to the next page.
Teacher Appreciation Day, Wednesday, June 15
Am Mittwoch, den 15. Juni 2016, findet unser dritter"Teacher Appreciation" - Tag an der GISNY statt.
Wir wollen den Lehrern und allen Mitarbeitern danken fuer ein tolles gemeinsames Jahr, ihren Einsatz
fuer unsere Kinder und das nette Miteinander an der Schule. Wir werden im Lehrerzimmer ein Buffet
aufbauen, das auf viele leckere Beitraege angewiesen ist ! Bitte tragt Euch/tragen Sie sich zahlreich in
die Liste ein, die ueber die Elternvertreter verteilt worden ist (oder klickt hier: Jeder Beitrag ist willkommen !
The third annual GISNY Teacher Appreciation is coming up on Wednesday, June 15, and we are planning
a buffet in the teachers' lounge. Please sign up to bring a dish as a "Thank You !" gesture to all teachers
and staff who have helped make the past school year a successful one ! A doodle has been sent out by
the parent reps (or click here:! Looking forward to receiving
many tasty contributions,
Mareike Koehler
We need volunteers for the upcoming Holiday Bazaar!
Even though there is still a lot of time before the next Christmas Bazaar, we are starting to look for
someone who enjoys organizing and is willing to take over the role as committee chair of our Christmas
Bazaar 2016. There is a motivated and experienced team to assist you and at the moment, Andrea
Wrumnig, who so brilliantly did this job for the last two years, is still available to pass on all the
documentation and tips.
The second job is for somebody to take over the Christmas wreath production and sales. Here, too, a
great team with lots of experience is available.
If you are interested or need more information, please contact [email protected]
Ms. Fliegner travelling to Uganda this summer!
As many of you know, Ms. Fliegner will fly to Uganda to volunteer at Uganda Lodge for a month this
summer. Mrs. Hegarty`s Human Rights Club has already been fundraising for the project and Frau
Fliegner`s class has collected clothes for her to take over to donate. Now we are still looking for a
suitcase to put all the clothes in. The allowance is 23kg, so a big suitcase with wheels is needed. If
anybody has a suitcase they do not need anymore, please contact Frau Fliegner [email protected].
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Wie viele von Ihnen bereits wissen, wird Frau Fliegner in diesem Sommer für 4 Wochen in Uganda sein
und dort ehrenamtlich in dem Projekt Uganda Lodge tätig sein. Mrs. Hegartys Human Right Club hat
bereits Spenden gesammelt für das Projekt und Frau Fliegners Klasse hat Kleidung gespendet. Nun
brauchen wir einen Koffer, in den 23kg an Kleidung passen und der Räder hat. Sollten irgend jemand
einen Koffer haben, der nicht mehr benötigt wird, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Frau Fliegner
[email protected]. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe!