January 2016 - Riverview Community Action Corporation
January 2016 - Riverview Community Action Corporation
The Golden Eagle January 2016 PUBLISHED BY: Riverview Community Action Corp. P.O. Box 437 501 Second Street Oakmont, PA 15139 412-828-1062 FAX: 412-828-6985 www.rcacorp.org Serving the Oakmont and Verona Communities since 1966 FUNDING Funding is partially provided by the Allegheny Area Agency on Aging,. The rest of our funding is through program and services fee, fundraisers, and the generous donations from the community. Inside this issue…. Page 2...Center News Page 3… Center News Page 4...Activity Calendar Page 5...Lunch Menu Page 6...Upcoming Classes Page 7… Upcoming Trips VOLUME 35, No. 2 VOLUME 39, No. 1 Riverview Community Action Corp. January 2016 Page 2 From the Desk of the Director…. Welcome 2016! This is going to be a big year for Riverview Community Action Corporation, as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary. If you are interested we will be looking for people to help us plan our celebrations throughout the year or provide us with history on RCAC. Center Closures RCAC will be closed Monday, Jan 18 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. There will be no congregate or home delivered meals and NO RCAC bus. Here are a few updates and reminders: 1. Our Annual Mail Appeal letters are out and we want to thank everyone who has donated to RCAC. If you have not made a donation please consider doing so. Remember all monies donated are used for programs and services at the Center. 2. Save the date for our Annual Dinner Dance on Friday, April1st. This event will begin the celebration of our 50th Anniversary. 3. Our renovations are close to being finished. It is our hope that everything will be complete by the end of January. Last but definitely most important the staff of Riverview Community Action Corporation would like to give a big thank you to all of our volunteers! Without you we would not be able to run the Center!!!! Sincerely, Stefanie FYI…. We would like everyone to know that the actual cost of our meals from Metz is $4.10. SAVE THE DATE 7TH ANNUAL DINNER DANCE HARMAR HOUSE FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2016 TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE IN FEBRUARY AT THE CENTER, BY MAIL OR ONLINE THROUGH PAYPAL @ www.rcacorp.org CLOSURE POLICY The winter months are here, so tune into KDKA TV for RCAC closings/delays. If Pittsburgh Public Schools are closed, OPT/ACCESS does not run. COLD AND FLU SEASON With cold and flu season upon us, please take an extra minute to use the hand Please Note: sanitizer at the front desk or before entering All advertisers and speakers are offered to you the dining room. Also, if you have a cold or for information only and RCAC does not endorse any company or product. are sick, please stay home. Riverview Community Action Corp. HELP PLAN OUR 50TH YEAR Center Council Meeting Monday, January 11 1pm In order to help us plan new activities/trips/programs, we are asking each ‘group’ at the center to send a representative to the center council meeting. ‘500 BID’ Anyone interested in learning or playing? Come to the center Tuesday, Jan 12 1:00 pm for an informational meeting. POTLUCK DINNER Thurs., January 14 at 4:30 pm Everyone attending is to bring a casserole dish to share. Sign up at the Center & include the item you will be bringing. NEW FOOD PANTRY HOURS during construction Tuesday & Thursday ONLY 1:00 pm—3:00 PM . *Please call one day in advance if you are in need of food. **Please do not leave food outside when we are closed. Visit our website: www.rcacorp.org And like us on Facebook! You can now pay for trips/programs/activities via PayPal on our website. January 2016 Page 3 MOVE UP MOBILITY & VITALITY LIFESTYLE PROGRAM SPONSORED BY UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH DO YOU HAVE THESE GOALS? LOSE WEIGHT & MOVE EASIER? IF SO, YOU MANY WANT TO JOIN THIS RESEARCH STUDY AIMED TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, FUNCTION & LIFESTYLE. PROGRAM WILL BE HELD AT RCAC START DATE: JAN. 8, 2016 12:30PM-1:30PM AGES 60-75 CALL TODAY TO SEE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE PROGRAM IS FREE IF YOU QUALIFY PITT RESEARCH STAFF 412-383-1303 ELAINE PRUITT (RCAC) 412-828-1062 Riverview Community Action Corp. Page 4 January 2016 Riverview Community Action Corp. Page 5 January 2016 Riverview Community Action Corp. Page 6 January 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS & PROGRAMS Pinochle Tuesdays at 12:30 pm Sit & Knit Wednesdays, 9:30am—11:30 am Donations of yarn are always appreciated BINGO Wednesdays at 1:00 PM Fitness Class Tuesday and Thursday 9 am ***Please note time change United Healthcare Program Wed. Jan. 13— 10 am Do You Qualify for both Medicare & Medicaid? Wills & Trusts—Are You Prepared? Wednesday, Jan 20 10 am Presented by Attorney Meg Burkardt Preregister at Center Neighborhood Legal Services Thursday, January 21 3:00 PM—4:00 PM Call the Center for an appointment Blood Pressures Thursdays at 10:00 AM Staff Bingo Wednesday, January 27 1pm Line Dancing Fridays, 10:00 AM Tuesday, Feb 2 10 am Hearing Wellness Program Art Class Fridays at 10:00 AM Info regarding basic hearing loss, common myths, and free hearing screenings and door prizes Quilting class Continues on Monday, January 4, Monday, January 11 and Monday, January 25 at 10 am Spanish Class 8 Week Spanish class begins Wed., Jan 6 @ 10 am. Cost is $30; due at first class. Minimum of 12 people; class limit 15 Snowman Craft Class Thursday, Jan 7— 10 am Cost—$5 Limit 8 Spring CCAC classes Coming this Spring will be Line Dancing, Spanish, Tai Chi and Bring your own Tech Device; classes will begin in late February/early March Riverview Community Action Corp. Page 7 January 2016 UPCOMING OPT TRIPS OPT TRIPS If you sign up for a trip, please write it down. If you have to cancel, please call the center. We have had several people not show up for trips. We can not call you to remind you. Pittsburgh Opera January Brown Bag Concert Saturday, Jan 9—11am—1:30pm Bring your own lunch Dinner Trip to Somma’s Thursday, Jan. 28 4 pm Pittsburgh Opera February Brown Bag Concert Saturday, Feb 6 11am-1:30pm Bring your own lunch Times are subject to change. Please call the center to verify times. We can not call each person. Also, if you need to cancel a trip, please call RCAC and let us know. If after business hours or a weekend, call OPT directly. Gambling Trip to The Meadows Friday, January 29 Cost: $25.00 per person, payable when you sign up at front desk. Payment by CHECK ONLY. Bus leaves RCAC at 9:00 AM and will depart The Meadows at 4:00 PM Deadline to sign up for this trip is Friday, January 22. LIMIT 28 NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS THE TRIP IS CANCELLED Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PUBLISHED BY RIVERVIEW COMMUNITY ACTION CORPORATION 501 SECOND ST., P.O. Box 437 OAKMONT, PA 15139 Phone: (412) 828-1062 TTY: (412) 828-5109 Fax: (412) 828-6985 Email [email protected] Website PAID Verona, PA 15147 Permit No. 16 Return Service Requested www.rcacorp.org HOURS OF OPERATION: 8:00 – 4:00 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY January 2016 Elaine’s Homemade Soup Cost— $3/bowl Jan 5—Beef Barley Jan 12—Cabbage Soup Jan 19—Clam Chowder Jan 26– Spicy Peanut Soup You must pre-order soup by the Friday before, so Elaine is able to buy the necessary ingredients. Take-out is available but must be picked up on Tuesday.
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