March 2016 - The Friends of the Templeton Elders
March 2016 - The Friends of the Templeton Elders
News for the 50+ March 2016 The Newsletter of the Recycled Youth of Templeton & Phillipston Senior Community Center & Food Pantry 1.978.894.2780 16 Senior Drive (off Bridge Street), Baldwinville, MA 01436 Upcoming Events Call for reservations on the first of the month, unless otherwise noted. 978-894-2780 COA Board Open House Tuesday, March 1, at 1:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. Check us out! Observe the monthly meeting of the COA Board of Directors. Ask questions. Tours, refreshments. St. Paddy’s Day Luncheon! Tuesday, March 8, at noon at SCC. Corned Beef and Cabbage catered by Heywood Wakefield Commons. Irish songs and blarney by Glenshane Folk Duo. ALMOST FULL! Mechanics Hall Brown Bag Concert Wednesday, March 9, at Mechanics Hall, Worcester The U.S. Navy Band. Bring lunch. Pickup begins 9:30 a.m. Out to Lunch? Monday, March 21, Chopsticks, Leominster (Chinese/Japanese Restaurant). Pick-up at 11 a.m. Heroin and Opioid Epidemic Thursday, March 24, at 1 p.m. at the Senior Center Presented by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. Submit Something to our Newsletter We’re looking for your favorite jokes, poems or little ditties that you would like to see in our newsletter. Get them to Virginia, COA Activities Coordinator, and one will be included in each monthly newsletter. See page 7. FOOD PANTRY IS MOVING!!!! The Templeton / Phillipston Food Pantry is moving to new quarters at the rear of the Templeton Senior Community Center, 16 Senior Dr., Baldwinville. In preparation for the move, the food bank will be closed Feb. 23 and 25, and March 1, 3, 8 and 10. It will reopen at its new location Tuesday, March 15. Message from Dianna Irish eyes are smiling … This Irish girl is smiling because spring is surely just around the corner. It is time to start planning my gardens, and my fingers are tingling with the anticipation of getting into the dirt. I have been asked why it isn’t possible to get a ride to a doctor’s appointment when I need to go. Well, my response is don’t forget that we provide a shared ride, on a first come, first served basis. We make every effort to accommodate as many people as possible, but sometimes we just have to say no. If you call on Tuesday for a ride to Leominster on the next Tuesday and Matilda has already called for a ride on the same Tuesday to go to Worcester at the same time, we probably cannot help you. Matilda will have to leave early for her appointment and wait to be picked up, and she is not capable of waiting for a great deal of time. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you the details of the other person’s situation, so you have to take our word that it just isn’t going to work. We appreciate your understanding, patience, and cooperation. HAPPY ST. PADDY’S DAY!!! Don’t forget to vote Tuesday, March 1, in the State Primary. Call for the COA Van. Pickup begins at 1:30 p.m. 978.894.2780. March 2016 Page 2 Templeton / Phillipston Food Pantry Elderly & Family Services Sue LaJoie, Elderly & Family Services 978.894.2780 [email protected] 16 Rear Senior Dr., Baldwinville, MA 01436 [email protected] Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 a.m.– 1 p.m. Serving Templeton & Phillipston CLOSED UNTIL MARCH 15 M arch marks an exciting time for the Food Pantry. We will open the new Food Pantry Tuesday, March 15 in the rear of the Templeton Senior Community Center, 16 Senior Dr., Baldwinville, off Bridge Street. With the new food pantry also come new income guidelines and applications. Everyone must fill out a new application and must also have applied to SNAP. Please call Sue Lajoie with any questions at 978.894.2781. Memorial Congregational Church will hold its annual food drive to support the Food Pantry Saturday, March19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please bring nonperishable food items to the church and join them for free coffee and a muffin. LITTLE KNOWN SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS THAT WILL BE DISAPPEARING Starting May 1, 2016, retirees will find that Congress has closed certain loopholes that have allowed some retirees to increase the amount they received from Social Security. If you turned 62 by Jan. 2, 2016, or are already of retirement age you may be eligible for some of these benefits. Some of these benefits are listed below: We appreciate your donations. Price Chopper Templeton, E. Templeton & Baldwinville Post Offices Memorial Congregational Church Narragansett Historical Society of Templeton The Lord’s Church New Hope Bible Chapel First Church of Templeton Phillip & Lucille Harris Brad & Glenna Lehtonen Mary Alm St. Vincent de Paul Church The Stanley Family The Bibeau Family The Monteverde Family The Guorulgia Family The Gallant family Pat Gale Heart of a Hero Foundation, Inc. Stop & Shop Market Basket St. Martin’s Church Sharon Manty Gloria Jailbert Phillip & Lucille Harris Ed & Kathy King Food Pantry Wish List Cereal Juice Canned Meat Canned Pasta Skillet Meals (Hamburger Helper) Filing for spousal benefits only. This entitles the lesser paid spouse to a monthly payment equal to 50 percent of the other spouse’s benefit. Spousal benefits available to everyone even if you haven’t worked the 40 quarters necessary to qualify for Social Security. Retirees able to file and suspend their payments. This allows the spouse to postpone their own benefits and collect spousal benefits. By delaying, the spouse can increase his or her payments. To file and suspend with an option of collecting a lump sum payment if you act no later than one month before your 70th birthday. Only having to be married for 1 year to collect spousal benefits Under certain conditions you can collect a piece of your ex’s Social Security Benefits. A dependent child of a parent on Social Security is entitled to collect half of what the parent gets with no penalty to the parent. TENNIS ANYONE? WANTED: A local woman is looking for a Senior Tennis Player. $5 for two-hour court time at Franklin Pierce College, Rindge, N.H. Contact [email protected]. VALENTINE TREAT FROM BALDWINVILLE SKILLED CARE Thank you to Baldwinville Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for the two delicious cakes it brought to the Senior Center as a Valentine treat! Yum! March 2016 News From SHINE Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone For assistance regarding health insurance questions & information, contact our Templeton COA SHINE Counselor or call SHINE directly at 1.800.243.4636, press option 3. NOTE: Beginning in March, SHINE appointments only can be scheduled at the Templeton Senior Community Center on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month between 9 a.m. and noon. What is SHINE? The SHINE program (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) is a state health insurance assistance program that provides free health insurance information, counseling and assistance to Massachusetts residents with Medicare and their caregivers. The SHINE program is administered by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in partnership with elder service agencies, social services, community-based agencies and Councils on Aging. TEMPLETON COMMUNITY TV 8 Check out Templeton Community Television, Channel 8, to view past programs at the Senior Community Center. Many of our programs are videotaped for TV 8. EMAIL OUR NEWSLETTER? Want our newsletter via email? It’s faster and saves the Senior Community Center some money. Call us to be added to the list. Senior Center Wish List Stamps Coffee Cups w/Lids Hot Chocolate K Cups Page 3 Friends of the Templeton Elders H ello Friends, Thanks for all the prayers, cards and well wishes ... they worked! I'm so glad to be back in operation! During the six weeks I was recuperating, I tried not to get bored, so I made Christmas presents and applied for a grant for our kitchen! Wouldn't it be great if we completed it by the end of the year! Our two major fundraisers are coming up. Mark on your calendar: Saturday, May 7, and Saturday, July 9. Start talking to your family and friends now about our Murder Mystery May 7 at the American Legion, Baldwinville, so you can reserve tables by April 7! These are always so much fun. Then our big Mac N Cheese Festival on the Common in Templeton Center July 9. What kind of entertainment should we have? Music? Are we going to make things to sell? This is our biggest fundraiser, and we want it to be a great success … for YOU and YOUR senior center. Why don't we get together for coffee/tea on Fridays in March at 10 a.m. at the Senior Center to make plans? I would really like to see a lot of friends there to participate. We need you! Thanks! Gail Noel, President Meetings: Friends Social Hour: March 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 10 a.m. at Senior Community Center. Don’t forget to bring your crock pot for the Senior Community Center’s monthly Noon Potluck Friday, March 18! Friends BOD: Wednesday, March 16, at 6:30 p.m., Senior Community Center. 1:00 5:00 7 Pitch Community Supper * Memorial Congregational Church HDM Diced Chicken MONDAY 1 Bingo (Brown Bag Concert) Wood Carvers MECHANICS HALL* Food Pantry CLOSD 9:30 9-1 10:30 Winchendon Lunch 9:30 Noon ST. PADDY’S DAY (Lunch / Irish Music) 1:00 Coloration Crew Nail & Reflexology 12:30 9-4 Bingo 12:30 Chicken Breast Wood Carvers 9:30 9 Hot Dog HDM 2 WEDNESDAY HDM 8 Food Pantry CLOSED New Craft Day* Winchendon Lunch Coloration Crew COA BD OPEN HS Voting State Primary Jewelry Making* HDM Turkey Breast 9-1 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:30 1:30 2:00 HDM Ckn White Bn Chili TUESDAY 9-1 9-12 10:00 10:30 1:00 3 Food Pantry CLOSD SHINE Appts. Creative Stitchers Winchendon Lunch Cribbage 10 Creative Stitchers Winchendon Lunch Cribbage Diner’s Club* Food Pantry CLOSED HDM Meatloaf 10:00 10:30 1:00 5:30 9-1 HDM Roast Pork THURSDAY Call Dianna at 978.894.2780 for the advertising size that suits your business. More than 1,700 newsletters mailed monthly and over 200 newsletters sent electronically. You are sure to grab attention for your business. 4 1:00 Line Dancing* 10:00 MARKET BASKET 10:00 Friends Social Hr HDM Breaded Polluck 11 10:00 Friends Social Hr 1:00 Line Dancing* HDM Lasagna Rolls FRIDAY Registration is necessary for all activities marked with an asterisk. (*) Please remember to CALL in advance to participate. This will help us to continue to plan great social events and activities. Look for the asterisk (*). Make Advertising in the Senior Community Center’s Newsletter your New Year’s Resolution. March 2016 HELP US HELP YOU Movie Madness* (Pixar’s Up!) 1:00 9-1 10:30 11:30 1:00 HDM HDM Food Pantry at SCC Winchendon Lunch RECIPE SWAP* Coloration Crew 29 50 Pine Street ▪ Gardner, MA ▪ 978-632-8292 12:30 9:30 HDM Food Pantry at SCC 9:30 Winchendon Lunch 12:30 Coloration Crew 7:00 Nail & Reflexology 22 Chicken Meatballs HDM Salisbury Steak 9-4 9-1 10:30 1:00 15 Food Pantry at SCC 9:30 Computer Skills* Winchendon Lunch 12:30 Coloration Crew Jewelry Making* 6:30 Sliced Pork To schedule a tour or for more information, please call Lorna Stone at 978-632-8292. Pitch 28 1:00 HDM Chicken a la King 11:00 OUT TO LUNCH* Chopsticks Leominster (Chinese / Japanese) Lunch 12:30 p.m. 1:00 Pitch HDM Book Club * 6:00 21 9-1 10:00 10:30 1:00 2-4 Pitch 1:00 HDM Beef Patty HDM HDM Chicken Breast 14 30 23 Bingo Wood Carvers Roast Turkey Narragansett Historical Society Wood Carvers Bingo Beef Stew Friends BOD Bingo Wood Carvers Chk & Rice Bake 16 9-1 10:00 10:30 11:30 1:00 6:00 HDM Broccoli Bake 18 24 HDM Rainbow Trout 25 Food Pantry at SCC Creative Stitchers Winchendon Lunch Veterans Lunch Cribbage Vets Meeting, AL 31 Food Pantry at SCC 10:00 Friends Social Hr SHINE Appts. Creative Stitchers Noon RODEO Club Winchendon Lunch JK Crossroads, OPIOID East Templeton EPIDEMIC* Cribbage Chicken Breast Food Pantry at SCC 10:00 Friends Social Hr Creative Stitchers Noon POTLUCK LUNCH* Winchendon Lunch Cribbage HDM Grilled Chicken 1:00 9-1 9-12 10:00 10:30 1:00 HDM 9-1 10:00 10:30 1:00 HDM Corned Beef Hash 17 March 2016 Templeton SCC Vans SCC Van Dispatcher, Don LeBlanc [email protected] Call 978.894.2787 Page 6 Featured Excursions Reservations required for all events and excursions. First call basis. Please call on the first of the month, unless otherwise noted. 978.894.2780 COA Board to Hold Open House Local Shopping Trips Call by 12:30 p.m. at least a day prior to your trip to make your reservation. Transportation provided. Shared rides. Monday- Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Medical Trips Local, Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Out of Town, Monday -Friday: by Appointment Out of town medical appointments are taken on a first come, first served basis. Please book as early as possible. Advertise HERE 978.894.2780 Your Full Color Advertisement can be changed monthly. Call today. Ever wonder what the Templeton Council on Aging is all about? Well, you’re invited to observe the board’s monthly meeting Tuesday, March 1, at 1:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. Ask questions after the session. Stay for guided tours and refreshments. Members always needed. Volunteers, too! We all have something to offer to make our Senior Center as efficient as possible. Mechanics Hall Brown Bag Concert The U.S. Navy Band will perform Wednesday, March 9, at Mechanics Hall, Worcester, during the free noon Brown Bag Lunch Concert Series. And you can be there! Bring your lunch. We expect the COA van to fill up fast! So register right away starting March 1. No table reservations accepted for this popular con- cert, so pickup begins at 9:30 a.m. Doors open 11:15 a.m. Monthly Potluck Lunch Friday, March 18, at noon—and the 3rd Friday of every month! Call to join and share a dish, so we’ll know what you’re bringing. Lots of fun! OUT TO LUNCH? Chopsticks (Chinese / Japanese) Restaurant, Leominster, Monday, March 21! A late celebration of the Chinese New Year. Call to reserve a seat! Pick-up begins at 11 a.m.; lunch 12:30 p.m. Heroin and Opioid Epidemic Come to the SCC Thursday, March 24, at 1 p.m. when the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office will provide IMPORTANT info on the current heroin / opioid epidemic in our area. Learn how to protect your pills! Call to register! Returning — Recipe Swap Bring your favorite dish and the recipe to share, and join us Tuesday, March 29, at 11:30 a.m. at SCC. We’ll print copies of your recipes for swapping. Call to let us know you’ll join in the fun. Regularly Scheduled Trips Memorial Congregational Church Supper, Baldwinville Offered on the 1st Monday of the month is a free dinner and a fun evening out with friends. March 7. Pick up begins at 4 p.m., serving continuously from 5-6 p.m. Call to reserve transportation on COA Van. Donations welcome. Winchendon Lunches - Lunch costs $3 a person. Pick up begins at 10:30 a.m. to travel to our neighbor at the Winchendon Senior Center for lunch. Offered every Tuesday and Thursday unless otherwise noted. March 2016 Arts & Crafts Wood Carvers Club - Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Varying levels of experience welcome. Creative Stitchers - Thursdays 10 a.m. to noon. Open to all. Coloration Crew — Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Come and relax with the newest craze, 3-D coloring! New Craft Day — Join us Tuesday, March 1, at 10 a.m. to make a colorful Easter Egg Wreath. See sample in our lobby. Required supplies: two pieces of cardboard each cut in a 12" circle — cut out a 9" circle in the center of each; four dozen plastic (iridescent) Easter eggs (Dollar Store); a package of Easter grass; your choice of wide ribbon (with wire) for bow; glue gun. Adorable and easy! Call to register by Feb. 25, or call earlier with questions. crafts.html. Jewelry Making - Call to register. Come try a new skill Tuesday, March 1 and March 15, from 24 p.m. No evenings. NOTE NEW TIME. Cards & Games Pitch –Mondays at 1 p.m. Join this new group. Beginner’s welcome. Cribbage - Thursdays at 1 p.m. Everyone is welcome to this friendly game. Golden Age Club Bingo - Wednesdays from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. at the SCC. $5 a year to be a member of the Golden Age Club. Bingo cards start at 50 cents. BILLIARDS – Any time! JOKE. Q: Why will a train engineer never be electrocuted? A: Because he’s not a conductor! Veterans Service Officer John C. Caplis, Sgt. First Class, Retired [email protected] Phone: 978.894.6971 Templeton Town Hall Mon/Thurs/Fri 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Please join the Veteran’s Group for support and monthly meals and meetings. Call John to join Veteran’s Lunch. If you are in need of transportation call the SCC at 978.894.2780. Thursday, March 31 Vets’ Lunch, 11:30 a.m.– 1 p.m., SCC. Vets’ Meeting, 6 p.m., American Legion Hall. Page 7 On Going Events & Activities Call 978.894.2780 To inquire or attend any Activities or Trips Social & Support Line Dancing Class Friday, March 4 and 11, from 12:30 p.m., led by Don. Easy steps; fun; beginners welcome! Book Club - Monday, March 14, at 6 p.m. Snacks. Newcomers welcome. Call to attend. March book: “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah. Computer Skills - Come to our library, use the computers and learn! This month, there is only one computer class on Tuesday, March 15, at 10 a.m. Our topic will be System Backups. Don’t forget to register in advance. Diners Club - 1st Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Join this group for dinner Thursday, March 3, at Southside Grille & Margarita Factory, 242 West Broadway, Gardner. Ole! RODEO Club - Please call to join our Retired Old Dames for lunch Friday, March 25, at noon at JK Crossroads, East Templeton. Please call to reserve a spot! Veterans Lunch / Group - Lunch at the Senior Community Center on the last Thursday of the month, March 31, at 11:30 a.m. All are also welcome to the Veterans Support Group at the American Legion, March 31, at 6 p.m. Please call John to attend. Movie Madness with concession stand treats! Join us the last Monday of the month, March 28, at 1 p.m. for “Up!” (2009), a delightful computer-animated comedy adventure from Pixar and Walt Disney Pictures. Seemlessly melds stirring emotion and thrilling adventure into a classic tale of letting go of the past and embracing the moment. Potluck Lunch— Third Friday of the month. Join us for potluck this month on Friday, March 18, at noon. Bring a dish to share and sign up early at the reception desk at the Senior Community Center. Don’t forget your pennies! Golden Age Club - New annual members welcomed, $5 yearly dues. No meeting in March. Parker House of Pizza 17 Pleasant Street, Gardner 978-632-9383 Reno’s Pizzeria 132A Patriots Road, E. Templeton 978-632-3200 Seniors 65+, bring this newsletter to Reno’s to receive a 10% Senior Discount! Friends of the Templeton Elders PO Box 85 East Templeton, MA 01438 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 10 Templeton, MA 01468 Return Service Requested Susannah Whipps Lee Representative - 2nd Franklin District Phone: 978-895-9606 Email: [email protected] COA Board of Directors COA Staff Director Dianna Morrison [email protected] Elderly & Family Services Sue Lajoie [email protected] 978.939.2781 Van Dispatch Don LeBlanc 978.894.2787 [email protected] Activities Coordinator Virginia Strahan [email protected] Administrative Assistant Pamela Landry [email protected] Food Pantry 978.894.2780 elderly-familyservices Custodian Thomas Bosworth Meals on Wheels Drivers Russell Clark Bob Goguen Francis Couture Van Drivers Joe Arsenault Bill Buckler Francis Couture Ron Lewis Bob Goguen Russell Clark This newsletter is supported in part by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Chairman, Priscilla LeClerc Vice Chairman, Carolyn Touchette Secretary, Leona DeGrace Members Charlene Arsenault Phyllis Dennis Associate Members Sandy Lafond Gene Denis Dot McKellick Dan McKellick Elisa Chouinard Ann Marie Page Linda Thompson Pat Arsenault Alan Vincent Claudette Vincent SNOW CANCELLATIONS When School has been closed or dismissed due to inclement weather, the Senior Center will cancel all activities, excursions, and COA Van transportation.
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