Reflections 2010–2011


Reflections 2010–2011
Ref lec tions 2010–2011
Recognizing friends and supporters of Emerson Hospital
Christine Schuster
emerson health care
foundation board
Gloria Clough, Chair
Cynthia Deysher, Vice Chair
Charles A. Ziering, Secretary
Stephen W. Carr, Treasurer
Christine C. Schuster, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Jack Dresser, Executive Director
Joanne Armstrong
Anthony J. Baudanza
Paul D. Birch
William P. Boger, III, MD
Richard H. Churchill, Jr
Charles A. Denault
David S. Green, MD
Denise Haartz
Heidi R. Harring
John R. Hickling
Winston R. Hindle, Jr
Ronald H. Johnson
Jeanne S. Kangas, Esq.
Karen M. Maines
Lynn Martin
John J. McGrath, MD
Mary S. Newman
Henry W. Vaillant, MD
Donald G. Voghel
Byron E. Woodman, Jr
Gloria Clough
It has been an historic year for Emerson Hospital as we celebrated our Centennial and
reflected back on 100 years of meeting the healthcare needs of our community. What has
emerged through our reflections as the dominant theme of the hospital’s history is the
enduring bond between the hospital and the community it serves. The bond is evidenced
by a tradition of community support, and at each and every turn in the hospital’s history,
members of the community offered their resources to advance the mission of the hospital.
In turn, these resources enabled the hospital to meet the growing and evolving needs of the
communities it serves.
From the founding gift of Charles Emerson to the financial rescue performed by the
Emerson Aid Society—now the Emerson Hospital Auxiliary—in 1924; from their support
of countless capital campaigns adding new patient areas and medical technology to annual
giving in gifts large and small supporting hospital programs and operations, donors have
made a critical difference.
This past year was no exception.
Thanks to major support for the Bethke Cancer Center, we were able, with our partners at
Massachusetts General Hospital, to modernize the Radiation Oncology Center and install
a new linear accelerator. Donors contributed a record $1.07 million to the Emerson Annual
Appeal, ensuring that the hospital has the resources it needs to provide the finest patient
care available. The work of the Auxiliary and Gift Shop translated into a major financial
contribution to renovate Emerson’s “Main Street,” giving the hospital a more welcoming
face. And, Centennial Ball attendees capped off Emerson’s 100th year in fashion and fun
while making possible the redevelopment of the pediatric center.
The bond between the hospital and community is not an abstraction; it is often embodied
by the relationship between Emerson caregivers and their patients. In the pages that follow,
we highlight these important connections through four profiles, while we honor and thank
the thousands of donors who have once again supported the hospital.
Christine C. Schuster
Gloria Clough
president and ceo
emerson hospital
chair of the board of directors
emerson health care foundation
Rebecca Purcell was
assembling table
arrangements for a
friend’s wedding in
September when she
dropped a bucket of
roses. Bracing herself to
try to catch them, she
felt bone shifting as her
hip was displaced, an
injury later diagnosed as
a traumatic fracture.
“It’s not a pain you want
to endure,” Rebecca
Two days after hip replacement
surgery, Rebecca was transferred
to Emerson Hospital’s transitional
care unit. “I had heard of the
unit’s excellent reputation, and it
felt really good to be local and in a
familiar place,” said Rebecca,
whose ties to Emerson run deep.
She supervised the outpatient
department here in the 1970s and
her husband, Dr. Elmer Purcell, is
a former president of the medical
staff. Dr. Purcell is a retired
primary care physician who had a
practice in Concord for 35 years.
Rebecca is a long-time volunteer
in Emerson’s emergency
department. “I love working with
that staff; it’s such a fast-paced
environment, and I decided if I
could do anything to make their
jobs easier, I would,” she said.
After her injury, Rebecca “wanted
the best possible outcome” in
terms of her mobility. Her
recovery was accelerated both by
the exceptional staff in the
transitional care unit and by the
view from her room of the Sudbury
River. “It was so healing for me to
see that river,” said Rebecca, who
stayed on the unit for two weeks.
“My experience was positive from
the get-go, from JoAnn [DiNardo]
and Dr. Karen Bougas and the
nursing staff to the housekeeper
who, as I was being discharged,
thanked me for being there,” said
Rebecca. “It was really just a
lovely moment. I was impressed
with the staff around the clock.”
When we are ill or incapacitated
in any way, the kindness of
others can carry us through the
experience. “Emerson’s
transitional care unit made for a
positive experience when I really
needed one,” said Rebecca. And,
after she was discharged, her
transition home was seamless
thanks to home care nurses and
in-home physical therapy.
Today, Rebecca is grateful for
her optimal functioning. “My
mobility is excellent,” she said.
“My outcome is exactly as it
should be.” For staff dealing with
a patient population who may be
experiencing immense pain,
mobility issues, and concerns
about walking again, Rebecca has
“nothing but praise for them,” she
said. “This was as close to a
perfect experience as I could
have had.”
With help from JoAnn DiNardo, at right, and the rest
of the transitional care unit team, Rebecca Purcell
(pictured at left with her husband, former president of
the Emerson Hospital medical staff Dr. Elmer Purcell)
recovered from hip replacement surgery and has
returned to optimal functioning.
Caitlin Canty was a
freshman at ConcordCarlisle High School
when a heavy metal door
slammed shut on her
finger. Upon seeing the
extent of the injury, the
school nurse called
Caitlin’s mother, Kristin.
“The top of her finger
was hanging on by a
thread and it was
bleeding heavily,” recalled
Kristin. “I immediately
thought of piano—
she’s played since she
was five.”
Caitlin Canty, at right, returned to her passion—
playing the piano—thanks to the skilled and
compassionate care of emergency department
physician Dr. Deborah Gobetz.
With her finger wrapped in ice,
Caitlin headed directly to Emerson
Hospital’s emergency department
(ED), where ED physician
Dr. Deborah Gobetz assured them
that she could repair the finger.
“Dr. Gobetz talked to Caitlin the
whole time and kept her calm,”
said Kristin.
Caitlin had suffered what’s known
as a crush injury, which occurs
when a body part is subjected to a
high degree of force or pressure,
usually after being squeezed
between two heavy objects.
“Those are nasty injuries, and we
see a lot of them,” said Dr. Gobetz.
“When they occur to the index
fingers or thumb, they really hurt,
and they are more debilitating
In Caitlin’s case, the distal finger
was fractured and the nail was
damaged. “They can bleed a lot
under the nail, so we remove the
nail and repair the nail bed,” said
Dr. Gobetz. To numb the finger,
Dr. Gobetz used a digital block—
a nerve block at the base of the
finger. “The fingertip has great
healing capacity,” said Dr. Gobetz.
“The whole digit was there, and we
know that the nail will grow back
in. We use absorbable sutures to
pull the nail bed together—that’s
where the wound was.”
With help from Emerson’s
pediatric intervention team and
the use of a stress ball, Caitlin felt
reassured. “They’re a great
resource,” said Dr. Gobetz.
“Distraction is helpful; for most
kids, it’s fear of the unknown that
makes any procedure difficult.”
When Kristin initially saw Caitlin’s
injury, she thought it might require
plastic surgery afterward, but
“Dr. Gobetz did an amazing job,”
she said. “It healed really well.
There was no nerve damage.”
It is praise that Caitlin echoes.
“Dr. Gobetz was really nice and
very comforting,” she said. “She
told me it wasn’t as big a deal as I
thought. But she said it was going
to hurt; she didn’t sugarcoat it.”
Caitlin’s finger took three months
to heal fully and her nail grew back
slowly, but today, a small scar from
the stitches is all that remains of
the painful ordeal and she is back
to pursuing her passion, piano.
Bill and Nancy
Since 1938, when Bill
Kingman was first a
patient at Emerson
Hospital, both he and his
wife, Nancy, have felt
that Emerson is “the
place to go.” “This is my
hospital, and it was my
parents’ hospital,”
he said.
So, when Bill and Nancy required
knee surgery, they knew just where
to turn. Over the course of three
years, they each had both knees
replaced by orthopedic surgeon
Dr. Jack McInnis, who—along
with the practice, Orthopedic
Affiliates—came highly
recommended by the Kingmans’
friends. “We were struck by his
ease, how he sat back in his chair
and chatted with us instead of
rushing us through the visit,”
said Nancy.
When Nancy first told friends that
she needed knee surgery, their
first question was where she
would have it done. “Emerson, of
course,” was her reply. “Why go to
Boston when you can have it done
right here.”
The Kingmans have had a close
association with Emerson for
many years. Their second child
was born here after Bill finished
his military service. Bill was a
Board member in the 1960s and
also served as a Corporator.
Nancy has been a member of the
Auxiliary since 1961 and served as
that group’s president from
2005–2007. And, through all
these years, they have watched
proudly as the hospital evolved.
“We are constantly pleased as
Emerson has grown and added
specialists and incorporated the
whole continuum of care that a
hospital should provide,” said Bill.
For Nancy, it’s the personal touch
at Emerson that makes her feel
safe and comfortable. “The
grandfather clock that stands in
the hospital entrance is a nice
touch, it means home,” she said.
“We’ve always found the care at
Emerson to be very thoughtful.”
And today, both are “more than
pleased” with the results of their
knee operations. With increased
mobility, “I can do almost anything
I want,” Bill said. “We’ve been
very lucky.”
Nancy and Bill Kingman, who have had a close
association with Emerson Hospital for many years,
credit orthopedic surgeon Dr. Jack McInnis, at left,
with their speedy recovery from knee operations.
Dottie MacKeen was
touring a castle in
Germany recently when
she had a startling
realization—with the
steep inclines and many
stairs, “I could not have
done this two years ago,”
she thought to herself.
Thanks to Emerson’s
cardiac rehabilitation
team, “my life is
appreciably better,”
she said.
After quadruple bypass surgery, Dottie MacKeen, at
left, turned to Emerson’s cardiac rehabilitation team
and Ginny Dow, RN, nurse manager of the program,
for nutrition counseling and monitored exercise—
a critically important part of her recovery.
In 2010, Dottie, who considers
herself “a healthy person,” began
experiencing chest pains while
exercising. A physician assistant
wisely determined that these pains
were likely not related to
indigestion and, concerned that
the pains worsened while
exercising, suggested that Dottie
undergo a stress test. Two
minutes into the stress test, the
physician conducting it knew “we
had a problem,” said Dottie.
After quadruple bypass surgery at
Massachusetts General Hospital
in June 2010 by a “wonderful team
of all-female doctors,” Dottie
returned to Emerson and the
capable care of Dr. Steven Herson
and the cardiac rehabilitation
team. She chose the route of
cardiac rehabilitation because she
“wanted to get her life back as
quickly as possible,” she said.
In the cardiac rehabilitation team,
Dottie found support and
knowledge as she navigated her
health crisis. “For many people,
this is the most traumatic thing
that has happened in their lives,”
she said. “Not knowing what you
can and cannot do and how it will
affect your health can be very
unnerving. Cardiac rehab provides
a heavily monitored and very safe
environment in which to reclaim
your life. They help you understand
that this is a controllable, not a
curable, disease.”
As part of managing the disease,
cardiac rehab patients are given
the tools to make life changes.
Through nutrition counseling,
monitored exercise, and
discussion topics including stress,
medication, and anatomy and
physiology, Dottie, a self-described
“foodie,” learned “how much I
didn’t know,” she said. “Today I
spend a lot more time reading
Dottie and her husband, Jack, a
Corporator at Emerson Hospital,
have had “good luck in every
instance” while at Emerson (both
of their children were born here).
“Emerson is a really important
resource in the community,”
she said.
Anna and Neil Rasmussen
Stewards of histor y, and Emerson
Anna and Neil
was named for Anna’s
Rasmussen of Concord
mother, who received care
know a bit about history.
from the clinic for nearly
They live in two 18th
30 years.
century taverns, lovingly
“My mother had a nearly
and authentically restored.
fatal stroke many years
Their home is built on land
earlier,” explained Anna.
that was originally owned
“Thanks to the excellent,
by the Emerson family and
compassionate care she
it is the first property in
received at the hospital,
Massachusetts to become
she had another 30 years of
permanently preserved
quality life. She trusted the
for conservation. They
staff implicitly.”
founded the Save Our
Neil’s mother, Thalia,
Heritage organization,
who passed away in 1999
whose mission is to protect
from pancreatic cancer,
the birthplace of the
also benefited from the
American Revolution, the
compassionate and quality
cradle of the environmental
care that she received at the
movement and the home
Bethke Cancer Center.
of the American literary
“We appreciated having
state-of-the-art radiation
So it is fitting that,
therapy from Mass General
in keeping with these
that is so conveniently
historical interests, they
available at Emerson,”
also have long established
said Neil.
ties to another important
“Having grown up in
historical institution now
the community (both Anna
The Rasmussens are supporting Emerson to help ensure that cutting-edge
treatments will be available for future generations.
in its 100th year, Emerson
and Neil are originally from
Sudbury), we appreciate
Both Anna and Neil’s
how fortunate we are
mothers were cared for at Emerson. Their children—
to have a hospital like Emerson so close by,” said Anna.
Autumn and Anders—were both born at the hospital. Anna
“When I drive by the hospital at night and see the Emerson
has served as a Corporator since 1996 and the couple has
sign up there, it is a reassuring feeling. In donating to
been generous and steadfast in their support of Emerson
Emerson, there is so much that we receive in return,”
for many years.
she said.
In 2008, they pledged $250,000 in support of the
“We recognize the importance of being good stewards
hospital’s anticoagulation clinic. In recognition of this
of all the wonderful institutions and resources in our
major gift, the hospital established the Betty Winter
community, including Emerson. We want to ensure that
Anticoagulation Management Center located at the
these resources are passed on to future generations and
hospital’s Center for Specialty Care in Concord. The Center
that Emerson stays healthy for many years to come.”
board members and administration
emerson hospital
board members
Ronald H. Johnson, Chair
John M. Lowe, III, Vice Chair
Winston R. Hindle, Jr, Secretary
Paul Birch, Treasurer
Christine C. Schuster, President and
Chief Executive Office
Joseph M. Bergen, DO
Richard H. Churchill, Jr
Gloria Clough
Paul D’Ambrosio, MD
James P. DiGiovanni
Donald A. Driscoll, Jr, MD
Patrick J. Flynn
Rose Ann Giordano
Eric R. Haartz
John R. Hickling
Mary B. Johnson
Amaresh Mahapatra
Jill Stansky
James Street, MD
Michael J. Zak
department leaders
Christine C. Schuster
President and Chief Executive Officer
Linda Battaglini
Special Assistant to the President
Jack Dresser
Vice President for Development and
Community Services
Christine Gallery
Vice President, Planning and
Market Development
C. Gregory Martin, MD
Senior Vice President, Clinical Affairs
and Chief Medical Officer
Eric Stastny
Vice President, Human Resources
Joyce Welsh
Chief Nursing Officer
Nursing Administration
Jack Wilhelm
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer Finance
and Administration
Anthony Amore
Manager, IS Operations
Kristen Anderson
Manager, Clinical Informatics
Jennifer Boyd
Manager, Human Resources
Karen Carson
Director, Accounting
Kathy Collins
Associate Director, Patient Access
Christine Combs
Manager, Patient Safety
Bill Corey
Nurse Manager, Operating Room
Craig Cowan
Director, Patient Accounts
Liz Curran
Manager, Employee Health
Lynda DeFazio
Manager, Intensive Care Unit/
Cardiac Care Unit
JoAnn Dinardo
Director, Transitional Care Unit
Cheryl DiPaolo
Director, Care Management
Ginny Dow
Manager, Cardiac Rehab
Robert Drake
Director, Engineering and Facilities
Nancy Earnley
Director, Health Information
Terrie Enis
Director, Rehabilitation Services
Renee Fosberg
Director, Electronic Health Records
Lesley Fucci
Sr. Director, Quality and
Patient Safety
Bonnie Kaplan Goldsmith
Sr. Director, Public Affairs and
Brian Hailey
Director, Home Care Services
David Handin, MD
Director, Hospitalist Program
Joan Burden Litle (center) celebrated her retirement from the Emerson Hospital Board of Directors after 11 years of board service. Joan’s son Tom (left) and
husband Tim (right) joined her at the Concord home of Rich and Maria Churchill, who hosted the retirement party.
Jennifer Hart
Director, Physician Relations
and Marketing
Lauri Izzo
Director, Behavioral Services, North 5
Sharon Knox
Director, Community Services
Margaret Koch
Cancer Program Administrator,
Karen Koprowski
Administrator, Transitional Care Unit
Neil Kruszkowski
Director, Cardio-Pulmonary
Georgia Leiner
Chaplain, Chaplaincy
Kay Liebmann
Manager, Pediatric Intervention Team
Michelle Littlefield
Nurse Manager, Pediatrics
Maureen Mancini
Director, Emergency Department
Melinda Marchand
Manager, Library Services
Kathy Marino
Director, Patient Access
Maurice Meunier
Director, Nutrition Services
Susan McHenry
Manager, Infection Control
Robert Moura
Director, Pharmacy
Diane O’Brien
Nurse Manager, Surgical Day Care
Corporators (counter clockwise) Diana Glendon, Leslie Cheney, Bob Puffer and Dolly Curtiss were joined by many
colleagues at the hospital’s Annual Meeting held in January 2011. They were captivated by Richard M.J. Bohmer, MBChB,
MPH of Harvard Business School, discussing the management of health care.
Anthony Piro
Manager, Operations Behavioral
Health Services
Kate Porter
Manager, Environmental Health
and Safety
Shelley Potter
Manager, Employee Benefits
John Quinn
Director, Supply Chain Management
Joseph Salerno
Director, Revenue Cycle
James Schroeder
Executive Director, Managed Care
Patti Shanteler
Director, Nursing Quality and
Patrick Shidler
Manager, Environmental Services
Pat Sousa
Director, Imaging Services
Robert Stern, MD
Director, Behavioral Health Services
Bruce Trefry
Manager, Emergency Medical Services
Bob Tremblay
Controller, Ficsal Services
Karen Viscarello
Nurse Manager, Naka Infusion Center,
PICC Team and Inpatient Dialysis Unit
Ted Wilbur
Sr. Director, IS/Telecomm
Timothy Wong
Manager, Applications IS/Telecomm
emerson hospital
auxiliary executive
board members
Karen M. Maines, President
Anne H. Lehmann, Past President
Mimi D. Rutledge, Secretary
Priscilla Gannon, Treasurer
Karen Carper, Vice President Marketing/
Public Relations
Karen McCarthy, Vice President
Sally Savelle, Vice President Publications
Former Auxiliary President Anne Lehmann (center) enjoyed an evening at the Concord Pops with her husband Robert
Lehmann (right) and Brian Sykes (left). The “Swing Into Spring” event was a wonderful fundraiser, sponsored by the
Emerson Hospital Auxiliary.
Reverend Andrew Armstrong
Thomas L. Beaudoin
John L. Butterworth
Brewster Conant
Charles A. Denault
Karen H. Donoghue
Albert D. Ehrenfried
Patricia Foye
Floyd D. Hunter
Laurel M. Millette
Larry Powers
Robert W. Puffer, III
Pamela P. Sawyer
Cynthia Sechrest
Tracy A. West
Jack Whittier
Farida Ahmed
Kenneth Anderson, Jr
Robert V. Benner, Jr
Virginia Bethke
Walter W. Birge, III
John W. Boynton, IV
Sally B. Bradford
Kimberly M. Burns
Jeffrey S. Campbell
Kristin Canty
Karen M. Carper
Robert E. Carr
Stephen W. Carr
Jack E. Chappell
Leslie Cheney
Richard E. Cleary
Ann Marie Connolly
Daisy Crane
Sally S. Cross
Kathleen C. Cuocolo
Sandra A. Curran
Susan H. Curtin
Cynthia M. Deysher
Ralph Earle
John C. Esty, Jr
Patricia D. Fleischauer
John N. Fossett
Janet H. Franklin
Lillian R. Gailius
Timothy J. Gibson
Richard F. Greene
Kristen Gurall
Denise E. Haartz
Robert Halpin
Frances M. Honan
Gregory P. Howes
Susan M. Hunt
Michael D. Jeans
Nicole P. Kelly
Mary M. Kemp
Elizabeth A. Killian
Allene R. Kussin
William F. Kussin, Jr
Joan Lawrence
Anne Lehmann
Joan Burden Litle
Mary Lou LoVecchio
Dr. Frederick H. Lovejoy, Jr
Leslie M. Luppold
John F. Magee
Linda Cox Maguire
Karen McCarthy
Nancy R. McJennett
William J. Midon
F. Robert Naka, ScD
Amy Jane C. Newell
Daniel W. O’Connor
Hillary L. O’Connor
Robert A. O’Neil, Jr
James Olsen
Mary Beth Orfao
Patrick F. Padden, Jr
Faith Pulis
Anna Winter Rasmussen
D. Kim Reid, PhD
Laura Reynolds
Kevin Hill
Pamela J. Brown
Irma Carter
Paul A. Purchia
Michael A. Rosenberg
Robert B. Segal
Mary D. Wheble
Ines Yeatts
JoAnne Albright
William C. Bergen
Rodney G. Sparrow
Karen Burke
Jeanne S. Kangas, Esq
George C. Krusen, II
Anne Lynch
Karen M. Maines
Lynn Martin
Kathleen A. Vorce
Elizabeth A. Ahern
Heidi R. Harring
Pliny Jewell, IV
Pliny Jewell, III
John T. Kovach
Beth Kubacki
Dale Ryder
Liza G. Snell
Sarah Duffy
Barbara Polo Renison
Ann F. Schummers
Benson P. Shapiro
Joseph L. Smith, Jr
Barbara Southcote
John Tyler Spring
Hilary Steinert
Elinor L. Stout
Norman B. Thomson, Jr, MD
Dale C. Troppito
Richard D. Tyson
Alice VanDeusen
Stephen B. Verrill
Donald G. Voghel
Robert H. Waldeck
D. Alexander Wieland, Jr
D. Elliott Wilbur, Jr
Jean Wiltsee
Susan P. Winstanley
Byron E. Woodman, Jr
Karl A. Zachar
Charles A. Ziering
Sara J. Martinian
D. Peter Lund
Sandra Collins
Nancy J. Cook
Susan J. Cornwall
Paul L. Davies
Alan Emmet
James Geraghty, Jr
June Halio
Geoffrey D. Hall
Patricia L. Mason
Sandra Shapiro
Dorothy M. Swanson
Leslie A. Thomas
Jacquelin Apsler
George Berry
James G. Birmingham
Tina M. Cantu
Dorothy Curtiss
Sen. Susan C. Fargo
John B. French
Diana Glendon
Kathleen M. Greene
John D. LaMothe, Jr
Barbara Leggat
Mary S. Newman
Joan H. Perera
Ian C. Sanderson
Jacquelyn Snelling
Janine Stasior, PhD
Jagdish C. Agarwal, PhD
Edward M. Colbert
Barbara A. Doyle
Jean E. Purser
Molly Cutler
Stephen C. Ford
Peter George
Vanessa Perini
Anne Marie A. Rowse
Teresa Symula
Patricia Chambers
David Griffin
John C. MacKeen
James McCann
William L. Ryan
Mary E. White
Edward A. Brown
Anthony Parrinello
Scott A. McIver
Bruce Osterling
Amy L. Rose
Nancy Carapezza
Priscilla Gannon
Susan W. Pope
Jennifer E. Carter
Robert Malnati
Peggy Nazzaro
Richard E. Perreault
Andrew J. Sohn
active medical staff
Toffy J. Beyloune, MD
Yvonne Y. Cheung, MD
Gregory L. Gardner, DO
David M. Kagle, MD
Ben Hern Kaon, MD
Sanjiv Kumar, MD
Gerald O. Malkin, DDS
Mark A. Moschella, MD
Pankaj K. Sikka, MD
James A. Street, PhD, MD
emergency services
David M. Barash, MD
Joseph Bergen, DO
Thomas Buckley, MD
Michael J. Doyle, MD
Deborah T. Gobetz, MD
Deborah A. Greene, MD
Bradley Judson, MD
Roy M. Kring, DO
Allan P. Kuong, DO
Thomas G. Lareau, MD
Robert A. Partridge, MD
Michael Shear, MD
Samuel T. Sockwell, MD
Alamjit S. Virk, MD
Gert-Paul Walter, MD
Robert A. Wetherbee, MD
James A. Wolff, MD
Sapna Aggarwal, MD
Anne E. Allan, MD
James L. Andreson, MD
Seema Azam, MD
Tania M. Bandak, MD, MPH
Peter M. Barkin, MD
Christine A. Beck, MD
Peter S. Benjamin, MD
Dennis P. Berk, MD
Jeffrey D. Bernhard, MD
Irina Bogorad, MD
Karen L. Bougas, MD
Kathryn Bowers, MD
Christine H. Brown, MD
Melissa Mae Burnett, MD
William J. Burtis, MD, PhD
Russell B. Butler, MD
Anjum N. Butte, MD
Paula Jo Carbone, MD
Dorothy M. Christiansen, MD
Amy S. Churchill, MD
James P. Cohen, MD
Paul D’Ambrosio, MD
Maureen W. Daye, MD
Eileen M. Deignan, MD
Pamela DeLuca, MD
Peter J. DeMartino, MD
Raj Devarajan, MD
Andrew C. DiLernia, MD
Mary M. Donald, MD
Ramesh Donepudi, MD
Jon S. DuBois, MD
Stephen M. Dyda, DO
David M. Eldridge, MD
Mark P. Epstein, MD
Karen M. Fanucci, MD
Aldona D. Finkle, MD
Steven A. Franks, MD
Andrea Fribush, MD
Allessandro A. Girolamo, Jr, MD
Anca Goller, MD
Monica Gomez, MD
George A. Gonzalez, MD
Thomas A. Goodman, MD
Samuel D. Goos, MD
Ingrid Gorman, MD
David S. Green, MD
Seema Gupta, MD
Terry P. Hadley, MD
Terese C. Hammond, MD
David R. Handin, MD
Sunita K. Hanjura, MD
Eric B. Hatton, MD
A. William Heinser, MD
Margaret Helming, MD
Steven Herson, MD
Gail M. Herzig, MD
Peter Hoenig, MD
Truong Huynh, MD
Ana Luisa Jacobellis, DO
Sandeep Jain, MD
Lei Jiang, MD
Shaolay X. Jiang, MD
Vineeta Joshi, MD
Kathleen M. Joyce, MD
Martin J. Kafina, MD
Charles S. Keevil, MD
Marvin H. Kendrick, Jr, MD
Sheila Kennedy, MD
Edwin B. Knights, MD
Andrea Kopasz, MD
Andrei Kouznetsov, MD
Deborah B. Kovacs, MD
Melvyn W. Kramer, MD
Jay B. Krasner, MD
Peter E. Krims, MD
Louis Kuchnir, MD, PhD
Ronald C. Kwon, MD
Thomas A. LaMattina, MD
Barry L. Levin, MD
Caroline L. Levine, MD
Frank V. Linn, Jr, MD
Merrill G. Liteplo, MD
Anthony P. Lopez, MD
Alan B. Marks, MD
C. Gregory Martin, MD
John J. McGrath, MD
Meena M. Mehta, MD
Lilian R. Mikael, MD
Nagy N. Mikael, MD
Magda E. Mikhil, MD
Bipinchandra Mistry, MD
Michael J. Moore, MD
Peter Muz, MD
Nancy E. Naguib, MD
Ewa Niemierko, MD
Kathryn K. Oh, MD
Michael J. Older, MD
Sidhartha Pani, MD
Scott F. Paparello, DO
Alexis C. Perkins, MD
Barbara T. Peters, DO
Katherine L. Phaneuf, MD
Betty Ann Pomerleau, MD
Catherine M. Price, MD
Valerie R. Price, MD
Michael M. Pugliese, MD
Helen A. Raynham, MD, PhD
Jeanine T. Reczek, MD
Andrea R. Rizzo, MD
Marguerite C. Roach, MD
Mariellen Rodman, MD
Noor A. Roomi, MD
Humberto A. Rossi, MD
Susan A. Sajer, MD
Robin Schoenthaler, MD
Leslie E. Schwab, MD
Richard P. Schwartz, MD
Ryan Adam Secan, MD, MPH
Ilia Shlimak, MD
Ira L. Skolnik, MD, PhD
Benjamin A. Solky, MD
James P. Spinelli, Jr, DO
Gary L. Stanton, MD
Elliot F. Steger, MD
Merin M. Stephen, MD
Claudia S. Talland, MD
Sarah F. Taylor, MD
Dan S. Tilles, MD
Benjamin Ari Tillinger, MD
Ya Tze Tong, MD
Edward G. Toomey, MD
Alireza Toossi, MD
Jennifer P. Toyohara, MD
Natalia V. Vilissova, MD
Agnes Virga, MD
Jon W. Way, MD
Lynn B. Weigel, MD
Norman S. Weinberg, MD
Christy M. Williams, MD
Thomas W. Wong, MD
Jenny H. Yan, MD
Sarah B. Zifcak, MD
Matthew T. Zipoli, MD
Carol A. Anania, MD
Ingrid A. Balcomb, MD
Carl Bender, MD
Jamie Bond, MD
Carla M. DiGirolamo, MD
Isaac Z. Glatstein, MD
Timothy K. Hale, MD
Pei-Li Huang, MD
Avra L. Jordano-Alter, MD
Ania T. Kowalik, MD
Rachel V. Kramer, MD
Frederick G. Lea, MD
Linda H. Leavenworth, MD
Samuel C. Pang, MD
Samuel A. Pauli, MD
Jeffrey O. Riley, MD
Richard D. Rubin, MD
Michele T. Sinopoli, MD
Emily G. Strehle, DO
Vlassis Travias, MD
Kristen P. Wright, MD
Richard J. Geller, MD
Paul L. Lysiak, MD
David A. Sherman, MD
Lori A. Andersen, MD
Andreas Athanasiou, MD
Timothy Wayne Baba, MD, PhD
Edward K. Chung, MD
Mark W. Cohen, MD
Russell T. Coleman, MD
Christopher P. Cooper, MD
Joan Eagan, MD
Mark J. Francis, MD
Charles A. Garabedian, MD
Aisling Gaughan, MD
Lauren A. Geddes, MD
Michael S. Glazier, MD
Ronni L. Goldsmith, MD
Lauren M. Handelman, MD
Karen C. Hiltunen, MD
Deborah Hoffer, MD
Alexandra L. Iannini, MD
John J. Jakimczyk, MD
Julie M. Jankelson, MD
Stephen A. Jenkins, MD
Emily Kung, MD
Anne H. Light, MD
Nana G. McMahon, MD
Sandra M. Meyerson, MD
Curtis T. Moody, MD
Toby Nathan, MD
Carolyn M. O’Donnell, MD
Flora S. Pirquet, MD
Emily L. Pollakowski, MD
Inger-Marie Pu, MD
Jeffrey R. Ristaino, MD
Jessica E. Rubinstein, MD
Michelle S. Sanders, MD
James P. Sheehy, MD
Deborah E. Simon, MD
Jill Z. Simon, MD
Michelle L. Travassos, MD
Frank J. Twarog, MD, PhD
Margaret D. Werner, MD
William F. Wirth, MD
Lazaros Xanthopoulos, MD
Ward E. Bein, MD
Charles W. Carl, Jr, MD
Maxwell T. Frank, MD
Eliot Gelwan, MD
Robert P. Hopkins, MD
Sten B. Lofgren, MD
Paul A. Reising, MD
Robert M. Stern, MD
Charles S. Wasserman, MD
Mark A. Connaughton, MD
Jane H. Fay, MD
Lisa A. Intriere, MD
Adhip Mukerjee, MD
Dan Nir, MD
Elizabeth M. Peters, MD
David I. Rose, MD
Corinne E. Sadoski, MD
Eric J. Sax, MD
Tai M. Tran, MD
David F. Walther, MD
Loreen A. Ali, MD
Dwayne B. Baharozian, MD
John W. Blute, Jr, MD
William P. Boger, III, MD
Michael P. Brunelli, MD
Ann P. Burnham, MD
Susan L. Cahill, MD
Gregory T. Caldwell, DMD
Brian T. Callahan, Jr, MD
Robert C. Cantu, MD
Gregory Catalano, DPM
Roberto D. Cavalieros, MD
JoAnn C. Chang, MD
Claris W. Chuah, DMD
Paul D. Costas, MD
Francis A. D’Ambrosio, Jr, MD
Oscar S. DePriest, DMD
Kieran F. Dowd, DMD
Donald A. Driscoll, Jr, MD
James E. Ellis, MD
Robert A. First, MD
Rodney Gallo, Jr, DPM
Jason R. Gee, MD
Summer G. Getzen, DPM
Norman L. Goldberg, DMD
Ayleen Gregorian, DPM
Stephen Grossman, DMD
F. Whiting Hays, MD
Stephen J. Hoenig, MD
Pamela J. Hom, DMD
Dean C. Howard, MD
Louis M. Jurist, MD
Ayesha N. Khalid, MD
Atif Khan, MD
Jeremy Z. Kieval, MD
Allis C. Kim, MD
Daneil C. Kuftinec, MD
Mandi Z. Kunen, MD
Paul D. LaFontaine, MD
Olivia C. Liao, MD
Li-Wei Lin, MD
O’Ine McCabe, MD
Deborah L. McCoy, MD
John J. McInnis, MD
John P. Morgan, DDS
Jennifer P. Mullon, MD
Hytho H. Pantazelos, MD
Paul Re, MD
Andrea Resciniti, MD
Loyde Romero, MD
Stephen B. Schloss, MD
Evan Shaw, DMD
Jeffrey D. Smith, MD
Stephen A. Smith, MD
George D. Sydlar, DMD
Bryant A. Tarr, DPM, MD
Daniel W. Tolpin, MD
James W. Umlas, MD
Paul F. Vinger, MD
Daniel H. Vogel, MD
Sahana Vyas, MD
Sandra Weakland, DPM
Oren L. Weisberg, MD
Brian J. Zinsmeister DPM
honorary medical staff
Richard C. Austin, MD
Joseph R. Barrie, MD
Earl F. Bracker, MD
Allen R. Cail, DMD
Thomas A. Caldwell, DMD
Henry D. Childs, MD
Seymour A. DiMare, MD
Hikmet N. Emmanuel, MD
Richard C. Gallagher, MD
Warren E. Goorno, MD
Henry S. Harvey, MD
Nancy W. Hendrie, MD
Charles G. Huizenga, MD
John E. Japp, MD
Arthur T. Judge, MD
Virginia T. Latham, MD
Albert Conrad Lesneski, MD
Harvey J. Lewis, MD
John F. Merrifield, MD
Eugene U. Piazza, MD
Elmer M. Purcell, MD
John C. Rowse, MD
Jordan S Ruboy, MD
Edward C. Saef, MD
Martin R. Santis, MD
Harvey H. Slansky, MD
David L. Smith, MD
Ernest H. Smith, MD
Ray W. Tripp, III, MD
Henry W. Vaillant, MD
Francis X. Van Houten, MD
Sidney H. Wanzer, MD
David G. Watson, MD
George F. Wilgram, MD
Gordon D. Winchell, MD
Thomas W. Wong, MD
Alan C. Woodward, MD
Elizabeth L. Zentz, MD
Emerson Hospital physicians and their spouses celebrated Emerson’s Centennial Gala, held at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel on November 12, 2011.
This event marked the 100th anniversary, to the day, of the hospital’s dedication in 1911. Pictured here are: Dr. Joseph Bergen and his wife Dr. Marcia Bergen (left),
Dr. Michael Doyle and his wife Christine (standing center), Dr. Robert Cantu and his wife Tina (standing right), Dr. Thomas Lareau with his wife Mary (seated
center) and Dr. Deborah Greene and her husband Dr. James Nairus (seated right).
annual appeal donors
With deep appreciation, we acknowledge these generous donors for their gifts
received from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011
stratford society
william brengle society
Gifts of $25,000 and above
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mrs. Leslie Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Churchill, Jr
The DiGiovanni Family
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Voghel
Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak
Anonymous (1)
Ruth Armknecht
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beaulieu
Mrs. Agnes Brengle
Bullock-Lawton, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carr
Stephen and Candace Carr
Maxine and Harry Crowther
Mr. Paul L. Davies
Professor Jay W. Forrester
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gallerani
Ms. Rose Ann Giordano and
Mr. Wendl Thomis
Dawson C. Heron
Houghton Mifflin
Mary Jo and Ron Johnson
Tim and Joan Litle
John Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques R. Maroni
Lynn Martin and John Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Newell
Stephen and Cynthia O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Orfao
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Picard
Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Pieter J. Schiller
Christine and Douglas Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Benson P. Shapiro
Mrs. Barbara Southcote and
Mr. Jeffrey Moore
Mrs. Florence Weadock
Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Woodman, Jr
Joseph Yamron
charles emerson society
Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Mrs. John L. Armstrong
Mrs. Virginia Bethke
Mr. Paul D. Birch
Gloria and Charles Clough
Mrs. Gertrude Cutler
Mr. Patrick J. Flynn and
Ms. Barbara Pritchard Nash
Mr. Granville C. Garth
Haartz Corporation
Mr. John R. Hickling and
Ms. Paula Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Pliny Jewell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kemp
Mary S. Newman
North Bridge Imaging Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Perreault
The Neil and Anna Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reynolds
Michael and Jill Stansky
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Webster, Jr
pat snow society
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Russell S. Beede
Jack and Ruth Chappell
Ms. Laurie Dewey
Cynthia and Bryon Deysher
The Churchill and Janet Franklin
Family Foundation
Mrs. Sarah C. Garth
Sarah and Win Hindle
Jeanne S. Kangas
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kellogg
Mrs. Ann Logan
Amaresh and Sadhana Mahapatra
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Napoli
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Norton
Mrs. Joan H. Perera
Mrs. Mary Simonds
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Whitcomb
Margaret and Chip Ziering
Anonymous (1)
john cuming society
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Harl P. Aldrich, Jr
John and Nancy Barnard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Barrett
Ms. Linda Battaglini
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Baudanza
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Beanland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Beaudoin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Benner, Jr
Joseph Bergen, DO
Mr. Randall W. Bergmann
George and Roberta Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Birge, III
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Blancke
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Blodgett
Sarah and Peter Blum
Mrs. Doris Bouwensch
Paul and Val Bruning
Thomas and Maureen Buckley
Kimberly and Dennis Burns
Mr. and Mrs. John Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Brian T. Callahan
Ben and Kathy Cammarata
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Campbell
Dr. Robert C. Cantu and Ms. Tina Cantu
Dr. Paula Jo Carbone and Daniel Silvia
Mr. Robert L. Carter
Barbara A. Clifford
Edward M. Colbert
Concord & Lexington Oral Surgery
Mark and Betsy Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Felix J. Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. Cook, Jr
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Cooper
Ms. Lianne M. Cronin
Mrs. Sally S. Cross
Kathleen C. Cuocolo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtiss
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D’Ambrosio
Mr. and Mrs. Francois C. Delori
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Doyle
Jack and Joanna Dresser
Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Driscoll, Jr
Mrs. Alan Emmet
Ms. Judith R. Emmons
Remy Evard
Ms. Patricia D. Fleischauer
Mr. and Mrs. Fabian J. Fondriest
George and Lisa Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foye
Jack and Deborah French
Ms. Megan D. Gadd and
Mr. Nathan M. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert K. Gailius
Christine and Richard Gallery
Mrs. Diana Glendon
Deborah T. Gobetz
Robert and Martha Goddard
Ms. Ronni L. Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Gongwer
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Goos
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Granahan
Dr. David S. Green and Ms. Jean French
Denise and Eric Haartz
Susan M. Halby
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Harvey
Mrs. Alice Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Hill
Stephen J. Hoenig and
Melanie P. Hoenig
Gregory and Margaret Howes
Mr. Hans P. Huber
Ms. Lynn Hughes and
Mr. Charles Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hunt
Julie Jankelson and Carl Witthoft
John and Norma Japp
Dr. Avra L. Jordano-Alter and
Dr. Steve Alter
Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kafina
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly
Lionel and Linda Kimerling
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kingman
Ms. Sharon Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Krapf
Mr. Charles C. Ladd
Deborah and Alexander Lamont
Mr. and Mrs. John D. LaMothe, Jr
Ms. Judith Lavoie
Rob and Connie Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lawrence, II
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leggat
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Levine
George and Ilse Lohrer
Paul and Linda Lysiak
John C. and Dorothy M. MacKeen
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Malcom
Dr. C. Gregory Martin and
Ms. Astrid Williams
William and Janet Mason
Jean E. McFedries
Dr. and Mrs. John J. McInnis
Jack and Laura Milton
Mr. Frank P. Morrison
Mary G. Morss
Mrs. Alice Moulton
Dr. Peter Muz
F. Robert Naka, ScD
Cynthia Newbold
Jeff and Sarah Newton
Rod and Dawn Nordblom
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. O’Connor
Dr. Kathryn K. Oh
Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Painter, Jr
Charles and Hilda Parrott
Mr. Edward N. Perry and
Ms. Cynthia Wood
Ms. Barbara Polo Renison
Dr. Catherine M. Price and
Mr. Joseph S. Hollyday
Alexander and Julia Pugh
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Purcell
Paul and Barbara Purchia
Ms. D. Kim Reid and
Mr. Manohar Panjabi
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Reiser
Mr. and Mrs. Larue Renfroe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenfeld
Dr. Jordan S. Ruboy
Eric and Carol Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Schnitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Segal
Annabelle Shepherd
Shethar Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Small
John and Jackie Snelling
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan
Mr. Robert M. Supnik
Ms. Leslie A. Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Norman B. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad H. Todd
Dr. Edward G. Toomey
Mei-Shan S. Tu
Mr. Forrest Berkley and
Mrs. Marcie Tyre Berkley
Mr. Richard D. Tyson
Henry and Janet Vaillant
Ms. Mary Ellen Wang
Mr. and Mrs. James Wayman, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Weeks
Joyce Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wexelblat
Ann and John M. Whittier, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. D. Elliott Wilbur, Jr
Mr. John O. Wilhelm, Jr
Elizabeth H. Wilson
Ms. Anne Winslow
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Winstanley
Gifts of $500 to $999
Farida Ahmed
Mr. Joseph Andrade
Mrs. Elsie Apthorp
Mr. and Mrs. Avak Avakian
Mr. Bruce Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Baldwin
Ms. Anita Barker
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Barkin
Mrs. Sally Benedict
Mrs. Dorothy Bergin
Clark and Susana Bernard
Ms. Diana J. Bingham
Mr. Steven Bloomfield and
Ms. Melissa Apperson
Elaine Bonoma
Mr. and Mrs. Colin E. Brench
Mr. Edward A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce B. Browne
David and Ann Brownell
Dr. Anjum N. Butte and
Mr. Nadeem Butte
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Butterworth
Mrs. Nelly J. Carbonell
Charles and Dianne Carl
The Ciskowski Family
Mr. Peter Clark
Dr. James P. Cohen and
Ms. Suzanne Tinsley
Dick and Ann Marie Connolly
Daisy Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. P. Christopher Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Demmer
Charles and Katharine Denault
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Dolben
Karen H. Donoghue
David C. Douglas and
Pamela M. Gannon
Dr. Neale I. Eckstein and
Ms. Laurie Laba
Mrs. Priscilla Endicott
Mr. Romeyn Everdell and
Mrs. Mary R. Anderson
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Dr. Andrea Fribush and
Dr. Mitchell Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Gifford, Jr
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Glorioso
Bonnie Kaplan Goldsmith
Dr. George A. Gonzalez and
Dr. Limaris Barrios
Dr. Ingrid Gorman and
Mr. James Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Goulden
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Grace
Dr. Deborah A. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. David Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Grinnell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gurall
Dr. and Mrs. George N. Hatsopoulos
Mr. James D. Hawks and
Shelley Drake‑Hawks
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Herdeg
Mrs. Mary B. Hester
Homesite Group Inc.
Stephen and Frances Honan
Mr. and Mrs. Leland S. Hopkins, II
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hopkins
Sumner Hopkins
Mrs. Hilda E. Horne
Mary Leigh Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Houtzeel
Dr. Dean C. Howard and
Dr. Martha Koutsos
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley P. Howes, Jr
Dr. John J. Jakimczyk
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Jarosz
Mary B. Johnson
Annie Jones
Dr. Bradley Judson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Julier
Mrs. Edward H. Kass
Mr. Paul Kebabian
Dr. Mandi Z. Kunen and
Mr. David A. Kunen
Mrs. Ruth Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lane
Lydia and Gerald Lauderdale
Lynne Lipcon
Loomis, Sayles & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LoVecchio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Loverud
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lowe, III
D. Peter Lund and E. Ashley Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. James McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Midon
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Miller, Jr
Ms. Laurel M. Millette and
Mr. Joseph Farjani
Jean and John Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Murphree
Mrs. Suzanne Newton
Bill and Mary Jane Nichols
North Bridge Podiatry Group
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Osterling
Otolaryngology Group, P.C.
Dr. Hytho H. Pantazelos and
Mr. Peter Pantazelos
Frank and Elizabeth Paparello
Janine Papesh and Brant Cheikes
Mrs. Patricia S. Pease
Mr. Francis J. Poisson
Mrs. Iona Quaglieri
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Quist
Dr. Jeffrey O. Riley and
Ms. Lynda M. Palermo
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rodday
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rosse
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Rothermel
Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Sandwen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Schliemann
Dr. Robin Schoenthaler
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Schummers
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Sechrest
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Shaw
Dr. and Mrs. Carl L. Siegel
Clarence O. Smith
Dr. Joseph L. Smith, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Sonn
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Spring
Gary and Rebecca Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stastny
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swanson
Tai Sen, Inc.
Kemon and Rhoda Taschioglou
Dick and Marian Thornton
Dr. Benjamin Ari Tillinger
Dr. and Mrs. Vlassis Travias
Mr. Charles A. Van Meter and
Ms. Donna M. Marcin
Mr. and Mrs. William Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Jon W. Way
Lynn and Irene Weigel
Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Wieland, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wiltsee
Emerson Hospital Board Chair Ron Johnson (left) and President and CEO Christine Schuster (center) dedicate the Cheney
Conference Room at a celebration in honor of late board chair Philip W. Cheney. Leslie (right) and her family helped those
in attendance remember Phil’s vibrant leadership.
Centennial Gala Co-Chairs Sandra Curran (left), Liza Snell (second from left) and Denise Haartz (right) celebrate the hospital’s 100th Anniversary with Emerson
president and CEO Christine Schuster (center) and WBZ-TV reporter David Robichaud (second from right) who emceed this wonderful fundraiser that raised more
than $425,000 for pediatric programs at Emerson.
Gifts of $300 to $499
Mrs. JoAnne Albright
Mr. George S. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Apsler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Asher
Bank of America
Matching Gift Program
David Barash and Lynn Black
Mrs. Charlotte B. Barnaby
John and Molly Beard
Dr. Ward E. Bein
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Boger, III
Dr. Ann P. Burnham and
Mr. Robert Burnham
Antoinette Cantlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Carper
Mrs. Irma Carter
Dr. Roberto D. Cavalieros
Diane and Herb Chellis
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Chick
Ms. Jennie Ciraso
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Conant
Mrs. Marilyn Crawford
Curbside Hospitality
Mr. Lawrence E. Curtiss and
Ms. Jennifer M. Masters
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Dawes
Norman and Joan Dee
Mr. Tripoli DiCicco
Mr. and Mrs. Andre R. Dion
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Doyle
Maureen and David Ellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Enis
Dr. Mark P. Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Errico
John and Katharine Esty
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Fochtman, Jr
Mr. Stephen C. Ford and
Ms. Patricia Pahucki
Dr. Richard J. Geller and
Ms. Joanne Spitz
Mr. Harry Goodman
Ms. Kathleen M. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Greenwood
Robert and Janice Hale
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hibben
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis R. Holden
Dr. Jeremy Z. Kieval
Dr. Roy M. Kring and
Dr. Shirley R. Kring
Ray and Beth Kubacki
Mr. Richard K. Lahnstein
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lareau
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Larner, Jr
Mrs. Marjorie E. Leggett
Ms. Ruth D. Leiby
Dr. Olivia C. Liao
Dr. Li-Wei Lin
Dr. Sten Lofgren and
Ms. Sarah V. D. Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lopez
Mia MacRae
Alan and Martha Marks
Gale and Glover Mayfield
Dr. O’Ine McCabe and
Dr. Charles Eaton
Dr. Deborah L. McCoy
Mrs. Thomas R. Morse, Jr
Dr. Jennifer P. Mullon and
Dr. Claudy Mullon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. O’Connell
Daniel and Hillary O’Connor
Dr. Samuel C. Pang
Mr. Robert A. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Parrinello
Tom and Ruth Piper
Bob and Jane Puffer
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Pulis
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rand
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Reed
Mrs. Merion M. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Robb
Dr. Humberto A. Rossi
Melissa C. Saalfield
Dr. Susan A. Sajer and
Mr. Robert J. Staddard
David A. Sherman
Mrs. Nancy R. Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. David Skok
Mr. and Mrs. John Slocum
Jim and Darien Smith
Dr. Benjamin A. Solky
Ms. Lorraine P. Stanford
Eleanor B. Stengel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Stevenson
Aimee Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Tarnuzzer, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Thome
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Tinder
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Tolpin
Caroline and Ray Tripp
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Twarog
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Tyler, II
Dr. James W. Umlas
Mr. Eric E. Vanloon
Dr. Paul F. Vinger
Agnes Virga
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Waldeck
Doris S. Webber
Robert A. Wetherbee
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wong
Anonymous (1)
Gifts of $100 to $299
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Abramson
Jeanne B. Ackman
Mr. Michael J. Acton, Jr
Mr. Richard R. Addiss, Jr
James B. Adelson and
Deborah A. Sheetz
Mrs. Dorothy G. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Alphen
Mr. John Q. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Santo Amichetti
Mr. and Mrs. Colin F. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Anderson
Walter and Betsey Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney P. Andrews
Bill and Shirley Andrews
Reed and Barbara Anthony
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Archibald
Mrs. Donna Argon
Mrs. Irene Aromaa
Ms. Margaret M. Ashforth
Dr. Ingrid A. Balcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baldridge
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barbato
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Barber, III
Ms. Alicia Barck
Harry and Annette Barker
William Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Barth
Mrs. Dorothy M. Bartlett
Mr. William I. Barton
Christopher and Louise Battista
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight G. Baum
Mrs. Mary R. Beardsley
Mr. Frank W. Beckstein, Jr
Mike and Cynthia Beer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell
Mr. Robert Bellman
Ms. Patricia M. Bench
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Benedict
C. Leonard and Patricia Bennett
Mr. Michael Bentinck-Smith
David and Peggy Beresford
Ms. Lisa Bergemann
Mr. and Mrs. Warner B. Berthoff
Dr. and Mrs. Toffy J. Beyloune
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Bilafer
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bittner
Ms. Cristina Blau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Blizard
Mr. Peter J. Bogosian and
Ms. Sara J. Martinian
Mr. and Mrs. Arcade G. Boivin
Carrie Bolster
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Bonin
Les and Carol Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bowen
Mrs. Margaret Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Bradbury
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bradford
Sylvia Brandhorst
Mr. and Mrs. William Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. John Briedis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Briggs
Garth and Elaine Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bruno
Drs. Irwin and Linda Buchwald
Mr. and Mrs. Deems A. Buell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bundy
Mary Buonopane
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burrows
William S. Butcher
Mr. William Byron
Mr. and Mrs. John Caffrey
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Caggiano
Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Cahill
Susan L. Cahill
Dr. and Mrs. Allen R. Cail
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Caldwell
Mr. David W. Calkins
Dr. Thrassos Calligas and
Dr. Alison M. Sheridan
Mr. Christopher J. Campbell
Mrs. Levin H. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cannella
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Cannon
Mr. Frank Capecci, III
Mrs. Nancy L. Carapezza and
Dr. Leonard Carapezza
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Carlson
Mr. Alexander D. Carmichael
Mr. Edward D. Carpenter
Ms. Patricia A. Carr
Mrs. Carol H. Case
Mr. David C. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric G. Catalano
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cates
Ms. Patricia Chambers
George and Barbara Champine
Leslie Charm and Karen Belinky
Elizabeth Charter
Mr. and Ms. Alex Chatfield
Ms. Dorothy Chernak
Mr. Wasil Chernak
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Chin
Mr. David A. Christmas
Chauncey and Margaret Chu
Dr. Edward K. Chung and
Mrs. Carissa Chung
Citizens Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Clabault
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Clark
Mrs. Deborah Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Clymer
Dr. Mark W. Cohen and
Dr. Jennifer Daly Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Colbert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Colby
Ms. Kathleen Cole
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Comley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Connelly
Susan and Peter Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conway
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cook
Mr. Robert Coughlin and
Ms. Elissa L. Abruzzo
Mr. and Mrs. James Coull
James M. and Carolyn A. Coull
John and Holly Cratsley
Mary and Malcom Crawford
Mr. Robert A. Cunningham
Tom and Susan Curtin
Thomas and Margaret Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Donne W. Cutting
Robert and Judith Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Damalas
Nijan Datar
Dr. and Mrs. Thonet C. Dauphine
James C. Davidian
Ms. Carolyn S. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Davis
Mr. Wayne H. Davis and
Ms. Louise Hara
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dawson
Dr. Maureen W. Daye
Mr. Nicholas and
Ms. Beverly DeGrappo
Dr. Pamela DeLuca and
Mr. Barry Sullivan
Peter J. and Amy E. DeMartino
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Dembsey
Mrs. Marie Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Chung Der
Ms. Elaine DiCicco
Mrs. Sophie DiCicco
Mr. and Ms. Robert A. Diefenbacher
William and Laurie Diercks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dietrich
Mr. and Mrs. Noyes C. Dockendorff
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Donadio
Dr. Mary M. Donald
Eleanor L. Donaldson
Jonathan A. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Donnelly
Sarah Harper Dorer
Michael and Christine Doyle
Norman and Marcia Drapeau
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drouilhet
Sarah and Herb Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dymsza
Dr. Joan Eagan
Mr. and Mrs. David Earl
Mr. Bruce H. Easom
Mr. and Mrs. James Edson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ehlers
Albert D. Ehrenfried
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Eldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Eliassen
Emerson Anesthesia
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Enriquez
Ms. Rita E. Fardy
Sen. Susan C. Fargo and
Mr. Foster M. Fargo
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ferri
Ms. Amal Moamar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fill
Brian R. Fillebrown
Mr. Frederick E. Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fleury
Jeanne B. Flood and Harold W. Flood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. DeFred G. Folts
Ms. Patricia M. Forand
Francis Fornaro
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Forsberg
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Fossett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fowler
William Fowler and Bridget Nedzi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Frank
Patricia and Robert Fraser
Mrs. Lawrence D. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. French, Jr
Mrs. Anne K. Fries
William and Peggy Fry
Mr. James R. Fuerst
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Fulman
Casey Funk
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Gaebel
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaffney
Lois L. Gallagher
Robert D. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gallant
Frances B. Gardella
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Gardner
Dr. Aisling Gaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Geiger
Dr. Eliot Gelwan and
Dr. Barbara Hamm
Frederick A. Genetti
Drs. Philip and Marjorie Gerdine
Mr. Dwight L. Gertz and
Ms. Virginia Welles
Mr. and Ms. Timothy J. Gibson
Mrs. Verna L. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Gilbert
Ms. Mary Giles
Mr. Paul G. Giovacchini
Dr. Allessandro A. Girolamo, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Glassman
Dr. Isaac Z. Glatstein
Dr. Michael S. Glazier
Mr. James Gonzalez
Mr. Bruce G. Goodman and
Ms. Linda Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Les Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Gossels
Mr. Rene Goutte
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Graff
David A. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Graziano
Mrs. Betty J. Green
Mr. David H. Green
Karen and John Green
Mr. and Mrs. Howard I. Greenberg
Gail E. Greenlee
Mr. Paul D. Greenspan
Dr. Ayleen Gregorian
Mr. Richard Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Guay
Mr. and Mrs. Zack Gund
Myron and Ruth Gural
John H. and Susan S. Guswa
Louise and Charles Haldeman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Halio
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Hall
Fay W. Hamilton
Ms. Martha D. Hamilton
John and Nancy Hammond
Dr. Terese C. Hammond
Dr. David R. Handin
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Hanoyan
Steve Carr (center), Chair of the Annual Appeal Committee, announced that the Annual Appeal successfully reached its
$1M goal for fiscal 2011 at the annual donor reception in October. Former committee chair Jeanne Kangas (left) and
future committee chair Lynn Martin (right) joined Steve in celebrating this achievement.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hansen
Ms. Betty S. Hardy
Sara H. Brydges and David G. Harkrider
Mr. and Mrs. George Harlem
Robert Harper
Dr. Cedric F. Harring, Jr
Vaughn and Heidi Harring
Mr. and Mrs. Neville W. Harris
Janet and Alan Hart
Ms. Beth Hayes
Dr. and Mrs. Harley A. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Healy, III
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Healy
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hebble
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Heim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henchman
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Henderson
Mr. Edward A. Hennighausen and
Ms. Joan E. Hill
Barry and Connie Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hertz
Ms. Ula Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hill
Miss Helena Hill
Joan Hill
Jean H. Hill
Pamela Hilton
Peter Hoenig
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hollywood
Ms. Evgeny Holmansky
Paul and Ellie Horwitz
Ms. Faith Howland
Mrs. Nancy M. Howland
Mr. and Mrs. Weston Howland, III
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hubelbank
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hudner, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hueras
Mrs. Gloria Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Huie
Mr. Donald Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hurd
Eleanor and John Hutchins
Hunter and John Hutchinson
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Huxley
Mr. Michael B. Jacobs
Timothy Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Jamison
Michael and Rosemary Jeans
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jenal
Dr. Stephen A. Jenkins
Mr. Robert J. Joachim
Mr. and Mrs. Aldie E. Johnson, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Johnson
Rick and Louise Johnson
Ms. Ruth A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones
Mr. Edward W. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Vidar Jorgensen
Ms. Susan Jospe
Mr. David M. Joy
Dr. David M. Kagle
Ernest and Janet Kahane
Dr. and Mrs. C. William Kaiser
Bruce and Marcia Kankanpaa
Mr. Peter Kantor
Charles and Hannah Keevil
Mr. Walter L. Kehoe
Preston and Nancy Keith
John F. Kellaher
Mr. James F. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Kellner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Kelnhofer
Mr. Thomas W. Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy
Dr. Sheila Kennedy and
Mr. Harvey Bornstein
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Kerns
Jack and Nancy Jo Kessler
Dr. W. Carl Kester and
Ms. Jane Manilych
Ms. Janice E. Ketonen
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Keyes
Dr. Atif Khan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Killian
Michael and Claire King
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. King
Andrew Klein and Barbara A. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Klein
Mr. William Klein
Maribeth and Jack Klobuchar
Mrs. Rita Knapp
Bill and Elaine Kneeland
Ken and Pat Konkle
Ms. Karen A. Koprowski
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kosteva
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Koumantzelis
Dr. Andrei Kouznetsov and
Dr. Diane Kouznetsov
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kovach
Dr. Deborah B. Kovacs and
Mr. Christopher E. Kovacs
Ivan and Ursula Kristoffy
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Krusen, II
Neil M. Kruszkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Kuenzler
Dr. Sanjiv Kumar
Dr. Allan P. Kuong
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Kupka
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kussin, Jr
Ms. Sheila LaFarge
Mr. Curtis J. Lanciani
Mrs. J. Frank Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Lang
Mr. Walter E. Lankau
Dr. Virginia Latham and
Dr. David Latham
Mr. Anthony Lawlor
Mr. Check F. Lee and Ms. Cindy F. Lin
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lee
Norman E. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John Leigh
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leighton
Joe Lemere
Dr. Barry Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Atis A. Liepins
Eli and Jan Lipcon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lischer
Mr. John D. Little
Mr. Wayne A. Lobb
Ms. Eleanor C. Lochhead
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Lopez
Dennis and Pat Loria
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy, Jr
Reverend Janet Lovejoy
Jay and Carolynn Luby
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Lund-Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan F. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Austin F. Lyne
Ms. Pamela W. Lynn and
Mr. Jon Benson
Robert F. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord MacCartney
Judy and Will Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. MacKay
Lois Macy
Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire
Ms. Anne M. Mahoney
Terry and Sima Maitland
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Malkin
Mr. Brian Maloney and
Ms. Maia D. Heymann
Mr. and Ms. William T. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mandel
Edward W. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. and
Mrs. James E. Manson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mapletoft
Mrs. Patricia M. Marchetti
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Marcks
Peter and Mary Marsden
Mrs. Janet Marshall
Mr. David B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Martino, Jr
Mrs. Ann M. Martucci
Ms. Anita Mashiter
Mrs. Patricia L. Mason
Ms. Martha Mattison Curran
Ms. Mary D. Mattison
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Maxwell
Donald F. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. McAleer
Mr. Eugene C. McCann, Jr
Mr. John C. McCarthy and
Ms. Andrea Brox
Mr. William W. McClarin, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. James McCloy
John McCluskey and Margaret Ramsey
Ms. Melisenda J. McDonald and
Ms. Adrianna Morris
Mr. and Mrs. William E. McGarry
Dr. and Mrs. John J. McGrath
Mrs. Bettye J. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McNamara
Rob and Anne McNeece
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meenan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Meffan
John and Carole Merrifield
Merrill Lynch Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Metro
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Meyer
Mr. Eugene B. Meyer
Jeffrey Meyer and Nicole Benecasa
Sandra M. Meyerson
Ms. Darci Mickus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Millar, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Miller
Millipore Foundation
Ms. Helen Minton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Mizzoni
Ms. Kathleen Molony
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Moore
Mary D. Moreau
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Morgan
John and Kathleen Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Morris
Brian and Christine Morrison
Mrs. Norma Morse
Terry B. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Moscariello
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moschella
Ms. Barbara A. Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Myette
Mrs. Renee R. Nadler
Mr. and Mrs. Chibl Nahas
Robert and Christine Najarian
Ms. Catherine A. Napoli
Mrs. Anna L. Neville
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Neville
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nicewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Nichols, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Niemyski
Mrs. Virginia M. Niles
Mr. Ronald Nix
Mr. and Mrs. John Nock
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Noone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Norton
Margaret L. Oates
Ms. Eleanor M. Oberbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Girard F. Oberrender
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Oleksiak
Mrs. Donald W. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Olliver
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. O’Neil, Jr
Michael and Jean Onorato
Mr. and Mrs. Derek O. Oram
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Painter
Charles and Gillian Parker
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Parker
Beverly and Edward Paro
Dr. Robert A. Partridge
Mrs. Joan Paul
Mrs. Catherine A. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. F. Colin Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Peirce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Penney
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Perkins
Mr. Richard A. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Peters
Barbara T. Peters and Theodore Benzer
Robert Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Pfeifer
Mr. Philip A. Phalon
Dr. Katherine L. Phaneuf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Phillips
Dr. Michael H. Picard and
Dr. Mary Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pickman
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pierce
Steven and Judith Piermarini
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pike
Anu and Rein Pirn
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Plumhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plummer
Ms. Susan W. Pope
Mr. Thomas M. Porter
Mrs. Gail Poulter
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Prendiville
Ms. Joelle L. Prince
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pustaver
Putnam Investments
Mrs. Connie Radcliffe
Ms. Marguerite Rafuse
Meena Ramakrishnan
Ms. Mary J. Ramsay
Ms. Mary M. Rauscher
Mrs. Charlotte Read
Mr. and Mrs. David Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rearwin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Reeder
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Reising
Ms. Carmin Reiss and Mr. Eric Green
Audrey Reith
Griffith and Pamela Resor
Mr. Mary P. Riddle
Elliot and Alma Ring
Mr. Daniel Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rizzi
Dr. Andrea R. Rizzo
Dr. Marguerite C. Roach and
Dr. James M. Roach
Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robichaud
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Roddy, Jr
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Roman
Ms. Pamela Romanow
Dr. Noor A. Roomi
William and Karen Roop
Mrs. Michelle F. Rose
Mike and Dawn Rosenberg
Ms. Florence M. Ross
Mr. Gary S. Roth
Mrs. Margaret M. Rothrauff
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Roux
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Rowse
Peter A. Rubel
Dr. Jessica Rubinstein and
Mr. Kenneth Titlebaum
Susan E. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sabatino
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Sachs
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sadlow
Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Saef
Dr. Paul Re (second from right) gave a presentation on youth sports injuries at a recent house party in Concord. Guests Dawn Schnell (left) and John Hunt (right)
enjoyed this informational event. Kevin Kelly (second from left) and his wife, Corporator Nicole Kelly (not pictured) hosted this event for Emerson Hospital.
Mrs. Mary E. Saganich
Marjorie and Walter Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saltonstall
Dr. Michelle S. Sanders
Mr. Ernest L. Sarason
The Sarnelli Family
Mr. Joseph Sass
Herbert Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schaefer
Mrs. Peg Scheipers
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Schloss
Peggy and Al Schmertzler
David and Barbara Schmieder
Mr. and Mrs. James Scholten
Mr. David B. Schroeder
Leslie and Ellen Schwab
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Schwartz
Art and Martha Schwope
Ms. Leslie Sederlund
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sestrich
Ms. Sarah A. Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shelley
Rita Shelzi
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shepard
Richard and Carolyn Shohet
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Shurtleff
Cynthia Sia
Mr. Thomas Siebert
Mr. Thomas Silliker
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simeone
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Simonds
Mr. Barry J. Simons
Mr. Scott Simpson and
Ms. Nancy Kuzemski
Dr. Michele T. Sinopoli
Mr. Bradford C. Sippy
Mrs. Hana Sittler
Mrs. Adele Skinner
Mrs. Sylvia H. Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Slade
Mr. and Mrs. Milton G. Slade
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Slayter
Robert and Betty Slechta
Ms. Broncia Smale
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ledyard Smith, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Smith
Jeffrey D. Smith
Steven Smith
Carmen and Margaret Spinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Carmin J. Spiro
Wade and Mary Staniar
Dr. and Mrs. Elliot Steger
Dr. Arden L. Steinbach and
Dr. Suzanne F. Steinbach
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Steinert
Mr. Robert A. Stephenson
Dr. Robert Stern and Dr. Frances Arnold
John P. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Stieglitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Stone
Ernest and Sherryl Stonebraker
Ms. Elinor L. Stout and
Mr. Leonard H. Candee
W. Deter Straub
Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Street
James A. Street, PhD, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sur
The Friedman family of Concord enjoyed the Verrill Farm Harvest Festival in October. Area families enjoyed pumpkin
picking, hay and pony rides, treasure hunts and face painting. The event raised more than $12,000 that will provide
“coping kits” for pediatric patients through our Pediatric Intervention Team.
Mr. Scott L. Surer
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Sussman
Betsy Suter
Mr. and Mrs. James Sweeney
Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Swift
Parker and Midge Symmes
Mr. and Mrs. George Symula
Mr. Erik J. Synnestvedt
Dr. Claudia Talland and
Dr. Brian Barnett
Carolyn C. King and Thomas Tarpey
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Tatum
Ken and Wendy Taubes
Elizabeth J. Taverner
Elizabeth K. Taylor
Melita M. Teichert and
William K. Sabine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Teixeira
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Terry
Peter and Nancy Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
Mrs. Marion J. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Throckmorton
Mrs. Brigitte Thun
Kimball and Louise Thurston
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O. Torma
Carl Torossian
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Tourison
Judith M. Toussaint
Mr. and Mrs. George Travis
Mr. and Mrs. William Trego
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Tremain
Tom and Charity Tremblay
Will and Janice Tuffin
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tuttle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Ullmann
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Usoff
Ms. Elizabeth Valentine
Philip and Mary-Wren Vanderwilden
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric VanDeusen
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Villers
Dr. Alamjit S. Virk
Mr. and Mrs. John Vitkevich
Ms. Gail R. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon H. Wait
Ms. Ann M. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis E. Walker
James and Judith Walpole
Mr. James B. Waltenspiel
Gert and Kathleen Walter
Alice Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Wang
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Wanzer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warner
William Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Waters
Mr. Henry G. Weaver, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Webster
Dr. Oren L. Weisberg and
Ms. Tamara Charm
Jon and Emily Welch
Mrs. Mary Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Welch
Judith E. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. James L. West
Mr. Barbara K. Wheaton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Wheeler
Mrs. Katharine White
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Widmayer Sr
Mrs. Mary B. Wilinsky
Mrs. Mary F. Willard
Charles V. Willie and Mary Sue Willie
Anne Sears Wilson
Mr. Jack Wilson
Peter A. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Winchell
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Winstanley
Professor Patrick H. Winston and
Ms. Karen Prendergast
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wisniewski
Ms. Nancy Wojtas
Dr. F. Russell Wolf and
Dr. Martha Gilpatrick Wolf
James and Carol Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. George Woodland
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Woodle
Mrs. Ethel B. Woodman
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Woodring
Mrs. Edith S. Woolley
Mr. Gilbert P. Wozney
Mr. David C. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Wright
Allan Wyatt
Hong Xu
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Yans
Hon Hoi Yee and Barbara Yee
Mr. Joseph Yu and Ms. Dora Yu
Dr. and Mrs. Edmond Yunis
Mr. and Mrs. Warner W. Zoller
Bill and Margie Zuk
Mr. Robert Zurek and
Mrs. Cathy Stuart-Zurek
Anonymous (3)
donor designated funds
With deep appreciation, we acknowledge these generous donors for gifts designated to specific purposes
received from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011
Gifts of $250,000 $499,999
Gloria and Charles Clough
The Steinberg-Lalli Charitable
Foundation - The Steinberg Family
Gifts of $100,000 to $249,999
Emerson Hospital Auxiliary & Gift Shop
Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
Jim and Carolyn Birmingham
Neil and Anna Rasmussen Foundation
Mr. Rodney G. Sparrow
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
George and Roberta Berry
Mr. Paul D. Birch
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Boger, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiGeronimo
Denise and Eric Haartz
John C. and Dorothy M. MacKeen
Middlesex Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Voghel
Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Newell
Mary S. Newman
North Bridge Imaging Group, LLC
Pediatrics West, PC
Mrs. Joan H. Perera
Dr. Jordan S. Ruboy
Christine and Douglas Schuster
Mrs. Mary Simonds
Margaret and Chip Ziering
Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999
AdvantEdge Healthcare Solutions
Advizex Technologies
Armstrong Ambulance
Avison Young, New England
Beaudoin Family
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
of Massachusetts
By Design Construction
Cambridge Savings Bank
Cambridge Trust
The Camden Group
Cammack LaRhette Consulting
Dr. Robert C. Cantu and Ms. Tina Cantu
Claflin Company
Concord-Carlisle Community Chest
Crothall Healthcare
David and Sylvia Cullington
Delphi Construction
Charles and Katharine Denault
Eastern Connection, Inc.
Dr. Frederic J. Eppling
Farnam Street Financial
First Allied Securities
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Gardner
Gragil Associates
Mrs. Edith R. Griscom
Vaughn and Heidi Harring
HDR Architecture, Inc.
Health Partners of New England
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Huyett
Julie Jankelson and Carl Witthoft
Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kafina
Dr. David M. Kagle
Mr. and Mrs. S. Dewey Keesler, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy
Dr. Sanjiv Kumar
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Boynton, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce B. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. John Curran
Cynthia and Bryon Deysher
Donoghue, Barrett & Singal, P.C.
Haartz Corporation
Sarah and Win Hindle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kemp
Lahey Clinic Foundation, Inc.
Jeff and Sarah Newton
Rod and Dawn Nordblom
Michael and Jill Stansky
The Thoreau Club of Concord
Verrill Farm, LLC
Gifts of $500 to $999
Acton-Boxborough United Way
Ayer Rotary Club
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Barkin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Carey
Conant School
Dr. Aisling Gaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Halio
Mr. and Mrs. Najmul Huq
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Lorusso, Jr
Margo’s Hair and Body Design
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. O’Neil, Jr
Ms. D. Kim Reid and
Mr. Manohar Panjabi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rosse
Mr. Walter A. Shephard
Dr. and Mrs. Carl L. Siegel
Small Army
Ms. Rina K. Spence
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Steinert
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Sullivan
Mr. Michal Wiesler
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Winstanley
Anonymous (1)
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Acton Medical Associates PC
Armstrong Ambulance Service, Inc
Balanced Healthcare Receivables
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Baudanza
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beaulieu
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Campbell
Mrs. Leslie Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Churchill, Jr
Ms. Christine M. Cournoyer and
Mr. James Bryant
Delphi Construction
DiGiovanni Family
Emerson Hospital
Emergency Physicians
Emerson Hospital Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. John Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gurall
Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates
Mary Jo and Ron Johnson
Lynn Martin and John Skinner
Mr. Charles C. Ladd
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lawrence, II
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leggat
Levi + Wong Design Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LoVecchio
Mr. Robert Maher
Milhench Supply
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moschella
Outsource Group
Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Packard
Ms. Bonnie L. Pelenur
P-Solve Asset Solutions
Lawrence Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenfeld
Mr. Robert A. Salomon
John and Jackie Snelling
Stow Community Chest, Inc.
Stow Lions Club
James A. Street, PhD, MD
Trustees of Town Donations of
the Town of Concord
United Linen Services
Henry and Janet Vaillant
WB Mason
Mr. and Mrs. James F. White
Mr. John O. Wilhelm, Jr
Woodman & Eaton
Anonymous (1)
The Emerson Hospital Breast Health Center was renamed in memory of
Mortimer B. Hermel, MD, in August. His wife Zephie is shown here at the
dedication holding a photo of her late husband Mortimer.
casper jenney society
Honoring benefactors who have included Emerson Health Care Foundation
in their estate plan or life income fund
Mrs. Joanne Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blacksmith
Mrs. Winifred B. Bush
Mr. Robert L. Carter
Mrs. Leslie Cheney
Mr. Herbert Corner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cronin
Ms. Patricia D. Fleischauer
Mrs. Rosealie Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gordon
Mr. Robert B. Graham
Dr. Nancy W. Hendrie
Mr. and Mrs. Aldie E. Johnson, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Keyes
Mr. Mason E. King
Mrs. Ruth Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lukas
Mr. D. Peter Lund and
Ms. E. Ashley Rooney
Mrs. Mary S. Newman
Ms. Donna O’Neill
Mrs. Joan H. Perera
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Robbins
Dr. Jordan S. Ruboy
Mr. and Mrs. William Scheft
Mrs. Annabelle Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Jose’ Silva
Ms. Eleanora Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Stickney
Mr. Mathew Struthers
Mrs. Mary D. Wheble
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Whittier, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wiltsee
estate gifts
We are grateful for the gifts we received from the following estates and trusts
between October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011.
Barbara Bliss Estate
Carey T. Prouty Estate
in memoriam
Gifts were made from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011 in memory of the following people.
Rita K. Bixby
Frederick Bovill
Eleanor S. Bradley
Joseph F. Bumbaca
Grandma and Papa Carp
Reed Cooper
Damian D’Ambrosio
Lynn E. Daeke
Angela Diaz
Frederick G. Dworshak
Deborah Joy Foster
Janet E. Fritsch
Elizabeth Fulton
George Funk
Katherine M. Gilfeather
Martha Grove
Marcia Guay
Gloria Houle
Teresa F. Howes
David Hutton
Walter Jones
Frederick E. Joyce
Edward J. Kiley
James J. Kotanchik
Marlene G. Mallory
Lee McGarry
Adelina E. McGarry
Helen Messina
Dorothea R. Minden
William H. Newsham
Jill M. Parks
Francis J. Phelan
Paul A. Phelan
Marit Raassina
Barbara Riordan
Pauline Rosner
Doris Roy
Virginia Salomon
Oscar E. Sanden
Arthur Schiller
William F. Seaburg
Alma M. Sheehan
Wilbert Shuback
Theresa Silvio
Wilbur L. Walls
Norma-Jean Wozney
emerson hospital is accredited by
American Association of Blood Banks
American College of Radiology
American College of Surgeons,
Commission on Cancer
(Bethke Cancer Center)
American College of Surgeons
Bariatric Surgery Center Network
Emerson Hospital
133 Old Road to Nine Acre Corner
Concord, MA 01742
Reflections is published annually by Emerson Health
Care Foundation for friends and supporters of
Emerson Hospital.
College of American Pathologists
Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations
Massachusetts Medical Society Committee
on Accreditation Review
Christine C. Schuster
President and CEO
Gloria Clough
Chair, Emerson Health Care Foundation
licensed by
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
member of
Partners Community HealthCare, Inc.
and affiliated with
Jack Dresser
Vice President and Executive Director
Diane Chellis
Assistant Director
Janine Papesh
Stewardship Officer
Melissa Saalfield
Major Gifts Officer
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Gynecologic Oncology
Bonnie Kaplan Goldsmith, Senior Director,
Public Affairs, Marketing and Communications
Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Surgery
Design: Natalie MacKnight
Principal writer: Naomi Funkhouser
Content: Diane Chellis
Photography by Tony Rinaldo, except as noted:
Steve Gilbert pages 10, 15, 18, 22
Karen McCarthy page 12 bottom
Printing: Travers Printing
Hospice of the North Shore and Greater Boston
Palliative Care
Lahey Clinic
Interventional Physiatry and Pain Medicine,
Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery, Urology
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Massachusetts General Hospital
Bariatric Surgery
Pediatric affiliations in Cardiology, Endocrinology,
Gastroenterology, Nephrology and Surgery
Radiation Oncology
Tufts-New England Medical Center
To make an on-line donation, go to
Every effort was made to provide an accurate and complete listing
of donors. We regret any errors, and ask that you bring corrections
to our attention by calling 978-287-3001.
133 Old Road to Nine Acre Corner
Concord, MA 01742