July 1, 2010 - Online Edition


July 1, 2010 - Online Edition
Volume 97, Number 7 • July 1, 2010
God Bless America
acob Rader Marcus (1896-1995) was
a scholar, professor and rabbi, with a
terrific sense of humor. But more than
anything else Marcus developed American Jewish History into an academic
discipline. After the destruction of much
of Jewish life in Europe, Marcus recognized that American Jews were destined
to become the most important Jewish
community in the world. This led him to
retrieve, preserve and conceptualize the
history of US Jews and Jewish history. It
became his passion, and by 1947 he established the American Jewish Archives
on the grounds of the Hebrew Union
College in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Marcus also developed a concept,
“Omniterritoriality: the enduring necessity of maintaining numerous centers of
Jewish life all over the globe.” That is to say,
we Jews must never place our survival eggs
all in one territorial basket, not even Israel,
not even the United States of America.
He recognized the vitality of Jewish life
throughout the globe: Israel, Argentina,
France, England, Iran and maybe Europe,
once again.
Marcus was not just a dreamer.
In 1995 in an address to the Central
Conference of American Rabbis, Marcus
asserted: “We face a serious problem
in America—not oppression to be
sure—but constant attrition, assimilation. Yes, we are assimilating, declining
numerically. In the last three to four
thousand years there was never a day
when the majority of Jews were practicing religionists…We are few because we
seceded, acculturated, voluntarily.
“Rabbis,” Marcus cried, “Cultivate
those few who are devoted to our religion, to our culture. When you survey
your congregations on Shabbat, don’t
count bodies, count souls. And what is it
that we have learned? We must become
proud proponents of our values, the
best of our heritage. We emphasize the
cosmopolitan, the universal: we insist on
social justice, on political and religious
freedom. It may well be that we cannot
love our neighbor as ourselves but the
least we can do is tolerate him and his
differences.” (The Dynamics of American Jewish History, Edited by Gary
Zola, Ph.D.)
That remains the most powerful message for American Jews, Jews
who are blessed with opportunity and
creativity, responsibility and social consciousness: Show kindness and concern
for others as well as yourselves. May God
continue to bless us with freedom, with
creativity, with understanding and with
compassion in this great United States
of America and all over the globe.
Rabbi Karen L. Fox
In This Issue
Hunger Doesn’t Take
a Summer Vacation
The Voice on the Phone
Torah Portion
Listen, Israel!
he section of Torah we read from this month includes
one of the most well-known lines in the entire Torah.
Six simple, yet compelling words: Shema. Yisrael. Adonai.
Eloheynu. Adonai. Echad. Growing up I learned the traditional
translation, Hear Oh Israel, The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
As a teacher of elementary age children, I play around with
the words a bit to render a different emphasis. Listen, Israel!
Adonai our God is One. We are commanded to pay attention,
to be attentive, to be active listeners. Listening in this way
will allow us to realize that all of life boils down to a singular
essence...God. Holiness and goodness.
We should love ourselves,
for we are of God . . .
Check out Torah Online:
In her poem “V’ahavta,” Marge Piercy captures the goal of the
. . . We should love ourselves, for we are of God . . .
Be quiet and listen to the still small
voice within that speaks in love.
Open to that voice, hear it, heed it and work
For life.
Let us remember and strive to be good.
Let us remember to find what is holy
within and without.
Pay attention and listen. As our Torah instructs us, listen to the
sounds of summer; allow yourself to find the holy in life and
listen for signs of God all around.
Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim
Plugged In
Brawerman Website Expands
rawerman Elementary School is revamping brawerman.org with busy people in mind, to more
effectively communicate with parents and the community. Beginning this summer, we will post
all school events and news on our website, including dates, times and short descriptions, making it
easy to stay informed. Additionally, during the first semester, Brawerman will pilot a new program
where teachers and/or grade levels will have a password-protected, customized webpage. Here,
parents and students can access teacher contact information, class lists, homework assignments,
project and test calendars and a photo/video library. The Brawerman administration and faculty are
excited to share these website improvements with the community and look forward to connecting
with you. Be sure to visit us at www.brawerman.org
Tikkun Olam
Hunger Doesn’t Take
a Summer Vacation
or as long as I can remember, Sunday mornings have meant
religious school; from student to teacher, song leader to
rabbinic intern. All that changed six months ago after spending a
Sunday morning at our food pantries.
Any given Sunday, you will find an amazing group of Temple members volunteering at our food pantries. They participate
for a variety of reasons. For some it is a Sunday morning ritual, a
place to connect with community. For others it is about putting a face on their social action; after all it’s one thing to make a
sandwich or pack a lunch, it is another to actually distribute that
lunch, smiling at someone in need and seeing their appreciation
first hand.
Our rabbis teach that when asked upon arrival in the next
world, “What was your work?” and you answer: “I fed the hungry,” you will be told: “This is the house of God, enter into it, you
who have fed the hungry.”
As “June gloom”
burns off and summer begins in full, the number of
volunteers at both our food
pantries seems to shrink. So
this summer, consider spending at
least one Sunday morning between now
and Rosh HaShanah at either of our food pantries. Bring your
family; it is a wonderful way to start your week together.
Rabbinic Intern Beau Shapiro
To learn more or volunteer at our food pantries,
call Phyl Wallace (213) 388-2401 x269 or visit
Adult Opportunities
becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah
at Every Age and Stage
Mazal tov to the Adult B’nei Mitzvah class of 5770!
Lauren Becker
Betty Cohen
Alejandro Lara
Jilla Meshkanian
Hedy Van Der Fluit
Judi Walley
Peggy Davis
Steve Davis
Randi Sapin
We are delighted they studied Torah, chanted and
taught it to the community!
If you would like to become bar or bat mitzvah
as an adult this upcoming year, please call Phyl Wallace
(213) 388-2401 x269 and sign up. We’ll begin
October 3, 2010 and conclude at Shavuot in 2011.
Brawerman Elementary School
xine Keith, Nadine Br
Barry Schapira, Ma
chael Green
Rabbi Elissa Ben-N
t was only one year after Brawerman Elementary School West
opened its doors when four special individuals joined our
community and have been making a difference ever since.
At a recent Teacher Appreciation evening, Head of School
Nadine Breuer recognized each one of them for ten years of
service, dedication and commitment.
For ten years ago, Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim has served as
Judaic educator and spiritual leader. She has developed curriculum, led services, taught in classrooms, touched the hearts and
nurtured the Jewish souls of students and teachers alike.
Maxine Keith has worked closely with Nadine as her partner on the administrative team. Her many roles have included
Assistant Head of School, Admissions Director, Student Services Coordinator, Parent Association liaison, teacher, student
and parent advisor, confidante and friend.
Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim, Bruce Michael Green,
Maxine Keith and Barry Schapira
Coach Barry came aboard to do whatever needed to be
done. He has helped in the classroom, run the PE program,
offered after-school enrichment classes, shared his wisdom and
love of Torah and solidified the foundation for the development
of menschlichkeit.
Bruce Michael Green brought his magic to the kindergarten classroom and became the beloved BMG. He has fostered
creativity, a sense of wonder, joy in learning and created an environment where children pursue their interests and love learning.
These individuals have served as an inspiration for our educators, and we stand on their shoulders. We wish them many more
decades of the happiness and fulfillment that comes with doing
what they do so well, and sharing it so unselfishly with others.
Mazal tov!
Religious School: “Center for Learning & Engagement”
Early Childhood Centers
June 11 was Kadima for the
Mann Family Early Childhood Center!
The Voice on the Phone
he cheerfully
answers the
phone with a
welcoming voice. She guides parents through the process of
enrolling their children in an age appropriate session; she describes
the differences between Camp Hess Kramer and Gindling Hilltop
Camp; she advises on packing lists and helps navigate the various
scholarship programs. She is Cheryl Mandel Garland, Wilshire
Boulevard Temple Camp’s Registrar/Office Manager.
Cheryl began working for our camps 17 years ago, and
is the life and breath of the camp office. She takes time and
care in each cabin placement and delights in finding new camp
merchandise to offer. She lovingly sends out birthday cards
to every camper throughout the year and has enormous pride
in all she does to ensure that every child has the best possible
experience as a camper.
With two daughters of her own having attended Wilshire
Boulevard Temple Camps, Cheryl has a unique perspective
when she describes our programs and facilities. Remi attended
Camp Hess Kramer for 10 years, and Delainey spends each
summer first at Gindling Hilltop Camp and then at Camp
Hess Kramer.
Not only is Cheryl well known by our parents, when
she attends a Shabbat dinner or other program at camp
she is greeted by campers with hugs and stories about their
experiences. When she sees camp alumni she always remembers
them, and asks about their parents. She truly cares about each
and every member of the extended camp family, and happily
announces to anyone who asks, “I love my job!”
Cheri Lauterbach
Alumni & Development Director
Donor Circle Members
Strengthen Our Community
ith approximately 2,500 families, the Wilshire Boulevard
Temple community is the size of a small town with a
population of about 8,000. We are one of the largest Jewish
congregations in the United States. Each week, we welcome new
members to our community, say goodbye to those who have died
and join together to support those who are struggling, whether
with illness or personal setbacks.
Our volunteers reach out to those who need someone to
listen and offer moral support; our Donor Circle members provide
financial support to enable congregants, who could otherwise not
afford it, to continue as members. Our Donor Circle members
ensure we are a congregation that is broad and inclusive. And this
past year their generosity has been all the more meaningful.
Nearly one-third of our congregation receives some kind
of reduced membership fee because of financial hardship or fixed
income. Support from our Donor Circle members enables these
800 families to fully participate in our congregational life, and
ensure Jewish continuity for themselves and their families. It’s
not easy to ask for help. Here is what one congregant recently
told us:
“ I’ve never had to do this before and I am not sure where
to begin. I was just laid off and my wife is taking a severe
pay cut. I would like to remain a Temple member and be
able to continue to send my children to religious school but
I cannot afford to make my full contribution this year. I
think I need to ask for your help.”
Thanks to the members below who participated at one of
the Donor Circle levels in 2009-2010, we were able to respond
affirmatively when this congregant called.
Rebecca Nudel,
Membership Director
Donor Circle Contributors
June 1, 2009 – May 31, 2010
G’milut Chasadim
$5,400 above annual dues
Alyce & Philip de Toledo
Erika Glazer
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gluck
Fred Kunik & Susan Greenberg-Kunik
Jim & Jill Higgins
Deanna & Eric Kripke
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Magnin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Resnick
Corrine & Lenny Sands
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Tamkin
Eric & Elizabeth Yellin
$3,600 above annual dues
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Bosse
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Broidy
Stephanie & Jonathan Carson
Susan & Alan Casden
Mr. & Mrs. John Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Edelist
Lori & Simon Furie
Mrs. Anita Hirsh
Leslie Weisberg & James Hyman
Mrs. Audrey Irmas
Arthur Levine & Lauren Leichtman
Bob & Alicia Levitt
Felicia Rosenfeld & David Linde
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Newberg
Shelby Notkin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pachulski
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pritzker
Antony Ressler & Jami Gertz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ressler
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Rodsky
Dorothy Royce
Carla & Fred Sands
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Siegel
Erwin Stoff & Deborah Aal
Mrs. Jill T. Werner
Jennifer & Randy Wooster
$1,800 above annual dues
Rick & Shelley Bayer
Howard Bernstein & Bunny Wasser
Mr. Alan Berro
Marc Binenfeld & Julie Miller
Steven & Elizabeth Blatt
Mrs. Geri Brawerman
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Cooper
Nahal & Kevin Danesh
Dorskind Family
Mr. & Mrs. William Feiler
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Friedman
Mrs. Jeanne Gerson
Mr. Steven Gilfenbain
Mr. & Mrs. Guilford Glazer
Mrs. Gloria Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Bram Goldsmith
Karen & Russell Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Jaffrey
Mr. & Mrs. David Kaplan
Mr. Martin Kellner
Joanne Kirshbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Klein
Robert Klyman & Dena Bloom
Abby & David Kohl
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Kornblau
Donna Kronson
Torah continued
Lee & Barbara Wagman
Glenn Wasserman & Allyne Winderman
Debbie & Elliot Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Weinberger
Karen & Richard Wolfen
Mr. Edward Yablans
Mr. Marshall Zolla
Thomas & Barbara Leanse
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Leiter
Susan Lerner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Light
Perry & Renata Lubens
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Mahn
Marcia & Doug Mankoff
Alana & Elliot Megdal
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Mindlin
Kevin & Danielle Misher
Mrs. Beverly Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nadel
Elizabeth & Yehuda Naftali
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Palmer
Mary Zoe Phillips
Lea & Barry Porter
Mr. Michael & Dr. Sheila Powell
Ms. Ann Ramer
Jeff Robinov
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rosenblum
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schwarz
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sholem
Chris & Julia Silbermann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sills
Karen & Scott Silver
Mr. Richard Spitz
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Stein
Mr. Bradley Tabach-Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wachter
$1,000 above annual dues
Debra & Ben Ansell
Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Bell
Mr. & Mrs. David Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Block
Mrs. Maxine Bookman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Borenstein
Daniel & Mary Brussell
Marlene & David Capell
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Crane
Linda Daly & Mike Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. John Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gottfried
Mr & Mrs. Richard Grey
Barbara Grushow
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hahn
Howard Heitner & Betsy Newman
Craig Hunegs & Daniela Roveda
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Juda
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Kozberg
Mrs. Ruth Lavine
Mr. Allen Lenard
Dr. & Mrs. Evan Libaw
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lippe
Mr. & Mrs. David Lonner
Jeffrey Mandell & Abigail Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mayerson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miller
Mr. David Neale
Mrs. Deborah Newmyer
Zak Penn & Michele Weiss
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Post
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rimokh
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Romick
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Rosenbloom
Mr. & Mrs. Cory Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenbaum
Dr. & Mrs. Saul Rosoff
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schechter
Drs. Maskit and Gary Schiller
Mrs. Gerry Sinclair
Jason & Elizabeth Sugarman
Ann & Steven Sunshine
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Tivoli
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wolf
If you would like information about joining the
Donor Circle, please contact Membership Director
Rebecca Nudel, (213) 388-2401 or [email protected]
Calling all talented Shofar Blowers!
During the Hebrew month of Elul starting August
12th at every service leading up to the High Holy
Days, come hear the sound of the Shofar. The
honor of sounding the Shofar for the congregation
fills up quickly, so call or email now to choose your
date and campus.
ancy Daum, [email protected],
(213) 388-2401 x550
Temple Campus
Irmas Campus
Registration Required
Contact For More Information
Information Available Online
Free of Charge
For a full calendar of events and services, please visit www.wbtla.org/events
Food Pantries
Food Pantries
Food Pantries
Independence Day Observed
Spousal Bereavement
Support Group
Tish'a B'Av
Spousal Bereavement
Support Group
Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Support Group
Spousal Bereavement
Support Group
Meditation in Jewish
Meditation in Jewish
Meditation in Jewish
Meditation in Jewish
Meditation in Jewish
Kabbalat Shabbat
Torah Study
No Service at
Irmas Campus
Shacharit Shabbat
Torah Study
No Service at
Irmas Campus
Shacharit Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat
No Service at
Irmas Campus
Torah Study and Service
No Service at
Irmas Campus
Torah Study and Service
No Service at
Irmas Campus
Torah Study and Service
Kabbalat Shabbat
Soul Sounds Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat
No Service at
Temple Campus
Kabbalat Shabbat
Spousal Bereavement
Support Group
For more information, including time and location, on all
of the events in this calendar, visit www.wbtla.org
Independence Day
Food Pantries
OPCC Annenberg Access Center, Santa Monica
Service time different than usual - please check online
Temple Campus
Irmas Campus
Kol Rinnah
Harvey Yatman by Ryan Yatman
Alan Zippert by Abramov Family
In Honor Of:
Rabbi Steve Leder by Susan & Bruce Levin
In Loving Memory Of:
Julius Fligelman by Mona Brandler
Norman A. Rubin by Molly Greenberg
Jennie Rubin by Anne Klein
Norman A. Rubin by Suzanne Rubin
Alana & Elliot Megdal
Lauren Becker’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Joan & Jack Becker
Lionel Bell for a speedy recovery by Dana & Chuck Maltz
Betty Cohen’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Karen Siegenberg
Alan Epstein’s 50th Birthday by Julie Miller & Marc Binenfeld
Helene Fernbacher’s 88th Birthday by George Fernbacher
Ben Flesch’s graduation from The University of Pennsylvania by
Gail & Fred Rollman
Hedy Van Der Fluit’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Karen Siegenberg
In Loving Memory Of:
Marian Allen by Judith and Eugene Tuch
Alvin Applebaum by Diane & Noel Applebaum
Anina Balline by Dr. Rose Saperstein
Fannie Berliner by Tracy & F. Ron Smith
Bert Blauner by Linda & Donald Blauner
Gussie Borun by Dorothy Straus
Julius Ceazan by Anne & Bernard Ceazan
Dear mother, Nettie Citron by Cecile Bartman
Irma Crone by Pat & Carole Crone
Bruce Devlin by Darrell Burstein
Marie Dolginer by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dolginer
Blanka Eisen by Robert Schwarz
Jack Epstein by Jill & Burton Epstein
Dorothy Feinberg by Sandra & William Kates
Fredric Fenton by Rochelle Fenton, Jennifer & Max
Beloved mother and grandmother, Regina Fischer by Ruth Channon,
Sheila Rimer, Tracy, Tina and Tami
Samuel Gerry by Janice & Arthur Gerry
Bobbie Glusker by Mr. & Mrs. Steve Glusker
Albert Goldberg by Ada & Bruce Brown
Edward Greenberg by Elaine Greenberg
Rose Gribs by Miriam Wexler
Betty Heyman by Daniel Heyman
Dear father, Hyman Hoffman by Rachael &
Dr. Norman Hoffman
Eugene Hoffman by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Livingston
Louis Itzkowitz by Toby & Sam Berkow
Lewis Jackson by Muriel Jackson
Miriam Jacobs by Annette Markell
Gertrude Justman by Judy & Harvey Flax
Sidney Katz by Jean Rosenbaum-Katz
Leslie Kline by Ruth & George Furst, Kathy & Brian Kriegler and
Julie Furst
Margaret Kline by Ruth & George Furst, Kathy & Brian Kriegler and
Julie Furst
Sylvia Krevin by Helen Lewis & Marvin Meyer
Hy Lenard by Marlene White Lenard, Brian Lenard & Erica Lenard
Myron Levi by Randi & John Grossman
Anne Lubin by Pamela & Mark Mischel
Philip Mahn by Susan & Elliot Mahn
Harriette Maltzman by Pamela Beck
Ernest Matalon by Ike Matalon
Edna Mosk by Sandy & Richard Mosk
Stanley Mosk by Sandy & Richard Mosk
Doris Orlikoff by Steven Orlikoff
Molook Partovi by Soheil Soleimani
My parents, Allen H. Rabin and Charlotte C. Rabin by
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rabin
Rose Reiser by Mary & Daniel Brussell
Robert Rhein by Linda & Peter Rhein
Ruth Robin by Sherri Nelson
Beloved husband, Louis Romoff by Ruth Romoff
Jennie Romoff by Ruth Romoff
Larry Rosenbloom by Buddy & Burton Epstein
Lilly Schiller, Dr. Victor Schiller & Gustav Schiller by Gary Schiller
Robert Schlossberg by Adrienne & Stanford Rubin
Lydia Schneiderman by Alan Schneiderman
Miriam Schneiderman by Alan Schneiderman
Marjorie & Maurice Schwarz by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schwarz
Michael Senter by Nancy Senter
Lloyd Shapoff by The Shapoff Family
Jeanette Sherman by Muriel & Neil Sherman
Lawrence Silberkleit by Kelly & Timothy Prather & Family
Esther Sinclair by Keith Sinclair
Blanche Sklar by Arnold Sklar
Eric Slates by Ronald Slates
George Stern by Ruth & James Stern
Walter Stone by Ira and Joanne Kirshbaum
Dear cousin, Harry Sweet by Rachael & Norman Hoffman
Shirley Tuch by Shelley & Richard Bayer
Susan Tuch by Shelley & Richard Bayer
Irving Wexler by Miriam Wexler
Nettie Wolf by Bennett Wolf
Steven Eagle by Patricia Eagle Schnetzer
Edith Marcus by Janice & Daniel Wallace
Father, grandfather and my rabbit Mel Saltzman by Ann Saltzman
Mark Weisman by Andrea Weisman, children and grandchildren
In Honor Of:
In Loving Memory Of:
Hila & Jeremy Wenokur
In Honor Of:
In Loving Memory Of:
Rabbi Bill Cutter for officiating at the service of Barbie Zolla by
Marshall Zolla
Richard Eidinger’s 50th Birthday by Cathy & Brad Gelfond
Rabbi Karen Fox for officiating at the baby naming of Hannah Davids
by Nicole Deddens & Ronn Davids
Rabbi Fox for officiating at the funeral of my mother, Lillian S. Evans
by Joanie & Louis Reisman
Rabbi Steve Leder’s Birthday by Sandy & Hal Slan
Rabbi Leder for officiating at Matthew Schiff’s Bar Mitzvah by Robbi
& Thomas Schiff
Beau Shapiro for attending our daughter’s baby naming by Nicole
Deddens & Ronn Davids
Bernie “Bud” Brown, Jr. by Marian & Stanley Brown & Family
In Loving Memory Of:
Richard Brawerman by Geri Brawerman
Gwen Robillard by Dana & Christopher Kiper
Dr. Victor Schiller, Lilly Schiller and Gustav Schiller by
Liesa & Frank Schiller
Dr. Norman Schulman by Dana & Christopher Kiper
Susanne Wolf by Bennett Wolf
Peter Gold by Gloria Gold
Mollie Labiner by Marilyn Reingold
Bernard Schiff by Robbi & Tom Schiff
Morris Shapiro by Libby, Norman, Robert & Melissa Shapiro
Naum Tabachnick by Doris Tabachnick & Family
Tom Wallach by Dorothy Royce
Samuel Wesley by Karen & Mitch Fisher
Samuel Wesley by David, Nadine, Chuck & Laurie Wesley
In Honor Of:
Rabbi Ben-Naim for officiating at the baby naming of our
granddaughter, Lillie Lainer by Sylvia & Richard Cummings
Rabbi Ben-Naim for officiating at our daughter, Lillie Yonit Lanier
baby naming by Marisa & Arik Lainer
The birth of Oren Samuel Rubin by Nadine & Stephen Breuer
In Loving Memory Of:
In Loving Memory Of:
Rabbi Leder for officiating at the unveiling of uncle, Nate Spilberg’s
gravestone by Claudia & Brandon Levin
In Loving Memory Of:
Sally Dickman by Morrie Dickman
Samuel Dickman by Morrie Dickman
Jeanne Gerson
Melissa Kahn & Eric Kurtzman
In Honor Of:
Stanley Brown’s 100th Birthday by Gertrude Kline
Betty Cohen’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Shirley & Irving Schalman
Betty Cohen’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Michael Wachs
Betty Cohen by Wendy Kauderer
Betty Cohen’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Paulette Mansfield
Dr. Marc Jacobson’s Birthday by Ann & Bernd Givon
Darren Kahan’s Bar Mitzvah by Lotte Seelman
Lionel Bell for a speedy recovery by Dahlia, Andy, Alex & Loli Haas
Hedy Van Der Fluit’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Paulette Mansfield
Hedy Van Der Fluit’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Shirley & Irving Schalman
Hedy Van Der Fluit’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Michael Wachs
In Loving Memory Of:
Irving Baron by Miriam & Frank Baron
Pauline Berkowitz by Kenneth Berkowitz
Heintje Corper & Levi Corper by Betty Cohen
Charlotte Eagle by Patricia Eagle Schnetzer
Daniel Feldstein & Annella Feldstein by Pat & Carl Feldstein
Sam Goldberg by The Gardner Family
Our beloved dad, papa and great grandpa Lewis Jackson by The
Slan Family - Sandy, Hal, Jason, Jeff, Ira, Ellen, Lindsay, Ashley and
Dobalee Harris by Ada & Bruce Brown
Celia Goldklang by Ellen Bidner
Murray Lehman by Ellen Bidner
Helen Levy by Edith Weiner
Beverly Mandell & Edward Mandell by Jeffrey Mandell
My beloved son, Eric Nass by Gloria Young
Kenneth Randall by Rowena & Neil Haas
Norman Rubin by Linda Delaney & Jeanne Gerson
Pearl Segall by Helen Sherwin
Morris Stone by Barbara & Gerald Watkins
Yehiel Tabachnick by Doris Tabachnick & Family
Susan Wasserman
In Loving Memory Of:
Morris Eagle by Patricia Eagle Schnetzer
Ben Nitzberg by Berta Davis
Sherrill Cheda & Lawrence Tapper by Cara Tapper & Andrew Perry
In Honor Of:
Nan Brostoff by Marshall Zolla
Sherri & John Fogelman by Betty Cohen
In Loving Memory Of:
My darling husband, Harold Gross by Janet Gross
Herman Rubin by Marlene Capell
Murray Weingrod by Herschel Weingrod
In Honor Of:
Peggy Davis by Wilshire Boulevard Temple Religious School
Lisa Kalin by Wilshire Boulevard Temple Religious School
Goldsmith Family Foundation
In Honor Of:
Ellen Sugerman by Marshall Zolla
In Loving Memory Of:
Melvin Brown by Nancy Daum
Tom Wallach by Brittany & Jacqueline Wallach; Deborah Kleinman
In Honor Of:
Rabbi Fox for officiating at our wedding by Sasha & Chad Gutstein
In Loving Memory Of:
Laurie Wexler by Ronald Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Adelstein
Jaynee Beckman
Cantor Susan Caro
Lynda, Mitch, Sadie & Max Dorf
Joady & Bruce Miller
Richard Mooney
Mark Peel
Marcia & Howard Pflug
In Honor Of:
Cantor Gurney for officiating at Olivia Krevoy’s Bat Mitzvah by Susie
& Bradley Krevoy
Rabbi Leder for officiating at Olivia Krevoy’s Bat Mitzvah by Susie &
Bradley Krevoy
Continued on page 10
We appreciate your generous donations. An $18 minimum donation is required for each acknowledgment card.
A Tribute to Melvin
Melvin T. Brown 1948-2010
ith deep regret, the Wilshire Boulevard
Temple community mourns the loss of
Melvin T. Brown, our beloved friend, protector
and colleague. For more than two decades,
Melvin managed the most important parking lot
to us on Wilshire Boulevard with devotion and
care. He spread his cheer and warmth to everyone he encountered and entertained all with his
good humor and incredible fashion sense.
Melvin had an amazing memory for congregants,
greeting many by name. He also had a magical
ability to find a space when the lot was packed.
“Alrightee, alrightee,” was how he concluded a
conversation, endorsing your comments with an
enthusiastic “There you go!” We will miss him
and send our condolences to his family.
Melvin had an amazing memory
for congregants, greeting many by name.
Temple Family
Welcome to new Temple members…
Benjamin and Laurie Fox and their daughters, Emma and Ruby…Stuart and
Amy Graiwer and their daughters, Kayla and Dylan…Alfred Hamburger and
Judy Reidel and their sons, Milo and Jules…Gabriel and Mia Marano and
their sons, Jonah and Nico…Jonathan and Debra Markiles and their children,
Benjamin and Phoebe…Mehran and Fariba Nia and their daughters, Chloe
and Emma…Reid and Risa Nicholson…Keith and Michelle Richman and
their daughters, Abigail and Zoe…Zack Smith and Leah Altman…Matt and
Lauren Weisbarth and their daughter, Marli…Robert Wirtschafter…
Congratulations to…
Sasha Ginsburg and Chad Gutstein on their recent marriage…Risa Pamela
Saslow and Reid Nicholson on their recent marriage…David Ruderman and
Anne Cohen on their recent marriage...
Congratulations to…
Susanna and Todd Beck on the birth of their son, Travis Dave Beck and to
big sister, Willa…Nicole and Aner Ben-Artzi on the birth of their daughter,
Editte Meretz Ben-Artzi and to big sister, Ayelet…Merideth and Mark Bidner
on the bris and naming of their son, Riley Austin Bidner and to siblings,
Carly, Marissa and Zachary…Margaret Yuspa and David Blackman on the
birth and naming of their son, Ethan Meyer Blackman and to big brother,
Zachary…Suzanne and Jeffrey Cornell on the birth of their daughter, Piper
Eileen Hazel Cornell and to big brother, Elias…Jennifer and Daniel Cubell
on the birth of their son, Sawyer James Cubell and to big sister, Piper…Nicole
and Rabbi Ronn Davids on the birth of their daughter, Hannah Davids
and to big sister, Beth and to aunt and uncle, Aviva and Jason Levin…Mara
and Scott Kamins on the naming of their daughter, Harper Sloane Violet
Kamins…Regina and Stuart Katz on the birth of their son, Max Levi Katz
and to big brother, Noah…Marlene and Bernhard Kohn on the naming
of their daughter, Marlowe Bircoll Kohn and to sibling, August…Galit
and Randy Rubin on the birth of their son Oren Samuel Rubin and to big
brother, Adam and to grandparents, Adrienne and Stan Rubin
Condolences to…
Winnie Beck on the death of her husband, Vernon Beck…Marilyn Brown
on the death of her husband, Bernard Brown and to son, Steve and Linda
Brown and grandchildren, Abbie and Tracie…Ed Cohen on the death of his
wife, Mana Cohen and to his daughters, Helene and Tom Morgan and their
children, Cary and Dana and Arlene and Marc Evans and their children,
Stephanie and Drew and Jackie and Neal Steinberg and their son Matthew…
Friends and family of Raoul Coquereau…Suzie and Ben David on the death
of his father, Moussa David and to grandchildren, Elijah and Natalia…
Barbara Gollin on the death of her husband, Sheldon Gollin…Eddie and
Cynthia Greenwald and to granddaughter Samantha on the death of his
mother, Joanne “Jody” Greenwald…Rick Holz and Jan Stanton on the death
of his mother, Lea Holz…Joanne Kirshbaum on the death of her husband,
Ira Kirshbaum…Gail Spindler on the death of her mother, Selma Klynn
and to grandson, Larry and Teri Tabb and to great grandchildren, Rachel
and Sydney…Friends and Family of Gloria “Jane” Lancet…Linda and Stuart
Lubitz on the death of their son, David L. Lubitz…Suzanne Rubin and
daughter, Ann Rubin on the death of her father, Norman Rubin….To friends
and family of Rosalind Sorkin…David and Nadine Wesley and their children
Allison and Gregory; Charles and Laurie Wesley and their children, Erik and
Michael; Shirley and Maurice Okum on the death of their father, grandfather
and brother, Samuel Wesley…
And to all immediate and extended family.
Wilshire Boulevard Temple
3663 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Rabbi Steven Z. Leder, Pritzker Chair of Senior Rabbinics
Rabbi Karen L. Fox, M.F.T.
Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim
Rabbi David Eshel
Cantor Don Gurney
Cantor Susan Caro
Rabbi Harvey J. Fields, Ph.D., Emeritus
Board of Trustees
Richard Pachulski, President
Alyce de Toledo, Vice President
Andrew E. Haas, Vice President
Teri Hertz, Vice President
Mary Brussell, Secretary
Steven Romick, Treasurer
Susan Adler Jannol, Alan Berro, Stephen Davis, Barry Edwards,
Alan Epstein, Jami Gertz, Barbara Grushow, Michael Halpern,
Richard Kurtzman, Donald Levy, Richard Powell, Steve Sugerman
Julie C. Miller, Immediate Past President
Scott Edelman, Counsel
Honorary Board Members
Lionel Bell, Howard M. Bernstein, Audrey Irmas
Howard G. Kaplan, Executive Director
Carol Bovill, Director, Early Childhood Centers
Nadine Bendit Breuer, Head of Elementary School
Sarah Hanuka, Director, Center for Learning & Engagement
Douglas F. Lynn, Director, Camps & Conference Center
Gina Lobaco, Director of Development
Jessica Accamando, Director of Communications
Rebecca Sills Nudel, Membership Director
The Wilshire Boulevard Temple Bulletin is published
monthly by Wilshire Boulevard Temple
(213) 388-2401
Printed on recycled paper.
Please remember to recycle it again!
Schedule of Shabbat Worship & Study
Friday, july 2
Saturday, July 10
Friday, july 23
Friday, july 30
Shabbat Service
Rabbi Leder and Cantor Caro
6:00 p.m.
Torah Study and Service
Matot/Masei 30:2–36:13
Rabbinic Intern Beau Shapiro
9:00 a.m.
Shabbat Services
Rabbi Leder and Cantorial
Soloist Marshall Voit
6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Services
Rabbi Leder and Cantor Caro
6:00 p.m.
No Service at Temple Campus
Saturday, July 3
No Service at Irmas Campus
Torah Study and Service
Pinchas 25:10–30:1
Cantor Caro
9:00 a.m.
Saturday, July 24
Friday, july 16
Shabbat Services
Cantor Caro
6:00 p.m.
No Service at Irmas Campus
Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney
6:00 p.m.
Friday, july 9
Saturday, July 17
Shabbat Service
Rabbinic Intern Beau Shapiro
6:00 p.m.
Torah Study and
Service Combined
D’varim 1:1–3:22
Rabbinic Intern Beau Shapiro
9:00 a.m.
Soul Sounds Shabbat
Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney
and the Band
6:00 p.m.
Temple Campus
Cantor Gurney and Rabbinic
Intern Beau Shapiro
6:00 p.m.
Torah Study
Va’-et’chanan 3:23–7:11
Rabbinic Intern Beau Shapiro
9:00 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney
10:30 a.m.
No Service at Irmas Campus
Cantor Gurney and Rabbinic
Intern Beau Shapiro
6:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 31
Torah Study
Ekev 7:12–11:25
Rabbi Sara Goodman
9:00 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney
10:30 a.m.
No Service at Irmas Campus
No Service at Irmas Campus
Irmas Campus
All Shabbat and worship information can be found online at www.wbtla.org