06/08/1895 - Atlantic County Library System
06/08/1895 - Atlantic County Library System
........... i ........ . T. q BR ::PI PE °’GIVKN AWAY" EV~ ONE l DUKES MIXTUR E .,~Ix~l~r~~L~.., .__bla, turd~y, June 115, 1895, at two o’clock in the afternoon of wald doy, hi the he. tel of LoUIS Kuehulo, cur. Atlantis and SonlhCarellua Aven~es Anantlo Clty Atlantis Co., Now J~moy,. All the following d, scrnmd true. of land, situate in the Towll of natures1 County of AthmUo, State of 2 oz. PAC.KA~R ¢ John htkinson, Justice of the ----~WJ~e~ : : Fridays 1895, W. Fire Insurance Conveyancing. ............. Notary-Public. S. Whales. GIVE .................. etc.. etc., HAMMONTON.N. J, Ineure~ee placed only in the most reliable companies. Beed~, Leases, Mortgagee, EI~. Carefully drawn. OCEAN TIOKETS your orders for-Job Printing of every kind to ...... Weoffer for sale Several Improved Farms, Nice Homesin Town, WildLandby theacre. Building Lots. Ah%Properties for Rent. mtlantle .........por.~[L&l~l-wrtt~;en¯ " In Chancery ,kN UPS. of New Jersey. L- "; --- .... 3 ~ ~o---~ %-£ Physician Hill’s -’" _ _ ~.onrs, and Surgeon. Block, 7".30 to appear on or 4 U9 ~q ...... 6 0S -sinS47 5 40 ,.~ -- " ...... A,M. Dated 1:00 to 8.~0 and 7:(39 to 9.~0 ~"~¯ ..... And dealer in Camden May 8rd, A.J. KING, Solicitor, 1895..Hammonton¯ N.J¯ ImportedGroceries Guad~m_ ..... ~donl,ld~. Scrim ....... I I I ~’onbyexperienced --ut--’----’--w~,,e,,w’~’~ ............ Hammnntou ~.. D.0o~...... t workmen. IClwood ......... i I~g Harbor0ttT._I ~,.non ...... .islaction ,._.: 9~11 I 01 r 34 ~"~"-¯= FORSALE:. ![41 H~bor01ty ~u.~ ~u=’=’-~TICE TO CREDITORS. Wllber R. J.~l Tllton. admlnlstxator of Peter S. Triton by-direction of 1,-A large and handsome he Plea~nt Street, only a few of ~tlantl¢ to the creditors of railroad, very convenient, with heater In thelrdebts and elalmt t. under conservatory ; good barn, two lot& ,within nine monthn from thledate, or 2. & neat 7-r,mm house on Second St, will be forever barred of an~, action very convenlenc, beautifully finished ~ereforagaln,t the mald Exe~otoL Dated April 28tb. A,n. 1895. heated; one lot. WILBER R. TILTO~, ..’- ’.-..-Admlnl,tratdr~~ -@ery "desirable~ ..... 7~ 501 Mastics River CoveOystersthe~.ed ............................ County .......................... ~A.T -~-’I"OTICE~O--CREI~_-. - ’ am . ~.~I Elvlns, mlnlstrators by dlrectton ofAtlantlc, Tailor, Jr.,and George W. Eivlns. ad. ofWllliam A. Elvlne deceased, of the Surrogate of the County herebygtvs notice to theeredl~- milesfromHammon~on post, office. ~ GREAT VALUE FOR LITTLE I be forever Shoes At and below cost. Comenow for bargains D. C. HERBERT. ’Shoe Store, : Bellevue Ave. the ~luestlon mPIMCy/galA~ do mot~geedttum tlxee mlmeL ~ ea ~q~lkatle~ by imndlng ~O~I~ otluw them oP date~ or they will action therefor . Frank E. .......... MONEY. Roberts, Saddles,_~ets, etc. Hammonton, N.J. -GEO. W.=PR-ESSEY. J., Jus~ceof the Peace. ~T------ ....... GO-TO Wm. Bernshouse’s P. S. TILTON & Co’s Lumb’r Yard Ha mmonton. Orders called for, Carefully filled, and Prom your-p~tronage.- WORLD ~_ = .... YURK W kll TRIBUNP, ......... atw,nty.paga journal, ,. o,the Un, d " BERRY its ’,.om~ A Special Contractenable us to offer this splendid journal and the South Jersey Republicanfor One Year for only $1.25, " OASHfIN- ADVANO]~, ," Regular subscription for the twopapers is $2. Subscriptions N. J" ~-~’-~- the 8outh Jersey Republican. You can have a sample copy of each at this oflke. __ - 7.. " ": = ~ --, ~ -:- ~ ..... =-=-= ...... :" - ...... Dcalerin .... CRATES. Folsom, N. J. " ,~fil~w~.k, Window-glass, Lumber aawcd toord0r, Orders received by nail promptly filled i PricesLow. ~ Plaster; ~ H~ir, Lath, etc. Orders taken and delivered daily, - .... o.-w:PYR, .......... Big-Bargains ....... Atto~ne~ at Law. why the Councilgave instructionsto ....... ~Hammontonofl~ee over Atkinson’s have the trees cut, trimmed, or maimed, ou Main Road in front of my place ; and the cutting, trimming, and maiming done under the personal eupervision of 2---’-one of tho members of Council. And SHO T- WholeSuits for $8.50¯ Little Boys’ Suits ~ all wool---, for $9.00. Boys’ Pant~, 25 ~ts. --i~l-~ c. & Chests -,- ,-s, ’molested. It is my highest aim aud ambition to boa good loyal citizen, and I am perfectly willing to take my medicine as a good reasonablo patient should but wheu they thiuk that I will tako any and rill kinds mildly and never make a ~nmace, threats ; all I ask is a square deal¯ Respectfully, ALEX. H. SUTTON. Best ! made to Order is my Speci~ty,andfull zsg~ P. RANERE, The ~ammontonSteam Macaroni=Works (1%tablished in 1889) ......... ........ Repairingdone. j, xvxx oC r, Hammonton, : : N.J. relief ~ff-ROOERIE~, FLORIST:: = ............... ......... "Cedar Shingles. I~’We have just reeeivedour stock of qoods, Bprtng Canfurnich :. - ..... Just~received-a-n~w-lo~T-0T~I~. 3orted Olive 0il. "! Spring-dSummer wonderful direct iilflttence and exerting cure of a all fema!etone complaints, to -; so-, " Dealer in Imported & Domestio A. H. CROWELL, Some peopleores wonder wheu dish._o_n_esty: p_r~pe~ more than hon~sty,~It_ :Funeral Destine aSt~ia]ty. worksharder. - ................. __OrdeLby_mail or-telegram, 1512 Pacific Avenue. not engaged in auy business of his own. Atlantic City. Diversity of opinion should never gh. An honest err6ris-~dt t0 beridicuIcd.- ! The best Macaronimade’in the UnitedStates.Try them. headache, fainting or are nervous. sleepless, excitable, melancholy, treublcd with dizz3’ spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine y~u need¯ Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Largo bottles only 50 cents, at Croft’s. D= D, FEO - STEAM in a~Out one thousand pair% in black aud from a well at fifty cents on a della% est andwill pla~ themon ,lo t~day andMACCARONI, will last until every pair is sold, at VERMICELLI, $1.23. And Fancy P~ste, These Ties are worth $1.75, $2, $2.50 a pair. Also Russett Shoes in all styles, ~While at Peekskill, N.Y., Mr.J.A. equal]ylow. A flne lot of Capes, Spring ....And-dealerin Scriven, a promiuent manufacturer of Dry Goods, Men’s, Youths’ and B, ys Pennsylvania Hemlock New York City, purchased a bottle of Clothing, Chamberlaiu’.s Cough Remedy. Such P.B. Our 85 ct. Shirt Waists are rhe At Bottom Prices. Manufacture our good results were obtained from its use talk of the town, worth $1.50. :~,-;v -own ~’loorlng. Satisfaction n~r_ ~,on. tbat he sent back to the druggint from stock pf Spmmer~Jlllnery Guaranteed. ~ ’ - " - wh-om-he-hadobt~iEd-dit~to"~wo bottles .Call and see. .......... -PB&CT[CAL _ __ of tho same. Whon you havo a .... ¯ HOUSE Ou,specialty, ,this Spring, will cough or cold preparatlo, fair trial, andgi,o liketbie Mr,Soriven you’lla want it "R amulouton, Hammonton, I~, J, befullframe orders, againwheniu need ot sucha mediciue. Satisfaction-guaranteed-on all-work, .7-25- Bewareof the man who.triesto white-Cleanseth~ ~weI8and PuritytheBlood! .C~.m pta~...h=a..py~n’.ery a~..~ vys~.p~a~ Orders by mall attended to. cent bottles sold by drugg!sts. wash an~ kind o! Bin, Yourpatronagesolicited, ~mag~vo acam~a~acn to tan ~nta~ al~,~. " verynice ImportedGroceries ., t ~N Spring stylo~ just spring your eves Try :ElectricBittersas a remedy for your troubles ? If not, got a bottle nowf we will spring pricer that will eurp~t,e a~dgetx’clief. "fhis medieine has been ’you. Having purchased ancntirei~tof found to be peculiarly adapted to the "OXFORD~IES For Summer use. ~ We manufaeture :F .NOYSHINGLESne. ,e, ....:..rates s-5-\ man ~ Onl~ the qk.W~qJ~Y’~f-t* ......... And we can change the guinea stamp, the man’s the tor a~ ~ that2 --T-a-m~0-~vh- ~fi’’ba-~d--AYn~-ri~a~s, or on bad men secondary matter. YoursforJustice, GEO. D. COLEMAN. .wasdona.in_direct-opposltlon-and verbal protest, in the pre~nco of enid member oi Council and other with ia all faith, honesty, and justice why Shoes these trees should be thus mutilated, .......... Office. Seeoffd an~ Cherry S~:- THE [. "l"ne~’an]~-t~-[butil~’~guineastsmp’ Bee! Steak at 12c. canned Tomatoes and Corn at 7 c. r in Chancery, Notary Public: MR. EDITOR¯--~ would respectfully Atlantic City, N. 3. ask,throughthe columnsof yourpaper, of hand and machin work o~ driving. Hammonton, Iq’. 1 flSI .. OF FRESHBEEF, 1VtUTTON, PORK Always a Good Stock Hay, _ i quality The man’s a man far a’ that. HARNESS. A fu]laesortment made,--for Fe~: .................. ~olumns command the admiration of wlvns and dgughter~. eral ! ~litical n~ws, editorial, ~d di~cu~lons are eomprchensivea bril-_ nd-e] hanstlve. ....................... J~rsb~.Republican, .... of _..... Provisions, Flour, W~’EK’L~S "O.r~~~eha.~e.." siredinformsFor a tion in re~ard to the above, month,from this date, or they will be fore, er bs.,-red of any eetion therefor against the ~ld . of Executor. DatedMarch22, A,D. le~; GEORGE ELVINS, Executor’, " Groceries, State& It is a National lyamhy t’aper, and ~tvea aii ~c genera, news of the United States. It gives the events of resign lands in a nutsbeil. Its AgrtculturaIDe~ has noeu-.~h_ .... _ -: ~nts. for"~z_e Family cranberry beg. NOT J.~ Executor of Minor Rogers. deceased, hy dlrectlou of the Surrogate of tbn Connty of Atlantis. hereby gives entice to tl,ecredltors of tbculd Minor Hogers to bring and einlm, agalns! Line Mauufacturerand the 19. Forty acres on Oak Road, good _houae,_baxn,~~V_alLla~d tn in profit, including smallcranberry bog. Reasonable price. ICE TO CRED1TOR~3. Wllber R. TIIo 20. A house and large lot ou Egg ton. Executor of WllUamJones Harbor Road ; six moms, halls, attic ; by direction of the Surrogate of the Count heated. A bargain. of Atlantic, hereby gives notice to ltomof said William Jonen to brln ~1. E|ght room house and two lots on debt~,demands, and claims against theestate Third Street ; very convenient ; heated of the mid dect~dent, under oath. within nine throughout. monthsfrom this date.or they will he forever barred of any action therefor agalnnt the g~.id 22. J. N. Jones ’ large house, next to executor. DatedMarsh~. A.D. 1896. . ....... ~’ILftE1t It-’J.’IL’I’O~, Executor. the Bank, on Bellevue, -i .... GIVETHEYOUNG p~oplm I pr~gi~d from barred of any said executorn. against ...... .,..... Hertz T Kx, amem~ ~ and claims }_~_ t to make a man of himself,In America ht-to-reco~nize-tbeman and .not .Forallkindso ~ demands Full ] TII] PaPPR-" acrss, partly in fruit ; good house. ors of the saJd WIIHam A. Elvlns to bring In bargain. their debts, demandsand claims a 14. The Lawson d Street and Bellevue Ave., ¯ ~.sta&e of 4hosaid thisdate, or they will be forever barred of any action therefor 15. A large house on Grape Street, 7 agathnt the said ndmSnlatratol~¯ ~trment~ made tn the best manner. room~ nearly new. Two acres. Dated April 19th, A.D. 1895. .... WILLIAM A. ELVI~’8 Jig., " 16. Ten ~cres on First Road, four in ’ OteUring and Repairing promptly done. reasonable.-SathtfaeMon guuraw GEORGEW; Ef~VINS,’ berries. Cheap’. Admlnlstrator~ teed in every ease, 17. An attractive and very comfortable OTICE TO CREDITOR~. Hann~th A. house on Central Avenue,---seven rooms, Drown and AugostusJ. Smlth, Execstom of Theodore B. Drown,deeeased, by d]. halls, pantry, bath, hot and cold water, recttou of the ~urrogate’of the County of windmill ; two acres, apples and other ¯ Atlantic, hereby gives notice to the credltero fruit. Fair terms. of the mild Theodore B. Drown to bring In Below Cost ! ! 56[ ’ 21 ~ OO,, New MeatMarket Bellevue~Ave. & Main Road. 4~ 4 ]1 4 5: 4~ S~ S~ 5Z s 85 5~ 54~ 6Z .... ;COt if0 11216 ...... I 42 | 50 t 511-12 ...... llS I~I ,;281........ 112 I~ ~,201.... 103 ,113 WI~I-..... I~2 f04 iCol-. )40 .- I~’--’ |4Si V~qP"~__.i.581_ ’-M , ...... ,~. I~II "47 I ~1-)241 , ...... I~1 "40 1891-1801--. , .... S./~IBSON H.-L,-IVfolnt-yres :Grocer. Tao Bsmm0nton Aeeemmodatlon leaves this 111o aC GIO.,~t | ~_1 IIl~i ¯ nammum Bowr~t & (7-~’1 rtttten at lh0~¯ am., sn4 12.~0 p.m. Leaves Philadelphia st I0:~0 s,m. andre:00 p.m~__~J_hWga~Ipsl~-. J~ Ilmlll ~ (/@Spruce .... ./ ~[~3NM~},W~v~r. Illllll I! Swank’sOysterBay. BeIlevue Ave. and SecendSt. that we are selling . ..........-at=prices _ ......... to suit the times. :pr, l 1Lxpa ~oo. ~ ~ I a.m. " F, difficult to seciffe iiiore. " Satut~ta~,~llarehsore, lS~=. BTATION-B. Full Line of ~ats and Furnishing Goods now~as after this lot Mixed ......... . = The Hardware St, ore’. ThatSpring Seed :Potatoes. ......................... ~RAINS. S. E-BROWN& CO. ...... Ra/i~0ad, lzp.I !~ pTA~o.:-~ P-18"~’ Pare.I p., Z.l p.z i. p.l ~. I i~l a.~. m .... , 400[ 420 ~001 8 9 45 8 LO .... , 40~I 428 5071 S 9~ $ ;0 ----, .... I t~ .... I S s ~..o. --., ...I 50e ..... I 9 ,slsl° ----, .--I S ~ .... 1 9 I 25 --.., .~.1 53~ 6~1 9 , ...I 587 9t8 ~.., .... I S 45 ...... ...II 90 9 51 ...... ;....I ~. 5~d O5[la l0tr -I-I9 H aSl~0 I1 L’~ the 0LDEtT0LOTHIN(}8TORE IN AMERIOA.... DOWNTRAI~S. RealEstate """ .... . _ and-AUanUo visit Veal, some very race 5p.lilf~e~atl~mo~Uon ~ .-.a~n.~o p.m.,reaches ~am. at ,:~nnd Sunday at(]:lOLm,, up trains reaehesPhlladelphtaatS’~5. from Ham. 9.’34 andg:A9a.m., L~ves :~ p.m. sowntrazne at lea 8:04ves.H_ammontnn a.m.. 5.-e9 5:02 pan. MACCARONI, Wnterford .... Wlmdow ..... llammontoa ~ gha~l think equitable and Just. Hammonton. to 10:00 and before NO. 23 It will payyouto :Fertilizers ;880 S Se l~Wflnam~t~m ~I )~8) ........ ..... 4no_. 31|--~r Brook......Jam,..., }..~._., 22 .... ~ 423!~.....: "T~99 ~8| ....... Wlnslow June_......| ...... I ).07........ 4 44 ~HAMMONT0~ ~on,.i~. .... the third l~rlla ...... , or, In default, such’decree Must you as the Chanceller . Italian Immlgrati0n. Finest ~co r 1~ ~z~ co 9C0 512 ~1~312 912 8]I ........ ~~j 8/4 l)g~ IO1~ 618 ..... 8491~......... s8el.........-ae~ou~.~_..I. . I ~ -~ ~ ..... s~;~ ..... -a~l--.,I~grel~l.~: Im ~ :.=.. By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of NewJersey. madeon the day of J-U~E 8, 1895. sis-Open ior Business. Oil I, R, It, same pr~mi~ sold t 305Market St., Camden. N.J. ~ombandsee us, and learn pat~louhtrL A.Z. Emu,Seticitor. pr.f.$tl.~5 1english, German, French, and Italian "~TOTICE-TO ABSENTDEFENDANT. J Pe~ Yeas., Rose the South Jersey Republican office. . byI~*wts In theBrick Faybuilding, at Hammonton Station. N. J., W’hite ,Star and from all port.of Europe. Corres. pondencosolicited. I~" Send a postal card order for a true sketch of Hammonton, - w~~, Hackman. hy deed dated SepL 15, 1887. receded in tic Lr~unty/In Bookof Deeds NO.124, folio 416, etc., atat’e lu the we.t~rly side-of Ft~th fllr~t Townof nammauton, at a point five hundred and fifty feet along the wide of said Fifteenth Street from the point oflUI Inb*~tlou w~th the ~’atro ot the Camden & Atlantic Railroad ; thnnco (l~t) In UoeI~ntll~l with the said Camden & AnontlcRanr~d north fortyoue degr~e~ fatty mlnutm wes, to n~q~ke dl~t one hundred and fifty [150] ft. ; thenc~ (2od) In a nnn Imralle! with said Flft~.nth Street. north forty two degree~ fortymiuute~ east In n stake tiny feet distant ; thence (3rd) In a line sonlh forty cue degr~,s Jolly ml,,nte4 e4tst to a ~ko In Fifteenth 8tr~t dt, taut cos hundred nnd flt~y feet ; thence (4th) along the westerly side Fifteenth Rh’~*f In a Huemouth forty one degrtes forty minutm wt~t fifty feet 1o thepl~ce of b¢slnnlng. Designated as I~t 5 In Lewis B. Iqlckman’s plan of Iota called UWuhingtonHeJght~.’* ¯ 8elz4~l as the propertyof LewisB. Hlckman. and takenIu ex~tlon xt *.he suit of ~rtl~C. ~olllng1~, executrix, &c,, of Anus C. nradd ~k HAMMONTON, / Mpes’ Complete Manures, RealEstate &InsuranceAgt Commissioner of Deeds, Notary Public, Real Estate and Insurance, Hammonto~.a; the I~td~tar’s office of Camden, and at M~y’sLanding In BookNo. ! IS. in the Rec~r~er’a circe of Atlantic Gouuty. therv0nt, neverthele~, the foilowi~ ~ex.ms=.~l.9-5 Wo ofteu hear opinions against the Italian immigration that is Betting to. onr shores; and right hero in When in need of Suit Just received a supply of Hammoaton there aro those of this (Ready-made or made to measure.) opinion. This is all nonsense. All peoplo are against bad immigrants, and tho question i8 not ono of nationality. From best makers. Our goods are Popular, aud Prises Right. Good immigrants aro alwayfi welcome. In NewOrleans wo find great complaint, Such as S. E. Cur. 2nd and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia. cud justly, against the ltalian immi- - Old East End. Sign of the’Golden Pole. Early Vegetable Manure grants, and serious trguble arose there not long ago. in Chile, conversing with " General Use the head of a Chile wholesale house, " "A" Brand he said ; "The Italians are the best " Potato -We-are not afraid Q" to give them credit, they pny pro.., m~t_ Corn ) their word,_and are to be comGroundBone, etc. mended all around." Now, if bad people come from Italy it is because the government is bad, and the Italian Will soon have.~a....................... car-load _- ........... - ___~.....: _ leaYee_ther¢ because_~_f._o_ppre ~si0 n..The ..... _Bellev.ue..Avenue,_nor : ...................... th_~ f-Thizd. Street,................................................................ Italian loves Italy, aud I don’t blame Dried and Ground Fish him,--it is a beautiful eount~, and if Fish-~nd-Potash * the eamo social and political freedom were to be established there as here Nitrate of Soda -ther~ld be.thousauds of them reMuriate of Potash, turn ; and I dou’t know that I might uot feel like joining them. ~ow, Amerand in fact anything in icane pretend to sympathizo with thoee Your choice of varieties at who flee from oppression, and it they and Hams, Shoulders, Dried Beef, Salt Pork. knew the bitter iron heel that is upou at an extremels/ the_y~ wouldbo p~L0ud of the that may bewanted. ........ low-figure. poor Italianwho fleesfromthe suuny Conveyancer, Atlantic. and i~trtly In theTownshlp of Winslsw, In the County of Camden, State of New Jersey~ bounded follows: Beginning at ~, point ~d~ corner to Hay’e land lu the line of Camden& Atlar~tlc Railroad. nmr the cromlng of Fifteenth Street: thence d~gre~ ca~t by Hsy’s line five chains and thirt thence north ten dea’r~eeaud five minutes east by Hay’s line) twenty nln. chains and links to the eeutre of the )Iurphy R od ; thnnconorth "e~ghryel~I,t d~west al~ug the center of said road eight chains and ninety llnks: thence still by centre ofasJd road south eighty six degrees sad thirty rain. wt~t nine chains tO a col ner; titence south teu des, and fl tee~ to the IIn~ of~ld rollroad; thence mut~ five d~gr~s and thirty minutes t~t twent fetme more or I,~s. Relng .the , E]wood and Publishe~s. N.J. 4~2 Per terms, apply at my resideno~, _(~el~xaLAwand Grape 8t~ ....... Hammonton, N.J. ¯ Sons, Fertilizers. I tried. 0hamberiain’g Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable surpriee, it did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottlee~ud belleveit lobe the-finest thlng for rh~uma. tiara, pains and swelhnge extant. :For sale by druggists¯ of Hammsnton. In the 06unty of and State of NowJersey, r parcel of land and premises h,rainafter lmrtteularly be promptly attended to.. WILL 21, Hammonton, "MyJ sore to touch or almostto at the hoar of two o’clock In the uflernocu of eald day at the hotel of Alexander Altken, on Egg Ilorber w J. June VOL. 88. Itcam. SMITH E. JOH~SON, Sheriff. Dated Moy~ I. 1895. 1N’.J. Ho~ ,t HenryM. phillips, for a bottle and began its use, from the first dose began to get better, an:l after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth Its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it." Get a freetrial at Croft’s Pharmacy. Persons who sympathize with the afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr, of 1235.Harrison St., KansasCity. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last Winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in eense. Ironed on.~ of the" Court of Chancery of NewJersey, I : ~ BeaversNew owe my life. Was takeu with lagrlppe and tried all physicians for miler ahout but of no avail, and was and told I could not live. Pension & Claim Agent. M~’se~ o~ ~,. ~T,T~, By rlrt~e of a writ of flert facile to mo dlrectM, EA.MMON~ON, Greatest dividend paying abil_ ~ity.Uneqt~alied sect city.- Mr. thence (Sth) north east !’part ~#,u £ smell ,uu of water to sn c.ld plus stump. e ; thence (6th) north fifty ouo degrees and twenty four minutes east tweu~ cholue and fifteen ]luksto s stone by an old road; thence(Tth) ~uth forth eight dezree~ and fourteen mlnutm mat thirty five ch~dnAand f,,urtaen links cro~ug old run of water to an old atone corner; thence (Sth) south t two degrssa odd slx minutes saat twsnty one and eighty six links to a stone in the Society’s thence Ifthl along said liuo iouth eighty two , nine chains and nlnozy four links to place of beginning; nontainlog one huudrnd and yaeren ncr~of land. be the ~o morner le~ zg a tract of lend which Mary A. Crawley bought of~ld Ephraim Tomllneon by deM bearing eren date w|ththe mortgagvh~relnnn~r mentioned and r~corded In thn Cler~t’s Office of Bald county nt May’s Land. lug, In Book No. of Deeds, folio , reference unto said deed being had the title will more folly and at lorg~ appear. 8el~ as the property of BenJomln Crowley. Jr,, and others, and taken in execution at suit of Mary E. 0ommissic Of Philadelphia. A purely Mutual Company, eenducted for members, by members. when his All ’forms of legitimate Life Insurance while, but this is written, to meet your special needs, methods become if he can at the l~w~tsquare rates¯ not get it in one way he resorts to Asset~, $24,960,660. othe’rs, and sometimes gets into limbo. I~or all information, address . 1880. Is bounded as l i at a ~tnne on the northea,t lids of the from Hammoutou to Oolumblsstanding -north elghtytwn degtesa salt ninety eight links from alargostono In the Society’s "ins, now the nneof Harvey Beach’s land, and runs(lot)no,th twenty nine degrees sod six minutes w~t four chums and forty seven links to ~ eton~cornnry to land sold to Thomas ]t.XVt~coat ; thenc0 (2nd) t he s ame north e ighty two degrees east twenty eight chaios and ninety six links to a stone corner to the sam~L thense (~nl)hy twenty nine degrees and SIx minutes west twefl’cy elaine and el~ven links to a atone corner to ~ld Horn land ; th*nce I4th) by the um~south eighty twodeg, Every pipe s e rnped DUKES MIXTURE or pP.NNMUTUAl, LI Insurance Company It Is said by some one that the angels weep when they see a young man begin to spend more than he makes. This may or may not be true, but somebody soon euffem when he starts out determined to have all he can eat, drink and wear, whether he has the money to By virtue of a writ of fl-rl incise; t ~ me dJreCtedt Imm~dnut of the Hew Jees~y Court or Chancery, will be sold at public venduo, on Frank O.Hartshorn, AtWin& Son’s .NewSt0r0, PAINTER, l ................ ;. ,.".:;7::=:’:::i : :- - ’ ¯ " .................. .... ..f ,,¯ ¯ .......................................... U m .... For a NewLine of" .... ’ SATURDAY, JUNE 8. / : Ingrain and Brussels .... ’,, Carpets and Mattings :i i CALL AT M. STOCKWELL’S. Also, NewProcess Gasoline Stoves AND FINE OIL STOVES. 3, ~o-,8 cents per Roll. Golds, 8, 10, 12 cents. wt xz Dow 15, 25, 35, 50 e. each. Lace Shades, 75 c. each. .y & Mather, 21 North Second St,r PHILADELPHIA.Penna. Nearest Paper and Shade Hous ee to theFerries: . "’ The, iladelphia w ee: ly Press .... and the Republican¯, both a yem tor $I.25, cash. ..... % Stop! .... FinePrint-Butter Whereyou will find the best Meats and Vegetables in season. , , ges~: P-~iees-awreasonabte-as-etsewhere:. "" " --101-- &:EcKl ARDT/Proprietor. ...... O! coumo we cannot ex have all things as we would like to have them. We worn sincere in desiring the re-election of Prof. Salisbury as Principal of our ’schools, and did what we could to secure that dtsired legislation ; hut w~__wore_dsfcate.d.-no matterhow, it is past,beyoudrecall, and needouly be rememberedior future action. We shalLdrop_flae aubject.for_th~ present. ~F~ List ot uncalled-for letters in the Hammonton Post-Office, on Saturday, June 8tb, 1895: .......... 8ATWRDAY, JUNE 8, 1895. Fruit GrowergUnion of Hammontoo.,,This was discussed favorably by all, and unanimously adopted. Dr. North then moved to considerthe resolution adoptedby the pub!ic moeflng:0f~ket week,An regard to the course of study. There seeme~l to be no real opposition to re.adoptlng the independent course; but the question was made a specialorder for the-July meeting--CountySuperintendentand Supervising Principal to be present and take part in the discussion. The fact is patent to all thinkers that, having sac- And Co-Operative Hammonton, N.J, l eatdi-"tt’e 1895. FO As there is prospect of n. big fruit crop, and especially " Mrv. Burney Mrs, Gee, Gage Strawberries, it wouldbe wise SameaT. Smlzer,’2 A.C.Jv.ckson your o~ Clazlplndo d! Oen naro disturbing element in the Board is gra- and crates. Although Old Persons calling for any of the above ctouMy willing to yield in aU minor Father Time seems to have letters will please state that it has been points,--henee the apparent harmony. advertised. ~" Miss Julia Magruder, whose story forgotten his reckoning, we ¯ ’ JOHN T. Fn~Ncm P. M. of "The I’rincess Souls,,, in the Century think that he has awakenedto ~F" Train time changed on Wednes- Is attracting such favorablecomment, the fact that strawberries are day last week. Reading, up-trains leave has given h~r new novel to The L~d/e~, beginning to blush in spite of 2tome Journal. It is called "The Hammontonstation at 5:10, 7:30 (exp.) Violet" and deals with the question of his late coldness toward them, 9:00 and 9:37 (exp.) a.m., at 3:52 (exp.), second marriage. Mr. C, D. Gibsou, and 5:20 p.m. Down trains at 9:19 a. the illustrator, is making a eeri~ of and so, to keep up to the .m.,--3:49 (exp)i 5:50 (exp.)~-7:00 times, or rather up to date, we pic(urestor th~ novel. ¯ ¯ I 7:57 p.m On the C. & A., up-tratus at are beginning to sell Ref~ige-: A good character, ~ood habits and 6:05, 7:23, 9:40 (exp.} a.m., 3:43 p’m. raters and Ice Bo±es, and Downtrains, 6:00 (exp.}, and 9:25 a.m., industry are impregnable to the assaults of all the ill luck that fools ever dreamed advise you to buy a Quick 5:38, and 5:45 (exp.} p;m: Meal Gasoline Stove to keep of. During Monday night’s storm ................................... ¢give-ottidrs bre~k~-themwarm_ 1000. at , of New York City, are visiting at Mr. !M. D. DoPuy’s‘ Dr. DePuy has been ~ MrS. T. B. DIxon, el Philadel!very !11 for some t.imo pa~t, bUt we are phia, Is the auest of Mrs. Win, Ruther- pleased to know that he is rapidly on ford. the gain. He is well known here. ~" John W. Logan has bought A. I ~ Some sons of veterans iu town H. Simonsi ~ec0nd-hand tuvaiture bus- are agitating the re-organization of the fold Camp. We would like to see the iness. FruitGrowers’Association will i movement succeed, as the old soldiers arefastgetting their earthly_ discharge, ~ue.noprinted berry di~patehes__this and "sons" will soon be veeded to fill ~on. iu the:ranks.. .... . " - .......~Mrs~W.-M. Galbmith and son, ~Mr. H. C. Krebs, S-upervislng of Haddonfleld,spent Sundayat her Principal elect of our schools, was in father’s. EPPER PLANTS at Mr. t%wler’s,at town on Tuesday, and attended 25 centsr 10o -Bo~rd -meeting- tbat- evening-’--- He Mr. tI. A. Waas and wife, of gentleman by birth and education aud 1%iladelpbia, were visiting Dr. Wtms made a very.favorable impression upon ’ all who met him. last week. Albert Smith has accepted a ~os- "Ill, OF.BALE.--The good-will, stock, fixtures JL’ . au,t store property.of the Urmof ,P..~. iti0u:-atAtlantic City-:amt wilt-move Ttit~n & (’o:--For particulars inq, Ireof-W. B~ TILTON. his family there. The members and ex-members of " ~ The Fruit Grower’s Union issued :No. 1, Vol ,’v, oLthcir "Daily Bulle1! ..... quested to meet-for practice, next! .,~ tin," on Monday. Monday evening at 6:30, on the ball ~r Newadvertisements thin week,--=_. groimd, In/- their 10rtb~0iifing-game with W. H. Bernshousv, W. L, ,3lank, M. L" the Hammontou Club: By order-uPthe ~ackson, F. E. Roberts. CAPTAIN. ...... : ..... POTATO PLANTS.$1 per SWEET 1,’ow ler’s. p :struck t h~-~iii~if-5 Fth~"MSE: the bridge over which he must pass Church, near its ape~, looseued and Call and see them. scattered shingles in its downward himself; for every man has need to be course,but seemingly did not entertbe forgiven. building, preferring a leapto theground Be like a glass and draw the sunshine of hatipiness ; then let it-shine through by-t h B-~vay -ot-a--fe-ffco--tSost ~’ you _UPq~ 9th~er e. . ........ BUNTING. shattered. Pastor For Decoration Day. Flags-andred - ..... his male members were at work in the I have two little grandchildren whoare building at the time, but knew nothing testhiog this hot summer weather and white and blue stripes. ara troubled with bowel complaint. I of the eat~trophe until the next morn- give them Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, Mosquito Nettivg,--wir% lineu, aud lug ................... and Diarrhea Remedy; and it actslikb a cottonin all colors............................. -charm. I earnestly recommend:it-for ..... , of the Supreme children with bowel trou01e, FurnitureDenim,36 incheswlde,’25 a yard. A good strongmaterial selftakenwitha severe attaokof covering tges, car. Chancellor-to succeed tOibt. S. Green-~ mine. Drapes very ntcely, jmd can be ach, Out-third of a bottle of this remn~ly deceased. Judge Reed;s term on. the cured ms. Within twenty four hours I washsd. Good tO cover cushions that ¯ Supreme- bench~would ; have expired w~s out~of-bbd and doing my housework, get hard usage. nextyearand he probably reasoned that Mrs. W.L. Dunagan, Bon-aqua, Hick- Vic urns, for summer wear. 5cent Lawns in light colors. a Sunday-when we cklldren ~’SOO Ellis’ adv. for bartmlns In l have a chance to say something In church, and, my, don’t we make the blg bicycles. i folks listen." ~" A nice warm rain on Wednes"Gates Ajar,, is the title of the day night, Children’s Day exercises of the M. E. A fine new rallrot~ station is Sunday School." Judging by the prepabelug built at Folsom. rations being made the programme will Ground was broken yesterday for prove one of unusual attractiveness to :EL L. Jackson’s new building. : both eye and ear. R SALEor TO RENT." Twelve roomed I~. S. C. Drown, of Camden, will house and twenty-two acres of land, one spend the summer in tIammcntou. half In fruit. SlOper month, Iuqulre or G.W. pRESSEY. Mm. J. A. Gould visited Ham- See’y, hm. June 1st, At the ~aptlst Church to-morrow evening. Pastor Kililan’s toplcb--the second sermon on "’Push," the subject being "Pleasures--the .true vs. the false." Everybody invited. I~" Freddy wan teltlnghis’aunt about ~,[O21ETIIING NEW--worthy of your cou~derul;~otd atumtotum-tnbte~vrtreCall Ill Slid see It. Prices x~ororea~onable thlta sUverware. ~TEELE, IIammont~n Jeweler. I ~r The Misses Iua and Emma Veals, ;, Dr. Stifler exhibited hie chart II.five of the lllo of Christ, Thur~day evenlug, ~nd gave an entertaining explanation ot It, with an au~l~ele of the gospel records el the one perfect life. The chart ts a simple but ingenious at- Bread" ...... ledge of the events chrouicled cau be obtained andkept-ln-niemory; ¯ ~ The Artisans Order of Mutual Protection had a fine time on Tuesday evening. The "Most Excellent, officials wore present, the attendance of members was lame, the music was good and the rotreshments were appreciated. It is a good institution, and, as one of them remarked, "Is composed of the flower of f4ammonton society." ~’~OB. SALE, ’20 acre farm ou Eleventh 8t JP with 8-roomedhouse barn, etc. Address JA~IE~½ ~VANS. Ave..Atlantle CRy. ’slcian knownto all el ~hoseskillis undoubted,says ¯there will eventuallybe a largo numberof sufferersfrom kidney complaintslu :town unless bicyclersabandou thek stooping position in riding, and learn to use their machines with discretion. Oue cau overdo in work or play, aud ! bring on incurable disease by indiscreet use of a health-givin~ wheel. ~vhdseserious injurywe recorded lastweek,diedearl~ ou Saturdaymoroiug,not havlni~recoveredconsciousness sincethe nooi~lent.Funeralserviceswere held no S u~daY_~a.[temoou..in. St._ J_eseph.’s..(R._ C.) Church, attended by a large number ot people of all nationalities residing here. Seventy carriages were iu liue ou leaving the church. Mr. Ranero was nne 0f our best Italian citizens, industrious, prog his dealings, and consequently prosper- and Pies. Also New Candies. ~m ! at J. B. Small’s: Watches-- to the whole community for all and respected him. ....... TO SUIT YOU ALL-PHceswaydown.Gold-filled La_die~_aud__G_ents[.: : ................. Wat-6fi~§-~ ~p-e-Si-hlt~: ........ The), are muchbetter than a gold w~tch at the same pHce, You know how we do our Repairing,s~ bring it in. Clocks called for and deliveredYes, we can fit your eyes ! HainmontonJeweler. knew sttack_0f rheumatism._.1 used ChamborTrued his wheel -latn’s Pain "Balm and was completely cured. I bare since advised manyof my __~etit_won2-buclde-l-" and all speak highly of i~. Simon bi~ preparations for the Fourth of baumo San Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by druggmts. races, The Park track will be in prime condition, the prizes of unusual value, " ! He cried,with a chuckle ; But it did~and he now has to walk. Caution.~Do not buy_the_heckling_kind. X--I. relatives in Hammonton. It~. The strawberry barvest is "ou.’, :May growers realize their Mghest hopes _ lnlhe_way_ofmonoy~mturns. - with a small bit of chalk. :i erns:lTtou than ever before. Hammonton riders What price you want to pay for a willneedto workhardto sustaintheir bicycle, I can meet i~. Mynew wheels :i ~ $9o00 per year, than to take the chances Agent for Victor, Spalding, Cleveland, lead. D. W. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. Y., folks" are $50, ~65, $75, and ’" ’ of being retained in hie present office.by gitl~ ~ys that he always keeps Dr. King’s ~ -Waverley,and-Crede~d-a--Bie-yeeI~s. Table Linens. Beginning at 25 cents, ~.~TENCILS AND _RUBBEK__SrAM2Sk~ Le~,voyour orders for ,lentil cutting slid , Second hand wheels at from $10 to $40. ~====~ ..... New_J)i~cover a Republi_qanG____overnor. ualitie~-xm ~ap~o-9-Yet~; .... ~- .......... :ubber 811tll)pt~ etc., with A.L. PATTEN, at Just now a small Boys" Safety, Ladies’ family has always fouud4he very best We also keep the ’ .5:: ...... L ................. _ ~ Miss Emma Fauuce is agah~at may be, I’he appointment is universally : Stegl’, Jewelt’y store. I~attsiactloa given.resuitafollowita use;that ......... Cushion spring frame Bumbler (iiks --’--~-: home lrom her ~chool in-Now York rec0~nized as a good dne.--W’.’J.I’ress: be without it if procurabln. G.A. Dyke. - ...... ~Vlilte Felt Open meetingo[ the O. I. H. 0n new), Bovs’ cushion Rambler, and ~hree man, druggist, Catskill. N. Y., says that Thursday eve,13thinst.,at Mechanic~’goes pneumatics. be used under the linen ¢lotb,--make~ __ . where she is instructor in music. Rev. O. D. Coleman, wife and he has used it in his family for eight to IF Y~)U WANTa nice bed of Coleus.Mr. BaIL Membersel both local brauches it lookbetter and we~r longer,--wtli Pay Cash or Inst,lments. 21. Fowler wlll plant you one at ~tvorylow two children, of Concepcion, Chile, ar- years, aud it has never¯ failed to do all in the end. figure. are expected to be present.. Others, not that is claimed for it." Why not try a Sylph Overland rived iu town this week. It is Mr. so long tried and tested. Trial ~. Friday morning was dellghtfall~ members, are invited. The meeting Perealss for Shirts and Shirt Waists. Dampman Special. Coleman’s first visit to the United remedy bottles free at Grott’s pharmacy. cool,--mercury down to fltty,--quite a will be addressed by F. D. Somerby, States, in twenty years, and it is Mrs. Silk S cents ~-- b!ack_and Every-! Sundries. Weare trying to make warm] Laces--all" styles and widths. body come. I~ Miss Lucia Hendrickson, of "Everything under the sun." . a boy and a girl, lout and three years The best salve i0 the world for cuts, Including Oriental, Point D’Irlande, Woalher eudurablo by offering season. ] Lamp~, $1 up. WashLngton, D. C,; is visiting wlthl Cyclometers, $o :glisb. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fsver Cmrpet San, ples, ~- Win. A. Headman died at his ....................... able goods at prices within the reach ] t Broiderle Anglaise, Combinatfion ])antb~ SZ up. -- ~W’~Gtere,SZ np sores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, ~, R. H. Hoflman, ioa ¯Thirteenth St. i Guipfffe aiid-Toi-0hon~ We have a low left~--Bruslels and Mrs. Coleman speaks French, German, corns,and all skineruptions, on Twelfth Street last SaturStockimt% G0 o. Caps, 50 ctS. and pealof all. ...... Russian, .Spanish and Englisb. They! lively eure~ pi:es, or no pay required. It Ingrain, ¯ The censuseuumeratorenrolled day night. He had been unwell for a Bells, Wrenches, Oils, Chain ] Ladies’ Parasols. Lub’ioants~ Cements,InnerTubes, SummerDressGoods. in guarnnteed to give perfeot satisfaction win make Hammonton their home, lie-i 852 chlldreuof school m~e iu Hammou- lew daysaud bmm fever suddenlydevel~ ~ ] Bomethingvery desirableat $0.85 Va]~, Tires. Toe Clip% Dotted Swiss, 12}, 15, and 25 cts ing on the York place, Thirteenth St. or re,hey refunded. 25cents per box, at ton, between five and eighteen years oped, causing death in a few hours. Crolt’spharmacy. .... ~’~Nks,Easmels~_ ::Platu-whlte Lawn~0r~In-d[~, ~Sfiifimer :Beve-r~-:: ::~ :: _ ............. Mr. Coleman is styled, by a HammonR0v.: J. U: :KilIian--C%ffddctgd fdne-mi’ P~ai-Rubbe~,¯ LuggageCarriers, ete, 12~ and 15 oonte We have a great variety,--Ro0t Bo~ ~esday last, between my home services ou Monday afternoon. a typical American. Burial --Jaconat Duchosse, 12} c Extra, t, Cherry Phosphate, Kop~ ;(rod and the Union. a pocket Percales W. H. ELLIS), considerable money Kind in Phihdelpbia., ~(vok I~ Miss Mary Jenison, of Main 5 eta Hammonton N.J. =~3htret-a~l9 cents Raspberry Lsmonado. half-mile from the P. O. Courtright.’s Photo. Gallery. Fruit. oa~ grove. MrS. Whittakerand her little Goodsix room ~. S. ~. OL~ ~Y. Ladies’ y_ ests~Nl styles Porcelain-Kettles ......... ..... )~dre ....... the ann!versary of her birthd.ay--by the grandson, "Binky" Smith.0 havg__re ....... Someas lowas 5 cents ~ ~r Mr; W: A:M:ltar, a long time ¯ never socheap. Now is the ¯ " ~ 61 some of her ~turned-fro-tn-S-eyeful months, stay in ........ ! ..... time to buy them. Fans in great assortment. xeeident of -’.:Hamm0nton~--well--known led by Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ke -: california. - .......... Palm Leaf aud Japaness. 3 cents will and universally respected, died at hls There were present amon~ I. A largo-and-handsome-h~ff~e--on Extra Jar Rubbers. buy a very attractive Fan II~ The monthly business meeting of home in’Camden, May 20th, of paraly--Miss Allio ~lack, Masters Sut- Plea~ntStreet,onlya fewrodsfromthe ~be W. C. T. U, will be held at Mrs. ale of the heart, aged 68 years. He had railroad, very convenient, with heater, ton, Slack, Kevser, and Allendar, who ooaservatery ; good barn, two lots, :Nettle Tomlin’s, Tuemday afternoon beeu couflned to the house for some came loaded with many nice gifts for’ mext, at three o’clock. 2. A neat 7-room house on Second St, ttme, from heart trouble, but death the young Miss thus honored. A very very Oouvente_n_tL_b_ea_utifully finished, " ~F-The’Base Ball Club put a roof on came very suddenly. enjoyable evening was the result. " Mr bested ~n~foL 1~erchant Tailor. The Ladies’ Crescent for ’95 is their grand stand, and built a few rods The Hood Foulkrod team play Keyser furnished the music. Matte B. Good house and lot on Second St., of board fence which may be continued our boys a return game to-day.Let ue very desirable. a’ model of beauty. Fred. Sutton seemed to enjoy himself, till arouud their grouuds. 12. Farm ou Pleasant Mills Road. five bope that we make as good showing all although a recent newcomer. Light weight. miles from Hammonten pos~-~fltoo.. 20 ..... "]’~ECORATIoN DAY ts gone. but Mr. throughthe ~ameas we did for the first made to order,on’short good house. A .L~ Fowler’s nowers are not all gone. and he :tlr" Ilammonton shared in the storm aer0s, partly in fruit; Very attractive. ts offering_ a lot of beddln danta at half gran~1 uaranteed. ]/H6e;--sot,* e as -of-Mondaynigh t,---Ctouds-o f~an-in there Is no excuse for you If you do not have standhas been reeled,and the ladies Whether you are thinking of 14. The Lawsou house Orohard St. ~eLhed.__j~¢onts wli! buy enough for easyterms. ~lult~.a bed. _ ......... the windblew a gale, hghtning 15. A )argo house on Grape Btrev b school houseto escapea sprinkle. see our ~amples. I~" Mrs. Will. G. Hood and child rooms;-oearlymow_Two a, oree; ..... ARM FOR ~ALE--ou~inth Street. near to our proper level ; but Te~terday accompanied her parent~ to thunder rolled and crashed, ram fell in 16. Ten a~res on First Road, four In First Road. 27 acres, 8 acres Improved. berrte*. Cheap. ~h0ir home nt Chester,Mass.,where she smaUhouse and barn..~on)e lrutt. ~00grnpo We have two ladies’ wheels, torreuts, and (in places) hail rattled vines. Inquire of JOt:IN ATKI~I~ON. 17. Aa attractive and vary oomfortable ,expectsto spendthe Summer. on the window panes as though about t1" It was au interesting game of ’94 pattern, for sale cheap. ho,,~ on Central Avenae~--soven’rooms! to force an entrance. In two hours’ bells, pantry, bath, hot and cold water, In the Pine Road Chapel to-incr. In Black’s Building. base ball, lastS~turday aftsrooon, be. xow evening at 7:30, Roy. H. T. Taylor tweeu the Hammonton Club aud the time, two inches of rain fell. It was Windmill; ~wo acres, apples and other loneof themostterrific storms on record.fruit. Fair terms. Hammonton. The Crescent prices are will preach on "The nature and object ’Hood-Foulkrod team, of Philadelphia. 18. Thirty acres on Seventh St., partly ~Many t~uces were leveled, vegetation <)f our Lord,s second coming." The home team made an exce)lent cranberry bog. battered, limbs broken from trees, small showing until the slxth inning, when ~ Universalist Church to-morrow. 19. Forty acres o~ Oak Road, gOod buildings overturned, and gullies worn ~ervlce~ both morning and evening, zn come one got rattled,and the score -’l~8IDIlq~ by the surplus water on every down in profit, inotudtug smaLLeranbcrry bog. ~tmtl in favor of the visitors. ’" r ~ grade. Reasonable price. .... ~mon In the morning; Sunday School The State Senate met on Tues20. A house aud larg~ lot ou Egg HA~s~ONTON, : ¯concort In the cvoning. Mutton Chops, 16 cent~. While in Topeka last Maroh, E. T. Harbor Road ; six rooms, halls, attio ; day pursuant to vote of adjournment, As good a wheel as made. Ofllo~Day%--EvetT week.day. Barber a promtuent newspaper man of heated. & bargain. aud heard a pan’tal report o! their 3 2 CENTS ofgood beef Light weight. Leg Mutton, 12½ cents. La Cygne, Kan., was taken with cho era " steag, pays at for a poundJACKSON’S. 21. Elghtroom house and two lots on GAS ADMINISTERED. Committee of Investigation. It Is a mortms very severely. The night clerk Third ~tveet ; ’~erv convenient ; heated Noohaa’ge for oxtraottng with 6m,~; when Fine design. very Interesting document, exposing ]:lind Quarter, 10 cents. at the hOtel where he wins ~topplng hap- throughout. ~" To-morrow will be "Children’s teeth are ordered. pened to have a bottle of Chamberlain’s , 22. J. N. Jones ’ large house, next t~ The bestadjustable haudie :Day." All the SuudaySchoole are pre- the illegal and criminal squandenng of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, many thousands el dollars of State Fore Quarter, 6 cents. j, ared for it, and special music, reading, money every year’posslbly bar on the market. and gave him three doses, which relieved the Ba, ok, on Bellevue. aggregathim and he thinks saved his life. Every amcltatlons, flowers and blrd-songs will ing a million or more. Easily lowered or raised ........ family should keep this remedy in their ~’~.For any desired informa~make up the programme. Take a full homo at all times, No one can tell how "" HENRY M. PHILLIPS. withoutdismounting. tion in re~ard to the above, flmrse with you, for spectal collections soon it may be p.eeded. It co~ts but a ’ dbr worthyoblocta will be taken. trifle, and may be the means ot treeing call uponor address ~ditor Price, ~80 or $100. Win. Ruthertord, mu~h cuff, wing a,d perhaps the iife’of Commissioner of Deeds, Notary Of South Je~’s~ .RcTWdican , some memberor the fami|v. 25 and’50 Publio, Real Estateand Insurance, . |ll~" Insure with A, ~I. Phillips & Co., eeet bottles for sale by druggist, ’ ...... ~tmmontono N. J’, ~ll8 Atlantic Av0,s Atlantic Gity. Hammonton, ~N. J. ~t~.Orders promptly filled. Treas~we. HAMMONTON mit Growers’Union Bicyclesto i,! ,--T_E_LEEOH, oi LeehwStiles &Co;, .......... The )ecialists, Will he at CroWs Pharmacy, In Hammonton,NJ., Friday, July 5th, 1895. !’t ¯ _. ’here Is no safer, surer or cheaper methodof obtaining proper relief for overstrained and defective eyesight, headache, andso forth, than to consult Leech. Stiles & Co.’s Speelallsk The huppyresult~from correctly fitted glassesareagrateful surprise to persons whohave not before kmownthe real profit to them. selves In wearing gone glasses. No chargeto examine your eyes. All glasses g3mmnteed by LEECH./~TILES & CO. FOR MONFORTOYOLE 130., g & Dyeing, ...... :For: Meatandvei....... CRESCENTS GEO. STEEL]KEN, F Mutton is away below ~, !:’ 50, $75, Sso, $9o. go_to J. ¢ i L0okat_0ur_ P xces, DIHTKST, a ’ Gee. M. Bowles’ Market, ’Egg Harbor Road and Cherry Street, X, Waas Hammontom F RAZER AXLE CWF r e0to PianandPigssale. M. L. JACKSON, 6etttte6enine ! Sold Everpbere I. ust back from the comer, on Second Street. ! .......... .............. ’7 ": ...................................... !i: ¯ I Steam Ice Cream BLACK’S GENERAL STORE At the Market opposite the Post-office, . 1895. Jl Iiousehold an ge semen t at ;4 [Eutcred as second class matter.] The Tuesday evenlugmeettug of[ ’ the Board of Education was as harmonious as a church soclable~ I..deeff.tha President Callo-d it a’/Quakcr meeting," but there ’was too much talk for that. All wore pr~ent except Mrs. Beverage. Dr. North moved that Mr. Krebs be tlte ~lttn~ l%r thh a~iiil/~lda ur awarded to the 16~vi;~t¥~i~dfib~l~h~hltldro at. one as sues aa praetlo’thlo after the tar notcO for t~ wnokapnbllahad-in luildlng, hoeldtaland one of the wings daily palmr having t"o lartre~t elroulatlou ill thn o]tlea of Jersey CItlr, Newark and Tren’" the rnform Lt try s dl haw benn templet, o~ the day and lloUr when eealeu prothe aforesaid ennlmls~l(ulers are herehy tel s!tDlll~ nf_ah~ will hn roc.eWe_d f ¯ CIIAPTElt CCCXLVII. drod and twenty-rive ,Ioilarn. 123 00 )OIIcy of lifo htsurufcu hcrealtor issued eonstltutnd a hoard ot ntalntger~ for sahl rt~- posah ni~fei l~.TgB.fid~fl-Plflles ~ll, nna oxPenARACttodefrss, the-incidental expensesof Item NO,~4,’[’u- John -t ~,, Itanklnt, forIIf~ll~lrnuee ch~;pnr~tto~ of ~h]s "fmrmat~rrf°r~th° tsrffl" of tltron es thall be nn8us of such matorlalbor pill Ilion furnished the senate, sesthe Legislature of New,Ierf(~y 1"or thu t;csill f0reo throe fll[I years, shall, until fholr saccesfors Mlall Save Oil his warrant ’ the couIDtrollol shin of (tile thotlsand eight hunoton of on0 thousand eight hmldrod autl ur bec0nla furfeltmffor the non- firmed by the senate and duly qnaltfled, said dred sod ninety-five, one hundred -rive. of their take effect froln prenlium or Joan madeIn g ,er*,ThSton their shatlthlrty.fl¢stbo thOdsydOtYof appolntutentr under the provLslon of section of tho boarddbe ofitenocted~mana ~Y of tim Slutt~ of Now 3ersey. Thut Item No. :1.5. To l,’ranl~ ~’}~o~npson,for SecuriLy, or ot ally interest so such Octo)er eacl year, to lu~k0 a rcfiort of the reone, aS eonlmlssloners; thny Mlall severally It shull htwful for the treasurer of the state tits net ros~2r’,’o on soch policy, incoldtng e%ll~ formatory to ttm governor, to bs bY him sulnnlttfid l~ervleu~ uS keener of tbo ehlul~ give ~lttds to the state It* the sum of tell of New JorHoy to pay, upon tile ~varraut ()f dividend ndditlmls, cempnted according to to tits lelllslature of the coltditlon ot said reformrot)hi , f the 8relate, se.~qhln or one thoasand dolhtra each, with ~two sufficient the eolnptrolhw, to tin!several pernoll~ llorelnat thv Ilnndred andfitly nine. dole-- American atol’j~ una t e r proeeollings la regard to the In...... ±afte~named, thc.fol2uwlng alautll~ts, t_h!tt !s to --tftbonsalnl rive?cliOeighthunnred-nnd lea.to he sPILl_eYedhy t he Sl nidlt1666~Vto %li~-fi~qtqih~l-i~c~ attd thcpru~r0sa of the-WoHuo¢c0iiHrifcJ say: this apt lion and the alllOUnt of lOOUnyreceived aid ex150 00 oa duttcs Imposed upon tl Item No 1. To cash clergyman for opcuI.rs, the policy wlthhl three months after auch lapse or na tnanagersof tee Now Jersey state refortno pen(led, wittl a dctalicd statenleut thereof, leith , Ins tile semsloa of tim 8enale atld Item No.~&I. To M. 8. Voatnh, for extra fnrfcltnro, be taken as a sn)glo prom;urnof life Inmafiag0rs hou0e ofussomblywlth iraynrdurservices ill engrossing clerk’s do,, suranee at the published rntea of Ihoeorporatlon at afory; llpon their t uallfylng ao a board of such recommendations as the board of . shall deem proper, .-. lag tile session of nigilt/den lainpurtment of the senate, sesl~ll(nl of managers as hereinbefore provided, then the time the 0ollcy ~a’as issued, arid shall be ap18. And be It enacted, That tho warden shall ~1~ one thou8and eight hundred lind dred and ninety.figs, ten dollars SI0 00 plied, s. shall haw: heon agreed In the oppllcation tholr drttles aml omoluments as conunisslon~" have the solo power, sUblcCt to th0 power of renlnety-lh’e, pup buodred" and thlr¯ ]tom No.2. T, each eft(cur of the Senate or vollcy, either to continue the Ifsuranco’ of the ors shall terminate and cease, and they shall strlctlou attd regalatlons above given to tim board ...... and llonso of ussemhiy of the 8o8ty-fivo dollars, 13,300 p0bcy In force at tto full amount~Including divi- thereuvon report to the Rover~or anti legtMaof managers, to contract for nnd purchase all siva t,f eighteen hundred and Item No. 37. To James II. Mnlheron, for full and template atat0ment of their dend addltlons~ so long as such single prcmltna turoa clothing, provlelon~ supplies and other articles ninety-four, for sere ces lu opensupplies for bOllSe of aSselnhly. will purcbasa tamp0rary insnrancc for that amount operations t~s colnmisalonors, but the restrlcrequ redunder thelawso£tho Statof°t-ta°l~°Imr session of one thousand elgllt hflu¯ lng the session cf eighteen hundred at the age of tbn htsared at the time of the Isl)sn or tions against their compensatlotl anti their snplort comrortandmaintenance’s~ the prlsou~ nnd ninety-live, ten dollars 10(dO drvd and ninety-live, two hundred being Interested or concerned In contracts forfeiters, or tO purchase upon the same lifo. at ors; and the hills for mlehparehnses shall be ap- " Item No. 3. To George Austin, for serand twcnty-tlvoand seventy-seveu I)ulldlnea or fnrnlshlng supplies, tu~ llrt~the tromp age, pu[d-up insurance, payable at the for )roved ny tileboard of maasg0rs, audited by the vices as cleric to the committee on one-hundredths doll ,re, o25 77 samotime and under the same eofdltious, excovt sided fsr ulidor section pap’of this act for and upon his warrant lmld by the " ’ " 2. And he it enacted, Tliat this act stroll IM)or anti industries, session of nS to psyments of prcmnuns,ns the orlglnnl p011¢y! tlleln na commlss|onors, shall remain in full Comptrotior. take effeot Immediately¯ force, and ha squally applicable to, and bhld- treasurer of the state; and ho shall eel* and dlspos0 eighteen hundred and ninety-five, If no such agreementbc e: Ill the a of s[lartlcles manufactured or prepared by tim ~0,¯o hundred dollars 200 00 Approved March 20, 18,%. , h*guoouthomasa b0ard of man,tgfirs, as If whoso labor Is not hired out, and shall ltdtn No. 4. To Jobn C. ltankln Comthe titlo of their commissions ll~l not been CIIAPTEIt CCCLI. pany, forbilltilesforhouseof asp|ration ot their terms as comtnlsslonera, as don~, and all moneyson the contracts for thslahor scmbl session of the prisoners, as the asmoshalibecomodue, he laws of this state reln- n.~uired to be madeto prevent thn forfeiture of the herelnboloro provided, there remains unex- ot dred and seveuty-tive pendedany of the sum approprtutod to them audshalltaakcmolathlystatements thereof to the . tire to corporations, and to prepare a btfi for poucy. comptroller and the board of managers, and shall ,¯ one-hundredths dollars 710 75 as oommlsaloher~, It shallba l)ald to them by 2. Andbe It enacted, ThatIf therebs anyInthat lmrpose. " payovorthe same, monthly, to the treasurer of ItemNo. 5. To A nneletus Kessler, for on the policy wklch has bebnacknowl- the tro~mnrer of the 8tale for thopnrposos L Be it euaeted by theSeuate. andGeneral As- dubtednces the elate: andhemay, subJectas aroresaid~ If he repairing 8ales, houseof tLssembly, provided refunder section five of this act, notably of the State of NewJersey, Thee William edged by theass(troll In wrhlng, suchindebted. session of eighteen humlred and fromtlmotothno, upon the warraut of tile thlnkspropcr, advortlsefor propocals or bld~ for fnl)ald elfIncashbefore theprey*sloes 11. Corntfi, James E. llowcll and Ifenry M. Snyder hessshall ninety.five, eight and tweuty-rivo comptroller upon requisition.of the-board nf contracts tot the labor of ths prlsonolm, or any be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, ofthisactshall be appllcablc Iotl~pollcy¯ -one huudrodths dollars .... 8.~3 wholedulyIt sballbe to revise and codify the 8. Andbe it enacted Thattbenet valueof the managers, instead of as hereinbefore provtd- part of tnmn, or the purchase of any articles manufactnredorprepsredtntheprleonorfur theturItem No. 6. To Matthiss Plum, for "’Act concerning corporatlous," (ttovIslon), ap- Insarancn given for such dlnglnpremlnmuader eal ulmn r~quIMtion of the commlssioner~; stationery, house of assembly, seaIn the Imard of mann- nlshlng of any clothing’, i)rovisloas~ mmterlsls, or proved April seventh one thousand eight hun- this act, computed according to th0 Amerlcan ex- In ca.~:~.a~vaoancy reqalred for thn usoof siva or eighteen hundred anti tired and seventy-five, audthe several aahac’qaout imrleucotable of mortality,with Interest at th~ r,Lte gors. bydeath, realgnatlon or o, herw[se, the otherartlclcsofanykuld ninety-five. Six hnndred and forty. supplemen:ary tbereto and nmendatorytilers. of four and ene-half per centum per annum shah governor shall appoint a suitable person or the prison or the maintenance or support of the . nlnedollars 61900 md to Ineptrotatesuchamcndmentl# as they in no case be less.than two-thirds of tho enUroro- persons to flHr~ho vacancy, but an)" such air- prlsonere~ end sash advertisement shall be made -" Item No. 7. To Lysander E¯ Watson, for ~[orntleastthlttydsyslnntlcza;threenewapaper~ polntment’sh~lllnotnxtend beyond the next , deem wise and necessary to perfect tho sys- serve,Computedaccordlng to the rum prescribed traveling expenses of assistants sosucceedlngsesslon of the legislaturs, publlshcd iu this state, snch aovertlScment to be taws of this state. iu this set; but such Insurance shall not partlclcuring the pre~eneo of absent 10. And he it enacted, That the sahl man- Inserted In pup paper in each of the cittce of ’JetThat said eommissioner~ ’pate inthe proSts of the corporation. membm~,house of asSeml)l:’, ¯, sosmeetings ones a ~ey cry, Newarkand Trenton having ths largest shall organize by the election of one of their num- 4. And bu It enacted, That If the reservc npon sgers shall hohl stated, slou of eighteen hundred and daily clrctdatlon, aud the contracts madethereon . and special beraspresldeatandtbe appointment of h acere- any endowment policy applted according to the monlh a*~ the said’reformatory, ninety.four, ton dollars shallbo.mad0 with ths best bidders, subJcet to spi0 00 tary, they shall have Dowerto adopt their owu provisions 0f this act, tm a single premiumof tem- meoting~ whenever they may deem neeessary Item No. 8. To Lysaudcr E. Watson,for rulesof proccduro andto employ suesclerical as- vorary lasarancn be mornthlinsurf(cleat to con- they shall, at their first meetlng’aftar the provsl of thn board of managers; provided, that ~elephono aud telegraph . toll~, ~afsago of thisact, elect out of t lleLr number notblnR in the auction shall be deemedor taken er sistance an maybe necessary for the transaction of ttnue the lneurance to the end of the endowment ..... house of assembly, session eighteen and two actlv construed te authorize said warden or board of .. their business and to fix the compensation ~ere- term named lutho policy, and if the msursd sur- a president and secrelary " hl/hdred and nlnoty.four~ on0 and .~nage~to-etmtrnet-w~ c rpora- . colnpensatlon, im alsoallexpeasss In- vive that terns, the excc-sa shall be pnldin cash at . stxty-fourone-hundredtbs dollars 1 6t a term as a majority of sald managers tions to hlro or contract for thelabor of the’prls, ’printing and clerical assistance, shall th0 end of such term, on the conditions on which Item No. 9. To Lysander B Watson, for ’ the state treasurer on tile certificate of the orlglnul poday wasissund. andes wardenth°y shellspersonalS° at saldwho, meet-from exprcssage, house of assembly, onerSof tho°rmnktngany partor Ofmanatacturmgthmn inorabOUtof feRth°andbusmesasIIk ent and the warrant of the state comp5. And be it enacted. That any policy Issued insappolntdlrect; session of eighteen hundred and l~ts or any_part on.pn~a-thord~/;-pravldOdrfar troller.by afiy Insurance eompanyof this s J~te shal be iv- practical experteneet possess-s tho:_ttbillty, r-rive, seven and .~L.Andha.tte.nnctud,_Tkat_sal~commlsslon_ehattA -con te~tabtextter-two year gTr 0mIt o "dhtb of" i~sue, nnff qualillc/xtlon~-nbc~gsarIIv(o- successfully fuel, thut nothing in thin section slMtll carryon the Industries of the reformatory, be deemed, taken or construed to author: provided all duo prcmlums have been paid, except convene aud conclude their laborsns speedily as ’ of managers ltem No¯ I0. To Lysander E¯Watson, for who possesses the executive atltllty ca- ize_ said warden or board may be and ,Lubmltthe billprepareS, togetherthat ouch policy maybe ad)usted for misetatemont and sentta I to theproper management of the off(to employ, contract or hire out thc prhtting, telegrams, carriage hire wltuauch sug~t~tlons as they may deem expedl- of ago In the application for mdglnalpo/Icy. cers arid other employees nudor ills J urlsdlelabor of theprl~osera or any part of them exceed, and decorations for the ftlneral of ont, to the legislature on the first day of its next O. And be it enacted, That oa policies o( praAssemblyman Charles L. Waiters, lngonehuudrcdperaonslnnumberstany tlmstn season. dential or Industrial Insurance the paid-up value tlon. nndto enforce and. maintalnpropordisor Monmouth county, fifteen and satd warden the proscchtton o¢ conduct nf any special branch 4. And be It enacted, Thstthls set shall take of which in accordance herewith shah be less than ciplino In every department; sixty-two one-hundredths dollars 15 62 effect immediately. shall hold off*ca for five )’ears, unless sooner of industD’, trade or basl,zese, or makingor man- fifty del are, It shall be optional with " ufacturlo~ goods, wares or. ntcrc:andlso of Item No¯ 11. TO John. J.~Matthaws, for removed for cause. Zpproved March ~, 1595¯ furnishing one hundred and fifty copies ef members pocket caleu. CHAPTERCCCLII. the eom ’ shall be absolotel dars for the senate and t,ouso of An Acttonmend "An nssembl one hundred and llft reason of said pgllc~which shall l twenty-seventho ~herenpon~0o-ean c0I f~tl; ....... ~ht hundred and seventy. Item No. 12. To Mrs¯ El!zabeth Kucker. 7. Aud bc It enacted, That the provisions of four. for washing towels for senate and this aCt shall not Spl)ly to policiestssued on the l. Be It enacted by the Senate and General house of assembly, sixty-five dolfleesOf personn under twelve year~ of age, until lars 6500 Assemb y of tile State of NOWJersey, That three year~after suchpersons shall attain flint age. section twenty.six of "Au act concerning’ Item No. 13. To John D. Allward, for ; 8. And be It mmcted. Thatall set$or-partm of apprnved.~March twenty-seventh~ one extra.el_vices as.asa~tamr; to -the Inconsistent wlththisactbeandtheearns are l0 eight hundred and seventy-four, is stets clerk of the house of assembly, heloby repealed¯ arnead~d so as to read as follows: session of eighteen hundred anti .:, ApprovedM~reh 25,1893. it enacted, That It"nay such ninety-rice, fifty dollars 5000 *cant applicants shall be disItem No¯ 14. To George W. Peak, for elCIIAPTER CCOLVL ~ dredths dnllars. Item No¯¯, LCh.rle. V lianco forI’H2.% AnerActvalues to prevldo fur tha paid,up or cath surrondrvlo0saspo.tmas r of tbeoeunf |lie hlsllraucn policies, LAWS0F NEW JERBEY. UD2, session of oao thousaad eight I. Iio It enacted by tbo t-kmatn and General As- it huudrednnd nhmty-rive, one Iiunof the State of NewJnrsey, That when- ell, -- " tier xurnvnwv. municipal corporations of the hi,use of assembly, one hundred, dollars 100 00 "Item .No. 15. To Ira S. Smith, doorkeel~ er of the session of eighteen hun’-four, fcr services ..... ors, such owner or applicant within Swo years alter return said. having given ten days’ notice in writing to the other party of the object, fimc and tlaco of such Intended application, may apcourt or a ustico of the sur An Act relating to a stale reformatory. Whereas. It Is deemed role*sable that there v.hall be a state reformatory In this stale for the oustody and confinement of criminals between the a of slxteenand thlr- t appoint three not involving moral first time of a competent and disinterested freeholders of ¯ Item No. William It. lies, f,~r turp|dity; therefore,. :otmty. who, or a majority of them, furnishing: parchment~ .and onI. Be it enacted by 1he Senate atul General’ ’cr to reviewsuch assessm-.nts, grossing oaths of senators, mumASselnblyof tho State of Nets’Jersey, That bera of assembly and otllrers of ,isl or increass the name as there sindl be appoiuted t)y the governor of tile circumstances, s~all deem the tslatsrc, session ctghtecn -ht stoners to build an hltermedlato, prison for ,g to be "" dollars crlmlnal classc~ whloh" sald commlsslonof tlln~zlerk of sahl county, the le Item No. 17. To William II, Corbln. for era shall.not roeotve.’any comPensutlon for ¯ and the s~me ¯shall be nnd remain final- and 1he servicss hereby imposed open them, but serviced.as -counsel- for--house of conclusive; provided, that 8ueh freeholders assembly, managers in the Con. t.hoyshali boentitl~l to receivo tnetr travolmeet ulmn like notlce as afOresaid, and be in~ and other official nelly impeachment trial, two nun-expenses, whlch shall dred and rift)" dollars ~ 0( duly sworn or affirrned to execute the dutle~ be paid upon the approval of the governor hy aforesaid before they enter upon the dis- the treo-aurerou the ",,,’arrant Item No. 1~, To The John L. 5furphy of the campcharge thereof. Publishing Company, for stationtroller and the said commissioners shall be Approved March ~8. 1895. ery and supplies furnished the In no way concerned fn an)" contract for tho speaker of the house of assembly, ~rectlon of the said bulldingor furnishing of session of elghteenhundred and CHAPT~t"-CCCLIII. attuplles of any kind for the same. An Act to authorize the bmtrd of health in ¯ nhlety-flve, fifty-oncmld sixty-five 2¯ And be it enacted. That the said eomone-hundredths dollars 51 65 cities of the rit:st class in this state to mi~slonersaroherebyuuthorlzed and enlpowItem No. 19. To The New Jersey Frelo dcmn and prohibit.the sale or-t/~eof-impuro part for the rose of’the reforlrtnw---Z~ttunff.~ror’qtrr~htngl~e-thUtlg take vossesslou of, the Dropcrt5 Ice or tcc c at from polluted streams. and copies of the governor’s men1. Be It enucted by the Senate and General h.o.’~ :arAaxm, belonging to the -Assembiyof ¯ sage in the Germaa l,nguago,~es* . thoft~te~ New~Jersdv7 Thdt fnnd of this state, located In the sion of eighteen hnndred and the board of health of each of the cities of Union. and alsosuch other portlon ninety-dye, two hu,,dred and the first, elan4 In thlseLate shall have author- of said farm. t~ any, aa maybe ].ousted In the t~vont£--ono and seqenty oneity toprovide by ordinance for the prohl0lcoUntyb~ 31iddlesex, or so much of sahl prol)hundredths dollars ...... lion of the use or.sale of impure Ice or ice. ertyas in theirjudg-meut may bc-neeessar// Item ~’o. 20. TG~’qio 3olifi- IS. Mth’phy cut from poButed ponds or streams, and in or- andmay add theretoby p.rchn.se anymljolnvubUshing Comp,uy, for furetsllder to properly carry out and enforce the ins property which Inaybo necessary to tile i,,g stationery uud .-upplies to L. of thesite. at a costnot provisions ot such ordinnnee tu provide that completet~efs E. Watson, serg,,ant-at-arms of MI dealers In Ice for domestic or public use in~ ten thousand do)]nrs. the assembly, session of eighteen shall obtain from the health authorities of 3. And lle_ll hundred have power to ~elcet and aplmlvt hti~lred and and nance a pe~ , for the violatmn of the same, sash architects, superlntondnnt~ and-otller twenty-fly.e dolwhich shall no, exceed aflno of fiftydollars personsnecessary" with suchcompensation ns ¯ ]ars, , 72525 for each offense. may be fixed upon, who. together }vltn themltemNo.21. To The John. L..Murphy selves, shall prelate and lmtture a plan for 2. And bc it enacted, That this act shall ruullshlng.~umpan¢, for furnishake_eff£,cl,_lInmc ,dla£~l~-~ ..... ins etaHonery~nd-~Hns~A~Ed~ ..... .gLat~..¢~afordn~ter ApprovedMarch°..8,_189~ .... ¢ ............... gaL,~llam~~-a gr.oa~ng.-o lerk-o f -~ tlon which, shall have" a the a~embly, session of eighteen cap=city of not lea: one thousaml prisCHAPTER CCCLIV. hundred and ninety-five, one hunoners, and to he so conslructsd aq to admirer A Supplcmeat to an ~ct entitled *’A farther supdred and twenty--one and tea oneplement to an act.entitled "An act coneernif hundredt-hsd,)tlars.----- ~=---1L21~0 --roads’ (Re~ dras~ OUt. in d, ,rovedMarch Item No.~. To The John L. Mur ................ Pnbllglllng-Compau~ four," which enid was approved ing stationery "lind supplies tO Marehtwelfth, one tho~ ght hundred and ’ James Parker, ch~rk of tap house ninety.one. " of s~sembly, sullen of clghteen 1. Bc it enacted by the Senate abd General Ashundred and ninety-five, two hun), of the Stale of NewJereCy. That no spdred and ten and ninety one-huuheretofore made for road Durposcs in dredths dollars. 210 90 l shall be held to be invalid by reason ........ Item No. ~, To W. S, Snyder, for serappr0prlatlon exceeded vices as clerk tO the.-meldentat - --the amount estimated and vuhItshed by the towf............ committee, sea Ion of one thouship commhtceto be raised for road parposes,ahd sand eight hundred anfi-h~ifiety= .... notwlthstandint~ the fact that no estimate shall rive, seventy-rive dollars, 75 00 have been made by the township commltteo and , Item No. 24. To E. B. Sterling, for ser= published as directed In the riith section of said vices tO the nngrosstng clerk house of as.embly, as per resolusnpptemem.’2. Andbe It enacted,That tht’s sctshall tak’e lion of the house February tWeneffect Immediately .... ty-elght,e’lghteen hundredand " --Approv6dMare~8:Ib’gS. =- -~ntnety-rive~-,’~tori-~-0n0-thbu=~-= =Z - __ " " sand eight hundred and ninetyCIIAPTgR-C~2CLV~ rive. fifty_ dollar~ .......... ~d} 00 .......... ............. ]tem~NoT’. z.~7~O~A-ll~bn~--/~l. Pycraft, ~n Actto amendauactetitltled "Anactto amend : for services to the engrossing ~n act entitled ’A su tlement t(lan act entitled "~ clerk, house or assembly, as per "An act to rc gulaP the practice m courts of reso,ution of the house February law," approved Mar I twenty-seventh, one ¯. _ twenty-eight one% ,out,and eight ..... thousantLelght3 ut~r( atzda~venty-four¢.whieh =: : ....... hundred~nd ninety.rive, session satdsupplementwaaa ~rovcdMarchfourteunth, ¯ of 0no thousand eight hundred one thousand eight ]: ndred and vinery-three," ..... and ninefy-flve,-flfty dollars, and which act to amend was approvcd April 5000 Item No.~. To Advoc~t~ I’ubllshlng twenty-fifth, one thousand clghi hundred and Compauy, for stationery furnished ninety-four. ¯ . the senate aad express charges, 1. Bolt enacted by the Senate aud General A~eesston of one taeusand eight hun- " sembly of the State of ~NewJcreey, That section. dred and ninety-five, filly-five dolone of the net to which this Is an amendmentbe lars. 55 00 and the same Is herebyamendedto rend as fodows: " Item No. 27. To Itobert II. Ingerso’l, for 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Asservlces as asslsLant Journal clerk eembly of the 8tats of NewJersey, That where, of the senate, session of one thouany action or spit hMheretofore b~n eommenced~ ¯ ~and eight hundred and uinetyor ebaJl hereafter be commenced,in any court of under orhy vtrtue ofanystatut~ five,one hundred dollars, 10000 lawof thisstate, ]ItemNo."..8. To The JohnL. l’,lurphy or atcommon ,aw,andsaldaction or sulthasbecn Publishing Company, for bill cator shall hereafter be dismissed, abated, non-suited, or a jsdgment eh~ll havn been or shall be entered cndar, altering sta’ap, nnd printaealnst the defendant or defctldante, therelo, by Ins slips for the senate. Se~sl0n Of one thousand eight hundred and reason of the failure of the attorney or attorneys In ninety-rive, twenty-two d,,llars, ~ 00 such actloa or suit to file any p:eadlng wlthln the i Item No. 29. To J. L. Iamtlls, for atetime limited bylaw, or by reason of the filing by tlonery furnished s of an insufficient or hnTt FnTB-6f £0-g6n/~6~ thousand eight hundred and nineto revive and relnetatc said , ty-flve, ~h/rty-six dollars° t or t~ opel* eahl jadt~mcntned permit .36 I~0 a proper andsulllclent pleuding tq be filedupon Item No¯ ,30. To The John I,. blurphy Publishing Company. for stationsuch terms as mayseeal to said court or judge to cry and supplies furnl~tl,.tl to onbe equltahle nndjust, If In (be oplflob of said grossing eh.rk of the senate seacourter judgetha falhlro to nip said plesding, or siva of one thousnud eight hundred the llllbg of sahl in.ufficlent or tmprooerpleading, wn~dtle to the neglect° fault, error o’r mistake of and nhlety-five, one hu:.dred and tlllrty-clght and eighty one-hnn. said attorney or attorneys, and llljur~ or’wrofgllss or may resell to the defendallt or defendants by dredtbs dollars, 138 80 ’ -ilcm No. 31. To tbe Stoll l~innk Book reason of such neglect, fault, error or Inist~ke . and Stationery Company, fnr staprovldcd, however,tha~ no action 0r0tiit whtchhas _ tlunery and supviles fur the senate beef or ~ha]l be dl~missed¯stinted, zlon-suitcd, or 8C~010n of one thousand e/ght hunla whtch a ju(h:u)ellt shall have been or shah drcd and ninety-five, two nund¥cd entered st~ainst dcfendsnt or defendat~ts tllereln aud eighty-four sBd ninety onefor the reasons above elated, shall he revived, reinhundredths dollurs, stated or o|vened, unless application for that por’Jft 90 ~.t~m No¯ 3g, To The dohn L, 3lurtlhy pose be madewithin nee year from the doteofsuch dt.mtsaal, abatement, non-sutt or judgment. Publlshfng Company~ for statl’ou, 2. Andbe it enacted, Tlmt all act~ nnd parl~ of cry and supplies furnished the seerefary of the senate, session of one acts inconsistent wi[h this act be ai]d the aunts nre thousand eight hundred md nhm-hereby repealed, and that this act ehall take el’ : ty-ilvc, onohundrcd uod seventyfect Immediately. One an4 twenty-five one hunApproved March’28, 189:1, , ¯ ttorvlnthosamenlannor and thus n)ynotloasl q.r_.p at~t c]cctlonor inado Lho nPl~)nltmeut;nn norshallsmdlunaut|lorlzed lnd/vidual~assoshallnot le~vonwldo’ ~mnowp_reeCtlh0d..by .law. uuder convlo¢lon nnd : provided, rhst n0thlff~-lh this uct Conldllfed ntlsoh)n nhah b~ delivered to Ihe poraou oh, el- Inlt shall learn ()!fitJou laf JndlvldAit~.[0t=partn~rslI/p=or::Joln~-.==.’-Y children, such ponslr] ~ontenCe nf prl$on0rs sentenced to the state be conetraed bl usv n’ny t() Mtororsmmldthe ed or ul)POlllfed[ t)utll hc shall i) , unlformed 8toeltns8oehdl~fl Inld~o.nso of or clrnalat0 any d: allx~e{10a-:6~thomtii t ~tlson. methodof Inxlfig hollds nnd lamq.tlages or reid ’ end equ|ppl2d.al~.ort|~l~- tO therogltlaTl~ls of letter he’adf, bill lloade, bhulk uotes blank F0to tbo su )port of such child 9¢ Andhe It ensctcd~ That if uuy person con- property ~vh]~h..ls aub)utq,.,lO: mnrttmgc;or’th~-;-thbi~tlitn~y ~crv]c~ ()f this stale; 0ttouhl any they she have stta lied the ago of eert llcates._clr~ul~-~ or a~ fined hi said rl~[llrn~-dand0¢ Sentence=Tat tin-- methodbf taxlne tb,; proi,brty ot rattr0ad, ennui I persou so eh!c tell ~tr appo[n’ed legloet or rt - I slXteen years, lor’pur,ly written ~iiindht she appear tb bo nsal e, the Jutgo of ug’cmu ntnlee or tile method of taxlsu fuse so to uniform aod ulD for eno month ~. Andhe |t mlneio clrcutt fiourt llfthe "confty lu tvlllch the re~ s nf n~urallctleonltnulleaIn this sta,e, froln tile llml~ tlon|l fir corporate annie or llUyot ’er word or Is oltuatod [, ififarmatlon be returned to not hmsthan twenty yenra shekl I~ennl~l words indleathlg that 8ueh business Is the taut general, with the reasou for Its retnrn ifeaiumitatcd willie Is the atth’e discharge ot his business of a buuk. imnn,dhdeh’, tnatltute n Careful t|ttatton, cal~ two ro~pect- ApprovedMarch28, 1595, Indorsed thereml, nod the elect ou or nppohlt- duttc%he sball’l)o retired by such hoard and shall 9. And be It coasted, That tills act shall . nisei tdUlil tllcreup,)n be vohl; all non-cornIouns he take effeet lmmedbltely. ~blOnsceesnry,physlclanoi,vlto sndlbo nttorney-gsne)al°ther credible toWltnesSnsald tntbelf ffnually, I ..... henau~o cIIA l"l’lflt CCCLX. Inlfsloued officers shull rceeive wurrauts fronl twh~,r~,t~l~oar ’ ver~cel men...... entitle t to sael~ if retired ef Approved March 28, is03. examlnnnonlind, if hn ohall tillnl: it necessary¯ AFurther Su )l)]enteltt to an act entitled "All act their reslmctlve commalldants; tltest! are to thoblcspacity nlclaioned In the first eeetlon of tills call a Jury, nnd for that h0 Is herchy fully ’bhulkS and to be fur- ncl "concernlne cdotag pus nut tofeeth)u8 di~asu~ CIIAPTEIt CCCLXIX, witnesses ~--~1. Aid he¯ It-ensured Thut this act ehMl take : A SUl)p’oment to till nut eUtltteo "’An act for ilion twdiv0 of el set mmedlarelv, the organtzuf[on of the natloual guurd of lol,rtb, one thou~nd.... ~. And be tt enacted, mmprteouer is tnsane satd the uct to whk’ll this Is n supplement, wlfleu ApprovedMare~’~B. ISgF~ the state of Now Jer.~ey." approved blareh eight bnndr CSS0the conviction of such I)rl~onor wasor sllall ].]101t enacted by the and Genmal As- SUl)plemt~nt wus appreved April tweotynhlth, PUS ihousnud eight hnndred and sixbe hadill either of tnec,,nntle~ of Atlaftle, Cape semhly of the State oi Nuw Jersey, nh~tb, one thousand elg,t hundred und -ty-nlne; aud the varlouaamendmmlta there~lay, Cumberland, ~alem, Gloucestcr, CiMuflu~l, eecoftl~ecthm ot the act entitled "Asn elgbty-four, I)o nnd thosameis hereby aIUtlldCIlAPTEIt CCCLXVIII. to, Burlington, Mercer, Ocean, Monetruth, Ilunter- to nn act cat*tied "An act concerltIl~ edto read as follows: " 1:’116 "It coasted hy the SOllato nnd General . ill relation-to den, ~otnerset or Middlesex,ordt’r hta Costotl)’ and nnd Infections l~...And, bolLenaeted. Thut .ovt*ry o~h?er’of -An-Act (llsea~,!s .mtotlg .... Afse,nhly of the SLate of Now Jersey, ’rilat ban~ers, and subjecting them removalto the state hoel2,tal al ~reaton. and m ! penlcertaln scl~ re ilthlg lhoreto.’" approvedMay tho national guard who sltail huvo served ill the dlscrctlon of the governor aud comvlfloo and control of the d - casethe c0nvIctlun Of slichpr[~oner wasor t-hall I foortll, one thout~andeight hondredandulghty-stx, thereiu for tile term (~f five yeas.% upttn tll~ mender-In-filler under snch regulations asllO 1tanking und ln~t ralce, be had in any other county of this state, then sdd Judge slmliorderthecustody audrmnoval ofsuchond,WitlcbottoSUl’plementthousand et~htwas 0pprovedtumdred attdMaYnhmty-four,tWenty’sec" , everyt°ndernnu.commissionedand acceptance of(itllcer,hJs resigntttfOn,musJcinn nanllndAssemhiyl" preseril)e, thereshallbeattached t ~ eueh I|cIt cnactedof tb.o__8~l~ttL_~,N_RvLbv theSenafo ]~goy~-ThnfaUd Gcneralhtag~4|te~a~ort~_gxl~.xly..~gl~ ~maY " peh~°eert°thel~tatlYb°spltat~tM0rrlsl"alns:and I hound the came is bercb)’ amended to read as prlvato now enlisted ln or who shall llereafter notndt~dl~r/’I~8oviattouofindivhlualf, Part- signaiand telegraph corps, aud 0uo,teorps euehprlsonersballremalaat the oxl~n~o of the : follows: .... ~!nllftlrlttle naLlottul guard~-ho-shallg0(vif shall t~attaohedtoeacilof the brlgadohcadnershh) orJo tit stock afso(latinl, shallenSluts In the hospital to which hs shah tm removedI 2. Andbo It enneted;-Thu~1t-~l~l]l--li~-ffWd~il *or faithfully therein for tbo term ef his enlistthe said corps 0hall consist of erie as aforesaid nntfi restored to his. rit01t--mtnd:-tf , the state t nbt, rau]os[s colnnl[slmt (o entploy,one of lnent~shall recc/ve a dischurge from the cola- gage In the t)uslucss of banking, oxccpt, nmier quartoro: attd In nccordanco with the trovlslona of this sl~nnl officer whh the rank ot hlsterm el lm )risonmom shell not h:lvo expired first " the superintendent nf such houphal shall htform i tbetr number a~ secreLary ot tbe commission, and : mander-lu-nhtef entltlhlg hhu to and likewise sucil uon-comml~tbosaldJu~geandtho attorneygenernl of hlsre- toflxhyreeolutlonsuchcompmtsatlonfor hisser- thereafter fl:om duals, partnership or Joint stock as- lleutenaot; " war and insurrec~ioned o~/lcors aml privates not to oxeesd enclatlon, nod tile Individual members therey sUCll officer, non.cornmtswhich corn In monthly th)n; to forty, who may be spoolally enlisted in such formatory to serve out the uoozplred portloo of oble, officer, mus[clau or private to, mild Of, who shall t’lolato the l)rov/sions of this corps or transferred thereto from tim several ........... Instill illenl~ 0lit of. tho,approprlatlonto tbo said sloned his term of tmprtsoqtltenf. privileges nnd exemptions, he shall be free of act and carry on the, huBlnes~l Of banking organfzatlons of the b, lgadei ,the number of "commtsMon hy the state treasurer upon the warwithout authority, shalt be gutit~;-of a rots, ~?. Andbelteuacted, Thatltshallb0 the duty rant of tho state comptroller. . llllindebted))ossto tho sLate and tothocom- d0meanor, and uponconvlctlon there0fsball nou-commisslonedofflcersfer’saidcort)sshall 0fthowardenofthoslatn reformatory to assign formilltary 2. And bo it enacted, Thatwhen any mllmal or mend to which he Is attached boatthodiscrettonof thebrigadceommandpunished by a vine not exceeding live to the clerk or somaother officer thereof thokeel)- [ animals shah be slaughtered by direction of said supplies, and frOm all preferred charges for a be thousand dollars, or by Imprisonment at hard cr, hut shallnot exceed ten In n mzber, one of Ingof.acorrechimparttal daily rocord of tho con- ,commission thovalue of tho.eamesballbeascervlolatlonofttlo laws govcrlltug thouatlonal wbemshullhe-warrantcdas first scrReatlt," ’lnborforatermnutcxcecdingscvenycars,Or i " duct ot each prisoner and ef his tabor, whether Itau)edand-npprateed by tbreedlslnte~estedfrt~0guard. .... onoaspaymasLor sergeant, one Its quartor: . .... ~atlala¢lov/-orot-berwh,~,-andttsllaIltmthe duty ho]ders, resldm~tinthlsetate~wh shall rn’~keand 3. And bc it enacted, That sectionsevcn of both. . :2. Andbo It cnactea, Tlntt every individual, mast or sergeant, and two as signal sergeants, o Of the wardento sea that thesatd record ts rugs- eigtl certificates thereof latbc presence of a wit- the net to which ;hi~ iS a supp~etnent, which association af01gnal corporuls hy the com. - .... of Individuals. partnership or and the otllers larly madeaud 0reserved nnder Ills care, sad to ! ne~,, whoshah atte*t the came; sueh appralsomcnt SUl)plcmcnt was ap )roved .May twelfth, pus J ,/at stock ns.~oeiation now engaged In carry- mandant of the brigade to which thny are arlaythosamobeforotbe mansgersasofteansthey tbousmld eight hundred and nluety, beand ln~on ¯ ,ehaithomndoontb~ebatlsof the market valaeof tached. . tho 1)usine88 of banking wlttllu this mayrequire. " ’ Th~tannppreprlattoff ....... anlm&] or animals slaughtered, and sbsll bc the same Is hereby repealed. atato, audevery-suoh-individuut,-aesnctatton .... 2. And bolteuscted ~. Audbeitcnucted, That wh0n the managers "the -4. And’i)c tt enacted, That It ah-h]l t/e tli0 llmltedtothosamo(onehuwdreddotlsrsforreglsamounting to the sum of three hundred dol-. of lud[viduals, partnership or Joint stock asshallbu’satlaflod tlaat tim said recnrd l~ properly i lured atdmals and tort)" dollars for other~; three- duty of tile ,luurtermaster-goncral to report 8eclat*on which shal! hereaItcr engugo In the lars shall be pahl on the first Mondayof April kept they shall direct the warden fur every monte fosrths of the on’nation so asccrtalficd shall be to the comptroller of the treasury on or beof’ banking within this state, shall be of ca:h)’ear to the lluymaster of the brigade, offahhlulperformaocaof’aset~nod labor by any foro the first MondayIn April of each yeur, bashleSS subJeet to the same control supervision, in- to be expcbded by the 8aid brigade payconvict In thn state reformatory to remit to hho luddbythcstateonthepresentallonofsuehcerttllmaster out he upproval of the oommaodant with the appr,)val of th0 sahl eomnl[fsionIn- the amount of nuy *)Ill or account for nny sveet on and exumlnatiou,to which lncor two days of the term for which he was sentenced; cute, ther~da, to the owneeer owners; provided, doliclency standing on the books of the quar- ated hnnks are b’ for cvery month of continuous oracrlv deport, dorscd nertt[’S departmcmt.agmm~L-anycompensation shall be made for unhnals e0asi~’naland tel( contadued corps attached to . menf, tWUduys t attd for every monthof mantfcet no landaur, (/r regimentto t)e tim headquarters of brtgadeLand the effort, at |ntelieCtual improvumcntsad self con- 8idered by the commisMob tiou of indlvhlual8 .trol, to be certified by tim moral instructor: one Joint stork ai~Pr(,prtatioff-sha]ftsotlier..mflUccolledtcdand paid ...... to whom trans tuherculosls~1. And be commlsslonlt enacted,ekall havu made, or cause day; --oaamtnatiorr-nf-tmy antmal’nr incident to brlk.ude organizattou are now col or other circulating mediumof or for renLal paid for any drill room for enrrellcy letted and paid. herd of animals within this elate, andshall have changn. punishment, no such reml~fon of sentence eho!i ascertained drillS, rifle practice encampmoots, parades such aatnlal or herd of an*urals to lie 3¯ And be it entered, That the uulform and 3. And be it enacted, That every such indlbe made; and In case of any ri~grsnt mtsomductspend and ill good health, they ~hall) upon rt~lucsf ! or other temporary service, and.tim amount equipments of the signal corps sball be the viduaL association of Jndlvlduats, partnerof 8uoh hill or deficiency shall lie deducted b~ afpresertbed for-th~rtrtlrnal corp~-Df th0 tobYdeclareany prisoners forfeltureitshallofbO.thelawfu|f0r.tlme prevlouslythC mnfagerSre_ lromtheowner thereof,giveto hima eortttlcuto .theeomptrolterUt’tl~O"-%T~IFf$;TffJ~--a-fi-~:’~i)- .&h~i~or. jojn~toe k asses*st,.on-now engug~d-: same United Stateffarmy; and the drill regulations lu the business of banking, or wbo bcrea£ter lallJ~t~tahin~althot lu wholo-or-ln..lmrt¢-as-te- ill Writl~.~lguo~-by-t~lo-- )eee|derlt--and-~r~" ....... proprlatlon duo the c iml)any, regiment or . of said commission, certifying to the fact of suca for signal corps of the United States army may boc0me engaged in the hus’.noss of bank: them shall seem lust. billet deficiency exsmin~tlon and of the good he~Ith and condition origadeagalnatwhichsuch shallbe the drill relrulations govcrnlngthn ing.shallmaketethodopartmetttofbanldng £’~. And be ttenacted, Thatonthsrecommebda- of such animal or herder nuhoaI~ . . so reported. signal corps of this state. and Insurance the same reports as near as lion of the wardenand moral Instructor it chair be 5. Andbc it enacted, That this act shall take may be as are now or shall hereafter b0 re4. Andbe tt cuacted, That the said statc tnher4. And Re tt enacted, That a’l acts cl parts lawful?or the managers to remit sn addRlonalday eulo~ts commission shall have the power to co- effeetlmmedlately, quired by law of incorporated banks, and that cf acts Inconsistent with the l)rov’eions of per monthto every convlct whofor twelve months operate wlth Apl)rot"ed March 8, 1895. bureau of animal tndaetry of the thtsnctbeandthosamoar: suchroportsohall bevorlfied hythoatfidavtt ptecediagshailhavemerlted tho same by his cou- Ulnted State~ the ~ yetem which In of such indlvRlua; c*-tmmodlatotlnuous good conduct In too purtleulars above CHAPTERC%X)LXIV. bureau for.the be engaged in l)2kpproved March ~, 1895. msntloned0 a,,d for each succeeding year of unlnto an act entltled"An act such, bustness by at least two of the Inditerruptedl to Increase territories, viduals who are concerned in the conductof 8. Audbe ttenacted) That thereshall be nppro- .-" ’~ ,_ :. - ~- ¯; - 1 ¯ :. ’ ¯ r r EIRIA ¯ ¢ai S IIEnIFF’8 8ALE, PIPE ~ENN MUTUAL LIFRCompany ........... Insurance -~he By vlrtno of a writ of fl-rI ~clu; to mo dl.’~ct~d, I,,,,~d ont of the NewJerN~y (~mrt of Chancery.¯will b6 861d at p.b]le ~edu6, bn= ..... N AWAY - -Of Philadelphia, A purely SaturdaYs June 15. 1895, ....... "filled o’dS~’YF, ilhesrhirdoi,tfhr ~altl day. tLt Ihb It0-- ONE POUND OF f.¯ i!i Avenues, Atlantic City, Atlantic 0o.. NewJ,,moy, All tim following d,ncribvd tr~c, of hi,d, situate in the T~wnof llsmmonton. County of Allantlo. Slate of New Jer~ny. and by a surrey ther~f m~doJuly 30th, a. n., 188o, ts I.,unded e~ follows: Beghla4ng at a stone on thonortllea,t ,hie of the road ,ending tram Hammonton to Oohmdd~ standing rain tS fight links frvni a larg.,,to.o lu the Society’s Zl"e. no~,the It/met llarvey ll~ach’s land, and runs (Isi) north twenty nine degreesandmix mlnot,m w~t four clieilna ~tatl forty seven links to a stone c~rner to land enid to Thom~ R. W, scoat ; thence (2nd) v t he s ame nortlt e ighty two degrt~t eeet twenty eight ct,atn| and 1dusty,ix links t,) a stone comer to the same : thence {3rd) by the same and land sold t, Anna M. IIoru north twen ty nine degrees anti six InllHzt(~ went twenty one chains and el-V-n links In a ,tone corner to said l[oru land; th, nee (4th) by the ~an~e south eighty two dog. TOWN(~OUNCIL. Win. Bernehouse, Pros’t, Harry Moll. Little, E. A. Joslln, Win. ConMeets ningham, J. P. Patten, ADin Adams. last Saturday eve each month. CLanK. J. L. O’Donnell. COLLECTOa A Tneasunmu A.B. Davis. ~ern~h0ug~. JvsTiczs. John Atkinsan, O. W¯ Preseeyp .I.H. Ryes, 3¯ D. Fairchild. C0SSTAVLaS. Gee. Bornshouso, W. ]]. Walls, ]~enj. Foglctto..... : ...... OvEns~l~n oF H~’onwAYs. W.H. Burgess. 0VERSEF:n OF THE POOR. Gee. Bern,house. NmnT PoLICZ. J. II. Garton. F*REMAnsuA~,. S.E. Brownt the tatOlO thence foor ellnute~ east croaking ¯ tonsil stake and stm~c ; dent; P. Monfert. (~th) north two degrees and fifty foertece ¢halnw and t’Aellty Inks ,un ofwat,.r to an ©ld Idnn |tamp, thence (Sth) north fllty one dcgr~ teen link, to a elmv, I,y ao ohl road; theneoGth) eootk leith eight dc~rees and fourteee minutes east thirty five chains and f.urtcen links crossing said run of water to at; old stone comer; thence {Sth) sOUth twenty two degrees and six. ndtzutce east tweuty one chains and eighty six llnktt In a sb.~nO in tko S~clcty*e Line; tlzence (gth) Mona enid llnesouthelghlytwo degree, w,*~t fl~v nine chMeeand ninety four links to the 01ace of h-g~nnl~i containing ont~ hnndrvdsad forty aeven ,cresol Jaed. be the ean, o them or leas, boles" a ,tact of land wMehMary A. Cmwloy bought ofsald Ephraim Tolullnson by deed bearing even date wlththe mortgage hereinafter mentioned and recorded In the Clerk’s Office of ~id counly at May’s Land." Ing. tu tk~,k iNn. - of De~ls. fi,l~-" - , r~fercncs untolaid deed being had the title will more folly and at large app~r. Seized aa the property of BenJamin Cmwley. Jr., and others, and taken la executlop at suit of Mary E. Hay, and to be sold by 8MITtI E. JOHN’_’ON veryp,pe DUKES MIXTURE or ~o~ P~c~=~ ~¢ ............ John Atkins0n, Justice of the Peace Commissioner of Deeds ThOMaSE. Fnrsc,. Solicitor.’ MASTF.K~SSALE-0EEEAL:I~TATF~ Pension & Claim Agent. By virtue of a writ of fleet faclas BellevueAve.andSecondSt., In’2k~ IwOIVTON, Allbusinessplaced inmyhands will be promptly a~tended to, W.R. Tilton, suram . Fr.f.$14 %q H. Jaeohs, Dr Edward clerk; Norlh, " WILL GIVE " ~ Lessons on theGuitar, Hamanonton, Zq’. ft. Real Estate Office. ....... .......... In ~ho ~..~-- Brick Fay -’-at buildiug, Hammonton Station. ( W/eoffer Lorsalo ~=SeveralImprovedFarms, Nice Homesin Town, BuildingLots. Also, Propertiesf0r Rent. poken and for Anna Preasey. " Meets monthty; March, ~une, Septembcrand December, Tuesday after let Mondayi other months, let Tuesday. Company, mere bor~ by- lowest square Leases, ~ffortgagos, to 10:00 In Chancery Cappuclo : of New Jersey. M. S. Hoffman, E. Hoyt, Adjutant: Commander; L.Boverage, W. H. H. Bradbur), Q.M. Meets 1st and shall thinte the third equitable Dated May 3rd, A.~. and Just. A. J. KING, Solicitor, Hammonton, N.J. 1895. TO CREDITORS. Wilbur R. Tllton, administrator of Peter S. Tllten deceased, by dlrectlon of the the County of Atlantic to .the creditors of the to bring In-thelr-deb~rdemands~-anddNalmt against the estate of the said decedeut, tinder c~th, within ntno months teem this date, or they will he forever barred of any actlon therefor against the said Executor. Dated April 23th. A.D. 1895. WILBER R. TILTON, Administrator. Mauri00,Rivdr 0eveOysters AT Swank’sOysterBay. BellevueAve.and SecondSt~ - JOHN ATKINSON, Tailor, " SecondBtreetandBellevue.&ve., Hammonton. ? _~rnJe_n~s made in the best manner, ~¢ouring and Repatxin~ Rates reasonable, guaran.......... teed In every c~e. .............. - N OTICE TO CREDITORS. Wtlliam A. EIvins, Jr., nnd George V¢. Elvlnn, ad. mlnlstrator~ ofWilllnrtvA. Elvin~ decensed, by direction of the ~urrogate nf the Cou.ty ot Atlantic, hereby give notice to the creditors of thesald William A. EIvlns to bring in their debt,, demands and claims against the estate or Ihe ~ld d’ecedent, under oath, with. In Dine monthn from this date. or they will be forever barred of.auy acLton therefor against the said admlDIstrators. Dated April 19th, A.v. 1895. WfLt.~AM-A: ELVI Net, Jn.T " GEORGE W. ELVIN.~. . . Administrators. "NJOTICE TO CREDITOPJa. Hannah A, I~ Drown and Augustus J. Hmltb, Executot’S of Theodore B. 1)rown, deceased, by dl. reetlon of the Surrogate of the Couuty of Atlantic, hereby gives notice to thc creditors of the said Theodore B. Drown to bring In their debls, demands nnd claim, against the entata of the said deeedeDto under oath. with. in nine months from this date. or they will be forever barred of. any action therefor he a~ld executors, A.’D. 189~, Below Cost! I will sell mysurplus stock of [:i* AUGUSTUS ’ At andbelowcost, Come now for bargains t D. C. HERBERT. Shoe8tore, : ~i Discount days--Tuesday Friday of each week, a true " " and -. - the South Jersey Republican office. .... Atlantic Oit~r R, 11. lffareh 301rifle Exp kcco UP ~.~I~8. E~ Exp Acco ,.m. ~ L~ 8TATION . ~ ACCO Exp la.m. ~ .... Exp.[ N 558az2s27ieaz’zl 9n 81~1.......... . -_ -r’~~-~~.-’==....:[=:.:=.:-~-~.-~..... ....... ~ol~. ........... 1 ..... ’~ 31 ..... 0,~ ......~iu 0~~"i,~[4’ 1~; ............... ......~........ ~l::::’w"~i\".t:l_-=_. .......... Co~rBrook. ...... ~z 1 9oH I..... ’~ 6 6 55 7t~ I 4 o~j 5 45] 551 ~...... , ........= z~l ....... 434]’<349 8 471.......... 9 45 9 581........ ’ 0~L9 ;Cleme=ton~........ J .... Wlulow Juno ............ I --~.I524 0o~ ~ 10] ~1_0( * Am. Acoo ,.m._ " - - ~ ......I ~91 e s,o 4 44i 4501 I 5 13: .... e |6 627 021 ...... [ ......... I ......... [ 9 82[ ........... FAwvod........... ;4~ 5 t~ ~ 6e~l ...... /~[ ......... ! 9~ol--..-~t~, ...... ]~.: e, ...... I .... s~ 9=, ~.~=.~. e 452 : ~o e =l...... / ......!........ ..I zo0ol........P~m=~t,ma..2__t2.--.= Accommodation leaves Hammonton at ~:10 a.m.. reaches PhlI~L-a~0:30 p.m.~r~£tchesHam=at~,..57 Su-uday~up tralns 5:50p;m, Down trainsatS:04a.m.. 5:09 and 5:0’2 p.m. _. BTATIONS. Mall, Lin. Phlladslphla~,...--. Cimden.. ....... HaddouSoid.. .... Berltn ............. At~o ...~ ~. Waterford ........ Wfaslow ........ [ Hammonton....... [ Otty~ t 8TATIONS. ~tAe.! Bellevue&ve, J. A.H.Phillips. SMITH Executors. W.A. ICaunce. A. H. Phillips & Co. Fire Insurance. MONEY-- GIVETHEY0gNGMortgage Loans. p~ople a practical educsUon by sending them to thv I~P~NCIT.]glAI~ CO1LL~GI~ O~ ~Sl]i]i~ll .~iD SHOItTllAN’9, ~ (Yhe~t~ut Street, PhnadelphlL One term will do more good than three ta any other kind of .~ol. c=t~o=~= =dCo~.~o.m**t ~s@~nl~l oD appllcatloL CorrespondencvBolieited. 1828Atlantic Avenue, AtlanticCity, N.ft. ]~AMMONTON CYCLE AND ATHLETIC W. H. Bereshnuso. president; Harry and 4th Monday at G. W. Pressoy’s CLUB. Smith, ofl~oe. Business0rganizadons. Fruit Growers’ Union, H. J. Monfort secretary, shippers of fruit and produce. Fruit Growers’ Association G. W. Ely!us secretary, s} ippers of frutl end produce. Hemmontno Loan and ~uilding Association, W. R. Tilton eeoret, ry. Workingmen’a Loan and.Building Assooiatton~ W. H. Bcrnaho,tse, seorerary. People’s Bank, W. R. Tilton cashier. Hammonton Improvement Association. M.L. Jackson president, W.H. Bcr-shoase see’y, G. W. Pfessey treasurer. - - L0~AL=BUSINESSHOUg~S. Reliable and enterprising parties, in their respective lines, whom wa san recommend. For details, see their adYertlsemcnts. Wm. L Black, dry goods, groceries, etc. Win & Son; dry goods, shoss, eto. Monfort Cycle Co., bicycles and auppllee. -~ Roberr~ tesV,-j own .tee: M. L. Jackson, moat and produce. S. ~l. Brown &Co., hardware and furniture. " L.W. Ccgley, barnes’. G. W. Pressey, justice. 0. W. Payran, ~ttoreey. W. H. Bemohouse, coM. Dr. J. A. Wens, dentist. John Atki~sen, justice and tailor. John Murdock, shoes. G. W. Swank, oystcrs and fish. Wm. Rutherford. real estate and insurance. Win: Bernshouse,~laning mill. lumber. Frank Hartehorn, house ~tmden ......-UaddouSsld. .... Berltn lSxp.I Kxn I&c¢o. p.m. I r.m.I p.m. 9 ~.., 0 ~ ..... , 9 ...... ~ g ...... , 9 il ....... 10 ti .. ..... I0 -5 ~0 ]glWOOd ....... REP.i igxp.Jlexpr. p.lz. I ~.l. --Gxo e.I ~, ~, ~ ~, ~t _--’7_ _....’--=- --""~_V"~I ...... 0.40 ........ ...... ....... 924 ......... 7"~1 ~ ........ ~’ 401 9 0~ ........ The BammontonAooommodsttou leave, this station at $t05 a. m., an4 12"~0 _p.m~_ Leaves Philadelphia at 10:50 a,m. trod 6:00 p.m. .......... of the Peace. I 01r .~, 531’ I 4r71~ t Sgl~ 47 / 2z~l~l ’, ! uql ... 2 ~1 Iu ~ 521 x 4m 3 r~l 3 gll ~10 ~ Buteaa II~mSiM P, S. TILTON& 0o% at GEe. F. & ~’m (10 8pme~ qlMSIMlIg Wm. Bern,house,s Hammonten. Orders calledfor, Carefully filled, and. .~ ..... -Pr0mpfly ~ Wesolicit your WEEKLY NEWS OF THE-WORLD FORA TRIFLE. ..... tOWn. For all kindso .! a twenty-page journal, is the leadingRepublicanfamilypsper of the United States. It is a National Fatally J~aper, aud ~lves all the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its Agricultural Department has no superior in the country. Its Market Ireporte sre recog~nized authority. Separate. depa~ments Family ,i . for "Thc ,~ ,| ~, t, and Mecbantc~ ¯ Its t* Homo Cirelei OurYoung Fo lke , and I~clence ._ and Society;’ columns command the Bdmlration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorial, and disemm~ons are eomprehenslv~e bri .l- o Lumber, Mill-work, Window-gta~s, ....................... r0~d~ G~o. D. Co~m. , Lime;Cement Plaster,Hair,Lath,etc. ~t~. F-mlTOR.--"Be-"--~ies broughtfour Mauufacturer andDealerin Wemanuftoture FANCYSKINGLESBerry0rates 6"ae Posts, Pickets, etc. BERRY OBATES. Folsom, N.J. Sh~s madeto Orderis my The ~z~nontonSteam sense. If youwereabroad In Africa and met two Americane,.ona satisfaction.is guamateed. from ~lifern~ or-’New-O~l~h~-a~dthe other from Hammonton,whieh Repairing"~lone. The best Macaroni made in the wouldyou feel the mootlike aiding, supposingthey both neededit ? OrIn UnitedStates. Trythem. J, MURDOOH, case it werein London.En~., andboth Bellevue &venus, Sold Wholesaleand Retail luthe mme-bntlneu,whichof the two wouldyou feel the meet like R~onton, : :N.J. Dealerin r_mported &Domesfio ~-iiik~ Thereis no doubtwhich.Well rheaswhyshouldyou not feel the same A. H. CROWELL, here at home~ So that if we wantto FLORIST see our townprosper and ~ee Plenty o Just received a new10t of Irahere,wemustkeep t6ih~ intl~e Ham- F~e~ ~.~ a Sp~ty. Ord~ bym~0r _t~ex~.......... taunton .t~ortcd O~:.................... For Summer use. Of Idlkind~. Alsos OedarShingles.- S. Atlantic City. and Summer City, Witha downward ten- Spring stylea~ just spring your eyes sod deney.,, Thinwasofficial, andI heard wa will spring pHoes that will surprise it fromthose whoknow. This occu~every year ; andthe herOXFORD TIES rle~ mightjust aboutan well be dumped about one t~o~,,~d ~-,, in b~=k n.d into ~ewYorkor BostonHarbor respec. tan, from a well knownPhiladelphia tively, or into the Delaware. - Butthi s manufadtursr, at fifty eents on a dollar keelmon year after year. Why? Merely and will place themon sale haveJust i’ebelvedourSpring Onecanniug-fs~t6tjr-e-e[iiblished here stook of good~. would,inside of three years, bring a Ord~ too. ~,lm Rupert all Bp,’ing styles, Pricee LOW. Whowill be the first tohelp organize ~lr, Oanfurnish very nice ually tow.&fine lot of Cape~, such a factory ? It would give work to T’Good~, Men’s, Youth@ and Boy# PennsylvaniaHemlock hundreds ofourpeoples andnotatfrom 0tl~lng, BottomPrines. Manufacture our $1.80to$8a week,but at living wages. P.S. Our 85 ok Shirt Waiztaare the Frank 0. Hart=horn, Atown Flooring. 8atin~c~lon talk of the town, worth $1.50. New It wouldadd un impulse to the town stock of Summer Millinery nowopun. Guax’~nteed. PRACTICAL m~coad to noneIn Its history. Call and If no oneleant bettertalk qualified will call a Our, .. specialty, thisSpring, Willmeeting teat tt up s whythen AtWin& 8on’s NewStore. be full frameorders. Hammonton. I wtll call one myeelLWecan’t do I~ttisf~tion guaranteed on allto.work. wensthan fall. There,e moneyin it ¯ Somepeople can’t avon catch a cold rdersby mailattended ~l forall. Y0urpttronageloll01ted, w~. RuTmm~. getting it In the nook, t . . STEAM M~mufac~-ot-the Finest .... VERMICELLI, Lumbersawedto order. painter. Leech, 8tiles & Co.. eye ,pco|alist~. Henry Kramor. (Folsom), cedar lumber¯ George Steelmun, tailor¯ D. O. Herbert, sheen, George EIvius, dry goods, groceries, etc. P. S, Tilden & Co., general merchandise. Frank E. Roberts, groceries. M. Stockwcll. hardware, groenrl~s, furniture. Jacob E0khardt. meat and pro,lnce. Fruit Growers’ Unioo~ geueral merchandise. B. Albrioi & Co.~ l~eal estate. Chas. Cunulnsham, Pbyslolan sn,l Surgeon. W. R. Tilton, Insurance, ere. Gee. M. Bowles, meat and prnJueo. J.B. Smalls baker and eonf¢otio¢,er. J. Goodmsn, nlotblng and nutions. H M. Phillips, lifo Insursnee. V,’.H. Ellis, bio)oles and eupl, llce. H. L. McIntyre~ meat End produce. GO TO --AT~ ~=~P~ NeW IUlllU GREAT_YALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY. Ofllee, Secondand Cherry8ts. &c..... PAPER T~8 l~petAdvertising 8trecthwheTeadvcr- andare in full free tradewithall the rest of the U~S.;but It ie simplylocal Hamm°nt°n,N. J, 1; AC. " B’nu¢ s Mzpr 7 .............. --......i4(z. i ~l L-~I-..... ,131 % I/ll m .-:~. --Provisio_ons, !nu21 5 O01 a4’.,~ ] l}[J s ssl :~81 , ~1 from, the farmer~everymorning. ,Buttery:Egg~ud=Poultry. .................. =....................... 8uit~, all wool,$5.50,worth{[8 :Hammonton office overAtJdnson’s Brown Plenty comes when the balance of -woolBlackSuit&$8 to $12.60 IIABN~-SSs KneePants,all wool,50 cent~, trade isinourlavor;butif weepend A.fullaseortment of handand machin reduoedfrom75 esnte,-SHOEs moremoneyout of townthan we do in * --made,--forworkor driving, finer goods,75o., reduced from$1.25 it, thenweat least have,as far aa our influenceaudpower extends, created a Always a Good Stock ~, ~es, Whips, bahnceof trade Ridin fre~trade,or protec- of Groceries, 54~ 0 I; e~ Vegetables in every variety,--fresh p~t,oni~,i. ou~busine~ S,=pleaffi~ go to town .......... $imon-learued that-h .... t /..aw=~"~-mmo--__=a-_----, ¥ for youz ................... botb_.hh~ ’_’penny andhis_~mge~_cake andmanyof us are not as wise as he. CLOTHING dustry talent whenpo~i’_ble, We In- Athmtio -Stand and b~ the folks, patronizeifhome City,Notary N. J. Public. When youcanget it just as cheaphere. EEr v s,, Line ......... ~0~ :::::.~ -.~ 0~ ~ .........i~t~ ~l 5~ ~Xp I eeo.lS~ ¯ ~ Grocer. BellevueAve. &MainRead. i .m. Beef St eat-at -12-cents~er-pou~d. Try ourChipped Beef at_~!j)~.~]~und~. t~lmtcgu!dbave_b~n__jmst_~_well-le ft here with sometownsman, we mustnot grumble if he mnot able to pay us our accountas prompt!X_ as we wishe& 159~,. 52~ 53q 587 5 4~ ........ I 9~ ..’~/..] 5~5~ e ~51 10 M[ ...... S-I~ I--6 ~2! IS ~, ..... e35i10~[l10~ S ........ 8 22 ~ ...... g 01 --, ...... 749 Winslow ....... 7 40 7 3t Hmmmont~n .... ]Dld~t~, ....... T 29 ~wc~d .~ ........ 7 15 EgsHarl~r01ty Atm*ou. ....... &tlantlo0[ty .... ed ~-~o~ d r alt Me at s. ................. ~ aJways right: )01 8 ~5 945 40f 8 .... , 408 428 5 ~71 8 ’~5 953 ~]l 8 4) ...., ...... , 4 48 8 ~ .... t ..... , 5 04 ....... I 9 iI .....: ~ 5’ 9 I1 .... ’ I~ I L..., 50~ ....... I 0t7 v,oo,t,.... I &nantte tLA a.m. haveenoughhorse serumto~ on which alde of their bread the butteris. moneyspent at home, andthen in "it~ circulation among our "rewrites,, someof it maynaturally drift Intoourt prosperityto ourselves. one to another, and-wed~edAn you with Netting in either wi~:-:~r-_Tcotto n r_=Of:-we~-can giveyouadjustable frames Our re~ Philadelphia at 6:25. Leaven fl’om HaJm.~g:3van~g:.tga.~.. ,ad~ Narch.8Otlt, DOWN TRAINS° will raise thevalueofourownproperty andkeepourchildren fromemigrating ........ Ifyouam sounfortunate:as to be troubled withflies or 7 12 Saturday. A Special Contractenableus to offer this splendidjournal aud the South Jersey Republican for One, Year for only $1.25, CASH IIN 24=-" J.A. SHAW. A.t half omtof manufacture. Agoldenopportunity for e~nomical buyers. ofcountry,Patrl°tiemaudleasgenerally, ’Oharltydefinedshouldaebegtnl°Ve AND Shaw’s Pries. at home,,, the manwho.... does not Ou~s ¯ , s...... _._"rmtmers ,=~ ._S~w~c~,__~ a~l =WOOl $844 town of hts woolSuits, $10~- $14....7$5..... men men’s fine l~traw Hate, ’ 2.50 2.00 Men’s all wOOl Suite, $15 & $16 adoption, cannot be counted a patrlot. 1.20 10 8.50 Men’sNegligeeShlrte, 50 o. .25 Andse the manwhodoesnot feel a love " , F= S. ~IBSOlV ~ OO,, seethem preeper, ha, antler home folks, and apatr[otlethe firstdestreprin-t° ...... ~11 lrtl~l~ Maline’ CompleteM~uures ........... S. --"~’ IL~"="ffieS clplesof patriotismin his heart. °. E. Cor.2ndandSpruceStreets, Philadelphia. for all cropsalwayson hand. Protection follows (to mymind) ~. B. It will payyouto come200 milestc thii clea~-tmee~ale. 7 ...... naturally after patriotMm a~ the tail ..... ....... Youknowtheir value. ~ after the cow. If we love our country ~ -..... we wanttoseo herpeoplepro~per;ifwo ~r--T~--,=ir=4.~_-=,_ ..... . Tayl0~sFertilizer~.... Pressed Ham--boiled -- ................... love our country we want to see her Inare making quitea stir this Jt m S J-Js ~JL~L~J. ][J[ [jty ~’~ dustrles thrive ; and instead of sending and pressed~first . seuon. Theycomehighly our moneyout of the country,we want class for of the coem~is_Jttrue_ of the town Inhabit. If we love our. town, we trent, wantto see our"towniee,,get on ; we Wecandoyougoodinthe wantto see her factories at workand wayof Agricultural Quaker CityHams-her stems andIndustries and wc half, whole,-or sliced, want the money to stay thrive, at home and .... implements, A first-class stockof allkinds of Seeif it is not so. not emigrate.Wewantto see our town ttsvejust~-an amortment of Scotch Lawns Corned’Beef--2 lb.cans. andLightCalicoes in ne~ RoastBeef--2lb. cans. few Ham. Weare selling Muslins at ave l~gpre. Sardines~in 1595. DOWN TRAIN@. Acco [ p.m.p.m. NO. =MEAT-M A-RK-ET, . ~__B.r~..g_.you r orders ~. -tng-on~y: and or before ~toaib0 an________.~ 7-o0to 9:o0 P’~__IN OTICE !.,: Etc. for 1895. Pints , PRATEg~AL. Chas.Cunningham, M,D, 7:30 . certifl~tes of uep-o~tisSUed, bearing Interest at the rate of g per cent. per am-num if held six months, and 8 per cent if " hold one year. drawn, Send a postal card order ¯sketoh of Hammonton. mude on thetis Hours, ~.J.Smith, P.S. Tllton; most . andfromall port~otEurope. *~ CortesJar .... ~o~d J.C. Anderson. the OCEAN TICKETS pondenoe nolloited ........... B~PTIST. RoY. 3. C. Killlau, pastor; Sunday services : Preaching 10 30, Sunday.school 11,45, Junior.C.E. 8.00 p. m;, Christian Endeavor 6.30, Preaching 7.30. ¯Weekday prayer meeting Thursday evening 7.45. CATHOLIC, ST. JosRPn’e. Rev. A. VuuRicl acting rector. Sunday mass 8.30 a. m., exceptthird Sunday each month. thcClerk’e office of Athmtic (7onutv. in Book NO.124, f,q o 4 S. ~’tc, on M~v’.-~.’18a8 ; Be¢innlngat A. P. Simpson. M. A.; A B. Davis, Secretary. Thursday evening in each month in stake In the wc.*terly side of" Flqe~nth S~r~t. In the Meets first Townof Msmmonton.at a ~lut fivc hundred and fifty _M~_ha~uics’UdI1. __ " _~ ~-__~. -- "feetMoK~-th6side of ~.ld Ylfie-er, th Sit’eat from the WINSL0W Lo~oz I. O. 0. F. J.E.Watkis, point of tin [ntemection with the centre ot th~ ~’amd*~n H. Bern,house, Secrelary. & Atlaoflc Railroad ; thence (Ist) In line rarahel with ~. G.;" William the said Camden& Atlantic Rallr~d north forty one Mecls every Wednesday evening, in Odd Feldegrees forty mlnnt~a wa~t to u slakadi~tant one hen- lows’ Hall. dred and fifty [IF~T ft. : thcnc~ (2ml) In a line parallel withs~idF’/ftenth Street.north-fortytwo decree, " SIIAWMUSKIN THinE I. 0. R.M. Edw. P. Sathsm; Chas. W. Austin, Chief of forty minutes e:v,t tn a stake flfvy feet distant ; thence Eazer, (3edlln a line ~auth forte one de~n~s~o~y2nh, uten. Roemrda~ Meet every Tuesday’s sleep in Red to a ,take in Fincmth Street distant one hundred Men% Hall¯ Lhence (dth’~ alongtim westeriyside of .... ’M; B. T~rL0n LODOZ. F. & A. M. Dr. minutes west fifty feet to the pl,¢e of beginning. Edw. North, Master: D. Cunnl~gham, SeersD~slg~sted as Lot .5 In L,wts ~. Hiekman’s plan of tare. 2nd and 4tb Friday ~s0nie lots c~ll~l "Waohlng~on llel~ht&" Hall.. Seized a~ the Property of Lewis B. Hlckman.and a, tsken Inexecut[on at thaeult of Hartha C. Coffin, s. Ja. 0PDER UNITED AMERICAN ~ECHANIC execntrf%, &c., of Anna0. BraddJck, dec.a~d(~. P. Myers, Couno:.llor: L. W. Purdv. R. 8.; CHARLES 8. KING. Muter. A.T. Lobley, F. S. Moet~ every Saturday 305 Market St., Camden. N.J. To Lutge O~ee c.F. H&~MONTON, N.J. Deeds, ¯ "~ Elam Stockwsll ~. F, Sexton, Conveyancer~ only in c0mpauies. 1"o~. Yeaz,, Patrhtlem, Protectlon, Prosperlty, C ~~~~T ml .the~,l and--,-Plentg ~-’~ DIR’ECTORS: RealEstate & Insurance Agt In~uranoe planed ....... reliable To~ate-,$1.26 W.R.TILTON, Cashier NotaryPublic, to me directed, Issued oct of the Court of Chancery of Now Jenny, I will exp~o to ~l~ at public vemluc, on written. Hill ¯ Block, Hammonton. . L. JUNE 15, HAM O ON, M.L. JACKSON,Vice~Pres’t Win.l:t.uthox~fox, d, ~.z. ~,~.e., M.L. Jackson, RELIGIOUS, t. 20th. 18,~, and recorded In Book h*o. 127 -Mrw. It-. E; ~allsbury vresidont. Mrs. S. E. of DsedsIn rhe~e~lst~r’soffieeo~-Camden7 ~Brdwu--se~ret,,ry. Mrs= ~Vm_Ruthertord -coretc.. In the Recorder%office of Atlantic Cauuty. responding secretary. F.~x~pting thereoat, neverthalezs, the followln described lauds.Land sold Jamce B.and JenniePriceBrae, by Lewis Surplus,$13000. Hammonton, N. 3. Carefully the residence of Mrs. Olney on Third Street. EPISCOPAL, ST. MARK’S. Roy. A. C. PresOOtt, rector¯ Sunday : morning prayer 10.30, a.m., [second and fourth Sundays celebraFriday, June 21, 1895, -rich -eL the-lloly ~uchariat-~’.30 a.m.],_Sm~nt thb~-5~r~’/~6-&-cl~r]~-lh~h’e-~fG.r,OOn-sr~al~ d~y at the betel of AicxanderAItken. on Egg Harbor day.school 12.00 noon, Evensong 7:30 p.m. Road, oppoelto the C~mden& Aflantic Railroad ela- Friday eva Evensong° 7.a0. tlon, In the Town.of Ilamnmnton. in the County of METUODIBT EPISCOPAL. Rev¯ Alfred Wag~ Atlantic, and State of Now J,*reev. Sunday services : class 9.30, a. m. pastor. All that, afterpartlcularlydescrtl~d atuato,lyfn~" a~d being partly in the Town of H~mm,~ston. In the Cauntyof Epworth League 6.30 n. m., preaching 7.30. Atlantic. and partly In theT~,~’nship of Wl,elow. in Clas~ Tuesday and Wednesday even!has 7.45. the County of Carad~u, State of NewJersey, bounded Prayer meeting Thursday 7.45 p. ea fallows: B~,ginnlng at a po:nt ale~ comer to thy’s blission at Pine Road. m~ the crom~in~ of Fifteenth Strew’t: thenea north ten d~gre~east I y Hay’s line fly, chains atzd thirty linkS’, Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a¯ m., Sun’J.hcnaa _n~*..t ~e~v-d~u-e~u~4"t v~ tn~e~t-~ tlt by Her’s Iln~) twenty n nc ch~ ns and twenty two meeting Weduesday ~.45 p. m. links t~ the centra of th~ MurphyR,,sd ; tilenca north C. E. prayer elghtyelzht degre~ west ab,ngI he canter of s~tid road Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.45 p. m. Missions at Folsom and Magnolia. elghtchalnsaud nlnHyl nks thence,till bycentce of said road south eighty six d~grece and thirty ado. SPm~uALIST. J.O.Ransom president, A.J. weet nlne chain,to ncotner~ thence ~outhten deg. ~ocrcUry.__R¢~ccting,~_$~ aday_ aftcrnoons at 3 o’clock. links to the line ofsdd railroad: thence south f,)rty USZVnnS*LZ~T. ReY. Costcllo Weston pasfive dsgcees and thirty lnlnutee east twenty one thalns and forty ]inks, cro~Ing the county llne to place of tor. Sunday services : pre~chiog I0.30 a. m. beginning, contalning forty one acr,.* of land be the Sunday school, 12.00 noon. preanhi~g 7.30 @ttmc m0r~ or I~s. neiuK the sanl~ pr~misee sold to ~.Tn. dt sO=s, X tblhthmm. R, ~Bxam~8, President. rates. ......... :Assets, $~4,960,~4]O.~ ...... For all information, address Henry M. Phillips, ¯ Paidin, ~30,000. All’forms of legitimate Life lusumoe written, to meetyour speclMneed% ----Voz~u~Tsrn FxnE Co. John M. Austin, president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets ¯ Srd Monday evening of each month. CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE. Mrs. president; Miss M. E. 0lacy - Kfl%h-dfi~2~d- L’~fiit~I~50~O00 paying ity. Unequalled security. at the ’ " Of Hammonton. N. J; " conduoted membera. .......... G~at-~t-cH~’~i-e-n~ Edwin Adams; L. Win. Rutherford Notary Pt/b]ic. " " Mutual ADV.-NInE. Regular sub~riFtiSU forthetwopapers is$2.Subscriptions maybegin atanytime. Address alleiders to the SouthJerseyRel~b.Hca~. Youcan havea samp~copyofba~hat thisbtl~ce. Anddealerin ImportedGroceries HOUSErratnmoiiton,_TN.,P I T ,ff. _¯J ......... __ . ............. _ ¯ ............... n _calm tim ~ and l~d~- the Bleedt