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M - IIS Windows Server
f OLHftA asaA Lp. WHUbUfilMKl 187! CHELSEA, MICHIGAH, THURSDAY, JANUARY BL8JCA »TANl)AKl>, K«tttbllnpod J889 __ u, v,Tfais iff the time of 'the year when one particularly apt" to, ‘ ' t© 4 i» g eiv -7 ^ '^ -— - — -------- t V — ‘ W v HifiCompanion Was Killed B y Burglar Wfio Ho v Had Captured* , Get a bottle—a a c c e n t bottle will 9 i‘ may be enough—of NYAL'S cotigh balsam), ;ftri4 eu retrecd ld n g h t ;" •Jit thh’stBFtr^before. it hiw/had. tifne .to betiopve dan' erous.„ verdicts -C O FFE E th a t is~B ^ T , One-gip^and-then your^ve If it isn't better than you' ve been ,1)uyirigijfor the same; money, i nix. m a t t e r w M r e , ; ^ .. . ■Buy ajpackagejif Fancy ■Blend todaynntd^be^convtttoed; FOR SALFr ONLY BY ’TH E ..a? ,x :- -f ront dbo?l and ra n d o w n t h a Congress streeiJilfi, firing-four shots a t Morey as they Went.: ‘ : .Chief of Poiice.iM ilo,G age was nptjR fled and be a t once telephoned Bagvgagenian Miner a t the* station, to be, on!the Watch t o r t h e burglars;, as is his custom jh cftses-of the, sort, Miner communicated the order . to -Emmett We i i i i i n JEW ELR Y. i '' R I.■ '. 1. • M. J. Emmett Improving;- ‘ .M organJ.Em m ett ofthiai place, who was sb seriously wounded in ; his fight with. the .burglars'hh.Ypsilanti Friday morning, is report' ed as having, rested ' hicely duripg_i :.Wer$. Caiight and One Haa Been Sentenced to Life Imprisonment: -Ettob *.one !j» a special '•.one, Tor each and every iU! They are remedies you oun depeud on to do whet you expect of them, #m:i they always do. Yet should you be the least way dissatisfied, we promptly refund your money. ■, Next tipie you are in our store get a copy of ~ The Blue Line To Health describing and pricing them all. I t's a bandy and useful book to have! about.the houaeobt any time ami it's free. D on't experiment buy the “T R I E D AND PROVEN" REX ALL L IN E., The beat find most, satisfactory line of remedies sold . in the world today. Here’s a Partial List: .: ‘Rexall Cherry Juice Cough’Syrup 25c and 50c. Rexall Bronchials unsurpassed for soreness of the throat, and bronchial tubes, 10c box. Rexall Rheumatic Remedy;._45c and 75c h o ttle ... _ .__i RexaUKidney. Pills for tho treatm ent of diseases of the kidneys and urinary-tract. . 60 pills in box, price 25c. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, 25o and 50c box.1 - : Rexall Orderiies for the curd of Constipation, 10c and 25c. :Ask us abaut the rest of the Rexall line* inquire about the liberal guhrantde we sell uhder. WE ABE SELLING: 1 9 c for 3 cakes kitchen Sa-‘ .polio_. 6 5 c for 6 No. C size Monarch Sugar Corn 6 9 c for 1 lb tin .of Van ' 8 5 c for 10 bars 5c size White Floating Soap $ 1 .0 0 to r 5 lb milk pail Gol en .Rio Roasted Coffee 2 5 c for 6 IB jpkg extra quality , latge lump Gloss Starch . S ec tor 10 bars re ular 5c size Aome soap •! ■ 7 4 c for No. 2 size flat cans ___genuine Columbian Salmon__ 2 9 c for., six 1' lb, pkgs. extra . ■ extra qual ty Corn Starch 6 0 c for ’ 3 N q .-2 : size - cans extra quality Grated Pineapp e 2 0 c for 6*re ular 5c size pat. .Bluing Paddles 2 2 c for 4 oz bottle full, m eas-' ure Pure Lemon E xtract 8 0 c for 5 pounds H. & E. Cut.Loaf Sugar $1*68 for 6 lb package fancy blend fresh roasted Coffee 8 4 ct ___ for _. 5 bars regular IQc size Ivory Soap . P for, 2 lb box Old Style Mixed Candy 8 9 c for 1 lb package pure “ Java Ciimam n 2 4 c for 3 jars regular 10c size Royal Luncheon Ghee' e 8 5 c for 2 regular 25c pack ages Gold Dust . 6 9 c for 6 No. 3 size eans fancy^ whole, red, ripe Tomatoes 1 5 c for 6 regular 5o packages frets’i Yeast Foam 2 2 c for 3 regular 10c eans of '. Lye • IS cT o r 2 regular 10c packages Celluloid Starch 6 9 c for 2 q t bottle Robertson’s I Graj)e Juice i . '^.'v You canlfcafford-to etay away from Chelsea and Freeman's Store L T. FREEM AN A t J t "T EVERLASTINGLY^AT IT. ANI) SUCCESS IS BOUND TO \ ? , goods H OLM ES & 0 ^ \ CROWN YOUR EFFORTS. Every person should have a Savings Bank Book, and if you are systematic in banking small savings with us you will soon be in ft position of Indejjendence., We divide our profits'with you by paying you 3 per cent'interest, comiiounded semi-annuallv ii: Farmers &Merchants Bank t NEW A ' « (i A. E. WINANS & SON, Jewelers, W ALKER ■n1 H could r-,-.-Harrington th e n ^sto p p ed -ah gan Emmett^; said he wanted, to plead (e rectfic ■b a r. "^oudd-j fp r; Detroit: to a m ur^or charge and. have it over W alter Piefce" and N ight W atchm an with. M onday; afterhoon, however, Mowry i secured a rig and drove , to his sister, M rs^BerthaG erm ohd, from FOR Dentoh-wkere-'.they, .'stopped -:thfe-'car Detroit, was wtth him fo r some' time,! an,d found H arrington who was al-. andshOi believing th a t her brother, is G H ELSEA FLOURr most exhausted from th e loss of not'guilty of m ufder,though; he m ight -;-y ? blood. • They . brought him back; to be of an a tte m p t to commit the criihe, ' Y psilanti With thfem; Charles, Pen- has urged him to stand trial. ^W hether H arrington will be brought hey-arid-Cbarles-C atn—werfr-swom 4ft u p T o r7tria l this week depends very susplclpua.: ch aracters vall.'.'night'^ivhiip as special .officers ,andr,tfl^k ! up th e much upon th e condition o f Morgan tra il of McCormick,' T hey found him a t their work. o n board ar - Detroitricar :a t^ W i ardi’s; Einm ett,m ow fighting for his .life in rShortly often 5 d’clockT ac<Mrdlng tfi OF a D etroit hospital) apd also upon the story told by E m m ett, as he lay Crossing about 7 o’clock and placed w hether he changes his iaalnd and de---- V-on a cot in a hotel room, th e tic k e t him under arrest, . Both ihen were raands a ju ry !tria ir ! “ ta k en to Justice Gunn’s ■ office where FEED G R IN D IN G clerics aw two; men walk, into the wo m en ’s re tirin g fnpm p f. th e station, they were arraigned. ^ Stppkhold^rs Must Ray. A rem arkable thing about th e c ap *rP— fje told Miner, who-Was a t w ork in th e baggage room, and th e la tte r declared tu re o f :he two1wounded men was the - A decree has been signed by Judeg llT hey-arfi-O urm eii^L etla-getthem Jl fa c t th a t both were takeu from the Kinne oif thte circu it .court in the case com e:;back from sam e^ear-at-differenttim es^—McCor- pt William W. W edpmeyer, receiver, l he was a deputy-sheriff Tnick—whs-ncaught rfirst by Special: vsj-the- stockholders- of th e defunct aud th erefo re arm ed,” said Em mett, O fficers: Charles Gain and Charles Chelsea Savi ngrbauk* It a p p e a r s ,tha>t. certain of the while T had no' weapon.” W -fctalked Pennyr-w ho sto p p e d -th e -c a r-a b d u t in pto'-the re tirin g room and M ipersaid th re e miles out of Ypsilanti and stockholders -were depositors the hank and th a t the r e You two fellows are upper a rrest.” * found their! man on board. They as retained certain _suui&_a£ ~iThey nTade-not^the-stightest show started*: back to- Y psilanti; A •b^ resistanhe and subm itted to being miles fu rth er on the car overtook m.pney declared a s1dividends, which taken Into custody. . M iner grabbed H afr ugton and he sig n aled itto stop. aroH:o be credited to them on th e ir one of tkem-by th e e b a t collar and I Almost exhausted *from the loss^of assessment, hut th e decree is to be grabbed the ’other, and vWe marched blood, he climbed on hoard and sank entered p ra form a against thejfn fo r r-- ^ ;' ,■;-Kv . '■.... the full, am oupt. The defendants, them into £he baggage }room. There into a.sdat. W ithin a few- m inutes Sw ift’s P rem ium looks like \ butter, tastes ' lik e . butter, Miner tried to disarm hisvman, and,in th e c a r was, _ stopped by . W alter Joseph Ry.erson, Emily J.--G la^ierr more healthy th an butter, b e tte r than butter, cheaper Vera Glazier and H en rietta Glazier, th a n blotter. a-second both of "them' had started to ’ P ierce a n d ^ ffice r Mowry and H hr rington was placed under arrest.-, . had transferred th e ir stock to F ran k light w ithout a m om ent’s warnihg.,” Em m ett-grappled w ith his assailant . Shortly afteri-the shoohing a jiihmy P. Glazier who, in addition, owned in the endeavor to force him to drop and. an autom atic rpvolyer^ 'ie re , 672 shares of stock, and who la te r was declared a bankrupt. Fred Ho1 th e revolver, but th e robber threw found near the. station. del and Frederick W edem eyer died, one arm around the clerk.vUnd with •Mr. J® ner,w as 66 years of age and having no estate, and no service was ^ th e other,- pres»ing- th ves a vvidow and one son-1 n-Ypslhad on them . Therefore it is de clos&, to his b reast th a t his clothing, lanti; creed th a t an assessment ’of 100 p er M organ Em m ett was tak en to the wps burned, fired a shot into his le ft lung. Em m ett’s le ft arm was dis D etroit sanitarium a fte r th e shoot cent Is made oh th e stock held by th e following defendants w ith five p e i\ A complete line of Jewelry,-Watches, Clacks,- Spectacles, etc. * abled by the shot, b u t he plpckly clung ing. He . was so weak from loss,of cent in terest from December % 1907: A new lot Of Set Rings a t a bargain, See our line of Silverware1 ft to his man w ith his rig h t arm, The blood th a t he was able to -give only a Amt. Name -No Shares. burglar dragged him o u t on th e plat- general description of the shoo,ting; Efiwiu K o e b b e ...., you purchase. 1 , $1,000 . 1 form; of the baggageroom ond clubbed “*■One bullet struck -h is—breast-bone : ioo Joanna K e lly .. . . . . . him into insensibility, with the b u tt and glanced through th e lungs.. . 1,000 George W. P alm er I! of his weapon* taking flight down th e “ The bullet could not have missed 1,000 Jk= E m m ett’s heart"by“m ore^than kaTfan W illiam P. Schenk. TTV-v-eitlO--railroad tracks,* ~—T — *-R EPA iltTN C i A S IM K IA M Y . 1 ------------ ------------- L r 1,000 In the meanwhile M iner - and hss Inch,” said 'the house physician, Michael S c h e n k .... ..........1(1 1,000 P aulS chaible . . . . . man were engaged in a pistol battle. “T h at he escaped death is a wonder.” Theodore E, Wood. 1,400 E m m ett was too busily engaged with The second bullet' wound is in Frances B ee m a n ... ’ 100 his own hian to take notice^pf M iner’s E m m ett’s le ft shoulder, in which is a 1,000 . . .,.,.1 0 .Adam E p p le r,...1 , progress, but he says Minter stood gaping hole. This,' however, L. I*. G o rto n ... . . . ; 300 about 30 fe e t across th e room from thought to be only a flesh wound. 300 M arg aretH in d elan g ., . . . 3 the' burglar, each of them taking 1,000 Frank E. Iv e s .. . . . . desperate aim and firing carefully to W ithout the flicker of an eyelash text u n d th e -o th c r’sH fe, two' boys, Monday aiternoon heard John K elly.......... .. . . . . \ 1 l y e a r e lo c a te d in . th e B a se m e n t . . . . . . 3 M argaret M u rray .. 300 -^-Mlner received a bullet-ln-the-JV d Jn d g e^ib n c~ p a» v -atato prison sen,i»ooo ......1 0 am’s apple which •-went through, his fences.upon them ; one, Carl Billings, Jenny P a r k e r . . . . .. o f t)Xe/ Htby# W o rk s Office. -100 throat. He staggered outside and for burglary, and . the other, R obert Lizute Runolm an,., ■600 across the street," h a lf way to th e McCormick for murder in the; first Emanuel S c h e n k ... ___ _ r> -*■#-.?*■ 1,000 Josephine W a tts ... .......1 0 W estfall hotel, where he fell exhaustd degree. 1(X) against a fence and was dead when Billings whs charged with burglary, John C la rk ,. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 John W. Schenk ... 1,000 ........... 10 fouup. ' • McCormick with murder and ; H ar There were th ree men in th^ bur rington With assault with in te n t to Orson B eem an, . . , , ...........10 ; 1»ooo Homer G. Ive*....... .......10 glary job, but one of them , Cart Bill commit murder. , A'.r r iiv.v.v.C i n gV o v a r y ..d a y , a n d w e b av © l o t s o f ; u s e f u l The receiver la authorised to have lugs, be ame separated from th e Billings, i little paler th an Mc g o o d s ' o ri h a n d to . s e l e c t f r o t n , , " others, and was g ath ered in by the Cormick, but less unkem pt in ap- the proceas of execution to coUect the»e amounU, the rarfou* partic* to police several hours before the mur pearatuie, stood before Judge Klnne* lie credited with amount* held )vack . ‘ Seo-.us about yoift' now harness, we have the largest line to der was committed, and was sentenced to a maximum Ah dividend* on their deposits, Select.front; . - . ’■ . The ones who did th e shooting were term of 10 years, u r minimum of five Aw*«ltor HaVry H arrington, aged IS years, and years, in Jackson prlsop, and the Corn Shellure, Food Cookers and Tank Heaters, We'have R obert - McOormipk, aged 18 years only sigp th a t l^o evidenced of haying Mct JeUaod Dixon, colored, of Ann them . All oj th e men wen; from Detroit. hoard i t was a 'quick shifting pf a bjg Arhpr, was convicted In the circuit The bartender , of the W estfall quid of tobacco ffpni ope check iu court Saturday of th e crime of a*s a u ltin g w ith c rtm to a l in te n t, a y o u n g Gall hotel heard tjic shooting and readied fhc other. ' W oven W ire .fence of all kinds, and a t low est prices, lady o n t h e n ig h t o f N o v e m b e r 21st, the door in time to [see Miner fall McCormick, when asked if thi*re and was sentenced Ju d g e K ln n e to npd f^ep ns. ' ‘ , ■:/ ' ' V ; i/1 v , , y , V dead. He immediately telephoned was any rcasop w hy septency should J a r k s o n . T h e m a x im u m p e n a lty im OhVef Gage, and the la tte r a t once not l>o passed upon h'm, said, “ Eh, posed by th e s ta tu te * iu caae* o f th is kind is te n y e a r * and th e m in im u m arranged to pursue the men. Uar eh,” arid shook hi* h^ad ‘'W-" The p e n a lty fl- l' y e a r *. T h e J u d g * r ^ * rlngtoiv rap iip l'it« p c c t Rtrpe|; and life sc?iteafr passed uj>on him s« n J. om m en deu th e flfttm er. A m o n g th e stoppl’d pi thy hopoe of L, }l, R attee ingly m*.de rm particular difference jueeve w h o wnse eh osea to b e a r t h r evidence in thta Caen w ere H e r m a n a t the edge of tpwn and Mkrd Mr. to him. F le t c h e r , o f L h a m B d w a r d B U p t s h , 1’aUcc to tic up hlf wrUt. Re told B e fo r e h e a rin g th e ir sentence a n d o f D e x t e r t o w t o U L afid fc e b r r t f o l h : t, WE WILL ALWAYS TREAT YOU RIORT, Mr. H attec th a t he had been riding w h ile th e y w ere d o a e te d w ith J e d f e p i L y h M v Grocer Yl ' .V. , . ' i , . ' . , " t ^ H e n r y - a g e d r 8 6 , ;night -th e -n lg h V u n d ^ co n tln u e ^ Klnne,: th ey showed a slight feeling baggageman for, the Michigan Ce ntral, IprpveV andi i^e attendingphy sicians pf sorroWj’n o t for i^e deed th a t they! was klUed and Morgan J. Emmett,; of ‘ now say ithat 'iiis, chances for re had com m itted, b u t fo r th e fa c t th a t Chelsea. nigh t .ticket clerk, was shot covery'are good they, bad no t been able to “g e t away in the' lungy in a pistol battle with two . -Mr.-Bmipettk family^ consisting w lth tft’’robbefSrin -thfr baggage room of - the of h is-wife and- four ctyildrenrand i | McCormick expressed no re g re t f o r station at Ypsilanti atOilQ Friday his motheri Mra.'O. Wines, haye the murdeY of. Miner. : morning. . the’sympathy' o f; thd ,^htire com- / ”1, suppose.there,Is po escape for: meVf saidJb'e to-^hp^udge. -ifiThe The m urderfollowod the- a ttempted ^unltyr^and^all±=zare^rejdice<b robbery of .Switner Bros;' jewelry learn, th a t hiarchancesfor recovery ;nothidg Tor m e' to. do bu t plead guilty*.” _ / ‘ ; store at! 11:30 o'clock. Thursday night, are so good. And whe n Judge Kiane told him Mr. Emmett'.was employed at the T-he^robbers broke into the store bn' CongrM*:itri?et frdm a re a r window, Ifempf " cJpmiuercial , & Sayingk not tq plead guilty asia way out of it, andsyereloottfljar,it ■of’■•»>'q;u"aatif'y'<rof BahkTfbFSpih^tl^^rand^^ realgnetf and bhrp’to plead th a t ' i i a s guilty, ,ys^abiee tfablei when night watchmafi! Wli- .his poisition several m saifisi-ago, he saldl “I ’m guilty all right,” liam Morey, who^-was patrolling the going to the-Michigan 'Central a t •-:/And'a minute after he, said, • f(Now,; Detroit, aud hhd been in Ypsilanti ;how will it be about a pairoleH’ When street, hea^rd a noise in the store. ^M or ejrr a nr t p t he r e ^ knih-looking: i.but a short time where he had^the « he was told that a murderer was not allowed a parole;-he said: We»,£_let into the broken window, saV one man position of night ticket clerk. us have i t 'over with.” ~ going, through a jew,eiry case and -an1 . When septeppe was giVen, n o ta : The jpma freig h t!train and fell -off, rum other sitting on- a;Vcounter. shade of a chapge passed over the watchman surprised th e hing a hall through h ii .wVistv' M r. face of MeCprmick. . ..' x ,! firing a shot a t th e m an onThe; i^oum P a tte e did not doubt his story and Harrington, the boy who Bhot Morter! The m en .b ro k e 'th ro u g h Lthe rendered^-him w hat assistance : h e Your Sunday dinner will !be the better for a little, shopping in :rSnr Grocery Depa rtm e n t^ i -. 1 1'■•-jl ; ' ____ 1 ■ .- , - ( ■ H EX A LL E B U B I E 8 T - DO I t ! Z *a u For all who buy medicines. B^inutiotie <A th e medicine that advertise* to cure everything. T hat's oet-the way with ;qftt^ookL~ 0<>lcie are sp^netimes dangerous,' ■The danger ,Jies, in 11 ' routm*. 13 , 1 9 1 0 . * It is a Well Known Fact ! i th at to r a .Holiday j)re«ent there ia noth log no appropriate aw a nice piece of Furniture for the home. Sueb a prevent U not only * pleasing to the eye, hut it U akm ap preclatdl bV all the member* of the family. Realizing'thiH faet, T have taken upceial pains tbU y e a r to submit: to the iM'opk* of Ohe’lsea an<l vk’inlty the ver>* bent th a t the uuirkoi. offeiH in the way of nobby and new piece* of Furniture. By. taking 1a look through our Furniture departm ent you will certainly find fkmu'.thittg to your liking. I i l HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. f Tn our Hariiware department you will find many useful article * for the Holiday season, atvh a* Silver Knives and Forks, Spoons and Kino t intlcry, 0 Thcw last frw day* remind the boy* and giri* th a t it 1* about 1 o U ttu* for ska tin it and we have a fall line of Winslow Skates th a t will suit everyone. Rid*1* and Blanket* in endless varieties apd price*. A ivi a w c la d to show yo n n u t goods w h e th e r y o n b u y w r n o t- 1FRED. H f f ! I -\ THE CHELSEA STANDARD. JANUARY 13. 1910. jmf;W,ii:--. •% ;! \ . MM isca Standard v '^ T R E D B Y TH U M B M A R K S RAM Bank with Many Feroigi* ttepeoltoro Ha* Pourttf ThT* COMMERCE 1 1 m oi J B E U E ttl rets-making, and otbwjwactlces of interstate carriers established by the ao » of coagTdss, aw* « recommendod la this communication, I Rea no efreemsnte between' carriers subject to. the act, specifying •the clwslfloatrons of freight ana the. rates, tares »nd .charges for transportation of passengers and freight which they may agree to .- should not be permitted, provi opW'of such agreements be promptly iled yrlth the commission, but aubjeot to all the provisions ol: tba Interatats comi&irct teti subject to tho nfflt f t any parties to euch sgreemsnt To oa^oel it aa^o all er any of J h * ,» f[r^ £5 * ^ fares, chargee, 01 eleealficaflenf by jU days’ notice In writing to the other par* Use and to the cemmissioa” ■\ M I C H I G A N able or cap ba Introduced lato tba B R IE F S . I, B. Vouch, k fxrmer living new Gladwin, caught A lUvar m ffccntly, He sold tho hide to Dotrolt p«r«OA|ir 3 ? before its nessaga were rsgaraea_a» donee* of business rogkolty and succejsw w ., but IXPtCTATiON OF PROMOTEM NSW EtlCTme^»tANTM ft> BB MiUlLT IN FLINT. “ QUANTITY, Q UAL ITY A N D PRICE* ; v"; THREE B88ENTIAL8 THAT Tito BhlawAiiM Fir# IaaurtAco Co. THE Atll WE8TERN CANADA .I turnia dowi -tho propoaltiom Thuro- GreaterOiVlNQ Impiils* Than Ever Thla Year, pF day torOlow famarf _uxisg lightning \' . Tk* reports from, tba grain fields of rods io hare A eheaper rAte oTI asiw* Csatrai Canada, (which comprises th* MSfti tor the The Bulek Motor Ce., ef Fli»t, has Provinces of Manitoba, SaskatQhowaa able b\ S N O W A I P S L U M B E R IN G . received a siAffle order ef J,75fi of the and Alberta) aro to hand- The yaax fng'twaineW'and onabiejkem be^ company'* machines from the Pence 1101 has not only kept pace with pre tone of lawfulness; wtUmnl back into the........ country the ecenom y cf Work lit Northern Nltehfgan V l ^ CoT of Miinsapolls. Th* shipment vious years in proving .th a t this por-„ < losing to the valUje ls pieeed *t' . '' ■’; . • -ile^ a f the Cimtinent is capable of inanif emaat... by., w hiom ing^r ^domMtia trade-ths cost of. production •utly Pu«h«d, But Cold Wavo Re- Daniel W. Brlgta. who has been troduciag a splendid yield of all ih e ^th forelgn manufacturer# eur-foreign ttrdel Operationo—wife nnU Boy connected with the. Bank pt Ifctfiaif im allfr frains, b u t it has thoroughly trade has,been greatly .lncreasea,, : for SS years, hae realgned, to take a ouftrinned nrevloua, season*. Thera , Elopert Caught. Aikg National Corporation Law. vacation. He hae filled the office ^or la quanUtyr qua)lty and prlce and from other Ampndmnntft UrflPd; Xn eccord with other dro^Udiwsjf the F M ti0S N T HANDLE* TWO IN3, Steel of Cheyenne* Wyo. BepubUcnn platform \ >■ further recomwendn tbat. the .Interstate Cj^noao »y*tom of ldoutl- , WOBTAJNT TOPIC* IN MIB SPE fejff thumbmarks has W 1 CIAL MlMAQE TO CQNQRM9. net snatn kWIHW mmerce d;'m> modern banking, and Vth'A acquire any ‘Interests of - any jt Id now in practical uae In the capital stock, nr purchase er Rational bank of Cheyenne a» a W A N T S H EW C O U R T ; C R E A T H t ® * ^ B« ^ A ' « & • ! { • ! « « viewpresident for Arnumber of'yewa- eli psrts of an area of about 320,00b c fid e n ti’ ing the eiguatures of The new power plant to be hunt at business to which' tl»a In,*****?!* i?!?”* a -. President Harry Dean, of the OwoS- square miles there oomes the stron# mere#: act applies;-that a.Iaw.be enact my foreigners who carry depoaFlint'F iH he one of the first reeuits ‘“ t het no railroad -corpora* Gas Co., and H. A. Smith, a stoek- refrain of coateptmenr and satlsfaeed providina ia th a t Institution. ijon subject to the Interstate commerce JtVtM*and with foreign .nations, protect- ff th? merger of power pompanlee in flftider^ t h o ghiftWMHea ^ In the'-'dlstrlbution of tbu coBh •ffilyr-fact, the thumb ward has bo Tribunal Would Ht s r Cs s— -Arising act shatrhsremfter for “ J^^^?tf^^?I'T mg meiTr'from"undue lnterfer«Ka b3Mlke-- tke gtate, When tHe ^6wer daw^;<w Power: Co., deny that their concerns nected with or relating to any part of it* ■tales and regulating thelr aetlvHles wo Under tire Interstate Law—Chief business' governed by said., act,-Issue any- as to prevent*the recurrence, under na-, diUpns Oauaing it no distfiot bus jbeen • s necessary on checks drawn tba Aq Sable river are put la com~Bx«cutlve Alee Urge# Federal In* cepiUl stwk wIthcut. prevloue or _slmu^ tional auspices; of those abuses , which; mUsidn eloctrloity wIH ■be brought are In the recent big power and light ortiriooked. .class of the- bank depositors ..v-. ■....: ‘ ^ merger. tanto us;value payment to; Itstoekj ofnotiess .then have arlaen under RiR1* .C01?^?,1' corporation Statute to Suppress the m M M M l # * written signature.• of -tbs par of such or4 any t»nd» law' "ehbuia "provlde^for th e lnsue of ^tOJ)k htrertbrbugh cables_ fuhnlhg between " B. J. Barnhart, " of ' Chesattlng, . Various estimates of the total yield ,er obhg*tions of "tbs' check,” said Mr, ..............(sxcepV notw maUitv. ^ <uoh corp0ratlonas to an ^mount .equaj blib steel towera, it is stated, and dragged -his aged and slch wife from of wheat for . the country, have been Abuses and Net to Deetroy Legit)* or other Ojt*iele, ‘'The system has been In use P, Jv.,. I..,..' ^without th«olpfevimate Cfmbinatlene ef Capital. detect their lesue), the^p; T?”1/ if tho‘vatock" iP* be laaued fo^ wmnArtT. property, tbq Flint power bouse, with tbis their burning housei-when It caught ffiade, but lt is hot the- vast total that ous or elmultaneous payment tojiuch cor end then, at a fsjr^.yalua«odt^ e rt« n e ^ w j auxiliary power,, will bo an lcaportant fire and burned to the ground, Both: Influence's the federal .reader' so much Ml ahnoet two years now. and in that of not Irse than-the par value d'er approval and su m^ l,;y . ; Urns the bank has not. had the least Wa*htn*toa. Jan, 7.-No*d*<l l#*t»Ut!oii poratlon Tho automobile were- ejok in bed when the blase wae as what has been dope individually. f»t issued .such .b at o nlero d s .^ -tfa"w Si-«£ 'iiuthQTfty after a fulf and .complstejdkh diitrlbutibg point. ssBCsrnlns the interstate commerce lew f tha'n ^ h^ ee «r or .»-Jvalue,------*>e facta pertaining, to WO factories are to bo largo; patrons of discovered. Ibrooble with Its foreign depositors, but und the control ot trusts formed the sub closure o f all'the.. —--* ^ r ' 'r-; " The grand total—eajr 139 million bushnot without such psymenr of the value .of- such property and Ihs lntsrest tb o ,plant,. , ' jtajitead baa found that the arrange* ject ot President T stt's apecUt ra«»»*g* then reasonable market value of such^ bond* •M ore than 100 warranto have been elsr*may :haTe its effect on the grain herein of the peraons to whom lu le. t o ,■congress. The president call* ettsn- or obligations as ascertained h r the in oaed to lesue stock in jpayment of • It is not. expected that the Imported issued for tbe arrest of sclona of rich price of thfl^wqrld; lLmaor be lnterest-^ jstent works to perfection. tion to the partial failure of the present terstate commerce-commlMloni-SftQ-tnav eachrT>ropertrT"IMhould^BubJ>c(vthe-rsaI auxiliary, power wlll-be-availabler for '“There are probably more national- eemjnerce taw to set reeuits because of no., property, eervlce. or other thing t hen d-personal-property only-Xi-SUCb-Mr* 18 months-at leait.- Meantime, after Benton Harboniamllles. bn a nharge, lng to know that in the world’a mar- „ the Trsauent appeal* from tU dedelone poratlone-to-fhe-aame . taxation as lmsttSteB-'represented In, and. around-Chey le kets oft vuuaut* Canada aw haii a*. 0 *#***t eou Aounr-end. the-■iBwnees.'wf-the-T aney*-R BB^ federal ru * n 4 the slowness.uf tho- ^m n the wheat crop O or other ' posed-by: the. states wlthin^whlch,It Way . tKA Plant fibra ia buirr~irwnr~ga~og~ of-piaying pool -or-gambllng.—-It la -n carrier corporatlbh, of the par. ^ .epme than ip almost any other city of eupreme court in deciding thoee esses. . ■required bond or oth*pnee-of such stock. Irated*by steam pOwe^'—iiiddenly broken upon the’ trading be situated upon other aim!Isr property meeeece aeya: . ;; except the fair value of located therein, ana it should require fbn country. The great mining camps The a ™ *n connected .nifnMifti nr»*n +>ia enter; ontorUP *n -tne clean up. boards, and with .the Argentine, and 'Tt would not bo propor-to attempt to ir obllgetionT A man with the property, servics* or other, thing as such corporation* to file full and .com'v # f the state have drawn every na* deprieo any corporation of the rlffit to such Meeting In a train wreck on Jhe ^ Ruwla and IndU; « now a fn^ prise is quoted thus: certained by the commission,” plete report# of thsir operation* with the revlew_by « court of any order, o r do* pM-Sv. ;i‘;.WonaBtjr of Europe to themselves, the department of commerce, and- labor at “We expect that thlg new station Grand Trunk three yeare age, Mice tor is tbe-making of prices. If so to* Would Provont Wrong Praetleoo. ere# which. If undisturbed, wouldTOh It regular intervale. Corporatlona,organlx*d gHf• While the Union Pacific and Bulling- e l e reasonable return upon its Invest , The president continuMi . . • . under this act should T)e--prohlDltsd :from of bura ia going to. supply power not Ruth Edna 'Shook and Chdrlec A. day, what wjU.be its effebt five or tea ment or would subject it to- burdens •T beueve the*# suggested modifications acquiring ' vi'Jton railroads have:brought hundreds wbich and holding stock In other, cor.< only:, to inauetriea of all kind* in Hall, of HamUtoh, Out.; fell in Tore years, from now, when, instead of would unjustly dlserlminate "and amendments W.tha Interstate com poratlohs (except for epecial reasons upon n fn V but we intend furthermore to ^ d ^ e r ^ marriidT^eeday at Coral ymm.. o f . railroad laborers from Aslatlo -eseJnst ft and in favor of other carriers in merce act would ,make it a complete: and there Ueing seven million Acres under by the proper federal author •erve anyone within 10 miles of the Their fathers were slefaoblmatee. situated. What Is, however,, of effective measure for securing reasonable* approval countries, ._ Corean ditchers, Jap* sunllsrly ity), thua avoiding: the. creeilon, under city in’any direction that wants.power crop, with a. total yield of 123 or 130 supremo. Importssc# is that the decision ness of rates and --------------({-practice* In falrness-of practlces ln The proposition ef forming a state million fifiesp section men, Chinese work- a t such cusatlons shell bo ss speedy as the operation of Interstate railr .--_r. ------ 1:;.. ' W m Iroad llnexL national auspices, of the holdingvcompehy ^foy^anjk'PurDose. We-belle v e th a t buBhele, there wlU be from.1T—. colonyfor the careand treatment ofmen, Mexicans, Indians, Lthuanian*, to30 ialllion: acres in wheat with a In time 'farmers are going to become -----r..■—-*------■ — i n epileptics, will be considered at the "Caechs, Poles, Hungarians, Bohe secured so as to bring about an effec- w“By'my direction ih# °* the great trusts.. cuetomers of ours, .and when we are Joint meeting, of the boards of truS- yield of from 325. to 600 million bush* . my the attorney general and monopolies. ‘By m ; ■systematic) and scientific enforce has 'drafted .carry, out draftsa a bill cm to ic ^csrtrmmi these i mians, Welshmen, Irishmen, Greeks, tivo, fc s in proper shape we believe we can tee* of the Michigan asylums, which ols. - When it is considered ment of the comerce law, rather thaa. 8tate Lftwg Conflict. which will be furItalians, and about every other na eopflicti njr^ decielone and uncertfUrtty of recommendations, nishtd- .upcri^reaueetUo^lhe appropriat make them sea whare it will hs tn will be- held In Kaiapaasoo -Jan. 20. r ............. |h* aacroorlate •If the : prohibition Af the an titru st act largest yield Intlw United Stateshut committee whenever it may be desired^ ssainst .combi nations in restraint of trade their Interest to secure 'Juice’, from ■ tionality-can be found around chey- final ream R. B, Davis, of New York, who slightly exceeded' 700: million bushelv ''laTadJltlon' to 7the foregoing amendI s t i r . enne ln the course of a day’s, search. Recommends “Court of Com'rndroe.** menT* iiy reniorcea. it is «s»en* Ai?v ■> -of - the—InteretateVcommerce. law. rial that the^iuktfonal^goyernnieiit^idnclt^ =oufc»wweSrhoIds-A lSS.OOO mcrtgage on-th# ^>lanr -tlift graatrifla'A hi igureg-may bft_ ‘For thtl purpose I recbmmend.' tne.ea-. the ■Interstate commerce r.commls41an ^provlde^Tor-flTe creation of national xerMany of these persona deposit their ____ __ .. _ ___ ... -United should be-given-the-powerraftof and grounds of-the^Mlchigan stardlr a sear understood. W^ll/euch is a safe foro* poration* to. carrj^,.oja;a 4l^fitlmate buiu PIenty ef 8now Aids Lumbering, Tracings InChqyetme banks, and very Itatee,r cdjripoaed of dve JUdgeST' desif-_ ing, to-.determine-upon the uniform con- ncs* factory :Travery# -City, began fore- castr for Canada has the land and lt^ The States throughout the Unite. „— . nsted for such purpose from sm onirthc of these appliances—such as sill ............. _ laws ■few o& them, comparatively"speaking’, circuit Judges of the'United ___ of __ the .... different . intrits state# of —Tb«--upper peniniuia it in the grasp closure proceedings Tuesday. The tne'United States, to etrueuon ladders, roof hand holds, running conflicting the union with respect to foreign:corpora- of the storm kjng .and lumbering ia company stp~ppdd w°rh two years ago. has tbe soli. Even today the Prov can write their own names, especially" be known as the. ‘United State# court steps., boards and hand brakea onfreight cars on# make It difficult, If not. impossible, ince of Saskatchewan, one of the threw of ebmmerce,' which court shall be sngag*d-in“intwstat# commercS-nased, b r M Yi.v In. letters which can be read by an clothed f'or'bne''borpbratlon to' comply with their being vigorously pushed in the woods. with exclusive original Jurisdic the-trainmen; In-the At the1 annual 'meeting of the state great wheatjgrowl n o roTrittcesof CanEver tince the_apen: i hg_ of theji.daB 0 S 7 tion over the following classes or“c»aesr" t h e d e f e c t s a nita l a c k o f , . u n i f o r m i t y “ | | roaairememe-eo-ae-to-oarry-on-buslneseordinary American business mam” board of-correct1on*:an.d charities Sec* ada,lwUh-i$00,00<Lacres i n ' s n u m h e r o f d iffe r e n t s ta te s . ___ "(J)> AU cases for the enforcernenh-oth*. under- wheaL. December_l,^untiiithe last few: daya, the suggestion that thls7propoial _of the conditions - for . lumbering . J i a W retary Murray presented a report ;iof produces. nesrljL90 jmUlion-hushels, erwlse then by ejudlcetlon and collec- injuries to railway trainmen. The won . l i ^ A _ ' / . oe federaLincorporation-for industrial: xonti. _ Woman in ..New Business,.. .. XI..... it tionr of a forfeiture or-penaltyr o r by in— derf u1 refbrrnr>flreef*r: In“ t hernu mber-of ‘ ‘ ilti -" p8pcct o*> of «TeryJait ond courity upwards of one-tenth of the greatest bi nations is Tntended'teffuriililr them, a n 3ee^moar?&vdr^eTahd^a ax^~f theT^infirmary of- orlmlnal-punishme'nf, of jsny : switchmen Miss Ida Bromile, an English girl, flietton and-tralnmen'lnjursd-by-coup In the atato, and afTa result in^whlch vtrr continue Industrial woodsman has reaped a richer harvest order of fhs interstate commerce com aeddente, due to the enforced ln- refuge Is making money by conducting tour mission other than for-the payment of ling business -under federal protection. It -than this Investigation th* abuses will yield, of the United States, , And Sostrodu.otlon of safety couplers, is a demon has been gained for inany a of should be said that th* measure contemkatchewan. is yet onjy in )the. begin-. be. cdrrected. ists' about, the country in her .motor aaeney. iof what can'be done if. railroads does not repeal the ’Sherman-anti- year. “(2) Alt eases -brought to enjoin, set stration are compelled to adopt proper safety ap dated car. She .went to London from, her aside,-annul-or rust law and Is not to be framed * o m A ; plan-of-Maybr Eiils, Grand Ray of ita_ dSvelopmenitr- Aa Lord suspend any order or The cold wave, which swept over to'peinniutherdolnrbf the .wrong* whiolu. : : f e S - throvlnce. and learned all about the requirement-of^ the interstate commerce pliances, Grey recently pointed outinrspeaking Ids, a* prereftecTto the park fioarff, The-dusstlorrhMTarlsen In the opera-7the’r eountry last' week, retarded opit-is the purpose of-that law to prevent, -~ r , Interstate tlons Orf the — ..... . commerce smploy. mechanism of motors and how to run ecmmilsslon. on tbis: Very gubject, this year's crop is to put the refreshment sales in the but only to foster a continuance and ad erations in the camps and at sothe *'(S) All aueh cases as under section 8 era’ liability act, as to whether suit oan of the highest industrial efficiency of the mills. The Sawyer-Goodman pfirKs during tbe coming summer does hot represent ohe-tenth ^of-tho " . thdm. After she bad accomplished ef the act of February 19, -M03, known be brought against the employer com vance permitting industrial abuses. the 'Elkina-act,' ere authorised to be In any-place other than-that of Its without this she hired a car 'and drove It ee melntetned in a circuit court-of~the~Unl- pany, “Such a national Incorporation laW will company o f . Marinette was. com; under direct city control. He pro- soil equally fertile that is yet to bw hortte office. The right to bring the suit through the moat crowded diatrint# of ted. States. bo -opposed,- first,—by-those, who: believe pelled-to- shut-down-for- a few. days poaeB.tQ^hand'.out^peanuts and-lemon-i brought undeMhs plough,—'«5~ATT mien-mandamus 'proceedings jas- forcement as the figfit of a prtvate-por=- -that-tr uofe-shouldr-bo- complotely-broken- -because the rail reads -couid not- get- -aderatrcost- prices. the city. The police of London London, de-' tinder individually,:~reports are to hand iasr the provisions ---- -- ---------------------------of sectlort 20 or sec and their property’destroyed. 'It Wju not in the company!# employ to sue up A paBsenger train tor Chicago ran of yields of twenty-five) thirty and dared that .she was the most expert tion 23 of t' e interstate commerce law aon be opposed, second, by those, who doubt the logging trains through to tbe on an ordinary claim, and proceas In each _ authorised to be maintained, in a efr ault should be auffldently aerveq_l_f upon the,constitutionality of such fsderaU in mill. Into a big snowbank at Lake Harbor, thirty-five bushels to the acre. Scores motorist that ever took a car through are cult court of the-United Stajee the atatlon agent-of the company upon corporation and even if It is valid; object I Pull^forces' have been recruited at Wednesday night, and was stalled 12 of yields^are reported of forty and Reasons precisely, analogous to those whom Cheapstde. Her reputation spread to aervice la authorised la- made, tp to It as too great federal centralisation, the camps alnpe t he Christmas yaca- hours.-- Throe-locomotlVes ' wers—re,Induced the congress to create the bond the It-wllL be opposed, third; by thoas who company in ordtnary actions the continent, and Queen MargheHta. which court of customs appeals by the provi arising under state law*. Bills, for “both, will Insist that a mere voluntary Inoor- Um r^fn’d -w ith -th e-re tor rr*<jf- mi 1der dUJrtji"jtorpuirtKFIHrhTback-to rMeh^ ’S0jne'ar"high'ar-eixty‘bu8h Q is.T h e of Italy offered her the post of royal sions In the tariff act of August 5, 1909, the foregoing purpoaje^hftye been .con poratTon like this will not attract to;Jtd 4 weather—favorable r eport's m ay be omlnee.-. --The -pMSengers raided the farmer, who takes care of his soil, ~ he urged In support of tne creation sidered' by tne house of.- representatives assistance -'"the -.worst—of -the- offender* chaffeuse, but Miss Bromile refused mar who gets hls BeetLhM_ready early, Is .; ef the commerce court. baggage car iii search of eatabiesl __ . statute and-who anticipatsdlfrom the woods.'. .1 have been-passedr imd: are now "be against the anti-trust because It would take her from her Tn order to provide a sufficient num andwl ’therefore propose Instead of It a sysLabor is everywhere in demand, and fore the Interstate commerce committee The Wisconsin A MIehiganirAilroad, certain of a splendid- '.crop. ~ ; of Judges to enable this court to be the senate, T earnestly urge that they tew of compulssory licensee for all fedora wages. are much higher thls'i season bunts in winter, an exercise she is ber eenstltuted it will be necessary to author of s In interstate all corporations .engaged which Is advertised to be sold at Me- The hews of the magnificent crop than ever before. The lu’mberrae’n nomlriee^_to passionately fond of and in which she ise the appointment of five additional be'enacted into law,” . buslnes's. - * satisfy a claim of $78,- yield throughout the Canadian W est .' Control of tha Truate. Judges, who; for the purposes "of Let us consider these obleotlons In gre paying from |26 tb |S5, while last 1E27SI for stale Is also an expert. She arranges for circuit taxes, will undoubtedly wililha. pleasing to the friend * nf th** appointment might be distributed. to -The-aecopd-Cart-of_tha.mes«age ls de- their order. The government-la governm< .. now try- yoac. the -wages , ranged from 822—to wbak-enri—partlflg"aBd:::chargey~fiaelP .t w ees elwuns where there-ia at the-pres-* Voted" td tho control. ot trusts. , Attar a ing to qiBsoive Rome ox inese comninabe boughi-iiirby-th«--comnrittee: r#pre-‘ thousands of Americans who are resl■ time r* the 'largest-volume of* *buy]Meet lenrmy~dli(c?eBlsrr-iSf—tru sts,: good and t!ons-and-tt-i#-not the lmontion- 0____ $30 per--mohthr guest |36. This include?-board and in—that-country“and=who^arep l as the decond^-ihlgiL-fmitth^joventh- -hg.:<ff“end^he^oueeoss-of- prosocutlone-urt- gbyernment'-to' desist -in-the-least-degre*- ^YWh+l«vthe-crews-t\re-rushln^f-thittga senting the creditors of .Tnhii • it dents— =!Mglhg-en th&^tfipT—6 ae -Is-tbe—firsts ana eighth circuits. The act Should «m- — der-the Sherman.anti-trust act, Mr. Taft ln its effort to epd- these combination# in the' woods, the office forces of the Walsh. The: railroad is valued at.fiL vastly instrumental in the aisistancV: •<v; tbe-ohief-justice at-any-tlme when which' are to-day "monopolising-tb*'com 60TJ7G06; wotmau -to enguge in thlB bugittess andT ew*r..bustoea&.-of the court-of commerce •ays: IMO the duty and!purpose of the exec merce of. this -country; that-where Reap various lumbering-concerns ;are busy, oeeiOoTucceBsfurfBat”she is uu- does not require the services of all the utive The jjeport of the state board of ex- 4h&WT-are-rendering~tw-let-the-woridto di-ect an investigation by the ds- pears that the acquisition and concen taking inventories. It is deolnred that knpw Its capabilities. Judges to reassign ithe judges designated artment of Justice, through the grand 'S-in able to grant all applications. aminerSinmSdicinefortheyoarendto -that court to- the circuits .to which ury or otherwise, .......................... ..... ffiletory, ill ‘ creating a-monopoly of substantially And lumber- values were “ better in—1&09 lng Oct. 1,, 1909, shows that 193 were Into the organthey respectively belong; and. It should l xatlon, and purposes of all the industrial directly restraining interstate commerce, than in 1908. Current prices oh Harvard Scored, — alee provide for payment to such judges companies with re»pect_ t<rwhich there Js it <is not the intention of the government shingles Where Toys Come From. ngies__________________________ and poits are about the same granted certificates to practice mediIt was the morning-of-the-Yale-Hae^—.whlle'eltting-by assignment-itnthe-court -anV-reasonable-ffround torLstieplelorrzthat as lfl08rwhtie-p.ote-pTIceR wererBdme--' TcIne^ln-Mrlchlgan^during-tBat-period^ vard^me^at Cambridge^, ahitw tret of commerce of such additional ^amount ^ffiey-fiave been, organlged for a purpose, In the entrancing . windows of r-toy as Is necessary to bring their annual and are conducting business on a . plan kliO l.TVail 3UX hii« AVUVAMI gVTT what slitter laat year than the year While" this "Is" an Increase over last the New-Haven collegians were 'wanwhir' 10 In violation ,Ui of tho antl-tmit_ ernmen of a state corporation now vio before, year, It Is much smaller than i’any.-tshops .Just now comes from the: Ger compensation up to -tlO.OOO. law. The work is a heavy one,stout it- lating the Sherman act. But3it le- net, derfng through the Harvard yard, Only Second to ftuprema Court; ot’her, year since 1003. ; : man fatheriapd. ■A Qermdr 'ewspaIs not beyond the power of the depart and should not be, the policy of the gov “The regular seestona of aueh court of justice, It sufficient funds are ernment . to prevent reasonable concenley* and Mtrrltd Woman Klopt. According to the register at the M. looking at- the university buildings, pey 1s responsible for the-s Ttement Should be held at the capltol, hut It ment furnished, to carry on the inveetigation# tration of capital which is neoossary to „. Down a walk toward them came a should be empowered to hold eeeelonS in that nine-tenths of, the toy soldiers Anton Tamnnan, 11, ahd Mra, Flor A C., the- total - number of regular youth and to- pay .the counsel engaged in tho the economic! development of manufeoparte of the._United States If work. of serious aspect, but palpably ^ But suoh an Investigation and fltiideuts .enrolled Is.ll,188,-which-is-98 iure, ence-Wonland.’ H, who formorly lived trade and commerce. are the work of German hqndsr and different frable; and its orders and Judg possible proeooution of corporatlonf whose ah undergraduate. more than at the same time last during the past six months no fewer ments. should be made final, subject only prosperity nr destruction affects ths comMay Doubt ,Co|ietltutlo‘fialJty. : on r m<arm« iianr idmilon. Out., wore a^ -to-revlew by the supreme court of the ’ fort not orrty'^efnitockholders^but mHUon# year; -Of this-.number 495 are en“I'beg^yeurpardon,”.8aid-theYalet han - 4,000,0MS:--dolj ‘gecond-'Thoro are those who doubt the | hftod States, with the provMToh that of wage earners,, employe#,, pnd associated glnesrs, 462 are agricultural and forinnp^who 1b a bit ot~a waif, to tE6~ iron" muiflodtbat cousUtutlonality of such federal ineorpor-i the operation of the Ideureg apue»led from dressed,, werer sent to EngllslrspeatFtradesmen must necessarily tend to dis atlon. The regulation of interstate and the coiitil* estry students and 231 are young wo stranger, “can you tell me where X. not be stayed tyed unless the, the, supreme turb tliroo weeks ago, — ^t'- S • ■i TngTSdhtries. Ifl*n't./. the confidence of the business com The principal gourde shall court shell so order, The commerce court munity# to dry up the now flowing sources foreign commerce is certainly conferred tba woman luavif*:-.hor. hunhand and men taking the home economic course, can find Harvard university?!’ the fullest measure, upon congress, and of these toys is the littlje town of should be empowered In Its discretion to :olxapital. from it* places of hoarding, and in forrthe purpose-of eecuring-in-ths most six ohiUlran io riitr away w ith-the • An dnteresting^fiiicoTery: wax made - ““I’m" veiy sorty,““said'thetseribua or suspend the eperatton of ana halt in our present prosperity if Bonneberg, in the duchy of Baxe-Mein- restrain thorough manner that;klnd « f regulation,- boy,; Hotti artmlitfd- that thoy - were Friday by -wo,tkmen who are clearing* one, with never a smile. “They’ve erder-of the Interstate commerce commis produce that will cause suffering and strained clr shall insist that lt.may provide Ingeta, where thousands of meny-wom- sion under review pending the final hear cumstances among the innocent many, foi or congress and authorise agencies to oarry on that l^ p a r t l y * wiuUort, anii itRted that" Up the rules of thy Burdick hatsi. at locked It up; Yon see, there are.so and determination or the proceeding. -i___ The-quest Ion fO W re ults of _ theguiltr-i «i ' en snd clitl{lren-are^.Bngaged..ln-thlg. ing ICi* atamaxoo;--dsetroyed by flreSsreral many Yale' metr in town,” but no such reetrilftTnt^drder should bo: which I. wish Tn this message to bring commerce, it wouia seem toTTe witMn^tir1riiffii-fild ijtwrtded to get married, power, this has been distinctly affirmsd Industry, Sonneberg is responsible made expespt upon notice and afetr hear clearly When AtitbnV parmits arrived the weeks ago. Burled under the debris to .he consideration and decision with respect to railroad companies ...................... lies doing unless In casts where Irreparftbte the eongn es whether to avoid.business an Interstate boy ohangort his mind about the mar • for the Iprsos and heads of the dolls, ing, .in the basement, but untouched'TSy -----*-*-». business / and interstate Interstate damage would otherwise ensue to the pe of TO CURB A COLD IN QN* DAT something cannot b* done by bridges. The power of incorporation has riage,’and was glad -to return homes fire;or .watejt Berlin for their toilets. The doll dross* titioner. A-judge of that court might danger was a bedjnade-up as^ n a o -n a x a T iv n - bhomo—quuup* - Table whtoh these busfnos# combination* may been ■ exercisedby-xongrfesk arid-vipheldT ed to ali< be empowered ow a stay of the ?I0Kl*tir«tpnd mon#y'lt to can, I f IIt t fall* f* T lk 1 A s there wif^o chwrgo iflrade against smoothly' as, before tksj hi*«s p . . i he offered a moans, without great flnan- by.,„thflL,.auprema—court in . thl#_,regart1,. - era of Berlin, are supplied with the i l t n a tr is i f -tto tr b o x r S M r' -bt*l "dinvifbimeor-orehmTtgtng-thr^shar-- why, then,-. With respect to. W ait'^ allowed to go, an< ^ “ -latest Parisian—dre?i5— modeTsT ana" to any other « of the bedroom furniture was found acter, organisation and extent of their form of interstate commerce QA like'thd sale Mrs. Wenland era# also released.- The' unharmed, also. Into one'within th* lines of the of goods across state boundaries omit no detail in. th.oir more-elaborate .tlon, then Only where his order shell'con- business There comes ia moment in every and.into under federal^control and supervision, foreign countries, may the same power woman has written her husband,-askr ■About 160 men of the Eureka mine, man’s productions. taln a specific finding based upon evi law life when he regrfets his inaML securing compliance with the anti-trust ing forgiveness and that she be taken ‘ it “ ia the very not be asserted? Indei Indeed, dence submitted to the judge making the statute*. O f the Gastlle-Mining Co: 7 'Beseem#r, Ity to kick himselfi fact that they cairrvon interstate com-. back-: “IJnleRs the husband-agrees to are out on what promises to be a erder and Identified by reference_thereto. For Qovornmtnt Control. _ " The Jury System, merce that makes these . ____ great 'industrial this she will have to go to work, ah that such Irreparable dames# would re strike, over a questioi of wages for “Oentrelly, in. the Industrial combina concerns—subject to federal prosscutlon she is practloally penniless, The Jury, as it la found to-day, Is a sult t„ „ to a> tho tK- potltlener, -A^ mm ,> specifying ------- - the - na-- tions.-called ’trusts,1. the principal busi and control. How far as -Incidental te last month. The men say they had a relic~of the ancient-popular Jtiatlce. :r “Under the' existing lew the f iteretlfi ness is th* sale* ef goods In many states the carrying on of that commerce it may contract—with--thr-Tompaay—tlrgt—aa' b» within tne power-efr-the-fedeTartev^ •eRimeeee commission Itself I niti 1 tea-and Freesnts latUeahip w ith Silver 8e^ -atrtiqulty-ttre en--r litigation In the courts for tbs the interstate-and foreign business far ernment to authorise the manufacturer of sured thorn,$2.76 each per jhift, but tire male population passed *upon the defends goods, Is perhaps mere Open te discus enforcement, er in the defense ef Its or exceeds the bus!nsos done in any -eno vie*. that th# December pay allows them sion, though a recent deeislen-ef. the su ders end decrees, end far tills purpose It state. This fact., will Justify th* fed guilt or Innocence of tho offending Ifiehlgan form ally predented a ail only $2.65 each. The management of employs attorneys, who, white subject to eral government nM' granting a federal preme court would seem to answer tbat party. The oldest Greek poet lias left the eontrol-of the attorney geaeral,- act charter- to ouch -a eembtnatten to mak* question in .the affirmative. rer iervice Wedneiday to the' battle^ the mine bin aakel advice freta the “The'third objection, that th# worst sf- ■hip which heart the same of that owner* 'ua a plctur«;■of what the’ primitive upon the Initiative end under the Instruc and obll fa interstate >nd foreign com fenders In Pittsburg. will not accept federal incereerations of ths eornmlsilsH. This blending merce the product* of useful naanufaoJury was. The court is sitting; the of"edm(r»i» Gov. Warner, -Lleut.-Gov, tret Ire, legislative and judi tsf* under sush hmltatlen# as will se tlen, is easily answered. The'deersee ef atatt. By a decision of ihe eunreme eeurt cial functions tend#, In my eptnlsn, te cure a compliance wlth^ the antl-trust Injunction recently adopted in proiecu-r Kelley, the commission appointed by tho litigation question of “Guilty” or “Not Guilty” impair in which tbe Flint 4 ttons under'the entl-trust lew ere s* the governor, members ■of th e MlchJlaw. It Is possible eo to frame*#; statute the eBollHcy ef the eeunaJasien 1 e put, and the old men of the cpm- T clothing It with partisan ehereoteHs- that while it offer* protection to a fed thorough and eweeping that'the corpora-, Saginaw electrle road hag been in ee end robbing It ef the impartial Juffi eral company against harmful, vexatious ttons affected by thin have but three'1 gaa lelegatlor in eongrtso and other volved for several year# is probably muhlty in turn give their opinion, the HeJ courses before tnsm :1 and unnecessary invasion by tho states, attitude It eheuld ekwupy In peso prominent residents of the state took rank and .file of ♦he people standing lng upon questions submitted te it, In it shell subject It to r«a*oneHle_texatlqa Elrst,. they must uaelve-themselvee -part -in the_ presentation - ceremony. «£•!_ The court ruled_that the Har-_ andcontroi ay'th# state*, with respeot to oplnle* allhtlfetlee effecting-^the' my eptni#*anirtigai -about applauding- ^' mt* thsir component ports in the differrtaburg Machinery A Foundry Ce. and that direct its purely local buslpeos. should be under ___ tho __ ____ ent State*, with a consequent _l*e# te CAX." Nathaniel Jtetily Ussher repre- the Prather Engineering ^Works, who strikes them most, the applauee deter government any people- conducting great busi themselves of cepltel and effective organ M btei the battlMhlp. eentrot of tho department of justice; and built the power house at Bridgeport mining the'doc'lBlon," Graduaily the Z. thorefors recommend that ail proceed- nesses have cherished a hope and a be isation and to the country of eenosntnta affecting order* and deoreee of tho- lief that in some way er other a line trated energy and: enterprise; er 'second, for the old Detroit, Flint Jfc. Baglnaw Jury became narrowed-down in num inferstate commerce commission be may y be drawn .between ‘good trusts’ and In deflanco of th* law and under eom* Ia the endeavor te v stop rowdyism bers until It finally appears as we brought by er agalntt the United State* bed trusts,1 end that if is possible by secret trust they must attempt te een- on M. IT. R, ears, the motormeu have Co., ns the rosd was formerly known, ee nomine, and be placed in charge ef an amendment to th* anti-trust law to make tlnue their business in violatisn ef th# cannot share In the blanket mortgage see It to-day. aeelitant attorney general acting under a distinction under, which good combina federal statute, and thu# incur thspen- been ecmraleeloned deputy sheriffs, given by the Detroit Trust-Co—....— tions mey be permitted to organise, nupalties1 of contempt and bring on an m tfie direction of the attorney general.” . have already beermade prees competition, control prices, and do evitable criminal prose«utioh”ef”thrindi-' Two^arresta i Kaiser Sco t 'uture Soldiers, Representative# of the six com Would Permit A|roomonto. It all legally if only they do not abuse vldualsnamedin the decree and their as- oa th# ears panies that were on the bond of oxGermany’s minister of the Interior PO< th* power by taking too great profit eut ■delates: or Coming to th* oubject ef railroad pools William Bayes, ef Standish.shot a State Treasurer traffic agreements, th* president of the business, They point with force to Olatier are. trying t* “Third, theymust reorganise and ac Ibas addresHcd to the heads of the and certain notorious trust# es having grown cept In good faith the federal charter I large, white owl, .% rare curiosity as Induce the. state board of auditors te varlouB government* within tho em says: tncfai by suggest a federal compulsory lleense'law. far south’ as this, it measures five “The Republican platform of ,l*0t ex Into power through criminal methods pressed the-’ belief that the interstate the use of Illegal rebates and plain cheat urged as a substitute for a federal1ncer-: feet from tjp to tip. Mr. Bayes will settle the litigation- now pending out pire circular recalling the In forma-' commerce law-should be further amend ing. and by various act* utterly violative of court, pointing out that the state J*ofJJhh^^RSRary tp have the bird mounted. tton that the kalner from his private ed so as to give tho rattroads the right of business honesty or morality, and urge reach that kind eorporat on except which, by the establishment, ef some legal line of irlf* than at th# end on aofpeaceful make any puWIn tfaffle .agreements purse - makes a grant amounting to to The 'local option petition#, with 10,- S* settlement a long subject to the approval of the rommls' eepsratlon by which ‘criminal trusts' of will take advantage Voluntarily 80$ about |t5 On the birth of an eighth slop, but maintaining always the prin this kind can be punished, and they, on vanced. hames/have been filed with the of an incorporation law, while the"ether drawn out enit. As the companies’ IkmbMI of competition between naturally the other hand, be permitted under the corporation*■doing, an interstate county clerk at Grand Rapids, and chief contention is that they were oq ^ »o» in any family, of tho gamo fathfer ciple competing lines,-and avoiding the com law to carry-on their business. Now, ness do . not need thesun- ■ both; wet find dry sides are now ready •fid mother. Tho Valaer also promises mon control of such lines by any means the public, and especially the business buhl Glanior’s .bond for Only $209,000, .'rogufauin'’ offedeVal ”J|?ceni*0Band public, ought to rid themselves of the tho c $ ! £ l i E * - u to stand as godfather to the lucky whatsoever. would only be unnecessarily burdened for the battle with the Supervisors Up Idee that such a distinction is praotlc- thereby.” haT0 ma< “T n view of the comnlete control over •ver the submission of the question with $760,900, the. t0 eighth son. proposal will>e away prob _ S ft D o n ’t P e n e c u t e y o u r B o w e ls i i p i I- Church Property In United States, The total value of church property vill the United Btato* reporlcd in hlOfi, ylfor all denominations, was gi.ar,? 57s ! . y . ' / ('',«7,'W^hiCh $9Jf»,942,r,7R 1 M report Protestant hodio#, |2!>2,fi3s,787 Lthe Roman Catholic church, and all the remaining iful Llghtbeuee Lempe, lie At Hsliogland has ■ ,000-oandle power. At J*mp tan timee m pow made, A Child’s Development.. The development of a ehlld’a eharaofer should not ha left fo the mother alone, It needs th# directing Influence of the mother, t.he altengthenelng in fluence of the father, Often a child’* nature, possibilities and growth are unknown and 11nwatched bvhla father, tt le something he does not, under stand, Pecans* he doss not study It, Norway to Have Cxpssltten. Burly hintnrlfl ttm*# in Norway arn to be Illustrated at on exposition t* b* hold at Bergen next irnneaer. Dtplemaoy. “Fanhy, Ji»ur father ha# hymn walk ing around out there for two hours, I# h# opposed to my being in here With you?” ask«d the young suitor. “Tee, he#,” giggled,th# maiden, “of course not. This la th# night I bet him you would propose and he’s waiting to sen whether he win# or los#a." Women and Time, wornas thinks clock# wore made ,4A th# ptirpoen of onabttng knr to ten Jutt how mu k «bo Is going to be it*,—Chicago rnsnorg-HoroU. l to tha voters, .. Every coal njln# in the state is Truth as a P risoner of .War. working topfull capacity, eoafdealers Macaulay adeks truth, not ak ah# and about 7,000 tons d«y is ahould bo sought, devoutly; tentative being taken out. Even thisper large outly, with tho air of one touching the put wpuld ndt supply the state should hem of a sacred garment, but dutch-‘ 8h0irtagd ca«se a coal ing her by tho hair of th# head And j. j»*’***^carassert, for many hundragging her -after him In a kind Of of. coal are brought here hoistorou* trhimph b, prisoner* of war. from outside mines. oad not a goddess;—John Morley. *hot an<J X i * ? l i * r 5,uaband at ,ack8°n ®«* Philosopher’# PeMimism. tnen turned -the weapon on hersatf A woman is th# most InconsMtcat admitted in the hospital that she was compound of obstinacy and selMacrt.a,kffd and ttesthat I amacquolnted with.—JUek her husband’s ?nd forgiveneas. Th#^calved counls will live together Again as eobn as they Are dleohi^fed troia the hospital. ably come to naught, The thirty-fifth'' annual conventlor of the Stat* Mlllera’ association wil’ be held in Lansing, Jan. l«. and 19 The program for the meeting been arranged for and among th? speakers will be a number of promi nent men. While the business se« sions are b*lng held arrangement# have been made whereby- there wi? also be $oela] functions for th# ladles It is expected that g number miners throughout the state? m wel as some outsiders; will attend. The annual Farmers’ institute wir begin at the Menominee County Arri cultural school on March 16 and ill continue for three layi, “ wu , Do**, W l Prfs* GENU1N 'P u W .W a r ngnuture t ®WI M S WOW Ato, (tOOM .OUii.UT It - mar bo Com' m m n Robin a. Pbarr vtu .td tt ■la M i o v a " w ord s th e A t o r y - o f t h * * * l f f * « r i f l c * o< j D r . S d w a rd B . ; V l M * h t ,.t h j i T h e P e e t - J u a t avoided a ts r te m e ld e s t, e ld d t e * W h ite the srlad a t o m . wps ra g ta g th e fe d e s b le w d # W * sa d Ms to dedge a W U b o a H L T h e A r tis t—T o * a r t lu c k y , m g f r i e s * . Im a fe w h o u rs I 'l l h a v e U r dodge a be a rd b iU . L . feop«« and fur of tb* moment. ' Tbay had raachad the rock. Vtnoent looked to tht rifht and beyond. “Doctor, U U death?" earn* a-veto* from behind. "'Nof hfe/* 7 ' - ) iyouthful surgeon M f lt- m e is r — Occotesiiiy gt' U irTW tM ^ P*M«d tho Faary arctic axpe- in seeking toteachthe leeiofc qjt th* boauty of selfdttlon of 1181, AU the stories «acrllhj«,^ba <haplaJa~will i|»U tbo eadota tbJtt all bo ot heroism In ths aroUo ro* ’ r<>a* wh<H^o up tbolr-HToa; for pr$adplo do hot die glon# hate not yot boon told; --by'rlAe abot or saber stroke. Tb* martial iptrtt that ts irp e d itid fia h a v * u ot T b e e n - t o r - h ertte ge-.Q f-^he^m em o yy o f th o . to a o -o < ^ o abaao a y , ; , s ^ o n ly m e n to show high courw ho gave up th e ir iliv e * fo r th o flag o fte n leada this j' aae a nd d e vo tion t o d u ty In th o fa eo' o f dancer, cadet m inds Into a 't r a ln of th o u g h t w h l c b h o l d s u i a t :■'■ •*r •' ■ •“ • “ -■ •** - ! “ ■- ■- ~ ' ■ '■ ~ T C T 9 T :T 1 ?. * ■--- i-----T----1--the death which is more filin g to" the soldier than anj j D r . E d w a r d E . V in c e n t waa k ille d accidentally n o t lo n g ago in the c ity o f D e tro it. H o w aa th o brother o f Ju d g e W illia m A . Y ih e e n t o f C h ica g o , t h e etory o f the young p b y»ic ia n *» d e vo tio n and ie lf4 ^ rlfic e ~ h a n > b e e n to ld h f o g o m a n , Ja m e e D a v id s o n , w h o u n tit re c e n tly wsa_in th e U n ite d Sta te s consular service. D a vid son was a m e m b e r o f th e a rc tlc e x p e d ltlo n o f 1883 a n d M t w a s b n M a b e h a l f t h a t V in c e n t lo o k e d d e a th i n t h e f a c o , _ I t la a sim ple ta le , th is , y e t it-ti-o b e th a t strengthens fa ith In h um an n a tu re and m akes th e m o s t unem otional oT us g ^ l T b a n k i t lia t su ch m e n as this you n g m m o l s ' physician som etim es liv e , P e a r y a n d h i t p a rty o f 10 men started fro m B ta b in e a rly A p r il o f the second year of the .expedition to m ake the dash f o r the fiole. A p r il— the sp ring -m o n th —-the th e rm o m e te r registered 80 de grees b elow sero Whep -th e H ttio -b a n d -o f-h a r d y spirits other is tb a treached a place a b o u t 140 m iles from - th e ir sta rtin g - whioti^comea a t : .p o in t. O n e n i g h t . th e y , pitched t h eir : tw O tents and, the bands o f} I itu m e d -lu .------------- 1 - _ ' ~ - - — 7.I-------- - _ Z — WHATSECAMEOFTHEBUTTOH ................ ■>"V •j'Xl- A r*H w m i 1m ;i-.v m m m ■M ■jssssAi fr o e r o x * . FrfV- pntoU U lW M M . A*1?®*l*tw »1«M# WlHh- % vx'n •V .... .y ■ m 9 K 1 7 1 over whl<*Mh*y/rode smoothly. They were approaching They were almost ap to It, On what the first fRok around the took Should reveal the physician knew meant life or death. He turned and looked at Ms comrade. Davld- •the rpek Which to Vincent^ had looked familiar. * b n ’a eyes w ere closed tig b t In t k * M e n ? between the yellow fever appeared at .the post! Within two days four recognition at the hands of tb,e departm ent Of himself of the garrison had died. Upon the first announcement he said nothing, his whole thought was that recognition of the appearance of the scourge Lieut. Bell sent all the should be given others. women and children and some of the married m e n 'to Lieut. James Q. Bell put down his pen, went to the an island these mites away. Within a dhy- or two be hospital and In three daytrwas dead.' sent to the same place nearly all the well then of the The cloBlhg paragraphs of one of the general orders -garrison, ^ retaining _only__enough - t o nurse th e sick. touching thia-m an-and-his love^of duty are these: There could'have been no criticism of Bell’s course had "The only offleer in an Isolated post when it was vis he' gone “with the garrisonr leaving the sick to the care ited by a dangerous epidemic, he seemed to multiply of the surgeons and nurses. He stayed and devoted him himkelf in his ever-present care and watchfulness for the self to the care of the sick In the hospital, assisted by men of his command, and /t Is doubtless due to the ex the men who had volunteered. haustion and fatigue resulting from his anxious dis __Thj^ heat was fearful. There was not a pound of Ice charge of. duty that he'fin ally tell a victim to the on the island and many of the deaths that followed one disease. . • after another were due to the lack b t this fibcessity. "He died In the faithful discharge of a soldier’s duty," There were 20 cases of the fever and for whole days Way up north were wife and child. The little one and nights continuously,the devoted lieutenant, the sur crept up to the black-robed mother1 and said: “Is my dqrgeons and the nurses knew no r e s t With their owp lin* foddy tummln' home to-day?" -bands they dug the graves for the dead and with their ..--."ihtoL.ta^av^.dflar. Perhaps to-morrow." _ own lips repeated over them the burial service. Capt. Langdon In the far north heard of the yellow B A L L O O N A R T IL L E R Y P R O B L E M fever at Fort Jefferson. He instantly relinquished his leave of absence and hastened to return to his station, While One Inventor Constructs. Air Craft, Another Build* Some months before the outbreak of the fever L ieu t Bell Quns to Destroy Them. hafl put in an application to be detailed as instructor of military acienee at the University of Vermont The ap A w riter in the Star has the following to say bn the plication had been granted and C apt Langdon, hurrying subject of aerial war craft: south to Join his command, carried in his pocket the or Germany's government has been induced by the won der relieving Lieut. Bell from duty a t Fort Jefferson and derful flights accomplished by the Zeppelin, Parser* 1 and detailing him for work in Vermont. Langdon reached his Gross airships to form an air fleet which already numbers 4 post. He called in Ms first lieutenant and said: “I have six cruisers, but this very success has also awakened the here orders transferring you immediately to Vermont German military authorities to the necessity of improv You have done a noble work herd. There Is no reason ing German’s artillery with a view to combating hostile why you should stay longer. You have been through air fleets, ahd, therefore, Just a* Germany waa flrat in the enough of the aw ful thing, Go." field with an aerial navy, so she leads the way with bal Bell said: "Captain, I don't ❖ ant the ordeV. If I res4 loon artillery. This year both the Krupp and Ehrhardt it I suppose I shall have to obey simply because it is work*, have placed balloon gune on the market, an order. Yoq keep it ha your pocket until the fever Is The inventors of balloon artillery had several things over snd then I’ll read it and go." to bear In mind. The objective ts eery mobile, can de Langdon shook hands with him. 1 velop great speed and change It* direction, up or sown Bell went on with his work. In a few days he felt and to all points of the compae* very rapidly and with the hot hand of the soourge on his brow. Ha went to oomparattv* **•*. Therefore the guna had to be capable his tsnt, pulled up Ms little camp labl* and wrote an offldal letter to tho assistant adjutant-general a t headquar of til* most rapid laying while their projectiles had to be made to travel at a very high velocity. Again, eiaoe a ters of the Department of the Gulf, Holly Springs, Miss. scouting airship, when nearing the hostile none, will as It was a long letter, covering many pages, There waa In cend to the greatest height attainable, the gun* had to Bell’s heart that day the fear that he might die and be made so a* to Sr* practically perpendicularly to aa Im leave undone an act of duty to others. He cherished the mense height, thought of the loyalty of the surgeons and' the enlisted tt la obvious that the field artiUevy method rf training men who had so nobly performed their duties to tb* siek tfia i wheels* havje designed the wheels so as to be pushed forward out of the, way; with handles attached to either -axle» which in a-couple of simple rev? elution* can alter the entire direction of the gun. For fortieses* the bal loon guna can be. mounted with other -ordnance. on ..a . pivot, and the< same mounting is used for ballooh-artUlery r ' < > *¥ 1 " Aged on the iplatform of armored mo 1 * * ■ > 1 tor cars, which would pursu* the alr cruiser untih a suitable range wa* ob tained.— ■....' Opinions are still divided as .to the Much of the chronic lameness mature of projecttlwto h e dt*ohar*e4 t l. la horses it due to neftectFor spherical balloons shrapnel Is un See that your- horse j* not al~ doubtedly the beet, but as a cruiser tewed to go lame. Keep Sloan’s of the Zeppelin type might sustain Liniment on hand and apply at rbut-little-dam age from * few ehrapnei Pellets Krupp. In contrast to EhrKardts, who- pin their fa itlr on shrap nel for all types of balloon artillery, i loints -have invented special shell fitted with stakes the muKlss elastic a alow m atef which ignites a'gas with --and'pliant, the object of causing an. explosion in the hostile airship. 1 H ih 's tl « Proof. r- T h e -e h e ll^ n striking the - airship's. Mr tJ, T- rotemi or KiSBrGRCr envelope immediately lets fire to the ;.F.D. N*.», Box 43, writw r—“ I teve filling gas and the resultant explosion wi year Liiiwet • • a horn fw sweemy IMeffeette a thareafkcun. I »V» would totally annihilate the aerial veew m a n w l i syavia m a mate. This sel. These deadly shells are moreover Spavia waa m larft as a galMaatt. la designed to give off e very ■; dense my aMluitiM th# bwt naaeSy ferluiaaemaadieroaMsie smoke so as to leave a wake which, with the aid' of a glass, Is distinctly ttble-and-of-imaaeieasabte- impor-: tance in sightinf for a seoond shot, supposing the first to have missed. The distance la taken by a special ap paratus set up. by the aide of the bal loon gun, white the actual sighting. Is dons bjrmeans; of an apparatus some — M T. M.Criblse.ME Yavenwitcw, Xtna, - ■ thing similar to the periscope of the It.F.D, Ns, j, writs#;—- Yo*r Llnl- " meat-i» tte best tea* I kxvs ewr u»wJ. - submarine. Jk*4a*MiJEitka> i t e m se hw pack —_ sad on 50c. Jbottla a< S W i IJnlmant ' loon -guns—a 8.5 centimeter field gun, which fifes a 4-kil MttnljrcuM bar. X.kae* it arouad ait r ; ogram projectile with an .Initial velocity of 820 meters, ttettma foc xaUi u d taull aanilUaga •M fee srwythiag abettt tea itaek." or about 2,100 feet a second, attaining at a maximum an-, gle of discharge of 60 degrees and a height of 17,000 feet; S lo a n ’s L i n i m e n t a fortress 7.6 gun, firing a 6V4‘kllogram shell and a heavy w ill kill a spavin, gun of 10.5 caliber, primarily intended for use on board curb o r aplint, re duce w ind puffs and w&fshipfl, -The fortress gun can, hit and destroy an airship a t a swollen joints, and height or2'4,000 feet fropi a discharging angle of 75 de is a sure and speedy grees, so that as,-on-the evidence, of Count Zeppelin him rem edy fo r J i t u l * , self, an airship only in case ,of emergency^ rises to a aw teney, f o u n d e r height of 5,000 feet; the range the new balloon artillery a n d th n u h . covers all cases. The naval gun can reach a height of PrfoB 6<h, and $1,00 85,000 feet. m«Mka*a a«*k mi H, ik«ta SOLVES MYSTERY OF HAUNTED CHAMBER.1 l S to p s L a m en ess 6 T h e n those tw o men kissed each o th e r, b u t spoke n o t » w o rd . V in c e n t used bln last re m ain in g stren gth to s ta rt the •ledge, i t w e n t slowly with its O w n momentum down the baTeiy perceptible Incline. Occasionally the accel•Wled speed fcould be chocked by a smooth billow of ice guns, eith er b y m o v in g th e gun round o n a ’fixed .p iv o t on th e gun carriage --or T>y a lte r in g ,th e direcU on- o f_ thwA fter a man nas natte re d a w o m s g c a r r la ie ir w o u ld be o u t o f place hers She'beglna to th in k i t o ve r a n d de* a t being too slo w . S o K ru p p s i In the cldes th a t he re a lly m e a n t tt. -case o f balloon a rtille ry m ounted on * ¥ w tthtirflexposoraandlackoffoodrw aspraeticaU y-tea- ,■4 A T n iS X iy O OOCOH .wni Syoms s yem*: 0 fainting condition; The sledge had been, brought to a. point from which swept away for over a mile a gentle declivity, smooth with snow and lee. Vincent sat down on the,edge of the sledge. “Old fellow,’’ he* said, "I’m Sorry, but I’m afraid it’a almost up with me," Then he turned away Ms head, but la a moment waa on his feet. F ar down to the right.of the, sloping plain he saw a grlm-looking rock which held his gate. Then he turned to Davidson again. “I don't want to raise any false hopes/’ he. said, “but that rock lookslike one th a t stood not far from the ptaco where the native* are. It is like a thousand others and prob ably I am w rong,'but God knows it’s our last hope. I can’t drag you further, but I’ll not leave you. We’ll go together. We can slide down this declivity w|th our eledge, We may go' Into a crevasse, m you know, and that means death, but it’s death anyway unless, when *e pftBe'that rook w e see some huts beyond and'to the , ortght."- [ 1 b y his fellow cadetH. w a «ra ^ b ro th e jL Q f M a . .W . W ^ B e ll o f- C hicago and a n u ncle o f T .m t a t u u , * h » ~1 —H ^ w a s ^ b i g ^ m a n and his w e ig h t p ro ve d ~a~burden to Wjriter;— .W hen L ilia n B e ll w rote h e r s to r y , “T h e ihe dogs. Fok- tw o daya tb e y w e n t^ o n ^ s lo ^ H y = n ^The' U n d e r Stde o f T h in g » ;” ^ i t h its p a th e tic e n d in g , she evening o f the seoond d a y th e y m ade th e ir sm all A re r w ove the tale about th e career n f h e r u n c le . L i e u t a n d ..sta rte d to - b re w some t e a .. T h e b ottom fell out o f B e ll, and gave to the sto ry th e d e p th o f path os the p o t.a n d it. could not be A xe d . I t w as the_only vessel th a t,tr u th com pelled. > of any k in d th a t th e y had w ith th e m . Ip H th e y had O n e o f Jaxhes E . B e ll's classm ates a t W e e t P o in t T ^ S «te d = th e iJ^ p «m m T c a h a n d -ste e p «d ;th e ir te a v ^ T h a t ' fighting ^ithTii3nF= :_ d *n t , appardntly triflin g in lts e lf. th o te ...two?., m en fe lt - the r-.m an_ h e had som ething to g ra p p le , w ith , b u t m ight m ean th e ir death. F r o m th a t tim e on th e y a t e ' th a t w heq a m an was fig h tin g disease th e disease fro ze n food An d /h a d no ^w arm ing b everage. < did all the g rap p ling, Y o u can’t w o u n d a disease O n , o i r th e y jw e n t and a t last there came a . realising a dve rsa ry. A g a in s t h im p a rry and th ru s t a re n o th ssnse th a t th e y w e re lo s t T h e re w as n o food le ft w hich ing. , A d ju ta n t-O h n . B . D . To w n s e n d Cnee aald th a t could be spared to keep up the stren gth o f the d o g g in a ll' bis a rm y career Be, had n e v e r k n o w n such V in cent lqd tw o o f th e creatures a w a y and killed th em honora to be paid to a subaltern as w ere offered to t hat th ey - m ig h t serv e as food fo r th e tw o rem aining! antthe m em ory o f F ir s t L l e u f ~JgBTAs E - B ell. > T w o male, B o th men w e re w e a k to th e p o in t o f exhaustion. general, orders were, issued fro m h e ad q ua rte rs o f V in c e n t k e p t up hia good oheeb and ra llie d his. p atien t t^ e a rm yp ea ch pairing trib u te to ih e d e vo tio n o f th e h j..h U | hopefulseas, T h e n he w e n t in to th e harnesa, ta k young offleer o f a rtille ry w ho had 4 1e d on th e D r y _____ ing the place o f th e anim als th a t ha h ad s la in , and used" TO rtU g aa o f'y e llo w fe v e r. — bis re m ain in g s tre n g th to help d ra g th e . sledge onw ard . F o r t Jefferson on th e T o rtu g a s in A u g u s t o f th e T h r t w o . rem aln raa dosg srave o u t. T h e re w ould -h a v e - y e a r-4 8 ? 3 ,w a s ^ a rrIs o ire d ^ - B g ttd iy ~ M r TF i rA t U n it■ .jy w r y r " been the-------------------— blacknees o f deepair— had ------lt n o----------------— t been for some- ed States artillery. Outside of the surgeons there thing in th e sp irit o f those tw o m e n t h a f m ade th e m .see was only one officer, L ie u t. B e ll, a t the! post. C a p t. L t» without and dy facing the fever death r = w - - ^ - - —— ^ - - = ^ - ^ — — — La n e d o n _ h a d been granted a leav e o f * , LV_:_. =^-lightf-^ - - — — ...............l'P o ct o r ;u Baid~DavldBon ~~;iy o n c a n V < lra g -m e fu rth e r.— n o rtm -ia .ih e hedsidfi_of.hlB d y in g .f a t h e r .- - O n A u g u s t 28 each-^octor-and'^man b r name,-recommendlng-them for Therc Is no reason why both of us should die. Tjjpencumbered, perhaps yoii can make your way to the old camp. Try it." : . / Vincent’s answ er was the fitting of the harness^over hiajahoulders once more and the trudgitig onward, drag ging the sledge With Its weakened burdeer behind him. ----- “Doctor," BBid Davidson once more 7T4'yotrtH tetterigo.^Vincent turned^with a sort of half smile. "Davidson," he said, "it's barely possible, as a mere matter between men, I might find it in my heart to desert you and leave you here to die. You must remember, however, that I am a doctor .and you're my patient, and it would be un-~ ethical to th!e last degree for nie to go awaV and leave you, so I'm Afraid you'll have to put up with me." Tbs physician dragged his patient on through the horror of the awful etUlnesa. . Finally the end was at hand. Vincent w«e tottering and Davidson, weakened as the result of the operation he had undergone, coupled . L o ie F u lle r , th e note d d a n c e r; to ld a t a luncheon a b to ry a bo u t h e r clase o f dan cing c h ild re n . -------“ I g a re the c h ild re n a C h ris tm a s p a rty la st y e^ - s b e waidr-H* n d w h e n the pud din g cam e on I aald to t k w n : “ h a v e p u t in this pud din g a coin ,' a little ch ina doll a nd a b u tto n . W h o e ve r gets the cola w ill be ric h . W h o e v e r gats the doll w ill be m arried! b e fo re th e ye a r is o u t B u t w h o e v e r gets th e b utton w ill be an old m a id / “ W e ll, the p u d dia g dlsappeared ra jH l i l y , a n d the little g irls soon fo u n d ' th e cola and th e c h in a do ll. B u t th e b u tto n did n o t tu r n u p . N o one g o t th e b u tto n . T h is am ased m e. “ T h a t n ig h t l said to m y fa v o r ite little g ir l, as w e g a t a lo n w b y th e t n r In m y ro o m ; ' ' 'j “ T ca n ’ t un derstand w h a t becam e o f th a t b u tto n . I p u t f t in the ptiddingm y s e lf.' . ■ ■. | “ T U te ll yo u / th e little g irl confepsed. turning t m t w ith confusion. * t d o t th e b u tto n . B u t I d id n 't w a n t e v e ry b o d y to laugh a t _ m p r-th o X th w a llo w e d it .’ ” jp B gw.I . .two men a sledge, four doga and some supplies. - They turned their ^fafle«Mia-^the-direction nf mtah an<l ■*«; thaf : fH i^ gfrf^fen silence. Davidson was nhable~ta walk, 7 Of CVS. 1 the enemy of;U Mr-country. A sto rm arose, f t w as a h o w lin g bllssard w ith o u t the sn a w fa llT-a ; htissard w ith ,: the th e rm o m e te r 83 degrees W hile, the oc below the f r e e in g :p o in t . T h e te n t ia w h ich one-half o f currence -w a s the -e xp lo re r * sle p t w as ripped by the blast into th r eads. f resh er la th e T h e occupants m a d e 't h e ir w a y as best they could to memory of all tbelr^oom rades' s h e lte r .T fa e -d ls ta a e e was d o t t r e a t b u t T h ^ n ; I t T ip in coTe rin g it th e .fe e t o f one o f th e m e n , D a vid a o n , were ; perfiapg - to-day, ■frosen;- I f bscahie neceesary a lm o s t a t once to -a m p u ^ tbeWeat=rPol tate p o rtio n s of .h p th e x tre m itie s . w .T h * . o p e ra tio n -w a a chaplains,--: "perform ed b y Surgeon V in c e n t. . ' * the pressing of ____ li. w as, o f course, im possible fo r D a tld a o h to_proceed th:ei r ~point,” w ith the p a r ty -o a th e d a a h -to t h e ^ p o le .- .T o l e a t e ^ l m -loved to speak w h e r e h e l w a s .a a a n t d e e t h .^ T h e r e iw a s b u t o n e t h ln g it f ji ibtthe-deathtgtdo; and th a t was to send h im b ack o ve r the wastes and ■Weu.t,, James 'B." the loe floes and thro u g h the a w fu l bitterness o f the cold -Bell,- who died -tO -lh e . place w hence th e y had com e. Seve n m iljM Lb ack . because. ..of . his. “wers_B o m ? "ii*tiV e s 'a a d som ething lik e adequate shelter; . d e v o “t r o n “ to P e a ry-c o u ld s p a i^ Fb u t one m an to g o -b a c k w ith D a vid - — d u ty . " J i m m i e ----son. I t w a g o b vio u sly the place o f the eurgesartes go on B e ll, lo vin g ly ' the re tu rn J o u r ney w ith his p a t ie n t ,,a -Jo u rn e y th a t every- • called “ Jin g le " one In;, the band believed m e a n t d ea th -^foi^^-the—t w o - m e n —w h O ^ w o u ld -unAei^r take I t . . ; '' ' '— - E d V i n c e n t ; gave up w ith o u t, a m u rm u r that- fo r ^which he had so longed —the chapce to be one o f th e rrm e n -to ^ re a c hr th a t g o a l o f therexploeers’ a m b ltiq n , th e north p ile ,', H la —d u ty jw s^_1tolD<iTidioo_and w ith :-D a -T vtdaoji he s ta y e d ., P e a ry gave t h e ! ■ ■» --------- . ------- -- N a iv e Confessten o f L it t le G ir l P rs v e d H e r to 9s T ru # D a u g h te r ■. L in im e n t ' Sir William Henry Perkins, the Inventor of many coal tar dyes wa# talking in Now York before he tailed for England about the Psyohleal Researah society. ' “ “Crookes and tohie other ioJeHllstTfCrib for psychical research," be said, “though I confess th at to me ths sub ject makes no great appeal. “Personally I have come in contact, during a fairly long. Career, with but, one ghoet story. Its hero waa a whom I'll sail flaooks. '.‘Snooks, visiting a t a, country house; waa put In the haunted chamber for the night,* He aald he felt a* un. eaaineea; nevertheless he took to bed vrith him a rerMVer of the latest American pattern. "H* fell asleep without difflculty, but aa the clock wn* striking two he awoke with a strange feeling cf oppres sion. '• , ■ "Lifting h<* head, he. peered shout him. The room waa wanly illuminated by the full moon, and In that weird, bluish tight he saw a small hand clasping the rail at the foot of the bed. "'Who'* th e re f he demanded, tremulously, "There waa no reply. The hand did not mere, “ 'Who's th ev er said Saooka again. 'Answer or HI shoot' "Again there w m no reply, and Snooka eat np eanttoMty, took careful alas and fired, "He limped from that night on, for be Met off two of bin own toee."—New Terk world. A Man of Vim. “Wagvby never stays longer thi.. be finds to borrow sott* a*«My.'* "1 suppose a man a t what you might eall *fo,H—BaHtt flo a a , IL L Y o u C a n ’t C u t O u t A ■ rv LI AH W & j m m t e ;” E 2 ara tN a »n<t »*• apr»« vis* win*, rw * * t n o s t k * M r , SA M 4 S fr»», _ JtL.toi Baitlna,n t n V -v~», Virtrow VKlri. S«r-nl^d Wf! qslrklv. M rufrr•arar WWttrtlyta ■»»a»uronwTiir', MW. wily lif ffV* «r UpuMi* n9U.rr*a .l994*. AiikT«p»in *. r. TttH, f. e. A6HfRK «m t ii •%., —— - ■*■ ■ kf*»TTt HHT.'-fl r-*a r WMir-rniM I-.! Af.P a i l l i i Mr—.. n il, Wlmi T n ’re H u m Use' i'.i. i i ' v■ ■ / 1 7 7 !I I S - TflECHBtsiA m Standard . a , m o . :i- r Additioiud Local Itetos. * PERSONAL MENTION. The L. (!. Bi A. arc spending today with ^Ir*. ^1. MeKunV In tendon. ■-i' ‘ >‘- leeti wwpww ■allWWXMi fra« to* oOo«lntbt) I^Mth of U* Cfoltet* House, - The Oytuwre Club m et with Mrs, u tiiirm u n m m uiiHUUWl Hint! Kantlchner Tuesday eyenlng. •jj.'yb H arry Foster spent ^pesday in,De s y l v a m h Ap p e n in g s , m i^ IfO O V E R . troit. . Regular rn eetiu gof-O livo Chapter timvdi t)tTLL find":it''^orth,,fVhil0,,'tcfc' buy^^sonife of these^ good things in the lisfe ,; Mrs. T, E. Wood, visited in A ^ laan rt atk bkmUIw, aWyeeot*: O. K, S,!. W cd n i^ ay eveidng, Jan U -mW,'-R,' Hi 'W a ltrb n ^ ^ h b a M , bM n F-tveoeaU? •kr :•w-hGthieP7j!<>U-iieed'-^iw—tWftrrfl^asoii;-*or --not,, f i s ; uary lDth. ■ ' " . J~ ~ " last w eek;'' r- ' • ’ 1 Miss Mary Clark ylslted in Dfetrolt quite sick witb -tonslliti^ is . .on. the ,'irftUj! fOMOneMe and nude known .w ifi a flv ft yon m on^y for next year’s u^e. We’roVolMring np lt o winter 6ft|«U>lt<*Uoa, Tho. L. C. 15. A are ; guests a t the last.w eek.; stocks now, getting things in shape to inventory, and then we do not believe m? home'of Mrs. Hugh McKune, of LynA rthur H bnter s p e n t, Sunday/, in ^-Little Helen Lowery.is gaining-s^ry in cariTing goods over from one season to the;.nest. ‘ ; . . . mtfA'tM matt". Marohfl, IHt, don,: today.. Ypsilauti, nleely 'from her recent-, sick ness and * DSfcjBataSCOutoi*, MkUipm, under the 3 is \a b le 'tp :b ^ n ^ a n r d r e B 3 e d - ,~ imgiSMat kiroh 8,IWS. ' Mrs. F. K. MeEldOwney was hi Bf* . Mrs. H. Li Wood .visltgfi in \ rrrrrMiss Christina. Prinalng. le ft Tueatro it last Friday attend' th e Presi Wednesday.'• f --j3W TPe*iy with.Administration. dent*f Hay'ceTehratloD,' ? - v'• MissrFpSJtipe S ch o en apent Tuesday ^ay"m o im tn g T fg r^ ttH eH 'lo H th ^ in'Anh Avbor. */ keep h o u ^ f o r h er bw>ther, who went k-gfeat. deal h^ts been said to th e j^ tth a t Congressman Townsend , ' The Bridge W hist 6luby will .meet J. / S. Cummings was ih Owosso pn last year, , , “ en but of harmony with the ad* with , Mrs. Geo. P. Staflfan Friday lntsiness Friday. . 01ark~Hlhe^'bf ^ ria p e p 6 rt, Conn, ratiqn of President Taft. R e afternoon of this week,. ' L.’ :,fw a8t^,|apk8pPi .was the gu e s t, of his sister, - Mrs; -v-vd e v e lo p ments completely dis.visltokMonfij^ ^ '' " y Heory Be rtke,:. Sti rtday, also M ts. ^ y e /th e tru fh o fth ls assertion. The ~ A number fronrthiwplace. attended Miss. Myrta Fenn_ is visiting rela- Henry Hines and ,.Mrs; Mae.iy.anfeoin. , /‘i,’V ^ s |d e n t early in th e summer invited the Cohan & H artis m instrels a t Ann Fur Scarfs and Muffs a t ONE-FOURTH, to W om ens B lack \Pettlooati9 diifing th is sale?,o ^ of-Grass Lake, Upd Geo._KQebbe 'and tiyes in JacksoBY— .. t^ r T o w n s e h d to attend a conference Arbor Wednesday e v'ehi ng, "0 NE-HAUFTofTRegular Priees, 1 <s ■vMfss Emily Steinbach was a Jackson Samuel Bertke of-Freedom and Miss ‘ ^ h ile th e y la s t: , yy the. east for the purpose of consid. ^T7!~TTZ B ertha Eeldkamp of Chelsea. :; yisltqr Saturday. T, • i I ■*.f. « 1 $ ^ 0 0 R cg u lar$ 2 .0 0 q u a lity .a t;.. « I ♦ proposed legialationrelatlYC to T h e ^ n n ^ l, meeting p fith e a e rm a n ''proposed legislation ~ V I a DetroiFylsitor r ^ t S s t a t e commerce. Mr. T O T H S ' -Worklugmenji go d ;one:'dayJaa|^ebk.v:.!'._ ,v<i-Waa th e only member of the house who Monday evening, January . 17th. i§ P * NORTH LAKE NEWS* -Mrs. S. G,' BuSlf^was airA nn Arbor ,vA*C'4fk‘ asked to assist in this im portant Mrs. Henry Luick, of-Lima, has. re visitor /Wednesday..: ^ ^ ; w o r ) t and be has devoted1much of his turned, home from a visiti to Hart,Miss;;Kathryn; Hooker , visited h e r E. iLavey_ has; purchased a faym q^‘ F u r Goats at about ‘O N ^-F O ^R T H I ;to; :,C)NE-' ||^ |^ t i m e to-the preparation-of the bill Her little grandson returned with h er; j^jgter in D etroit la s rweek^ | T H IRRD D off R§gujfir Frice. . / a ,' - 197 acres-near-Fowle’rville. ., l^ter-w h lch was introduced by him a t the ............... - - - ... :V, L . 'a J — r r'.: • .^ r s r /V ‘^ir4^'-dfrD etro|t(9k’a8-.a r<*qfl<»«t IasLMonday, and Wm. Beard has brought tire P, .fra: Gone Mrs.' ' c \ i ^ *r■; ; 'Tp-r)*y. r tv. — Mrraud Mrs; Cone TJo-hth.iUl Lighthall^Mrs, - - Speoial Wool Blanket ’Salbfiryof which he will have charge op th e Hiram m Lighthall; T, ........— '"A-T?..,/;1-. hud- Miss Genevieve; family spent Lavey farm y.t $65 p e r acre. |p $ ;£ ;rflo6r of tlm house, The bill, has' at- Hummel \ were Aph' Arbor;' visitor! t.70 !Regular (price $6.50now. .;, . W. H. Glenn, of Stockbrl^ej.nfm Je; SatiiirdAy hind .^hhday; in Milan. , ^ |^ - ^ a c f b d wide attention and"*!* Towh- W ednesday.' '•'-.WinV '- m V -pir. JackspnV was the a business trip here'Saturday. seed’s experience in handling the rail* Mr. and: iMrs. ■.Lawrence; Clple, of l^ f ^ y '-ratie .law during tli-v.Roosevolf; I t w H lh e ad ry -sta te -fa ir th.isyearr guest of relktivesjiere Sunday, R icFarfr t'orhesT o f " Dakota, is~X ’G reenyille, are’ .guests of E.',137Noah l^^ v ad m in iistratio n will be of great benefit; ahdyhe.date'8'will‘be^^ th e same'as for and O, P. Noah. , TBig (ot of Women. 9f a n d ; Missbs, GI6aka> r^ ^ ! > t b ithe. country in th e enactment of th e past s.ey ora l ye ars-^-the fl rst wee k giiest.at Eve home pf John Ross. ;. Mrs. Herman Fletcher spent Sat MissJennie Winslowi of ; Chelsea;, wprtH’ $12^50 to $20;,0$,'no two alike^N ; . Important legislation. Mr. Town-' in September, : . 1 urday .with friend 8-in:Ann:Arbor. w a^theXdbfiG orilisr^M ary.W haH an t^ l'^ - S ^ e n d lh an Interview in the PbiiadelAU Baby Bonnets -ONE-ttADF regular Mr. and Mrs, E. Farpum, of Pinck Saturday and Sunday. ^|fc;CV^- -P^ia Press relative-to the President’s The books of the finance- keeper of ney, visited- friends here Tuesday, price. : " J ,i7-a ' , \ ~ i' ' \i,: 7v7.m essage on the subject said; - , • George W ebb and wife- and Flovd the ■Columbian Hive,,L.. Q. T, .M,. M,. ■‘Miss "Lena Foste r, of Anu iArbor, P^ ^ v ' r :.Yl.-His message commends the four will be in. the hands, of -Mrs. H attie Hinckley and w^fe w ere'guests;at the spent Friday, with relatives here, r?T>‘. i:''gr'e4t propositions—tbe commerce W edemeyer u util for fu rth e r notice. vorae of L. W. Chamberlin of. .Web -/A rthur H aftrey ,*o.f Jackson," spent $ijrr- cdurt, th e shippers’ right to route his ster Sunday. The Young Ladles Sodality - of the Monday evening a t his. home. h ere.\_ freig h t, theobligatlon of the railroads Misses Mary Lam brecht; and_Lillie: The nex t township spelling contest 'S tan d ” by“ rates quoted' by th e ir j ehurch of Q ur-Eady of the^Sacred wjjp " ~ ... jetting in blaoi^ond? cbldys, Table Crnens andn^apkfns all marked down.. ^agents, and the commission’s right to H eart will give a progressive pedro Haul were Jack^iiTvIsltors Tuesday, school house. ' A Lincoln day program, W George Mitchell, of Chicago, was a M.CsfA Regular $25;00, 'antl $30.D9 Suits.ndw . ... $ 1 4 9 5 Lfor thl^Bate. ^ r S a u s p c a a - ih e operation of increased party at S t,.Mary’s hall/Friday even? Chelsea visitor the first Tof th e :week, will be given." '' freight rates-until their, justice has ing.r' Admission 15 cents'. - Regular $15.00 ifnd;$I8;00 Suits now ... . .. $10.00 72 inch Bleached Linen regufa'r p rlee^t.0 0 Mrs. -W m.--Kee n.-ioL^alraavsqo,- is -jV a rre n -R :. Daniels en tertaih ed /at §w f * -T ^been investigated.' The recommenda“ ■Ohe "17)t Suit-Ci lv ei^’ $1&5D-7Cpl $20I|0~liow ^ T ~ , ,iipw,.» .,♦» . .f i, t i*• «. . . . i. Y«* t’i- t-i'i , . .*-».t »t , | ,. ,*i. ,*4 , . 80o Methodtet spending MQinettme w ith'her husband bia VmmA-TnpsrVny'PVPntna- ^he Senior •-fioa td r estrict-tfafr-issttes-of^-stocka mhp .1p>tnrw at ... .$5.00 to $7.60 72 inch Bleached Linen vere. . ‘ class of the Chelsea-H igh/Bchoal-of church'Friday eyenlbg by Prof. F. A. sgular price \ inen regular p ; and .bonds is new and i t is right. I t Miss Ltaxie: Maroney, of Toledo, is which he is a member. Barbour, •while umier jhe auspices of ; : will prevent stock watering, • •».• • •.(.«> »* ■» i i .» • • » i ~4• • ■*f «iii «!'/•« *■v0„4o ♦< Mrs, Jam es Cookei fqf-Chelseaj’- lS w ■ ’‘Representative Townsend said that- th e teachers’ institute, is fo r' t he "spending som e‘tinvesiwith h er .mbther 72J|]ich Bleached Linen regular price ’$1,56 iiere. the "'guest of h e r e o n -Ernest "ahfi" y ; the bill would provide for a; special general pnbUoFnnfi-:;’nll'--''Whb!-can’pos-■. HOW• <• i • * i « < • ■i i « i i • i r-t i i ;i i i / / t 15;, Mrs. Jessie C a rn e s ^ f W alled Lake, lamUyJtvelping care for her grandson 1 ■: r■. ' ■* , ;.v i. Oourt for th e consideration of rail- sibly do so are urged to attend. . is spending this week-with M rs/E. E, Ronald,/who has been'sick. ' All Pattern Table Cloths ONE-FOURTH ^ . road disputes, the prohibition of the All Childrens Coats marked to sell quick at Rube Mosher; the well knbwn'rube" Bhavefj7~:;’7 . "’r7_7 ";'.'7 7 !7 V ' off regular price.: />; 1 I '7,7^ :v; ownership of stock in competing lines M. Dillon, of York, wak: th e guest . . ONE-FOUllT H to O N M A L F lo ftreg U laf pnceL equilibrist- will be , the- feature at Mrs. -MartiiPVogeljind daughterr of :<';of road, the issuance of stocks and traction" at'the Princess next week of .nr S. WlTalian on Tuesday7: Mr. - AU Napkins ONE-FOURTH off;regulav price. Ann A rbor,.- Syere Chelsea visitors Dillon sand Mr. W h ajian ; were mem bonds, by railroads in excessive — : bers" of^C o~E :"‘ Seyeivth Michigan amounts and generally clothe the com- Jd0i|dax» Tue8day and^ Wednesday^ Sunday,, --.-.i-i 7 , p 3 — He is a maa weighing 160 pounds 5. Mrs. -Bmtonfhndv daughter H attie, Cayalry,;------ -— i<. mission with greater pow*fr. feet.ahdJ:iricifekJtall,-packshim self, is- ; ^-Mr. Townsend expressed the/optn* in a 19 inch b o x ,in less than iVseconds. of—Dexterr - were^- Chelsea -visitors^ Monday.;. V'!"**'1 r ' 7 V KnisfhtStemplar Benefit. fon th a t the measure would prove to Our Dross Goods Department is a:busy MisSJiilea^,;-of Jackson,-visited her TiThe" ^Knight! '‘!r.Templar--n^offrAnnbe -the 'hnosF progressive evef recom* C h e l s e a g e t T t h e niaclilne “you’li seethe reason,"if I l l - .mended by any ,president!” , 1 ■“ Shop of Harry Porter, who "has been sUte-rY.-HMraif1Frqnkh7 G^rfinget,'l'’ here Arbor have. seleci:ed . the “ J ld Home7 ..' -Buy these nowr they vyilI stirely cc)St more,S p e c ia l p r ic e s o n A LL D R E SS G O O D S a n d ' last week. ^ stead,’ for th e ir benefit -performance . later,.. .. ; J,;. : at Gregory for 'sev era l; years. %Mr. Mr. and Mrs. ■Wni.' .Nauman, of Silks during this ^ale. CharchOfBcers^ -PqrterftndB"thatiiq; was tled--up-H6- Jackson, .vvsited .atlthelvome of A. L._ at-the—^ew— ^45x30"U trcs^Fillow^Ci^esT »• i.4 I » i -I 1 1 4rM c 7 Special prices on four-Iots-that-arc^priced atueg.d'ayvJanaary^lRr-T^e-anmiabm^Hng-pfjMCdngr^- gtro n g f e i tii Duraad^where:ardbuiid A5 x 86 Mohawk P illd#~C w es7. .77; .T.~ . .. ,2 1 c ~ -.7 Denmarr-Thompson's fatpiriaf-playr gatiohal church and society was held ing had‘been erected for-him, th a t it S teg er F rid ay .--prices thatAvilldose them out quick. . ? . 72x§0 Moliawk S h e e t? . . . . 7 . 7 . . . .1.769c — :a t :the- church Monday, January 10. was going to make f t cost him to o ' Miss Jennie W ard ,1 of Iosco, was the iT h e 01d Hpmestead)” haH passed the guest .of her : aunt, Mrs.1 J, C. Taylori stage of criticism long-ago ahd-reaeh-81*90 Mofiawk S h e e t s . ; 7 . . ; . 7 .-. . .-.-.-.-r. .756 - . T h e reports from the: societies of the much to make the change to Chelsea. the past week. . . :' 7 ed the perloq where nreal iuvmbr and " church indicate , th a t a vfery prosper^ . ou’s year was enjoyed bjr>ll. About A .beautiful calendar, issued by the- r-.:Miss—Matrguarite Sklnneir h a s , re phthosy jh "a.lj Vhb homllpesa Afi- real : $2,600 was raised for ail purposes, in- M ichigan AgrlcLiltviral College, has turned home from her visit with life,' may be iexperleneed. ft,affords amusement, for" both you,rig‘ an d ' old - eluding . $300 for missionary work, been received, at this office.. ■I t givps Jackson. Menus, Mrs. M.-Mankardr. ~aUke7 pfid"nohe^ay^pi~aw ay 7 f^ T he following officers were ele;ctedr a'"humber o fp ictu re5 7 q f'”bu11dbigSi Mrs;.. Stanfield, ^Trustees—C. Ft; 7 Kempf, D. H. campus scenes,' laboratories, etc; To and; daughter Alice;, iyefe TJachson’ perform ance ^ of f t withQu.t some • All Silk vlsityv <-Tupfiday: : '_____ ■ -~ 20 c and ' W urster. lesson . th a t ivill continue iw.hlle rethose who haye known th e college for THIRD off Regular price. . Miss Kate Cainfleld, of California, 25o7now.*.. . . . . . . 7 , ; ......... -,15q." . Clerk of the Society—F. ^1. Belser. many years, it brings vividly to mind collectlop of the characters remains. Deacons—C. M. Davis, L, T: ’ Free the great progress made by this ,in7 is spending,some time .with h er sister, To those who witnesS' th ia . play . for Mrs; ISva Bates?/"man, George Crowell. ' " 7 th e 'h r s t time, sat]js£mlioti";-jmiist.;.be. stitution in recent yearV ■ — Mr. :anfl Mrs. Daniel ;Wapkert of experienced.; which; bllfiohiekrlalonly ■i-'-DeaconfesseB—Mrs.—Gi-' -H7 K em p ^ A call will be is’suedvthis week for ’Lansing, were • Chelsea visitors the on a second-visit,..for- the -character-sMrs, F. H; Sfeetland, Mrs; J. H. -— the meeting of the 'School officers of first of the -'week. 7 " i F jpilis, bh the old,|arfcn in New. Ham pshire l _Mt\ and. Mrs, S ,; M;. Raftrey, of tafrtbe: become S-more-real o n b e tte r acquaint ^ h u rp h CfferlFMfSrCrJ. Walworth? Albion, was the g u e s tb f J. J. Raftrey! court house February fith; . The call ance. The cast for this, the twentyHead .-.';Ushers—Morning, Dennis , biic Lot Men’s Monarch Shirts, regular price $1.00, now. . . . . . , . t . and f:invHySunday - f '■ will not only ask the'school directors .60<S fourth . season of this.; rem arkable W alker; evening, Carlton Runciman,One Lot Men’s Cluett Shirks, regular price $1.50, now ................ .. 7 . * * ’ ■’ V ---7-L— ^ '-I'-sir ^1■■“tA-LLLi—unfit . 7.;—1_4^ and treasurers of. every school dis- - Miss Mary Pel ton returned Monday play, remains practically the same, $ 1 ,1 5 Ono.Lot,Mon,s Caps, regular price 75o and $1.00. uow. .. 7 .. * '.................. .. ’ ’ ‘ : ........ trlc.t to he. present, hut t.hfr fnwnaVdp from Greenville where she, has been aiith .Edward Snaqjer aw Unclo—JoshT A Pleasant Occasion, -r50C " Adsitin'g.heJLsisterT The regular meeting of the L: G D. .clerka..and. tru an t offleor—^nri-T>Vfa^EerklhsyGna: rzMTSTXT, S. Jo n esro f" CharlotteTwas 7 725r Kammerlee as' A, was hpld Thursday, january 0th;' ecuting attorriey- will" also 'be aske;d YGne LotrMeriVWoql Underwear, mostiy drawers and ^ w o r t h " 1 ‘ ' ’" m * the guest of friends here several Knapp as the .Ganvie y boy, George a t the home of Mrs, F.Carrihger, the to be .present, One Lot .Men s Socks, regular-price 25c, n o w .,-.......... .-.r ,.V i ----. ’ * 7 7 ' ‘ * ‘$®C days of the past week? 1 Patch as the.Gountry Fiddler, Maggie occasion being installation of officers ^)ua L o t ^ n ’s^ye^atagjrmstly sn^n^siz -regular priqe $L 0 0 rnow 7-?v^i H 1 : — ■7 -AlisS Epjiie BreitenbaGh^returned-to who ’a re ; as follows: P a st" Preaidentr - - It- ik said- th a t Charles . Harrington-,' Breyer at A unt .M atilda, A nita ’Fow^ -2 5 c Jacks’ d h Sunday a fte r spending two ______ 7 " ~ ^ 11^1®nJs Vesta m&rked downduring duringv„.„ thia„„.v. sale. 7 . 7 . .’ ler as Rickety Ann, and Maud . Anna Remnant; president, Catherine who .short” Morga n_“J". ^Ernmett last’ weeks with hgr sister-here, One Iayf Men s Wool PanW, 32 and 33 waistmeasure, a t . ^ , . . ,, 7 Hummel; first vice president, Eliza- Friday morning,- has requested the Pleasants as Anna M aria Murdock. 1 •«• * « 11 * id 1 , >,98c o p la c e jilin...In., another pa r t 7 Mrs. Colin Babcock and son,: of _ . bcth- .Eder;. second down during this this sale; G r a s s -LfikS;jipent one day o f_ th e M ary A. Burg; recorder, Alice Lie- of th e jail where-he will have'-' more , beck; assistant recorder, Ellen Wade; company thavv he has a t present. T-lvc financial secretary, Alice Nordman; oftlcers say th a t hi's conscience, is be treasurer, Frances Kress; marshal, ginning to bother him, but he denies v Robert: Edson, who com es. for his H attie Lyons; guard, M argaret Miller; it. His request will not be complied annual visit a t the New W hitney . trustees,M ary Miller, Appolonia Spir- with, as the charge under which he theatre,;on Thursday, Jan u a ry 20th, r e n t s ; r e a l e s t a t e , - f o u n d LOST W A N T E D 'E T C , ^ . nagle and Caroline Welck. rA fte rth e Ik- held—i» too s'erlous-to-allow the will -present for the first time"fn Ann a .ne.w__Aincricau'-play-4 ____ -.'.meeting the.-members ■^ c re enter* Mic.em to .take miyTciiances. wltli'hiin Arivor, “ A Man’s A Man,” by Anna Steese " tained at cards and were served with At the spelling contest held at the Bichardson and Henry Leslie Frjden- FEED GRINDING—All kinds of feed v-Tit delicious lunch consisting of coffee, berg. " A Man’s A Man,” which is grinding done' on sh o rt: notice, 8c per hundred. Melnb6 !d'Bros. 20tf TRailwayTM ail C le rk s W an te d .esealioped' potatoes, sandwiches, school in district num ber'threej Lytp said to. be in many regpects th e most 77!77,4doib-itiiit^C£lLMxBclmalfl.-vvure-EeprcJi. -adequate-vehicle Mvn BdSon has~hnd “ 7 inTnt?i7 "«tlfeg"and^riladg;' sented. Tlie spellers \yho did not vijiss since he first became a.^tar ten years FOR SALE—House and 18 acres of G o ve rn m e n t P a y s R a ilw a y M a ll a* word were iriorencc Doll,' Orson ago, U a virile dram a based on an in land. Inquire of S. Tucker. TeleSleigh Ride Party. lerks $800 to $1,200, and other teresting; phase of contemporaneous phone 168 2l-ls7 P. O. Dexter. 24 Clark, Miladofa Greening, H erbert American life, and seems abound to GRAND RIVER AVENUE tn , . .... .___ employees up to $2,500 a n n u ally. The sophmore class of the Chelsea McKune, Irene Sullivan, Robert provoke wide-spread discussion be a n d G R isw oLb s t r e e t D etro it* M id i. Ulgh school enjoyed a sleigh ride F ri Uncle Sam'.'will. hold, spring1 ex Heatlcy,' Vova 'Hadley, Teresa llreit* cause, of. its original and daring tre a t NOTICE—Having leased the Sand and day evening to the home of Misses enbach and Claire Rop-e. Tlvosc who m ent .of the evilk of dishonest divorce gravel pit of Mrs. Stapish Iam pre- aminations throughout the country P O S T A L H O T E L GO. / laws./ ’Pile action of the. play is laid ....mired to fill all orders .promptly; for Railway Mail ■ Clerks,' Custom Hazel and Ethel Whipple of Lima, b*.... missed but one word were Amanda F R ? g J P ^ A L ,J r c s 1,— were :. chap.roncd . .hy.T. t h d r W tnterrDefftice Hartmr; OMdyrBee'* in New York city and hi tlie canltol ; Fliohc ‘ill,tpv call at my re s i ’} - v, . ♦r-sr-Boek*” II.^elhT jacK --------Gf KTOfflttfnrsT itte ;’ vVhT(ih. 3 hst'aFjircs' $4(1.000 teachers Misses Bacon, Laird and keepers, ; Departmental Clerks . and «Qw being expended In Remodeling, Furnishing and Decorating man and Florence Guinan. Tlie pro- cut inyvery much in the public eye be -Holbrook. There were twenty-two gratn was enjoyed by ail. " other Governme nt-Positions. Thbuscause hf the eiasticity-of: its divorce ..... H. Depew resil laws, Its action is concerned with FORTSAid?—The""C. present, and the evening was Bpent dence on-w est Middle strept. B’or ands of appointments will be made .WE WILL HAVE John Crane, a wealthy mine owner, In playing games, and a fifte lunch particulars inquire of TurnBuli & Any man or woman over 18, in City Club, Breakfast, • Napoleon’s Grit. ^ who, upon a sudden rise to influence Two hundred rooms, all with b a t h s was served, W hen they le ft town Was of the unconquerable, never- and. power, seeks to dissolve his m ar W lthereU, attbrney8jiChelsett7 20tf or Country can: get Instructldn and 25 Cents Ymd uj) New ovniv1' ^ nt,emen’s C a fe ’ they sang, “W e wont come home ’til say-dit; kind, th e:k in d th a t you need riage in order to advance social aspi free information by writing a t once New Giilj tor^Gentlemen JnoVnlng,” which proved true, for most,, when yon haye a. bad cold, rations. Crane, who, a t the tim e' lie FOR SALE—Coffee for. particular to the Bureau of Instruction, 1143 ^' "With seating capacity of people. Ask for Red Band, 26c p e r 'W hen'starting for home they took the cough /.or, lung disease, Suppose' attem pts to obtain a divorce from the Hatnlin Building, Rochester, N, Y. Luncheon, nmXerr °,n\ for Conv entJon8, Ban. ' I2tf ' road leading to Ann Ar)»->r. The next troches, cough syrups, cod‘liveroil or Woman who aided him in his struggle . pound at. Freeman's. doctors have alt failed, dbn’t lose from'poverty and ^bscnrlly, is con . •> • fte a rt'o f them three o’clock the »»ext 50 . E t ' 8L c h t 0 "9’ C*Td P a r tie 9 and , /‘morning, when they reached Chelsea, heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New ducting'n campaign for the United FOR SAT.E-; George Brenner farm 7 . ; A Frightful Wreck '■They'^dfclate Mr. W right can take; New Discovery, tfatisfaef Ion is guar States Senate, lie engages as Ills ^ A f tS T h i j f e f e e l 0’ Club!‘ Of train,.automobile or buggy may n T.ima township, fi acres, good ,;thejta again, as he is well acquainted anteed when used fur any fhi-oator advisor, Hkiesfm in the role x»f Town house and barn. Situated one mile Table d’ Hoto cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains lung trouble.' It has saved thousands send'Tie will, a. wealthy New Voak a t road? west df BolUnger’s corners, Will or wounds th a t demand Bucklen’s lu of hopeless sulTcrer*, ft masters torney, of .assured soc.lal qwisltion in : pinner, 76 Cents Is: Hold cheap tor cash. Inquire of stubborn colds, obstinate, coughs, tlie nielvojdih-. Tie endeavors tn have Arnica Salve earth ’ s greatW t healer. Notk*. G e o rg o Brenner a t th e place. 27 hemorrhages, iagrlppe, croup, asthma ildwitl; lobby through the leglnlaturo Quick relief and prompt cure results. beat hotels of New York annual meeting of the stock- hay fever and whooping,cough and is a bill permlftiugr divorce on trivial Also Service fB t0 f ’ th« Bacon Co-operative the most, safe end certain remedY for grnmnK anti jrmt w hm the measure FOR MALE tlnnsgaiuTToton Lincoln FxuiJiurus jmU%-Hor^s-of—aH^'Irtffdr' ,,BfiMnets. now goiag-ott as usual, ■' 111 M field at th£ store Batur- all .bronchial affections.' fiOc. ifcl.tK). 'eniK certain of success, Hewitt, di street; good well and cistern; fruit n la C arte Jqnuit^r *16,1910, a t 1 :30 o'clock Trial bottle, free a t Henry H, Fonn ning the wealthy mine owner's r*al trees; chicken house; etc. .-A lbert i'o. ami h, T. Freeman Co. ot.ive, turns against him, Elsele, Chelsea. . ' «otf T t'ato s (E u ro p ea n ) $ 1 ,0 0 to ill. 0 0 'o r D ay ‘^777::7-. , . ; : Scarfs and : Petticoats Coatq Wool Blankets Women’s ;and Misses’ Cloaks / B a b y B o n n e ts i >- Ladies’ iSuits = Table Children’s Coats ’ Dress Ooodsi 29e 39o 59e SnkW aists Sheets And Pillow Oases 76c T able-Qil-QToD From Clothing Dept. M yUL\*Z\£, Z mm' S l i ! I t f i;Th« Standard office la now located the, flrat do o raou th o f the Chelae*' Houpe. , O ur 'telephone iff, No. M r f t t John Fay Is>eported-aa b etln g llh - ♦ ' Miss Rose Mullen la confined to her I D u r in g t h is t s e ll o u r e n tir e m o n th W e ^ w ill: ....................................... i S s to o ls o f si m m 1 S N A P S FO R S HREW D BUYERS r e d u c e d 5 f b o y s p r ic e s . i n i h i s s a le a t g r e a tly ? e g u I ,r * J .2 5 B 8 c lf ip r ^ d a ......... g » 0 I Good Q u ality O u tin g ............. 5 * Mrs* O ea Pf -^alaffati e n te rta ined 4he-F|ye Hundred Club^Saturday eve- E v e r y f a r tic le M d r r t - T a o Wool I'ndcrw oitr 36o B ‘ W o n e y e c a n t m o n ; in g - t h is t C o m e in a n d w ill s a v e Regular 5c Toilet S o a p ., 0 . . . . S u it s ♦— ■ft. - a d d a n d etgo„r '> j . v i a -* * * * & *a.\ -1 V oS ftV The flVetnen will give a progressive7 ♦ pard p arty a t th e ir .hall Tuesday eve ♦ n in g ,Jan u ary 18, lOJfh Come and enjoy ahievehing with th e jolHest bunch ♦ 1n tow n.; L ig h t ■re fresh m en ts.wlll-be ♦ served and _suitablev piiiz;es _gtvien. t Admission 10 cents=a:couple, :. ♦ ■ft ♦ i VMeSterlaiid & GeddeB pro p rieto rt pf the^Princess th eatre, announce .th a t - ■■■♦- Leglnning-wlth todhyr they-will-make* a "personal inspection of every film subject shown in th e th d atrej which wili insure tn'ore refined progrivmS: in th e future and b e tte r attractions, - ♦ — 4 ‘.- : .* ■■. • ♦ — .a C L O T H IN G , F O E T H E MAN W HO C A R E S ,1 ;:-,V.VV’.. ■ 'v‘.'.V'' "" 1 '• 'A | • ♦ .• 1 AW a x . ’ ' *t0.on , *** **0.00":°* «o ^OH* O a ln m e t m B a k in g P o w d e r Halt Pound S V n o a d a ig e ..'....■ • r 'd n d ’ ^ 0 C ■. : L B 'C Out J ■ : ........ .. —a 0 BEST, b y T E S T . •; T p P lr t L a e c e i v e d ^ l i i g h f f l t ^ ^ ^ ^ f"e W orld’s 6 ^ ° l P cenV I tueut ™A4eB Pure Eood Ladies’ ExposHron, \1 |-C h icag o ----------- -* ' You pay niore but you _dou l, r d P p | j 5B( • p u t* “* S o t l C^ M S ^ o ' Ee t the 1)431 " nle3S .y0V1 buy 3! lu d v < ! ll CALUM ET 09 Cents "*** °f the * J'00 and «v®0iKV.V. ■ T he cloth {Reduction Sale Now Oi l ! ■.ft: ..-----: *0m , — to ^W, ♦ / ReVi^Ar^-Anr^Schoen and his class ■• spent Wednesday e veningat t he hpm e cahsedjby ajfife :which nearly destroyed ♦ the residence' on North street occu'.ft * pje<? by'W.;Barry; £h^ropf apd attic o f the. b'ui^ing^Twerel nearly ruinedr Thk-contehts—of the^house ' were♦ saved. . *°ni‘^ ^ 4 ^ * . ? ♦ r e d u c t i o n . s a l e ^ j of Albert Widm.ayer, of Liiha,.; A lunch was served and allveport an env: joyable evening* ■ e x a m in e th e n e w ’ O v e r c o a ts . 'ffr ^ ?0 ooa^ts ^ •Q O ^■’w s tO c k Only New Goodr In This Sale, ♦ R egular 10p Toilet S oap......... Qllbeif^Olark^-aon, of -A^Bi-Clarkp bad th e ^U fo rtu n e to break th e first finger on his le ft hand.while coasting Tuesday, ^ The ftre >'a]arm t.hla tnnpt,tng- yw^a. I 3o I w o B o lls f io T o lle t Paper f o r , , , 5 0 % \ss& The Manchester and Chelsea, bowb ln^ teams blayfed a-ibatched game {at Seita’ allips on Monday evening. The • ManpWater team won by ,nihe; pins. y o u e Y o r y Cabinot W ire H a ir vi>^' j; ♦ ♦ Ladies 25o h o s e , . . . ---------------jg m -T h e re will bejL.race here S atw d av Tommy Mc’s F a ir Ellen a nd a n d u p - t o - t h e - } abetween horse o_w.ned'by_ Jacob A lber, for a 'purse of- $25. ' . _ is n e w o f ^ re ,H “ !r « “ .........i . . . . i « b u « c h l R egu a r 2So B a th T o w e ls.. lfic e»t'h Jahiea vH arrlngtoo, .form erly of ^ho]sfa-/ ls seriously 111 w ltfrp n ep ^ ^ ^ h i s - h o m e - l t t f ^ e t r oit. ; e n ; a n d c r e a m B A R G A IN O F F E R IN G S O F T H E GREAT M ARKETS MennenV W cur, Ppwder.,, . 13* P e ir , 8 , , ^ . . . . ; ; lc ( lo d o m e b y illness*, 6eo» H ,'Foster & Son have theFcon* traqts^for'eT ecting'four windmills.- t h e January Specials B IG V A L U E S F O R L IT T L E M O N E Y ‘m ♦ f o r - m ■v '' m in - 69c E a ch ♦ *v ^Chrts. H inderer droye oh th e elec tric railway, track he^r th e residence ■of Wm. T uttle .in ,;;,Uma>—Saturday nlghtr and"ths-west^bound-€a r-w h leh^ lueJiere a t 8:5Q struck-tfae-ioytfit^ hilling the ..horse ;and smashing' the cutter. Mr.' Hinderer escayedsiMdotift r injuries, We want to :bi<Lon_your; andTPoultry. If you .contemplate building let us figure — on your7lumber-bill. —Ground Peed, Bran and Middlings^ for s a le . rv ’• ^ ew 4 11d oyou rF eed G rin d in gon sE ortr notice. :/• ■ The "Financial Hub of the Community Hy Your homo Imilk is tho hub to; which attachecithe varjoiis,. ■ sS R SrtT tiS' connected, the different interests of the ..community ^ r k Well together. ‘ . •. \ ■-•' ' 1 Tho liank iEdepohdant u^on the people; - its ^ m c n ^ to-the success of the people, Tho customers of this more gonoraliy. successful than people who .have no‘ haul .--neotion»-whht©v«r»,..: We.. c a n h o i „ ^ failures. ,:i’. i . ~Thc petjple avo deppiident fits made pUssiblo'only by the existence of the bank. ^ ' 1canlbettcr aiTord to be connect^t with a strong, safe and success fill bank,^ the spirit of enterprise is contagious. . .... . Men" go to the bank to borrow, to leave ing and for active use, when-they wish to send aw^y ti for a hundred and one various and important reasons, y> This bank strives to give each customer a th at will suit his individual business interests. the businosH-that our customers givo us and ann to mauc every traubaetion satisfactory. ^ ^ t . " * ThcKcmpf Commercial & Savings Bank v / —ThefKem pfr Cotnmercialr& S avings B ankvlvetkd:.the"fatlow ing'l5card’6 f dlrectora a t the annual m eeting. T om ^ dayrH . S. Holmes, O .-H .-K em pf, R. Ifempf, 0, Klein, Ed, Vogel, O tto R. L u tck ,^D ^C .. McLaren . Thg^jaoardr elected th e 'vfollowing offleefaj Presi» dent, H. aS. Holmea; vice president, C. H. Kempf. W . P . S C H E N K Ghelsea tia^tle,1Knighta^ of Pythias, elected tbe'fdllo.wiugoffiOTrs Wedneaday evening: O, C.,. Geo. A. BeGole; V. 0 m H. D. W itherell; P*» T. G, Speer; K. of R. & S., W, H., Hesel achwerdt; M.'.F., Howard Holmes: M. A C O M C A S H P A N Y P A I D V^TT-' B.^John'yietcher; MrW,, O. D. Luick; M ^ ., A fl.U uerln; 1. G „R . W .W A W l DTG7TL. B agge;'truateei Wm. Bacon, ~^Manager D unn" Of th e M ichigan; State Telephone Co. has instdUedtele* phones fo r Miclmel Kusteirgr, Mat^ thew Albert John R eilly,!_ Adolph Alber, Jam e s . O’Mar a and L. L. Westerlan d during th e p ast few days. The company has more th a b 450 ’telephones connfected w ith its exchange here, besides'all of those on the rural lines which have connection with this -exchange here. -1 - ' ' A t th e annual* m deting of the Farm ers & M erchants B ank Tuesday the .following board of directors wa,s elected: John F. w altrous, P e te r M eikel,-Christian Uruu, Lewis Geye^, Janies H. G uthrie, Christian H, Karimbach, John Kalmhach, (>rrin C. Burkr h a rt, John Farrel.t, R, L. Wood. The N>otors -met a nd -^>fe<rted-tho=fobew* Ing ofHcers: John F. W altrous, presi dent;^^ Peter< Mhrkoh 1st vice presis jle n tC h ristlan ^ .G rad , 2gd vice presi dent, ' ‘ ' V; ■ ............. ' :tThc oWiiers of the Stove Works are negotiating for tho sale of the clock and chimes now in the tower of the corner betiding, and in the near future opr celebrated dock, that 1ms oc cupied so much Space in the news papers for tlve pant two years, will probably occupy a space . almost as prpmlmmt in the' tower of a Do'tvolt manufacturing building. Inas much as this clock In a Ikmeflt to the entire town and ran be saved for less tli'kn half the original Cost,itlsal* inost too'bad tfvat some of our noted philanthropists, or the village at large, do not make; an effort to re* tain it. for the benefit *pf all our citi zens, „ . .1 A n d re a ,d U lis “ a d , ” ■:■■■■■■■ ■■ - ■ .>;.i ■ - ! j ■■ ^ T h e n c o m e in , a n d g e t m a d e g l a d . F o r a t t h e 5 c ^ ’h d T O c a td ire , 1 A fo R ’l l a l w a y s fijid g o o d ^ e o d r g a l o r e ^ G re a t b a r g a in s , to o , a r e a lw a y s t- W e , s p l4 ft p r i c e t h f t t w i l l . .k y o ti s ta re . -W e h a v e e s ta b lis h e d a C R E A M S T A T IO N a t C H E L S E A , a n d J / S\ C u m m in g s, o u r r e p r e s e n ta tiv e , w ill b e o n h a n d W e d n e s d a y o f eadh w e e i : to r e c e iv e and p a y c a sh -fo r crea m . . __ : . mr* Y o u rs fo r B u s in e s s , F. J. Y ou can bring; y o u r cream an d s e e it, w e ig h e d , sa m p le d and t e s t e d , and r e c e iv e y o u r c a sh o n t h e sp o t. W h a t cun bo a b y fairer or m o re s a tis fa c to r y ? AMERICAN FARM PRODUCTS CO. Klein Building O W O S S O . M IC H IG A N . Subscribe for tbe Standard. From thin timo on all repair w<irk on pump** wells, windmill* or ahy other repair work, must bo CASH on the complntion of the work. We find this gives the best wUis/arl ion. Our will have receipts to give customerR before leaving. per year C H O IC E M E A T S . O ur M arket w «iwmy> supplied w ith chtiicc juicy Beef, V o d , Muttod, Pork, Sft\m*g*« ef all kinds, Lftrd an d Chicken*. Giv^e tia a trial order. e. H. FOSTER & SON ; DcUvwnr. van sm ut a o K A m n . w \ v m :-i m THE CHELSEA STANDARD, JANUARY 13. 1910. R X iU O A R U W JA 1 U IB , w tto ldM dJlig have <w4 T h a r e a r th e y hold U w t « O n b Yedr^ B a ld fo r ; belief that J a d s w >H a rm a n , g e v e n w r U n d e r W e igh M g Fra u d s . e f t o * Buehtthi state, has the rig h t P est former employes, ef the Amert kind * f "UbedU e w u w rv iittm " to m ake eest ftugar Xteftalng eompany. mm* ns an W eatlasU U r ef the Dem oeratia vkted of aaderwelghlai Braude were ■ irty la the neat presides tU l eoaMmeod U eee yeaYe laeprlMuimeat f f if lL t l M B L Y S U G G E S T IO N S palgm. T h e peeaaareta d eeU re th a t T H R K f t B U f < ^ L A f l F R O M - M T M * T ' each hr dudgo Martin In the United BUien olroult court here Udey. M r . H a ru u m gtande w eU with- the _ *•*! C U A Y O N E R A IL R O A D M AH r o tto to x & y y A w « « w s % [ t i n meet ere T»Qw*e X aho*r Bd* and that he /tuu not been W e m u < * B AD LY W OUND A N D T H W t w a rd A , Boyle. P a tric k J , . l e n e oe ioy ef a coaasrva tlv * te h ave w an th e Entw talam cA tg o a V M V K a v iiX i'. a m M i » - k . C e y li 7 , ; -, T ■T——-.;t heart o f the Oem oorats o f the v e a h Tio quartof were checkers en the I t la to he taken for granted, how ever, R O B B E R ^ A R K A R B W T I D th e 8 y s \ s t a ^ e A a o % ; decks e f U l ettgar com pany to W U * th a t one reason w h y some of the Dem * H a m a tu r f, w k e re the d lso e ve ry eras ocrate have considered G overno r H a r Michigan Cen tral Baggagem an K liledf m a d e . th a t th o . scales used t o . w eigh astwBls o w t v M w m if c m on p articularly available Is because sugar: Im porte r had been tam pered per ond put in a lovely pis made to Com panion D yin g In O s tre lt Hen* W o e d tn W eddin g &u,gg e s tlo n ».: he comes from O hio a n d has: carried w ith . A s a r e s u l L e f th is . dlsoove ry W b v X u fli w u s fa p o X v o tv p rta t--B o y * B u r g la r * . A r e R e f eras the' A m e rie a n > ugar R e in in g c o m p a n y A requeat comes fo r euggostions fo r shape of a weddiag hell i Awhite satin th a t state a g a in s t the Rep u b lica n s ribbon ran to ssch place. Whqn the fc h p o l Graduates. reim huresd th e g o ve ra m e n t t o . th e a wtmden w 'eddtoft whlch ie th s fifth w c v s m The Demorcats who are favorably e xte n t s ^ m o ^*^ th a n _ |l.< U ft,O d d :. fo r ^ a n n iv e r s a r y :T h ^ jla s lta tio n l m a y he brlde pulled her ribbon a spoon, b*^ inclined ta Harmon? believe-and eoyevaded duties, end em pleyee o f the written or printed upon birc h : bark, lug this jiugle was forthcoming: T c ^ e t^ C s b e u e j FHEYICTIMf. tb*t lf he does-ttot-^j»*fy-th.e state " 's ; t>no: spoon tor two* cem paay w ere iu ilo te d fo r coasplracX. or oh imitation wood paper, giving,the H e n ry C. M iner, . 6S, baggagem an the next time he. runs for governor Ohl what ton) :• Y p a lU n tl, k i lle d , by one. o f the ’ T b © ! ju r y convicted O liv e r Sg iteerr date of original wedding and the day ' ' ‘But .then, you see#--bur*) his chances for receiving the Dem th e dock superintendent, and th e fo u r hiid''date:Of proposed celebration. For Morgan Emmett, 41. ticket *«•*<, You tw* are ene. ocratic noinlnaUon virtually will be Chelsea,, m o rtally -wounded--a*4-- m en contended to d ay. T h e re w ag die* a table centcrpiece g large oanoe 411 The rest of the glrlB eaoh drew a agre e m e at o ve r the case o f ja m e s eliminated.: in Indiana, the state next , d y lng tn the Detroit S a u lU rlu m . ■f-uNuracnjaeo err thk b lrch b a rk w ould be charm ing filled snoon. and > exclaimed as they Just LTOI . * | | R L : F » I I F » T H a * 0 » » . _ ....................................... .....' j **,. west of phlo, is Governor. Marshall, “^ H h violets or ’o tn e r am alr^floworei matched the ohe drawn;by tlie ' ‘""" .Charles H a rrin g to n , 18, *W O raad one o f th e defendants. who was' elected "on .the Democratlq , River avenue, rDetrolti? suspects* • g nBepry, lta sr collapsedvih^ o o u rt w h e n a sm aller canoes could be used to hold elect that they must all go to her. The _ o f havtaa*. killed’ Miner. ' ticket in the year when the. Republi* m o tio n fo r a new tr ia l fo r t h « m en salted nuts and as place cards, top? refreshments were a Tittle out of the, ert McCorm ick. IS, 261 Loeust can presidential candidate"carried the ■R ob s tre e t. D e tro it; thought te have was argued, a n d 'it was fo u n d th e t he ■with’" ,the guest’ s name written^ on th e ordinary; so I'll tell ahou.t then. First, state. Jn the Democratic party as It. ' sl>ot Emmett . - . , •- . w ould have to undergo a sligh t opera* side in fancy lettering. A w ooden shrimp salad served to heart-shaped; SOLD BYLEADING DRUOOtfft < Charles Billlnge, 20, 14 B ry a n t ' Is ;represented in Washington Gover -:.,_etfftet. .D e tro it: held in . sonnae* tio n fo r a n inte stinal d iso rd e r. F o r h d ro p p in g -b o w lr fllled w ith " fru it and cases, with coffee And aut sahdwiches nor Marshall basBcoresvo f f r i ^ flon w ith the robbery. this reason Judge. Martin today did 10 J 6 Ki'jiWvr «MI Country BMfed Urged fcy T * ft ^ "\ijffen ro p p o 3 Ep. w .iT Peeettoliltte* for K jy .. :B *tn g - Constderod .:4n' v fe>y*fhlnfiton-r-Deniocrata Favor O o v , H irm o n o f O h io . ngton.--When President Taft ito th e nor th wee t be made a pi ea ’ the passage of a ship subsidy law ^../.yW^tbiB winter’s session ofconjress. mf ^ l j p o e m s to bo“issared tbatrthesent t ^ w U i eanctlon tbo legiBlajlon which ■ s.....s^r ........................................................ president baa sih e d , but there la stron g''do ubt w hether, the bouse i^ rjniiU'ag ree to put the measure through. v w f? ^ ^ fA 'm o n g the representaUves the son^ ^ #;4«^ ; w f a e h t fo r a nd against ship subsidy p ^ i h a ’e m i to bo about* equally divided. I t i l ^ t a 'n y t h l n g relating to ships.oan be said ^ ^ ^ y h ia v e ^ h a r d -'s le d d ln g r the- measure! bleb would grant the subsidy fo r th e ag^of-the^-merehant-^narlhe 8 fact_aU the Democrats,are personally friendly to him, and were It not: for, the fact that_aoyernor Harmon is an OMo man, the- home state of T a ftrit seems likely that the Hoosier gover* nor would divide-presidentlal nomW nation propheoy honors with the man' cm, the. Buckeye commonwealth.— Might Rick. Southern-Man. There are some' Democrats who think that the time has come, to: nom* inate a southern mart-for-tberoffiee-ofpresldent. Senator Culberson of T e x * S rta in ly h a s had It fo r. some years. „„ Che difficulty th a t lies I n the w ay of | | t ) .;|^ i^ s la t lo n the object o f which Is su p : to be to make the Am erican ^ i i h A m ore frequent s ig B ro fi“the! high is th a t the ,country Has been } as frequently" has been' nam ed, as a ■:g(yfd.ed agalnBt itself on the propose -man who fro m the Delmpcratlo stand T h e great middle west seems in point. Is of ideal .character.and A tta in * ..,.4 , , < b e m *ln to have been opposed to pay- ments to head the ticket. - T h e n there o u t g o ve rn m e n t’ m o n ey’ for w h at are some o t h e r . Dem ocrats w ho say cg i^ f^ g h m e people have declared to be the that if M a yo r W illiam J . Q a yn o r. the _Interests o f the ship builders. O n the m ayor o f N e w Y o r k ; m akes a fine reo* coasts east and west there has been o'rd as chief executive o f;Ih e m etropo* A strong desire to hare congresi. take Its, one o f ^the hardest tasks that ls al* a c tio n . W hen the tight comes off in -lotted^® m «n “ td peffbrm r^nrrm hrTr«y lAetjihouao it w lil-be- ln -th e -n a tu re ro f a potent fa ctor in the n e xt convention” ’’^ i’ o I v II w arfare w ith section against o f the Dem ocratic p arty. ’’ auction. T h e re will be no blood shed, House W an ts ^S rly Ad jou rn m en t. ,^ - .;: - h U t. there w ill b e some strong w o rdsr "R=a&esw-io-b e tho lntoutlbh b f thQsoItod chailenglng Qt m otives (n plenty. w ho control thq processes of feglalaH u m p h re y B ill'lotroducecl. tlon In . the house to pass tim a pp fo^ W b.■ b ill which has been introduced p rla tio n : bills and such legislation of b y Representative Hu m p hrey of W ash* another kind as may be agreed upon Jngton is the one about which the by the !leaders;-In-ati^shor.t a tlme. as forces favorable' to ship subsidy w ill poS8ib1er-and-to-aeGk an^early d -r o ily , and against which Its opponents for adjournment. Looking over . the ' , w ill a rm y themselves, in b rie f,. the field some ■ o t the leaders are ' ready b ill provides fo r money to'fiej paid for :do say that congress' ought to be able * c a w y ln g ! the m a lls -in ships built ini’ . beginning w ith -ft gun fig h t In * Jaw elry store which was being robbed, and followed by another revolve r battle In th e M ich igan C e n tral depot, then followed b y a -hot chase across country a fte r tw o p e rp e tra to r* * f t h § s ^ c t * ,- Y p e B a » t l \ enro lls- n n ^ M e r crllninal annals one o f. th e m o st epeo> tacular episodes th a t, hea occurred o f: recent years. T h e tragic sum m ary Of events is one railroad m an shot to could be utilised as a center; mixed with „.v_ mayonnaUe ______ _ ______ dressing. HIS., V IS fL U O S T QpyDRTUNE not pronounoo sontonoe oa\ him,- Uni Howersj piece if the canoe-ris not-obtainableiThen 'a deiloiouB ~tuttt*frulti in bell*" :'■ remanded him. until Feb. 1. . -:■■■ '-;1'; ! : - : ■:;:. la \ p . j . ■. : Little wooden dishes that come for shaped molds. Before sentencing the men tpdny tkt dolls Another Dsy’S Delay and the Result make fine individual nut d r ’bon court denied a motion for a new trial. ‘ Would . Have Been .Unfortunhte He took into consideration, however,' bon* holders. Place cards may aleo be After-Dinner Trlokt. ^~For-,the Ffiyslolimi; from^setuares: the Jury's recommendation for mercy, made -------, ........ . of, birch. . barkfr-ilf . . A stunt whICh ia J ie w and ^tmufiicf and eaid he would Impose upon eadh a carpenter 1b accessible get him to* and never falls to make fun, Ip a trick a ladv wss very sollcit&usJibouther e< the tour men n sentence of one make some nice long curly^ ehavlo|ev ijn tho one who wh0 trleth1 trle» in bjTlaacIrfg. balaac|rfg, Have the ------ Every- trlflem ade her uneasy, health.year In the. Blackwell! Island pehl* to. use as festoons about the room*; the thlnjg, m easure e x a c tly three ■tehtiary.. For amusement, try a nall-poundlng times' the length o f h la oWh fo o t joints; and, the .doctor^ was called jm m efor the girls and n whittUng fro m th e w a ll o f th e ro o m , then stand dlately." The doctor was a skillful man, and #10,000,000 i^erger'In.Cleveland Gat. Contest contest for the men, or let all dress a-.W»>4 a Mt.rf ipoU,wvu,vuu .uw*o,‘ug dolls* made from 'Clothespins.v -Fill a company to swallow up the Bast Qhlo 'small. t u l t h : - s a w d u s t : ,and make a Oan company and toe Columbia Qas C a rl Btnixtgs, Robert. M cCorm ick" company, whose aggregate capltaj is “pie" out of .which thd' guests may and H e n ry H a rrin g to n j w hom the y now about. 121,000,000, .weft announced draw tiny wooden boxes filled with’ call '‘ W in k y ," o bviously. so_ alckaam ed- here today by M. B. Daly,- president wedding cake. ^ Jjccauso o f the m arke d ly peculiar ac* ot the.Esst Ohlo compaeyi tollowlng -O ncof—the—"fltunta-at^a-w ooden tlob o f his eyelids, :cam e Vo Y p o U a a t! a "trip.to New York. Universal in* Wedding celebration was to gather the In com paer on a M ichigan Control -terest was aroused by Mr. Daly’s out* guests in one room In two long Hues, train w hich le ft D e tro it at t : l l line e< the plea, which hag been tak* o'clock, B illlnge asked a t the D . ,UV lng form tor some time, beoaust of Ughts were, extinguished and wooden A - w aiting room w h e n tho s e xt oor hie declaration thet^a new and at articles - in.' common, everyday use .W ould;-le ay.o .:-H e- was to ld , f ' A t - l I ' i i l 1 preeeat uaidenti&ed^intiifes^wtlH^reak t>. m.” fate the compsay thus forsae4, »n* T h e n e x t developm ent c a m e : w h o *: wiU^afe«t :Us intereete in West Ylr felt of all the articles,^-the lights were N ig h t-W a tc h m a n Cady entered the (inla?w ■ turned, on, and the onej writing, out ■ •■■■..». a9 ey:\ln the ‘ rear o f B w i t i e r B fo o .’ :the most.-complete 41st from memory The plen -fot-the holding eempaayjaw e lryre to re rran d -ho ard a n u w .- r u *^ probabiy will be ratiaed Thureday^ee- received a~prlBer -7----- = ---------. ulng out of the other: oed ef the alloy, Frldny when directore of the Bast. ahead-ot-hlm ^—A-iaoment-rlator-ko Ohio company meet. ' A Contest for" Matron*. discovered that the store bed boon deatb,- anotber-dying, ond-twe-deepoi^ adoes-woundedi-..r w ifh heels to g e th e r j a o i h g the ..wall,,, ■consequently bad a large praotfee; It then stoop fo rw a rd untlJL th e to p o f hl# s~very disagreeable to him .to, he.so h e a d t o U c h ^ f l t h e w a l l i ^ T h e n p l a c e a : ofteh called away from his other' cases - light stool or tohouret, about 20 inches for nothing, and he resolved to take an in height, between him' and the wall. opportunity -pf ■letting., tbe^Iady, see The trick is to hoid thd tabouret off this. One day the lady Observed a red_ th e ^ to c r'a n d a t to* some time lift 8pot-.on--herAhiiid,.'.«ndT-at:dnefi.!|e<& the head from the wall. A wonian for the doctor,*. He came, looked atgenerally oucqeede ■in . doing this with her. h an d, and s a i d ;. comparative ease, but; for some reason " Y O u did. w ell to send fo r m e 'e a rly .” the trick J* not so easy tor a man. So . T h e lady looked alarm ed a n d a ske d : -" Is it dangerou8, th e h ?" : - — = ^ ;e e r t * i n l y ^ h o L " r e p l i e d f th e -d o c to rs "T o -m o rro w .the spot w o u ld h a ve d is . A Measuring Contest.. appeared, a n d j should h a re : lost m y r Ask the guelts-to state whsMhfey -fe e -to r t h i s - t l s l V 1 very-funny ta see the man falh think id th e : height of. a man’s silk ^at"b y -ifid lcatin g -o n —th el wall the height Take a record of Oach guest; them bring in a hat and see how fhr short most of the guesses are. ' A ' hat box candy: box~may be awarded :f6r~i nrlze-to the ohe-who comes the near est. < COULDNITW AIT. This.unique affaii; was arranged for -a .bride, . and was a decided sujicess. The ouUide cover oLthe llttle booklet 7 -Two-hundred Japanese cherry treSI,- -handed -to—the-guests was -decorated =th* gift-of-th#:corporatloi of-Tokio -w ith^e^w hlte^pearl^bujton—and^ato Mrs, Taft* and the- city of Wash : needle and thread, the emblems- of '. 7 MADAME MERR1, ington, arrived Friday.! - , domesticity.' Below In letters of gbjd The decline in idleness antonf orwere proverbs relatjjng to. woman In .;J America... TheJiilLof. courae-pmvldea to adjourn by May. 15, and that the ganleed _ _ *■ '“ ' ' tu t th e Home, such as ' ahe tooketh' w eir ' .much 'mpr¥ than_thls! It has "provli7" state i continues, according to reports to the way* of lierrJimjseliold;" "A ’ Iph8 which it is supposed Will provide opportunity' to -go home ^to-look-after* received by--the-state -department of faithful wife is a Joy J^her husband," » nucleus for an Increased American their fences which need repairing in labor and just made publla at Alban M hJ, etc. ’ . ___ N. Y. ......... ' jtovy in time of war, and it makeB order to prevent Invasion by tho Ro* The questions were answeredj-by—iTallor^I-cannot^m ake you - oz^nsw: 4„prttrtsion also for adding to. the navy’s publican or peinocratLc enemy .next Fletoher:::V . finsa d rw keee; r Cady pursued the tw o m jenr M b C o r: wa*:4ound_4«ad ‘In an Bast Orange the names of characters, famous in :: Bilk blouses are severe. The sleeve*: suit until you haf paid for iyour last strength in .time of ^rouble the WtU- November. __ . ■ "■ ! are flat; with little or ho fullness. -ono, yotl ^— ;— -1-— .■ ■—----m / W » who are .trained'’ on the marine The senata, however, is a laV unto m lck and H a rrin g to n : taw ard tk a ..(N, J,) ba(ht wb, and : whe hae^ beea- history and flntlnn; Flat Jet1 ornaments, as well as those Itflhlflnthem atter-o£_debate^:_The_ river, while Gage Ptarted o/ter. tke Whftt faithful wife Sfet Uorwclf a Ueyore m ilo y e d M second c o o k -a t^th e N e w _ M r .N o p a y M B u t-Ic a n ? t-w a lts o :lo n g»•blps carrying the stars and stripes. mn who bad run from the alley, M u rra y hotel h e r * * 1 m * M a rc h , h u tndlng ttaak of weaving while h e r. hue Of metal,' Ore frequently used ae trim ;W i n t e r ls here and 1 heed so m ething .j- The camphign in favor of ship sub? senators c.au, talk as long as they7" Billings: band wm aWay Rt- war?-Penelope. ; ■■ ...... ming. " "7 _ w o rm . . .i:__ . hldy has been a moat vigorona onaJ care to upon any subject, and the vote lri^At^ the._rlYfir.. bridge the two~mea <4sop seared, . What couple In childhood's t)eet )oved The-jvogue-fot_'gilt_l»-no.w^at its : jhn-hisitaksioipoaTa-measure-onijMjy: Friends^of-the—late^-FloMHAIame"Pianv—wavs. A-piibtmattfln ca tte r _ . . . . , . hook .wsro-especlally-congBnlaf'rsgsvdlljs: Fomt-Of Vlew> Height and sllvorMrimmlng- ls-also^ig: ttmt: turned and one ef- th em, BiPpoeed t* D arling,-feunder^af t he-D aughte ri' otij-Uroiiiidiet ? jack-Hpratt- and-wlfe. 7 m ^-T be-A m oriean—Flag^-bas-beea-sent unanimous consen^r/rnis -- - meana .. have bOWL-MoClaniaiok^-: opened fire tha American Revolution, whe" died. What well known literary couple were Senator Beveridge?' apropos of this with—a n - automatic rerolver. The .' broadcast filled with argum enta-ln-f^ f at° r ^ ° O&08 separated for a Say during their Tasseled ornaments and.Yrlngs^vts. old-faslilobedrfpowy Chrlstmaa. sald Vor of^the measure which. iB-now ire-h« can do so within the limits offlcersT eturded the fir* and the men In New YorkTait week, hnye Iw m ed never married life? The BIrownlng*. ~ "’ ^ ^ ■ the— Flora A ^— D arling-llem srlhl agwithm ~eh~other^for chief f*Yor in the other day1:... — w j f t , I- tore ,congress. On the other hand the of hls^physlflal strength, The~genate rgn ^nd iafde thelr eeoape. ~W hat_chars;eter In DtckensTwos eteniat* ^"S noyr, of'course, ha*“ite disadvaneoclatlon tor the purpose of'erecting Ta (fage. discovered Bmieg*’ overcoat, sttltabie-monument-to-her-memory-in ly hopeful, while his wife y;a8 eternally trimming. , majority of the Democrats in house leaders, like the house leaders, it is -tages from-some-polnte of view. _ faith full Mjcawber ' Except when- the" brim is turned , m sen ate, and w lth^them a 'g o o d ly be U e v e ^ ^ Y e a g re e d Jo s u ^ p o r ^ r e s : which he fcad thrown away asJhe left W ashington-------:-----= ' “ 8no^-Is“ treautiful -in^itB-Heasoif,^ _ ... . « j.. . , .. _ . ; What man In the Bible lost file wife over in front, very "'number "of Republicans hava ~ da. T a ft s recom m endations,- and the alley. He followed to tk* Mich)Solomon sald that. But l know an o^d President Taft attended the Oharles -ihrough-her-iooking back? Xot is shown!— j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .i r o n n c e d - TeOT)Trpropogltloir'Ttor-~ga^ty,l means that; a s far as th e . chief IgattZUeptraL.rttatldm Nelsen GfIttenden— memoftal eervlces47WTratRdtnan’a wife was' above sus Indianapolis man^who, on heaTlhg thla Billings. •Some of the new bracelets encircle ... dl«A hllUrtora tnr ' - v dize. nhftv ship builders, for *h<o this In is what-the senators have It-In their'po^er, ^egis^ tured at Foundry Methodist . Splsoopal picion? Caesar's. remark of 'Solomon, grumbled t . ttage warned Baggageman Miner at church, Washington, where On ad . A wife who was_noted ■forJjer shrew** the wrist9and end. in ft,Uny Jeweled opponents of- .the bill say that it lat'lon will go ,through quickly. * ’Oh, yes, no doubt it was beautiful the depot to keep watch tor the ether Ishnees? XaAtlppe. ■ , : ■ bowknot. ........; / O r course the unexpected is likely dress was made by Dr. John Wesley. amounts, to, ■ _il'ifX: to you, sittlh’ w ith.all the wives and robbers and returned to "town with Coats are ft bit closer than the half; : If the measure should became a law to happen and there may be strength., his prisoner. It was 1:15 o’eleek Hill, of New York!' Dr. Hill Is an lasses Of Jerusalem beside you; but if A Spoon Shower, fitting ones of the past season gad intimate friend, of Mr. Taft, and aoAmerican ocean mail carrying steam enough developed by! the ultra-conyouo been a poof efone cutter you’d A young girl who was to m artyr a ers probably would be built on both servatlves ia t ho upper house who answering the description were la the eompoafed him on his famous western 8kA r1 e to h ln g S ty m l ”to ? c a n a rd .b lu e i^ ever bave “ w »ny such th in g ’ " mari not blessed with a great store of sr'oeking.fbur during the csmpslgn of coasts to carry postal matter to South have noVc°mmltted. themselves per* depot. ^ S U L III A U MhAd. * '' wot. this world’s , goods was the recipient homespun, with the jacket, sleeves sonailv to tho nraaldent’a program, t o : • — aStill th the Family. 1 "I warned Minor to look out for the American—and to some parts..of - t he ■■-'W _Qf_thls_nQvel. and,acceptable shower, and hem outlined with a fine- band A m o n g t h e ' dom estic duties o f ft orient.. The amount of money paid promng the ^discussion ■on interstate guns and'keep watch-o f m e n , but The~girts, 12 in number, contributed of skunk fur—which, by the way; is young_.hiiBhand: is;tthe .care ful supetviT H E M AR KETS. for carrying the mall would be suf- commerce amendments or on the It could net have been ten seeoads the price of d dozen; Bpoons. Each the leading fur of the i^asdh for ey slon o f; the toilets o f his w ife ’s tw o after I bung up the receiver before changes demanded in the anti-trust flcient-lndttcement to build American' , Dstroltr Cattls—Market- strong at one was done separately in tissue pa- ery day wear. th e telephone operator oalled me end lkwr until away into the summer seadogs, one a G re a t D a ne and th e oth er vessels which would carry hot only laat . wsek’s prices in all grades. We said she had heard shots at the depot guote. aon^a b y no means d im in u tive S t. B e rn a rd . extra dry-fed eteere and heifers, the mall, but merchandise and' very and woe unable to get on answer to 16.6*04: steers .and heifers, 1.686 to " O h , M a rie ," shouted h u b b y fro m likely passengers. Wetohlng for,-“Joker*." her calling," said Gagq, .VWhen. I got I,26*i !>■2»©i.7l. eteir. aw’d helfen, the y a rd late one afternoon; "there^a • 0 1 te 1,600, 14.14061 steers aad half, Democrats In the house and in The prospect of:the debates on- the . The ---- .Mv w the iud uvyut. uvo minutes uuuuvub Bihorwira to depot five afterward •rs-that are fat, Too to T**, T foO U n o t-ft-fle o ro n - th e -d o g s -n o w ! " ........ floor r o f r iiouge^ add senate op this .the senate by agreement among thetri^ Tumor lay on the floor ef the baggage-" ehoiee .fat _ cows. ■14O4.60; good -fef "H o w sp le n d id !" shouted haqh eews, *1.6002.76; .common sows, 11.190 room dead, and Em m ett' was apparquestion Is bright with the promise of selves will scrutinize carefully every M a rie , "Not_a_slngle flea?” ohoiorjieavy; bull*,: "good "speeches""for at\d against the bit o f "legislation which. Jh e maiority- _snt’y.£dylng,_with blood..streaming ®.l;oaitnerer->*0:l.*0; I4 ;l9 0 » rffair-to good 'bolegnae,- bulla " N o ! " yelled ,T o m ; " T h e y a rq a il 12.5404; it measure, and of shar pexchanges have proposed. As the Democrats' put from a ragged wound In hie chest. stock buHe. il l*; choice feedo n .m e !" Inr it«<n, , -■ -I. 206 to. 1.001,. 14.60; fair feed"EmmetjLwaa able te tell me some-: which will interest the galleries,"an'd It, they do not lnteqd to let any legis Ipg stssrs, 'Pfi •Jf?” - »6j»,to.1.00^14; eholeeatoak•wgs-vthe country whon the words have lation go through which may have In thing of the fightT- W&eti-Minor left — 690 to 700, **-*' ^ Saroaetlo. ...... l-!< the phone he decided with Emmett •$801.11, mllkert. larrt.vlvck hsltori, 4t-anyth4ng4n-the-nature of a "Joker,” been reduced to written form. "lam afraid Dulby is putting an en youn^ m®* to try te capture the robbers, both ef that la under a technical construction whom teemed to be merely toys. Looking Forward to 1912. eoiam*n tnUk«r»# emy. Into his mouth to steal away hia "Presidential politics" in Washing might vitiate the whole law. Such They did capture th e n without dIflU ^ brains " ; Mark«t Mron»r at lMl ton are lost to sight, If not to interest, Jokers have .been 'known-: to find -a culty, and marched them to the bag » J 0 J .»J f.pJS«> i b i,t' 1* 50o 16; ethsri, "Yes,” answered’Miss Cayenne; "and “for only about" due: year a fte r the no- laco In legiBlatkm, and It-hap been gage room, hut without flret removagp-of-pettaHarceny, at that,’^ " thfsp And larabj—MarketlQa to Ife tlonal election; Already the Demo no secret In the past that occasionally ing the guns from them. »r iRin m i i n u n u r, "As they entered the baggage reom A WOMAN DOCTOR ' ]*»>«■ * l* 5 0 | l 9 i tot* crats and Republicans In official life they have been put in purposely, in Win. the capital are beginning to look recent years, however, with the awak McCormick suddenly broke away and Waa Quick- to See that Colfes’-was D^lng the Mlaohlef. forward to 1918 and to guess, and ened, public conscience and with the fired a shot from the deadly ante- i’S1 » * t . « i ;..5 R : even to prophesy, as to whom the pressure that the people ha^e brought' matio gun. "Both- Minor and I had vans and we began to iro , hut the _ A lady tells of a bad case of coffee chieftains of tlie two parties will be to hear upon their "senators and rep others were toe fast tor ue: A doeen !- V: in tho struggle of that year.------------i resentatives, the. Joker is becoming shots were fired. I saw Minor slip poisoning and tells it in a way so sim Naturally muoh of the interest cen rarer and Tarer. I t Is a bold man to to the floor, and almost tho same in ple and straightforward that literary ters about the chances which the pres day who would undertake to insert stant I went down, too; Tho men ran skill could n o t Improve It. B ait Buffalo,—Cattle; flteafr. ident has to succeed himself. One one in legislation,-knowing that on iti froAr the 4**el" "I had neuralgic headaches for 18 Billing* was arrested at 1: SB, while j.rtf'.-.'nj vs;-., w i:great section of the Republican party discovery its authorship would be years,” she says, "and suffered untold ears; strong! best lamb*, seems to bo WeR satisfied with the traced and he would be held up in veung Harrington went to the heme agony. When t first began to have president’s career so far, while an public view as one who was willing of L. H. Pattee with his wounded r ‘ " ,M" ! them I weighed 140 pounds, but they Calvss—II Oil. other section, white! admitting willing to nullify the moaauros by the people. wrist after the shooting and told a brought me down to 110, 1 w;ent story of having fa’len from a eoal Alt: tVTisat—Csik Ks ness to wait before passing flnat judg Senate Mey Upset Tradition. to many doctors and they gavo me car and hurt his wriot. Non-suspect «.*4; May epsne4 He u*. at 1 ment, seems to think Mr, Taft Is noth Much of th e interest in the present leg, Pattee bandaged it u» and Har' only temporary relief. So I auifered ing like as aggressive as he ought to session has for its center tho proposed rtngton took a D. U. R. \ When JuljTepensd at ^l.* l^ ,4!e a /e4*rnt9veV on, till one day a wbman doctor told be In view of tho fact that he said amendments to the interstate com ”«ttee hsard of the shooting ho not! me to use Postum. She said Hooked he would entry out the legislative pol merce law, and, in the view of tho ex ^ed the officers and Harrington was Cern—Cash No.- 2, lie; Ne. 4, 1 ear like I was coffee poisoned. icies of Jiis predecessor. treme conservatives of congress, they 'wertaken on an Tpslianti-bmind ear “ So I began to drink Postum and I The Progressiva Republicans In are drastic amendments.'’ Tho Repub •nd arrested, He woe faint from loss gained 15 pounds in the first few >f blood. McCormick refuses to talk, house and flcnnto, most of whom come lican majority’; in the house seems to Beans—Cash. II.6T; Mareh. »»,U, weeks and continued to gain, but not from the west, will not yet say one feel that the country has sanctioned ■>ftt* .*• sags at so fast as at first. My headaches be* *»• 66: . March, *1,16; sample. 24 k m word as to tho probabilities of tho re- tho president’s recommendations as All theories in 4hc Miner murder nt 18.69, II at Mi prime wlslke. 2T »»; gap to leave me after I had Used ■nomination of President Taft three they relate to changes In the inter *a*o were upeet ffaterday afternoon, ffTo” * ai4iks, 4 m i , at m .i ^, y i i Postum about two weeks — long Three dainty little : dresses are on a lining and is finished a t the toil years henoo. They declare that tl\e state commerce law, and for this rea •nd Charles Harrington’s confession enough to get the coffee poison out of shown there that can . well be made up next prosldent will be a progrefeilve son It may be taken for granted that mptlcating Robert McOomlck te MlShaped band that is braided ; ‘ th« my system. lor’e s’aycr set at naught by tke dis a t home with little cost. ■ the real kind, presumably the Roose- the representatives wilt put the Tratemen on th# Penssjrlvanla sys *s of Piece lace. The skirt Is overy that the bnllet in the baggage tem have as a body failed to vote te The first is in pale blue soft satin VOlt-kind, though no one yet has the amendments into law form and send ..r? ,,nce 1 ^ gan t0 Postum I can ■nan’s throat is a 8t cobber lead-nosed Join other railroads east Of the Mieeii* and chiffon. The. empire bodice is set In plaits and piped to the bodice g!ndl5! that * never know what a . ^ v temerity to take It for granted that them over to the somite, ordinarily nlHSie. McCormick carried an autoMaterials required: Five yards vet hentolglo headache Is like any more, -' the mighty African k in .e r would rnn- the senate I* supposed to be a more matio revolver with a 82-coiihrr steel slppl river is demands for better covered with puffod chiffon In front; veteen 24 inches wide. wages. This is admitted In Pittsburg the back Is of satin' plain, The zouave Bnd it_ ‘WR8 nothing but Postu m tit at gent to.run agnla. The Progressives conservative body than the' bouxe, hut Ming. This hit of evidence points c. A, Green, of tha Pennsylvania fronts edged with lace, are-connected .if04t th ^ ,other dresB R soft spotted made me well. Before I used Postum !V m w t o r nothing peklloly ahout Presl- sometimes affairs take a course la the n Harrington ss the slayer of Mtaer, by in front under a rosetto^' The zouave S l 2 ? h te lB T d; ,M» * Princesi I never went out alone; I would got Toft’s obanoes, berause he h u e*a*te that they are not expected to ssteod of McCormick a* the former employers’ grievance committee. Maj.-nsn. J, Franklin Ball wilt ; h r end upper part of sleeves are braided -with flounces at edfle which is headed bewildered and would not know which' hnrges. :,rB#A:.':JfaU■ ■opportunity thus far, take, tt te entirely wfthtn the range th* next commander of tha army in Miner’s* ftmeral waa heM at 8 o'clock with narrow Russian braid, The skirt by a crosswise strip of silk, gather * Of.'them say, to make clear of pooelMIttiftft that the upper house Now 1 Ito alone and my the Philippines MaJ.-Qcn. Frederick Is gathered to the bodice, with narrow outstahdhn head Is turn‘. Sunday afternoon. as clear as a bell. My brain ilf ho Is on absolute progressive may undertake to make more drastic D, Grant Bill be assigned to his old friH; tho same trimming forms a noini Materials required: Three yards on the bodice back and front, th and nerves are stronger than they WhO ls only progrewlts is part, than the lower house had done the Tke MUford Home Teleubone flo command at, the head of th* denarb Consider Harmon. Interstate commerce amendments '■is declared a eewH-anatjal dividend meat of the east, MaJ.-Oen. W H satin 42 inches wide, one yard chiffon space being filled in with gauged chif have been for years.” ’ toO Democrata In congreas which the president hoe aefced te ff t peT cent, payable Feb. 1. Th« ra tte r, now in Luton, will be ajl two and one*half yards lace, tw S iIm i hi 1!t.t,e book> ,,Th« Road to The henter costume Is In soft pink a t their eyes toward have passed- GIDROE CLINTON. T I!0'. "There’s a Reason,” lompeoy now ben to# aebeorlbeee, Matorlala Tequirsd: Six yards kqi velveteoft;:5th e ' hod Ice Is laid in plait* 0»e itBMari J*«*l*T A tiew "w id e,;;''’ >-■■■■ ■ ■ .. ' entered • through-n-^back window. < ,; Cady-surmised tbajt the man in the alley was merely^a guard and^craw^od a t w Into- th e 4 storo^ As he did so the figure of a man roeeover the counter at the front of the store. Th'e officer.; fired and rushed forward, but two me® slipped through thexpiate, "glase--window-wrh lch had been broken,. ICady_ followed tc^' the Street aad blew his ■*. wbiat'e < for .’oesietaaoe, Officer William MowfCy and Ublef of Efillce .Oagfl responded. Mowrey -and rW lR E L E T S . ~ " m Party Dresses M < * •» e f f c n J f t 1 V » « . ! • , r^f I S 'Vf » / A n THE CHELSEA STANDARD, JANUARY 13, 1910. *1 U n d o u b te d ly m uch o f this quicken* [ couldn’ t ra ise It—i f it w e re o nly ib clgh t w as due to thn th o u g h t o f a glance o f y o u r eyes— le t atone t H * H e ie p , w h o w as n e v e r.in i’ a m o m en t—eyes them selves,” absent fro m h i* m ind. W h a te v e r r i hope you d id n ’ t' oom e a ll the Way W ork was engaging bis hand p r b ra in , up here in tjhe cold Just to .h e f u n n y " deep below It a ll was a consciousness she responded se ve re ly, B u t she did of her existence, lik e - a second e g o ,i n o t vo u o h ia fe h im th e glance.— She o n l y A th o u sand ‘ _tlme _^dear er_' and w a * absorbed in w ash ing o u t. th e un m ore in ^ p lrln g th a n H lt^ o w n rp p rs o n s ll- s a tis fa c to ry s k y fo r a second tr la l, / ft seem ed to give h im , a sixth ’ D e rrln g did n o t go In to the house. sense bjr w h ich perceived the begu- H e w a lked ra p id ly up a n d d o w n the tlfiil—u n tir“H e le n gaVe up in. despair beach, w a tc h in g the a n g ry s k y a a d the a tte m p t to transfer t o canvas all th p .Is o la te d little h o u se ., H e fanoled ■that he b ro u g h t to her notice. ■* th a t, as the e a rly tw ilig h t settled I t becam e a com m on eight fo r her d o w n , i t stood o u t i o o r t d is tin c tly and sketching stool to be set up la seme v iv id ly — ^emphasising Its in d ivid u a lity sheltered , corne r o f th e b u s ie s t'p a rt A -th e w o r k o f-m a n against th e pow er o f the c ity . D e rrln g , w ho had.dregded o f darkness, the cxge rlm en t, saw . w lt h a th rlll. t h a t A t la s t he cam e and looked o v e r h e r the quiet p ow er o f h e r B a rsnw im y shoulder, ‘ *_ . i th a t so rested and soothed h im w as’ " R a th e r b e tte r, Isn’ t l t r > s h e asked fe lt h ere; Fjbe crow d e ith e r .passed com placently M t b o u t lod gin g u p . h e r \by o r stopped fo r a m o m en t to V Y o u Have ctought th e v e r y dem on lo o k 'w ith respectful curiosity as the o f th e atortn io those clouds." w o rk g rew u n d e r her hand. S o m a t i w i t w as tru e .- Sh e h a d done w h a t the a m ason fllle d h e r water-can o r a car w a te rc p le rle t seldom ~ achievee—suep enter paused fo r . a m om ent In . his bebded in w a sh in g o u t h e r -firs t qtw o rk to 'a d ju s t h er um brella, i t w as te m p t and re p la cin g i t w ith th e desirthe Cblopgo splrit-r-laisses fa lre , and ed effect. T h e th o ro ug h w e ttin g o f h elp w hetf^ yo u c a n ^ B xc e p t fo r th e th e p ap er o r a touch o f genius h ad. dust a n d -r a ttlc o f th e -atreet she w as aided th e eeopn d . atte m p t, a p d the as unm olested as In her quiet studio. rd su lt wae a w o e h rrc le A n and fre sh in color—a n d in th e clouds w h a t D e rrln g , C H A P T E R X III. had called th e dem on o f th e sto rm . ''C o m e ," h e -s a id -d e c is iv e ly as .she - T h e fa ll and ea rly w in te r had been eat p u ttin g l n - t h e la s t fe w touches m lld F ln Ja n u a ry l t came on to snow lin g e rin g ly .' - " C o m e r Y o n m u s t - s t o p . a n d ^ to -b lo w ; and -w ith . the_ snowing lt_is_top d a rk — Y o u w ill he fro s e n ." B h e begsu to co lle ct: h e r ske tq h ln ^ and blowings the therm om eter dropped m a n y degrees* O ld Inhabitants told m a teria ls. each’ L oth er— i t w a r real - "Ch icago " L e a v e those fo r m e . Q o on to th e w eather ; n and new inhabitants .'shiv- house a n d g e t w a r m .- m b rin g y o u r .ered in th e lr sealsklas, o r, la cking tra p s e ■ o-it. these,; p u t o n ..e xtra flannels; '... Sh'e started o b e d ie n tly to w a rd s the I t was d u rin g the cold w dather th a t bouse, b re a th in g cm h e r cojd fingers D e rrln g ’s w o rk took him one a fte r to W drm them . B u t —so fierce w as the noon to L a k e v ie w to look o ve r the w in d —she m ade slow progress, .a n d w o rk of the A m a te u r A r t club. A s he b e fo rq .S h e reached the house le ft the house a fte r finishing b is task a t h e r side; - H e opened the doer th a t a dull ro a r fe ll on his e a r ....H e started ushered them * In to th e -lo w ro o m . /. and listened eagerly-?yes, it was the T h e roun d-faced . D u tc h w o m a n w h o lake; In a m om ent m ore his coat-col greeted them looked w ith k in d ly e y e * la r w asrputled top about hla ears, his on the you ng la d y . Sh e bustled a b o u t firmly aver We eye., the r to m andTplacbd an a rm c h a ir near; and-he .war-on bis way to the shore. tfia flra.' ftY ou staye d o u t. lo n g e r this Thp-lake had^a""p'ecullar fascination tim e she. said ln -.-a -d e e p . jm tth V a l. for bim. He could never resist it, ea^ voice* B he g a v e ; a qu ick look o f inter-, peclally when ~lt' w a r roaring and eat fro m H e le n th D c rrln g . 8 1 o r JLo v e 3 ■' -4 _ 8Y- /■N O_____ P 8I 8, r . Rlchayd Derrlng, returning from, A win ter In the wood# to hla mother1# farm home.' le overtaken by ,We u w le ^ o c o m panled by hte eacpntrto wife, cooling'to pay a visit At th e ia rm - A u n t Jeruaha’ s -questions‘about -PlnU y_ Hutton. supposed to b e R ic h a rd ’s .a w e e th e a rt.b rln g o u tth s fact that shells to toarry -e merchant, KriwArdB,—Derriog’e WlAppolntment-Btipo--. --ulates— u l ^ B W i P. a—^_______ b l t l ^ and under-----the advice _ --------....... of eeth W n n e y, p e rm it "ot^the wood#, .........resolves yes to ' ‘ self ’ “ fa * rc d le • g* i K-in ~ he . f i t him .mlsee to te a c h h im Greek, Derney promisee * lle Is .: . his mother, ’ His resolve, ring ■ te ana to • in --hl> grandfather’s old' laborator/beg ins the study o t ; Greek, Seth Klnnt y . hears . Richard's Greek recitation In th...e w o o d s w h lle h e a n d T o m Bishop Ply. the the. ' cross-cut . saw. / B a r ring- learns that he can look'indifferently ,A “r of nf E m ily , H e visits A u n t upon tlie JOBi; Jorusha;' who .vvolunteers to y h e lp ; him 1 ... imuugn entrance, examinations, i'wins -ap ~ proYftl fro m -lh * professor andi Insures nil. popularlty among- his fellows. F o u r - years In college obliterates the memory of E m ily. Derrin_g .begins Jourh allstlo work In rC n lc a m - H e insets Helert" Gor'd u n ,a u arttst. Derrlng Is promoted to art critic on list, his paper,. H e makes rapid progress in comradoshlp^withn Helen. 'H e le n ; refuses ■-tonshlpgcompaOt^ C H A P T E R x i l .— Con^hUod. "— G radually h e- c am e to - unders tand th a t-h e r d e te rm in a tio n p d t t O T m a r r r him w as ^ influenced - b y s o m e th ln r stronger th a n a m ere p erson al s h rin k _lng fro m a false m a rria g e , . S h a .w o u ld ■ T "n o tro a r r y , because; ahe>y ould n d t ta ke B A C K A C H E -A SIGNAL OF DISTRESS A W A R N IN G T H A T M U ST N G T B E IG N O R E D ----^v If this . timely warning is ignored, kidney disease silently fastens its; deadly grip— for kidney sickness first shows itself in -pains and disorders in other parts, and the real cause is too often hidden until fatal Bright's disease or diabetes, has set — in. -Suspect the kidneys* if you are rheumatic and nervous ^or have lame back, painful/ too frequent or scanty urination, V eak heart, , dizsy spells, headaches, bloating or neuralgia. „ W hat you ; want .is a. special kidney medicine — not ah experiment, but one that has stood the test for -years. D o a n ’ s K id n e y p i l l s relieve weak, congested kidneys— cure backache ^-regulate the urine. s ,’ ; ^ ^ P a m A in th i back is th e t e d m y s * s i g n a l o f d is tr e s s , K ID N E Y R E M E D Y O F 75 Y E A R S ’ E X P E R IE N C E D O A N ’S K ID N E Y PZCXS began curing. lame_backs and sick kidneys 75 years ago. *The derpand lead a nearby druggist, Janies D oan/ to prepare, it for sale. From him the magic formula passed to the presseiit proprietors. Now, as-in those early days, £ b m s K idney P ills are m ade from onlyThe purest drugs, an d are absOlutely non-ppisonous. They are used and praised all over the civilized world. fa jy P ip tu r t T fJ h A S h ry . D O A N ’S K ID N E Y 1003 P IL L S ' J . R , B la ck, E , Sixth street, Topeka, -.K a n s a s , says: “ In the spring o f D o a n ’s . K id n e y Pills brpught me such great relief that I -- -did not-hesitate /to make the fact known and give. - - this -remedy m y most earnest endorsement, I n ;' my.-staiemeht fe a id that T o r three yeara I had suffered from kidney complaint. had a dull grumbling ache.across the small o f tav back that -greatly inconvenienced me when reaching and ‘itraining lu doing mywork, Ah annoying kidney wealmess was. also in evidence and it was out of .the question for me to-sleep well.. -In'thexnorhing-_. X was. all tired-cut and it. can be seen that * was so-bad ahape. The tise of T>oan's KidneyT f f lr quickly and sutely drove away these symptoms of kidney complaint andJLhave.sincerneen in good healths ^ --------------- 1899 1 1 /1 M A K E L A S T IN G C U R E S ■Mrs. James Crooks, First St., N. W., American Fork, Utoh, says, "I had kidney complaint for ten yean or more; Sometimes a twinge darted through the email of my back and Iofteo,became soh'elpless that I was compelled logo to bed with my clothes on. The attacks often Tasted for days at a time and l could not even stoop to put op xny shoes. My condition was certainly alarming. The secretions from my kidney*-were hregnlar iir^passagqand contained a heavy sediment after standing. _ I Well know what the misery kidney complaint . causes and I can therefore appreciate the merits of a remedy that cures this disease, Doan’s . idney Pillriived op to the-clalmemade for them' in’my case and effected acufe. My kidneyswere restored to a normal condition and my health thundering like this, Helen sank Into the chair with A' / On Aug. 0 4 , 1 9 9 9 , Mrs. Crooks was interviewed The- foregoing statement was"given in March r A few minutes’ walk broughtT Im grateful smile; :"Yes,T stayed out to *995* and when Mr. Black was interviewed on : by one of our representatives and she said: "It Nov.' Y3, rgo8, he-said: - ° I have-nevenf^had - -gives-ma-pleasure to reendorse Doan's Kidney inrsight of the mounting,"Jhifeatenlngr ■ffn=?’" She had slipped noiselessly pills. They-cured my backache and my health return attack of kidney complaint and I know that white-capped breakers. His heart from the arm chair to the floor. :. . : is nctWgpod. Other members of my family have liny cure is a permanent one. My faithJn Doan’s ;leaped=wJth-eaultatlonF--TheHpowerrof —w ith -a quiok exclamation Derrlng taken tins [remedy With decided benefit." ------ibey Bills is stronger than ever. ihejtQimavwas-oa-hlmi JH e longed- t a dropped to hi* knees beside her, r unrto-leap.-tcrT vrestle^v^th-it-anE K id. her mother jand those that depended scream . himBelf hparse against its w om an p ra c tic a lly. " G iy e h e r th is .” Yoanalf iron-' h e r b u t moire than that, and deep- Tumult. It was^ like the ocean—that She had prepared’ a d ra u g h t o f b ra n d y. Cut out this coupon* mail it to Foster-Milbum er, she would hot by a rash promise long stretch of lonely shore as yet Derrlng poured’it between the white Co., Buffalo. N. Y. ■ A free trial package of add-one^more-to-thenaarriageh -that unprotflr.tfld -ilps,-awmnd—wnich-a-^bluer^ llBe-was= Doan's Kidney Pills will be ’mailed you end In vata regret or, divorce* Gradually, as. -he Jooked.Jie became sloWly. settling.' promptly. <. • * • w. n.U. • Gradually, too, he camer to under conscious of something homelike and They watched for Hhe..effect—Derrt stand more fully w hat she had meant protected in the midst of the uproar. lng_eagerly, the woman with; dose, atby saylng^tBat'lf they=wera;ipade for- ArtbreatTOf smoke rose" from the chim- tent ion. T h e ra w a s ;ho~Blgn of.'re DOANS ^eachr.<Uher^h6y^0Qld^gajtG0u_t^wlth ney^of^a ismall^rude -hopse,- far-down- tu rn in g - life r D e rrln g -lo o k e d _ , up” T h KIDNEYS oui .promlses,. and if. not, It were1 a thd/'rshOre, almost within reach of the d esp a ir and J lie , w om an h u rrie d aw ay. thousand, times b e tte r 1 they -should threatening waves that ran up. the In to ad in n e r' r o o m - f o r ^ m e oth er - drl ft-ap a rt^ r An d a sh e -c a m eto^u nder- sandy--beach^ All about the house ~T6niQdy7‘ k jT ' stand, an element^of reverence min boats lay stacked, evidently in winter T i e leaned Koveif I h e ^ o f l o ^ e ^ f i g T . fSbl3M^?^ll'd^leVs\jrPi*IceT3o-cents'^ ^osfERrMlLBURiTCo/^Buffalo, N.Yj [Proprietors gled with his love for her, deepening quarters; and; here and there rem*' u re (T l|t e n in g , S lo w ly be g ath e re d it -and-lntenslfylng-ltr nanT I^ fT llh l5 p t^kl5~ehowe'(fJhe"oo In h ls -H rik s . . T enderly,:'passloiUareiy7 --------- Ue-hlmself^would - pot have ques -clmatlon of fair weather.. The house he d r e w -h p r -to h im k n d -p re s s e d -h is — Fa th a H a M e th o d . ~~ ^idnedr^He-Tyould - gladly-haye ma r- waB hheathed ln ^ough redTioarda apfi; i r p f ^ ^ ^ J h e j w M t e - m d u t h —w lth — lts THAX'S^IGttL DurlL^rr recehTTIIghtr iirafiss Tho "rte3T To hltpJ It "would not- have been patched ^ltfiT"artistic regularity^" It shadow; She seem ed to h im alre ady ■a test, b<it n consummatipnr But th a t was~a sketch niade to^ hand—-a touch dead—rem oved fro m caresses; “ S lo w ly flv e-year-old T e d d y , u s u a lly so am iable, V r u t f i e t s m e r D o n o o n * « f lllln o la , * T tried all kinds of blood temadle* -they were not/to marry did not trou- of :nature“wlth!n arm’s reach of Chi- th e ' lids "flu tte re d ,, a -b te a th tre m b le d flatly and obstinately refused to tak* la y s Ab o u t It 1 which failed to do me any good, but I his medicine, Tkfter a somewhat-pro-ble-hirnr"W hyiBjiould=he=iaslFm bre1o ■cago. 1jkatchewan,,'OwawWMe- have found the right thing at la st My I ^ * through-athe 1lp s ,^ a n d s b e T U t e d h e r longed and ineffectual a rg u m e n t w ith ot I and. In Suki a love that was proving the fulfillment 0 «a u i, He 1 b k. t Mid in Helen was filled with enthusiasm eyes to hfs, fa in tly . face was fall of pimples and black-beads. -hlm r^his-m b the r a f-Ih s t s e t th e -gla ss I U lAtW fl**l of all th e longing of hla boyhood and -and scoffed a t hla BuggesttdnrofTwait* After taking Casbarcta they all left. I am t T O » B ,C O N T I N U E D ,) ?Ai *a Am*rto*4i 2 m s o f m edicine d o w n ; leaned h e r head, w llchtcd to ten th* reyouth? It was transforming him continuini; the nse of them and recom Ing for warmer weather. v“Half Its h e r hands and ''p la y e d " t h a t she w as krlctble f r o t r *( * o f I |a*r] W h is tlin g . T r e e i mending thvun to my friends. I feel fine mind, body and so u l.^H ls frame, icharm is in the contrast,” Bhe proI WMten ____ oa4 *. Our __ okincsenni I peopleare.(look A m o n g ; the curiosities o»V f tr e e , life la c ryin g . t —•whlch-had-beenutaUrSpare.andJoosely te s t e d .f ,Don’t:y.ou:see.ferWlntpr-quarboaaduy Inc lb sc thoa w hen1! rise in the morning. Hope to lib s, boundary In thouA m om entr passed, a n d tb<* tender* have a chance to recomitiendDCascarets." iMnds, andl hare not >tt U h l the sofar. o r w h is tlin g tree o f N u b ia * built, began to fill and settle Into1 Jers In !the-,midst-of-all- that-tum ult Whi admitted m e t ono who H e a rte d T e d d y , unable lo n g e r to bear Fred C..Witten, 76 Rim S t , Newark, N. J. "W hen th e ;w in d *b lo w o v e r th is tree it I he had made a mlatake, -'strength! • his step becam e firm and I shall go up this afternoon.” , I Tie r are.all it? dolht well. the sight o f his m o th e r’s stricke n a tti gives °ou t flu telike sounds, p la yin g CUT THIS OUT, mall It with your ad IThero (• eerireelr a pomquick; his head to o k a firm e r poise .^ Derrlng consented ‘ unwillingly. He I munltr tn the Middle or tu d e , inquired, " W h a t’ s th e m a tte r, dress to Sterling Remedy Company, Chi a w a y to the w ilderne ss fo r . h o u rs a t Western State* that ha. .Above the square sh o u ld e rs; eved his was obliged to go to Hyde Park for m o th e r, dear?” 1 __a repneenlAtlre in Manitoba, sago, Illinois, and roceive a handsoma a tim e stra n g e , w eird m elodies. T t Is eyes shared in th e m etam orphosis?^ thenlayFsnd- it -was . not—till—four, >Saekatohewaa oaAlbertv'r e t ffo v in f h e r h a n d r T r o m souvenir gold Bon Bon FREE.".' 921 the s p irit o f th e dead singing a m o n g they lo s t th e ir d re a m y , pleading look- o'clook th a t he was free to seek her 125 Mifllon Baiheti of tb e -b ia n c h e a ,Th e . na tive s s a y, b u t the h e r eyes, she re p lie d : Ml ’m grieved r a n d becamrc~alert, la u g h in g , and_fa ll l h a T m y^soh w o n ’t ta ke 'his castor oil KNOWN since ifljsasR E L IA B L E — Wheat in IMS of happiness and a strang e p o w e r that She w a r seated near the point from scientific W hite m a n says th a t the f o r m e ." T o m m y — S a y , a u n tie , w h a t did U n c le M 4IH' " - ■ :■ • • -.Weetern Oanada.Seld crop* for sounds are due to a m y ria d o f sm all (90S wilt eaally yield tothofM^seemed n o longer to a s k , b u t to com which he had first. seen the house, an Jo h n m a rry yo u fo r? er #170,000,OOO.OOIn cnah. I A TRIAL FREE WESTERNC A M D JtP IM P L E S m&nd - help and s y m p a th y fro m all who. m et th e ir glance. - -S o m e th in g o f - t h i s c h a n g e -D e rrln g him self recognised, H e k n e w thatc he -.w as a llV e ^ g lo w ln g Jo e v e ry : fib e r; i;^ut he was U bs a n a lytic in his happiness than in his m is e ry ; he did n o t see th a t his: o ve rflo w in g , v it a lit y com m un lcated Its e lf tq -e v e ry o n e w ith w h om he came in contact, I t w a s o n ly w hen some one spoke o f th e change th a t he knew th a t it w as b e in g m a rked . H e ‘ in h ls - h e a r t — th a t n o <one guessed the cause, H e w as settled d o w n and w o rk in g w ith a v ig o r o f w h ic h he had not dreamed h im s e lf capable. E v e r y th in g bent before h im . H e f e lt w ith in h im self /p o w e r to conquer .t h e w orld should I t stapd- ln hla w a y . S o m e tim e * he clenched His hands and stretched his arms to th e ir fu lle s t to g ive outlet to the p la y im pulse th a t could n o t e x haust Itse lf in w o rk . s in his In n e r life , to o , a change, less perceptible, b u t n o less re a l, w as ta k Ing place, S ig h t and h e a rin g w ere opened to n e w b e a u ty. M uslo had become to h im a M e d iu m o f soul speech; a n d . the sordid c ity streets, i w ith th e ir o ve rh a n gin g clouds o f sm oke, sta rte d t picturesque life and beauty , ' A long a rc h w a y w ith a sla n t o f sun shine a t th e fa rth e r end—-an Italia n wom an stealing in to the shadow , a huge bundle on her b ack and colored kerchief a bo ut h e r head—w ould stir his pulses lik e an old* p a in tin g . T h o unsightly process o f b u ltd in g , w ith Its debris o f m o rta r, b ric k s , and la th, gained a rtistic value ns his o ^ e s .to o k in the g ro up ing o f th e m en a t w o rk a ro n h d . tho m o rtar-beds—the so ft, gray-w htte o f the m o rta r, the dull rod, blue o r orange o f the Shirts upon tho supple o r stolid figures o f the m en, w ith the p lay o f m uscle beneath. Som etim es It w m a single figure, th a t m ight h ave stepped fro m a Ram b randt canvas, app earing fo r a m inute and disappearing In the sh ifting c ro w d , A lw a y s , s ve ryw h e re , there was beauty— until D e rrln g , seeing it a ll, longed at times to relieve Ms overcharged tenses by a loud c ry —so W onderful, eo e m p o w e r in g , had the Heauty « t th e w w id becom e. 6 holes w hich an insect bores in th o offered co nso ling ly: ‘ " O h , I w ou ldn’ t ines o f th a branches; -tee1~ba«H y -tfT -w e re y o u , m o the r , d ear. T Ee ^ w e e p ln g tree o f th e C a fia ry Is lands Is an o th e r arboreal .fr e a k , T h is F a t h e r w ill be hom e s o a w "a rid : he’ll tre e , In the d rie st w e a th e r, w ill ra in m ake me take it.'**??*The D e lin e a to r. ; dow n-show ers fro m its . leaves, and th e natives g a th e r up the w a te r fro m th e A BURNING ERUPTIOtt-FROM pool fo rm ed _a t-th o ^ fo o t of the tr u n k HEAD TO Ft E E T ■,-v* " < and find i t p u re and fre s h . T h e tree exudes the w a te r fro m -in n u m e ra b le " F o u r years ago i suffered se verely pores situ ated a t th e - base o f the w ith a te rrib le e c ze m a , b e ing a mass leaves. o f sores fro m .h ad to fe e t a nd fo r B lx w e e k f conflned to p y l- h e d . ^ D u rin g — --------M isplace d , th a t ‘ tim e I suffered continual to r* A young m o th e r haq ju s t been deep tu re fro m Itchin g a n d b u rn in g , A f t e r ly shocked as the re su lt o f h e r a t being given u p b y m y d o c to r I w as ad tem pted relig iou s instructio n to h e r vised to t r y O u tib u ra R e m e d ie s. A f t e r flve-yerfr-old d a u g h te r. T h e vehicle se^ th e first bath g ith jC u tlc u r a ..S o a p ..and leeted . as Her fa v o rite Illu s tra tio n in application o f G u tic u ra O in tm e n t I en these teaehtnga w as a picture o f th e jo ye d the firs t good sleep d u rin g m y "M a d o n n a and .C h ild ” In the lib ra ry e n tire Illness. L also used C uttcu ra w a ll. W h a t a b e 'a c tu a lly succeeded in R e s o lve n t and the tre a tm e n t was confixin g Ip th e yo u n g ste r's b ra in w aa tin ’ /id fo r about th re e wi th a t the su prem e being w hose pictureend o f th a t tim e I w as able to be hung before th e m w as s tric tly a resi a bo u t the house, e n tire ly cured, and d e n t o f churches and e ve r te be spok- h a v e fe lt no effects sin c e . I w ould en c f w ith b ated b re a th . advise aihy person su ffe rin g front a n y , o m uch accom plish es, th e c h ild fo rm o f skin tro u b le t o ‘ f r y the C u tl* w as ta k e n o n a shopping e xpe d itio n. cura Rem edies as I k n o w w h a t th e y Scarcely w ere th e y across the thre sh d id fo r m e. M rs , E d w a r d N e n n l& g , old before th e yo u n g m o th e r Was 1 J 1 2 S a lina S t.,* W a te r to w n , N. Y . , b ro u g h t’ to a crim son-faced sta n d still A p r . 1 1 , 1 909." b y h er little d au gh te r's horrified w his A n O b vio u s P ro p o s itio n . p e r; " O h , m a m m a !" „as she pointed to a counter fu ll o f p ic tu re s, i'W h a t " H a v e you a plain cook?” " Y o u bet she is. M y W ife w ou ldn’ t is G od d oing In the ton-cent store?” have a n y oth er k in d in the house.” G o t O u t o f H la D ile m m a . A new "copper'? Just ,appointed and, Deafness Cannot Be Cured n o t long, o ve r, w as put out in B ro o k by l<**t sppllcsttowi, m th*y ssnnot rwwh th« CW ly n . H e fo u n d a largo dead dog at mwhi portiou of tho Wf, Thf-rs Honly cue *»y » cure OcetnwJf, end th»t Mby eonutltutlonw mrwlte*. the corner o f tw o stroote. H e took Desfmwi in cAiwcit by sn InSemot r^Klltton of the ilt'lng of t-hs.Kiwvwbtsn Tube. When OiU o u t b l * to o k a n a w ro te : " T h is m o rn tiilm te Inrtem ed ynu here * nimNin* eouml or tming a t U 5 a. m ., I found A dead dog oertecl henrlnit. «n<J when It le entirely fleer*), t>e«fneml» the reeult, snrt unite* M*e tnn*mtn*Unn »n be a t the corner o f—— ’ ’ and he looked taken mil *mt ihA tube rtwvvwt to W nonn»l ooodtWTWIMtljr"* fnmrri 1IMCTI I. nine I'l»w V U on. heerln* will be tlfetenyeC “"■ ■* up to See w h A t the streets w ere and out of ten are eaoswt by, Otanrty which h r01Mag discovered th e y w ere K e e p a nd K o s- but »n Inflamed eoodltloe of the Ws will alve One Hlmrtrrd pmiam lor *ny e*w ot clussko. l>mtne*a ErAusert by (atarrii) that mnnot ne eucH H e studied fo r a lon g tim e. T h e n he V« w . w s tta N S i, a dragged the d o * b y the- ta ll t o the tor copwttpeUaa, Corner o f K e e p and K n o t streets. T h o hiippinrma o f our la te r Ufa *a In ( Sa ys M e Q e w a n : great p art made up o f the pleasurable "O on sld sr th 't th ‘ maan m an k n o w * m em ories o f e a rly ye a rs — D r . A le x a n 'Im sB lf; which m akes you revenge d e r G ain . com plete,"—C le ve la n d N e w s , T h e hull ot cotton !• used In C h in a T h e d ro u g h t wee b ro ke n before the fo r fertilising purpose*, fa n n e rs p ay t m i n w er«i ing- a b o u t tw o dollars a ton fo r i t 6 111 8 She Seem ed to H im .Already D e a d Rem oved fro m Caresses. ; old piece o f s a ll-d b th , fastened be tw een tw o stakes, sheltering her from tho w in d . . Site looked up when he approached as casually as If he had stood th e re all the afte rn o o n . T h aven’t caught th a t w in d and it Isn’t ’ cold enough— too much bluo, isn’t there?” sheafekod, h o ld in g 'h e r head back and surveying her w o rk critic a lly. % "R e a lly , a re n ’t you blue w ith too m uch cold?’ ’ he responded m eekly. "D o n ’ t be foolish. I am a ll r ig h t ijo had taken off his overcoat _and w as fastening It around her shoulders. " O h , you m ustn’ t do J h a t , Y o u u take cold. W e ll, then, If yo u w i l l only you m ust go Into th e , house and get w a rm . Y o u ’ll find them fiigh y en te rta in in g , besides being good, she added. " T h e y made me some h o t cotfee and the m an rigged np this sail cloth to keep off ' the w in d , A n d there’s a p air o f candlesticks In I would give m y e y « {<>>• ” ut n o t for sale. Be yo u ’re not t o ; raise m y b id ." FroeHomeetendeof ISOaoree, and^ro.emptlon».a*f 160 acre* t *3.00 na acre. Hallway and and-Ootnnnmet'hnve land for eale atreaaonaulerrtee*. Many farmo n imve paid for their land out t tha prooeeda of o n e : crow, Diendld climate, n o d echool*. excellent railway racllitiea, tow freight rate*. wood,.water m i t lumber eaally obtained. For pamphlet "Ikat Heat Wert,” partloulan'ae to suitable location settler*’ rato, .apply to and. low. eettlere’ Bnp’t o f Immtsratlon, O ttaw a, dan., or to Canadian Oort A ir at. N. V. RtlMNt, 171 Jaffat*** Aw., Stfttb, tt C. A. Itirkr, twll St*. Iirle, Mltlt. (paeadflireeneatwtyon.) nt - ~ A u n t—W h y , fo r lo v e , o f course, ■t T o m m y (m e d lta U v e ly )—H ’ mT^^Love w ill m a k e a m a n do a lm o s t a n y th in g , jWon’t i t ,.M r i t l e 7 E § .._. v Important to M other*.__ jl_ E x a m in e ca re fu lly e v e ry b o ttle o f C A S T O R I A , a safe and sure re m e d y fo r in fa n ts and c h ild re n , a n d see th a t it . B e a rs the S ig n a tu re o f In -U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a rs . T h e K la d Y o u H a v o A lw a y a B o u g h L Good E x a m p le . M r . C rim so n be ak—H e r e ’ s ari Item w hich, says the sw an o u tlive s a n y . o th e r Jb lrd , In e xtre m e cases re a c h in g 300 ye a fs . M rs . p rlm so n b o a k— A n d re m e m b e r, J o b s , the sw an lives on w a to r. ^ i c o . gABETC'-Men and Women, make ft* weekly HSBRIa (temonatratUiKOuTH*ar»,n«w must cream, bonaahold neceaalty. we truhtyou. f**cnra local territory at once. Mat Sih—iac»., iewwkHk*. ^ * b l a c k C A P SU L E S SUPERIOR REMEDY U R I » A R Y O I « H 4 R f [' OOUbClSTS on MAIL o n R E C E IP T « ,»0 HPlANTFNA$ON 9JHE NPYbTBRdllKtrN NV Jtookand Aflrlcft.FTtBB, gaww, D.C. yr*. Beet reteiwaoMb PATENTypRMbkALaureaet, 'WHSlllnirtoU, went to hny a fan* MIchiyUE). Wrile or call on FARMS Doin yon’ Swd Saute kaalwa«a, AaKrlile, KJak. - DEFIANCE STARCH for stnrohlngfineet linens. 3-1910, .F re e te O u r Re a d ers. W rite Murine E y e Remedy Co., Chica go, for 48-psxe Illustrated E y e Book Free. W rite- alt about Yo ur Kye Trouble and they will advise as t<> the Proper Appli cation ,o f the Murine E y e Remedies In Y o u r Bpeelal Case.. Y o u r Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Btrengthsns Wejkk K y e *, Doesn't Sm art, Soother Joys F.aift, and sstl* for » o . Ti f t In Yftur Kyea and ’ in B a b y’s Ey e s t Scaly Eyelids and Oranuiation. It costs * young m an m ore to uueducate him self th a n it costs bis fa th e r to educate h im , Tightness aerotjs/th* cheat means a eoiti on tne lungs. It mean* misery and die-, comfort every minute^ if nothing worse, What’a the answer? hub the chest with Hamlins Wiwird Oil quick, A sm all boy never looks c o m fo rtab le In hla Sunday c lo th e *. rXRRT DATIN' PAINXlIXyiR When thoronfblf mbheS 10 iriipwea *a™in ntfwle* Iwjwliii* or a>wi: » fEnin uny rwu* e rn w is ti,* in - a jt*rjmhotiir*Ei» Som etim es a m a n ’s wisdom Is due to th e possession of s c le v w w ife . p u .rs rriucT> iw * to t« data. tVhluy, ailnd aiMWIIty nr riv trw lH , p it*, | PASO OlNTWaXTlsgoePweMwl <n <Tir»i ary a* ? to U Any a or nawey p»fmt><l«u go& Don’t blame the phonograph If It ha* a bad record. U S W kwW t S«a(k(*t lytw*. ■Dane iwi|**t.»nftri|||~t|r *111» rwHrutw. ,uwr**wioa«oh to bow are booed upon texts; epo* pretext*. The R A Y O L A M F fa s it|k a m l» Iss^v sold of a low plies. Tlwrs « • Ii s h Asa cost s a t e M d s n io es brtier U n p « n y priest Tl«* Bafnat. lbs Wck, dtw Qtiwwry-HoWrr-—*11 sew ,n m P M ______ v k J (ktngk m • U s e thewi p«w of tho R A Y O L A M P we prrfnctiy cwncrea sa and ttwro ia aednwg kaow* ia (bo m of iluop-iMking lhal ootaU odd to tho woJuo the R A Y O •» a kgbt^mwf deric*. SuWabU for any to o * in any hoews BreiT Swkler rrerrwr^m. If sot- tt r-nna, ,■write i biru—!-Hpale*etrauWar>otiwM*orow Air-nfy of to# ST A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N ^ w o u ld 4 0 .0 0 0 tn d o r earn an te N ovo W olohi WHh You? oil ewer EheloMi Son tkioo 1Orww Soporwaon bo rowspwiw)<k-ye« iba y^Mby^ao^Ob^aroWt^ NstfssaJ Cma Swmtw ,r ,V .. t •' T IE CHELSEA STANDARD, JAItOARY 13, rgjo. H E E D T H E W A R N IN G \vi' •9 4 B.F. 0*as*. >]^)ftie>n*n-OipwlBg» Mock. Cbel- CHURCH CIRCLES BREVITIES :'/V M a n y Chelsea People H a v e D o w Bo? W h e n th e kidneys ^nre sick th«fy glvb- un m istakab le w a ru iu g s * t h a t niininninm iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiinim w m w a gt^Quld n o t be . ig no re d . B y e x a m in ST. PAtl^i. in g th e , u rin e and tr e a tin g th e 1 k id --- '- - Rev. A. A. flcb9»n, P»«tor. 4 ne ys upon th e first sign o f^ d is o rd o r,-^erylc^s a t- the. .1 uaL hour. Bpxt m h n y days o f suffering m a y b o sav^d?. Sunday uiorniug. , 'S ic k kid n e ys exp e l a d a r k , Hl-am e lllh g u rin e , “ f u l l ’ o f “ brLckdufit" se d im e n t BAVTIST a nd .p a i n f u l . in passage. S lu g g is h v ^ r o f ; L a i r d o f "y p M la n ti w iU -con- kidneys cause a dull pain in the sm$,U d u c t th e services n e x t S u n d a y m o rn of the . back, headaches, dli»y spells, W’ - I FOWLEItVIIjLE-t*Aftcr paying aU ■ expenses the Fowlervllle Fair asso ciation had $3,000 le ft In the treasury, ■wtAeoce -WUv - FtnVLEItVILLE^Thls- village and * , township of Handy were defendants "ve rs ? in asuit-w itb Abbott-Volligg .Machine company for the price of a voting m- ■-■ D e n tis t, m machine th a t they jointly purchased.' V T"“ ■’ tired, 1auguid' feelipgs and ifrequent* ip|B**kBlouk. Chelse*. Michigan The case was taken from the jury by ing. -Sr'L I . — 1 Su nd ay sc h o o l-a t th ^ u s u a l b o u r. c/^^tltoMdence. ** 4c. . '. r r , ;-p ry Theuma‘tic“t^'ngp? 1 "" " T,'“ -.V the judge and a verdict of no- cause . H. \r. P. U. a t e p. m. ■ . • ■ ; y. -Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kid! of actloy entered. g j p iilf lB j i neys dnlyrttrejFcwe sick kldneysrhod JApKSON-xWhile ■;: . ■'. 4 . rid the/"blbbdTof uric poison. , I f you pouring tea during the mid-day meal Ber.Uuuuh|g|(lle,P*Btor. •eootWt floor Hatch A I3«nn»d block, a t the residence, Monday, Mrs. Homier^ Sundky morning “Spiritual Vacci suffer from any o f the above sythpto, 41. NI#ht<w<Uy.> toms you can use no b e tte r reraedy,; Hull was badly scalded by the haudle nation.”. ' , fChelsea people refiomniend Down’s Sunday evening “Born Short.” ; of the teapot breaking. Most of the <4,1 a ; g o rm an It* ;.y-Kidney Pills. , • ■______ - :• ■scaldlng~hot:-llqojd v,-felb^dn^-iier.tw;o& ,T-"n Wr,; T a* 3 P- m- Mrs. SRy T h y ito iin *#4 Surgeon 1 John^ Schieferstein, "So.M ain S tt. mw - j-year-old son, Herman, who 'was fright-' He ndryi: superi ntendent a Answered promptly night or Uw fully burned on. the right arm and class meeting at 9 a. m J . O ’ M a r a Chelsea, Mich;, says:' “ T havo^used ftt Jacobs’ livery bkr». Phone No. Doarda K id n ey.P llls fo r lame. bc\ck 14 leg. Physicians say the little fellow's lead er,'.' " '--v" '■ arm may have to be’ amputated, .. •' Prayer service Thursday evening-at and pajus through my kidneys Tpld have received great benefit. ! I can >:W 0 .'IA II 8 , \ V 'V . 1 BROOK?Y N —Llttl e Margaret 7;15 o’clock. . p si recommend, iffis remedy ;hlghty frbm Veterinary Surgeon. Hart, the two year old daughter of d§p®t lersonaiexperience.” . ‘"1" congregational. —; -- / -= a tr k v e lfa ty l a l e t m w i Mr. and Mrs; W ill' Hart' found and ...... Officeat Martin’s livery barn. F o r sale ,by all dealers. P rice 50 t '■ Rev. M . LtGrAnLPWtor. ate some strychnine tablets Monday; cents. vF 0ater-Mllburn C6., Buffalo, forenoon and died in about two houra.-: Combined service for worship and S’ew Y ork; -sole agents fo r the U nited It can cover •ix te o n c itie t 1 : '"iV . ■ ~".*■■ BibLe study ' Sunday at 10 a. m. -. S^rThe medicine was-chocolate covered " T t f B N B l J L L Sc W I T H B H K I L , and tix time»^tixtee>viY neCr | £|atest._ p P S ^ 1 and the little one being very fond of mbnsubject^ “A Year o f "Marvellous A tto r a e y ia t L a w . R em ember the., n am e^-Do an’s-r-and ettary^ in one id ay .__ ! ___ z___ • _ ;tMsdcind^oftmndy-ate^euough-of ttfe' Discovery.” _ ;;ake no other, v-rju c1 ihs 1 ^ ■* '-r' --■_ mm Evening worship at ]'p,.inL Sub-T H. D. WinuwmA. bitter tablets to cause its death. A B. B.,Tua»Bou■i ■Preemsn-Cununlngs block. Chelaen. little-brother -about- one -year older ject,J,-lhe Christian The m any who; k * y 9 »old — "— W o r k 24 H o u ra a D a y . E p lp iitS d S S v Young Tfeoplejs meeting at 0:15 p. was playing with the little girl goods by usinfj. Lour Di»* """ (The busiest little 7 things ever fnade Sxjt V.v.-r.'.m, did not eat any of the tableW r lanco and Toll %ry*9^ m «V>»■y<r?frf-t■•v.V-/; ;v MBS > \. 8 . GORMAN; . Bible Study.Class T hursday'atltlS are--Dr.- King’s New Life Pills. ~Every^ ponent. ' ' :• \ • pill , is a 1 sugar-coated’'.vglobule^-^pt' | h ad astouiidfhg t b f u l t i at; Attorney at Law, p. m. at the parsonage.. MANCHESTER—The friends V ie a lth ,fh a t-c h a n g e 8 \v e a k n essln to low- .e x p e n s e :■!-... - ■ ; ■; ^Offioe.MtdiHe street east. Chelae*. Michigan. Miss Frauces Yocum in this villag^ m Strength, langiior_Intp.euergy,-brail Cep. Barr M^utcheon,’B “Be?erJy, are shocked to hear of her death. f e V V s t iv e r s ft k a l m b a c h , Perhaps the company appearing id fag into mental power: curing constlW holesale jriejr^ftjM * tjMfe :She will be~remenrbered better by jation, headache, chills, dyspepsia, Attorneys at Law. M ill her many friends as. little Frankie Geo. liar,r McCutche<m‘sV'Beverly” at m a la ria .. 25c at Henry H. Fenn Co. orders froia a dozen ftores in ae many Notary —Mm the New W hitney, Saturday m atinee and-Bv T. r r e eman co. , . towns »n leW time than a man cou t r ~ .Public in the office. Office in Hatch-Durend Clyde rYocum, whor resided ~in this' and nigbtj January-15,- contains th e a t r f i -onriptace* and at much less co*t /block. Obelaea, Michigan. Phono 6S. v\ village a. few ryears ago, but are now .It *t i 1'f..' Ar:1' • ' ' J• 1 :.v <■ » v . - , ••■ = -s-4 S lip # than have' appeared there with any TO t’e a c h a n y o a e r a n y ^ T 4n- Pittsburg, Has. France's was an I f •\ 7AX SBE ft BECKWITH, other attraction this seasoby $ustlna BjasineasEduoation unusually bright- child and. d early-}-_ . ___ ,_____.. .... ,________... tim e , a n y w h e r e ^ (E ita te D e a le rg . such as ls obtainable a t The D etroit loved by all who ..knew her; ™ h?UQ Bustneae University is one of tfid *ure*F U SE T H E B E LL Money-to. Loop- Life and Fire Insurance. f ever and’diphtheria were- the cause although a very ^young girl has play. pawnwrt*' to gaoubaa.— Free cata logue b y . re tu n v jn a llr W rite E. R. Shawr, Sec'y.i ;•; IQffioe In Hatch-Durand block. Ohelaea, Mlchl- b£ her-deaths—She was, 15 years Of ed leading roles with Naf~ Glibdwin TFGran<FHiVer-AverK-.rI)etrolt,^ Mich, i g*n. MichiganSute age-atid the Manchester people' ex; and the leadvw 1th CvrihScott l h 1‘The Prince Chap,j> arid only recently repress great sym }>atby for her parei telephonaC om pany 8. A. MAPES, turned from a 'starring ebgagemetit who survive her. '~T~— 113-17 Funeral Director and Bmbalmer. Com m issioners’ N o tic e ... CnT.nWATKR-T.uab week Hale in Australia under the management Ftoo Funeral Furplahlngs. Oalla answered Bmltht-wiiose-famiiy-has-but.receatjyr Of. <T. C. Williamson, the Charles STATK O F -M IC H IO A N rco u n ty of W iiT u y -promptly nlgbt--or -<I*f.:-CB«laea.—Mtcblgaa f-iiie^ P t t p ^ e s/H a w r^ n e e n iiw .- a ,neunaer*i£n«iJiavinstH .'en"ai) pointed come to this city to live, weht to^one by th e Probate Court foir said oounly,‘ Commis Phone 6. Evart, .who plays Prince Dantan was sioner* -4 - . ; , . i\ to receive, exam ine an d ad ju st all claims MSkVI of the markets and purchased, some d d e m a n d e d all person* Oaoinst th e eetate of. for six years leading man with an m ^ > M itchell mte of said county, deceased, oysters, In one : o f the oysters he Walker Whiteside. G.ertrud^ Fowler KntmaL. B. W, DANIELS, fierjbbyglvo notice lh a l four m onths froth date found sixty-four pearls, varying in iwed. by ordeif of . said Pr obate Court, for 11 who .plays Princess Xetlye, was fojr — — G eneral A u c tio n e e r* ircBent tnerr clalm s agaln st Alw^tsu two “seasons' Rradlng woman o f the size from a large pin-head to a good > of said deceased, and th a t they will m eet SatisfactionGuaranteed. Forlnformatlon oal George Fawcett stock company in office of W. J . K napp , in th e Villaee ____ WThe Standard office, oraddroeaqrogory, Mich sized pea. Mr. Smith "has—been ■un- PaUHnore—and^only recently, closed a In said ■county, , on the 10th 'Ig^h. rf.d.i.r Phoneconnectloni. Auctionbills able to learn the value of a n y iif the season’s'engageme'nt w ltlfBeh G feet’s dayChelBca, - of... March,, and v on the 10th W P: day of May next, a t ten o’clock 4.—m„ -apd-tln cup« furnUhed free. Manes, so-it is not sure- justh o g . _____u_^4Uayers.-^-Mortimer rf eaolm>t~sai<Ldays, to;rcceive, exapilneamd adgqld claim s. * goodi fortune'was -bi4jught-hUm4«4the IMarTmLwlio .plays .Gfeneral Marlanx u*t -DatedrAtih"’ArboirMICh. .Jdn.lOth, 1010T T oyster. Ail of them will be sent To has been in th6=J5upport of nearly al 1 . .. ; M, J. NOYBS. the prominent dramatic stRrs. ' Hazel 1 , . Wm.J.'KhawuI-'Z New York tomorrow for examination Hamnm_:iajLa—former' member - o f -27"------- ------~ .Commissioners. and-Jo. ascertain their value. Mr, Amile.iluashll!s company .and also, ap. _ in Mrs. P’iske’s “Tess of _tne _ Smilh f eels th at it will be sonie-time Pteared Ktfvers ^K alm baolvA ttorneya. ' .P ro b a te Ojtfier COT “FLO W ERS mK"': Probate^-Orderi STATE OF-JHUHIGA.N4.County_of_Wflak is: At a session oi tne probate oourt for PO TTE D P L A N T S .. . of the high prices of housetiolu sup large company have played impor-; suit] county of Waghtenaw. held at the probate rr-tlie^ctty^nf “Ann- Arborron^theSlstr p lie s ;'- ----- ----- :-----;-----. —----- 71—=-- -tant...................................... d.ay of .December, in thcjroar one'thousand nine tract F b N E R A L D E S IG N S Jliniidml and nino; .v ANN ARBQIt—Clerks ,at the First es. ‘•.Present, Emory B. Leland, judgie of Probate . „ ; As this is^ the season of the year when Iiggs ar^-^\voFth-ldbk-L' . nine hundred and to n . in tlio matter of the estate of Godfrey Beutler, National bank spent Saturday morn engagem ent a t a leading hfgh priced Present, Emory E, Leiand, Judge of Probate. dc'ccaued. ■ ' -L : ing after and your Hens lhust bo fped to procluco the bestj results i> g counting a box fh lhof-coins whleli- tl)ealr.e;.therii_iii.nn_ <loubt ias _tb the Ho? _c§iisbL;j)f._Lottlce-:.B; -O n .rcaUing and filing the duly viwdfied.petition ELVIRA CLSKKT in A, Beutler, executrix, prayihg-that a^ccr. were, yesterday found ih_ ~tfie' late sterling-m erit o f the cast and the On reading, and Slink the petition of Win, ofElla . -Don, t,overlook tho fact th at we are headquartors nf all tain i>ai)or in writing and now. ort file in- this elegance o f t he production . r - Knftppr^ m wUan-of- suirt estate, pi-ayliur ypini. Wrpertiiig to grth elaat will and testa,Phbne:168^2-Ll--9^1;— /Tames Otttey’s ohl iron safran d the' that h i may be licensed to mortgage, certain real ment or Godfrey Beutler bo admitted to probate, estate described therein, amount ' reaches " nearly $14,000;” E G S PRODUCING M A TE R IA LS that- Ella A, Beutler the, exeoutor named in T H IR T Y Y E A R S O F S U C C E S S It is ordered, that the 7th day of Fob.; next, ami said will, or some- other suitable person (bo ap“ Uncle Jimmy," would never admit at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at said-probate 4ioJnc<sl executor lheVESfrahcl That appralsors Oyster-Shells, Mica Qrit.TQiDund Bone, BeerScrapTBcefTIeal be appointed forbearing said petitlohT "- ' commissioners be appointed. ! -tA his.friendsthat-he-w as-possessed L T . Fre e m a n C o , O ffe r a R e m e d y f o r office And it is further ordered, that a copy .of this ami Scratch Feed and Charcoal. * ? It Is-, ordered, that the let day of February, order be published three successive weeks prev- next, ulteiio’clook in theforenaon, at said probate O^Ariy property but it was generally .C a ta rrh . T h e M edicine Costa N o t h ioue to said time oflicarin^, In T’he Chelsea office appointed for hearingisaid iietittou. supposed th a t he' was well off finan Ttandard, a newspaper printed and circulating .Andbe It is further ordered, that ft copy^ofthls _ JClold .HedaliPlour at 86c per-sackBetweenJacluon, Chelsea, Ann ArborrYpillanti cially. Tt jis said th a t His ^sons were in g i f ifu Fa ila . In said county o f-W ash ten aw ......— — 'rtr(lcr,1)6 imbllBhed successive weeks previ EMORY E. LEI,ANI), Judge of Probate. ' ous to said time ofthree and Detroit. hearing,' in The Chelsea W hen a medicinb effects a-aucc^ss(A trUB.Copy.) n o t, aware th a t, h e .had any such^ Standard a newspaper printed and circulating HUMMEL, .BRO TH ERS F EED S T O R F ful trek tm en t in a very large m ajor - DoftCAB 6 . B qnkoAn ,'Register. ____'___ 28 inoutdcounty-efAVashtenawk—-— -r-r amount stowed away in the old safe. < UMITBDCAk*. . . ' / r EMORY E. -LELAND, Judge of fcrobate. ity .of cases, and when we offer th a t [A true copy] ■. . . . , East bound.7:24airi li24 pm 4:24 pm 7:24 pm Two of his sous_ brought the. box conM o rtg ag e Sale. & West bound, 0:45am 2;43 pmSi4S pgf&:4S'anf taihlng the money to the bank in a medicine on our own personal guar Default.having been made in the payment of ‘ ^ uroas O. Donkqan, RerleUr. - 25 >.■_ 1 ■ ■' .LOCALCAM, • ■; *• . ‘ antee t h a t ,it *willcoBt the user noth' th ep rin cip al, intoieat, iaxes, and influrimce duo M o r t gage Sale, East bound—0:10 am, and every-two-houra_ta hack this morning, tand- it was all ing if it does not-com pletely relieve andpajableuiidcrahetorms-and-condltioiia-ofthey'coifid do to carry it info the tono pm,' To Ypgilanti only, li:&6 pm. • a certain mortgage mado and executed by Edwin WHEREAS,, Janiei B. Pean and Elvira Dean, vieilC cnic C oiighofYhfetiUy _tf ofa«7: t to ttWogi catarrh,- it is only, reasonable ., th a t Q^ o u Jh* am Ypsllantl, SWcatbound^Oi3irahd7T:M,AM,-AD! mUdlng.wrimes-News, — . ____ __________ ich^nl^nado amfExecuted Mlqhixan, of th e first p a rjtto lfa u fe M. Bomitcel tennw and stato o f ______ hour* to11:S) pm.. people should, believe us, or a t; least lea Tf vai t! wl,]ul? «fttfi mort*ugo is dated a certainm ortgage, to Emery D. Ohipman, of the - Car* connect at Ypsllantl for Baline and at SALINE—R obert' Lindetnann, 21. put our claim to a practical te st; when wrii #.1907, and ,wi,m rtVly in the office tow nship of .Lima, county and state aforesaid* Whine for Plymouthand NorthvUle. beuring d ate th e 2Ctlr day , of August, was instantly killed by accidentally we take.all the.risk. T h ese_________ A. D. 1607, w hich was recorded in tli are facts office of th e register-of-deeds-oL tbe con ■WnahteimwrSh"llio iknh or August, A. D. 1007, nl<lrisage wasauiy asslgmxl by in In thp.honda the handB ,nf iof his hrnther. brother, Adolph, Adninh, staiitiate. W e want them to try the said Hattie M. Honstcel to James ’• •• F. Clough a t 3:24 o’clock in the afternoon, in liber 106 o the 10th day of August, i m , the dtol of a». mortgages, on page 607. 23. One of the tines 6 f the fork en Rex all Mucu-Tono, a medicine pre- on xlgnmont thereof having ................... And w hereas tho am ount Claimed to be due boon „duly rdcorded In said mortgage' is the sum of $425.00, and-no tered the nasal passage with such pared fr<Hn a prescription of a phy m£? of U’° Rc.?iBt«f Qf Ueeds of said county upon suit or proceeding has been instituted a t law to u,e 2(115 of November loyo126 in recover the d eb t now rem aining secured thereby , force th a t it was driven into his brain. sfeian With whom c atarrh was < Liber 16of Assignment of W Morlguges at page said n io ffie It Was ekl or any p a rt thereof. WesterUnd & Geddas, Props. The young men were working , near -specialty, and who has a record of That inand by the B And wiiereas default has been made In the pay ,!VUJ..... (1 ony default be mado . _____ m ent of,the m oney scoured-by-said.. mortgage, taxes, assessthe barn and Robert was behind his thirty years of enviable success *to his in payment of the said interest, CHELSEA, - . MICHIGAN. .m euta^nHUraiicftpiLany-patt-tiieiieof.--fl»r-ftny Tirother." ' Th'e'.l a tte n v a s handting-tlie record. . . -darwUcfeuiitliusanu: is niade payable and should 7 1 .the same remain unpaid and In arrears for the • Now, therefore, notice is hereby given th a t, by fork and had just thrown it up and We receive more good reports space_of thirty days, then the principal sum virtue of th e power of sale, and I n pursuance NOTICE. thereof, and of the. statu te In -such suflh case mudo over", his.', shoulder, .w ith o u tb e in g about.Rexall Mucu-Tone than we do named- in the said mortgage with all arrearage of and provided, the said mortgage will bo fore mterest thereon, and ufi taxc^, assessment, and - Commencing today “tire man aware th a t R obert was approachingr of all oilier catarrh remedies sold in insurance unpaid shall at the option of said closed by sole of the mortgaged prerfilics, a t pub-' & . . or her a&slgns become und be due and He vendue, to th e highest bidder, a t tho south agement personally inspects When Adolph felt the fork strike he our store, and if more people only obligee payable IniniiKllately tlwreafter notice of which front door of the court house, a t the city of Ann every film before Showing it in Arbor, in.said county of W nshtwiowrtJmt being turned and saw his brother fall dead knew what a thoroughly dependable option was thereby expressly waived. That ccrtatn Installmonls of principal, pay- tho place o f holding th e /d rau ltc o u rt w ithin said Poorly made clothes always look' chfeap-while those well their Theatre and any film sub a t h is ' feet, Amps Ltndeitiann, the remedy R exail Mucu-Tone is, it woul< pients of interest, Insurance and taxes due and' i0,1< h e .m h d d f d f Maroh, ’A . D, .1010, a t 10 o’clock In tho foremwnH thedescription o f ject that is not up to the high payable upon said mortgage' debt and upon made hav^anteleganfcatppeanmce.' The clothed we make father, is a prominent and’ well-to-do be the only catUrrh remedy we would said prem ses contalne<l ih said mortgam beomi^dti^ described liavlng which est standard in refinement as Is us follows:. All th a t_certain piece or parceloi .Jiv 1 iiofliiwc-H) are put together thoroughly. Let' us make . your new iVv-'-ftiiy uClw3-Ht4-TOr^ '-Tr---r- V~ l1”/ theVitlftgoofOlidBCa, in the IiiItuTfiftyiftentUu-roof on thodnyjvliereon well as technically, will be re* of the villfige, and the family is high Rexail Mucu-Tone is quickly ab iiiade th e same. wer« by the terms of said mortgago duo County of W ashtenaw and State of Michigan, Suit and it will look better a t ihc^end of the je c te d .: . foUpws, to -w iti. Lot number and payable and the same have remained npaid ly -respected, Adolph is prostrated sorbed and by its therepoutlc effect and arrear for tJw> the space of th irty days tthd and three (3) In block num ber two (2), - according to In arroar . season th an do. the ready-made affairs the first time This we have been unable to ards: and the assignee of tho said obligee In the r e c o i l , d a t of,Tames M. Oongdon’s Third over the accident. tends to disinfect and cleanse the en upw they are put on. <lo heretofore, on account of said-mortgage named row and by th e virtue of Addition to th e Village of Chelsea. MANCHESTER- llarry^ Cush no tir e mucpirn inenibrapcous tract, to th is proceeding elects by the virtue of the said Dated, November 27th, 1909. receiving so many on the fi:45 p. option, to have the full am ount of tho said prlnEMERY D. OHiPMAN, Mortgagee, m. train. This will Insure even_ who resides Houth ol th e village, was destroy!,rand rem ove. the parasites plpalsuin now unpaid with all arrearage of In J o p K m .mbaoh , A ttorney for Mortgagee, - . -iiiore-fcllncdl programs iu -the IlusintmaddrcHs, Cliolsea.-MioH,— - 59 terest thereon iiiu L all-taxea and In suroncc paid which injure the membraneous tissue upon said mortgaged property to become and be hiTcstcd Monday and brought before , CAXE! AIsFD--EXAMINE OTJR LIN E OF GOODS future ti\an In the past with no due and.payable Immediately, to soot.he the irritation and heal the Justice W atkins, by Deputy Sheriff exceptions. ■ , Chariceiy Order. By reason of which default In tlio paymon l ot Dietelc, the accMser being .a young soreness, stop, the mucous discharge the am ount duo upon tho said mortgage the HTATK OF MICHIGAN, lit tlio circuit court power of sale contained therein has iiecomo op- for the county of W ashtenaw--In Chancery, 1 girl from Bridgewater who w;ifi visit- build up strong, healthy .tissue ant trativo, and no suit or proceeding a t law having RKMEMBEK, iustutod to recover tho debt-w cured by the r o t t ,PaK 0' comi>lafnant- vs, Way Pago, doing'fricnds south of town. The case relieve the blodU and system of di boen saldm ortgage o...... r n im,n n r —thereof, "■— and * ----- Is ■ BuILiiendlng In the circuit court for tho cnimiv ii,(X)0 feet i f pictures Hatnrday. there was adjourned by the 'prosectiling a t sensed jhailer. fin infiiien.ee Is to Music, by Y-oung Men’s Oron. 1 . i »;• -J,chanoery, a t Ami Arbor on the fill) day of December. A, D. 1909. ,ln this cntiw torney'until th e .1 17th and the young ward .stbmdnl ing the mneo-eells,.aid olpal 'lieHtra. and Interest tlio sum of ti:om on file, th a t th o o t man is out on -ball.' This is the siunb jng digestion ami Improving nutrition 'govon Hundred, One and 8JM00 Dollars (4701,63) mi: y *?o t.a ^ I ’ivtit of th is state, Foartceii1and 70-100 Dollars (414,76) for taxes and H S clffJH At T\)lwlo 111 tho 8tut* Of Dhlrt 7»n fellow th a t w as. arrested until the whole |s>dy vihratgs wifh to u r and wv-10<i Dollars (44,«n) for Insurance jiald Jl1'# unpaid' J:Wa+o»« ooiiiplalrrant’s solloli'or" under tho provisions of tho said morlgago'tlioro' months ago on complaint of a young Jicalthy act ivity.' ip a coiTipara|llvcIy 'or artiKtlio furihi-i- wim’of Twciity^hVo DolVnra IwiIUm i ^ ^ ln*' defendant, Roy Page' his appearance to Ik- entered herein, wltidu girl of this village. No mention was siiort time it: brings afapif a nptfc.e. (426,001 Attorney fees- ps provide?) by law and cause r /V \" 4 8 ^ ” 6 the date of this order, and In stipulated in said niorlgoge, made ln‘the Enterprise of th a t case, ilble gain in' weight, strength,'gppt Now therefore, notice Is hereby gl\-en that by essr virtue of the ixiwor of ssle coiitalni'il In tho said wishing to spare nil parties ihe noto color hud feeling of buoyancy. mortgage and in pursuance (if the slatnte In We urge yop to ify Rexail Much rnifdi cases nmde and provided, such morUrngo riety.huh-we feel th a t it is time that Is- foreclosed by a sale of tbo‘premlsox*de* ■ i s A ' g b p h n o g K A s n .y s h t t i . r d • A d s I ! men having wives, daughters of 'I’oiie, beginning a lreatmcnt- tmlay will wrllied therein at l’libllo Auction to tlFldghcst s a s a W ot Corn*. Bunion*, bidder at the .East front door of the fjonrt House F1»l Foot. Chll , - , W H E N y p y I i y Y Y O t'R MIOAT Ol-' US sisters should see that. Justice is A t any IInii' you are igif satlsfigil at the oily of. Aim Arbor, In said County ol feiulaivt? CtmfmWl ,)y •!»« bon-resldont dS . U.lntlnlllt olhrr -'Ami It Is further ordered, that u-Ubto Wssldr-rmw (Hint being the idace wboro^tbe slmjdy come and 1e|l us, and W V w|l meted out to.-aii offenders when Foot Trout 1*4 , (XIR HOOK ! i*’ 1i.v fud tlio wo,kH'oiinty:of WasVfoiiaw proven guilty. Detroit is passing' qnh:kly return your money wlth^H” I1k ‘W H ’r t n o s , „„,l tcmlor Ami held Ion Monday the ?.l«t doy Of February A 'F#tl IRmb H Md TMr KHm Is Cm i' juicy m ’,vlfM)k 1,1 t,u *forenooiiof tb a u la y ! through a crime storm liml shockH q u e s l l o p o r q U l M d e . W e h a v e R e x a f ’ bWhich s*1<^.,pren»liK;snro wMch »ttplftJn« la foil *uth nnawnt. Ill “■ AH M s sf snusngG,. ,,|so smokpl meats. described in tlio sab 4dUM4t>«how IftrtlAl rattaf mirbooO/ cr*' ” least onoo in each week for «i* the whole state ami ;ir,- M m M'rj ’o iie in tw o siz e s , WJ c e n t s ap# mortgage s» followfli Ail of ot sixteeniifl) In a IflftlF. TW* FBim 0gar l« made (or 0 W, Itemplll'A addition to (lie t.Hty of VilK lan11’ bttaw aaly, Baalaa* Faa# Coat* lo afraid tu appear on the -trect-* ahm.- ^ l.o o , U e t u e m i i e r y o u r a n o b t a i n W p lJ ll STKAM ICHTTI;E K liN D IiU Htil l LAHT) ashtenaw-t -oimty,-Michigan. * l Biuimi, *9**v«r m t Wawiiha afn ig h t, We are told that m ann -l K c v .ill ite m e d if - a In C b e l s r a o n ly *4 ^l^rj-rofilrtent defendant, r,t least twenty davit l¥ te d , Nov, 22, 1000, l.IAS NO EQ U A P. T K Y A PA1I. i ■>> A PAH, Oil (CAN. la<ly of this village wa* a tt . IflP B W A R B M 1 D T CO. ,?AMKS F. ... . ut store, Tbr.' Rexail store, L, T _wk. Attorney Assignee of said Mortgago, . BUFFALO. H Y. our streets onr night liflt for Assignee, - J-~ . ‘ ______________ '’rm lian Co. the fellow e sc aped.—|MCflTp' BaaiDOMaddress, Ann Arbor, Mlobtgan. 94 n i l & <■ l on 7 G re e n h o rn DETROIT UNITED LINES Princess Theatre Whether Clothes Fit Well Or Not We Excel The tailor. f\ or Not to- FREE TO SUFFERERS , /■ Business Addreas, Manchester, Mloh, . j,
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