widows` fund - National Library of New Zealand
widows` fund - National Library of New Zealand
Poverty The GLADSTONE! ROAD, GIBBOENB, ;, V"1I8B0RNE T>ACING /~ILUB. l\ ' '--. STEEPLECHASE MEETING, 1 To fee held on the Toverty Bay Park Company'B Course, on TDEBDAY AND THURSDAY, -. ,' fIRIOULTURAL & MEGHAN A '■ MEDAL For qualified hunters. To be CARRIAGE AND WAGGON BUILDERS, " JL TTTE have tho most UP-TO-DATE VV ~~ " be had at all the Principal Hotels 9 Sales ok Commission. ■ OF MATERIAL, Which enables us to Defy Competition in 914 I 3,'Flti>o Handicap, 30 soys; f-mUe. Bicycles Repaired. -: ;Nomination,'10s; acceptance, 15s. All in stook. boys; 2miles. ■■' REQUISITES 40 Steeplechase, ■£. Tbul :■,For herseß, thathave neverwon asteep'eJUSS; ARRIVED " " chaseexoeeding 40,bovsin value. Nomination,15s? acceptance,20s. , J?ROM KBW yOBK, ' ;. 6. Maiden'Hackßaob, 10 bovb;5 furlongs. light Buggies and Shipment : weight, ?st. Entrance, 7s 6d, '"''■ to'oloaelJnlylat. Gigs. . 6.» Hunsbbs' Steeplechase Handicap,20 Invited. Inspection '-;'""" sova; -2.miles. For qualified hunters, Entrance, . 15b. 7.; Winter Oats Handicap, 30 soya j 1 Nomination, 10a ;seceptance, 15s." "-j "%niile. , and tho MOST EXTENSIVE AND BEST GRADE STOCK in Gisborne. ESTIMATES GIVEN. PLANT TELEPHONE "'■■' j&.mtib -'gr.^LzvcrzEs [P.O. BOX 20. 27.] IFOISOIISriEID![ " A report comes from the district ol GLADSTONE ROAD AND COBDEN Via Monte Video,Teneriffe, andPlymoutD STREET. HMI Com- Poit ot D«- Silling Btcamera Tons mander * ' Parcels for Tokomaru, Waipiro, Awanui and allConst Stations. Fares:From Tolngo 125., return farei £1 ; from Gisborne to Pakarae, 7s. 6d. ; from Pakarae to Tolago, 7s. 6d. Paroels to beleft at the MASONIC HOTEL. All coach fares to be paid at the MASONIO Horn, before starting. j Allparcels north of TolagoBaymust be paid for beforeleavingthe MasonicHotel. Redstone's Stables, -£. ':iesjE&:bki:£S. i Proprietor. to ( Engineering & Cycle \ . NOTE.— . . . BSI^^ .. . . ' ' #i^&cV;^:. — '■'.. Gisborne Cycle Depot (Pspr^=3^ Reduction. ■ Q§l^" - \Hi «1 MASONIC STABLES, Seduction. - BTJGG-IES - GKTG-S, JL2XJD CHAINLESS BICYCLES, ■ . 11 mmiwm^stifai-. (PP^¥ '"■--. #m'BEMEST; SSfJfe^;MtiBT.>PBO.^PEROUB . JRlilANli^ '" SB^ll^^^^ANfrTHß';^ BEE OINTMENT .(GALLICHAN'S). '.' OFFICE, AUS ''; . '-. SM#es||^iMitish: empire.- - i . . ' ■ P^ODRTEBN.AND^HALPMILLIONS -■ ., pI^I^^STBRLING).: . *§omti#&&^ X . " '" , ©f^^^iTVVp'MILLIOSS)" . : Sfti^Vif'!'{f'M ■'"-,''8TBBLINO. : fcfe^%v '^ Price V: YEAR,1897, B6HUS FOR ONE yWWlng Bevereionary Bon?'»jWfinionniiiig..to' £BBs,tfo«, after ; SPECIAL KKBERVEB. iii;!j^y}!ii.nffi'h."'""-■■.'.' j,declared foif laatFIVE fel3^SHJB6NUSEBTWO' MILLIONS/yield. l itlnß' :''Keverßi6n»ry; Bonnbca exceeding , considered by ■?;. .-"'-, WHEATMEAL SBonus OF MANAGEMENT i^'?"IkiBXPENSE. ■':-■■>:.■■"■'Ol CEU'JP. ;""■',:' ONfiTHE TOTAL IiSCOME. "''■""",'" - EDWARD W. ALSO,— All Kinds pbr . /,;pUBTJO;M "'',; -.:'.-.-"■ TYESCUITS. " Resident Secretary. FIRST AWARD at the AUCK- ;K:": HOUSE Q',UA)Y, 1 Wellington. LOCAL AGENTS, mm,WILLIAMS & KETTLE (Limited]'. TULIP FLOUR, with Gold Medal and Special Mention. FIRST AWARD for SNOWDRIFT FLOUR, also for WHEATMEAL. FIRST AWARD for BISCUITS, withSpecialMention for Uniformity and Excellence of Quality. v'Sew Zealand Insurance Company. Shohtland Street, Auckland. i-I every JAMES HUjME, .footed with thia Company. Mabinb Dbpabtmbn». Meitihandhe,Goods «nd Freight*Insured oy Steamer and Sailing Veeaols. Risks on Specie subjeot to speotal arrangements. to the 'Policies on Wool aad Produce in triplloate United Kingdomare granted payable In London If required, JOHN COLEMAN, Agent for Gisborne. .-. «110,000 GLADSTONE ROAD, ISBORNE. WIDOWS' FUND KENNEDY, EVANS AND C9M Department.. ALWAYS ; audBuilding Materials. Trade Suppliedon Liberal Terms, ... W; RECEIPT BOOKS CARTERS' BOOKS WOOL BOOKS COUNTER BOOKS DELIVERY BOOKS LABELS Etc., Eto. Visiting and Mourning Cards. T. G. LAWLESS. ,^^^^^ COACHES /~~IOACII leaves Ormond at 8.30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Saturday,returning same Afternoon at 3 o'clock. \J METALS, BLE, MACHINERY, BATHS, 1R STEEL, IRON, BRASS AN[D Feiday VESSELS, PURIRI PLANKS AND BEAMS Of any aize. BOOKING OFFICE : Hatton's Stables, Orraond. „ Redstone's Stables, Lowe Street, Gisborne. Passengers booked at the above Offices will receive every attention. Fares, Goods and Parcels at ReducedRates. W. F. HATTEN - - .- Proprietor. Also,— Spokes, Swingletrees, etc., and all JUST RECEIVED Direct from theManufacturers— A largo shipment of |£3^ Obtaina ble Everywhere. /COMMERCIAL TjiNVELOPES description quality, and every Of Which arebeing offered at LOW PRICES, to Clear. " permanently cured b Loasby's WAHOO.' Got it if yo:v INDIGESTION t suSer pains after eating. \\ oh \\ Brulses.\ a e A Sure, .Safe, Quick Curo for these troubles is POVERTY BAY JhgLr RO SAL MAIL STEAMERS, With SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION for allClasses of Pasßengers, Calling at Monte Video or Rio, Teneriffe,' '' ' and Plymouth. , FAST PASSENGER STEAMERS^' ;'"" TELEPHONE 27.] [P.O. BOX 20. J. Steftm«r jf ■ , , »g^ '**$", . -. Oom^anfle, rig Delphic' 3273 „ "'* > ■ : ■ ... Frames, Doors, Sashes, Mantels, Gates, Trcaghs, Ladders, Barrows (garden and navvy), Fenoing,Pickets, Etc., Etc., Etc. H. SANDJjANT & CO., Tailors.. HU«EDS OF POUNDS AUTUMN SEASON. which can be profitably made here, andby buying from me you willemploylocal labor andkoepthe moneyin the place. —Gladstone Eoad JoineryWorks. . WINTE IQQQ ±O«/«/ BBASON. W. & C. TURNBULL & CO., WHOI/ESALE AOEMTH, WELLINGTON. FOR iMFANTS AND INVALIDS. climates. , special * .... V As in tbepast, wo intend in the future to maintain PREMIER POSITION, " turning out nothing but - First-class Work, and we stillGuarantee A PERFECT & COMFORTABLE' FIT. Patterns forwardedPostFree on cation. RONMONGERY BLOCKS, JOINERY H. SANDLANT & CO., Next Masonic Hotel, Gladstone Road. C. A. FAWCETT, MOULDINGS, TIMBER TURNERY TAILOR, LIME, CEMENT CANTERBURY CHAFF, OATS, GISBOBNE. HAY, BKAN PIPES, BENDS, COWLS Era,Eto., Eto. -Cheerful "Winter Evenings.- I TelephoneNo. 11. BROS., CLAYTON MERCHANTS, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, Gladstone Road, Oisbobne. JUST RECEIVED. A Choice Assortment . 'stock of SUMMER GOOD has arrived, and consists OUR shipments which aremost Fashionable , in Style and Color, and have been bought in the World's best market. The whole will be offeredat theLowut Possible Price, to effeob an 'early, . .». clearance. In order to keep pace with the times, our Fashionable Suitings are ' all imported in Single Suit Lengths NO TWO ALIKE. Any attempt on ourpart to boast ot ourability as Tailors is uncalled for, as our ever-iacrensingbusiness speaks * for itself, All we need to say is that every effort will be put forth by us to give our clients A First-class Abtiolh at? thb Lowest Possible .Pbiok., ' O. A. FAWOETT, TAiioß, * Gisborna. ': .758 TO ROAD BOARD CLERKS o( SALE, at Hebauj WEDDING- CARDS I! ON partment— Forms ofS.teHoner/Tie. 'Nominatiou Declaration Officer, of Returning NEWEST DESIGNS. AtHerald OraiOE. CARDS, plainor gilt-edged Ask fok on sale atHbbaldOffice. , to STOCK wehave toplacebefore ourPatrons. The Goodshave been carefully selected, and great care has been exercised in procuring the Latest,Choicest,and most ' Fashionable materialsmanufactured. . POSTS, BATTENS PALINGS, STRAINERS r^ARDBOARD (all thicVneßses) for sale V^ at Herald Office. j [ ' announcing the arrivalof our Autumn INaud Winter Goods, we would draw attention theWELL-SELECTED GisTjorne Timber and Hardware WIRE, IRON, Agents. (PERRYDAVIS'.) Mellin's Food when prepared is similar to Breast Milk and is adapted for use in all OF DEBT FORMS on sale aq T>ROOP Heraj,d Office, ' U - .For Freight or Passage apply to— 1 GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. . AND LONDON. / COMMON, '"" SHELTON, & CO. " \ \COIdB, Em j, REMOVES RUST, DIRIP, STAINS, TARNISH, &a , BETWBEN ' ALL PORTS OF NEW ZEALAND Current Rates. To fully enjoy the long winter evenings inbright healthful spirits, fill your grates Matai, Rimu, etc., tobe had at lowest with Clayton Bros.' prices atMr Sawyer'sWhart Yards. CONQUEROR WOOD & COAL. W. H. TUCKER. Our double-screened and selected coal 750 will make a bright clear fireand give great heat. Try a bag or load. Instant delivery to urgent orders. Price and quality 1 "V"JfFoii Coughs and Colds takeWoods' guaranteed for Wood, Coal, Coke, and JVGreatPevpermin Cure; 1/6and2/6. Charcoal. The extent of our coal trade since we (Clayton Bros.) started ib 750 TONS. Having our own bushes and teams, we Cramps,\\ Croup, \ Cuts, \ supply FIREWfOD at.FIRST COST. " HERALD STATIONERY DEPA"ENT. FA^ST ROYAL MAIL PASSENGER STEAMERS ■ Requisites for Wheelwrights. \ PERIODICALS, CUTLERY, gAWMILLS. Of all descriptions may now be obtained, and1 cut to any Bize ordered. BINDING MUSIC, BOOKS, ) - MONTHLY LINE Yards. SAWN TIMBER F. HATTEN'S Orders received for SCOURING, AND SORUBBING FLOORS ANI TABLES. FOR KITCHEN PAINT, MAR! CROCKER!1 STAI RODS. FOR POLISHING COPPER FIREIRONS MANTELS. FOR yjWR MAKING BIOYCLES LOO:'K LIKE NEW. PRODUCTIONS. ANGARA WON'T WAS sH CLOTHES. CLEANING, SAVILL, AND ALBION SHAW,COMPANY (LiMnsD). On the Premises, Of thoroughly seasoned timber, and at Prices to Suit the Times. ON. HAND— Largesupplies Established Twenty-eight Years. of well-seasonedKauri,ToTARAand , Rimu Timbera3 .„ A CCUMULATED FUNDS EXCEED jp-| Qf)A AfjA Also— Doors,Sashes, Joinery,Moulding, ORMOND LINE HANDBILLS ; RICHARD TODD, Colonial Superintendent,Napier, 418 . TIMBER MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS* LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LTD. POSTERS Grewtb of Funds s- 161,103,000 THE AUSTRALIAN application BILLHEADS CIRCULARS "Herald" Stationery BBOOKE'S MO>NKEY BRAND SO>AP LIFE INSURANCE. GOVERNMENT Established1670. -1875 1685 YARDS, ... for Manager. 33 1 W. 0. SKEET, E~VANB Orders reoeived and promptly executedi for all designsin RUBBER STAMPS. A largenumber of Patterns toselect from. Theusefulness of these Stamps can only be appreciated by ihoßß who have used [ them. For marking linen there is nothing to > equal the SELF-INKING AUTOMATS > and PENOILS, which do the work without allowingthe ink to smearor run. J ., Builder, Contractor and Timber Wood and Joinery Work J. K WHITBY, Wholesale & Retail Grocer. QENTRAL yiMBBR Jobbing Department RUBBER QTAMPS. ' Prices furnished on City Flour Mills, against .Loaa by Firo on INSURANCE description of Property maybe '■■ " Gisborne Cycle Depot LAND EXHIBITION for 8allln?daM; ' ■ CLAYTON TjiANCY LOWE, Bbanoh OmoK— *"-'."' . AND TJLAIN " 3oal burns to a clean ash, there being no clinker or conglomeration left in the grate. 03- CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN FOE CASH. tiokellug patterns, samples, eto. - - - £21. .. .. Ton's regriater Steam Tobioana (new steamer) .„ Judo 25th ■ Inbramayo .4110 July 26th New Zealand Importers of American merchandise are speciallyinvited toinstruob ' their agents in the United States to support the TYSER LINE STEAMERS,and to communicate with the Company's New York representatives, Messbs FUNCH, EDYE & CO.,«Produce Exchange,New York; Messbs TYSER & CO '16 Fenchurch Avenue, London'; or, Messbs WILLIAMS & KETTLE,Ltd., Giaborhe. Mamatl* 3658 MoDongal Lyttelton fiIEWOOD op despatches willbe— TheCompany'snext ' Aotc> TheseMachines are now on view at the "EM&iEB OZSf3U3T LIFH OFFIOB DepOt. Calland inßpocc. Terms arranged Ibunder the control of a thoroughly praoIn New Zealandthatattaches to Policiesthe condition of Cramps and Jacks for Hirh. any for Cycle. .tical and competent Manager,andall -CASH COAL YARDS.give We a Guaranteefor TwelveMonths Orders received for Printing will Non-forfeiture and Absolute Exemption from the Payment of Newcastle, Taupiri and Westport. 678 with eaohof the Bioycles. bo promptly executed. Premiums ■ We have Beveral SECOND HAND CASH BIOYCLES to sell Cheap. While tho aßsured is either temporarilyorpermanentlyincapacitatedthrough anykind YARDS. BROTHERS, All kinds of REPAIRS done quickly. of illncßS, accident, ormentaldisorder. HardwoodandMixed,Cut forRanges,at Charges moderate. (Telephone No. 11), The Stock of NO LAPSED POLICIES UNDER OURPERFECT SYSTEM. LowestPrices, deliveredpromptly. We have thebest assortment of CYOLE GLADSTONE ROAD, ACCESSORIES in Giaborne. ForFull Particulars, See Prospectuses. Wharf Telephone No. 50. JOBBING$FANCY TYPE NextRoyalHotel. GladstoneRoad Telephone No. 12. Dikectobs-J. G. W. Aitken (Aitken, Wilson andCo.), Chairman ; Alex.H.Turnbull Is being considerably increased, and Tlie Cackling of the GeeseSaved the Roman (W. andG. TurnbullandCo.) ; Walter Fell, M.D., M.R.C.S. i KENNEDY, GupitoU we cmj guarantee to those favoring us AKD CO. Head Office for New Zealand— 6 Custom House Quay, Wellington. their Orders work equal to anywith So it willsave Proprietor. you WORRY, TOWNLEY, JOHN thing that can be procured in the TIME, and IXPENSE by ' Resident Secretary— Charles J.Fowler. Coluuy, both as regards Quality and buying what you require of Price. ENCOURAGE LOCAL the following at the Local Agent PORRIDGE MEAL ,SELF-RAISING FLOUR iyeey year. as they are the acme of perfection for LAW STATIONERY, OANTBRBURYand |OTAGO. 1 Made iii Christohurch, New TYPEWRITER PAPER, RIBBONS, Zealaud Gold Medal Bioyoles. AND CARBONIC PAPER. This wheelis admitted to be one of the beat) value of all the numerousbrands of machines now on the New Zealand market. All B.S.A. parts. -THE- . Price SYDNEY AUCKLAND COAL YARDS THE ANGLO SPECrAII OYOhK [GRAIN AND, SEED SAMPLE BAGS. TULIP BRANDS OF FLOUR skoobe a -,-" - £30. . \ , ■ MELBOURNE ', WELLINGTON :,.-.. FRANCIS STAFFORD, No.business firm shouldbe withoutthem A High-grade Machine, specially Consisting of Memorandum of Transfer Lease, Caveat, Writ of Summons, adupted for hillyand roughroads. WillForms, and Price ■ ■ £2210 d. GENERAL STATIONERY. . AND' SNOWDRIFT * - - YORK at regular intervals, taking Caigo for ' IN ]/" BOXES. THE GLOBE. 262 Manufacturers of |ic^;p:;sociETY :':"■".' |and la) PYNKWOSHER TAGS, Experts as England's Beat Wheel. Price PIBSTleave NEW 'These Steamers tokea limited number : of Passengers. Merchant, TICKETS issued for' Passengers from ' FAMILY GROCER, GreatBritain for£15 15s and-upwards. . GladstoneRoad. Wehold alsolarge stocksofNEWCASTLE ' The undersigned ateempowered to grand. and WKCTPORTCoals. Telephone No. 9. Has Removed to More Commodious Premises, next Mrs P.O. BoxNo. 44- Passages from London to New Zealand, payment foi whiob has been:guaranteedIn M. Adair's, Gladstone Road. Also— On Sale in Any Quantity : " , the Colony. ..'' Iv addition to the aboveMail Steamers, .; MANUKA AND MIXEDFIREWOODS, 1 CargoSteamers and SailingShips willibe A STOCK OB GROCERIES ALWAYS ON 'HAND. Cut aud Uncut. '■ '-*" WELL-ASSORTED deapatohed at regular intervals. ■ CONSIGNMENTS ARRIVING WEEKLY. JOINER-, DAIRY PRODUCE carried in Cool x WHARF Chambers or Freezing Chamber at REBUILDER &" CONTRACTOR, ' Best Cash Prices paid for Produce, Wool, and Sheepskins[I'elkphonkNo. 49 ] BATES. /CONTRACTSfor allclasses of Buildings DUCED Wool, Tallow, Flax. Grain, and other : V_^ and makesevery description of Customers waitedon for Orders. AllOrders promptlyattended New Zealand Produce carried at Lowest MILKMEN'S BOOKS This Celebrated Maobine is now LIMITED. life 'ON i CARGO'STEAMERS. ■" N.B. —W. 0. Skhet has unrivalled faoilities for-prompt execution of Orders, And are cow in receipt of Regular Ship- 1whether for special requirements or ordi- itatatua 3322 Holmes Lyttelton June8 "■ , 4831 Prosser nrentsofthis nary trade lines. All Orders receive his Piikoha Rangatlra 4048 Burton W lln ton personal supervision. FIRST-CLASS HOUSEHOLD Maori 5200 Moffatt WHITBY, JV B. SSA LE.; ■'■" BOOKS (100's 9d, 125's .RECEIPT ' THE OSMOND OYCLB t |^b'!u"r;e 'tour ■ REPORTERS' NOTE-BOOKS BYOEOFT, I Ealpli Taupiri Coal Mines, REMOVAL NOTICE, Also Agents for the following well-known CUSTOMS ENTRY. FORMS English Cycles :— PROMISSORY NOTE FORMS; , Agents. Faotory,Ashurst. - - £17 10s. rnntioController. COMMON, SHELTON & CO., 7,726,170 _ A Thoroughly Up-to-date Wheel, at a Low Price, fitted with Auto- <" ■ .. Auckland, Sold in any quantity. THE HABTFORLj. New Plymouth, Oct.14, 1898. MrE. Gamjohan. Dear Sir,—l " forhave soldyour "BeeOintment thelastthree years, and have never kuown a purchaser to express a regret for ' purohasing abox. It has, in every case which has come under my notice, proved itself to be one of the best healing ointments procurable. Kindly forward me one grossofsmallsizeat yourEabuest convenience. Yours truly, A. E. Sykes, ChemistandDruggist. Our A.C. CORN CURE and A.C. VEGETABLE PILLS are as Good as Gold. O''/l' AQ A !:egKBt|(XNUSES:Divided lowinc; received with many ■ -|f or the Paper. Prices, £22 10s and £25. — ' ::^-'/i 1/6. ! ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ' - , ■;.,.■■" . AND AUSTRALABIA. r OLAS3 Cargo Steamers will " Sohooner Awanui." croiosr n.OTbi&oisnD -HAVE been appointed Local Agents A PEEL STREET, '«ISBORNE. : W, Sowden Dyttolfon. July 1 ,Wellington 6846 Evans QothTo 7780 Kidley July2o Waiwora 6000 Stuart ENOIES: Danks1Titan Windmills. Tokomaru ■ 683 b Maxwell ,' " ' ' I,Air-motor Windmills. lonic ;. 1763 W.Kempaon .AGENTS, BUTTER PAPER. LINE, Ltd. BETWBEN ,THB' Estimates Furnished. FORWARDING Th Most PerfectChain Machine JUST RECEIVED a consignment of Best ever placed on theMarket.. Quality Grease-proof ' Butter thanks :— IN,0O:MB > - - - £25. mESTIMONIALS like the fol- ■ ||\Si^=H^^;*:;SXOTBDS:/- Everywhere ". ,, DIRECT STEAM SERVICE A.SAWYER&CO THE VICTOR. . it. W§Mfi)l\!iet ,pffioe,in;th'e Atißtralaßian Colonies. :EXOEEDS Price GOOD FOR A BABY 1 GOOD FOR A MAN 1 Mutual J-ipb Omos W^v-'^m ptiti declarea , ".Which tffcift-iVK's-C : YEAR. BONUS:,KyERY ftf^;..;.^A. -''. '■" :&1'*th-Vii}j> Wf"'.'.,V"li:""''- " '■- : gi^4gmetbod,of jyalnation.adopted by this pM^oqfetyTia'.bf ,tb6 most.Btringent charaoipF^ttfirapaiensureß^'. Larger,Reserve to fe^e^aglfties^anjli^heWby any. 1 , — - Hlf I^N^w^tAMD llJt^l^adl^ffiM/^Btpm^ouaefQnay, .. tHH^gp£ Builders' PICNICS : gll^Sil':- : ,Retnra Single Saloon £58 ; iCIOO. SecondSaloon ..'. £36 155,,' £65; . Steerage 15 to19 guineas(single).. . including kit. ' For passageor freight applyto— ■ THE NEW ZEALAND' LOAN AND" MERCANTICE AGENCY CO., Ltd.. \ '- . TO LOND.QN. .. Class ' Works, J FARE?. NEW ZEALAND i - o^iriß^ffiiit&i&i.ti">i* " , ... Contractor. to .'"-=;'' pany, or vice versa£125. has made arrangements which will enable A RCHITECTS, Builders, Joiners and meal. In him to carry on his business with even XX others fell on ihe tea they had used. A sample greater effioienoy than hitherto. He begs [Established 1874 ] taken from a one pound lin in use was to inform his numerous patrons, including Customers can arrange own TERMS. REQUIRINO settlers, citizens, commercial travellers, analysedand found to containstrong traces 1 THOROUGHLY SEASONED visitors, tourists, and others, thathe has of muriatic acid, the presence of which is TIMBER. SHOULD ArPLY TO W. O. caused by the use of spirits of salts in Arst-claia accommodation for Horses and Vehicles, and lhat his complete stock and SKEET, WHO HAS ONHAND LAKOE STOCKS welding ihe parts of tin together. The PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. " GIBBORNE analyst waroß consumers that tea packed1 plant enables him to supply his Customers OF ALL KINDS OP TIMBER, WELL Racb, 40 in email tins, owing to its very absorbent at Reasonable Charges, and at the shortest SEASONED AND BEADYFOR 15s ; piJsßVi?ssit£mllei^ ■"■' "Nomination, impregnanotice, with eonnd, Btaunch, stylish and naturp, is very liable to beoome ■ IMMEDIATE! USB. . $g|>iqMpl«icß^2pa; reliable Horses for riding or driving, and ted wilh this acid,and thereforedangerous Price One Penny. 1 Flat Raob, 15 aovs; 1J COACHKDIIiDBie, . for human and advises that with conaumpt'on, strong, fe^HfiifiraßB comfortable and fashionable 1 !! For qualified hunters. Entrance, the very safest package to purchase is that Vehicles of various kinds. TRADE REQUISITES OF EVERY ; % ■- ' Eto., Etc., Etc., . ""■"""Weddings and Partiesattended to. LOWE STREET. packed in lead with an inside HniDg of : DESCRIPTION ;ON HAND, soys ;7 fur:S?y.TB Hapaba Handicap,30 Calis vegetableparchment. This style of packtt Every to meet Steamer. attenCare, j Including S^J6pg»iJ-NominaUoD,loa;aiiceptanoe,lsß, and civility is quiteimpervious to the air, and tea so tion guaranteed. Charges for telephone 71. On Sale at TELErnoNE 71. PEEL STREET, GISBORNE. S.Ij?4f?tifBBbBNBPABK PtBBPLBOHASB HA^DI- TAMES BROWN is prepared to under- packed has been knowu to retain all its Stabling as low as is coneiatentwith proper Mantelpieces in varied and abont3miles. Nomination, O, takeall kinds of NEW and REPAIR aroma and strength for a period of live 1 ' artistio designs attention and honest feeding. Mrs A. M. Browxk's, GladstoneRoad years" Haviug workin jußt leased an additional block Crawford & Son,Lower GladstoneRoad 3pS6>iHAoi£ Handicap,15 Bovb;7 furlongs. of splendid grazingland oloae to town, the Mouldings FencingMaterials ENGINEERING ' a rice packedin Lead ■ Mrs Gregson's, Upper GladstoneRoad ffif^Fprfh'oraea'tbat have never won KOZIE TEA is paddocking Flooring accommodationis of Gates very ; the BOILERMAXING and .y! in value. Entrance, with an inside Liniug of Vegetable1 Mr Sioley's, UpperGladstone Road .10 aovs Doors PuririPosts best. ■ l2«'6cl,'»cloae 'July lat. 3LAOKSMITHING. Parchment. J&if Turnery ta. FUNERALS attended. Suitable Architraves Brown's, Storekeeper, Whataupoko, Mb HANDICAP, VSTEBPLECHASH Carriages and a well-appointed Hearse Lining #f#iiiLLT^HO VerandahBrackets steam users in stook. All for Requisites , 7; '2mileß. For qualified hunters. alwaya on hand. Cases, Boxes Sashes > Fruit 74 Subscription ,-,-:; : Terms of appointed agent for loqal Having been 30 soya ;1mile and the AustralCyole Agency,I SfilSFiifiiL Handicap, amnow showDelivered in Town and Suburbs— Booked, Every description of JOINERY manu10a; accepf^ja^iatance.' Nomination, 1 ing the following up-to-date English-made ' - ■■ 7s 6d per Quarter; in advance,6s 6d factured from 8 ;^:: '_i2 BICYCLES (ladies and gents)— Humberß, per Quarter. Swifts, Ariels, Singeis and Triumphs; also, Thoroughly Seasond Timbai PEEL STREET, Country (delivered every cveDing)-Booked, and''Entries Satubday, theColonial-mude Atalanta. advance, 8s per 9s in per ; Quarter feWJßneVlotK,:lß99i at 9 p.m. \ making (theColonial) I am now Bioyo'eß pJwi^eiglitß-r-SATbBDAY, June 24th. Quarter. NEXT CITY RINK. in the manufacture of which nothing but LOWE STREET, HEART OF TOTARA A SPECIALITY 1 Saturday, the verybest of English partsand material Posted (including postage)— Booked, 10s ' ; Gisborne. ,".' is^gly|lst;>9'p";'m".:- :. per Quarter ; in advance, 9s per is. used. This affords anyone wanting a Telephone 80] , [Telephone80 and fnrther -partionlara, An ExperiencedTurner kept upon Quarter. ' bioyoleto get one specially suited to their 8 thePremises. BUGGIES, requirements.. CABS, BRAKES, GENTS 4 for the— Subscribers ate requested to at once inlimato "WITH ;o"i; nasmith,.■"" BEING OVERSTOCKED SADDLE HORSES. any irregularity as to dollvcry. Please oall and inspect these bioyoles before purchasing elsewhere. The Best in Town. Latest Ironmongery Ihave also a large1 stock of ACCESGreatest arrangedfor. WeddingParties SORIES and CvolißlB REQUISITES for OF BEST QUALITY a Speciality. Funerals,etc. etc. aale at reasonable prices. And to Make«Eoom for Others, Mechanical Success, Soilo of Advertising Charges : AtReasonable Prices. ■"" .' "' All kinds of Bioycle Repairs,Brazing, i FIRST-CLASS '~ ' the STABLING. etc., prepared Enamelling, Plating, : done on Advertisementsof words(Wanted, I am to Sell at a ''''''l: Sixteen : %Wsb':*%H--':*'f's*--ii^''':Bbakoh: THE premises (by Specialist). House to Let, etc.),One Shilling. LARGE STOCKS OF PLAIN. ORNANote TheStables beingunder entirely MENTAL & COLORED GLASS SS»£3OX^.SU X&iESiD-ITGaCXOZSr Thirty two' words, Two Shillings per new management,patrons COLUMBIA assured Bicycles maybo Sbveral Second-ha^d ALWAYS ON HAND, insertion. ;. attention, of punctuality, civility, and .fobSale. ' And on veiy accompanied by Notices under this scale must bo ioardvof DiKbtors t BIOYOLBS ON HIBB. Cash, otherwise they will be booked lit (lieunderAllkindsofSASHES MadeonthePremiaes, Rates Moderate. yjTSs^iHoH.i Moboan;8/ .Gbaob, " M.D., mentioned rates. LIBERAL TERMS. iPe^Q.^-MiLib^ltGhairman) ; the Hon. TIMBER CUT TO ANV SJZ F. S. DES BARRES, oiNSTON,' vESQ \ M.L.O. Proprietor. Advertisements by Space db Bathh engineer & machinery agent, Penny, Manager. J. 59 WINDMILLS erected in any part The SIMPLEST,SAFEST, CLEANEST, of tsp?.tioN. .edwabd Three Shillings per inch first insertion LoweStreet. and DURABLE form of the district with the utmo»b MOST **■ Inspect Largest Call ever held subsequent aud ioch each round and the Stook per '' Is 6d ' despatch. 884 power transmitterthathas : '.' coussoutive insertion. , in Gisborne. yetbeen put on a Prices on Application. Advertisements by tho Quarter as per CUSTOMS, SHIPPING, AND Bicycle. WkALTHIEST AND contraot. . .-( returningby New Zealand Shipping Com W. 0. SKEET, determined move on with Builder and HAVING the timesandmakehis establishment superior, any in the district, equal, if not l)Ma . UnitedKingdom. Round tbe World (first) class), through Canada or United States, ; Established 1881. J. R. RKDSTO2TS, Second-hand Vehicles for Sale, Cheap. pittnia ■ Steam Saw and Planing Watanui... 7000 ' Lvttolttm May 25 Wnimato.., CBBB May 81 . B Mills Bimutaka 4616 Crottcher Wellington Juno 8,. Ruahlno... 6127 Jtggorq . Jn)y6' Sash & Door Factory. Warrants itsued for Passages from tbe LoweStreet, Gisborne. S. & S. BROTHERS have a Variety of BAY Wagunyah, N.S.W., of a settler and hisiPOYEBTY family exhibiting very serioussymptoms of | HEUALD. poisoning aftor partaking of thuir evening suspicion searching for the cause, FOR LONDON, the Bay every o'clock sharp, reLeave again on TntmsDAY morning at 7 and returning on GENERAL SMITHS. Makauri. npO 4&S&*T "THENKW CITY TIMBER ,&3&M%&; SHIPPING *^88%®SP' COMPANY'S LINE. YARDS, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, . McKinley's Friday. WHEELWRIGHTS, SHOEING, AND A Yard has also been opened at Makauri, whoro a gereral assortment of Planed and Rough Timberis kept. Cash Customers liberally dealt with. WILLIAM KING, ALES. Shoeing Forgo. inileai owned-"by memoers of the P.B. Hunt '"VIJ 'Club;- Entrance, 15s. ' ' QUALITY At Reasonable Rates. GOLD Mo.nday morning at 7 turning on Tuesday. TIMBER OF FIRST- CLASS DUNEDIN WHEELS TIRED DAILY (No delay). '-,-', tanoe,,3os. 2: 'Ladies? Bbaoet-etHandicap, 15 soys; Monday, Royal tomers QRAVE FENCES,Inoact or wroughtIron '"i.'FnwT Handicap Hubdm Raob, 60 '. bovb; 2miles. Nomination,20a; accep- ZEALAND E9i bogs to IOAL ENGINEERS. ..", A. T. DAHVBBB, Handioapper. Ooachbuilders & Wheelwrights. Fjrat Race eaoh day to start at 11.30 a.m. REPAIRING, PAINTING, & (TRIMMING AT BHOHTBBT NOTIOB. '■' "';".-/: .: first day. : [T PRICE: ONE PENNY. re-erected hib Mill at the o1T_i STEVENSON BEOS,, /~VN and after inform his CusKaraka, HAVING \J Mail Coach will leave that he can supply them with Post Office, Gisborne,for Tolago SPEIGHT AND CO.'S WINDMILLS 4 PUMPING GEAR Erocted andRepaired. July 4th and 6th, 1899. _ KARAKAJjAWMILL. SANDLANT AND William" king, DRINK ONLY - Hearld. GISBOENE. FRIDAY. JUNE 9, 1899. [Published Eveby Evening,] XX.VL— NQ. 853 i BUSKPHRETS & DAVIS Bay . ."":'.' - - SUNBEAM TEA. ( : ; ' ' etc. ' ' -■'< .'.:***' i -. ■ THE POTERTY BAY HERALD. FRIDAY. JUNE ~^ fTTUDDART, 9, 1899. - hold his peace, and the settlers from Motu The drapery auction at Messrs Wyllie On April 20th the clothes of a highly and Wharekopao and Nuhaka, tho light and Mason s mart concludes to-morrow. . respectedfarmer,nf Launccston, Tasmania, railway leaguers, tho Nativo land settleSHIP COMPANY OF A pupil of tho Remuorn public school H. P. Shadbolt, wore found on theDevon| A.M. I p.m. IMoon'« Pluuea JUNE mentadvocates,andothers whoare anxious named TWO OASES Boylan had his leg broken in the port beach, and it was generally accepted , "Friday B"B.6l~i~6iiß~ to see the district progress could be in- Rugby school matches on Saturday. that he hadbeendrowned. Lust week, actB»turdav 10 1 8.48 7.12. I ZEALAND. WEStfRALIA, »*SWa NEW OP duced toloosen their tongues andunburden ing on information received, his wife took . Bnnd»y 111 7.39 I| 8.1 I| . Monday 12 1 828 8.45 2884 tonsregister, their minds, then, we venture to think, ThoschoonerFailford, wreckedatSydney out a warrantor his arrest for the deserthe member for Waiapu would return to Heads the other day, was a new vessel of tion of her and his children. ELINGAMITE, Wellington fully instructed, and with a 73 tons, recently built at Whangaroa. FOR Commenting register, WEATHER REPORT. JUNE. tons the trial ofCarter in TIME-TABLE 2585 knowledgethat he must bestirhimself for The Wanganui amateurs have decided connection withupon railway accithe Rakaia The thermometer readings at 9 o'cloolt Steamship. Will leave Gisborne Data of Sailing. tho eyes of tho districtare upon him. We to stage the comic opera Princess Ida," dent, theOamaru Mailsays :— Tho Crown, Boat as :— morning follow this wore make the above remarks because we con- which will be produced, in the Opera pounced upon For AUCKLAND and SYDNEY Carter as the only offender, Ex s.s. lonic FOR AUCKLAND. CO sider that Mr Carroll has been treated in House to be erected, in January. Auckland 62 Westporfc Last launch though he was merely a creature of one of Gisborne 58 Greymouth... 50 Te Anau Wednesday, June 14 8 a.m. Elingamite Saturday, June 10 I 9 a.m. too lackadaisical a manner in the past. TheNew Smith Wales Governmental the most unpropitious combinations of Saturday, Juno 17 55 Christchurch 50 10 a.m. Napier Mararoa FROM LONDON. Our member comes and goes, and the spending £55,000 in improving the railway adverseconditions thathits everhad to be „ Saturday, June 24 |10 a.m. Westralia 39 55 Timaru representations Plymouth New that are made to him are grades in that colony. This will give faced by an engine-driver, either here or FOR AUCKLAND AND SYDNEY. First launch 0.80 a.m. 41 Wanganui 43 Oamaru of a most modest andinformal nature, yet immediate employment 10 a.m. ForNAPIER,WELLINGTON,LYTTELJune17 STARTS TO-MORROW to 2000 men. elsewhere. Carterhas been set free, it'is' Saturday, Mararoa Dunedin 47 'Wellington... 47 when tho Premier or sonic othercolleague Major Wardill, 1 a.m. DUNEDIN, July 10 Saturday, and true, without a stain on his reputation charge Waihora TON who is in of 44 Invereargill 39 of Mr Carroll's visits the districtthe people Blenheim (Friday,June 9th), Westralia I Wednesday,June 14 I sp.m. the Australian cricketers, imformed the either as a manor au engine-driver, and a 4q FOR NAPIER, WELLINGTON, suddenly 48 Bluff Neleon awake to a consciousness of their and wealthycorporation offered him LYTTELTON, AND DUNEDIN. Elinoamitk | Wednesday,June 2B | op.m. requirements, and lay before him a sheaf London papers that he proposes to take to large First launch on nrriviU. employment, turn he acceptedit,So that ho Scotland a team ofAustralian bowlers. 5 p.m. Captain Edwin wired this afternoon :— Flora of demands are Sunday, Juno 11 they politely which inpleasuro in intimating that All tickets are available for stopover or will probablygain rather than lose by the And will be continued till further 5 p.m. Strong east to south andsouth-westwinds. Te Anau Sunday, June 18 formedshould be forwarded through their Arrangements have been made whereby attempt FOB she is openingup TWO CASES roturn by any ofthe UnionS.S. Company's which has been .made to add the shelter the sheds, opposite notice, Wellington Glassrise. representative. The member for the disFOR TOLAGO BAY, WAIPARE, steamers, andholders of Union Company's of UNDERCLOTHING, direct from punishment and deprivation of himself Post be as a Office, is General shall utilised proper undoubtedly trict tho channelof TOKOMARU, WAIPIRO, TUPAROA, tickets may travel by the Westralia and and to the keen sorrow which he family Manufacturers, consisting station, city railway of the central site communication with the Ministry, and the another SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. AWANUI, TE ARAROA, HICK'S Elingamite. Holdersofreturn tickets must the must havo felt at having been the un- , lines fact that Mr is a member of being given by the Government for the following very : Carroll embarking. AUCKLAND. BAY, » AND obtain boatpass at officebefore conscious and helpless author of death the Ministry should give us exceptional shelter sheds. 7 a.m. and suffering. But what of those whose COMMON", SHELTON& CO.,Ltd., The Huddart-Parkor Co.'s s.s. Elinga- Mawhera Sunday,June 11 advantages in thematterof socuring public An elderly man, charged at Hastings neglect LINE MARKED DOWN Ladies'Flannelette of ordinary precautions probably Agents. mite left Wellington at 7 o'clock last FORBLUFF, HOBART,MELBOURNE, 279 the with jumping off a train while in motion, development works for the of necessary REGARDLESS OF COST. lerl to the disaster? Those heads of the Gowns, evening, and leaves Napier this evening, district. he is hacked how5 Without p.m. up, 11 said lived in tho Sunday,June country, he and it was arriving here early to-morrow morning. *Flora ever, by strong pressure from his consti- only the fourth time he had been in a Railway Department, for iiistanco, who "Tranships to Waikare at Dunedin. Chemises, Knickers, responsible for the omission to have She sails for Auckland and Sydney at tuents, and nan show that his vote and train, and he knew nothing about the bye- are signals at Rakaia that would be effective FOR SUVA AND LEVUKA. 9a.ro. seat dependent are measure of upon the laws. TheBench dismissed the case. Bodices, Skirts, Vests and in any weatherought to bo impeached." " (From Auckland). The Union Co.'s s.s. Mawhera leaves justice awarded to his electorate, he is not Entire is EARLY, CALL as the Stock NEW Napier tomorrow, and is due here on Upolu Weduesday, June 21 likely to secure such a large share of the A clerk named Richard Brassington,in The Wanganui Chronicle is brutally Combinations. the employ of the KauriTimber Company, sarcastic in its' comments on the Hod. J. Sundaymorning. TO vl loaves and fishes as he otherwise would. BOUND C SAMOA,FIJI, THENCI TONGA, FOR Chemises, Gowns The'UnionCo.'s s.s. Floraleaveß AuckGirls' 'Ihero may be some people who are per- has been arrested in Auckland on a charge Carroll's recent speech in that town! It SYDNEY. TO land at J p.m.' to-morrow, and arrives of the says :—" How he was stirred up to deliver OP fectly satisfied with the attention that has of stealing £8 3s, of tho moneys (From Auckland.) and Combinations. KauriTimber Company, at Auckland, on a politicaladdress in Wanganui here on Sunday afternoon, proceeding to paid been to this by electorate theGovernmust ever Wednesday, Juno 28 Hauroto Southern ports at 5 p.m. ment, but we are not amongst thenumber. February 25, 1898. Ho gavehimsolf up. remain a mystery. As he says himself, he Infants'Flannelette Gowns *» ADVERTISEMENT. The Huddart-Parker Co.'s s.s. Westralia FOR RARATONGA AND TAHITI. m. ForFullPrice List,ScoHandbills. Itis trno that the districthns made good In the Auckland Rugby Union Cup has not spoken on1political matters outside and Combinations. left Sydney at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, and (From Auckland). and substantial progress during the past matches Newton and North Shore are his own-electorate Those wholistened to is duehere on Wednesday next. ten years, but can itbe seriously protended leading with three wins each and a drawn him on Friday night must surely 'have Tuesday, July 4 Ovalau The s.s Waihi returned fromthe coast thnt this advancement is in any way the game. In the first fifteen competitions wondered whyitis that he does not assist &SAN FRANCISCO last evening,having been able to work at FORHONOLULU result of Oovemment policy or assistance? hist Saturday Newton defeated Poiisonby his chief on the public platform of the Auckland)] Special (From DsrARTMSNT, ISS, This is a , JTokoraaru only. Theincreasedprosperity isdue solely to the by 8 points to 4, whilst Urafton beat colony. Mr Seddon runs himself off his' MARK WAY'S. andunder her own supervision.. The schooner Aotea will be brought Mariposa Monday,June 12 feet, in his eagerness to pur his case, and persistence anrl energy of the cottiers in Parnelf by 12 points to 4. alongside the wharf this afternoon. The (Through fare to Liverpool: Saloon, £61 clearing stocking thelands and them with Just before the defence of his Ministry, before the trip proceeding on the last InspectionInvited. f£66.) Awanui is still jn the bay, waiting an sheep and cattle, and to the facilities of the Obau, Mr Young, the second engi- public of the colony. Why does not Mr sail. opportunity to afforded by the frozen meat industry neer, "in conversation with his brother, Carroll assist him? Simply because'it is LONDON VIA SUEZ CANAL. ' 'An exoiting ocean race recently took FOR (which is under no obligation to the Go- said: Well Joe, ifI am to be drowned too much trouble. Leave Sydney Loaye Molbourm - !, place - InParliament he hardly Glasgow sailing ships. 3 between two | June27 vernment) for the disposal of their stock. I Orient Juno 24 believe it will be on the Ohau." The counts at all, and his speeches have less I ■ Armadale 4 And fortnightly thereafter The iron four-masted barque The work of Native .'and settlement is prediction was nenrer fulfilment than he effect npou theHouse1than thoseof much i (Captain Duncan) left New Caledonia for little, if anything, more advanced to-day imagined at the timeof the statement. less giftedmen of his own'party— for the the Clyde five days before the Sutherland- Tickets available by Messrs Huddart. simple reason thatbehind his easy deliver-/ ' than it was eight years ago, when the Westport News. i , ehire (Captain Nicoll), and the two vessels Parker and Co.'s steamers Westralia and Premier first visited us in his enpaeity of no strong performance, if1 been created ance there isperformance Serious dissatisfaction has "■'"' were in company at the north of New Elingamite. \ (it all, In the Native Minister, and promised a re- amongthe indeed any J officers of the I and O. fleet by Legislature he has 'Zealand. The Sutherlandshire arrived at Holders of return tickets must obtair moval of all out-standing obstacles the issue from C no enemies— he is too Hatter, headquarters ofrules which ,'" , thaTailof theBank on April 1, and the boatpass at office before embarking. Has pleasurein announcing thathis prinand disabilities, and the Native owners impose great restraintupon the officers in eusy-goiug for that. He never develops of Mercer, cipalshipments and Armadale made her appearance at the of the land are many thousands of their social intercourse with passengers; energy enough— not even in occasional IN ALL same place next morning. to make anybody think that he poorerfor this tardy action of the upwards of sixty officers have either spasms— NEW SEASON'S GOODS Wholesale Family Grooor and pounds Government and Legislature. Hundreds and ever takes life seriously, or means serious or resigned NEW SEASON'S GOODS intimated their intention of NEXT THEATRE ROYAL. of thousands of pounds have been spent in doing TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. business inanything to.'.which he puts his Provision Merchant, so. CLASSES OF baud, or to which his hand is put. other parts of the colony,in this purchase Ltttki/ton, to-day— Sailed :s.s. Talune, Are nonr opened and en view at his comThe OtagoDaily Times notes with sur! TUST OPENED 1 JUST OPENED I Road, large of settled whilst blocks of estates, Buildings, Theatre Gladstone at 8?45 last night, for Wellington. modious Warehouse and land in this region that wouldcarry many prise that thenumber of bankruptcies in First Shipment of Showrooms. Gisborne. settlers, are left idle and unproductive. the Dunedin district has considerablyin- THE SEARCH FOR THE PERTHSHIRE. —+-, MAIL NOTICE. The district has not yet been freedfrom its creased lately, although the general pros4 Autumn and Winter ' —> isolation, and it will bemany years, at the perity of the place has improved, and NO TRACE OF HER YET FOUND. f '". Far Anoklana,por EliDgamlte,Saturday,at 8 a.m present rateof progress,beforeany of the business was probablynever in a sounder ■>' Por'Australia, Tasmania, Ceylon, India, Straits SEASON'S GOODS have been rpHIS tracks, now under construction, are avail- condition there, according to the judgment FORTY-FOUR DAYS OUT TOrDAY; ,', Settlements, niChina,per Elingamite, Satur. X selected with more than ordinary NOyELTIES in Derby and Bow TIES, ' ablo for wheel traffic. The light ra'lway of nearlyeverybodyin business circles. It Atßft.in care, and the veryExtensive Direct Shipand all the Lateßt Ideas in f 'torl'japan,Samoa, Honolulu, United. States of is as far in the distance as it was whenMr is the siime in Oumaru. (Per Press Association.) ment ex s.s. Papanui from London, con." -■■Amerloa,Canada, Wjßßt Indioa,Central Amerloa, Gents' Neckwear. ">■■ Carrolfirst mootedit over three yearsago. The members of the French Assembly sisting largely Auckland, to-day. Kingdom, C- fiwestooast <A South Amerioa United of DRESS MATERIALS The improvement of intonialcommunica- are p lid£390 a year. New Zealand Rep- . The Government New Collars, Shirts,Braces, Gloves, etc ; V-r V and Europe,via SanFrancisco, per Blingamlie, TTVIRECT TMPORTATION purchased GOODS and HOUSEHOLD steamer Tutanekal ' who resentatives, charged been areso slow, frequently on tion has and ouo bus not to i. /,"; Saturday;14th, Under returned from a search for the Perthshire ' at 8 a.m. Malldue InLondon from Manufacturers, is of Exceptional Colonial Natural Wooland Merino i. ■"'"'■■. travelmany milesfromGisbornetofindroads with sticking; to politics because of the last night. July jjj. i only nnd makos (best kept). Shirts Pants She proceeded latitude Value and Extraordinary Variety. i"' !"' ,'for iNapier, Wellington, and South, per Flora, FROM MANUFACTURERS. and pack-tracks whioh during the winter money the}' can mako out of the business, 33.35 south, and 161 40 easttolongitude, » ,Saturday, at 7.80p.m. Special! £240, Very and Councillors £150. Wo do impassable. get frequently months aro Therich BAMPSON, ChiefPostmaster. \ \ aV' which was 150 miles of where Gentlemen's Waterproof Overcoats, in all coastal districts to thenorth ofusarealmost not ovre which side a member of our tho Perthshire was lastW.N.W. reported, and then Legislaturemay be on, he loses money by newestshapes,withand withoutcupes, isolated from Gisborne the as as Gisborne is ■; Molding & day school back to CapeMaria. from the rest of the colony. In our back going to Wellingtonif he has any ordinary zig-zagged with andwithoutsleeves,newest colorings, AND London Sperm was seen of the missing vessel. On intelligence.— :for girls, all Bewn seams (guaranteed). All sizes there are thousands Oamaru Mail. of acres of country Tuesday last the Tutanekai sighted the In Millinery, Mantles, Capes, Jackets, now iv stock. Uppeu GladstonbRoad, Field's Universal Sporm forest which mi3ht be supporting a large The SouthlandNews says thatincreased Hauroto, i' iJI" which also searching for her. " Furs, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Chiffons, ( ■and valuable timber (Self-fitting) by industry, billyear trade has forced upon the Bluff Harbor The latter was was , Gisborne FOR BEST VALUE heading Good Good Value! for Lord Howe t Value! etc., Trimmings, Dress etc., have been year the area of bush is being gradually Board the necessity for a more powerful formerlyoccupied by I. >'' "(In< thehouse Venus Was reducer] by thewastefulprocess of destruc- tug of modern construction, capable of Island. The officers of the Tutanekai Belected by Miss Robertson and Miss Boys' TweedMackintosh Coats (with and IN " think Mies Watson). jjr '. Bowcliffe during their visit to the First without sleeves), at lowest prices. tion by fire. Whilst Wellington anrl West handlingthe large ocean tramps that have vicinitythe Perthshire somewhere in the French Sperm 3 of LordHoweIsland. Show of New Season's NOVELTIES in building Coast districts have bfen up replacan a the old-time sailers. It under" K> \' Pbihoipal....«Missßievwbight,B.A. TTOUSEHOLD TjIURNITURE, Auckland. New Goods! lasting prosperity by means of the dairy tands that the cost of the new tug will be (Elcotrlo Telegraph— Copyright— Premier Steatine Men's andBoys' Oilskin Coats, Men's Silk United Press industry, that industry has only a email £10,000, more cr less. The harbormaster Association.) Carriage Candles If MUSlC&DßAWlNGbyEfficientTeaohers Yarmouth Oil Coats (riding and walking footinghere, solelyowing to the backward (CaptainMo'Donald) willle sent Home toSydney ..;".■■■; KSt Visit the Warehouse pourtrayed ■"-:;' V Large stocks of COLONIAL MANUJune B. i'. shapes), all sizes and prices. If there aciuaint the builders of the vessel and to Price's Self-fitting Piano state of road communication. above this notice. The1 Union Company's s.s. Waikare Second Term—29th MAY. FACTURED GOODS have als» been Company, Life Assurance were decent roads to the back country, bring her out to New Zealand when com- searched Superior Goods! Caadles as far north' as 31.50 south, and received, and Kaiapoi Clothing, Blankets, insteadof having one small butter factory pleted. LIMITED. saw no trace of the Perthshire. SIEVWRIGHTwiII be at Miss 1 J. WHINRAY. Flannels, Rues, etc. ; RoslynFingerings, Men's Covert Coats, Chesterfield Coats, in operavigorous would be several ffijht Lights Price's there in. Magistrate's Courtat the Thames Nelson's, to meet parents, on the the Hosiery, Undergarments, eto.; Kaiapoi drabs, browns, and blues. All Bizcs in and the prosperity of our small onAt HeadOffice fob New Zealand: Monday Mr Bush, S.M., gave judgment Pyramid Night tion, Boys' Reefer Jackets. V» r aftemdons of Friday and Saturday, the Ladies Capes, Jackets, Paletots, etc. ; Clarke's farmers be Governwould increased. The U*<~>, ■: 26th and 27th May. the case of the Commissioner of Taxes CAMBRIDGE CASE. Wellington Clothing, Men's and Boys' Citizens' Buildings, 12Custom-houßeQuay, Lights. ment, through Mr Carroll, should be told in v. David Stewart (junr.), a half-caste Wellington. Boarding isunder the management Suits, etc. ; Kaiapoi Gentlemen's and Men'sHard Up-to-date! things, of and toldaboutthem pretty these CENTRAL Felt Hats, in blacks, browns, Maori. The caseisofconsiderable interest (Per Press Association. ) Ladies'Mackintoshes, etc. ; are alllargely 'i-ofMiss Nelson, who has arranged a Com- Finishing plaiuly. and drabs; Dr. Jim and Terai Hats, all ' is the LARGEST, a~. showing the right of half-castes to be Emporium. representedand Al value. CITIZENS' tV'Vfortable Hbme foriGirls. colors, newest shapes. Large assortment exomptcd from paying income tax. Tho At the inquest Cambridge, to-day.' ' WEALTHIEST, and MOST PRO1 'j. , on application. give Carroll, Terms Tho City Band will an open-ait clam was for therecovery of£32 19s i& on Mrs Rowland ofBoys' andMen'sGolfCaps(ullnew goods). GRESSIVE Offioe of itskiud in theBritish f.^*' Makins, horsebreaker, said that on the NEW GOODS JUST OPENED, sacred concert on Sunday afternoon. ■;' »'" 'fcoaohingTfor Junior and Senior Civil under the Land and lucome Colonieß. Assessment Potuight from the Staffordshire of May Seasonable ! he saw deceased lying 5, ,','Service, JuniorScholarship,Matriculation, WILLIAM PETTIE Owners are aga'n reminded that nomi- Act, 1891. TheMagistratesaid the defeu- in the passage15th of the Masonic Hotel ana teries, England, New stock of Gents' Umbrellas, in 10, 12, The PROGRESS of the CITIZENS' is '}'General Knowledge in Law, and Medical according nations for the Gisboruo dantlived to Maori custom, Racing Club's and Would assuring opportunity exemplified by during take this of the fuct that the Carroll striking and kicking her. He was ' and 16 ribs;assorted prices. vT'"Preliminary Examinations, by MISS CONSISTING OF Steeplechase Meeting close to-morrow was entitled to exeinDtion. the Public of his intenyear 1897 the Company issued CQ I'AA. his Customersand about to 283 when Constable Cahill i) SETS, from 16s 6d to 120s tion to keep his (Saturday) evening at o'clock. T 3 casks ofTEA Itis a sign of healthyprogressive timesin appeared interfere ' POLICIES, this being by far a OO<UJ Kaiapoi Clothing! stock fully UP-TO-DATE, and helped Carroll to 'takeher SETS, from 35s to and t )r. v_m2 orates of DINNER pastoral ' by industry to maintainhisreputationfor Fashion- Men's Boys' and Youths'Tweed Suits, new LARGER NUMBER than ever issued The football fixtures for to-morrow the that the Southland upstairs. KEROSENE. . 100s able and Reliable Goods, with all Prices all other Australasian Life Offices put tobeencalled upon Emily Spence, a Traitress, said the , afternoon are : Te Ami v. Gisborne, Te FrozenMeatCompanyhas crate of Plain and Fanoy JUGS and markedin PlainFigures, a, fair concession patterns;satisfactionandpriceguaranteed. gether in One Year. 1 yean: to makeextensiveaddi- parties began quarrelling at about B.p.m. Arai (juniois) v. I'urauganui,Fatutuhi v. twice in two COLLEGE,-: TEAPOTS being mod* on Wholesale Parcels and a Extra Special! Matawliero, and Makauri v. Te Arai. tions to the already .spacions works at Carroll was lyingon thesofa, and his wife .', 1crate of BAKERS and BOWLS (choice Substantial Discount allowoii on CASH Suits made to measure; new patterns to AUCKLAND. ■: Mntanra, to cope with the volumeof busi- called him a drunken old fool, Several good games should result. THE assortment) ness which has been growingby leaps and struck her three times, knocked Carroll*' TRANSACTIONS and PROMPTLY- choose from, suitablefor winter wear; fit, : " Complaints being madeof number her.off .' are the and BEDSTEADS DECLARES TOWER, REMUERA. 3 cases 12 bundles of ever since theCompany,(thanks to the chair, and her head struck the ', I'TfiE PAID monthly accounts. style, and finish guaranteed. aofa.of horaes depasturing of an evening in bounds ' and COTS the valiant efforts of Mr John McQueen day ANNUAL BONUSES. ' Next shehadblackened eyes. Falmerslon and Childers roads. A resi- and others) was Road, Buildings, 2 casks of theBestEnglishGLASSWARE, Gladstone ■ Vibitoe:Rev. W.Bcatty,M.A. Theatre early inspect impending 7' and Slock. rescued from JohatWcu, Minnie a nursegirl, said she Buy your Drapery from Call Superior GoodsNew dent who passed along those streets on \ etc., eto. and placed upon a foundation of saw Carroll strike his wife in the Bedroom' at Bed-rockPrices. Gisborne. Sunday evening lastcounted no less than disaster Principal: tST By effecting an Assurance with this '■' >' 1case of ChoicePICTURE MOULDINGS. solidity. William Pettie. financial Mataura Times. subsequent to the occurrence mentioned ' eight animals at large. Office, you will Bruce, 8.A., with Honors 1 ' ' v MeGrauam Notwithstanding the impetus that has by the previous witnesses, and the tliiSlurbReduced in goods considerably change All are Mr A. has a of 'V f W. O'Meara of the University of London. YOU GET the Choice of an Immense and HATTER,MERCER, AND CLOTHIER bpen given to mining in Otago, about unce upstairscontinued tillmidnight. Price, for Cash. SECURR A SHARE Well-assortedStock. advertisement in thisissue, offeringinduce- which public interest seems centred, There wassome othercorroborative and Resident Masters : y t V" NextTheatre Royal. Agent for the ZEALANDIA Bicycle YOUGETNew,Fashionable,andReliable ments to cash buyers. Changes alsoappear takingup and cultivationof hind is by the in the ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF no medical evidence, and after an absence of MpO. T. Major, M.A., B.Sa, some time Company. Undoubtedlythe bestmachine I in the advertisements of .Messrs James means neglected. The OtagoDaily Goods. " > PROFITS made EVERY YEAR. Times ten minutes the jury returned a verdict of -i Senior Scholar of the University ■ McK.ee, D. M. Orr, and Sandlant aud says jn the.market. YOUGET the Best Value MoneycanBuy. manslaughter. reference CARO, weekly proceedthat to tbe MRS j/' iv., ofNew Zealand. Stevenson.Bros. YOUGET aSubstantialDiscountforCash. ings of theLand Boardshowsthatapplica' Inspect! Gall and '. Mr,G.B.Wither,B.A. I Mr A. Crump. YOU GET waited on by Experienced AsACTUAL BONUSES' .SURGEON A meetingof the Chamber of Commerce tions are numerous for all butthe roughest sistants. A GOVERNMENT BONUS. I Mr F. ', MrH.Stuokey,M.A. Stuokey. E. G. A. will bo held at ha'f-past 7 o'clock this and least profitablecountry, There is not REYNOLDS. 1 ALLOTTED : T, r\ N T I ,'^Jj,.- ' Short. YOUGET the close andpersonal attention E S evening. large expected, WtA. A attendance is at much Government land availpresent Ok PoliciesEffected During December, " of the Proprietor. as it isintended to frame a list of require- able. TheGovernment should send some HOW £100 WAS EASILY t 1897:NAPIER, Visiting Masters forSpeoialSubjects. T. -'r ments to lay before the Hog.Mr Carroll of theland hungry to tin'sdistrictand open THE prior to the session of Parliament. up our waste lands to settlement. . [Per Press Association.] -1 .L '' ' Will arrive in Qisborne ''„ 'Prospeotnsesmaybe obtained on appliAgeat Sums Premiums ■!>,„„„!„„.„ '',', A large and representative gathering " 't cation to the Principal, or from the office growth The of the trade of Wellington, to-day. Taranaki Aamiod. Paid. WILLIAM JULY, ' Bntry^ Son, 88S ABOUT FIRST WEEK IN of people assembled in the Presbyterian province during the past four or five- years At a meeting of the creditors of George 5 " of the Poverty BayHerald. " Church, Paeroa, DRAPER, the other evoning to has been almost phenomenal. In 1895, Shaw, wool carder, to-day, some peculiar WHOLESALE k FAMILY -*'<<. 20 £1000 £16 12~6~ £15 10 0 . Andmaybe consulted, as usual,at the 162 BOOKSELLERS —FOR— (>OO 80 11 1 1 7 15 0 546 welcome the new pastor, Mr Rule, of according to statistics published by the circumstances cameout with reference to a STATIONERS Masonio Hotel. -■ -y> Gisborne, Road, [400 "■". ■. Gladstone 19 68 640 Bay, and the proceedings .were of Registrar-General, the total exports of bouus obtained from the Government. ' Poverty NEWSAGENTS. 26 800 6 8 4. 13 0 0 BARGAINS a most harmonious aodhappy character. the provincial district amounted only to Bankrupt explained that when he was enAt the Magistrate's Court this morning £149,193; in1896 they reached £246,973: gaged in the manufacturing business, he " i LARGE assortment of Reference, ASSURE NOW AND SECURE THIS —IN— George Banks was charged with causing 1597, £348,853 ; 1898,.£373,754 ;and now, expected to geta bonus of £500 from th? Text,and Teachers' Bibles, YEAR'S BONUS. an obstruction in Russell street, by allow- with only five months gone, 1899 has Government, on condition that be manuThumb Prayer Books, ing a fallen tree to remain on the road. alreadypiven a return of overa quarter of factured £5000 worthof feltcloth. Though ,,t Drapery Clothing. Prayer and HymnBooks, Mr Finnappeared on behalf of the prose- a. million, and when the statistics for the he, did not manufacture the speoified COW, J. being undefended. year come to be made up the total will quantity he received a bonus of £100. » » Catholic Prayer Books, cution, the defendant District Agent for Gisborne and HALLENSTEItf BROS. The latterpleadedguilty, and stated thai, probablybe fully, if not mora than half a Examined further, bankrupt made the < Sunday-schoolReward Cards and Poverty Bay. 10 "TVR. /^RAIG following explanation,which was recorded\ the tree had by mistake fulleu across the million. Church Texts 1899 1899 INTER \IJ roadinstead of in the paddock. He had Another vitriol throwing case is at on the minutes of the meeting:— "A < 1899 VV INTER 1899 TXp TJURCHASE /CHEAPER JUST ARRIVED. cut up androlled to the eideof tbe road present being investigated by the Auck- Governmentinspector (uamed)cameto 'the We beg to announco our SECOND shipHas Removed to hisNew Residence, it out of the way of traffic. His mate had to land police. The victim is Mrs Ellen faotpry, and on the strength of his report/ BIRTHDAY BOOKS AND OARDS mentofBoys'andMen's OILSKINCOATS AT— near Haiti Bridge, wherehe may be leave him to go to another job, and that Hannah, ofPonsonby, and her statement weobtained a bonus of £-100, though there ASrECIAMTY. and WATERPROOFS, which, owing to reason the tree was so long on the to the police was that at about eight was nothing like £1000 worthof feTtmanu- , was the consulted. continued wet weather, have been greatly road. It was shifted tbe day after he re- o'clock in the evening she sent her little factored. We bought only £57 worth oosfs CASH BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS iv demand. These goodsare Exceptional 1 Wholesale,Retail andFurnishing 322 ceived the summons. A fine of 5s and child, aged 10, out for some lemonade or w001,. 0f tthich one bale is'now left, ]*"! Etc., Supplied. Value, aud must command a very rapid was by understood us imposed. that Mr (thecosts £1 8s was soda-water. The child weutout the back inspector) would '\ at our VERY LOWEST CASH Is acommon phrase to be heard Ironmonger. make arrangements.so WALTER J. SYKES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, sale All arrangements bave been completed way, aud round the side of the house on that wemight be entitled PRICES. NOTICE. REMOVAL a to £500 'bonus in PovertyBay. for theappearanceof tlieFrerioenl ertaiuers her road to the front gate, when Bhe ran for the production of The followinglinesare worth'inspection: PIPES & CIGARETTE PAPERS /GISBORNE DENTAL SURGERY, £1000 ,worth ofsour MPORTEROFENGLISH, AMERICAN " Boys' Tweed Suits (specially strong), Here. MARR, Professional Piano- to-monow eveningin the Theatre Roynl. back and said, "Mamma, there is some goods." Sold 100 WM. ",: NextE.D. Smith's, Chemist. AND CONTINENTAL one in thepassage." She replied, "Noni speak highly TlieSouthern 98, 105, 12s 6d papersall very and of Mvsic forte Tuner Teacher < Opposite Harold Kane's, Chemist. child," and went out to ascertain HARDWARE. Wanted for all the 60 pairsBoys' TweedKniokera(plain and and Singing,has REMOVED from Cobden of the show. The Hawke's Bay Herald sense, QIIRCPRIRERQ leading (Telephone No. 16.J OUDOI/HlDtfiO New Zealand 6d, 6s hou<je formerly occupied by says : The entertainmentbeingpopular who was there. On looking over the THE PREMIER AT 5s golf), street to fence, a person in the passage threw, some Prize Medallist for ArtificialTeeth. now inreceipt of a Large and Varied Captain Chrisp, Grey street. and Australianpapers. 24 Girls' Fawn andNavy Reefer Jackets, To stillfurther increase the ever-increasing and thoroughly varied met willidueappre- liquid all over her, and then ran away. of REQUISITES, Stock ciation, trade, [Per Press Association.] GARDEN the athleticfents inparticular t>os while 58 ALSO FOR As the resultof the enquiries madeby the noluding— merit. Boys' high wore of a order of A trio of Navy Coats, D.B. Reefer from Inveboaboill,to-day. ' Windsor, Strand, Pearson's, Pall Mall, 18 acrobaticspiders went through some very police, a sister of the victim has been ThePremieraddresseda 1 LawnMowers, Spades (bestmakers) 7s6d Royal, and other Magazines. meet- f Free AccidentInsurance on charge. arrested the The -THEthe accused was tumbling accompanifeats to Hedge,Border andPruning Shears clever ma, herelast night. Hehad crammed 50 Boys'TweedOvercoatsandCapes (very ■ an encouraging brought before the and Court remanded. played by each as ment of violin music Gnrden Rakes, Hoes, Dutch Hoes special) reception, which he duly acknowledged. foy presented Boofcs Well-known Authors Boys'Caps, Tarns, Tweed Chums, etc, in Are to Cash Purchasers they did their gyrations. A sensational TheHon. W. P. Reeves has been taken There was not Syringes, Trowels, etc. much new in the'h'on. ' net; on the trapeze was accomplished by up by the London Spectator, which gives peutleman'a ARBIVINO BVERV BOAT. of Goods to the amount of TJ I /* great variety Scythes, ReapHooks, Water Cans remarks. He expatiated on him a two-column notice many of the upwards, and at whose Stones, Lar, J Madame Fredo and Master Scythe Boys' S hirts, Pyjamas, Undershirts, O etc. Collars, A Few of the Latest are : the beauty and fertility Southland,' MAY BE OBTAINED feats of contortion were very skilfullyper- alumni ofletters willenvy for his lLong which only needed, he said,'ofcloser Braces, Jerseys, etc., atprioes to Buit of GALVANISED WIRE NETAllSizes settle- ■ The Veiled Man, by WilliamLeQuex Spectator White Cloud." The hearty applause, formedand evoked is Blill the conpockets. all ment. He ftgain defended the travelling TING (suitable for PoultryRuns, A Fair Fraud, by Mrs L. Cameron EVENING LiteraryAppeal. EAGE Court of great cluding by with a mid-air dive Lar Itsreviews are of Ministers etc.)kept in stock. the country to mcct 1 ,! Round the World ona Wheel, J. T.Fraser Men's Department. after a falling handkerchief. Very inter- often last, but never least. It says of thepeople,theabout pressbeinggenerallyagainst Measure of a Man, by Prescott ' %, PROM New Zealand's by Agent-General; Trousers, esting 12 dozen BlueDenim items were thosecontributed the "He is a the present Administration. 2s lid Contraband of War, by Shiel 5 Levi Strauss.Trouserß, 3s lid I Lawrence troupe of acrobats, who ate as ready writer, racyof the soil. Prom boy- The Premier spoke for threehoura and a\ i Swallow,byHaggard XOOiB. (tations in thisline. good in their line as any seen here, some hood he drank in his country's varied half.the meetinglasting MRS A. M. BROWNE till11.30., At the *" Daughters of Ba&ylon, by Wilson Barrett 5 lid LeviStrauss Spring Bottom, 5s Telephone No. 94. being beauty. During early feata marvels natural manhood strength of their of Largest We have the mranT«i>vi4ns> CRAWFORD & SON conclusion he was MESSRS accorded a vote 'of XlKl Colour-SergeantNo. 1 Company,by Lcith 100 pairs Special-cut Tweed Trousers, " ; ; . 2 udBestStockin theDia. «8«WM0B and daring, and for which they received he mixed largely in her affairs, and has thanks.for the address, and another, 3s Adams. e^ MR. J. SIGLEY even left his hearty approbation permanent 50 pairs Gents' (heavy line) Tweed ditto, the of those in front. mark her upon Tools, pressive of confidence in the Government, triot of Mechanics? J TOOIS. And, Statute Book. from being 12s Gd a Cabinet GREGSON, Upp'r MRS Road Owing Gladstone to the late rains the river and Son. was passed unanimously. Inspectionof which is invited. 100 pairs Saddle Tweed Riding Trousers, crossings in the country .districts have Minister, holdingthe portfolios of Justice, MR JAS. BROWN, Whataupoko. [telephone no. 87.] Education, Beevea, Labor and Mr at an 14s, 15s, 16s dangerous traffic, very become to and LAMPWARE I (These are the very best value in New Zealand) several narrow escapes from serious age but littleover forty, is Agent-General Men's Heavy Fancy Navy Sac and 24 On hand and to arriveChoicest Selection accident are reported. The experiences for the colony in London. We measure telephone no. 105.] [telephoneno. 105. GROCER Vests, 25? Lamps ever imported intoGisborne. of of Mr J. R. Bedstone and a party who our wordswhen we say that the writerhas (ElMttlc Telegi&ph-Copyright-Unlted Preta M' 50 Men's Tweed Sao Suits, 22s 6d, 255, Association.) AND left for the Arawhana station on Wednes- produced a book whichisremarkableforits Tbbth Extracted from ?0 to 12 Noon, 2656 d SPORTING REQUISITES. cireful travellersshould be freshness, force andgeneral accuracy.'.' day, showhow Bbisbahb,June 8. 60 Men'sHalf-sizeSac Suits (for slender PROVISION MERCHANT, SPORTING REQUISITES. ONE SHILLING. COMMERCIAL,LAW, AND in using the river crossings. MrRedstone A case of some interest to church au- An old lady named Susan Weaver, of 7 Gd, men), 27s 32s Cd On hand a Large Stock of TENNIS PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. and a party of four, including two ladies, thorities who get upartunions andbazaars independent means, was found.murdered*--' GENERAL STATIONER, Close at 1p.m. on Thursdays. GOODS, by Stazenger and Wisden. FOB TOBACCO, CIGAR, k FANCY GOODS 150 Waterproof Coats, from 19s 6d, 255, Open on Saturday nightu from 7 to 9. left Gisbotne on Wednesday morning 1for thepurpose of augmenting the church in her own house, her head being split 29s 6d to 80s MERCHANT, Special importation of Salter's POLO iutsnding to get as far as Waipaoa that funds was heard beforeMrM'Carthy,S.M. open. The dwelliug was set 00 fire to GISBORNE,FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1899. (Oar own make,sewn scams, very special) night. All went welluntilthe crossing in at Arrowtown on Tuesday. It appears cover the crime, but the neighbors extinSTICKS for the Season. just received a New Supply of 20 Youths'Fawn Covert Coats, 24s Mauagatu stream beyond Mrs Campbell's that Mr K. J. Scott got up a bazaarfor guished tho hre. Robbery is believed to Sheldon's VVorks ; paperedition9d, 50 Men'sFawn andNavy ditto, 255, 32s and CRICKET Material. CROQUET ORDERS FOR MR CARROLL. N It Leaps cloth Is 3d, Review ol Reviews Annual, was reached. Messrs Zachariah and the purpose of raising funds to liquidate have been the object of the murderer. 6d, 35a LAWN GOLF to arriw. f Of all Advantage should be taken of the Hon. Rodgers, who were riding in the same the debt upon the local Roman Catholic by W. T. Stead,Is 3d. Capes, 100 Men's Tweed Overcoats and Sydnbt, June 9. > BTAINABLE dOSOIiptIOaS It Sparkles to pilot the party across Church. The police became cognisant of Also,— A New Shipment of theLatest LiberaldiscountsforSPOTCASH J.Carroll's brief visit to his constituency direction, offeredRedstone (Received June9, 2.55 p.m.) 27s 6d, 32s 6d, 40s NOVELS, including followed close the stream. Mr the fact that the and Gaming Footbull Jerseys (all club colors, extrasize Lotteries A tragedyoccurred to-day at Woollaiira. Delights AT THE prior to the sitting- of Parliament to on the Telephone No. 58. With Kitchener to Khartoum; 9d paper, heels of his guide, but as soon as Acthadbeen infringed, and thereupon in- MrsKidney,whilstBufferingfroraderaeiitia, and strength), Rugs, Blankets, UmP.O. requireBox him as to district fully No. 23. instruct PRICES, Is cloth LOWEST POSSIBLE the stream fairly Gd in the thehorse stituted proceedingsin the Court against drowned infint in a tub of trap was It Cures. brellas, Shirts, Collars, Braces, Ties, water and ments, and if the local bodies are up and on the offside fell on the papa rock, and Mr Scott. Detective M'Grath was sent herself inher The Cruise of the Cachalot,Frank T.Bullen Mufflers, Gloves, Studs, Perfumery, a bath. AND Daughters Babylon, The of Wilson Barrett for the force of the current washed the aoimal progressof doing and show a zeal the and theproseup from Dunedin conducted (immense Brushes variety). -IT ISGuy Boothby Pharos, the Egyptian, the pole. The current carried the cution, After hearing the evidence, Mr Evaporated 1 the district, our member when he returns underdown The Veiled Man, WilliamLe Quex BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! the stream until the vehicle M'Carthy inflicted a nne of40s and. costs/ Apples,Peaches, Mr William trap T>E him note will with a carry Wellington to This Department is now firmly estab- CANNOT JDE Maurice Jokai Tho Nameless Castle, became wedged in some rocks, whilst the and ingivingjudgment'against defendant Apricots.Prunes, Latterly orders. the PROFBSsiONAt PianoforteToner book well filled with John S. Winter lishedand wellknown in Gisborne as the A Summer Jaunt, water was running over the body of the commented somewhat severely upon the Vron . Figs, Dates, Cheapest and Best Value Shop in Town, And Teaoher of Mrsioand Singing. demands made upon Mr Carroll by his waggonall the time. Mr Zachariah came practice of holding lotteries in connection (Electric Telegraph-Copyrlght-Untod tnsa tho Soven Kings, New Canned THE WONDERFUL CURATIVE Brotherhoodof Association.) And many othors. [L T.Meade having tho largest and best assorted stock Fruits, EATEN WATER. /"\RDERS for Tuningpromptlyattended offioial duties as Colonial Secretary have back to the assistanceofMr Bedstone, but with the churches, which should do all slipped All colonialeditions, 2s 6d paper,3s6d cloth of Up-to-dateBoots andShoes. Still sellin so horse from beneath that doing ~ Tomatoes, compelled to his they could to discountenance gambJ etc. \J to. Country and Coast regularly beensuch that he has been SYDNEY. Jusz 8. Racecourse and Battlefield (Nat Gould's ingSample Boots aud Shoes at Half-price. risked. make his homecomings like angels' visits, him and he was thrown into the water. ling, which was a growing evil in the At a meeting of the committeeof the *» CURES latestand best), 2s. Messrs Zachariah Chamberof and colony. Commerce a letter wasreceived Address : few and far between, and he cannot there- After some trouble INDIGESTION, Ledgers, Journals, Letter, Cash, andDay GreySt. (home lately occupiedbyCaptain fore be expected to have that intimate Rodgerssuceeededingettingthehorsesclear Those who werepresent at theluncheon from the Auckland Chamber, complairiintt JUST LANDED GOUT, Splendid Books. assortment of Ladies' knowledge of the wants of the settlers of thn trap and then assistedthe occupants given by the Southland FrozenMeat Com- ofthe loss andinconvenience which would Ghrisp.) Large Stocks of andGentlemen'sStationery. that he would have if he were living here to the shore. The vehicle was tightly pany over twelvemonths ago to celebrate accrue from theculling of the 'Frisco mail RHEUMATISM. Goods, Pipes, steamers at Wellington instead of Auok- , Tobaccos, Cigars, Fancy and moving about amongst them from day wedged in between some boulders, and for the completion of additions and ZEBRA GRATE POLISH improvePurses, etc. to day. It is incumbent, therefore, thai a time all attempts to get it out were unAfter considerablediscussion it was BECKITX*S BLUE ments to the Alaiiaiira. works, will remem- land. successful. horse lent resolved to make representations Perfumery and Toys of all kinds. instructed, kindly A draught he should be and wetrust the to tns — the Mataura Ensign) that Mr ber (says OATS QUAKER by Campbell For Ihe Coming Season Mrs was obtained for thepur- JolinMoQuoen, speakingof the Postmaster-General Commerce, County Couucil, protesting against any " of B Chamber s T magnificent, " Semolina, Germinn, Whcatmcal, Oatmeal, "TlieMatcli "andotherkindsofFootballs. and other local bodies, and all who have pose of drawing the trap out, but' without water power available, prophesied that deviation whioh wouldentailloss of timo THE TABLE WATER OF THE AGE, P.ti.—Optn from S a.m. till 6 p.m.(exOatina,Rolled Groats, etc. in delivering the mails, grievances and requests, will pour in their avail. Finally,Messrs Hiuton, Campbell they might one day run Honors Certificate (Senior Trinity their works at tho oarfio and passengers. andadd expense to' cepting Saturday). petitions, and give the lion, gentleman and two other men came to therescue,and Bluff by electricalpower Mixed with Spirits, forms an ' < generated College, London), by the Also,— (Received June 9, 9.20 a.m.) little rest whilst he remains amongst us. the trap was lifted out anddrawn to the MatauraFalls, and might evenlight Agroeable Beverage. TKOS. ADAMS InverFlour, Pollard, of Junk Sugar, trap occupants Organist Wesley ostensibly Wheat Church. Mr Carroll has bank. The the were 9.At the enquiry come for the into the wreok GladstoneRoad, Gisborne. cargillwithit. This, it appears, was no of the Liudus, the Maize,Bran, Chaff of delivering a pre-sessional received by Mrs Campbell, who supplied empty boast, for the company harbormaster Heposfcd / TEACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE purpose has since Kerosene, To be had at all tlieLeadingHotels and Turps kept and them that the address, clothes, also entrance toNeWcaatle ha'rborbad- 1> but we are inclined to tluuk it them withdry Coughs andColdstake Wo od 'prepared specifications and estimates shoaled considerably AND ORGAN. .■ Methylated Spirits, etc., on the Union S.S. Company's Steamers, Saddler and Harness would be better if the principle said to be ather house on Thursdaynight, the party had to the uorthward of i," GreatPErrEBMiNTCuRE; 1/6 and2/6 of transmitting of the cost electrical e nergy Singing and Voioe Cbltobe. the fairway. It was impossible to alter At LowestPrices, invogue iv someof the WestCoast constitu- returning to town yesterday. In addition from Mataura to Maker, '':■ SYMPTOMS OF PNEUMONIA. ; Bluff. The result of encies were adopted hero. "You treat tv the five personß in the trap, there wasa careful investigations the leadinglights without blasting awaya" "■ ' At shown, The Campbell and Ehrenfried Pains in the chest when a person has a has that the JANUARY 23bd. ruitionwill be resumed large area of rocks in the channel. «■* «'your representativesaltogetherin a wrong- quantity of baggage and stores, and these schemeis quite feasible, ROAD, so, GLADSTONE not only Company, Ltd., a toward and tendency pneumonia. coldindicate headed fashion," remarked a Taranaki were takenon to Arawhanaon pack-horses, A piece of flanneldampened with ChamberMELBOURNE. June 0. »? Terras on application. GladstoneRoad. gentlemanthe other day. "Youassemble the state of theroaduand rivers makingit. but thut it would prove a considerable Itis expected Auckland, Proprietor. Gisborne. the company to adopt it. The that the railwayaccounts lain'sPainBalm and bound on to the chest GLADSTONE ROAD. andallow them to talk to you for a couple impossible for Mr Redstone to proceed saving to has been taken.up seriously, and end wilh a defioitn>f, matter w wiU Dvcr the seat of pain willpromptly relieve reiterating praise further. Much is due to Messrs hours, political tales, of oft-told WILLIAMS AND KETTLE, [ the pain andprevent the threatenedattack (Oppositethe UnionBank of Australia). possibility thereis a that great very before Rodgers for the they instead of which should be made to Zachariah and manner in long the wheels of the machinery at Limited, the c sf pneumonia. This same treatment will ALBANY, Jons 8.- -'' Bit stillandand allow the people to do the which they went to the assistance ofMr ~XT Fok Coughs andColds take Woods' Bluff will be turned by power generatedat The ''English Agen for PovertyBay. c sure a lame back in a few hours. Sold by Redstone, talking." Campbell If at bis next public meeting also to Mrs and for footballers * have arrived"!* ' * A.GkeatPeppermintCdee; 1 60 miles awayr . . " here. E. D. Smith, chemist.— Advt. 1/6 and2/6. theHon.Mr Carrollcould be persuaded to- thehospitality extended to theparty. "■'■: Mataura, nearly ; : 'v : i )i ■-!■')■ '■ s: HIGH WATER. ........ PSnSk I") NION STEAM XX PARKER AND CO.'S Large and PowerfulSteam- MARK WAY'S Underclothing .. ...... ... ... ... .. -MONSTER- " CLEARXNG SALE THIS SPACE RESERVED MRS ADAIR HAS — . F. HALL'S EVERY , - . EXHIBITION - AUTUMN WINTER DRAPERY. . MAttK WAY**. WILLIAM PETTIE ft BOBEBTSON. — Al VALUE - . JAMES M KEE Clothier, *^ Goods. '. @. eHosk S l o. I CANDLES. . "' "" , DRAPERY . NOVELTIES ' FANCY GOODS. \ — CITIZENS' tISS ■ REYNOLDS' *h'" MANSLAUGHTER THE DIRECT— WHITE ROSE KEROSENE. — * : V" ;';,' \KIN<GI'S cffIZENS' LIGHT OF AGE JAMES M°KEE — . r. roblrtson, "' >\\ /' ' - ' OBTAitfmll EURES BOOK ARCADE. Crawford and PETTIE, ECONOMIC WAREHOUSE X"u ' * ".. A. , 1 NewZealandClothing Factory. REMOVAL NOTICE. and - — , THOS. DAXRYMPLE. . T^URE'S . MR 1 —" INVERCARGILL. IS lif!#lpwf . "" . - Policies "HERALD" ' ' EURES Economic Warehouse. . Crawford w.j\ ooze: SHOCKING TRAGEDIES. Poverty Bay THOS. ADAMS Hearld , BSViHSI fj^r OBTAINABLE J HAS It . - ... ... PTJBIBI, (CANNOT BEATEN Man-, AUSTRALIAN. . — New Zealand Clothing Factory. MUSIC. PURIEI, M C. J. EA ' ' . , J , - JgD. ' XFor . W. J. COX'S. 1 h^r?' '■■■V'^*'-' "^":^ .' '^lfvi . - THE POVEE TV BAY HERALD. FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1899COMMERCIAL. CRICKET. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. DRAPERS, SHOP -TIHEATRE ROYAI TO TAILORS, KEEPERS, HAWKERS, HOTELKEEPERS, PRIVATE BUYERS, AND TE ARAI-KARAUA BLOCI GIGANTIC SALE g()O_ACRES. Preliminary Announcement. [Pkr Prkss Association.] NATiisn, to-day. Messrs Nelson Brothers, Ltd., have re-3. r f TTJT? * COMMON, " ' SHELTOf fWILW&KETTLf AND CO., LIMITED. nPVQTTT NEW ZEALAND LOAMERCANTILE [LIMITED.] MONTHLY DESPATCH Cousisting of TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). OTHERS. (Established in Gisborne 1878). OF TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). T7IIRSTCLASS CARGO STEAMERSS COMPANY, LTD. ceived the following cablegram from the10 First Appearance in Gisborne of tin TO UNIVERSITY. OF \JO SAL& FOR Distributing Colonial Consignment and s LONDON DIRECT. &c. Company,London:— Frozenmeat market : " (EleotrlcT«legrftph-Copyright-Unlt«U Press rr«HIS Property was originally occupiei d Takinc cargo at through ratesoffreight foir A FULL STOCK KEPT OF RVERI ■ Association.) bestCanterbury mutton, 4sd ;Napier and by Mr Allen McLean, nnd will b 10 I & LIVERPOOL. MANCHESTER FOLLOW rl OF THE DESCRIPTION ENTERTAINERS. - (Received Juno 9, 9.10 a.m.) NorthIsland,3Jd ;lamb, first quality, s^l; THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OE offered at Public Auction by Tons ComING,FOR SALE INLARGE ORSMALI second 5Jd. MoCAVJLL & CO., Burden mandet QUANTITIES, Sloamcr ■''.:; London, June 8. f & OO AT THE LOWES'] r Lady Most TalentedOrganisationof and O. B HOADLEY A London, and Manchester, Belfast, Of 0,000 Star of Victoria Hart REQUISITES. . ■■" . The Australians began a nmtch ugainst The Bank of New Zealand produce cir-fPOSSIBLE PRICES :Gentlemen Acrobats, Gymnasts, NAPIER, At 6,500 Sydney. England Star of VVeech ':'■ (&ihbridgeUniv<»'rsity eleven to-day. The cular, dealing with theopening of the Mayy Entertainers, Vocalists, 8,000 Reed Groceries -On MONDAY, 20th JUNE, 1899- Star of New Zealand FOR— Home team batted first, and lost two woolsales, says :— lnregard to the courserir Dancers and Star of Australia 10.000 Simpson TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) Ironmongery Comedians, :0; wicketa-for 168. Tho scores were :— At 2.30 p.m. grades of crossbred the trarlefor thesedoesis SUPPLIES Craven 7,000 Indramayo *""■"' 12 not appear to have materiallyimproved, will positively be Last I, Wilson,1.b.w., b Noble Consisting of theFar-famed Crockery and Glassware 8,000 Harwood Indrnchiri JUST TO HAND. 43 but line wools having been forced up to Tho Property belongs to tho Estate ol „f Indradevi \ Srogdbn, b Noble Sale, 10,000 Firth of Day Wines Spirits and and Rhodes, is to be ,i 97 such n high level, buyers arc now obliged FRBDO Messrs Buckliuid and Moon, n'6t out Hawkc'sßay 8,000 Fishwick Commencingat 11a.m., 7 8— is' numiiku— B sold to closeup Partnership accounts. . 'piy,'notout to give more attention to the cheaper r Tobacco and Cigars 10,000 Felgate Tomoana ; At thkir Maht, Lowe Street. " GUNS AND AMMUNITION Those to bat are: Jessop, Hend, Ponn, qualities, and there is now every proba-\- Absolutely theFinest Teamof Artistsnow shall be pleased to Supply Qaot 10,000 (building) Terms : One quarter Cash ; balance in i Now Steamer Leather and Grindery bility that prices will keep up. It is evi-ibefore the Public. and Samples of the ' "Hawkins, Taylor, Winter, Barker. ThisSale will be held on the sameprinciple one month from date of sale. SPECIALLY-LOADED CARtioDs were all built speciELEY'S The above steamers Saddlery " following :— ■■ . .The weather is fine and the wicketfast. dent that merino wool is going to be veryV as those successfully conducted by Mr TANKARD TRIDGES (Brown and Green) ally for theNew Zealand trade, fitted witli C. B. HOADLEY & CO., '".There;is '".a.good attendance. Trumble, scarce this year, and this doubtless3 TheFamous JAPANESE TheFamous Agricultural Implements F. G. Lawry in Wellington, of moat modern machinery Napier. the Auctioneers, refrigerating NOBEL'S BALLISTITE CAR557 Wanganui,and Kapier. '"who 18 suffering from a Blightindisposition, accounts for tho great rise which lias8 POVERTY BAY RYEGRABS TROUPE. type, in charge of competent engineers, : Fresh Seeds of allkinds. TRIDGES '■'■. Larer, and Kelly are standing out of the taken place in prices, although no doubt The astounding and thrillingperformances exceptionally and noted for the satisarc COCKSFOOT (brightand free from fog WYLLIE & MASON > increasing use of this class of wool in SALE BY MORTGAGEE. :.: Australian team. The scoring was fast. the factory condition in which thoir frozen NOTHING BUT GOOD QUALITY OE r AMERICAN CLUB CARTRIDGES the manufacture of ladies' dress materialI of theseGreat Artists arc the admiration Will sell by Public Auction, underinstrucIMPORTED & COLONIAL OLOVERB ■-'■ ■;;: ■«?;" .(Received June 9, 10.5 a.m.) SNIDER, REVOLVER, delivered. being meat cargoes are THE ABOVE LINES KEPT AND WINof all beholders. tions fromF. G. Lawry, Esq., Agent for adjournment the has also very much helped the upwardj CAMPBELL, preparedto carry Wool CRESTED DOGSTAIL STOCK, The is IN CHESTER CARTRIDGES. Company %*{;iAjr the* four o'clock for MR "' JAMES Kings THE Manufacturers, just THE the who has arrived in values. nnd Produce of every descriptionat Lowest rsobitl^od two wickets 203. 120 movement LAWRENCE from England MEADOW FOXTAIL ofthf. with a Large Consignment Instructed by tho Registrarof the Supreme Current In regard to the United States theyj LAWRENCE Carpet. — at the Wool Rates of Freight. Auction, Court, by will sell ,"■''. v '.^Mpbriv'not out TROUPE TROUPE of Goods have, lately been sellers of f say, strange to CHEWING'S FESCUE 15 Store of Messrs Williams and Kettle, For full particulars, apply to ■^''^'j^jnofcottt:., raw woolinsteadof buyers. About 6000) TnK Spanish Stodents : 1Q CASES AND -| O BALES. Limited, Requisites street, Gishurne, Sporting andExtras Custom-hmiso TIMOTHY WILLIAMS & KETTLE,Ltd., JUST RECEIVED OUR or 7000 bales of oldimported woolheld by -MORTON AND WALTERS— on FRIDAY, the 16th clay ofJunenext, 545 PURPLE &GREENTOP ABERDEEN Agents, Gishorne. them inbond have been sold to Europeani Musical Mooarchs. REMEMBER-NO RESERVE. of every description. TROUBLE. buyers. at thehour of Noon— THIRD SHIPMENT i TURNIPS In spite of this many people aro BUBS AND The Sensation LAR AND Important Sale. A LL THE LEASEHOLD ESTATE Attend this opinion of the must come! Direct that the States from the Makers. BUBS RAPE Day. LAR of the ,v--THEJDONFERENOB WITH KRUGSR ' ±\ of the Mortgagor in Lot 22, Tailto this market for fresh supplies before " ABORTIVE. In their Entirely Unique Creations. MUSTARD. wlmreparao Block, containing2800 acres. have a Splendid Assortment of many months liavo passed. WYLLIE & MASON ARTISTSIn consequence of the largo proportion -THE GREAT /ERIAL Further particulars can bo obtained and rriHE Undersigned ShippingCompanies AXES and Will sell by Public Auction, at their Mart, conditions (Klectrie Toiigr»ph-Copyrlgtat-Unlt«d Press of the New Zealand clip which is coming; In theirSensational HighTrapeze ot sale perused at the office of X (SATURprepared are carry to street, Lowe TO-MORROW Performance,terminating with the H. J. Finn, solicitor, Gisborne. forward by sailers, the supply on hand isi DAY), at 10.,'J0 a.m.— v :v . "u-l'^'iV ,i . -. Capetown, June 8. SCHLITZ LAG-E3 IntrepidDive Catching. Dated this 31st day of May, 1899. smaller thanusual at this timeoftheyear. AND regardedKruger's fran- Since JREQUISITEfci. A of .SEASON. consignment the listof arrivals closed a number A HandkerchiefbetweenCeilingandFloor. W. A. BARTON, MASTNINa'S ALE ??iji"(eliiJe'*p'rbpoßolß "as insufficient. President of ships CASES ORANGES 461 All arrived, Registrar. have and as the limit for G ood Quality. QA At Astouuding An Performance. LowestPrices. '■■''.' "Kroger'.submits his own andSirE: Milner's tho Fourth Series, which will commence 10 oasesBananas O\ LAXDL&W WHISKY ■ , proposals to theVolksraad,if GreatBritain on TWO BANDS. 4 sacks Cocoanuts. 350, 000 bales, thequantity June, is 27th THE SEASON 1899-1900, differences, Orchestraiuside DURING andEfficient outside Ooopor'a Slioep SippingPowder will accept arbitration oil the Brass ASSIGNED ESTATE OF HENRY Also, of cross-breds to be dealt with then willbo under the directionof Professor Martin. WILLIAMS * At not exceeding the following Rates of fel', TKe"disoussionbetween 'Sir E. Milner and exceptionallylarge. LEWIS, PRODUCE, Etc., Etc. Freight:— Ovoa's Sip Wi';VMr.!Kriu'ger was' of'/a- very friendly char- If the value of fine wool keeps up there POPULAR PRICES Fluid 3s, 2s, and Is. B&WAR Draper. GisnoßNE, G. R. WYLLIE, j/'". aqter.'-VS-.,C,-f''' j ■' is not much danger of the coarser sorts BY STEAMERJ. J. CAMERON, Auctioneer. TO USE 577 : t'^lfti,tliß"pretexb'of, holding a religions again falling so low as they were last H&1& & HAia Arsenic Agent. GREASY WOOL,7-16ths of a pennyper General 562 §& t imsfetingj '.'several thousand armed Boers Series. The high prices which are now for the Purchase of the lb, rpENDERS primage with 5 percent, Crystals Soda Sulphur. Volksrust, BANXTOCEBUB2T,, on the being charged for goods made from fine xi|vs,;"iiay"e' gathered at X Equity of Redemption of the Pro- SLIPE WOOL, id per lb, with 5 per HOESE SALE. '.*>'-"■'northern border of Natal. road, Gisborne, lately only by wools can be paid the richer memLAST DAYS perty in Gladstone cent, primage V-"jJ^4" ■"- ■" ' ".' Xondon,June 8. bers of the community. The result must, occupied by Henry Lewis, draper,<will be THE WORLD to tho Drapery Sale being held received by the undersigned, at the offices' SCOURED WOOL, 0-16ths ot a penny House ■o!^rfßi.liord Melbourne therefore, be that the lower and middle LARGE STOCKS OP EXHIBITION. to-morrow, there will be NOHORSE per lb, with 5 per cent, primage, ?|^Mlw|aJtba^the^rohferißnce.b^w.efin Sir, classes will have to be content with a of Cook and Gray, Mercantile Chambers, Sightseeing Without. Travelling. SALE. cheaperarticle, and that will, in allprobaQueen street, Auckland, up to Noon of BY SAILING VESSELDisplayof TransparentViews WYLLIE & MASON. a^tivef^&ftli'ere''wfiß^no!;prob:abiiity'ol'ft bility,mean that the consumption of the Magnificent JUNE 12th, 1899. from all parts of the World. GREASY WOOL, 3-Bths of a penny per Auctioneers. coarser grades will increase. The pros- Open Day and Evening— GladstoneRoad Theproperty is sold subject to a mortlb, free of primage ■ 578 Comprising at. the. National pects are decidedly more promising than (second door from HeraldOffice. gageof £600 at 6J%. We have made WOOL, 7-]6ths of a pennyper SLIPE dinner,' doDßorvation 'Association's they rafUnibnhave been for many months past, and Admission: 3d for 20 slides, Is for 100 to outgoings The vendors will pay all SUPPLIES lb, free of primage hobJ-'desjioDclent of a settle- although values of coarse wools are still STOUT FEED WYLLIE & MASON OAIS— SHORT dateof sale. ? t Whole opinion of Anglo-Saxons very low, the preseut rise seems to luve a SCOURED WOOL, Jd per lb, free of TARTARS DUN Will hold their usual OF the to be a'deposit accompanied by primage. South Africademanded that Tenders greater appearance of permanence than ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN ! SALE SALE APE AND citizenship. tender, purchase STOCK 1 STOCK of 10% of amount of and j|%oui;fauHerf:§liall' by accorded CHURCH. that experienced at the JanuarySales, and for our EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHEVALIER only for- the right-s subsequentlylost at the March Series. to be completed within fourteen days from NEW ZEALANDSHIPPINGCOMPANY At theMakaraka Yards, Anniversary Services iv connection dateof acceptance. SHAW, iW^thlt.jUstice demandedarid policy required. The Passof Leny's wool willbe included SAVILL & ALBIONCOMPANY On MAIZB with the settlement of the Rev.J. G. §pP?H»tMieV^d'"thfl good"sense' 'and wisdomof in the June sales. NEXT, 14th INSTANT, The highest or any tender notnecessarily TURNBULL, MARPIN &COMPANY fteilii|*llade'rs''of the.Transvaal would rightly accepted. Paterson at Gisborne, willbe celebratedon WEDNESDAY THE TYSER LINE, LIMITED. of theRepublic. SUNDAY, llth June, 1899. at 12.30 o'clock. WJypWserveJtb'eittde^ndence Conditions of sale way be at en at the with the Manufacturer, Wellinga^ffiA'^Bharp" fall-has,'itaken place in Raod of Pattebson, James THE LICENSING BENCH. TheRev. office of John Coleman, Esq., Gisborne, morning at and have a preach . . in the to ton, (D.V.) "...,...--.,, ~. will Entries date : and at the offices of Cook andGray, Auokthe sitting of the Licensing Bench 11 o'clook. He will also address parents sheep landand Wellington. IgMThi^liimes^onsiders President :Rruger's Dohino ioha Arbitration on 'yesterdayafternoon toconsidertherenewal and childrenin the afternoonnt 3 o'clock, JUi Full Stock of Latest UU Horses, 60 Head Cattle MATERIAL. " - pbinta';was': fta-act WM. R. COOK,\ Tlm „„ 'of grace. of the license for the Bridge Hotel, the and will preach in the eveningat 7 o'clock. etc., Pigs, etc. Trustees. SPECIAL ! SPECIAL I : WM. GRAY, The Communion will be dispensed at the minciple was out of the following transpired SPECIAL ! SPECIAL I at evening service. Further entries to'icited. News coincides with Daniel Quinn, a settler residing BLACK & GALVANISED WIRK ; Auckland,May 27, 1899. Matawhero, was called by SergeantBlack, G. R. WYLLIE, at the :>.-;■ LANDED, Victoria,' 439 STAPLES very ex 'Star of suzerainty of and said that he lived about a quarter of a On TUESDAY, 13th inst, at 7.30 p.m., 548 Cash Customers supplied at Auctioneer. our new shipment of High- class »J & waikanae;bacon factory. the Transvaalis not to milefrom the BridgeHotel. He had never, the Rev. Jamks Patterson will deliver a PURIRI TOTARA POSTS. . Wholesale Rates, CLOVERS, LUCERNE, TURNIPS and stronger measures are made any complaint to the police' about Lecture in the Church, entitled Agricultural description. Double Profits. of Saving every the hoiiae, Hohad had two conversations Seeds Kruger realise the above Company is prepared at P. AND D. DUNCAN NEXT s SergeantBlack. Home Life and How to once to take any number of pigs outic^of,''Great'lßritaiii is a reality, with ' It." AND Magistrate by : Sweeten All selected with oare our The If have comthe utmost you any be taken. suitablefor bacon,deliveredat the Factory, plaint to make, giveit. specialagent's in London. REID AND GRAY'S Makaruka ; and will give 3d per lb, cash, TEAS, COFFEES Witness said he knew nothingabout the Collections .will be made at all the iead weight. Matawhkro Yards, TOBACCOS', CIGARS to'Dc iieyds, hoteK Also,-SEEDOATB, WHEAT,MAIZE, He.had had a conversation with services andat the lecture. The whole of wfTepfesentaiove'oftheTranavaaintßrugsela, Ploughs R. BRYANT, CIGARKTTEB June 15th, 3!) PRAIRIE, ITALIAN and PERENNIAL the Sergeant at the. time of the inquest, the proceeds will be devoted to the Debt Manager. FRUITS, PRODUCE Smp||ippoi:%fef^rice/::'SirKhdd said something about seeing ExtinctionFund. ■ 547 RYE COCKSFOOT, CHEVALIER AND At Eleveno'clock. IRONMONGERY pSJMilneypropooed.thatarbitratioasbbuld be and Fittings ,on road, but he had no A T ROBERTSON'S.— Just'openednew CAPE BARLEY, etc, etc, always on HARDWARE, BRUSHWARE of .indemaity drunken men the U. shapesinDr. JimHats, Black Hard Common, Shelton and Co., Ltd. hand. £®M.'fh"eJameipn raid. ,'He urged,that the complaint tomake against the hotel. Very GLASSWARE, CROCKERY. are Cash Purchasers of the above IN STOCK. Hats, Derby Ties and Bows'; new and often lie had men at night at his place. GISBORNE BOROUGH COUNCIL. Williams and Kettle, Ltd. at all times, and are prepared to ; goods; 'ashionable they inspection. ■He 'did not'know where cot their worth Bhb'uld.beJretrosp'e pay fullmarketvalue for same. N.Z. Loan and MercantileCo. Ltd. Just Arrived, Direct. , M-iSeJlffhe'SiaSiie^f^natufiHeation';pipers drinK.' 503 A HI Now we'shan't be long ! Fresh BTITI'EK JARS (One and Two Gallons). ",'Mrs Sievwright: Have you 'seen any iglhMKft3i'?'nc%rry.vaiv:ote.-.^:-^Mr Kruger pro.. " : LX. Oysters opened every day. Fresh CEYLON TEAS,in401b, 10lb & 51bBoxea. at ?— Yes, drunken men in or about '' " this:"'hotel that ALL hereby given is " ready ?ish cleaned. fish, steak, " Oysters, arid at otherhotels. : NEW LEXIA RAISINS. > naturalißatioii; that the be LICENSES, under, as must 9^he|condition for Lowest Current Trices. ■ AND KETTLE iam, with ten, coffee orcocoa, at allhours. Mrs Siev'wright: Do you know what a RENEWED on or before the 30th WILLIAMS becoDferred?on'..five .diunken ■' Cheese. WILLIAMS AND KETTLE, '.■ LiMITBD. i.t Mrs H. Warren's. 119Gladstoneroad. man is?— Yes. ■ Stilton Factory, also and Edam. Akaroa , residents , Limited. Will hold their ( -" Sergeant:Black :, Have you ever had a INSTANT. ia 1901. ;driibkeh A T ROBERTSON'S.-New Goods just |^^pdoS|-to|lS9pi:;Jje''ng ehfra'ncriiscd. have in stock a full assortment of Hawkers & Public Pedlars and Bacon. coming yourhouse Yes, man to ?— Carts Hams STOCK SALEb'V depei'ident alter- no later thanlast Thursdaynight. -MONTHLY : £K. opened. Sportsmen's Men's all Requisites. Undershirts and LodgingHouses Private Carts JOHN W. BRIGHT, }_ feeingpoWessed of " Afcthe Pants inmerino natural wool,andColonial MATAWHERO FACTORY BUTTER Public Halls Mr Gray :Have you'had to go through DeliveryCarts Manager. SM£ySiKe^n\paiit;of.£lso^and payint;a paddocks KENNEDY, Pants; Knitted A. P. makes; ' :.'■' best ' at lowest Matawhero Yards, DangerousGoods JUST (Fresh Supplies Djily). to avoid an annoyance?— Yes, PublicCarriages 20 ; ', slices. :.\ Manager. Materials 5 Explosive On Carriage b'ut^t'bat was some years ago, before Mrs Do. Drivers Public Amusements Direct from the ManufacINSTANT, RUGS, &0.-Heavystock Magdire'B time. . CHURSDAY,' Milk Venaors THE lotk tools : Sergeant (all sizes and qualities) at lowest turers, a Supply of Black :Do you consider the When they will offer : (BUST MAKKS). )ossible prices.— William Pettie. :house woll.or badly conducted?— lthink Xs. Any person without his respective License after the Ist July next will be Knn s ? E E p> (Kelly's Perfect, FlintEdge, Kauri, in>i"':- c>'~."iß I"'' '''*'/;■::.:--'"' is no worse than other hotels. Including— rSROMBIE'S Cherry Pectoral cures AXESSharp's, and Mann's) Why then did you corap'ain to me ? ■PROSECUTED without turther notice. LfV-f V/ KJ Coughs and Colds ; Is 6d and 2s 6d. EXTRA UICKORY HANDLES Fab Ewes aud Cigarettes and sYou asked me how things were going on at R. D. B. ROBINSON, in forwardcondition. IraoldKanb, Chemist, near Theatre. Ewes SPECIAL TENTS & FLYS Bridge -Hotel, -and told Clerk. ; '&■''> fthe lodge I you I did 534 Town HEAD CATTLE EPOT.-Wonderful WerthiemSewing HORSE COVERS, PACK SADDLES, THIS IS THEFINEST MAKE ON THE a complaint: . ' a not £r\ CHRISTCHURCH. STRAPS, Eio. jU Machines have latestandbest appliIncluding MARKET AT PRESENT. ;'to:f]Jl/ Loubet'; oa the !; By Mr Nolan : He lived nearer th AN INVITATION. Bullocks, sewing. Fat FatCows mces for comfort in home All oftlieTeMrit riotiandinsults. WAIAPU COUNTY COUNCIL. " ityles slocked. Prices low; and the easiest Springing Cows of the;London Bridge Hotel than the Matawhero. Did OBTAINABLE FROM ALL STORES, not know where these drunken people etc. Cattle, Needles, oils, parts. Young if terms. and The ]Mr Taverner, of 5 on OR FROM p.m., up to GUNS, invited CARTRIDGES came TIOTTLED ALE AND STOUT came from. Hehad had themround 1First-class Milch Cow, in full improved Wheeler and Wilson Machines POWDER, FUSE, CAPS, Eto. MONDAY, the 12th instant, for mTOb'foßS^BKrytted ftiMiI-decision;'7"ofMr his house COMMON, &. CO., SHELTON night. only all It -was some- Forming 103 chains of Dray Road, at profit (calved ten days) reversing feed and knee-prc'sser lift, etc.) of?the ';Bpwd of AgiiculLimited. IN QUARTS AND PINTS. ' people Waipiro. ■ " A RK E R S ire being stocked by manufacturers the margarine to limes that,he had'seenhalf-drunken w^itaitthe ■ If\ P All Goods at Absolutely about.this hotel. yorld over.— J. Walter Bull, Agent, will be on the ground JL \J 9 Prime Bacon Pigs (corn fed) undersigned The Also,— lo AND 18 GALLON KEGS. Bottom Prices. ;j;un¥9iio.s'ajm.) .-'■""■ :'■ Harry C6oper was called, and being on Saturday, the 10th inst., to show the i REID & GRAY D.F. PLOUGH, iear Theatre. ;"",., 949 a-BIH intrd- asked' what'lie bad to sayabout the con- work. -working order " ,in good SMITH, Chemist, for Loasby's JL Raid he had nothing to DEPARTMENT. ' S^^fJ)y]Mr^Rp.bßon,?'M.P. for North duct ;pfHethehadhouse, WILLIAM O'RYAN, O 1Set Harrows. Wahoo 2s 6d, Benjamin Gum for W. only been there a few times, Invite inspection of their .^...cbnsivb '\... Engineer. |sShieldsji;;raiding,';^the.vschpol "age. of haif- say. County Sharp. 6d; also, 11 a.m. Is Ua,anything and had Sale at iolds Koolibah. Assortment of New AUTUMN and. ■ wrong never seen with HAVE NOW «tJAel|!|Vo||t^elv'6,f.:,Was} passed 'through. it." He hadhad OPENED UP A TO ENGLISH AT 544 aconversation with Con- Waipiro, June sth, 1899. WINTER Goods, whioh embraca the■ CAMPBELL, JAMES SALE-Patutahi Potatoes 3s a Designs and Latest Styles- in Newest 9,:9.15,a.m.)' ' stable Smith, but had never complained to HALF-COST. Auctioneer. iOl snek, Horse Carrots 4s sack, Cob had COMPLETE allDepartments. ..'■'■ exactly him. He seen boarders not STOCK WAIKOHU ROAD BOARD. ■ of. mutton drunk. He h.'d not seen more drunken Haizo 3s 6d sack.— D. M. Orr. 580 44vca?ca3ea OF S^n^3aApfihiefly;belon^ingto the Christ- men there than'anywhere else. He called HAS FLANNELETTES. Thirty-six inch S^rflffMea.f.pbmpaby, were damaged in a, man drunk when he was lying about NOTICE. rhe F.3.Loan and Mercantile E? GOODS— A lovely aesortment.'r ' whiteand pink (specialvalue) ;also, FOR SALE aVlb'frfir^ioltitßcfflanffsliire, and have Been helpless.- ■; WILLIAMS AND KETTLE, Limited, Company " Agency in variety Fancy Flannelettes, / for nil the Newest Materials,".iifV \.; ;reat is hereby given that a further AT AND AOEHCT. [Limited] eludingKaiapoiDress Tweeds,1 *"'.", .Maurice Hogan, licenseeof tho Roseland )louses, dressing gowns, etc. William of Ratepayers Meeting ?.20 a.m.); / adjournedhehadbeaniniliehoteloncesince ?ettie. 3 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES: Office, on S<@^-Hei(niker:Heatbn was offered Birth- Hotel.said [W. O. SHEBBATT. CORDUROY VELVETEENS . in.the : : O.D. BENNETT.] Mrs Magnire.was there. He might have will be held in the Board's MONTHLY< STOCK SALE June, at 12 noou. i^daß'ionorsJtßpt declined;theiri. ...\ Newest Shades. '.'■. ■".'".. '*■" BEST QUALITY OF GENERAL Way's Monster AT to Mark had,a conversation with Constable Smith SATURDAY,-the 17th ONCE Matawhero Yards, STORES, June 8." as, to statements madeby the public. He Last notice. Bargains Fancy " -;; all over in Clearing Sale. LADIES' CAPES Plain and E. H. INGPEN, THURSDAY, 15th JUNE, Cloths, he shop. FARM, STATION, AND HOUSEHOLD colored),' pi^P^endipgAtha pburji-martial of Dreyfus, could not say anything ahout the hotel, and and ■' (black —AND" ■"'_■■'. Secretary. raiit have been restored. Iwhetherit was well or badly conducted. At IIa.m. OF EVERY the Latest Styles. iilßis'ii^JfrirroWd REQUISITES 558 V" ForCouohsand Colds take Woods' DESCRIPTION, hu. warned the TheBench conferred, and the Chairman Te Karaka, June 6th, 1890. Sl^Qedwal^Zurlinden,-' LADIES' & GIRLS' MACINTOSHES, ." A-GreatPepi-ermintCore;1/6 and2/6. :, to':withdraw; from sajd Entries : that the' majority of the Committee | viz. : New Shapes and Materials. All AND RETAIL Where there are indications &^any'gath'erings were in favor of granting a renewal of the FAT EWES AT from ring— A 'Sapphire Stone. Guaranteed. Ai\C\ TENDERS. AND .)" PRODUCE. MERCHANTS ;..'-.■. -..,""^otd(if^onß|^Uii)n.'-;«;;. license. The application was therefore 180 StoreEwes Finder rewardedat Herald Office; IMPORTERS, BOAS, FUR NEW WOOLLEN SHAWLS; ' : Flour, Oatmeal,Oatina, Wheatmeal 250 ForwardEwes granted. ri^ENDERS will be received by the and WRAPS. Oats,Bran, Pollard SHIPPING, STOCK (■' . Special INSURANOE, ACE CURTAINS. line of Pigs. Quaker THURSDAY, Young 20 Iundersigned, up to Poultry ReguCurtains, pair, Is at Mark Foodand Animal Lace Pratt'a AND GENERAL FLANNELETTES, 1Draught Mare AND STATION SHIRTINGS, CALL V June 15th, at Noon, for the Erection of a Way's Monster Sale Friday andSaturday. lator,Peas, Beans, Maize AGENTS, COES, all makea, to'nieet all'COMMISSION Building,in Gladstoneroad. invited. Further enlrits Brick Cape andChevalier Barley,Baled Hay : ■ ''■'"'"' requirements. LIMITED. Ac, &a. Titere wasa large attendance at Captain Plans and specificationsmay be seen at JOHN W. BRIGHT, HARRISON LEE is coming, Horse Carrots,Fowl-wheat j^\V^^*?Bß;'Jraitss A^borATiok.] Monthly. paddock yesterday afternoon to my tobacconistshop. SALES held Tucker's LIVE STOCK Manaper CAPE CLOTHS and Auctioneer. andSERGES— A beauti542 Isitt is coming, Prohibition is Dun, D.vniah, Tartarian, and Heavy To-day. . witness the football match between the WOOL, SHEEPSKINS, &0., Periodically. ENCOURAGE on Friday ful eeleotion in Black and all the 3oming. Committee ' cS&At.thtfSripreitiet." Court .to-day, George A and B teams of the Gisborne School. Mr The lowestor any tender notnecessarily FeedOuts ' '■'*meeting 553 Local Potatoes and Onions (cheap, to New Colorings. . ; '" -■■ jvening. BUSHFELLING. the! ;theft of a R. Cole acted as referee, andMesais Adair accepted. GEO. WILLIAMS. We have inStock and to Arrive clear) ; also, Canterbury Potatoes FURNISHING GOODS-Cretonnes, Art BY USING M^tiiiiyple:atlFeildipir l;>a'nd'sentenced to 18 and Colebourne as lineumpires. Thegame Plumes and- Flats must be Axes, Slashers, Bush Hooks, Camp Ovens, Muslins,Damasks,Sheetings,and and seed) fe^nionths:ininrißCpntiient;■'" 568 COMMON, SHELTON & CO-. table Long was played in two half-hour spells, and Gisborne, June 8, 1899. ; each, oleared Plumes 6d Flats PrimeO.S. Chaff, etc. Billies, Pannikans, Tin Plates,Grindstones ',' ■", . Limited, Counterpanes. «pi:^)be'cHiße/bgainst".Cath"rb, a solicitor at from thekick-off was full of interest. The . white) Friday and [cream and Is each. andFittings, Axe Handles, TentsandFlys Bonedust and Garden Manure, will matched,' and play was Sale, at Mata- Saturday.— At Mark Way's. g4|!eildiug,r,|s' still' proceeding, and. were 7 fairly teams Will holdtheir next Stock FLOORCLOTHS and A. LINOLEUMetc. sizes), Forks, Knives and (all , Made at the Gishorne Freezing Works TENDERS FOR BUSHFELLING. I^P^pfothfWhole day.' <}'■"' . '■ of a very even character. The Bs had large assortment of all lines) in. , whero Yards, on A LARGE STOCK OF Wellington, PATTERSON,~of EV. J. from Pure Tallow and Boßt 1899, the of "';'"' 15th INSTANT, FARM SEEDS Newest Designs. To-dat, perhaps a slight advantagein their back ''?|,^n?T::H.': ':■ andBacon,FactoryButtor, Cheese, Felling 400 THURSDAY,Eleven willpreach in the Ormond Church Hams other ingredients. a.m., at times was fullof VsTANTED— Tenders for Fob AUTUMN SdwiNo. At Lard, etc., always on hand. it'ii^Mrj^oraley," second officer of the s.s. division, whose passing and (by Bush, immense',, VV acres at Glenroa BLANKETS RUGS— An of at 670 evening, 10-morrow 7.30 o'clock. ' When they will offer— We are prepared to receive Orders for [■/"idMtaffekai^willKefromoted tothe position merit. At.the end of the first spell the Poutulu). Best brands of Tea, Candles, Kerosene, stock of all classes, and Wonderscore was three all/ Jack Roderick having QUALITIES TO SELECT ft Imported and Colonial. Clovers, Turnip, CATTLE. ?;«« 6t-3Mit>faixt .'of the Hiuemoa, .rendered Rice,Salt, andGeneral ' Soap, lengths Sugar, Ribbons ,;.;"■All short fui value. Apply to— \) Rape, Mustard, Cocksfoot, Ryegrass, etc. FROM. Further entries invited. Brown. ," secured a try for the B team, whilst C. from 4d to Isyard will be cleared at Stores. (A trialsolicited.) A. F. MoLEAN. ' --COLONIAL BLANKETS, Colonial Flan^ Samples and quotations on application. J. B. KELLS, ;RHbinspn; father of temper- Norrisscored for theAs. Neither try was ! Way's. Also,— yard Id at Mark nels,Hosiery, and WinterUnder- : Auctioneer. Pale Yellow Peerless .^vjance in'Auckland,'aged 88, is dead. He converted. Inithe second spell Gordon 552 575 Cocksfoot, Material, SALE, Fencing Ryegrass, FOR at LowestPrices. wear, Direct fromtht Mills. " '.; H^'Waa;yone l6f .the'foundcrs of the,Auckland Nolan obtained a second try for the B for ' ' ED CROSS EMBROCATION Turnip, Lucerne, Tares, and Prairie QoldeD Crown description, Carbolic Cartridges every Groceriesof though the otherside tried hard FOR SALE. MATAWHERO POUND. MILLINKRY, MANTLES, ) Abstainers'Society in 1842,.and was team, and i rheumatism, lumbago, sprains, and A "sSt^Total Seed. FeucGreen, Club, Balastite, etc.), (Eley's Mayflower ing ffe'foc»66s'jjE»rß >-Teetotaller. He took the to equalise matters they could not dobyso, and TRIMMINGS }SPEorAUTY..'' ' strains. Athletes and sufferers fromrheuHardware,andBushfelling Blue Mottled Wire (black and galvanised),Barbed the game ending in favor of the Bs 6 ACRES OF GOOD LAND N D ED matism will find it invaluable. Bottle, 2s Ironmongery, M P O Sterling it';.pledge fromthe '?' Seven Menof Preston."a points Eclipse Requisites, coils, Nails, MEN'S WATERPROOFS-A Staples, grand range Wire in1 and iewt to 3. For the winnersS. Roderick, (dividedinto threepaddocks), FourOn June 2nd— 3d each.— Harold Kane, Chemist. ' :'.fiHo was a native.of London," andleaves ofUP-TO-DATEgoods,inNewest : Ware, Crockery, " ' produce Holloware, of fruit andother Household. Enamelled House, Witty, Nolan, Shed, and were themost and Orchard. Consignments Shaw roomed , family. grownjjp 1Brown Gelding, brand like HO on near Shapes and Materials, at Prices Brushware, etc. EMNANTS I REMNANTS I All receivedweeklyandsoldto bestadvantage. Apply to— All in 4-cwt Boxea. f-'t *..The"capping ceremonytookplace at the prominent, whilstNorris, Blonmfield, and shoulder,off hind foot white, shod. Wheat, Bran,Pollard, which Defy Competition. Maize, C haff, .. Oats, good work for the As. Materials now (Junr.), lengths tallow, to-day. Chancellor, sheepskins, D.PEACH short ofDress .':-UiJjvefß%i The Sir Doyle did Cash buyer of grain, ' :;:":;James', On June 5th Potatoes, etc. reductions, toclear. beeswax, honey, otc. ,' ",, Also,— . Patutahi. offered at Heotor, presented the diplomas. A meetingofthe ManagementCommittee 551 steadily-increasing being considerable A sale is made tail, visible, long 1Black Mare, no brand AGENCIES. Soaps . .There was a;large attendance. Professor of the Rugby Union was held at the WilliamPettie. of tho abovo in number of Auckland and the 100 MEN'S COATS, A desirable Town in SILK OIL for 53, large rope on neck RoyalExchange Insurance Co. (Fire and Gisborne district. , Tliomaß, the Primate, andHisExcellency Masonic Hotellast ovenincj. There was a Walking or Riding. for sale! visible, WANTED. and PROPERTIES Steer, Country no brand 1 and White Large Red WOOL.and small Marine) ■'. ;,;|h'e.'.'Goyerjiprt,iuade speeches. The pro- full attendance of members, Mr Miller marks fork right car, back bitleftear. IJUNBEAM at TIES-Our stock of Ties needs no adverViotoriaMarineInsur&Dce Company O heads of six skeins, all shades,and . ceedint(S passed offdecorously,the students presiding. Tho chief business before the A MAN, to milk ; must tising, being so well-known for ;' Way's head, tho above Yards at D. price, Thompson be at Pound one 9d Mark and Co.'s Celebrated Aerated per Will sold :.;.Oreserving.their typical v songs for a con- meeting was the consideration of a letter be able to kill and make himself Value and Quality. . : 19th, 1899, at 12 StartlingSale. June and Cordials MONDAY, Turatiganni asking Club that 2 Waters from tho the on , y^vversazipne.,generallyuseful. paid. and GeneralInsuranceCo. expenses between if not claimed LiveStock and noon, Union should order tho match FRESH BURNT LIME SHIRTS and COLLARS— Just total'output gold past *>-■". The of received/.. ' for tho Housthold Ammoniacleanses Saturday next, to For Building, Agricultural, Garden, and ■Harraway'sOatmeal directfrom the Manufacturers, a ' A. MAGUIRE, -":month was £46;690; for tho Thames Turanganuiand To Arai to be played over Apply,on laces, silks, and wooland brightens SEASONABLE GOODS. :Boldfielde;> The' Waitekauri and Waihi again, on theground that Te Arai played 565 Shacklook's Orion" Ranges Poundkeeper. large assortment of Men's Whito Sanitary requirements, in Small WILLIAMS &KETTLE, Ltd. 563 len goods without injuring fast colors. ArthurNathan's Reliable Teas or Large quantities. Shirts and Collars, at Lowest . Silvertpn,returns are not in time to bo aman not a memberof theClub. The rule V' " Half-pint bottle-, ..Is. Harold ■ (Ceylon) dealingwith the matter was very explicit, ■ SnraturaTeas ' " Kanb. , / The Possible 'in the total. Coromandel GISBORNE POUND. Prices. Lakge Bags. .included Bags. \ 2 Small ' Chemist. and BLANKETS. RUGS Flour "Peerless" outputshows a falling of!; the Thames an and theUnion had no other option than to " played Gray the match to be Reidand "I over again. horses Household Ammonia cleans '" increase. ,ohiuemuriniinesreft\ised£39,4l9, order P. and D. Duncan I Agricultural from fllOtons; Tho question of defaulting members was Waitekauri extended£ll2s. will be sold at the abovo Pound Yards, TO BUSHMEN. WILLIAM PETTIE Brushes, Crockery, Hair Sponges, and Co. [ Implements. " Booth, MoDonald net prices of COAL from the TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), June 9th, at Glass, Oilcloth; Painted Woodwork, etc Hauraki,Associated, £250 tor 10 tons; gone into at some length. In one case We the special direct attention to hold Best-assorted Stock in Town to Andrewsand Beaven J undersignedyards will bo as follows 12 noon, if not released. for 178 tons; Waiotahi, where a player was posted for non-payMariposV of Blue Denim Trousers,Flannels, Half-pint bottle, Is. Harold JKane, his very large and excellent stock The make of the Gisborne Freezing Co, , £335 from SO tons; Tokatea, £103 from ment of certainmoneys, thoUnion doubted on and after this date:— FARAM, T. Chemist; Red Cross Drawers, Woollen Sox, of the above goods. - ,17 tbns;.'Kouiata Reefs, £850 from 300 whether it was a matter for them to deal is steadily making itsway about Gisborne. f Poundkeeper. THE GISBORNE REGISTRY 567 and Bush Rugs, suitable for bush Newcastle and Taupiki Coal. - tons. i. .i ! Those whohave used come with, and the point wns referred to again it and experienced wanted by work, at Correct Prices. Rugs Delivered. Booked. Yard. Austrian OFFICE. .100 customers. bring Rugby the the New Zealand Union for their further A; The Waihi Bilverton return for £ s. 0. £ s. il. £ s. MarriedShepherd ; has good dogs ; TENDERS. appointed Air G. was £1414, Rugs opinion. Crawford Bush from 1100 tons.. The 040 046 050 month is Per Bag... wifenoobjection cookforfew men.— Apply Sacks. 106lb Bags. 50lb Bags. /"lEO. WILLIAMS begs to intimate A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Men'sHals Waitekauri return is £6,763 from 2,043 referee in the Te Arai-Gisborne match to 1- ton 010 0 011 6 012 6 571 Bought on SPECIAL TERMS, direct from ' Mrs East, GisborneRegistry. Pulling wantedfor 22 nnENDERS about to-morrow, ion's, and MrE. Matthews be played VJT that he has in hand applications (in all shapes), Caps, Braces, -ton 10 0 116 12 6 acres(more or less) Maize. Particu- FpO HAND-Fresh Consignments of Al the Manufacturers, includinga largoquanI 250 positioiiß from 226 for Gloves, Gents' Winter Under"Speaking at tho capping ceremony in in the junior match Te Arai v. Gisborne. 200 Ton...' Samples, are well tity Colebrook's of Manufacturers' store, lars to be seen at Mr Hands , connection with the Auckland University Messrs McCredie and Gaudin were apA Tahiti Oranges, Bananas, Cocoanuts, clothing, Umbrellas, Travelling Cooks Station Westport Coal. of attention Waerenga-a-hika. Tenders to bo in by Peanuts, Pines, Christclrarch Apples (by worththe College; Sir James Hector said the estab- pointed referees inthe two schoolmatches. Bags, Gardeners Handkerchiefs, etc, etc. Laborers Delivered. Booked. Yard. the 6th JUNE. lishment,of a college inWellington might the cases only).— D. M. Orr. RUNHOLDERS And others'. £ s. d. £ 6. a £ k. d. — T. CAHILL and University lead toimportantchangesin the BUSHFELLERS Employers with vacancies for such Roman Catholic Church Services. Per Baa... 04 0 050 056 — labor Acknowledgedby All The Best Disinfecting Powder in the J. LINKLATOR. Rev. JamesPatterson will preach on tho lines recommended by the Commis- Sunday next : Holy- Communion at Gis- „ t-tou Oil 0 012 6 013 6 500 HEADS OF FAMILIES to communicate with Market. are invited Monday at the MatawheroChurch on sion in 1878, thatwhen four colleges were borne 7 a.m., Mass at Makauri 9 a.m., " 4- ton 12 0 13 6 15 0 Large Tins. SmallTins. GEORGE WILLIAMS, AS BEING THE 576 And allwho likeHonest Valde for their eveningnext, at 7 o'clock. TO LET. established they should become part and Mass at Gisborue 11 a.m., and Vespers, Ton... 226 250 276 Money. Tobacconist,Gladstone Road. parcel of tho University. He thought, Sermon, and Benediction 7 p.m., Rev. Best Value in Gisborae. LET— A First-class Paddock, of ten KENNEDY & EVANS. Telephone No. 98. too, it would be a great economy if the W. B. Purton.— Advt. offices, shops as or the rooms LET, Apply to John at Kaiti.— OF SIX AND OVER acres, CLAYTON BROS. FOR PARCELS professorsof the colony combined in one lately occupied by Messrs Roes and Colemax. 400 A. SAWYER & CO. A Special Concession will be made, Board and had controloftheexaminations. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW This is Pure GroundBones. 251bBags. to— Apply Son. 356 Ladies and rpRIMMED"HATS,~for~ To-day. NEW PLYMOUTH, THE LAUNDRY. A little CRAWFORD, ZEALAND T.F. Is at Is, lid, Mark Children, Gtl, English JL and Colonial Household Ammonia added strong A man was to-day fined £10 on each of Of Crawford & Son, (Poverty Bay Section). Way's ClearingSale, Fridayand Saturday. -THEBlankets to the water in which clothes are washed two charges of obtaining liquor for a proStationers. 4fl — A good White and Grey,in all sizes, at theLowest saves labor, time, 6oap and soda, prevents hibited person. A woman was fined £2 MEETING of the Council of tin to Purchase 1 for a similar ofl'enoe. A first-rate food for Fowls to keep them shrinking of flannels, blankets, etc., aud Quotations. NationalAssociation will beheld a< or second(new Barrel Churn TO LET. healthy andmake them lay. gives a snowy whiteness to the clothes WOODVILLE, To-day. the oflice of the Association, at 2 p.m. McNeil, Royal Hotel. hand).— Apply R. washedwithoutinjuring the most delicate INVENTION for Warming NOW IS THE TIME Bags. 251b Captain Russell has arranged to speak TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). 5G< Full directions on the wrapper. No outlet flue needed. fabric. Boy, Bedrooms. strong good, A to Mondayevening. BUSH, A 250 OF in Two stock, here on BOUT ACRKS there being every to lay in a good bottle, Is. Harold Kajje, -pint Half instantly or Plumbing Apply attached detached in Cau be learnthe trade.— Contracts. COOK COUNTY LIBERAL indicationof a sharp advance. WESTPORT, Today. an ordinary gas globe. .PL Chemist. "as way Plumbing the fame Works. Hall, F. Gisborne 573 ASSOCIATION. Apply to— A dredging boom has taken place at Can be used on itny gas bracketorpendant. NEENAN begs to announoe that R. St. LEGER, WILLIAMPETTIE, Totara river, near Charleston. Two more light noise, Boy, or or and make disturbing Itgives no A to milk he has taken over the above wellJ Tiniroto. DRAPER, claims have been peggedoff. As theriver A MEETING of the Executive will b ; injurious fumes. FAMILY Ora," 43S WHOLESALE & Apply "Ku himself useful.— House, and wishes to assure the office a ALMOST jrr J,r\ I known drains the rich fields of Addison's Flat, XI. held at the Secretary's 536 No smell, no smoke ; requires no extra North Gisborue. GladstoneRoad (next Union Bank), travelling public and those favoringhim 8 o'clock TO-MORROW (SATURDAY j FITTINGS. there is every prospect of a big return. WANTED, Gisborne. Pure Oil extracted from sheep andcattle g with their patronage, that no pains or A Smart Boy for Stratho d INVERCARGILL, To-day. EVENING. Price (complete),6/6. To Lease tor Three to Four Months, trotters. willbe sparedtomaketheOrmokd R, N. JONES, 15 old. trouble years about Sbition, Baking nllan Powderwill railTheBonlta Patrick Wheldn, a ganeer on thetruck, equal better for and leather to any in the district. Nothing Hon. Sec. Ladies harness Hotel ELCOiME, 004 Gentlemen. that August, FromIst MasonicHotel. cakes, pastry Apply 579 and make bread, way, whilst stepping aboard a C3GAR LIGHTERS Club, Hotel, have their toes unplagued with work. ' "higher than like, HOUSE, A such rise FURNISHED slipped, and was run over atDipton. The TheBestBrands of Wines, Spirits, be in every and Should On and after corns, will have a bout with you. and1gallondrums, andby the KNOWN.— in5 price Sold the of Itmust be legs. over his Hedied wool." passed Family. both For Snmll wheels J3» Beer, &a, onlykeptin Stock. ATES'S TJELIABLE Tobacconist's. Saturday, April Bth, tho Pork Shakespeare, er Thesubstance of a corn bottle. i in every house. The quality on reaching tho hospital. He leaves Apply to— usually resembleshorn,but wheremoisture The above are all Tuesdays, JLYIiLIABLE will be on open nickel-plated, QEEDf each. at the the Price, Shop quantity best, Butcher's and 6/is the widow andchild. TABLEOEEDS for the sale of is present,as betweenthe toes, it is white works of the Gisbornemanufactured Frtezing Co. 356 WILLIAMS & KETTLE, Ltd. Wednesdays and Saturdays,bacon, most. Tryit once. of the personalsupervision btawn, and sodden, and is called a soft corn. the THREE Cases Garden and Flower Seed a Can bo seen at the Gas Co.'s Showroom, Undor prime dairy-fed pork, roll again. you The Mayor of Wellington lias solved won't ask We . " "." MrsNeenak. Bakraclougii's Progandra, (registered) pork sausages, pork and unemployeddifficulty by utilising £4,000, puddings, Landed. black cent, up Just ONEY TO LEND at 5 per At A. PARNELL & CO.'S Veale, Glad- will cure both; Is per box. Agent : Common, Khelton and theunexpendedbalanceof thecity improve549 KW. NEENAN,;■ to two-thirdß of valuation.— D. mutton pies, etc., etc.— O. WAREHOUSE. ' ffIcKEE, authorised the Limited. by loan, I Hakold Kane, Chemist. ment for works stone road. Union Morice, Buildings. Bank Solo Agent Poverty Bay. 404 Council. 4 A,' THE AUSTRALIANS IN ENGLAND. AUSTRALIANS V. CAMBRIDGE ■ . - DRAPERY, EREDO . . IN ''' FAMILY . .... . . SEEDS — SEEDS -SPORTING- NEW Aatumn Sowing. ... ... . "rf \ ...... ... AOENCY ... WE — ' ... AXES.__AXEB. ' THE TRANSVAAL "' , WE ' '" BUSHFELLERS' , WOOL f SHEEPSKINS IT PAYS . l.i" „ . ROUND . , HORSE COVERS. OWING BUSHFBLLING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS -i^.meiiti.^Tlie^ * BARLEY— 1 ®^reat^Britiin:sßted' THE SEASON'S — IWeuibor^inate SUPPLY W. A. O'MEARA ■ . f FEED GRAIN, ° . ; CHAFF. FARM SEEDS. Patterns §^^^'eli^n|ar^depiareß',the. JUST 1 " rSr^ui^ed^to-'niake'Mr THE STOCK SALE, i^^-aMM^from.Prefenal LOWEST PRICES. WOOL -&eferalTrqcsries- HIDES TALLOW. THURSDAY," ; 1 WE , LICENSES. and STATION SUPPLIES SPORTING NOTICE ■ * SHBEPSEINS S_EASON. ftW^eare'^V^ide'nee^tli^reafteri.VßHi ( WE RECEIVED, BRITISH & . FOREIGN. bushmbFs BLANKETS, — ... . - b^ter-fat'in TENDERS SOFT GOODS l - ED. . POR ■ . yfe^?"(Bf^W?diune'9, AMMwmosr. . ° 1 A. rMEAKA. NOTICE XJ£T® - EQUAL AUTUMN WINTER LOST, WE SELL A SINGLE ARTICLE — — WHOLESALE PRICECommon,Sheltonand Co., FOOTBALL. DRESS STOCKS ALE. SOAP "AUCKLAND, . '"' . — LOCAL INDUSTRY OSTRICH ■"■ SHERRATT WHOLESALE MRS llK^^v^^tfilNfQTONi- SOAP "' . SHEEP. '" DEAPEET BENNETT &O . . INTERPROVINCIAL. -D. M. ORR- — — iP^P^S-Vv'-iARIS,- THE HOME OF ECONOMY. Tobacco. MANNING& CO. — . "' THE HAUNT OF FASHION. OGDEN'S . 9 RIBBONS.— ... ' ' I ELEVEN * WANTED— ~~U~ — — '"' NOTICE. Four THE .. STRONG — STRONG — LIME. LIME. " MANURE. WISHES SITUATION "„ 250 „I CARBOLIC POWDER. TO FIRE GLOBE. A WANTED— WANTED— WANTED— , TATKS'S JAMES THE TO BONBMEAL. _ WANTED M""~ - FOWLGRIT. FOR WANTED, ANEW . '" _ M~"ORR. — ■ . — NEATSFOOT OIL. ORMOSD_HOTEL. C"1ON. as ■ Wont Do! — Co., ■ THE POVERTY BAY HERALD. FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1399. Friday Electric motor fire engines,_ travelling Sailing ships, of course, not being so attended to their wounds. On MYSTERIES OF THE OCEAN. regular in their arrival as 6teamers, are morning Wheeler, McMahon, and Naulty 15 miles an hour, are now being used in Paris. often overdue, and a delay of a week or were sent to the JamestownHospital. PRIOR'S CELEBRATED OIJNTMEWT. SUREST ftTsAFEST CURE for THE 1 Inlkminutory Conditionof SKIN and EYE, ° rnSi BnliSeS' SpnlillS' W Undß THE PROOF OF THEPUDDING Sheridan & dimming, I (That oldadage). Wholesale A LARGE AND Mr Mann has received a telegram from The editor of the Bloemfontien Express General Commission Agents, and FACTS,! FACTS 1 UNDENIABLE VESSELS THAT VANISH. CHANGING 'STOCK Accountants, &o. for comment. Sometimes they make a Lord andLady Tennyson,expressing pro- has beon found dead at the bottom of a 15,000,000 news of tho dis- Kimberley mine. Maggie and the lato found at the sad SOLD. record, however, regret RSON AL. INSTANCES WHERE GREAT SHIPS Carver, a clipper barque, once got dis- aster, and the Premier, Mr Kingston, sent Twenty-twomillionbottlesof champagne W. andG.Turnbulland OF DISAPPEAR AND LEAVE NO LOOK HEBE WAIT A BIT ! LOOK HERE Co., Wellington; Newton's Celemasted in a squall and drifted round the a message expressing regret on behalf of are drunk annually in tho world. A TRACE BEHIND. Department. Wellington firms purchase only brated Al Soap3;N.Z. CandleCo. ; A.E. South Atlantic for three months. Her tho Ministry andheadsof tho Rheims dealer keeps 9,000,000 inreserve. Kernot, Wine>and Spirit Merchant, Wel°f got through all the provisions, ' ~ foot for ' be on ' A movement is stated to A n yOUUg It seems passing strange, considering the crew ATRIMONY an lington; G. Lintottand Co., Grain Mer- ■ although the water, with a very scant M temperate habits, whodrinks OKA SINGERas well as Gisborne. organising a great African or "Cupe to enormousamount of ocean trafficcarried on allowance, or out, and they werereduced form, acutely chants, Dunedin, Oamarn, and Timaru; EOZBMA, clrvwaly held tho DR. PARKER'S OUTBURST. AND nowadays, that it should be possible for a a Cairo" exhibition, to bo hold in London in Tea leslre3 t0 nmke tlle acquaintance of a inflamed tvii'o and Sellgiin, Wholesale Druggists diet of coir ropeboiledin salt water, Ellis vessel to put out to sea, in fit condition, to 1002. in young >ice whose tastes lie lady sensible Chemists, j using sustain life for some Cliilof SINGER Auckland which, Boils, Nettlerash, though Sunburn, it will and Manufacturers and Manufacturing ADDRESS AT only to vanish from the face of the waters, time, that direction. Photo exchanged.— Jim. Tho bloomer costume is as popular as is not a palatable nor a nourishing EXTRAORDINARY bln.ins MACHINES in Wellington Dwan Bros., Moneylenders,etc., WellingTHE CITY TEMPLE. and leave no indicationof its fate. True, Paris, adoptwomenare English ever is in Coir made from District ton rope ;Ambrosia, Oatina, etc., etc. article of food. :— reonco, Try this Ointment and you will there are hundredsof unidentifiedderelicts cocoa fibre, and containsa small amount of ing a compromise between bloomers and VACANCY having occurred in the Tea 1' Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Co. Clothing Inconnection witli the Cromwell Tercen- tho ordinary skirt this year. There is a commend it to all fellow-sufferers. floating aboutthe seas, and some of them nutriment. „ t\ qiu](|V) jfc hfts I)een decided to till it Cnthie IN OUR and Co. FOR SALE. Vendors, up with OKA Tea. A. I.ovy may be the vessels which have so The end of it was that the MaggieCarver tenary celebrations, Dr. Parker delivered greatrun on the divided skirt. by Sold allChemists and Medicine Hotels in Country It.Hannah and Co. Several First-rate Boots rcmarkablo address before a crowded A terrible burning fatality occurred at mysteriously vanished. RETAILPRICl!!, 3/0 PER TUBE. „ a longtime after she a Staplo* and Co. Poverty Bay Distriot. Y\7 AREHOUSE Itis appallingto think of such mysteries driftedintoRioPlata audienceat the City Templeon April29th. Cue, West Australia, the other night, Mr kind, motherly ' Kii'iictildie Wanted ami Stains, Tailoringand Dressmaking A DOPTION.— for lost. given up hadbeen of First-cluss Unimproved 1350 Acres by as the fates of these vessels, which, setting The meeting was held underthe auspices C. A. Litchfield, assistant Government Manufactured persons to adopt OKA Tea as the ! Voitoh and Allan Land, and other properties of large „ sail with hundreds of passengers to whom of the NationalCouncil of the Evangelical Surveyor, aged 2(J, being burned to death THE PRIOR OINTMENT CO. family beverage. No premium required. Warnook aud Adkin ON Mantles Mayer " Mrs Shirts and and smallareas. packed, the whs Churches, happiness. and hall perhaps means Free the voyage inhis camp. He perished in attempting Address : Mater." Q. Cole Cans and Shirts and stairways pasacquiring disposing reach the desirousof or joys life, filling Wealth andallthe of never Persons THE CATASTROPHE AT BUNDALEER. hundreds Bimeon (Felt Hit Mills) Felt Hats to save the householdbelongings. Agents for ILuvko's Bay : , oi properties are respectfully invited to MOST EASY TERMS. theirdestination,and arenever againheard Quinton Bhirts sages. the young lady who was unable ' Mrs AND ILL DUNCAN, now ELLISON being Drake, The first-class cruiser C. 3, on Ezra ix. Dr \\J H.Bird communicate with us. Ho sale, no cliarge. .Basing bis remarks of. FIVE MEN KILLED. Spit. " Waterproofs 550 W to get OKATea at my Storeyester- " J. Eittenborg Parker indulged in some jibes at the ex- built at Pembroke for the British GovernTake the case of theButvie Cnstle as a t Drew got kindly again, call as I have now and O'.-ton day pense of—princes and politicians, and pro- ment, will have a displacement of 14,100 Taibnng striking example. She vanished, not in Xodino and Co. -pp""-6 01""THREE OTHERS INJURED. tons, and engines of 30,000 horse power. Chaa. Dahl (I almorston) Tents, Tarpaulins, eto.] : of London ceeded mid-ocean,butbetweenthe ports Iff ' THE WINTER SEASON Ejniont Plymouth),Boots ShoeCo.)New speed a maximum Boot and expected to attain Ezra wasa Cromwellof the ancienttime She is and Plymouth. Into the latter.port she SOME EXCITING EXPERIENCES. Boots rjnAKEN from tho Wharf, a large quan-' BootFactory (Nelson) TAKB should have put on her way to Australia. a right vuliant and most desperatennvn, of twenty-three knots and to steam confcity o£ OKA Tea' (:0113i siied tc at sea in smooth water twentytinuously of it who would have a hard time if he Plymouth, never reached and not Diu'Tiiuru mm Baker and Confectioner, Butshe Bundai-eer, May 26. various Storekeepers. experts SIIGEB SEWIftC fymCKIHES. a living soul,knows how or where she The fatality which occurred at Bundaleer lived now. (Laughter.) It is easy and one knots per hour. According to GladstoneRoad. vanished. It is most extraordinary that Waterworks on Thursday, May 25, was comforting to many to think that allCrom- she will be heavier and morepowerful than IST Don't Have Any OtheS ! VINCENT'S BENJAMIN VKJILL the personor persons who took t any foreign cruisers afloat. ,she should havebeen lost so near to land perhaps the worst catastrophe of the kind wcllslived long ago. Sole Agents. Protect thyselffrom danger andfrom harm. GUM supersedes nil remedies for vV a packet of Inferior Blended Tea1 CHRISP & 80N A strange funeral was witnessed at without so much as a spar being washed known in South Australia. There have I WANT LIVINO CROMWKLLS, 2s Gd Weekly. 1 tc 0 Throats, and mistakefor same Coughs, kindly Colds, and Sore in OKA return Wales, lust week. living Casino, New South ashore to tell FIFTY POUNDS FREE INSURANCE beon falls of enrthin connection withlarge ho exclaimed, living righteousness, in point the attained further trouble ? highest save represents Ferine, who OF HER FEARFUL FATE. in ease of Fatal Accident, or ONE worksby which solitary individuals have obedience to thelawof God, and fearless The body of a jockey named inflammatory the of conditions treatment had been killedat the TweedRiver races, MACHINE CISBOKNiE SEWftftEG per weekin case of Accident, POUND Equally mysterious is the, case of the lost their lives, but on Thursday, without speaking. of the T Teas sinci respiratory OST all taste for other organs. Prince shall was carried inits coffin on the shoulders for Ten Weeks. Atalanta. This famous training vesselwas the slightest sign of warning, tons of earth When the coacliman of the DEPOT. drinking OKA Tea. bookmakers, and was followed by " Mrs A. Love, of Opawa, writes ;— MJ stationedoffBermudawith more than 250 fell and entombed workmen beneath, some play at cards it shall be ill; but when the of tho the racehorse Clipstone, whichFernie was Benjamin Gum is undoubtedly the boat GRETZNER HandSewing NISBETT has arranged with souls aboard. Early in 1880 she set sail never to be restored to their friends alive. Prince himselfis taken in the act then let riding at the timeof the accident. Then remedy for a Cold. It always cures me, "D EWARD. Any person or person! s the Scottish MetropolitanLife Machines (wil.li covers for a short cruise, and from that day to Others were maimed, and probably in- the country mourn. We look to princes came ten bo rewarded without Uic OKA Tea will drinking and Iwould not bo it in XX colors, jockeys, wearing their £4 and£4 10s Assurance Company to issuePolicies to hia complete) jured for life. When the information for noble deeds, for high examples. If Ifollowed thisshe has never beenheard of. have recommendedit to by about150 residents, including winter season. I Customers FREE OF CHARGE to them A very considerable percentage of the reached Adelaide, the Engineer-in-Chief, find my prince or my premier on the nice most of themembersof Gretzner Sewing Titadle bright c younglife the Jockey Club. many, who nowhave us much faith in it as T"vRINKruined manya the Con- ground1don't like it. (Cheers.) Dr Parfor £50 in case of Fatal Accident, or £1 "(with Machines vessels which disappear for ever in this Mr A. B. Mmicreiff, requested covers have. I hope ihis statement will be of £J beforeOKA Tea was introduced. I Theband played the DeadMarch. week in case of Accident, for Ten per mysterious manner, were running between servator of Water, Mr J. W. Jones, to ker made a long and most impressively complete) " £1 10s Borne use to yon." Weeks. England and America at the time. It proceed to Bundaleer to make inquiries. suggestive pause aftifr the word prince," GretznerTreadle Combina■ You can obtainBkn'JAMIK Gum might bo thought that the terrific seas of He was accompaniedby representatives of and the gap was filledby terrific applause. It seems the fate of modestmen tion Machines (with diswill yet sizes,prices 1/0 and 2/G. Everywhere, The Prince of Wales evidently i n two " By dealing regularly with me you keep the vast .Atlantic were responsible, the press. deep, appearing To hide their talents head £10 10s the Nonconformist Perhaps but it has been proved that many vessels Beachingthere it was at once apparont have to reckon with C will, but then yourse'f WilSOn insured for a substantial amount it is is their u,mvs know," mHE above are the LATEST on the all year continued the bakbiao. were lost when the ocean was almost at that some calamityhadbefallen the place. conscience."" "I round. ; they sleep Perchance to the go SOLE AGENTS, X Market. is said about breeding Now, live men know what's in the wind, TURING CO., deadcalm. Thehive ofindustry wassilent andsolemn j preacher, what 972 about, animals; bedifferentiating congregatedin hushed and fine get sailing ship You can a UoodStrong Hand A left New Orleans some the men were Sole Proprietors, Of that yon may be sure, Wellington. accident, and collected in tween the essence and the £2 tents, London; or Machine for 2s. y«ars"agb for Thrice she was groups aroundtheir For coughs and coldsrelief they find Makaraka Butchery. spoken to and reported all well, andshe proximity to the room in which the dead about those wicked people who turn racing Also, Agent for the In Woods' GreatPeppermint Cure. "V" Fob Coughs andColds takeWood's gambling. un occasion for I have lay. Theinforma- into was facing exquisite weather and smooth bodiesof their comrades ,A.GR]fATPKrratMINTCURK; WONDERFUL WERTHIEM 1/6 AND 2/6 They are all nonTWO POINTED QUESTIONS isea at' the.third time. Yet, it is known, tion regarding the fatality had been sa heard all those pleas. GEO. HOWARTH SEWING MACHINES. ANSWERED. within twenty- meagre and contradictory that —the first sense. We want free speech and frauk she was lost with allhands All theabovemachinessoldon Deferred ' four hours, and to this day no trace of her question asked on arrival was "How speech. What is the use of making a hotter to notify the Public that he has Payment. heard that a Nonconformist got articlo than your competitor if you cannot many men have been killed?" Six had When I has been?'discovered. started a Butchery Business at All Machines Guaranteed and Sewing and went into the and turned Adelaide, Cabinet, a to rich it ? early telegraphed price the of 1892 five-masted been thenumber a better for get part In — kept in order for 12 mouthsFreeof Charge. MAKARAKA, where all Patrons giving TESTIMONIALS AND CATALOGUES FLOORCLOTH POLISH. barque, the Maria, a newly constructed and it was a source of consolation to find his back on his father and his mother so Ana. As there is no difference in the him a call will be supplied with only the ASK yoUR GROCER On Application. .10HN TOWNLEY. vessel, and at that time the thirdlargest thatat least one ofthe six hadbeen saved. far as education and principles were con- price the public will bny only the better, ' for VERY BEST QUALITY OF his also the IHE Best Invented cerned, Preparation upon question, and turned back while our be on may profits in the workman in bo that smaller marine, Joseph Naulty, in the- mercantile set sail ApplyMEAT, &c, &0., weather, from one of the biggest was completely buriedby the debris, and Nouconformity that watched him, and a single snle they will bemuch greater in 9 Polishing and PreservingFloorcloths FOR ' beautiful andLinoloums. Noheating,easilyapplied, atReducedPrices. ports in Cochui-Chiiia for Hamburg,with remained in what seemedlikely to be his clothed him, and fed him, and gave him the aggregate. and AND SON, /CLEANSER, brilliantand durable. e\ery promise of a fair voyage. Butshe grave for no less than three hours, and his first chance in life, and then went over How can you get the public to know PRACTICAL JEWELLER, WATCH- In conjunction with the above, a cart \^LISANSER QOAP. kJOAP. \ never"reached Germany. She vauished then the gladly welcome and restoring to the side that had clone nothing for him- your make is the best? FobSalk at All Gkocebs. S./« £/MAKER, & OPTICAN, will run round the town, Whataupoko,and -MUSICAL WAREHOUSE. shortly aft«r being spoken to off the West freshair wasadmitted — into his prison cell, but persecute him— lrent mygarmentand If both articles are brought prominently Kuiti daily,commencing to-morrow(Satur- GISBORNE Goldsmiths' Hall, Gisborne. 2 Coast of Africa, and nothing has been and he was free saved from death, but my mantle, and Iwould not have him to before the public bothare certain to bo tried 25th, 1899. day),March preside at a meeting of the Liberation and the public will very quicklypass judgTelephone No. 33. found since to indicate the fatethatbefell somewhat injured. BIRTHDAY & WED- 970 GEO. HOWARTH. her. When the visitorsfrom the city arrived Society. (Cheers.) The great Liberation ment on them and use only the belterone.i DING PRESENTS. This explains the large sale of Chambereveryone summoned for the inquest was idea is that the Church misrepresents tho examiningthe scene of the accident. In- Christ, misrepresents the purpose of the lain's Cough Remedy. The peoplp have SHIPS THAT HAVE REAPPEARED. quiries All the latest Novelties soon ascertainedthe-whole facts of incarnation. That is my charge, my im- been usingit foryears,andhave found that ' inBrooches, etc. cannot standup fisGod's it canalwaysbe dependedupon. They may ihemain peachment.,and I TTTESELL \ GIVEN UP FOR LOST, BUT THEY the case. For the foundationsof over de- occasionally take up with some fashionable presides sink minister with aman who puddle dam it is to a trench necessary Rings, solid Ladies'Gem HOME AFTER ALL. CAME claims, part. noveltyput forthwith exaggerated down to bedrock. This is technically liberations in which his soul takes no gold, fromBs6d to£12 PIANOS but are certain to return to the one rctnrdj 12s (a great variety to The riewestof themall is the Bulgaria, known as a gullet. When the bed lias (Applause.) SHIPPING AND FAMILY for get reliable, and the I believethat we to rid of be and in, mayhave puddle they is that know to put from). been reachedthe choose by whohas earned herBafety so well hard feel that we coughs, colds, and croup, there is nothing; BY BUTCHERS, work. But she is only tire latestof a long embankmentraised from that. The gullet some people. (Laughter.) I Wedding Rings and Keepers from 10s.Cd, equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,j listof great ships that have come to port has been advanced considerably already may become fewer, and yet be stronger. Spectacles from Is pair. have lived to value quality For sale by B.D. Smith, chemist.— Advt.; is down to the rock, but in (Applause.) I Gladstone Road, Gisdornb. BROADWOOD & SONS after allhope for themhadbeen abandoned inplaces. isItstill being sunk. Nearly all before quantity. Many a timeGod's cause Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarothers it LIPP & SOHN ashore. IF YOU WANT Tnis COHIIECT TIME, down, and may be driven Remedy can always be depended :'■ None of them ever had a much rougher along from end to end the trench has been has beendriven rhcea SCHIEDMAYER & SOEHNE again spring, many this andfor other upon, and is pleasant and Bafe to take. 'V; time of itrfhan the great Umbria, an strongly timbered, except in the spot down Try one of"H.R. Smith's to wish call the attention of the & CO. BOOSEY springs— absolutelydriven byan down over;2:v Atlantic liner with120 passengersaboard. where the accident occurred. Theinstays by E. D. Smith, chemist.— Advt. Watches, GeneralPublic to the fact that we "Eeliable ap- Sold mediocrity. the and (Laughter whelming because ERARD there, had not been put up from years New York some are supplying only the BEST PRIME "Vf^She^sailed don't want to be your popular X Rays.— lfProfeesor Rontgen's worldofficers they were not plause.) I 22/6 Guaranteed. COLLARD & COLLARD cX"sg\) 'for:Southampton in the teeth of the opinion of all the MEATS PROCURABLE. Although not want the preacher,popular or renowned rays wereused on some so-called Speciality gales, and .had a stiff passage required. The men, had been working in preacher. I REPAIRS in allBranches a i SCHWECHTEN fact, slaughtering leathers, public inspection, under we they would disclose the months. The walls unpopular, to be fearless, independent, ',S;^tas fsr as'the edgeoftheNewfoundland 'theplace for aboutsix assure Customers that VERY GREAT KUHSE frequently "gulled." "■■;'Bapk?.;Hera, it was found that a dan- each sidelooked firm and strong, and hav- gracious, and inflexible in justice. (Ap- that the public are CAREis exercised in the rejection of all Hennessy's Btock is carefully selected.— KIRKMAN & SONS ;!Jgerous.crack avos spreading in the screw ing regard to the underlayit was not con- plause.) animals of which there is the slightest Advt. YOU MAY STARVE HIM, BELL to timber. necessary sidered machinery '.'aVßhaft. 'Tlie was thus rendered doubt as to their being unsuitable for ' ' months, but God will nourish his soul. (ApAnd otherNotableManufacturers. !y ;poi.',Ojijys. useless; " but dangerous, ' for a These wallshave stood for six consumption. therewas never the slightestsuspicion plause.) and M. suddenly breaking is to LEWIS apt viS'BonPifc^hMt'in! the ship's bottom. heard that theKaiser had gone of them. The mishap occurred at a spota Wheu I §^ripra:hoie had, in an after-dinner Choioe Small Goods— theITmbria had nothing to dobut little to the north-west of thebottom level to the East, and words, SS&Th^n "My friend the intimates to the of the valley, across whichthe dam is to speech,used the ALWAYS ON HAND. ;^jr4rift.',anSIwallow' in the trough of the be FRENCH PIANOS inhabitants of KARAKA and the which is not a safe or erected. Forty feet awayfrom the slip Sultan," Iwas astonished. (Applause.) I GERMAN PIANOS sat humiliationand engine located, Delivery goods a shed is and the could have down in of pumping may Districts, that he htn combe madefrom the Surrounding :£&?6omfof£abld ■(occupation. After drifting outraged He who has ENGLISH PIANOS (Cheers.) working. was About ten men were terror. carts, engine Bhop regular or calls. ;|r|f9ri;l2: hours she sighted a Bhipcalled the whichmake mencedbusiness as sentiment, and defeated AMERICAN PIANOS jliißphemiaitwhichgot a cable on board the down at thebottom of the 25ft deep trench every Christian shovels. They, were not concerted Europe, may be the Kaiser's !y*lMj)less'Ujpbria and-towed her about 75 using picks and General friend, ours, Storekeeper, think, but he is not I not On TimePayments, from 20sMonthly. V. miles' through a hop ting galein the direc- touching thesides, butdigging thebottom. McCONNELL AND CO., In half an hour's time work for the dny ]mine, notGod's. (Applause. ) Down with GladstoneRoad. ll^ition^qf New York. and he selling the people as intends at GISBORNE 12 end of this distance the tow-rope wouldhave been over,and the men would such speaking. Let the voiceof PRICES,trusts, by keepinga Well-selected been out of the cutting and safe in beheard in this matter. Then theLiberals "':^pbrpke— thecrewof the Umbria, when they have may get back to power. (Laughter and jjtock bought iv thocheapest markets, and i|i;jiauletl ;in ,the, end, declared it bad been the tents, but the fatality was hanging . them. Inspector James and Ganger 'Applause.) " !^pfe-Md'the'svo vessels lost sight of each over strict attention to business, to merit their N O E T^l_O man friendship of I claim no with the who Jordan, who hadbeen in the service the vth_e;'Btorm. The Bohemia repatronage. for years, were in charge of has drenchedthe land with blood, cut up OBGANS .!|'*;jpoM|dHthe?condition; of the liner, and department with the sword, Mlpipple^begmiitoaliake' their heads. Tugs operations. The resident engineer, Mr men, women, andchildren ALBERT M. babe, bayonetted the LEWIS. FOR THE HOME Covers. fliiwemsent out in search, and thousandsof C. S Mann, at .the time was away in ripped up the womb, things. *i>p()undß verb spent in extra insurance at a another part of the district. It was a and done all manner of fiendish FOR THE CHURCH (Registered 9431.) curiouscoincidencethat when theCommis- (Applause.) Speaking of the Sultan, not i .:■ '■"'■ ■ : ■ FOR THE SCHOOL Assassin, but the Great in personally, Works the works as sioner of Public was on .Umbriaidnfted around for three A NYONEinfringingmy Rights in the say, "God, damn the to start her propellor;but on the previous Tuesday he was standing the name of God I JIX above Patent will be OnTimePayments, from 10s Monthly; ' on thebank which gaveway, andremarked Sultan." (Loud and prolongedcheers.) liner, :££ifc;caine>^,aM;.t,he PROSECUTED. ;f|j^i3'wi9awkw^rd;^ They began to leak. to Mr Mann, "It is strange, Mann, you The other dayI for grave— a bill a got — badpartedfrom everdug— [his wife's] been so fortunate innot having any the deepest graveI AroMbald Clark & Sons, Ltd., |^t^'||gte'qf]s./bni;Chriß*t'ii)tw' Eve ; but' on have and whenI read one word on the top of it have the Solo Right to Manufacture these Mjthgf^r^^ayitKeyiell ini with a small accidents." MORGAN, W. word was " was astonished. That one"Shame.") to'excuse it At half-past four, without the slightest I Covers intheNorthIsland ofNew Zealand^) Catalogues, Terms, etc., sent PostFree on !^#St«!anief^which begged; them"enough application. coal. sign or warning, scores of tonsof earthand Unconsecrated." (Cries of SADDLES AND HARNESS JOHN McFARLANE. say. (Cheers.) broke awayfrom the side, and came Aye, shame 1 Sh»me againI p^vThe^'ftsseiigers Bpirits began to, sink; but rocks Waiiguuui, May Bth, 1899. MAKER. ;staff worked hard. Then crashing down among the men. Instantly The woman who was laid there was one was a scrambleand rush out of the whose brain never entertained an ignoble 366 Gallia. The Umbria there for help phut the Gallia replied trench, and when. the dust cleared for a thought ;whose heart nevdr had a selfish THE never desire, men and whosehand was stretched EJNDS OF SADDLERY AND carrying mails, andcould not moment it wasseen thatBorne of the help in andlove. The whole missing. except Onenamed O'Loughlinwas forth HARNESS kept in Stook, or SfSeiigajie^in' the.;towing;,business on such Vvere ASPHALTING DRESDEN PIANO CO., . Made to Order on the |>SJBh'qi;t;'nbtice,' \yhich is quite' right, and partly buried, and he wassoon pulled out. earth CRIES SHAME. Then the roll was called, and Abeam, ffifHwithin-th'e law and custom. notice. shortest OA VINGpurchased aplant ofmy own, & BRANDON ST; On.shore, the bad reports and the fear- Crotty,Hamiltonand Lark in failed to re- (Cheers.) XI lamprepared to doASPHALTING LAMETON-QUAY '■, Ju\,weather had caused nearly.all hope in spond to their names. Before this could Those are not things to be passed over Wellington. "ACS SADDLES A SPEC/ALII7 on the most reasonable terms, and at the(1JJmbrja's safety to vanish. So they be ascertained, the men had rushed back lightly. It may mean nothing to some '*\',were shortest notice.* Satisfaction guaranteed. into the trench, and were digging heroic- people; but it meant much to me. It surprised allvery when the supposed t cutting where the wound was Thefollowingis a Testimonial received And at 29 and 31, Princes street,Dunedin.1 % sunken liner steamed quietly into New ally to'rescue any of their comrades who meant ( from Captain Winter :— "Gisborne, April York, for the engineers managedto tinker might be therebeneath the death-dealing already deep. It meant vitriol poured bPURS, BRUSHWARE, WHIPS AND Bth, 1899. stoneß. Ganger Jordan, to guard against upon a gaping red wound. (Applause.) This is to certify that Mr v up the engines sufficiently to get way on M. J. BROOKS, STABLE REQUISITES Charles Clark has laid down asphalt for theship. Thegratefulpassengers collected any more men being caught in a trap, Don't tell me that the wordis merely a always in StooV. Manager. is trick it ; me, the bank to technical term. It a knavish both in the pasted cover, opposite two men on air and under open as a testimonial to the a nd engineers, * £100 bothof which have given me entire satis' watch for any movement, while, before is a Popish device; it is a detestable rejoioings were complete. " faction, and I volunteers could be called, all the blasphemy. (Cheers.) can recommend him to any CECIL F. LEWIS, Gisborne Agent. \ 1TheunfortunateBourgoyne, which was oven that the I vowed I w one that may available men were stones When I read that word tearing away require asphalting <****) once done. year, run'dowtiandsunk last sailed Note.— Showrooms nextHebaldOfßce. r^^-s His charges are also reasonable. UEO. J. gaily homeafter being abandonedfor lost. by pick, shovel, and hands, and the news would be more faithful to the NonconWinter, County Engineer." She, too,loseher propellorin mid-Atlantic, had spread through the camp, and every- formity which has madeEnglanda possible KAITBRATAHI and was hovofrom wavetop to wave top, one hastened to the scene. Messengers country to live in. (Applause.) lampreCHARLES CLARK, price. and Mr Mann. the Letthesepewsbe pay pared were sent for Dr Harbison to gaining the water inside her all the time HerbertRoad. 1 HOTEL. ," for,nearly 12 days, The seas made dean The foreman carpenter, named Wheeler, empty, letmy stipend go down to a crust ■ All orders left with Mr Jeune will bo ■> breaches over her, and swept all the boats McGrath, McMahon, and Naulty were of bread and a spoonful of water, and let promptly attended to. 844 ' shall be a One of the great smokestacks foremost in the hole, casting aside the my church go from me ;but I BOOTS. who do , (way. not went, too,and it takes more than a ripple debris. O'Loughlin wasreleased. Others richer man without those Steele to sweep away a liner's smoke-stack. were trying to oxtricate Crotty, who was sympathise with me in this deep convicTHE LEADING BRAND INNEW Tarring and Asphalting. However, doggedness did it, and at last, buried up to his neck, and was murmuring tion. (Applause.) FORGET new address t Glad ZEALAND. taken over the above Hotel, after one or two further attempts at tow- something. He died as they tenderly Ican reßpect an honest Papist;Ican Btoneroad, opposite Stafford's. Tr cannot Attwood for Sewing Machines (with i respect an honest Puritan; but I which has been completely renoing on the part of small steamers, a tug lifted him away from the fatal spot. NO RISK INBUYING THISBRAND. respect aman who tries to be both at the trial), Churn,Scales.Mangles,Chairs2s 6d vated throughout, and visitors may rely A. GREGG stumbled aoross the mislaid liner and Scarcely had this been done— it took the who takes .Protestant every placed time, half an hour and a aoross same and on attention and comfort. Mrs stay ; towed her cheerfully into harbor, to the SOLID COMFORT INEVERY prepared to undertake TARRING Steele's longexperience on the East Coast great reliefof the friends and relatives of trench, when a loud yellfrom the watchers money for Popish work. (Applause.) 1861. PAIR. , ESTABLISHED and ASPHALTING yards of It have been before the for wants of and party fifty danger. people warned the rescue I is sufficient guarantee that the of her 150 passengers. walks on most against Public the Reasonable people. huge mass wason years,andhavelearned to trust the tho visitors will receive the best attention. Terms. When a shipis posted atLloyd's as over- came too late. Another T RY ATTWOOD for Spring Couches .jO^T ■;jjw(PIAUTION materials used in theseBoots are many close imitations of their a|^ j33SgiKjß| Thebest brands of Wines and Spirits only Orders left withMessrs Humphreys and due, herinsurance premiums go up with a top of them, and the men who had been The people are the best guardians of our 8 Roofing Felt, Saddles 17s 6d, Copy the best thatmoneycan buy,andsupliberty(Cheers.) to our Good and Stabling risking Chair, kept. Paddock'ng Davys their lives save their fellows institutions and Hal acPress, ing Tricycles, often like Invalid's will be attended to. Very run. thn owners toinsure plies are drawn from the local tanneries commodation. 222 for still more, in view of the possibility were among the missing. Again the roll The sermon has created an immense Stand, Gents'Clothing, also from the best makers in England, has called, sensation, comment, was and this time solemn silence and olicitedmuch lost, and, course, that their vessel is of France, and Amerioa. they have to pay 'Vthrough the nose" for followed the reading of the names of largelyadverse. '8 oran8° n^' c üße 'y d° some HE HMujjjj^R'fHJJ BOOT is graded and selected /£ST^ & (KORSHSOH BROTHERS, byEVERY Bitch heavyrisk. They have to go to the Wheeler, McGrath, McMahon, and trained experts, themainobjeot being Naulty. They missing. were Once Propeietob. FORGET new address :Glad firms copy these with their inferior «| ffl^TOfXMjW T. STEELE underwritersand lake thebest terms they Road, Gladstone to turn out a boot warranted to give subproductions that all such should be SB*«^K\»^)it! stone road, oppositeStafford's. Trj can, for the insurance agency has them more willing hands were working. The m.fV&VS spurned rR2 A SOCIETY SENSATION. AND DECORATORS, stantial wear, combined with comfort and aa unworthy and dishgnest; Attwoodfor SpringMattresses,Bedsteads, under its thumb. Thepremium maygo up cloud of dust having cleared away, forms Paperhangers,Signwritersand economy in price. Clarionet, and Side Flutes, Accordeons, from 4or 5 per cent to 25 or 30, andif the couldbe seen among the rocks and stones. ' Gluziere. became of Lady Sophie Scott, Saddles. i ■ ship comes homesafelyafter all, theunder- Wheeler wasburied up to his waist, and What has Importers of Paints,Oils&Paperhangings, " The Three Latest Specialities are— writers make a splendid haul. There is four men rushed to pull him out. They the wife of Sir SamuelEdward Scott, M.P. ORAOK-PROOF" ('Thb Asks the London CALF Marylebone? WE HAVBINSTOOK AND FOR SALE— Rboosd more joy atLloyd's overone returned ship tugged and pulled, while the poor fellow for West KANGAROO CALF' (new patterns, at all reported lost thanover20 new premiums. must have been suffering intense agony, Daily Mail of April 23. PAPKRHANGINGS 10s, disappeared from London in the QA GUINEA CORNET for £7 KANGAROO KIP. prices), Scrims, Tupes and Taoks. The Umbria's and theBulgaria'spremiums because both his legs werebroken. Every She has f IIHE undersigned begs to inform the strangest manner. She drove from her JU\J Pictures, Watches, Carpets, ShackSheet, Euamelled, Rough For either Men's, Women's, or Children's GLASS-Plain ran into many thousands sterling, and now and then the rescuers looked up in residence, residents of X Ormond and District Range, Dressers, 7, Grosvenor square, W., last lock Large SignKitchen EAGLE BRAND STARCH.alarm at the gaping wallabove. Wheeler ' »*,„,.,«* of! that he has taken over the above old- and Diamond Plate, stained all colors, Boots. Soft as gloves,beantifdl inappearnaturally theunderwriters chuckled. to do Borne shopping in Bond- board, and Books. Attwoodagain! Amongst other numerous lestimomalß m^wg^^^^ *""** anoe, and will wear tillyou are tired of ' VbukuW"' established business, and trusts by strict cub to any size. Then there was the great German gazed piteouslyat it. Another fall meant Monday M fc ?jyjr^^* street, dismissedher coachman there, and MesarsArchibaldClivrk&Sotiß.mtxUcrs " " -^ steamer Altmarkt, whichsailed from the death to him. Suddenly the warning cry has attention to business to merit a continu- WHITE LEAD, Red Lead, Whit* Zino, the eight oi them. Shirt, i since. Zealandin popular fled. not returnedhome o f t ne again, Hematite, and the rescue party Oxide of Iron. " Elbeft few years ago witha cargoof wheat rang out ance of the liberal patronage accorded his Without Wrappf All oar Boots are branded Samuel, naturally much distressed, Witli Outside Wnvppei say:- Your EAGLE STARCH ia MIXED POINTS (all shades) in lib tins predecessor. and 100 passengers. She was bound for It washappily a falsealarm, and amoment Sir FORGET new address : Glad t rosults, confidently friends aud wecan it say "ZEALANDIA," possible to variousaddressesof " " ~Eind-sewn or mixed to order, stone road,opposite Stafford's. Trj now used in our Luundry with the best Ijiew York, but her engines broke down, more and the watchers cried, "Fall to, telegraphedcountry allLaundry purposes." Starch, to ascertain whether andsuitable for or all over the ia a Notaotub work, Prlnolpls. They impleRaw,Boiled, lads." did with First-class OILB— We every keep Colza, Camp Bailing Ovens, Drawing-roon' and some unknown vessel of small Attwoodfor Castor The ShoeingDepartment his wifehadgone to stay with them, but Suite,Go-carts, andKettles. audNeatsfoot, Turpentine, Benzine and Ask for the Brand, and see that you gelit. size managed to butt intoher in the dark, ment handy, and with feet and hands. could gain no intelligence at all. 1 will be under the personal supervision of Methylated Spirits in drum, gallon, or and then vanished. It seemed that the Wheeler was at last set free. McMahon Informationhas since been received, we COFFEE, PEPPER, SPICE AND STARCH MANUFACTURER Proprietor, whoselong connectionwith bottle. sailing vessel sank, and nobody appeared then cameout, and afterwards were found understand, the from Lady Sophie Scott; and RATTKAY ST. & PELICHET BAY, DUNEDIN. the business is a guarantee that every ENAMELS— Bestbrands and colors, to he sure about it. Anyhow, nn uncom- the bodies of McGralh and Lnrkin, the would appear that she, perhaps exag- fj^HE bulk of Attwood'sstock has beer. STAINS,in Varnißh, Pulp,or Powder. ■ will be given. fortable dent wasmade in the Altmarlct's latter having his arms folded across his it satisfaction tested by actual'use, and VARNISHES- All kinds; bow, and.slie began to accumulate more breast. Twohours had gone by, and the gerating the seriousness of some difference isX carefully JUJ3T RECEIVED, therefore eminently suitable for the pur which had occurred between her and Sir CARRIAGE PAINTS inPowder orMixed. Implements Agricultural salt water than the pumps could keep men were diggingby lamp and moonlight, Samuel, ExMararoa— charge issold. No made poses parted from him. for which it Reds, Greens, Blues, Browns, Yellows, under. Then, as the vessel labored in the and then, as if from the dead, came a voice Lady has Repaired on shortest notice. Scott was beforo her for testing. NEW HERTFORD BICXOLE and Blacks. trough of the seas,her cargo shifted, as it from beneath the earth calling for help. marriageSophie (Ladlts' and Gentlemen's). Lady Sophie Cadogan, and is 7 make them reFilling-up Powder, Lump and is opt to do in such vases, and the big If anything were needed tosupplied WORK of every Patent GENERAL SMITHY Earl Lord daughter Cadogan, by it the of double efforts was this Ground Pumice,Transfers,Goldleaf, their steamer took an awkward "list" over to &c. Pbiob£2o. description undertaken. Lieutenant of Ireland. This painful one side. The passengersdid not turn nut voice, and they labored evenmore fiercely affair FreeEstimatesGiven FORGET new address:Glad became known to the Earl while a. debris, momillan, pile at the of and threehours after Also, to be much use in the dilemma, but the a shipment of the VICTOIi stone road,opposite Stafford's. Trj Naulty was dragged out wounded, he was entertaining the Duko and Duchess OrmondSmithy. And all work undertaken at Reasonable BICYCLES, with all the crow worked hard at the grain, and got it tho fall latest improveChains, Rockinf for Bullock Attwood week. alive, of Yorklast Rates. Later on thebodiesofHamilton 483 ments, partly back in placeapain. Then the ship but Chairs, Wardrobes, andSilver Chains. years wns less than three that the uncovered, ago having It they began to settle by the stern, and the end and Abeam were On view in the Bicycle !Room« Peel marriage occurred, and it was the grandest hadCft of earth upon them. seemed near. itreet. royal, that London wedding, dead other than following are tho names of the : The mnilboatturned up opporAn Atlantic .T. TOWNLEY. of had seen for many a long year. There " tunely, and tho passengers and crew were —Patrick ;McGrath, single, aged 32, be wore half a dozen or more membersof the supposed Lnrkin, Smithy. Adelaide William to KaiterataM over A FURNITURE, piecemeal. to her nmilboat Gent: taken Familypresent at it. Lady Sophie Clothing, Tools, Harness, Books can stop to save life at sea, but she is not married, 40, of Victoria; James Crotty, Royal was 22 When placingon the market the new product B time, TO BUSHMEN, CONTRACTORS, AND yearsof age William B. at the single, 30, Stockport ; Cadogan aged of bought oi Guns, and Sowing Machines allowed to take a ship in tow, nnd, anyaboveSmithy,recently carried on Van Houten's Chocolate (for eating), some NOTICE. husband was Sir flf year and her a older. Hamilton, married, 35, Bowden; aged of 1 npHE 1 OTHERS. exchanged. by Brosnahan, how the Altmarkt seemedat herlastgasp. X Mr T. will in future Samuel was ao that timeLieutenant in the m months ago, the manufacturers had before them —At Attwood's, personalsupervision Most of the passengersnnd crew wereput nnd William Ahearn, married, aged 30, of Royal becarried on under the HorseGuards. Heis a member of la of the undersigned, whohas bad considerthe object of offering buyers a nutritive and aboard the liner, when the two available Sevenhills. Gladstone.Road, injured :Joseph Naulty, single, the famous banking family of Scott, and The arc IHLURTOFS SHEEP DIP; side, Opposite Stafford's. were liner's flf Chocolate able experiencein the North and South against digestible irreproachable boatß smashed the of composi|| Islands with enormously wealthy, is seats at Wheeler, Clare,internalinjuries ;Kphraim etc. Arm Yourselves with a Plentifu Engineer, and the two ships -lost each other in a married, as Mechanical tion, S while at more #^ the same time delicious in Park, Bromley, Kent, and of Georgetown, both legs broken; Sundridce boat ' violent storm. On board the German Settlers favoringme with anyworkmay Supply of { 3HEEPFARMERS please not that we flavor than any of the alreadyexisting kinds ; McMahon, single, Port Pine, North Harris, N.B. remainedthe captain, first olticer, a Scotch mid Michael W£ in other words, a Chocolate which, both from j|slggjp% relyupon faithful workmanship and every have appointed Messrs WILLIAMS engineer travelling to New York, three back injured. like James Russell, a machinist in humble satisfaction. Jp^Hb point of view as to health as well as to the English passengers, nnd a stoker or two. Naulty had an escape which seemed UXD KETTLE, Ltd., SOLS AOBNTB intervention of Providence. He was circumstances, at Vancouver, has fallen Hoping to merit a continuance of the flavor, should satisfy the mostexactingdemands. The engineer got leave to tend the broken- an fij j&s Bupport OPPORTDKITS DIP, who willpromptlysupply all of Hefell A RARE or our caught iv the second tall eartb. to a dollars, predecessor. heir five million left him accorded by my engines, and, down with the help of the B The universal good opinion concerning Van "£*" And ensure three passengers and the stokers, he below an iron girder and a stay. Twohuge bachelor cousin in London. TO GET YOUR riequirements THOS. STEELE. Houten's Chocolate, seems to prove that this & managed to get them to workfairly well. stones fell on eachside of him. One rested Melbourneis still raving over Mias Amy WINTER POTATOES AND MTJRTON dc CO. 719 $ been attained ; and it is recognised has GOOD BREAD.' object Ashore the ship was all but givenup fot ucross the stones and the iron girder. He Castles. On Tuesday week n benefit was ONIONS. I lost, when tho mailboatarrived with the was shut in a cave, buthe"had enough air given to her in the Town superior Chocolates, Hall. The to other being as as as sb felt "a bitof a building (says the Ace) " was packed from passengers and the nows; the premiums to last him threo hours. I y B VanHouten's Cocoa is superior toother cocoas. "V" For Coughs andColds takeWoods REGULAR AUCTION SALES leaped up, and nobody held much faith in smother," siiidhe afterwards, and then cud to end,Mid every'single sov\l init had ONIONS, at ©/-percwl "When or bicycling, it travelling, picnicking, .A.GreatPepfermintCure; 1/6 and2/6 But the otherside 'TONS Hi no more." 2S remembered Ladies' talks,' Gymnasium. they stricken steamer's chances. For all a paid Money the 5s for seat. or SOlbs for 2/" HELD BY proves of great service. ■ B that, after knocking about for 15 days over party, when they cot close enough, heard say ; but did any single soul in that great to hurry, and when assemblage regret their extravagant outher time, the vessel walked into theForth him crying out to them DERWEN' TTUNTER PRIME AND TWTOLAN TONS DRILL~SHED. FORMS on sale at Herald «O aud perched herselfon a sandbank. How- he gotout the first thing he said to M. C. lay, or imagine that they were not getting TABLE POTATOES Office} SELECTED when he O'Connell, who wason the spot, pilot swarmed out, like ever the tugs and back to the full all they had paid for ? On & Commission AoßNia, " J325 3LO/" per ton in thepac "Well,I Sold in Tins of Croquettes and Tins of Ifrops. aman unluckybeggar," the contrary, the wholehouse rose at Amy /CLASSES every SATURDAY morning vultures round a corpse,and at high water remarked, (to save pitting), or 5/" P« dock by /CONSTIPATION and Piles cured hand, added, o'clock, out his he V^ at 10.30 and then, putting and WEDNESDAY \_; Loasbya "WAHOO," the only Castles, cheered her, encored her, lavished the Altmarkt was comfortably floated off " Also in Square Ta'blots and Small Bars. AUCKLAND. sack delivered in town. afternoon at 4 o'clock. The ruling passion was flowers on her, as if she were already a and brought into dock. The affair caused Put it there." remedy. Loaahy reliable Ask for a. he for smoke, — a great sensation, for the ship's condition strong with him,and asked a divaof established standiug and"repute." ■ . had been evenmore hopeless, to allappear- because it was cold. is added thather voice is one the like It ' Orders for the aboveleft at J.LEWIS'S paid to the dead SCHOOLCHILDREN, MISS GURR Every attention was j Fruited and publishes by tho Proprietor, ances, than thatof theBulgariain her late of whichis uot to be met with more than Swarthmoor, or Fruit Store, Gladston Aiaan " injured. The those who were bodies, Sigley's prepared Pupils and to Eambat Moir, registered were Willbe receive at to for bestvalue in at his auy Printing lifetime, and one which road, will receive immediate attention. Ruled Office■' troubles. Medals and testimonials once or twicein a a suitable room, is 'V; time during the couree of Lessons. and Plain EXERCISE BOOKS. Ql&dstooo Koad,Qlsbotno, Now Zealind. flyingaroundlike hail,andthe pluckylittle corpses were conveyedtotakon uot likely to be heard again for a many to the inwere and the wounded 81 Prices, FMDAY, 8 6d and 3d. 0, the had Jtoe long year.'" ship a ." 1809, handful of men whohad«aved i; ' stitute, where Dr Harbison andMr Mann good bo in their passagesgives scarcely a ground PILIs *" AGENCIES.— — . t^l . ' Manufacturers', Merchants', Indent, YT7E HAVE PIANOS ■ SEWING MACHINES- LIST. . ORGANS „ - BENJAMIN UUM. W. C. NISBETT,; * SPENCER, — Ailton' wa7oo . WC. mi °-' — . XHSOBOrXUIMC BEGS 653^ H. R. SMITH, 6 DomfbeDepsftaMfo Ibuy anyQfMeM/fa/ions. 1 CHRISP McOonnell and Co., WE — ALBERT - RESPECTFULLY I CEVW/V ORBl£/l/mms Theyarepureandwholesome Thebestmoney and | experiencefcm Juy. Largestsafewrfusfraias/s. ' . . (Awan/etfGo/c/dnc/.Si/verMecb/s)\ McFarlane'sPatent Horse . st)LD BY ALL GROCERS L >! § I i Km ° J ALL ASK FOR — H' ■ ss: f^> mm w MAEMALADE, p Ml — TTfESELL DON'T ZEALANDIA Mr and Mrs HAVE _ IS "^"^ife. JFtr^T^oS JRwfiW ft\ll/r DON'T - THE °^ ' .> SSEl^WO^^Jin PAINTERS . OKMOND_SMITHY. n^^^^-^ W n. DON'T ' THE DON'T MORRISON~BROTKER§. SECOND-HAND | jB ATTENTION! W^Bte>» J» M ®»jp^|jf j East's Baking Powder * Jb ' - \ ■ ■ a time. . ■ B WILL — §1 M - GO . . .. "'"
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