2014 Annual Report


2014 Annual Report
Central Park Conservancy
Table of Contents
4 Partnership
Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Conservancy President
Letter from the Mayor and the Parks Commissioner
8 Craftsmanship
Ruth and Arthur Smadbeck Heckscher East Playground
The Woodlands Initiative
East 90th Street Entrance
The Fort Overlooks
Fort Clinton
Nutter’s Battery
The Obelisk
The Monument Conservation Technician Program
22 Stewardship
The Snowstorms of 2013–2014
Volunteer Program
Trash Receptacles
Computerized Maintenance Management System
Central Park Conservancy Institute for Urban Parks
The Center for Urban Park Management
The Center for Urban Park Discovery
Hallett Open Hours
Staff & Volunteers
Ways to Help the Park
Central Park Conservancy Mission, Guiding Principle, Core Values, and Credits
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Central Park Conservancy
The City of New York
It has been a great year for Central Park and
Central Park Conservancy. This year alone we
conserved the 3,500-year-old Egyptian Obelisk;
rebuilt our historically rich Fort Landscape,
including Fort Clinton and McGowan’s Pass;
began a comprehensive restoration of Grand
Army Plaza; and have continued our work
reconstructing or renovating the Park’s 21
playgrounds, most recently completing the
playground at East 79th Street.
Our carry-in, carry-out program has been
extremely successful and has become a model
for other parks. Our newly designed trash cans
have received several distinguished design awards from around the country. The new cans have been
installed throughout the Park and have resulted in a 35% increase in recycling Parkwide.
From left to right: Douglas Blonsky, Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, and
Thomas L. Kempner, Jr.
We also welcomed a new Mayor and Parks Commissioner. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Commissioner
Mitchell J. Silver share our commitment to ensuring that all of the parks in New York are well maintained
and that the New York City Parks Department staff receives the training it needs to be successful.
To support that effort we launched our Five Borough Crew, enabling us to share our expertise in urban
park management throughout the city. The Five Borough Crew joins our Historic Harlem Parks Crew
that has been providing regular maintenance support to Morningside, Marcus Garvey, St. Nicholas, and
Jackie Robinson Parks since 2005. It’s one of the initiatives we take particular pride in because it
represents both the success and legacy of our partnership with the city and it will be a model for
public–private partnerships.
Next year marks the 35th anniversary of our partnership with the City of New York. The success of our
relationship has allowed for the longest period of sustained restoration in the history of Central Park.
The spirit of cooperation and trust along with the loyal support of our donors has established the
Conservancy as the world leader in urban park management.
The City of New York and the Central Park Conservancy both believe that access to beautiful, green space is
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continues to thrive. And through the hard work and dedication of the Conservancy and its
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Our administration is committed to the creation and maintenance of vibrant parks and public spaces in all
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Central Park
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We value
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Bill de Blasio
City of New York
City of New York
City of New York
Mitchell J. Silver,
of Parks and Recreation
Department ofDepartment
Parks and Recreation
Department of Parks and Recreation
Our accomplishments are only possible because of the support of our more than 80,000 donors. It is
because of their investment that we can dedicate ourselves to continuing to keep Central Park beautiful
and an inspiration for all parks.
Thomas L. Kempner, Jr.
Chairman, Central Park Conservancy
Douglas Blonsky
President & CEO, Central Park Conservancy
and Central Park Administrator
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Ruth and Arthur Smadbeck
Heckscher East Playground
Central Play is the Conservancy’s comprehensive effort to reconstruct or renovate each of the Park’s
21 playgrounds, and it is supported in part by the Paulson Family Foundation and JPMorgan Chase.
Adding to the seven playgrounds reconstructed thus far, this year we have completed reconstructing
the Ruth and Arthur Smadbeck Heckscher East Playground at East 79th Street and Fifth Avenue.
The previous playground featured a high restrictive fence that shut off views of the Park. The new
playground features a low granite wall and steel picket fence that incorporates views of the surrounding
The playground has three distinct play spaces: two separate areas for swings and an active play area
featuring two sand boxes, an accessible sand table, a climber/tunnel, a slide, balancers, and spray bollards.
Nearby paths have been made wheelchair accessible, and new safety surfacing has been installed
throughout the playground. New site amenities include benches, drinking fountains, and upgrades to
the playground’s infrastructure including storm drainage, water supply, and irrigation.
Central Park Conservancy is grateful to The Heckscher Foundation for Children for its generous
support of this project.
New play features include one swing that is ADA accessible.
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The Woodlands Initiative
This year the Conservancy completed its Natural Resources Study of the Park’s woodlands. Working with
a team of environmental consultants, the Conservancy collected data from the field including vegetation
surveys, sedimentation core samples, ground plane/erosion studies, water quality testing and sampling
for biological surveys. Data and findings have been incorporated into the Conservancy’s planning for The
Woodlands Initiative. This year work included removal of invasive species, erosion control, soil restoration,
and planting of native species in the specified project areas of the Ramble and the North Woods. The
Conservancy also installed irrigation infrastructure to these areas.
The woodlands of Central Park include the 36-acre Ramble (just north of the Lake), the 40-acre North
Woods (northwest area), and the four-acre Hallett Nature Sanctuary (southeast corner). As originally
intended, the woodlands provide visitors with an exceptional Central Park experience — one that is quieter
than the rest of the Park, and offers an intimate connection with nature.
The Central Park woodlands are very complex, man-made landscapes that are in need of specialized care
and reconstruction, and although the Conservancy has done considerable work in the past few years —
particularly the Ramble shoreline and Hallett Nature Sanctuary — there is still an enormous amount of work
to be done.
Following decades of decline and recent storm damage, the current landscapes are continuing to thrive
after experiencing decline from invasive species, trampling, compaction, erosion, and sedimentation. Paths,
curbs, and storm drainage infrastructure also need comprehensive reconstruction. The Conservancy now
has the opportunity to address all of these issues collectively with an ambitious initiative to restore the
woodlands to their originally intended glory.
Working with a team of environmental engineering consultants, we collected and interpreted field data to inform our restoration of the Loch in the Ravine.
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East 90th Street Entrance
In spring and summer 2014 the Conservancy installed a new horticultural display at Central Park’s East
90th Street entrance, also known as Engineers’ Gate and familiarly called Runners’ Gate. This grand site is
one of the busiest Park entrances, providing visitors with immediate access to the East Drive, Bridle Path,
and Reservoir Running Track. The horticultural display, spanning numerous planting beds, will be updated
and enhanced seasonally. It will include a rotating selection of bulbs and annuals to accompany the already
established flowering shrubs and mature trees within the landscape. This will ensure a vibrant show of
colors and textures throughout the year that will make this location a destination in its own right.
Central Park Conservancy is grateful to Gabrielle and Samuel Lurie
for their generous support of this project.
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The Fort Overlooks
During the Revolutionary War, British soldiers built fortifications along the heights near Harlem overlooking
a swampy area that is roughly today’s Harlem Meer. During the War of 1812, these sites were once again
valued for their expansive views, and were part of a system that formed a long line of defense against
a northern invasion of Manhattan Island. Rebuilt by New Yorkers in 1814, they were named Fort Clinton,
Nutter’s Battery, and Fort Fish.
Though a few traces of the original fortifications do exist, the Conservancy’s restoration emphasizes the
important views of the surrounding Park and city that were also important in the Park’s original design.
Fort Clinton
Our Planning, Design and Construction staff reconfigured the Fort Clinton overlook — named after DeWitt
Clinton, the mayor of New York City at the time — with a footprint that reflects the original fort overlook.
We created a rustic wood fence to match the fence that was in place in the early twentieth century, stabilized
the surrounding steep slopes with perennials, groundcovers, and rocks. We installed a new flagpole,
conserved the existing stone monument base, and reinstalled the conserved cannon and carronade.
Until this year Fort Clinton and Nutter’s Battery had not had any significant reconstruction since 1945.
The Conservancy’s reconstruction of the fort overlooks is one of the last projects of the “Met to Meer”
campaign to restore the east side landscapes stretching from the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the
Harlem Meer in Central Park.
The Conservancy’s improvements now better integrate the overlooks with the surrounding landscape by
using materials that reflect the rustic character and history of the area and emphasize the natural features
that make them attractive destinations to Park visitors.
Nutter’s Battery
Nutter’s Battery — named after Valentine Nutter, a landowner in the area — was re-graded and reconstructed
at a slightly lower elevation, exposing more of the rock outcrop that had been currently covered by asphalt.
A handsome rock wall now functions as a rustic seat wall and demarcates the space. The asphalt path
lined with granite block curbs lead to the overlook and matches the adjacent paths in the landscape.
New seasonal plantings enhance the beauty of the landscape.
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Central Park is an outdoor museum featuring a vast array of Victorian decorative arts, fine art sculpture,
and historic monuments. This year the Conservancy’s conservation team completed two highly ambitious
and complex projects: the Obelisk and the cannons on the Fort Clinton overlook.
The Obelisk
The most comprehensive conservation of the city’s oldest public monument was completed in the fall of
2014. The Obelisk, also known as Cleopatra’s Needle, was a gift from the Khedive of Egypt and erected in the
Park in 1881. In recent times the Obelisk was heavily soiled and exhibited areas of fragility on its surface.
Planning for the project, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the New York City
Department of Parks & Recreation, began in 2011. This included documentation of the monument’s
surface and condition through laser scanning, photography, and surveying, producing the most thorough
documentation of this monument that guided the current project and will also aid in future study of
the Obelisk.
In May of 2014, conservators began to clean the monument, using lasers to remove decades of soiling to
reveal its hieroglyphics and granite surface. In the next phase, conservators stabilized the stone surface
with adhesives, to preserve the monument and protect it from the elements.
Central Park Conservancy is grateful to the Christy and John Mack Foundation, Thompson Family Foundation,
Prospect Hill Foundation, American Express, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation for their
support of this project, and to Universal Building Supply Inc. for its scaffolding donation.
The bronze crabs, which were fabricated in 1881 to replace Roman originals,
were also cleaned with lasers.
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The Monument Conservation Technician Program
As part of the reconstruction of Fort Clinton, the two cannons that were installed in this location in 1905 but
removed to storage in the 1970s, were conserved and reinstalled at the site. The conservation treatment
included removing the corrosion on their surfaces, coating them to protect them from the elements,
and fabricating new bases for their display. Additional historic research was conducted to confirm their
provenance as salvaged from the British Royal Navy ship the Hussar, which sank in Hell Gate in 1780.
The guns were given as an anonymous gift to Central Park in 1865.
The Monument Conservation Technician Program allows graduate and postgraduate students to hold temporary
staff positions at the Conservancy and receive practical hands-on experience toward their future professional
careers in conservation and preservation. This year the five students worked alongside the Conservancy’s
expert conservationists to maintain and repair Central Park’s numerous and varied works of art — including
the cleaning of the statue of José Julian Martì at Sixth Avenue and Central Park South — and have the unique
opportunity to learn from such special projects as the conservation of the Obelisk and cannons.
The 2014 Program was supported by The Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Foundation, Inc., as well as
other generous friends of Central Park Conservancy.
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The Snowstorms of 2013–2014
In the winter of 2013–2014, the Park received a total of 57.4 inches of snow. The season ranked as the
seventh snowiest winter on record. By February 18, 2014, Central Park had experienced its 14th snow of
the season. Three of these snowfalls were spread over a two-day period, giving us 17 days of measurable
snowfall. Storm after storm, the Conservancy staff was out there, tirelessly clearing the perimeter
walkways and bus stops, and Park drives, paths, and stairs.
Volunteer Program
Since the launch of the program more than 30 years ago, the Conservancy’s Volunteer Program has seen
a continued increase in the number of volunteers. The Volunteer Program provides a variety of opportunities
for New York City residents and visitors to become involved in the year-round care and stewardship of
Central Park. This year, a total of 2,534 volunteers participated in the Conservancy’s various volunteer
programs, including horticulture, greeter/guides, tour guides, Paws (a program for dog owners), and
corporate volunteering opportunities. The total number of volunteer hours this year was 51,861.
To better engage with our Park visitors, the Conservancy’s Volunteer Program instituted and standardized
a new accession and training process for volunteers.
Generous funding from EY and American Express has helped to extend more volunteering
opportunities in the Park.
Safety is Central Park Conservancy’s highest priority year-round. This past winter the staff received further
instruction and training on ice rescue procedures. The water bodies in Central Park are off limits to the
public, but if a situation arises where a rescue is needed, the staff is able to respond.
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Trash Receptacles
Computerized Maintenance Management System
Last year, in collaboration with the design firm Landor, Inc., the Conservancy created new trash receptacles
for the entire Park. In their first year, we are pleased to have a 35% increase in recycling.
For the past five years we have used a computerized maintenance management system for the care of the
Park’s 20,000 trees. This year, we implemented the first phase of our new computerized system to include
benches, playgrounds, monuments, and fountains. This will ensure all of the Park’s varied elements are
maintained at their highest level.
This year the handsome cans, whose pattern is suggestive of bench slats, won six design awards, including
the Cannes Golden Lion award, the highest and most coveted award for industrial design. Our cans will
appear at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.
Our Operations team is proud to report the extensive Parkwide work we have done this year, including:
• Tree Care: 4,425 trees pruned, 600 trees removed, and 147 trees planted.
• Turf Care: 16,027 lbs. of seed applied, 143.4 acres of lawn aerated, 61 tons of top dressing applied,
and 140.8 tons of infield mix distributed for the ballfields.
Central Park Conservancy is grateful to Alcoa, Inc.
and the Alcoa Foundation for generously
underwriting the development of the new
trash cans.
• Horticulture: 27,236 annuals, 12,329 perennials, 1,725 shrubs, 168,580 bulbs, and 46,951 groundcover
plugs planted.
• Benches: 8,610 benches painted, repaired, or slats replaced.
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• Events: 1,446 permitted events managed.
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Central Park Conservancy
Institute for Urban Parks
Central Park Conservancy Institute for Urban Parks is the educational arm of the Conservancy. The Institute
develops programs that foster a deeper appreciation for urban parks and share the Conservancy’s
world-class management practices, both locally and globally. Institute programs and the distinct audiences
they serve have been divided into two Centers: the Center for Urban Park Management and the Center for
Urban Park Discovery.
The Center for Urban Park Management
The Center focuses on sharing the Conservancy’s knowledge and professional development for Conservancy
staff, other park groups, and people preparing for careers in urban park management or related fields.
Five Borough Crew
Central Park Conservancy believes that access to beautiful, clean, green space is critically important
to the lives of all New Yorkers and that the best strategy to support sustainable park improvements is
by teaching park management skills. To this end, we launched the Five Borough Crew to provide on-site
support and continued training in ten parks throughout all five boroughs. The Crew works with New York
City Parks Department staff who have participated in the Conservancy’s Turf Care Training Program.
The new Crew — staffed by Conservancy turf care experts — is working in Van Cortlandt and Crotona
Parks in the Bronx; Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn; Tappen Park in Staten Island; and Astoria Park in Queens,
with several parks to be added next year. The Five Borough Crew joins our Historic Harlem Parks Crew,
which has been providing regular maintenance support to Morningside, Marcus Garvey, St. Nicholas, and
Jackie Robinson Parks since 2005.
The Five Borough Crew is generously supported by a five-year gift from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation.
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Urban Park Management Forum Seminar Series
This year we launched the Urban Park Management Forum Seminar Series, a regular gathering for the
New York City parks community. The seminars, led by Conservancy staff experts, fostered a dynamic
exchange of best management practices — information and ideas for the improvement of our local parks.
Topics included zone management, public relations, and operations management, among others
Central Park Conservancy is grateful to the Charina Endowment Fund and the Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr.
Foundation for supporting the Conservancy’s work with other parks in New York City.
The Center for Urban Park Discovery
With the objective of fostering stewardship for urban parks, the Center provides environmental education
for our youngest visitors, resources and training for educators who use parks as outdoor classrooms, and a
variety of lectures and tours for adults who wish to learn more about Central Park and how we care for it.
Ponds, Pipes, and People: Water in Central Park
On March 22, 2014, as part of World Water Day, Central Park Conservancy opened a new educational exhibit
in the gallery of the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center. Ponds, Pipes, and People: Water in Central Park
illustrates the significance of water in the design, history, and ecology of the Park. The exhibit also features
the importance of Central Park Conservancy’s role in the restoration and management of water bodies and
their infrastructure. Over 17,000 people visited the Dana Discovery Center in the first three months of the
exhibit. It is scheduled to remain on display until the fall of 2015.
The goal of the Conservancy’s internship and
service-learning programs for high school
and college students is to inspire and engage
the next generation of park managers. This
year we expanded our Horticultural Sciences
College Internship Program to a four-day,
in-depth experience working side by side
with Conservancy experts.
The exhibit is generously supported through a grant by HSBC in conjunction with the HSBC
Water Programme.
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Discovery Programs
Keeping it Green
In conjunction with the Water in Central Park exhibit, the Conservancy developed and launched new
Aquatic Discovery Journals for the Harlem Meer and Turtle Pond. Journals contain activities, hand-drawn
illustrations, and a large child-friendly map of the water body and surrounding landscape. Exploration Guides
give educators and parents important information to plan an educational experience in the Park. Together
with Discovery Kits (backpacks filled with tools for scientific discovery), the new resources help children
explore these habitats and develop skills for learning and inquiry.
The Keeping it Green Program provides children with the opportunity to participate in the Conservancy’s
core work of preserving and caring for Central Park. Led by Conservancy environmental educators, participants
experience first-hand how leaf-raking and mulching projects benefit the landscapes of Central Park. This
year we expanded the program to family audiences, building on the popular offering for school groups. More
than 660 people participated in Keeping it Green, contributing more than 1,100 hours of service to the Park.
The Keeping it Green Program is made possible by the GM Foundation.
Central Park Conservancy is grateful to the Brooke Astor Fund for New York City Education in the
New York Community Trust for its support of Discovery Programs.
Official Central Park Tours
This spring the Conservancy integrated our various tour offerings — self-guided tours, Conservancy staff
and volunteer-led tours, and tours for members — under one umbrella, and launched a successful marketing
campaign to make these opportunities known to our visitors. This year over 5,500 visitors attended one of
our 480 guided tours, which highlight aspects of the Park’s design, history, and natural history. Over 16,500
people downloaded one of our self-guided tours.
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Hallett Open Hours
Central Park BioBlitz
To better understand the Park’s biodiversity, Central Park Conservancy partnered with Macaulay Honors
College in August 2013 to conduct the Central Park BioBlitz, a 24-hour inventory of plant and wildlife species.
The only other Parkwide biological survey was done in 2003, making the data collected in 2013 particularly
useful to our Operations team in managing the Park for resident and migratory wildlife as well as for people.
More than 570 species of flora and fauna were documented, including the Eastern Chipmunk, and over
25 different species of lichen. This biodiversity is a strong indicator of the overall health of Central Park
and a testament to the Conservancy’s management practices.
In March 2014, the results were presented publicly at a full-day symposium, Biodiversity in Urban Parks:
Learning from the 2013 Central Park BioBlitz, which was hosted by Central Park Conservancy and
Macaulay Honors College.
Wrapping around the Pond, at the southeast corner of Central Park, is the four-acre Hallett Nature
Sanctuary, the southernmost of the Park’s three woodlands. The underused and inaccessible landscape
was made a bird sanctuary in 1934 and was fenced in and closed to the public.
The Sanctuary remained largely untouched until 2001, when Central Park Conservancy took up its
restoration and maintenance. With leadership from the Conservancy’s horticultural experts, teens from
our ROOTS p rogram (ecological restoration and management projects in the Park’s woodlands for high
school students) helped to build trails, remove invasive plant species, and introduce native plants. Now the
Sanctuary is more diverse and healthy than ever, supporting various wildlife populations.
The Hallett Nature Sanctuary is a perfect example of how even the “wildest,” most naturalistic habitats
in Central Park require constant planning and care in order to thrive. As a result of this success, the
Conservancy began offering open hours in the Sanctuary in the fall of 2013. It is a rare opportunity to
explore one of Central Park’s best-kept secrets and learn about what it takes to revitalize and care for
a seemingly natural landscape.
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Autumn in Central Park, sponsored by Angelo Gordon & Co.,
Van Cleef & Arpels, and Valentino
Autumn in Central Park, sponsored by Angelo Gordon & Co.,
Van Cleef & Arpels, and Valentino
Opening Night Reception of Picturing Central Park, an exhibit by
Janet Ruttenberg at the Museum of the City of New York
East 90th Street Entrance Horticulture Dedication with
Samuel and Gabrielle Lurie
Day in the Dirt, Alcoa
Women’s Committee Playground Partners Annual Family Party,
sponsored by Goldman Sachs Gives and Brooks Brothers
Taste of Summer, sponsored by Macquarie
Day in the Dirt, GM Foundation
Cocktail Reception for Southwest Corner Campaign hosted
by Jennifer and Bob Diamond
Film Festival, sponsored by Bloomberg
Tavern on the Green Opening Night Reception
Volunteer Recognition Reception
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Ponds, Pipes, and People: Water in Central Park, supported through a
grant from HSBC
Women’s Committee Behind the Scenes Breakfast
Women’s Committee 32nd Annual Frederick Law Olmsted Awards
Women’s Committee 32nd Annual Frederick Law Olmsted Awards
Women’s Committee Dana Discovery Center Holiday Lighting, sponsored
by ConEdison
Spring Bloom Tours
Greensward Circle’s Evening in the Garden Host Committee
Ruth and Arthur Smadbeck Heckscher East Playground Dedication
Great Jazz on the Great Hill
Conservatory Garden Party
Reception Celebrating Conservation of Obelisk Monument
Olmsted Visionaries Winter Tea
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Honoring William S. Beinecke
William “Bill” S. Beinecke, first Chairman of the
Board of Central Park Conservancy (1980-1984),
on his 100th Birthday.
Obelisk Conservation Preview Reception
Cocktail Reception for Running Track Campaign hosted by
Juliette and Michael Pralle
On May 22, 2014, Life Trustee Bill Beinecke celebrated
his 100th birthday. We at the Conservancy are grateful
for his leadership, his wisdom, his generosity, his
humanity and his long-standing belief in the vital
importance of public parks. Without Bill’s leadership
as its first chairman, there would be no Central Park
Conservancy today.
Many dreams do not become realities, but the one to
inspire citizens of New York City to help make Central
Park clean, safe, and beautiful again after several
years of dire neglect and mismanagement was one
that Bill Beinecke embraced and worked steadily over
five years to fulfill.
In the first instance, Bill helped Commissioner Gordon
Davis and newly appointed Central Park Administrator
Betsy Rogers obtain the approval of Mayor Koch to form the Conservancy, the country’s first public-private
partnership in support of a municipal park.
Shakespeare in the Park Picnic Dinner and Performance
Shakespeare in the Park Picnic Dinner and Performance
The next step was to incorporate the Conservancy as a charitable organization and help form a board
of trustees to support its mission. Bill then assisted in interesting corporate leaders and philanthropists
in making charitable gifts to support the Conservancy’s management and restoration plan. He was also
instrumental in the formation of the Women’s Committee.
Congratulations, Bill, on your esteemed status as a centenarian. Your vision and tenacious dedication in
those early years — against all odds — has transformed Central Park into the model for urban parks around
the world. Your work has energized and engaged civic participation, creating a healthy and safe environment
and a beautiful place to play today and for generations to come.
Cocktail Reception at A Voce to Launch Southwest Corner Campaign
Cocktail Reception at A Voce to Launch Southwest Corner Campaign
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Board of Trustees
Women’s Committee
(On October 28, 2014)
(On October 1, 2014)
Thomas L. Kempner, Jr.
Executive Managing Member
Davidson Kempner Capital Management
Jonathan Korngold
Managing Director
General Atlantic Partners
Michael A. Steinberg #
Steinberg Asset Management Co., Inc.
Board of Directors
Sheila C. Labrecque
John Steinhardt
Managing Partner
KLS Diversified Asset Management
Board Members
Jean Clark
Norma T. Dana
Marguerite Hillman Purnell
Phyllis Cerf Wagner*
Virginia Apple
Robin Bell-Stevens
Douglas Blonsky, Ex Officio
Susan Calhoun
Wendy N. Carduner
Judith G. Churchill
Lise Evans
Vicki Foley
Samantha Topping Gellert
Paige Hardy
Sharon Jacob
Suzanne Johnson
Robyn Joseph
Eleanora Kennedy
Sarah Kurita
Alexia Leuschen
Memrie M. Lewis
Kamie Lightburn
Muffy Miller
Marcia Mishaan
Elyse Newhouse
Yesim Philip
Bonnie Pope
Ann Pyne
Jennifer Rich
Sarah Robertson
Allison Whipple Rockefeller
Tara Rockefeller
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers
Elizabeth F. Stribling
Sharon Teles
Kimberly Thurston
Thorunn Wathne
Vice Chairman
Jill Lafer #
Jane Bayard
Carol Sutton Lewis
Robert C. Lieber #
Executive Managing Director
Island Capital Group LLC.
Michael Grobstein
Retired Vice Chairman
Ernst & Young
Secretary and General Counsel
Kenneth H. Heitner, Esq.
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
President & CEO
Douglas Blonsky +
Central Park Conservancy
and Central Park Administrator
Judy Hart Angelo
Elizabeth H. Atwood
Jeff T. Blau
Related Companies
Hon. Gale A. Brewer +
Manhattan Borough President
Judy Carson
Richard Cashin
Managing Partner
One Equity Partners
Suzanne Cochran
Martin Cohen
Executive Chairman
Cohen & Steers
Norma T. Dana
Richard Gilder
Gilder, Gagnon, Howe & Co. LLC
Bennett Goodman
Senior Founding Member
GSO Capital Partners
Anne S. Harrison
Jane Heller
Senior Vice President
Bank of America
Amie James
Erana M. Stennett
Jay P. Mandelbaum
John Stossel
Fox Business News
Karen T. May +
President of the Women’s Committee
Central Park Conservancy
Stuart Subotnick
President & CEO
Metromedia Company
Leni May
Patsy C. Tarr
Eugene Mercy, Jr.
Madison Twenty-Four Associates LLC
Mary Wallach
Suzie Aijala
Liz Peek
Jenny Price
Life Trustees
Lynden B. Miller
Lynden B. Miller Public Garden Design
Karen T. May
Gillian Miniter
William S. Beinecke
Antaeus Enterprises, Inc.
John Paulson
Paulson & Co. Inc.
Lewis W. Bernard
Classroom, Inc.
Deborah Roberts
ABC News Correspondent
Jean Clark
Joe L. Roby
Chairman Emeritus
Credit Suisse Securities USA
Nyssa Kourakos
James H. Evans
Ira M. Millstein, Esq.
Senior Partner
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Hon. Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP +
Commissioner, New York City
Department of Parks and Recreation
Cathy Brienza Ingram
Gordon J. Davis, Esq.
Venable, LLP
Didi Schafer
Alfred J. Shuman
Founder and Managing Member
The Archstone Partnerships
Vice Presidents
Assistant Secretary
Henry R. Kravis
Founding Partner
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Norman C. Selby
Real Endpoints LLC
Noreen Buckfire
Andrea Henderson Fahnestock
Eric Rudin
Vice Chairman & President
Rudin Management Co.
Donna Schwartz
Executive Vice President
Advisory Board
Susanna Borghese
Patricia A. Chambers
Patricia Dunnington
Marjorie Fortgang
Jane H. Gammill
Elizabeth W. Gardiner
Gail Gilbert
Kathryn Greenberg
Jamee T. Gregory
Mai Hallingby-Harrison
Gail Hilson
Rachel Hovnanian
Jeanne Jones
Patricia S. Patterson
Bambi Putnam
Donna Rosen
Isabel C. Shattuck
Margaret L. Smith
Elizabeth Tilghman
Mikel Witte
Presidents’ Council
Marguerite H. Purnell
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers
Foundation for Landscape Studies
E. John Rosenwald, Jr.
Vice Chairman Emeritus
J.P. Morgan
Suzanne Cochran
Anne S. Harrison
Sheila Labrecque
Karen LeFrak
Betsy Messerschmitt
Gillian Miniter
Nancy Missett
Nancy Paduano
Toni Peebler
Hilary Geary Ross
Susan Rudin
Janet Ross
A.J.C. Smith
Joan C. Schwartz
Donald G. Smith
President & Chief Investment Officer
Donald Smith & Company
Elizabeth R. Varet
American Securities, L.P.
Elizabeth W. Smith
Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation
+ Ex Officio
# Mayorial Appointee
* Deceased
Table of
 
Supporters | Continued
(Gifts, pledges, and pledge payments made July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014)
$1 Million and Over
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cohen
The Jerome L. Greene Foundation
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
Carroll Petrie Foundation
Yesim & Dusty Philip
The Pinkerton Foundation
The Roby Foundation
Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer D.A. Sackler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar S. Schafer
Donna & Marvin Schwartz
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The LeRoy Schecter Foundation
Paulson Family Foundation
Sarah Peter
Bruce & Robbi Toll
Jewish Communal Fund
Laurie & Jay Mandelbaum
Leni & Peter May
The Mount Sinai Hospital
The New York Community Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Rosen
Ken & Nancy Stein
Goldman Sachs Gives
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Margaret & Daniel Loeb
Mr. Samuel J. Lurie & Ms. Gabrielle W. Lurie
Macquarie Group Ltd.
Jane & Daniel Och
Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr. Foundation
Robert W. Wilson*
Sibyl R. Golden
The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust
The Gottesman Fund
Jon & Mindy Gray
Estate of Catherine A. Guillory
The Marc Haas Foundation, Inc.
David & Laurie Hodgson
Dr. Joseph F. Hoffman
Roslyn & Elliot Jaffe
Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton E. James
The JPB Foundation
Mark & Debra Leslie
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Leuschen
Eleanor Lewart
LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Trust
Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc.
National Philanthropic Trust
NV Energy
Wendy Keys & Donald Pels*
Fiona & Eric Rudin
Julian H. Robertson
The Derald H. Ruttenberg Foundation
Roberta Schneiderman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Scully
Jim & Marilyn Simons
Mr. & Mrs. A.J.C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver K. Stanton
Jay And Kelly Sugarman Foundation
The Thompson Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Preston Robert Tisch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Walker
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Barrie A. Wigmore
Mr. Neal A. Brown, Esq. & Ms. Judith M. LaBelle
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DiMenna
Mr. & Mrs. John Michael Evans
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Foley
Estate of Anthony Geiss
Meg & Bennett Goodman
Jane R. Heller & Steven L. Gerard
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Harrison, Jr.
Marlene Hess & James Zirin
Estate of Robert Mayer Immerman
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Korngold
Mrs. Thomas G. Labrecque
Evelyn H. Lauder Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightburn
Eugene Mercy, Jr.
Middle Road Foundation
Raymond C. Mikulich & Karen Karlsrud
Ira & Susan Millstein
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester F. Miniter IV
$500,000 to $999,999
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Carson
Thomas L. Kempner, Jr. &
Katheryn C. Patterson
The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation
$100,000 to $249,999
Anonymous (2)
American Express Foundation
Angelo, Gordon & Co.
Diane & Arthur Abbey
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Brooke Astor Fund for New York City
Education in The New York Community Trust
Estate of Brooke Russell Astor
Elizabeth H. Atwood
Lisa & Dick Cashin
Estate of Elena Citkowitz
Ms. Judith-Ann Corrente & Mr. Willem Kooyker
William & Dewey Edelman Charitable Trust
Fund for the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park
Mr. & Mrs. Victor F. Ganzi
GM Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Anonymous (1)
Alcoa Foundation
AYCO Charitable Foundation
Bank of America
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Barnett
Jane Bayard, The MAT Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Candice Bergen & Marshall Rose
Bloomberg Philanthropies
The Bodman Foundation
Andrea & Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Teles
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Elizabeth & Michael Varet
Mr. & Mrs. Wynant D. Vanderpoel III
Mary Wallach
Wathne, Ltd.
Estate of Ruth Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Yoseloff
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Zagat, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Glocer
Joyce & Irving Goldman Family Foundation
Estate of Robert I. Goldman
Goldman-Sonnenfeldt Foundation
Robert F. Gossett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Grauer
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Greenberg
Amy & John Griffin
Nadine & Michael Grobstein
The Hagedorn Fund
George A. Hambrecht &
Andrea Henderson Fahnestock
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harned
The Hearst Corporation
Estate of Daniel W. Homan
The Charles Evans Hughes Memorial
Foundation, Inc.
Hugo Boss
Cathy & Bill Ingram
Sharon & Bill Jacob
Suzanne Ircha & Robert Wood Johnson, IV
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Kahane
Kevin & Karen Kennedy
F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
The Kleinschmidt Family Foundation
Ilona & Leonid Kogan
Bruce & Suzie Kovner
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Lafer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Landis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. LeFrak
The Litwin Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malkin
Metromedia Company
Mr. & Mrs. John W. McNear
Merck Partnership For Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Morcos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Newhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Newman
Joan E. Nicolais
Wilson & Eliot Nolen
Mary P. Oenslager Foundation Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Adebayo Ogunlesi
The Paul and Klara Porzelt Foundation
Price Family Foundation
Richard & Diane Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rudin
May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.
The Morris & Alma Schapiro Fund
Martin I. Schneider & Debra J. Fine
The Schwab Fund For Charitable Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Schwarzman
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Selz
Lyn & David Silfen
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Silverstein
Mrs. Stephen A. Simon
Paul E. Singer
Donald G. Smith
Linda Snider
Denise R. Sobel
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Solomon
Marjorie M. Sorensen Charitable Lead Trust
Mrs. Theodore C. Sorensen
Jerry & Katherine Speyer
St. Bernard’s School, Inc.
Nancy & Burton Staniar
The Starr Foundation
John F. Stossel
Tiffany & Co.
Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Tisch
Tishman Speyer Properties
Dr. & Mrs. P. Roy Vagelos
Judith Vale
Van Cleef & Arpels, Inc.
Van Eck Global
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Waldron
The Walt Disney Company
Philippa Weismann & Sandra Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Weitz
Deborah E. Wiley
Mrs. Charles Wrightsman
Barbara & Donald Zucker
$25,000 to $49,999
$250,000 to $499,999
Judy Hart Angelo & John M. Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff T. Blau
Butler Conservation Fund, Inc.
Charina Endowment Fund
Columbus Centre LLC
Norman C. Selby & Melissa G. Vail
Stephanie & Fred Shuman
Mr. & Mrs. John Steinhardt
Howard Stern & Beth Ostrosky
David J. Stoll
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Subotnick
Mrs. Jane Susskind-Narins
Susan and John Steinhardt Family Foundation
Patsy & Jeff Tarr
Anonymous (4)
Allen & Company
AMETEK Foundation, Inc.
Amy & David Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Ainar D. Aijala, Jr.
Luana & Steven Alesio
Peggy & Keith Anderson
Jody & John Arnhold
The Ayco Company, L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Baptiste
Michele & Timothy Barakett
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Kathryn & Bruce Beal
Jutta & Fred Benenson
Jamie Nicholls & Fran Biondi Charitable Trust
Brooks Brothers
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Buckfire
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Burch III
Mrs. James E. Burke
Patti & Ray Chambers
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. James Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Chute
William C. Close
Mrs. Jacques Cohenca
The Peter A. & Elizabeth S. Cohn Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Payson Coleman
Joan Ganz Cooney & Peter G. Peterson
Mrs. Charles A. Dana, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Diamond, Jr.
The Dinan Family Foundation
James G. Dinan & Elizabeth R. Miller
Linda & Michael Donovan
Jean M. Doyen & Michael A. Kovner
Shelley & Steven Einhorn
EY Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Feinberg
Jeanne Donovan Fisher
Gwen & Austin Fragomen
Renata & Claudio Garcia
Garden Club of America
Geller & Company LLC
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Gibbons
Richard Gilder & Lois Chiles
Table of
* Deceased
 
Supporters | Continued
Supporters | Continued
$10,000 to $24,999
Oasis Children’s Services LLC
Oceanic Heritage Foundation
Valerie & Wright Ohrstrom
Oliver Wyman
Gregory Olsen
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Ouderkirk III
Owl Foundation, LTD
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Paduano
Park Suite Hotel, Inc.
Andrea & Paul Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek
Pennsylvania State University
Tatiana & Thorne Perkin
The Plaza
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Pompa
Preissman-Beriro Foundation
The Prospect Hill Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pyne
Sheila A. Heffron & Michael Rankowitz
Mindy Miller & Robert Rayner
Red Crane Foundation
Reilly Worldwide, Inc.
Jennifer & Stephen Rich
Richard & Heidi Rieger
Irene Ritter Foundation
Michelle Marra & Jim Rizos
Deborah Roberts & Al Roker
Alexandra & Alex Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Hartley Rogers
Anonymous (6)
Marilyn & Robert Abrams
Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc.
ACE American Insurance Co.
G. Chris Andersen & SunEun Han-Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ashworth
Cornelia T. Bailey
Holly B. Wallace & Edwin M. Baum
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Beriro
Bike New York, Inc.
Frank Bisignano
Mr. & Mrs. Len Blavatnik
The Adele & Leonard Block Foundation, Inc.
Bloomingdale’s Fund of the Macy’s Foundation
Roxanne & Scott Bok
Bonanza Productions Inc.
The Otis Booth Foundation
Carolyn Bransford & Robert Ian MacDonald
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
The Brodsky Family Foundation
J. Patrick Burk
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Burke
Mr. & Mrs. William I. Campbell
Ashley & Todd Carlson
Ann Marie Carr & Sean Carr
CBRE, Inc.
Century Road Club Association
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Chae
David & Denise Chase
Amita & Purnendu Chatterjee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chilton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kasper Christoffersen
Mr. & Mrs. George Clairmont
Mrs. Howard L. Clark
Cloud Catering
Suzanne & Bob Cochran
Steven & Alexandra Cohen
Betsy Zubrow Cohen
Ranika & Ruben Cohen
Jill Ross & Paul Cole
Shelley L. Cole
The Corcoran Group
Cordes Foundation
Kathy & James Cornelius
Mrs. Daniel Cowin
Cynara Crandall
Credit Suisse
Mary Sharp Cronson
Nancy J. Crown & Sam K. Weisman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Dalio
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Daniels
Leonard & Sophie Davis Fund
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Elisabeth de Picciotto
The Dillon Fund
Krystyna & Ronald* Doerfler
Douglas Elliman
Mr. Glenn Dubin & Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Durkin, Jr.
East Bay Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Edlow
Mr. & Mrs. Blair Effron
Amy Eller
Epstein Teicher Philanthropies
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Estey
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Farkas
Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLD
Linda W. Filardi & Gary M. Talarico
The Fine Schneider Charitable Fund
First Eagle Investment Management
Mr. John C. Flansburgh
Foundation Source
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Friedman
The GE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John Gellert
General Atlantic Partners LLC
Anne Gilchrist Gleacher
Mr. & Mrs.Rudolph Giuliani
Ellen & Allen Goldman
Perry & Donna Golkin
Estate of Arthur T. Gorton
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Grafstein
Estate of Antoinette Sanra Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Evan G. Greenberg
Paul & Gayle Gross
Drew & Jessica Guff
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gural
Mr. & Mrs. David Hamamoto
Ellen R. Harris
Liliane Haub-Vonach
Walter H. Haydock
Renee W. Harbers
Huyler C. Held*
Frances Heller
Roberta A. Herbison
Estate of Shirley Herz
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Higgins
Himan Brown Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Huff
Hugoton Foundation
J&AR Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Jacobson
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
Japan Day, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Jeffery
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Jennings, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Johnson
Freda & Chester Johnson
Robert K. Johnson Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Jones
Pamela J. Joyner
Jeffrey S. Katz
Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kaye
Mr. & Mrs. Ric Kayne
Mrs. Stephen M. Kellen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kennedy
Jennifer K. Kinderman
Nell & Robert Kleinschmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Klimczak
Jim & Barb Korein
Mr.* & Mrs. H. Frederick Krimendahl II
Sarah & Rocky Kurita
La Perla North America, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Lauprete
Sandra Lee
Sandor Lehoczky & Martha Escobar
Carol S. Lewis & William M. Lewis, Jr.
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Lewis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Liberman
The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Inc.
Leonard Litwin
Caroline M. Lowndes
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Madero
Gigi Mahon
Estate of Jane L. Mali
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Manolovici
Dana Baines & Eric S. Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marino
Richard & Jocelyn Markowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mazzone
David McCabe
Kathleen A. McCarragher & Paul A. Brooke
Nancy McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. McVey
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Leigh M. Miller
Marcia D. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Millhiser
Martina Millot-Keaney
Sandra Earl Mintz
Marcia & Richard Mishaan
David M. Modest & M. Forbes Singer
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett M. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Morris
Camille & George Muzinich
Mr. & Mrs. Toby S. Myerson
NBC Studios, Inc.
Jean & Albert Nerken Foundation
New York Fast Pitch League
NHK Enterprises America, Inc.
The Northern Trust Company
* Deceased
Joseph Rosen Foundation
Mrs. Arthur Ross
Pamela & Richard Rubinstein Foundation
Neil Rudolph & Susan Cluff
Saks Fifth Avenue
A & J Saks Foundation, Inc.
Seoul Broadcating System
Steven Schmidt
Jennifer M. Schneck
Mr. & Mrs.* Bernard L. Schwartz
The Segal Family
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Segal
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin R. Shanken
Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Sheinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Sherman
Mrs. H. Virgil Sherrill*
The Shubert Organization, Inc.
Barbara Karp Shuster
Estate of Judith E. Siegel-Baum
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Steven F. Skoler & Sandra J. Horbach
The Slayton Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Solomon
Sony Corporation of America
Bernard And Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stafford
Paul Stamas
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert K. Steel
Antoinette Delruelle & Joshua Steiner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stubbs
Super Soccer Stars
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Swarzman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Swarzman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Swenson
Sharzad & Michael Targoff
Amy & Jeff Tarr, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Textor
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer J. Thomas, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Thurston
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Tick
Barbara & Donald Tober
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Tobey
Alison Heydt Tung
20th Century Fox Film Corporation
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private
Wealth Management
Mr. & Mrs. Hans P. Utsch
The Vidda Foundation
Danielle & Tom Walker
The New York Community Trust —
Wallace Special Projects Fund
Nan Bush & Bruce Weber
Edward Weil
The Sue Ann & John L. Weinberg Foundation
West Side Soccer League
William E. Weiss Foundation, Inc. /
Daryl Brown Uber
Windhover Foundation
Sarah G. Wolfe
Jean & Charles Wood
Young America’s Foundation, Inc.
Barbara & Stephen Zammarchi
Zankel Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Zelter
Gini & Randy Barbato
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bartlett
Gisela & James Baum
Jane Beasley
Robert & Renee Belfer Family Foundation
The Arthur & Rochelle Belfer Foundation
Joel & Lisa Benenson
Kim & Stephen Bepler
Lisa Berg & Kathryn Smerling
Pamela Huttenberg & Brent Bergin
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stuart Berlind
Geri & Mark Besca
Biscuits & Bath Pet Services, Inc.
Blackstone Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Block
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blumenreich
Mr.& Mrs. John L. Blundin
BMG Rights Management
Estate of William T. Boland
Patricia K. Boland
Janie & Marty Borell
Inge Brafman
Neil Braun
Brenner Family
Julianne D. Bresciani
Ilya Briskin
Thomas W. Brock & Susan T. Brock
The Michael C. Brooks Family
Deborah E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Brown
Ambassador & Mrs. W. L. Lyons Brown, Jr.
Robert Browne
Aileen Bruner
Beverly & Michael Budin
Mr. Gregory F. Burke
Steffen Busch
Susannah Cahill
Marilyn Calderwood & Dodge Olmsted
Cambridge Floral
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Capello
Wendy N. Carduner
The Carter Fund
Margaret Carter
Jim Chervenak
Coach Foundation
DuPre Cochran & G. Moffett Cochran
$5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (20)
5 to 7 Productions, Inc.
Ms. Sarah Acer
Mr. & Mrs. Reis L. Alfond
Nicole Alger & Zachary Karabell
Dr. Barbara Alpert & Mr. Michael Kaufman
Tatiana Amarian
Mr. Travis Anderson & Ms. Victoria Phillips
The Anne Boyd Lichtenstein Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Appe
Mr. & Mrs. David Apple
Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Appleby
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Arkin
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Arnhold
Peter Bakstansky & Georgia Steele
Rosemary & Frank Baldaro
Annette & Paul Bamundo
Ms. Della Banerjee
Banfield Pet Hospital
The Bank of New York Mellon Community
Abigail Baratta
* Deceased
Table of
 
Supporters | Continued
Gary Cohn & Lisa Pevaroff Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Cohn
G. David & Joan Cole
The Collins Family
Estate of Frank J. Comiskey
Oren Conn & Lynn Liran
Valerie Cooke & Mark Brodsky
Kristen Copham
Corbin Capital Partners, L.P.
Crown Group Hospitality
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar M. Cullman, Jr.
Mr. Richard Currier & Ms. Dudley Stevens
Ronald Curtis & Mary Ryan
The Dana Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth Garber Daniels
Beth & Stephen Dannhauser
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon J. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Davis
Andrea Hagen & Lou DeBergalis
Michael & Dudley Del Balso
Pierce & Tory Delahunt
Christine Denham
Elisa DeVito
Jeremy Diamond & Alexandra Lebenthal
Jan & Robert L. Dilenschneider
The Dilenschneider Group
Thomas J. Dillman
William W. Donnell
Eve Dorfzaun
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Doty, Jr.
Eaglemere Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Eberli
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Edge
Amy Edwards & Christopher Votta
Alexander Egan & Celene Menschel
Eric & Margot Egan
Mr. & Mr. Ron Elliott and Mark Tamagni
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Esposito III
Equitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Evans
Jennifer & Peter Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Fast
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Feinberg
Seymour Feldman Foundation, Inc.
Leslie C. Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Feldstein
The Felicia Fund
Jim Feuille & Nancy Murray
The Honorable Barbara J. Fife
Emily Fine
Leslie Ann Finerman & Sean Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Fisch
Jennifer Fisher
Nancy E. Fisher
Anne W. Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Flynn
Amy & Paul Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Lew Frankfort
Supporters | Continued
Joan Freeman
Alex Friedman
Allyson Tracey Gage
Jacob Bluestein Foundation
Lorrie & Adam Gerson
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Gluck
Andrew Goffe & Jeff Levin
Mr.* & Mrs. Eugene Goldberg
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Ms. Dana Goldstein
Helen & Peter S. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Gordon
Penny & James Gorman
Ms. Jennine Gourin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Graff
Mr. Kenneth Gray
Phyllis Newman Green
Stephen & Myrna Greenberg
Caroline & Spencer Greenwald
Alice & Steven Greenwald
Barbara Grodd
Edmund A. Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gruenberg, Jr.
Barbara Grumet
Gurney Foundation, Inc.
Abraham S. Guterman Foundation
Steven Haas
Silda Palerm & Richard Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John Hardiman
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Hardy III
Harney & Sons Fine Teas
Peter C. Hein & Anne Farley
Ms. Marjorie Heins
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Herzan
Stephanie & Stephen Hessler
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Heymann
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Highet
David & Nancy Hillis
Marjorie Hilton
Adler Hirsch Foundation
Bree Danielle Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Hyman, Jr.
Ms. Patricia M. Hynes & Mr. Roy L. Reardon
InterContinental New York Times Square
The Children & Grandchildren of Michael &
Lois Robbins
Jack Resnick & Sons, Inc.
Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
Jim Feuille & Nancy Murray
The Jana Foundation, Inc.
Jones Apparel Group
Joseph Famolare IrrevocableTrust
Ms. Eleanor C. Johnson
Sarah & David Johnson
Berl Jones, Charlotte Jones, Michele Jones &
Bernice Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Joseph
Alexandre Journo & Gregory Bynen
Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Kass
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Katz
Katzman Family Foundation
Dr. Kauff & Mr. Wachtell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaufman
Kwanghee Kim & Chin Ok Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Kingdon
Erin & Alex Klatskin
Joshua C. Klausner & Hyatt A. Bass
Ms. Jacqueline S. Klein
John & Karen Klopp
James R. Knickman
Komar Brands
Komar Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Korsant
Jane L. Koryn
Kane Kosugi
Mr. & Mrs. William Kourakos
Daniel J. Kramer & Judith Mogul
Suzanne & Peter Kratka
Fernand & Nicole Lamesch
Deborah & Peter Lamm
W. Loeber & Barbara Landau
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Langone
Frances G. Laserson
Kate B. Lear & Jonathan LaPook
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Celestine F. Lehmann-Haupt
Alexandra Lekomtseva
Molly Lemeris
Mr. & Mrs. John Lerner
The Lesch Family
Mr. & Mrs. William Douglas Lese
Adam K. Levin & Heather McDowell
Mr. Stanley R. Levin
Ms. Hilary Levine
Mr. Stein Levorsen
Leon Levy Foundation
Neal S. Levy
The Lewbel Family
Linda Lewi & Otis Berkin
Maria Leyn
Lawrence & Dana Linden
Jenny Ljunberg-Baker
Ambassador & Mrs. John L. Loeb, Jr.
Loews Regency Hotel
Jane & John Loose
Barbara Lowenstein
George T. Lowy
Charlene & Gary MacDougal
Macy’s Inc.
Mr. Howard Maisel & Ms. Eve France
Kelly & Edward Mallon
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Manocherian
Adrienne & Jonathon Marcus
Mr. Joseph Martinez
Mr.& Mrs. Cornelius H. Marx
Mr. Andrew Matteis
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Mayhew, Jr.
Mark & Sarah McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDermott
Clare E. McKeon
Mr. & Mrs. H. Roemer McPhee
Richard & Ronay Menschel
Mrs. Michael A. Miles
Peter de Florez Millard
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Miller
Mrs. Minot K. Milliken
Steven Millstein
Milton Hoffman Co.
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Miranda
Mrs. Claus Moller
Earle K. & Katherine F. Moore Foundation
Heike Moras & John S. Ryan
Morgan Stanley
Mary R. Morgan
Alfred L. Morse & Annette S. Morse Foundation
Susan Calhoun & Charles Moss
Sara E. Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Nadosy
Beth Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Nath
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar J. Nathan III
Neda & Pericles Navab
Mr. James L. Nederlander &
Mrs. Margo MacNabb-Nederlander
David Shaw Neill & Susan L. Griffith
Christine & Anders Nessen
Mr. Eric G. Nestler
Jeanette Lerman Neubauer & Joseph Neubauer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Newhouse
New York Croquet Club, Inc.
Mr. Julio E. Nunez
Amie & Scott Nuttall
Catherine Nyarady & Gabriel Riopel
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph A. O’Connell
Hutham S. Olayan
Mr. Robert Ollive
David S. Orentreich
Arthur Ortenberg
Lida Orzeck
Overbrook Family Advised Fund, EAM
Park Hyatt New York
Grace Pelosi
Mrs. Alton E. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Phillips
Pickett’s Press
The Pierre New York, A Taj Hotel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Pitts, Jr.
Ms. Cathy Podell
Jonny Podell
Geri & Lester Pollack
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Pope, Jr.
Donna Poyiadjis
Michael & Vikki Price
William Price
William W. Priest & Katherine Bristor
Othon & Kathy Prounis
Ms. Kimi C. Puntillo
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Quasha
Mr. & Mrs. Derrick Queen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Raffe
Ram, Sudha, Malkia & Sushil Raja
The Family of Karen Rand
Reckler Family
Ms. Marion Reid
Molly S. Reinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Scott N. Resnick
Joseph Rice III & Franci J. Blassberg
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Richardson
David Rockefeller
Mr. & Mrs. Laurance Rockefeller
Alexander J. Roepers
Joseph Rokacz
Donna & Benjamin M. Rosen
Joan Rosenthal & Frederick Schiff
Ms. Kathleen Tait & Mr. Tony Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Ross
Christopher H. Rothko & Lori L. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Royce
C. Jay Moorhead Foundation
The Safari Collection
Jennifer Safian
Mr. Louis W. Sanders
Jisu Sanguinetti
Thomas Scanlan
Ms. Janice M. Schiestl
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr III
Jane Schube
Mr. & Mrs. John Schumacher
Marjorie Moses Schwab
Mr. & Mrs. James Scott
Scripps Networks Interactive
Naomi O. Seligman & Ernest M. von Simson
Karin Schlampp
Donald & Doris Shaffer Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Nathan Shaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Shaftel
Karen L. Shapiro
Barbara Sherr & Mel Lintz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shiverick
Mara Shulman
Ms. Rochelle Shulman
Andrew Siegfried
Ms. Ashley Signore
Ellen & Morton Silver
Steven Sipos Irrevocable Trust
Estate of David S. Smith
Iza Smolokowska
Dr. Robert C. and Tina Sohn Foundation
Gary A. Soren
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Spitzer
Mrs. Robert K. Steel
Charles Stencel
Mr. & Mrs. James Stiles
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Strong
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr.
Leslie Michael Tabet
John W. Tanno
Ms. Joan M. Taragan
Bertram Teich
The Taylor Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Trump
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Theede
Mrs. Martha Theodos
Jonathan Thirkield & Ema Yamashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel C. Thorne
Louis & Cynthia Toth
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Triedman
TVM Productions, Inc.
Unleashed by Petco
John Upton
Mr. & Mrs. Michiel van der Voot
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Van Nostrand
Maria Louise Vecchiotti
Carlin Vickery & James Capalino
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Vogelstein
Mary Ellen & Karl von der Heyden
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Wachtell
Mr. & Mrs. John Wagman
Daria L. Foster
Alex & Martha Wallau
Warburg Pincus LLC
Scott Ward
Stark C. Ward
Ms. Carolyn Ward-Gipson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennert Ware
Warner Brothers Television Productions
Amy Wechsler, M.D.
The Isak & Rose Weinman Foundation, Inc.
Paul J. Weissman
Eric K. Wepsic & Tricia Pacelli
Lawrence Wieman & Lief Sannen
Mr. & Mrs. H. Wilder, Jr.
Ronald A. Wilford
The Honorable William H. Frist, M.D.
William Grant & Sons
Ms. Margaret S. Williamson
Ms. Delores M. Wills
Mr. & Mrs. H. Joseph Witte
James A. Woods
Anna & Andy Yaeger
Cindy Yeoh
Yliana Yepez De Gill & Rafael Gill
June Yin
Eileen & Gary Zarkarin
Mrs. Arthur Zankel
Michael Zinman
Zeina Zuaiter
Mortimer Zuckerman
Table of
* Deceased
 
Supporters | Continued
Supporters | Continued
$1,000 to $4,999
Garth W. Bray & Kathryn Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Breck
Ms. Lynne Bredfeldt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brekka
Mrs. Charles E. Brenauer
The Brenda Earl Foundation
Michael Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Breslow
Kate Briggs
David & Nancy Brigstocke
Elizabeth & Stanlee Brimberg
Mr. Klaus P. Brinkmann
Mrs. Lawrence E. Brinn
Mr.* & Mrs. Glenn Britt
Sarah & Stuart Britton
Mrs. Warren Brody
Emily S. Brooks
Pauline H. Brooks
Laura & Stafford Broumand
Hope Brown
Karin B. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde R. Brownstone
Jane & John Bryan
Gretchen Bryant
Diana Buckhantz
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Buckland
Alexis Buckley
Susan W. Buckley
Hilary Budny
Ms. Judith M. Buechner
Lynn Bullard
Bulldog Ventures, Ltd.
Jane Bunn
Mrs. James E. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Burn
Andrea & Jim Burns
Ursula Burns
Diana Petroff Butensky
Robert S. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Byers
Jill Lord & Stephen Byrd
Calvin Cafritz
Katie Boes Calacci
David P. Calfee
Mr. & Mrs. John Calicchio
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge L. Camunas
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Camus
Lewis C. Canfield
Stephen E. Canter
Kimberly Swain Cantor
Lawrence H. Caplan
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Carlos Cappello
Barbara S. & Benjamin M. Cardozo Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Carey
Barbara A. Carlino
Ms. Chloe Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund M. Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carr
Anonymous (4)
Jaculin T. Aaron
Mr. & Mrs. Hirschel Abelson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Abernathy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Abramson
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Acquavella
Margot & Mason Adams
John W. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Adelson
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Ades
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Adler
Dean Adler & Susanna Lachs
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Adler
Efrat Aharonovich
Mr. & Mrs. Anilesh Ahuja
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sanford Ainslie III
Patricia R. Ainsworth
Alan & Joyce Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Albert
Kendra Alcock
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Aledort
Madelin Alk
Charles Altchek
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Altmann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nash Ambler
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Amen
America’s Charities
American Friends of The Hebrew University
Charitable Common Fund
American International Group, Inc.
American Trade Hotel
Mrs. Barbara Goldstein Amster
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ames
Mr. & Mrs. K. Tucker Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anderson
Diane Anderson & Evan Fraser
Nicole Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. O. Kelley Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Sumner E. Anderson
Anderson-Rogers Foundation, Inc.
Patricia S. Andrews & Michael Gray
Ms. Valerie Angel
Alexander Apsis
Lowell Aptman
Mr. & Mrs. Rand V. Araskog
Jorge Araya
Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Argenti
Edward Ariowitsch Foundation
Mrs. Elisabeth Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnold
Ms. Ann G. Ash
Dr. Janet Asimov
Farid Atai
Atelier Management Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. James Auran
Cristina Avello & Ignacio Arnau Bru
Leonor Azpurua
Sheri Lee Babbio
Mr. & Mrs. John Babcock
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bader
Carole Parsons Bailey
Cheryl Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. D. Euan Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Balser
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Bankers Trust Company
Phyllis Putter Barasch
Shelley Barber
Karin & Henry Barkhorn
Ms. Pamela Barkley
Amy & Brad Barr
Zachariah Barratt
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Bartos
Francis D. Bartow II
Anne H. Bass
Caroline E. Bassett
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bassock
Bruce C. Baughman & Melanie Gaines Arwin
Richard Baxter
BDB Marketing
Mr. & Mrs. Carter Beal
Laurie & Greg Beard
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Becker
William S. Beinecke
Mr. Eduard H. Beit
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jeb Belford III
Joseph Bell & Peter Longo
Mrs. Robin Bell-Stevens
Stacey Bendet Eisner & Eric Eisner
Margaret C. Benedetto
Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Benedict
Colette & Dan Bennett
Steven J. Bensinger
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney B. Berens
Lisa & Avi Berg
The David Berg Foundation
J. Frederick Berg, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Bergan
Philip J. Bergan
Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Lee Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Berger
Noel & Elizabeth Berk
Judy & Howard Berkowitz Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Howard P. Berkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Berkowitz
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Robert & Dani Elizabeth Bernard
Phillip Berney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bernheim
Lori Evans Bernstein & William Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Luciano Berti
B+H Company
Mr. & Mrs. Avanish Bhavsar
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Bich
Nymrata & Yunus Bickici
Mr. David Biderman
Mark C. Biderman
Gail Binderman
Cynthia Biondi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Birch
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Birkelund
Martin L. Birnbaum & Myra Weiss
Suzy Biszantz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bitler
Birna Björnsdóttir
Anne Black
Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Black
Loren Blackford
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Blackman
BlackRock Matching Gift Program
Peter P. Blanchard III & Sofia A. Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Blank
Dana Blanton
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Blau
Mrs. Edward H. R. Blitzer
Adele G. Block
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Block
Mai & Douglas Blonsky
Berry Bloomingdale
Margit S. Bluestein
Melvyn H. Blum
BNY Mellon
Diane Bobb
Edwin E. Bobrow
Donya & Scott Bommer
Rosalynn J. Bonamusa
Robert Bond
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bonner
Daniel & Anne Bookin
Margaret Booth & Marvin Schechter
Jeanine & Alastair Borthwick
Susan B. Boshwit
Bostock Family Foundation
Merilee H. Bostock
Sandra L. Bowers & Ralph B. Walter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Bowler
brachfield ny inc
Dorothy Bracey & Tom Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Braddock
Leslie Bradford
Catherine D. Bradley
Barbara Brandt
Louise Braver
Ms. Lois Barverman
* Deceased
Mr. Mike Carrico
Arthur L. & Linda Carter
Humberto M. Carvalho
W.P. Carey Foundation, Inc.
Nancy Cascella
Sharon Casdin
Anna & Erik Caspersen
Andrew Catapano
Maria R. Celis-Wirth
Mr. Richard Sonet
Chambers Hotel
Chanda & Matthew Chapin
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Chapin
Anna Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Chapman
Ms. Katharine M. Chapman
Richard Chapman
Debrah Lee Charatan
Beverly & Herbert Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Chazen
Mr. & Mrs. Jouky Chehebar
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cheng
Chele Chiavacci
Wendy & Bill Chiles
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Cho
Mr. Michael Chouraqui
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Chrisman
Claire & Hudnall Christopher
Mrs. Jonathan Churchill
Tate Barker Cicala
Ms. Christiane H. Citron &
Mr. David Anson Clive Moore
Citrin, Cooperman & Company, LLP
Citrix Systems Inc
City Winery NYC
Mr. & Mrs. James Clark
Mrs. Saul Clateman
Kerry Ann Clawson
Sana Clegg
Estate of Jean Clement
Clip Pictures Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clofine
Dena Kleiman Clossey & David Clossey
Alison Coen Searcy & Scott Searcy
Barbara L. Cohen
Joyce & Barry Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Cohen
Ms. Judy B. Cohen
Robert Stephan Cohen, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Cokinos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cole
Christina V. Coleman
Elizabeth Coleman
George Anthony N. Colettis & Marina E. Livanos
Drs. Bobbi & Barry Coller
Cathleen Collins
Ashley Christopher & Brooks Gibbins
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Comas
Mr. & Mrs. Stuyvesant Comfort
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Comfort
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Sue & Vic Confalone
Renee Conforte
The G.L. Connolly Foundation
Jaymel E. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Conroy
Susan E. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Cook
Mr. Arthur Adler & Ms. Adrienne M. Cooper
Carol L. Cooper
Jonathan Cooper
Richard Cooper & Barrie Cassileth
Coopersmith, Simon & Vogel, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Corbett
Monica & Stefano Corsi
Mrs. Sonya H. Coster
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Coumantaros
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Cowen
Mrs. Wilbur Cowett
The Cowles Charitable Trust
Candace Cox & Frank Crimmins
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Cox
Jennie & Chris Coyne
Maria Crawley-Bayazid
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Creed
Cedomir Crnovic & Valerie C. Rubsaman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Cronson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Cross
Heather F. Olson & Glenn E. Crotty
Patricia Crown
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Cruickshank
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cruz
Crystal Springs Resort
Andrea N. Culliford M.D.
Mary Ellen & David Cundey
Alice & David Cynn
Nanci Czaja
Richard W. Dahlia
Maggan Daileader
Tanya Dalmazio
Fariborz Damanpour
Pamela Damsky
Reverend Alma Daniel
Judy & Aaron Daniels
Lawrence S. & Susan B. Daniels
Norris & Charlie Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Darion
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Darringer
Virginia L. Darrow
Joan Davidson
James & Heather Davies
Maryanne & Dick Davis
J. David Davis
Mrs. Nathaniel Day
Jane Bloomingdale de Cisneros
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. de Graffenried III
* Deceased
Table of
 
Supporters | Continued
Louis E. De Rosa
Daniel de Roulet
Pierre J. De Vegh
Daniel Dealmeida
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Del Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Cisco J. Del Valle
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Delafield
Carol Dempster
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Denihan
Jennie & Richard DeScherer
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Desimone
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Dr. Gayatri Devi
Mr. & Mrs. Dinyar S. Devitre
David H. DeWeese
Mary DeWysocki
Hester Diamond
Ms. Jacqueline Didier
Didier Aaron, Inc.
Adriana Dilancea
Courtney & Joseph DiMauro
Ms. Abigail Disney & Mr. Pierre Hauser
The Herbert & Junia Doan Foundation
Junia Doan
Evelyn & Mike Donatelli
Mrs. Mary-Elizabeth Dooner &
Mr. Andrew Walker
David Dorfman
Mr. Christopher Spelman Doty
Double Wide Media LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Douglass
Arden D. Down
Robert N. & Nancy A. Downey Foundation
Nancy & Bob Downey
Michaele & Burton Drayer
Dr. Kathy Drill & Mr. Craig A. Drill
Mr. & Mrs. S. Searcy Dryden
Jacqueline H. Dryfoos
Susan W. Dryfoos
Michael & Helen DuBow
Diane Sweeney Dundee
Ms. Kathryn O’Neal-Dunham &
Mr. Gilbert Dunham
Alan Dunkelberger
Brenda Earl
Eau Pam Beach Resort & Spa
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Eberstadt
Mr. & Mrs. E. Llwyd Ecclestone
Karen Eckhoff
Ms. Allison Ecung
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Eddy
Dr. & Mrs. Colin S. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Ehrenkranz
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ehrenkranz
Helene B. Eiber
Mrs. Daryl Elliott
John Elliot & Laura Philips
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ellis
Supporters | Continued
Blair England & Peter Carlin
Dasha Epstein
Philip Erard
Ms. Mary Clare Eros
Otho E. Eskin & Therese A. Keane
James & Nina Essey
Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Mr. & Mrs. Maks A. Etingin
Mr. & Mrs. William Ettelson
Mrs. Milton B. Eulau
George Evans
Evercore Trust Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Evert
Bruce R. Ewing
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Doctors Darice & Jason Fadeyi
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Fagan
Samuel & Claire Fagin
Michele Faissola
Bayla K. Falber
Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Fanjul
Mr. & Mrs. James Fantaci
Mr. Edward Farb
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Farmakis
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Farman-Farmaian
Colin & Katy Farmer
Thomas Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fawcett
The Fearrington House
Sheri B. Levine & Marc A. Feigen
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Fein
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Feinberg
Dr. & Mrs. Meyer Feldberg
Mr. Michael Feldberg & Ms. Ruth Lazarus
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Felder
Melanie Shorin & Greg S. Feldman
Samuel Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Felleman
Dana & Gregory Feller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Felsher
Christy Ann Ferer
Tony Feuerstein
Joseph S. Fichera
Fiduciary Trust Company International
Mrs. Jenna Field
Norman C. Fields
Mr. Michael Fieldstone
Fifth Third Private Bank
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Figge
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Filipski
Stephen W. Fillo & Jane Carolyn Gould
Elinor Tomback Fine
Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica
Fox US Productions 31, Inc.
Francis Finlay & Olivia Fussell
Pamela Fiori & Colt Givner
Mrs. Donald G. Fisher
Janet L. Fisher
Roberta A. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Fitzgerald III
Margaret & Howard Fluhr
Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Fodor
Penelope Dyson Foley
Nancy N. Foote
Mrs. John G. Forbes, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fortin
Dinah Seiver & Thomas Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fowler
Susan Fraker
Janet & Bradley Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Frankel
Ms. Clare Fraser
Catherine Fredman
Mr. & Mrs. David Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. James Freeman
Amandine & Stephen Freidheim
Mr. Francisco Freitas De Oliveira &
Ms. Nadjara Paiva
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fremont-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John French III
Mr. Victor Freudman
Mrs. Michel Fribourg
Mrs. Henry Clay Frick II
Mary Louise Frick
Barry S. Friedberg & Charlotte Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Friedland
Wendy Stein & Bart Friedman
Robert A. Friedman & Jane Grenadier Friedman
Teri Friedman
Michele Fron
Mrs. Marcus Fuller
Fran & Martin Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Valentin Fuster
G. Research
Ms. Paulette Gabriele
James C. Gale
Pamela Gale
Mr. & Mrs. Lee M. Gammill, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Ganek
Gangway Films LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gardiner
Madhu Powar Garg
Carlie & Neal Garonzik Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Neal S. Garonzik
Huntley & Emily Garriott
Shana & Hunter Gary
Gail C. Gaston
Andrea Gaudet
Mali Sananikone-Gaw
Ms. Anne Gawkins
Sean J. Geary
Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Geduld
Jane Gelb
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gelfand
Mr. Eric Geller & Mrs. Abigail Gold
Robert & Lois Geller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gellert
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Georges
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Georgescu
Katie P. Gerlach
Dr. Gervaise Gerstner
Nomi Ghez & Michael Siegal
Carol Terese Giaconelli
Nora Lynne Gibson & William L. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Q. Giffuni
Evan S. Giniger
Raymond P. & Marie M. Ginther
Dr. Nicholas Giorgio
Ruth E. Gitlin
Stanley E. Gitlow & Lynne Hennecke
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Glanternik
Peter H. Gleason
Leighton Gleicher & Joseph Feczko
Global Credit Services
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Glover
Marsha & Richard Goldberg
Richard & Marsha Goldberg
Jean Golden
Suzanne & John Golden
Herman Goldman Foundation
Arlene Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Budd S. Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Goldman
William Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Goldring
Mr. Harvey J. Goldschmid
Margie Goldsmith
Nancy Coles & Jeffrey Goldstein
Edward E. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Goodale
Ann M. Goodbody
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Goodenough
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Goodman
Marian Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Goodrich
Catherine Goodstein & Ian G. Wallace
Scott Gordon & Lynn Wright
The Gordon Foundation
Mrs. Sheldon Gordon
Lisa Gorfain
Dr. & Mrs. Antonio Gotto
Ms. Carolyn M. Gould
Chris & J.J. Grabenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cecil Grace
Chris Graham & Eduardo Fausti
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Graham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Graham, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Victor R. Grann
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Grant
Ms. Susannah Gray & Mr. John Lyons
George J. Green
Alyson K. Adler & William H. Green
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Greenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic I. Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg
Louise Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Greene
Roger A. Greenspun
Renee & Justin Greenstein
Gail Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grier
Deborah A. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Griffin
Jillian Griffiths
Laura L. Grimmer & Michael D. Beil
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Ray J. Groves
Antonia & George Grumbach, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Gruss
Lucy & Lawrence Guffey
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Guida
Guilford Publications, Inc.
Peggy S. Guinness
Mr. James Guiry
Mr. Abhishek Gupta
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Gutfreund
Henrietta Gwaltney
Mimi L. Haas
Wendy Haft & Houstoun Demere
Janice Haggerty
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Haje
Mr. Jake Hakanson
Jennifer Rolfe Hale
Kathleen D. Hale
Patricia R. Hall
Mai V. Hallingby-Harrison
John Haller
Sunny & Michael Halperin
Mimi Halpern
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Hamill
Dorrance H. Hamilton
Russel Hamilton
Claudia L. Hammerman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Handler
Christine G. Hansen
David T. Hansen & Elaine V. Fuchs
Gina Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Harkins
D. Brooke Harlow
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harman
Ruth Ann & William F. Harnisch
Gerard E. Harper
Julie Harris
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Harting
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Harvey
Grace W. Harvey
Anna & Tony Hass
Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Hatch III
Elizabeth Ann Hawker
Mr. & Mrs. Carney Hawks
Mrs. Harold H. Healy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Heaney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hegarty
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Hegyi
Michelle Marie Heinemann
Lisa Heinz
John Heist
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hellerstein
Elizabeth & Jerome Hellman
Ms. Adrienne Hemsley
Stephen Henderson & James LaForce
Wolf H. Hengst
Diane & John Herfort
Dr. & Mrs. Valentin E. Hernandez
Mr. David G. Herro & Mr. Jay Franke
Luule N. Hewson
Susan Hickey
Ann L. Hicks & Weston M. Hicks
William Talbott Hillman Foundation
Sara Hinkle
Diane & Kenneth Hipkins
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hirsch
Ann Hirth
Douglas Hitchner
David S. Hochstim
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hodin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hoerle
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Hofmann
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Hohmann III
Mr. & Mrs. G. Michael Holbert
Mr. & Mrs. G. Malcolm Holderness
Heidi Holterbosch
Denise Hoogland
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hope
Collette Hopkins
Jay Horine & Keturah Bracy
Mandana Hormozi
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Hornig
Hayden Hosford
May K. Houghton
Mr. & Mrs. Ara Hovnanian
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Howard
Ellen Howe
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Hoyt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hubbell
Lauren D. Hubbell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Hudner
Sophia Hudson & Dan Riley
Annie & Ben Huneke
Jennifer Huntley
Robert Hurwitz & Carol Ann Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Fazle Husain
Ms. Mona Husami
* Deceased
Table of
 
Supporters | Continued
Mr. Paul D. Hutchen
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hutfilz
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Hyman
Miriam & Steven Hyman
Hyperactive Content LLC
IBM Corporation
Identity Media, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Iger
Robert A. Iger & Willow Bay
Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Ilberman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Imohiosen
Inkaterra Authentic Nature Travel
In Private Inc.
Interpublic Group
Jack Intrator & Debrah Welling
Thomas & Judith Iovino
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. Ireland
Mr.& Mrs. John N. Irwin III
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Isaacson
Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Isaly
The Islam Family
Mr. & Mrs. Justin B. Israel
Yves-Andre Istel & Kathleen P. Begala
Rosamond Ivey
The Jackman Family Foundation
Hugh Jackman
Taylor & Stephen Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jackson
Victoria Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Jacobowitz
Alice Jacobs
Edward A. Jacobson
Frederick Jacobson
Joanne Jacobson
Susan G. Jacoby
Lynette Massey Jaffe
Liz & Alan Jaffe
Leslie Sewell & Jim Jaffe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Jaffe
Diane E. Jaffee
Mr. Anshu Jain
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Janeway
Jan Hird Pokorny Associates, Inc.
Carroll Janis
Pamela Jarvis & Anthony E. Davis
Susan Jasper
Eric M. Javits, Jr.
Elizabeth & Robert A. Jeffe
Scott A. Jeffrey
Jewish Community Foundation of Metrowest
New Jersey
Mr. George C. Johns
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Johnson
Pamela Johnson & Stephen Lintner
David C. Johnston
Tracey Johnston & Eric Johnston
The Jones Family
Supporters | Continued
Gregory Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Warren S. Josephy
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Judell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Juneja
Just Give
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kagan
Batya Kahane
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. David Kamin
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Kaminski
Ms. Louise Kaminsky
Mr. Richard Kandel
Ms. Megan Kane
Kantara, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Kaplan
Helene & Mark N. Kaplan
Pat & Paul D. Kaplan
David I. Karabell & Paula Moss
Steve Karan
Rolly Karlen & Mary Anne Jones
Sally & Ivar Kasaks
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kasman
Mr. Gerald Katcher & Dr. Jane Frank Katcher
Lauren Katz
Chaim Katzman
Eric R. Katzman & Melissa L. Elstein
The Kaufmann Foundation
Mrs. Peter H. Kaufmann
Bill & Paulette Kaufmann
Mrs. Harry L. Kavetas
Monica Keany
Amalya L. Kearse
Anne L. Keating
Dan Keating
Kassy Kebede
Mrs. Alastair J. Keith
Robert G. Keller
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin V. Kelly
Michael & Elizabeth Kelley
Leigh Feldman & J. Michael Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kempner
Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Kennedy
J. Shannon Kennedy
Carol & Jerry Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kerschner
Courtney Kershaw
Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Kessel*
Linda & Sanjay Khettry
Henry Kibel
Sharon K. Kilmer
Catherine King
Ms. Anne Venhizen & Mr. James King
Mrs. Kerryn King
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Kingsley
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Kissinger
Jane Parsons Klein
Elysabeth Kleinhans
M. Jane Gaillard & Gary Knisely
Rachel & William Knobler
Maura & Richard Kobusch
Mr. & Mrs. Reha Kocatas
Candice Koederitz
Mr. Stuart Koenig & Ms. Bonnie R. Fox
William I. Kohane
John & Anabel Konwiser
Nedra & Richard Koplin
Kay & William Koplovitz
Paul & Toby Koren
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Joel Korman
Helen & Jules Kornblau /
The Kornblau Family Foundation
Jonathan L. Koslow & Susan L. Robbins
Janice & John Kosta
William Otto Koster
Stephen C. Koval & Celeste M. Sant’Angelo
Lillian E. Kraemer
Barbara Roder-Stafford
Kathy Krall
Daniel R. Kramer
Becca Davies & Jeremy Kramer
Kandy & Jeffrey Kramer
Kranky Produktions, Inc.
Mr. Christopher Kraus & Ms. Darcy Stacom
Mr. & Mrs. David Kraus
Barbara Kravitz
Steve Kreinik
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Kress
Dorothy & Jerome Kretchmer
Melissa Kretschmer & Carl Andre
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Krieger
Mr. Dean Kripalani
Tara & Ron Krolick
Susan Kroll
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Kubacki
Elizabeth & Solomon Kumin
Ms. Helen M. Kurtz
Paul A. Lacey
Mortimer J. Lacher
Alnoor Ladha
Ellen Lafferty & Dennis Lafferty
Peter G. LaFleche
Nicholas J. LaHowchic & Diane Forrest
Christine Lahti
Mr. & Mrs. Sacha Lainovic
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin V. Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaNasa
Marlene & Edward Landau Foundation
Sandra A. Riemer Landers
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Rocco Landesman
Scott Landis
Kathleen & Douglas Landy
Arthur & Jane Lane
Jeffrey & Nancy Lane Foundation, Inc.
Stewart F. Lane & Bonnie Comley
Mr. Christian Lange
Patricia & Andrew Langer
Mr. & Mrs. M. Steven Langman
* Deceased
Frederick W. Lapham III
Mr. Frank Larkin
The William & Mildred Lasdon Foundation
Abigail Lash & Austin Shapard
Mr. Robert Laurie
Antonietta Lauto
Mrs. Luke P. LaValle, Jr.
Jennifer & Edward Lavin
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan H. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lawton
Mr. Donald H. Layton & Ms. Sandra Lynn Lazo
Joan Leake
Le Cirque
Westy & Morgan LeConey
Laurie Lederman
Mr. & Mrs. James Ledley
Dr. Carol M. Lee & Dr. Brian Apatoff
Miyoung Lee
The Samuel J. & Ethel LeFrak Charitable
Edith & Herbert Lehman Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Reuben S. Leibowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Leitner
John Leland Sills, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Leon
Kurt F. Leopold
Le Pain Quotidien
Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Lepow
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua A. Leuchtenburg
Robert Levande & Andrea Brown
Daniela Levenson
Daniel J. Leventritt
Marilyn Levey
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Levin
Ms. Susan Levin
Ms. Suzanne Levin
John Levine & Susan Clopton
Fran & Carl Levinson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Levy
Judith C. Lewent
Ms. Lana Lewin-Ross
Mrs. Memrie M. Lewis
Toby D. Lewis
Kendall & Gregory Ley
Jennifer Kouvant & Hans Li
Mrs. Molly Tollefson & Mr. Jesse Licht
Dorothy Lichtenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Liddle
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Lieberman
Warren Liebesman
Amy & David Liebowitz
Barbara Lifton
Lisa & Scott Lindvall
Mr. & Mrs. Troland S. Link
Martin Linsky & Lynn Staley
Mr. & Mrs. Yen Liow
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman
Jonathan Lipnick & Susan C. Scheuer
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Lipton
Arthur S. Liss
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Lister
Chien-Cho Liu
Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. Livingston
Patricia Lizarraga
Andrew Miller & Dianne F. Lob
Carl D. Lobell
Frank T. LoCastro
Arthur L. Loeb
Stephanie & James Loeffler
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Logan
Lola Supervision Inc.
Gayle London
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Long
Ms. Ana Lopes
David Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Loren
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lorenz
Gerald & Barbara Loughlin
Mrs. & Mr. Helen Lowenstein
Mrs. Louis Lowenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Lowerre
Charles F. Lowrey & Susan T. Rodriguez
Pamela & Jeffrey Lovinger
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Ludwick
Larry L. Luing
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Lumet
John Lummis
Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Lundgren
Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch
Susan E. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Lynch
Virginia Lyon
Olivia A. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. David MacCallum
Ms. Jennifer Macdonald
Neil Macfarquhar
Sarah & Alec Machiels
Lorraine Machiz
Mr. Allen R. Thorpe & Ms. Meghan E. Mackay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. W. MacNeil
Mr. & Mrs. Ian MacKenzie
Avantika Nehrv Madan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Madsen
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Magliocco
Brian & Florence Mahony
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchel Maidman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Mailman
Dr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Maisel
Kristin Malcarney & Eric C. Winograd
Reena Russell Nasr & Lex Maldutis
Andrew J. Malik
Mr. & Mrs. Evan S. Malik
The Mandell School
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Manheimer
Sandra Rodman Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Manning
Elizabeth & Rohit Manocha
Barbara Manocherian
Donald Manocherian
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Mantell
Maolma Media Corp - MMC
Lara Marcon & Jayaveera Kodali
Luis R. Marcos, M.D.
Marina & William Marcoux
Joseph Marger
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney O. Margolis
Alexander R. Margulis & Hedvig Hricak Margulis
Marian Goodman Gallery Inc.
Maura L. Harway & Richard W. Mark
Mr. Roger Markfield
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Marks II
Lizzy & Bryce Markus
Nicholas P. Marotta
Eduardo R. Marquez
Peter N. Marron
Paul S. Marsh
Donna E. Marshall
April Marshall-Clausen
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly Martin
John Martin & Katherine Fitzhugh
Kenneth Martin & Christine Hepburn
Wednesday Martin, Ph.D.
The Nicholas Martini Foundation
Valerie S. Mason
Ms. Florencia Masri
Dr. Geema Shetty Masson
Charles Mathes & Arlene Graston
Robert & Rita Matthews
Sir Deryck & Lady Maughan
Mr. & Mrs. Adam E. Max
Mr. & Mrs. M. Anthony May
Nancy R. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. John Maynard
Brooke Moldenhauer Mayne
Farrokh Mazdeyasna
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Mazier
Bryan & Sarah Mazlish
Dale A. Mc Donald
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick K. McBrien
Carlyn McCaffrey & John P. McCaffrey
Matthew McCahill
William McCarten
Stephanie & W. Carter McClelland
Ms. Ellyn McColgan
Ms. Maria Antonia Paterno-Castello &
Mr. William D. McCombe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. David A. McCreery
Karen L. McDonald
Kate McDonough
Eileen M. McEvoy
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. McGee
Sarah Granson McGill
* Deceased
Table of
 
Supporters | Continued
Douglas McGrath & Jane Read Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. McGuigan
Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGurk
Amy B. McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. L.J. McKay
Emily & Scott McLellan
Mr. Peter D. McLeod & Mrs Anne M. McLeod
Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. McManus
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McNierney
Heidi Neuhoff-McWilliams
Marianne Mebane
Jane W. Meisel & Ronald C. Miller
Melbarken, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Meldrum
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mele
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Meltzer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mendelow
Josephine A. Merck
Jo Ann Merlau
Jennifer & Myers Mermel
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Merrill
Betsy Messerschmitt
Michael Metelenis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Metselaar
Metzger-Price Fund, Inc.
Meyer Feldberg Donor Advised Gift Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Michel
Microsoft Giving Campaign Program
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank III
Mr & Mrs. Corbin R. Miller
Melanie A. Coronetz & Bruce G. Miller
Claudia Miller
Elizabeth & Richard Miller
Mr. Jonathan Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller
Claudius Miller III & Sally Cheney Miller
Sherri Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Millhouse
Max Milliken
Ms. Lisa K. Millman
Andrew Millon
Ms. Carrie Millon
Amy Mills
Milly LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Howard P. Milstein
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Milstein
Alison R. Minton
Joan E. Mintz & Robinson Markel
Leslie Berman Mintz & Fredric J. Mintz
Linda Mirels
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Missett III
Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Mitchell
John W. Mitchell
Lauren C. Mitchell
Samuel & Rose Mitchell Foundation
Mobile Giving Foundation
Ms. Patricia Krieg & Mr. Paul Model
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mogavero
Supporters | Continued
Susan Moldow
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Hugues Monier
The mont Hamilton Princess
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Montag
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Montero
Christine Moog & Benoit Helluy
Mr. & Mrs. John Moon
Margaret Nelson & Willard S. Moore
Cynthia Morales
Amanda Moran
Michael Morandi
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust Inc.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Joseph T. Morello
Charles F. Morgan
Alan R. Morris
Jay & Catherine Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Lester S. Morse, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Moskin
Ms. Leslie Motiwalla
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Patrick Moynihan
Mr. & Mrs. Karlheinz Muhr
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mulcahy
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Muldoon
Jan Mullen
Kathleeen M. Mumma
Maureen Mulheren
Mr. & Mrs. Satoru Murase
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Musen
Mr. Victor P. Muskin
Mrs. Lucy Musso
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Muth
Mrs. Raymond King Myerson
Mrs. David Nadien*
Mr. & Mrs. David Nadien
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Nagel
Kathy Najimy
The Naked Grape
NAON, Inc.
Nancy J. Napier
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Narins
Leonard Nathanson
Mr. & Mrs. Raffiq Nathoo
Nautilus Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Navab
Judith Nayer
James Nederlander
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Neff
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Nelson
Linda & Stuart Nelson
Enid Nemy
Ruth Nerken
Network For Good
Francine & Robert Neu
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neumann
Dorothy Neustadter
New York Life Giving Campaign
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Newberger
Nancy Newcomb & John Hargraves
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Newhouse
Laurence Newman & Luisa Hunnewell
Suzanne Newman
Susan Nickerson
Night Train, Inc.
Nine West Jeanswear Group Inc.
Daniel Nir & Jill Braufman
Diane Allen Nixon
Colleen Noall
Lawrence Noe
Amy & Jeffrey Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Norris
North Six, Inc.
NorthSouth Productions
Lorne & Judith Norton
Ms. Nana Ji Myung Obermann
The Ocean House
Mr. Ole Obermann
Robert & Patricia O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. O’Connor III
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donohue
Maja Oeri
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Oestreich
Ned S. & Amanda M. Offit
Paula Offricht
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Offutt, Jr.
Mrs. L. Peter O’Hagan
Dara & Timothy O’Hara
Cynthia O’Hara
Dr. Patrick F. O’Leary
Barbara Oliner
Mr. & Mrs. David Arthur Oliver
Jessica Oliver
Mr. Michael R. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Oneglia
Gail O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. George D. O’Neill
Wendy O’Neill
Open 4 Business Productions LLC
Brian & Kimberly Orcutt
Mary Karen & David O’Shaughnessy
Benay C. Ostrager-DiGia
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ostrow
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Overlock
Claudia & Gunnar Overstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pantaleoni
Parents Association of the Calhoun School, Inc.
Steven M. Parker
A. Richard Parkoff
Parkoff Operating Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parry
Emily Parsons
Mr. Andrew Pascoe
Michael D. Patrick & Carol L. Sedwick
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Patricof
Nina & Mike Patterson
* Deceased
Dr. & Mrs. Russel H. Patterson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Pauker
Mr. Marc Payot
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Pearce
Rani & Charles Peck
Liliane & Norman Peck
Ms. Mary Q. Pedersen
Mrs. Charles D. Peebler, Jr.
Dr. Virginia Pellicci
Gary Pelton
Jennifer Peltz
The Peninsula New York
Abraham Perlman Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Perlman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perlmutter
Mike Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Perry
John Pershing & Travis Cinco
Sandra S. Pershing
Ms. Josefin Persson
Regina S. Peruggi
Petal by Pedal
Robert Petrie
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Petrocelli
Renee K. Petrofes
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pfau
Pfizer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Phelps
Phenomenon Marketing & Entertainment Inc.
Linda Phillips
The Louis Phillips Family
Kate Pickett
Teresa Pickman
Picture Farm II, LLC
Mr. Joseph Igoe & Ms. Nancy Pierce
Pig Newton Inc
Samuel A. Pilcer & Grace C. Pilcer
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Pinover
Ms. Deborah L. Pipines
Nancy Piraquive
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Pittelman
Dr. & Mrs. W. Reid Pitts, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Platt
Ms. Katherine Plavan
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Plotch
Judith J. Plows
Ron Pobuda
Areta Podhorodecki, M.D.
Jerome Polansky
Debra Polishook
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Polk
Mrs. Ann Coleman Poll
Sidney Lee Posel
Robin Conway Poulos
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Pralle
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Pray, Jr.
Katharine C. Prentice
Emilie Price
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Julie Prince & Chris Hojlo
Marylin L. Prince
Ron B. Prince & Mark Hartnett
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Proskin
Susan Ann Protter
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore O. Prounis
Pulse Production, Inc.
Mrs. Richard I. Purnell
Bambi Putnam
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick
Paxton Quigley
Mark & Dara Quinlan
Yvonne S. Quinn
Melinda & Donald Quintin
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Rabinowitz
Lisa, Steve & Violet Radgowski
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Radke
Eric C. Rahe
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Rampertab
Mrs. F. F. Randolph, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Rappaport
Valerie Trueblood Rapport
Janet L. Rassweiler
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Rattray
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Rault III
Mrs. William Rayner
Brian W. Bolster & Roxane F. Reardon
Real Estate League
Bennett Rechler
Recommended Media, LLC
Mr. Joshua Rednik
Carolyn & Joe Reece
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Reece
The Reed Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Regna
Angela M. Reid
Christina Reik
Mrs. Denice H. Rein
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Reinhard
Phillip S. Reinstein
Relish Caterers
Doreen Remen
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Renyi
Paula & Ira Resnick
The Karl F. Reuling Fund
Rexfilm Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Riano
Christina Ribel & Kalle Bergman
Katherine Rice & Peter Frishauf
Grace E. Richardson
Dr. Annette U. Rickel
Michael Ridder & Linda Vance
Blair & Tom Ritchie
Mr. & Mrs. D. Paul Rittmaster
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Guy N. Robinson
Arlene Roberts
Donald M. & Mary G. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Roberts
Greg Robertson
Joanne Robinson
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Robotti
Tara & Michael Rockefeller
Rockefeller Financial
Ms. Carol D. Rocker
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Rohan
Barbara & Robert Rohdie
John Rohs
Myron Sulzberger Rolfe
Joseph A. Rosalie
Elliott C. Rosch
Daniel & Joanna S. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Barry S. Roseman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rosenberg
Brian Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rosenheim
The Juliet Rosenthal Foundation, Inc.
Andrew H. Rosenthal
Michael Rosenthal
Monica & Philip Rosenthal
Alice Rosenwald
Nina Rosenwald
William Roskin
Alfred & Jane Ross Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Cye E. Ross
Steven P. & Linda S. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence B. Rossbach, Jr.
Estate of Norma Rossler
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Pierre Rosso
Katherine Rossolimo
Mr. & Mrs. Jon W. Rotenstreich
Joyce Rothenberg
Valerie & John Rowe
Stanley A. Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Eliot I. Rubenzahl
Jane Altman Rubin
Matthew Rudary
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Rudin
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Manuel Ruiz
Mrs. Philip E. Ruppe
Katherine Camille Rushton
Carey & William Rutkoske
Mr. & Mrs. Baird W. Ryan
The Philip and Elizabeth Ryan Family Foundation
Joan L. & Reade H. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. T. Timothy Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Ryser
Elaine Saber
Michele & Antonio Sacconaghi
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Sacks
Anna Kennedy Safir
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Saft
* Deceased
Table of
 
Supporters | Continued
Mr. Lanny M. Sagal
Saint David’s School
Salamander Resort & Spa
Alice Saligman
Richard E. Salomon
Barbara Saltzman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saltzman
Jeanine & Louis Salvatore
The San Francisco Foundation
Jeannette W. Sanger
Sidney Sass
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Savarese
Allison B. Saxe
Elisa M. Scatena
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schacht
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Schaffer
Ann & Melvyn Schaffer
Robert H. Schaffer
Ms. Corrente A. Schankler &
Mr. Nathaniel Tarrant Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold A. Scharf
Mrs. George T. Scharffenberger
Miss Kimberly Scheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Scheffer
Amy L. Katz & Irving Scher
Marge Scheuer
Molly & Teddy Schiff
Karen Schlansky
Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Schleiff
Michael Schler & Joan McClure
Sanford J. Schlesinger & Lianne Lazetera
Eleanore & Eugene Schloss
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schneidman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schoenfeld
Congregation Rodeph Scholom
Andrew J. Schorr
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Schorsch
Mr. & Mrs. Jake Schrader
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Schreiber, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schueller
Kimberly & Jonathan Schulhof
Lesley & David Schulhof
Frances Myrick Schultz
Alfred Schulz
Joan C. Schwartz Philanthropic Fund
Nancy Drosd & Charles Schwartz
Joan C. Schwartz
Nancy Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Schwartz
Whitney Schwartz
Maggie Schwarz
Peter W. Schweitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Scott
Ann & Thomas Seifert
Bill Selby
Russell & Frances Selby
Richard Seldes
Ms. Nicole Seligman
Supporters | Continued
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Selkowitz
Barbara & Andrew Senchak
Richard Sergel & Susan Baggett
Mrs. Nathan Serota
Christopher A. Seshadri
Nicole Sexton
Pamela S. Seymon
Shadow Infirmary Productions, LLC
Jean L. Shafiroff
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Shafran
Mr. & Mrs. Dhiren Shah
Mr. & Mrs. Shouky Shaheen
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Shannon
Amy Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Shapiro
Neal B. Shapiro & Hyunyu Chang
Curt B. Sharp & Dean Stein
Aimee Sharrock
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Shattuck, Jr.
Michael & Sara Shaw
Ronda R. Shaw & Alan B. Zients
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Shea
Jacqueline & Neal Shear
Kathryn K. Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sheehan
Mrs. Rosa Sheehan
Virginia Sheerin
Amy Sherman
Joan Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sherman
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Sherman
Ms. Rorie M. Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Sherrill
Mr. Michael Sherrow
Jay Sherwood
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Shiah
Elizabeth Shields
The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation
Gil Shiva
Freeman A. Shore
Mr. & Mrs. Francois Sicart
David Sicular & Lilian S. Stern
Kelly Sidley
Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Siebecker
Sharon Nelson Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Siegelson
Jonathan Siegfried & Marion Bachrach
Mr. Michael Silber
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Silver
Mrs. Robert J. Silver
Mr. & Mrs. William Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Noah H. Silverman
Edward Simmons
Jacqueline Albert Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Noel Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Talbott Simonds
Carl & Fay Simons
Abby R. Simpson & Todd Mydland
Ms. Louise Sinnott
Mr. & Mrs. John Sipp
Sirk Productions, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sitrick
Six Degrees Production
Estate of Clare Skaling
Skunk Partners, LLC
The Skylark
Mr. William Alan Slivka
Susan Smalley & Kevin Wall
Barbara Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Smith
June Smith & Steve Pensinger
Michelle Smith & Andrew Oshrin
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Smith
Phyllis & Raymond W. Smith
Ronald W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Smithers, Jr.
Smooth World Productions, Inc.
Clinton Smullyan
Mr. James J. Smythe
Mitchell Soiefer
Mr. Rich Soja
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Solari, Jr.
Edwin Lee Solot & Marie de Lucia
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Soloway
Judith & Peter Som
Ted Sonnenschein & Penny Wohlstetter
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Sonsino
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sontag
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Soros
Norma Soto
Isaac Souede
Jane Southall
Margot & Hoyt Spelman
Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Spero
Audrey & Jeffrey Spiegel
Mr. Steven Spiegel
Marlene Spigner
Mr. & Mrs. Eliot L. Spitzer
Iva Spitzer
Arthur D. Sporn
John P. Sposato
The Sposato Companies, Inc.
Mr. Stephen Spruiell
Natalie Cass Stange
Stapleton Charitable Trust
The Honorable & Mrs. Craig Stapleton
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Stapleton
Richard J. Stark
Emily & Ryan Stark
Carolyn Starmann
Starz Power Productions, LLC
Esta Stecher
Becky Diamond & Jamie Stecher
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stein, Jr.
Mr Harold Steinberg*
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Steinhardt
* Deceased
Susan Steinsapir
Erana M. Stennett
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Stephenson II
Sherri Stephenson
The Allison Maher Stern Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel T. Stern
Howard & Miriam Stern
Joan O. Stern & Zdzislaw Bochynski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stern
Ms. Bulova Stetson
Anil Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney Stevens
Martha Stewart
Elizabeth H. Stinchcomb
Terry & Peter Stockman
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Stone
Patricia H. Grodd & Michael S. Stone
Jennifer & Todd Stone
Stop & Stor Charitable Fund
Tina & David Storper
Noreene Storrie & Wesley McCain
Virginia K. Stowe
Robert G. Strachan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Strauss
Suzanne Strassburger
Ms. Robin Strasser
Melville & Leila Straus
Christopher Stromee
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Strong
R. David Sudarsky*
Patricia Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. R. Peter Sullivan III
Mr. & Mrs. Aron Suna
Stuart A. Sundlun
The Surrey Hotel
William I. Sussman
Suzanne Newman, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles O. Svenson
Susan Sweet & Robert Nieuwenhuizen
James R. Swenson
Szilvia Szmuk-Tanenbaum
Begum Taft
Mr. Stephen Taft
Paul J. & Chandler M. Tagliabue
Sone Takahara
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph S. Takian
Margot Takian
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Talkow
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Talley
Priscilla M. Tamkin
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Tanner
Dr. Kenneth J. Tardiff & Dr. P. Anne McBride
Mr. David Tarnowski
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Tassini
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel MV Tatnall
Paul J. Taubman
Amanda Taylor
Jean E. Taylor
John H. Taylor, Jr.
Macauley R. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Teets
Giarna TeKanawa
Ms. Debbie Telger
The Terri & Sandy Solution
Katrin Theodoli
Joseph Michael Thomas II
Lydia Biddle Thomas
Fern & Michael Thomas
Anne E. Thompson
Theresa S. Thompson
Alice M. Thorpe
Mark & Arlene Tibergien
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tirschwell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tirschwell
Mrs. Wilma Tisch
Jerry A. Tishman
Sharon L. Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Toll
Nick Tompkins
Whitney & Henry Topping
Mr. Enrique Torres
Mr. Frank Tosto
Touchstone Television LLC
Lydia Touzet
Locky & Scott Trachsel
Mr. & Mrs. Remy Trafelet
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Treadway
Trevor Day School
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Trief
Benita Trinkle
Triple Crown Sports, Inc.
Kathleen H. Tripp
Helen M. Truax
Judy Jenkins Trunsky
The Trust Company Of Toledo
Litsa D. Tsitsera
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J.F. Tucker
Katharine Tuckerman
Oliver Tuckerman
Erich Tupper
Robert L. Turner
Fanny Turschwell
Twin America, LLC
Two East Sixty-Second Street Foundation
Evan W. Uhlick & Ashton B. Abbot
Ulula Films
United States Tennis Association
United Way Of Metrro Chicago
Universal Network Television LLC
Saul Unter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas I. Unterberg
Brian Urkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Utay
Mr. & Mrs. Renato Valente
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis van Amerongen
Mr. & Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Van Beuren
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. van Brugge
Lois Van Deusen
Deborah van Eck
Mr. & Mrs. John H. van Merkensteijn
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Van Pelt
Anne W. Van Rensselaer
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Van Zijl
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice
Todd Vannucci
Van Wormer International LLC
Ms. Mala Vasan
VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacations
Joseph & Loretta Vento
Paul Verbinnen
Sheridan & Trent Vichie
Elizabeth & Manny Villar
Mr. & Mrs. Gianluigi Vittadini
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vizcarrondo
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Vlak
Mr. & Mrs. William Vogel
Mrs. Franz von Ziegesar
Leslie B. Vosshall & Kevin J. Lee
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Marcia Wade
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Wagner, Jr.
Kathryn F. Wagner
Jeanette Sarkisian Wagner & Paul Wagner
Cindy & Tom Wagner
David Wah & Elizabeth Economy
Mr. & Mrs. George Wailand
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Wainwright
Dr. Lucy R. Waletzky
Naomi Waletzky
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett A. Walls
Karen M. Walter
Ms. Renata Walter & Mr. Michael Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Ali Edward Wambold
Dr. Karl M. F. Wamsler
Joann Wanamaker & Andrew Udis
Mr. Chuck Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Saul Waring
Ms. Jan Warner
Warner Bros. Pictures
Cecille Wasserman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Wax
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Webb
Charlotte C. Weber
John C. Weber
Bruce Webster
Patricia M. Weeks
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Weikert
Marshall Weinberg
Mrs. Robert J. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Weindling
Christopher K. Aidun & Susan E. Weiner
Lynda Weinman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Weinreb
* Deceased
Table of
 
Chairman’s Circle Members
Supporters | Continued
Andrew Weinrich
Carolee Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weintraub
W. Thomas Weir
Jonathan G. Weiss & Barbara Asch
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Welch, Jr.
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Nicole Werner
Wes Gordon LLC
Kathleen Weslock
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard West
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Wetenhall
Mr. & Mrs. William Whaley
John P. White
Mary H. White
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Whitehead
White Lion Industries LLC
Laura Whitman & Thomas Danziger
Nina & Michael Whitman
Anthony Whittemore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Wholey IV
Alex Wiegers
Mr. & Mrs. Byron R. Wien
Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Wild
Francis H. Williams
Mrs. B. Robert Williamson
Jennifer Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. David Willson
Gertrude de G. Wilmers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wilmers
Alan & Hope Winters
Harold & Judith Witkow
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Wolf
Frances L. Wolfson
Michael H. Wolk
Kenneth Wong
David & Nancy Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Gene M. Woodfin
Dian Woodner
Ms. Lisa Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Ward W. Woods
Jill & Carter Worth
James H. Worth
Ashley & Matthew Wotiz
Samantha Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor J. Wright
Suzanne & Lester Wunderman
Lara Wynn
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Yeary
Kimberly Yellin & Marc D. Stern
Dwight Yoo
Soo Young Yoon & Hansol Kim
Tracy J. Young & Philippe M. Content
George R. Zachar & Nancy R. Lazar
Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Zachary
Mr. & Mrs. Boniface A. Zaino
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Zaro
Gail Zauder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zeff
Rodney W. Zemmel
Annie Zheng & Shigenori Nakamura
Carol & Lawrence Zicklin
Sara & Nathaniel Zilkha
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Zimmerman
Ron & Jane Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Zinman
Susan Zohn
Victor & Mary Linda Zonana
John E. Zuccotti
Suzanne Zywicki
Anonymous (8)
Amy & David Abrams
Luana & Steven Alesio
Peggy & Keith Anderson
Judy Hart Angelo & John M. Angelo
Jody & John Arnhold
Elizabeth H. Atwood
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Baptiste
Michele & Timothy Barakett
Jane Bayard, The MAT Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Kathryn & Bruce Beal
Jutta & Fred Benenson
Candice Bergen & Marshall Rose
Mr. Neal A. Brown, Esq. & Ms. Judith M. LaBelle
Jamie Nicholls & Fran Biondi Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Burch III
Mrs. James E. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Carson
Lisa & Dick Cashin
Suzanne & Bob Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cohen
Joan Ganz Cooney & Peter G. Peterson
Ms. Judith-Ann Corrente & Mr. Willem Kooyker
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DiMenna
Linda & Michael Donovan
Shelley & Steven Einhorn
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Feinberg
Gwen & Austin Fragomen
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Glocer
Sibyl R. Golden
Goldman-Sonnenfeldt Foundation
Meg & Bennett Goodman
Robert F. Gossett, Jr.
Jon & Mindy Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Greenberg
Marlene Hess & James Zirin
David & Laurie Hodgson
Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton E. James
Thomas L. Kempner, Jr. &
Katheryn C. Patterson
Kevin & Karen Kennedy
Wendy Keys & Donald Pels*
Ilona & Leonid Kogan
Bruce & Suzie Kovner
Thomas G. & Sheila C. Labrecque
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Landis
Mark & Debra Leslie
Eleanor Lewart
Margaret & Daniel Loeb
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malkin
Laurie & Jay Mandelbaum
Leni & Peter May
Carolyn & Gene Mercy
Raymond C. Mikulich & Karen Karlsrud
Stanley R. Miller Foundation
Ira & Susan Millstein
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester F. Miniter IV
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Morcos
Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc.
Joan E. Nicolais
Wilson & Eliot Nolen
Paulson Family Foundation
Yesim & Dusty Philip
Julian H. Robertson
The Roby Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Rogers
Fiona & Eric Rudin
Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar S. Schafer
Roberta Schneiderman
Donna & Marvin Schwartz
Norman C. Selby & Melissa G. Vail
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Selz
Stephanie & Fred Shuman
Lyn & David Silfen
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Silverstein
Jim & Marilyn Simons
Paul E. Singer
Mr. & Mrs. A.J.C. Smith
Donald G. Smith
Denise R. Sobel
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Solomon
Mrs. Theodore C. Sorensen
Nancy & Burton Staniar
Mr. & Mrs. John Steinhardt
Howard Stern & Beth Ostrosky
John F. Stossel
Patsy & Jeff Tarr
Dr. & Mrs. P. Roy Vagelos
Judith Vale
Elizabeth & Michael Varet
Mary Wallach
Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr. Foundation
Philippa Weismann & Sandra Turner
Deborah E. Wiley
Mrs. Charles Wrightsman
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Yoseloff
Barbara & Donald Zucker
* Deceased
Table of
 
Planned Giving Professional Advisory Council
Olmsted Visionaries
Anonymous (5)
David B. Acker
Gina Adelman
Mr. & Mrs. Gino Alaimo
Mary Christine Andrews
Elizabeth Apley
Ms. Barbara J. Appel
Scott Archer
Robert Ardini
Areta M. Arlen
Winifred Armstrong
Janet Baker
Frank Bamberger
Iris Barad
Lynn A. Barber
Karen Barnett
Henrie Jo Barth
Arlene A. Bartlow
Ms. Sara Beaudry
Vida H. Beaven
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Bendahan
Susanna W. Berger
Dr. Bernard Berkowitz
Gunilla Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Marco B. Bianchi
Carl Bilyeu
Martin L. Birnbaum & Myra Weiss
Barbara E. Bishop
Janet L. Blau
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Boffa
Colette Bonsard
Dorothy A. Borg
Lisa M. Bosse
Dorothy Bracey & Tom Johnson
Gerald L. Bray
Mrs. Charles E. Brenauer
LeMerle Brinkley
Pauline H. Brooks
Teresa F. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bukszpan
Richard A. Burgheim & Ricki Fulman
Lois A. Burke
Nedda Casei
Joy H. Chaillou
Rev. Chawanda Charae
Bertha Chase
Mark K. Childress
John D. Claypoole
Ruth L. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Cohn
Anne Collier
The Octagon Fund in Community Funds, Inc.
Margot Collins
Reverend Alma Daniel
Marquette de Bary
H. Bruce Deal
Albert Deveraux
Vernon L. Dinkel
Charles W. Dunn
David J. Stoll, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy
Karen C. Altfest, Ph.D., CFP, L.J. Altfest & Co., Inc.
Carol Bassin, MetLife
Ninette S. Bordoff, Hahn & Hessen LLP
Maria L. Brisbane, CFA, Merrill Lynch
Joy H. Chaillou, US Trust Bank of America
Carolyn C. Clark, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy
L. David Clark, L. David Clark, Jr. PC
John Claypoole, Fiserv
Judy Daniels, Consultant
Nancy Shavel Gabel, Evercore Wealth Management
Andrew M. Grumet, Edwards,Angell, Palmer & Dodge LLP
Cheryl Hader, Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP
Kenneth H. Heitner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Linda B. Hirschson, Greenberg Traurig
Jonathan Koslow, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Theodore A. Kurz, Debevoise & Plimpton
Jayne M. Kurzman, Davidson, Dawson & Clark LLP
David T. Leibell, UBS Private Wealth Management
Mal Livingston Barasch, Katten, Muchin, Rosenman LLP
Cecily P. Maguire, White & Case
Gordon H. Marsh, Donohoe Talbert LLP
David McCabe, Willkie Farr & Gallagher
Carlyn McCaffrey, McDermott, Will & Emery
Robert C. Miller, Davidson, Dawson & Clark LLP
Ira M. Millstein, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Avery E. Neumark, Rosen, Seymour, Shapss, Martin & Co., LLP
John J. O’Neil, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Richard Henry Pershan, Sullivan & Worcester LLP
Todd R. Richman, JP Morgan Securities
Joshua S. Rubenstein, Katten, Muchin, Rosenman LLP
Laurie S. Ruckel, Loeb & Loeb LLP
Cristine M. Sapers, Loeb & Loeb LLP
Lauren Katzowitz-Shenfield, Philanthropy Advisors LLP
Sanford J. Schlesinger, Schlesinger, Gannon & Lazetera LLP
Eileen Caufield Schwab, Sidley & Austin
Robert W. Sheehan, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
Barbara A. Sloan , McLaughlin & Stern LLP
C. Michael Spero, Loeb & Loeb LLP
Robert D. Taisey, Holland & Knight LLP
Michael F. Teitler, Teitler & Teitler
Elizabeth Varet, American Securities, L.P.
Linda Wank, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, PC
Michael J. Weinberger, Dentons
Sandra Weiksner, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
* Deceased
Helene B. Eiber
Diana Elton Radway
Linda Emond
Phoebe J. Epstein
Robert A. & Elaine Erlandson
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Evans
Olive Evans
Mary Ellen Fahs
Bayla K. Falber
Judy Farkas
Elaine Reiman Fenton, PhD
Dennis R. Ferguson
Stephen W. Fillo & Jane Carolyn Gould
Dick Flamm
Mary A. Flannery
Susan Fraker
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Franklin
Deborah L. Friant
Lois Gartlir
Barry Geller
Theresa J. Germaine
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Gibbons
Jane A. Gil
Richard Gilder & Lois Chiles
Marianne Johnson Gill
Barbara A. Gillette
Gilbert W. Glass
Virginia Holden Glover
Marsha Goldberg
Lynn Goldfine
Susanna & Dov Goldstein, M.D.
Phyllis Goodfriend
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Goodrich
Nancy R. Greenberg
Edward Grombacher & Ilona Swaring
Edmund A. Grossman
Michael Guay & Charles R. Drew
Mrs. Arthur S. Guilder
Lee Haber
Helen M. Hacker
Shelley Ann Hainer
Howard E. Hallengren
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Haney
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Harber
Josie Harkness
Ruth Ann & William F. Harnisch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harper
Mrs. Morton B. Harris
Nancy L. Harris
Allison Hart
Robert G. Hartmann
Joan L. Hasner
Dr. Charles R. Hayes
Andree M. Hayum
Mary D. Herberich
John L. Herbert
Judith F. Hernstadt
Judith Heustein
Andrea E. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hirsch
Karen L. Hobson
Dr. Joseph F. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hoffman
Dore Hollander
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holman
Mary Hudson
William P. Huxley, Jr.
Frieda Hyman
Miriam & Steven Hyman
Joyce A. Hyon
Barbara Idzerda
Ako Imamura
Jack Intrator & Debrah Welling
Mr. & Mrs. Justin B. Israel
Frederick Jacobson
Anita & Robert Jacobson
Irma B. Jaffe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Janicki
Carmen Jerome-Parks
Theresa M. Johnson
Richard Kagan
Carolyn Kane
David M. Kaplan
David I. Karabell & Paula Moss
Allen M. Katz
Arlene Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Katz
Susan Lynn Katz
Sandra Kazinski
Lorna Kelly
Mark Kelly
Cynthia Kelman
Dr. Barbara Kenner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Keys
Jeffrey Kindley
Mr. & Mrs. Dong Kingman, Jr.
Stephen Kirschenbaum
John A. La Grua, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lansing Lamont
Diana L. Langer
Marcia A. Lapham
Wendy Larsen
Frank Lettley
Gerardo Levy
Jessica Lichtner
Margery Lipton
Arthur S. Liss
Catherine Lomuscio
Bonnie Lee Long
Bernadette Lynch
Virginia Lyon
Janet Mardfin
Kathi Marks
Marion M. Maybank
Helene H. McCarty
Charles F. McCown
John C. McGuire
Table of
 
Estate Gifts
Olmsted Visionaries | Continued
Norma McMillan & Robert McLaughlin
Vivian & Edward Merrin
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Metz
Miss Kay Michaels
Ann D. Michell
Karen Michelsen
Fran H. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Leigh M. Miller
Samuel L. Miller
Ira & Susan Millstein
Saul Mines
Deborah A. Monk
Arthur Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Morgan
Evelyn Morgenbesser
Leonora Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Murphy
Marjorie Naughton
Karen J. Nelson
Ruth L. Nelson
R. Neuber
Marcia Newfield
Robert K. Niddrie
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Norton
Paula Offricht
Doris M. Ohlsen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ohrstrom
Karen O’Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Olshan
Susan Orbach
Lida Orzeck
Mrs. William H. Osborn
Emy Otani
Roger F. Pasquier
Muriel Peters
Barbara P. Peterson
Robert Petrie
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Poppers
Richard & Diane Porter
Catherine Potter
Jennifer Power
Desmonde Printz
Andrea W. Raskin
Ruth Reel
Ms. Marion Reid
Christina Reik
Laura Bemben Ressner
Carol Rial & Steven Mau
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Richards
Michele Risa
Dr. Josephine Rogers
Barbara & Robert Rohdie
Janet L. Ross
Alan Rothfeld
Ravi Rozdon
Sue Rudman
Ms. Ann Russell
Joan Sachs
Mr. & Mrs. Shoji Sadao
Isabel Sadurni
A & J Saks Foundation, Inc.
Michael L. Samuels
Janice Sands
Michael J. Santaferrara
Dr. Lorna J. Sass
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sawyer
Allison B. Saxe
Alvin Schechter
Philip Scheffler & Dr. Linda Scheffler
Steven Schmidt
David J. Schnabel & James F. Minter
Roberta Schneiderman
Margaret A. Schuette
Rosa L. Schupbach
Schwindeman-Romano Family
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Scott
Michael J. Seaberg
Dr. & Mrs. David Searles
Richard Seff
Cecily C. Selby
Norman C. Selby & Melissa G. Vail
Miss Annette Shear
Carole L. Shear, M.D.
Virginia Sheerin
Nina Shulman
Gloria Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Simon
Randall Sloan
Susan Smith
James Thurmond Smithgall
Jo Sokolski Foundation
Edwin Lee Solot & Marie de Lucia
Judith & Peter Som
Gary A. Soren
Lawrence B. Spector
Margot & Hoyt Spelman
John P. Sposato
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Squier
Judith Steckler
Rhoda Stern
Ms. Suzanne Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Stewart
Terry & Peter Stockman
Robert G. Strachan
The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
Christopher Stromee
James R. Swenson
Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Doria A. Tenca
Judith Thatcher
Joseph Michael Thomas II
Theresa S. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Tick
Jerry A. Tishman
Raymond W. Townsend
Elliot Spencer Turgen
Juliet R. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Renato Valente
Virginia Hoge Verwaal
Elizabeth Voigt
Patricia M. Volk Blitzer
Carol M. Waaser
Dr. Aileen Ward
Mrs. Allen Wardwell
Ryan D. Warner
Cynthia Webster
Richard Weil
Marshall Weinberg
Jane Weiser & Karl R. Knobelsdorf
Margery K. Westin
Barbara A. Withers
Howard S. Yaruss
Anita Zacharias
Miriam Troop Zuger
Estate of Brooke Russell Astor
Estate of William T. Boland
Estate of Elena Citkowitz
Estate of Jean Clement
Estate of Frank J. Comiskey
Estate of Anthony Geiss
Estate of Robert I. Goldman
Estate of Arthur T. Gorton
Estate of Antoinette Sanra Grant
Estate of Catherine A. Guillory
Estate of Daniel W. Homan
Estate of Robert Mayer Immerman
Evelyn H. Lauder Charitable Trust
Estate of Jane L. Mali
Estate of Norma Rossler
Estate of Shirley Herz
Estate of Judith E. Siegel-Baum
Estate of Clare Skaling
Estate of David S. Smith
Marjorie M. Sorensen Charitable Lead Trust
Estate of Ruth Weil
Charitable Gift Annuities
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Bendahan
Lynden B. Miller
Richard & Diane Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Tick
Table of
 
Team Central Park
Kendra Alcock
Scott Briggs
Ryan Chung
Jonathan Farb
Stuart Greenspon
Laila Lindberg
Lara O’Neil-Dunne
Sara Tapscott
Gifts-in-Kind & Services
Jeff Tarr
Alex Trabolsi
Robert Whitman
Peter Wolfing
Greensward Circle Leadership Committee
Evan Uhlick
Leadership Committee
Ashton Abbot
Jennifer Adler
Megan Chusid
Lauren & Chris Corrinet
Michael Gilbane
R. Fletcher Hall
Aimee Sharrock
Edward Simmons
Jeffrey Westcott
Stephanie Woodmansee
21 Club
A Voce Columbus
AG Kitchen
Alexis Buckley
American Trade Hotel
Anheuser-Busch Inc.
Arboleda Winery
Appalachian Mountain Club
Baked by Melissa
BDB Marketing
Bees Knees Baking Co.
Bodega Negra at the Dream Hotel Downtown
Brasserie Les Halles
Bridgewater Chocolate
Brooklyn Brewery
Brooks Brothers
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Buckfire
Bulldog Ball Club
Cambridge Floral
Wendy N. Carduner
Chambers Hotel
Chess at Three
City Winery NYC
Cloud Catering
Suzanne Cochran
Craft Studio
Crown Group Hospitality
Crystal Springs Resort
Devi Restaurant
Dilenschneider Group
Doug Schneider Photography
Dribbl Basketball
Eau Pam Beach Resort & Spa
Erin Nalbandian
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Fairmont Hamilton Princess
Fearrington House
Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica
Shana Gary
Good Enough To Eat
Hampton Racquet
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Huff
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ingram
Inkaterra Authentic Nature Travel
Ivy Bakery
Judith F. Hernstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Kempner, Jr.
Ktchn Restaurant
Le Bernardin
Le Cirque
Le Pain Quotidien
Left Bank
Mrs. Memrie M. Lewis
Kamie Lightburn
The Little Gym of New York and New Jersey
The Little Gym International
Kamie Lightburn
Loeb Central Park Boathouse
Loews Regency Hotel
Maya Restaurant
Merlin Entertainment
Music of Aardvaarks and Other Mammals
Naked Grape
Erin Nalbandian
Natura Bisse
Ocean House
Oheka Castle
Olivia Tiernan Photography
Meagan Ouderkirk
Pampano Botaneria
Park Hyatt Hotel
Patricia Underwood Company
Peninsula New York
Petal by Pedal
Kate Pickett
The Pierre New York, A Taj Hotel
Ristorante Morini
Safari Collection
Salamander Resort & Spa
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott
SD26 Restaurant & Wine Bar
Serendipity 3
Sportime Randall’s Island
Sprinkles Cupcakes
Martha Stewart
Sugar and Plumm
Super Soccer Stars
Surrey Hotel
Swifty’s Restaurant
Tavern on the Green
Sharon Teles
Thalassa Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Thurston
Tocqueville Restaurant
Toloache 82
Samantha Topping Gellert
Triomphe Restaurant
United States Tennis Association
VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacations
Van Cleef & Arpels, Inc.
Wathne Ltd.
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Wes Gordon LLC
William Grant & Sons
Mikel Witte
Wolffer Estate Vineyard
Writing Room
Table of
 
Women’s Committee Programs & Events
Women’s Committee Programs & Events | Continued
(As of October 1, 2014)
Kamie Lightburn
Virginia Apple
Judy Collins
Jessica Guff
Mary Beth Harvey
Laurie Hodgson
Tracey Huff
Kimberley Sanderson Hutfilz
Founding Chairman
Phyllis Cerf Wagner*
Honorary Chairman
Sheila Labrecque
Emily Leonard
Amanda Moran
Muffy Miller
Jill Ross
Kelly Sidley
Nancy Sipp
Douglas Thomas
Kimberly Thurston
Annual Family Party
(As of May 21, 2014)
Shirin Christoffersen
Jennifer Evans
Samantha Topping Gellert
Kimberly Klimczak
Michelle Marra
Grandparents Committee Chairmen
Patsy & Jeff Tarr
Honorary Chairmen
Kimberly & Tyson Chandler
Family Sponsors
Shirin Christoffersen
Jennifer & Peter Evans
Kimberly Klimczak
Sarah & Rocky Kurita
Margaret Munzer Loeb & Daniel Loeb
Michelle Marra
The Tarr Family
Sharon & Tom Teles
Swingset Supporters
The Capello Family
Kristy & Jonathan Korngold
Nyssa & Bill Kourakos
Kimberly & Scott Resnick
Nanar & Tony Yoseloff
Sandbox Supporters
Lisa & Jeff Blau
Kimberly & Matt Cantor
Ranika & Ruben Cohen
Samantha & John Gellert
Stephanie Hessler
Amy & David Liebowitz
Kamie & Rich Lightburn
Lizzy & Bryce Markus
Yesim & Dusty Philip
Dara & Mark Quinlan
The Segal Family
Sprinkler Supporters
Stefanie & Reis Alfond
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Anderson
Virginia & David Apple
Abigail & Joseph Baratta
Amy & Carter Beal
Laurie A. Beard
Blair & Peter Carlin
Andrea N. Culliford, M.D
Alice & David Cynn
Megan & Cisco del Valle
Stacey Bendet Eisner & Eric Eisner
Michele Felsher
Teri Friedman
Lucy & Lawrence Guffey
Paige & Tripp Hardy
Sophia Hudson
The Islam Family
Sharon & Bill Jacob
Erica & Bob Juneja
Monica Keany
Nicole Lawrence
Patricia Lizarraga
Giselle Mazier
Schuyler & Patrick McBrien
Emily McLellan
Whitney & Andrew Mogavero
Mary Kathryn Navab
Beth & Michael Neumann
Catherine Nyarady
The O’Hara Family
Alexandra & Alex Robertson
Jill Ross & Paul Cole
Jeanine & Louis Salvatore
The Segal Family
Carter & Talbott Simonds
Margot Takian
Andrea & Dennis Talley
Lara & Remy Trafelet
Elizabeth Villar
Naomi Waletzky
Kimberly Yeary
Yliana Yepez
Golden Grandparents & Special Friends
Claire & Hudnall Christopher
Judith-Ann Corrente & Wim Kooyker
Karen LeFrak
Nancy & Dan Paduano
Patsy & Jeff Tarr
Grandparents & Special Friends
Diane & Andre Ameer
Tina & Jerry Armstrong
Gloria & Philip Cowen
Nancy & Bob Downey
Joan & William Felder
Nancy Missett
Lara Meiland-Shaw & Claude Shaw
Valerie Ohrstrom
Kristen C. Thompson
Mila Tuttle
Slide Supporters
Catherine & Chris Abbate
Travis Acquavella
Ilana & David Adelman
Mary Beth & Jonathan Adelson
The Alisbah-Bossung Family
Kristin Allen
Karen & Chris Amen
Liz Victory Anderson
Regina & Marko Andrus
Jennifer & John Argenti
* Deceased
Asli & Evren Ay
Lily Band
Nymrata & Yunus Bickici
Aileen Birch
Suzy Biszantz
Anne Black
Margit S. Bluestein
The Rev’d Dr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Blume
Marisol Brekka
Sarah & Stuart Britton
Aileen P. Bruner
Georgia Burger
Andrea & Jim Burns
Diana Petroff Butensky
Ashley & Todd Carlson
Mary & Timothy Casey
Chanda Chapin
Jennifer & Peter Charrington
Jessica & Bryan Cho
Ashley Christopher
Sarah Cohen
Judy Collins
Ronald A. Collins
Mimi Ritzen Crawford
Maggan Daileader
Norris & Charlie Daniels
Suzanne Dawson
Christina deForest Keys
Carrie Rocco Dennis
Martin Dessoffy
Allison Devore
Jacqueline Didier & Noah Scheinfeld
Lesley Dryden
Amanda Stetson Espy
Adelina Wong Ettelson
Laurel Fine
Leslie Finerman
Janet Francis
Sharon Wee Fu
Amanda & Glenn Fuhrman
Mary Carlisle Gambill
Shana Gary
Lauren Schor Geller & Martin Geller
The Gross Family
Aryn & Matt Grossman
Frances Guillemot
Jennifer Rolfe Hale
Anne S. Harrison
Briana Hart
Laura Heintz
Shannon & Todd Henderson
May & Michael Ho
Tara Holbert
Tracey Huff
Julia & Nicholas Humphries
Kimberley & Tim Hutfilz
Cena Jackson
Alexandra Jarislowsky & Kevin Snow
Tracey & Eric Johnston
The Anna Carolina & Soo Kim Foundation
Tracy Kimmel
Megan & Benjamin Kinney
Maura & Richard Kobusch
The Kodali Family
Danielle & Kevin Koplin
Kathleen & Douglas Landy
Lauren Levy
Gayle London
Jill Lord
Alison & Blaine Macdougald
Sarah Bennison Machiels
Epo & Kevin Manning
Dr. Geema Shetty Masson
Claire Maxwell
Molly & Mark McCooey
Sarah & Douglas McGee
Eby & L.J. McKay
Taylor McKenzie-Jackson
Clare McKeon
Betsy Messerschmitt
Sibel Mesta
Gillian Miniter
Marcia & Richard Mishaan
Christine Moog & Benoit Helluy
Amanda Moran
Karen Jeffords Moreau
Liz Myers
Reena Russell Nasr
Annie & Chris Nugent
Cecilia Artacho Oh
Jessica L. Oliver
Mary Karen & David O’Shaughnessy
Mrs. Alexander E.C. Overstrom
Ms. Kristin Patrick
Victoria & Jon Patricof
Nina Patterson
Orlene Paxon
Noelle & Mark Penna
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Pertuz
Jordan & Jason Phillips
Kate Pickett
Jane Power
Leticia & Rick Presutti
Jenny & Michael Price
Julie Prince & Chris Hojlo
Melinda & Donald Quintin
Karla & Scott Radke
Cara & Dan Raffe
Hadley Reynolds
The Rhatigan Family
Zibby & Andrew Right
Lana & Scott Ross
Carey Rutkoske
Katie & Fred Ryser
Anna Kennedy Safir
The Sanzel Family
Molly & Teddy Schiff
Whitney Schwartz
Lisa Schweitzer & Max Yutsis
Christina & Dan Seale
Alison Coen Searcy & Scott Searcy
Anya & Andrew Shiva
Kelly Sidley
The Siklos Family
Michelle Smith & Andrew Oshrin
Emily & Ryan Stark
Tina & David Storper
Sara Strang & Thad Buzolich
Alison Strong
Allison & Stephen Sullens
Begum Taft
Ellen Thomas & JR Havlan
Kimberly Thurston
Rosanna & John Troiano
Ellen Turchyn
Jeannie Uyanik
Lynette & Dean Vanderwarker
Mary & Guy Van Pelt
Melissa & Conrad Vlak
Heather & Max von Zuben
Amanda Waldron
Mindy & George Webster
Sarah & Andrew Wetenhall
Rosalind & Robert Wholey
Jill Worth
Ashley & Matt Wotiz
Vera Wu & Harry Spiegle
Soo Mi & Robert Young
Annie Zheng
Sara & Nathaniel Zilkha
Party Underwriters
Abigail & Joseph Baratta
Sarah & Stuart Britton
Noreen Buckfire
Wendy N. Carduner
Claire & Hudnall Christopher
Judith-Ann Corrente & Wim Kooyker
Mary & Michael Gellert
Cathy & Bill Ingram
Christie Kinney
Kimberly Klimczak
The Kodali Family
Margaret Munzer Loeb & Daniel Loeb
Michelle Marra
Erin Nalbandian
Jill Ross & Paul Cole
Charlotte & Peter Schoenfeld
Brooke & Hap Stein
Alison Strong
Sharon & Tom Teles
Elizabeth Villar
Anne Wagner
Jill Worth
Annie Zheng
Table of
 
Women’s Committee Programs & Events | Continued
Women’s Committee Programs & Events | Continued
Conservancy Docents
Rosalind A. Myerson
Northern Trust
Yesim Philip
Elizabeth Pompa
Ann S. Pyne
Jennifer Rich
May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.
Susan Rudin
Saks Fifth Avenue
Jenna Segal
Hazel Shanken
Leah Swarzman
Mrs. Michelle Swarzman
Mrs. Wilmer J. Thomas, Jr.
Julia Merck Utsch
Sue Ann Weinberg
Mrs. Edward K. Weld
Mrs. Sarah G. Wolfe
Nanar Yoseloff
Van Cleef & Arpels
(As of October 1, 2014)
Aileen Bruner
Susan Calhoun
Judith G. Churchill
Andrea Henderson Fahnestock
Jane Koryn
Carole McDermott
Founding Chairman
Susan Frame Millstein
Maureen Mulheren
Tara Rockefeller
Kay Toll
Jean Clark
Daffodils and Tulips
Elyse Newhouse
Frederick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon
(As of May 7, 2014)
Lise Evans
Vicki Foley
Alexia Leuschen
Yesim Philip
Corporate Chair
J.P. Morgan
Michael R. Bloomberg
Landmark Tables
Elizabeth H. Atwood
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Stephanie Coleman/Amy Griffin
Lise Evans
Anne S. Harrison
J.P. Morgan
Amie James
Thomas L. Kempner, Jr. & Katheryn Patterson
Mrs. Alexia Leuschen
Jenny Paulson
Margaret Smith
Olmsted Tables
Jane Bayard
Adele G. Block
Patricia A. Chambers
Michele Cohen
Judith-Ann Corrente
Norma T. Dana
Mrs. Jennifer Diamond
Diana Roesch DiMenna/Tania Higgins
Andrea Henderson Fahnestock/
Mrs. Robert W. Kleinschmidt
Vicki Foley
Richard Gilder & Lois Chiles
Peter & Laurie Grauer
Elizabeth Quadracci Harned
Hearst Corporation
Jane Heller
Cathy Brienza Ingram
Mrs. Robert Wood Johnson IV
Suzanne Kayne/Sharzad Targoff
Sheila C. Labrecque
Mrs. Richard S. LeFrak
Margaret Munzer Loeb & Daniel Loeb
Gillian Miniter
Elyse Newhouse
Elizabeth A. Newman
Amelia Ogunlesi
Jenny Price
Donna Schwartz
Christine Schwarzman
Mrs. Lin Snider
Tiffany & Co.
Lizzie Tisch
Elizabeth R. Varet
Mary J. Wallach
Conservator Tables
Suzie Aijala
Tina Beriro
Mrs. Kenneth Buckfire
Ashley M. Carlson
Judy Carson
Mrs. Richard L. Chilton, Jr.
Suzanne L. Chute
Ann Clairmont
Betsy Zubrow Cohen
Con Edison
The Corcoran Group
Elisabeth de Picciotto
Douglas Elliman
Amy C. Falls
Linda W. Filardi
Gwendolyn Fragomen
Mrs. Judith S. Giuliani
Mrs. Evan G. Greenberg
Jessica Stedman Guff
Andrea Hagan
Laurie B. Hodgson
Mrs. William Jacob
Elizabeth Wright Kahane
Jennifer Kinderman
Kristy Korngold
Michael A. Kovner & Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Suzie Kovner
Jill Lafer
Sandra Lee
Renee Harbers Liddell
Kamie Lightburn
Gigi Mahon
Laurie & Jay Mandelbaum
Jocelyn Markowitz /
Mrs. John H. van Merkenstejin
Margo MacNabb Nederlander /
The Taylor Foundation
Martina Millot-Keaney
Mrs. Richard Mishaan
Tiffany Moller / Yesim Philip
Mrs. Garrett Moran
Camille M. Muzinich
Elizabeth H. Atwood
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Suzanne L. Chute
Stephanie Coleman
Judith-Ann Corrente
Lise Evans
Andrea Henderson Fahnestock
Vicki Foley
Amy Griffin
Anne S. Harrison
Mrs. Craig A. Huff
J.P. Morgan
Amie James
Thomas L. Kempner, Jr. & Katheryn Patterson
Mrs. Robert W. Kleinschmidt
Sheila C. Labrecque
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
Mrs. Alexia Leuschen
Kamie Lightburn
Jenny Paulson
Yesim Philip
Prestone Media Group
Mrs. John R. Robinson
Margaret Smith
Wathne, Ltd.
Landmark Tickets
Lisa Blau
Emily Blavatnik
Mrs. Michael C. Brooks
Mrs. Robert D. Brown
Anne Flowers
Stephanie Hessler
Ann Johnson
Mrs. Florence Kaufman
Eleanora Kennedy
Serena Lese
Mrs. Daniel P. Paduano
Liz Peek
Mrs. John R. Robinson
Anna Kennedy Safir
Mrs. Robert King Steel
Mrs. Eleanor F. Sullivan
Olmsted Tickets
Baroness Véronique Bich
Silvia Eberli
Darice Fadeyi
Patricia Fast
Barbara J. Fife
Karen Glanternik
Mrs. Martin D. Gruss
Mary Beth Harvey
Hope F. Hudner
Pamela Joyner
Emilia Saint-Amand Krimendahl
Mrs. Kenneth Langone
Liz Peay McCreery
Heidi Neuhoff-McWilliams
Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn
Betsy Pitts
Carolyn C. Reece
Dr. Annette U. Rickel
Tara Rockefeller
Deborah Royce
Frances Schultz
Melanie Shorin
Mrs. Kathleen Tait
Laurie Tisch
Barbara Tober
Mrs. Michiel V.M. van der Voort
Monica Gerard-Sharp Wambold
(As of October 1, 2014)
Norma T. Dana
Patti Fast
Anne S. Harrison
Nell Kleinschmidt
Muffy Miller
Mary Moran
Rosalind Myerson
Antonia Paterno-Castello
Tatiana Perkin
Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn
Betsy Pitts
Kara Ross
Barbara Cirkva Schumacher
Tracy Snyder
Claude Wasserstein
Betsy Messerschmitt
Wendy N. Carduner
Judith G. Churchill
Cathy Brienza Ingram
Robyn L. Joseph
Karen T. May
Nancy Missett
Elyse Newhouse
Susan Rudin
Lise Evans
Marcia Mishaan
Yesim Philip
Emily Blavatnik
Noreen Buckfire
Olmsted Visionaries
(As of October 1, 2014)
Table of
 
Women’s Committee Programs & Events | Continued
Olmsted Visionaries
Janet Asimov
Robin Bell-Stevens
Noreen Buckfire
Marilyn Calderwood
Wendy N. Carduner
Judith G. Churchill
Jean Clark
Norma T. Dana
Diane Dunne
Linda Filardi
Nancy Gehman
Samantha Topping Gellert
Anne S. Harrison
Andrea Henderson Fahnestock
Cathy Brienza Ingram
Robyn L. Joseph
Eleanora Kennedy
Sheila C. Labrecque
Kamie Lightburn
Joan H. Marks
Karen T. May
Betsy Messerschmitt
Muffy Miller
Gillian Miniter
Nancy Missett
Maureen Mulheren
Women’s Committee Programs & Events | Continued
Elyse Newhouse
Laura O’Donohue
Toni Peebler
Marguerite Purnell
Virginia Ridder
Allison Rockefeller
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers
Susan Rudin
Alexia Hamm Ryan
Elizabeth Stribling
Douglas Thomas
Elizabeth Varet
Mikel Witte
1040 Fifth Avenue
1050 Fifth Avenue
1056 Fifth Avenue
1200 Fifth Avenue
2 East 88th Street
1085 Park Avenue
21 East 90th Street
1107 Fifth Avenue
The Jewish Museum
1115 Fifth Avenue
1120 Fifth Avenue
1125 Fifth Avenue
1130 Fifth Avenue
1133 Fifth Avenue
1136 Fifth Avenue
1140 Fifth Avenue
1148 Fifth Avenue
1158 Fifth Avenue
1165 Fifth Avenue
2 East 98th Street
The Mount Sinai Hospital
8 East 102nd Street
1215 Fifth Avenue
1270 Fifth Avenue
Jennifer Evans
Clairta Fodor
Janet Francis
Shana Gary
Samantha Topping Gellert
Kimberley Sanderson Hutfilz
Cena Jackson
Erica Juneja
Jackie Keber
Kimberly Klimczak
Kristy Korngold
Nyssa Kourakos
Kathy Landy
Paige Boller Malik
Lara Marcon
Michelle Marra
Molly Hover McCooey
Nancy McCormick
Sarah McGee
Eby McKay
Emily McLellan
Jennifer Mermel
Whitney Mogavero
Ellen Offut
Valerie Ohrstrom
Jessica Oliver
Mary Karen O’Shaughnessy
Rema Parachini
Kate Pickett
Jill Ross
Kaite Ryser
Anna Kennedy Safir
Kelly Sidley
Laine Siklos
Michelle Smith
Tina Storper
Alison Strong
Begum Taft
Margot Takian
Amy Tarr
Sharon Teles
Elizabeth Villar
Melissa Vlak
Amanda Waldron
Rosalind Wholey
Yliana Yepez
Nanar Yoseloff
Annie Zheng
Marilyn Calderwood
Barbara Scott
Mary Beth Adelson
Liz Victory Anderson
Diane Becker
Cindy Ketchum
Soo Young Kim
Kathy Krall
Memrie Lewis
Kelly Mallon
Kate Pickett
Lila Prounis
Bambi Putnam
Vivian Kuan Queen
Paxton Quigley
Melissa Triedman
Cynthia Whitehead
Mikel Witte
927 Fifth Avenue
944 Fifth Avenue
945 Fifth Avenue
960 Fifth Avenue
965 Fifth Avenue
985 Fifth Avenue
988 Fifth Avenue
993 Fifth Avenue
995 Fifth Avenue
8 East 83rd Street
1020 Fifth Avenue
1025 Fifth Avenue
17 East 84th Street
Playground Partners
Perimeter Association
(As of October 1, 2014)
(As of October 1, 2014)
Eleanora Kennedy
Suzie Aijala
Gina Bartlett
Susan Calhoun
Suzanne Cochran
Robyn Joseph
Julie Miller
Warren Miller
Rosalind Myerson
Honorary Chairman
Toni Peebler
Laura O’Donohue
Nancy Paduano
Liz Peek
Jennifer Pinkos
Bonnie Pope
Susan Rudin
Elizabeth Stribling
Elizabeth Ann Stribling-Kivlan
Coke Anne M. Wilcox
Perimeter Association Supporters
(As of June 30, 2014)
North Side
35 West 110th Street
137 West 110th Street
300 West 110th Street
301 West 110th Street
South Side
106 Central Park South
150 Central Park South
New York Athletic Club
210 Central Park South
222 Central Park South
240 Central Park South
West Side
1 Central Park West
15 Central Park West
1 West 64th Street
20 West 64th Street
50 Central Park West
65 Central Park West
80 Central Park West
88 Central Park West
101 Central Park West
1 West 72nd Street
135 Central Park West
145 Central Park West
230 Central Park West
25 West 81st Street
7 West 83rd Street
20 West 86th Street
27 West 86th Street
40 West 86th Street
115 West 86th Street
144 West 86th Street
241 Central Park West
279 Central Park West
291 Central Park West
295 Central Park West
300 Central Park West
320 Central Park West
325 Central Park West
336 Central Park West
370 Central Park West
372 Central Park West
382 Central Park West
400 Central Park West
418 Central Park West
477 Central Park West
East Side
785 Fifth Avenue
800 Fifth Avenue
The Knickerbocker Club
2 East 62nd Street
810 Fifth Avenue
817 Fifth Avenue
820 Fifth Avenue
825 Fifth Avenue
834 Fifth Avenue
1 East 66th Street
4 East 66th Street
2 East 67th Street
857 Fifth Avenue
215 East 68th Street
254 East 68th Street
2 East 70th Street
211 East 70th Street
907 Fifth Avenue
912 Fifth Avenue
920 Fifth Avenue
Paige Hardy
Sarah Kurita
Honorary Chairman
Suzanne Cochran
Mary Beth Adelson
Jennifer Argenti
Christina Arnau
Amy Beal
Suzy Biszantz
Anne Black
Margit S. Bluestein
Kimberly Swain Cantor
Claire Capello
Shirin Christoffersen
Ashley Christopher
Sana Clegg
Ranika Cohen
Judy Collins
Lesley Dryden
Adelina Wong Ettelson
Tree Trust
Honorary Chairmen
Jean Clark
Eleanora Kennedy
Betsy Barlow Rogers
Betty Sherrill*
* Deceased
Table of
 
Special Events
Special Events | Continued
Autumn in Central Park
I Heart Central Park
(November 19, 2013)
(February 15, 2014)
Corporate Chair
Young Associate Chairmen
In-Kind Event Sponsors
Kitty and Tom Kempner
Gillian and Sylvester Miniter
Deborah Roberts and Al Roker
Fiona and Eric Rudin
Angelo Gordon & Co.
Sarah Arison
Elizabeth Kurpis
Julia Loomis
Julianna Simmons
Cloud Catering
Bee’s Knees Baking Co.
Event Sponsors
Van Cleef & Arpels
The Naked Grape
Petal by Pedal
Baked by Melissa
Kelly Chiu
Megan Chusid
Lauren & Chris Corrinet
Hascy Cross
Mary-Elizabeth Dooner
Allison Ecung
Scott Jeffrey
Susannah & William Lewis
Laureen Lipsky
Jennifer Macdonald
Carolina Margarella
Marjorie Mayrock
Toby Osofsky
Elizabeth Pantaleo
Emily Parsons
Catherine Rawls
Susy Schieffelin & Adam Klopp
Jeff Scypinski
David Simpson
Micky Sofer
Carly Stokes
David Tarnowski
Stephanie Woodmansee
Evening in the Garden
(June 18, 2014)
Taste of Summer
In-Kind Event Sponsors
(June 11, 2014)
Event Chairs
Kristy & Jonathan Korngold
Carol Sutton Lewis & William M. Lewis, Jr.
Laurie & Jay Mandelbaum
Gillian & Sylvester Miniter
Jenny & John Paulson
Melissa Vail & Norman C. Selby
Presenting sponsor
Silent Auction Donors
‘21’ Club
American Trade Hotel
Appalachian Mountain Club
Bodega Negra at Dream Downtown
Brooklyn Brewery
Chambers Hotel
City Winery NYC
Cloud Catering and Events
Crown Group Hospitality
Boykin Curry & Celerie Kemble
The Dilenschneider Group
Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa
The Fairmont Hamilton Princess
The Fearrington House, a Relais
& Chateaux Property
Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica
IF/THEN, A New Musical
Indagare Travel Inc.
Cathy and Bill Ingram
Le Bernardin
Le Cirque Restaurant
Left Bank
Le Pain Quotidien
Les Halles
Loews Regency Hotel
Momofuku Ma Peche
Natura Bisse
The Ocean House, a Relais
& Chateaux Property
Oheka castle
Park Hyatt New York
The Peninsula New York
The Safari Collection
Salamander Resort & Spa
SD26 Restaurant & Wine Bar
SPORTIME Randall’s Island
The Surrey
Thalassa Restaurant
United States Tennis Association
VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacations
Wes Gordon LLC
Wolffer Estate Vineyard
Taste of Summer Restaurants
‘21’ Club
AG Kitchen
A Voce Columbus
The Back Room at One57
Baked by Melissa
Bodega Negra at Dream Downtown
Bridgewater Chocolate
Central Park Boathouse
Cloud Catering
Devi Restaurant
Good Enough to Eat
Ivy Bakery
Le Cirque
Left Bank
Les Halles
The Regency Bar & Grill
Ristorante Morini
SD26 Restaurant & Wine Bar
Serafina Restaurant
Serendipity 3
Swifty’s Restaurant
Tavern on the Green
Thalassa Restaurant
Tocqueville Restaurant
The Writing Room
Cloud Catering
The Naked Grape
WhistlePig Whiskey/GoAmericaGo
Beverages LLC
Petal by Pedal
Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC
Host Committee
Jennifer Adler
Sarah Lauren Allen
Chloe Carmichael
In-Kind Donations
Anheuser-Busch Inc.
Arboleda Winery
William Grant & Sons
Taste Café
American Table Café and Bar at Lincoln Center
Red Rooster Harlem
Samuelsson at HP
Table of
 
Staff &
Table of
 
Central Park Conservancy Management & Staff
(As of June 30, 2014)
Senior Management and Officers
Associate Vice Presidents
Douglas Blonsky
President & CEO
Central Park Conservancy
and Central Park Administrator
Lane Addonizio
Associate Vice President for
Neil Calvanese
Vice President for Operations
Terri Coppersmith
Vice President for Visitor Experience
Laura Hall
Vice President for Development,
Women’s Committee and Special Events
Frank LoCastro
Vice President for Operations Management
Jane McIntosh
Vice President for Philanthropy
Christopher Nolan
Vice President for Planning, Design
and Construction
Kathryn Ortiz
Stephen Spinelli
Chief Financial Officer & Vice President
for Finance and Administration
Terri Carta
Associate Vice President of
Central Park Conservancy Institute for Urban Parks
Alexander Egan
Associate Vice President of
Operations Management
Russell Fredericks
Chief of Operations
Beth Haskell
Associate Vice President of
Information Technology
Abigail Healy
Associate Vice President for
Elizabeth Kaledin
Associate Vice President of
Marketing & Communications
Sheila Kendall
Associate Vice President of
Human Resources
Wendy Martin
Associate Vice President of
Women’s Committee & Special Events
Sara Cedar Miller
Associate Vice President of
Park Information and Historian
Nicole Sexton
Chief of Staff
Central Park Conservancy Management & Staff | Continued
25 or More Years
Douglas Blonsky
Neil Calvanese
Milton Evora
Marvin Ferguson
Jose Figueroa
James Fleming
Sotha Kang
Andrew Konopka
Valentina Lige #
Kenneth Love #
Horace Mike #
Sara Cedar Miller
Cornelio Mora
Charles Obery
Dominic Quaglia #
Rafael Quinones #
Hannah Ryan #
Michael Ryan #
Louis Urruttia-Orme
Daniel Wallace
Louis Young #
Gladston Younger #
20 to 24 Years
Alicia Alvenda-Paez
Kea Chea
Kathleen Cregg
Willia Crespo #
Maria Hernandez
Vanthon Keo
Yean Khiev
Christopher Nolan
Vi Ong
Pedro Peralta
Khol Sok
Norma Soto
Stephen Spinelli
Bryan Swan #
Juan Vargas
Samuel Vargas
Mario Vaughan
Derrick Woodbury
Mario Zafarana
15 to 19 years
Larry Baskerville
Jairam Bisessar
Teresa Carta
Ronise Cox
Raymond Duggan
John Felicies #
Wendy Fortune
Russell Fredericks
Beth Haskell
Linda Heyward
John Hiser
Rith Hun
Valentina Lige #
Keiron Lindsay
Suntov Ly
Joseph McBain
Giovanni Mosquera
Mauricio Perdomo
Joaquim Pereira
Darren Rogers
Diane Schaub
Bill Selezniov
Paul Serra
Stacy Sit
Steven Soun
Phen Suy
Juan Valentin
Wallace Wentink
10 to 14 years
Lane Addonizio
Eric Anderson
Pedro Augusto
Alice Baer
Robert Bennett
Kelly Carrol
Altagracia Cartagena
Terri Coppersmith
Angel Corbett
Christopher Cousino
Matthew D’Amico
Gary Dearborn
Lawrence Decker
Vanessa Francisco
Hector Gamboa
Nereida Hernandez
Rochelle Hines
Sheila Kendall
Catherine King
Jamaal King
Eric Kohler
Daisy Legare
Nicholas Marotta
Derick McElveen
George McPherson
Khen Ong
Kathryn Ortiz
Florence O’Shaughnessy
Chantha Pang
Yarw Peprah
Anthony Pontillo
Brian Purcell
William Quansah
Matthew Reiley
Gary Saunders
Goodson Sem
Reginald Tart
Trung Truong
David Turner
Richard Van Valkenburg
Douglas Weller
5 to 9 Years
Alan Anderson
Oscar Ayaquica
Joshua Barreto
Lisa Bartley
Larry Boes
Steven Bopp
Donna Capossela
John-Paul Catusco
Vern Clarke
Daniel Daly
Raymond Davy
Robert Diaz
John Dillon
Sara Dobbins
Mark Douglas
Agata Dziemianczyk
Audra Eaglen
Marie-Anne Ewig
Collette Franco
Joshua Galiley
Duane Grant
Laura Hall
John Harrigan
Abigail Healy
Julio Hernandez
Tsay Huang
Reginald Jones
Bobbi Kravis
Peter Lecointe
Julio Lopez
Sabrina Lutchman
Carrie Majette
Sharon Manning
Melissa Marion-Burford
Juanita Martinez
Henry McCullon
Donovan Mitchell
Gabriel Mitchell
Lorena Naranjo
Kristina Nelson
Tee Ngiam
Lindsay Okarmus
Paul Okarmus
Danh Ong
Gloria Plata
Allison Querro
Byron Roberts
Mohanlal Roopnarine
Rupert Russell
Cornell Simmons
Rebecca Sullivan
Silvia Tamayo
Mary Test
Kris Verma
Marie Warsh
Avalon Watson
Eric Whitaker
# New York CIty Department of Parks & Recreation
Staff & Volunteers
Table of
 
Central Park Conservancy Management & Staff | Continued
Stephen Wilkinson
Kenneth Williams #
Lakema Wilson
Jennifer Wong
1 to 4 Years
Javier Acevedo
Sylvie Adam
Maria Alicea
Diane Allen
Aliza Ameer
John Anderson
Jade Ang
Stacy Aviles
Anthony Beard
Josh Bell
Brieanne Berry
Daniel Blondell
Dorothy Brown
Monifa Brown
Susan Buchanan
Andrea Buteau
Sherry Capili
Emily Carey
Melissa Castillo
Abigail Chatfield
Sarah Clark
Stephen Clark
Jeffrey Connors
Lovell Corbett
Edward Cox
Dianne Crary
Lyall Croft
Pio Davila
Jourdan Davis
Ujijji Davis
Keith Defreitas
Michael Delillo
Christine Devine
Robert Dixon
Sharnee Drayton
Joselito Durana
James Easley
Illeana Elmore
Christopher Encarnacion
Timothy Ferrara
Kevin Fields
Richard Fink II
Anthony Freeman
Rachel Friedman
Joseph Gamache
Carmen Garcia
Elizabeth Garrett
Gary Gentilucci
Eugenia Goforth
Michael Gonzales
Sparks Grassly
Christopher Gravenstine
Caroline Greenleaf
Aubrey Grice
Irllen Guillen
Peter Haupt
Jerome Heinzen
Harrison Hogan
Myisha Humphrey
Jordan Jacuzzi
Sheryl Jarvis
Stephen Jenkins
Jeffrey Johnson
Thomas Kain
Judith Kelly
Dimitrios Kourniatis
Donata Kruk
Gerard Laferriere
Erickson Lantigua
Gal Lavid
William Lee
Ana Liquet
Heriberto Liquet
Frank LoCastro
Fioldalisa Los Santos
Shanti Louallen
Maura Lout
Melanie Macchio
Lucia Marin
Teresa Markham
Samantha Marsden
Wendy Martin
Victoria Medford
John Mendoza
Aaron Miller
William Montalvan
Brian Morris
Marissa Nolan
Michael O’Grady
Eric O’Neil
Vilmarir Pagan
Jessica Palmer
Michael Perez
Rafael Perez
Jaclyn Perlman
Mark Pezzimenti
Michael Phelan
Peter Provenzale
Rigoberto Ramirez
Michael Riccio
Russell Riddell
Christian Rivera
Jelissa Roberts
Justin Rodriguez
Sol Salgar
Katherine Santiago
Stephanie Saulmon
David Schley
Casey Schott
Kevin Selig
Terry Setzer
Central Park Conservancy Management & Staff | Continued
Andrea Sexton
Amy Shigo
Susan Simon
Tailormarie Skinner
Keith Smith
Erica Sopha
Erik Sowder
Stanley Steen
Rebecca Stern
Amy Sullivan
Elizabeth Sweeting
Jason Turnbull
James Turner
Mark Tyson
Jonathan Vargas
Fabian Vasquez
Tamiko Vereen
Tuan Vuu
Allan Wakefield
Hannah Wakeford
Holly Walton
David Watz
Donnell White
Gabriel Wilder
Douglas Williams
Allan Wong
China Ziegenbein
Less than one year
Robert Abad
Siddharth Ahsan
Hamid Alaoui
Romaine Anderson
Kathryn Arroyo
Lucy Bales
Andrew Baltimore
Suzanne Barraza
Wynter Battle
Steve Beckles
Elizabet Biggio
Frederick Blakeney
Shanna Blanchard
Guilherme Bonfim Goncalves
Donald Bracey
Neri Briceno
Eric Brightman
Nathan Brisby
Monique Brown
Paul Brown
James Burns
Jennifer Burton
Lisa Cahill
Katherine Carey
Anna Chiu
Dwayne Coxon
Saulia Cruz
Adam Cucchiara
Michael Cuperus
Adam Davis
Salvatore Decarlo
Diann DeFebbe
Joseph Dienes
Zana Dokic
Loren Domilici
Dillon Edwards
John Edwards
Alexander Egan
Joshua Ehrlich
Cailin Ettenger
Samantha Feldman
Jordan Foreman
Mary Foster
Cassandra Gallagher
Paul Ganas
Andrea Gaskin
Anthony Gazso
Rinell Glenn
Robert Godfried
Conn Hanson
Darren Harley
Syed Hasib
Thomas Helmeyer
Andrew Henriquez
Tamara Hicks
Umm Hill
Darius Holmes
Sandra Huber
Jeffrey Hutchison
Philip Jabouin
Daniel Johnson
Keith Johnson
Elizabeth Jordan
Elizabeth Kaledin
Shannon Kandola
Emily Keable
William Kearney
Devon Kennedy
John Keul
Emily Konopka
Lisa Kozlowski
Yanina Kupava
Elizabeth Kushner
Stephen Kutos
Daniel La Marca
Mark Lacey
Melissa Lai
Jason Liebes
Veronica Lucchese
Ma’at Mack
Christopher Madden
Shanta Mali
Coryanne Mansell
Ashley McCullon
Patrick McGettigan
James McGuire
Jane McIntosh
Tiahna Mclean
Jenizah Melendez
Albert Molinelli
Laura Montross
Andrew Mrozinsky
Kevin Mulvanerton
Jessica Negron
Quinn Nolan
Kyle Nouse
Shaquesha Ogletree
Christopher Pagani
Jenny Partivit
Janna Passuntino
Frances Paterson
Steven Phillips-Gomez
Alejandro Polanco
Rosalind Puryear
Amarantha Quintana-Morales
Bonnie Ralston
Micah Ramsay
Jack Reiss
Sean Reynolds
Gary Ribis
Clare Riley
Roberto Rios
Agustin Rivas
Rolando Rodriguez
Nickolos Roopnarine
Terence Ruane
Robert Rumsey
Ada Rustow
Beata Sasinska
Lawrence Schultz
Necolious Shaw
Michael Sheehan
John Sheehy
Robert Sobelsohn
Louise Stellmann
Elias Stengel-Eskin
Elise Stumpf
Ann Sublett
Phelly Suong
Abdullah Turner
Hannah Turner
Sarah Uihlein
Luis A. Vanderlinder
Luis I. Vanderlinder
Celeste Vargas
Brandi Varnell
Crystal Vega
Anna Maria Voitko
Rebecca Walker
William Waring
Jamie Warren
Roberta Wolf
Sarah Wood
Michael Young
Table of
# New York CIty Department of Parks & Recreation
Staff & Volunteers
 
Central Park Conservancy Volunteers
Central Park Conservancy Volunteers | Continued
(As of June 30, 2014)
25 or more Years
Margery Bloom
Elinor Fine
Phyllis Giarro
Richard Hooper
Louise Ransom
Fern Stolper
Doria Tenca
20 to 24 Years
Maureen Antizzo
Susan Baxter
Kelly Belford
Berton Chernizer
Abraham Denowitz
Rita Denowitz
Virginia Glover
Jacqueline Jeffrey
Judith Landrigan
Camilla McFadden
Marjorie Naughton
Anni Newbeck
Judith Som
Nancy Warfield
15 to 19 years
Norma Baum
Nancy Berner
Ruth Bernstein
Dion Brennan
Brigid Buchanan
Thomas Griffing*
Steven Huppert
Raymond Knowles
Edna Konoff
Linda Lewensohn
Susan Lowry
Jean May
James Neff
Billy Squier
Gayle Welling
Kathleen Wheelock
Web Wheelock
10 to 14 years
Lucimar Araujo
Mary Barknecht
Sarah Bessey
Harriet Blacker
Donna Bolkcom
Pauline Brooks
John Bryan
Susan Buckley
Joe Cohen
Richard Dahlia
Janet David
Bayla Falber
Joan Fisher
Donald Florman
Nancy Foxen
Cris Gleicher
Jose J. Gonzalez
Christel Haesicke
Sara Truslow Hardin
Gloria Hegy
Clay Herrick
Malcolm Holderness
Noel Holland
Yvonne Holland
David Karabell
Judy Katz
Herman Kroshinsky
Paul Lenner
Brigitte Lewis
Hartmut Munker
Mia Nitchun
Deborah Pelosi
Andrea Raskin
John Richards
Orrin Riley
Francine Riley
Lars Rosager
Joe Sanford
Valerie Sarris
Ann Saydlowski
Linda Schott
Karl Schuman
Barbara Schwimmer
Eleanor Shakin
Richard Sonet
Nancy Tollefson
Jay Townsend
Donald Wagoner
Victoria Wilkins
Robert Wolkow
Mary Yerkes
Anna Zagoloff
5 to 9 years
LuLu Abrams
Regina Alsis
Signe Baird
Annette Bamundo
Stuart Benick
Fred Blattberg
Alexandra Bonomo
Dennis Buonagura
Wendy Byrne
Felix Calabrese
Rita Callahan
Dorothy Camporeale
Roger Chatfield
Alan Cohen
Leo Cohen
Rita Cohen
Erisleyda Cuesto
Simeon David
Carol Dempster
Philip Domenico
Susan Eden
Sally Emery
Vanessa Facenda
Kate Feldman
Catherine Fredman
Claudia Fugalli
Barbara Geller
Terrie Gerstner
David Gould
Michael Graff
Marjorie Graham
Josephine Greiner
Patricia Grew
Deborah Harley
Harry Harwood
Linda Heller
Leonora Hollmann
Michael Huston
Brenda Johnson
Nancy Kahn
Gregory Kaufmann
Daniel Kirby
Janice Kosta
Jane Kutnick
Saul Laniado
Patricia Leuthard
Roy Levit
Laurie Lewis
Gary Lincoff
Janet Maltby
Catherine Mandell
Peggy McConnell
DeCourcy McIntosh
Norma McMillan
Elizabeth Mindlin
Pamela Moulton
Babette Nadelman
Robert Nemo
Daniel Passantino
Marion Pearce
Daniel Pinkus
Barbara Priest
Theresa Rachelle
Christa Rassmann
Bernice Ravitz
Carol Rocker
Ken Rogers
Michael Samuels
Patricia Santelli
Michael Sarapa
Leonard Saremsky*
Catherine Scalera
Arnold Schoenfeld
Annette Shear
Irene Shrier
Walter Siebecker
Judith Smith
Robert Stanley
Philip Stein
Robert Sundeen
Peter Szabaga
Gloria Talamas
Jan Tannen
Paul Viani
Cynthia Villani
Peggy Vishnupad
Andrew Waters
Judy Weller
Bernard Wides
William Wiesner
Elizabeth Winn
Jane Wu
Carmine Zummo
1 to 4 years
* Deceased
Fiona Akins
Michael Altschuler
Mara Altschuler
Amanda Ardelean
Kristina Armstrong
Elyse Aronoff
Madelyn Ashman
Jane Auriemmo
Judith Baer
David Baldie
Caryl Baron
Suzanne Barraza
Linda Becker
Lauren Bekesh
Hildy Benick
Larry Bills
Stuart Blumin
Claudia Boynton
Louise Bozorth
Peg Bradshaw
Patricia Brandao
Andrew Brandt
Ruth Brennan
Stephen Brooks
Karin Brown
Aileen Bruner
Ethan Buckman
Bernard Butkiewicz
Carolina Cabrera
Paula Caceci
Eileen Callan
Nokossan Camara
John Cannelli
Leslie Carr
Muriel Carr
Suzan Carrington
Robert Caslow
Joan Cerussi
Ulrike Charlesworth
Jing Ying Chen
Tsering Choden
Cherylyn Cieri
Aubrey Clark
David Clark
Weldon Clears
Ted Cohen
Joel Cohen
Steven Cohen
Michael Coleman
Monique Cooper
Terry Cooper
Joan Darragh
Gerald Dassin
Joseph Deanda
Miek Declercq
Diann DeFebbe
Carole Desnoes
Jacques Deyo
Tom Didona
Tsering Dolma
Ken Dubuque
Karin Dwyer
Beate Echols
Roxanne Edwards
Brent Elam
Terese Fabian
Ani Ferguson
Nancy Foote
Malcolm Ford
Athena Foroglou
Martine Fournage
Susan Frame Millstein
Laura Frank
Jenene Garey
Sue Gargarita
Mary Geiger
Ellen Gerber
Asha Gharib
Myles Glynn
Eleanor Goerss
Arthur Goldmacher
Gregory Goldsmith
Susan Goldsmith
Maria Gonzalez
Steve Goodman
Maureen Gordon
Robert Gottlieb
William Graham
AliceRose Gregory
Stanislaus Greidus
Richard Haggerstone
Michael Halloran
Rachel Harrigan
Rose Hashimoto
Geri Hemmert
Nancy Henry
Terry Hill
Judith Hole
Carmen Iannuzzi
Jack Intrator
Anne Jacobi
Andrew Jacobs
Donald Jacobsen
Jerry Jean-Baptiste
Lauren Katz
Sarah Kaufmann
Rita Kay
Stacey Kelley
Elizabeth Keyes
Herbert Klein
Harvey Kopel
Ron Korcak
Wendl Kornfeld
Joe Kusiak
Moustapha Labo
Robert Lavenburg
Emely Ledesma
Molly Lemeris
Donna Leon
Emily Leonard
Thomas Leslie
Denise Levy
Ting Liao
Andrew Lonsdale
Colleen Macedonia-Finkelstein
Deirdre MacGuire
Barbara Maclean
Hazuki Maeda
Christina Mahle
Jeanne Malter
Mark Mandel
Claudia Marks
Viola Marks-Kelly
Betsy Marzahn-Ramos
Sandra Masur
Bob Mayer
Mary McGlynn
Jim McGuire
Ana Medina
Brad Mehldau
Richard Meyer
Edward Miller
Jeremy Miller
Carol Miseyko
Jean Mitchell
Patricia Moccia
Joanna Moran
Illene Moriarty
Leonora Morrison Fishbach
Tomoko Nagahama
Sherrie Nagin
Ginger Najar
Matthew Nathel
Erik Nerheim
Margareta Nisser
Deborah Nuremburg
Eugenie O’Hagan
James Oliver
Gayle Ormond
Staff & Volunteers
Table of
 
Central Park Conservancy Volunteers | Continued
Paul Passantino
Ann Passer
Cissy Paul
Templeton Peck
Merrill Perlman
Julia Plotkin
Dianne Pobuda
Anna Polonski
Theresa Poon
Mary Ann Poust
Gloria Provitola
Michelle Rafferty
Shannon Randall
Emily Ranieri
Thomas Reed
Joan Reisman-Brill
Adina Rifkin
Christopher Robards
Chris Robertson
Joan Robinson
Ruth Rogers
Lois Roos
Bernard Rosenbaum
Robert Rosengard
Ina Rosenthal
Ruth-Ann Rosenthal
April Rosenwach
Joyce Rothenberg
Jana Sanford
Florfina Sarmiento
Matthias Schmitt
Sylvia Schoenbaum
Alison Schondorf
Joseph Schwartz
Shirley Scott
Gouri Seetharam
Virginia Seipt
Henoch Senbetta
Leonard Shapiro
John Sheehy
Alexis Siegel
Sheree Silvey
Lee Simonson
Anthony Small
Rose Smith
Andy Smith
Ann Smith
Jonas Spatz
Marianne Sponholz
William Stannard
Barbara Stanton
Brigitte Stark-Merklein
Deena Stein
Michael Stiene
Robert Stuart
Jay Suherwanto
Alfred Szymanski
Maria Tardugno
Marcela Thottam
Susan Timler
Nina Tobier
Noriko Tokuya
Maria Trasino
Terry Trifari
Hsinwei Tseng
Nathalie Tur
Karl Vetter
Anne Walhimer
Xuhua Wang
Barbara Warren
Louise Wasley
Rebecca Watson
Kate Weingarten
Hans Weiss
Irv Weitzman
Kevin Wilkinson
Ashley Williams
Alicia Williamson
Jordan Wouk
Erik Yang
Frances Zainoeddin
Barbara Zammarchi
Steve Zawel
Victoria Zummo
Paul Zuydhoek
Less than one year
Maria Alcorta
Cathi-Lynne Ames
Alan Barcus
Daniela Barone
Mary Bass
Marlene Baumann
Kathleen (Kathy) Berry
Catherine Bolz
Tom Calcoen
Elizabeth Callaghan
Serena Candiani
Melissa Cauchi
mame cisse
Katherine Claffey
Anne Collins
Nancy Connolly
Eboni Cooper
Martha Dao
Abby Duncan
Laura Eisenhauer
Judy Falco
Linda Finson
Susan Fraker
Robert Gelerter
Hope Gerstler
Beth Goffe
Rona Green
Orit Greenberg
Yasha Grinfeld
Marisa Grittini
Cathy Halloran
Neline Heindl-Koorneef
Lesley Hernandez
Ginger Holton
Josias Hopkins
K. Joia Houheneka
Bob Jordan
Tatiana Kaletsch
Richard Kane
Faye Korcak
Nadya Litskevitch
Melanie Macchio
Katherine Marshall
Sylvia McCarter
Timothy McCarthy
Elizabeth Mekuria
Selena Montero
Malka Moskowicz
Anthony Pacheco
Tashi Palden
Bharat Patel
Clifford Pedrow
Sylvia Pereli
Gary Perkins
William Phillips
Susan Poppe
Alex Ramos
Ned Richards
Gail Richardson
Alissa Rivin
Devan Rottman
George Rudenauer
Luba Ruzhnikov
Doris Shandell
Nur Simais
Misty Skolnick
Jean Smyth
Gloria Sostre
Franck St Louis
Sharon Stanton
Priyanka Subramanyam
Jim Tryforos
Dana Weinroth
Keon Wilson
Sue (Si) Wu
Sarah Zima
This year the Conservancy opened an information kiosk for visitors at the Park’s Columbus Circle entrance. In addition to providing information,
the kiosk sells a small selection of souvenirs.
This year we added rustic benches and fences to the Pond landscape.
Table of
Staff & Volunteers
 
Ways to Help
Table of
 
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Become a Volunteer
Shop at the Official Central Park Store
Become a Member
Leave Your Mark in the Park
Give a Legacy Gift
Adopt a Bench
Join the Perimeter Association
Support a Playground
Endow a Tree
Tour the Park
Donate Daffodils, Tulips or Mums
Send an Honor E-card
Table of
Ways to Help
 
Central Park Conservancy
Mission Statement
The mission of Central Park Conservancy is to restore, manage, and enhance Central Park, in partnership
with the public.
Central Park Conservancy aspires to build a great organization that sets the standard for and spreads the
principles of world-class park management — emphasizing environmental excellence — to improve the quality
of open space for the enjoyment of all.
Central Park Conservancy is committed to sustaining this operating model to provide a legacy for future
generations of park users.
Guiding Principle
Central Park is a masterpiece of landscape architecture created to provide a scenic retreat from urban life
for the enjoyment of all and, in so doing, to establish New York’s place among the great cities of the world.
As the organization entrusted with the responsibility of caring for New York’s most important public space,
our work is founded on the belief that citizen leadership and private philanthropy are key to ensuring that
the Park and its essential purpose endure.
Core Values
We value commitment to our mission, Central Park and the visitor experience.
We value innovation and the highest quality results in every aspect of our work.
Annual Report 2014 was produced entirely
by the staff of Central Park Conservancy.
Design: Sol Salgar, Sara Cedar Miller
Writers: Andrea Buteau, Terri Carta,
Alexander Egan, Elizabeth Kaledin,
Maura Lout, Frank LoCastro, Sara Cedar Miller,
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Nicole Sexton,
Marie Warsh
Editors: Alice Baer, Carla Sylvester
Financials: Kathryn Ortiz, Controller
List Coordinator: Terry Setzer
Photography: All photos by Sara Cedar Miller
except the following:
p. 29: Terri Carta
p. 30 (top), 31, 32, 33: Ethan David Kent
p. 30: Bruce Crawford
p. 40 (bottom left): Lucimar Araujo
p. 38 (top left): Paul Porter/BFA
p. 38 (right middle), 39 (left middle): BFA
p. 41 (top): Patrick McMullan
Ways to Help:
p. 108, 120 (botom right): Ginger Propper
We value ethical conduct in our business practices.
We value adaptability in our response to change and challenges.
CommunicationWe value clear, consistent communication, teamwork and an open dialogue
both internally and with the public.
Public ConfidenceWe value the public and work to earn and maintain their confidence in our role
as caretakers of Central Park.
For more information about
Central Park Conservancy:
Visit: centralparknyc.org
Call: 212.310.6600
Write: 14 East 60th Street
New York, NY 10022
Connect with us:
Table of