2013 Annual Report - Interfaith Food Pantry


2013 Annual Report - Interfaith Food Pantry
Annual Report
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
The Mission of the Interfaith Food Pantry is to:
improve the health and well being of Morris County residents in need by providing access to
food, nutrition education and related resources;
provide hands on opportunities for neighbors to help neighbors;
educate the public about the issues of hunger in our area.
2 Executive Drive, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Phone: (973) 538 - 8049 Fax: (973) 998 - 5086
www.mcifp.org E-mail: [email protected]
What is the Interfaith Food Pantry?
The Interfaith Food Pantry is a non-denominational, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization helping families make ends
meet by supplementing their monthly groceries in times of need. Established in 1994, the Interfaith Food Pantry was
formed when a group from four local houses of worship decided to address the growing issue of hunger by
consolidating their food assistance programs. The objective was to create a central collection and distribution center in
Morristown. Our Federal tax-exempt # is 22-3618468.
What We Do The Interfaith Food Pantry provides groceries to eligible Morris County residents. Groceries are
collected from a variety of sources: houses of worship, businesses & schools, community service programs, local
groups and organizations, individuals and families.
The Food Pantry purchases food whenever donations run low in order to maintain our goal of providing reliable
assistance to the community. We distribute groceries to: senior citizens, low-income working families, recently
unemployed workers, and other individuals in crisis. In addition to those who come to the Pantry, groceries are
delivered throughout the county to those who are disabled and cannot get to us.
How Does Someone Get Groceries? Groceries are provided to anyone in need from Morris County who has
housing and cooking facilities. Individuals set up an appointment with our Intake Counselor where they will fill out an
application and are interviewed to help us assess their need. Our pantry is set up as a Client Choice Program, where
clients are allowed to select the food they want from the shelves as if they were in a supermarket. The amount they
can take is determined by the size of their family. They may continue to use the pantry as long as there is need.
Where Do Our Clients Come From? All are residents of Morris County. In addition to walk-ins, referrals are made
from houses of worship, hospitals and schools. Many are sent by community agencies such as the Department of
Aging and Disabilities, Maternal and Child Health Network, NJ Battered Women’s Shelter, St. Clare’s Behavioral
Health Center, Family Service, Homeless Solutions, Inc. and the Mental Health Assoc. of Morris County.
Our clients come from all walks of life. Most are working but their incomes do not keep pace with the cost of living.
They are employed as nursing aides, clerical workers, restaurant & retail staff, school employees & day care assistants.
In recent months we have seen a large increase in the number of people who have lost their jobs. Others are living on
Social Security or Disability. They are grandparents raising their grandchildren and folks living with chronic illness.
They are our neighbors.
What Else Do We Do? As we determine what other needs families may
have, we give them referral information to resources that provide
assistance, such as eyeglasses, day care scholarships, furniture, clothing,
etc. Nutrition and making good food choices is the basis for our
“Healthy Choices Program” which includes food demos for clients and
volunteers and family cooking classes teaching all how to make healthy
low cost meals. A visiting nurse screens clients for health issues like
diabetes and hypertension and our nutrition educator provides information
and counseling to help families understand the link between food and
health. She also assists us in securing the most nutritious food possible.
The Pantry also tries to make holidays a little brighter for those in need.
We provide Thanksgiving food baskets and turkeys and December
holiday baskets.
The Food Pantry accepts donations from a variety of local sources that want to help those in need. If we cannot use the
items offered we try to match donors with groups who are looking for particular donations. We also stock an
emergency food closet located at the Morristown site of the County Office of Temporary Assistance. Finally, we help
meet the emergency food needs of some of the other non-profit groups whenever possible.
The Interfaith Food Pantry embodies the traditional spirit of neighbors helping neighbors.
In 2013 we accomplished the following:
# different households served
IFP sites & Home Delivery
From our emergency site
Food given to other agencies &
extra people at holidays
IFP sites & Home Delivery
From our emergency site
Food given to other agencies &
extra people at holidays
# of home visits
#people served
# lbs. of food distributed
# different people served
# family visits/year
893,154 lbs.
IFP sites & Home Delivery
835,955 lbs.
From our emergency site
28,391 lbs.
Food given to other agencies &
extra people at holidays
28,808 lbs.
# tons of food distributed/year
Home Delivery Program* 2013
# of homebound families served
# lbs. of food distributed/year
* #’s included in yearly statistics above.
CLIENT DEMOGRAPHICS (data collected for IFP clients only)
Primary Source of Income
Public Assistance
Unemployment Ins.
Child Support
African American
50 - 59
19 - 49
18 & under
Size of Households
1 or 2
3 or 4
5 or 6
7,8,or 9
Client Yearly Family Incomes
$10,000 or less
$10,001 to $15,000 20%
$15,001 - $20,000 17%
$20,001 - $30,000 18%
$30,001 – $35,000 5%
$35,001 – $40,000 3%
$40,001 +
Volunteer Summary
During 2013 24,364 hours of volunteer service were donated to the Interfaith Food Pantry. The value of this time is
$503,058. Volunteers at the Interfaith Food Pantry perform such tasks as office work, sorting food, restocking shelves in
the shopping rooms, working on special events, working with youth groups, assisting clients during distribution, providing
delivery to housebound clients and picking up from the Community Food Bank and area organizations that are not able to
deliver their food collections.
Staff Volunteers (345 different individuals)
18,957 hrs
16,534 hrs
14,743 hrs
Regular Groups & Short Term Volunteers (2,012 individuals)
5,407 hrs
3,871 hrs
4,258 hrs
Donated mileage by Home Delivery volunteers
26,962 mi
28,642 mi
25,504 miles
Warehouse/Office, 2 Executive Drive, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
For food distribution
1st four Mon. of each month
1st four Tues. of each month
1st & 3rd Tues. of each month
1st four Wed. of each month
1st four Thurs. of each month
1st four Saturdays of each month
1pm – 3pm
2pm – 4pm
6pm - 8pm
6pm – 8pm
1pm – 3pm
10am - 12pm
To drop off food or visit
Monday – Thursday 9:30am – 4:30pm
Special arrangements may be made by request.
Satellite Pantry @ 190 Speedwell Avenue,
For food distribution only
Every Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 9:30am – 12pm
**Data on town of residence is only collected on clients using our main distribution centers. We do not collect specific data from
emergency sites as these are one time only visits.
Who Are Our Clients?
There are so many people coming to the Interfaith Food Pantry looking for a helping hand. They come from all walks of
life and each has a story all their own of why they are in need of our services. Your gifts of food, money, time and
expertise makes a huge difference in the lives of so many of our neighbors. Here are a few of their stories.
“Carol and Craig” seemed like they had everything going for them, she was a
teacher and he had a good job working with computers when Carol was
diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. As her health declined she was no
longer able to work. Fortunately Craig still had his job and they had some
money in the bank to help pay the mortgage on the house, but Carol’s medical
bills continued to grow and were rapidly draining their nest egg. Then Craig’s
company moved out of state and he was let go. He thought he would find
another job in no time especially with his computer and IT skills – “who
wouldn’t want to hire me!” Unfortunately he was competing with “kids” much
younger than he was as well as those just coming out of college. The weeks
became many, many months and by this time they had exhausted most of their
savings. The stress of not having a job was causing Craig medical problems
and he was slipping deeper and deeper into depression. While he was waiting
in line at a county agency one day someone mentioned the Interfaith Food
Pantry to him. “For years I would donate both food and money to our church
for the IFP, but never, ever thought I would need to come here myself. I guess
now I know how it feels to be at both ends, I am humbled and grateful for
them. They helped me and my wife to get back on our feet with food and resources.” Over the last several years Craig
has found temp jobs or consulting positions, he has hope that one will become a permanent position.
“Fred”, a man in his mid 50’s came into the pantry one afternoon, very distressed. He had been hit by a car and received
extensive injuries that left him in much pain and with difficulty in walking and sitting. Unfortunately this made it
impossible for him to continue working and he had to go on state disability. He and his wife have two adult children with
autism living at home and needing constant care. His wife cannot work since she is the caretaker for all three family
members. They are struggling to make ends meet and he is really upset about no longer being able to provide for his
family. Craig has received some support from his house of worship but he is concerned about the future of his kids. As
someone who was always self sufficient, he didn’t know where else to go for help or who to talk to for assistance. He was
having a great deal of difficulty navigating the whole social services system and finally his pastor referred him to IFP.
Fred is grateful for the food pantry since we are not only assisting him with food for his family but also helping him meet
other family needs through resources and referrals.
“Sarah” was happily married and the mother of four children. Her husband “Sam” was a property caretaker. With this
position came the home they lived in until tragedy struck several years ago, when Sam had a fatal heart attack. Sarah tried
to take over the caretaker position but she wasn’t able to handle the more physical aspects of the job and the family was
eventually asked to move out. With no home, no job and four kids to raise she ended up at a friend’s place but soon wore
out her welcome. With the little savings she had left, she moved her family into a motel room and finally managed to find
a job working in a warehouse. A steady job made it possible for her to
move her family into a low rent apartment, but just when she thought
she was starting to get back on her feet – she was laid-off from her
job. Unemployment helped pay her rent but nothing else and she
needed food. Her house of worship, an IFP supporter, referred her to
our program. “The Interfaith Food Pantry gave me a lifeline to help
feed my family. I was at the lowest point in my life when I came here
– I had no place else to go. I had to sell my car because I couldn’t
afford the insurance or to put gas in it. I had to walk everywhere I
went. Coming to the Pantry renewed my faith in people. They really
cared about me and I got food right away for my family. Since then I
finally found another full time job as a driver for a non-profit and
things are really getting better!”
Interfaith Food Pantry Programs
Client Choice Program
• provides clients with emergency and supplemental food during time of need
• provides clients with access to a variety of food from each food group based on family size, dietary restrictions and personal
• empowers clients to make decisions and restores integrity to the process of receiving food
Healthy Choices Program
• Provides nutrition counseling for prevention and/or management of diet related illnesses.
• Provides access to a greater variety of nutritious foods that may not typically be available at food pantries (i.e., fresh dairy,
lean proteins, low sodium options, gluten free foods, and fresh fruits and vegetables).
• Increases fresh produce by working with communities and groups to set up gardens for IFP.
• Educates clients about how to grow their own food in limited space.
• Instructs clients on how to prepare available foods in a nutritious manner.
• Offers a series of nutrition and cooking workshops for children of clients and families.
• Provides screening for potential health risks, e.g., diabetes and hypertension.
Working Families Access Program
• Provides low-income working families access after work on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as well as Saturdays.
• Provides them with access to nutrition programs and health screening.
Home Delivery Program
• Works to enable home-bound elderly, disabled and medically fragile clients to remain living independently by pairing them
with volunteers who bring food to their homes.
• Attempts to meet dietary restrictions related to their medical needs wherever possible.
• Allows opportunity for community involvement for those who are not available to volunteer during daytime hours.
Community Awareness Program
• Enables IFP to provide public education about hunger and related issues through printed material, presentations and various
forms of media.
• Enables IFP to provide public education about the IFP’s mission, goals and need for community support and involvement.
• Enables IFP to promote awareness about the program to those who may need assistance.
• Promotes volunteerism and advocacy.
Family Self-Sufficiency Program
• Enables easy referral to services such as medical and behavioral health care, eyeglasses, furniture, home energy assistance
programs, EITC, low cost child care options and prescription assistance programs.
• Provides referrals to job fairs and training programs.
Youth Involvement Program
• Provides hunger-related educational and hands-on sessions for civic, scout, school and worship-based youth groups through
volunteer-conducted field trips and after school activities.
• Assists young people in developing their own hunger support activities off site.
• Provides education about local hunger issues and the IFP’s role in the community via presentations to schools, scouts, civic
and worship-based youth groups at their facilities.
Advocacy Program
• Offers opportunities for community involvement through awareness of legislative impact on hunger and related issues.
• Offers opportunities for families and individuals to participate in public awareness and activism campaigns such as the food
stamp challenge, letter writing, brown bag buddies, etc.
Volunteer Program
• Provides opportunity for community involvement for individuals, families, civic groups, houses of worship and corporations.
• Allows members of the community to connect with their neighbors and become part of the solution.
• Enables IFP to be cost-effective, using donated services to expand programs while keeping administrative costs low.
• Provides resources to IFP through fundraising programs and community-wide food drives.
Thanksgiving and December Holidays and other projects such as “We’ve Got Your Back” school supply program
• Allows clients to provide their families with appropriate meals for the holidays.
• Provides opportunity for community-wide involvement via food drives and volunteer opportunities.
• Helps families meet the needs of their children.
Client Choice Shopping Center
Healthy Choice Teaching Kitchen
IFP Pantry and Resource Center – 2 Executive Drive, Morris Plains, NJ
Self-sufficiency Center & Classroom
2013 Financials and Food Sources
Donated Food
Events &
Time and
Cash Donations
Fundraising Events &
Volunteer Time and Travel
Donated Food
Other Programs
Total * includes depreciation
2013 Source of Food (lbs.)
Donated By Public
From CFB - Community Food Bank (free
or small handling fees only)
SFPP - State Food Purchase Program
From CFB
Donated by
USDA - NJ Dept. of Agriculture
Purchased with Donated Funds
President – Greg Supron – Community Volunteer
Vice Pres. – Chris MacDonald – Community Volunteer
Treasurer – Stuart Wiet – Community Volunteer
Secretary – Rachel Carter, Esq. – Chubb Ins. Co.
Pres. Emeritus – Russ Hall - Community Volunteer
Executive Director - Rosemary Gilmartin *
Dir. Comm. Relations & Development – Carolyn Lake
Client Services Manager – Liliana Herrera
Food and Facilities Manager – Bill Zackoff
Office Manager – Dana Connelly/Maureen Papili
Volunteer Coordinator – Doug McMahon
Nutrition Educator – Katy Galton
Business Manager – Wendy Potkay
Client Services Associate – Diana Garcia
Community Relations & Dev. Associate – Joanne Brashier
Office Assts. – Lenora Caamano & Barbara Petrakis
Warehouse Assts. – Tony Aviles, Patrick Mitchell &
David Bean
* also member Board of Trustees
Rob Baumeister – Refined Sight, Inc.
Bruce Galton – Community Volunteer
Karen Jones-Williams – Morris School District
Marc Mackin – Lapp Holding NA
Ann Marie Manahan – Community Volunteer
Tracey Polifka – Solix, Inc.
Chris Richter – Avison Young
Community Hope
Community Soup Kitchen
Dawn Center for Independent Living
Family Service of Morris County (Cornerstone)
Family Intervention Services
Gateway NW Maternal and Child Network
Homeless Solutions
Family Promises
Mental Health Association of Morris County
Morris County Division of Aging and Disabilities
Morris County Housing Authority
Morris County Nutrition Program
Morris County Office of Hispanic Affairs
Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance
Morristown Neighborhood House
New Bridge Services
NJ Aids Resources Center
NJ Battered Women’s Shelter
St. Clare’s Behavioral Health Center
Visiting Nurse Association
Zufall Health Clinic
Morristown Medical Center – provided health
educators and performed health screenings.
NJCEED – offered cancer prevention information.
AARP – ran senior safe driving course to help lower
insurance rates.
Grow It Green Morristown, America’s Grow A Row,
and Giving Gardens Project – Wagner Farm
Arboretum – all provided fresh produce.
Jack & Jill of Morris County – offered cooking and
exercise program for client children and families.
Junior League of Morristown – ran series of family
healthy cooking classes.
Rutgers SNAP ED Program – provided nutrition
education resources.
St. Hubert’s Shelter – provided free pet food during
distribution sessions.
With thanks to our contributors....
Appaloosa Management, L.P.
Bayer HealthCare
County of Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeNoon
F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
Kings Super Markets, Inc
The Lapp Group
First Presbyterian Church of Mendham
The John Bickford Foundation
Ms. Nancy Henseler
The Employees of Honeywell, Inc.
L.A.W. Foundation
MetLife Foundation
The Mosteller Family
Mushett Family Foundation
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
The Raymaker Family
Shop Rite “Partners in Caring”
William E. Simon Foundation
Willis & Nancy King Foundation
3M Foundation
Avison Young
BASF Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bingham
BJ's Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Blair A. Boyer
Chubb & Son / Federal Insurance Co.
Church of Christ the King
Citrin Cooperman & Co., LLP
Ms. Patricia Elmi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Falzon
George A. Ohl Jr. Trust
Gertrude L. Hirsch Charitable Trust
Ms. Maureen Harris
IGH Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Jack and Jill of America/Morris County Chapter
McGuinn Family Foundation
Meerwarth Family Foundation Trust
The Employees of MetLife
Moretrench American Corporation
Ms. Amy Factor-Oyer and Mr. Jay Oyer
The Provident Bank Foundation
The John & Margaret Post Foundation
The Jones Fund - United Methodist
Church in Madison
The Employees of New York Life
Investment Management
The North Jersey Media Group
The Presbyterian Church in Morristown
The Rotary Foundation
The Sweetie Pig Foundation, Inc.
North American Sales/Maersk Line
One Call Care Management
OneBeacon Charitable Trust
Oratory Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Palla
Power Hawk Technologies, Inc.
Ms. Christine F. Rachalis
Mr. Donald Reed
The Rosenbush and Zimmer Family Fund
of the CFNJ
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rosenthal
Rotary Club of Morris Plains
Rotary Club of Whippany
Saint Clare's Health System
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church
Mr. & Mrs. Val Schuszler
Smolin Lupin & Co., P.A.
Solix, Inc.
St. Virgil Parish
Ms. Margaret Stone & Mr. Jonathan Dee
Stop & Shop, Morris Plains
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Supron
Tasters Guild of New Jersey Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Pradeep Thakur
The Thomas & Sarah MacMahon Family
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Joan Thuebel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Van Deventer
Mr. & Mrs. Sandran P. Waran
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Wiet
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wood
Akhoury Foundation Inc.
ASCO Power Technologies, L.P.
Mr. Stuart Ashton
Atlantic Health System
Mr. Joseph Balwierczak
Mr. & Mrs. John Beierle
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Beighley
Bell Environmental Services
Birchwood Manor, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Birnbaum
Bishop Janes United Methodist Church
Ms. Michele Blackwood
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bliss
Bohler Engineering NJ, LLC
Brinton Eaton
Brookside Community Church
Cantel Medical Corp.
Catholic Health Initiatives
Ms. Theresa Christie
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cook
Corwin Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Covert
Ms. Alice Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Deskovick
Mr. & Mrs. William DeVizio
Mr. & Mrs. William Diehl
DM Airports, Ltd.
DolCas Biotech, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Early
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finneran
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fisch
Dr. Katherine T. Palla & Mr. Daniel Flores
BD Social Investing Program
Ms. Mary K. Becht
The Berlamino Family
Ms. Mary Brennan & Mr. Lance Cassak
Britcher, Leone & Roth, LLC
Cassa Family Fund for Charitable Giving
The Charles L. Read Foundation
Children's Home Foundation
Church of the Assumption BVM
Ms. Christine Conti-Collins
& Mr. Daniel Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Cortese
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cukor
Mr. Peter Cuva
The Dietz Family Fund of the CFNJ
The Duch Family Fund of the CFNJ
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunn
ExxonMobile Foundation
FirstEnergy Foundation
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
The Graymer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Honeker
Hot Rods Real Pit BBQ
Investors Bank
Mr. Henry Kafel
The Lyon Family
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Manahan
Ms. Dorothea McDonough
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Miller
Ms. Judy Martinez & Mr. Hector Mislavsky
Ms. Nancy Ann Niemann
The MacDonald Family
OdysseyRe Foundation
Valeant Pharmaceuticals
$1,000-$1,999 (Cont’d)
Ms. Fay Widdowson & Mr. Steven Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Furlong
Gary's Wine and Marketplace
Mr. Michael Georgaros
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gilmartin
Golden Bagel Runners
Gourmet Dining
Grace Lutheran Church
Graham Curtin, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Drew Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hallberg
Mr. & Mrs. George Hardy
Ms. Glynnis Patterson & Mr. Ezra Ripple Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Haven
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Heinsen
Ms. Meghan E. Heyert
Mr. & Mrs. David Hoiriis
Mr. Martin Huber
IronFit Training / Personal Training of Short
Hills, LLC
Mr. Joshua Jernigan
Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer
Companies Contributions Fund of the
Community Foundation of NJ
Johnson Controls
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Ms. Ellen V. Kelly
Mr. Gordon Korn
A. Fiore Services, Inc.
Advance Realty
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Allen
Mr. Mark Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Antal
Mr. Paul Archbold
AVIS Budget Group
Ms. C. Anne Baier
Mr. & Mrs. Harsh Bansal
Ms. Komal Ullah & Mr. Kevin Beach
Ms. Stephanie Berk
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Berkheimer
Blispak Acquisition Corp.
BNI-Main Street Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. George Bohensky
Boiling Springs Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boni
Ms. Susan Boni
Borbas Surveying & Mapping, LLC
Mr. Jeffrey Braemer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Brazil
Mr. & Mrs. William Brazzel
Ms. Kathleen Breslin
Brookside Senior Citizens
Ms. Liz Burney
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Ms. Robin Carroll Mann
Ms. Grace Chan
Chatham Kiwanis Club
Dr. Lucy Chen & Dr. Calvin Shen
CIT Group
Ms. Jean Coleman
Corpus Christi Church
Legalbill.com LLC
Lexus of Route 10
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Mackin
Mr. & Mrs. William Marino
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matula
Ms. Susan McArdle
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McEwan
Mr. & Mrs. John Mitros
Mondelez International
Mondelez International Foundation
Moody's Foundation-Matching Gift Program
Ms. Virginia Moriarty
Morris County Retired Educators Association
Morris County Sheriff Crime Stoppers, Inc.
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Mr. Dennis Neider
Ms. Cynthia Wachtell & Mr. Jeffrey Neuman
New Beginnings Bible Church
New Jersey Natural Gas
Normandy Real Estate Partners
Mr. James Noser
Olympus Holdings
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O'Neill
Ms. Margaret Parker
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Todd Pierro
Presbyterian Church of Madison
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Republican Club Mendham Township
Robert E. Weger Family Dental Care
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roffman
Rotary Club of Madison
Rotary Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills
Ruth and Jack Glantz Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sebiri
Shaffer Steel
Mr. Stephen Shannon
Ms. Linda Bohrer & Mr. Mark Shearman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Smith
Special Risk Managers
St. Matthew the Apostle Parish
St. Patrick's Church
Mr. Andrew Stackhouse
Mr. Robert Stock
Mr. Greg Stover
Ms. Susan Strong
Mr. Stefan Swanson
The Chatham United Methodist Church
The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey
The Newark Group, Inc
The Roberta Freeman Cox Charitable
Ms. Krista Thompson and Mr. Tom Huleatt
Tore Electric Company, Inc.
Union Center National Bank
Ms. Virginia Valenze
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Waldorf
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wells
Ms. Kathryn Shuck & Mr. Steven Wheatley
Ms. Lisa Whipkey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Costello
Mr. Warren H. Crater
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cushing
Mr. & Mrs. Carlo De Notaristefani
Ms. Eleanor DeBiasse
Mr. & Mrs. George DeBoer
DeCheser Media
Mr. Timothy J. Decker
Ms. Denice DeFlorio-Katz
Ms. Jean Delaporte
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Denton
Digiplex Destinations
Mr. & Mrs. Robet J. Diquollo
Ms. Jane Donegan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Doyle
Mr. William Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eckhard
Edmond and Virgninia Moriarity Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Epstein
Mr. Alberto Errico
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Evanko
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Ms. Diane Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Igor Fastov
Mr. Evan Federman
Mr. Wilfredo Fernandez
Ms. Mary Flynn
Free and Accepted Masons of NJ
Friends of Tom Mastrangelo for Morris County
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Galton
Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Gilman
Glaxosmithkline Foundation
Ms. Karen Glendinning
Ms. Daria Goginsky
Mr. & Mrs. George Goldman
Mr. Thomas Gormeley
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Gross
H. Herbert Myers Memorial Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hipp
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Houston
Huntington Learning Center
Industry Publications, Inc.
Irish American Association of NW NJ
Iron Mountain
Mr. Christopher Ivaniski
Ms. Linda Jantzen
Ms. Suzanne Jantzen
Ms. Nancy Josephs
Ms. Patricia R. De La Fuente
& Mr. Robert J. Karasiewicz
KB Ingredients
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keefe
Keller and Heckman LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kervandjian
Kiwanis Club of Randolph Township
Ms. Larainne Koehler & Mr. Vincent Grieco
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kron
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Lacey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lade, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre LeBeaut
Mr. & Mrs. Dave LeRoux
$500-$999 (Cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lesczynski
Lifeline Medical Associates, LLC
Ms. Lauren Limauro & Mr. Aaron Richton
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Limauro
Longo Electrical Mechanical, Inc.
Louis Berger Group
Dr. Trisha L.B. Luing & Mr. Kevin Luing
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luongo
Ms. Caren Frankel & Mr. Jory Magidson
Mr. Kyle Maguire
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Manahan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manahan
Mr. Paul Mandel
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Marcotte
Markel Corporation
Mr. Matthew Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marzano, Sr.
Ms. Janet McChesney
Mr. & Mrs. Ed McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Steve McLaud
MG Car Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Miccolis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Miceli
Mr. & Mrs. Sarah Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Modugno
Molinare Dental Group
Ms. Heather Molnar & Mr. Charles Forsythe
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Moody
Ms. Camilla Morch
Morris Animal Inn
Morris County Chamber of Commerce
Morris County Republican Alliance
Morris County Republican Committee
Morristown Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. Saunders M. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Moss
Mt. Olive High School
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muir
Mr. Dennis Najjar
Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel Church
Ohaus Corporation
Ms. Mary Okarma
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Olivo, Jr.
Mr.& Mrs. David Panhorst
Ms. Cynthia Peabody
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine Petrakis
Ms. Mary Petti
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Picciochi
Pinch Brook Ladies Golf League
Mr. Trent Pines
Mr. Seth Pinsky
Ms. Lynne Pi-Sunyer & Mr. Joseph Steigauf
PNC Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Potkay
Mr. & Mrs. John Potter
Mr. Joel Ramich
Reed Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rees
Mr. Peter Reilly
Resurrection Parish
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Riback
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rich
Ms. Ellen Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. Richter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richton
Ms. June Robinson
Rotary Club of the Mendhams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rothen
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ruggiero
Mr. & Mrs. Pat J. Russoniello
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Savettiere
Ms. Eva Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Schorr
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schram
Senior Citizens of Hanover Township
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Serrano
Ms. Sarah Slover
Ms. Barbara Small
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Smith
Smith-Sondy Asphalt Construction
Ms. Janice Sokol
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Somberg
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Speer
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Ms. Katie Stahl
Stanley Congregational Church
Mr. Glenn Stellingwerf
Mr. Frank Sweeney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Szlosek
Ms. Margaret M. Taylor
TD Bank
Temptime Corp
The Avis Budget Charitable Foundation
The Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains
Ms. Adrienne Francis & Mr. Robert Tholl
Tiffany and Company
Mr. Thomas Travers
Trinity Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tureck
Univision Communications Inc.
Validation Plus, Inc.
Vista Tax Group
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walsh
Ms. Jeanne Gauthier Walsh
Darshan Wariabharaj
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wary
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Whiting
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Wielandy
Mr. Donald Wood
Mr. Tony Zuzuro & Mr. Larry Gabel
Mr. John Adelman
Advantech Corporation
Affinity Federal Credit Union
African-American Clergy Association
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Alcock
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Andres
Ms. Linda Aragona
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Armstrong
AT&T Pioneers - Life Member Club
Atlantic Pacific Management
Atlas Copco North American, LLC
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Mr. John Babiak
Mr. & Mrs. David Bahn
Mr. & Mrs. David Banks
Mr. William Barnes
Ms. Julie Baron
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bashe
Ms. Natalie Bickerton
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bielik
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Billak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bintinger
Mr. Tony Bisconti
Mr. & Mrs. William Blanchard
Ms. Kathy Bliven
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Boutin
Boy Scout Troop 112 - National Guard
Ms. Joan Boyd
Brach Eichler, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brennan
Ms. Marie Mateo & Mr. Gary Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown
Browns Backers of North Jersey
Mr. Gordon Brummer
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bucco, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Butkovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. John Campbell
Mr. Paul Canter
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carruthers
Ms. Janet Carter
CC Kids For A Cause
Ms. Claire Chamberlain
Chatham Ladies Card Club
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ciancimino
Ms. Marianne Cidis
College of St. Elizabeth
Colonial Title and Abstract Service
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Connolly
Mr. Roger Conover
Mr. Nick Contento
Ms. Erica Craner
Ms. Barbara Miller & Mr. Jeff Cromie
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Crosier
Curbing Hunger
Dangler Funeral Home
Database Technologies
Datacert, Inc.
Day Pitney LLP
Ms. Carolyn DeCastro
Delbarton School
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Delle Donne
Mr. & Mrs. Louis DePaolis
Digital Cinema Destinations Corp.
Ms. Sharon DiPrimo
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dubee
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dupree
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dux
EcolSciences, Inc.
Electronic Office Systems
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elsholz
Mr. Francis Eng
Mr. Ian Erb
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Eriksen
Mr. Kieran Fagan
$250-$499 (Cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson
Fernbrook School
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fetherston
First Reformed Church of Lincoln Park
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flaherty
Ms. Denise Flanagan
Mr. John Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Foster
Ms. Lisa Dooley & Mr. John Frain, Jr.
Franklin Mutual Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Franzi
Fraser Electric, Inc.
FrontLine Medical Communications
Mr. Steven Fullenkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallucci
GAP Foundation Gift Match Program
Ms. Patricia Giammarinaro
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giannantonio
Ms. Norma Gibbs
Mr. Peter Giglio
Mr. & Mrs. James Gist
Mr. Richard Giuditta
Ms. Virginia Goldman
Google Matching Gifts Program
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gorayeb
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Greene
Groom Law Group, Chartered
Ms. Patricia Halligan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamburger
Mr. & Mrs. James Hanrahan
Harbor Hills Day Camp
Ms. Margaret Hariri
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Harris
Ms. Liliana Herrera
Hidden Pond Foundation
Hildale Park Presbyterian Church
Hilltop Community Bank
Hilltop Tea
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
Dr. Irene Kim & Dr. Walter Hong
Hoover's Tavern
Mr.& Mrs. Howard Horowitz
Mr. Ronald Housley
Hunan Wok
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Iacobino
Independent Thrift Shop
Infusion Pharma Consulting, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Inglis
J. R. Tobacco
J.P. Morgan Chase
Mr. David Jareckas
JCP &L/FirstEnergy Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Andre Jensen
Ms. Leokadia Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Joel
Ms. Dorothy Wilson & Mr. David Johnson
Ms. Penny Carpenter & Mr. Thomas Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Julich
Ms. Shelly London & Mr. Charles Kanter
Kaye Cooper Kay & Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keegan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kibalo
Mr. Ron Kieliszewski
Kitchell Memorial Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Konikowski
Lakeland Bank
Lakeland Bank-Oak Ridge
Ms. Shelley Lanzkowsky
Laser & Skin Institute
Leason Ellis LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Lebowitz
Mr. Paul Lehmann
LEO Pharmaceutical Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lepore
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Levitan
Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Lightbourn
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lord
Mr. Carl Loutzenheiser
Mr. Donald Lynch
Macy's Livingston
Madison Lodge No. 93 F&Am
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Malloy
Mannings USA
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Marowitz
Marsh USA Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Masefield
Ms. Eileen McCaffrey Schuman
Ms. Kathy McDonough
Mr. Paul McDougall
Mr. James McNicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Melita
Mendham Interchurch Committee
Metro Dental Associates
Meyersville Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Meys
Ms. Lisa Miller
Millington Savings Bank
Milrose Consultants, Inc.
Montville Reformed Church
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Moore
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLC
Morris County Library
Morris Plains Monday Seniors
Morris Tap & Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mosch
Mount Freedom Printing
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. James Msanias, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy
Ms. Robyn Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Newman
North Jersey Street Rod Assn.
Northfield Bank
Nurminen Construction Corp.
Ms. Susan A. Obrien
Ms. Susan O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Occhiogrosso
Office Furniture Partnership
Ms. Dina O'Keefe
Ms. Katie O'Neill
Order Sons of Italy in America
Mr. Craig Osberg
Outdoor Single Friends
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Owens
Dr. H. Rae Pak
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Palermo
Peapod by Stop & Shop
Pegasus Asset Management, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perlett
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Petrosino
Ms. Karen Plastoris
Ms. Diana Pogorzelski
Ms. Tracey Polifka
Mr. & Mrs. John Porcek
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Principe
Mr. Stephen Priola
Public Works Management
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Raser
Reckitt Benckiser
Mr. Angelo Rizzo
Ms. Cynthia Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rosamilia
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rosen
Mr. Jonathan Rosman
Rotary Club of Pequannock Valley
Royal Yoga Inc.
Ms. Mary Jane Russin
Ms. Teresa Sachs
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sample
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Santomassimo
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Schiff
Mr. & Mrs. Cary Schwartz
Scientific Design Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shine
Ms. Rita Simmons
Sisters of Charity
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Speranza
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. Peter the Apostle Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stanton
Stirling Hotel Inc.
Ms. Marie Strebel
Mr. Roman Streitberger
Mr. John Szczomak
Temple B'Nai Or
Mr. & Mrs. M. Jay Terzis
The Angeletti Group, LLC
The Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr
The Morristown Tea Party
The New Jersey Colonials Hockey Association
The Provident Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thiel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Toohey
Trenk, DiPasquale, Della Fera & Sodono, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Uhlman
United Business Systems
United Methodist Church of Green Village
Ms. Ann Marie Van Geuns
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Vogtman
W.P. Lloyd Custom Building LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Warren
Ms. Tanya Holcomb & Mr. Richard Webber
Weichert Realtors
Ms. Ellen Weinstock
Ms. Kathy Welch
Welsh Chester Galiney Matone Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Werry
Ms. Kathleen Wiener
Mr. Walter Wilkes
Ms. Karen Jones-Williams & Mr. Mark
Mr. & Mrs. John Witkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Wolkowitz
Mr. Harry Woods, Jr.
Ms. Tamar Wyschogrod & Mr. David Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Savvakis Zachariades
Zack Painting Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Zackoff
Ms. Linda Habgood & Mr. Gary Zanfagna
Ms. Vivian Zeik Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Zoellner
AARP-Central Morris-#5937
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Abate
Able Maintenance, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Idrees Ahmad
Ms. Candi Ahto
All County Rental Center, Inc.
Ms. Marsha Allahverdi
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Allen
Mr. Stephanie Almozara
Ms. Karen Altman
Mr. Edward Amberger
American Federal Mortgage
Mr. Walter Amerman
Ms. Linda Ancey
Ms. Gloria Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Antin
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Anzalone
Ms. Margaret Anzul
Arch Reinsurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. William Archer
Mr. Andre Archimbaud
Mr. & Mrs. Les Armour
Artworks Marketing, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Asdal
Ms. Jean Aspen & Mr. Richard Eastman
Mr. Robert Aurich
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Aussem, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Aussicker
Mr. Eric Avery
Ms. Helena Axelrod
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Baccaglini Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Baccaglini Jr.
Ms. Carolyn Badenhausen
Mr. Christopher Baggio
Ms. Lynn Bailey
Ms. Elizabeth Bain
Ms. Mary Baker
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Ms. Dorothy Baron
Ms. Carla Barone
Mr. Stephen Barrow
Bartlett Dairy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Batherman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Becker
Ms. Lisa Behrle
Ms. Michele Bell
Ms. Kathy Bellias
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Bennett
Mr. Zvi Ben-Simcha
Benson-Kresge Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bernstein
Mr. John Bess
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Betzler
Mr. & Mrs. John Bianchi
Ms. Karen Lundgren & Rev. Joel Biggers
Bishop McLaughlin Council 3495
Bisignano Family
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bitterman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blackman
Mr. & Mrs. John Bochicchioy
Bodnar Financial Advisors, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Hermann Boehnke
Ms. Shelly Boland & Mr. Harry Davis
Bollinger Insurance
Ms. Carolyn Boney
Boonton Township Fire Department
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Borelli
Ms. Nancy Boucher
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bove
Mr. Arthur Bowie
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bozonelis
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bradney
Ms. Carolyn Brady & Mr. George Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Braidish
Mr. & Mrs. Vito Brancatella
Mr. & Mrs. James Branigan
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Braun
Ms. Denise Brenner
Ms. Lisa Bretherick
Mr. Steven Bretherick
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brinkmann
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Brodeur
Ms. Fredrica Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. William Brorein
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Browse
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Brozynski
Mr. Brian Bruno
Mr. Anthony Bucco, Sr.
Ms. Sharon Buehler
Ms. Beth Schwanke & Mr. Eric Bukstein
Ms. Vivian Bull
Ms. Winifred Bunch
Ms. Judith Burgdorf
Ms. Janet Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bury
Ms. Linda Busby
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bush
Bushes Landscape Design
Mr. & Mrs. John Butchyk
Ms. Janet Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Byrne
Cabana Family Dental, P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. James Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Cantrell
Ms. Dianne Capone
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Caporaso
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Capossela
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cariello
Ms. Linda Carrington
Ms. Lola Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Casey
Ms. Michele Castagna
Ms. Ellen Castell & Ms. Janine Ringier
Ms. Janice Cazes
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Chakrin
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Chambers
Mr. Jonathan Chatellier
Chester Barber Shop, LLC
Chesters-Mendhams Republican Club
Mr. Jon Choitz
Mr. Chander Choudhry
Ms. Barbara Christjohn
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Ms. Laura Ciarkowski
Ms. Catherine Cioffi & Mr. Thomas Tighe
Mr. & Mrs. David Clair
Ms. Kathleen Neel & Mr. Allen Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. James Cloninger
Mr. Paul Coghlan
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. David Cohen
Mr. Thomas Colicchio
College Club of Dover
Ms. Sabrina Comic-Savic
Committee to Elect Robert Ruane For Council
Comprehensive Asset Management and
Servicing, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Conlan
Mr. Jim Connolly
Dr. Lauren Cooper
Cornerstone Real Estate Group
Ms. Mercedes Correa
Ms. Grace Costa & Ms. Barbara Costa
Mr. Richard Cotter
Ms. Gemma Basso & Mr. Michael Coulson
Ms. Dagmar Coulter
Ms. Nanette Courtine
Mr. Bruce Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Vito Crecco
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Crescibene
Mr. Thomas Curtin
Mr. & Mrs. John Cusano
Ms. Helen Custy-Szymanski
Ms. Kristen Cutforth
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D'Achille
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dalpe
Mr. & Mrs. Nick D'Amato
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Davich
Ms. Jocelyn de Grandpre
Mr. & Mrs. Augustine De La Llave
Mr. & Mrs. George De Palma
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeCaro
Mr. Chad Deeks
Ms. Josie Deelsnyder
Mr. Cosmo DeGennaro
Ms. Carolyn DeGolyer
Delisa Pallet Corporation
Ms. Kathleen Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Derrick
Ms. Sally DeVries
Mr. Adam Dick
Ms. Arlene Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dickinson, Jr.
Dimensions in Black and White
Mr. Daniel Dinubila
$100-$249 (Cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D'Italia
Dixon Bros, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Domask
Ms. Shona Donegan
Mr. & Mrs. Sedesh Doobay
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Dreyer
Ms. Judith Droar
Ms. Noreen Drucker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duboff
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. James Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dykstra
Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism
Ms. Beatrice Eastman
Mr. Miguel Echevarria
Ms. Meredith Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Edgar
Edmund M. Kramer Photographers
Ms. Rachel Ellentuck & Ms. Brooke Ellentuck
Mr. & Mrs. James Elliott
Empowered to Heal
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Erath
Mr. & Mrs. Robrt Eufer
Mr. Frank Euvino
Ms. Rita Fand
Ms. Joan Farber
Mr. Vincent Farley
Mr. & Mrs. George Farndell
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Farrington
Ms. Denise Gastineau & Mr. Ron Feinsod
Mr. Paul Ferdenzi
Dr. Rohini Fernandes
Ms. Madelyn Shapiro & Mr. Michael Ferrans
Mr. Gene Feyl
Mr. John Fields
First Baptist Church
First Book
First Presbyterian Church of East Hanover
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Fischer
Ms. Beth Fitt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Fitzgerald
Ms. Gina Flanigan
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Florance
FM Global Foundation
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Mr. Robert Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Friant, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frost
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Frost
Ms. Megan Furst
Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Fuscaldo
Mr. Monica Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Galtieri
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gazal
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gehring
Ms. Janice Gelson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gerhart
Ms. Karen Gerhold
Mr. & Mrs. George Gewirtz
Ms. Patricia Gibney
Mr. Gregory Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. John Gierveld
Mr. & Mrs. James Gilbert
Ms. Christine Gilfillan
Gimmal, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ginsburg
Ms. Marilyn Giraldi
Girl Scout Troops 2264 & 95083
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glanville
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gluntz
Mr. Kenneth Goddard
Dr. Alesia Goginsky & Mr. John Goginsky
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Goin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Goldstein
Ms. Louise Seney Goller
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goudelis
Mr. Charles Graf
Graphics Depot
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Green
Ms. Judith Green & Ms. Lynn Green
Ms. Joan Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Greenhut
Mr. & Mrs. H. John Greeniaus
Ms. Frances Gregoriou
Ms. Debra Grella-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John Grey
Ms. Joan Griffith Tell
Mr. & Mrs. John Gringeri
Groome Industrial Service Group
Mr. & Mrs. Devlin Gualtieri
Mr. & Mrs. Jomil Guerrero
Ms. Stephanie Haberman
Mr. Edward Hackney
Mr. John Haggstrom
Ms. Judy Hahn
Ms. Mary-Elizabeth Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Halpin
Mr. Michael Hanifin
Ms. Maurine Hanley
Hanover Marriott Hotel
Ms. Ann Marie Hanrahan
Mr. Peter Michael Hansen
Mr. Dan Happer
Mr. Kurt Harlacher
Ms. Laura Harper
Ms. Shannon Harrison & Ms. Patricia Harrison
Ms. Melanie Harrow
Ms. Kathy-Jo Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. John Hayes
HCC Global
Hebrew Academy of Morris County
Ms. Margaret Hefferon
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Helterman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hemsen
Mr. & Mrs. John Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hendrickson
Ms. Bonnie Hepler
Mr. Paul Hermes
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Herrigel
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hess III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hinkle
Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgdon
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hoeflin
Ms. Sandra Hoeflin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hofbauer
Ms. Pendered Daggett Hoffman & Mr. Robert
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hohmann
Ms. Diane Holland
Mr. Keith Holt
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Hope House
Mr. & Mrs. William Hostetter
Mr. & Mrs. Mahboob Hussain
Mr. & Mrs. John Huston
Ms. Kristin Iacobino
IMS Health
Inglesino, Pearlman, Wyciskala & Taylor, LLC
Ms. Arlene Inglis
Mr. & Mrs. Bastiaan Innemee
Ms. Bliss Ireland
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ireton
Ms. Barbara Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ischinger
Israel Memorial AME Church
Mr. Patrick Ivaldi
Ms. Laura Ann Randolph & Mr. Michael Jablon
Ms. Kathleen Jackson
Jacobs Levy Equity Management, Inc.
Mr. Barry Jacobsen
Mr. Manjit Jaisingh
James Sharp and Associates LLC
Mr. Stewart Jaslove
Mr. Hiram Jenkins
Jenlor Electric, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Jerow
Ms. Ann Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson
Ms. Doris Johnson
Ms. Pam Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson
Ms. Wilhelmina Juhlin
Ms. Anita Kalyan
Ms. Joanne Kares
Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Keating
Ms. Alicia Weisbrot & Mr. George Keefer
Mr. Kevin Keegan
Mr. & Mrs. John Keena
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Keller
Mr. George Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. David Kelly
Ms. Maureen Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelly
Mr. Harry David Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Kenner
Ms. Kathryn Surmay & Mr. Paul Kenny
Mr. Carse Kershaw
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald King
Mr. James King
Ms. Michelle McKinley & Mr. Wayne King, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin King
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas King
Ms. Chris Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kitchell
Mr. Matthew Klarmann
Mr. Michael Knaack
Ms. Janet Knoeringer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Koehler
Mr. James Kotcho
Mr. & Mrs. David Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kramer
Ms. Helen Krause Fahy
$100-$249 (Cont’d)
Ms. Hannah Kiernan & Mr. Eben Krim
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kurisko
Mr. & Mrs. James Labagnara
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Lade
Ladies Auxiliary - Hillside Hose Co. #1
Ms. Ruth Laing
Mr. Paul Lamparski
Mr. Theodore Lamparski
Ms. Amy Lamperti
Ms. Clorinda Landi
Mr. Steven Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Lasser
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lavela
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Leanza
Mr. Charles Lebeda
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leidy
Mr. Richard Leist
Ms. Debra Hoffmaster & Mr. James Leslie
Ms. Jennifer Leus
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Levenbach
Levine, Blaszak, Block & Boothby, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. William Levine
Ms. Kathleen Lewis
Mr. Gerald Liloia
Ms. Margaret Lindner
Ms. Wendy Liscow
Ms. Carol Lizzi
Ms. Mary Royer & Mr. David Lloyd
Ms. Lisa LoBiondo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Long
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Longo
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Loomis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lospinoso
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lundell
Ms. Madeline Lundgren
Ms. Carmela Lunt
Mr. & Mrs. William Lupatkin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lury
The Lynch Family
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch
Ms. Eunice M. Lynch
Ms. Virginia Lyttle
Ms. Katherine Ma
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Macey
Mr. Donald Macgowan
Ms. Gail MacKinney
Macro Consulting
Madison Elks 1465
Mr. Bryan Magnus
Mr. Brady Mahar
Ms. Karen Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Maio
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Malmstrom
Mr. Kenneth Malmud
Mr. Harold Maloney
Ms. Deanna Chin & Mr. John Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. John Manahan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Manley
Ms. Carol Mann
Ms. Jennifer Mapes
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marcinkowski
Ms. Linda Mardrus
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Margeson
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Marinaro
Ms. Megan Marino
Mr. Mark Mullen
Mr. Thomas Marotta
Mr. & Mrs. William Martin
Ms. Judith Mason & Mr. Derek Mason
Ms. Kathleen Mathesen
Mr. James Mau
Maxell Corporation of America
Mr. & Mrs. John May
MBE Mark Electric, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Nial McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McClusick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCrostie
Ms. Mary Ellen McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Philip McDonald, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John McEvoy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGahan
Ms. Maryann McGrane
Mr. Robrt McKaba
Ms. Candida McKelvey
Mr. & Mrs. James McKenna
Ms. Lisa McKeon
Ms. Christine McLaughlin
Ms. Maria C. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McManus
Mr. Samuel McMillan
Mr. & Mrs. Irving McNair
Ms. Donna McNamara
Ms. Stacy McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Mead
Meadow Wood Manor
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. James Meenan
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Merckling
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mercurio
Mr. Michael Meringolo
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Meslar
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Messing
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. John Mikros
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
Mr. John Millikin
Ms. Joanne Mills
Ms. Sarah Mills
Mitchell H. Davich, D.M.D., P.A.
Ms. Patricia Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mochnal
Moms Club of Morris Plains
Ms. Tina Monaghan
Ms. Phyllis Mondelli & Mr. Paul Pazniokas
Mr. & Mrs. James Mongey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moniz
Monroe Association of School Administrators
Mr. John Montagna
Ms. Leslie Montgomery
Montville Township High School
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morchower
Mr. Leon Moreau
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Moriarty
Morris County Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Morris Plains Convenience, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Morton
Mr. & Mrs. James Mosteller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mowbray
Mr. & Mrs. William Mulcahy
Ms. Maureen Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mulvaney
The Murphy Family
Mr. Edward Murphy
Ms. Barbara Murray
Mr. Paul Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nazzari
Mr. Jay Nearnberg
Ms. Doris Albornoz & Mr. Joseph Neary
Ms. Linda Nebus
Ms. Penny Nelson
Ms. Jennifer Neri
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Neumann
New Hope Community Church
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Newcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nicholl
Ms. Hildelore Nicholson
Mr. Paul Nielsen
Ms. Kia Nili & Ms. Maryanne Nili
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nilson
Mr. Richard Noecker
North Central Jersey Association of Realtors
Ms. Nancy Ehrlich & Mr. Robert Novack
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Novak
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nuccio
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O'Connell
Ms. Alexandra Braunstein & Mr. Brendan
Mr. & Mrs. David Oconnor
Ogden Memorial Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Chris O'Keeffe
Omland Engineering
On Site Fleet Service Inc.
Mr. Esra Onat
Mr. & Mrs. Chikezie Onyenso
Mr. Mark O'Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Brian O'Toole
Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
Ms. Susan Oxman
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Pacconi
Palermo Family
Ms. Pamela Palumbo & Dr. Elizabeth Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Papathomas
Ms. Mary Partridge
Ms. Lois Pasanda
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Pearl
Mr. John Pennewell
Mr. Roy Peppard
Ms. Jennifer Percival
Mr. Jonathan Perez
Ms. Barbara Perina
Ms. Joan Petite
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pigaga
Ms. Margaret Pinelli
Plastic Surgery Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Poirier
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Potter
Ms. Greselda Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Renato Prati
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pratt
$100-$249 (Cont’d)
Ms. Deborah Pravatta
Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township
Ms. Elena Koebel & Mr. William Price
Mr. & Mrs. William Pries
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Prigge
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Prince
Quality House Painting & Decorating
Mr. & Mrs. James Quinn
Ms. Vita Racamato
Ms. Jeanne Raffiani
Ms. Ellen Salisbury & Mr. Frank Ragucci
Mr. & Mrs. David Rand
Randolph Dental Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ranger
Mr. & Mrs. John Rathgeber
Mr. Frank Raudelunas
Rev. Mgsr. Martin Rauscher
RegentAtlantic Capital, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Renga
Mr. Michael Rescoe
Respiratory Center for Children
Mr. Robert Restifo
Ms. Gretchen Riccardi
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Ricculli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Richards
Ms. Sue Sinclair & Mr. Steven Richter
Mr. & Mrs. John Riczko, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Amadeo Rinaldi
Ms. Josephine Rispoli
Ms. Leslie Ritardi
Mr. & Mrs. Mohammed Rizwan
Mr. Alan Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Rocco
Rockline Industries
Ms. Kimberly Murphy & Mr. Alfredo
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Rojek
Ms. Emily Rollins
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Romain
Mr. & Mrs. Regan Romei
Ms. Debby Rosati
Ms. Abigail Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosener
Ms. Danielle Rosenthal
Mr. Hamish Ross
Ms. Liveria Ross
Ms. Patrice Rossettie
Ms. Joanne Roukens
Mr. Alan Routh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Russo
Sacred Heart Church
Mr. Mark Samuelian
Ms. Martina Sangimino
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sannitti
Ms. Pam Bennett-Santoro & Mr. John Santoro
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sargent
Ms. Denise Sarinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Bennet Satz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sauer
Ms. Edith Wayne Douglas & Mr. Thomas
Ms. Barbara Scala
Ms. Barbara Schiffman
Ms. Pamela Schiffner
Mr. & Mrs. John Schlitt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schlitzer
Mr. Joshua Schlitzer
Mr. Adam Schnitzler
Ms. Jennifer Schoenberg
Ms. Mary Schoephoester
Mr. John Schott
Steven & Maureen Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Schub
Mr. Mark Schussel
Mr. Jay Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Schwarz
Ms. Bettie Sciorilli
Mr. & Mrs. George Scott
Mr. Hubert Scott
Ms. Zoe Greenwood & Ms. Beverly Sebold
Ms. Laurien German & Mr. Abi Seifert
Seimens Fire Company
Ms. Christina Serratelli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Servais
Mr. John Sette
Ms. Lynn Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. Mehdi Shahpar
Ms. Barbara Shalit
Ms. Shirley Shalit
Ms. Lynn Shanko
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Shapiro
Shaw, Baker, Gannett Fleming, JV
Mr. Alan Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Sheldon
Ms. Kristen Shelffo
Ms. Barbara Shepard
Mr. Michael Shoblock
Mr. Douglas Shore
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Signoretto
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Simoldoni
Ms. Thu Thai & Mr. Richard Simon
Dr. David Singer, DDS
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Sisler
Sisters of Christian Charity
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sisti
Ms. Rebecca Six
Mr. Michael Skalski
Mr. Thomas Skrobala
Mr. Peter Ilaria & Ms. Dee Slade
Ms. Judy Slocum
Ms. Katine Ann Mozak-Slunt & Mr. Joseph
Ms. Sally Small
Ms. Lois Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Smith
Ms. Jeanne Snyder
Mr. Louis Sobotka
Mr. & Mrs. James Sommer
Mr. William Spataro
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Speedy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Spicka
Mr. & Mrs. David Sprandel
Springfield Acres, LLC
St. Cecilia Church
St. Cecilia School
St. Joseph's Church
Ms. Rebecca Stanwell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stapfer
State Farm Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Burman Stitt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stock
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Stracco
Mr. & Mrs. John Strangfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Strebel, Jr.
Ms. Jean Stroup
Ms. Laura Strubel
Mr. & Mrs. John Studdiford
Suburbanites of the Morris County Area
Ms. Mary Gorse & Mr. Joe Sukola
Mr. Patrick Sullivan
Mr. Leonard Sunshine
Supreme Security Systems, Inc.
Ms. Julie Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sweeney
Ms. Marilyn Szerlip
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Szuch
Mr. & Mrs. John Taeschler
Ms. Diane Tait
Ms. Pinny Yinching Tam
Ms. Rosemary Tempesta
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Teodoro
Ms. Marilyn Terhune
The Connor Family
The Inglis Family Charitable Fund
The John and Diane Kim Foundation
The Jones Fund
The MJM Signature Group
The Oliver-Drake Company
The Soslow Family
Thermo International Services, LLC
Mr. James Thomas
Ms. Louise Thomas
Ms. Gaile Thompson
Ms. Kathy Thomsen & Mr. Robert Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Drew Thraen
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tobias
Ms. Kristine Tomesch
Ms. Marie Tonni
Ms. Helen Townsend
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Townsend
Travelers Insurance
Mr. David Treibman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Troxell
Mr. Stanley Tso
Ms. Lisa Tubbs
Mr. Charles Tureo
Ms. Nancy Tweed
UBS Financial Services
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Underwood
UPS Information Services
Ms. Margaret Urich
Mr. Joseph Vaccarella
Ms. Grace Van Etten
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Van Hook
Mr. Philip Van Kirk
Ms. Tanya Van Order
Ms. Diane Van Patten
Vandalia Bus Lines, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Vanriper
Ms. Tammy Vasquez
Ms. Cara Vecchione
Mr. Ari Venezia-Zahemski
Ms. Lorene Vickery
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Villalobos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Visioli
Mr. & Mrs. Armando Visioli, Jr.
$100-$249 (Cont’d)
Wade Early Associates
Mr. Richard Wade
Mr. Jonathan Wagar
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagner
Ms. Gloria Walker
Ms. Eileen Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Walters
Mr. Richard Waters
Mr. & Mrs. William Watson
Mr. & Mrs. David Waverczak
Ms. Diane Weber
Mr. & Mrs. James Weichert
Mr. Dieter Weissenrieder
Wells Fargo
Mr. & Mrs. John Welsh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jigar Vyas
Ms. Atira West
Mr. & Mrs. Richard West
Whippany Fire Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitehead
Ms. Cynthia Wiedemann
Ms. Karen Wilk
Ms. Debbie Wilkowski
Mr. Michael Willard
Mr. Thomas Williams
Ms. Erika Wilson
Mr. Scott Witherspoon
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wolcott
Ms. Laverne Wolfanger
Mr. & Mrs. Harris Wolin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wolkenstein
Ms. Barbara Woodhull
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Wacks
Ms. Jean Wotowicz
Mr. Norman Wugman
Mr. & Mrs. James Yardley
Mr. & Mrs. William Yardley
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Young
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Young
Mr. & Mrs. James Youngelson
Mr. David Zadrozny
Mr. Avraam Zambas
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Zebrowski
Mr. Paul Zelenty
Ms. Loretta Zupa
Ms. Doris Zurcher
Up to $99
Mr. & Mrs. James Abbott, Jr.
Ms. Katherine Abbott
Mr. John Abernethy
Ms. Florence Ackerman
Ms. Heather Agriogianis
Ms. Eloise Aita
Mr. Francis Alai
Mr. Steve Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Albright
Mr. John Alderton
Ms. Ellen Alexander
Mr. Paul Allison
Ms. Diane Almozara
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Alt
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Alterman
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Altomare
Mr. Joseph Ambrose
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 43
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anastasi
Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Anderson
Ms. Virginia Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. David Andras
Mr. Daniel Andriola
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Andrisano
Mr. & Mrs. James Anello
Ms. Nancy Angelica
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Angelini
Mr. & Mrs. David Anolick
Ms. Mary Lou Aquino
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Armington
Ms. Barbara Armstrong
Arthur Ayres Electrical Contractor
Audio Visual Dynamics
Ms. Sheryl Austin
Ms. Mary Authors
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ayres
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Baccaglini
Mr. & Mrs. John Backus
Mr. Kenneth Baker & Mr. Gerard Cerini
Mr. Dennis Baldassari
Ms. Harlene Starr & Mr. Mario Baldassari
Mr. Peter Barber
Ms. Lynne Barberi & Mr. John Wayne McNabb
Ms. Hannah Barkhorn
Ms. Lindsay Barovick
Ms. Mary Barratt
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Elie Barrieres
Ms. Judith Barron
Ms. Aishah Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Barton
Ms. Doris Baruch
Mr. Thomas Basilo
Mr. William Beam
Ms. Patricia Bean
Ms. Allison Bedford
Ms. Nancy Beeck
Ms. Noga Beer
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Beh
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Behrens
Mr. Matthew Beland
Ms. Francine Belcuore
Mr. Thomas Bellobuono
Ms. Judith Bellville
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bendelius
Ms. Patricia Gulan & Mr. James Benedetto
Ms. Rosemary Beneduci
Ms. Ana Benitez
Mr. Edward H. Bennett
Mr. Edward Bennis
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Benson
Mr. & Mrs. George Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Benvent
Ms. Claire Benz
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Berhang
Ms. Lark Berhman
Ms. Nancy Sutta Berns
Ms. Madison Berry
Ms. Samantha Berry
Mr. Tucker Best
Mr. & Mrs. Vinodbhai Dave
Ms. Louise Bianchi
Bikram Yoga
Ms. Melissa Biren
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Birnbaum
Ms. Jane Birnbaum
Mr. Bill Bishop
Mr. Hans Bjorklund
Mr. James Blair
Ms. Clare Blanchard
Ms. Judith Blank
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Blank
Ms. Ellen Blazoski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bliemel
Ms. Deborah Block
Mr. Tommy Blunda
Ms. Cathy Boccard
Ms. Florence Bockoven
Mr. Brian Boden
Ms. Carlene Boghigian
Ms. Patricia Ann Bomus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bonin
Ms. Carol Ann Borseth
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Botsakos
Mr. & Mrs. William Bovenizer
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Bowles
Mr. Frank Boye III
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Boyne
Ms. Leslie Boysen
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Bozek
Ms. Rosemarie Bozzone-Sommese
Ms. Molly Brady
Mr. Lee Braem
Ms. Maria Brancatella
Mr. Jose Branco
Mr. John Bretherick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brigham
Ms. Lois Bright
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Brindle
Mr. Ian Brite
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Britton
Ms. Isabel Broadhurst
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Broadwin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brownstein
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brummer
Ms. Kathleen Brunet Eagan
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Brunnock
Ms. Donna Brunnquell
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bruzzi
Ms. Catherine Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Brynildsen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Buchwalter
Ms. Jeanne Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Buckner
Ms. Doris Budrick
Ms. Susan Budris
Ms. Julie Buechner
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Buechner
Ms. Cathy Burd
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Burke
Ms. Carlahlee Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bush
CAE SimuFlite
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Cahill
Ms. Donna Cali-Charles
Ms. Glorinda Callagee & Mr. Scott Califano
Ms. Maria Cammarata
Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell
Mr. Michael Cannizzaro
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cappabianca
Mr. & Mrs. Gil Caputi
Ms. Jodi Carfagna
Mr. Michael Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carr
Ms. Vivienne Carr
Ms. Isabella Carrillo
Ms. Carolyn Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Carvalho
Ms. Caroline Carver
Ms. Lorraine Casamento
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Catalusci
Mr. & Mrs. William Cater
Ms. Tracy Furtis-Caudle & Mr. Daniel Caudle
Ms. Janet Cavallaro
Ms. Suzanne Ceccolini
Ms. Pat Cefalu
Ms. Karen Cerasuolo
Ms. Cathy Cerbo
Ms. Jennifer Cerciello
Ms. Tanya Chadwell
Ms. Gail Chalfant
Mr. Charles Bonin
Ms. Connie Charney
Ms. Kimberly Chelo
Ms. Su Wang & Mr. Daniel Chen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cherrillo
Ms. Marlene Chin
Mr. & Mrs. John Chinni
Mr. & Mrs. Rosario Chirdo
Ms. Sue Christou
Church Woman United
Ms. Debra Ciaccio
Ms. Janet Cicariello
Mr. & Mrs. John Cigolini
Ms. Deflange Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Clarke
Ms. Ellen Clawans
Mr. & Mrs. William Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Clendenny
Clyde & Co US LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cocuzzo
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Codrington
Mr. Joao Coelho
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Colford
Ms. Barbara Collins
Ms. Patricia Collins
Ms. Elizabeth Colquhoun
Up to $99 (Cont’d)
Ms. Carol Commins
Common Mode, Inc
Mr. Patrick Conforti & Mr. John Conforti
Ms. Melissa Conlin Archuleta
Ms. Elizabeth Connor
Ms. Mary Eileen Connor
Ms. Margo Connors
Mr. & Mrs. John Conway
Ms. Patricia Cooke
Ms. Carol Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Corry
Ms. Clara Cortes
Mr. Nicholas Cortese
Ms. Lisa Costa
Ms. Jane Costine
Ms. Donna Coughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Coughlin
Ms. Caroline Counts
Ms. Carolyn Coviello
Ms. Carol Cowan
Ms. Christina Cox
Mr. & Mrs. John Cox
Ms. Susan Crane
Mr. Tony Cretella
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Critchley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crossken
Cub Scout Pack 40
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cuccioli
Ms. Kristen Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. William Cullinan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Cunningham
Mr. William Cunningham
Mr. Brian Cupka
Mr. & Mrs. John & Denise Curran
Mr. & Mrs. John & Michelle Curran
Ms. Lucy Currie
Ms. Laura Cust
Mr. Sheldon Cytron
Ms. Nancy Dafgek
Ms. Patricia D'Ambrosio
Mr. William Dang
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D'Anthony
Mr. Diego D'Apice
Ms. Donna Datre
Ms. Manjari Datta
Mr. & Mrs. James Davidson
Ms. Margaret Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin De Mond
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold De Ramos
Ms. Kay Deakyne
Mr. & Mrs. Anthhony Decaro, Sr.
Ms. Theresa Deeks
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Deering
Ms. Barbara Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DelaRosa
Ms. Mary DeLetto
Mr. & Mrs. E. David Delia
Ms. Marie Della Pella
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Della Pelle
Ms. Dianna Delorenzo
Delta Dental of NJ
Mr. Mike D'Emilio
Ms. Elizabeth Denecke
Mr. & Mrs. William Deneka
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DePalma
Mr. Nicholas Depierro, Jr.
Ms. Stephanie Bavaro & Mr. Corrado DePinto
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DeRosa
Ms. Laura DeRose
Ms. Prerana Desai
Ms. Shreedutta Desai
Ms. Anne DesMarais
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Devaney
Mr. & Mrs. John Dew
Ms. Heidi Dexter
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Di Chiara
Mr. Barat Dickman
Ms. Rose Marie Digirolamo
Ms. Nicole DiMaggio
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DiMarcantonio
Ms. Cyndi Dinome
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Direnzo
Mr. & Mrs. Fred DiStefano
Ms. Lara Dittmann
Ms. Carol Diveny
Ms. Betty Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Doherty
Ms. Janet Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. John Donahue
Ms. Anne Doniguian
Ms. Eleanor Donnelly
Ms. Julie Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Donza
Mr. Daniel Dopierala
Ms. Catherine Doran
Mr. James Dorey
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Douma
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dovano
Dover-Randolph Friends Meeting
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Dowd
Ms. Judy Dowiak
Mr. & Mrs. John Downs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Downs
Ms. Christy Doyle
Dublin Pub of Morristown
Mr. Marc Dubroff
The Duffy Family
Mr. & Mrs. Williiam Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duffy
Mr. Joseph Duffy
Mr. James Dunlap, Jr.
Ms. Diane Dunne
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunne
Mr. Joseph D'urso
Ms. Elizabeth Dwyer
Ms. Karen Dye
Dyer Insulations
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Eakeley
Ms. Lynn Eberenz
Ms. Elizabeth Eden
Ms. Dorrit Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eggert, Jr.
Mr. Rohith Eggidi
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Einhorn
Ms. Jeanne Eisele
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Eisen
Ms. Samantha Ekert
Mr. & Mrs. James Elias
Ms. Susan Elias
Ms. Bernice Elliott
Ms. Dara Ely
Ms. Shirley Emmens
Ms. Anne Engelkraut
Mr. & Mrs. Dov Erdfarb
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Erdman
Ms. Phyllis Erman
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. John Esposito, Jr.
Mr. Emil Estok
Ms. Deborah Evans
Mr. & Mrs. David Everett
Ms. Diana Falcinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Falcone
Ms. Gladden Falivene
Ms. Patricia Fallon-Guider
Fashion Plus NY, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fassel
Ms. Gail Feather
Ms. Patricia Feehan
Ms. Claudia Feeley
Ms. Sharon Feigin
Mr. Lee Feinberg
Mr. David Feinhals
Mr. Don Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. William Ferguson
Ms. Angela Ferraris
Ms. Missy Ferraro
Ms. Jutta Ferrer
Mr. Michael Fichter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fickinger
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Finn
Mr. Anthony Fiory
Mr. Fred Fischer
Mr. Paul Fishbein
Ms. Marian Fisher
Ms. Lisa Fitzgerald
Ms. Patricia Fitzpatrick
Mr. James Flachsenhaar
Ms. Michelle Hollander & Mr. Jon Flanders
Ms. Yvonne Flatley
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Flaxman
Mr. & Mrs. John Fleming
Ms. Jennifer Fleury
Ms. Janet Flinn
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Flowerman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Folan
Mr. Scott Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fontana
Ms. Mary Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Forman
Ms. Marilyn Forte
Ms. Kelly Ellis-Foster & Mr. John Foster
Ms. Roseanne Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fowlie
Mr. Patrick Fox, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Franchino
Mr. & Mrs. Cody
Ms. Crystal Fraser
Ms. Maria Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Freeland
Mr. R. Don Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Freudenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Fried
Mr. & Mrs. William Friedman
Ms. Elizabeth Fritze
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Fu
Ms. Ruthann Fulton
Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Furtado
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gaceta
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gaire
Ms. Carolyn Gallagher
Mr. Terence Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Galvan
Up to $99 (Cont’d)
Ms. Gail Gannon
Mr. & Mrs. David Ganz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garavente
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Garcia
Ms. Marianela Garcia
Ms. JoAnn Gardner
Ms. Betty Garger
Ms. Natalie Garnell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garretson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garrity
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Gates
Ms. Jill Gault
Ms. Marjorie Gay
Ms. Deirdre Lennon & Mr. John Gear
Mr. & Mrs. David Geary
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gebig
Ms. Patricia Geehr
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Gensicke
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gentile
Ms. Gail Gentile
Ms. Susan George
Ms. Audrey Geraghty
Ms. Deborah Joselow & Mr. Brad Gerstle
Ms. Maria Gesualdo
Ms. Emily Gianni
Ms. Linda Gianni & Mr. John Bradford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Gibbons
Ms. Natalie Gibbons
Ms. Sally Gildea
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gill
Mr. Peter Gingeleskie
Mr. Jeff Giniger
Ginty's Irish Gifts
Girl Scout Troop 2264
Girl Scout Troop 4538
Mr. William Glaser
Mr. Daniel Glass
Global Impact
Ms. Rebecca Goble
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goellner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gogerty
Ms. Tricia Goginsky
Ms. Ivy Gogo
Mr. David Goldblatt
Mr. Judd Goldenberg
Mr. Lewis Goldfarb
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. John Gomez
Ms. Marina Goodman
Ms. Lorraine Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gormally
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Goss
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Dirk Graham
Ms. Marcia Graydon
Ms. Andrea Green
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Green
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Green
Ms. Carol Greene
Ms. Ilene Greenfield
Mr. Robert Greenwald
Ms. Valerie Greer
Ms. Willette Greer
Mr. & Mrs. John Gregory
Ms. Sheila Gribbon
Mr. & Mrs. William Grieco
Mr. & Mrs. William Grier
Ms. Barbara Grobert
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Grocela
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gruen
Mr. David Gruol
Mr. & Mrs. Scot Guemple
Ms. Lisa Guillod
Ms. D. Suzy Gumm
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Haan
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Haas
Ms. Connie Habhegger
S.A. Hadley
Ms. Stephanie Hadley
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hagerich
Mr. Matt Hagovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hallock
Mr. Steve Halsch
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Hames III
Ms. Ruth Hammann
Ms. Carmella Hand & Mr. Vincent Molnar
Ms. Joan Handte
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hanf
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanly
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hapanowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Harper
Mr. Bruce Harris
Ms. Valerie Harris
Mr. & Mrs. David Hart
Mr. Walter Hart
Ms. Suzanne Harttree
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Harty
Ms. Catherine Harvey
Mr. Richard Haslett
Ms. Julie Haspel
Rev. Mary Jane Hastings
Ms. Margaret Haviland
Ms. Patricia Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. George Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Al Heath
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Heckler
Ms. Karen Heflin
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Heinemann
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Henderson
Mr. Merrill Hennion
Mr. Dylan Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Herman
Mr. John Hermann, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hermanowski
Mr. & Mrs. Franco Herraiz
Mr. Andrew Hieber
Ms. Martha Higgins
Mr. Tim Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. David Hildebrandt
Hilton Short Hills
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hipp
Ms. Elsa Hoffman
Ms. Jen Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Holden
Ms. Lisa Holland
Mr. & Mrs. James Holmes
Ms. Gretchen Holquist
Mr. & Mrs. James Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Horowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Horwitz
Ms. Wendy Hotai
Ms. Patricia Ann Houvouras
Mr. Henry Hoyt
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Huling
Mr. & Mrs. John Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. John Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. William Huston
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Hutchison
Ms. Doris Huyler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. James Hyson
Ms. Michelle Iannicelli
Ms. Jennifer Indyk
Ms. Ann Ingham
INTAC Actuarial Services
Ms. Evelyn Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Jaffe
Ms. Meghan Jantzen
Ms. Eugenia Jeffries Baile
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jekofsky
Jewelers Studio Group
Mr. Brian Jobe
Dr. John Wispelwey, D.M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Johnson
Ms. Louise Johnson
Ms. Maura Johnson
Ms. Merle Johnson
Ms. Kathleen Davies & Mr. Walter Johnston, Jr.
Mr. David Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jones
Ms. Stephanie Jones
Ms. Kimberly Joyce
Mr. Michael Joyce
Ms. Trish Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. James Kaeli
Ms. Linda Rosa Kalata
Ms. Catrina Smith & Mr. Andreas Kallika
Mr. Irwin Kanengiser
Kaplan Williams & Graffeo, LLC
Ms. Jennifer Kaplan
Ms. Alida Karas
Ms. Laraine Karpoff Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Keener
Mr. David Kegel
Ms. Ruth Kehoe
Mr. Charles Keller
Ms. Kathryn Keller
Ms. Bernadette Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Tadhg Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly, Jr.
Kenworth Title LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kenworthy
Ms. Geraldine Kern
Ms. Jane Kilcullen
Ms. Barbara Kinback
KinderCare of Lincoln Park
Ms. Erin King
Mr. & Mrs. David Kingman
Mr. & Mrs. James Kinney
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Kirby
Ms. Andrea Kirshen
Mr. Charles Kishpaugh
Mr. Gabor Kiss
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kissil
Mr. Charles Kitchin
Ms. Patricia Klarer
Ms. Lisa Klein
Ms. Lyn Kleinman
Up to $99 (Cont’d)
Ms. Janet Klepper & Ms. Claudia Freeman
Ms. Jill Knaus
Mr. & Mrs. Felix Knoll
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Koide
Mr. Barry Kolsky
Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Kolton
Ms. Caryn Komensky
Ms. Renee Kopkowski
Ms. Miriam Kornblatt
Ms. Claire Kostbar
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kotovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Koval
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kowalski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kraynak
Ms. Patsy Kreitman
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Kressler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kretz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Krief
Ms. Ruth Krieger
Jan Kristansen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kroeger
Ms. Mildred Krusas
Ms. Jane Kruse
Ms. Ann Kuehner
Ms. Deirdre Kugelmeyer & Mr. Robert Gebel
Kuhl Designs
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kujan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kull
Ms. Tiffany Kung
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kwiatkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kwong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaFrance
Ms. Wen-Ling Lai & Mr. David Tillisch
Ms. Eleanor Laird
Lake Hopatcong Elks Lodge #782
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Larkin
Ms. Leslie Larsen
Lassus Wherley
Ms. Alisa Laudicina
Mr. & Mrs. James Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lavallee
Mr. & Mrs. James Lawn
Mr. & Mrs. David Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Lazarow
Ms. Jeanne Le Mon
Ms. Deena Leary
Ms. Margaret Nordstrom & Mr. William Leavens
Ms. Barbara Leaver
Ms. Amy Pang & Mr. David Lee
Ms. Lisa Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lee
Ms. Ingrid Leibrecht
Mr. Joseph Lentine
Ms. Susie Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Leone
Ms. Lynn Abels & Mr. Steven Lerit
Ms. Jessica Leto
Ms. Linda Lett
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Levine
Mr. & Mrs. David Lewis
Liberty Gas
Ms. Jasmine Lim
Ms. N. Christine Lindquist
Mr. & Mrs. O. Wayne Link
Ms. Sarah Dean Link
Ms. Joan Lisi
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Livingston
Mr. Mark Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Loewengart
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lombardi
Mr. Eamonn Long
Ms. Joan Long
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Long
Mr. & Mrs. Julio Lopez
Ms. Sarah Lopusnak
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lorig
Mr. Joseph Losapio
Lotus Mind & Body Studio
Mr. & Mrs. John Loughman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Loughran
Ms. Lynda Louison
Ms. Vivian Lowther
Ms. Sharon Lubrano
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Lundrigan
Ms. Sandra Lupo
Mr. John Lusardi
Mr. & Mrs. John Luzzo
Ms. Linda Lynch
Mr. Preston Lynch
Ms. Rita Lynch
Ms. Cynthia Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Macaluso
Ms. Janice MacCaskill
Ms. Jeanne MacEachern
Ms. Judith Mahlstadt
Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mahr
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Maietta
Mr. & Mrs. William Mainente
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Malatesta
Ms. Hillis Malian
Ms. Joyce Malpere
Ms. Katie Manahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mangan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manginello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mangino
Mr. Carmine Mango
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mangravite
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Manning
Ms. Mary Manser
Ms. Charlotte Marcantonio
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Marchese
Ms. Kathleen Margiotta
Ms. Gilda Marinaro
Mr. Richard Markey
Ms. Coleen Markley
Ms. Jennifer Marrash
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marriott
Ms. Jean Marriott
Mr. Robert Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Martin
Ms. Valerie Martin
Ms. Andrea Martinez
Mr. Scott Marum
The Masella Family
Mr. & Mrs. Divakar Masilamani
Ms. Jennifer Mathews
Ms. Laurie Mathie
Mr. Robert Mattes
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Matthijssen
Mr. Ian Matty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mauro
Dr. & Mrs. Pete Mauser
Ms. Julia Max
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mayer
Ms. Michele Mayes
Lt. Col. Mazik
Ms. Sheila McBride
Ms. Janine McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Denis McCarthy
Mr. Robert McCauley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McClafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McClary
Ms. Alexandria McConnell
Ms. Tammy McConnell
Ms. Danielle McDavit
Ms. Marta McDowell
Ms. Christine McDuffie
Mr. & Mrs. John Mceldowney
Ms. Megan McGlynn
Mr. & Mrs. Gary McGotty
Ms. Marisa McGourty
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGovern
Ms. Anne McGrath
Ms. Virginia McGregor
Mr. & Mrs. Dan McGuire
Ms. Dolores McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. James McNamee
Ms. Mimi Levy Mehta
Mr. & Mrs. Amsale Melaku
Ms. Linda Mellina
Mr. & Mrs. Kiran Merchant
Ms. Jennifer Merolle
Ms. Georgine Meyer
Mr. Walter Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meyerkopf
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Miciak
Ms. Gail Middleton
Ms. Diane Miele
Mr. & Mrs. David Miller
Mr. James Miller
Mr. Jim Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller
Ms. Anne Millmore
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mineo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Minsavage
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mitchell
Ms. Janet Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Molinary
Ms. Abby Moller
Ms. Lisa Monaghan
Ms. Kathleen Monahan
Mr. Louis Monari
The Mongey Family
Mongey's Management Co.
Mr. Raymond Monico
Ms. Nancy Monroe
Ms. Mary Montgomery
Ms. Eileen Moore
Ms. Peggy Moore
Ms. Linda Frotton & Mr. Robert Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Moronski
Morris County Offices
Morris United Soccer Club
Mr. & Mrs. David Morris
Ms. Lindsay Morris
Mr. Dennis Morrison
Ms. Karen Morrison
Ms. Deborah Morrissey
Up to $99 (Cont’d)
Morristown Babe Ruth League
Morristown Financial Group
Morristown Jewish Center-Beit Yisrael
Mr. Craig Morse
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moser
Mr. & Mrs. Kane Mosteller
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Motiuk
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mount
Ms. Tessie Mouyios
Ms. Phyllis Lemkau Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. William Mueller
Ms. Sophie Muirhead
Mr. & Mrs. James Mullen
Mr. Tristan Munley
Ms. Jame Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Myszka
Mr. & Mrs. David Nalven
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Naser
Mr. Joe Nazzaro
Mr. & Mrs. William Neigher
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Neilley
Ms. Shirley Neumann & Ms. Candace Popaca
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newhouse
Ms. Anne Nicastro
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Nile
NJ SchoolWomens Club
Ms. Mara Nydam
Ms. Jennifer Oberschewen
Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien
Mr. Michael O'Brien
Ms. Anne O'Connor
Mr. Dennis OConnor
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O'Connor
Ms. Katie O'Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Connor
Ms. Sharon Ogden
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ohl
Ms. Carol O'Keefe
Ms. Karen Olechnowicz
Mr. Dennis Ondrof
Ms. Erin O'Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Orella
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Orlando
Ms. Christine O'Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O'Rourke
Ms. Mary Ellen O'Shaughnessy
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer O'Shea
Mr. Don Osmanski
Ms. Lori Ostroff
Ms. Stacey Osucha
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ott
Mr. Tim Otterman
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Painter
Ms. Deborah Woodbury & Mr. Michael Pallarino
Mr. Michael Panos
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Paradiso
Ms. Jill Parchuck
Mr. Stephen Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parsil
Mr. Alan Paschedag
Ms. Joanna Pask
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Pasquarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Pasquino
Mr. Kaival Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pavely
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peake
Ms. Laurie Pellegrino
The Pelovitz Family
Mr. John Penek
Ms. Diane Penola
Ms. Meghan Pergentile
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perz
Ms. Polly Peters
Ms. Clara Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. William Pezzuti
Ms. Lisa Pheysey
Ms. Onalee Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Piano
Ms. Erin Casper & Mr. Gerald Picerno
Ms. Dorothy Pietrowski
Mr. Eric Pike
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Pinto, Jr.
Ms. June Piserchio
Mr. Gordon Pitt
Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Placotaris
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Plumbo
Ms. Gena Pogorzelski
Mr. Craig Pollack
Ms. Marilynn Polo
Ms. Joan Pomeroy
Ms. Kimberly Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Potter
Powder Mill Chiropractic
Ms. Amy Presti
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Presto
Project Management Institute of NJ Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. William Prosser
Mr. Ted Prusik
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Przyhocki
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pullizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Purschke
Ms. Bonita Pyler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Quagliano
Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Quirk
R Electric Company
Ms. Susan Wiedaseck & Mr. Mark Rabson
Ms. Marian Racamb
Ms. Sharon Radicsh
Ms. Rhonda Radtke
Mr. & Mrs. John Raupp
Mr. Joshua Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Sharir Raz
Ms. Pamela Read
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Reasor
Ms. Janet Reckenbeil
Mr. Roy Redmond
Ms. Rosa Regalado-Bowers
Region Oil
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Reich
Ms. Lisa Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. James Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Reinhardt
Republican Club of Mt Arlington
Mr. & Mrs. William Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Riccardi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Riccio
Ms. Meg Richards
Ms. Ann Ritzer
Mr. & Mrs. David Rivchin
Mr. Lawrence Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robinson
Rockaway Valley United Methodist Church
Mr. Manuel Rodriguez
Mr. Johnny Roe
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers, Jr.
Ms. Maira Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Roman
Ms. Sonia Roman
Ms. Kathryn Romano
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rome
Ms. Mary Jane Roome
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosenbaum
Ms. Dorothy Rosenthal
Ms. Roberta Roser
Ms. Florence Rosol
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ross
Rotary Club of Wharton/Mine Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Heinz Roth
Mr. Ron Roth
Ms. Elizabeth Rothenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold Rowan
Roxbury High School
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Rubin
Mr. Alex Rubinfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Rubman
Ms. Dorothy Rudnick
Ms. Sandra Rudolph
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ruggiero
Ms. Patricia Ruggles
Mr. & Mrs. George Russell
Mr. James Russell
Ms. Roberta Russell & Ms. Alice Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russo
Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan
Mr. Nathan Sabin
Ms. Amy Sacco
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Saia
Ms. Susan Saidel
Mr. & Mrs. David Sakofs
Ms. Andrea Saks
Ms. Maria Salgado
Ms. Lisa Salny-Wolfrum
Ms. Donna Salvo
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Sanchez
Ms. Helen Sanders
Ms. Jodie Sandman
Sandrian Camera
Srikanth Sankaranarayanan & Harsha Bennur
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sankowich
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sansone
Ms. Anne Sauchelli
Mr. Frank Saul
Mr. Jonathan Savory
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Scaduto
Mr. Daniel Scagliarini
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Scanlon
Mr. John Scerbo
Ms. Leigh Schaeffer
Ms. Carolyn Schaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schalkoff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schalkoff
Schommer Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Toby Schreiber
Mr. Andrew Schroeder
Ms. Angela Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. James Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. John Schumann
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schuster
Ms. Amy Brunswick & Mr. Aron Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sciglitano
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Scott
Up to $99 (Cont’d)
Scribbles Pre-School, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seabury lll
Ms. Carolyn Sebbard
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Semer
Mr. John Serino
Ms. Pat Servidea
Ms. Cheryl Brenner & Mr. Ira Sessler
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sferas
Shadylawn Neighborhood
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shanley
Mr. Ari Shapiro
Ms. Joann Sharkey
Ms. Jeanne Sharretts
Ms. Andrea Astor & Mr. John Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sheldon
Ms. Margaret Tuohy & Mr. Derek Shendell
Ms. Renata Shepanzyk
Ms. Nancy Sheridan
Ms. Arlene Sherman
Ms. Vivian Shields
Mr. Denis Shmuler
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Shohen
Ms. Jennifer Ann Short
Ms. Shanda Short
Ms. Barbara Shoudy
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Shuman
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Shurts
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sibona
Mr. James Sieber
Ms. Jane Siegel
Ms. Maryann Sieglen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sietsma
Ms. Laura Simon
Ms. Marie Simonsen
Ms. Natacha Sittner
Ms. Missy Siwik
Ms. Jessica Skorupski
Mr. Herb Skovronek
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Slieter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Slutsker
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Smith
Ms. Lorraine Smith
Ms. Katie Smyth Kuyk
Ms. Eileen M. Snyder
Sohol USA Lodge 32
Ms. Susan Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. George Solovay
Ms. Eileen Somerville & Mr. William Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Sommer
Ms. Leslie Sommers
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Soroko
Ms. Charlene Sozansky
Ms. Barbara Spencer
Ms. Carol Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Speranze
Ms. Julie Magyar & Mr. Robert Spergon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spires
Ms. Kimberly Springer
Ms. Bonnie Srygley
St. Margaret's Church
Mr. & Mrs. William Stahl II
Mr. Harold Stamateris
Ms. Linda Stamato
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stanley
Ms. Norma Stanton
Ms. Katye Stanzak
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stanziale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stark
Ms. Kathy Staudt
Mr. & Mrs. William Stefancik
Ms. Donna Stefanelli
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stein
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stelletell
Mr. Greg Stewart
Ms. Joan Stiles
Ms. Kathy Stoakes
Mr. & Mrs. Mile Stojkovic
Ms. Leslie Stolarz
Ms. Diane Stone
Ms. Margaret Strasser
Ms. Madeline Straus
Ms. Victoria Streitfeld
Ms. Susan Strelec
Ms. Elizabeth Strobel
Ms. Claudia Stromberg
Ms. Jacquelin Colville Strunck
Mr. William Stusnick
Sue Sachs Metal Objects
Ms. Beth Suereth
Mr. Ian Sullivan
Ms. Janice Sullivan
Ms. Katie Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. John Sulpy
Sun National Bank
Ching-Ru Sung
Mr. Benjamin Suppin
Mr. Michael Suriano
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Suriano
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Susarchick
Ms. Julie Suter
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swanson
Mr. Michael Swerdloff
Symantec Corporation
Ms. Kathleen Szkaradnik
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Tafaro
Mr. Ryan Tamborini
Ms. Maria Tarhanidis
Ms. Patricia Tatro
Ms. Melanie Tauriello
Ms. Diane Tavares
Ms. Jean Taylor
Ms. Maureen Taylor
Mr. Sean Taylor
Ms. Melissa Teagan
Ms. Faith Teeple
Ms. Kathy Tegen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Telesca
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Terhune
Ms. Natalie Tevethia
The Debski Family
The Kane Family
The Velasquez Family
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thomas
Ms. Anne Thompson
Ms. Carol Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thomson
Ms. Mary Ann Thornberry
Ms. Jennifer Thornton
Mr. Peter Thurkauf
Ms. Kim Tighe
Ms. Patricia Tolkoff
Ms. Janna Tolomieri
Mr. & Mrs. James Tomblin
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tosun
Township of Morris - Senior Citizens
Travelers Community Connections
Ms. Elizabeth Trent Savory
Tri-Co Federal Credit Union
Ms. Joann Trikouros
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Troth
Mr. Jason Tuchman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tweedus
Mr. Allen Tyson
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Umbriac
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Unger
United Methodist Church of Mendham
Ms. Ashesh Upadhyay
Ms. Wendy Hahn & Mr. Jeffrey Urbanke
Mr. David Vaccarello
Ms. Tobey Valinoti
Ms. Janice Van Hise
Mr. & Mrs. John Van Orden
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vander Sande
Ms. Ruth Vanderpoel
Ms. Antoniella Vanella
Ms. Christina Vanlenten
Ms. Becky VanRy
Ms. Janer Vazquez
Mr. Joe Vazquez
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Vazquez
Mr. Alan Verbeke
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Verdesca
Ms. Katherine Verenes
Ms. Barbara Verga
Mr. & Mrs. John Verga
Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Vernon
Ms. Tammy Vicino
Mr. & Mrs. Carol Vidal
Ms. Susan Vigilante
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Villagra
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Villhauer
Dr. Sheela Vinod
Ms. Nina Virgilio
Mr. Joseph Visaggio
Ms. Brooke Visentini
Ms. Nancy Visocki
Ms. Susan Visser
Ms. Diane Vodola
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Vogler
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Volk
Ms. Kathleen Fowler & Mr. Christian Volney
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Volpe
Ms. Vyada Vongphachanh
Ms. Nancy Vreeland
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wagner
Ms. Taifa Walden
Mr. James Waldron
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Waldstein
Ms. Frances Walesyn
Ms. Diane Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Walls
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walsh
Ms. Elise Warchol
Ms. Sally Ward
Mr. Charles Warner, Jr.
Mr. William Warnick
Mr. Todd Waters
Up to $99 (Cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weaver
Ms. Kelli Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weidanz
Ms. Victoria Weininger
Ms. Jennifer Weinstock
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Welther
Ms. Mildred Wenarsky
Ms. Denise Wennogle
Ms. Ethel Wertman
Ms. Patty West
Ms. Ruth Westerfield
Mr. Richard Wetenhall
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wiley
Ms. Gertrude Willean
Ms. Cathleen Williams
Ms. Connie Williams
Ms. Doris Williams
Ms. Julie Williams
Ms. Yvonne Williams
Ms. Sharon Willig
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willmann
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Willson
Mr. David Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson
Sister Charles Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wintz
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wisentaner
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Wissinger
Ms. Mary Wojchik
Wolf Scouts-Pack 316
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Wollack
Woman's Club of Parsippany Troy Hills
Ms. Christina Woo
Ms. Debra Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Woodford
Mr. Devlin Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wroblewski
Ms. Helen Wronski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Yost
Z Embroidery Inc DBA/Embroidme
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zaccone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zahuta
Mr. & Mrs. John Zaleski
Mr. & Mrs. Hector Zamora
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Zitomer
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Zive
Mr. Michael Zmachinski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zollo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
Mr. & Mrs. David Zugale
Mr. Christopher Zwingle
10,000 lbs. +
CIT Group
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Norton
Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel Church
Pepperidge Farms Inc.
5,000-9,999 lbs.
Environmental Transport Group Inc.
New Beginnings Bible Church
Parks Farms, LLC
Reckitt Benckiser
St. Virgil Parish
2,500-4,999 lbs.
Alstede Farms
America's Grow-A-Row
Crane Farm
Gill St. Bernard's School
Kings Super Markets, Inc
Morris County Chapter of Links, Inc.
Mt. Olive Health Department
Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township
Shop Rite, Parsippany
St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center
St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church
Temple B'Nai Or
The Peck School
The Presbyterian Church in Morristown
Trader Joe's
Trinity Lutheran Church
Turkeys 4 U / Montville Unico
Union Hill Farms
Wagner Farm Arboretum-Giving Garden
Washington Avenue School
500-999 lbs.
Affinity Federal Credit Union
Alcoa Howmet
American Financial Resources Inc.
Autism Speaks
AVIS Budget Group
Black River LLC
Boonton High School
Boonton Township
Casey Carney
Century Electric Inc.
Chatham High School
College of St. Elizabeth
Congregation Beth Haikvah
Corwin Family Foundation
Cub Scouts Pack 24
Daiichi Sankyo
Denville Township - Social Services
First Baptist Church
First Presbyterian Church of New Vernon
First Presbyterian Church of East Hanover
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Fortune
Girl Scout Troop 1898
Girl Scout Troop 2264
Girl Scout Troop 270
Girl Scout Troop 451
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Ms. Diana Gomes
Hanover Marriott Hotel
Jet Care International
1,000-2,499 lbs.
AARP-Central Morris-#5937
Academy Street Elementary School
Adath Shalom Synagogue
Artistic Academy
Borough of Chatham
Borough of Mountain Lakes
Boy Scout Troop 112 - National Guard
Boy Scout Troop 25
Boy Scout Troop 50
Boy Scout Troop 8
Bradford Estates Association
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Chatham Township
Church of Christ the King
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Church of the Assumption BVM
Church of the Redeemer
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr
Coldwell Banker Realtors
Collinsville Fire Company
Cub Scout Pack 50
Cub Scout Pack 513
First Presbyterian Church of Mendham
Girl Scout Troops 2264 & Troop 95083
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Hall
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
Ms. Sue Katzenberger
KinderCare School
Leadership Morris
LEO Pharmaceutical Inc.
Madison High School
Moretrench American Corporation
Junior League of Morristown
Juniper Village of Chatham
Kitchell Memorial Presbyterian Church
Lenape Valley High School
Madison Police Department
Meyersville Presbyterian Church
Montville Kiwanis Club
Ms. Lisa Moro & Mr. Alan Voorhees
Morris Area Freewheelers Foundation
Morris County Retired Educators
Morris Hills High School
Morris Knolls High School
Morris Plains Library
Morris Township Fire Department
Morris Township PBA 133
Morristown High School
Morristown United Methodist Church
Mt. Fern United Methodist Church
Mt. Freedom Hebrew Congregation
New Jersey Natural Gas
Normandy Park School
Obrycki Family
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O'Neill
Our Lady of Mercy R.C. Church
Parsippany Hills High School
Randolph Township
Dr. Laxmi Rao
Mr. Dan Reidy
Rockaway Valley School
Roxbury High School
Morris County Library
Morris County Park Commission
Morris United Soccer Club
Morristown Antique Center
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Mr. Mike Mullane
New York City Church of Christ
North Central Jersey Association of Realtors
Ort Farms
Pearl R. Miller Middle School
Ms. Sue Petrilli
Presbyterian Church of Madison
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Ruefenacht
Salem Drive School
The Salvation Army
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Schalkoff
Solix, Inc.
St. Margaret's Church
St. Mark Lutheran Church
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
St. Patrick's School
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Thomas More Church
Stephen Gould Corporation - NJ Sales
Swiss Chalet Bakery
The Vineyard Community Church
Torey J. Sabatini Elementary School
Township of Mendham
Township of Morris Senior Citizen Club
Trinity Lutheran Church
Two Kids Foundation, LLC
United Methodist Church at Mt. Tabor
United Methodist Church in Madison
Saint Clare's Health System
Mr. Mark Schussel
Schwartz, Simon, Edelstein & Celso
St. Jude Church
St. Matthew the Apostle Parish
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Stanley Congregational Church
Stoney Hill Gardens & Nursery
Sun National Bank
Sussex Avenue School
Tasty Bite
The Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains
Township of Morris
Union Center National Bank
Valley View Elementary School
Ms. Betsy Vandenburgh
Weight Watchers
Wells Fargo Advisors
Whippany Park High School
250-499 lbs.
American Cancer Society
Ms. Melissa Andrushko
Atlanta Bread Company
Bay Valley Foods
Mr. Nellida Bharadwaj
Bio Scrip Infusion
Brickman Group
Brookside Community Church
Burrini's Olde World Market
Calais School
Ms. Dorothy Caproni
Charmoy Dental Associates
Christ Church
Clyde & Co US LLP
College Hunks Hauling Junk
Mr. & Mrs. John Crimi
Dale Group
Delbarton School
Delta Dental of NJ
Denville Community Chiropractic Center
Mr. James Dorey
Drew Marine
Drinker, Biddle & Reath
Ms. Melissa Duffner
Ms. Cheryl Easley
Express Employment Professionals
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Frelinghuysen Middle School
FrontLine Medical Communications
Ms. Kerry Gilrane
Girl Scout Troop 1939
Girl Scout Troop 1189
Grace Lutheran Church
Ms. Christina Guido
Mr. Thakorlal Hajariwala
Hildale Park Presbyterian Church
Hilton Short Hills
100-249 lbs.
Academy of St. Elizabeth
ADP - Florham Park
Alarm & Communication Technologies
Alexander Hamilton School
Allegro School
American Tae Kwon Do School
Anesthesia Association of Morristown
Anthem Institute
Atlantic Accountable Care
Atlantic Health System
Ms. Sophia Aznar
Backer Farm
Bagel Chateau
Ms. Laura Baisch
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Barrett
BASF Corporation
Bausch & Lomb
Belantrae Greens Association
BEM Systems, Inc.
Bethel AME Church
Brookside Senior Citizens
Brownie Troop 94505
Ms. Liz Burney
CAE SimuFlite
Hope House
Hunan Chinese Room
IMS Health
Inspire Kids
INTTRA Inc. Comm. Action Fund Inc.
J. R. Tobacco
Jack and Jill of America/Morris County
Ms. Mary Jakubowski
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Jaskot
Keller Williams Realty
Kent Place Primary School
Magellan Health Services
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Manahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Manley
Marsh USA Inc.
Marty's Reliable Cycle
Memorial Junior School
Mendham High School
Mondelez International
Morris Animal Inn
Morris County Chamber of Commerce
Morris County School of Technology
Morris Plains Community Garden
Morris Plains Cooperative Nursery School
Morristown National Little League
Morristown Partnership
Mt. Olive Middle School
Mt. View School Mendham
Oak Knoll School
Omland Engineering
One Call Care Management
Park Lake School
Pequannock Twp. Health Dept.
Philosophy IB
Pi Theta Omega
Mr. & Mrs. John Carlomano
Center Grove Elementary School
Mr. & Mrs. David Chasin
Cheer Me Up Foundation
Cherry Road Technologies Inc.
Church of Living Grace
Congregation Beth Torah
Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah
Ms. Dana Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cook
Coty Inc.
County College of Morris GSA
County Concrete Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. John Cowing
Mr. Tim Crandall
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Crowther
Cub Scout Pack 40
Cub Scouts Pack 34
Daisy Troop 6162
Dance With Danielle
Ms. Gabriella David
Ms. Marie Della Pella
Division Child Protective & Permancy
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Donegan
Drayer Physical Therapy
Rainbow Academy
Randolph High School
RBC Wealth Management
Reelers Square Dance Club
Rexford Tucker Apartments
Richard Blake Child Center
The Rocco Family
Sandshore School
Mr. Chris Sanzone
Mr. Bernie Schager
Seimens Fire Company
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Shea
ShopRite of Greater Morristown
Spring Brook Country Club
SPS Commerce
St. Elizabeth's Nursery & Montessori
Starbrite Farms
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sudol
The Treehouse Pre-School
The Velasquez Family
Thomas Jefferson School
Ms. Anne Thompson
Union Baptist Church
Verizon Wireless
VFW 3401 Men's Auxiliary
Washington Valley Home Economics Club
Weichert Realtors
Westport Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Whiting
Woman's Club of Morristown
Ms. Kathy Yakow
Ms. Noreen Drucker
Dun & Bradstreet
Ms. Janet Dzwinczyk
Mr. Frank Eagan
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Ebrahim
Encon Mechanical
Experian, Inc.
Mr. Jerry Falduto
Ms. Claudia Feeley
Ms. Joanne Feeney
First Baptist Church of Madison
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Frelinghuysen
Garden State Urology
Mr. & Mrs. Piyush Ghayal
Ms. Sandra Gibson
Girl Scout Troop 4150
Girl Scout Troop 5087
Girl Scout Troop
Girl Scout Troop 1083
Girl Scout Troop 4923
Girl Scout Troop 848
Girl Scout Troop 94975
Girl Scout Troops 235 & 1654
Mr. Mark Gleckner
Global Aerospace
100-249 lbs. (cont’d)
Graham Curtin, PA
Ms. Lindsey Grant
Mr. Dash Green
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Greene
Hampshire Company
Ms. Lisa Hart
Hebrew Academy of Morris County
Hoover's Tavern
Hyatt Morristown
Ms. Linda Jagels
Jennifer Connelly Public Relations
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jephson
Jerzey Derby Brigade
Johnson & Johnson
Ms. Anne Balfour & Mr. Kevin Kaszuba
Kiddie Academy of Florham Park
King James Care Center
Ms. Terry King
Kinnelon High School
Taylor Lamia
Mr. Arthur Leyenberger
Littleton Elementary School
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Long
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Loomis
Louis Berger Group
The Lynch Family
Macy's Livingston
Madison Community Garden
Madison Honda
Madison Lodge No. 93 F&Am
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mancuso
Maverick Funding
McCann Managed Markets
Mr. Paul McDougall
Meadow Wood Manor
Mendham Interchurch Committee
Mendham Township Elementary School
Metem Corporation
MG Car Club
Ms. Doreen Michelotti
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mitchell
Mr. Douglas Molvinill
Montville Reformed Church
Moore Family Chiropractic
Ms. Lisa Moretti
Morris Catholic High School
Morris County Administration
Morris County Council of Education
Morris County Housing Authority
Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority
Morris County Ski Club
Morris Plains Teen Center
Morris View Health Care Center
Morristown Babe Ruth League
Morristown Columbian Club
Morristown Medical Center
Newman Catholic Campus Ministry
Ms. Denise Newman
Ms. Merete Nichols
NJ Manufacturer's Insurance
Noe Pond Club
North Jersey Street Rod Assn.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nuccio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Omelia
Operation Jersey Cares
Peapod by Stop & Shop
Ms. Bernadette Peters
Ms. Maria Petinakis
Physicians Sales and Service
Pinch Brook Ladies Golf League
Pinch Brook Ladies Golfers
Project Management Institute of NJ Chapter
Mr. Joseph Racine
Ms. Donna Racz
Mr. & Mrs. Domenick Randazzo
Rauchberg Dental Group
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Raymaker
Red Oaks School
Region Oil
Mr. Michael Rescoe
Ms. Sophia Restaino
Rockaway Valley Sewer Authority
Rockaway Valley United Methodist Church
Ms. Maria Ross
Rotary Club of Morris Plains
Rotary Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills
Rotary Club of the Mendhams
Rotary Club of Whippany
Royal DSM NV
Rutgers Student Occupational Therapy
Saks Fifth Avenue
Sealed Air Corporation
0-99 lbs.
A Child's Page, Inc.
AARP #5397
Samak Abd Elmeguid
Mr. Bill Abondolo
Academy Preschool/Kindergarten
Mr. Mark Adamski
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeons of Morris,
Ms. E. Maryann Ahmad
Ms. Eloise Aita
Ms. Patti Alameda
Ms. Gail Albiston
Ms. Susan Allard
Ms. Erla Ambrose
Ms. Kathanne Anneback
Mr. & Mrs. David Anolick
Ms. Kathryn Antonelli
Apple Montessori School
Ms. Mary Lou Aquino
Assumption School
Ms. Dolores Asthalter
Atlas Copco North American, LLC
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Bagel Express
Ms. Erika Bajars
Ms. Linda Baker-Chauk
Ms. Pramila Balwant Sheth
Mr. Carmine Barbato
Ms. Sheryl Barcic
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Barone
Senior Citizens of Hanover Township
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Servais
Shadylawn Neighborhood
Sharon's Studio of Dance & Music
Short Hills Surgery Center
Siemans Fire Safety
Siemens Industry
Simon & Schuster
Ms. Tonia Simon
Skin Deep Day Spa
Sri Sathya Sai Baba Center of Jersey City
St. Gregory's Episcopal Church
St. Vincent Martyr Church
State Farm Insurance
Strategic Products & Services
Sun High Orchards
Supreme Security Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Supron
Swingers Softball Team - Chubb
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Tarascio
Ms. Kathy Tegen
The Angeletti Group, LLC
The Learning Path Nursery School
The MJM Signature Group
The New Jersey Colonials Hockey Association
Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas
Ms. Krista Thompson & Mr. Tom Huleatt
Ms. Michelle Todman
Twin Boro Physical Therapy
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Umbriac
Up & Running
Ms. Becky VanRy
Ms. Marie Therese Vaz
Whole Foods Market
William Annin Middle School
Mr. Jay Williams
Mr. Scott Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Willson
Ms. Anneliese Wilson
Withum, Smith & Brown
Mr. Paul Wysocki
Ms. Patricia Zeh
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bassaline
Ms. Jeanne Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Berhnard Baust
Ms. Traci Baxendell
Mr. David Bean
Ms. Kristin Beaupre
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becker
Ms. Tracey Bednash
Ms. Sue Berger
Ms. Beverly Berns
Ms. Shesali Bhatt
Ms. Hemali Bhone
Mr. Bill Bishop
The Bisignano Family
Mr. & Mrs. William Blanchard
Ms. Patricia Blessing
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bliemel
Ms. Janet Boettger
Mr. & Mrs. George Bohensky
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bove
Boy Scout Troop 155
Ms. Lynn Boyajan
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Bozek
Mr. Michael Bozzelli
Mr. Robert Brabandt
Mr. Jose Branco
Ms. Patricia Braunstein
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bremmer
Briarwood School
Brightest Star School of Performing Arts
Brinton Eaton
Ms. Becky Brooks
Brownie Troop 4538
Brownie Troop 95140
Ms. Debra Buchanan
Ms. Arielle Buck
Ms. Sharon Burdick & Ms. Michelle Burdick
Ms. Faleigh Nolan & Mr. Adam Burke
Ms. Emilie Byrne
Ms. Jane Byron
The Cabuhay Family
Mr. Pietro Calatroni
Ms. Sue Cammarata
Camp Deeny Riback
Ms. Cathy Carnevale
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carruthers
Ms. Betty Case
Mr. Kevin A. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Catlin
Century 21 Elite Realty
Ms. Joanne Cerbo
Ms. Denise Chaplick
Ms. Janessa Chastain
Chatham Interfaith Church
Chatham Kiwanis Club
Chatham Middle School
Chavurat Lamdeinu
Mr. Kishore Chellani
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cheval
Ms. Kathy Chien
Child & Family Resources
Children's Garden
Ms. Kathy Chin
Mr. Carl Chiofolo, Jr.
Ms. Laurie Chute
Ms. Kristin Cipriano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cirillo
Mr. & Mrs. James Clark
Ms. Ursula Clay
Ms. Elizabeth Clogher
Mr. & Mrs. John Clyne
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Cohen
Ms. Mary Coleman
Ms. Margaret Collins
Conner Strong & Buckelew
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Connolly
Ms. Mary Eileen Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Coyne
Mr. & Mrs. John Cracovaner
Mr. Bill Cramer
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Crawford
Cub Scouts Pack 124 Den 2
Cub Scouts Pack 228
The Cucci Family
Mr. Trey Culbertson
Mr. Jacob Cytto
Mr. & Mrs. Nick D'Amato
Ms. Adele Danielson
DAR Loantaka-Parsippanong
Mr. Joel Davidson
Dawn Center for Independent Living, Inc.
Ms. Denise DeAngelis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Debiasse
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Degnan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeGuarde
Mr. Greg Dengel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Denton
Mr. & Mrs. Louis DePaolis
Ms. Karin Derfuss
Dietz and Watson
Mr. & Mrs. David Dinger
Mr. & Mrs. Richard DiPalma
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Diringer
DiSabato and Bouckenooghe
Mr. & Mrs. James Dobias
Ms. Lissa Dohl
Ms. Mary Anne Doig
Mr. David Dollase
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Donald
Mr. John Donne
Ms. Eleanor Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. John Doody
Mr. Vivek Doraswamy
Ms. Leslie Dorber
Ms. Eleanor Douglass
Dover-Randolph Friends Meeting
Ms. Pamela Downs
Ms. Eleanor Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Dreiblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Drury
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Drury
Ms. Suzana Duby
Ms. Fran Duff
Mr. Robert Durr
Ms. Christine Duva
Ms. Beva Eastman & Ms. Nancy Dean
Edmund M. Kramer Photographers
Ms. Dorrit Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Einhorn
Mr. Luke Emodi
Ms. Laura Erazo
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Eriksen
Ethereal Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Evanko
Mr. & Mrs. John Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ewig
Ms. Mary Ann Facciollio
Mr. & Mrs. William Factor
Ms. Rita Fand
Mr. & Mrs. Saturnino Fanlo
Mr. Jacob Farenci
The Farina Family
Farmen Electric Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Felix
Ms. Carole Felsenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Finn
Ms. Candice Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Jakob Flaten
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Fleck
Ms. Stephanie Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Florman
Ms. Jean Foldy
Ms. Beth Foley
Ms. Lindsay Forness
Ms. Marilyn Forte
Ms. Deborah Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Frackenpohl
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Francioli
Franciscan Oaks
Ms. Aislinn Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Fried
Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Furtado
Ms. Danielle Futter
G.S. Troop 4952
Ms. Kim Gabriel
Ms. Laura Gaetjens
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallucci
Mr. & Mrs. David Ganz
Ms. Pam Garretson & Ms. Julia Garretson
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Gaudioso
Mr. Richard Geisler
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Gensicke
Giarratana Family Foundation
Ms. Francine Giarratana
Ms. Gina Giarratana
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Giarratana
Ms. Camila Gilley
Ms. Suzanne Gilman
Girl Scout Daisy Troop 6157
Girl Scout Troop 1579
Girl Scout Troop 173
Girl Scout Troop 41123
Girl Scout Troop 4206
Girl Scout Troop 94084
Girl Scout Troop 95091
Girl Scout Troop 95115
Girl Scout Troop 037
Girl Scout Troop 1878
Girl Scout Troop 402
Girl Scout Troop 4279
Girl Scout Troop 4504
Girl Scout Troop 4511
Girl Scout Troop 4538
Girl Scout Troop 776
Girl Scout Troop 9404
Girl Scout Troop 94354
Girl Scout Troop 949124
Girl Scout Troop 95097
Girl Scouts of Florham Park
Girl Scouts of Northern NJ
Girl Scout Troop 95615
Girl ScoutTroop 4975
Mr. David Giroux
Ms. Jennifer Glynn
Ms. Daria Goginsky
Dr. Alesia Goginsky & Mr. John Goginsky
Mr. Howard Goldman
Mr. Richard Gooding
Ms. Donna Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Goss
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Graham
Ms. Christie Graham
Ms. Alexandra Granville
Ms. Susan Grassmyer
Ms. Barbara Grasso
Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital
Ms. Alyce Grimaldi
Ms. Susan Grimes
0-99 lbs. (cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. John Gringeri
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Groll
Mr. & Mrs. Drew Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Grossi
Half Point Pub
Ms. Patricia Halligan
Ms. Nelly Hammond
Ms. Jen Hand
Ms. Maurine Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanly
Ms. Phyllis Hantman
Ms. Juli Harpell-Elam
Ms. Carol Harrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Harris
Ms. Loretta Harris
Ms. Melanie Harrow
Mr. Walter Hart
The Harter Family
Hartshorn School
Ms. Nancy Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Heckler
Ms. Barbara Hemmerling
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hendrickson
Mr. Merrill Hennion
Ms. Amy Herbitter
Mr. Michael Hernon
Ms. Paula Hicks
High Life Ski Club
Hilltop Elementary School
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hinkle
Ms. Christine Hoch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holland
Mr. Craig Holzer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Honicky
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Honig
Hope Presbyterian Church
Mr. Peter Horan
Ms. Barbara House
Ms. Frances Howard
Huntington Learning Center
Hydraulic Institute
Ms. Michelle Iannicelli
IBEW 827
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Iervolino
Investors Bank Madison
Ms. Elizabeth Iossa
Ironia Free Methodist Church
Ms. Karen Izzolo
Ms. Margaret Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Janssen
JCP & L, A FirstEnergy Co.
JCP &L/FirstEnergy Co.
Ms. Dora Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jones
Ms. Stephanie Jones
Ms. Penny Carpenter & Mr. Thomas Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Jordan
Mr. Andrew Juhlin
Ms. Catrina Smith & Mr. Andreas Kallika
Mr. Bob Kammer
Mr. Michael Kapp
The Karol Family
Ms. Rita Keane
Ms. Geralyn Kelleher
Mr. Kevin Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly
Kelmar Associates
Ms. Mary Judith Kemp
Ms. Marianne Kendelski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kennedy
Ms. Donna Keown
Ms. Judith Kilman
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kitchell
Kiwanis Club of Randolph Township
Ms. Jocelyn Klar
Ms. Mary Jane Klaus
Mr. Bill Klein
The Kolbs Family
Mr. Tom Kot
Ms. Natalie Kozyra
Mr. & Mrs. David Kramer
Mr. Ted Kramer
Ms. Mildred Krusas
Ms. Emily Kubin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kudlacik
Ms. Ann Kuehner
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kurlandski
Lackawanna Sail & Power Squadron
Ladies Auxiliary - Hillside Hose Co. #1
Ladies Auxiliary of Morris Plains Fire
Ladies Auxillary of the Brookside Fire Company
Ms. Linda Larner
Ms. Donna Laskowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Leavy
Ms. Lisa Lee
Ms. Nona LeRoux
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Lieberman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lieto
Ms. N. Christine Lindquist
Mr. & Mrs. William Link
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lombardi
Long Hill Township
Ms. Anne Long
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lorig
Lotus Mind & Body Studio
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Lynch
Mr. Marc Macaluso
Macculloch Hall Historical Museum
Mr. Donald Macgowan
Mr. & Mrs. James Machale
Ms. Mary Macmillan
Mr. Sean MacMillan
Madison Elks 1465
Ms. Madeline Maguire
Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mahr
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Malloy
Mr. Chris Manak
Mr. Steve Mandel
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mangravite
Ms. Mary Manser
Ms. Maria Mantlik
Ms. Jean Marconi
Ms. Sarah Marcus
Mr. Ashok Marin
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mastrosimone
Ms. Bernadette Mathews
Mr. Chris Mathews
Ms. Mary Matney
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Maurer
Ms. Kaitlin Mazoh
Ms. Marian McCaffrey
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Mcconvery
The McCoy Family
Ms. Kelly McDonald
Ms. Mashall McFadden
Ms. Maryann McGrane
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGrath
Ms. Alyse McGreevy
Mr. Patrick McGuinn
Mr. & Mrs. Philip McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. James McKenna
McLane Global
Ms. Jean McLennan
MedLabs Diagnostics
Ms. Amec Mehta
Ms. Anne Meledandri
Ms. Karen Memory
Mendham Co-op
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mercurio
Ms. Barbara Meszaros
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Metz
Mr. Robert Michaels
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Milan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Milazzo
Ms. Kelly Miller
Ms. Linda Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John Mitros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mochnal
Ms. Theresa Mohideen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Molinary
Ms. Abby Moller
Ms. Heather Molnar & Mr. Charles Forsythe
MOMs Club of Morristown
Ms. Stephanie Monrad
Montgomery Academy
Ms. Mickey Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Morck
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Morgan
Morris Area - YPD
Morris County Aktion Club
Morris County Community Gardens
Morris County Off., Human Services Dept.
Morris County Offices
Morris County Superior Court
Morris County Young Republicans
Morris School District
Morristown Jewish Center-Beit Yisrael
Morristown Memorial Hospital
Morristown Moms & Tots & More
Mr. & Mrs. Saunders Morton
Mr. John Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mount
Mountain View School
Mt. Tabor Camp Meeting Association
Mt. Tabor Country Club
Ms. Liz Muller
Ms. Cheryl Gale & Mr. Neal Multz
Ms. Barbara Murray
Ms. Amy Nagle
Ms. Anita Navarro
Mr. Joe Nazzaro
Mr. Mike Neibert
Mr. & Mrs. George Nevrincean
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Newman
Ms. Barbara Nichols
Mr. Richard Nick
NJ SchoolWomens Club
Ms. Debra Norman
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
NY Church of Christ
0-99 lbs. (cont’d)
Mr. John Oates
Ms. Emily O'Dell
Mr. & Mrs. Brian O'Donnell
Jaime O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Melia
Oratory Prep School
Ms. Heidi Oshima
Ms. Leah Oswanski
Ms. Diane Otto
Ms. Susan Oxman
P. G. Chambers School
Ms. Brenda Pallessi
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Palmieri
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Papp
Ms. Hemlata Parikh
Ms. Kathleen Parrillo
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Parry
Parsippany Christian Church
Ms. Alpa Patel
Ms. Rosa Patino
Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Patino
Patriot Lacrosse
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pavely
Peace Islands Institute
Ms. Tracy Pedersen
Peer Place Child Care
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peiper
Mr. Matthew Peles
Ms. Catherine Pellerin
Ms. Mary Pena
Mr. Angelo Pennisi
People to People
Ms. Jennifer Percival
Ms. Brielle Perelli
Ms. Nancy Perren & Ms. Carolyn Perren
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine Petrakis
Ms. Ellen Piccirillo
Chris Pirrie
Ms. Diane Pohl
Ms. Dale Porter & Mr. Gerry Farro
Ms. Barbara Pound
Mr. & Mrs. Renato Prati
Mr. John Prendergast
Ms. Elena Koebel & Mr. William Price
Ms. Jennifer Priddy
Public Works Management
Ms. Leslie Pye
Mr. Joe Pyontek
Randolph Middle School
Ms. Deborah Ratnoff
Ms. Debbie Ray
ReachLocal, Inc. - NJ
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Read
Ms. Cindy Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Resnikoff
Rettigs Gymnastics PAGG
Ms. Sue Riccardelli & Ms. Maureen Murray
Ms. Bernadette Richardson
Ms. Linda Rizzo
Robert Lloyd Coutts & Sons
Ms. Peg Roberts
Ms. Julie Robinson
Mr. Jeff Rodimer
Mr. Joseph Rodman
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Roman
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Romano
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rosamilia
Mr. Toby Rosen
Ms. Karen Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ross
Mr. Scott Rossow
Rotary Club of East Hanover
Ms. Karen Rowland
Roxbury Township Social Services
Ms. Amy Rozen
Mr. Sameer Rupani
Ms. Karla Rupp
Ms. Kathy Rutenberg
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Morris County
Ms. Allison Ruzicka
Ms. Bianka Saenger
Mr. & Mrs. David Sakofs
Mr. Simon Saltzman
Ms. Joanne Sanna
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Saul
Ms. Christine Scano
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Schachtel
Mr. Bernie Schagen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schimpf
Ms. Carol Schkeeper
Mr. & Mrs. John Schlitt
Ms. Leigh Schopp
Ms. Hollye Schramm
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schwab
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Schwers
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schwingel
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Scibetta
Ms. Suzanne Scott
Ms. Laila Sebin
Ms. Shari Seffer
Mr. Michael Senior
Ms. Lynn Seymour
Sharpe, Kawam, Carmosino & Company
The Sheets Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Shinberg
Ms. Diana Shkodina
Ms. Mary Silver
Ms. Peggy Simmons
Ms. Rita Simmons
Ms. Rebecca Six
Ms. Julie Skinner
Ms. Ella Slayne
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Slojkowski
Ms. Helen Smith
Ms. Hilary Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Snyder
Ms. Virna-Lisa Soares
Ms. Mata Sohan
Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi Solomon
Somerset Hills Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Soni
The Sontupe Family
Ms. Jane Sorabella
Springfield College Seniors
St. Andrew Church
St. Dunstans Episcopal Church
St. Patrick's Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stanton
Ms. Carol Starke
Ms. Marianne Steckert
Ms. Patricia Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Burman Stitt
Mr. Elijah Stopa
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Stracco
Mr. Harry Sun
Mr. Leonard Sunshine
Ms. Kathryn Surmay
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Sussman
Ms. Carol Suttile
Mr. Frank Sweeney, Jr.
Ms. Sarah Szamreta
Ms. Megan Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Taylor
Temptime Corp
Ms. Padmaja Thakkar
Mr. & Mrs. Pradeep Thakur
Ms. Jessica Thalmen
The Ayco Co.
The Boston Tea Company
The Heller Group
The Learning Experience
The Morristown Tea Party
Ms. Kelly Thomas
Ms. Kathy Thomsen & Mr. Robert Weber
Ms. Christine Thorsen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Toohey
Township of Hanover-Recreation Dept.
Ms. Lynn Trackenberg
Mr. Hung Cuong Tran
Tri-Co. Federal Credit Union
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Troth
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Trunk
Mr. Eric Turco
Mr. Mark Turo
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Underwood
Ms. Stephanie Underwood
United Methodist Church of Mendham
United Methodist Women of Mt. Tabor
United Presbyterian Church of Flanders
United Rentals
Unity Charter School
Ms. Brigitte Valencia
Ms. Karina Valencia
Ms. Alyson Valpone
Ms. Debra Van Fleet
Ms. Lorrie Vece
Mr. & Mrs. Bala Vembu
Ms. Judith Vendetti
Mr. Sam Ventola
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Verdesca
Ms. Barbara Verga
Ms. Betty Vetter
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Vidal
Ms. Laurie Benell & Mr. Tom Vigilante
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Villagra
Mr. & Mrs. Franz Vintschger
Mr. John Vogel
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Volpe
Mr. Steve Von Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Vukas
Walgreens - Madison
Walpole Woodworkers
Ms. Deborah Ward
Ms. Jane Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wary
Mr. & Mrs. William Watson
Weichert Realtors at Mountain Lakes
Ms. Jennifer Weinstock
Ms. Jane Welki
Mr. Mathew Wendorff
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Werry
Ms. Wendy White-Baxter
0-99 lbs. (cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Wiet
Ms. Esther Wiltz
Ms. Rachelle Winters
Wolf Scouts-Pack 316
Ms. Jennifer Wolfenson
Ms. Karin Wolosz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wroblewski
Mr. Bill Wydner
Ms. Jane Yafai
Ms. Winnie Young
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zahuta
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Zebick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zenick
Ms. Gabriella Zipp
Ms. Loretta Zupa
Mr. Tony Zuzuro & Mr. Larry Gabel