Free Halloween Party Hawks Favored to Top Yale Tonight
Free Halloween Party Hawks Favored to Top Yale Tonight
ONE SECTION ONE SECTION Pages 1 to 10 Ten Pages Pages 1 to 10 Ten Pages CA.-S CITY, MICHIGAN.FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1957. VOLUME 52, NUMBER 27. Board Plans for Christmas Free Halloween Party v The Cass City Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a free Halloween skate party Thursday, Oct. 31, at the Cass City Arena, it was announced this week by Bernard Ross,, president. There will be prizes for the best costumes and all children in The milk strike called by the the area are urged, to attend, Dairy Farmers Cooperative of Mr. Ross said, ~ Michigan is doomed to failure. Christmas Plans We predict that the amount of „ milk not reaching the Detroit In other action at the recent market will scarcely be noticed board meeting, preliminary plans in the Detroit market. for decorating Main Street for It is entf-ely possible that no Christmas were formulated. milk at all "will be held back. There will be the addition of a There is disagreement between star to ihe Main Street scene. Homer Martin and other leaders Plans call for swinging bells at of the DFC over the strike. Most the corners of Main and Oak and members of the DFC are also Main and Leach streets and stars members of the Michigan Milk at the corners of West and Main Producers Association. It is our and Maple and Main. belief that the vast majority, of Because many persons felt that these dual members will not the red bell directly over the withhold milk from the market. light at the corner of Seeger and Regardless of the effect of the Main was a traffic hazard, it present strike, the- DFC and will be moved this year. other insurgent • groups have The usual ropes of evergreens helped dairy farmers in Michigan. will be strung with Christmas They have prodded ethe MMPA lights .during this yuletide season. into action so --that Michigan Main Street light .poles will dairy farmers now receive one of again feature decorated small the best prices in the nation for Christmas trees and the poles milk . . . simply by seeking.^ a will be wrapped with red foil. price and demanding that dairies Work Breakfast The annual, workday breakfast meet it. has again been scheduled by the Dr. Frank Suggitt's plea for a board. It will be Sunday, Dec. 1. land plan in townships surround- At this time volunteer workers ing the village echo the request meet for breakfast and complete of the Cass City Development most of the Chamber of ComAssociation and other interested merce's work on the village's persons and groups in the area. decorations. If the townships zone today ^^^ ^Contest V«,,^CTV Display they will be as f ar ahead of their j The c^ber wilf again spontime now as were the fpresighted gor a Chrigtalas display contest village officials who were — with prizes to all winners. Several sponsible for Cass City's zoning changes in the contest rules are law back in the time when fe^» if any, towns the size of Cass of this year's contest will be anCity were even thinking about it. nounced at a later date, Mr. Ross The result of Cass City's zon- said. ing is apparent and pleasant . . . zoning of Novesta and Elkland townships will be just as pleasing in the years to come, experts say. Because it is' only through zoning that the area's - .growth can be regulated. As far as.we know, the only townshipHn Tuscola County that has zoning is Aimer, which has been partially zoned. It would be well if Novesta and Elkland were next on the list. From the TEN PAGEfc in Cass City Taxes Increase Dr. Frank Suggitt, from the Michigan State University Department of Resource Develop-i ment, pointed out the extreme importance of a plan for land use outside the corporate limits, of the-village, speaking Tuesday | noon to the Cass City "Rotary Club and Tuesday evening to the Gavel Club. Dr. Suggitt based his conclusion after compiling the results of a survey taken in the! Setting the budget for the community last spring and sum- Tuscola County Department of . - Social Welfare was one of several me5'. He pointed out .that the new items decided by the Tuscola factories in Cass City are having County Board of Supervisors _ as ar< appreciable effect now and they ended their October session to make their first delivery in the village. Mr. Kirn will have an even greater in-1in Car° last week, The^ budget calls for a total of will handle home delivery and Mr. Root business fluence on the area in the years to come His survey outlined the $112,000, $8,000 less than will be places and parcel post. effect in three major classifies spent this year The budget I jumped to $120,000 last year so tion8i Taxes will jump again next year in Tuscola County, it was revealed last week in the tax their October session. Total taxes to be paid will be $1,649,151.66 as compared to $1,367,179.63 this year. Despite the raise in the taxi load, supervisors left the tax rate at 5.85 mills of the state equalized valuation, the same as it was this year. Much of the increase in taxes j can be traced to special voted assessments su«h as the $2.30 plus per thousand for the new county nursing home and new schools. • ** FIRST DELIVERY—Dick Root, left and S.ome of the increase is also Stanley Kirn, right, delivering mail will soon be a due to a raise in valuation by the familiar sight to residents of Cass City. Pictured state. The jump • averaged about here with Postmaster Ray JLapp, they were about 44 cents per thousand in valuation in his township, one superHe pointed out that labor at enough money on hand to pay visor reported. the plants Plants has nas come from irpm 21 ^ ~ ^ fm money Elkland Township townships and four counties . 1 he The extm $g 000 Total taxes in Elkland TownLapeer, Samlac, Tuscola and ^ be .^^ .^ ^ ship increased from $100,060.47 to Huron. ! A member of the Social Wel~ $123,458.89 for next year. About a half of the _ present fare Board) Elmer Haines of The tax was spread as follows: labor force in Cass City is taken yassar? was unanimously recounty tax, $36,807.43; county from the farm, about a third elected to his post by the board, nursing home, $9,351.47; townfrom Cass City and about a| J()hn Humm> Friend of the ship, $3,489.48; special drain, seventh is formed by persons Cour^ asked supervisors to grant $7,989.52; drain at large, $3, in the country, but not him & full_time secretary. After 1-7; school operating, $45,492.27;. farming. consideration, the board' okayed school building and site, $16,Mrs. Elsie McBurney, 49, of Business in Cass City, judging, the request starting Jan, 1, 1958. 582.55.. Cass City was injured in a threeby sales tax figures, is increasing! ups Salary Ellington Township car crash on M-81, a mile west of slightly more than the average) r^e koard aiso granted a raise Ellington Township's taxes in- Cass City, Tuesday. ^She suffered for Tuscola County and the state.j 0f $500 yearly to. Judge- T. G. creased from $26,447.71. to $29,- a sprained right .wrist.. 917.80. According to Trooper Joel E. The addition of the new facrj Quinn. 'Judge Quinn formerly The tax spread: eounty tax, Gorzen, Mrs. McBurney turned tories is rapidly using available | received $1,000 a year from the $7,767.54; county nursing home, out to pass Edward G. Golding building space for -industry, bus-; county. The remainder of his $1,973.45; special drain, $5,104.- Sr., 54, of Cass City, who was iness and homes and future ex- j salary is paid by Lapeer County 00; drain ,at large, $2,487.50; waiting^toTinake a left turn. ^ No- and the state. piUiSlUil will WJLJ.J. probably piyvtti-ijr be-in «^ - **»-,*-~.. school operating, $10,557744; She was traveling east and hit, vesta and Elkland• townships, he .Members of the Welfare Comschool building and site, $2,027.- a car going west, driven by James mission also received permission said. to have their •per diem'adjusted 87. R. Stevenson, 23, of Base Line. the tipper vCass ..>s \jij\ / , . City 'Mrs. McBurney was charged Elmwood Township Thumb's industrial development to the same rate as daily Total taxes in Elmwood Town- with driving at ,an excessive is about 10 years behind most o receive. The rate of was upped to $12. The seven cents ship increased from $48,419.29 to. speed. the state, he pointed out. per mile mileage rate was un$59,737.60. . Loses Control Chance to Act , changed. .The tax spread: county tax, Another area person was inFor this reason, he said, the) jjoy LaFave, chairman of the $15,218.11; county nursing home, volved in an accident Thursday, area has a' chance to control the j Tuscola County Road Com$3,866.38; special drain, $9,319.67; Oct. 17. Frank W. Fort, 37, of and mission, appeared before the growth of the area drain at large, $4,108.26; school Cass City escaped injury when he growth is assured, judging by all "supervisors and answered quesoperating, $20,462.74; school lost control of his car on Ridge tions concerSmg township roads, available information. special debt, $3,341.64;'township Road at the intersection ofaKilroa& tax, $3,420.80. , .The way to handle this g Bee Inspection managh -Road. He went into a Novesta Township is by a planned land use, Dr. Lee VanAllen reported, on his ditch while attempting to go Novesta .Township's total tax around a sharp curve. Suggitt pointed out. He sug- bee inspection work for the year. increased from $31,260.09 to $36,- - State Police who investigated gested that interested persons in He -said that he inspected 124 910.22. Elkland and Novesta townships apiaries and 1,801 colonies. Of issued Mr. Fort a ticket for exThe tax spread: county tax, cessive speed for conditions. meet with village authorities ^ and this amount 1.1 per cent were A review of the scout Jamboree other interested persons to start diseased 10 apiaries and 20 at Valley Forge by local scouts $9,840.97; county nursing home, *. Gars Damaged a plan before undesirable busi- colonies. The board granted $400, who attended and a report of the $2,500.24; special drain, $1,097.Walter Shantz, 21, of Gageness locates at spots that for next year's work. East Central District meeting at 20; drain at large, $527.50; school town and Paul E. Holloway, 59, prove detrimental to the cornHours Changed Elkton, Oct. 2, highlighted the of Clementon, New Jersey, colniunity. meeting of the Woman's Study The hours for the courthouse" lided near Sebewaing at the to be open, recently changed, Club at the home of Mrs. Floyd intersection of Sebewaing and The probation sentence of Reid. Tuesday. were changed again on a trial, BOXES ERECTED—Four of the five mailbox drops have now Gettel Roads, Thursday, Oct. 17. Harold Delong, 20, of -Mayville The report of the district meetbasis to Dec. 31, 1957. Offices will According to State Police of- been installed at scattered points in Cass City. The fifth will be a was revoked by Judge T. C. Quinn ing was given by Mrs. Chester courtesy box at the corner of Main and Seeger Streets where resibe open from 8:30 a. m., instead ficers who investigated, Mr, Wednesday in Tuscola County Graham. Mrs. Adolph Woelfle, The Elmwood Missionary Circle of 8 a. m., Monday through FriShantz was traveling east on dents will be able to drive in and deposit mail. Other locations of the Circuit Court. Miss Hollis McBurney and Mrs. is displaying a "flower garden" Sebewaing Road and Mr. Hollo- new boxes now installed are: Seeger and Huron streets, Garfield and day. The courthouse will remain, He had been sentenced to two A. J. Knapp attended the meet- quilt made by members of the Leach streets, Main and Brooker streets and Third and Maple streets. closed on Saturday. way had" stopped at the interyears' probation in June for group at the Federated Store in section while traveling north on Supervisors also decided that-' Preliminary plans for this breaking and * entering a con- Among the interesting items Cass City. it was not necessary to hold year's Christmas pageant were Gettel Road. struction company working east on the program was a report by The quilt is being offered at Damage to the Shantz car was started at a meeting of the Cass separate audits of county Juscounty presidents of the projects auction and will be sold to the estimated at $1,000 and at $500 €ity Area Pageant Association tice's of the Peace books. He was brought back to court of various "clubs. Included were a highest bidder all proceeds to the Holloway car. Tuesday evening at the home of for stealing gas from a Caro tea for aged persons, auction will go to the hospital fund. Both men were issued tickets. Mrs. James Bauer. plastic plant and failure to get sales, antilitter program, rumBids are to be placed in the Mr. Holloway for an unsafe start Jim Wallace, chairman^ of the mage sales, Hungarian relief, box Reside the quilt, members and Shantz for excessive speed J° ' J J V 4pageant for 1957, said that comJudge Quinn remanded him to teas, remembering shut-ins and said. They reported that the for conditions of road. The first home village mail said, "we expect a good deal of mittees and other program notes tie custody of the Tuscola Coun- style shows. beautiful quilt represents many delivery in the history of Cass confusion at first. For this rea-will be announced as soon as ty „ sheriff while he decides dishours of work by the society. The Dairy Farmers CooperaCity was made Wednesday to son, we will 'return after three plans are more complete. position of the case. tive Association went on strike some 600 homes and business weeks to review progress and In a consent agreement, the Several improvements and places in the village. answer questions. Of course, we changes are now under conattorney for Ernest Wagner association, have been asked to agreed to pay $279.20 to the The delivery was made after are as near as the phone in case sideration and will be announced hold back their milk from the Concluded on page 10. more than two years of effort by of emergency." when plans are finished. market. individuals and the Cass City Mr. Gustafson said that the Again this year, the AssociaHow many members are in tike •Chamber of Commerce to 'have facilities in the post office build- tion will need materials for the association and how many -v^Il the service started here. ing are good. When home delivery procession. Persons with striped agree to hold back milk when fee The opening of the routes is becomes established, changes in or plain colored materials can giant Michigan Milk Producers naturally causing a good deal of the building may be made. A row call Mrs. James Bauer and their Association has not agreed to confusion in the postal depart-1 of boxes may be eliminated and contributions will be picked up. -Members of the St. Agatha Continued on page 10 ment and delivery will probably {the lobby changed, if it proves Holy, Name Society voted a conThe official name for the new be irregular until the operation, feasible. tribution of $50 to the Cass City hospital in Cass City will be the becomes standardized. j Postmaster Lapp / reminded Community Hospital, it was anCass City Community Hospital, The switch is being supervised persons in the area that the two nounced this week by members of it was decided Tuesday evening by W. V. Gustafson of Midland, cents drop delivery of letters the society. at a meeting of the board of nation-wide postal inspector, and within the village is now over. All Mrs. Sherwood Rice Jr., who directors. Henry J. Ford, area postal in- first class letters will now ' reis in charge of the drive in the Ihe name was decided upon speetoi1. quira three cents postage. village of Gagetown, reports that after it was finally approved by After the work * becomes the solicitation is going well in representatives of the Office of familiar, the two local mailmen, the community. Hospital Survey and Construction Dick Root and Stanley Kirn, will Mrs. Rice said that the drive The Cass City Red Hawks Following Bad Axe's 'upset dein. Lansing. leave the postal department at is nearing completion and that a swing back into league action feat by Vassar Friday, the Authorities from that office 10:15 each morning. Saturday, Oct. 26—Frank Friday evening after a two-week Pioneers loom as Cass City% report will be made to drive oiiginally had said, that they felt Because the bulk of the vil- Chippi will sell cattle, machinery layoff when Yale is scheduled at chief threat in their quest for & chairmen in the near future. that the name was not represen- lage's mail, arrives at 9:41 a. in., and feed at the farm, four miles the Cass City- Recreational Park. second straight conference title. tative of the area the hospital the mail carriers will wait to east, five miles south, two miles Last weeks scheduled game Retire Trophy will servo. deliver mail that arrives at this east and the first place north of with Croswell-Lexington was canWhen the Hawks defeated Caco However, recently they okayed time. Cass Oity. celled because of the flu that had two weeks ago, it marked tie the name of Cass City Community The work of the carriers will Saturday, Oct. 26—Clarence stricken many of the players on third year in a row that tie Hospital. Thev granted permis- be materially speeded if persons Healy will sell machinery, poultry teams. Tigers have, lost to Cass City, sion because all pledges,, bends will inform all correspondents of and equipment, feed and furni- both But for the first time since The victory,, this year gave Cajs and other papers of the hospital their street address and make I ture at the farm, four and three- early in the season, the Hawks -Buying price: City possession of the trophy were made in the name of Czss sure that it is on all their mail. ; quarters miles west of Cass City. jwill probably be full strength jointly sponsored by the Soybeans 1.99 City Community Hospital and The postal department allows „ Wednesday, Oct. 30 —Adolph Exchange Club and the Cass B®ans 7.15 too much work woibd be required 90 days for this to 'be completed R, Wahl will sell cattle and when they play the Bulldogs. Coaches report that every Gavel Club. Dark red kidney beans 7.00 to change the documents to a after which letters must be poultry at the farm, three and a member of the squad was present Club authorities said they weue Yellow eye beans :. 7.50 new name. addressed with street addresses quarter miles west of Bad Axe. for a practice held Tuesday. not sure whether another tropkf Cranberries 8.00 to be delivered. j Saturday, Nov. 2—Cass Dudek The Hawks will reign as would be offered to be given i» Delivery of parcel post will will hold a farm- auction, four heavy favorites to win their Grain the winner of the annual contsst start in the early afternoon. At : miles east, five miles north and third conference game in four between 1.05 Corn '. the two schools. the same time mail from the box five and a half miles east of tries. The only blot on Cass City's .63 Oats, new Tight Race drops will be picked up. The col- Cass City. 1.65 Pqed barley, cwt. record is a tie game played with With three of the seven league lection will be at about 2:45 p.' Saturday, Nov. 2—Russell Marlette. Wheat, No. 2, mixed, bu. ... 2.04 .games played, four teams ace m. . . . . in time for letters to Ward and Riley Ruby will sell Eye 1-.1 1.06 ; The Evergreen Township Unit Yale has had a rough season. still in the thick of -the conference 2.00 Buckwheat School was closed Wednesday leave on the highway post office i cattle, machinery and feed at the They have been able to win only race. The loop crown could fee {farm, two miles north and a half once in three tries. Livestock because of the flu. It will remain bus at 3:35 p..m. won by Cass City, Croswell- LexMany Duties I mile east of Fostoria. The game will be the annual ington, Caro or JBad Axe. closed until Monday. Cows, pound ,— 12 .15 : Mr. Gustafson said that the •— - Cattle, pound ...... 16 .20 Tuesday more than half-of the dad's night. Fathers of the The Standings: Check Little's Calves, pound 20 .30 players will occupy special seats Team W L T JP LUCKY NIMROD—In his second year of hunting with a bow students, 90 out of a total of 169 mail carriers have many duties besides sorting and delivering Furniture for bargain gifts. Free of honor near the Cass. City Cass City Hogs, pound -'—.. 18 and arrow Don .Smith, 18, of Cass City bagged this doe Saturday were absent. 2 0 1 X gift wrapping.-—Adv. tf the mail each day. They must bench., . " morning while hunting near Tawas City. Oros-Lex. 2 0 Produce 1 forward mail, collect COD He reports that he shot the deer while it was running at a disRummage Sale Cancellation of the Croswell Caro 2 1 Eggs, large, doz, .— .39 Halloween Party handle postage 'due tance of about 25 feet. Mr. Smith did not bag his prize without con- Saturday, Nov. 2. Methodistcharges, game may set the stage .for a Bad Axe 1 1 siderable effort. A,fter he hit the deer> he and his two companions, Church basement, 9-5. Adv. It. letters and certified mail and 8:00 p. m. Oct. 31, DefoTd Corn-championship battle later in the .Sandusky 1 2 A few tulip Charles Patterson and Charles Szarapski, trailed it for three hours learn to identify mail that will munity School* Box social,- mins- year. Croswell has played two Yale 1 2 bulbs still available.J Ben "Frank- before it was spotted by Mr. Szarapski. be handled in boxes. trel show. Sponsored by Novesta games in league competition arid Yassar Coming! Nov.. 5th 1 2 lin Store, Cass City. Adv. It The deer weighed 93 pounds dressed. ; 10-18-2 has won them both. Card Party sponsored by Hospital "Naturally," Mr.. Gustafson 1H. Marlette 0 2 Three From Area In Accidents During Week WSC Hears Five Boys Report on Scout Jamboree Mayville Youth's, Probation Revoked In Circuit Court • a Quilt Sale to Help ' Community Hospital Plan for Yule Pageant Tuesday . DFC Strikes for Milk Price Boost b Make Present Holy Name Society Gives to Hospital For Hospital Coming Auctions Local Markets Auxiliary. Adhr.-10-4-4 Hawks Favored to Top Yale Tonight CASS CITY CHRONICLE— FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1957. PASS riTY, MICHIGAN. GREENLEAF Any man can see the reason for iall Ms neighbor's failure, but The Greenleaf Home Demon- never for Ms own. stration Club met Thursday lEirst Presbyterian Church— Cass City Methodist Church— First Baptist Church—Pastor, Novesta Church of Christ- afternoon with Mrs. Anson Karr. Melvin E. Vender, Minister. Sun- Bev. Ernest E. IJobinson, -minis- Rev. E. G. Weckle. Cass City. Howard Woodard, minister. .Nine members and one guest Friday, after home football Bruce Holcomb, Bible School were present. Roll call was anEXPERT day, (October 27. , ter. 10 a. m. Church School; Classes game, a "Get Together for Supt. IfiEblS a. m. Church swered by giving a fact about School. Classes: Primary throiagii Teenagers" at church social Bible School hour 10 a. m. the United Nations. The lesson, Adult Dept. (Provision for ages 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Brooms. A Christian program for Morning Worship hour 11. given by Mrs. Lynn Spencer^ was .Sermon, "How 10 JEliminate all youth of the community. Free Evening service 8. •also on the United Nations. Mrs* li:00 a. m. Nursery class f©r Disappointments". refreshments. 10 to 11:30 p.m. .Senior Choir practice Wednes- Karr served lunch after , the Prompt Service - Reasonable .Nursery for babies and small Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Teenagers day 7:15_p. m. kindergarten three-year-olds; meeting; ~ Charges all ages The Ladies Aid of Fraser session two or continued sche- children during the worship iour. "Halloween Party. Meet at church, Bible Study for ALL WORK dule for primary and juni®r jride on hay wagon to barn in Wednesday 8 p. m. Church met Wednesday at the GUARANTEED Mew Greenleaf Umted Miss- country where party will be held. Junior Choir practice after 'church for dinner and quilting. classes. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship ionary Chureti— Gordon A. Qoil- All youth 12 years and up not school on Thursday in the home During the day, two large boxes .-attending any church regularly of Mr. and -Mrs. Audley Horner. jof used clothing were packed for Diamond setting - Jewelry Sermon by the pastor. Special Simday School 10 aaa. aaarasie ;te> be arranged. welcome.. . . You are cordially invited to ] use by Worjd Church - Service repairing. Have your diaARNOLD OURELAND, Auctioneer Phone Cass City 7:30 j>.m. Church Membership Morning Worship 11 aam. Sunday at 10 a.m. Bible school, attend all services. ''Center. The next meeting will be mond set. in a modern mountDue to other business, I have decided to quit farming Class. Today is Missions Day. • Guest E^enisig Service S Oct. 30. The committee in charge ing. aiuHhe following personal property will be sold at piifolie Oct. 29—'Council of Churches. Evangelisiie Henar ®$ jun. Missionary, Miss Irene Eschilson, Shabbona RLDS Church — 2 of the . dinner will be Mrs. JEWELRY repaired, altered auction am Ithe premises located 4 miles east, 5 miles south, Get. 30—Teachers and Parents Beginning Tues&y might, Baptist Missionary among the miles east of M-53 on Shabbona Clayton Root, Mrs. Pete Rienstra and plated in gold, sHver, Navaho Indians, Gallup, New Road. Howard Gregg, pastor. fend Mrs. Doris Mudge. Obass ^-aft <8 p. m. Oct. 29, a missioiaary 2 miles east ani ffirst place north of Cass City on rhodium, chromium, platiMexico. She will speak in adult Phone Snover 3542. Sunday serv- Mrs. Eleanor Morris arid Mrs. num and white gold finishes. Nov, 3— Memorial Room dedi- will be keM at $he until sflejcartoient. Free transportation ices: cation tat 11:00 a.m. Church Doris Mudge called on Mr. and RINGS - BROOCHES by our two church buses or Church School 10 a.m., Harley Mrs. George Green and Mrs. Nov. 6—-Women's Missionary Sunday, N0v. 3, Special LAYALIERS - WATCH dedicated cars. Call church office Dorman, church school director. Abbie Beals at Yale Tuesday Society. for the occasion CASES - BRACELETS Assistant, Wilbur Dorman. N©v.. 10—Stewardship Sunday follows: afternoon. Mr. Green, who is 91 Worship Hour at 11 o'clock Church services 11 a. m. the Every Member Canvass. Tuesday night, .years old, is confined to his bed. BEADS, pearl and' glass, reSpecial Music. Sermon by Pasto Sunday night service the 17—Men's Sunday- Cable; Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McLellan strung and new catches furC«ntiitencing at 1 o'clock Weekle, "All That You Ask An< fourth Sunday ef each month at - Guest Speaker. Heifel; Thursday »: Jimmy were Tuesday visitors nished. CATTLE Nor, 19—Tfee Young Women's Bessie Cordell; Friday might, More". Two children's chure 8 p. m. of Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Mercer SATISFACTION Registered Aberdeen Angus cow, John Deere model A-12 combine Speaker. (Note Mrs. Edna Brubaker; Smodaj programs - 11 o'clock. Galilean Zion League meetings Tuesday at Romeo and of Mr. and Mrs. GUARANTEED 7 years old evenings.* morning, Mrs. Gladys Eeifel^ ®M children's ehurch, ages 10 to 12 Alex Mclntyre, near Rochester. John Deere 7 ft. mower Eegistered Aberdeen Angus cow, Wednesday evening worship Sunday night, Rev. John Gamble. Rosebud eMldren's church, ages Visitors at the James Walker John Deere 4- bar. side delivery 8 years old Cass City Assembly of God— A cordial invitation -is extend to 9. Also mirsery program fo service 8 p, m. >home Saturday were their daughrake Eegistered Aberdeen Angsts cow, Family nigtit, fourth Friday ters, Mrs. Dave Sweeney and son Corner Leach and Sixth St. Eev. to all to attend the services at those with preschool children. ^\ John Deere 2 row corn planter and Mrs. C, L. Hundley, pastors. this rural community church. 8 years old .Gospel Hour at 8 p.m. Gospe of each month, 8 p. m. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Linus v Jewelry and Gift Shop Grade Aberdeen Angus <eow, John Deere side dresser Women's department meeting Maurer and family and Mr. and Sunday School 9^45 a. m. Hymn sing. Testimony time Cass City John Deere 2 row cultivator 5 years old Merarag worship 11:00 a. m. Mrs. John Garety and son Ray- Phone 278W St. Joseph Church, Mayville— Colored slide pictures on th third Thursday of each month. Oliver rubber tired wagon with Evening evangelistic service at Grade Aberdeen Angus * Everyone is invited to attend mond from Three Rivers. Sunday Masses Sunday and Holydays, Navaho Indian work of l$e grain box 5 years old * visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Bill 7:45. Mexico by our missionary, Mis; all service's. 9:30. International 8 ft. disc Grade Aberdeen WMC Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. McQueen from Deford. Confessions Sunday at 9:00- Irene Eschilson. Case spring tooth harrows 5 years old Thursday evening prafrer meet- 9:30. Monday dinner guests at the Monday at 7:30 p.m. Senioi Fraser Presbyterian Church— * «ow, Case spike tooth harrows Grade Aberdeen ing at 7:45. Anson Karr home were Mr.- and Youthtimers program. Tonight is Revv (Seorge Gillette, pastor. iWeeder Cultipacker You are cordially invited to at4 years old Mrs. L. J. Felmlee from Big Deford Methodist Chureh— Question Box. Several question 10 a. m. Sunday School. Grade Aberdeen Angus €ow,|McCormick Deering 2 bottom 12- tend these s«r«rfees. will be discussed. (1) Is it wrong 11:00 a. m. Church Services. * Beaver, Mr., and Mrs. Hartman Sunday services: . in. plows 4 years old from Troy, Mrs.', Eleanor Morris Chta-ch, 10 a. m. Eev. Don for 'Christians ,to smoke,? Why? Atlis Chalmers 16" single bottom Family Bible Hour—At the Caister. Sunday Sckool, 11 a. m. (2) Can Teenagers live for Mizpah United Grade Aberdeen Angas Missionary and Mrs. Doris Mudge. The men 4 years old Hillside School, o.Re-half mile Sanctuary. Leola Retheisford, Christ in high school? How? Church—^Pastor, L. W. Sherrard. went hunting while the ladies Grade Aberdeen Angus cow, Interjiational Manure Spreader west, one-balf mile north of Elm- superintendent. Wednesday at 8 p.m. Midweek Phone 09F1& Cass City. S. S.''visited. ^Largest and Finest Stodt Bre* Superior 15 hoe grain Drill • 3 years old wood Store, Hu*d Corners Road. Jason Kitchen. (Church j Lee McManus from Detroit Youth meeting Sunday eve- service and prayer time. We have Grade Aberdeen Angus cow, 1950 Chevrolet pickup with cattle Every Sunday afternoon at nings. five different prayer groups located 4 miles south of M-81 on'"' came Sunday to be a guest for in This Territory at Garo, rack and 1954 motor 3 years old 3:30 a fundamental message Prayer and Bible study, Bible" lessons by Pastor Weckle M-5S.) several days and hunt pheasants Grade Aberdeen Angus cow, Two wheel Trailer Michigan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete from the Bible. * Wednesday, 8 p. m., in the 9 p. m. Monthly Sunday schoo Sunday School 10 a. m. Cement Mixer 3 years old Rienstra. A Tuesday visitor -at staff meeting, planning Christ- Morning Worship 11 a. m. church. Grade Aberdeen Angus cow, Two Wheelbarrows CASS CITY CHRONICLE Evening Evangelistic service |,the Rienstra home was Mrs. Dean Family fellowship, fourth Fri- mas program of Sunday school. 3 years old Two Electric Fencers p. m. i Rabideau of Cass City, who is on PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT day night of each m»nth. Grade Aberdeen Angus cow, 200 ft. of corn crib fence We are having as a special fea-j vacation. i WSGS, second Tuesday of eaefi CASS CITY. MICHIGAN St. Pancratins Church—Eev. 1. 3 years old Grain elevator with electric Member Audit Bureau of Circa!ati*ns i month. ture in the service, the church j. Latest- report from Marshall J. IHkuiski, pastor. « motor Above cows all pasture bred to National Advertising: Representatives: ordinance of washing of the saints _ Sowden is that he is gaining Primary department, Mrs, Sunday Masses: Local Michigan Weekly Newspapers Inc., East registered Aberdeen Angus Stone boat Gas tank Lansing. Midi., and Weekly Newspaper Elsie Hkks, supt. feet, which is a Scriptural prac-j slowly. * 7:80 Low Mass. bull. Representatives Inc., 920 Broadway, Mew tice. Visitors are welcome to the: Mrs. Rodney Karr and three lOidO High Mass. . York 10. N. Y. 4 Aberdeen Angus Steers, 18 FEED service. " jsons were,all ill with the flu the The Lutheran Church of The Holy •The Case City Chronicle established in Days of Obligation 6:00 months old €00 bushel of oats Shepherd—Eev. Edwin and 9:00. Tuesday Youth meeting 8 p. m. -first of the week. -1S89 by Frederick Klamp and the Casa Good 13 Aberdeen Angus calves, 6 to 500 bushel of corn City Enterprise founded ia 1881,: consaH- Eossow of Fairgrove. A missionary service with Mrs., Mr.'and Mrs. Roswell Mercer dat«d under the rent* of the .Cass City 9 months old 600 bales of straw Sunday School classes at 9:30. E. Brubaker from Africa. Pic-;of Romeo were week-end visitors Chronicle on April 29. 1900. Entered as MACHINERY 700 bales of hay second class mail matter at the post ofDivine Worship at 11:00., * Gagetewn Methodist Church— tures will be shown. 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Memorials fice at Gass City, Mich., under Act of John Deere model 48 tractor 200 bales of second cutting hay Wednesday Prayer meeting 8 Henry McLellan. Fsed Werth, pastor. Mar. 8. 1*79. PHONE 458 Nnvesta Baptist ehnrch—i«Worship service 9:80 a. m. 3. m. A missionary service with Monday evening the session Subscription Prfc*—To post offices fa TERMS: All stfms of $10 and under, cash; over that Toscola. Huron and Saniiac Cottntfo*. vene O. Shattuok, pastor. ,and trustees of Fraser Church Sunday school for all ages at ilrs. Gladys Reifel from Africa, 'amount 1 to 12 months time will be given/ on approved $2.80 a year, $1.60 for six months. In Sunday school 10:60. CARD- MICHIGAN 10:SO a. m. * ;he speaker. lield their meeting at the Mcother parts of the United States, $8.00 a bankable notes. year. 25 cents exfera charged for part Lellan home. Morning worship service 11:00. Thursday, Oct. 24—The Cass year order. Bayabte in advance. Young people's service 7*00.\ Church of the Nazarene—Rev. River Circuit monthly missionary For information regarding newspaper advertising and commercial and job L. A. Wilson , pastor. service at the Riverside Church Evening service 8?00. printing, telephone No. 18. Prayer meeting Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Sunday Bible School 8 p. m. , John Haire and E. J. LaPorte, Cass City State Bank, Clerk * 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Dates to Remember: „ Publishers. 8:00. Oct. 30, 31—WCTU Convention Hour Phrmbing, Heating, Eavestroughing at Marietta Methodist Church. j 6:45 p.m. Prayer Service 14-24—Revival meeting 4211 Doerr Rd. 7:15 p.m. Young People's Nov. Cass City with Rev. and Mrs. Larry Neff Service 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic service/ Jr. Furnaces, Bathroom 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, Prayer service. Smith Joins Soil Fixtures, Phamfoing Supplies The district midyear missionary convention will meet next Monday, Oct. 28, at Lapeer. Rev. Conservation Staff W. C. Fowler of British Honduras We Install All will speak at 10-a. m. and 2 p. m. Alvin Smith has become a) FREE The district preacher's meeting •nember of the permanent staff! Newest editions of the Plumbing, Regardless of will follow on Tuesday and •f the United States Soil Con-1 ESTIMATES Wednesday, Oct 29, 30, at the ervation Service at Caro, L. Where You Bought It "Big Wheel" in trucks with same place with Dr. S. T. Lud- Wilbur Kellogg, Work'Unit Conervationist, announced this wig of Kansas City, Mo., as speaker. Service at 10 a.-m., 2 p. veek. He has been working with; he Service since April 1, 1957, on m. and 7:30 p. m. part-time basis. Mr. Smith is a native of TusLamotte United Missionary Chur-ch—8 miles north of Mar- o'la County. He has farmed for lette. Rev. Deliis Hudson, pastor. jractically all his life in the Morning worship, 11:00. Sun- county. During his farming exday School, 10 500. Sunday eve- perience he has operated two ning, 8:00. Y«a are cordially in- farms which were under covited to attend. * operative agreement with the Tuscola Soil Conservation Riverside United Missionary District. Church—Pastor, L. W. Sherrard. This experience has given him S. S. Supt., Clair Tuckey. (Church /an opportunity to become familar located 2Yz. miles south of Cass with soil and water conservation practices as they apply to .the, City and 2% miles west.) Tuscola District. Morning Worship 10 a. m. Mr. Smith takes part in the Sunday School 11 a. m. Evening service at Mizpah 8 activities of the Colwood United) Brethren Church. He is married j p. m. At 7:30 p. m. Tuesday and Wednesday special and has two daughters, Kathrynj and Marilyn. missionary services at Mizpah, 8 Sunday at 2 p. m. Kathryn teaches in Holland p. m. Thursday, Oct. 31, special mis- and Marilyn is attending HuntHuntington, jsionary service at Riverside ington College, church 8 p. m. Special speaker, Indiana. ALL MERCHANDISE Rev. J. Gamble, a missionary from Africa. Starvation Kills BRAND NEW Friday, Nov. 1—-.Special missionary service at Riverside church 8 p. m. Rev. Paul Cable,Alfalfa Plants 5-pc. oak bedroom suites, your choice; 2-pc. living speaker from Africa. Dates to remember: More alfalfa plants probably room suites, your choice; 5-pc. kitchen dinettes, your Thumb Youth Rally at Mizpah starve to death than are winterChurch 2:30 p. m Sunday, Nov. killed, says Alfred Ballweg, choke; 9x12 linoleums; lamps; clocks; radios; mat3. County Agricultural Agent. ,WCTU Convention, Oct. 30, 31 One of the secrets of long leg- tresses and box springs; end tables; cedar wardrobe New Series 100 heavyweight hauler at Marlette Methodist Church. ume life is .plenty of plant nu- and chests; step tables; coffee tables; corner tables; trients so plants can build up a New Series 50 medium-duty L.C.F. model food reserve and develop strong 9x12 rugs. root systems. According to Ed Longnecker, New Light- Duty . load distribution in specialized Chevrolet's Task-Force 58 .extension soils specialist at MichPersonalized rolls in with new broaduses. Compact, short-stroke V8's Offering high-capacity pickups igan State University, pastures shouldered, styling, a revoluand panels, plus Chevrolet's lat- are standard in all middleweight and hay fields need a shot of tionary new V8 engine, new fertilizer -at least once a year. L.C.F. models. est, three new Step-Van Forward Wedding, Anniversary Yearly applications are especially Step-Van delivery models Control models with 8', W and New Heavy-Duty important because if the supply complete with bodies and a 12' bodies! Famous fuel-saving is excessive both legumes and Appliances, tools, dry goods, jewelry, fishing equipThe big news in Series 90 and and Party wider choice of medium-duty grasses tend to use more potash ment, many other items. 6's with increased horsepower are 100 is Chevrolet's rugged new haulers! They're here to speed than they actually need. standard. 348-cu.-in. Workmaster V8. It Of course the application up schedules and whittle NAPKINS should be based on a soil test. New Medium-Dut packs 230 h.p., and its radical down operating* costs with That's the only way to know for Buy At Your Own Price Nine new models have been new Wedge-Head design assures new fast-working efficiency! sure the actual needs are being added, all featuring a new cab-topeak efficiency everr with regular See them at your Chevrolet satisfied. at the rear-axle dimension for better In the absence of a soil test grade gasoline. ^ dealer's right nowl where alfalfa predominates, apply about 200 to 300 pounds of CHRONICLE See them at your dealer's now! 0-20-20 or 0-20-10 fertilizer on heavier soils and 0-10-20 or 010-30 on light soils. Where grass M-15 and North Block Road, two miles north of interdominates, a fall application of OfflCSE 12-12-12 or 12-6-6 will do the section M-46 and M-15, or three miles south of intersection of M-15 and M-81. job. If the soil is sandy, Ballweg GAM City Directly in back of Blumf ield Inn Tavern Only franchise*! Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark recommends holding the application that contains nitrogen until Open 7 Days A Week spring. Otherwise the nitrogen may leach out. Local Area Church News in Brief Watch Repair ?fi -&U McCMKEY Charles F. Mudge Frank Chippi, Owner NEW HUSTLE! NEW MUSCLE! NEW STYLE! RYLAND & GUG AUCTION FURNITURE GALORE SATURDAY NIGHT FREE DOOR PRIZES Brennan Furniture Co. CHEVROLET See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer PAGE THREE GASS CITY CHRONICLE— FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1957. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. News from Deford Area BAD AXE MARBLE Six ladies of the Novesta Bap- dinner guests Monday evening, Jn Saginaw Friday. tist Missionary Circle attended Richard Burroughs and Bud| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rayl and AND GRANITE an all-day meeting Thursday at Smith both of Detroit, James! children of Decker, Mr. and Mrs. WOMAtCS WORLD Make Your Own Raised Doughnuts For Genuine Treat Stewart and family of the home of Mrs. Earl Bayl Sr., Hartwick and Roy Webb Sr., both,Douglas j Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Linel Rayl when the group set a quilt top. of Pontiac, and Roy Webb Jr. of of Sandusky, Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Mrs. Levene Shattuck brought and Frank Dilaneo, both Rayl and family and Billy Gag;e the message "Missionary Work Chanute, ,,^^, Monday evening dinner j were The Deford Methodist Youth OW long since you've made in the Home Community Church." guests at the Earl Rayl Sr.'home. Fellowship had a hay ride Saturyour own doughnuts? Years? Ed Greenwood of Ruby spent and Mrs. Warren Kelley of Or never? ^^, JMr. .,J.J.. „„„ night anu and a. a ptm»y party au at the Friday and Saturday at the Glen day nigm: home of Lora, Danny and David; Cass City, Mr.' and Mrs, Archie There's something wonderfully Tousley home. *«*. and —. Mrs. Willard Garvin Allen. .Sponsor Henry Rock drove j Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth pleasurable in doughnut making Mr. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Louis af" home. Perhaps it's the fraand daughter Conine of Roches- the tractor. The boys played j Babich, Mr. and Mrs. Burton ter and Harry Staniak and Ed- football and refreshments were Allen, Mrs. Iris Hicks, Mrs. Earl grance of the dough as it rises or the pleasure you and the children were served. Present were Roy and Large and Fine Stock of ward Florence Sherwood will get out of watching them pop uj.u.i.i.y and <a.juu. Ellen .uuv,ju. Mora^y*. Rayl, — j ~ , Mrs. . Geraldine Murry week-end and Monday visitors of vaeraiuijue Mr. and Mrs. William Zemke Jr. gan of Pinnebog, Gene'and Ber- and Mrs. George Roblin all at- up while frying. Do try it. Rev. Arnold Olsen and party nie Babich, Henry Rock, Paul' tended the annual Farm BureauJ Mashed potatoes in the yeast dinner at iwm^oHWl dough will give it wonderful _ fla"'" ""—~~ ~* of friends of Lapeer, Rev. Donald Clark, Robert Gage, Jerry chicken RICHARD CLIFF evening. vor and texture, as this recipe will Olsen and friends of Rochester Vandemark, Larry Retherford, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. George McArthur testify as you work with it: Local Representative and David Blossom and JDiane and Eldred Kelley. and children of Rochester, Jack Raised Doughnuts Cmss City Erb of Vassar all enjoyed pheas- Linda Johnson of Caro spent Dobson of Lake Orion, Archie (Makes 48) ? Monday and Tuesday with ant hunting on the opening day McArthur and sons, Johnnie and ROBERT H. BADGLEY 3 medium potatoes ; ff ; of the season at the Gail Parrott Juanita Allen. Alan, of Pontiac and Mr. and % cup sugar ~^_' Mrs. Burjon Allen and Lora Bad Axe Mich. Phone 1028 farm. 1 teaspoon salt "~~"'~ Mrs. Lillian Hartwick had for land Miss Jean Lentner shopped Mrs. B. Black of Wyandotte were" Sunday and Monday guests of About 6 cups sifted flour Mrs. Amanda McArthur. 1 package or cake yeast, acMrs. Florence Sherwood entive, dry or compressed tertained at dinner Monday Mrs. % cup warm water Minnie McCain and Mrs. Joe ^ cup soft butter or substiDAD'S NIGHT Doyle, both of Pontiac, Mrs. Eltute mer Bailey of Lapeer and Mrs. 2 eggs George Van Orden of Lake Orion. 34 teaspoon nutmeg Mr. and Mrs. Basil Conquest Peel potatoes and cook in 2 cups and two sons of Clio were week- boiling, salted water until tender. end visitors at the Henry Rock Drain off water, reserving 1 cup. home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Temple- Pour water in large mixing bowl. ton and son Billy of Flint called Stir in sugar, salt and 1 cup flour. Beat until smooth. Sprinkle on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babich Jr. or crumble yeast in % cup water and family and Roger Dontje, all of Manton, and Lonnie Huff of CheyBoygan visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Babich and family Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arleon Retherford and children visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Long of Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hicks of Waterford are spending the week with his mother, Mrs. Iris Hicks. Ben Hicks of Harrisville visited Monday and Tuesday at the Doughnuts are a favorite for Hicks home. WORKS CTERY ORIALS H YALE HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 STARTING AT 8 P. M. AT Cass City Recreational Park IT'S FUN FOR EVERYONE Cass City Rotary's UARE Good Breakfast Prevents Fatigue FROM 8:30 TO 12 P. M. AT ROLLER SKATING Featuring "TINY' Henderson CAIiEE FROM PORT HURON ADMISSION — $1.50 PER COUPLE Benefit Hospital Fund Mrs. C. P. Hunter, Miss Mary Wald, Miss Rosalia Mall and, from Saginaw, Miss Margaret Wald ^returned Sunday after! spending the week at the Weiler cottage at Whitestone Pointe. TUGGING YOUR HEARTSTRINGS Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mackay, I've made up my mind. What this column needs is a little m< Janice and Diane of Detroit spent! drama. Something with heart. Something that will tug you right in .Saturday-and Sunday with his I the old ticker. , parents, Mr. and Mrs. John g0 today, , at tremendous expense to the management, we present ! | Mackay. •- — • ~TV Players .in ajheart-tugging , . . . one-act. commercial . -$ the Bulen Motors Mrs. Joseph Young, patient at .SCENE: Park bench. Couple billing and 'Stevens Nursing Home, returned cooing. to Cass City Sunday after spendSHE: Penny for your thoughts! ./ ing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. HE: What a bargain that would be! I was William Ashmore. Mr. and MrsrAdolph Thiel left thinking about a certain car at Bulen's. SHE: (POUTING) You don't love me! Monday for Pontiac where they HE: Sure, but I also love the thought of payvisited their daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Harding, and ing so little for such an immaculate, late-model t X r » J _ _ ~ J _ « 4-T,«.. 1«4J4. 4~~ Tirj»,4—„ _"i._. " Wednesday they left for Winter Icar. Haven, Fla., where they spend j SHE: Is that all you care about? A silly old six months of the year. car? Thursday Mrs. J. C. Armitage HE: You weren't listening, Dearest. I said it was practically entertained several guests for new and --(GETS SUDDEN IDE A)--but that's selfish talk; Darling. lunch and cards. A guessing conLetfsSHE: (HOPEFULLY) Yes? ceived a prize. HE: Let's run over to Bulen's so you can see the car too! ^ Bruce Williams of Pamona, Calif., recently spent several days SHE: Oh, you beast! I thought you were proposing! with Mr. and Mrs., William AshHE: But I was. I was proposing that we buy this car, and then more and Mrs. Joseph Young. when we're married, we'll be starting out without any financial probMrs. Edward Proulx and San- lems. dra spent the week end recently SHE: Darling! You ARE proposing! with Mr. and Mrs. Charles HE: Sure, but only on the condition that you come with me to Proulx in Lapeer. The Gagetown Farm Bureau Bulen's right now. SHE: Gladly! Gladly! Gladly! met Wednesday evening at the, farm residence of Mr. and Mrs. HE: Okay, okay, let's not ham it up. After all, this is only a John Meininger with 16 members j commercial for Bulen Motors, present. The topic under dis-' SHE: Look who's talking! You weren't exactly any Sir Laurence cussion was "Dog Laws Fair to Olivier yoifrself, and furthermore — Farmers and Dogs," led by Thomas Seurynck. Milton Hof(FADE OUT) meister was chairman. Potluck There now! Didn't that get you sort of all choked up? Notice how lunch was served. Fred Heinerick and Mrs. Jennie they're talking like a married couple already? 1957 Model Cleanup. Still available: 1 new Chevrolet Del-Rajr? Slack left Sunday morning for Clearwater, Fla., where they will Club Coupe with V-8 Engine and.Power Glide Transmission; 1 new Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday 4 Door Sedan with Auto. Trans., Power spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Krohn of Steering and Brakes. Painted Jade Mist. Your present car will never be worth as much as right now, nor will you be able to deal for of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fischer. comparable transportation as cheaply again. Won't you let us show Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Russell you what we mean? spent the week end and the first . Also available: my own Black Convertible with Power Pack V-8 of the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell and and>^Automatic Transmission. There isn't a mark on this car. And, our 210 4 door Station Wagon demonstrator with V-8 and Auto. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert LaFave. Transmission, in the popular Dusk Pearl and Ivory. <, FORESIGHT If you've beenVaiting, NOW IS THE TIME. Come in and drive Take a real interest in the fu- these cars, let us show you how much you will save. ture—that's where you are going A good breakfast will help prevent that mid-morning slump, (warm, not hot for active, dry says Mrs.. Frances T. Clark yeast; lukewarm for compressed Time may be money, but it county home " demonstration yeast). Stir until dissolved, tken ! agent. To do a good job all beat into batter. Cover with cloth takes work to cash in on it. j morning', you need a good break- and let rise in a warm place, 'fast. Research shows that people free from a draft, until bubbly. who eat little or no breakfast Meanwhile, mash hot potatoes in often tend to be cranky and irri- pan in which they were cooked. table during the morning. In fact Measure 1 cup and place in mixthese people seem more likely to ing bowl. Beat in butter, eggs and have • accidents and dp low quality nutmeg. When batter is full of work between 11 o'clock and bubbles, stir in potato mixture and remaining flour, enough to noon. The four main foods your make a stiff dough. FOR MINOR breakfast should include are a Kneading: Turn dough out on a ACHES & PAINS fruit, a main dish, breadstuff and floured board and knead 8 to 10 Want Help Finding What You Want? beverage. Fruits start your day minutes or until dough is smooth with a good supply of vitamin C, and elastic. Place in a greased minerals and • bulk. Your body bowl and brush top of dough with Put A Wide-Awake Want Ad to Work can't store vitamin C so a daily soft or melted shortening. Let supply is - necessary. Oranges, rise in a warm place, free from Wood RexalT Drugs strawberries, grapefruit, toma- draft, until doubled in bulk. Punch Cass City toes and melons are especially down dough, cover bowl rnd_stor^ in refrigerator. Two hours before high in vitamin C. The main' dish is a source of serving time, remove dough from protein and . furnishes "staying refrigerator; power" to keep you from getting Before Frying: Cut dough in hungry before noon. Eggs, meat, half. Roll each half %-inch thick cheese or cereal with plenty of on floured board. Cut with doughnut cutter, place on floured board, milk are good main dishes. You'll get added vitamins from cover with cloth and let rise in a bread if you choose whole wheat warm place until light and doubled or enriched bread or rolls. If you in bulk. Slip doughnuts into hot serve pancakes or waffles, use deep fat (365°F.). As soon as they enriched flour or mix to make rise to the top, turn with long them. Both hot and cold cereals handled fork to brown other side. are available in enriched forms, Drain on absorbent paper. Coat with granulated sugar, shaking a too. Due to ill health, I am selling my; stock and poultry* I wiU sell Milk or cocoa should be in- few at a time in a paper bag. cluded for calcium and riboat public auction at the place 3 miles west of Bad Axe on M-53 on flavin. Coffee and tea don't have any food value but you may want to have one as a hot beverage. Helps for planning quick, Whether you're six or sixty, nutritive breakfasts are given in there's one basic rule which apa new bulletin now. available. plies to keeping your skin attracYou can get "Breakfasts Bonus tive and that's cleanliness. No folder F-248, from the county matter whether the skin is fresh extension office in the/Court and glowing or whether it's dry House, Caro, says Mrs. Francei and tends to wrinkling, it still Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following described property: must be kept clean. T. Clark. AUCTION All Skin Care Needs Cleanliness There's nothing hard about keeping the skin clean. It's just a matter of doing it daily or twice daily or as often as it needs it. Do it, in the bath tub, shower or wash basin, but do clean it. One of the best ways to clean the face thoroughly without any fussing is to splash fairly warm water over it, make-up and all. Then while the skin is still moist, put cleansing cream on the face and go over it thoroughly. Massage Helpful When you're cleaning the face with cream, you're also giving it gentle massage which is very Oct. 30 CATTLE All cattle TB and Bangs tested , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goulc One Holstein, 5 yrs. old, due in and Mrs, Byron Turner of Detroit spent last week with Mrs. Charles March Seekings and Mrs. Goldie Bur One Holstein, 7-yrs." old, Twin gess. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crane and calves by side Rodney of Pontiac and Mr. and One Holstein, 5 yrs. old, calf by Mrs. Nelson Gremel, Judy and Butch of Cass City spent Sunday side 1th Mrs. Charles Seekings. The occasion was Mrs. Seekings' One Holstein, 7 yrs, old, due in lirthday. Nov. Miss Theresa Ann Werdeman if Detroit spent the week end at beneficial to the circulation of the One Holstein, 7 yrs. old, twin ier home here. skin. This stimulation helps the calves by side Guests from Friday until Mon- blood to remove any impurities !ay at the Wald horn? were Mr. that may be clogging the pores. One Holstein, 3 yrs. old, due in md Mrs. William Merz and Bob As circulation is stimulated, then Feb. WIeland of Saginaw. also is color and skin tone, beMiss Margaret Wald of Sag- cause you start the work on the One Holstein, 3 yrs. old, calf by inaw spent .Sunday at the Wald inside, within the system, to help aome. side Mrs. Stanley Krawczyk is a theIf skin. the face is very soiled and One Holstein, 5 yrs. old, calf by patient in a Mt. Clemens hospital. you have heavy makeup, the first Mrs. William Merz and Mrs. creaming should not be massaged side Vincent Wald were callers at the much. Simply wipe over the face hom& of Misses Bridget and and remove with tissues. The sec- One Holstein, 3 yrs. old, Twin Susan Phelan Saturday. ond application of cream, can then calves by side Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wald be massaged, as the surface imELMWOOD WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30 I Fall, served for friendly gettogethers or as a breakfast or coffee time treat. They're plump, light and spicy with nutmeg, their^ golden crust coated with sugar. 'GAGETOWN One Holstein Heifer, 3 yrs. oM, due in March One Holstein, 5 yrs. old, calf by side One Holstein, 5 yrs. old, due in Nov. One Jersey cow, 8 yrs. old, due in Mar. One Holstein Heifer, 2 yrs. old, due in Feb. One Holstein Heifer, 2 yrs. old, due in Feb. 3 Yearling Heifers POULTRY 275 White Leghorn Pullets-laying 250 yr. old hens MISCELLANEOUS Hay and straw will be for sale and Michael and Miss Mary Wald purities will not be worked into visited Sunday evening at the the pores where they may start Harlan Hobart home. TERMS: Ten dollars or under cash; over that amount 6 months time will be Sunday afternoon callers a creating difficulty. * the Wald home were Mrs Charle given on good bankable notes, drawing 7 per cent interest. Genius is handed out to a few., Grady and daughter Catherine of but the average man has to go Gagetown. Monday callers at the Wale out and drag in success. home were Mr. and Mrs. John TAKE IT EASY Cox of Detroit. Mr. Cox wen Making every minute count is pheasant hunting. the first rule of success—but This is the machine-age, and don't attempt to count them Ira O^entoski, Auctioneer Phone Bad Axe 430 or Cass City 130F32 we have plenty of talking ma- twice. . chines, but far too few thinking Hubbard State Bank, Clerk | machines.* AdolphR.Wahl,Prop. PAGE FOUR CASS CITY CHRONICLE— FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1957. Cass City Area Social and Personal Items Allison Dies of • * - . , ' • 9 . ' . . ' ' Heart Attack After Accident CITY, MICHIGAN. News from Holbrook Area Mr. and Mrs. Don Lorentzen i Mr. and Mrs. David McNabb Mr. and Mrs. Audley Homer Ronald Reagh of Detroit spent Mrs. Theodore Gracey attended Emerson Brown of Detroit is Mr. and Mrs. Ed Joker of DeSunday with his parents, Mr. and and sons visited friends in Port)of Waterford came Tuesday to and family and Robert Warner Bridge Club Monday afternoon at spending a few days in this com- troit spent Monday at the home spend a few days with Mr. and spent Sunday with the Hilton Huron and St. Glair Sunday. Ernest Reagh. the home of Allie Palach. Mrs. munity. of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Decker. Mrs. Robert Campbell. Warners at Port Huron. Gene Bukoski was high and Allie Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hendrick Mrs. Ulric Renner of Elkton ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNeil and Willis Brown and sons, Wayne ( Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuckert An estimated 25 men of the Palach was second. visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Morris, called at the Nelin spent Friday with her grand- .sons spent Sunday and Monday and family enjoyed a trip to the Lutheran Church built five winwith relatives at Deckerville. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sweeney Decker, Connie, (Kay and Kathy Richardson home, near Shabbona, mother, Mrs. John Guinther. Hartwick Pines over the week dow wells, at the church in a and sons spent Sunday afternoon Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William Toner Ifr. and Mrs. V. J. Carpenter Douglas Allison, 63, of Sagin- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack TyrelL Mr> and Mrs Calvin Goodioe of Sunday morning. end. special workday following church Born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen left Wednesday morning to spend Jr. of Hazel Park visited his aw, a former resident of Cass Grosse Pointe are spending a few Depcinski Saturday morning in .parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Harve O'Dell and daugh- services Sunday. While the men City, died from a heart attack and family. tEe, winter at Bradenton, Fla. ter Leila of Whittemore spent .constructed the window wells, while pinned under a crane Fri- Martin and Lawrence Morrish days with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bad Axe General Hospital, a i The regular monthly meeting Toner, over the week end. seven-pound, 12-ounce son named Mr., and Mrs. Martin Wiles and Monday with Mrs. Ray Fleenor -women cjf the church prepared"a day at a landfill project, two of Ferndale spent Monday at the Sweeney and family. of. the Hospital Auxiliary will be pheas- dinner for the workers. home of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Rath- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond and Albert. Joseph. miles south of M-20 at the Bay- bun. Keld in the Girl Scout rooms Mon- Sharon of Auburn Heights were while Mr. O'Dell hunted Mr. and Mrs. Floyd "Mellen Midland county line. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ants here. girls visited at the Charles Vogel I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bundo day night at 8 p. m. were callers of Mrs. Milton Hoffi visited Mr,, and Mrs. Leslie Mr. Allison was pinned by the! Mr. and, Mrs. William Lewis, home in Caro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Krueger Mrs. Wallace Zinnecker and sons. Mrs. G. William Cook and Mrs. man last Wednesday. Mrs. HoffPatty and Billy of Bad Axe spent Mr. and Mrs. .Ray Armstead Hewitt Thursday afternoon. 25-ton crane after_he drove, it Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor had Charles Merchant were in Bad were Sunday afternoon and dinman accompanied them to PonTuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Orlo an(j sons of Rochester and BernMr. and Mrs. George Ashtcn ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed as week-end guests, her brother Axe Saturday evening to attend tiac and visited friends and rela- too near an embankment and it Kohl and Mrs. Amy Bailey. ard Shagena spent from Friday' of Port Huron are spending and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John installation of Eastern Star ofupset. Jones in Bay City. tives until Tuesday, when she reMr. and Mrs. Jim Walker visi- through Monday at the home of several days with Mr. and Mrs. He was talking with other ficers there. Mr. and Mrs. Max Agar had as DePue of Grand Ledge. ' turned to Cass* City with Mr. and workmen, who were trying to ted Mr. aad Mrs. Theodore Mr. and Mrs. Murill' Shagena. Ernest Wills. Mr. and Mrs. John Guinther guests for a few days this week Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley Mc- Mrs. John MacKichan, who came rescue him, for several minutes, Gracey Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Garety of visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. her mother and aunt, Mrs. John Arthur took her mother, Mrs. O. for pheasant hunting. saying his leg hurt, when he Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wirgah and visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Three Rivers and Ray Garety, Clark of Deford and Mrs. Mabel and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt, at Bad G. Squiers, home to Flint this Among those -.attending the suddenly died. son Carl and Dorothy Dove of Hewitt Thursday evening. Axe Sunday. Godden of Capac. week after she had spent a week funeral of Douglas Allison Mon- ^Coroner William F. Stapish Posen spent Monday and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Jackson who is on a seven-day furlough from a Navy base in Virginia, Mrs. "Bud" Gruber and son here. Harold Draper and Mr. and day were Mr. and Mrs. Dugald ruled that death was due to a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold La-* Mrs. Mike Maurer and daughters Mrs. Reed Draper of Saginaw Eddie spent from Friday until Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hunt had McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. heart attack. He said that Allison Allen Depcinski and family. Peer Saturday, evening. of Ubly and Mrs. Dave Sweeney spent Monday at the Del Profit Tuesday with Mr. Gruber at Hale as guests for a few days-"6f last Howard Britt of Grant, Mrs, had suffered only fractured ribs Mr. and Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Mr. and Mrs. Rege Davis of and Frankie visited Mr. and Mrs. where he is employed. home and enjoyed pheasant McDonald of Kansas and Mrs. Utica spent the week end with Jim Walker Saturday. week, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Grant Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack in the accident. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Zapfe Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Keith hunting. Funeral services were held!Angus McCallum and Neil Me- Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack London of Emmerson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monday at 2 p. m. in the Case Callum of Bad Axe visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth CampMrs. Frank Alward returned and three children of Mayville Dean of Avon Lake, Ohio., Mrs. Harold Funeral Home at Saginaw and "and Mrs. Milo Dunlap Saturday, bell of Wayne spent the week end Grand Rapids are • spending a home last Thursday from Detroit were Sunday visitors at the Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Chester Darling Hulburt and couple days with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Chapelo spent Tuesday with Sara Campbell, where she had been visiting with Zapfe home. buriaF was in Erskine Cemetery and daughter Marilyn of Harbor Schwaderer. at the Cliff Robinson home. Henry Luke and son Terry of Alex Ross and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Smith, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Patterson Beach were Sunday night supper Registration for Cub Scouts in Huron County. and Mrs. A. Tetrault and Mrs. of Charlevoix spent several days guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey will be held at the regular meetMr. Allison is survived by his Mr., and Mrs. Don Guigar and Detroit spent Monday an,d Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Steve Decker James Young and children for here this week-, the guests of Mrs. Kritzman and .family. ing Wednesday, Oct. 30, at the widow, a daughter and three daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. day at the home of Mrs. Amy visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff JackAllen Depcinski and family Mon- Bailey and Mr and Mrs. Orlo son and Bob Friday afternoon. Fowler Hutchinson. two weeks. Emmerson Brown of Detroit Cass City Elementary School. sons, several stepchildren> a Mr. and Mrs. Don Becker and ; Kohl. Mrs. Clifford Elwood and Mrs. Edward TPinney had as is a guest this week in the home Authorities said that the meeting brother, Col. William Allison of day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson and i Pat Sofka spent Sunday with sons of Bad Axe and Leslie daughter Betty, Bill Elwood and guests Friday and Saturday, four of his sister, Mrs. John Guinther, will be at 7 p. m.,, a half hour Waukegan, 111., and two sisters, Hewitt spent a day at Kenneth Mrs. Meredith Elwood and chil- former classmates, Mrs. Wini- and is enjoying the pheasant earlier than previous meetings. Mrs. Helen Jeffrey of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bo^d and i Kathyrn Sweeney, girls were Sunday evening sup- Mrs. Curtis Cleland and son Campbell's cabin at' St. Helen. • Either the parent or guardian and Mrs. Grant Howell. dren of Bay City were Sunday fred Daniel of Denver, Colo., hunting. must accompany the Cub for the per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jerry called on Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Smith callers at the home of Mrs. Char- Mrs. H. A. Hume, Bliss Ethel and three daughters of KalamaOrrin Wright -Sunday. lotte Bishop and Mr. and Mrs Hume and Mrs. W. Miner, all of Mrs. Don Lorentzen and Miss registration meeting, spokesmen PLEASANT HOME HOSPITAL Decker. Anne Marie Lorentzen attended said. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Franzel of zoo spenj; from Saturday till MonSunday visitors at the home of Harland Lounsbury and children. Owosso. a bridal shower at Elkton .SaturMr. and Mrs. Jim Shuart were Coloma, Ervin Franzel and a day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mr. 'and Mrs. John Peddie of Births: Oct. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Smith friend from Detroit recently visi- Shuart. day evening for Miss Marj Alex- Flushing spent the week end with REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE PINNEY STATE BANK of Snover, an eight-pound, and three daughters of Kalama- ted at Arnold LaPeer's. ander. Mrs. Cecil Laughton and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell. Grifka of Cass City, Michigan, at the close of business October 11, 1957, a 13-ounce daughter, Barbara Jean. zoo, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Me- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cope- Glen Shagena of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Manley Asher Mr. and Mrs. Basil Wotton and .State banking institution organized and operating under the banking Oct. 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allister and daughter, Mr. Gre- land of Bronson spent the week Mrs. Barney .Shagena of Argyle la,ws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. and several youngsters enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falkenhagen Published in accordance with a call/made by the State Banking Au- a birthday dinner in the Alden attended the installation of Eas- Peters of Decker, a seven-pound, gory Culliman, Mrs. Sam Durkee, end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. visited at the Murill Shagena Asher home Sunday to celebrate tern Star officers in Decker 10-ounce son, David Scott. Mrs. Glen Mclntyre, Mrs. Jerry Jerry Decker and girls. thorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. home Sunday afternoon. Oct. 19 to Mr. and Mrs. George Oviatt and two children of De- Mr. and Mrs. Martin^ .Sweeney Diane , Saturday evening. Mrs. Falkenthe third birthday of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Franzel of . ASSETS Flanagan of Deckerville, a ninetroit, Clark .Shuart, Bernice Gor- and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Coloma are spending this week Asher. hagen was installing marshall Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, .pound, nine-ounce son, Russell malla, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roche- Frank Sageman, near Ubly, Sun-.with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold LaPeer and cash items in process of collection $ 382,542.17 Mr. and Mrs. Willis Campbell and Mrs. Wotton the installing William. : fort and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gray- day afternoon, and Chuck Franzel and other organist for the ceremony spent the week end with their United States Government obligations, -^f Oct. 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard direct and guaranteed '. -. „ $1,154,296.81 daughter, Jayne Campbell, in Mr. and Mrs. Dan Raess and Schuette of Gagetown, a 10- dan Shuart and Janet, Mr. and Brian, Bill and David Sweeney relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow and Mrs. Gerald Shuart and family attended the Hereford cattle sale Obligations of States and political subdivisions 383,384.85 Lansing and Saturday attended children, Daniel, David and pound son, Gary Timothy. family of Dearborn visited Mr. of Bad Axe arid Mr. and Mrs. at, North Branch Wednesday. Other bonds, notes, and debentures „ i 4,969.95 the Michigan State-Purdue foot- Christine, of Holland will return Patients in the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shagena and Mrs. Lee Hendrick Saturday Corporate stocks (including $6,000.00 stock of ball game. home Friday after sp'ending 10 Wednesday noon besides Mrs. Otto Goertsen of Cass City. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson and their guests, "Mr., and Mrs. evening. Federal Reserve bank) ". i......... 6,000.00 days with Mrs. Raess' parents, Andrew (Bill) Wilson of FosSchuette and bafey included: Baby Loans and discounts (including $600.35 overdrafts) 1,354,279.18 Bill Morrish and son Barry daughter visited Mr. and Charles Laughton of Detroit, toria and Harold R. Wilson of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Muntz. Dr.David .Peters and Mrs. John Sef-and Mrs. Leslie Hewitt. Bank premises owned $20,391.84, furniture and fixtures and Glen Dore arid sons, Bill and spent the week end at their home $4,163.56 24,555.40 Caro contributed $50 to the Cass and Mrs. Kingsley Bennett and ton of Decker; Ronald Heck of Jack, of Detroit spent Monday at Mrs. Roy Thornton was a here. Other assets , 676.78 City Hospital fund in memory of son Jeffrey of Hastings .also Elkton; Mrs. Floyd Sanford of Thursday overnight guest of Mr. Mr.' and Mrs! Jerry Decker the Max Laming home. spent from Sunday until Tuesday Mayville; Mrs. John Fox, Mrs. their mother, Vera B. Wilson. The Ubly OES held its election and Mrs. Steve Decker. and girls visited Mr. and Mrs, TOTAL ASSETS >. i $3,310,705.14 Mr. and Mrs. Leigh McConnellwith Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. Arvin Wingert and John Adam- Mrs. Lura Giberson of Dillon, Steve Decker Saturday evening of officers Oct. 16 with Mildred and Mrs. Muntz. The Bennetts and four children of Mt. Clemens czyk of Kingston; Mrs. RonaldColo., Mrs. Belle Tike of Free- to help Mrs. Steve Decker cele- Rathbun worthy matron-elect; ' ' LIABILITIES the Kaesses Raesses were in Mt. spent Sunday afternoon and Mon- and tne mt. Abke, James Sherman and Ray land, Mrs. Joe Lezovich and Mrs. brate her birthday. Alma Davis worthy patron-elect; Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, /!„„ „„•«, -uic, ^oT-o-nfc* Mv -nd Pleasant for the week end to atand corporations -. $.. 735,585.96 day with his parents, Mr. Qand tend Central Michigan College's Collier of Caro; Peter Swartz of Lawrence Tyrrell of Morrice Mr. and Mrs. Cash Jurek and Bertha McLean, associate maMrs. Vernon MeConnell. Harbor Beach; Mrs. Pauline- visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tyrrell sons of Standish and Mr. and tron \ Charlie McLean, associate Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, •home-coming .Saturday. Stecker of Unionville, and Mrs. and family Tuesday. and corporations , 2,115,647.58 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rabideau Mrs. Bill Sweat were Sunday patron, and Marjorie Kerr, conDeposits of United States Government (including James Hewitt, Mrs. Philip Mcand children, Suzanne, "SDianne Mrs. Theodore Gracey, Mrs. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.ductress. There will be an open postal savings) « 25,359.53 and Patty Ann, and Mrs. Leola Comb and .Sam Hnatiuk of Cass Billie Lewis, Mrs. Lynn Spencer Ed Ericson. installation held Wednesday, Oct. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 107,99i.2E Seale were Sunday dinner guests Home Extension City. and Mrs. Curtis Cleland attended Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley of Cass 30. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 11,393.36 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alward. Dave McKensie of Detroit Patients discharged during the the home extension meeting at City - visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack TOTAL DEPOSITS $2,995,977.66 week included: Mrs. Arthur Tank the home of Mrs. Anson Karr Tyrrell and family Sunday eve- spent Monday and Tuesday at Mrs. Norman Carr returned the" Dave Sweeney home. ning. of Brown City; Bartley Lavin of Thursday afternoon. TOTAL LIABILITIES $2,995,977.66 home Wednesday of last we,ek Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gracey Tyre; Mrs. Loretta McQuade, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sweat of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carnpfrom Bad Axe, where she visited CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Mrs. Frank Mosher, Mrs. Law-Onaway spent from Saturday till bell of Wayne and Don and visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen DunFrances T. Clark her daughter, Mrs. Lee Schupe, Capital* .' $ 100,000.00 for five days. County Home Demonstration rence Strace, Mrs. Paul O'Harris Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harold Becker of Bad Axe called lap at their new home in Argyle Surplus 100,000.00 Sunday evening. at Leslie Hewitt's Sunday. Ericson. and baby of Cass -City; Mrs. Agent Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sommers Undivided profits 111,881.11 Richard Burdon and Mrs. Lloyd Vat Colors had as guests from Sunday until i Don't ridicule the opinions of Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 2,846.37 Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Lee As I have been window-shop- Good of Gagetown; Mrs. Melvin others—convince them, to accept Winters of Akron; Gerald Walker! ping over the state, I have decidTOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 314,727.48 Manning of Constantine, Mich. your own. ° and Orin Rogers of Caro; Mrs. i ed that the Americans have gone Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Sommers Leon Siver of Vassar; Howard | beyond mere color-consciousness High Team Series: BartleTOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .... $3,310,705.14 are sisters. Merchanettes League Fame may be a bubble, but let and have become almost color- Hallock of Owendale; Joseph Team *This bank's capital consists of: Common-stock with total par value Mrs. O'Connor 1816. Pts. Pat Rabicleau entered Bartle /• °thers blow yours for you. Kovach of Detroit; Raymond Cass City Oil & Gas ............ 16 minded. » of $100,000.00.. High Team Single: Saginaw General Hospital Tues- Manufacturers point out that Clemens of Pontiac; Mrs. Grifka O'Connor 640. day for surgery^ Her mother, color may not — sell single- ?nd baby and Mrs. Flanagan andjRabideaus MEMORANDA, Bulletin High Jack Series: C. Nye 501. Cags cit gtafe Bank 13 Mrs. Forest Seale, whose home handedly, but a colored product Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities baby, and Charles Hill of Elkton. j> i Js 12 High Jack Single: T. Dewey v an( Mrs. Eva Spencer of- Cass and for other purposes -. $ 183,000.00 is in Texas, -is staying with the wins the consumers' nod more Andrew Czapla of Cass City 189. Leesons ,-— 8 Deposits of the .State of Michigan $ 1,826.50 Rabideau children during their readily than an equally function- was admitted and died. City died Wednesday evening High Jill Series: S. Nye 574, B, after suffering a heart attack. Ideal Plumbing 7% I, Robert H. Keating, Cashier of the above-named bank, hereby mother's absence. Team high three -games: Cass Dewey 479, B. Andrus 464, B. Funeral services have been set certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge Lewis Profit and friend, Bill al, plain one. Just note the passing of the era of the white towel and belief. . ' City State Bank 2071, Cass City Ryland 463. for Sunday at 2 p. m. at CASS CITY HOSPITAL Buckingham,'of Ypsilanti came and sheet. High Jill Single: S. Nye 222- Little's Funeral Home. ROBERT H. KEATING Oil & Gas 2040, Leesons 2015. Births: Sunday and spent Monday with Remember that there is more Correct—Attest: H. M. Bulen 196, M. Guild 181, B. Ryland 169. Oct. 19 to Mr. and Mrs.'Ronald Team high single game: Cass • Splits converted: B. Andrus the former's parents, Mr. and to color than meets the eye, How D. W. Benkelman City Oil & Gas, 720, Cass City Mrs. William Profit, and hunted many of us, men included, look Peters (Nancy Linderman) of '_ Elizabeth E. Pinney ORDER APPOINTING TIME 5-10. Bank 718, Leesons 700. FOR HEARING CLAIMS. Directors. pheasants in company with Don for a label or ask the salesperson Cass City, a six-pound, 13-ounee State Individual high, three games: State of Michigan. The Probate Court State of Michigan, County of Tuscola ss. Kilbourn and son and two about the fastness of the color on daughter, Suzanne Elizabeth. Men's City League for the County of Tuscola. B. Dewey 480, Myrtle Rabideau Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of October, 1957. friends from Mt. Pleasant. Oct. 20 to Mr. and Mrs.JRichard In the Matter of the Estate of the things*we buy? Week of Oct. 21 Charles Wendt, Deceased. Irene Stafford, Notary Public Wright (Laural Caverly) of 1 47 f» £•., , , . , . , Fortunately, without realizing Mr and Mrs. Theo Hendrick Team Standing At a session of said Court, held on My commission expires: March 15,1959. Kingston, a seven-pound, 14Individual high single game: llth, 1957. it, we have been enjoying the Myrtle Rabideau 184, J. Asher Dillman ........... '. ...................... 19% October Present. Honorable Henderson ounce son, William Leroy. where they are attending the benefits of fast color, the soGremel .................................... 17 Graham, Judge of Probato. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE CASS CITY STATE BANK state Grange convention this called vat colors, for years. The Oct. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald (sub.) 179, B. Dewey 177, B. Musall .................................... 16 Notice is Hereby Given, that a1! creditors of said deceased are required to of Tyre, a seven-pound, Powell 167. of Cass City, Michigan, at the close of business Oct. 11, 1957, a State week, visited relatives at Lansing American chemical industries set Vatter present their claims in writing and under Splits converted: V. LaPeer 4- Fredericks 15-ounce son, Robert Paul. out to develop their own dyes oath, to said Court, and to serve a copy banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws and Charlotte. Knoblet....................-..............14 thereof upon Albin J. Stevens of Gass Oct. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin 7-10, D. Klinkman 6-7, B. Knowl- Copeland..............................V when World War 1 cut off their of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published Mrs. Fred Neitzel, Mrs. G. ton 5-8-10, Mary Rabideau Gity, Michigan, fiduciary of said estate, J. Karr of Cass City, a sevenin accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and William foreign sources. and that such claims will be heard by Wallace /. ................................... Mrs. Grant Cook, said Court at the Probate Office on the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. Today the rich hues of vat pound, seven-ounce daughter, 5-9-7. Asher. ........................................ 13" Lester Hutchinson and Mrs. December 20th 1957, at ten A. M. Cindy Sue Leitch ............ ..........................12% It is Ordered. That notice thereof be Merchants League Evens were in Caro Tuesday colors are widely used, not only ASSETS Oct. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenidven by publication of a CODV here., Gagetown ...... ..........................12 for evening of last week to attend for plain and printed cottons, neth Uhl (Patricia Peters) of Week of Oct. 16— Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, three weeks consecutively jrevipna rayons, and linens, but Doerr ...................................... 11 to said day of faearinz. in the Cdss Cltr There is only four points beand cash items in process of collection 454,977.13 Kedron Chapter's installation of washable Bay City, an eight-pound, threeChronicle, and that the fiduciary cause also on blends of these fibers. 10% ft cotnr of this Dann United States Government obligations, Eastern Star officers. tween first and eighth place. notice to be served uoon This includes fabrics for home ounce son, Brent Michael. 500 Games: Knoblet 575, Asher direct and guaranteed 777,288.10 each known warty in interest at Met last 200: Selby 236, Willy 230, M. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Chippi and furnishings as well as clothing. Mrs. Ervin Karr and baby and known address by registered mail reObligations of States and political subdivisions „..s 482,717.15 family of Argyle and Mr. and B. Auten 224, Kilbourn 221, turn receiot demanded, at least fourteen Now the fabrics dyed with vat the following patients have been Corporate stocks (including $7,500.00 stock of Dillman 516, Parker 512, N. (14) days urior to such hearintr. ir K» Hubbard Jr. 218, H. Wolak 209, Federal Reserve bank) 7,500.00 Mrs. Kenneth Pallas and son of colors possess maximum fastness discharged: Mrs. DeBlois and .P. persona' service •& least five (6> d&vt Mellendorf 503. Reed 202, R. Guinther 201, Snover enjoyed a pheasant supbaby of Peck; Mrs. Olive Rocheorior to such hearing Loans and discounts (including $49.95 overdrafts.) 1,813,388.54 to laundering, sunlight, dry 200 Games: Don Erla 223, HENDERSON GRAHAM. leau of Gagetown; Alan Rogers Eisinger,, Coleman 200. Bank premises owned and furniture and fixtures _ 1.00 per Monday evening at the home cleaning and rubbing off. Judge of Probate. Asher 212, Knoblet 208, Tracey 500: Willy 578, Knight 557, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laming, Jr. of Decker, and Artemas Root Other assets 4,000.00 A. true eotKr. The vat dyes are synthetic 206, Leitch 201. Kilbourn 556, Selby, Eisinger 551, Beatrice P. Berry, Register oi Probate. near Argyle. products of known quality and of Cass City. 10-18-3 H. Wolak 547, R. Guinther 546, TOTAL ASSETS $3,539,871.92 Gagetown David Rabideau of Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts and predictable results. In the dyeing Ladies City League Copeland 530, P. Reed 529, Rychildren of Center Line spent process they are first reduced was transferred to Saginaw LIABILITIES Pts. Team from Saturday until Tuesday chemically to a soluble form, so General Hospital for skin .graft- land 526, M. B. Auten 525, Doerr, Walbro Chokes Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, 23 523, Retherford, Dewey 522, ing. Arthur Little that they actually may penetrate and corporations : $ 636,469.95 morning at the Andrus 20% Marlette Livestock home. Mr. Roberts hunted pheas- the textile fibers to become part Patients admitted during the Geiger 521, Benkelman 520, Kolb Dewey Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, 18 Auction Co. and since discharged in-, 518, Freiburger 512, Gremel 511, and corporations , 2,335,048.93 ants Monday. of the fabric. Next, when the week 17 Nye eluded: Robert Lefler of Decker; C. Williams 509, Croft 505, Market, Report Deposits of United States Government (including For friends who may wish to fibers have absorbed the dye comMcComb „ 16 postal savings) : 21,199.70 write Larry Morrison, who is a pletely, the chemical process is Patricia. Newton- of Kingston, and Bigham 501. Monday Oct. 21, 1957 15 Team high games: Fuelgas Wolak Deposits of States and political subdivisions 196,972.54 patient in a hospital in Morocco, reversed and the dye reverts to Thomas Balzer of Unionville. I. Hildinger 13 Bulk 1071-1046-1045. Best Butcher Omer deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 9,589.40 his address is as follows: A/2c its original insoluble form; fixed Patients in the hospital 13 T0TAL DEPOSITS $3,199,280.52 Cattle 21.50-23.75 Wednesday noon included: Mrs. Team high three games: Fuel- Hughes Laurence E. Morrison, AFl'64712in the fibers for the life of the 12% Ottler liabilities .*..: , 24,072.49 gas Bulk 3162, Strohs 2924, Deford Gals Sylvia Kelly of Tyre; Mrs. Good Butcher 44, 377th USAF Hospital, APO fabric. Each step in" the comMcCullough 9 Bowling Alley 2918. plicated process of making and Marion Bearss, Alfred LeBlanc 19.50-21.00 TCPTAL LIABILITIES '$3,223,353.01 117, New York, N. Y. B. Hildinger 8 Cattle Team Standings and John Sobolewski Jr. of Cass applying vat colors calls for ex- City; Sandra Shagena of Argyle; Wilmot Mrs. John Gledhill of Roseville Streamliners ....^ , 3 Standard 17.50-19.00 20 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Team High Three Games: An- Commercial came Monday night to visit her acting skill. 19 15.00-17.00 Capital* : $ 100,000.00 daughter "and son-in-law, Mr. and The consumer can make certain Dave Matthews of Deford, and (Fuelgas Bulk drus 2057, McCullough 2049, .1 T 19 Surplus 150,000.00 Mrs. Alex Greenleaf, and to at- that she is getting vat colors in Mrs. Mary Roberson of Kingston. Alward Common 12.00-15.00 Frutchey 18 Hughes 2016. Undivided profits .: .66,518.91 Team High Single Game: Mc- Fdrs. by Ib tend the Eastern Star installa- the cottons, washable rayons, and 15.00-20.75 Brinkers linens that she buys by looking Lutheran Ladies at Cullough 711, . McComb 709'1 Best Butcher TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS „... $ 316,518.91 tion. Bowling Alley 16 Nine members of the Art Club for "Vat T)yed," or "Vat Anrods 16 Hughes 703. 14.00-15.50 Printed" on hand tags, labels Zone Rally Tuesday Individual High Three Games: Cows .. were present when Mrs. Ben Fuelgas 16 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .... $3,539,871.92 or selvage markings. Commercial 12.50-14.00 A. McComb 507, B. Dewey 458, Strohs 13 *This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value Kirton entertained the group If vat colors are not identified Cutter to last Thursday afternoon. AsFive members of the Cass City Forts 13 Betty O'Connor 451. of $100,000.00. on the fabric, ask the salesperson Individual High Single Game: Canners „ Lutheran Church attended the Cass Tavern sistant hostess was Mrs. Ralph 9.00-12.00 12 MEMORANDA Ward. Mrs. Albert Whitfield was to check with the department's Thumb zone rally of the Lutheran Bankers 12 A. McComb 203, M. Hull 188, Best Butcher buyer. Betty O'Connor 171, M. Guild Aasets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities « Women's Missionary League Royal Flush in charge of entertainment for 10y2 Bulls 16.50-17.75 (sub.) 167, A. Eiley 165. and for other purposes $ 155,000.00 the meeting. The November You as the purchaser can Tuesday at Unionville. Oliver 10 Deposits of the State of Michigan $ 125,000.00 meeting will be witlv Mrs. Sam expect to see more vat dyes used Splits converted by: D. Tracy Medium ..... 13.00-16.00 8 on fabrics. You "can expect to see They were: Mrs. Esther Willy, Cass Mfg. I, C. M. Wallace, Cashier of the abovernamed bank, hereby 30.00-36.75 — 6 5-7, J. Curtis 2-7, H. Rusch 5-7, Top Veal certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge Vyse. more informative labels, so I Mrs. Fred Iseler, . Mrs. Henry Hartwick A. Moffat 5-10, G. Root 5-9-7. Mr. and Mrs Ray McGrath of|hope everyone who is buying Heck, Mrs. Alvin Avery and Mrs. Fair to Good ...... 26.00-30.00 ancf belief. Jack & Jill League Royal Oak and Gordon Sellers of! some new fabrics will look for Glen Ulrey. ^ C. M. WALLACE Seconds 17.00-23.00 Oct. 20 The meeting was held at St. Correct—Attest: B. F. Benkelman One of the rules of life seems Common.. Berkley spent Monday and Tues- " and read all labels thoroughly. 12.00-16.00 M. B. Auten Points to be that we never realize the Deacons Paul's Lutheran Church and Rev. Team day at the Art Kelley home and Coming Events .... 2.00-35.50 F. B. Auten 9 pleasures of life until we look the men hunted pheasants. - On Nov. 14, section I's project Pankow, missionary to Mexico, Andrus-Guild Lambs 17.50-20.75 Directors. 8 back on them. Theresa Werdeman of Cass leaders will meet at the 4-H was the speaker. He showed Bartle-O'Connor Top Hogs 17.00-17.75 State of Michigan, County of Tuscola ss: ide of Ms Nye^Hulburt : -7 City has been named treasurer of building at 1 o'clock for the first !i ® work in Mexico to Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of October No. 2 Hogs 16.00-17.00 the 126 women -attending. Dewey-Dillman ' . , 6 As a rule, it takes a mighty the Junior class in elections re- lesson of the year - Looking Your 1957. . 13.50-15.50* 5 shrewd financier to make his the- Rghs A luncheon was served at noon Johnson-Langmaid ..' cently completed at Mercy Col- Best. Then, on Nov. 15, section Frederick H. Pinney, Notary Public ... 1 EastonTMeCormick in the church. * ' . ories pay dividends. lege in Detroit. My Commission expires Sept. 20, 1958. , II will meet at 1 o'clock for the same lesion. J.J- Agent's Corner 1 T-\*Tt /» V» 1 A i • v .. I _ _ CASS CITY CHRONICLE— CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20^1957. Want Ad Put A CIDER MILL open now on NOW YOU can have a new POULTRY: WANTED — Drop. Thursday and Saturday; also, health bread high in protein, low postal card to Stephen Dodge,, cider for sale at Johnson's Cider! in calories. A new taste sensa- Cass City. Will call for any Mill, ^ mile west of Snover., tion, try Black Bread only at amount at any time. Phone 6-22-tf 7098W or 559, 8-14-tf Phone 3827. 9-20-6, Sommers' Bakery, FARMERS — We do custom ZENITH—The royalty of hearing SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools slaughtering. Hogs $2.50; Beef, aids, enjoyed by more people cleaned. ^Als® ready built ce$1.50. We buy your beef hide.' tha-n any other hearing aid in J ment septic tanks or can pour Monday, Tuesday,'Wednesday- the world. Priced as low as $65! them at your home. Phone Caro no appointment Tiecessary. We' to $165. McConkey Jewelry & 92913. Lloyd Trisch, 5 miles Septic tanks, seepage beds, also cut and wrap meat for deep ! Gift Shop, Cass City, Mich, northeast of Caro on Colwood SWEAT-PROOF- insoles, guaranFOR RENT—home, 2 bedrooms, IN ARTIFICIAL breeding the foundations, short runs of freeze. Ic for cutting, Ic wrap- ' Phone 278W. 9 27 10 Road. ';. 9-18-tf teed never to crack or curl. Try bath, front, kitchen and utility; proof is in the daughters. Se- tile at reasonable rates. ping. Gross & Maier, phone 416., a pair of Red Wing work shoes ropm. Must have reference. In-, lective mating available Use; 1-4-tf i BAKE SALE— sponsored ^b SU APPLES FOR SALE—Mclntosh, today. Riley's Foot Comfort, quire from Oct. 30, 2 1/8 south' Michigan Artifical Breeding j Pancratius Altar Society for Snows, red and yellow Delicious, Cass City. 3-22-tf of Cass City. _ 10-25-11 Co-op service. For information; WANTED—-Man for farm work.-11 benefit of Community Hospital, , Northern Spies, Kings and STEAM CURED BLOCKS Phone 459W Evenings call inseminator Richard Ross,! Married or single. Fred Hull, 4 at Tdwnsend's, Saturday, Oct. other varieties; also apple cider. Kingston 16F3, or Secretary! south, 2Va east of Cass City. 26, 1:00 till 6:00, 10-25-1 Pringle; Orchards, 1 east, 2% Cement - Cinder - Waylite 6541 Elizabeth St. E. G. Golding, Cass City 8299R.J 10-25-1* south of Shabbona. 10-4-tf 6-14-tf „ . 10-18-13! GRAVEL ATTENTION PLEASE—For all BRICK HOME-7 rooms-4 bedNOTICE—We repair zippers and new and modern upholstering, BAKE SALE—sponsored by St. rooms; auto, oil furnace; corner CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING — KEYS! Any kind at Bulen replace them in jackets, etc. free estimates and delivery, re-j Pancratius Altar Society for lot; well shaded; garage; excelWe do custom slaughtering Motors, Cass City, Mich. 1-8-tf Riley's Foot Comfort, Gass City. styling. Motorizing and repairing benefit of Community Hospital, lent location; near schools, playAlcasco Aluminum Windows . 8-23-tf sewing machines, repairing at Townsend's, Saturday, Oct. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. |pOR ground and shopping center; SALE_seven Holstein Dow Styrofoam Insulation No appointment necessary We heifers or cows to freshen soon; combine canvases, see Hutchin-i 26, 1:00 till 6:00. 10-25-1 owner leaving community; ofalso cut and wrap meat for - u from artificial breeding; TB son's Upholstery Shop, Cass fered to you for $7,500. Terms. FREE ESTIMATES City, just west of Watson's deep free^ Smoking and cur- j and Bangs tested. Clayton Root,, 40 ACRES near Colwood, level SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD ing meat Fnday is chicken day. j -g north 2% eagt of Cags Cit Restaurant, phone 333. 5-31-tf land, choice loam, tiled; modern PERCH, PICKEREL Carl Reed, 1% miles south of 10-25-11 FOR SALE—1957 24-ft. deluxe NEW LISTINGS on Farms, all Drain Tile Elbows and tees, cul- Cass City, phone 7109K. 4-16-tf Phone 7320K. home; priced to sell at $18,000. & CATFISH Owner leaving for California. vert pipe outlets and culvert EVINRUDE OUTBOARD motors, For sale every day of the week. house trailer with full bath; sizes. Houses in Cass City. Refully equipped; used 6 days. tirement property and small pipe end guards. Complete line of WANTED AT ONCE—Man with! sales and service; Dupont house MODERN HOME, very neat, William Repshinski, 7 east, 1 acreage. concrete and lightweight blocks, car for Rawleigh - business in, paints and varnishes. Kingston newly painted; large lot; gas brick, stone and allied building Eagt Tuscola County. Buy on 1 Auto Supply, Phen© 54 Kingsnorth, 8 east of Cass City. 2 miles south, V2 west of heat; full basement; modern WE HAVE Homes for sale-New Phone 8434K. supplies. ton. 4-12-tf time. Write immediately to I bathroom; 2-car garage; utility and used-Some good farms- A 10-25-1 Cass City Phone TUcker 1-3621 Sebewaing Rawleigh's, Dept. MCJ-541-301 ] building; nicely shaded; ranch few excellent business opporFreeport, 111. 10-25-1' type fence in back of home; tunities, Also good deals on inPhone 160 Bay Port, Mich. come property. garden spot; full price $7,500 Phone Olive 6-2631 Terms. Immediate possession. LARGE DOGHOUSE for sale/ WE HELP Finance sale if buyer 6338 Sixth St. Fred Ritchie. 10-4-tf 3-9>tf 120 ACRES partly tiled, modern lacks cash. NEW RANCH TYPE HOME in 10-18-tfl • : : ' HOUSE and 3 acres just outside! ! NOTICE—Applications for em- "home, good barn, silo, tool shed, Caseville, 1 block from lake; 3 j ployment now being taken for chicken coop, garage. The price bedrooms; full basement; gar- FOR SALE—Herd of 10 Holstein 1956 MODEL FRIGIDAIRE elec- of town. This is a good "do it; stove, like new; perfect yourself project" for a young '< women employees, 20-35 upars is right. Cass City • age attached; gas Calcinator; a- milk cows, 3 and 4 years old. trie condition. Priced to sell fellow with a strong back and J .Salesman, Colbert Realty of age. Anrod Screen Cylinder luminum storms and screens; TB and Bangs tested. % east of working Cass City 544R. C. F. not much money. $3,500 down For Cass City, Mich. Co., East Main St., Cass City. 220 ACRES, modern four-bed-, 6471 Main St. 8-speed exhaust fan; floors all Elmwood. Phone 8362M. Jack quickly. 10-25-1 for this. $5,000 full price. 8-30-tf 10-25-1 room home, good barn, 3 silos 10-25-1 Schneider. tiled; Thermopane picture win- Zellar ideal dairy farm. Less than dows; ranch fence; large lot, USED FURNITURE — Used WE HAVE on hand a nice selee- j DRESS SHOP and ladies ready TV and radio repair service. Call $125.00 per acre. Term*.WE TRADE buy or sell used sadoffered to you for $15,500. Easy studio, $10.001 You pick up. tion of registered Holstein cows to wear in Kinde. All good clean j Buy the best for less William Guinther, phone 8470R. dles. New ones. Wholesale and and heifers. Some with records. terms. 200 ACRES partly tiled. A-'.| merchandise. Good potential. Square dining room table and 4 10-4-tf retail. Riley's Foot Comfort, Calfhood vaccinated. TB and level land, home modern, except! $2,500 for equipment and in120 ACRES with equipment; mo- chairs, $25.00. Used sheet music Bang's tested. See us for your ventory 3-22-tf at retail less 20 per cent, furnace. Thuse looking for good Cass City. cabinet, $5.00. Long Furniture, dern home; grade A dairy setreplacements. No Sunday sales. Heated, clean building. Low land should see this. 10-25-2 up; 20 stanchions; drinking Marlette. FOR SALE—Fox Terrier pup2 miles east, Vz mile north of rent, good lease —•cups; 12x40 ft. silo; implement NEW JEEP motor for sale— Marlette. 400 ACRES highly productive pies, 6 weeks old. 8 miles north, Taylor Holsteins, ^ 10-4-tf storage building; 2-car garage; Bud Hull, Gagetown. 10-25-1* phon6 2132. land. 2 sets buildings; woll 5-10-tf BAR in Bay Port, class C .and HHFT?T?,o -RATVTATYYR QTrRVTrF. east, % north Cass City. Bart — ; .i SDM licenses. Owners have ERR S RADIATOR SERVICE. 120 ACRES clay land, 7% miles drained. This is for the parti- 2Aiken. grade A milk house; 2. 10-25-1* corn cribs; all hay, straw, silFOR SALE—5 hp oil fired low made small fortune. Want $10,- Cleaning, repairing reeoreing. northeast of Cass City, owned cular guy. Can try your terms. B miles east of City on pressure boiler. Dome type with 000 down and $250 a month. age; 2 tractors and other equipby Charles Vogel. M-81, phone 7250R. 3-11-tf INCOME HOME-present inccme ment; all in good condition. Only COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS all automatic equipment. Complete $200.00. Automotive In- FARM AND DINING ROOM WEEK-END SPECIAL — 25% 70 ACRES cleared, large alii, f 190.00 month; plenty of room modern house, large barn—other for $60."00 month more, besides CAN BE had plus $25,00 Door dustries, Inc. ORange 8-2211 Mr. near Bad Axe. Farm supplies Bump and paint work SO ACRES: 9-room brick home; Prize just N for coming to the MacKenzie. Owendale, Michigan. nearly all dining room food. wool blanket, extra large size, outbuildings. Low price, $13,- owner's apartment. Priced for 72 x 90, wide selection of colors, quick sale. Terms 000, reasonable terms. bathroom in; new well and water Akron Hardware ,on Saturday, All work guaranteed 10-25-5 Business could be doubled. heavy weight. Boxed, only $4.99. system; 28x60 ft. barn; very Nov. 2, to see demonstration: Farm alone is worth price asked. Federated Store, Cass City. In very good condition, house neat surrounding; comes with all by the Dri Gas Company and FOR SALE—9-room house with $20,000 down. V . 10-25-1 22 by 28, to be moved. Full household furnishings; only the Siegler Oil Heater Company. bath and steam heat. 3 blocks price only $2,100. Try your REALTOR $10,500. Terms. To settle estate. Both companies will have their south of Ford garage, 4283; SUPER MARKET in Port Hope. terms. Owner is ill, has SDM and SDD j West St. See O. H. Blair, 4 east, 776 N. State St.. Caro, Mich. 4586 Maple, 1% blocks north of ONE ACRE: 1% miles off M-81, representatives here. Anyone 9 north and Vz west of Cass Licenses. Large corner lot with Phone 441 Very nice 6-room home, 3 bed- Main. near Cass City: 4-room comfort- wishing to purchase* their Mer- City, or phone Bad Axe 838W4. lots of parking space. Living 9-27-tf rooms, full basement, oil furOwned and operated by able home; insulated; new wir- chandise this day can do so with 10-11-3 quarters are included. $8,000 - Complete Insurance Service nace, garage attached, beautiful BOB "BIBBER" RABIDEAU ing; new sink; new water sys- large discounts. down is all that is needed. THEY'RE EASIER on your 10-4-13 tem; very neat in and out; out- You must register for the door Phone 200 purse, feet and stockings. Red landscaping. Quick possession. 6471 Main St. HAVE MORE property not addoor fireplace; ideal for retire- prize but need not be present living room, Wing work shoes with sweat- NEW. "HOME, Cass City vertised at this time. We need ment or newlyweds. Only $5,500. to win. If you come, you will be proof insoles. Riley's Foot Comhouses in Cass City to sell. lucky, if you don't, you will be Terms. 12-7-tf fort Cass City. 3-22-tf on M53. sorry. down. ACRES—Novesta Twp.—nice1 :80 ACRES with equipment near FROM 10:00 a. m. TO 4:00 p. m. 40modern EXPERIENCED auctioneer Com- FOR SALE—Bottle gas space l&ome, good barn, silo M-19; 7-room home; own water plete auctioneering service Han- heater, 20,000 BTU'S, used 4 VERY NICE home, 3 bedrooms, Let us check your spark plugs, large chicken coop, milk house, system; large barn; large poulMARTIN VOLZ, Broker dle anywhere. > Ira Osentoski, months. 6796 E. Main. Maxine oil furnace, gara ,e attacu i, 2-car garage. On pavement. try house; comes with tractor ELDON HALL, Salesman 6219 Pringle Rd. Phone 130F32 Loney. radiator and heater hoses, therm10-25-1 only $2,300 down. and other equipment; out-of6479 Main St. Cass City. 80 ACRES—Koylton Twp.—6- , Phone 514 * 9-30-tf 4 ACRE farm, 2 bedroom home, ostats, fan belts, generators, town owner. Priced to sell at Cass City, Michigan room house, basement, stoker, bath, garage, barn, chicken coop, $12,500. Terms. Akron Hardware full bank barn. Good price for f FOR SALE—Gray fur coat, wine FOR SALE—baby's red car seat; starters and ignition. We carry a corn crib. Priced to selL quick sale. i cloth coat with zip in lining, ivory training seat; baby swing, Phone MY 1-4511 56 ACRES near M-53: home has! blue stroller. All like new. Phone JUST LISTED—7-room and bath complete high quality line. new siding; ©wn water system. 10-25-2 120 ACRES — Grant — modern other clothes, size 16. Saturday 544W. 10-25-1 h@me, good location $6,000 full afternoons only. Mrs. Rex 24x40 ft. barn; brooder house. home, stoker, L barn, milk price; terms ®n part. Immediate Widow cannot handle. $9,000. PHOTO FINISHING—Fast ser- house, garage; 23-acre wheat, Harris, 4 east, 3 south, l1^ east USED APPLIANCES — Maytag vice, hi-gloss finish. Service, allotment. $16,500; $3,700 down. of Cass City on Argyle Rd. possession. automatic washer, $125.00; 1949 M International tractor Low down payment. 10-25-1 quality and fair price. Enlarge10-25-2 Norge automatic washer, $125.- 1950 M International tractor with NICE 2-BEDROOM home, full ONE ACRE - STONE HOME: 4 ments made from your nega- 160 ACRES — Minden — modern oo; Reconditioned Norge dryer, bath, basement. Near school,! FOR. SALE—year-old hay. Inbedrooms; full basement; fur- tives. Pictures copied if no home, dairy barn, feeder barn, 1956 GENERAL House Trailer,' $125.00; Coal and wood circula- front loader only $500 down; then $35.00 quire Grant Pringle, 2 east of nace; bathroom; two-car gar- negative. Neitzel Studio, Cass. , 30 stanchions, cups, 2 silos,' 44 x 8; good condition; price tor $25.00; Used gas range,$35.1954 Case Chopper Deford. 10-18-2 month. $3,100. Phone Kingston lt>F21 00; Used refrigerator, $35.00. age; shaded. Offered to you for City. - 10-20-tf granary. On pavement. Terms. or 1 mile west, IVz mile north Long Furniture, Marlette. $5,000. Small down payment. Case Combine, 6-ft., all set for SCHOOL BUILDING, 18 by 30, PART-TIME janitor work. Apply FOR SALE—Baled hay. % mile 238-ACRE dairy farm — Bing- j of Kingston. _ 10-18-2 10-25-2 beans. cut down 8 ft. ceiling, new Anrod Screen Cylinder Co., East •6-ROOM HOME in Gagetown: east of Deford. W. Jim ham — modern home, L barn,! 10-25-1 near^store; large corner lot; Posluszny. Elevator, 40-ft. with heavy dutyj block wall. One acre ground. Main St., Cass City 10-18-3* 30 stanchions, 2 silos, grade A J Full price only $1,600. some furniture; garage attached milk, feeder barn, machine shed, motor. to home; full price is $2,800. FOR SALE—Cottage near Case- some woods. On pavement. 5 ACRES black top road, 4-room ville, partly finished inside; in * Oliver 70 4-row. cultivator Down payment $1,200. Terms. Fire - Automobile - Life - Farm house, small barn. $4,000 full the woods, 400 ft. from good price; terms. •COMFORTABLE HOME in Cass beach. Burt Cobb, * 4% miles ACRES - Austin - modern H°USE - J rooms and ,bath' GOOD PRODUCTIVE 80-acre home, nice barn, machine shed, basement, furnace, garage, large City: newly painted: neat in south, % east of Kingston. carpeting, antenna, linoi farm west of Cass City. Modern FARM AND GENERAL and out; full basement; bath10-25-1* chicken coop, garage. $2,000 lot, leums included. Quick possession house, good barn and other down. room tiled; Westinghouse cupCass City, Mich. Excellent location. $8,500. Cash boards and sink; lots of flowers; WAYSIDE NURSING Phone 145 buildings. $18,500, full price. Phone 267 Cass City Lee and Georgia M. Hazard, WE HAVE A nice variety of or terms. only $6,000. Terms. 10-4-tf) Elkton, Mich. Phone 100. Rea farms, homes and business op- J 6-25-tf portunities. If interested in 5 ACRES: near Cass City; ex- sonable rates. State licensed. buying or selling, call or write cellent location; 2 bedrooms 11-23-tf Salesman, Colbert Realty 6293 W. Main St. Phone 390 FOR RENT—7-room house with Salesman, Colbert Realty downstairs and room for large modern conveniences, located 7 Cass City, Michigan Cass City bedroom upstairs; large bath- FREE—Short course in photogeast, % north of Cass City. Cass City, Mich. 10-18-2 room;, lots of cupboard and raphy with every camera sold Clayton Hartwick. 10-25-1 9-30-tf storage space; floors all tiled; by Neitzel. 10-4-tf ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen ROOFS - EAVESTROUGHS POULTRY WANTED, phone Realtor WANTED—A neat appearing: Cass City 7531K or drop a card young shade trees started out. privileges for young lady. Phone man with car who can furnish to Joe Molnar, Deford, Mich. 529 E. Huron Ave. Bad Axe SLAB WOOD for sale—delivered. 88J. $5,500. 10-18-2 PHONE MARLETTE 4791 good references to service Fuller; 3-25-tf Fibre glass permanent awnings. Phone 7142K. Virgel Peters. EESTAURANT: fully equipped; Phone 776 MUSCOVY ducks and drakes for 3-11-tf Brush customers in a protected j 10-18-4 10-25-2 excellent location on highway* in We Can» Give you immediate sale, 25c a pound, 2% south of territory. $85. guaranteed forj FOR SALE—15 head of Holstein village; Due To Poor Health. possession of the below desCass City. Helen Dulemba. AT HILL ORCHARD--Apples; first week while in training. heifers to start freshening soon. FOR RENT—three-room apartDAIRY FARMERS — Selective $2,500 Small down payment. 10-25-2 snows, Mclntosh, Windfall Del- Write or call Fuller Brush Co., TB and Bangs tested. 6 east, 2% cribed home: breeding or line breeding. Avail- ment, partly furnished. 4413 2 MOTELS FOR SALE: 1 8-unit icious;- also sweet cider R. L. 1906 So Van Buren St., Bay) north, 1 east of Bad Axe. Phone West St. Phone 417J. Bruce able from high index proved and living quarters and one 7Hill, 7 miles southwest of Caro City, Mich. TW 3-0303. 10-4-tf 784J1. Herb Sadro. 10-11-3 Holcomb. 10-25-1 unit and living quarters. Priced TWO BEDROOM, one story home sires at any time with frozen on M81. Open daily till 6 p. m. with glassed in sunroom; full semen from American Breeders' right. AND 10-18-tf WANTED—experienced woman I WISH to take this opportunity basement; furnace; elec. hot Service. Fred Haddix Jr. Phone AUTHORIZED ' FRIGIDAIRE for work behind meat counter. to thank the Pleasant Home Service—Also service ,on any We have ~ several businesses for water heater; insulated; newly Snover 3591. 12-14-tf make of refrigeration equipMEN'S FULL 14-inch saddle, in- Must have pleasant personality. Hospital, the nurses, Dr. Donasale. Please call at office for painted; nicely shaded lot; only cluding bridle with aluminum Erla's Food Center. 10-25-1 hue, Father Mikulski and all FOR SALE—150 leghorn hens. ment. Home Service. Frigidaire $7,000. Terms. more particulars. bit. $57.95. New pony saddle as and -Speed Queen Appliances. others who assisted during the Steve Gyomory, 10% south of NEW KROEHLER vibrating low as $27.95, Riley's'. Foot Com 239 S. State St., Phone 117, Driveway gravel and fill dirt. recent illness and death of An160 ACRES hear Carsonville: Cass City on Cemetery Road. fort, Cass City. 3-22-tf chair, relaxer. See it today. drew Czapla The Czapla family. "See It TODAY" $22,000. 8-room home; bath10-25-1* Caro. Frank Altizer, owner. Long Furniture, Marlette. 10-25-1* 7-23-tf room; oil heat; 40x80 ft. barn; NOTICE—Men who picked pp 10-25-2 FUELGAS CO. Bulk gas, for 30x45 ft. tool shed; near Lake light red and white coon hound, I WISH to take this opportunity every purpose. From 20 pounds Huron. with rope on collar, return to FOR SALE—3 bedroom house. to thank each and every one for to 1000 gallons. Rates as low as Oak flooring in bedrooms and United Farm Agency Ernest Cook, 1 west, 2% north . the cards, flowers, candy, fruits When Buying or Selling see, call Made with washed material 4c per pound. Furnaces, ranges, of Cass City. 10-25-3* living room. Birch cupboards. and other gifts that I received or write to: Steel Sash 6306 W. Main St. Cass City water heaters, refrigerators, IN CASS CITY, Income home, 4 Full basement. Garbage disposal in Mercy Hospital. Also wall furnaces, flojor furnaces, rooms and full bath down, 4 POTATOES for sale and baled Oil base ray heatl Call at while Phone 365 rooms and full bath up. 2-car washers and dryers. If it's gas, straw. 4 miles east, 2 south of Brinker Lumber Co., Cass City. for all the food and help that we sell and service it. Corner garage, corner lot, good location. * 10-18-tf was given at the house. Special Deford. William Zimba. 10-18-3 Open Everyday Bonded Broker SHOP AROUND — THEN thanks to Drs. Merrill and $1,500 down. Balance $60 per M-81 and M-53. Phone Cass City United Farm Agency month. Income $75 per month. BOTTLED GAS—Safe, clean, de- WATSONS Restaurant will open Woodburn and nurses. Raiola 395 for free estimate. 11-2-tf COMPARE 6306 W. Main St. ! FOR SALE—Two large 2-year10-25-1* pendable gas service. Free at 6:30 a. m. starting Monday, O'Dell and family. Cass City, Michigan Phone 365 old Holstein heifers, due Oct. ARE YOU MOVING? Call Curequipment. Call us first, phone Oct. 21. West of Cass City, IN LOVING MEMORY of our We Advertise Locally as well as 25 and 27. TB and Bangs tested. tis Sinclair, Caro 449, Collect. Bad Axe 97W1. Shellane Gas across railroad tracks. ; dear father, Joseph Nichols, who Nationally Salesman," Colbert Realty Two Surge milkers, used one 1069 E. Caro Rd. Local and Long Service,, 886 Yan Dyke, Bad 10-18-2* passed away Oct. 22,1937. Away "Our 33rd Year of Dependable year, new type buckets. Call Distance Moving. "Move With Cass City, Michigan Axe. P. O. Box 109. 8-9-tf Service" 10-18-2 Phone 7093R TRUCK or buy livestock. Call in the beautiful hills of God, evenings or Saturdays. Floyd Care - Call Sinclair." ,8-15-tf Cass City I AM STILL doing sewing and I 15 days, or 218M or 2J. Ralph Away from all sorrow and care, Kennedy, 4 miles east, 5 miles FOR RENT—Seven-room modern FOR SALE—Electric stove. John altering in my home and will A. Youngs. 10-25-4 Someday, some time, we know south, 1% east of Cass City. 6-14-tf farm house; oil furnace. 6% not when We'll meet our loved Day, 5 north, % west, Vz north. MAKE $75 UP WEEKLY. Full make square dance costumes. 10-18-2* west, 2 north of Cass City. Phone 7131K. 10-25-2* or part time. Take orders for WE BUY EGGS. Erla Food Cen- Mrs. Clark Zinnecker, % mile FOR SALE—1953 2% Ton GMC one there. Always remembered America's largest selling liquid ter, Locker Plant. Write, Call Erwin Schnepp, FOR SALE—Beef by the quarter COE Stake truck with 20 ft. by his daughters and sons. 10-25-1 west of Deford, 8531W. Flint, SN 9-5891. 10 18 3 or by the half. Clifford Martin. LOST in vicinity of Quick School, fertilizer. Used by farmers 10-25-1 platform. 173 in. W. B. mounted Irish setter, black with a little since 1946. Liberal profits. No FOR SALE—Geod used tires in SALE—6-family apartment on 8:25-20 tires. Two tires pracPhone 7299K Cass City. 10-25-1 WANTED— Scrap metal, batwhite, weighs about 50 Ibs., investment. Write "Na-Churs" almost all truck and passenger house in Bad Axe on Main St. tically new, balance have good We wish to extend our sincere teries, junk cars. Pickup on FOR SALE Woman's black name "Five Spot." William Plant Food^o., 435 Monroe St., car sizes. Good assortment of Excellent location. All year mileage left in them. Two speed j thanks to all the many friends quantities. Call 373. Southside plush winter coat. Call 426M.) Zemke, Deford. Phone 8560J. Marion, Ohio. 10-18-3 600xl6's. O'Brien's Tire Shop 'round renters. Terms available. transmission. Directional signals and neighbors and Mr. Little Auto Parts, Cass City. 11-30-tf 10-18-2 10-25-1 620 E. Huron Ave., Bad Axe, 314 W. Huron, Pad Axe. 10-18-2 etc. Automotive Industries, Inc. i for their sympathy and many WEEK-END SPECIAL — 25% Mich. 5-7-tf Owendale, Michigan. ORange kindnesses during our recent SWEAT-PROOF insoles, guaran- THEY'RE EASIER on yourj wool blanket, extra large size, FOR SALE—1953 Chevrolet 4- 8-2211. ENDS WON'T MEET 10-25-5 bereavement of our loving wife * People who live from hand to teed never to crack or curl. Try purse, feet and stockings. Red* 72 x 90, wide selection of colors, LOST—small female Collie, black door sedan. Good tires and in and mother. Mr. Thomas mouth sometimes find that the a pair of Red Wing work shoes Wing Work shoes with sweat-s heavy weight. Boxed, only $4.99., and white. Name "Bootsie." excellent condition. Mrs. HerWANTED—Used toy tractor or Nichols, two daughters, Shirley Merle Kitchen. Phone 7157W. bert Maharg, phone 3M. hand won't quite reach the today. Riley's Foot Comfort, proof insoles. Riley's Foot Com-, Federated Store, Cass City. automobile. Suitable for 4-yr.- and Anna May; Son Clayton 3-22-tf \ 10-25-1 Cass City. 3-22-tf fort Cass City. 10-25-1* 10-25-1 old child. Call 5811J. 10-25-1* and Sister Irma. mouth. 10-25-1* WANT AD RATES Want ad of 20 »words or less, 40 cents each, insertion ; additional words, 2 cents each. Orders by mail should be accompanied by cash or postage stamps. Rates for display want ad on application. Ready-Mix Concrete Real Estate . BACK HOE DIGGING Aiian Brown JAHR'S For Block and Tile We Deliver • Anywhere FISH Cass City Concrete Products WANTED R. L. Gillingham Fishing Co. Check LITTLE'S FURNITURE Jahr Block & Tile REAL ESTATE John McCormick GIFTS Free Gift Wrapping For Sale Free Gifts Free Estimates Frank Seeley BOB'S BUMP and PAINT; SHOP John V. McCormick Now State Wide of Vassar Stanley and Ruth Morell Cass City Auto Parts For Sale John McCormick General Insurance Auctioneering Arnold Copeland NOTICE Washed Gravel Sand For Sale Concrete Blocks B. A. Calka John McCormick.. Tuokev Block Co. Colbert RealEstate John McCormick.. Marlette Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Cash P. Cook B. A. Calka RABIDEAU MOTOR SALES CASC ary CHEQNICLE- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25,1957. PAGE SIX CABS CH1% MICHIGAN. EVERY Hi Neighbor! IGA ALL PURPOSE FLOUR I 25-LB, BAG 1Mb. bag SUNSHINE KRISPY Here is the second of two big weeks featuring our own IGA Brand products. This week, as with the first week, we are suggesting you try our IGA products and prove to yourself that top quality together with low price can be yours. So come in today and begin shopping the IGA way-... You'll find your savings are in the "Total." FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 M. CRACKERS A natural with IGA Table Rite Cheese BLUING IT'S PLENTIFUL AND ECONOMICAL 5-lb. bag 8qc FROZEN IGA Frozen 8-in. size FRUIT Apple PIES — Cherry — Peach IGA Frozen 8_oz FISH STICKS ' ' 33c Spare Swiff s Beef, Turkey, Chicken MEAT PIES 25° LB. lb. 23® TISSUE lb. jar MAR-CREST FINEST QUALITY Aluminum Cookware Giant Package Extra Thick - Mirror Finish - Heat Proof Handles 3-piece 4.50 7-inch i-^ SAUCEPAN SET value FRY PAN . T.._ value 1, iy% and 2 qt. sizes. They nest, save spaee. Handy measuring graduations. 2.95 Sturdy, Sani-tite rims. Busiest pans in the 9-inch FRY PAN ._ value kitchen. 6-quart 4.50 Big li-inch 5.95 COVERED POT value Extra large. For soups, spaghetti, preserv- CHICKEN FRYER........ value ing .. . safety* grip handles. Domed cover. 5-in-l Bake, Roast 2.50 450 UTILITY PAN value COMBINATION value 101 everyday uses for this large 11 by 16- It makes a 3-quart saucepan, double boiler, inch oblong pan. Completely seamless and 2-quart covered pan, casserole and pudding- „ easy, to clean. pan. Liquid Soap Ig. size Save 7c Save 7c SPIC & SPAN IGA ICE CREAM Ass't Flavors Red Button 69 stalk Sweet Juicy, Fla. Long, Green Vi gal. sze Table - Fresh Crisp Celery 99C lb. Dandee TOILET 6-OZ. JAR Pork 23C GRAPE JAM C 89 OXYDOL IGA DAWN CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT PORK ROAST lb. slAWBERRIES 5 £ 1°° SOUP LEAN Lean, Meaty $ Campbell's Pea or Potato 7-RIB-.END' CUT LB. IGA TABLE RITE IGA Frozen CAULIFLOWER PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT Cukes MARLENE 80-size Red or argamne l.OO lb. ?, pkgs. IGA STRAWBERRY ea. IGA EVAP. 0 8-oz. Radishes *«• IQc " £00 tall cans 4Oc Nabisco Lorna Doone Cookies FRANTZ rI COUPON MM *"™ —17* A T TT A *OT "C* •••& «^M^— ^^^.^— ^^^^ — — — B V AJuUA.oJLi.lS( •?•• ^K* ^Ri ^W^flT ^^ -— ~ m FREE $1O*OO : • Worth of '*Muchmore" stamps when you take this • • coupon to Frantz or Fotoown IGA and purchase I • this item • 1 IGA . Qt. jar iSALAD DRESSING PRICES GOOD AT BOTH IGA MARKETS] IN CASS CITY I Void after Oct. 26,1957 m mm' m 4Rnl CASS CITY CHRONICLE-- FEffiAY, OOTQfiEB $5, S3 CITY, MICHIGAN. PLENTY OF NEXT-TO -TUSCO PRODUCTS, CABS-CITY PARKING A Sputnik - Buy Here and Save ! NO PHEASANT? F R IS E ! *4 >*• Smoked to Hunter WITH THE LONGEST TAIL FEATHER FROM A PHEASANT NOTHING TO BUY — NO (OBLIGATION. JUST BRING YOUR ENTRY TO OUR STORE. EKLA'S HOME MADE She'll Never Know the Difference Per Ib. only Ib. in Chunk or Large Bologna (PEPPERED WITH BUCK SHOT EXTRA) l LEAN, TENDER YOUNG AND TENDER MINUTE 14-oz. pkg. Mb. pkg. CABBAGE BEEF or PORK JLI v Elm C COOKING ONION; LB. EA. 3 Swans Down Dixie CAKE MIX Choc. - White - Yellow qt. jar jR pkgs. ^m0C5 m * ALL VEGETABLE PURE GRANULATED .Hr TF^* ALL BRANDS COFFEE 1-LB. TIN Vanilla Wafer Cookies Campbell's f . Tomato tfuiee Golden Star 46-oz. can 2 400-ct. aeial Tissue KEYKO 1-lb. pkg. l-LB. CTNS. Real Good Kosher or Polish Pickles gal. Peaches cans 2'/2 Green Giant 303 cans 49c JM7. 0ETY CAJSS-jOHfY, MICHIGAN. Michigan MirrorJ News in Brief from political fighting when The first approach attempts to ; By Elmer "E. White Democrats were charging that spread the, cost damages caused Michigan Press Association industry should be taxed more by uninsured drivers over all Michigan's Industrial Climate, and Republicans were charging drivers; the.second attempts to which has been kicked around the present tax structure is reduce loss by fixing responsioften and hard between Demo- "driving industry out" of the bility on the individual driver and forcing those who are not crats and Republicans when dis state. cussing the state tax structure, insured off the road. * ** Neither approach is as simple finally felt the warming glow of The uninsured driver and re- as it sounds, but the commission favorable light. The state of Oklahoma, which lated problems are receiving is working in the hopes that it is carrying on an active cam- careful study. A commission ap- can recommend some plan which paign to interest new industry to pointed by the governor is ex- will be an improvement over exlocate there, wrote 10,000 letters amining him as a cause of fin- isting conditions. * ** to plants all over the country. ancial hardship to others when Don C. Weeks, director of the he becomes involved in an acci- Politicians are sprinting toMichigan Department of Eco- dent. members are ward next year's election like nomic Development, recently Commission men in gray flannel suits weighing pros and cons of sevheard from an Oklahoma official wearing track shoes. I that Michigan industrialists show eral plans which deal with this Party finances for years have! problem in other states. A re"outstanding loyalty to their been siiunted into the background state". This loyalty was so port, or probably a'majority and with partisans pushing policies marked in replies from 400 Mich- several minority reports, will be and personalities, leaving the igan industries contacted, that submitted about Christmas. dollars and cents work in the * * *_, it became a subject for general precincts. discussion in Oklahoma. Two basic philosophies from , Now both sides have discovered Oklahoma businessmen will which commission members must ,that it takes money to elect a soon be following up the letters choose involve plans which will slate in November. with personal visits to offices set up funds within state govIt has always been this way, which received the letters. This, ernment so that people suffering but the parties liked to pretend of course, includes Michigan. loss from uninsured drivers can that money was a convenience. * * * j be paid, or plans which will force iNot really necessary, but handy. Democrats conducted a doorImportant aspect about this| uninsured drivers to become indisplay of loyalty is that it canj sured at the risk of losing the bell an4 front porch campaign this fall. It was well-publicized overcome some of the undeserved right to drive. ;and the yield was satisfactory. poor publicity which resulted State chairman Neil Staebler said the program was designed to raise money, but also to make the precinct workers feel they had a Key role in the Democratic party. THERE'S ONE RJtCg mieANOgTBCAOrtt SIX POSIK CHOPS, PLEASE, THEM LEAN WHAT YOU wAwr-rr KMOHNtW R.E.JOHNSON overcrowded. This has been an annual complaint since the 1952 riots at Southern Michigan Prison at Jackson. There have been a number of building and remodeling projects, but still there are more prisoners than cells. * ** The latest problem is the state's women prisoners, now stationed at the Detroit House of Correction, itself overcrowded. Last month, the state corrections commission urged quick action to take over the Detroit House of Correction, at least its women's division. * ** The theory was that, if the commission was charged with the responsibility of caring for and rehabilitating all state prisoners, it should have jurisdiction over the facilities. In addition, an investigating group hired by Detroit concluded that the institution was ill-fitted and ill-administered to care for prisoners. The state commission then said it should either make the Detroit prison a state institution or build a women's prison of its own. That led to a proposal by Senator Elmer R. Porter, of Blissfield, that the state take over one of its less-occupied tuberculosis hospitals as a women's prison. Whether it can or will be done must await the next legislative Republicans took up the .same session, starting next January. sort of program. Don JBi. Ahrens, former vicepresident of General Motors REFLECTIONS ^Cadillac division) was named Experience proves that when a party finance chief. He has ex- man thinks his life over in the perience with a number of local middle of the night it seldom campaign, drives. gives him full satisfaction. His tirst move was to start a "Republican United Fund" camm paign, and suggested that party members contribute $1 a month, DIRECTORY or year, to provide a continuing fund to pay expenses. Ahrens is interested in "businesslike concepts, budgeting of necessary expenditures, thorough audits, and the utmost in establishing financial responsibility by party leaders". * ** Michigan's prisons are still FROM THE FILES OF THE CHRONICLE Pinkeye Season Calls for Care Utge Early Treatment For Affected Animals Summer and fall months often find cattlemen concerned with a variable number of cases of soreeyed cattle. In many cases the animals are probably suffering from a condition commonly called pinkeye, says the American Veterinary Medical Association. The term pinkeye is descriptive of the condition in that parts of the affected eye become reddened and inflamed. It may be caused by different germs, and i'n some cases I CANT SEEM TO SEE A THING-... The illustration may be unreasonable, but pinkeye is no joke. It's serious. a mechanical irritant has paved the way for the bacteria to gain a foothold, the report states. Such irritants as dust, plant pollen, and insects are more plentiful in pastures during the late summer, making the animals more JAMBS BALLARD, M. D. susceptible at this time of the year. Office at Cass City Hospftnl Pinkeye affects cattle of all breeds Phone 416M Hours, 9-B, *7 and all ages, the association says. Since pinkeye spreads readily, unSTEVENS' NURSING affected groups should be pastured HOME or kept as far away from affected cattle as possible. Cass City Specializing in the care of The association suggests that the the chronically ill. several affected animals should be Under the supervision of isolated in a small shaded area or in a shed or barn. Peed and water Hekn S. Stevens, E. N. should be close at hand because H- T. Donahue, A. B., M. D. the affected eyes are extremely sensitive and animals will not graze Physician and Surgeon X-Ray Byes Examined in bright sunlight. Some are completely blind and unless properly Pnones: treated the blindness may become Office, 56 — Res., 69 permanent. K. I. MacRae, D. 0. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Half block east of Chroniele Office, 226W Res., 226M • Best In Performance! . . . with famous Super HORIZONTAL Chassis and 18,000 volts of Picture Power; "FringeLock Circuit" with "Miracle" Tube that automatically regulates picture intensity—no need to re-adjust brightness and contrast controls when changing from station to station. IS YOUR • Best iff T¥ Pictures! . . . more depth, more sparkle, more detail with exclusive SUNSHINE PICTURE TUBE! © Best In Service Dependability! . . . with hand crafted fine quality chassis that does not use printed circuitry! A 2223-— The Fairflgld—Table Television —21" overall Diagonal Measure—262 Square Inches of Rectangular Picture Area—in grained Mahogany color, Blond Oak color, Cherry color, or in Ebony color. DR. D. E. RAWSON DR. G, C. CARRICK DENTISTS Phone 95 Cass City DR. W. S. SKLBY Optometrist Hours 9->5, except Thursday Evenings by appointment. Next to Leeson Wallpaper Store Phone 389 Harry Crandell, Jr., D. Y. M. Office 4438 South Seeger St. Phone 27 PHOTOGRAPHER CAMERA SHOP FRITZ NEITZEL, P. A. of A. Portraits - Commercial - Candids Film - Finishing & Equipment Phone 245 Cass City DR. R V. CLARK CHIROPRACTOR Mon. - Fri. 9-12, 1-5, 6-15-0 Tues. - Wed. - Sat 9-12, 1-1 Closed Thursday House eatts made Phone 379 S. State St. Garo DENTISTRY E.C.FRITZ N. C.MANKE Steam Baths and Swedish (slight extra cost) Special Foot Treatments Mrs. Manke in Attendance Church & Oak Street®, Cass City Phone 242 , (DIAG. MEAS. [uare inches of Rectangular Picture Area) w ... with Royal "A" Chassis and 14,000 volts of Picture Power—and outstanding "Fringe Area" reception—and Built-in Dipole telescoping antenna. A 1511—The Tournament—-Portable Television—in two tone Dover white and Castle Grey colors. Dimensions: 131/3" high; 17" wide; 13%" deep— 14" overall Diagonal Measure CASS CITY OIL AND GAS APPLIANCE STORE Don't Take Chances With Cornpiefcers There is an old saying that "you can't beat the machine" and this time of year is appropriate for using this phrase to point up the fact that this fall many a careless farmer will not understand the truth of this statement until after he has been injured in a cornpicker accident. The facts are simple: A stalk of corn goes through the snapping rolls at a speed of 7 feet a second. By scientific calculation, you need .4 of a second to perform the simple reaction of letting go of a corn stalk. This means that a stalk goes 3 feet through the rolls while you are reacting to the danger. Most cornpicker accidents, naturally, are the result of carelessness, or are caused by the foolish act of attempting to unclog or adjust a cornpicker without stopping it. Added to the unreplaceable loss of a finger, hand or arm caught in snapping or husking rolls, there is an equally disastrous financial loss. Such an accident costs several hundred dollars in doctor and hospital bills—much more if i t - i s necessary to "fill in" for the missing hand with an artificial limb or hook. And while they're laid tip, they have to hire extra help to do their farm work. Five Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bailey returned home Saturday night from a 3721-mile, two weeks' vacation trip which took them through Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. The area's first death from polio was recorded early Wednesday morning when James Stirton, 26, died at the Saginaw Contagious Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clark of Sheridan Township, Huron County, observed their golden wedding anniversary with a family gathering Sunday and a party given by Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Blair Wednesday evening. Raymond J. Szczepanski, 14, of Novesta Township dropped dead Wednesday morning while dressing for school. His death was due to what doctors described as a heart condition. Seventy volunteer workers will launch the Community Chest Drive for Elkland Township Tuesday morning. The kickoff dinner was held Wednesday evening with 51 persons attending. Ten Years Ago The fronts of two automobiles, driven by Ralph Brown and Willjiam Hacker, were wrecked in an accident in front of the Lawrence Bartle farm Friday night. The Brown car ran into a wagon load of corn pulled by a team driven by John Seeger, and was hit from behind by the Hacker car. No one was injured. The Cass City Auto Parts was sold by Ward Roberts to Alvin and Roswell Avery of Sebewaing last Wednesday. Bonnie Benkelman and Mary Elizabeth Wood received their First Class .Scout badges and John Kirn received the rank of Eagle Scout at the Girl and Boy Scout Court of Awards and Honors following a dinner at the high school Wednesday evening. Three area granges elected officers last week. Floyd Reid will be master of the Cass City Grange. Masters of the Gagetown and Ellington granges are Caflon O'Dell and John Bayley. Twenty-five Years Ago Names of candidates of 10 parties will be on the ballot presented to Michigan voters Nov. 8. However, only the Republican and Democratic parties have candidates . for county offices in Tuscola. The other parties represented by national and state office candidates are: Socialist, Prohibition, Socialist Labor, American, Communist, Proletarian, Liberty and FarmerLabor. Many of the local stores will close from 3:30 to 5:30 Friday afternoon for the home-coming football game between Casg City and Sebewaing, the only two undefeated teams in the Upper Thumb. Calvin J. Striffler had his left hand badly lacerated and a finger broken when he caught his hand in a corn shredder Saturday morning. .. The local PTA will sponsor, open school night at the high' school Friday night, when the parents will visit the regular class sessions. Thirty-five Years Ago Mrs. A. J. Rnapp was elected 'president of the central district at the recent meeting of the State Federation of Women's • QUICK, HIGH LIFT Clubs in Flint. • AMPLE KtEARANC! « According to an outline of a oLIGHT DRAFT $15,000,000 program of road • EXCELLENT SCOURIN® i building in Michigan as presented • BETTER RESULTS , by F. F. Rogers, chief of the state road department, the Earle highway to Detroit is expected Ruggedly built for reat find long life! MM Hi-Klearanc« plowi to be completed in 1924. : Fifteen members of the Thumb |ive you 23>£ inch clearance jbctvrtoi Veterinary Medical Association iiare point and beam, 26J^ inches bft» and their wives attended a tfween share points to eliminata yott problems. Since plow $an tot tat convention at the Gordon House trash |2 inches deep, it will meet your matt Friday afternoon and evening. extreme needs. Exclusive Ud!*Mat!t The ''following six students Power raises or lowers implement! «•* were chosen out of 13 who tried tomatically, permits pre-tdeetkig «* out for positions on the high changing tool depth or height tf CUfc. school debating .team: Bernice Wager, Annabel McRae, Nila Come in and soe u* sooft for aO tia> Burt, Charles Hamilton, Grant profit fads on the famous Molino Hi-Klearanea plows. Pinney and Thelma Warner. ll-KLEARANCE PLOWS /A FIPTY-TO-ONE , Money may have wings, but) plenty of it has been brought, down by long shots. \ BARTNIK SAFETY MEASURE j A policy of good motoring; manners is the best life insurance j a man can buy. I Sales and Service M-53 and M-81 Cass City Two word formula for fall lawn beauty... TRUST The #1 Choice In Nan! Food For Fall You'll get the most from fall's great growing seasoa when you give your laWn the most to grow «wtl A6RICO for LAWNS, TRIES & SHRUBS-the perf«d combination of natural organic and inorganic ntttrients... builds & strong, green turf... healthier all winter...wakes up earlier next spring. AGRECO for TURF with UREA-FORM and Natural 0*V ganie Nitrogen-remarkable Urea-Form matches the steady release of vital nitrogen to the feeding needs of your lawn., .provides heavy nitrogen carry-over into spring. AORICO for TURF-S0% Natural Orgvnte NftreyiK —The Golf Course favorite gives you thrilling yro* fessional results on your lawn now! FARM PRODUCE CO. Phone 540 Cass City Good idea PUMP RO£> Expert Watch Repairing PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARTS Satisfaction Guaranteed No jot) too big - No |eb too small MORE HOT Wi ELECTRIC Wj WM. MANASSE JEWELER 180 N. State St. Caro, Mica. JOHN W. BAYLET AGENCY Bookkeeping Income Tax Insurance Office Hours: 9-5 except Thursday and Saturday Telephone 573 A disconnected pump rod is kept from dropping into the well pipe by wedging an old auto valve between the rod and the pipe. The valve is easily removed when the pump is installed. DR. J. H. GEISSINGER Chiropractor Homings: 9-12 Dally ALL-OUT BINGE Afternoons: 1:80-5, except Thurs. Tapering off on a bad habit is Evenings: 7-9, Tuas. and Friday nothing more than kindling a 7i»' Caro Beside Post Office fire for a new start. SHRAMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Hair Styling by Stasla Over Wood's Drugstore =. CONTINUOUS It'sipno trouble for some men to swearloff.a had ^bifc—they do it thousands of tidies. SON'S NEW ! SERVICE Only electric water heaters give you all these important advantages: Plenty of hot water—24 hours a day Safe—flameless Install anywhere—no flame, no flue Long-lasting—meets Edison's rigid standards Clean—no smoke, no soot Outer shell—cool to the touch all over Easy financing—up to 3 years to pay , Efficient—no heat wasted up a flue AU this odds up to the best water heating service ever provided in Southeastern Michigan Ask your plumber or appliance dealer * PETHOIT EDISON CASS CITY CHRONICLE—FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1957. New Bridge Poses Problem "HI, PARTNERS!" THROUGHOUT MICHIGAN, some 50,000 girls and boys from upper elementary and junior high school grades are performing an outstanding service. They are members of 2200 School Safety Patrols, a public interestx activity sponsored by the AAA and its affiliate, the Automobile Club of Michigan. These Safety Patrol members must be at their posts each day at least fifteen minutes before school opens, must stay' on duty after school closes. Their loyal efforts have helped substantially to reduce fatal accidents involving child pedestrians in the 5-14 age group. Michigan's Trucking Industry salutes these Safety Patrol members. Like them, the Industry is doing its utmost to promote safety on our streets and highways — through rigid driver training programs, careful maintenance of equipment and educational campaigns. So, to you. girls and boys in the white Sam Browne belts we say, "Hi, partners! We're with you. MICHIGAN TRUCKING ASSOCIATION Fort Shelby Hotel * Detroit Trucks Are Your Friends Serving You Night and Day! STRAND ONLY THUMB SHOWING AT THIS TIME 2 WEiEKS STARTING FRI. NOV. 8th THE GREATEST EVENT IN MOTION PICTURE HISTORY i PAGE NINE. Money Man By Venus Inglish sir, I didn't use' to W ELL, mind loaning a guy a couple of bucks until payday. Not until a couple of years ago when a guy named Ted came. to work at the garage. He borrowed five from me, and two paydays came and went, and he hadn't paid me back. None of -.s knew him very well. He didn't talk much, but he was friendly enough at that. Long about four-thirty one Saturday afternoon, and payday, too, he went up to the office. When he came back, he went into the washroom and came out in his street clothes with his hat on. After he had walked out, probably on an errand, I thought, Mr. Simpson came back to the shop. "Well, boys, we'll be shorthanded for a day or so," he said. "Ted's quit. Just walked in and said since it was payday he guessed he'd leave. And he did.'/ I'm not too much of a hand to swear, usually, but I blued up the air some right theri. Sam, the welder, asked what was the matter, and I told him about Ted and my five bucks. Sam laughed. •"Guess the joke's on both of us," he said. "He owes me five, too. Say, this is Saturday night, and I've heard that he's been seen in BEN FRANKLIN of the new Mackmac Peninsula into the playground of seasonally to coincide with tourist demands. Bridge oil Nov. 1 or earlier is the industrial midwest." :ertain to benefit Northern Michi- "Of equal importance, the Dairy spokesmen said Upper gan - but- authorities disagree bridge will mean closer markets Peninsula dairy herds may not about the amount of economic for our farm and timber prod- be affected greatly, though more ucts," he added. "The distance fessor of forestry. "A number of expansion to expect. While Upper Peninsula resi- barrier which has discriminated companies have indicated they dents rub the'ir hands in anticipa- against Upper Peninsula pro- will bring down some new, mation of a great new prosperity ducers, industrial and farm alike, ( terials." the years will bei boom, other observers are taking through lessoned. a let's-wait-and-see attitude. Michigan State University "The Michigan State Univers-; specialists, familiar with various ity Upper Peninsula resource j aspects of the northern economy, development program, operated j offer contrasting views concern- from the Extension Center in, ing the first direct highway link Marquette, is attempting to enbetween the two parts of Michi- courage development of new Cass City varieties of crops,* improved farm gan. Cinemascope - Vista Vision forestry practices, better tourist A member of the Tourist and Wide Screen Resort Service sees the straits and resort services and the like, bridge becoming one of the' na- all of which are in keeping with Fri., Sat. Oct. 25-26 tion's top tourist" attractions and changed conditions which will rea magnet for tourist dollars sult in the Upper Peninsula from which already mount up in mil- such dramatic developments as the new bridge." lions each year. "On the debit side," he cauAn MSU extension director in the Upper Peninsula foresees tioned, " more people will mean both advantages and new prob- more problems in some respects lems awaiting the northern area. at least. The need for greater Specialists in transportation, ge- safety efforts and zoning to inology, forestry and dairy de- sure our scenic beauty will no partments offer conservative doubt be heightened." Dr. Bennett T. Sandefur, proviews about long range effects of fessor of geology at MSU conthe travel. Dr. Robert W. Mclntosh, MSU cedes that the Mackinac Bridge extension specialist with the will have important service asTourist and Resort Service, be- pects, but is not as certain of lieves the bridge "will be a resulting economic expansion. tremendous stimulus to Northern "The most important Upper Michigan." He points out that Peninsula products are limestone Straits of Mackinac traffic is and iron and copper ores," he Plus 2nd Big Feature expected to nearly double in the pointed out, "all of which will first full year of bridge opera- continue to depend upon cheaper tion - from an estimated 1,000,- lake shipping to compete with 000 cars via ferry and bridge other sources." this year to an estimated 1,927,- Increased tourist trade in the 000 in 1958. i UP could be balanced somewhat "The greatest effect probably by losses at St. Ignace and will be in land use and increase Mackinaw City, present ferry of recreational facilities," Dr. headquarters, he warned, with Mclntosh said. "Land prices are some tourist traffic moving on jumping now. In some areas into Ontario resorts. "It is possible that steel Don't miss this Comedy starring frontage for a gas station now costs $60,000, the price once of a plants could be induced to move Clifton Webb and Myrna lioy. whole section of land in the area. nearer our sources of essential Also Latest Color Cartoon The impact will be felt most in iron ore and limestone," Dr. the eastern portion,' from Manis- Sandefur explained, "but coal and Sun., Mon. Oct. 27-28 electricity are necessary too and Continuous Sunday from 9 p. m. tique to Drummond Island." The Mackinac Bridge will -join they are more available to the the locks at Sault Ste. Marie as a south." great tourist attraction, he A business specialist on the added, pointing out that man- MSU faculty sees truck traffic made objects always are the increasing with the bridge, but greatest attractions, "like New declines to estimate how much, York City, Washington and the and doubts immediate indusGolden Gate Bridge, for example. trial expansion. Many tourists bypass Grand "There aren't enough populaCanyon to visit a nearby dam tion centers in the Upper Peninsula, like Sault Ste. Marie," he site." Dr. Mclntosh predicts heavier said. "But the moment you 'get traffic in both directions. Even- a good transportation facility the tually, he pointed out, a four- population may be drawn into the lane divided highway from De- area. If it is, industry will tend troit to Sault Ste. Marie will be to move in also. The important integrated with the 41,000«mile thing is that the expansion is national system of interstate now possible." highways, " creating for many Members of the MSU forestry the .UP American shippers the shortest department predict route to the Pacific Northwest lumber industry will be affected and the Rockies." A ten-minute slightly, particularly in the instead of ten-hour crossing for eastern area where abundant deer hunters will help too, he pulp wood material waits to be added. i used. "Outstanding, scenery is one of; "It will be possible for some our greatest resources," agrees wood to be trucked to Bower Dan Sturt, M. S. U.'s District Michigan mills, traffic which is Extension Director in the UP. virtually non-existent now," said Increased travel over the bridge, Dr. Lee M. James, associate prohe says, "may develop the Upper cattle may be bred to freshen Plus Latest World News and Technicolor Cartoon The Dozen 'THE GREATEST MOVING PK1URE I HAVE IYER $EEIU"-Wafter Wtnch«M •A RIM Of REVERENT AM HUSSIVE MAGNIFICEHCEr-life Magazim CECILB,DEMILLE'S PMOOWCTtOM CHARLTON VU. ANNt EDWARD 6. HE5TON • BRYNNERBAXTER-JOHNROBIN50H YVONNE OtBftA ' DEGARLO-PAGET-DEREK SmCfLDRtC HJMA JWKIHA JUDITH WNCfSIf HARDWICKE- FOCH -SCOTT- ANDERSON • PRICE TIME OF SHOW ADMISSIONS Sun. at 12:30-4:00-8:30 All Day Sunday $1.25 Wed. & Sat. Matinees 1:30 Wed. & Sat. Mat. : 9Ge All evenings 8:15 Children All Time! 60c NOTE Special Low Admissions For Group Attendance Call or Write Strand Theatre "Guess the joke's on both of us," fee said. "He owes mefive,too." Max's beer joint out at the *dge of town some Saturday nights. Let's run out there after work and maybe we canfindhim." So we did, and when we walked into Max's about MX o'clock, there was Ted sitting at the bar big as you please. He even bought us a drink. Then, so's not to embarrass him more than necessary, I gave Sam m wink and went into the washroom. Whee-I came out, Sam was grinning. He gave me the nod, and I knew he'd collected. I wailed a while, and pretty soon Sam got up.. Caro Phone 377 Fri., Sat. Oct. 25-26 TWO GOOD FAMILY ACTION HITS An American Dynamiter Love~Locic«<ii> in War-UUf Imlo-Cnfna * GENE BARRY- AN6IE DICKINSON NAT "KING* COIE 2nd Hit THE IRON SHERIFF Cartoon "Dumbell of the Yukon" Bargain Matinee Sat. 2 p. m. Kids 15c Adults 40c Saturday Midnight Show, and Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Oct. 27-28-29-30 Continuous.Sunday from 3 p. m. JOHN WAYNE • JANET LEIGH l l !| ' '•'L. -JAYC.FUPPEN. -PAUL FIX- HANS CONRIED TECHNICOLOR" IfcltwedbyUNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONA** Added Attraction Sunday only "THE BIG SHOW" Color Cartoon all shows "Ducking The Devil" Thurs., ML-, Sat. Oct. 31 - Nov. Ir2 _ TWIN HOEROR HITS "THE GIANT CLAW" and "NIGHT THE WORLD EXPLODED" Sat. Midnight Show, and Sun., Mon. Nov 3-4 dark Gable in "BAND OF ANGELS" 'Time to be shoving off," he said. ^Finish your beer, Johnny, $ and* Til wait in the car." I knew > he was giving me my turn at colleeting, so I turned back to Ted. "You ain't forgot you owe me five, have you?" I asked. Ted looked up. He didn't even turn red like most people would. "Do I?" he asked. "I'm getting absent-minded. Glad you reminded me." He fished a twenty dollar biU out of his billfold. ' "Got change?" he asked. ^ f Well, I probably wouldn't have had change on me any other day, but it was payday like I said, so 3 gave him a ten and a five for the twenty. Guess I was more embaraassed than he was. I almost stut; tared my thanks, and then downing the last drops of my beer, I muttered "Good luck" and went out to join Sam in the car. He looked at me and I grinned and nodded, &nd we started off to town. As we turned onto the highway, we saw Ted come out, get into his car and go off in the other direction. It wasn't until we were nearly home that Sam began to chuckle. I asked him what was so funny. "Just thinkin'," he replied. "If it hadn't been payday, I probably wouldn't have had the three fives to give him in change for that twenty." "Yeh. Me neither," I said. "Only 1 gave him a ten and a five." "You did? For a twenty?" Sam Bounded surprised. "Well,,he probably needed change for his trip. He's going to the coast to get Work." It seemed pretty odd, "but as long as we had our money we concluded it didn't matter. Had our money? Both of those twenties were phony, and not only ours but about five other ones Ted had cashed before he left town that Saturday night. Nobody suspected it, though", so it wasn't until Monday morning that the counterfeit twenties began to show up ' where they'd be 'recognized, and by that time Ted could have been in Mexico or anywhere else in the world, fast as planes travel these days, and easy as it is to get rid of an unwanted car. No, sir, I never minded loaning a guy a few bucks until payday, but I sort of got out of the habit after knowing Ted. I don't lend money to anybody now. Hope you won't hold it against me, FACE THE FACTS No man has ever been able to hide from the subpoenas of the court of conscience. WRONG APPROACH '. Fatal Fallacy: One for the roa<J at the end of the day sharpens the wits and eases the way. COSTUMES WITH MASKS Masquerade fun galore! Your choice of many characters — all with full or half masks, some glitter-trimmed! Rayon, rayon satin and vinyl. XS>.M-L. Assorted full-face gauze masks for children, youths. lOc $-159 Ladies' gauze mask Comical rubber with hair. Blonde, adult mask. Open brunette, rednead. back, nose holes* 15c 49c COMPLETE PARTY NEEDS Matching Hallowe'en pattern on paper napkins, hot drink cups, plates! Packaged separately in cellophane: 32 napkins, 13Vzxl3»/2-in.; 6 big S-oz. hot drink cups; 6 square 8-in. plates, pkg. Pumpkin 39c Metal 5-in. pumpkin with wire handle, candle holder Smart brides always choose our famous Flower Wedding Line Invitations Featuring 5 new VENETIAN aORENTINi <7 HIMISH ouqon 5Kr. More and more brides are finding they can have the luxury look they love and still keep on *the sunny side of their bridal budget with exquisite Regency stationery. It features Heiiograving*— an amazingly rich, raised lettering with all the good taste and distinction of the finest craftsmanship—yet costs ao little. Do see our exciting selection 0f contemporary and traditional type, perfect fof you! *Helio4r*vin£-not to be confused with engraving. One to two weeks delivery! 79c box Want Help Binding What You Want?' Put A Wide-Awake Want Ad to Work news? J Fifth Bars. Open All Day Thursday good UVIERA ButterfiP Lantern IS HEADING YOUR WAY ou up WATCH FOR THE ALL-NEW for ' AT YOUR AUTHORIZED MOB'fLE QUALITY DEALER'S PAGE TEN Soil Directors On Annual Tour of District Wednesday CASS CITY CHRONICLE—FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1957. This work plan then serves as a guide for 1958 to the district directors and to U. S. Soil Conservation Service personnel assisting the district. Soil Conservation District the nation'? Number One Directors making the tour incrippler. Maif of those crippled cluded B. L. Hill,, Bruce Buggies are under 45 years of age. and Maynard McConkey. Soil Conservation .Service personnel assisting on the tour were: ,L. Wilbur Kellogg, William Siems Smith. Some of the problem areas and solutions studied were: Edmund IWiederhold, reshaping of pine j trees damaged by insects and sandy land-tree planting needed; Gerald Somerville, drainage problems and tile system; August Langferman, erosion in open ditch and erosion control strucjture; Alvin Steele, grass waterway and erosion control structure;' Olaf Goodell, farm pond under construction; Harold Harp, drainage problem on rolling land; Dean Crawford, farm pond and open ditch. DFC Strikes Others were: Max Wilcox, farm pond site; Bruce Buggies, grass Ovncluded from page one. waterway and erosion ' control strike is vvery uncertain . . . the Holcomb answer will- come within a few structure; Gordon drainage and land use problem days as the results of the strike Bernard Koepf, design of -til become apparent in the Detroit system; Harry Steele, grass market. waterway and erosion contro Homer Martin, strike director structure; Alvin Smith, water said that his organization is decontrol .problem and structure manding the following rights and site, erosion in open ditch; Wil- prices: • liam Tomlinson, cover crops, and Bargaining rights for DFC Andrew Wright, . erosion control farmers selling to Detroit area structure constructed in . coopera- markets. tion with County Boad Com- A raise in price of Class I mission. drinking milk from $5 to $6 per hundredweight. An increase in Class II milk Surprise Mrs. Profit from $3.18 to $4. Mrs. Scharich Dies 5 After Long Illness CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. 143.50 Tuscola County Mrs.Gas Tomlinson, Meals for Co. Jail 470.70 Board of Supervisors Kenneth Erb ...: 30.00 City of Vasar .. ........ 16.64 143.50 with all supervisors present except Supervisor Howell. 470.70 Reguler order of business taken up. 30.00 Supervisor Henderson, ^chairman of 16.64 the Committee on Health, presented a OFFICIAI >ROCE£ DINGS City of Vassar .. 8.46 8.46 report of the expenditures of the SagLarry Tomlinson 85.91 5.91 inaw Valley Mental Health Clinic from AUGUST SESSION, 1957 Clarence Schroeder, MilMrs. Amelia Scharich died Fri- August' April 1, through July 31, 1957, and also Session of the Tuscola Board age 66.50 66.50 presented a proposed budget for the day at Hile Convalescent Home, of Supervisors, held in the Court House Clarence Schroeder, Time 85.00 85.00 year 1958 from the Clinic. Moved by * Directors of .the Tuscola Soil the Vilage of Caro, August 5, 1957. Ernest Hildinger 90.00 90.00 Supervisor Mueller, supported by SuUnionville. She had been ill for in T Meeting Tailed to Order by Chairman j Conservation District made their 23.25 pervisor Cook that the reports be reBusTness"Machine,; supplies 23:25 several years. John Mclntyre, Clerk called the Roll Robert Granstra Suol 4^ <« 43.95 received ert wanstra and placed on file. Motion 3 r annual tour of the district all Supervisors present except,-&VP1- ... •• 115.48 43.95 115.48 --' Western Auto,>,Supl. carried. Funeral services were held| with Slafter, Metive and Wood- Carl Tomlinson, Supl... * 18.15 18.15 Maynard McConkey, member of the ^Wednesday, Oct. 16, according to Monday at St. Paul Lutheran Supervisors, :ock. .. ' W. A. Forbes, Lumber .. 2.20 2.20 County Social Welfare Commission and <R. L. Hill, chairman of the board. Order of Business taken up. Thumb Laundry 41.10 41.10 Irl Baguley, Director of that DepartChurch, Linkville, with Rev. Regular The question of the cost of the 3.00 Wm. Putnam, garbage 3.00 ment, came before the Board in regard V li c Paul G. Waschilenski _ officiating. Building permit for the new Building p itppraTri«" «;iir!? 3.48 to the change of the rules and regulaDirectors have made it a practice 20.75 20.75 tions of the State Department of Social Burial was in Aimer Cemetery, at the County Farm was brought up Hollis Hav^f Rn for discussion, and it was stated byUrs ft™ Savae! & Merrill" " 15.00 .to hold such a tour of inspection. 15.00 Welfare and the increase in the cost Caro. Supervisor Kirk, that the Aimer Twp. Cadilac >'->avOverall ^e & .Merrill ... Supply. Co.21.60 21.60 of living expenses and requested an inThis inspection helps them to Board had agreed to a $50.00 Fee. The former Amelia Mertz was Moved by Supervisory Laurie ^support- County Clerk crease in the appropriation to that Deiobtain a beii£T%itowledge of the Mathews, Con. Exp. 91.04 91.04 paftment for 1957. Stating they would born in Eussia Oct. 1, 1882. .She id by Supervisor Cook, that the|1Fred Typewriter Exchange _ . 2,48 2.48 need approximately $8,000.00 more than problems which con-front v < the - * -Laur Agency, Repairing was married to Gotefred bounty pay the $50.00 Fee and George was alloted to that department by the 'farmers of their distrk the Co. Treasurer is hereby authorized Typewriter 9.65 9.65 Board in their 1958 proposed Budget. Scharich in 1900. She had lived in to pay the $50.00 to Aimer Twp. Mot- Tuscola County Treas. Moved by Supervisor Mueller, supporting this knowledge is c ion Carried. Tuscola County since 1930.." Arthur Willits, Open Safety D. ed . by Supervisor Jones that this mat'first steps which the Question of the Sanitary Sewer- Box 2.38 tr be referred to the , Committee on 2.38 She leaves two daughters, Mrs. ageThedisposal at the New Hospital at the Arthur Willits, Open Safety D. Social Welfare and the Committee on Itake in formulating Alma Deandar of Saginaw and County farm was brought jip and dis- Box 2.31 County Finafice for their consideration 2.31 .work for the coming gvi. Moved by Supervisor Mueller, Arthur Willits, Open Safety. D. and recommendation. Motion carried. Mrs. Martin Kelly of Gagetown; cussed. supported by Supervisor Jones; Box 2.38 2.38 The question of representation from six sons, Carl and Christ of that this matter be refered to the Muriel Lapp, o|>en box .. 2.38 2.38 this Board at the State Assessors' & Hospital Committee, w i t h County Agriculture Agent Tax meeting to be held at Kellog CenGagetown, Fritz of . Davison, Special authority to enter into an agreement Alfred P. Ballweg, Miles 72.18 72.18 ter in Lansing, September 17 and 18,. Henry of -Caro, David of Mid- or contract with the Village of Caro. Don R. Kebler, Miles .. 27.93 27.93 was brought up and discussed. Moved 1 Motion carried. by Supervisor Woodcock, • supported by Frances Clark, Miles, v land and Edward of Saginaw; one Chairman Mclntyre, read a Commun- Meals 59.83 [Supervisor Jones that the Chairman of sister, Mrs. Fred Martin of ication from . the State Tax Comission William Muller, Miles, 59.83 'the Committee on Equalization be instating that a hearing on the appeal of Meals to attend this -u~,3,meeting as*-.s-a 88.55 88.5! structed Saginaw; 18 grandchildren, and the ^f ivrt* of f\f this -i-t-iirt body —iii- his Marlette Board of Education from Betty Lou King 54.53 54.53 rAr»rAconf representative with the final Order of the Joint Co. Tax Al- Betty Lou King, Salary .125.00 125.00 Per diem and necessary expenses paid. six great-grandchildren. location Board of Lapeer, Tuscola and Wilson Studio, Frame.. 1.75 Motion carried. 1.75 Sanilac Counties for the year 1957, Fitgerald Shop. Supl. .. 2.77 Moved by Supervisor -Woodcock, sup2.77 will be held at the Lapeer County|Tvn|wri?er"EXc'hanse' ported by Supervisor Sylvester that we r>~-,-,*,4n^.-.-.^n Lapeer, T n>->QQT. Michigan iwi/.v.icroi-v at ut 3:00 s-nnlJ-ypewriier n.xcnange, 91 _ House 33 48 adjourn until 1:30. Motion carried. 33.48 plies : P.M. E.S.T. Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1957. AFTERNOON SESSION Drain Commissioner. Moved by Supervisor Draper, support- Doubleday Hunt & Dolan, . Meeting called to order by ChairmanPvt. George W. Jackson, 23 d by Supervisor Howell that the Chair- Supplies g ig Mclntyre with quorum present. 6.18 of the Financ Committee, the James Schmeltz, Mil 67.13 6?'l3 Regular order of business taken up.. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Dean Boyne and man hairman of the Comittee on Equal6l!88 Supervisor Sylvester, member of cornFreeland Sugden, mileage 61.88 Jackson, Ubly, recently com- Connie of Leonard were week- .zation and the Chairman of the Tus- Freeland Sugden', to con. 131.13 131.13 mittee on Claims & Accounts, presentcola Co. Allocation Board be authorized end guests of Mrs. Forest ed the following report: Prosecuting Attorney. pleted a five-week auto maineconomical, dependable o attend this meeting. Motion carr- Tuscola Tuscola .Co. Nursing Home—' 14.00 County Adv. .. 14.00 tenance course at Fort Hood, Tex. Wilmont. ed. 7'7fl'Ben Collon, clerk of 'works, Epskamp, Tele. .. 7.70 Clerk read the following Commun- James 1 <?fi 4?l 172 hrs , 473.00 473.00Jackson entered the Army last Miss Lorraine Cobb of Flint .cation James Epskamp, To Con. 136.42 Service with a modern L. P. Gas from the Aimer Twp. Board: James Epskamp, Tele. .. 8.95 «q£|Osgerby Agy., liab. insur. 278.87 287.87 « ,• June and completed basic train- visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, with no action taken at this time. 'John B. Mclntyre, mile. & Board Supervisors f'Home Gas System" for clean, BE IT RESOLVED, That the_ Township Quentin Howell , Burt Cobb, .Sunday. 11.68 11.68 ¥2 day ing at Fort Hood. 6.82 6.82 Milton The Woman's Study Club met|Board of9. Aimer at' anass specialresolution meeting, Earl Lindsay 12.94 da Bedore, mile. & He is a 1953 graduate of UiiPiist. 1957. rtfrt August 2, 1957, did pass a resolution Archie Hicks 12.24 7.10 7.10 safe fuel. when needed. the Board of Supervisors to Howard Slafter with Mrs. D. Stoner Tuesday asking Bad Axe High School. 13.08 tS'noi Archie d& Hicks, mile. & appoint a Weed Commissioner for Conrad Muller 12.66 7.24 7.24 sveriing. Ranges - Water Heaters the Township of Aimer. The Board Tuscola tfi=nShuford Kirk, mile. & Co. Arv 16.50 4 2 da s 25 6 Mrs. Grac'e Marshall of Florida;submits the following names: Ledge Cass City Cron Cn 47«v nn 4/iJ.uu 475 00! fEarl ^ D yHarriS3 ins '128.76 - "° 128.7ft 475.00 Furnaces - Refrigerators was a visitor in town a few daysjMikiovic Ellis Campbell and William Bal. of Bills Brinkman. Osgerby Agy., ins 774.05774.05 Moore Telephone, All Howard E Glen Gust ast week. 17860 1786o! - Slafter, ins. ..128.76 128.76 Offices HampAimer Township Clerk & Grand Rapids Loose Leaf Tax Binders Robert J. "Petersr'insT". ...IZS.TB 128.7& Mr.-and Mrs. George Moved by Supervisor Henderson, sup- Ass't Chas. F. Wopdcock,, ins. ,.128.76 128.76 Sheets etc. 1,353.41 1,353.41 shire spent a few days last week ported by Supervisor Osburn, that we Moved by Supervisor Hicks, support-l adjourn until 2:00 O'clock this after- ed by Supervisor James Kirk, that the Mrs. . & supp. . 36;62 56.62 Directors^ for six districts of n northern Michigan. noon. Motion carried. 11. & supp. 55.60 55.60 report be accepted and Orders drawn,' Mrs. L. A. Heineman spent AFTERNOON SESSION Cass City Coun. of Comm. • Phone 395W the Tuscola County Farm Bureau Mrs. the several amounts. ' Meeting called to Order by Chair- for Bounty .asnuuu-uie «agent -njuLi-ci* 0 'Service, 1 "directory* County Agriculture .50 .50 5cin, were named at an election heldjiast week with friends and rela- man Twenty relatives and friends 0 Mclntyre, with quorum present. Ballweg,... . -. _,,.. before the JBoard! J ^ .^ Office. Eq. jtiepair, Repair, Mr. Ellis Campbell, from Aimer Town- and Invitedappeared at the annual meeting Thursday, tives in Pontiac. surprised Mrs..Fern Profit when repair, typewriter ,6'.50 6.50 the members of the County lip, appeared before the board in re- Agriculture Committee and the Chairi •Court House & Grounds— •• Thomas Collins is visitingjship, they came to her home Tuesday Oct. 17, at Millinglon . . ° Iff awl to fr> a Commission r.nmrmesinri on Weed WppH Control rinntrnl man of the Board? to attend their Banner Linen Service, WE gard Milk sales in the Detroit mar- School. for the Township. relatives in this community. for a surprise birthday party. paper towels 24.40 24.40 Annual Agriculture meeting at the Supervisor Cook, Chairman of the State Sanitary" Supp. Co., supp. 14.10 14.10 College at Lansing .Hunt's The group played cards and ket area, showed a marked in- New director for Elmwood and Mr. and Mrs. Leland VanHorn ! Special Committee on Civil Defense, Sept. 6,Agriculture Fixit Shop, mower 1957. crease in September, a report to EJkland townships is Milton Hof- are spending the week touring |introduced Mr. Geo. Baird represent- Supervisor brought their own lunch, includrepair 6.00 6.00 Bedore, chairman of the ing the Tuscola Co. Firemens Associat Fire Protec. Co., 2% gal. the sales committee of Michigan Committee on Claims and accounts; meister. Others elected were: the Upper Peninsula. ing a birthday cake baked by ion who appeared before the Board recharge material .. 6.00 6.00 presented the following report: Milk Producers' Association re- Wisner and .Gilford townships. Mr. Otis Howey visited in the and requested letter of authority Mrs. Clark Zinnecker. Mrs. Sherm. Ogden, laun. 10.25 10.25 to purchase surplus Fire fighting Equip... Gunsell's Inc., supplies . 1.65 1.65 vealed. Mechan.' Laund. Co., sup. 6.00 ,yle Sylvester; Fairgrove^ and f D'Arcy home in Cass City Mrs. Profit received many Wil ment. Moved by Supervisor Draper, Mrs. Ogdeh, Laundry. '°-««Dobson Co., sanitary supp. 18.03 18.03 10.65 10.65 The report showed that Class Juniata townships, Edward Good- last Friday. supported by Supervisor Hicks that lovely gifts. "Wilson's, soap . . ....... 5:70 5.70 ; l Delbert .Martin, Cleaning .Chimney andl 8 La"" Co., "~ ~ "'' ' I (drinking milk) sales were up :hild; Ellington and Novesta A ^i'o rVocm oi r\f Pon-HarT^" "be referred to the Cornlech. Laun. cleaning 7.50 7.50 8.00 •8.00 Meeh. A d a , Green fonuac mitteemattter Motion car- other 'debrisj. on Civil Defnse<. Coroners— , ,ove Hardware, Supl. 5.21 "5.21 3.54 per cent over August 1957 townships, Frank Satchell; Fre- visited her mother, Mrs. Maggie ried. Melvin Weissenborn, exam. Cows have four stomachs. Court James Epskamp Justice and 3.32 per cent over September mont and Dayton townships, Clif^ Jarvis, a few days this week. j Pros. Attorney, 8 bodies & mile. ...... 60.00 60.00' Tennant, Just. Fee 318i35 318.35J Ben came be£ore t he'board and explained f Collon,, exam.' 2 bodies ' ; Jus. Fees 4.30 of 1956. ton Lotter; Arbela and Millington Mr. and Mrs. Don Lester oijthe Statue on Weed^ Control^ and J;he^ & mileage 16.90 16.90 Jus. Fees 107.50 107.50! „ * > Justice Court— of appointing a Weed ConTotal premium returns to dairy townships, Ejmest Keinath, and Detroit spent Tuesday with his proposition n M. Little, Jus. Fees 6.00 " Commissioner for the Township of Reva 6.00 Franic Youttg 6.30 6.30 Glen Montague, Jus. Fee 55.90 55;90j farmers supplying milk to the director-at?large, Clinton Milner. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank trol Aimer was taken up "at this time Frank Frank Young . 2.00 2,00 Young, Jus., Fees 9.30 Moved by Supervisor Andreycfiuk, sup Corner's 9.30:Avon, Boag 14.00 14.00; Detroit area jtfere $398,000 for Featured speaker for the eve- Lester. ported- by Supervisor Cook, that the J. Benson Collon, Ex. 4 bodies-PerDiem i M. Foster ............ 17.20 17.20s ^ W.Montague the month. The premium rep- ning was Dr. Fred J. Leitz, nu- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jarvis and First Name on the list of the resolut- and Mileage .. Glen 60.20 60.20 34.50 34.50 Reva ion presented by Aimer Twp. Mr. Ledge Melvin •esbnts returns" to farmers on dew physicist of _Atonuc^Pow^^ """•> T""~ 12.00 12.00 spent over Miklovic, Weissenborn, 2 Calls be -appointed by this" Board Mileage .. ...... 17.10 a price of $5 per hundredweight Development Associates Inc., at Sjinday with her parents, Mr. and as Weed Control -Commissioner of Ai- and Tennant County Nurse Ruth Tennant mer Twp_. Motion carried. 'or Class ' ,1 milk negotiated Detroit Edison. He spoke of' Mrs. Vernon Everett. _ „,„„*,„ J.U7.40 107.40 Lucy Miller, Mileage 44.03 44.03 Doroth Supervisor Mueller, Chairman of the Amelia Gunnell, MUeage 61.65 61.65 orothy Craig, prelim, ex. 29.20 29.20 hrough -the efforts' of 3&MPA. atomic power at Lagoona Beach, Merritt and Stanley Hartt of Committee . Hospitalization— pn^ Roads_& Bridges, preFitzgeralds, Supl 2.62 J 2.62 1 Wayne Co. Dept. Of Social the following report: Base, price paid farmers during An estimated 500 persons at- Detroit visited theff aunt, Mrs. sented """""" Report"~~of'-"— Committee on"- Roads and Hospitalization Welfare, T. B. patient ..222.94222.94 Bay County Social Welfare September Was: ,$4.63?r per , hun- tended the meeting. Bryce Me- Carrie Everett, last week. Co. Hosp., 11 Bridges, Dept., X-Ray 3.00 3.00| Saginaw dredweight, FOB Detroit. The Ginnis of Millington was the! Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kelley of Mr. Chairman; Honorable Board of Saginaw patients j County Hospital OT-rilT J>C*« " ~ 2,646.00 2,646.00 & Savage'M."D." X-Rays .. 46.00 46.0C Merrill average price for all milk was toastmaster and County President Pontiac visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Supervisors. x-ray . Gentlemen: County Hospital, Care of 11 10.00 10.00 Poultry— Your Committee on Roads & Bridges Saginaw crease over August, "1957. Fred R. Bach presided fit the Kelley Sunday. Patient^ .... ........ 2,446.50 2,446.5C beg leave to report and recommend, Saginaw County Hospital, 42.50 29.50 Average monthly income per business meeting. Mrs. Chaffee of Battle Creek in the matter of setting up a construct- X-Rays 6.00 hens dairy farm in the area was $§50. Several resolutions were acted . ^°-;^"—-— — —»— ----local roads, by the board Dr Gilbert, Polio Service 14.80 13.25 13.25 14.80 Harry Carnish'/2"e'wes;' K^A n» c,,,,^^ ^..i_ -a Cou?ty Nursing Home By St. Pancratius Alter Society upon and an amendment to the'" ™itug her daughter, Mrs. the Calendar ,years for September. All returns in 2 lambs of 1958 and 1959. _ „..„„„ 63.00 63.00 63.00 'aro Wreaking Co., Pipe & |Francis Peter Minutes of a Joint meeting held at Missner, 10 pullets 22.30 12.30 . the report indicated prices FOB bylaws approved. . . . . ........ 62.10 62.10 Harold he offices of the County Road Com Welding Owen Dilleree, poultry 33.00 33.00 Collon, C'lk of Works 511.50 511.50 Mrs. Lewis Randall, 2 ewes, the market, before deductions mission,"Thursday July 18, 1957 at 10:3p Ben WSC Meeting John B. Mclntyre, Mileage 13.64 13.64 lamb • 44.60 A* ~~ 39.60 A.M. ^1 iaiJ uu . for transportation, dues and adHicks, Mileage 14.48 13.48 Paul Present from the Board of Road Archie 47 chickens 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Trover Laurie Mileag .. 13.92 13.9! Agnes Vollmar, vertising. Commissioners: A. Cowan, 10 hens. 18.00 Chairman Lafave, Continued from oa^e one. ihuford Kirk, Mileage 13.00 12.80 12.80 Mrs. Leon Childs, 10 Commissioners Mclntyre and Van ,Pet-; Milton Production totalled 154,500,000 Bedore, Mileage 14.20 14.20 chickens Of particular interest to aret ten. Tus. Co. Rd. Comm., Tile 9.00 9.00 9.73 9.73 ..Soldiers' Burial— pounds foi^ the month and an •j 4-,- is-c. a o project rivrnWt 01 of uiethe Present from the Roads and Bridges Soldiers Burial residents Committee. conrad Mueller, Howard E. Perisco, Sr ox ..... ______ - ,^^w, 541.57 200.00 Tines -D -k~-v,4average of'.. 413 pounds per day Robert nas W. E. Hanlin 7 820.00 200.00 .341.57 200.00 Snov'er Club.< They are sponsoringjsiafter, Archie Hicks, Quentin Howell Livestock., & Poultry Motion made by Supervisor Laurie, per farm. The^latter figure is an a position as payroll supervisory roadside park on M-46. and Earl Lindsay. supported by Supervisor Lindsay, that Archie Ackerman,. 10 the report be accepted and orders A short discussion was held on the Chickens of 6 per cent over at the Redmond Company in, Mrg An(jrew w, Miller, the request — drawn for the several of the Roads and Bridges Com William V. Martin, 2 sheep 9.50 9.50 amounts. Motioncarried, September, 1956. Owosso. The concern manuf ac-; iu iil Mead of Cass city mittee for the continuation of the allo 4 years . . 26.40 22.40 Supervisor Laurie, Chairman of the cation of $50,000.00 per year for the dairy 1 tures, small motors and has four't and \ ~t ""£"* C ~ -Bichards ^ r , ~ y pre- years 1958 and 1959 to the 23 township; Victor Klouse, Cow Udder Premiums paid toMrs Boy" W. on County Drainage, pre~, Damage 27.25 27.25 Committee the following report: farmers averaged 26 cents per for local road construction purpose, Leo C. Allen, 15 Rabbits 39.50 17.00 sented 8 a a I c nducted b Mr. Chairman: and continuation of the same distriisstate ^ 'and * district *°™ f chairmen ° j bution formula as was used during Moved by Supervisor Andreychuck, Hon. Board of Supervisors: hundredweight over Federal or- Payroll work for -..- all,£plantsi.-.j and der prices for the month, the done in Owosso. Mr. Zinneoker 1 11 iWWOiV/ -o i,«w- w^nrla Alma t i i e calender year of 1956 and 1957. supported by Supervisor Laurie, that Your committee on Drains & DrainBobert Woods nf oi Aim*, Tne f<,Uowlng motion was made bj the report be accepted and the res- age submits the following recommendresigned his post as office mana-! * ^' ," .'"X "_ ~~Tr~ report showed. amounts allowed. Motion car- ation. 1 Mclntyre and supported pective -nf- u i /- • spoke on <<TBeligions of the Commissioner ried. A spokesman for the organiza- ger ati. j.-u by Commissioner Van Petten and car Committee recommends; that the Diebel Company m,^ .,,„ , activities at the Q Supervisor Mueller, chairman of the theYour Wo d ltie s following lands be placed on the iried by unanimous vote; That $50,000 to accept his new xposi-jI meeting V. - included "tjf^ f™ . ,r theof tion stated that production con- Saginaw f jof Local Roads Motor Vehicle High- Committee of Roads & Bridges pre- tax rolls of Aimer Twp. Tuscola Bounty & f the election sented the following Report^ tinues an upward' climb. Total tion. the assessment of special drain tax way Funds during me the calen runas received aunng caien- Report of Committee on~~Roads and for district officers. only: Sec% 34, E% of iNxuy4 NE% of NEi4,,20 MKV. ™ ~~, *, dar years of 1958 and be ear marked Bridges. 7Z ux production was up over 1 per Mr. Zinnecker was a 19b7i At the dinner held at Elkton, for by <•townships f^ allocation on^,,^ T~, i----~ for *— '---' Mr Chairman: Hon. Board of Sup- acres; and Sec. 35, 2 acres of SE}4 of cent above August of this year graduate of Northeastern School the invocation was given by Mrs. road construction, on the same dis ervisors. SW% of NWV4,; and that the Tuscola ounty Treasurer be authnri^o^ +~ tribution basis as used during the clen Gentlemen: / and 5 per cent over September of Commerce and of Cass City Knapp of Cass City. the.Aimer"Tw^VrLt"^"^ P?? wp. dar years of 1956 and 1957, namelj Your Committee on Roads the #> Special & Bridges Drain Tax wnichTreasurer *"""" Tax w] W 1 1 be of 195B. proulation and milage. Such allocat High School in 1955. Scouts Report to whom was referred the matter of against ,. , charged these : 0 f viicoc parcels of lands for the ion for the years 1958 and 1959 to be better traffic control system at the 57 and' Mrs. Keith McConkey, program ubject to any emergencies arising in aJunction «^v* .LacKj unless uniess these tnese nawoic parcels nf |Q.»^1957 -—and •*'-•-1958 of State Trunkline M-46 and years are dk of land are disposed of by the countyBov connection with the local road expenM-24 beg leave to report: chairman, introduced five GROVER LAURIE T. ATTOTO ^ ditures whereby it might become necess Your Committee delegated Sheriff Signed: GROVER JAMES "OSBURN1 Scouts who attended the jam-ary for the Road Commission to with Wm. Tomlinson and Superintendent of Sponsored in Community Interest by JOHN METIVA draw a portion or all of the allocation, iState Highways in Touscola County boree this summer. and also subiect to provisions as set Floyd Kitelinger to contact a traffic and moved its adoption. Supported by Supervisor Rawson. Motion carried. Bob Johnson acted as chairman] forth m Act No. 406 of the Public Act engineer of the Saginaw District, to Supervisor Marr, chairman of theof 1957. itroduced the Lois Ann Davy and Robert Ellington Grange elected of-|for the group discuss with him the feasibility to and Committee on County Officers Claims, ^. _ , Funds so allocated to the townships from a blinker to a 4-way stop reported as follows: Dennis of Caro were .- married ficers for the new year scouts He also recounted may be allowed to accumulate to the change or a stop light at said Junction. Tuscola Co. Clerkcredit for not more than two Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Kitelinger Saturday at., three ^o'clock in the evening at the home of Ernest any of the highlights of the township Envelope Co 135.92 135.92" years at the end of which time, if any met a Traffic Engineer at Saginaw Keystone *""* Presbyterian Church. Bev. M. B. Beardsley. T. C. Hendrick was trip. MacDonald & Stingel 3.10 3.10 township has not used the two year July with 22, '1957. The traffic Engineer Fitzgerald's *™ accumulation or does not have it pro 5.04 Vender performed * the ceremony named the new master. 5.04 said to Tomlinson .and Kitelinger, that Typewriter Exchange . . grammed for use in the following no change of the 12.30 Tuscola Co. Treasurer— 12.30 before the immediate families. Other officers elected were>were 59,000 scouts at the jam- jyear, further allocation will be discon trol system will be considered at this Open Safety D.; M. Lapp. for said township. time at said Junction. The groom's sister and husband overseer, Joseph Tesho; steward, boreej including 80 from this area Itinued ._~~5C 3.50 ' 3150 Your Committee recomends, that said The State Highway Department may mileage were attendants. A dinner was Stanley Turner; assistant ste- that |ornled two troops and four Iconstruction 2.24 fund for local roads as make M-46 a through Highway in the A. Willett, open safety D. 2.24 : Doubleday Hunt Dolen. s»" * 9= 3.35 """ j v.ix Dolen, sup. 3.35 M t held after .the ceremony at the near future and some 4 way w< stops Doubleday Hunt Dolen, sup. 6.81 6.81 along M-46 may be eliminated. groom's home. The .couple will Mrs. Lloyd Finkbemer; secretary ^ ^.d that ^ gcout, [July 18, 1957 Be accepted and adopted, Fenshe Business Equ. supp. 27.95 27.95All of which, is respectfully sub- Friend of Court— (by your Honorable Board all of whichjmitted. Mrs. Joseph Tesho; chaplain, Mrs. live near Caro. d at the jamboree. John Humm, mile. & post. 30.07 38.07 [is respectfully submitted. Committee Probate Judge— Hazen Patterson; treasurer j^ Rawson dicribed the feedCommittee Conrad Mueller Henderson Graham, to eonv. 93.50 93.50' Conrad Mueller Hazen Patterson; gatekeeper,!^ ft scoutgi An egtimated Earl Lindsay Dr. Savage & Merrill, Archie Hicks Quentin Howell John Campbell; the three Graces,;^miles of hot d glasses 7.00 ,7.00 13 tons of Earl Lindsay Archie Hicks Dr. Merrill & Savage, Dr. Quentin Howell Mrs. Clarence Turner, Mrs. Fran steaks, $11,000 worth of jams and Moved by Supervisor Moved by Supervisor Jones, supportex 5.00 5.00> Handerson Sup Dr. Frank L. Morris, Bardwell and Mrs. G. Williair jell and $12,000. of ice cream was [ported by Supervisor Davis, that thejed medical care 10.00 10.00 Report be accepted and adopted, yea ried. Elmwood Cook, and lady assistant steward used, Jim said. Andrew Dr. James H. Ballard, land nay vote taken of which there medical care 10.00 10.00 Township died at 'Pleasant Home Mrs. John Campbell. Dick Albee described the set- were (yes 21) (Nay 0). Absent 3). presented Ferguson Drost Ferguson |tion declared carried by Chairman the following ResolutionHospital Tuesday after a five-daj" Installation of officers is sche ting up of the camp and said that llntyre. Hospital 4.00 4.00 , -.—. Hon. Board of Super- Preston's Federated Store duled for Nov. 8 at Murray Hall it was accomplished in three and Supervisor Marr, Chairman of the]visors: illness. clothes ^a 5.65 5.65 Committee on County Officers Claims, IT committee on Resolutions beg J. C. Penney, cloths ....... 13.03 13.03 Mr. Czapla was born in Poland The next regular meeting wil a half hours. Boys were grouped 'presented the following Report. to submit 'the following resol-i be at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. C. Penney, cloths 11.08 11.08 Judge. Nov. 30, 1885, the son of the late ution: in patrols of eight and there were Probate Reichle, cloth, store 23.61 23.61 Petzold, Board Whereas; the Almighty in his infinite George Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Czapla. He Richard Bayley. eight jobs for each patrol . . each Wm. C. Morton, cloth, store 14.73 14.73 & Care 60.00 60.00 wisdom has called Lemuel Lee from C. Mich. Regular Baptist Child. came to the United .States in 1910 eonard Griggs, Board. our midst, and boy was responsible for a dif- & Care Home 50.00 50.00 Wheres; Lemuel Lee for many years County Taxes Up and moved to Caro in 1918. . Hm'e 'of' ferent duty each day. Wm. Montague, Board gave of himself over and beyond the He married Mrs. Mary Cicura & Care 45.00 33.00 call of duty to the county of Tuscola; Jim Boss told of the Scouts' 'm. Montague, Board. Continued from tsasre one Therefore Be It Resolved: That his July 22/1929, in Caro where the trip to Washington, D. C., and & Care 44.33 services are forever held in the deepschoo Philadelphia and 'told of the Lile couple lived until 1944 when they operating, $13,055.63; Thurston, Board 32.00 32.00 est and that the loss t o rWeiner , r l ^ rr,*,,,, f nieai'." ~r-rj Lane,' & Care 2.49 73.28 73.28 the appreciation City of Vassar and to the county; ^yle Thurston, bd. moved to their present home in building and site, $9,888.52. points of interest they saw. In- Villa a a a bd Moria, Board of Tuscola is beyond measure. S« $ " > & Kingston Township Elmwood Township. & Care , 69.00 69.00 Be It Further Resolved that a copy of: 22?- ^on|a|ue' ££ , - - - —cluded were: change of guard at II Henry Gowine, Board lt Bue care 3 45.33 Surviving, besides his widow, Kingston Township's total tax Unknown Soldier's grave in Ar- & Care this resolution be spread upon the rec- S™' MS? ^ ' Ad> ¥ care !H 44 44.3? of this board, and that a copy be 5SS8LG^ue tme -32 44.32 z ,^ % bd •% are:'seven daughters, Mrs. Wal- increased from $32,445.78 to $41,- lington Cemetery, Carpenter Hall Mrs. Warner Lane, Vita- 44.30 44.30 ord delivered to the bereaved family K!?™ E * °W, & ..^^c.^ jrcfczum, Dd. & care 30.00 30.00 nuns. 4.98 4.98 Earl Butler ter Bukowski, Mrs. William 389.11. Benjamin Franklin's grave, In- Starr ^Commonwealth, Board William Petzold, bd. & care 30.00 30.00 Evard Rawson Shopper Guide, supp 8.88 Spinek, Mrs. George Kolarchick,. The tax spread: county tax & Care '...".'.'. ..V" 75.00 75.00 Roy Sylvester Interna. Busi. juusi. Mach. mach 40.00 40.00 Starr Commonwealth, Board Moved by„ _..^^,^^ Supervisor Conant, sup-i ^..^.^a. all of "Detroit, Mrs. tieen $11,273.57; county nursing home: Ross home in Philadelphia. Typewriter Exch., supplies 7.74 7.74 & Care 65.00 65.00 ported by Supervisor Lindsay, that the! Register of Deeds— $2,864.22; special drain, $845; Ponushis, Dearborn, Mrs. Louis Jim Hutchinson showed slide! Mrs. M. Harrington, Board Resolution be acepted and the pro-i William Profit, conv 56.20 56.20 & Care 33.85 33.85 visions carried out and placed on the Tuscola Co. Advertiser, Bednarski, Fraser, and Mrs. Nor- drain at large, $325 ;• school opera- and described the programs held Mozell McNeil, Board , record. Motion carried. 102.50 102.50 man Adams and Miss Patricia ting, $15,652.37; school special in the arena at" the jamboree. The Miss & Care 46.24 46.24 Moved by Supervisor Hicks, support-! envelopes . . George Laur, supplies -36.10 3R i» '"•- • 2,187.95; scho.ol arena was larger than Yankee Mrs. Hugh Connolley, Board ed by Supervisor Henderson, thati I»>,rv<-«~J-~i Czapla, both of Cass City; three Joperating, & Care • _ • . . • • . • • 41.82 41.82 Supervisor S.lafter be paid his per; sons, John and Steve, both of [special debt, tax, $8,241. >tadium and it took an hour and Starr Commonwealth, Board Diem for this Session, Motion Car- Auten Motor Sales, 3 cars.414.00 414.00 & Care 65.00 65.00 "led. Hazel Park, and Theodore, Cass • a half to get all -the Scouts Starr Tus. Co. Rd. Comm. gas .112.75 112.75 Comonwealth, Board The investment .of County Funds Tuscola Adv., OUFJJ. supp. .. 9.50 ity; 21 grandchildren; one ..-. Co. _-. —«,.., Circuit Court & Care 75.00 75.00 brought up for ^^vnooioju. marching eight abreast, seated. discussion. moved! Na •"•«sci, supplies . Moved! g?l, supplies 87.00 87.00 Nigg & Miles, M.D.8 exam. 10.00 10.00 Hallis Hayes, rep. great-grandchild; one stepson, by Supervisor Andreychuk, supported: Hallis Vice-president Richard Nixon c rep. on radio 75.55 „ ported! Hayes, .„.„„ 75.55 Dr. E. C. Fritz, Dental Everything a blouse should by Supervisor Davis, that ^^lAnmA v»^ — Davis/thai; the invest-i Acme *>—''' °™ "•Alex Cicura of Detroit; three Concluded Irovn pace one. Sup. Co.j suppT 12.60 12.601 20.00 20.00 ment Committee make a study was among the speakers, Jim work Warren Radio, 2-way radio Dickerson, M.D.. 10.00 i be. Pure beauty of fabric, 10.00 [nvestment of County " stepdaughters, Mrs. John Przy- Citizens Mutual Life Insurance aid, and a beautiful firework: Willard commercial 11.84 11.84 Elmer Merrill, M.D 10.00 10.60 port back to the Board jbyliski, Mrs. Smith Bloodworth Co. for damages in an accident display was seen. Cadillac Supply Co., wash . 54.60 54.60 James H. Ballard, Medicine 3.00 3.00 Motion carried. ' pure simplicity of styling Western Auto, D. P. T. .. 2.98 2.98 Willard Bickerson, Medical and Mrs. Haig Mooridian, all of Minutes of todays Session Read by that occurred on M-53 in May of Bob Johnson corieluded the re- Ex Vassar Police, per diem & to do the most for you! Finely curved collar converts, soft 20.00 20.00 Clerk & Approved as Read. TUIVv»*~,3 1 •" Detroit; a brother, and a sister, 1954. 10.95 10.95 port by telling many of the L. L. Savage, Medical i sleeves button on-the-cuff. Launder-Iovely combed cotton — in Poland. Ex 20.00 Domestic Cases humorous anecdotes experienced Savage typewritelr 7.08 7.08 & Merrill, Glases 18.50 Sept. 9, Bosary devotions were to have Two domestic cases were also during the jamboree week. Ernest Hildinger, labor 125.00 125.00 i , white, mellow or lush tones. Sizes 28 to 38. ^—-- -« ITypewriter Exchange, Supp. 1.63 1.63 ion carried. Wm. Tomlinson, dog wagon Leonard Dept. 'ept. Store Signed {been conducted at 9 a. in. Thurs- heard. Florence Bills of Akron He told that. it , cost expense 5.13 5.13 , From dur new Shipn Shore blouse collection. / ,. each scout j. i Clothing 4.30 4.30 John B. Mclntyre day at Little's Funeral Home. Re- will receive temporary alimony of ibout $250, including Larry Tomlinson 75.00 75.00 spending Saginaw Children House, Care Chairman William Schram, Cass City & Nothing 111.04 111.04 quiem High Mass will be song $15 weekly from Eldon .Bills. Fred Mathews noney. labor . 253.64 253.64 Friend of Court. Clerk at the St. Pancratius Church at The court ordered Walter! Marvin McCormick, who also Doubleday' Clarence Schroeder, mile.. 56.46 56.46 Hunt" &' Dolan Supplies SEPTEMBER SESSION , William Tomlinson. meals Supplies 10 a. m. Friday. Bev. Isadore Kemppainer of Vassar to pay ttended the jamboree, was un- John H 4.56 4.56J .396.90 396.90 .. me Tuscolal luscoia at co. jail . r September Session of the aa*vMi. Milage & Postnn»>+" -D/N-j ~*, -• «—- UJL Mikulski will officiate. ••£«*# attorney's fees of $100 in Ms able to: attend the meeting. iCounty Board of Supervisors held in Ine Everett, extra clerk ..105.00 105.00 Drain Commissioner— 37.06 37.06the Court House September 9, 19g7. Sheriff Dept. Burial will be in St, Michael's divorce case that is coming to •Typewriter Exchange, supp. 353 S.33 I Meeting called Clerk to order by Chairman Auten. Sales The Store Women's Wear uten Motor Motor Sales 414.00 414.00 Mclntyre. called the roll Freeland Sugden, mileage 61.32 61.32 Cemetery in Wihnot. court. , ; lite Waal Ads Are Newsy Toe! Tuscola County Road ... Comm. i (John . "Gas System For Your Home FUELGAS CO. At Birthday Party Jackson Completes Five-week course KINGSTON ^ 122 % y lies! * y Name Farm Bureau District Directors Milk Sales Up In September BAKE SALE 1 _.•_•_.!_ .J! A 4. -_J« T>xv..rr~-» Zinnecker Accepts Post in Owosso Townsend's Store Benefit Hospital Fund Vows Exchanged In Quiet Ceremony Ellington Grange Elects New Officers ass City State Bank ^_ new fashion classic in silky broadcloth U LIEN'S Final Bites Friday For Andrew Czapla ^ ^-AV,*^**^ tJLClAi.4.V UUii- '•••••