The University of Sheffield DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ANNUAL REPORT 2012 1 April 2013 This report is a companion to Materials@Sheffield 2012 our record of research activity. It summarises many of the teaching activities and results for the Department for the academic year 2012. It provides detailed lists of undergraduates and postgraduate students for the current 2012/13 session and summaries recent extra-Departmental involvement of staff and students in conferences, lecture tours and research visits abroad. 2 CONTENTS Page Number 1. STAFF IN THE DEPARTMENT 4 2. RECENT APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS 9 3. DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 12 4. DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS AWARDED 20 5. PRIZES AND DISTINCTIONS 23 6. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 6.1 Undergraduate Entry 6.2 Sources of Support for Undergraduates 6.3 Undergraduate Teaching a) BEng/MEng in Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering BEng/MEng in Biomedical Engineering b) MEng Course in Materials Science and Engineering c) Exchange Students d) Contact of Undergraduates with Industry e) Final Year Undergraduate Projects 6.4 Undergraduate Student List 2010/11 25 25 26 27 7. POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL 7.1 Postgraduate Numbers 7.2 Taught Masters Students 7.3 Research Students 7.4 Research Colloquia 7.5 Postgraduate Student List 2010 38 38 38 39 39 44 8. SHORT COURSES 54 9. THE TURNER MUSEUM 54 10. HATFIELD MEMORIAL LECTURE 54 11. VISITORS 55 12. VISITS ABROAD 58 13. LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS IN THE UK 61 14. MEMBERSHIP OF LOCAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 66 15. PUBLICATIONS 76 28 29 30 30 33 35 3 1. STAFF IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2012/13 Academic Staff: Head of Department: Professor W M Rainforth Professors: Professor M R J Gibbs Professor J H Harding Professor R J Hand Professor J W Haycock Professor N C Hyatt Professor B J Inkson Professor S MacNeil Professor A Matthews Prof J Provis Professor I M Reaney Professor T Schrefl (10%) Professor D C Sinclair Professor I Todd Professor P Tsakiropoulos Professor G Ungar Professor A R West Readers: Dr D Allwood Dr S J Matcher Dr G Moebus Dr E J Palmiere Dr I ur Rehman Senior Lecturers: Dr B Chen Dr C K Chong Dr F Claeyssens Dr R Goodall Dr M Jackson Dr A Leyland Dr K P Travis Dr K Whittle Dr B P Wynne Lecturers: Dr S A Hayes Dr G Hrkac (left July 2012) Dr C L Freeman (from Sept 2012) Dr H Kinoshita Dr N A Morley Dr G Reilly Dr C Rodenburg (from Sept 2012) Dr R P Thackray Dr X Zeng Emeritus Professors: Professor B B Argent Professor M Cable Professor H A Davies, FREng Professor F G F Gibb Professor G W Greenwood, FRS, FREng Professor F R Jones Professor H Jones Professor J M Parker Professor J H Sharp Professor P V Wright University Teachers Dr J Dean Dr J Foreman Dr P Kapranos Dr M C Stennett Fellowships Dr T Hayward – EPSRC Dr C Holland – EPSRC 4 Associate Professor: Professor P V Hatton Prof R van Noort Associate Senior Lecturer: Dr D H Kirkwood Associate Reader: Dr D H Warrington Associate Lecturer : Dr A W Bryant Dr J Devlin Visiting Lecturers: Dr E Maddrell (01.01.07-31.12.12) Dr V Royds Departmental Superintendent Dr S J Mason Senior Experimental Officer Dr P Korgul (Sorby Centre) Teaching Administrator Mrs T V Sampson Project Administrator, The Nanolab Mrs J Simpson Financial Administrator Mr D M Binns Project Engineer Dr F Derguti Short Course Director Dr P A Kapranos Research Manager Mr G Brown Manager, Mercury Centre Dr M I Highett IMMPETUS Administrator Ms M Szofer Marketing and Administration Officer/ Mercury Project Mrs S Hollely/Miss E Shepherd Experimental Officers Dr L Ma Dr N Reeves-McLaren Dr C Shaw Dr P Zeng Marketing and Communication Officer for the Leonardo Centre Miss R Duthie Project Manager – Metals DTC Dr C Hinchliffe Learning Technologist – Metals DTC Mrs K Thomson E-Futures DTC Programme Manager Dr N J Lowrie 5 Visiting Academic Staff Prof N A Chapman, Independent Consultant in Radioactive Waste Management Prof P T Curtis, DSTL Prof S Franklin, Philips, The Netherlands Prof K Holmberg, Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) Prof A A Howe, Tata Steel Prof Y Iqbal, Materials Research Laboratory, Institute of Physics & Electronics, Peshawar University Prof D Jiles, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iowa State University Prof P T McGrail, Composites and Polymers Consultant Dr S Owens, National Nuclear Laboratory Prof D Porter, Dept of Zoology, University of Oxford Prof S Stipp, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Prof W Smith, CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory (retired February 2011) Prof J Talamantes Silva, Sheffield Forgemasters Ltd Prof J Thomason, Strathclyde University Prof B S Yilbas, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia Associate Professor Qi-Long Zhang, Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University Prof dr ir Sybrand van der Zwaag, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands Research Fellows and Research Assistants Miss T Abbasian – DSTL (JF), 1 Jan 13-31 March 13 Mr M N Ali – IUR, (part-time) April 2012-March 2013 Dr M Audronis – EPSRC 20 Feb 12 – 31 March 2014 Dr I Barbaric – Wellcome Discipline Hopping Scheme – 1 March 13–28 Feb 14 Dr A J Beck - BBSRC (AM) 1 Apr 2006–31 Dec 13 Dr S Bernal Lopez (NCH) 1 June 2012-31 May 2014 Mr U Bhatta – EPSRC (GM) 30 April 2010- 31 March 2013 Dr L E Bostan – Marie Curie 3 July 2012-2 July 2014 Dr K Briston – EPSRC (BJI) 01 Oct 2010–30 June 13 Dr M Bryan – EPSRC (DA) 1 March 2009–25 Sept 2013 Dr A Bullock – Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust (SMN) 25 April 2000-28 Feb 2013 Dr B Christiansen – EPSRC (JHH) 1 Oct 2010-30 Sept 2013 Dr C Corkhill – European Union REDDUP (NCH) 1 Sept 2011-31 March 2014 Dr P Crawforth – EPSRC Fellow (BPW/MJ) – 22 Oct 12 – 21 Oct 13 Dr D Cumming – EPSRC (ARW) 1 March 2010-30 April 2013 Dr F Derguti – Rolls Royce (WMR/IT) Oct 2009-30 Sept 2013 Ms P Deshpande – Wellcome Trust (SMN) 16 July 2010-15 July 2013 Dr R Dost – Toyota (GH/DA) 1 July 2010-31 March 13 Dr J Dugan – EPSRC (FC) 7 Jan 13-6 Jan 16 Dr A Ellis – EPSRC (JF) 1 Oct 12-31 March 13 Dr M Faraji – EPSRC (PT) 1 Jan 2009-31 Dec 2012 Dr H Foxhall – EPSRC (JHH) 1 July 2010-30 June 2013 Dr A Gandy – EPSRC (NCH) – 1 Oct 11-30 Sept 13 Dr E Hadzifejzovic – EPSRC (ARW) 1 Dec 2011-31 March 2013 Miss S Haine – EPSRC (WMR) 1 June 2012 – 31 Dec 2012 Dr S Hall – EPSRC (JHH) 21 Nov 12 – 11 Nov 14 Dr T Hayward – EPSRC (Research Fellow) – 1 Jan 2012-31 Dec 2016 Dr C Huang – Mercury Project (WMR/IT) 7 Feb 2011-30 Sept 2013 Mr J Hunt – Mercury Project (WMR/IT) May 2011-Sept 2013 Dr X Jiang – EPSRC (WMR) July 2012-31 Dec 12 Miss D Kasaragod – EPSRC (SJM) 21 Feb 12-30 Sept 12 Dr J Kavanagh – TST (AL) 1 Feb 2012-30 June 2013 6 Dr YN Kok – EPSRC (AL) 1 June 2010-30 June 13 Dr M Krzyzanowski – EPSRC (WMR) 1 Aug 2002-30 June 13 Mr L Kourtis – Mercury Project (WMR/IT) Sept 12 – 30 Sept 13 Dr H Li – TST (AL) 6 Feb 2012-5 Feb 2014 Dr M Li – EPSRC (SZ) 1 Jan 2012-31 March 13 Mr C J Liang – EPSRC (AM) 2 Jan 13 – 30 April 14 Dr F Liu – FP7-Nanogold (GU) – 2 Oct 2009-31 Aug 2012 Mr Y Liu – EPSRC (ARW) – 1 Nov 2009- 31 Dec 2012 Dr Z Lu – EPSRC (SJM) 16 June 2008-31 May 2012 Dr N Maso Carcases – EPSRC 1 March 2009-31 March 13 Dr S Mittar – Yorkshire Cancer Research (SMN) 1 Feb 2011-31 May 2013 Dr A Nogiwa Valdez – Mercury Project (WMR/IT) 1 March 2011-31 Sept 13 Dr I Ortega – EPSRC (SMN) 1 April 12-31 March 14 Dr N Osman – Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (SMN) 19 Sept 11-18 Sept 13 Dr J Pokorny – EPSRC (ARW) p/t– 1 Feb 2008-31 Jan 2012 Dr A Rana – Mercury Project (WMR/IT) 1 May 2011-30 Sept 2013 Dr Y Ryabenkova – EU (GM) – 14 Jan 13-30 Nov 14 Dr J Sharp – Mercury Project (WMR & IT) 1 Oct 2012-30 Sept 13 Dr A Shojaei – EOARD – (JF) 1 Feb 13 Jan 13-28 Feb 14 Dr A Sidambe – Mercury Project (WMR & IT) 8 Sept 2010-07 Sept 2013 Mr T Simm – EPSRC (WMR) 31 Oct 2011-31 Dec 2012 Dr D Stapleton – Mercury Project (WMR/IT) 1 Oct 2011-30 Sept 2012 Dr I Sterianou – EPSRC (IMR) 1 Oct 2009-31 Dec 2012 Dr M Thomas – Mercury Project (WMR/IT) – 1 Oct 12–30 Sept 2013 Dr C Utton – EPSRC (PT) 8 June 2010-30 April 2014 Mr T Wood – EPSRC (BC) 8 Oct 12-31 March 13 Dr A Yerokhin – EPSRC (AM) Senior Research Fellow -1 July 2003-31 March 2013 Dr H Zhang – EPSRC (IMR/WMR) 12 Dec 2011-31 Aug 2014 Dr R Zhang – EPSRC (GU) 14 Jan 13-13 Jan 18 Dr Y Zhang – Mercury Project (IT/WMR) 1 Aug 2011-31 Sept 2013 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) Mr A Hales – KTP William Beckett Plastics (RG) 3 Jan 13 – 1 Jan 15 Dr Zhiwei Ma – KTP Laminar Medica Ltd (JF) 2 Jan 13 – 1 Jan 15 Dr G Stevenson – KTP from JRI Ltd (JWH) 1 Nov 2011-31 Oct 2013 Mr S Venkatachalam KTP Cutting & Wear (AL) 14 Jan 13-13 Aug 13 Mr J Williams – KTP from TSB (MJ) – 01 Sept 2012 – 31 Aug 14 Miss B Zalinska – KTP from Sarantel Group plc (IMR) 1 Oct 2009-30 Sept 2012 Administrative Support Staff: Mrs V M Dalton (PA to Head of Department) Mrs K A Burton (p-t) Ms W B Dutton Miss R D Fearon (p-t) Miss K L Heard Ms F E Kirk Mrs L Mason Mrs A Newbould (p-t) Miss L Runagle Mrs A E Sargent 7 Technical Staff: Mr K Arnold Dr J Bates Mr M Bell Miss D Bussey Mr M Carter Mr R Dickinson Mr F G Fletcher Mr P Hawksworth Mr D Haylock Miss Z Hill Dr L Hollands Miss C Johnson Mr R Kangley Ms B C Lane Miss K McLaughlin Mr A G Mould Mr B G Palmer Mr M J Wagner Mr I P Watts Coffee Bar Staff: Mrs A Marquis 8 2. RECENT APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS Academic Staff Dr Fred Claeyssens was promoted to Senior Lecturer from January 2013 Dr Colin Freeman was appointed Lecturer from September 2012 Dr Conny Rodenburg was appointed Lecturer from September 2012 Dr Joel Foreman was appointed University Teacher from September 2012 Dr Chris Holland joined the Department as EPSRC Fellow from January 2013 Dr Shaowei Zhang left the Department in July 2012 Dr Gino Hrkac left the Department in August 2012 Administrative Staff Miss Emma Shepherd joined the Department in October 2012 Miss Rachel Duthie joined the Department in June 2012 Miss Louise Runagle joined the Department in January 2013 Miss Kate Orgill left the Department in October 2012 Technical Staff Mr Kyle Arnold joined the Department in June 2012 Mr Robert Dickinson joined the Department in August 2012 Miss Zarah Hill joined the Department in June 2012 Dr Lisa Hollands joined the Department in February 2012 Miss Kerry McLaughlin joined the Department in June 2012 Mr Mike Cooper retired from the Department in June 2012 Mr Phil Staton left the Department in May 2012 Research Fellows, Associates and Assistants/KTP Associates appointed during the reporting period: Miss T Abbasian Dr H Li Mr M N Ali Dr M Li Dr M Audronis Mr C J Liang Dr I Barbaric Dr I Ortega Dr S Bernal Lopez Dr N Osman Dr L E Bostan Dr Y Ryabenkova Dr J Dugan Dr J Sharp Dr A Ellis Dr A Shojaei Miss S Haine Mr T Wood Dr S Hall Dr R Zhang Dr X Jiang Mr A Hales Miss D Kasaragod Dr Z Ma Dr J Kavanagh Mr S Venkatachalam Mr L Kourtis Mr J Williams The following Research Assistants and Students left the Department Dr E Baggaley Dr Z Lu Mr K Butler Dr J Pokorny Dr E Hadzifejzovic Dr D Stapleton Miss D Kasaragod Miss B Zalinska Dr F Liu 9 SUMMARY OF STAFF AND STUDENT NUMBERS 2011/12 2012/13 Academic Staff 37 40 Associate Academic Staff 19 10 University Teachers 4 4 Fellows 1 2 Financial Administrator 1 1 Technical Manager 1 1 Teaching Administrator 1 1 Short Course Director 1 1 Manager, Mercury Centre 1 1 Project Manager – Metals DTC 1 1 Learning Technologist 1 1 E-Future DTC Programme Manager 1 1 Senior Experimental Officer 1 1 Experimental Officers 4 4 Project Administrator – The Nanolab 1 1 Research Administrator 1 1 IMMPETUS Administrator 1 1 Marketing & Admin Officer s 1 2 Technical Staff (FTE) 16 19 Admin Support Staff 11 11 Research Fellows 55 70 KTP Associates 7 6 First Year 50 43 Second Year 42 71 Third Year 39 40 Fourth Year 29 41 Postgraduate Masters Students 65 95 PhD Students/EngD: 10 Undergraduate Students: 2011/12 Year 1 BEng Aerospace Materials Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Biomaterials) Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng Foundation Year ( Mat Sci & Eng) Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Biomaterials) Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 1 MEng Metallurgy Year 2 BEng Aerospace Materials Year 2 BEng Biomaterial Science & Tissue Eng Year 2 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 2 BEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 2 BEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 2 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Biomaterials) Year 2 MEng Bio Science & Tissue Eng Year 2 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 2 MEng Metallurgy Year 3 BEng Aerospace Materials Year 3 BEng Biomaterial Science & Tissue Eng Year 3 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 3 BEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 3 MEng Aerospace Materials Year 3 MEng Biomaterial Science & Tissue Eng Year 3 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 3 MEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 3 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 3 MEng Metallurgy Year 4 MEng Aerospace Materials Year 4 MEng Biomaterial Science & Tissue Eng Year 4 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 4 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 4 MEng Metallurgy Sub-Total Aerospace Engineering First Year Aerospace Second Year Aerospace Third Year Aerospace Fourth Year Aerospace Sub-Total Bioengineering First Year Bioengineering Second Year Biomedical Third Year Biomedical Fourth Year Biomedical 5 1 4 3 19 3 2 1 2 12 6 2 1 2 1 16 1 6 9 2 4 7 3 7 1 8 1 1 4 2 2 9 1 10 1 ___ 159 117 105 92 51 ___ 365 Sub-total 39 23 18 9 ___ 89 Total 613 2012/13 Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Mod Lang) Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 1 MEng Metallurgy Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 1 BEng Aerospace Materials Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 1 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Biomaterials) Year 1 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Biomaterials) Foundation Year ( Mat Sci & Eng) Year 2 BEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 2 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 2 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 2 MEng Metallurgy Year 2 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 2 BEng Aerospace Materials Year 2 MEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 2 BEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 2 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Biomaterials) Year 2 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Biomaterials) Year 3 BEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 3 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 3 MEng Biomaterial Science & Tissue Eng Year 3 BEng Biomaterial Science & Tissue Eng Year 3 BEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 3 BEng Aerospace Materials Year 4 MEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 3 BEng Mat Sci & Eng with Year in Japan Year 4 MEng Mat Sci & Eng Year 4 MEng Mat Sci & Eng (Ind Mgt) Year 4 MEng Metallurgy Year 4 MEng Biomaterial Science & Tissue Eng Year 4 MEng Aerospace Materials Sub-Total Aerospace Engineering First Year Aerospace Second Year Aerospace Third Year Aerospace Fourth Year Aerospace Sub-Total Bioengineering First Year Bioengineering Second Year Bioengineering Third Year Biomedical Fourth Year Biomedical 40 10 2 4 5 13 4 1 1 7 5 16 13 1 6 4 6 2 2 2 1 20 8 3 13 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 8 1 207 112 136 104 54 ___ 406 Sub-total 46 40 23 9 ___ 118 Total 731 11 3. DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT/COMMITTEE STRUCTURE 2012/13 ADMISSIONS TEAM - Dr D Allwood – Admissions Tutor Dr R P Thackray – Admissions Tutor (Overseas) Dr P Kapranos – Postgraduate Admissions Tutor Mrs L C Mason – Admissions Secretary Mrs K Burton – Postgraduate Admissions Secretary Dr R Goodall Dr M Jackson Dr F Claeyssens Dr C Rodenburg The Admissions Team oversees all aspects of recruitment to undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses offered by the department. Louise Mason and Dan Allwood oversee the administration of undergraduate admissions. Louise Mason is responsible for day-to-day communication with the University’s Admissions Department. Dan Allwood is responsible for decision-making on individual offers and for setting entry grade requirements. Dan Allwood also sits on the Recruitment and Admissions Forum, which has oversight of all taught course admissions to the Engineering Faculty. The main focus of undergraduate recruitment is the UCAS Open Days to which we invite all applicants. We expect a large majority of home applicants and some overseas applicants to attend these days. Dan Allwood, Russell Goodall, Martin Jackson and Louise Mason are responsible for organising and delivering UCAS days, while Fred Claeyssens includes a tour and course presentation on the Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials) degree. We would normally have six UCAS days in an application cycle. The days are 12 very diverse, including presentations on the course and department, on aspects of materials research (including a research laboratory tour), and one by former students on their impressions of the department. We also include an interview with a staff member (chosen from across the department), opportunities for applicants to meet staff and students, accommodation talks and a tour of the Student Union and Information Commons. Plato Kapranos oversees postgraduate taught course admissions and is assisted in administration by Karen Burton. The process starts at the Admissions Section of the University where electronic applications are processed within two working days and forwarded to the relevant department. At the departmental level we have a target of processing the applications within one week, where possible, i.e. when information is available for a decision to be made. The prospective students should receive a decision on their application within four weeks. When cases are borderline and require further consideration, interviews are conducted either by phone or in person, as appropriate. Occasionally, if overseas candidates are on the borderline of their English language requirements, offers can be made provided that the students undertake remedial English courses of appropriate length and level as recommended by the English Language Teaching Centre of the University. The Admissions Team and Outreach Team liaise over University Open Days and schools activities since these both play a role in attracting applicants to the department. The Admissions Team plays an active role in Faculty outreach trips overseas, with Richard Thackray having travelled to India in recent years and further visits planned, and Plato Kapranos with further visits to China and Japan planned. EXAMINATION BOARD Professor I M Reaney (Chair) External Examiners All academic staff Mrs L C Mason (Minutes) Responsibility for the implementation of grading schemes and for the moderation of grades by external Examiners. A meeting of the Board is convened to consider results from Semester 1 and 2 and also August resits. A meeting of the Special Circumstances Committee meets prior to each Examination Board to consider any extenuating circumstances. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Prof W M Rainforth (Head) Prof J W Haycock (Director of the Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering) Prof N C Hyatt (Director of Research) Prof I M Reaney (Deputy Head and Director of Undergraduate Studies and Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee) Prof D C Sinclair (Director of Taught Masters) Dr D A Allwood (Undergraduate Admissions) Dr S Mason (Technical Manager) Mr D Binns (Financial Administrator & Minutes) Mrs V M Dalton (Administrator) The Executive Committee is responsible, through its representatives, for the day-to-day running of the Department. It meets regularly, every four weeks during term-time, less frequently during 13 vacations. Minutes are circulated to all Academic Staff to serve both as a record and as a news sheet. DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PANEL (DRP) Prof W M Rainforth (HoD) Prof I M Reaney Prof M R J Gibbs Prof J H Harding Prof S MacNeil Prof A Matthews Prof D C Sinclair Ms E Robinson (HR) Mr D Binns (Finance Administrator) Mrs V M Dalton (Departmental HR Administrator) The role of the Departmental DRP Committee is to support the HOD in overseeing the SRDS process within the Department and ensuring that it is implemented. Providing guidance on the timetable, departmental objectives, priorities, any generic objectives and the assessment of contribution levels within the department and agreeing when to tell staff they are recommended for an ECA and making this known to all staff. Considering the summary of assessment ratings across the department and identifying any relevant trends and or individual cases that need to be looked at in more detail. Following up on staff who have not had an SRDS review to ensure that a meeting is held. Considering those cases where a reviewee is dissatisfied with the assessment given. Considering those cases recommended for ECAs by reviewers and deciding which to endorse. Providing feedback to reviewers where an assessment of contribution should be changed. LEARNING AND TEACHING COMMITTEE Prof I M Reaney (Chair) Dr R P Thackray Dr C K Chong Dr P A Kapranos Dr H Kinoshita Dr A Leyland Dr R Goodall Mrs T V Sampson (Admin Support & Minutes) The TCC (Taught Courses Committee) and DTQC (Departmental Teaching Quality Committee) has merged to become the Learning and Teaching Committee, responsible for all aspects of teaching and learning within the Department and reports to Staff Meetings and Head of Department (HOD). This includes overseeing programme specifications, regulations, timetabling, assessment and course booklets, developing teaching and learning strategies and responding to new Faculty and University policies, external examiners reports and issues raised by the Departmental Teaching Quality, Departmental Post-Graduate Taught Courses and Staff-Student Committees. Typically 4 meetings are scheduled in the academic year (September, January, March & July) with additional meetings as necessary. An annual Teaching Away-Day is also held in June, where development issues are discussed and also to monitor the quality of all aspects of teaching in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and to provide an interface with the Faculty and University on matters of teaching quality. 14 In executing its function of monitoring teaching quality, the former DTQC introduced a number of measures including module questionnaires, module reviews and year reviews, which have been recognised by both the University and the Faculty of Engineering as examples of good practice. OUTREACH AND SCHOOLS TEAM Dr R Goodall (Chair) Dr D Allwood Dr F Claeyssens Dr C Rodenburg Dr C Freeman Dr M Stennett This committee coordinates the public outreach and schools liaison activities in the department. This includes all interaction with the public and in particular schools (at pre-application stages), and as a result can take many forms, from schools visiting the department for open days, to members of the department going out to schools to present to classes on many different aspects of materials science and engineering and the research that we do. Throughout the year the committee organises a number of regular events, including the Headstart Summer School, IoM3 Open Days and Science and Engineering Taster Days, and also represents the department at the University Open Days throughout the summer. Other one-off events are arranged in response to specific requests from schools or where members of the department wish to undertake them. In carrying out its work the committee is supported by a group of undergraduate, postgraduate and research assistant volunteers (including representatives of the Science and Engineering Champions and STEM Ambassador Network), who assist in all aspects of engaging with schools and the public and delivering the activities. POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH COMMITTEE Dr N A Morley (Chair) Prof R J Hand Mr J Miller (Student Representative) Mr G Patterson (Student Representative) Dr S J Matcher Prof W M Rainforth Dr B P Wynne Dr K P Travis Mrs A Newbould (Minutes) The Postgraduate Committee oversees procedures for monitoring progress of MPhil and PhD students. A Postgraduate Supervision and Assessment document listing milestones and key procedures is regularly updated to ensure students and supervisors are aware of current requirements. This document is circulated to staff and students through the Department Handbook. A spreadsheet of the progress of all current PhD’s is continually updated by Ann Newbould including details of the Research Training Programme (RTP)/Doctoral Development Programme (DDP) courses completed, first year report, seminar and upgrade status, second year poster and report, final year seminars, theses and viva results. The committee is also responsible for liaising with the Engineering 15 Faculty Research Office and the University Graduate Research Office and for organising the departmental research seminar series. To assist incoming students, a Departmental tour is arranged in the first week of the autumn semester as part of the 2-day Introduction to Research Techniques course. A second tour and introductory course is arranged in February for late arrivals. The committee also recommends the award of postgraduate prizes. Brunton Medal and Premium (Metallurgy) Foster Research Prize in Glass Technology DSTL Physical Sciences Prize Departmental Ceramics Prize Siderurgica NS Aparecida SA Medal and Prize POSTGRADUATE TEACHING COMMITTEE Prof D C Sinclair (Chair) Prof A R West Dr G Moebus Dr B P Wynne Dr X Zeng Mrs K A Burton (Minutes) The Postgraduate Teaching Committee was established to manage the taught course modules and to deal with enquiries and applications. Furthermore, the newly established New Route Doctorate in Advanced Materials, which combines a taught MSc with a research PhD, needs additional courses for the Doctoral Development Programme. Additional MSc courses are planned for the future, so the membership will be continuously under review. The main remit is to monitor course delivery and student progression. Dr Zhang represents the Postgraduate Taught Courses Committee on the Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee. The committee has dedicated much of its time to evaluating the impact of our new Centres for Doctoral Training on PG teaching. This is all very positive, and has given us the opportunity to consider new modules, and some other restructuring. All PG delivery will be using block teaching from next session. This is to ensure the best interface to the CDTs. PROMOTION COMMITTEE Prof W M Rainforth (HoD) Prof M R J Gibbs Prof J H Harding Prof J W Haycock Prof N C Hyatt Prof B J Inkson Prof S MacNeil Prof A Matthews Prof J Provis Prof I M Reaney Prof D C Sinclair Prof I Todd 16 Prof P Tsakiropoulos Prof G Ungar Mr D Binns (Finance Administrator) Mrs V Dalton (Departmental HR Administrator) Faculty HR Representative The Promotion Committee consults and considers all staff in the Department to determine whether their jobs have grown sufficiently to be considered for promotion. This should be done with reference to the Grade Profiles which give the main factors differentiating one grade from another and may be informed by SRDS discussions to identify if it is the right time for promotion. The Promotion committee meet to consider which staff the Department recommend go forward to the University promotion panel. RESEARCH & INNOVATION COMMITTEE Prof N C Hyatt (Chair) Prof W M Rainforth Prof I M Reaney Prof J H Harding Prof J W Haycock Prof B J Inkson Prof A Matthews Prof D C Sinclair Prof I Todd Dr D Allwood Mr G Brown (Admin support) To invigorate improvements in research quality, research grant income and research student numbers in the Department. The committee recommends the research strategies adopted by the Department, including issues relating to all forms of research output, external partnerships, internal collaborations, investment in the research base, and research quality. It acts to pool relevant information and intelligence and to disseminate research opportunities. It monitors PhD and DTC admissions, scholarships, fee waivers etc, and overviews PhD and DTC progression. It also monitors industrial relations and industrial income (e.g. KTPs). It feeds back into the Faculty Graduate Research Committee. Finally, the committee will oversee the approach to future RAE/REF assessment processes. STAFF MEETINGS Meetings of all academic staff are held at the beginning of each Semester. A third meeting is held mid-May. Reports are received from Management Committee members. Discussions are held on issues of concern or possible new developments. Special, single-issue staff meetings are arranged throughout the year, as appropriate. 17 STAFF-STUDENT Forum Departmental Staff: Prof J H Harding Dr R Goodall Dr R P Thackray Mrs L C Mason (Admin Representative & Minutes) Student Representatives: Emma Caille Sarah Haine James Powell Jithendra Ratnayake Lex Rigby The Departmental Staff-Student Forum is convened by Prof John Harding. The convenor is responsible for establishing the membership of the committee and organising 4 meetings per year. All members of the committee are sought on a voluntary basis. Student members act as representatives of their fellow students, while there is also appropriate representation from academic, technical and administrative staff. Chairmanship of the committee is rotated between Dr Goodall and a Student Representative. The Committee aims to meet in weeks 3 and 9 of each semester. The atmosphere of the SSC meeting is always cordial and constructive. Staff and students have the opportunity to raise and discuss a number of items centred on improving services in the Department for undergraduates and postgraduates. Minutes (confirmed) are available to all staff and students via the Staff-Student Committee web page on MUSE The information on SSC activities and recommendations are also passed on to the Students’ Union, as appropriate. Ms. Helen Moore (Librarian for Faculty of Engineering) has been working with the Departmental Coordinator to ensure that all relevant material is available at the St Georges’ Library. STRATEGY GROUP Prof W M Rainforth (Chair) Prof M R J Gibbs Prof R J Hand Prof J H Harding Prof J Haycock Prof N C Hyatt Prof B J Inkson Prof S MacNeil Prof A Matthews Prof J Provis Prof I M Reaney Prof D C Sinclair Prof I Todd Prof P Tsakiropoulos Prof A R West Prof G Ungar 18 This group meets on an ad-hoc basis to discuss issues of strategic importance for the Department, to advise and support the Head of Department, especially on matters of a confidential nature, to “test the water” for new initiatives and to provide a collective and often rapid response to new opportunities. Minutes are not kept. TASK AND FINISH GROUP Dr J Dean (Chair) Dr H Kinoshita Mr M Hodges Mrs V M Dalton Ms M S Szofer Miss L Runagle Mrs K Thomson 19 4. DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS AWARDED DURING 2012 (i) DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING, BEng with Honours Materials Science and Engineering Mr Nick Bury Mr Bo Feng Mr Yang Lan Mr Fergus William Finian McCool Mr Yen-Ju Wu Miss Mariana Levinta Mr Bing Huang Wu Hons II(ii) Hons II(ii) Hons II(ii) Hons II(ii) Hons II(ii) Hons III Hons III Biomaterials Science and Tissue Engineering Mr Sam Beckett Miss Leanne Black Miss Caroline Gabbott Mr Patrick Rider Mr Cooraez Keshvani Miss Meng Chen Michelle Li Hons I Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Hons II(ii) Hons II(ii) Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Mr Chanon Iamvasant Hons II(i) Mr Junxi He Hons II(ii) Miss Jieqiong Wang Hons II(ii) Aerospace Materials Mr Ahmad Khairulikram Bin Zahari Mr Munirah Abu Bakar Mr Simon Nicholls Mr Shuiloon Yip Hons II(i) Hons II(ii) Hons II(ii) Hons II(ii) (ii) DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING, MEng with Honours Materials Science and Engineering Mr Daniel Joseph Biley Mr John Butterworth Mr Geoffrey Ian Foulds Mr James Robert Powell Mr James Stephen Redman Mr Graham Peter Charles Richards Miss Holly Humphries Mr Zhao Yuan Leong Mr James Owen Jordan Williams Hons I Hons I Hons I Hons I Hons I Hons I Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Mr Adam Cox Hons I Metallurgy Mr Chin Ruenn Benjamin Lim Hons II(i) Biomaterials Science and Tissue Engineering Mr Joss Kirkwood Atkinson Hons I 20 Mr Piotr Geca Mr Robert David Hume Mr Thomas Paterson Mr Riccardo Innocenti Malini Miss Mercy Mumbi Karanja Miss Sarah Lindsay Miss Dorren Naia Miss Heather Amanda Shillitoe Hons I Hons I Hons I Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Mr Ross Barrable Mr Lee Foster Hons II(i) Hons II(i) Aerospace Materials (iii) ERASMUS VISITING STUDENTS Miss Lorene Heraud – Lyon, France Miss Irene Lopez de Vicuna – University of Navarra, Spain Miss Flavia Mele – Polytechnic of Torino, Italy Mr Quentin Paviotti – Lyon, France Miss Lucyna Sztembergy, Jagiellonsky University, Poland Miss Yunze Tian – Drexel University, USA Mr Joao Veherinho Cardoso – University of Aveiro, Portugal All continuing studies at home University. Master of Philosophy (M Phil) 2012 NAME DISSERTATION/THESIS TITLE SUPERVISOR Adulyasirikul, Akrachai The development of constitutive relationships on ferrite and austenite deformed at elevated temperatures EJP Tellechea Lopez, Ana Bioactive dressings for preventing complications in healing paediatric scalds SMcN/SLM Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 2012 Ali, Murtaza Development of Auxetic Polumeric Stent-graft for the palliative treatment for oesophageal cancer IUR/SmcN Haji, Hasan An analysis of microstructure and crystallographic texture in friction stir welded high strength low alloy steel BPW/EJP Hayes, Craig Manufacture of glass/rubber cord with improved durability FRJ Ismail, Muhammad Porous NiTi alloy by metal injection moulding (mim) using partly water soluble binder system IT/HAD Jiang, Xiaoqing Microstructure and crystallographic texture evolution in stationary shoulder friction stir welded Ti-6Al-4V BPW 21 Kalantari, Kambiz Ti doped Bil-xNdXFeo3 ceramics IMR/DCS Kanakis, Konstantinos Development of electron-beam PVD Cr-N based coatings AL/AM Kasaragod, Deepa Enhanced contrast in OCT imaging of tissues using birefringence, scattering and speckle signatures. SJM Latinwo, Olubaya The effects of process route variations on closed-die waspalloy forgings BPW/WMR Li, Zifu The effects of germanium addition in microstructures and properties of Nb silicide in situ composites PT McQueen, Andrew Structure-property relationships in hexagonal perovskites for microwave dielectric applications DCS Mohd Saiden, Norlaily Properties of nanocomposite rare earth-iron boron alloys with addition of tantalum TS/HAD Pegoraro, Carla Flexible polymersome delivery of macromolecules across human skin SMCN/GB Plummer, John On the physical aspects that control mechanical deformation in bulk metallic glasses IT Reid, Daniel Structure and radiation behaviour of pyrochlore related ceramics for actinide immobilisation NCH Sun, Lin The effects of strain path reversal on austenite grain subdivision, recrystallisation and phase transformations in microalloyed steel EJP/BPW Talamantes-Silva, Moises Finite element modelling and microstructure evolution of high integrity forgings. WMR/BPW Thomas, Meurig On the characterisation of subsurface deformation microstructures in aerostructural titanium alloys MJ Way, Louise The development of a novel miniature strain device and the response of tendon cells to in vitro tensile strain AMS/GR Zhang, Ruibin Complex liquid crystal phases in cylindrical confinement GU/XZ 22 5. PRIZES AND DISTINCTIONS 2012 The ARMOURERS AND BRASIERS’ MEDAL AND PREMIUM for distinction by a Final Year Student – 4th Year MEng Student Mr Adam Cox. The DANIEL DONCASER PRIZE IN ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND DESIGN for best performance by an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Student – 3rd Year MEng Student Mr Andrew Patterson. The DE BELIN PRIZE IN METALLOGRAPHY for MEng/BEng Metals or Materials Science and Engineering Students – 3rd Year MEng Student Mr James Powell. The FRESHGATE TRUST FOUNDATION PRIZE for academic and personal promise – 1st Year MEng Student Mr Jake Passarelli. The GUY SIMPSON PRIZE IN GLASS TECHNOLOGY for performance in level 2 Examinations – 2nd Year MEng Student Mr Alexander Mathers and 2nd Year BEng Student Mr Lu Xiao. The JESSIE ELLIS PRIZE for best essay on metallurgical subject selected by the Dean of Engineering – 4th Year MEng Student Mr Adam Cox. The INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS, MINERALS AND MINING PRIZE for performance over the entire period of the course – 4th Year MEng Student Mr Joss Atkinson. The INTERNATIONAL NICKEL PRIZE for examination performance – 2nd Year BEng Student Mr Vsevolod Kachanov. The LEWIS CHAPMAN PRIZE for work related to process metallurgy - 3rd Year MEng Student Mr Graham Richards. The MAPPIN MEDAL AND PREMIUM for greatest distinction shown by candidates in the final year of studying for BEng or MEng Degree – 4th Year MEng Student Mr Alexander Kirkpatrick. The SHEFFIELD METALLURGICAL AND ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION HATFIELD MEMORIAL PRIZE IN METALLURGY for performance in 2nd year examinations. 2nd Year MEng Student Mr James Williams. The SHEFFIELD METALLURGICAL AND ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION HATFIELD MEMORIAL PRIZE IN ENGINEERING for performance in 2nd year examinations. 2nd Year BEng Student Mr Vsevolod Kachanov. Sir HAROLD WEST AWARD for academic and personal promise. 1st year MEng Student Mr Richard Arnell The WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF IRONMONGERS’ PRIZES IN METALLURGY for progress during courses in metallurgy. 3rd Year MEng Students Miss Hannah Murray and Mr Dharaminder Singh. 23 CONGRATULATIONS TO: Prof Allan Matthews who has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. This prestigious award is only given to limited numbers of academics and recognises Allan’s outstanding contribution to the subjects of ‘Coatings and Surface Engineering’. Wail Gashier, PhD student with Dr Hajime Kinoshita and Prof Russell Hand, was awarded best student presentation prize at the Cement and Concrete Science Conference 2012 for his work titled ‘Long term leaching of cementitious nuclear waste’. Richard Kangley has attended and passed his ‘PRINCE2 certificate’, a recognised project management qualification. The prince method is the de-facto standard for project management in the UK and is practiced worldwide. Robert Jacob Myers, PhD student with Prof John Provis and Dr Susan Bernal, was awarded best student poster prize at the Cement and Concrete Science 2012’ for his work titled ‘ A sublattice thermodynamic model for C-(N)-A-S-H’. Undergraduate Prize Winners: Joss Atkinson, Daniel Bailey, Adam Cox, Geoffrey Foulds, James Powell, Graham Richards, Hannah Murray and Dharaminder Singh. 2nd Year PhD Poster Prize: Metals: Boniface Anazodo, Niobium-silicate based alloys for high temperature gas turbines. Non-metals: James Stevens, Investigating refractory spinel phases in high level nuclear waste vitrification. Non-metals biomaterials: Enas Hasan, Mimicking the natural regeneration of the cornea by tissue engineering. Image Competition winners 2012: Metals: Sprawling Lines, Matt Hodges, Non-metals: Liquid Crystal Carpet, Ruibin Zhang, Biomaterials: Fire Flies, Pallavi Deshpande, Life in the Department: I’m taking the lift, Faye Thompson 24 6. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 6.1 Undergraduate Entry Personnel The departmental Undergraduate Admissions team for 2011/12 consisted of Dr Dan Allwood (Principal Admissions Tutor), Dr Richard Thackray (Overseas Admissions Tutor), Louise Mason (administrative support) Dr Russell Goodall, Dr Martin Jackson and Dr Conny Rodenburg. UG Admissions The department offered the following undergraduate programmes in 2011/12 MEng/BEng Materials Science and Engineering (J500/JH51) MEng/BEng Materials Science and Engineering (Industrial Management) (FH21/FHF1) MEng Materials Science and Engineering (Modern Language) (J5R9) MEng Metallurgy (J200) Materials Science and Engineering with a Foundation Year (J501) MEng/BEng Aerospace Materials (H403/H401) MEng/BEng Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials) (JH5P/JH56) MEng Materials Science with Nuclear Engineering (F2H8) The 2011/12 admissions cycle saw applications from home students fall from 156 in 2010/11 to 153 in 2011/12. The number of overseas applications rose from 113 applications in 2010/11 to 128 in 2011/12. Our total first year intake in October 2012 was 37 Home/EU students, and 40 overseas students. With 67 starting on Materials Science and Engineering & related courses, 6 on Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials), and 4 on Aerospace Materials. A number of students were recruited, as in previous years, from the Sheffield International College, and the Department again benefited from faculty overseas recruitment activities in India, China and South East Asia. Dr Dan Allwood’s statement: The word that best characterises the 2011/12 UG applications cycle is ‘change’. This period saw many government-led changes relating to UG students, most notably: the introduction of £9,000 p.a. home student fees; the institutional limits to numbers of home/EU students with A-level grades of ABB and below; and a tightening of visa restrictions for overseas students. Many of these changes were made mid-cycle lending considerable uncertainty to any predictions of student arrivals. We nevertheless decided to continue with our entry grade changes and raised the A-level requirements to AAB for MEng degrees and BBB/ABC for BEng degrees. This large swathe of changes saw home/EU applications fall only slightly, while overseas applications rose by over 10 %. We made only minor changes to our UCAS Open Day, which seemed very popular with applicants. We saw our ‘strike rate’ of home/EU UG offer holders choosing us as first choice maintained at 35 %, which is excellent in the face of stiff UK competition. This underpinned the increase in home/EU UG starters, which was at the same level as two years ago, when the numbers also included Biomaterials Science & Tissue Engineering and Biomedical Engineering courses. We introduced new procedures for handling overseas applicants. We made offers immediately upon receiving an application and then arranged for the applicant to speak with either Dr Allwood or Dr Thackray by telephone as soon thereafter. 25 Furthermore, Dr Goodall gave a presentation at Sheffield International College, which increased the interest in studying for a Materials degree. These factors appear to be responsible for the significant increase in overseas students arriving in September 2012. As ever, my deep thanks go to all staff and students who assisted in Open Day arrangements. Forward Look for 2012/13 The strong UG recruitment for Sept 2012 gives us great encouragement for the 2012/13 cycle. There have been slight changes to the government Student Numbers Control (SNC) for 2013 entry, with students gaining ABB or above at A-level not subject to these limits. The high average entry tariff of the University of Sheffield means that we will have very few SNC places as an institution. In response to this, we have increased our BEng entry requirements to ABB (at A-level) while maintaining our AAB requirement for MEng degrees. The Undergraduate Admissions Team welcomes Dr Conny Rodenburg as a new member, who joins the previous team of Dr Dan Allwood (Director of Undergraduate Admissions), Dr Richard Thackray (Overseas Admissions Tutor), Mrs Louise Mason (administration), Dr Russell Goodall and Dr Martin Jackson. A large number of other staff assist in interviewing students at Open Days. Our UG recruitment targets for the coming cycle reflect the SNC changes and uncertainty in the sector in general. Maintaining home/EU entry will be incredibly difficult and a small reduction is most likely. However, we aim to see numbers of overseas students continue to grow but at a more modest level than last cycle. 6.2 Sources of Support for Undergraduates The following students have received bursaries, scholarships or sponsorship to support them in their studies during 2011/12. We wish to thank all the companies/institutes who are providing financial support for our students. 1st Year Abdullah Alotaibi Richard Arnell Muhammad Rafie Awang Haji Zainal Devarsh Barot Oliver Chapman Matthew Cook Tong Cui Dalang Du Xueqian Geng Thomas Gout Chen Huang Thabo John Mohal Lalbhai Tshenolo Leso Yunfan Li Hugo Lynch Seabelo Manenye Divya Mathew Daniel McStravick Prince Nakedi Jake Passarelli Ak Muhammad Nur Amin Pg Nordin SABIC UK Petrochemicals Ltd Departmental Bursary Brunei Government Agency Departmental Bursary Departmental Bursary Departmental Bursary UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Departmental Bursary UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Botswana High Commission UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Botswana High Commission UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Departmental Bursary Botswana High Commission UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Departmental Bursary Botswana High Commission Departmental Bursary Brunei Shell Petroleum Company 26 Nenguba Poloko Andrew Price Nur Hazwani Puteh Arthue Resende Calvin Rossington Yoonsung Shim Gloria Taiwo Alise Virbule Shanglin Wu Desen Zeng Ruyou Zhang 2nd Year Yousef Alusbhi Chun Tou Chan Zhaohui Che Jiazhen Chen Yu Chen Zhiyuan Chin Adim De Cerise Edwards Yiwei Jiang Vsevolod Kachanov Botswana High Commission Departmental Bursary Brunei Government Agency UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Departmental Bursary UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Merit Sheffield Scholarship and UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Departmental Bursary UG automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Nor Kamaludin Raffick Mopako Shishir Mundra Haotian Nan Immanuel Nixon Jithendra Ratnayake Can Sayi Stanford Selalame Yunsong Shi Sheue Tiong Lu Xiao Jingli Xie Hairen Zhou SABIC UK Petrochemicals Ltd UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship and Recruitment and Admissions Sheffield Centenary Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship NCUK Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship Botswana High Commission NCUK Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship 3rd Year Mbuso Mongwangwa Kitso Selohilwe Xiao Tao Botswana High Commission Botswana High Commission UG Automatic Sheffield Scholarship ` 6.3 Undergraduate Teaching The Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee was active in a number of areas in 2012. Discussions continued about a strategy to improve teaching efficiency through curriculum redesign at both final year UG and PGT level, with the plan being to implement these changes from 2014. Running alongside this, a proposal to revamp the MEng Materials Science programme was also produced, again with an implementation date of 2014. This new programme would contain much 27 more direct industrial input and real-life problem solving activities, as well as new modules on manufacturing for example, with the principal aim to produce graduate students with all the necessary skills needed for careers in modern industry or R&D. 2012 also saw the second year of delivery of cross faculty courses to Mechanical , Aerospace and Civil Engineering students. The success of these courses has meant that much of the module content has been incorporated into our departmental programmes, and this process will continue over the next academic year. Major changes were also made to our first year practical content and delivery – early feedback suggests that these changes have been well received by the first year cohort. December saw the publication of our annual NSS results. We were rightly proud of these, particularly the results relating to overall course satisfaction. One area that was identified for improvement was feedback, and so the department implemented a number of initiatives designed to improve the feedback process for all of our students. Project diaries and immediate online feedback from practicals are just two examples of these, and we are confident that these measures will result in an improvement in our feedback response and scores over the next few years. As part of the departmental strategy of implementing best practice with regard to the student experience, the staff student committee was relaunched under the chairmanship of Professor John Harding as the Staff Student Forum (SSF). It is hoped that this relaunch will make the committee more responsive to the needs of our student population. We continue to be concerned with the issues of ensuring competence in English for all new undergraduate students. The procedure of requiring all arriving students – whether home or overseas - to take a diagnostic test (arranged by the English Language Teaching Centre) is now well embedded. We use these tests to identify students with particular problems and direct them to the help available from the University Centre. We also support the University-wide Mathematics and Statistics Help (MASH) initiative and our students are among the major users of this facility. Undergraduate Taught Courses Descriptions A) Bioengineering Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering (BEng/MEng) Biomedical Engineering (BEng/MEng) The bioengineering courses (BSTE and BME) are aimed at training students for careers in hospitals, the healthcare industry and in research. They also develop strong multidisciplinary skills in students required by industry and in applied research. 2012 saw a continued development of the undergraduate Bioengineering courses, associated with major changes in the organisation the degrees. While BME was organised out of the Faculty of Engineering Interdisciplinary Programmes in 2010, BSTE remains within the department. However, both programmes stopped enrolment from 2011, being replaced by a faculty-wide common first year entry Bioengineering programme, which this department continues to play a significant role, with BME and BSTE forming two of the four specialism streams. This programme, headed by Professor Sheila MacNeil of this department, was successfully launched and enrolled its first intake of 38 students in September 2011. This increased to 46 in September 2012. In 2011, the department launched and enrolled its first batch of 4 students onto its Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials) programme, which most closely match BSTE, which increased to 6 in 2012. The BME programme is concerned with the application of engineering principles and skills to analyse and solve problems in medicine and biology for enhancing healthcare. The programme is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and remains one of the few accredited BME 28 degree programmes in the country. To strengthen cohesion, depth and choice of specialisations and to adapt to the dynamic biomedical engineering industries, the course structure has been greatly enhanced in the past two years. For example, in 2009/10 a much-revised MAT191 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering at Level 1 and MAT3410 Design of Medical Devices and Implants at Level 3/4 were offered, while MAS248 Mathematics III (Chemical) replaced MAS244 (Control). ENG302 Robot Technology, ACS408 Optimisation and Search, ACS416 Non-linear Systems, CPE412 Engineering Biotechnology, and MEC421 Sports Engineering were added to give students a broader choice of modules suitable for BME at Levels 3/4. MEC430 Solid Biomechanics was added in 2010/11. Students on the BME programme are not only supported by dedicated staffs at the Interdisciplinary Programmes Office, but also by a personal tutorial system involving academic staff members to provide better small group pastoral support, along with a proactive Staff-Student Committee. The Faculty Library resources have also been enhanced to provide BME/Bioengineering better support. 2012 continued to be a year of excellent achievements. A BME Undergraduate Research Day was held and attended by students, academic staff, and also the Bioengineering Industrial Advisory Board. Students in their final year of study presented their research projects on the podium as well as in posters. A panel of judges consisting of members from academic staff and industry, chose the 3 best poster presentations which were awarded prizes by Professor Sheila MacNeil. In 2012, the BME programme produced 15 graduates. At the MEng level, 5 graduates received 1st Class degrees while the others received Upper 2nd Class degree. At the BEng level, 3 graduates each received Upper 2 nd Class degrees and 1 graduate received a Lower 2nd Class degree. Chris Noble was awarded the JRI Prize in Bioengineering and Aashka Patel was awarded a Sheffield Graduate Award.. The BSTE course is concerned with the use of synthetic and natural materials for medical and biological applications, and provides an excellent basis for working at the life science – physical science interface. It is accredited by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM 3), in parallel with the MSE degree. The 2011/12 academic year saw 15 students graduating, of which 5 achieved 1st Class degrees from either the MEng programme. 9 students achieved upper second class degrees, with 2 attaining lower second class. Joss Atkinson was awarded the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining Prize, with Sheffield Graduate Awards going to Sarah Lindsey and Thomas Patterson. While our graduates are doing very well either pursuing graduate studies or working in various sectors, our students continuing their studies on these courses have always been (and continued to be) very interested in opportunities for career development and for further applying their learned knowledge. For example, a number of BME students took part in the SURE (Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience) scheme during summer vacation while some are involved in voluntary works and others are active working on projects associated with Engineers Without Borders. B) MEng Course in Materials Science and Engineering This 4-year course continues to attract high quality students who are hoping to pursue a career in either industry or research and who have exhibited a satisfactory level of academic achievement in years 1 and 2. The MEng course differs from the BEng course in many ways, and the main differences are discussed below. In year 3 the students are expected to undertake a 5-month placement at home or abroad, where they can gain invaluable experience in industry or a research environment. On return from their placement, at the beginning of year 4, the students participate in a semester-long group industrial project in collaboration with industry. They are presented with real industrial problems, and have to work in groups in order to propose a workable solution. Both the industrial partners and the student 29 cohort understand the importance of this project, which has been running in various forms for 10 years. In 2012, there were 6 students registered on the MEng course – placement destinations included Philips Applied Research, Precision Products, Rolled Alloys, Sheffield Forgemasters, and Firth Rixson. Again the students benefited from links with visiting professors, the assistance of Steve Franklin at Philips and Jesus Talamantes Silva at Sheffield Forgemasters provided the opportunity for 2 students to undertake their placement in Holland, and 1 to carry out research at Forgemasters. Also, four of our industrial supervisors involved in the placements were alumnis of the department and the MEng course. It is hope that these placement partnerships will continue well into the future, and that others can be created so that our students are able to take their placements in a wide range of materials–related disciplines. Feedback of student performance from employers and industrial sponsors for both placements and projects, has as in previous years been excellent. Year MEng Numbers 2008 12 2009 10 2010 12 2011 14 2012 13 C) Exchange Students In 2011/12 the Department hosted total of 9 exchange students from several overseas institutions. Through the Erasmus exchange scheme, 6 students studied in our department: João Veleirinho Cardoso (University of Aveiro, Portogal); Lorène Heraud and Quentin Paviotti (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, France); Flavia Angela Mele (Turin Polytecnic); Irene Marta Lopez de Vicuna (Tecnun University of Navarra). Through the exchange programme with Alfred University New York exclusive to our department, Kathryn Ersham, Eric Teller and Artemas Gordon Steere (Alfred University New York, USA) studied in our department. D) Contact of Undergraduates with Industry The four year MEng course is designed primarily for those who wish to pursue careers in the materials producing and using industries as process technologists, managers or researchers. A distinctive and important feature of the course is an industrial placement undertaken towards the end of year 3 (between May and September). The objectives of the placement are to provide an insight into the work of a professional engineer in industry and enable the student to put into context the material taught within the University-based part of the course. To meet these objectives the placement involves the following:Induction Period: Health and Safety, Management Structure, Company Products, Processing Sequence. Project Work: Ideally one or two substantive projects which would have the aim of achieving an improvement in processing route, product quality or materials selection. Works Organisation and Business Appreciation: During their period of employment it is hoped that students would be given the opportunity to gain an awareness of some of the following aspects of the company’s activities: Product Development and Design; Quality Assurance Control; Industrial Relations; Cost Control; Marketing; Customer Liaison; Use of Business and Industrial Software; Project Management. 30 SKILLS WEEK: 5-9 NOVEMBER 2012 The departmental Skills Week under the leadership of Dr Plato Kapranos ran as planned between the 5th and 9th of November 2012. A total of 74 students were involved in the various activities that included ‘Talks on Careers’, ‘IOM3 Membership’, Talk & exercises on plagiarism, Talks and activities on Communication & Team Work, and English Support class & practical exercises. An additional talk has been the introduction to the Departmental Research activities as well as one on the history of the Department; both received with great interest by the students as they felt more connected with what they are embarking on as well as deriving a sense of the history of the department they have joined. Two alumni currently working in UK industry (Sheffield Forgemasters Engineering & Siemens VAI respectively) gave presentations on their personal transitions from University to responsible positions in industry. In addition to the above, the students tackled a group project throughout the week that involved them generating their own fracture specimens using different grades of chocolate and a number of possible strengthening additions such as raisins, spaghetti, nuts, etc., all associated with different costs. The task was to produce the highest fracture toughness specimens at the lowest cost. The groups manufactured their fracture bars and had them tested at the end of the week, competing for prizes as well as peer assessing their performances. The group exercise proved particularly successful both from the educational point of view but more on the student engagement side. This is currently being written up in the form of a paper to be published in the educational literature. There were two industrial visits organised and successfully carried out and well received by the students (Forgemasters & Firth Rixson). Destination of MEng 3rd Year Placement Students April – Sept 2012 Student Tim Vinent Chris Ladley Xiao Tao James Ashby Kitso Selohilwe Andrew Patterson Placement Philips Applied Technologies Philips Applied Technologies Rolled Alloys Precision Products Sheffield Forgemasters International Firth Rixson Below are brief notes on the experiences of four of the students who were given placements: James Ashby, Precision Products “My industrial placement at Precision Products completed as a compulsory part of the M.Eng Materials Science and Engineering course has given me the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learned in lectures/labs to a real industrial setting. The role involved assisting the senior technical manager alongside running my own projects that would both teach me the underlying science behind the company's products and be beneficial to the company in the long term. One specific project involved the development of an "intelligent system" that would inform the user of the correct design of casting to use based on a number of dimensions and material properties. By completing this placement I have greatly increased in confidence in terms of both my academic and industrial competencies.” Xiao Tao, Rolled Alloys 31 “My main R&D project during my five month placement at Rolled Alloys was quality assurance of corrosion resistance duplex stainless steels. The project enabled me to gain a wide amount of experience in industrial analytical techniques, including optical microscopy and corrosion testing. In addition, working with experienced material engineers in the technical group enabled me to broadened my knowledge and apply material science in an industrial environment. I know have developed strong interest in corrosion and its management for the oil and gas industry. The placement experience improved my communication skills and self-confidence for working in industry when I graduate.” Andrew Patterson, Firth Rixson “My five month industrial placement at Firth Rixson Darley Dale gave me a true understanding of the processes required to turn raw titanium and nickel superalloy billets into final aerospace products such compressor disks, along with all of the technical metallurgical challenges that can arise during processing. I learnt how to critically analyse the raw data collected during processing and use it to find information that could point to the root cause of a technical problem.” Final Year Industrial Seminars The following talks were given to final year students during the 2012/13 session. These seminars are also open to postgraduate students. Speaker Dr Nick Kirk Dr Joe Lee Prof Terry McGrail Dr Andrew Hosty Prof A A Howe Dr Daniel Cairns Dr Eric Palmiere Prof Russell Hand Dr Abdullah Kafi Paul Fennel Dr David Bashford Dr Jit Patel Dr Jesus TalamantesSilva Institute/Company Technical Director GTS-Glass Technology Services Process Manager Siemens VAI Visiting Professor, Composites Centre Chief Executive Officer Morgan plc Scientific Fellow - University Liaison, Tata Steel RD&T Forming Development Specialist Johnson Matthey Catalysts Materials Science & Engineering, UoS Materials Science & Engineering, UoS Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Deakin University, Australia Careers Office, UoS Senior Applied R&D Engineer Umeco Managing Director International Metallurgy Ltd (UK) Group Research and Development Director, Sheffield Forgemasters International ltd Title of Presentation The Use of Recycled Glass for Container Glass Manufacture The most powerful metalworking tool on Earth Polymer matrix Composites Take Off! The Challenge of Running an Advanced Materials Technology Company Steel Research – Why, Where and What? Forming Catalysts Final Year Projects Your Project and How to Pass! What is so special about carbon fibres and composites – The Australian view? Your Career – taking action! Expanding Opportunities for Composite Materials Vorsprung durch Niob Technik The use of simulation techniques at Sheffield Forgemasters International 32 Dr Steve Franklin Dr Dave Stewart Dr Steve Cater Dr Joe Lee Prof Mike Gibbs Philips Applied Technologies Tribology & Human Tissue Interaction Rolls-Royce Senior Project Leader, Friction and Forge Processes Department, TWI Technology Centre (Yorkshire) Ltd Process Manager Siemens VAI Materials Science & Engineering The University of Sheffield Tribology in Healthcare and Lifestyle Product Design at Philips Use and Abuse of Materials in Aeroengines Overview of TWI and the Development of Friction Stir Welding The most powerful metalworking tool on earth Research Opportunities in MSE (E) Final Year Undergraduate Projects 2012 Third Year BEng Materials Science and Engineering – MATU05 Bury Nick RJH/SAH Transient thermography for the assessment of damage in composite panels and sandwich structures. Feng Bo IMR Electrochemical capacitors. Lan Yang GU/XZ Hollow nanoparticles and nanofibres. Leyland Joseph BPW Thermomechanical processing and microstructure analysis of light alloys. Wu Bing Huang XZ Guided self-assembly of liquid crystal coated gold nanoparticles Wu Yen-Ju SZ Low temperature molten salt synthesis of carbide nanotubes/nanorods. Levinta Mariana GH Magnetic Foams Fourth Year MEng Materials Science and Engineering – MATU06 Bailey Daniel NCH Dissolution of spent nuclear fuel in synthetic groundwater Butterworth John BJI Quantifying the behaviour of nanodiamond particles Foulds Geoffrey DA Pockels effect measurements of electroceramic grains Humphries Holly RPT Steelmaking and casting aspects of sustainable plate manufacturing Leong Zhao IT Tough metallic glasses: better than steel? McCool Fergus SZ Preparation and characterisation of grapheme based materials Powell James PT Characterisation of Superalloy Chemistry for the optimisation of cast product properties Redman James SAH/RJH Mechanical properties of aligned nanocomposites Richards Graham MJ Exploitation of the FFC process for innovative processing and products Wiiliams Jamie DA Fabrication of graphene for spintronic applications Third Year BEng Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering – MATU23 Beckett Sam SMN Development of biodegradable scaffolds for transplantation of human corneal endothelial cells Black Leanne SMN Cleft Palate Gabbott Caroline FC 2D and 3D structure for neural TE applications Keshvani Cooraez JWH Improve nerve cell adhesion Li Meng CKC Development and assessment of a cell seeding device Rider Patrick FC 2D and 3D structure for neural TE applications 33 Fourth Year MEng Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering – MATU22 Atkinson Joss JWH Improve nerve cell adhesion Geca Piotr SJM Laser direct white fabrication of OCT tissue phantoms Hume Robert SMN Development of biodegradable scaffolds for transplantation of human corneal endothelial cells Innocenti Riccardo IR Bioactive biodegradable scaffold material for bone Malini regeneration Karanja Mercy IR Bioactive biodegradable scaffold material for bone regeneration Lindsay Sarah JWH Improve nerve cell adhesion Naia Dorren IR Bioactive biodegradable scaffold material for bone regeneration Paterson Thomas FC 2D and 3D structure for neural TE applications Shillitoe Heather FC Artificial tissue engineered oesophagus Third Year BEng Aerospace Materials – MATU29 Abu Bakar Munirah HK Negative thermal expansion oxides for nuclear applications Nicholls Simon IMR Glass Ceramics for GPS Antennas Zahari Ahmad HK Negative thermal expansion oxides for nuclear applications Fourth Year MEng Aerospace Materials – MATU28 Barrable Ross RPT Surface quality of automotive gear steel Foster Lee MJ High performance machining of aerospace titanium and/or zirconium alloys Fourth Year MEng Metallurgy –MATU21 Lim Chin EJP Microstructural development during the intercritical rolling of microalloyed plate steels Third Year BEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management – MATU27 He Junxi RG Extraction of creep data from nanoindentation tests Iamvasant Chanon AL Impact wear resistance of PVD metallic nanocomposite coatings Wang Jieqiong AL Investigation of the influence of carbide grain size and shape on mechanical properties of WC-Co Fourth Year MEng Materials Science and Engineering with a Industrial Management – MATU16 Cox Adam MJ Direct particle rolling of titanium particulate 34 6.4 Undergraduate Student List 2011/12 Level 1: BEng Materials Science and Engineering Muhammad Rafie Awang Haji Zainal Devarsh Barot Tong Cui Xueqian Geng Sean Kempa Mohal Labhai Yunfan Li Bradley Perry Ak Muhammad Nur Amin Pg Nordin Nur Hazwani Puteh Hayley Rathbone Joshua Ravindran Arthur Resende Calvin Rossington Shanglin Wu Ruoyu Zhang BEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Abdullah Alotaibi Dalang Du Kristian Marcus Khalifa Nyande MEng Materials Science and Engineering Richard Arnell Matthew Cook Richard Dawidek Hamish Ellis Christopher Gaunt Chen Huang Jake Passarelli Nenguba Poloko Andrew Price Sean Taylor Alise Virbule Thomas Williamson BEng Materials Science and Engineering with a Year in Japan David Brown Hugo Lynch Carmen Makepeace MEng Materials Science and Engineering with a Year in Japan Thomas Gout Desen Zeng MEng Metallurgy Solomon Adugna Thabo John Tshenolo Leso Seabelo Manenye Prince Nakedi Yoonsung Shim Level 2: BEng Materials Science and Engineering Yousef Alsubhi Richard Atkinson Emma Caille Chun Tou Chan Jiazhen Chen Yu Chen Abdulelah Hakami James Heath Yiwei Jiang Nor Kamaludin Graham Maxfield Gareth Moore Pavan Prakash Yunsong Shi Jingli Xie BEng Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials) Cele Kitenge Moke MEng Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials) Oliver Chapman Daniel Mcstravick Hairen Zhou MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Divya Mathew BEng Aerospace Materials Hashmat Ali Alexander Harvey Philip O’Connor Gloria Taiwo Kai Wolff Foundation Year Brianne Jason Zak Lomas 35 MEng Materials Science and Engineering Emma Calvert Paul Gregory Alexander Mathers Shishir Mundra Can Sayi Stephanie Thornber Sheue Tiong James Williams MEng Metallurgy Raffick Mopako Stanford Selalame MEng Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering Adim De Gracy De Souza Catriona Inverarity Olivia Manfredi Christopher Norman Robert Owen BEng Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering Holly Askew Jaspreet Bassi Nathalie Cohen James Gunn Vsevolod Kachanov Byunggon Kang Immanuel Nixon Jithendra Ratnayake Willaim Savage Daniel Smith Lu Xiao BEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Blagoy Angelov Zhaohui Che BEng Aerospace Materials Zakhar Lutsyshyn Haotian Nan BEng Materials Science and Engineering with a Year in Japan Cerise Edwards Level 3: BEng Materials Science and Engineering Nick Bury Bo Feng Yang Lan Mariana Levinta Joseph Leyland Fergus McCool Mbuso Mongwangwa Bing Huang Wu Patrick Wu MEng Materials Science and Engineering James Ashby Andrew Burton Christopher Ladley Andrew Patterson MEng Metallurgy Kitso Selohilwe MEng Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering Alys Davies Elizabeth Kapasa Adam Kelly Hannah Murray Toby Ogunsiji Benjamin Sandford Dharaminder Singh John Smith BEng Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering Sam Beckett Leanne Black Caroline Gabbot Jordan Hukin Cooraez Keshvani Meng Li Patrick Rider MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Xiao Tao BEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Junxi He Chanon Iamvasant Jieqiong Wang 36 MEng Materials Science and Engineering with a Year in Japan Robyn Ward MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Management Adam Cox MEng Aerospace Materials Timothy Vinent MEng Metallurgy Chin Lim BEng Aerospace Materials Munirah Abu Bakar Simon Nicholls Shuiloon Yip Ahmad Zahari MEng Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering Joss Atkinson Piotr Geca Robert Hume Riccardo Innocenti Malini Mercy Karanja Sarah Lindsay Dorren Naia Thomas Paterson Heather Shillitoe Level 4: MEng Materials Science and Engineering Daniel Bailey John Butterworth Geoffrey Foulds Holly Humphries Zhao Leong James Powell James Redman Graham Richards Jamie Williams MEng Aerospace Materials Ross Barable Lee Foster 37 7. POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL 7.1 Postgraduate Numbers The following table summarises the information for the past ten years: 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Research Research Students† Postgraduate Masters Students (Start late September/early October) Assistants and Fellows (MPhil, PhD) A C S M NEST P NTEC Mat Sci N Bio/ Nano Bio/ Reg Total 1 2 4 3 5 6 3 10 12 3 4 3 11 4 5 5 5 7 4 1 3 1 - 16 14* 7 7 13 10 8 8 10* 11* 11 3 1 1 3 1 - 6 16‡ 12‡ 12‡ 19‡ 17‡ 11 11 3 13 11 3 1 1 1 1 6 10 8 4 7 10 2 2 25 35 29 32 43 36 31 32 19 66 65 Total 87 90 108 121 120 108 99 117* 155 196 145 112 125 137 153 163 144 130 149 174 262 210 † Does not include those writing up. A = Aerospace Materials; C = Ceramics; S = Solid State Chemistry Met = Metals; NEST = Nuclear Environmental Science and Technology; P = Polymers and Polymer Composites; NTEC Nuclear Science and Technology; Mat Sci = Materials Science & Engineering; N = Nanomaterials for Nanoengineering; Bio = Bionanotechnology * including 1 part-time student and 1 Joint Location. ‡ total for interfaculty Polymer Centre course. 7.2 Taught Masters [MMet and MSc(Eng)] and Postgraduate Diploma Students The modular taught Masters courses [MMet and MSc(Eng) 12 months full-time or 24 months parttime] and corresponding Postgraduate Diploma (9 months full-time or 21 months part-time) courses have continued to attract students, with applications at a high level. Admissions for session 2011/12 ran at MSc (Eng) MSc Polymers and Polymer Composite Science and Engineering 11 students, MMet Advanced Metallurgy 11 students, MSc Aerospace Materials 12 students, MSc Nuclear Science & Technology 1 student, MSc Ceramics & Science Engineering 7 students, MSc Materials Science & Engineering 10 students. MSc Nanomaterials for Nanoengineering 4 students, MSc Bionanotechnology 10 students, MSc Biomaterials & Regenerative Medicine 2 students, a grand total entry of 57 students. The Department is deeply involved in the ‘Nanofolio’ portfolio ( of MSc courses in the area of nanotechnology, run jointly between the University of Sheffield and the University of Leeds. The economies of scale and appropriate multi-use of modules makes this a very attractive route for the development of new MSc programmes. We are already making use of the New Route Doctoral degrees, offering Integrated PhD study with one of our MSc courses as a front-end. Interest from applicants in this route is growing. 38 38 50 55 56 59 71 67 64 70 70 69 The success of the Department in attracting funding for three Centres for Doctoral Training and a new Engineering Doctorate scheme, will give us the opportunity to consider new and enhanced courses in the near future. 7.3 Research Students This year the total intake of research students for the academic year 2011-12 was 62. This compares with 57 and 42 in each of the previous two years. The 30 UK entrants were all funded through EPSRC/BBSRC/DTC. Of the 32 overseas entrants, 5 were funded by their government, 3 were funded through EPSRC , 15 with Department fee waivers, 2 China/UK Scholarship award, 1 through overseas University scholarships, 1 through EU grant and 5 self funded. The research topics of these students were distributed as 8 in biomaterials and tissue engineering, 8 in Ceramics, 11 in Glasses, Cements and Waste Immobilisation, 25 in Metallurgy, 5 in polymers and Composites, 2 in Modelling and 2 in Magnetics. 20 students were awarded a PhD, 2 MPhil qualification in 2012. 7.4 Research Colloquia (a) These invited presentations are spread as evenly as possible over all activities of the Department and the aim is to provide talks of a general nature to ensure high level of departmental interest. The Department is greatly indebted to the following speakers for providing talks during the Session. Dr. Pat Lawford University of Sheffield Impact of Virtual Physiological Human on Medical Device Development Prof Angus Kirkland University of Oxford Mapping phase diagrams for nanoscale metal and metal oxide particles Prof Steve Morgan University of Nottingham Acousto-optic imaging of tissue Dr Hidekazu Kurebayashi Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge Spintronics using rotationally asymmetric interactions and magnetic dynamics Prof Andrew Kennedy University of Nottingham Porous metals and metal foams, state-of the-art and future directions Dr Finlay Morrison University of St Andrews Dielectrics by design: chemical control of dipolar behaviour Prof Pam Thomas University of Warwick Prof Anthony Cheetham University of Cambridge Properties and potential applications of inorganic-organic framework materials Dr Tiehan Shen University of Salford Stokes polarimetry and magneto optical characteristics of nanostructured materials Prof Alison Noble University of Oxford Prof Robert Dorey Cranfield University Green synthesis and manufacture of functional microdevices Prof. Neil Cameron University of Durham Porous Polymeric Materials by Emulsion Templating Dr Amparo Galindo Imperial College London Prof Rodrigo Moreno Institute of Ceramics and Glass, Spain Better ceramics through rheology 39 University of Cambridge Bioactive Ceramics, Composites and Coatings for Skeletal Repair Prof Peter Hall University of Sheffield Materials Challenges for Advanced Electrochemical Energy Storage: Li Air Batteries and Ionic Liquid Based Supercapacitors Dr Gavin Bell University of Warwick Adventures in Epitaxy Dr Michelle Oyen University of Cambridge Mechanically-Robust Composite Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Dr Pedro Rivera University of Cambridge Designing ultra-strong steels combining rolling contact fatigue and hydrogen resistance Dr Dan Read University of Cardiff Small magnets, big ideas : magnetic nanostructures for information storage and processing Prof John Irvine University of St Andrews Fuelling the Future, Developing Energy Materials Prof Pogorelov Ukraine Chitosan-based materials for medical application (literature review and our research) Dr Cathy Holt University of Cardiff Understanding osteoarthritis of the knee via a combined analysis of functional, musculoskeletal and biological response to mechanical loading Prof Serena Best (b) Third Year Research Students gave presentations on their project work during the second semester of the 20011/12 session as follows: Daud, Mohammed Delaine-Smith, Robin Elawayeb, Mohamed Gill, Andrew Grainger, Richard Haji, Hasan Howarth, Jack Jiang, Xiaoqing Kalantari, Kambiz Kamath, Deepa Lafferty, Austin Liang, Chen-Jui Mang, Xiaobin Nnamchi, Paul Pegoraro, Carla Plummer, John The use of aligned polycaprolactone (PCL) microfibres as scaffold for peripheral nerve repair The use of Electrospun Scaffolds and Mechanical Conditioning in Tissue Engineering N-situ electrical testing and nanostrucre characterization of individual nife/ pt multilayer nanowires Polymer Structuring via Microstereolithography Resin Transfer Moulding of Self-healing Epoxy Resins Friction stir welding of HSLA-65 Steel Recycled Carbon Fibre Composites: Optimisation Through Surface Treatment A Microstructure and Crystallographic Texture Investigation of Static Shoulder Friction Stir Welding of Ti-6Al-4V Co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics Polarisation sensitive optical coherence tomography of articular cartilage Carbon Nanotube in Polymer Foams In-situ impedance spectroscopy studies into effects of electrolyte characteristics on the process of plasma oxidation of Al Self-assembled Liquid Crystal Nanostructures Metastable constitution of quenched Ti-Nb-(Zr, Ta, Zr+Ta and Zr+Sn) alloys system by electron concentration Polymersome macromolecule delivery across intact human skin An investigation of deformation response in bulk metallic glass 40 Robertson, Jennifer Mechanical Stimulation in the Development of a 3D Human Bone Model Stepanov, Igor Modelling Material Failure Using Smooth Particle Applied Mechanics (SPAM) Development of an alternative cement for radioactive waste encapsulation Crystalline structure of conjugated polymers Investigating MSCs in model wound beds The use of a novel stretching device to study the effect of tensile strain to tendon cells in-vitro Multi-pass simulation of heavy plate rolling including intermediate forced cooling High Permittivity Oxides Aluminium Foams for heat transfer applications Hierachical self-assembled structures of liquid crystals in nanotemplates Swift, Pau Tadjiev, Timur Walker, Nathan Way, Louise Xiao, Bin Yu, Hu Zaragoza, Gael Zhang, Ruibin (c) Second Year Research Students Poster Presentations Abdulla, Taha Effect of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coating on the Uniaxial Mechanical Behaviour of Open-cell Aluminium Foams Ahmadi, Daryoush Oxide Scale Behaviour During Descaling and Hot Rolling Ali, Murtaza Development of auxetic stent-graft for the palliative treatment of oesophageal cancer Ali, Nasar Thermomechanical processing of 4340 steel for large scale forging Alotaibi, Nouf Anode Materials for Li-ion Battery based on Rutile-TiO2 Bell, Juliet The Effect of Plasma Polymerised Maleic Anhydride and Acrylic Acid on Primary Schwann and NG108-15 Neuronal cells Cassingham, Nathan The structural role of Zn in model UK nuclear waste glasses studied by Xray absorption spectroscopy Cedillo Saucedo, Lizzet Effect of Ba/Ti ratios on microstructure and dielectric properties of barium titanate Che Ros, Fadhlina Electrical studies of CaTa4O11 and analogues Chen, Hung Ru Charge disporportionation in LiNiO2 Chen, Shuang Phase separation induced plasticity in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass with micro Nb addition Clifton, Annika Peptide Hydrogels to promote cell adhesion and angiogenesis Corteen, Jacob Transformation Toughening in Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Crawforth, Peter High performance machining of Ti-834:Mechanisms of microstructural damage Cunliffe, Andrew First Observation of Glass Formability in a High Entropy Alloy Daud, Mohammed Directing neuronal cell outgrowth with aligned polycaprolactone (PCL) microfibre scaffolds Dawson, James Computational Modelling of Sr-BaTiO3 and Ca-BaTiO3 Solid Solutions Elarbi, Abdlaziz Recrystallisation of the α+β Timet Ti-6246 titanium Alloy followed by Thermomechanical Processing Fasuba, Omoniyi Galvanic Corrosion of Al-based Coatings for Cadmium Replacement in the Aerospace Industry Fleet, Elliot Thermal repair of polymers using Diels-Alder chemistry Haine, Sarah Sustainable Plate Manufacturing - Plane Strain Compression Testing of API X70 Pipeline Steel Hopper, Andrew Proliferative and morphological influence of functionalised diamond 41 Hussein, Oday Karagianni, Eleftheria Khangkhamano, Matthana McCallum, John McGann, Owen Nanpazi, Amir Negoita, Madalina Nurbansari, Meilinda Pearson, Russell Saharan, Lalita Shabuddin, Munira Shaeri, Mohsen Shaw, Robert Shirkhan, Leila Spiliotis, Alexios Squire, Jonathan Taylor, Mark Tran, Anh Tu Wen, Yan White, Alexander Williams, Andrew Ye, Jianke surfaces on cells Encapsulation of radioactive waste from oil industry: The effect of BaSO4 waste loading on OPC paste Development of bond coat alloys for Ni based superalloys for low emission gas turbine technology for H2 rich syngas Fabrication of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) using NMP solvent and ultrasonication Tetragonal Tungsten Bronzes - A Potential New Family of Microwave Dielectrics' The Effects of Gamma Irradiation of Vitreous Wasteforms Design and development of Cr-Si Based Intermetallic alloys Tailored domain wall velocities in ring-shaped ferromagnetic nanowires The microstructure evolution of hot work tungsten tool steel during conventional heat treatment and thermomechanical processing Characterisation of poly - 2- (methacryloyoxy) ethyl phosphorycholine - 2 (diisopropyl amino) ethly methacrylate Polymersomes Simplified micromagnetic model of recording media at finite temperature The potential use of konjac glucomannan for wound healing and cell transportation Mechanical Stimulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in 3D Scaffolds Using Oscillating Fluid Flow The Effects of Lithium Nitrate on Highly Active Liquor in the Calciner Effect of Al2O3 and La2O3 Additions on Hydrothermal Degradation of Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals Processing and characterisation of iron oxide materials for ammonia production Developing a plutonium ceramic disposal option Novel methods for the production of high melting temperature metallic foams Studies on the solidification of pipeline steels Synthesis and characterisation of WS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles/nanotubes reinforced ceramic composites" Bioreactor System to Study Endothelial Response to Fluid Forces A Microstructural Investigation into Novel Alloys Based on the Mg-Y-Nd System Molten Salt Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Coating on Carbon Black for Carbon-containing Castable Application (d) First Year Research Student Seminars Students gave talks on their work as follows: Abbasi, Erfan Processing and structure of high strength steels Ahmadi, Daryoush Oxide scale Behaviour During Descaling and Rolling Anazoda, Boniface Development of Niobium Silicide Based Alloys Ayilaran, Ajayi Effects of Composition on the Mechanical Properties of Silicate Glasses' Banfield, Sarah Bye, Frazer Chavda, Mehul Cadmium substitution coatings for aerospace applications Developing a tissue engineering approach to treating cleft palate Conversion of cement waste forms into ceramic waste forms :(i) Development of a suitable phosphate modified CAC system for Al containing ILW immobilisation 42 Chen, Zhihong Crean, Daniel Drake, Jenny Gao, Yonghao Gashier, Wail Gonzalez Rodriquez, Jesus Grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering of hollow nanoparticles Evaluating Remediation Options for Depleted Uranium at a UK Firing Range Ceramic Materials For Very Small Dielectric Loaded Antennas AC plasma electrolytic oxidation of magnesium alloys Electrochemical Ageing of Nuclear Waste Cements Influence of materials in contact with the glass surface during the thermo-forming of automotive windscreens Hasan, Enas Mimicking the natural regeneration of the cornea by tissue engineering Hernandez Nava, Everth Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures with auxetic behaviour fabricated by electron beam melting Development of 3D MND model by use of aligned polymer scaffolds Investigations into the magnetic field effect of organic semiconductor photoluminescence High voltage lithium pyrophosphate Li2MP2O7 cathode materials for lithiumion batteries An investigation into the design and performance of a small nuclear reactor capable of extended operating cycles for civil marine applications Additive Layer Manufacture Processing of TiAl Aerospace Components: Process Development and Material Properties Synthesis and Characterisation of Graphene and Graphene-Based Materials Ho, Candy Hodges, Matthew Hsiao, Kuang Che James, Kris Kourtis, Lampros Lin, Liangxu Manai, Navid Marshall, Luke van Grunsven, William Watkins, Geraint Wheelwright, James Wilson, Peter Xu, Zhen Processing and Characterisation of Bulk Metallic Glasses The Effect of Aluminium on the Deformation During High Speed Machining on Titanium Alloys Dwell Fatigue in Titanium Alloys Glass Modeling For Nuclear Waste Immobilisation Development of an engineered nerve guidance conduit for peripheral nerve repair Optimizing cell source and scaffold materials for cleft palate repair Development of new advanced high strength steels based on nanoprecipitation Process-Microstructure-Property Relationships in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr' Developing an autologous engineered connective tissue using a biodegradable scaffold for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse Understanding the effect of refractory spinel phases on HLW glass processing and durability Porous metal implants for enhanced bone ingrowth and stability The effect of silicon on titanium alloys Stress controlled motion of magnetic domain walls Smart composite systems Phase equilibrium studies and development of Nb-Silicide based alloys Zhao, Wen Stability of nano-energy materials in nano-battery circuits Middlemiss, John Miller, James Pateman, Chris Puwanun, Sasima Qian, Feng Richardson, Mark Roman, Sabiniano Stevens, James 43 7.4 Postgraduate Student List Post Graduates Title Mr Initials ZY Surname Leong Country Malaysia Sponsor Dept FW/Alumni/ Grant RG/IT Supervisor(s) RG/IT Mr MKH Uddin Pakistan Mr J Zhou China 1st Year Students (October, 2012 cohort) Mr M Afzal UK Mr D Backhouse UK Mrs M Balboa Garcia Mexico Mr J Boadi UK Mr J Clarke UK Miss L Dew UK Mr H Dong China Mr L Edney UK Miss L Eleftheriou Cyprus Dept FW/Self Dept/FW/Self IUR PT Metallics DTC Nuclear DTC CONACYT DTA DTA DTC Term DFW/Self DTC Term DTA (Nuclear 1st ringfenced) RPT/IT RJH/NCH PT SJM/SMN FC CKC/SMN GU/XZ FC/SMN JHH/MRomG Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr G M C R A L J P I S T G R Z X Gigliobianco Hand Iamvasant Innocenti Malini Khesro Li Lloyd Mahoney Moore Nicholls Paterson Patterson Peel Pishgahi Fard Su UK UK Thailand Itlay Pakistan China UK UK UK UK UK USA UK Iran China DTC Term Metallics DTC DFW/Self EPSRC Grant Abdul Wali Khan Uni DFW/Self DTC E Futures Metallics DTC Nuclear DTC EPSRC Grant DTA DFW/ARW Nuclear DTC DFW/Self MAT Fee Waiver, Alumni Reward, Self SMN/CKC IT/BPW AL/AM JHH/CF IMR/DCS DCS/ARW RJH/NCH RG/IT EJP/MGBurke IMR/ FC ARW KW WMR/IMR BC/XZ Mr Miss M G Sun Tetteh China Ghana Ghana Education Trust Fund AM/AL GR/IUR Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr A M I N W Thompson Todd Violatos Weston Yang UK UK Greece UK China Nuclear 1st DTC Metallics DTC Metallics DTC Metallics DTC RIS 12/13 ENGINEERING FEES WMR/EJP BPW/RT MJ/FD WMR/MRJG Mr H Zhao China DFW/Dept funding - EJP EJP/ 44 1st Year Cross Sessional Students (January 2012-September 2012 cohort) Mr AA Al Shoaibi Saudi King Faisal Uni Arabia Ms L Asensio Dominquez Spain EPSRC Grant Mr M Mohammed Sabri Iraq ARW/Lidzey (Phy) RG/IT Kurdistan Regional Government/Self GM Mr R Myers Australia Mr K Omari Jordon Dr SS Qasim Pakistan Mr G Richards UK Mr C Talari India/Home 2nd Year Students (October, 2011 cohort) Mr KA Aljonubi Saudi Arabia Mr N-A Armah Ghana Mr T Blackwell UK Mr S Bostanchi Iran Fee Waiver/JP EPSRC Grant/DFW/Self Self Sponsored Jessie Ellis/Dept DTA JP TH/DA IR MJ IUR/RE Coleman AFW/Saudi Gov IMR DFW/Alumni/Self Nuclear DTC/Physics Postgraduate Taught Scholarship/Self CKC VA Kudryavtsev WMR Miss Miss Mr Mr Mr R L J Z E Bradley Casey Cooper Cui Elizondo Luna UK UK UK China Mexico DTA NNL EngD FW/Alumni Award/Self DTC E-futures MRJG/DA NCH AM/AL EJP/WMR RG/Rwooley (Mech) Mr Mr S M Fakpiam Frydrych Thailand Germany Gov Schol EPSRC - MAT Maintenance & Fees SAH BC Mr Miss Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms J L M P D P F A R R Gao Gardner Ghadyani Gong Guan Heath Hussain Jarvis Justin Karolia China UK Iran China China UK Pakistan UK Ireland UK DFW/Self DTA DFW/Self DFW/Self China Schol Nuclear DTC DFW/Self DTA Dept Unilever case award WMR/IMR NCH PT WMR/EJP WMR/IT NCH/RJH/E Madrell IMR AY/AM BC BJI/RD-J/A Ashcroft (Unilever) Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr O E J G C C L Khalid Kilinc Lemmens Lewin Liu Liu Liu UK Turkey UK UK China China China DTA Self DTA DTA DFW/Self DFW/Self/Alumni DFW/Self/Alumni RPT/EJP RJH JWH DCS/NCH AL/AM RPT AL/AM 45 Mr Mr Ms Miss Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Miss Mr X Z S MZH C SA N E I Y R A C C C Liu Lu Madeddu Mayzan McCaughey Mian Mobasher Obasohan Papadimitriou Piao Pyle Raza Sherborne Smith Smith China China Italy Malaysia UK Pakistan UK UK EU China UK UK UK UK UK CSC/DFW/Dept/Self DFW/Dept/Self Dept Malaysian Scholarship Metallics DTC DFW/Self Nuclear DTC DTA EU Grant Dept Metallics DTC DTC/Medical DTA DTA/top up Metallics DTC AL/AM IMR/DCS HK RJH/MCS PT/RG IUR HK/C Sharrad RPT/EJP PT BC KPT/BPW JWH/SMN FC SMN/SJM IT/P Prangnell (Man) Mr Mr Mr Miss D S B F Sparks Tan Thomas Thompson UK China UK UK EPSRC Grant Nroute PhD Metallics DTC Metallics DTC JHH/C Freeman RJH/NCH MJ/BPW/IT RG/M Preuss (Man) Mr Miss Mr S J R Walling Wang Waudby UK China UK Nuclear DTC DFW VTT Technical Research Centre Finland HK/N Bryan DCS/IMR AM/AL Mr C Williams UK Nuclear DTC Mr M-H Yen China DFW/Self Miss W K Yeung UK DTA Miss C Yorucu UK DTC Term 2nd Year Cross Sessional Students (January 2011 - September, 2011) Mr E Abbasi Iran Self/1Dept FW Mr B Anazodo Nigeria Self/1Dept FW Mr A Ayilaran Nigeria Self Mrs J Lawal Nigeria Self Mr M Richardson UK DTA Mr S Roman Regueros Spain Central Sheffield University Hospitals KPT/JHH GU/XZ AY/GR SMN/SJM Miss W Zhao China 3rd Year Students (October, 2010 cohort) Mr F Bye UK China Scholarship BJI/ARW BBSRC (DTG) SMN/A.Ryan/K Moharamzadeh Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr DTC Metallics DTC Metallics DTA 2 Fee waivers/GU DTC Nuclear 1st CSC/UK Schol PT/AL WMR/EJP HK/NCH GU/XZ NCH AY/AM G A M Z D Y Bywater Chamisa Chavda Chen Crean Gao UK UK UK China UK China WMR/EJP PT RJH/DCS AL/AM MJ/BPW SMN 46 Mr S Gascoyne UK DTC Metallics BPW/P Prangnell (Man) Mr Mr W JA Gashier Gonzalez Rodriquez UK Mexico DTA Conacyt HK RJH Miss E Hassan UK EPSRC/DTC(Sheff/Leeds) SMN/S Rimmer Mr E Hernandez Nava Mexico Roberto Rocco/Fee waiver RG/IT Miss Mr Mr Miss Mr Miss C M KC F K L Ho Hodges Hsiao Indeir James Johnson UK UK China Libya UK UK BBSRC (DTG) DTA ERW Grant Self funded DTC Nuclear 1st DTC Metallics Mr Mr L L Kourtis Lin Greece China EDRF/Grant Fee waivers/ Self/CSC/Dept JWH/ P Shaw DA/NAM ARW AL/AM NCH/T Abrams EJP/I Burgess/ BD (Civ)/RPT IT/WMR DA Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss N L J J C S F J A W G J P A Z Manai Marshall Middlemiss Miller Pateman Puwanun Qian Stevens Tweddle Van Grunsven Watkins Wheelwright Wilson Winder (Mphil) Xu UK UK UK UK UK Thailand China UK UK Netherlands UK UK UK UK China EPSRC Grant DTA DTA NNL EPSRC/DTC(Sheff/Leeds) Self CSC/UK Schol EPSRC Grant DTC Metallics EPSRC Grant DTA DTA DTA KTP Dorothy Hodgkin/Rolls Royce 3rd Year Cross Sessional Students (January 2010 - September, 2010) Mr D Ahmadi UK EPSRC Case award/Corus Mr O Fasuba Nigeria Self sponsored Mr P Fundi France MPhil Mr R Jarkaneh Iran Self sponsored Miss M B Shahbuddin Malaysia Malaysian Schol 4th Year Students (October 2009 Cohort) as at 15th October, 2009 Mr T Abdulla Libya Gov Schol Mr M Ali Pakistan Pakistan Scholarship Ms NM Alotaibi Saudi Gov Schol Arabia Ms J Bell UK DTA Ms EL Cedillo Saucedo Mexico Conacyt WMR/IT MJ/BPW BPW/MJ KPT/RJH JWH GR/SMN WMR NCH/PAB PT/HK GR/RG BPW/MJ DA/MRJG SAH/RJH MJ/IT PT WMR AY/AL MRJG/DAA/SD ARW SMN/S Rimmer RG/AY IR/SMcN ARW JWH WMR/IMR 47 Ms F Che Ros Malaysia Ministry of Ed, Malaysia Mr HR Chen Taiwan EPSRC Grant Mr SS Chen China China/UK scol/2 FW's Mr J Corteen UK DTA Mr P Crawforth UK DTA Mr A Cunliffe UK DTA Mr J Dawson UK DTA Mr A Elarbi Libya Gov Schol Mr E Fleet UK DTA Ms SS Haine UK DTA Ms A Helyer (was Clifton) UK BBSRC Ms O Hernandez-Negrete Mexico Conacyt Mr A Hopper UK DTA Mr O Hussein (MPhil) Iraq Gov Schol Ms E Karagianni Greece DTA fees/EPSRC Grant Mr J McCallum UK EPSRC Grant Mr O McGann UK EPSRC Case Ms M Negoita Indonesia EPSRC Grant/DA Mr J Nelson UK EPSRC Case/Rolls Royce Ms M Nurbanasari Indonesia Gov Schol Mr R Pearson UK DTA Ms L Saharan Indian EPSRC Grant/2 FW Mr M Shaeri UK DTA Mrs L Shirkhan Iran DTA Mr A Spiliotis Greece EPSRC Grant/DTA fees Mr M Taylor UK DTA Mr AT Tran Vietnam EPSRC Grant/2fwDTC Mr A White UK DTA Mr J Ye Chinese EPSRC/Imp Coll/1 fw 4th Year Cross Sessional Students (January 2009 - September 2009) Mr N Ali Libya Libyan Gov Ms SA Banfield (P/T) UK TecVac Ltd Mr N Cassingham USA EPSRC/2 Fee waivers Mr M Daud Malaysia Malaysian Gov Mr A Nanpazi Iran Self sponsored (MPhil only) ARW JHH/ARW IT IT/WMR MJ/BPW IT JHH/DCS BPW/MJ SAH RPT/BPW SMN/S Rimmer PT FC MIO/HK PT ARW NCH/PAB DA/MRJG PT PT/EJP GR/GB/FC GH/DA GR/CKC WMR PT RG/RPT RPT CKC RPT Mr R Shaw (EngD) UK EngD/NNL Mr J Squire (EngD) UK EngD/NNL 5th Year Students (October 2008 Cohort) as at 1st October 2008 Mr R Delaine-Smith UK DTA Mr M Elawayeb Libya Libyan Peoples Rep (1.11.08) NCH NCH Miss B Fatemi UK DTA GR/GB/RJH Mr A Gill UK DTA FC BPW/RPT AM/AL NCH/BAH JWH PT GR/SMN BJI/JHH 48 Mr R Grainger UK DTA (starting 01/11/2008) SAH/RJH Mr J Howarth UK Technical Fibre Products Ltd FRJ/SAH/A Hodzic Miss Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Y C-J P J I P Hu Liang Nnamchi Robertson (DTC) Stepanov Swift China China Nigeria UK Latvia UK EPSRC/FAME Feng Chiu University Self funded DTC IDS EPSRC/ National Nuclear Lab DCS/ARW AM/AY IT/WMR GR/SJM KPT HK Mr N Walker UK DTA Mr A Williams UK DTA Mr B Xiao China Corus/2 Fee Waivers Mr GR Zaragoza Mexico Conacyt 5th Year Cross Sessional Students (January 2008-September 2008) Mr S Cater (Part-time) UK TWI Mr H Haji Libya Libyan Embassy 6th Year Students (October 2007 Cohort) as at 1st October 2007 Mrs A Alagdl Libya Libyan Embassy Mr M Hussain Ismail Malaysia Gov Schol Mr R Milne UK DTA Mr L Sun China 2FWU's/EJP Mr M Talamantes Silva Mexico CONACYT 6th Year Cross Sessional Students (January 2007-September 2007) Mr PJ Chu Taiwan IDS/Self funded 7th Year Students (October 2006 Cohort) as at 1st October 2006 Mr A Rana UK DTA Mr E Zacharis Greece DS/(Surrey Jan06/Shef Sept 06) 8th Year Students (October 2005 Cohort) as at 1st October 2005 Mr AD Lafferty UK DTA/EPSRC 8th Year Cross Sessional Students (January 2005-September 2005) Mr S Rigby UK DTA Ms V Salas Mexico Conacyt 9th Year Students (October 2004 Cohort) as at 1st October 2004 Miss N E Mateen Pakistan Self Funded Staff Candidates Mr T Pilkington UK GR/SMN WMR/BPW EJP RG/RPT EJP/BPW BPW/EJP ARW IT/HAD BJI EJP/BPW WMR/BPW AM/WMR/AY WMR/BJI PT SAH/RJH NAM/MRJG SAH/RJH WMR AM/AY 49 Post Graduate Taught Masters Students Title Initials Surname Country Supervisor(s) MATT01 - MSc Ceramic Science and Engineering Mr A Bengaluru India Narasimhamurthy MCS Mr Mr Mr Miss DCS RJH IMR ARW B AS S J Feng Khatry Li Wang China India China China Mr Y-J Wu Taiwan DCS Mr Y Zhou China JH MATT03 - MSc Polymers and Polymer Composite Science and Engineering Mr C-W Chen Taiwan CR Mr X Cui China XZ Mr Y Du China GU/XZ Mr J He China BC Mr B Huang China GU/XZ Mr M Khan Pakistan JF Mr C-H Ko Taiwan BC Mr B Li China BC/GU Mr Y Liu China XZ Miss Y Su China BC Mr Q Wan China CR Mr L Wang China XZ Mr W-T Wang Taiwan JF Mr Y Wang China BC/XZ Miss Y Wen China BC/XZ Miss J Wong Singapore JF Miss T Xu China GU/XZ Mr Z Zheng China CR MATT04 - MSc Advanced Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications Miss O Ogunsolu Nigeria ARW MATT07 - MSc Nuclear Environmental Science and Technology Mr F Hu China KW Mr A Zahari Malaysia HK MATT42 - MSc Nuclear Science & Technology (NTEC) Mr B Carter UK KW MATT10 - MMet Advanced Metallurgy Mr B Fagge PK PT Mr L Jin BPW MJ Mr B Koshanov RPT BPW Mr M Sanchez RPT EJP Mr M Seyrek RPT EJP Mr R Snell RG IT Mr E Yavuz EJP RPT 50 Mr H Zengin EJP MATT11 - Part-time MMet Advanced Metallurgy Mr N Bagshaw (1st Yr) N/A Mr K Rostum (1st Yr) N/A Mr J Webb (1st Yr) N/A Mr M Cox (2nd Yr) AL MATT16 - MSc Aerospace Materials Mr Z Chen PK Mr T Feng PT Miss S Han BPW Miss M Keni PK PT Miss M Li AM/AY AL Mr Miss Y CYS Li Lim AM/AY IT AL RG Mr Y Liu BPW Mr JM Naranjo Espinosa IT Mr N Raphael RG Mr K Raszka BPW Miss L Squillaci MJ Miss H Wang IT Mr J Wu KPT/BPW Mr Y Zhang RG MATT18 - PG Cert Aerospace Materials Mr M Stark N/A MATT51 - Part Time MSc Aerospace Materials Mr S Mohamed N/A MATT52 - MSc Materials Science and Engineering Mr A Ainabayev MJ Mr J-I Chen RJH Mr B Dong DA Miss I Farina CR AM PT PK MJ PT MJ BPW IT MJ BPW RG EJP EJP - Mr H Fu KW Mr A Malioglou HK Mr S Marasinghe RJH Miss PD Nadig AY Mr M Nyabam JP Mr R Qi FC Mr Y Ren IMR Mr X Shi MRJG Mr S Sleman BJI MATT64 - MSc Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine Ms J Bruce CKC IUH Ms R Ekrami IUH JWH Mr Y Fu JWH IUH Miss R Kalvenes IUH JWH 51 Ms Mr Mr Miss N D N Z Nic Eochagain Pownell Ramesh Salehi Moghaddam SMN JWH IUH SMN IUH IUH CKC IUH Miss N Zhang BC IUH Mr W Zhang CKC IUH MATT36 - MSc Nanomaterials for Nanoengineering Mr W Ge Mr Q Huang Mr D Simionesie Miss ZJ Tian Mr Y Zheng Mr Y Zhou MATT37 - PG Dip Nanomaterials for Nanoengineering Mr A Raza MATT39 - MSc Part-time Nanomaterials for Nanoengineering Mr S Pardesi (2nd Yr) MATT44 - Bionanotechnology Mr A Avery Miss C Elonu Ms M Goswami Mr T Laftsoglou Mr X Liu Mr A Wahab - Doctoral Training Centre Students DTMT04 - Yr1 Adv Metallic Systems (Sheffield DTC) Miss CA Ainsworth Mr MD Chambers Mr LA Farren Mr AJ Mackie Mr KH Miah Mr JD Pollard DTMT99 - Yr 1 Adv Metallic Systems (Manchester DTC) Mr DJ Bowden Mr MJ Brown Mr TR Brownsmith Miss K Cooper Mr H Dawson Mr V Demetriou Mr MA Mcdonagh Mr ML Topping 52 DTNT01 - Yr 1 Nuclear FIRST (Sheffield DTC) Mr DJ Mr DJ Mr CA Mr AJ Mr M DTNT99 - Yr 1 Nuclear FIRST (Manchester DTC) Mr J Mr A Miss R Miss DL Mr JA Mr S Bailey Hussain Jantzen MacArthur Miekina Buckley Formanuik Hibberd Jones Ryan Warren 53 8. SHORT COURSES 2012 Course Dates No. of Delegates Income The Metallurgy of Iron & Steel – for non-experts The Fundamentals of Metallurgy – Science & Practice 7th to 11th January 2013 15 £18,000 25th-29th June 2012 13 £20,100 The Metallurgy of Iron & Steel – for non-experts short course will run again between 6 -10 January, 2014. The Fundamentals of Metallurgy course will run again between 1–5 July, 2013. 9. THE TURNER MUSEUM The space in the Turner Museum continues to act as the social heart of the Department and the venue for UCAS recruitment days. Parents and prospective students alike compliment the museum and its collection as a welcoming location for their important visit. It is also recognized as an important part of the heritage of both the University and the City. To maintain and develop this asset we are building on our existing links with the Arts Fund, creating links to other related bodies and take every opportunity to advertise our existence such as the Sheffield Tourist Information and Museums Association web sites. As an aid to this process a committee of interested people from inside and outside of the University is being assembled. In Spring 2012 the Museum was used for the preparation of one minute film clip, as part of a collection of 23 other clips each representing one hour in the life of the city of Sheffield. This can now be viewed at in the time slot 3-4 pm. The story of the glass fibre wedding dress on display here has also generated interest, with one writer linking it to Cinderella. Another expression of interest concerns the possibility of making of an educational film along the same theme. Preparations have already started to celebrate the centenary of Prof Turner’s appointment to the University. These include both a history of his achievements, for which a publisher has been identified and also an International Conference on Glass. Until recently the Turner Museum hosted the Sheffield University Fine Art Society (SUFAS). Unfortunately this group has now ceased to operate but is intending to celebrate the link via the purchase of an appropriate glass item for permanent display. A new link though has been the use of the museum by a group of students studying Fine Arts at Sheffield Hallam University. 10. THE HATFIELD MEMORIAL LECTURE The 60th Hatfield Memorial Lecture was held at The University of Sheffield on Tuesday 4 December 2012. The Speaker was Professor Philip Withers FREng, FIMMM, FRAeS of Manchester University, who illustrated the use of 3D imaging in materials science with a number of examples, many of which were projected for the audience of 500 to enjoy with 3D glasses provided for the occasion. With comments about how microstructural observations of this type can allow a more detailed understanding of the fracture of materials, his talk, How things fail; An inside view, provided important insights for the mechanical behaviour of materials in many applications. 54 11. VISITING ACADEMICS & STUDENTS 2012 Name Institute Research Area Host Dr I Akin (Aug 12-Feb 13) Dr E Barker (Nov 11-Nov12) Dr S Bonchev (Sept 12-Dec 12) Ms I Castillo-Muller (April 12 – July 12) Ms C L Canon (April 12-Sept 12) Istanbul Technical University Spark plasma sintering of electroceramics Tissue Engineering DCS Bioactivity of chitosan-hydroxyapatite biomaterials Tribological analysis in the stamping process Fabrication of lattices by Electron Beam Melting GR Hard-soft matter interfaces: from understandings to engineering Nuclear waste cementation JHH Nb alloys and Zr alloys in the nuclear industry Ceramic processing PT Creation of a new generation of supercapacitors Visiting Professor to Leonardo Centre IMR Cell Culture SMN Structure property relations of microwave dielectric ceramics ARW Investigating the long-term behaviour of simulated cementitious nuclear wasteforms containing Cs and Sr under exposure to water Microstructure wear behaviour of aluminium composites for automotive applications HK Metallurgical processes WMR Plasma polymerisation coating on reinforcement fibres, characterisation of prepared coatings for mechanical properties Electroceramics compositions IUR Biomagnetics, functional magnetic MRJG Dr B Christiansen (1 Oct 10-31 Sept 13) Dr N C Collier (Dec 12-Dec 15) Dr A De Souza Professor H Fan (Jan 13-March 13) Dr A Feteira (Aug 11-July 13) Prof S Franklin (Nov 08-Oct 14) Mr P Gordon (Feb 11-Jan 12) Ms Mei Guo (July 10-June 12) Dr K Hashimoto (July 12-Sept 13) Dr L S Hassan (Sept 11-Aug 12) Kirkstall Ltd Sheffield Bincubator Sumy State University, Ukraine National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Associate Researcher University of Copenhagen National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Northwestern Polytechnical University, China University of Birmingham Chief Technologist in Tribology, Philips Research, The Netherlands Kirkstall Ltd Dept of Electronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Hakkaido University, Japan Dr J S Hinton (Nov 11-Sept 12) Mr S Hussain (Jan 13-July 13) School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology Siemens VAI Technologies Ltd Public Sector R&D Organisation, Pakistan Dr Y Iqbal (June 12-Sept 15) Prof D Jiles Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Dept of Electrical and SMN/JWH WMR RG/GR JP ARW AM WMR IMR 55 (Jan 11-Dec 13) Prof A R Jones (Jan 12-Dec 14) Dr H Larijani (Sept 11-Aug 12) Mr D Lazarev (July 12-July 12) Dr A Leszczyńska (June 12-Aug 12) Dr J Mo (April –April 12) Ms V Mukaeva (July 12-July 12) Dr K Muszka (Sept 11-Dec 15) Dr M Ojovan (Aug 11-Aug 14) Dr E Parfenov (July 12-Aug 12) Dr J K Patel (Sept 12-Aug 15) Mr I Marco Pelegrin (Oct 11-June 12) Prof C Poinssot (Sept 11-Aug 14) Prof M Pogorelov (Sept 12-Dec 12) Dr M Răileanu (July 12-July 12) Mr P Ren (Oct 11-Oct 13) Mr G Schileo (Aug 12- Jan 14) Dr I Sterianou (Jan 13-Dec 13) Prof S L Stipp (Oct 10-Aug 15) Computer Engineering Iowa State University, USA E.ON UK materials E-Futures Visiting Professor ARW Iran University of Science and Technology Microstructure and wear behaviour of aluminium composites for automotive applications Modelling and diagnostics of plasma electrolytic surface engineering processes Polymeric nanocomposites WMR Tribological evaluation and characterisation of CrAIN-based coatings, deposited by electron beam PVD Modelling and diagnostics of plasma electrolytic surface engineering processes Strain path effects on microstructure in hot working regime using microalloyed steel and Fe-30wt% Ni model systems AM Immobilisation Science Laboratory related research projects Modelling and diagnostics of plasma electrolytic surface engineering processes Metallurgy NCH Porous metals as biological implants RG External advisor in development of portfolio of nuclear activities NCH Biomaterials synthesis GR Oxidation states of uranium in various geological matrices of Romania New fabrication Processing and Structural defects of dielectric ceramics HK Fabrication of magnetoelectric properties of sol gel nanocomposites Functional Materials IMR Hard/soft interfaces: from understanding to engineering JHH Modelling solidification and hot deformation of large-scale structures Synthesis, structure and electrical properties of pyrochlore phases in bismuth oxide-based systems Biocompatibility studies on the use of WMR Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russia Cracow University of Technology, Poland Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russia Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, AGH University, Poland International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russia International Metallurgy Ltd (UK) University of Mondragon Spain Dept of Radio Chemistry & Processes, Commissariat á l’Energie Atomique, France Sumy State University, Ukraine University of Iasi, Romania State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, China Sheffield Hallam University Nano Science Centre, Ørsted Institute Universitetsparken, Denmark Prof J Talamantes-Silva Sheffield Forgemasters Ltd (Jan 11-Dec 13) Ms P Y Tan University Putra Malaysia (April 12-July 12) Mr J Trinidad Naranjo University of Mondragon, AY BC AY WMR AY EJP ARW IMR ARW RG/GR 56 (May 12-Aug 12) Spain Dr T Wu (June 12-Nov 13) Dr M Uzair (Oct 12-April 13) Prof N Xueyuan (Oct 11-Sept 14) Trinity College Dublin Prof B S Yilbas (Jan 10-Dec 14) Miss H Zhang (Nov 11-Nov 12) Miss J Zhang (Jan 12-Dec 12) Dr H Zhang (Sept 11-Aug 12) Peshawar University of Pakistan Dept of Mechanical Automotive & Materials Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Donghua University, China China Institute of Atomic Energy biodegradeable magnesium alloys as hard tissue implants Novel biomimetic stimulus-responsive nanocomposites Fabrication of low sintering temperature BaTiO3-based ceramics Plasma electrolysis BC IMR AM Laser-based surface treatment and processing AM Investigation on functional gradient Y203based ceramics SZ Structure and properties of biodegradable polymers Enhancing the capabilities of national institutions supporting nuclear power development GU NCH/RJH 57 12. VISITS ABROAD Emeritus Prof Mike Cable Attended the 86th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Glass technology in Maastricht, 3-6 June; the 11th European Society of Glass Technology was held in conjunction with that meeting and Prof Cable gave an invited talk “Sixty years of Glass technology” to the ESG meeting. Dr Joel Foreman Gave talk 'Predicting the Material Properties of a Polyurethane Matrix (A Composite within a Composite)' at 15th 'European Conference on Composite Materials' in Venice, June 2012. Dr Russell Goodall Attended and presented at the 1st Plenary meeting for the Accelerated Metallurgy EU FP7 project, DTU, Riso, Denmark, April 2012 Prof John Harding Gave seminar “Simulation on the edge; the trials and tribulations of modelling interfaces”, Copenhagen, 30th Jan 2012 Invited talks: o “Hard-soft interfaces and the simulation of biomineralization”, Materials Research Society; Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 2012 o “The interaction of biomolecules with calcium carbonate - which side is in control?” at CECAM Workshop "Structure-property relationships in hierarchical biocomposites" Contributed talks: o “Density functional theory studies of point defects in Li(Ni,Co, Mn, Al)O2, Materials Research Society; Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 2012 o “The role of extra-cellular DNA in cellular adhesion to silica”, Materials Research Society; Fall Meeting, Boston, November 2012 o “Property effects with rare-earth doping in BaTiO3” Materials Research Society; Fall Meeting, Boston, November 2012 o “Understanding the Metamict State in Titanate Ceramics for Nuclear Waste Immobilisation Using Molecular Dynamics and Connectivity Topology Analysis”, Materials Research Society; Fall Meeting, Boston, November 2012 Prof Russell Hand Gave 2 talks titled "Stresses and stress measurement" and "Fracture statistics" at the ICG Advanced Course on Glass Strength held in Offenbach-am-Main, Germany, 11-12th June 2012 Gave 2 talks titled "Nanoindentation, surface hydration and glass composition" and "Improving glass strength - flaws and how we can overcome them" at the ICG Summer School 2012 held in Montpellier, France, 2nd-6th July 2012 Gave an invited talk entitled "Mechanical properties of glasses, waste glass composition development and characterisation" at the Glass Summit, Wuhan, China, 15-16th September 2012 Gave an invited talk entitled "Nanoindentation and the hydration of glass co-authored with Damir Tadjiev and Jesus Gonzalez Rodriguez at Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids XIII held at Yichang Three Gorges, China, 16th-20th September 2012. RJH also gave a second talk at the 58 same meeting entitled "Improving the mechanical properties of glass through compositional variation" co-authored with Erhan Kilinc and Damir Tadjiev Gave an invited seminar entitled "Research into nuclear waste vitrification at the University of Sheffield" at Xiamen University, China, 21st September 2012. Dr Chris Holland Silk: On the stressful road to fibre formation Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA 18th June 2012 Silk: Making the best of a bad situation Harvard University, Boston MA, USA, 7th June 2012 Silk as a nanomaterial for regenerative medicine NanoRegen Trade Mission, Fraunhofer IZI and BioCity Leipzig, BCRT and BioTOP British Embassy Berlin, UKTI and LISA Vienna 5-8th September 2012 Dr Plato Kapranos ‘Thixoforming, Keynote invited Speaker, A201 aluminium alloy – is there a future in aerospace applications?’ High Tech Die Casting Conference, Vicenza, Italy, 9-10th February, 2012 Keynote Invited Speaker, ‘Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education - Are we moving with the times?’, 6th International Forum on Engineering Education (IFEE 2012), 20th - 22nd November 2012, Hotel Grand Season Kuala Lumpur Invited Speaker, Prince of Songhla University, Hat Yai, Thailand, ‘Current state of Thixoforming in Europe’, 27th November 2012 Dr Adrian Leyland 39th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2012), 23rd - 27th April 2012, San Diego, USA. Invited presentation: "Design and plasma synthesis of tribological surfaces for titanium" TWC International Wear Seminar; 6th November 2012, Tampere University of Technology, Finland. Invited talk 1: "Plasma surface treatments for titanium" Invited talk 2: "The Leonardo Centre for Tribology & Surface Technology" Prof Allan Matthews “Progress in Duplex Plasma Processing in Surface Engineering”. Plenary Lecture at the 20th Congress of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Beijing, China, 23rd-25th November, 2012. Emeritus Prof John M Parker Gave talks ‘Optical absorption spectroscopy of glass’ and ‘Ion exchange processing of glass’ to a Masters Course at Vicarte, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2012 The Labino Lecture. ‘Glass in its true colours’, at Glass Art Society, Toledo, Ohio, USA, June 2012. Ran a Summer School for research students in Montpellier, France. Gave lectures entitled ‘Glass forming ability’, Glass colour and redox chemistry’ and ‘Ion exchange’, July 2012 Gave two talks entitled ‘ICG and the Montpellier Summer School’ and ‘Controlling glass colour’ at 2nd International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes, Lillafüred, Hungary, September 2012. Prof John Provis 59 Invited talks: o “Geopolymers and other alkali-activated binders – An overview of progress and remaining obstacles” – Workshop on Geopolymers, Present and Future, Milan, Italy November 2012. o “Progress and future of alkali-activated materials with low carbon emissions”, 3rd Cross Strait High-performance Concrete International Seminar, Wuhan, China, November 2012. o “Etude de l’interface granulats/liant dans des mortiers au laitier activé par des alcalins”, Colloque International Francophone Nomad 2012, Toulouse, France, November 2012. o “Gold preg-robbing by silicates” – Precious Metals ’12, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2012. o “The reactivity of fly ash in geopolymer synthesis: A qualification study by FTIR”, 8th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2012. o “Interfacial transition zone in alkali-activated slag concrete”, Twelfth International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues, Prague, Czech Republic, November 2012. o “Effects of different polycarboxylate ether structures on the rheology of alkali activated slag binders” - Tenth International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete (American Concrete Institute Special Publication SP-288), Prague, Czech Republic, October 2012. o “Characterisation and description of the structure of metakaolin by total scattering, density functional theory, and X-ray spectroscopy” - 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2012. o "Supplementary cementitious materials for concrete: Characterization needs," 2012 IMRC Meeting, Symposium 7B, Concrete with Smart Additives and Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Cancun, Mexico, August 2012. o “Development, standardization and applications of alkali-activated concretes”, ASTM International Symposium on Geopolymer Binder Systems, San Diego, CA, June 2012. o “Alkali-activated binders and concretes: The path to standardization” – ASTM International Symposium on Geopolymer Binder Systems, San Diego, CA, June 2012 o “Durability of alkali-activated binders – The importance of the three-dimensional pore network structure”, International Congress on the Durability of Concrete (ICDC), Trondheim, Norway, June 2012. o “Carbonation of alkali-activated GBFS/MK concretes” – International Congress on the Durability of Concrete (ICDC), Trondheim, Norway, June 2012. Series of 5 invited lectures on graduate study skills, materials characterisation, and geopolymer technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 29-30 October 2012. Prof Mark Rainforth Invited: "Ceramics under Hip Joint Loading Conditions – Nothing stays the Same" Gordon Tribology Conference, USA July, 2012. Prof Ian M Reaney Zing conference on Solid State Chemistry, Lanzarote, February 2012, “Phase transitions and Planar defects in RE-doped BiFeO3” Electroceramics XII, Twente, Holland, “Phase transitions and Planar defects in RE-doped BiFeO3”, June 2012 60 International Symposium on Applied Ferroelectrics, Aveiro, Portugal, “High Throughput Synthesis of Pb Niobate Tunable Dielectrics”, July 2012 International Ceramics Conference, Functional Materials and Devices, December 2012, Bikaner, India Study visits to: o Universityof Aveiro, 2nd to 6th April 2012, host Paula Vilarinho o Pennsylvania State University, State College USA, 11-13th August 2012 o National Institute of Standards and Tehnology, Wahington, USA 13th -15th August 2012 o Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA 15th to 16th August 2012 International examiner on PhD defense, University of Twente, 20th April 2012 Member of International Advisory Boards for: o International Conference of Ceramics, Bikaneer india, December 2012 o International Symposium on Applied Ferroelectrics, Poster Chair, July 2012 Dr Ihtesham ur Rehman Role of Spectroscopy in Biomedical materials – as step towards commercialisation, 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Materials: Recent Advances and Challenges; 18-20 December (2012) Prof Derek Sinclair Invited talk: 'Slicing through Perovskite space: structure-property relationships in hexagonal perovskites'. Zing Conference on Solid State Chemistry, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, February 2012. Dr Karl Whittle Conference organiser: Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXVI, at the Fall MRS 2012, November 26th – 30th 2012. Invited talk: Damage and Recovery in Ceramics - Is it Predictable? Invited talk: “Damage and Recovery in Ceramics - Chemistry and Bonding”, NuMat 2012: The Nuclear Materials Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2012 Workshop Organiser: Radiation Effects at the Nanoscale, held at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Sydney, Feb 28/29th 2012. Dr Aleksey Yerokhin 39th International Conference on Metallurgical coatings and Thin Films, ICMCTF 2012, 23-27 April, 2012, San Diego, USA o ‘Insight into Plasma Discharge in PEO: In-Situ Impedance Spectroscopy Study’, by A. Yerokhin, C.-J. Liang, E.V. Parfenov, A. Matthews – Oral presentation by A Yerokhin o ‘In Vitro Biological Response of Plasma Electrolytically Oxidised ond Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Ti6Al4V Alloy’, by W Yeung, A Yerokhin, G Reilly and A Matthews – Oral presentation by W Yeung o ‘Characterization of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) Coatings on 6082 Aluminium Alloy’, by A Jarvis, A Yerokhin, P Shashkov, A Matthews – Oral presentation by A Jarvis o ‘Optimisation of Pulsed Bipolar Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Magnesium Alloy for Biological Applications’, by Y Gao, A Yerokhin and A Matthews – Oral presentation be Y Gao o ‘Evaluation of Galvanic and Corrosion Behaviour of Some Commercial AluminiumBased Coatings Deposited by Various Methods’, by O. A. Fasuba, A. Yerokhin, A. Matthews, A. Leyland – Poster presented by O A Fasuba 61 VI International Symposium on Aluminium Surface Science and Technology, May, 27-31, 2012, Sorrento, Italy o ‘Impedance Characteristics of Plasma Discharge in Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation’, by A Yerokhin, C-J Liang, EV Parfenov, A Matthews – Oral presentation by A Yerokhin o ‘Anodic Deposition under Galvanostatic PEO Conditions’, by L. Snizhko, A. Yerokhin, N. Gurevina, A. Matthews – Poster presented by A Yerokhin 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 10-14 September, 2012 o ‘Ultra-High Speed Imaging of Individual Breakdown Events during Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Aluminium’ – Keynote lecture presented by A Yerokhin o ‘Variation of Residual Strain and Structure With Depth in Alumina Coatings Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO)’, by A Jarvis, A Yerokhin, Y Gao, A Matthews, D Asquith – Oral presentation by A Jarvis o ‘Plasma Electrolytic Treatment Process Control Based on Spectral Methods Of Diagnostics’, by E Parfenov, A Yerokhin, S Gorbatkov, A Matthews – Poster presented by A Yerokhin o ‘Pulsed Bipolar Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Replicated Open-Cell Aluminium Foams’, by A Yerokhin, T Abdulla, R Goodall – Poster presented by A Yerokhin Departmental seminar at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Naples Frederico II, Italy, 1 June, 2012 o ‘Plasma-Assisted Electrolytic Surface Treatments for Sustainable Manufacturing’ – Invited lecture presented by A Yerokhin 62 13. LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS IN THE UK Dr Russell Goodall Invited talk, “More with Less” the Surprising behaviour of Metal Foam, Sponges and Lattices” – Sheffield Metallurgical and Engineering Association (SMEA) Conference, Sheffield, June 2012. Invited talk "Using the Surface in Open Cell Foams", at Functional Metallic Foams, Materials KTN networking meeting, The MTC, Coventry, December 2012. Prof Russell Hand Prof Russell Hand gave an invited talk entitled "Self sensing using glass fibres in polymer composites" co-authored with Peter bailey, Abdul Rauf, Peter Wilson and Simon Hayes at the Society of Glass Technology Annual Meeting held in Cambridge 5th-7th September 2012. At the same meeting Prof Hand gave a invited paper in the History & Heritage section entitled "Glass durability in water: A challenge for archaeology, museum conservation and nuclear waste immobilisation" Dr Chris Holland Putting a New Spin on Silk, Soft Matter Physics Research Group, Leeds University, 26th October 2012 Secrets of Silk. BioSoc, Oxford University, 15th October 2012 Spider Silk. Superhuman Collection, Wellcome Trust, London, 28th September 2012 Natural Solutions RAPS: Recent Appointees in Polymer Science Meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, 15th September 2012 Rediscovering Life’s Best Ideas: A Users Guide to Biomimetics, Oxbridge Teachers Seminars, Mansfield College, Oxford, 26th July 2012 Spider silk and novel bio-inspired synthetic polymers Nanotechnology Programme Nanoparticles, Nanostructures and Biomimetics, Ewert House, Summertown, Oxford, UK 5th July 2012 Coupling Rheology with IR Spectroscopy, Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK 19th April 2012 Admiral: a user's perspective, Dataflow launch workshop, Said Business School, Oxford, UK, 2nd March 2012 Rheology for Biology GTS Seminar, Department of Zoology, Oxford University 26th January 2012 Dr Plato Kapranos ‘Developing a postgraduate diploma in personal and professional skills’, The University of Sheffield Sixth Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, “Teaching Differently: New Programmes, New Delivery”, Monday 9th January 2012, Richard Roberts Building, University of Sheffield ‘Supporting learning differently: multi-sensory strategies for lectures’, The University of Sheffield Sixth Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, “Teaching Differently: New Programmes, New Delivery”, Monday 9th January 2012, Richard Roberts Building, University of Sheffield. ‘Diploma in Personal and Professional Skills for Centres of Doctoral Training - Managing by Instructional Objectives’, Proceedings of 4th International Symposium for Engineering Education, Ed. Kapranos & Brabazon, 2012, The University of Sheffield, July 2012, UK, pp 307-315. 63 Dr Adrian Leyland IMechE (Aerospace Division) Seminar - Emerging Manufacturing Technologies for Metallic Structures - 14th March 2013, AMRC, Rotherham Invited presentation: "Plasma-based surface engineering processes for titanium alloys" Prof Allan Matthews “Reducing Wear Using Plasma Based Surface Engineering Processes”. Talk presented at the3rd Vacuum Symposium UK, Vacuum Expo, Coventry, 17-18 October 2012. IoP 2012 SMEA Conference & Exhibition - Optimising the Design and Performance of Engineering Components - 19th / 20th June 2012, the Edge, Endcliffe Village, Sheffield University Invited paper: "Plasma processing of wear-resistant surfaces for titanium" Dr Nicola Morley Presented two posters at the SpinOS 2012 conference in London (9th-13th September 2012) entitled “Spinterface studies of Polymeric Devices” and “Characterisation of Electronic transport in P3HT” Prof John M Parker Gave a talk entitled ‘Why you should visit the Turner Museum of Glass’ at SGT History and Heritage Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 2012. Prof John Provis Keynote presentations: o “Geopolymers in the 21st century construction materials landscape”, Materials KTN Workshop on Applications of Geopolymers, Stoke-on-Trent, December 2012. o “Green concrete or red herring? – the future of alkali-activated materials”, 32nd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, September 2012. o “Geopolymers and other alkali–activated binders – research to drive standardisation and uptake”, LimesNet Research Conference 2012, Bath, UK, July 2012. Other talks: o “Modification of a calcium aluminate cement system to prevent conversion to cubic hydrates and minimise corrosion of encapsulated aluminium metal”, 32nd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Belfast, September 2012. o “A sublattice thermodynamic model for C-(N)-A-S-H gel”, 32nd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Belfast, September 2012. o “Accelerated carbonation testing of alkali-activated binders: effect of the slag composition”, 32nd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Belfast, September 2012. o “Characterisation of alkali-activated co-fired fly ash geopolymers”, 8th International Conference: Concrete in the Low Carbon Era, Dundee, July 2012. o “Green concrete or red herring? Designing and characterising the cements and concretes of the 21st century”, departmental seminar, MERI, Sheffield Hallam University, November 2012. Prof Ian M Reaney Organiser and Speaker, Joint meeting of the Dutch and UK piezoelectric group, Sheffield, 30th March 2012, “Phase transitions and Planar defects in RE-doped BiFeO3” 64 Dr Ihtesham ur Rehman Gave invited lectures: o Spectroscopic Analysis of Tissue Engineered Normal & Cancerous Oral Mucosa, 8th NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool (UK) 4th to 7th November (2012) o Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Different Subtypes of Breast Cancer Cell Lines, 8th NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool (UK) 4th to 7th November (2012) o Role of Spectroscopy in Biomaterials, International Conference on Nanotechnology in Medicine (NanoMED), University College London (UCL), UK 7-9 November (2012) o Analysing cancer tissues and cells using infrared and Raman spectroscopy, Thermo Scientific Spectroscopy User Meeting - Holiday Inn, Stratford upon Avon, 19th & 20th September (2012) o Spectroscopy of Biomaterials: Natural and synthetic bones – A journey through lab to commercialisation, Thermo Scientific Spectroscopy Workshop, Characterisation of Advanced Materials Made Simple. Warwick (UK) 7th March (2012) Prof Mark Rainforth “Dynamic surface microstructural changes during tribological contact that determine the wear behaviour of hip prostheses; metals and ceramics”, Mark Rainforth, Peng Zeng, Le Ma, Akemi Nogiwa Valdez and Todd Stewart, Faraday Discussion 156: Tribology, UK April (2012). “EELS fine structure analysis of phases formed by LiNiCoO4 battery cathode material on heat treatment”, J. Sharp, N. Reeves, A.R.West, W.M. Rainforth, European Microscopy Congress, EMC 2012, Manchester, September 2012. “Sub-surface analysis of degraded zirconia ceramics using FIB-SEM” AA Nogiwa-Valdez, P Zeng and WM Rainforth European Microscopy Congress, EMC 2012, Manchester, September 2012. “High resolution transmission electron microscopy study of a nanocrystalline layer on the surface of biomedical CoCrMo” P Zeng, A Rana, R Thompson and WM Rainforth, European Microscopy Congress, EMC 2012, Manchester, September 2012. “Electron energy loss spectroscopy of a retrieved alumina femoral head” P Zeng, WM Rainforth and TD Stewart, European Microscopy Congress, EMC 2012, Manchester, September 2012. Dr Corneila Rodenburg gave a talk at the Royal Society Seminar on Science and Technology of silica nanowires,8-9 November 2012, Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Chicheley Hall UK entitled "Scanning Electron / Helium Ion microscopes & silica nanowires" Prof Derek Sinclair Invited talks: o 'Defect Chemistry of RE-doped BaTiO3 and the influence of non-stoichiometry on the electrical properties of Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3. Smartpie, Sheffield, March 2012. o 'Defect chemistry of ATiO3 perovskites by a combination of atomistic simulations and experimentation. International Workshop on Advanced Ceramics (IWAC5), Imperial College, London. September 2012. o 'Advanced Functional Oxides' International Summer School on Ceramics, Imperial College, September 2012. 'Functional Oxides at Sheffield' , R2i-Connecting Research to Industry (iMAPS), Loughborough University, September 2012. This talk won the best presentation award from iMAPs. o 'The A, B and vacanCy of polar ABO3 perovskites: controlling electrical properties by chemical doping' Annual Polar Solids UK Meeting (The Royal Society of Chemistry, St Andrews University). December 2012. 65 14. MEMBERSHIP OF LOCAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Dr D Allwood Member of EPSRC Materials Peer Review College Chair of the UK & RI Chapter of the IEEE Magnetics Society Committee member of the Institute of Physics Magnetism Group Editorial Board - Journal of Physics D Emeritus Prof M Cable Member of Turner Memorial Lecture Committee Trustee of the K D Bardhan Research and Education Trust Adviser to the Oxford Dictionary on the Vocabulary of Glass Technology Dr B Chen Member of the American Chemical Society Associate Editor of Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Dr F Claeyssens Member of the Materials Research Society Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry Member of the Scientific Editorial Board for “The Open Materials Science Journal” (Bentham Science) Emeritus Prof H A Davies Member of International Advisory Scientific Committees for: 10th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, Barcelona, Spain, April 2010 International Workshop on Magnetic Wires 2010, Bodrum, Turkey, July 2010 21st International Workshop on Rare Earth-Transition Metal Magnets and their Applications, Lake Bled, Slovenia, Sept 2010 International Adviser for National Key Laboratory for Rapidly Solidified and Metastable Alloys, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal Research, Shenyang Research Adviser on Metallic Glasses, National Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China Member of the Editorial Boards for: International Journal of NonEquilibrium Processing: Journal of Materials Science and Technology (China) Honorary Consulting Professor, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. Dr C L Freeman Member of the Materials Research Society Member of the Executive Committee for Computational Collaboration Project No 5 Emeritus Prof F G F Gibb Member of UK Government’s advisory Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) (until October 2012) Prof M R J Gibbs EPSRC College Member Editorial Board of Nanomaterials Dr R Goodall Deputy Chair of the IoM3 Education Committee Secretary to the Hatfield Memorial Lecture Committee 66 Emeritus Prof G W Greenwood Member of the Editorial Panel for “Materials Science and Technology” of the IOM3 Member of the Interviewing Panel for CEng Elections through the Institute of Physics Member of the Hatfield Memorial Lecture Committee Prof R J Hand Senior Editor of “Glass Technology: The European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A” and “Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: The European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B”. Chair of TC6 “Mechanical Properties of Glass” and member of TC5 “Nuclear and hazardous waste vitrification” of the International Commission on Glass Member of the International Advisory Board, Physics of NonCrystalline Solids held at Yichang Three Gorges, China, 16-20 September 2012 Member of the Interviewing Panel for CEng elections through the Institute of Physics Vice-President of the Society of Glass Technology Prof J H Harding Member of EPSRC Peer Review College Organiser, annual Summer School in Molecular Simulation supported by CCP5 and CECAM Fellow of the Institute of Physics Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry Member of the Materials Research Society External examiner for Physics and Astronomy Dept, University College London Member, HECToR Scientific Advisory Committee Organiser; symposium NN(Nucleation and Growth of Biological and Biomimetic Materials) MRS Fall Meeting 2011 Prof J W Haycock Director of the Centre for Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Associate Director of the Kroto Research Institute Member of EPSRC Peer Review College Member of BBSRC Pool of Experts Elected to TERMIS-EU Council (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society - European Chapter) Elected as Executive Board Member of UK Tissue & Cell Engineering Society (TCES) External Examiner at the Medical School, University of Newcastle External Examiner at the Materials Department, University of Manchester Dr S A Hayes Sheffield University representative on the Association of Aerospace Universities Member of both the organising committee and technical committee for the conference “Deformation and Fracture of Composites” to be held at the University of Sheffield, 15-17 April 2009 Member of EPSRC Peer Review College 67 Dr C Holland Committee member of Recent Appointees in Polymer Science Member of the Scientific Advisory board of Oxford Biomaterials Ltd Member of the British Society of Rheology, The Institute of Physics, Society for Experimental Biologists, British Arachnological Society and Nanotechnology KTN and BIOKON Organiser - Biofibres session for the World Conference on Regenerative Medicine , Leipzig, 2013 Visiting Prof A A Howe Scientific Fellow - University Liaison, Tata Steel Organiser of the Tata Steel - Academia Symposium Member of the CBI's Inter-Company Academic Relations Group Expert member of the European Union's TGS6 (physical metallurgy of rolling and finishing) committee, for approval and monitoring of RFCS collaborative projects Prof N C Hyatt Member of the ISIS Facility Access Panel for Neutron Diffraction Member of and Secretary to the Steering Committee of the RSC Solid State Chemistry Group Member of the Steering Committee of the EPSRC Radioactive Waste Immobilisation Network Member of the RSC Materials Forum Committee Chair of MRS Symposium XXXII on the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, Boston 2008 Member of Scientific Advisory Panel for Economic and Social Research Council “Waste of the World” project Prof B J Inkson Director of the RCUK Basic Technology Research Programme in Nanorobotics Chair of the EPSRC UK NanoFIB Network: Nanoprocessing and nanoanalysis of materials using Focused Ion Beams Deputy-Chair of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Committee of the IOMMM Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Elsevier Journal Materials Characterisation Member of Scientific Programme Committee for the European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2012) and Chair of the Advances in Ion Microscopy Symposium Assessor for the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Dr M Jackson Member of the IOM3 Light Metals Committee Council Member of the Sheffield Metallurgical and Engineering Association Member of the IOM3 Sheet Forming Committee Emeritus Prof F R Jones Visiting Professor, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. Visiting Professor, University of Bristol, UK. Collaborative Research , University of Delft, The Netherlands. 68 Freeman of the Cutlers Company. Member of the Editorial Boards for: Composites Pt A; Composites Science and Technology; Japanese Composite Materials; Adhesion Science and Technology; Journal of the Wuhan University of Technology. Co-Chairman of the International Conference on Interfaces and Interphases in Multicomponent Materials, Interface 21. Guest Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, China. Emeritus Prof H Jones Member of the International Advisory Committees for International Conferences on: Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials, 22nd RISO Symposium on Science of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Alloys )9/01) Solidification and Gravity Journal Advisory Committee Memberships: International Journal of Non Equilibrium Processing (Founding Editor) Metals and Materials Member of the Magnesium Forum (Foresight) and of the Board of the Casting Division of the Institute of Materials Dr P Kapranos Assessor for the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Referee for: International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Materials Science and Technology, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions and Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Member of the Advisory Committee for the International Symposium on Advanced Forming and Die Manufacturing Technology - AFDM Member of the International Advisory Board for the International Conference and Exhibition on Aluminium-Based Materials for the Automotive Industry Member of the International Organizing Committee for the series of International Conferences on ‘Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites’ Member of the Organizing Committee of the Int. Conf. in High Tech. Die Casting, HTDC Member of the International Organizing Committee for the M&P JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing Member of the Inclusive Learning and Teaching consultancy group, University of Sheffield Member of the International Advisory Panel for the series of International Symposia for Engineering Education, ISEE, Educating Engineers in a Changing World Organiser & Chair of the Local & International Committees for ISEE2012 Member of the Faculty of Engineering Advisory Board Member of Engineers without Borders Faculty Board 69 Faculty Representative on the University’s Research Ethics Committee (UREC) Member of the Enterprise Education Steering Committee Dr H Kinoshita Member of Materials Chemistry Committee at IoM3 Dr A Leyland Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Elsevier Journal: Vacuum Member of the Organising Committee for Symposium G (Coating Applications, Manufacturing and Equipment) of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), American Vacuum Society (AVS) Prof S MacNeil Director of the Interdisciplinary Programmes Office, University of Sheffield (from February 2010) Director of Cross-Faculty Bioengineering Degree from 2010 Sheffield Academic Lead for the DTC in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (Leeds, Sheffield and York from 2008 to 2012) Member of the Swiss National Science Foundation NRP63 Stem Cell Member of the Steering Group for N8 Regenerative Medicine Member, EPSRC College of Peer Review Member of Cell and Tissue Engineering Society Committee 20102012 Dr S J Matcher Member of EPSRC Peer Review College External Examiner to Masters Programme at University College London. Prof A Matthews Elected Director and Board Member, Society for Vacuum Coating Editor, Surface and Coatings Technology (Elsevier Science) EU Expert Evaluator Assessor TSB Technology Programme Member, EPSRC College of Peer Review Member, International Scientific Committee, International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Member, Programme Committee, International Conference on Thin Films Member, Organising Committee, International Vacuum Congress Member, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, Surface Engineering Division Board Member, Operations Committee, UK Tribology Editorial Board, Journal of Friction and Wear External Examiner, University of Manchester Undergraduate MEng and BSc Materials Science Dr G Moebus Member of the Royal Microscopy Society EM Committee Member of the IoP-EMAG committee Dr N A Morley Member of the UK Magnetics Society Committee Member of the WUN Spintronics Steering Committee 70 Member of the International advisory committee for WUN-SPIN 11 Member of the Organising Committee for SpinOS 2012 Member of the ISIS facility access panel for muons Dr M I Ojovan International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Expert since 1993 Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Fellow since 1996 Materials Research Society Society of Glass Technology Member. International Commission on Glass, Nuclear Waste Vitrification Technical Committee (TC05) Association for the History of Glass Member International Conference on Waste Management WM, International Advisory Committee International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environment Remediation, ICEM, International Advisory Committee International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies IT3, International Programme Committee International Conference and Exhibition “AtomEco”, International Programme Committee IAEA CRP "Behaviours of Cementitious Materials in Multipurpose Packaging for Transportation, Long Term Storage and Disposal", CoChairman Nuclear Technology Education Consortium, Module Director The Open Mineral Processing Journal, Editorial Board Member Recent Patents on Corrosion Science, Editorial Board Member Journal of The Pakistan Materials Society, International Review Board Member Dr E J Palmiere Member of the Advisory Board for the journal Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Member of the International Advisory Committee for Recrystallisation and Grain Growth (REX & GG) Guest editor of Materials Science and Technology special issue on Microalloyed Steels, Vol 25, 2009 Member of Industrial Advisory Group on Mechanical Testing to the National Physical Laboratory Member of the Australian Research Council College of Peers Member of IOM3 Bulk Metalforming Committee Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Distinguished Alumnus Award, School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh International Advisory Committee, THERMEC, Las Vegas, USA, 2013 Member, International Advisory Committee, SimPro, Ranchi, India, 2012 Member, International Scientific Committee, Organising Committee, Intl. Conf. on Physical and Numerical Simulation, Oulu, Finland, 2013 Member of Scientific Committee of Thermomechanical Processing of Steels Emeritus Prof J M Parker Member of SGT: Steering Committee; Basic Science Committee; Conference Organising Committee 71 Abstracts Editor and Book Review Editor for Physics and Chemistry of Glasses and for Glass Technology (SGT journals) For the International Commission on Glass: Secretary to the Coordinating Technical Committee, Invited Member of the Management Board and Steering Committee, Member of Council, Chairman of Technical Committee 1 on “Communications” and Member of TC23 “Education and Training” Chair: Turner Memorial Lecture Committee Member of the IOM3 Accreditation and Professional Development Committee IOM3 interviewing panel for undergraduate competitive awards Prof J Provis Senior member of RILEM Chair of RILEM Technical Committee “DTA” (Durability Testing of Alkali-activated materials) Secretary of RILEM Technical Committee “224-AAM” (Alkali Activated Materials) Member of RILEM Technical Committee “238-SCM” (Supplementary Cementitious Materials) Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineering, Chartered Engineer Member of the Peer Review Advisory Board, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory Editorial Advisory Board - Materials and Structures (RILEM/Springer) Editorial Board - ISRN Materials Science Prof W M Rainforth Vice President and International Secretary of the Royal Microscopical Society Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Materials, Minerals and Mining and Royal Microscopical Society Member of EPSRC Technical Opportunities Panel (TOP) Member of EPSRC College of Peers and Equipment Review Member of the Editorial Boards of: Material Science Technology, Advances in Applied Ceramics Editor, Journal of Microscopy Associate Editor, Journal American Ceramic Society Member of the Board of Review of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Wear of Materials 2009, 2011 Conference Steering Committee (Las Vegas and Philadelphia, USA) Conference Vice-Chair, European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, 2012 External examiner, University of Oxford Visiting Professor, Technical University of Graz, Austria Visiting Professor, Juan Reyes University, Madrid, Spain Prof I M Reaney Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Adjunct Professor at Pennsylvania State University, USA Visiting Professor at University of Aveiro, Portugal 72 Member of the International Advisory Board for SMARTPIE, Holland Programme Chair for International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectric (ISAF), Edinburgh 2010 Member of CiCECO Advisory Board for appointment of Research Fellows Member of EPSRC Materials Characterisation Facilities Advisory Group Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal “Materials Characterisation” Dr I Rehman Dr G Reilly Executive Director, IRC in Biomedical Materials, COMSATS, Pakistan Organiser and Programme Chair, 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Materials: Recent Advances and Challenges, IRCBM. CIIT, Lahore, Pakistan, December 2012 Member of Editorial board of Applied Spectroscopic Reviews Member of External Reviewer Panel, Research Grants Council Hong Kong, 2012 Assessor, Czech Science Foundation Secretary General of the European Society for Biomechanics International Editorial Review Board - European Cells and Materials Editorial Board - Scientifica Expert review panel for European Research Executive Agency FP7 Marie Curie Fellowships Member of the White Rose Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering group steering committee Prof D C Sinclair Member of the Functional Materials College of EPSRC Member of the Materials Chemistry Committee of the IOM3 Member of the Structural Materials Committee of the IOM3 Editorial Board, Japanese Journal of Ceramics Advisory panel member for overseas travel grants for the Royal Society Dr R P Thackray Chairman of the Iron and Steel Society of the IOM3 Member of the Sustainable Development Group of the IOM3 Member of the Association for Iron and Steel Technology Member of the World Steel “Steel University” Working Group and Education and Training Committee Editorial Board, Ironmaking and Steelmaking Scientific Committee Member for ERC5 Secretary of the European Steel Institutes Confederation and International Society of Steel Institutes Committees Prof I Todd Research Director of the ERDF and Yorkshire Forward Innovative Metals Processing Centre Chair of the BSi standards committee on additive manufacturing / 3D Printing Member of EPSRC Peer Review College Dr K P Travis Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry 73 Member of the Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry Member of the international organising committee for Thermodynamics 2013. Prof P Tsakiropoulos Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Member, NSF College of Advisers for Materials Special and International programmes, USA Member of Titanium Committee of the Structural Materials Division, TMS, USA Member of the Academy of Finland College of Peer Review Member of Science and Engineering Peer Review College, Hellenic Ministry of Education Adviser to Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas (FORTHHELLAS) Adviser and assessor of research, National Research and Development Support Agency of Slovakia Assessor of research, The International Copper Association (ICA) Chile International peer review committee member for Science & Technology College, University Technology MARA (UiTM), MALAYSIA Assessor of NSF programmes External Examiner, Materials programmes, University of Leeds Member of International Evaluation Panel for Mechanical Engineering Research 2000-2007 Member of ETN (European Turbines Network) Member of the Aerospace Materials and Structures Technical Activity Committee (AMSTAC) of the Aerospace Industries Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK Invited by Academy of Sciences in Finland to assist in the selection of Centres of Excellence in Finland Invited to join EPSRC – RR Strategic Research Partnership on Materials Prof G Ungar Member of the Beam Allocation Panel of the UK Synchrotron Radiation Source Member of the Committee of the British Liquid Crystal Society Member of Management Committee of the Self-Organised Nanostructures (SONS) Programme of the European Science Foundation Member of the Advisory Board of Polymer Journal Prof A R West Member of Editorial Board of: The Chemical Record, Solid State Sciences, Materials Research Bulletin and Journal of Electroceramics EPSRC Peer Review College Organiser, Zing Solid State Chemistry Conference, Lanzarote, February 2012 Member of International Advisory Committee European Conference Series on Solid State Chemistry Membership of committees: Institute of Physics, Dielectrics group 74 Dr K Whittle Organiser, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXVI, at the Fall MRS, November 2012 Organiser, Radiation Effects at the Nanoscale, held at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Sydney, February, 2012 Dr B P Wynne Member of the Structure of Materials Committee of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Member of the Sheffield Welding and Joining Society Committee Dr S Zhang Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Member of the Editorial Board of Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional and Bioceramics Member of the Editorial Board of International Ceramic Review (Interceram) Editor of Refractory Manual 75 1. 15. PUBLICATIONS M. M. Z. Ahmed and B. P. Wynne, “Post weld heat treatment of friction stir welded AA2017”. TMS Light Metals, 509-513 (2012). 2. M. M. Z. Ahmed, B. P. Wynne, W. M. Rainforth and P. L. Threadgill, “Microstructure, crystallographic texture and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA2017A”. Materials Characterization, 64, 107-117 (2012). 3. K. Anantheshwara, A. J. Lockwood, R. K. Mishra, B. J. Inkson and M. S. Bobji, “Dynamical Evolution of Wear Particles in Nanocontacts”. Tribology Letters, 45(2), 229-235 (2012). 4. H. J. Askew and S. J. Matcher, “Investigation of the wavelength dependence of SHG from various tissues”. Progress in Biomed Optics and Imaging - Proc of SPIE, 8226 (2012). doi:10.1117/12.911436 5. J. C. Avelar-Batista Wilson, S. Banfield, J. Housden, J. Eichler, A. Leyland and A. Matthews, “An investigation into the tribological performance of Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) coatings on high thermal conductivity Cu-alloy substrates and the effect of an intermediate electroless Ni-P layer prior to PVD treatment”. Thin Solid Films, 520(7), 2922-2931 (2012). 6. N. Barbi, F. Diologent, R. Goodall, R and A. Mortensen, “Fracture of convoluted and lamellar α2 + γ TiAl alloys”. Intermetallics, 22, 176-188 (2012). 7. M. A. Bashir, T. Schrefl, J. Dean, A. Goncharov, G. Hrkac, D. A. Allwood, and D. Suess, D. “Head and bit patterned media optimization at areal densities of 2.5 Tbit/in 2 and beyond”. J Magn Magn Mats, 324(3), 269-275 (2012). 8. J. H. A. Bell and J. W. Haycock, “Investigating maleic anhydride and acrylic acid plasma polymers as coatings for peripheral nerve guide conduits”. J Tissue Eng and Regen Med, 6, 76 (2012). 9. S. A. Bernal, R. Mejía De Gutiérrez and J. L. Provis, “Engineering and durability properties of concretes based on alkali-activated granulated blast furnace slag/metakaolin blends”. Construction and Building Materials, 33, 99-108 (2012). 10. S. A. Bernal, R. Mejía de Gutiérrez, F. Ruiz, H. Quiñones and J. L. Provis, “Desempeño a temperaturas altas de morteros y hormigones basados en mezclas de escoria/metacaolín activadas alcalinamente”. Materiales de Construccion, 62(308), 471-488 (2012). 11. S. A. Bernal, R. Mejía de Gutiérrez, F. Ruiz, H. Quiñones and J. L. Provis, “High-temperature performance of mortars and concretes based on alkali-activated slag/metakaolin blends”. Materiales de Construccion, 308(62), 471-488 (2012). 12. S. A. Bernal, J. L. Provis, D. G. Brice, A. Kilcullen, P. Duxson, P and J. S. J. van Deventer, “Accelerated carbonation testing of alkali activated binders significantly underestimates service life: The role of pore solution chemistry”. Cem Con Res, 42(10), 1317-1326 (2012). 13. S. A. Bernal, E. D. Rodríguez, R. Mejia De Gutiérrez, S. Delvasto and J. L. Provis, “Activation of metakaolin/slag blends using alkaline solutions based on chemically modified silica fume and rice husk ash”. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 3(1), 99-108 (2012). 14. S. Bhakta, C. A. Miller, R. Van Noort, I. M. Brook, P. V. Hatton, P. E. Faira, L. Salata, P. J. De Oilveiraneto and I. M. Reaney, “Determination of relative in vivo osteoconductivity of 76 modified potassium fluorrichterite glass-ceramics compared with 45S5 bioglass”. J Mat Sci: Materials in Medicine, 23(10), 2521-2529 (2012). 15. U. M. Bhatta, G. Möbus, I. M. Ross, D. Sayle, T. X. T. Sayle, A. Karakoti, D. Reid and S. Seal, “Electron beam induced surface morphology changes of CeO nanocrystals: An in-situ aberration corrected TEM study”. Proc of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (2012). doi:10.1109/NANO.2012.6322226 16. U. M. Bhatta, I. M. Ross, Z. Saghi, A. Stringfellow, D. Sayle, A. Karakoti, D. Reid, S. Seal and G. Möbus, “Atomic motion on various surfaces of ceria nanoparticles in comparison”. In J Phys: Conference Series, 371(1), 012007 (2012). 17. R. Bhattacharya, B. P. Wynne and W. M. Rainforth, “Flow softening behavior during dynamic recrystallization in Mg-3Al-1Zn magnesium alloy”. Scripta Mat, 67(3), 277-280 (2012). 18. J. J. Biendicho and A. R. West “Impedance characterisation of LiFePO ceramics”. Solid State Ionics, 226, 41-52 (2012). 19. P. A. Bingham, N. C. Hyatt and R. J. Hand, “Vitrification of UK intermediate level radioactive wastes arising from site decommissioning: Property modelling and selection of candidate host glass compositions”. Glass Tech: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A, 53(3), 83-100 (2012). 20. C. Braga and K. P. Travis, “Computer simulation of the role of torsional flexibility on mass and momentum transport for a series of linear alkanes”. J Chem Phys, 137(6), 064116 (2012). 21. K. J. Briston, J. M. Martin, C. Héau, M. Martin and B. J. Inkson, “Fabrication of nanoporous carbon by electrical transformation of amorphous carbon nanospheres”. Nanotechnology, 23(48), 485602 (2012). 22. M. T. Bryan, S. Bance, J. Dean, T. Schrefl and D. A. Allwood, “Transverse and vortex domain wall structure in magnetic nanowires with uniaxial in-plane anisotropy”. J Phys Condens Matter, 24(2), 024205 (2012). 23. M. T. Bryan, J. Dean and D. A. Allwood, “Dynamics of stress-induced domain wall motion”. Phys Rev B, 85(14), 144411 (2012). 24. K. T. Butler and J. H. Harding, “Atomistic simulation of doping effects on growth and charge transport in Si/Ag interfaces in high-performance solar cells”. Physical Review B - Condens Matter and Mat Phys, 86(24), 245319 (2012). 25. K. T. Butler, J. H. Harding, M. P. W. E. Lamers and A. W. Weeber, “Stoichiometrically graded SiN for improved surface passivation in high performance solar cells”. J Applied Phys, 112(9), 094303 (2012). 26. F. J. Bye, L. Wang, A. J. Bullock, K. A. Blackwood, A. J. Ryan and S. Macneil, “Postproduction processing of electrospun fibres for tissue engineering”. J Visualized Experiments, (66), e4172 (2012). 27. F. Bye, A. Bullock and S. MacNeil, “Electrospun biaxially distensible bilayer membranes to treat cleft palate”. J Tissue Eng and Regen Med, 6, 340 (2012). 77 28. G. Cassar, S. Banfield, A. Matthews, A. Leyland, J. C. Avelar-Batista Wilson and J. Housden, “Impact wear resistance of plasma diffusion treated and duplex treated/PVD-coated Ti-6Al-4V alloy”. Surf Coat Technol, 206(10), 2645-2654 (2012). 29. G. Cassar, S. Banfield, A. Matthews, A. Leyland, J. C. Avelar-Batista Wilson and J. Housden, “Micro-abrasion wear testing of triode plasma diffusion and duplex treated Ti-6Al-4V alloy”. Wear, 274-275, 377-387 (2012). 30. G. Cassar, S. Banfield, A. Matthews, A. Leyland, J. C. Avelar-Batista Wilson and J. Housden, “Surface modification of Ti-6Al-4V alloys using triode plasma oxidation treatments”. Surf Coat Technol, 206(22), 4553-4561 (2012). 31. G. 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