Document 6423469


Document 6423469
Plymouth First United Methodist Church Newsletter
Reflections from John
Inside this issue:
Reflections from John (con) 2
Salvation Army
On this side of Christmas, I celebrate God’s willingness to enter our
world. Yes, God is willing to enter
your world and mine, though at
times it feels as if that amounts to
nothing more than religious cliché
and sentiment. Even the committed and devout find themselves
wincing when face to face with
scrawled slogans and neon signs
broadcasting, “Jesus Saves!”
The angel was clear. Informing Joseph of things to come, the message was, “She (Mary) will bear a
son, and you are to name him Jesus,
for he will save his people from
their sins.” In a culture that took
names very seriously, believing that
sound and meaning would reflect
the significance of the child, it is
instructive to consider the meaning
of Yeshua, which we translate Jesus.
Literally, His name means, “The Lord
is salvation.”
Lent Small Group
Lent Study
Lenten Worship Services
Live Big
Area 56
Coat Drive
Daily Audio Bible
Valentine Dinner
B-1 Fast
Music & Fellowship Night
Training events
February Calendar
Knit & Crochet
ASP Lunch
Financial Update
Red Cross
Hope Circle
24 Hours that Changed the My Life
- A PFUMC Lenten Devotional
Rewards Program
Donation On Line
Roe Scholarship
Super Sub Sale
We all have a story to tell and here is your
chance to tell it!
Thank You Notes
Hagley Family Photo
Nursery Volunteers
February Birthdays
Prayer Concerns
Noteworthy Concert
And yet that is exactly why Jesus
entered, and continues to enter,
our world. He saves! His birth, His
life and teaching, His death, and
His Resurrection all have to do with
the fact that Jesus saves! Thoughtful persons have long recognized
that we human beings find ourselves overmatched by circumstances and find ourselves in need
of One bigger and better than ourselves, especially One able and willing to speak to God on our behalf.
The Christian Education Ministry is currently collecting personal stories from the
congregation of how Jesus has changed
their lives.
We would like these experiences/
thoughts written in the form of a devotional such as those found in the Upper
Room with a scripture, a devotion, and a
prayer. Please email your submissions to
[email protected] by January 22nd.
2012 poses yet another round of
political jousting, with combatants
pitching a case for their political
and economic solutions to the problems that beset us. It is an age-old
dilemma. Many of Jesus’ early followers were convinced He had come
to save Israel from their national
enemies and to establish a political
stronghold. The messenger from
Continued on page 2
Original art work is
also being collected
to be featured in the
Devotional Books
will be made available to the congregation in time for Lent.
Questions? Contact Amy in the
church office for more information or
to sign up for a specific date.
Page 2
“Jesus Saves!”
His birth, His life
and teaching, His
death, and His
Resurrection all
have to do with
the fact that Jesus
Our community is
blessed with
volunteers. To
show our
appreciation, we are hosting a
Volunteer Thank You Open
House on Sunday, January
22nd from 1-3pm. Join us for
cake, cookies, coffee and
great conversations. We invite our volunteers to share
their volunteering experience
and stores with one another. The Open House will
be held at our Corps building
at 9451 S. Main Street, Plymouth.
Please RSVP at 734-4535464 or by e-mail to Sandy at
sandra_kollinger by
Thursday, January 19.
Reflections from John
(continued from the front page)
on High informed Joseph of something qualitatively different, both
specific and profound. Beyond the
realm of politics and economics;
beyond the realm of physical health
and well-being, we find ourselves in
need of help regarding the root
problem of humanity. The Bible
calls it sin. And Jesus entered our
world to save us from this root
Please know that we all need the
Savior! Life poses those circumstances that truly overmatch us.
Rejoice that Jesus is willing to enter
our world today, just as He has. Be
wise to believe and receive what He
offers you today, tomorrow, and
forevermore, for it is nothing less
than life eternal, a quality of life
made possible by being filled with
God’s Spirit.
For sure, it has become passé to
talk about sin, even in the Church.
But one cannot read Holy Scripture
without discovering an understanding and appreciation of Jesus Christ
as One willing to do something so
far-reaching that we are challenged
to enter a whole new realm of
thought. Paul goes so far to say
that we are involved in a conflict
with, “the cosmic powers of this
present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil…,” helping us to
understand that Jesus is able to
equip us for such a battle both
within and without. Yes, He can
and He will save us.
Here at Plymouth: First we began
2012 with a Covenant Service in
which we committed ourselves to
our Lord and Savior. We prayed, “I
here, from the bottom of my heart
renounce them (idols) all, covenanting with You that no known sin shall
be allowed in my life.” We committed ourselves to serve our Savior in
holiness and righteousness. I am
confident that as we live in integrity
around those commitments, 2012
will be a great year and I shall be
praying for one and all.
We want to share our appreciation to everyone who donated their time, talents and monies to help support our 2011 Christmas Programs. We also want to share an update on
the status of our fundraising campaign and
holiday assistance given to those in need.
Our overall 2011 Christmas fundraising goal
is $315,000. We have received $305,000 or
96% of the goal to date. The fundraising
campaign will wrap up at the end of January
2012. Furthermore, $200,933 was collected
in the Red Kettles.
Our 2011 Thanksgiving Program allowed us
to assist 328 families which included 303 children for a total of 1,217 individuals. We were
blessed to have 19 volunteers give 28 hours
of their time to pack food boxes and another
40 volunteers give 155 hours of their time to
help distribute the food boxes over 2 days to
the families we assisted.
Our 2011 Christmas Toy Towne Program
assisted just over 500 families which included
1,033 children for a total of 1,807 individuals. It took 4 days to setup, prepare and
transform our gym into Toy Towne. 114 vol-
In His service,
unteers donated 331 hours to make this
tremendous task happen.
Our Toy Towne Distribution, which took
place over a 4 day period, had 239 volunteers donated 755 hours of their time and
efforts to ensure our clients experience a
brighter Christmas. Our volunteers processed and verified information, escorted
parents through Toy Towne assisting with
gift selections for their children, distributed
Christmas Dinner boxes and then carried it
all out to their vehicles.
We can not forget about the brave and
hearty individuals, who stood in the cold,
rain and the little bit of snow to ring the bells
during the Red Kettle Campaign. We are
blessed that many bell ringing volunteers
returned from last year to help out. We are
highly dependant on volunteer bell ringers to
collect funds enabling us to meet our kettle
Majors Dan and Jolene Hull and
The Salvation Army Plymouth Corps Staff
Page 3
Walk with Jesus
on His final day.
Sit beside Him at
the Last Supper.
Pray with Him in
Follow Him
to the cross.
Desert Him.
Deny Him.
Lent study
Tuesday Nights
during Lent
Join Pastor Beth for
a five week Lenten
“The Gospel of
Come experience the
Gospel of John like
never before.
Feb. 28, Mar. 6,
Mar.13, Mar. 20, and
Mar. 27 at
7:00 p.m.
classroom 104/106
We will be watching
and discussing the motion picture “The Gospel of John”.
It is a spectacular, welldirected, well-acted,
word for word version
Ash Wednesday Service
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Sunrise Service
February 22
April 5
April 6
April 8
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
12 noon
7:30 a.m.
Page 4
B.I.G. Theme: Stories Jesus Told
B.I.G. Idea: We believe that the stories
Jesus told help us know how to live.
Mission Focus: B-1 Fast/Coat Drive
5th ~ The Talent
12th ~ The Good Samaritan
19th ~ Lost and Found
26th ~ The Rich Fool
Sunday, February 12th 5:30-7:30pm
Project Choice - Dealing with Anger
John 2:13-16
Food, Fellowship, Fun, and Bible Study
9 am Sunday Mornings are great!
Join your friends in the Area 56 Sunday School room to learn all about Jesus Christ!
Area 56
Christmas Play
Sign up to bring snacks at
We want your old coats!!!!!!!
From February 1st through March 31st, the Sunday School and Children’s
EDGE classes will be collecting old coats to be donated to local charities. Collection bins will be available on Sundays in the main hall and during the week
in Amy’s office.
2012 Daily Audio Bible - Invitation from Amy
One of my goals throughout my life
has been to read through the entire
Bible in a single calendar year. I
would be lying if I told you that I ever
made it very far. Now, don’t get me
wrong, I read the Bible regularly, am
involved in multiple Bible studies, and
review enough curriculum to stay immersed in God’s word. That said, I
have always wanted to read through
the bible in a calendar year. Really
wanted to but never did.
Currently the host, Brian Harden, is
reading from Genesis, Matthew,
Psalms, and Proverbs. He then provides commentary and prayer. The
last 15 minutes or so are prayer requests from the Daily Audio Bible community. (I only listen to those when I
have time.)
If you feel called, please join me on
this journey. You don’t have to go back
and catch up. Just jump in where we
are. You can do the first month in
Last year, a friend invited me to try
listening to the Daily Audio Bible podPodcasts can be downloaded on iTunes
casts. I was intrigued so I diligently
downloaded them for 2 weeks. I never or at If you
want to discuss the readings, you can
listened to a single one. Sigh.
join my Facebook group - 2012 Daily
This year is different. This year, I have Audio Bible.
been listening with my children in the
car as we drive to all of our events.
There is a great podcasts for kids, too!
The podcast is well done and I can already tell that it is changing my life!
In loving service, Amy
Page 5
Valentine Dinner hosted by the youth
The 3rd Annual Valentines Dinner
Saturday, February 11, 2012
from 6-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall
Tickets: $12 per person
Menu: Spaghetti, salad,
Proceeds will go to the
bread, and desserts.
B1-Fast mission project.
Our organizers for this event are Cathy or Jessica Siegler
[email protected]
Valentine Dinner
B-1 Fast
Our plan is to fundraise and
collect for two months. Our
fast is March 9-10. During
the 24 hour fast, the youth
will not eat anything. They
will spend time learning and
praying about people in
need. This will be a very
serious and deeply moving
weekend for the youth. It is
a time to reflect on how
much we have and how
Jesus wants us to use our
resources to help spread His
love and care for those in
We will host our 3rd Annual
Valentine Dinner (see details above). There will be
February 25th
@ 6:30 pm
Ken Freeland at
734.546.7150 or
In the Fellowship Hall
[email protected]
many fundraisers coming up
so please keep your eyes
and ears open.
We encourage you to give
and thank you for your support and contribution during
our B1-Fast.
Bring a –peanut
free- snack to
All are invited to participate in a night of music and entertainment. Bring your
friends, neighbors and family. There will be a special group jam of “If I Had A
Those Guys!
LATTE Adult Ministry Training - Mon. Feb. 27 @ 7pm
Children’s Ministry Training - Thurs. March 1st @ 7pm
Page 6
The Knit & Crochet
group meets the 2nd and
4th Tuesday of every
month at 2:00 pm in the
Parlor. All are welcome
to join.
(The last Beacon had
incorrect days listed.)
8:00 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am Sunday School
10:10 am Worship
Sanctuary & IMPACT
11:20 am Fellowship Time
4:30 pm Fusion Youth Band
5:30 pm FUSION
8:00 am BSF Leaders
9:30 am Monday Morning
Women Bible Study
1:00 pm Kindermusik
3:30 pm Fine Arts Academy
6:30 pm Plymouth Oratorio
7:00 pm AA/Alanon
8:30 am BSF
11:30 am BSF Fellowship
3:30 pm Fine Arts Academy
4:30 pm Kindermusik
6:00 pm Beckridge Chorale
11:45 am Orchestra
1:00 pm Princeton Review
3:30 pm Piano Workshop
11:30 am 60+ Luncheon
3:00 pm Princeton Review
4:00 pm Girl Scout
6:50 pm Evangelism
following worship
For over 20 years a group of
youth and adult volunteers
from PFUMC have traveled
to Appalachia to be a part
of the mission teams for
ASP. For many of our
youth this mission project
has been a life changing
1:00 pm Princeton Review
2:00 pm Noteworthy
Concert-MI Philharmonic
5:30 pm Area 56
1:00 pm BSF Seminar
11:45 am Orchestra
7:00 am YMCA Day Camp
7:00 am YMCA Day Camp
12:30 pm Beacon Belles
ASP Lunch
1:00 pm Princeton Review
7:00 pm LATTE Group
7:00 pm Lenten Class
event. Several fundraisers take place over the course of the
year to help defray the cost for this trip. The ASP lunch is one
such event. Please plan to stay and enjoy lunch on the 26th
and help support this mission of the church. If you or your
youth are interested in participating in this years ASP trip in
June contact Bob Mason.
Page 7
February 2012
Ongoing Weekly Events
6:00 am Prayer Breakfast
1:00 pm Meri-Lyn Hill Sm Group
1:30 pm Fine Arts Academy
5:45 pm Children & Youth Choir
6:00 pm Jesus & Gospels Class
6:00 pm IMPACT Band Practice
6:15 pm Emmaus Reunion Group
7:00 pm Boy Scouts
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Kindermusik
3:00 pm Fine Arts Academy
6:45 pm N.E.W. Small Group
7:30 pm Festival Bells
9:30 am Kindermusik
12:45 pm UMW Board Meeting
3:00 pm Princeton Review
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm Staff Parish
3:30 pm Spring Hill Youth
Youth at Spring Hill Retreat
9 am Sub Sandwich Making
9 am Princeton Review
9:30 am Hope Circle
1:00 pm Love Circle
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
2:00 pm Knit & Crochet
3:00 pm Princeton Review
6:30 pm Worship Meeting
7:00 pm Trustee Meeting
Christian Education
9:00 am Noteworthy Concert
9:00 am Princeton Review
6:00 pm Valentine Dinner
3:00 pm Princeton Review
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 am YMCA Day Camp
6:00 pm Finance Meeting
6:00 pm Poppy Circle
7:30 pm Ash Wednesday Service
7:00 am YMCA Day Camp
2:00 pm Knit & Crochet
7:00 am YMCA Day Camp
8:30 am Beckridge Rehearsal
9:00 am Princeton Review
6:30 pm Music & Fellowship
Financial Update for
December 2011
Income = $ 114,598.39
Expenses = $ 95,978.12
YTD Income = $ 958,490.91
YTD Expenses = $ 983,867.22
We are grateful for the tithes and offerings given to support our Ministry Budget.
Your continued faithfulness makes our congregational programs and outreach
ministries possible. Through our Ministry Budget, we grow in faith and share
Christ with others.
Page 8
American Red Cross
Thank you for hosting a
blood drive on Wednesday, December 28, 2011.
We cannot do this work
without great organizations like yours that have
caring, community-minded
leaders who embrace the
Red Cross mission.
It’s the blood on the shelf
that helps save lives. It
takes up to 48 hours after
your drive for blood to
become available to patients. We have a great
10 minute video at
v=uFNnQmV-kS4> titled
ARM to ARM: The LifeSaving Journey that you
can watch and share.
Some Facts:
• Southeastern Michigan hospitals need
900 units every day
to meet their needs.
• Your group contributed 31 of the 900
united needed.
Every donation counts
and plays an important role in our community.
Each donation can
save up to three lives.
Your commitment to our
life-saving mission is appreciated. We are grateful for your partnership.
Diane E. Ward, CEO
Southeastern Michigan
Blood Services Region
American Red Cross
Hope Circle
Hope Circle will meet on Wednesday, February 8th at 9:30 am in the Parlor. We will
be making Valentines that will be given to local nursing homes. Come ready to cut
and glue.
All are welcome to attend!
60+ Wishes Everyone A Happy and Blessed 2012!
To start off the new year,
Sixty Plussers traveled
back in time to Jack
Paar’s Tonight Show
which hit the airwaves
July 29, 1957. The one
hour and 45 minute, fivedays a week program
continued until Paar left
to do other projects five
years later. Being a live
program (as most were in
the 50’s) no one knew
what might happen;
which is what made it all
so fun and intriguing.
The format that he introduced has remained the
same for all TV talk
shows today: a monologue, a desk and chairs/
sofa for guests and a
showcase for new entertainers. Did you know
that although he was
born in Canton, Ohio he
was raised in Jackson,
Michigan and got his first
radio job at the local station in Jackson? His hope
was to make it big in Detroit, but he traveled
somewhat farther than
that. Within weeks his
Tonight program became
the most talked about
show on TV and Michigan’s homegrown boy
became a household
name. Over the years his
guests included Presidents Kennedy and
Nixon, Robert Kennedy,
Fidel Castro, Randolph
Churchill, Billy Graham,
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt
and just about anybody
who was anybody and a
few nobodys like Mrs.
Miller. It was an exciting
five years and it was fun
to revisit some of it.
Next month on Monday,
February 6th we are very
pleased to welcome back
Dr. Marcia into our
luncheon midst to teach
us more about the history
and fascinating workings
of the wonderful instrument she so beautifully
plays, the organ. And we
might just be treated to a
mini organ concert as
well. Please mark the
date on your calendar
now ~ same time (11:30
am), same place
(Fellowship Hall) and
still only $5. The reservation sign-up sheet is located in the hallway
across from Fellowship
Hall, or you can call
Mary (248-374-0369) or
Sandy (734-459-5471).
Avoid the rush ~ sign up
now and invite a friend.
Page 9
Be a part of the PFUMC Rewards program.
Sign up today! It’s as easy as,
Receive Meijer
rewards using your
Meijer Credit Card
or Meijer 1 Card.
Register on Line:
Enter # 435569
If you have any questions
please contact
Susan Henry, Financial
Secretary, @ (734) 453-5280
or [email protected].
Choose one or all of
the participating
rewards venders.
Kroger Community
Rewards earns 5% on
your grocery bill with
your Kroger Plus Card.
Register on Line:
Plymouth First United
Methodist Church
NPO # 90661
(you must re-register
your Kroger Plus Card
Register on line or at
the vender location.
GFS Fun Funds earns
1% to 10% rewards.
Fill out a GFS Fun
Funds form in the
church office and turn
it into your local GFS
store. Pick up your
card on your next
Or Register on Line:
“Support the Choir trip to
sing at General Conference
in Tampa, Florida in the
Get your subs in time for Super
Bowl Sunday.
The ability to make contributions
through Pay pal, is an online
service to members of PFUMC.
You can access this service by
going to the web site at, click on the tab
for members and then click the
contribution button in the left hand
There is a transaction service fee
with Pay Pal that is paid by the
church. Please consider using this
service monthly or bi-monthly.
The Board of Trustees will be accepting applications for the Roe Scholarship from now
until February 28, 2012. The DEADLINE is March 1. This scholarship is granted to fulltime students in the fields of Ministry or seeking a degree in Christian Education. Call
Mike Paulsen at (734) 254-9556. Pick up applications in the church office and return
them to the Trustee’s mailbox.
Italian: Hard Salami,
Genoa Salami, Ham,
Cheddar & Swiss
Cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onion & peppers.
Turkey: Honey Roasted
Turkey, Smoked Turkey,
Cheddar & Swiss
Cheeses, lettuce, tomatoes, onion & peppers.
Use your card
each time you
make a
purchase and
watch the rewards
accumulate for
Pre-order and prepayment are very
helpful. Additional
donations welcome!
For questions or to
place an order see
Carol Massey, Barb
Levengood, Jan
McKelvey, or Carol
In addition the church does not
solicit for funds through emails
from Pay Pal. If you receive an
email, which seems questionable
ignore and/or delete.
Page 10
Thank You Notes
Thank you PFUMC Family for the warm send off
and love offering! We are
very appreciative of your
love and support over the
past couple of years!
God’s Blessings,
Rev. Mary Hagley
and Family
To Our Church Family:
We want to express our
appreciation for the many
prayers throughout my
father’s long illness, and
for the kind words and
sympathy cards we received upon his passing.
We are so blessed to be
part of such a loving and
caring church family.
The Berliner Family
The Hagley Family
announce the birth of
Ethan Jeffrey Hagley
Born on
December 20, 2011
(Mary’s Birthday)
6 lbs 10 oz 20 in
(Ethan is 16 days old in
this photograph)
A Special Thank You to
all who prayed for me. I
praise God for His healing and for such a loving
church family. What a
blessing to receive so
many calls, cards from the
Men and Women’s
Prayer Breakfast,. Meals,
encouraging letters, flowers, soups, a special casserole, and Christmas
Yours in Christ,
Judy Carr
Do you like holding babies? Are your children older but
you still like to play peek-a-boo with a baby occasionally?
The PFUMC Nursery is looking for you! We are looking for
additional volunteers due to the success of the new IMPACT
service. Volunteers can be men, women, and youth. The
only requirements are that you want to play and care for
little ones 2 and under for one Sunday a month. We also
take names of those who are willing to be substitute volunteers. There is a sign up sheet outside the Nursery every
Sunday before, during and after service. If you want a
baby fix, come see Chantel Spieth or Jenny Boebinger
upstairs, call 734-394-1195 or email [email protected].
Our littlest members need you.
February Birthdays
Toni Goud
Kenneth Groat
Barb Lehmann
Lois Merriman
Sharon Minning
Matt Schroeder
Emma Swales
Jeff Berliner
Lewis Burton
Bob Butler
Christy Haradean
Debra Magee
John Giesa
Carrie Russell
Dale Wittbracht
Katie Janda
Hank Salla
Samantha Wilder
Meghan Freeman
Sharyn Hoard
Richard Anderson
Julie Jakary
Mike Cox
Phil Daigneau
Ryan Schilling
Amy Bondy
John Prueter
Nora Howlett
Charles Mabbott
Patti Nelson
Margie Kappler
Melissa Bird
Harve Massey
Will Mcwhirter
Susan Driscoll
Julie Patterson
Nancy Braden
Jayne Howlett
Tyler Mckarge
Gene Overholt
David Pruitt
Tammie Todd
Penny Joy
Betty Campbell
Laura Hubbard
Anne Patterson
Corinne Robertson
Josie Jakary
Janna Jones
Isobel Letcher
Ellie Wallace
Jan Shettler
Jackie Daniel
Sharon Kaufman
Jennifer Marble
Jim Conway
Katie Welch
Greg Giles
Chuck Davis
Liisa Keski-Hynnila
John Murray
Joe Fitzsimmons
Judy Kaye
Shannon Benjamin
Jeannette Nabozny
Marilyn Blunden
Mel Bobcean
Sanford Burr
Pam Fair
Alice Fisher
Timarie Freeman
Jan Groat
Annette Heindryckx
Jon Hord
Tim Joy
Sandy Kelley
Ruth Leader
Mel Litke
Alex Magee
Vince Maiorana
Lyda Mielhke
Scott Novak
John Pappin
Larry Place
Nancy Remick
Kathy Salla
Rev. Bob Selberg
Jackie Simpson
Ned Stirton
Carol Thomas
Katherine Thompson
Tammie Todd
Paul Worley
Kris & Sarah Kappler
Churches in Russia & Poland
Page 11
Prayer Concerns
Anita, friend of Nancy Nelson
Steve Arsman, friend of Ethel Culver
Zackary B., friend of Nina Nabozny
Barbara, neighbor of Slazinski’s
Susie Coleman, friend of Liz Ramsay
Sharon Cottenham, friend of Lynne Coker
Grace Crist, friend of Jack Tornga
Doris, aunt of Brian Good
Ken Dykman, friend of Karen Krot
Jim Gibson, brother of Marilyn Lee
Mike Grenfell, brother of Pastor John
Rick Gyde, son of Muriel Gyde
Gary H., friend of the Brunzells
Chris Hewlett, daughter-in-law of Barb McIlhargey
Greg Hovde, son-in-law of Barb McIlhargey
Eric K., grandson of Porters
Jerry Keene, friend of Elsie Mae Trinka
Eila Keski-Hynnila, mother of Don Keski-Hynnila
Jeff Knode, son of Sharon Minning
Conrad Krankel, friend of Roger Zerby
Mary L., grandmother of Melissa Henderson
Mike Lee, son of Marilyn and Jim Lee
Lisa McMaster, 7 yr old with incurable cancer
Bob Moore, brother of Dan Moore
Janet Moran, mother of Natalie McLaughlin
Jerry Richards, brother of Jan Seamonds
Rosie, friend of Nancy Nelson
Shelly, cousin of Tammie Todd
Martha Smith, mother of Karen Trot
Tina, cousin of Tammie Todd
Chris Todd, brother of Tammie
Trevor, friend of Chuck & Jan Migyanka
Randy & Shari Ward, sister & brother-in-law Kathy Berliner
Diane Wofford, daughter of Roy & Bev Forsythe
Mary Ann Z., friend of Lisa Thomas
Lauren Andrade (Good)
Justin Atkinson
David Bruch
Kevin Clafton
Jason Covais (Jackson)
Ryan Forsmo
Danielle Gomrick
Zachary Gomrick
Matthew Kimsal (Coyle)
Austin McCall
Dan & Ashley Schmitt
Sympathy extended to…
...Julia Buzzard on the death of her mother, Helen
Jones on January 2.
All names of friends
and family will
remain on the prayer
chain for only 1
month, unless you call
the church office
to update their
“Do not be anxious about
anything, but in everything, by
prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your
request to God. And the peace of
God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 6-7
Beacon & Calendar deadlines:
E-mail articles by 5 pm on the 10th
of the month to [email protected]
Plymouth First United
Methodist Church
45201 N. Territorial Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170-6528
(734) 453-5280
Fax: (734) 453-0375
Dated Material—Please do not delay.
Periodical postage paid.
Postmaster please send address corrections.
USPS 34-050
Mailed: Once Monthly
We’re on the Web!
A delightful Sunday
afternoon concert brings
a performance of the
lyric and youthful
Symphony No. 5 written
by the 19-year-old Franz
Schubert. Clarinetist Lisa
Raschiatore steps out as
the soloist for Aaron
Copland’s jazzy Clarinet
Concerto. And the little
know treasure, Concerto
for 12 by 18th century
composer, Anna Amalie.
call (734) 451-2112
General admission ~ $22
Senior ~ $18
Student ~ $10
Call for group ticket rates!
PFUMC members receive a
$5 discount on tickets.
Complimentary tickets are
available for those unable to
afford one.
High Tea
Following the concert.
$20 donation for the Tea
helps support the
Methodist Children’s
Call (734) 451-2112 to
make reservations.
Lisa Raschiatore,
Join Lisa for a
pre-concert talk
at 1:15 pm.