Document 6423607
Document 6423607
?!~:'?£?Zr:;llpW?' «««^'^.«saa^^ ; U s I I r M * I,»e«l«. [ Soua o l Vclerau«, Pickerel Ashing i n 8 e n e o a river i s reJames Stohe'is r o u n i n g t h e p i o k u p , ported t o b e uuuauaily g o o d thie year. Tuesday night l o s t t h e Sons o f Vetr Xlid citizen of Newark w h o fails t o atj U t h e W e 6 * « w a e t i p r t e e * »t Stdbbins E u s i u e e r Davis, has a new g o l d watch. ierans were inspected b y H , JQ. H . tend t b e band oonoeft^next.'Wedneeday ™The.W»ynei»Cojinty: rJaqpor „Dea.le.ra' Ware house, N . Xi 6 , Depot, whealyoats SEWAW(. WAYKE tO.. S E W YOBK 3T. W, F o r d fi working with the:d.arini Cooper, oaptain of'Ci A, G l i d d e h C a m p , eveningor t p b u y tidkets if h e staya^ fit' association m e t at Savannah Thursday. barley, potato's and: onions. A l a * .ap.< S A T U B D A V , MAX 6 , 1801., No. 6, of Rpohester, w h o . brought with home, ia lacking i n enterprise and i s t o o plea,, green anil evaporated i and evajio. Williarn Clark h a s sold b i s hotel prop- speptors; him Brothers George Looke, George penurious to live i n » wido-awake place, erty a t Ontario villago t o b i s son, Austin torfrospberrk* . ' "" Work h a s been commenced at the Hard and J o h n Bamsperger formerly of ' B e v . D , \ V , Moore; .pastor ,of the Clark, 'tbe highest market price -paifrforojldt ._ . Sprint. Oinrenoe g r a v e l p i t . •E. K. Bttrnham Camp, After the reguChristian church: of |Uv%aKla6e,-*i; will, joiipurmint, at Peireon.& PerWhen the bqh-frog basso ''hollers!1 Yard Master, Bernard went t o Mem- l a r exercises N . . J . Burrud, l e a d e r o f the There will b e no c h a n g e s in the corps Frosji the swamps ana, marshy "wallers" preaoh a.sermon t o joungJniSoi:. Sunday . kins/Batik, G. H-JPiiwa"* * > ' " • ' ' o f t e a p h e r s o f t h e L y o n a IJniou school phis Thursday, fishing. Newark Cornet band ; G. A. Westfall, • • • . *Mug-d.runifi' evening, M a y 10th." ^ojip-.:;' ^Turning: this year. Conductor W i t t is absent on account Wm. A. Bdbinson and Frank SIcGuire When the boomingbeetle, wheeling Point in a Ypnng Man|s 'Life.". All aro were then mustered in^ aud fdar appliThrougythe window, hits tke.celllug , Addison McDonald of Kochesterj w a s of t h e illness of h i s mother. invitedy y o u n g m e n speeially. . Wlihawhack. Conductor-Frank Witt i s running tho cations were presented, viz : Archie G. stabbed b y an Italian at Oharlotfe. MonThe eooond installment of t h e -Lyons Leroux, B.ty C o . k , H j a r y Brown a u d Whence, hi) lumoiesllke i -plummet, .dity night, and, i s in a critical condition. east end local for n few days. Oniou school bonds was p a i d , at t h e With toe swiftness or* cuniei, J a m e s Coons. Burglars broke into Edward's. 1 ; There are 6,000 tons of opal, on the , Jpamjour back First Ifatioualbauk i n ; ' N 6 # ^ r | ' - c i t y S. C. Redgrave Oamp, N o . 89; of L y : saloon i u L y o n s on M o n d a y night a n d coal dpok-iUithd West Shore yards, Then lt'a sate to make the statemedi, this week. , "The ipstajlment included ons, wasrepresented Itf O.ipfoiu O." A. Without discount "or Abatement,, sidle 8 5 i n cash and $ 2 0 woethi of ai-f [ Conductors Elliott and Jones g o to ten. bonds, and-numbered from J l .to 20, Noble, P a s t Ouptaio.' Balph. Sheldon, - ' • "Spring- has come i" g a r s and liquors, : Buffalo'to rup {rains o n the "rounds." rpspeotivtly, and amounted to 85,(100. William Aikenhead wh!> is soon to be ?S " —Indianapolis ,/tiirraaf. TAIiAWfNG OP JURORS.—WiTinc CbtJNTv The'Graham house' a t L y o n s w a s n o t X 7 Cu;B)r'sOKPipB,i;iross, April aist, lssi—"There isn-t a week that TKe illustrated Engineer Charles Churchill i s laying installed a s captain i n place of O.. A. NoticeLIS Hereby given,that panels ot Grand- and Buffalo Express .doesutt i a v e . i - dozen closed o n M a y 1st, and i t may Jiot'be off. Engineer B o y l e is rnnnlng h i s en- Noble, rejigned, and Brothers. Dnrkee lit* ftot si.Preaicr.ptlosi. Trial jurors, to serve as such, at a-ciifonlt ceort and Conrt ofOyer and Terminer tobe hold. In and She vowedate'd be a doctor, pictures worthy of a frame. B a t ' per- closed at all, although tho property Will gine. rorthe oounty.of Wayne, at the, court house in • ' and Bodenback. Jjons, In salt! connty, on Monday, tlto;18tn day of: And stndUd na'rajind late, .» , haps t h e best frame they could n a v e is be Bold as advertised." Brokomen Cbyton and Strot.hers are at May.jisgi.atioo'olook.a. m., win be drawn at Vosburgh Post, N o . 99, was repreTill odila'auil coils of knpwledge the omen ofthe clerk-of said, county,' on Friday, the bright,; entertaining reading matter T h e Seneca P o i n t hotel property o n work again with a finger and thumb sented by Commander VauDuser, J . E Roan)f.drduhd,wltirln her pate. the 1st day of May, i 8 n , at 10 o'clock, a; fn. . • F.A- PEACOCK, rtith wbidh t h e y are sure to b e sur- Oauandaigha lakewasadlil b y order of She got her hheepskin qnickly, Stever, Viotor Loroux and Eufne S m i t h , minus. County Clerk-,Tlienrulhersblngienahg; t h e court Monday, for $ U , 7 5 p - S S , 8 0 0 rouudetl; " *~ T h e Weet:Shore has a h e w switch en- to whom i s duo t h e exoelleatjlavor of t h e Ask yoar.grocer, for . . And after weeta.of waiting, less than the mortgage. llefcomce.lwli.waa rntig. ' •* On Monday i i j t h e ; ^fest; S f t . r a i y a r d s gine, 103, in the yard. Engine 119 goes coffee whioh was served during an inter* W b, handsome feliow The L y o n s board of excise o h M o n d a y mission. After refreshments, stirring i n this village, a h uukuown man was i n to Buffalo for repairs. (free,)contalnlng over 850 proved receipts. If he Stepped In, with looks of path. -JVT+ granted sixteen hotel licenses, three stantly killed and., horribly maiigled b y E n g i n e 5 6 bos gone to Buffalo. Only and encouraging words were spoken b y does not bave. it send, stamp and address tb.tho And said: "1 feanbere'a something store licenses and thirteen alo and beer the visitors and the G. A, B , comrades ClevelandBaRlngPowflerbo., s i Fulton street, CHAS. Pi. GEHRES. being-run over by"a frejgbt train. H e CHAS. W. VANBDKBN, The matter with mv brain," two engiuea, 171 a n d 173, are o n the Bis eye* she gazed deep into, wished tho Oamp God speed in the good Niw York, and a copy will be mailed, you. Please was evidently a tramp and about -30 licenses—thirty-two in all. Genesee Junction trains now. mention this paner. Willie ne-wiiii look* lot m Tuxpayers of Lyons Monday voted to work of perpetuating t h e memory of years of age. T h e remains were taken Engineer Wafretf Davis h a s been .Gazed back .wiih.compound Interest, those whom onr country loves to houor. iu ohiirgo by TJudertaker Stnerwitld and raise.SX.1,040 to liquidate cprpbration ex-. Till a, qn,cer reeling #oht i Plans and SrscMcatloOs Furnished. Visiting in Oa'rada a few days. EngiBrother Burrud surprised the b o y s b y •^scooting round his heart-string. . Coroner Chose summoned. T h e ii quest pens'e's f i r the eiiEUiug year.; Tho total neer H e r g e t t h o V been ruuning h i s enHesmiled.'aehsrinlngsiriiie, * Repatflng, etc., P r o m p t l y Attended To. tux levy for this year . will amount to passing a box of B . & O. cigars, which was adjourned until next Tuesday, N E W A R K and L Y O N S , N. Y. Aajbe quite gravely oounfed • 'i gine, everyone appreciated, From' the eomplesiou of Canal Bar about §15,000, . UU pnlse, twice In a whllo. S H O P A.-1 Oar Aepountatit W. W , Wheatloy E . K. Burnham Camp now numbers Then he in accents tontier Bevs.'Luther A^ Ootrapder and B . \\% periajendent Ford's oppointmentfi in Ar^ spout a couple of days at h i s home in thirty-five members, s i x ' applicants now &ld :: ."Pardon me Vi fear earlia it-^tooks very ^njupli ^,;|fli(jugb B t i w r s of L y o n s , haye entered a protest ITiiati.have quite ralsled you." Newark. Railroad men were all glad Yon want a good thing cheap—roady for muster make forty-one, and Buru{iani,' if dehd, i s quite a lively with the village board of trustees against Bach curious thumps I hear j u s t to get a.g'lmpse of him. NEWAKK, N E W 1 0 B K . one transfer makes forty^two. I t will h e r e i t i s . L h a v e j u s t b o u g h t a WiVliia myjlieam, dear madame, corpse, notwithstanding t h e supposition the opening of saloons in that village The.Italians s e n t from N e w York have only be a short time w h e n the required I result's'that tlrd-l's wrong; that .there would b e a general houee- Sundays. c a s e o f o v e r a l l s a n d j a c k e t s f o r Just.cnre thls.anu.niy head-gcar I t looks as if t o t much in fifty will be mustered and t h e Grand pleaning when the< local eapal admiuis- . T h e inventory i n the estate of the lale returned. • A. Y J 3 A l t t l - . ItHulcMk^tobrlfFC >Viil not bo.aijlpg-long," : spot cash, T h e y a r e regular- 7 5 c . . tMeh*ny(alilj.|nttIlleetitI>t.nbrioreiiIie tration phaugod. , 'People stlfp.-ct that Myron 0 Tnpker o l L y o u s has Hlieep t h e gravel lino xyould be done o n the Army men will then b e called upon to sdx, who can m d »ml jmtlt, sud who Site wavered,, blushed, and dimpled, r •Oer ln.trucUon,wtlI work injoitrlouilr g o o d s a n d I a m g o i n g t o s e l l t h e m , West Shore just n o w in Newark. fulfil their pledges of fiuandial euaourhow(o »«ro Tkrw Th»H,.Hdr>oIlu« . "Prescribe, I beg, a wife;" floni E , K . i s quietly smihuig. u p h i s tiled iu t h e Surrogate's ouurt, and shows ._—...«rownIoc»l(tle.,\*hcrcrtrthijrIlr..InlnB:«irorijlil Arid 'twaSso. complicated . Brakeman Lopper, who has been sick agement upon t h e happening of that f o r 5 0 c . C o m e i n a n J l o o k ' ' a t UKS ,lltMUot, or omplormant^it-tvlilch you e n « m th.tHniount ooat sleeve over the whole m a t t e r . . . personal property anldnnting to 815;•Aonion«r,rorio.BiiaIMB-«it«.»rul«..lK)\T,.Ea,lIr.(idqnlelil! Tnat-ahe too* lad c*s» for" lire. , Subaoriptionsfor all newspapers and i s again onk Engineer Lepper ia home event. .•mod. fromT t.'ch dl.trfct or count*. I ,l Ifle.Iro 11 hill 1 ono1 1worker pr0 th tlieso g o o d s . 0S7.80. Imfh .5'? t?!** " J'," ' or.r 'i^Aj! ."tl'lomH?'*« Urei i _ . — fiirmaasntiMi'Erii anmber,who «ro *ni.klna; SSOOOl . Teor« magazines a t olub rates taken at Kelley's Art exchange well says!. I f your b o y while h i s engine i s in the shop for reThe Rochester delegation was left b y • JtddrcM «t uncc K . tp, A J L I - E J f , S m U H l , A u « i i E. B. ELLIOTT. The^sommitteoofthe W a y u e Connlv pairs. E.igine 1(H) is on the pidk-up. W»nts:tp work a patoU of garden, pr k e e p —.ua-nita, SlMlrxc drugstore. 12:04 train and returned to the hall \ X W U l A M ) OTHERWISE. dhiokehBf or work with carpeiiter'tpplsj Veteran Soldiers' and Sailors' association where they were entertained until 8 a. J a m e s Qaailey, the Sfdrtbem Cenor d o anything plaothat will "develop . will' meet a t Newark o n the-14th-lint, tral operator and ohief olerk, claims to m. b y some of t h e boys, aud everybody T h e Fourth of J u l y in Newark'will b e his rrimele and hismeohntiieal ingenuity, when tljp flrtestjon of site^of tho iiext: b e the fluest bioyole rider i n Njwark. joined in saying t h e occasion was a m o s t • ' • T o w o r k ovqr a t h e biggest d a y ever seen. Jo Wayne encpuroge him in it, I t will help h i m annual eneampmeut will be decides!. Oscar "Hairia tulu'ks lie oomek iu some- enjoyable one. to steady dowo, and learn that life doeB ounty. •. President Harrison and Commander. . . not consist entirely of playing marbles in-Chief V e s e y of t h e Or. A. R . , aro e%. where. ' A H o r r i b l e OontU There was a meeting ci> the "King's VETEU1NAKY D E " A B T « E N £ and flying kites.^Ahytliing that h'|p)ay peote'd to',_attend the aunual State en-, ' B u a i u « s i a very slack o n the W e s t The Ithaca Journal says Wood B u r Sons undjOanghters" at D r , Nutten's loam now in an industrial way will b e of campmeut ,of the Sons .of Veterans at Shore j n s t now. tlt has an oil train of lew, a farmer and horseman w h o lived la»t tiigiit,' (Conducted by Dr. W.-E.£angford.) .. twenty-five dars "every other day from Use t o hiin.iu after life. A preaoher or; Binghamtoh the last week iu J u n e . near Sheldrake, m e t bis death last? T u e s tAH, questions pertaining to- votarlrtary science", G e n e s e e Jaqoiiqii t o Oneida Oastie. St, Mitrl 's quartette will give a con- lawyer may not. have t o . h o e potatoes or. will ho cheerfally answereil In tins'column and day iu a moet shocking manner. B u r - -all communications should be addressed to itaojrt.iu Sodna Centre, May 2flthfor.the shove a jack.plane, but it is n o detriment e ~ W p are'requested tp annpundff t h a t Newark orews rim this traiu. cenductpr.j • ^ lew bad driven t o Ovid with a load of ! the.lots q n S a n d Point at S o d a s B a y are; T o n Caiix X S c o X L O x a x l a s e benefit cf the Presbyterian ohnrch of to k n o w h o w i t should b e done. Oaoar.Vahdferhpof is on the west e n d grisk H i s stay i n the village was short, STEmaHAiiT. ' . ~ uowaeady for sale. Fall particulars can that i>Jace. local witU.Gb4rn!i|rs. Conduptor P a j e and about five o'clock h e started for I n calling to mind t h s ' gr§nd.;iopnairt bo obtained aj the First National This i s one of t h e many forms o f is braking op., t h e Lyons run for Plass horae in an intoxicated condition, i t i s . 3?he-o$p,ning Taotory commeneed oper- to-be given next Wednesday evening b y bank. - 1 •' 17w5 .during* the dull season. Conductor alleged. When almost directly opposite chorea and consists in an involuntary ations this week with a fdroe o f abunt the Newark Cornet band, Newark people, Georpe Lumbert, tlick.Rn«n- parribidOj J a m e s Stono i s . running CNail's train" trpoBmodiij floBtradtion of the muscles o f twepty hands—working o n asparagus ihJJHJd remember-: _T4iat-8rbandrshonid* the (air grounds h e w a s seen by, his who i s now confined iu t h e jail at L y - f >r a few days. the hind legs and is occasionally seen i p andbHtudbeans, ~~" r always be well siipported—that t h e betbrothor-iu-Iaw, w h o was driving an o x ons, i s becoming despondent and is t w o tho fore legs. .The limb nffeotedis conQuite a few Of the railroad boys a t - team aud whom Burlew with his pair of Mrs, Frank L o r J o f Phelrc, died early ter'the band the m i r e freely should oiti-^ Or thrro times a week allowed t o walk vulsively elevated from the ground and tended B . Wade's funeral in Syraduoe, oolls had passed down the road, to sud.yaesday rnoruing of cancer. S h e had Zen's give it assistance— and that a band ¥ O H B PERSPIRATION MATERIAL. i n t h e vioinity of t h e ,j til i u company bronght down again with more than notTuesday. Mr. < Wade formerly worked denly fal| sideways from h i s seat on the been.111fora lopg time and a great snf. Which is acknowledged to be' the best with p e p u t y Sheriff Coilius. ' . ' nral force. Iu-the majority o f horses i t ferer. S h e -leaves a husband and' sev- country Western N e w York of for the West Shore company, but h a s wagon down between one 'of the front WEST S I D E M A I N STREET, i s n o t i o e d a t every s t e p - j again w e will N E W A R K , N E W YORK. Work bn the Geneva and "Buffalo rail- beenconflpod t o t h o h o n j o a b o u t a year wheels and to the side of t h e wagon. eral children. whioh every oitizeh is proud, should call' ldw.20 see horses g o a considerable dfstahce road i s progressing ver^ (fast t h r o u g h for special effurt o n t h e part of every on account of h i s poor health, The colts weje of course startled and The Geneva board of excuse has without exhibiting any signs of stringThrough t h e b,ig ran away, traveling a considerable disgrantecT fifty-qne Jloonae i, seventeen ho- one t o give the boys, a crowded house the town of Phelps. halt, and all a t once the limb Will b e onts t h e workmen are o n l y t a k i o g o n t A r b o r J>»> i n K o w n r k . aud a grand benefit. T h e programme tance beforo b e i n g stopped. Bnrlew's tel, twenty-five etdrs and nine saloon. suddenly jerked up, T h e condition of the Newark Union body remained fixed horizontally beT h e hotels and stores pay $ 3 0 and the an.excellent one a n d n o c n e will justenoughto'.make way & lay traplcs Stringhalf i s generally' developed and take the remainder oat'with, «• work be excused from dping their Bhare t o sohool grounds during tho construction twjen t h e wheel and the wagon for some saloons $20. T h e total, amount yielded slowly, b u t several writprs have seen T h o Monitor is the only perfect J w a r d g i v i n g t!(e band a coniplirnentpry tfais. "The oompany wafttofhd rpad o s of t h e n e w btliildSng made It impossible distanoe and then f e l l to t h e ground, h i s cases dome on i n one night. I t m a y bo sendi»ff and a b i g round snm o f money soon as possible, aud.expects to b e run- yesterday to observe Arbor D a y a s i n feet, however, b e c o m i n g s o entangled i n oil stove. "~ duo to a bone spavin or an exostosis i n T h e M a r b l e t o w n S n n d a y e o h o o l organ- t o p a y their expenses and help them ning trains b y November n e x t , t h e past. Notwithstanding all this t h e t h e wheels that h e w a s dragged a long terfering with t h e great sciatio nerves ized jiisj Sunday with the following of- •long. -r • — i • On Monday last t h e - f e ^ s s t a f Bemo-- ojoJisidn was made one of unusnal inter- way face downward over the ground. causing reflex nervous action. I t may floers : 1 . i f , N o r t o n , snperintendent; est and importance. Early in the. after- Burlew must have been killed very soon erat aiid C//rontcfe*appear'pd i n ' a n .enalso bo dua to some unnatural growth i n W . . E . Polwell, assistaritsnperjnjendent; • dn'edt the-pretty sighta of Arbor D a y 9 noon a Vote was taken for the state after falling to the ground, for his head larged form'priuted.oij.a rtew Hop press tho sheath of the nerves involved, Some Miss F a n p i e B a s h , sedretary y W . R. i^hich was.'frequently commented ^on w i t h - a t printing oapaoity ioifii21i0o6 flower iu. w h i c h ' t h e rose was victorious was battered in tho most frightful m a n . writers think i t d u e t o a diseased conjTolwell, treasurer; Bollin Gifford, li- and oomrflimehted b y observers,' wlis'tlie Of all Muds g o t o t h e twelve page.papprs p e r hour. All this over the golden t o d as it should bavo ner and his face w a s utterly unrooognissabundance of flags carried' b y t h e dbjl dition of t h e brain ; others think i t due brarian ; Mrs. Peck, organist. All operations made comparatively i s evidence of increasing oiroulatlou and boon at t h e ilretcontost u year a g o . The 1 abld as that of o, human being. T h e The old stars and stripes look to some change in the spinal cord. T h e "Deacon's P a n g h t e r " rendered dreD. painless. an ihcrease.d.advertiBing patronage. T h e children fromsohoolrooms in the.various nose was.smnshed sideways, the, cheek Tho treatment is slmplo—let it nloue b y t h e Anna F i x l e y company in jjyohsj ^fell anywhere and in'no place are they Democrat and" Chronlale has always parts of t h e village rnnrohed'to Village bones split wide apart, the forehead out and save time and expoase, as i t is inI h p r s d a y evening, was a deeidod suo>' more appropriate than i n tho bauds of been a good paper and. the enlargement A L n d j ' » P e r f e c t Companion. Hall, when atidbdut^ o'clock a line o f open as though b y an-axe, and hardly a I t is_ a otirablei qess i n e y 8 r y partibnlar—the b e s t en- the children of this' Republic. "Painless Childbirth," o u r new book, ia abandant evidence that It «.ilUin *fafc | »bont.80b pupils marohed.-toilia-hft«t o f semblance t o skin w a s left. Burlew was M, F.—Ques : When Is tho prdper tertainment i i y p n s has had! tfiia j e a s p n , njiove i n the right direotipa and the i u tolls h o w ahy„, woman m a y become a tliB^drnra i p t t h e grounds of A, D . Sover- about 4 5 years of age, H e leaves a wife l e r add" moro oompletethan eveK time to castrate colts ,' do y o u operate i a S n g l B o s e w l i o went from Newark sfehotidnTjf our children in patriotism mother without suffering a n y poju what? T h e largest fruit grower a t Lakeside, bill where t h e following programme was and a child s i x months old. and what is the prevailing price for suoh ware : E , _I>. Jliller, D a n , D e e g s n , Should receive more attention b o t h i n O a r l i n e o f m i l l i n e r y i s t h e m o s t ever. Also h a w to treat and Overcome the school and in par homes. The. child if not t h o largest iu W a j n e county, re- rendered with a few exceptions on noan operation 1 JPrauk Bud J a m e s Kelley. I ' h o Liuclcv O n e s , c o m p l e t e e v e r s h o w n i n t h i s t o w n . morning sickness, swelled limbs and as ho develops should be made more fa- porta that the opplo crop i n Western oouut of threatening rain : A u s . — T h e operation i s generally perT h e following canal appointments for The recent severe weather has done I t is C h o i c e s p e c i m e n s o f t r i m m e d a n d other ovils attending pregnancy. miliar with t h e history of that d a g and N e w York will bo nearly a failure this 1, Bcoltitlon-"ftio Song ot Arbor Day," formed a t o n e y o a r old, and when the the fruit crop l e s s harm than was an- « f '.......,„i, , DerfkToung Wayne county have been announced b y untrirnined hats a n d b o n n e t s . . reliable, and highly endorsed by pliyof the n a t u r e . a h d .grandeurof th'e°Be- year. T h e cause is t h e npple scab funseason la nofr too h o t nor tod cold. ,1 8. Recitation— "Planta/Tree,"......MaySloVoy Superintendent F o r d : ticipated,; I n fact it i s pretty general—FRESH and PTJREjTroneh arid domestic flowers. sioiuns as the wife's. true private .compnblto which has c b o s e n . i t as its e m gus, which was s o destructive and B, itecltatlon—"ThePotrided.Pern, operated o n half a dozen last week, r l y , believed .that i u this vicinity small Beautiful effects in ribbons. M o s t panion. Send two-cent stamp for desIKWKTKNDEBS. *. .-...M&vis Williams ble'm'. They should be ready and ,glad oansed the l o s of t h e fruit crop last among them being several two years old, Traits will be abundant, X h e a p p l e prop d e s i r a b l e o r n a m e n t s a n d p i n s . T h e criptive oiroiilars and confidential letter, School LTONB—Wm-Harris, Paul Snyder, and the price is one dollar, tod'arryit on apy and all appropriate year, remaining o n t h e fruit buds, de- <• 8dng-"rribute tJ NatnreJV. however will suffer more o r l e s s from the stroying their vitality and prospects of ». Beoitatlon-'ilnlnk or the f l o w o r V . . n e w e s t t h i n g i n g i l t a n d s i l v e r sent in sealed envelope. Address Frank Orrin WyokoiT, George Miller, Jrimes dbcisions and tpjearn to IQVO i t with a ,...' Anna Hay need ravages of t h e destructive Insect which fruit, H o predicts that few apple blosA n l n a i c a l a n d l i t e r a r y C m o r a a l u - c o r d s , b r a i d s , l a c e s , e t c . W e s h a l l Thomas & Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Boyle, E u g e n e Bpzelle, J o h n Yonng, fervor and enthusiasm that in i l l do «. Becltatlon-i'-Violets,"'........Natalie Forrest Save your roses by using— nieut* did s o much damage a year a g e . - 40w28 soms will b e teen this year and less T, Song—"Swinging 'Neath tile Old Apple Charles Messenger. -malro i t p a y y o u t o c o m e t w e n t y - Md. fence and in maintaining its honor, if T h e Ladies' society ol S t , Mark's five-infles Tree,".'.., ;;,i ^School Tie attei-tioH o f onr readers i s called necessary, t h e y would willingly face fruit. to s e a . a n d b n y your &.*»_—J. McCarthy, W . Ernest, T . BeolIaifon--"The Little Lores,".,,Qr» Freeh N o w Is the timo t o buy boots and (Episcopal) ohttrbh are preparing a rich t o tbe.YV orld's Branch's new advertise- danger and death. Guy. J. Lester. .illinery a n d f a n c y g o o d s o f u s , TOejarmn^l_me£thig_.oUhe^]Botorst-f-^ shoes tho cheapest they ever have been literary and musical treat to bo given in m e n t to b e seen t o this iesne—i 10. Becilation—"Woodmen Spare the Tree, MAOEDON—Edward Cottor, B . Boals. L o o k e r s a l w a y s w e l c o m e . A l s o t h e village of Lyons, t o vote on appro, sold in Nowork o t A. J . Phillips & Go's,, •* n...,-, Hlat DeVoe"s Grade J o h n Reddy, S . Oullen, M . Dillon, W the Sherman opera house, Monday evens h o w i n g lots o f n e w fancy, - d r y signed a t Lyons* was examined i n pro- priations, was held at the engine house 11, ttpng'.f Dedication.,,,.,, 17 Main etreBt. I4tf ,. School ing, May 18. S t . Mark's choir' will, Miss York who h a s charge of the store, Turner, Wallace Gordon, Walter S e e d . g o o d s , ladies' fwrniahxng goods, Only 110 ballots 19.. Iicci|stloa~Poem Dedicating the Tree, ceedings supplemental and to execution Tuesday afternoon. render somo of their beat selections, for spares n o pains i n pleasing ber custoLOOK BEBLIN—Goorgo Kreiss, Albert Hlsa fieasie Wood I l l n Liu-gent Fiinrttunre H o u t o stationery, homryt new hilts, n e w before Burton Hammond, referee,- Tues- wore oast. Appropriations were Toted mers apd the now spring stock of goods 13, Song—"The Invitation,". School JJsstian, Geo. S m i t h , J a m e s Moloney. whioh they are receiving h i g h compli- rrinslln b o n n e t s f o r c h i l d r e n , t o i l e t I n Wayne county a n d t h e most c o m . day sfterpodn. H o n . Frank Bice,"' sec- a s follows : Contingent fund, $1,500 ; March tosclroot hdnsjr sad disperse. NEWARK, N . Y. ments and Miss L u c y Yendes will give is more complete than ever before. I^OKVmiiE-Mitchell Chadwiok, Ed» a r t i c l e s , e t c . , Worth l o o k i n g o v e r . p b t o and oxtonsive lino of suoh goods to retary o f state, o f CahanaaFgria, ap- police department, $ 1 , 5 0 0 ; board of an entertainment of readings and imward Parkhurst, Edward Calhoun The foundation for the n e w school Corning; in i t e t v s r k . Of ;conrao. E n t i r e n e \ v « s t o c k o f f r e s h c a n d i e s be found in Western N e w York, i s a t peared for the plaintiffs, and J a m e s W . health, $800 ; 'dross-walk fund, $ 5 0 0 ; Manly Sayles, E l m e r West, Geo. Traver. personations. Miss Yendes was formerly j.nst o p e n e d . building is making good progress. ConLyona pfess. F o r gloves, mitts, Stuerwald's iu Newark. Call o n h i m alDnnwell, of Lyon«,-Ior t h e defendant. bridge fund, $400 ; hydrant fund, $ l r a resident.of Newark and i s well-known Wai. Beck, Irving CplbUrn, O, J . F r e e tractor Soliumau has immediate overN o Fourth of July celebration in L y umbrellas, m u s l i n a n d g a u z e u n d e r - ways when y o u want anything i n his Mr. Leonard was p u t upon t h e stand 6 4 0 ; eleotrio lights, $ 3 , 3 0 0 ; publlo b y m a n y of oar citizens. Suo has given man, W. H . Farnsworth, E d . Hooper, s i g h t o j t h e work and t h e scene i s deline. w e a r , e m b r o i d e r i e s j etc^, t r y t h e and examined as to all properly ho had grounds, $ 5 0 ; fire fund, $1,200 ; hoso ons t h i s year ? What are We ooming to? entertainments i n Boohester, Qswego, W m . Mumford. oidedly active, , A t present forty-one owned since h e had been in business a n d .companies, $ 5 0 0 ; fire department, $250, Elmiriv Watortown and other cities and T n d K i t c h e n nXeaamrlngr GXasa,. men are employed as masons, tenders E v e rJ. k o d r n a p p y H e r o . ' PATROIillEN to the disposition of i t H e entered into Veterans of tha late War should keep her renditions have been highly praised.. « a d tejinjsters, a n d besides Newarkr resOne of the m o s t useful articles i n ar 1 Iwmocratlo £ f e » . partnership with Caleb Bice i n 1852, their eyes open, says tin exohange, P, McGowan, Clyde to east end of T h e Jefferson County Journal gives the idents t h e y come from nearly all o f the Wtohen, only fifteen cents a t t h e Oorj Twenty-two applicants for lddkfender, section. and continued until t h e letter's death i n There i s a» new swindle about. This following inoident iu connection with surrounding towns'. ner D r u g Store. residing In this village, are naturally Seconddoor t o A. E . Williams' grocery, 1874. The proporty was then divided, time it i s u canvas&er pretending t o be John Walsh, Clyde to Lyons. one of her readings : Quite a flurry of excitement has been t h e Bice estate receiving $6*0,000 and securing dates for a soldiers' history, disappointed. • _ N . T. Richards, L y o n s t o Newark, PALMYRA ST., NEWARK; N. Y. I n response tp an encore whioh folcreated a t F e n n T a n among t h e liquor Leonard $25,000. Leonard then bought T h e questions asked are cheerfully and H. Washier, L y o n s t o Clyde, lowed Miss Yendes'rdndenng of " QuaT h e newest a n d fin«>4 line of ceiling, dealers over t h e action o f the board of o u t the boirs and continued the business, correctly answered b y all. After t h e i n lilceniea Gran lea, Timothy S k t t e r y , Palmyra t o Mace- k o Strong," nt the entertainment in the and wall decoration ; also a full line of Rcr/Mrlna;. Presbyterian ohnroh last week, s h e T h e Arcadia board of eatcisejnelLat the con. excise. T h e boora bos been i n Session confining his operaliona to groceries and formation has been written ont,-the unwall mouldings a t city prices. W e defy stepped t o t h e platform and gave a W, J . Gillmonr baa removed h i s shoe twice, b u t the members fail tor agree a s dry goods, instead of speculating i n suspecting informant i s requested to town clerk's offloe Monday, M a y 4, all opposition. Hiram Carpenter, Palmyra t o Port- school-room scene entitled " Primary s h o p in the o l d F r e y oigar shop- o n granting 24 licenses and o n Wednesday t o the price the dealers should pay for ooubtry produep, as t h e firm b a d for- s i g n it, b e i n g assured that i t i s only Gibson. Teaohing;"iir the midst of whioh she UK D. E . L i d s . U n i o n street, a n d is prepared t o d o . all t h e privilege of selling intoxicants. • Oue merly done, H i s business Wag pros- Wanted a s authority for publishing. t h e board Was called together and anothPatriok Quinn, Newark to Palmyra. asked a question in-arithmetic with suoh kinds o f repairing a t a reasonable price. e r license added to t h e list making 2 5 in naturalness that little F r e d Wardftell member believes that t h e present stats perous until 1880, at whioh time h e woa After a. few days those interviewed are SOOW CAPTAINS. 17tf p u t u p his hand and waved i t frantio- G i v e b i m a call. all, of affairs i s g o o d enough, o n e i s h o n - worth $80,000 above h i s debts. Harness. After furnished with a $15 history, and are ally to signify t h o t h s k n e w the answer. Fred Smith of Palmyra, Ta'a board-organized b y the eleotion pommittal^sndVtb»-oth6r-t,hinka--that-ln) r l h a t he suffered many large losses and i t surprised to find their signatures t o a W e have n few sets o f single harness; T h i s pleased t h e audieuce and applause A, E . Adams, Clyde. of Fred Unger chairman, Ezra Humest e l s should be charged 8 2 M for iioenacs became necessary for him to borrow contraot agreeing to take the bsok. and laughter h a d their o w n way for a Wall Paper. whioh w e will sell at wholesale prices. CZtfDE BRTDOETENDKBS. ton secretary and J o h n Patterson treastime, before t h e recitation could b e a n d Ihose only l i k i n g out t i e and beer money. Oilier losses followed rapidly J n s t received a n e w supply*of those 14tf A. J. P i u i i i P s & C o . finished. T h e little scene was equally a T h e sixth anntial M a y festival given urer. The f e e for a l l kinds of licenses John Ma?k, Fred, L e g g e . privileges $100, which limited h i s capital, However, b e tribute to Miss Yendes' reading and to elegant brilliants, o n l y 5c. a roll, a t t h e by the ladies of the Methodist ohnroh, was fixed at $30 each. Following are the U C I • ' BETTEE-TBAH A COLD MINT!! A r t Wall Paper store. Fred's attention und appreciation. There w a s q"uite n large gathering of continued bis business in t h e h o p * of re? Burrud & Orouoher's B. & O. cigar Ad.ver<l«ed f . o u o m * flCLr No capital needed I rlonsk.but held in the opera house last Saturday licenses granted i . 17M D.ELioif. is on the market, try i t . ..XBttS flim n " - | . tlOtoSIS'tdaynrogtrTRAOU- frail growers a t t h e S o d a s opera house ooverhvg his decrements until J s u u a r y , The following letteis were advertised afternoon and evening was a s sudoesful HOTHl fclOHNSBS. W B l l I t U S B B i a H T . M E N ana^ X A U I B S Saturday afternoon. T h e . meeting w a s 1801, when he was oalled u p e n t o pay a at the Newark postoffico 3 i a y 9, 1 8 9 1 : as ony of previous years. T h e afternoon «MWM«^M.wwanted In every town an* addcessed 'by % T . Powell o f Qbent, 'debt of $6,000, borrowed money, TneliuyKkcci, This J a m e s Bridger, L . Whitney, J r . , ebnutyj No experience'leideA. Credit givenl if programme was oarried o u t satisfactorilyMngee, B . J. iTolidwiug 13 the programme of the Frank Gillson, T . Whittloton & Son, dmred. Be early thls.Mnie and aeeoreJint cnolce w h o advocated the spraying of t h e ap- it-was impossible to pay add h e w a s Bramer, C. to B lorgo number of children t>nd their of exolmUe territory on tliavbrand NEW BOOK. rades to be held o n t h e new Newark forced to make the assignment, I f the) .Harry Mijler, Oonrad Wall, Thomas Hayes, Henry. DOM'T B E Alt 0 * F » 1 C I 1 1 W»He. p l e trees, immediately with his paris friends w h o were present. Miss Winnie Hames, Mrs. Mary. traok July 2, 8 and i : Laugdorj, F r e d Borth, Sanford, Garden• l i n t f u l l i n f o r m a t i o n a i m • o l l d - green preparation, t h e receipt of which real estate now advertised for sale and Peirson w a s chosen M a y q u e e n this Simons, William, Iaot»>kout ier, T, S . Hooper, George Cook, Geo. H. "" THBBSPAy. h a s already been gjvon in these col- the balance of the stock of goods now Smith, M, year. A Japanese booth a t t e n d e d ' b y TJileS a n d Lewis Gindy*. Wells, Jackson. " umns. H e said that the prospects for a being sold realise what they are -wortbj 1—2-year-old stake; trdtting 2 in 3..$150 y o u n g ladies i n t h e oriental costumes Wdstfall, J. M, fair apple drop i n Wayne eorinty were it;wlll go far toward liquidating t h e i n 2—3:00 olass, totting 3 in 5 600 BTOHB LICENSES. was an attractive feature. T h e supper, W-H.Niotfor.ot, P . M . Very favorable, and would undoubtedly debtedness. T h e examination Was a d 3 — S u n n i n g one m i l e and r e p e a t . . . . 150" sale ef fanoy artiojes and ice- cream W. H . Keliey, M. Ws Palmer, P . E . b e realized if t h e fruit growers would d o journed with the stipulation that t h e d e -OrSSaiiBat' tables were well patronized; T h e braid- Nellls, T. F . Horton, B ; E . Morse A Son, ' FBIDAY, A, F , Freohj jeweler, over corner drug By WM. S. BRYAN and JOHN t U R K RIDPATH their d u t y i n t h e spraying df t h e trees, 'fendant should again appear .before t h e ing of the May pale in the evening b y store bos quite a high location, but very 1—3-year old stake, trotting 3 i n 5..3150 AlE AND ng-B-ElOENsSg, T»t Wo»U) csuiaiT<nHaTroiuKS. at least n o t less than three times.-^Zfem, Referee on two day's written nofiee, sixteen y o u n g ladien and gentlemen w a s low prices, 2—2ao-olass, trotting Bin 5 500 TheSloryoftiieiratlonsajtdrdln the brilliant andC/iron. A, G . Byokmsn, F » n k Finnegan, Rochester itetnoerat. prettily exeouted. The hall w a s crowd deeda Stent and, grand aciiievcments achievements of the World's 3—Z:30 olass,;pacing 3 in 5 300 William Brown, B. ti. S u m e i l l o n , L e o n BtroeihisBtroe^ and Heroines. A rich.atorehome or of hised i n the evening. Cunningham's orI m p o r t a n t c b s i i f f o l n T l n i o o n XV, s . lory, travel,adventure, and the weird and wonard Frey, Deegan * Gardenier, Geo. E aATOBPiy. ' d«rf«t, ntftnta. SI .flie'"ilme« mat tried men's I t a i l r o a d , TaKlna" E i r o c l S u n d a y dhestra furnished good mnsio. T h e r e ionls.1! Thrilling stories of the Jays of ohlvilry, Beaker. 1—4-year-old stake, t r o t t i n g ^ i n 5..S250 Mar l b , 1801, ltartlliii. heroic aohlevemenw of warriors aurf c d p t s amounted to about $160. eruuderi. Aiwa'vast collection of the rarest - = - '. .-,.1" Train No. 2 now l e a s i n g Suspension 2 - Pree for all, trotting 3 i n 5 . . . . s . 700 temidf English and American Qlstoricat LiteraK e y s of all kinds made to order b y A. Bridge st-p; o'clock a. m . Buffalo 10 n. 3 - B u n n i n g one mile and repeat."... 2 0 0 ture; The moat.wonderfu!*neir book-of to-day,' tee greattelf-edaoator? Just tn.e.bookt'46 people F . Freeh, jeweler. want, OVer-:S50 .grand nhtcritul Illuminations, Entries for 2, 3 and 4-year-old stakes m. wilt IdaVeS^uspensujn Bridge at 8 a. Many people s u f f «foryears with t h e hair-tone'jteel :eng'r»vlnjt>,. and brilliant on. colored nlatu. Everybodysads it a bonanza of m. Bnfftilo 8:55 a. to., arriving. at N e w t o o l o s e J n n e l O , 1891, eyes when a glass properly fitted would sneceKs. It seils.wftnoutaaking. No capital, no York9:55 p. m. N o o t h d r bhanges b e Class races open t o allhorses eligible relieve them entirely, • Prof. Bradley, straight bintinns and Wg.nrotlu. splendid For T-rce Daya o n l y I Illustrated cirinlars and rail particulars Kntfree. , the celebrated optician w h o h a s visited Address, B I S I O B I O A C prB, c o . , . May 1 2 , 1 3 , and 1& pf. d o r k , the tween Suspension Bridge and Coeymdns to races, o n April 1 , 1 8 9 1 . !!»• PBiiipEirmi, PA. Entries to t h e running a n d class races Newark for Tears, will b e at Hoffman & e j e specialist,; who i s weij-known in this Junction of any importance will b e mode. Robinson's store May 2.Q ,to 2&> Jtjon't vioinity can b e consulted at the New- F a l l information can bo' obtained of to dose, J u n e 1 5 t 1891. •X'o i l e d i j c e stopff f til t o o e o bim. ' I 9 w 2 ark hotel on above dates free of charge, W e s t Shore ticket agent. Entrance f e e fO.per cent., 6 p e r cent, A 3, t h i l l i f g St Co., will sell boots a m i to accompany nominations, balance of i H e stands at t h e head of t h e profession Flowers P Beautiful {{.jwers | Have shoes a t a small advance above cost for p e r oent. to b e paid o n or before J u l y 1,' n«plio w i n ffguf. y o u noticed Mrs, Swallow's show ease of and needs no introduction t o our citi,1891, the next thirty days. Newark, A p r i l •la.B. flavingf over tliirly years' expertThe only answer I can make those Sewers? > l i 1891. ' 14tf orioo and having all of tho latest appli- market men who complain about my. Alt H o f f m a n Si itoriltisbh's Hi o r 2 0 •3.3d s h o e s for M e n , anoes for making a thorough diagnosis selling a t low prices i s , that I a m fightto 23. T h e b e e t shoe in town, Call and s e e of t h e e y e v a n d as be' charges nothing G o t o J o h n , Stuerwald for dining room ! i n g for trade,. I am n o t i n a position t p P;dF. Bradley tho scientifio opfioian tharn. at J . G. Pitts', r *«t«r for consultation, those With poor eye- "combine," but I a m i n prime condition a n d export with the e y e , w i l l make- h i s X8H ' Ai^OTPaoflirjs; l i g h t thouM n o t fill t o p o n i n l t h i n v 4 u r - J t o i b h t . refmlar visit t o N e w « k o n above date*, X«W**i?t* : ttxxttt* s Remember the band oorioert. We a f e p ^ a i e i i tofiirnish a l l Mpdg; \.<f WEAR for everybody. Thefln'esta i l ' , jbest made ladies' and Gents' • sloes eve£ offered-far sale in this place. You are'invited to call and see them. Prices right every time a t _ • Albert Prosens/Mai% j , G v P I T G E S ' . LTJIBER YARD! __fesolutely;i_ie Be&L JiPff^S ! pole: and Pints apd Hemlock lumber of all Kinds in y a r d and car lots. * ' Me Cleveland Cook $bok, Getas & YanBQren, Shingles, Siding^ Flooring, Oeil-jjing, Lath, Eto.^Etc. Tnrning, re- ' 3«wing", planing and matehingtlone *p order. Something attractive in niQulc!ingTor pieturo fratnes; samoinadfei to oraer. •' Orders By Telephone Free of ChargB - - Bartle &Eames' Planing Mill. EAST NEWARK I IT IS GETTING PRETTY HOT Are invited to inspect my elegant line of BOOTS, SHOES, SATCHELS AND TBMKS. PLEASE REMEMBER " i N - Y O t m EXPENSES, YOUR LABOR, - illfiSf flillff! YOOR-TEMPEK, 3&. i Sow SWEARING MATERIAL, -EEC - W - Z L S E ^ By having a DENTISTRY 1 .Monitor Dil Stove. f. WILLI, Kit: iiii.w. Leratt & ftttisoi. HERRICK BLOCK, NEWARK, N. Y. —FOB— : Tobaccos, Snuffs ! Smokers Articles OPERA HOUSE CIGAR SIM. MI im wi IDUSS ITfl k oTffi! E! Insect Powder, Paris Green. .^M "Sulpho" Tobacco Soap. W.H.KELLEY -FOR- PasWonaWa*' Millinery _________ * GO TO MILtER STREET. rints of the World's History -WJiJEt =====-AMTHER IO?JLXi"2" Would Have && effect on 11*1 HRIS BROTBER& boot and shoe trade. H'e have added to our laciUtien and have fust received a large line of Boots ttnd Shoes for spring and sum* merwear. The goods are very desirable and the prices low. Call in Subsetm fat M f^ION* and see them, JttO&mS BJRQTBEH8X House-cleaning time is hers an,(( that pat/or stove is right in the war. Advise me and I will get it away arid-More it for " yjou. Save you lots of worry and will host hut Utile. See what ifje Gazette says about lawn mowers and thaCourier about painting. ••''' ' % « 4 - ^ . J"-:->••'-:i-"'-'\ ,L.u^-^'.i,..,".:s'. :-.A<-3.f LOT JUSWEGEIVED.= ;' r - , «t * m ~ %$m*