1856-01-03 - Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel


1856-01-03 - Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel
= "Here
I. the PoUellce of the SUlllts; Here are tlley filM keep the Comma.ulDlellto of God, olld the Faith of Jeou.."
D, R.
Publishing Oomm.ittee.
J. N. AtwB.lCws. JA"nsWII('rrn~ ~(}orreS}Jandlnr?
J. H. WAGGON IijR, R. F. I)O'rTltOlJ,.L J
Bditur9 0
Ilud Sl'.GPBES' PUijllmC,
------\'OLUKli: 01' 2fJ NtUIUns
Tel·.Ri.-ONE IlOLL,.\1t 'fOR
t7 All communic:l.tiullS, orders
R.nd remitt:Lnc9s for the
R.vlOw AND lI<nA'D ,ho"ld b. addL'o",d 10 umAH /3,I1I1'1I
DI.ttle Creek. l\'li(Jh.
the workings of his brain
And of' hia ben.rt thou OtlDat Dot sa6;
W bM looks to t.hy dim Byes a stl).in,
In God's pore light lI=1ay only be
A soar l brought fl'ODl somo wBll.woD. field,
Where thou wOllld~t only faint u.nd yield.
Tho 1001[, lbo ntr, Ihal freta thy sigbl,
M.y t>o a loko" Ibal below
TlI. so"1 has ol.,.d in d.adly fi~bt
Whb somo intBl'olL1 fiery foe,
WhO:;l6 gh.noo woUld scorch thy amning graoe.
AnJ. ocut thee shudd<Jr1ng on thy f~oe !
Tbo fall tbou dare.t to despise--M"y b. 'bo ~ngel's .I .. k.n.d hand
HIJ.,9 !luffored it, that ha rnn,y rise
AQd take n. firmar, surer stn.nd :
Or, trtutlo.g 10811 to 8a.rthly tbing,g,
May hen\leforLh leu.rn to lIse his win68.
And judge none lost, but wait o.n1 -OOe
With hopoful pity, not disd.:).iu j
fba ~epl~ or Iho Qby" 'My ba
'l'he mal\8lUU of the height of pa.in,
And love tlPd glory th,a.t m ty r!l.lse
Tbi. Bo"l w Go~ In I>fter d"ys!
01' 'rHE GENrlLESo
ny 1:;1. KOSON'.
[tbe followiog .rbiol. was reoeived frOID Bro. lld,on .oma
thus dace j btlt we have not yet hild tlml:t to flX'I\mine lt tbor:
Clughly. Molony of tbo ideas pre8cntod a.re new. and we tllink
Ih proper to p"blish hbom for tbe considerAtion of tho b,·.t.roD.t lotting the writer remain respoDsible fur ~ht) views Pl'€)·
eeDted j J1':j ho propos6.!! in the following lines to Dro. Wtiite,
wbiolt Moompilooiod the artiolo.]
DSAR BRO. WHl'rB :-As I have been informed
th~t tne inq uiry has arison, why t h,IV' romained so
long silent; I wonld just say that I have been nece.&arily employed in mn.nual labor, providing for my
family; alId have had but little tim3 either to read
Or write, and worl!. with excessive toil I hOove felt but
little disllosition or spirit of writing, and hence, am
poorly pI'ep~red to write a.ny thing that would be of
fiorvice to the church. But what little sympathy
and zcal I have had in exe,·cis. fvr tho C~tlse of truth.
has boen with the Review, and those who bave bO"n,;
tho hen.t alld burdeu of the day, in advancing ti,e
truths it ad VOCl\t.s.
As you recently requestetI me to write Otlt for the
RevietO, some of the prominent leading points of my
long unlJ:ntured article, suoh ... the evidenc~d on the
beglllning and ending of the se~en prophetic times. or
252~ years of' Lev. xlCvi, &0.; nlld as I h",ve not time
lit prosent to mature the subject, I send you a Jlortion of the broken, unmatured ideas as they arc. )'
do lIot ask that they now go Otlt as adopted Or sanctioned by the Review, but merely ror the elCamina,
~Ioll ~nd inspection of the hrethren; and if tbe subJect by thelll bejudgeq to be of service to the church
.lnd ,,·o/·thy of furth 'r investigation, then it mOoY heroAfter be revised, improved, Iln:l c~rried out in its furthel' bea.rlng nnd extent.
But befol'e enter-iog Up'JO the SU1)j:!ct, permit me to
notice, in short, an in.pired rule of interpretation or
prophecy. GJd is thb sarno yester<lILy, to-uo.y, nnd
forever: his J~lllin~, \\"ith his. cre",tures :\.re uniform.
or in like lfl!1;11Tlor throughollt all ages of the world.
fI.:.mce "wh!l.tl:ioevcr things W'el'e written aforetim3,
Ivere \vrittcn Cor OUI' learning." Rem. xv, 4.-The final delh"erance and entrance of the peuple of
God into the pronli~ed, eterlul inhoritD.llce, it: to bJ
in like nUnnJl' as it wa. in tile J:l.y that 1;1'",-,1 C'''Ill"
1I[l out of' the l,l"d of I-:gYJlt. I<a. Y, 2!; xi, 11, Ie;
Hieah vii, 15.' Ilence Paul testiii.J", " Now th~se
things were onr e,'{amples." Nu'N all these thin6:s
hapP3ned unto thom lor ensamplos, anel thay al'o
writteQ for oar aumonition apon whom the end" of
the world a,'e como. 1 Cor. x, G, 1 L "The thing
that hath been. is that "-hich shall be; and that
which is d~ne, j, that which Hhall be done: and thel'e
i8 no new thing ullder the Still." "Is there !Lny
thing whereof it may be said, Soe thi., i" new? it
hath been alroILdy of old time, which \Va:; borore us."
Een!. i, .9. 10; iii, 15.
Tho dc.;truction of the Antediluvians, and of the
Sudornit.es. fire mnrle examples of tt13 dU:'itruction of
the an;;"Jly in the end of the world. A.> it was in
the d"ys of Noah, .Iso os it was in the days 01 Lot,
elen t/l,,,s I. shall it b. in the day when the SOil of
man is revealed." Luke xvii, 2G-30. Elijah was to
be sent hefol'e the coming of the great .nd notable
,Joy of the Lord. [n other "'ol'd~, the hi"tory ofIllij~h is m~'le an exam pIe, not only 01 the pre[Jilmtory
111);;.,,;e of th·) fil·"t advcnt gi"on by John tho llapti~t~bllt it i~ also an exalnple or the prepara.tory rqes~a.ge
of the second a:lvont; o,n example or the .oj.", th.t
c!'i~th in the wil,lerness, 1\ prep''". ye the way of the
Lord, make strait in the de"e!"t a highway for onr
God." ,Edmples like th •.,o mi;;ht be multiplied, uut
the o.hove arO ~UmJi~llt; in vi(J ,v of which we ma.y
l\nd8l·,t:,nJ why \~e aro c.,lld upon iha. xlvi. 9, ItlJ
to "remel1.ber the fnrmcr thillg' of old, for Go,l
by thelll dacl:l.1'e.i th3 en,1 frum the b(}~inninJ' and
f"om aneienL tim~s thB things not yet done." Form~
or thing .• of oU whicll are made ex,llDples, are de~ign~d to aid U~ in undl3rstanJing pl'ophecies which
are to be fulf1lJc:l in like manner in .fter ages; and
hence it is not unfrequently the case that a prediction fulfilled in days of old, design cd ~serve as an
example, is recoflled ill connection with a propheey
to be fulti.lled ill like manner in aLter D.j!;es. See Jeremiah xxv, where t.he prophet a.fter pl'edicting the
o~erthrow of ancient IhuylQn, then glides almost imp3rc3ptibly d,)Ivn the .treatO or tim. to where ho be11D1'h and ftJl'etulls the du,vnf,dl llond destruction of
My~tery Blbylon the great.
Wltbout observing
this f:wt and the abuve rule, some in reading these
chaptel'3 amI other lik~ predictiolls, might confound
the do,vllf,,11 and dootrnctioo of ancient and modern
Babylon together, and conclLlde th.t all applied to
~neient B"byl~n.
But hy the aid of the above rulo
we l!l"y distingllish between the former examples and
its likeness fulfilled in after times.
I t is pre dicted that Go~ would set his haud llogain
the second ti me to recover the remnant of his people,
&c. In conncction with this reoovery, is predicted a
glorious triumph and prosperity of ~he church. The
No. 14.
wild.Jrnes" !Lnd the solitary plnce to bo made glad to ..
them, and the desert to rejoice and blossom as the
ro,., and in the wilderness wntcrs were to break ou~
'Ind "treams in the.dcsort: the parched gl'ound to become a pool, and thirs~y land springs of water, and
her wild"",,,,ss to become like :E.1en, !lnu her dese,·t
like the garden of the Lord; onu she is coiled upon
to arise and shine fat' her light is coma, nnd.e glory
of the L)rd is risell upon Iler, and Gentiles were
to come to her light, and kings to tho brightness of
her rising. This predicted triumph and prosperity
of the Chtll'ch is a sort of preltlde prep •. ra.tory to entering the im:nortu.l st:J..te; hence it ma.y be seen in
[so. 1)(, th~t thc prop;let glid~s almost imperceptibly
from this st3~0 of triumph and prosperity of tho church
in~o the re,;titution 01' immortal state. Some in reading this chapter o.n,1 other like prediction" confonnrl
thi, state of triamph and Jlrespority of the Chnrch
with the im,nortal st.te, and hence look for a glorious probationary Ooge to come after the second advent
of Christ. '1'he above rule Oond considel'ations arc
nec~ssal'y to be obs,erved in rea.ding Isa.iah lx, and
olher like pre:iictionR
We will nOw Gome to the su;'ject ber""e u~, which
ror tho present we shall dl;mominate,
And tile Deliverance and Res oration of the Remnant of Iifoaelfrom tlte Seven Times, or 2520
years of Assyrian Or Pagan and Papal Oaptivil y considered.
\I J~RU'Ar.;:M sha:1 he t.nxlrlen i!own of t.lle
GentileR, /I n~il the ti mes of the Gentiles be fulfilled:'
Lulw xxi, 24. ,J cms!llem, in this text, is s)'nonyIl1OU' with ~he LosL.
Dan. viii, 10, 13; see alsL!
Isa. x, 5, 6. J emsalem signifies \I the vision or possession of prllce." See emdon. God's loyal subject'
'lI'e a law-abiding people; hOllce we filld it '\""itt~n.
[Ps. cxix, 165,] " Great pea.ce have t/wy which love
thy !,IW.n Th us tho pcoplo of God a ..e in posse.'siol! of peace, and therefore Jermalem is II characteristic name, significant of' tha chamcter of the people of God, ill distinction ft'vlll tho;e of whom it ;,
w"itten, " '1'hel'e is, no peace, saith my God, to th~
wicker!." I". lvi" 21. It was the host, 0> peopll'
of G,)c1, that wem scattet'od among all nations to be
trorlden down of tile Gc>ntiles till the times of t.he
Gentiie, were fulfilled. We will now quote a few
pl'Ophecies which have their application and fulfilllnellt at tlw point (If, and immediately following, the
fnlfillment of the times of the GentiJ~s. "And it
shall come to pas8 in that day that the Lord shall
set Ilis hanfl again the second time to I'ecover the
remnant of his roopl" which .h,,11 be left f,'om As·
syl';a, and from Egypt, Rlli! ft'Ol11 Pathl'OB, nnd froll!
Cush, and ft'om Elam, "".] f,'om Shinal', and froUl
Unmath, and from the j,lands of the saa. And I",
sh"IJ eet up an ensign for ths nations, and shall as·
sem,ble ~hc ou:casts of I,mwl, and gatlle!' togethn
the (Ii'rer'~c\ of Judnh f"om the foul' corner" of the
earth. Aml Lhem "1.,,11 be au l,ighway for the remnant of his I'"o,,je which shall bo left from ARsyria;
like a.~ it was in the day that he came up out of the
land of Egypt." Isa. xi, 11, 12, 16
.. AccOl'ding to the days of thy coming out of the
land of EgVpt will I shew unto him ffi!lrveloul
things." Micah vii, 15.
.. For there shall be a day that the watchmen up- Gentile is bl'oken down, and they are made BOTH Lord sets his
again the second time to recover
on the mount Ephraim shall cry, Ansa ye, Rnd let ONE. Eph. il, 14. And there is now NO dijfer- the remnant of his people, &c,
us go up to Zion unto the Lord our God. For thu~ erlce between the Jew and the Greek. ROIl •. x, 12,
When God sets his hand again the second time
saith the Lord, Sing with gl"dness for Jacob, and 13; 1 Cor. xii, 13. Fur ye al'e all the children or to recover the remnant of his people from the coun"hout among tbe chief of the nation.: pllblish ye, GJd by faith in Chd,t J~~us. there is neither Jew Iriel! wherein they have been scattered, he Rets up
praise ve, and say, 0 Lord s~ve thy people, the rem- ItOI' Greek, cil'Cumcision no]' uncircumcision, Barba. an ENSIGN not for the Jews only, but fl}r the N}"
nant of lSl'ael, BeholJ 1 will bl'illg them f!'Om the rian, Scythian, bUild 1I0r (r€~, but Olll'iAt 1'1 aU anrl 'I'10NS and by thi~ meaM a'l8embles the outcaats of
north COllnl,'Y, ancl gathel' them f!'Om the e,)asts of in all. FOI' \,e al'e all one ill Chl·iRt Jesus, And if I;;ra~1 and gl<thel'd togethers the disJl01'l1ed of Judah
the earth, auJ with thelll tile blind and the lalne, yo be Christi. then are ye Ahralll<m's seed and heits from the four col'Uers of the ea.th. lim. x~ II, 12.
tbe wuman with chilel and her that b"W>lileth with acCOlXling to the pl'omlS9, Col. iii, 11 j Gal, iii, 21lALL the inhabitants or the wOI,ld and dwellers
child tAJgethel': a gIant company shllll ''(ltlll'il thith. ~9, N~ither is the I'e salvation in any othel': fl}l' on the earth are called upon to see wh.;n this ener. They shall COlne wiLl! wepping, anJ with SIIP- there i~ none othel' na'lle undel' heaven given Ilmong s("n i.lifted up and to hear when the trumpet i.
plication. will I lead them: I will C!ltl~e tlwm to men, \Vllel',-by we must be saved. Acts iv, 12.
blown, See Chap, xviii, 3. This ensign is the
walk by the l'i"el'8 of water ill a .tnlit place, where,
When the ul1h..lieving Jews claimed Abl'aham Ill! moulltaitl (or government) of the Lord's hOll,e (or
in they shall not stumble: fo)r I am a flitbel' to Is- theil' father, said .Je3us to them, If ye wel'e Abm- people) estabhshed in the last days in the top.~ of
rael, ~nd Ephraim is "'y fi,'st· bol'!l. Heal' the word h/UTl's ellil,lren y6 wOllll do Ihe works or Abraham. the mountains and exaiwd above the IJills; aud not
of the Lord, 0 ye natiulls, and UecIR,-e it in the i81es Ye are or your father the nevi~ and the hlHt~ (or the natural Jews ollly, but ALL uations }low 1,111,10
...far off, anti say, He that scattered Isroo 1 will gllth- work,) of YUllr father ye will do. John v;ii, 39-44. it. Ohap, ii, 2; Micah iv, 1.
er liilO, and keep him, as a sIJepll<ll-d doth his flock. Again he says. "I know the blaqphemy of them
I und~rstand that the estt\bJishment of the mOUn1<'01' the Lord hatll I'edeeilled .Jar.oh, nnd rMromed which SR.y they are Jews and are not, hilt lire of the- tllin or government of the Lord's people in the last
him froll! the h1iud of him that wa~ strmrger than synagogue of Satan." "B1lhold I will make them d&ys predicteJ in I'a. ii, and MiCllh iv, is tho estab·
he. 'l'hcret'ore they shall come linn sing in the of the synsgogu\l of SalAn which say they are Jews li,llIuent of the government of the'e Unitsd SlAtes
height or Zion, and shall fL.w together to the good- and are not, bUL dU,lie," &c. Rev, ii, 9 i iii, 9..For of Nortb America. This point will be no~iced more
neBS of the LOl'd, tor whel\t, and rOl' wine antl for he IS not a Jew which i8 one outwardly; but he is a at length hereafter.
oil, anq,jol' tbe young of iua fi,)(lk, and of'the heru; Jew which is one inwardly." Rom. ii, 28. :19. "They
Tlds subject of the !'eturn of the Jews might 8e
and their soul shall be as a watered gal'den." Jar. al'e not all Israel which &re of I81'ael, neitJler beCllu_e pursued much fut·ther, bllt the ahove must suffice,
xxxi, 6-12.
they are the Beed of Abraham a.re they Rli chiloren; and is, we think, sufficient to satisfy the candid that
~ WhAt) the LOlu bl'ingeth back the captivitr of but in Isanc (0" Christ) shall tIty seed be called; that the legitimate Ileirs who a.re to share in the promil!.
hill people, Jacou shaU rejoice, and Israel ahal be is, they which Ill'e the chilch'en of the /lesh, these oa 10 be fulfilled in the delivcl'ance, return, and the
glad." See P •• xiv, 1; ('xxvi.
are not the childl'en of t lod, bnt the children of t.he Itlorious triumph find prOl'perity of the people of
A very lal'ge class of prophecies, in chal'aet(w like promise are cOlMiea for the seed." Rom, ix, 6-8. God, when h~ sets his hand again the second time
the above, cl~t!rly pl'edict a glorious t"iulUph aud "Now we brethren, Qg I.Me was, are the children of 10 recover thein, &0., are not the natural Jews pr08perity of the chllroh of God in their dehvel'ance promise." Gal. iv, 28. Abraham u i. the f"ther of cording to the fle~h; bllt that they are made up of
lind ratum fI'om under the cl'Uel tyranny and bond- us all as it is writte.n, I have ma(le thee a father
every nation, kindred, tongue and peopl!', who fear
age of G.,ntile dominion over them.
many nations." Rom. iv, 16, 11.
him ano work righwollsuess. We leave this point
It i. upon this class of p,'ophecies that the favor" If ye be Christ's thfn are y6 Abraham's seed by ref/,,rri
IeI' to the ahle Writillgs of othite theOl'Y has been reared, of the retum of the Jews and heirs aCCOI',ling to the promise." Gal. iii, 29. erB
See Advent Review, Vol. Y,
and II temporal millennium befol"e the second advent
Jesus Chrig~ was a minister of the circumcision pp. 128. 13!1'; also Vol, Vf, PI" 183, 134. We
of Cllds!.·, To those who hoM these view" this clNos •for the truth of' God to con6.nn the promises ma,ia next inquire more particnliwly.
of prophecieS have formed an objt;ction in their minds I untl> the fathers. Rnm. 'l:V, 8. "For ALL tha FROM WHAT ARB THB EIilMNANT REQOVEEED WHEli
agains~ the idea oftue second ad vent being now nigh at promises of God in him are yea, and in him amen
hanJ. ~nat this ~I~ of p,:ophooies hllve their fullill- til the glory of God by ns.." 2 Cor. i, 2li_
menLprwl'to,anu IIlllnmed,ateconnection whh,Lh" secRom. xi, is one of the stron!! pillars upon which
It is Yel'Y important that we rightly understand
ond auyent, 1 freely admit; forthey predict tile prepl{l'- the f..blie of the return ot the Jews is built. To 00- this point in or,lel' that we may arrive at right conal.ory !!Cenes of ma~ ing ready a people prelltll"ed fur vocllte the retulll of the eamal Jew~ to old Palestine elusions in th~ aubject before \I'.
t~e Lord, and so lar from f~)rming allY Yalid objec- f"om this chapter is to array Paul against Paul in
A second time supposes II first. The ~econd is
tion to the second advent mgh, tb"y, on the contra- the above soriptllres.
deMribed to be in charact~r like as it WII$ in the day
ry, when rIghtly understood, fl}rlU all impregnt\ble
Pliul ill Rom. xi, quotes from, and bases his ar- that Israel came up Ollt of the land of Egypt j hence
bulwark to the gl'eat (I'uth thllt the second advent is gumeDt upon Isa.lix, 20. 21. "And so 0.11 Israel tho fll'St time Will! the rccove,'Y or d~liv\lr~nce from
now at the door; (or we shall demon.trate in the sha:1 be SlIveo as it is written, There shall come out under the Egyptian rod or crnel yoke of bondage
foUvwing a~ticle that the people
God of the pres- of Zion ttll! Deliverer, and shall tUl'O away ungodli- and oppressi~n; bellce the second recovory or deent gorx:ratlOn constituw the remnant'which will be !less fI'Om Jacob. For this is my covenant unto liverallce mu.t be from a I~~ition in its nature and
shar<)rs. In the glo!'iolls ?elive~'ance, triumph, and them when I shall tllke away their sins," Rom_ xi, chAracter like thai of tbe nrst. This will be claal'ly
pro_pel'lty and gll>l'les wUl(Jh tillS class of prophecies 26, 27.
.een as we pursue the sulUect.
will wal'rant them to expect.
If this scriptlll'e refers only to the natuml descen,1We say then til at the remnant are recovered from'
Mort! recently IIpon thiS same chss of prophecies antll of Abl'lIham, the natuflll Jews, it proves entire- their dispemion among the nations of the earth.
has been (I'amed the theory of a probationary age Iy too much; fOI' if so it proves the universal salva- «From AssY"ia, and fl'OIll Egypt, and from P"thros,
to come, after the second advent, Some who hold thil! tion of their entire l'!l.ce. But this CIllInot be so. and from Cush, and from Ehm, and fl'om Shina.r,
view remove the angels' messsges[Rev, xiv,6-1 2] into 8~i(1 our LOI·d'to the Jew8, The men of Nineveh and from Hamath, and from the islallds of the aea."
their anticipated probationary age tacome,and say we shall rise in jmlgment with this generation andshaU In thi~ recovery, God assembles the outcasts or II!shall thel\, !lllve Md keep th" I.o,·d's Sabhath. Some condem~ it: the queen of tile South also. See rael,aml gatherg together the dispersed f.lf ~udah fl'Om
who now !.<ike Ibe no·SabLath ground, freely Rnd MlIt~, xii, 41, 4:.1. Again, They should see Ahra- tlte four corners of thp elllih. !:lee Isa. XI, 11, 12.
frankly admit the obligation of tIm LOI'tI's Sabbath ham, Isaac Ilnd Jacob, and all the prophets, in the
This recovery f'mb.aces the deliverance oCthe hOflt.
in cvnnection with the flilfilhnent of this claM of king.lom of' God, and themselves thrust out. Luke [Dan. viii, 13] from being longer tl'Odden under
prvphecies upon which th~y bujj,t their age toc(>me. xiii,28.
foot. Tn a word it is their I"eco."ry from under the
We affectionately invite th"se who hold to the
'fhe text from which Paul quote>'< in Isa.lix, reM' INDIGNATION.
tempoml miltennium and age to come views, C'ln- as" follow.: And the Redeemer shall come to Z!on
In Iss, x, 5, 6, it is wl'itten, "0 Assyrian, the
didly, wi,h an lInpll!jwiiced mind, to follow Ill! while and unto them, that tm'nfrom trattflfj'N8sion, in JI\- rod of mine an!er, an<i the .. t.uff in their hflnd is
we endeavor to show ~be Ll'Ue chl'Onological applica- cob, &0. This is (u1fill~d when the salvation of Is- mine INDIGNA.TION 1 will send him against an hyption /l.nd fulfillment of this eJIlI!8 of pmphecies, and rael is come ont of Zilln WilEN the Lor,l brinileth ocritica! nation and ag8inst the people of my wrllth
we th,ink tbat you ~iII, with us, see that yon have back the c~ptivit.Y of his peopl,e, then Jacob rejoices will f give him a charge, to taka the spoil, and to
boon In the V!ll'Y mid. and surroundeo with all the and ISI'aelIS glaq. See PSt XIV, 7.
take the pl'ey, ana to TR ,:AD THEM DOWN like too
privileges It
probationary age which
lea. continues the propltecy by saying, "Arise. mil'!) of the street.. And in v~rse 12, we read,
II wal'm'lt vou to expect.•hine; for thy light is come and the l'\'lory of the "Wherefore it shall come to pass that when the
this ellUl-s of
Alld if you w'luld share in the benefit.. of the glori- l,ol'a is ri.en UpOll thee. And the OENTILlIS shall Ltlrd hath performed hi. whole work upon mount
ona truths embraced in the angels' messages, [Rev. <lOme to thy light, and kinga to the brightness of thy Zion and on Jem~alem, (his work ofwratha.nd illxiv. 6-12,1 and the bles~ing awarded to these who rising." Plellse tllrn ane! read from vel'!le 20 of Isa. dignation in giving them. to be b'Odden down lilre
keep the Lord's Sl!.bhath ill connection with the ful- lix, to \'erAe 16 of Chap. Ix; and I think you will the mire of the streot.s,) I will punwh the fl'uit ot'
fillment of this cla.'!.S of prorhecie~, it is high time see that PlIlII, and Isaiah perfcctly agree ill their tes- the slout heal·t of the king of Assyria, and the gloty
that y,Otl were awake to thiS subject; for the IllIIt timony that wltell God bl'illg~ hack the CIlpth'ity of of his high looks." Tho fruit of the stout heart of
lingermg moments of tha prob~tionl\''Y age warmnt- hi, people there is no diff"I'mee between Jew m,d the king of AS!fyria to be p"ni,hed at tha end of
ed in these prophecies are now almost spent. Tilis Gentile, hilt both 1I1"e alike equl!.lsharers ill the hright, the indignation is undoubtedly the last in the line
will appear as we p,'Oceed,
ne8-~ of ihat ri8ing in Iheil' r~tlll'n (rom cap~iviLY; and of his Sllccessors which i. the fourth or Roman kingHel'e I anticipate the inquit'y will arise, Does thill why shouln they not be, ina~mHCh as Gentile chris- doon which finit<hes the treading down indignatioo.
flass of pl'Ophecies pl'edict
tians (who are Jews inwardly) h"ve been Im'ge sitar- (The glory of his high looks may be read In Dan.
era in the raptivitl', bein'" tl'odden under Toot lind vii, 8, 20; xi,26-30.)
To this we answer that
martyred under Pagan ~(l Pap'll rnle which eon·
ThA story is continued in verses 20-2'1'. "And
The middle wall of partition between Jew and stitutes the very c>1.ptivity to be turned when the it shall ~ome to pass in that day that the lemnanl
of J.srai·~ and snoh as are· el!Cll.pOO. of
boollll of the Sanctuary. The evidenoos are nninvalidated uous. They were not mcn of rank, of weal tit, or of
Jw:ob, .rnallllO more again llta.y upon him thll.tsmo~ that the 2300 days ended in 1844. But there wa.t! office. They were fishermen; or tillers ot the .oU;
them i but s/lall stay upon the Lord, tbe boly one of no hi..tariml event of that year wbleh could in any or. from the odious cla<s of tax-gatherers i not Oile of
Israel in truth. The remnant shall return, even the wise fulfill the many prominent pl'edictions respect- tbem hnd the le...t p,·p.tige before the world. They
f h
were the light of th~ ... orld because Iheir minds had
remllant of JOO()b unto t he mighty God. For t oug log the deliverance and ~<lC?V<lry, 0 t e remnant flOm bee" enlightened by the truth of Cbrist, and their
thy poople Israel be I\.~ the sllud of the sen, yet a tbe tr~adlDg ur;der foot Indrgnatlon..
, ' heu.rts had beeu pnriHt>d by his g;r.ee. They oould
It IS worthy of note that at the time wheo ,Gabr'-I give only that which they had received.
remnant of (or among them, margin) shall return:
the cQ1IIIurnption decre<ld shrill ov~rllow witb ]'ight- el said to Daniel at the time appointed the end (of But herein conslBts the sl1rp,,:ssing glory of the
e(lu~ness, &c. Ver8e 24. 'rllerijfol'6, thus sl\ith thl' the indignation) shall be, there had then nO reveal-I Gosp.I,-that men of ",ean con.1.tion, men who .bad
Lord God of hosts, 0 my people tbat dwaJlest in ed ap[,ointed time been given to cover the Jength of ne.e~ sat tJ.t the reet of the p~IIOSl)pher or Pharll!6e,
Zion be not afraid or tbe AAAyrillll: be shall smite the illdi;rnation and rev~al its end except the seven men 'r;;norallt of lette~s. men wlthollt the endowment!!
h .'.
Gb. I
ld h
of g.mms or the acqmrements of culture-that sucb
thee with II rod, antI SIlaB lift up 1\;" staf1" l\,"'1\lnst prop "tH,) tnnes of oses;. enc~ II ,'Ie Coil
ave men should utter Iruths transcending the highest
thee, after the manner of Egypt. For yet a very referl'ed to ~o othel' arp?lnled t.me than the 8eve~ ~lICh'ng8 of the schools i unfulding the myr,teries of
little while lind the imlign!ltioll shall oellii(l, find mine t.mes ch'lqtlsement pred'ct?d by: Mo.,.~. Lev. XXVI. beillg. the I'elations ilf man to God and God to m~n'
pnger in their desh'u<ltion. Verse 2'1 .. And itsbllil This will appeal' .. hell we COlee to follow Gabriel in I'~Mhing furth to the Invisihle, the Inflnite and th~
come to pa6~ ill that day th~t his b!ll'lh'll shall be the t'lIlfillrnent of his Ch8~, anrl redemption of his Etcrn .. l; that by the elevation of tbeir live~ in virtue
tlIkell away from oft' thy shoulder, and his yoke from pled,rtl to make Dl1niel
understand I be vision and henevolence, by their manifold works of miracl ..
know wbat sbaH b<l in the Ja.;,t end of tbe i!l~' a.nd of "ood will. by tbe boldness ~nd sllbii~,ity .of
(lft'thy lleek, &0. In· tb e nExt ool\pter [ver5<l8 11- amI
16J we have the. prophetie Ilooount of acid's selting dignation
t~e truth,; they· uttered, by the berOI,m of tt.Clrdnlly
. tb
d t'
l .
Wb 'G' 1 d d I' --~ h'
I f
hre, and tbe glory of theIr IJarlyrUOlll-th .. t theae
' h_ d
h IS
,...n /\g!lm e seoon Ime to recover tile remen 0<;• •1\ ".ive"", \1\ peop e rom nn ar poor peasaJlt~ and fishermen of Galilee should thu~
nIInt Of his people ir()m under this indigrw.tiun, de- the rod of tbe EffyptlaIlS alld thrown 0« the yoke tranooond a Plato and .. SQcrates as li"hts of the
fI<lribed in the pl'llvious chapter.
of their cruel
bard bond~, he then declared wodd, is of itself 11 convincing; pro~f of th~ divine OrThe remnant then are recovered from Gentile do.. to them his covenant which he commllmled tnem to igitl or Ib.e gospel that reflects glory upQn its A.. tllor,
minion OVIH' them to tread tbelll under foot, they pelform, eVl?n wn commandment", and he wrow as the ~10?11 g1:'es glo~y to til? suu.
lire ~ered from their dispe .... ion IIlDong tlte !la- tllem npon two tabl<ll' of stone, fsee Deut. iv, 1l1.1
And It I" strl·, .tr"., 10 oU!' t,me, that. whotever .we
tions of the ellrtb. In II word, they are re~overed acoompanied with promiseS of great blessillO's and may hore of gen!lIs, of talent, ofeduca.llOn, Ofllcqul;U-'
f"r preaching tbe gosre1, grace only can gJV"
Iirom ~nd ar the lNI>.'GIII UION. A Ionger el\t ",ogul! prosperity on con ItJO;t all
ey 0 eye an"
ept t~..tse their lustre, and witbout that lustre. all is tbll'
of t<ll'tlmonle~ shOWIng from whl1t tlie l1!mnllllt, are ALL of them. BlIt m C8$e they should prove
darlmess of ignora.nce. pride. and foil.
reoo':6reti seems .unn<;eessal'y: tb~ a!>oy? Ii! s~ffiCleot. ~Mt, .poatatize and not keep ~LL these len ~OlllTbey. who are de ;Iared the light of the w~rld a.re
Lat It be borne In mmd that thiS t~'gIl.CtttQII W!lS) ml\lldment8 hll threatens to pUDlAh them eeventlmes not such ns seek to make tbemselves shine. That
upon God's j>l'Ofessed people and not upon their Gp' more f()f their sins, which signIfies an .delilion to Christian who aspirea to worldly greatneSll, wbo
Pfe@I!OM!. G,Jd's anger and wrath eom{;s upon th<lir the 400 ye!1T$ puni.lilnent intfieted on them in Egypt aim.s .at tbe factitious distinct.ion of \\'ealtb or social
OppreSSl..H" 1If't.H' this indiglla.lion, ce!\SeS. The next Seven prophetic times mQre is a little short of seven P06lt,on who courts tbe praIses of the world l doel!.
in({lliry tllat arisea is,
times 400 yeam
~ot t~reby reBeet tbe glory of God o~ l1~ake himself
f h'
, light In the world. Yet often do C:hrJsl.!lln~ exclleb
H ~ tbreatelle? to brealt t. e pnde (I t .~Ir power, lhelr worldly asp.rations by the plead gaining I!. more
(or goverllntel't ,). or lICOOi'ding to !sa. I'll, 8, they commanding post of u~fulness. Rut the post once
should he broken ~hl\t they be not a people (or na· gllincd the d.vowed ol~ect for which it WII880llght is
The wlse mlln hIlS said, IEool. iii, 1,] .. To ellery tion.) He threatened to hring their land into d e s o - '
and tne honor. the wealth, the
thing there i5 a se~n, anrt a time. to every purpose latioll lind their enemie$ to dwell thenlin, and malta
without regard to tbe promised
Ilildilf th& heaven.'" 'l'hat there is an appointed their ~ities waste, and acatier and disperse them
ho S<'.ek to shme, are not apt tr;tIX
time for the Lord to calise the above indillnation to among tbe beathen, and bring a sword upon them to shl!l~ WIth the glory an~ ~he grace of G;>d' 1 bls
whi h h Id av '0""" the qnlllTelorhiscovenant,&c. IS esp"Clally tr~eo.fthe m!n!~try .of the 'Word. He
00_ by h is ~etting: hl6 hand again the second time
C s 0.\
e "'.
• ,,,ho alms to ~!lI.1e In til e pUlpit, WIll hardly be a burnto rooover tbem fl'Ol'Q tlte same is cle!\r (J'om very and. thus he woulJ obast!ll6 them seV<ln times tor ing lind shining light 01 truth Aud grace to men.
mally portions of tna prophetio scriptures. It is theIr sins.
Not that the mini4er orUhrist should not cultivate
called In Ps. oil, 13, The set time to f",vor Zion. In
From the ahove we se,,' that ·the seven prophetic his powers to their highest capacity. and eDdeavor to
this PMlin we have II prophetic bistory of, Jaoob's tilIle8 cover the tim~ or their'dispersion, the time of develope himself to the utmost in his "phere; but he
trouble anti tbe "vice of his groaning, eorrolV and the ~ing of the power of the holy people. Tho shOUld do tbis O,r ~od's glory, and not in s.~f''praise;
weeping, &~ which III expressly statoo in ve1'i!0 10, l10\'en tim€!! cover the treading Und'll foot indigna- be shoul~ do tbls wlth?ut one thought of $blDIng au,
t!) be "because of thine lNDIGNATION,llnd thy wrath: lion and constitutes the appointed time which re- mlln ~f genius, of learnmg, or. of eloquence ; he should
ve l. tit
d f th
do thl~ from Ihe love of Chnst, a"d flOm the sense
fOJ' thou b~st lifted me up !lnd cast me dowB;' and
~ en?
e same.
• ,
, or duty to bis cause. As ODe says, "It is noC "kine ye,
in \'el'4e Ill, JlI(J()b comrorts himself by eaying, "Thou
The time, times aud II half, of Dan\lllsand John e but let your light shine."-Inclependent
shalt arise and Ita"e mercy upon Zion for the time to propbeoies is lI. pRrt.of the indignation or treading
favQr her, 1"a, the !lRT time, is com~." Plellll6 ~ad down time, and are ~xplained in Rev. xii to be 1260
tbe whul<l chapWf.
days, Ilnd in Obap. xiii to be 42 monln., which ill.
In IIIlL xl, 1, it is cAlled Jel1lealem's APPotNl'E1] propbetic time, 30 days to the month, for there are
READER! as long 1\0 you Ii.~ beware qf areligi<>n
TI.lIIII. Comfort ye, comfort ye my peoplo MitJt your Just 42 times 30 in 1260daya. Twelve montbsto tbe ill 'Il1h.ich. the"e i" 'nQt mUM oj the crQ$8. You li.e
times when
dly needrul. Beware,
Go.;!; speak ye comfo~tably to Jerusalem, and cry year, making tbl\'e and a half yeaM! or 1260 days,
ut Ibe crus$.
unto hoI' that h0r a.ppoilltld time (margin) 16 ae- ~>IoCb day symbolizing on~ revolution of the earth I sa.y a.gain, of
There are hundreds or places or worship, in tbis
()()mplisbed, kc.
al'Ound the slIn or one year, IImollnting in .all to
da.y, in whieb tbere is everything almost exoept tbe
In Dan. viii,. ]3, two important questions are Wlk. 1260 ye~rs. Hence tlte· tIlree and a half times ero",..
There is carved oak and sculptured stone.
ed: as "61l,Ily two as ill Matt. xxiv, 11. In Dan. viii, whieh is 1!l60 years. when twice told make There is stained glass and brilliant painting. l'h;;l"11
14, the first qu~~tion, ~specting Ihe Sanctull,ry, is an, tIle !<even times or 2520 Y"lIfS wllieh is the dura· are solemn llervices and a constallt round of ordinauIwerl!<l; but the I!eOOnd qUe\ltion, how lung tbe hOilt tion of this indignlttion and captivity ot the people ces. But tho real cross of Christ is not there. Jesus
oruclBed is not proelaimed in the pulpit. The L!\Ulb
wel'e given to be trodden under foot th"n remained of God.
01 God is not lined up. and salvalion by mith in Him
(To b. Conl/nu ....)
unausw\!J'ed. In l'eTSll 16, Gab11el recei ves a eharge
is not freely proolaimed. And henoe all is wrung.
to make Daniel undeT$tand the vision. Verse, HI.
Reo.der. beware of such places of worship. Tiley
Gabriel said to Daniel, Ii Behofd I will make thee
are Mt apQ$iQUc«l. l'hey would not hau satisfied
IltoW wbat ehall be in the last end of the INDIGNASt. Paul.
WIUlNCE comes tbat heavenly illumination thltt
There are tbollsands or religi()lls hooks published
TION; (i. e., the last end of treading under foot the
bQSlj) for at the time APPOllHJ!;O the ENn sh,,1/ be." renilers C)lristians everywhere the light of the world 1 in our time~, in wbicb there is eV0nthing except the
Avd thus we have an ,appointed time fOl' the end Thuirl< is not an original and native li!1;ht. It was cross. They are full of directions "anon! sacrtllllents
of the dillClples as ?lUll!. that th!' Saviol1r deolared. and praises of tbe Church. Tneyabound in exhOl,taof lhll ;,ru;lign,ati<)n, tilt: end of treading IInd('r foot not
,i Ye lire the tight of tbe world;" h'lt, (lIlly in their tions about holy Hving, lind rules for the attainment
the hOllt; all a.ppointed time to comfQrt God'~ ~opl .., ch"ractor a& dillCipt68. TheJ'e i~ ... sen"" in wbich or perfection. 'fhey .have plenty of fonts lind crl)S!le&
J!lru~!llem: [T~ xl, ]:] an appointed or SET TIME men of.!l:eniU'a a1'0 lights of lhe world. We speak of both inside and outside. But the renl cross of Cbrist
t!) fuvor Zion j [Pli. cU, J 1I;] lin appcinled time for Plato. SoCI'ates. Aristotle. Oi<Jcro, as the Rreftt ligbt.~ is left. out.-The Sl\.viour and bia dying love ar'cllitbe Loril to set Ilia hand again the Meon!! time to of,mtiqllity. We speak or·Newton, Keiper, Bacon. Iher not mentioned, or mentioned in an unscrip!ural
recover tbe l'emnllnt of llie people from IIT1del' the Ita lighl.s of soience; of Danle, Shake~I!~"r'e. Milton, 88 way. And hence they are worS<! than ubeless. Rea.indignation or from being lOngEr trodden nnder f()ot. lights of poetry. But lh~re i.~ no trace of genius ill der, be"'are of such books.-They are not apo8ialical.
that band
9isciples who sur,'olll"led Ohri.t whell They would never have satisfied St. Palli.
The question next arjse~,
he delivered the sermon on lhe ,Mount. Moat of
Reader, St. Paul gloried In nothing but tbe crOSll.
them Were men of no education, and of limited intel- Rtrive to be like him. Set Jesus crucified fuUy betTNDII'S FOOT UIDIGNATION, '10 END ./IND OhBE r
Iigenee. 1'he eyangeli~ts may be t)~t:1l a~ a fair sPec- fore the eyes of your souL LIsten not to nnr leacbimen of the!r flvernge kllowledge aud e9pacity. We ing which would interpose between you and hUTt.-Do
Ad~ent blllitvers generally have supposed tlUlt find in Ihem tile simplicity of unlcttert«\ me:l; the not fan into the old Galatii.ll error.-Think nf)t that
the .PIJOinted lime for the ilidignlltiQn to end refor- hOI\e~ty of good nativc~e!1""; but no 1II!ll'k&of!leniu~, any one.in this day i. a betler Qnide than tbe ApoSored to, [Dan. viii, 19,] was th~ 2800 days of verse und no trlJ.infllg that HlwlIlti entitle theu. to" place ties, Do not be ashamed of the old p!!.thA in Which
l4. But this is evidently a mistake; fvr the 2300 among tbe ligbts or philo~ophy.
men Walked who were inspired bv the l.I~ly Ghost.
days were given to serve anothllr purpost. Tbey
Neitber Were they the light of the. world by virtuo Let no~ the "'ague taik of nlen, .....ilo ap ·ak great s ...elwtre g1VI,\Il ip'all&Wer to \he 6rsL question retlpeeting .Qf their position. In this tIlere Willi nothingconspie- . ling words about catbo:ieity, and tbe Ohurch, and.
6. To advert'.e fully and fe;;;.ie88ly tbe way of life, IOld Bnd Ne.... Testamente, ",hleh """"1.,.;,,,,1,. PJ'O"-
the miniRtry, disttlr1:t your peace, and mllke ~()u loose
tbat tb.living wieked (wbo r.main of the seven 1M,
your hands from the cross. Do not !live Ohrlst's hon- and the only conditions on whieh life ean,be r,btained.
'6. To advertise you of the many and prooiouspromis.. plagu.s) will be destroyed at the Recond IIIfvent.
or to anolher. "He that glorieth, let him glory in
of God wbillh lire gi .."n
In tbe further InYostigation of tbis subjeet we prefflf
the J,ord."-J. C. RlIle.
"'1'0 ob••• lb. heart of the lo1rl1 .....
10 let tb. plain $eripture testimony .peak forth our rait.b,
rn tb. onrrow -1 to heaven."
But we will utst not;"" the error of .ome who do no'
.~-~~~~~ 7. To adNrti.. yon of the judgmenl1! prepared for have the earth de.olated "t all. '1'l1ey refer to Dan. H•
"Snoetlr), t.hem through Ihy truth I Ihy word i. truth."
tho,", t' ",ho ltnow not God, and obey not tho €!""pel of 4(, "" proof that tbe kingdnm of Gud will be set up ID
Onr Lord J ..us Christ."
Palestine U i 0 the days o( the"" king8" repre~ented "1
8' And in ~hort, to advertise yau of every thingwllieh tho ten lot!/! of the image. :hat i8, "thCM ~inS"'" or
may be of interest to the people of God. to aid in dotect. earthly .kingdoms. and Il,s klllgdom of ~od WIll all ?,,'
SOMII professedly Adven.t papers have adopted the ing and l'<)sillting the specious desigflS of the enemy, to c"py a
011 the ..."Ih at lhe Mme tlllle. .Then. ,n·
practice ot ins~rting common advortisemen.l1! into their aid iu keeping the commandments of God and thE fail.h stead of having the ear~h d""?lat.ed at .tbe com;~g or the
oolumns as a meanS of procuring subsistence, anti tile of Jesus. and in preparing for tne great and coming day. Lord, they bave a portIon of Its !Un.b,tant•• at 1C",:t. reo
question is often asked u8.1r we advertise. To this we
The.e are our ad""l·ii..,men~Q; and in all theRe. the Bi. main on it i.n their mortal 8tal~, and hare all the raghte•
ous dead rale.d to etand up"t! ll. Joh .. b.held them. and
reply, that we in lend that our sheet shall be emphatieal. hie shall 00 our text· book.
tile SIgna of the limes our 111- caIIed t h ern ~I a gr(>Rt mu It'[
I Ud e,...
Iy an aalJ(J1'li.lli"u medium; and having sal d Ihis, it is pl'Op- d ex, an d the 8ure proml .... o~ God our foulldat}on and ollf NUlIcfBER. of.1I MUonR. and kindreds, and people, and
or that we .tate wAal we il,tend to advertise, andwb,dor, h1>p=, We are engaged 1ft th,B ~ork for Him. wbo. hid. tongues!' Tllis view li=ives no time, however short, for
We h,we no ro,,,n tur "Cod Liver Oil." or "Ayer's us, Ory olou,1 and spa", n.ot. 1,ft up thy VOICS hke a Ihe earth to be desolated. In facr. it make. the ~e­
]'iUs." or" Oberry Fectoral," for we do not eonsider tl'umpet, and show my people tbeir tran..gre<;,ion~, and ol1,i advent an event that greatly inare...e.. the popula.
the"" "menl in due seu""n.'· There are other things of the bouse 0{ Jacoh their .ins." rsa. lviii. I. And wben lion of the earth.
lllllre importance to a dying world of which the people be" cometh from Edom. with dyed garment. from Bot·
Let us now compar" this view with the plain declara.hould be well adverliaeil and well warned.
rah." when the ,iay or vengeance is in bis heart and the tlons "rHoly Scripture. We will notice, fi,.t, the utlPr
LI,ing as we are in the last moments of time, wltb a "year of his redeemed i. come." we expect OUl' reward. desolation oftbe eartb, alld, second, the time when i'
reasonable bope well grounded upon the Holy Bcriptures,
will be desolated.
1. The desolation of the earth. "I caRnot hold my
we intend as rar a~ in our power to aavmio. the world of
the taot; to proolalm in the ear5 of t,he drowsy l1lnltitude EIITJmS npon il1! last half with this number. A. the peace, beeause thou bast heard, 0 my soul. the sound of
the last meSlilage of mercy; if hy any means .ome may cammenoom.nt and closa of every distinct volume are tbe trQmpet, the alarm of war.
be arouse,l from Iheir dangerous slumbers. When we pointa of interest ill the life of .. journal, so the middle'
.. DeatrucUou upon deslructlon ie cried; for tbe whole
_ the Scriptures v.rifted before us, and the signs of the o( each volume partakes of th.ir nat",.. in a measure, and land is epoilcd: sudd'enly are my teuts B!,oiled, and lOy
times fulfilling all arount! us as clear as the noon day sun, becomes a point of inle!'Est also, in .. comparative degree. curtaiu" ill" moine"t.
"How "long sball I l!l(!c tbe standard, and hear Ibe sound
we cannot bold Onr peace. lest we he like the watcllmen Tlae present is with us, tberefore a proper time fur a few
of E ••• x""iii, 6, who see the sword coming. and blow refttlctions, and some passing renmrks concerning our of the trumpett.
nol the trumpet, and the people are not warned. Afthat presen, condition and futore prospeoLs.
.. For my people is /boUgh. I,hey have \lot known mt':
",..tehmall's hand, eays the wo.d of the Lord. their blood
Our enemies have reported ,hat our friends a~d sub. they are Bottish cbildren, and they bnve none under.tand •
• holl be requir"d; therefore we intend toflOund tbetl'Um- seribers were leaving us by l!QOres. Doubtless they jng: they are wi ... to do evil, hut to do good. they baTo
pel, and" adv"rtise" tb. people of their pr""ent condi· would b. glad to helieve tbis themselves, and have ot.h. no knowledge.
tion and tbe coming future.
ers belie". it also; but so flU' from thia beillg.tbe (act in' "1 beheld the ear,h, "nd 10. it WIIS WITHOU-r FORM.
Were d ..trueliol1 impending ove' a certain place, and t/u! ease. we ate able to report II net gain of Oil)! hundred and VOID; and the heavens, and they bad no light
"I beheld tbe mountains, and. 10, tbey tremhled, and
,,_ssenger sbould announce the fact to ita inhabitants, I' and thirty sn"scriberl! Bines we copied our boo1<, some all the hills moved llghtl,y •
.... ithoutexoeptionthey would heed that message. and (our months since. We should have been glad indeed.
"I beheld,and.lo,Ibere"'... NO MAN, and all 100
t!eek to avert, or propare fur, tbe coming calamity, while, bad we received more; but we are eneouraged tb.t we hil'ds "f the h"" •• ns were fled.
they would bestow upon tbe mes.enger a ju.t reword (or huve reoeived "" many. Whnt "ddition. howey.r may
" I heheld, and. I". the fruitful 1'1..... waA a wildern_,
hi. timely waming. Bul people wilL treat with abu~e b. mad. to our list, we make not an MM.ion of bo,,,,ting, and all the cities thereof were broken down at ~he pre••
and contempt the meaaellge""whnannoullee t,he approach but of tba~k.givillg. We Ill'e glad \0 see people in. enee of the Lord, and by his fierce anger.
"fthnt day wbicb" .h..11 oome ...... d.atrnction from the quirillg for truth, and soliciting tbe R.""sw to aid them
uFor thus hath the Lord aaid. The WHOLE LAND
Almighty;" so singularly dull and unbelieving bne they in tbeir investigations, We intend. !;bal it Mtd! be an SH.\LL BE DE!:lOL.'-1'E; ,Yet vnll I not malte a fun
become in regara to the declarations and ilireatenings of aid to all bone..t inquirers. And as We send it forth, Our end." Jer. iv. 19-27.
,be word of God. Nevertbeless we shall continue to desire. go with it tha~ thOS8 to whom it is sent m~y be
Let the read" turn to the cbapter, and n will be seell
"advertise" them or its approach. a~ we find II pointed led 00 see Ihe wh.,l" truth ill aJl ills impol·tant b~....iHg~ by reOOing ver·e 23, that the eartn Is to be" WITHOUT
out in the volume of revealed truth. Then if they take in th...e last days. And whatever names we are called fFORM, and VOID," us it waa when first "reated, [Gen.
lIot warning thei,' "blood ~h,,11 be upon t.beir own head." to ........ from our books, we only bope while we do so, i, \I,] "yet." with the LOl'd, (",hen Ilpeuking ofthe earll •• )
Sbould all ad,etti"e'nellt appear in some or the papers that they may nol finally be enll!edfrom tbe Lamh's boo1< "will I not make" full end." Tl'ollgh it be void, or
of the day, that a d'""o.ery had verita"ly h"'!l "",de, of life.
empty. for a se9I1O'·., it will unally be restored to ita Ede..
whereby tbe fellr of death migbl be bani.bed, and unWitb tbis number, also, we enter upon anotber yew:. glory, for the inheritance or the sain''!.
Says I •• i"l" "I heacd tb. voice of t.he Lord, saying,
ending life ohtained: how would all tbe world rush after Oon.cloua that we are in pOBl;e8sion of etel'Oal truth, w~
it, even though th"y would y~t be att..nded with all the enter UpOD it with hope and courage. Ofth. pn>sp"'ity Wbom .halli send. and who ",ill go for uo! Theil said.
otber evil. of tbis railell state. But we" adveI1i.e" them and ultimate triumph of I he eauae of truth, we bave no I. Here am C; .end me,
uf a way to oblain eternnllife upon the earth, not blight. doubt.. . The same God Ih"t has guarded it througb' the
"And he Baid. Go. and tellth!. people. Hear ye indeed,
e<! as it llOW is. bUL when i, Bhall have bn" n re,t.<wed to peril. of neady six thou.and years. bu. bi. eye \l pon it but understand I1ot; and See yo indl'ed. bnt perceive not.
its Eden glory; not in Ihe pre,ellt stale with all its evils. still. Juda."". may b'Y to betl'ay it; scribes and Fbari.
.. Maire t.he belli" o!tbis people fat, &l1d make tbelr ears
but in the" hcnulirul hereafter;" yet they regard it as sees may try to crucify it; Fopes and inquiHitions may heavy, and .hut tbeir eye.; lest they .ee with tbeir "ye@,
an idle tale, and dnnce on to I'"in. Neverthe1e<. \Ve shall try to extinguish it with flre and .word; but trulh will /lnd h.ar witl, thoir ears. and understand with t.beir hearl.
f h
atlll find in th~ hearl. of the faithful a I'&oret! sarlctuarV. and <onv<>rt. and be healed.
,"'n tmue to" adverti."" t em 0 t e '11"), to life and hapJ
"d I L d h I · • d ,,d
". ell 1'&.\ • or. ow. ong, . ",.11 ut: answerp ,
and live on preparill!1 a remnant in tbe worlo!. for God
pine... by Keepwg t e Oornmandmcnw of God and t h
"When forced from one "bannel!twill U nI\ I th e." tleo be wa~~
'"d Wlt.oU
h t 1Ilb a bi tanto alld the
ant! biB e
Yailb of Jesus; if by any means some Illay be induced to
house.... ,thont rnan •• nd tbe LA.~D BE UT rERL Y
take beed to their ways and turn and lire.
eee oultwellty mOre lD wh.,obto.~rea?lts.1t;andwhell DESOLATPl." Ohap. vi. B-ll.
But we do not ad~ertiBe (or the wodd or sinners only. th~ ~on of .m"," comes, h. '(0,,11 nn,l,t stIll upon the~artlr
•. Howly.; {n,· the day oFtbe Lord is at hand' it shall
Satan witb ten tbousand of his angels, and eaeh of these a hvmg przn?'ple} and all ....bo bave faithfully chr.T!shed come M a destruction from t.be Almighty,
"l'herefure shall all hands be faint, nnd .very mall's
with a thOllSllud devices, is continually besetting the ~nd. obeyed It. will tben reap tbe rieh rewards ofits saneI,eople of G<Jd, to impede their progress, bewilder their nfylng power.
heart .ball melt,
mind. dampen their faith and destroy tbeir courage, and
Let us "II enter !Ipon the work with renewed zeal. re·
"And they sholl he afr.id: paog. and oarrows .ball
AA do""y them f,'om the l'trai"ht and na,·,·ow patb, tb. memhel'ing that we have eneh a work to perform and an take hol,l oftbem; tbey shall be in pail! asawoman tbal
high and holy standing, in which all mnal b. found who, illtluenee 00 exel·t. Let everyone resolve that ere the travnileth; they .hall b6 amazed 006 at aoother; th6ir
wHold secure a safe tran>ition !'rom'the pr_nt digpen.' o1o<e 011856. the effect of tlleir labor sllall b • •een and faces shall be ae fiame •.
~"tion to that whieh is ahout \0 be ushered in. As rar fclt in thll vineyard of lhe Lord. Some small exertions
.. Behold, tbe day of the Lord cometh, cru~1 notil With
... in our power, therefore, "'e .hall endeavor,
rDr the trut.h, wblch cost us lit.tle,· may lead to results wl'ath and fierce .nger to lay the land DEBOLA 'rE; and
L To adverti... you of every new ,lpvel"pment in the wbich eternity alone can mea.'ure.
fuU!llment ofpropheey whereby our faith and bope may
OF IT." Chap. xiii, 6-9.
.t Bebold. the Lord maketb tbe earth EMPTY; and
he .trnngrhcne<i, .>ld OUl' courage renewed.
2. To OOverti.e you of every new poi"t 011 which tbe
Itsl.llanner and Objects ()ollsldered.
maketb it WA8TE. a.nd turneth it upside down, and
"""tt.,.th abroad the inhabitants t·hereof.
ligh ,,{truth may "hin", by whicb our present positio:t,
(O.ntinu.• d)
uA I" b II L_
"h 'b
"htb' t
and present duty, may b. made more clear.
III Iv a a
=, as '11'" • e peop e, so Wh e pnetl :
IN our last We presented .cript.. r. testimony as proof as With the oervant, so with his mast e.; as 1Vitb the
3. To advert.io. you of all the signs of the times wbieh that Christ will come, per.onally and visibly. and that maid. 60 witb her mistress; as witb the huyer, so with
il1dicate our neal'lIe"" to the final consummatioll.
at his Sf'cond coming he will mise tile sleeping !'alnlR, tbe seller; II!! with the lender, so with the borrower; ..
4. To adverti~e you wbenever WI! detect a sehame of and "hang. tbe rigbteo"" living. and tak" the", away with Ll,e taker of ....ury ••" with the giver of U$ury to
the enemy whereby he would SOw discord and distrne. from tbe earth IIp to the" Father'. bOllll•. " We aleo him.
"Tlte laud shaJl he UTTERLY EMPTIED, and .t,.;.
tion in the rallks u( the brethren,
preBented a small portion of the Watimony, found in the
A. proof of thi.. we quoted in last week's Rli!VIEW the perfeet confusion of terms and idea.~ do thore make who
words of C1JriSt in Matt. :Xiii, '30. 40, 41; iii, 12; LU\cff can OLrist's eluldren his Bride a.nd t.uf'ir own mother.
xvii, 26, BO.
alld the gue.ts tbe Bride. But Ihis point Inay 00 notie<>ll
But the testiroQny of the Apostle i. very deuhite, and at length anolber time,
"And 1 AAW heaven opene(L '1110 hnhold a whitf! borRe;
,halllbat wicked be revealed. whom tbe Lord shall con- and h61hat Bat upon I,;m was call~d Faithful and True,
.nme wltb the spirit of It is lauuth. alld shall DESTROY and in righteousness he uothjuJge ,,",1 tnakc war.
with the BRIGBTN ESS of H1i3 COMING." 2 Thess.
"His eyes we'e as a flame of fire, and on bi.bead were
ii.8. TI,e desiruction of the Man of Sin, alld the time many crOwn"; and he had a !l~mc writte", that ho mol>
,,·ben he will b. destroyed are definitely slaied.
knew, but be himself.
Bnt if it be said tU&t the Mall of Sin embraces only
"And be W,", clothed with 11 vesture dipped in blood~
Papisli', alld tbat the heathen, and many others, will re- and bis name is called The Word of God.
main after tbe second advent and enjuy the ble",,;ngs of
"and the annies wbich ""ere ill hea'en followed him
the ga.pel, then we will hear Paul again.
"pon white bor.'e", clothed m floe Hnen, wbi'eand clean.
tighteou:.-\. 1'l1ey, eunllpat'ed with the wic.ltcd in llllmHAnd to you '\\'hD an~ troubled reAt with HR. wr~n tbf>
HAnd out of his mouth goeth a sharp s1V()}'d. that with
ht'r.. will be "n~ t,he gle" .. ing of gl'apes when the vint· Lord Jesus shall be re,'ealed from heaven with l1isrnigb. it he should smite tbe 11atio1l8; and he shall mle them
age i. do"e," rna! this applies to the Eaints is evident t,y angels, in fiamillg fire taking vengeance on tbem thai with a rod of iron: and be tr.~d"th the wine press oflhe
from the f.ct tlla! they" Iif); up the voice" and ., sing fol' k now not God, and ;,nat obey not tbe g"spel of our Lord fiercene,,'s and wratb of Almighty (lod.
Jeeus Christ: who "hall be p,mished with. e.erlasting de"And he hatb 00 hi. ~MtUl'e and on his thigh a name
Ihe maje,ty oithe Lord,"
U For the Lord .hall ri.e up as in moun, PerA"im. he
"tn'~tiou from the presence of tbe Lore! and f"om ti,e glo- written, lONG OF KINGS. AND LOliD OF LORDS."
.hall be wroth "s in the valley of Hlbeon, that he may do J'Y .'1 hi. powel': IVhen he shall corne to be glol'ified In Verses 1l-16.
,lis work. ilis strange work; and bting to pass bis act, his gl\int~, and to be admired in atl thom i,hat believe"
Here is a vieW' ()flhe srcond MllIiug. ChriFt. "In
bis strange act.
2 Theas, i, 1-12,
righteouwess he doth j\1d~e ant! Inake war," therefore
The heathen &1'f3 certAinly emhrRced in tbe wel"ds, the sym bol of a II "" hite horsc H is most appl'opl'latc: fur
.. Now, therefore, be ya not rnookf"J*8, lest your banda
bE' made strong: fur I have hfJard from th~ r ;)rd God of «tuem that kB01\111ot God;u and aU othfOrs who are nol him'kelf, or his altellding a.ng~Is.
L",,!s a coo",mpU()n. even delermined upon tbe whole prepared (or tbe change to immortality, of w""tever MThe" sharp .wllrd" which "proceedet! out of hi.
eartb. u Cll3p. xxviii, 21, 22,
tion under he11.'V"en. are embraced in the words. "and that it1outh/' wllich ia to ooupuma the ",,·icked. j8 mellt.ioMd iu
"I will U rl'ERLY CONSUME ALL [" things" obey not the gospel or OUI' Lord Jesus Christ." WI",tis 2 Thp.S8. iI.
supplied] FROM OFF 1'HE LA~D, o.uith the Lord. tllO,r podianY I. it a period o( favor &l1d probnllon ill
'fhe willerrc"" of tllo nereeneBs of the wruth of AI_
"I will "OMUme mall and bea._t; r will consume the the pr",.,". of
Lord? No, llO, It i" destruotion mighty God, whieh CiJrist will tr"ad, repr"""n~e the
'owls of the heaven, all,l the nsbes of the sea. and the from bi. presence. When? "WHEN tho Lord J~"US slaugl!ter o( the ungodly al his coming. Compare with
lItumblillg blocks with the wicked; nud I will CUT 01<'B' sball he revealet! flom hea,'cn with his mighty angels, ill Chap, :si.. After ali the angels of that cbapter had ReMAN [aU mankind] FROM OFF TilE LAND, eaitb /laming fire ta~i .. g vellgeall••;' and" WHEN be sl.all compli·h,·d their work, "the wi~eprp.5 was trodden
the Lord. • ~ •
come to be gloL'i~ed ill hjs saints."
; withvlJt the city) and bloorl Came out Qf ll:c WInepress,.
II Hold thy pt'uoo aL ihe prcf'cnce of the I..tOrd God: for
The. teBt.irnony _of Pa.ul \'0 the T~esB~lo)))a.nB is mo,stj even uuto the homes' bl'idle~l' by the t'pace of ..\ thOOl:l8JW
tbe day of the Lord i. at hand: for the Lord hath l'ro- definite, and must settle :lle ql1~stlOtl m every candId and six lmn<ll'NI furlongs."
Jl3red a sacrifice, he bath bid his g{Jests. _ . • . •
mind that:s called to cposider it. But, before closing
He comes with the title of KING OF KINGS. AND
"The great d"y of the Lord is near, it is near, and this article, we will briefly notice
: LORD O~' LORDS. the"efol'. he is acknowledg~d King,
hstetb greatly, even the 'Vol(W of the day of the Lord;
and recelvea ib~ title prior to hlfl coming. Sec Dan. vii,
the migbty man .hall cry there bitterly_
Chapter x"iii js an account of the plagl1cs on Babylon, 13.14; Pe, ii, i~9; Re\,. xi, 15,
« Tbat day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and dis.. a.nd their desolatillg effects, Chap, xix opens with shouts
olA.no. 1 Eaw' an un~rl ,tandit1g in Ow Bun; and heeried
'ress, Ii day of wastelJeSB and desolation. a day of dark,. of f,riu'lnuh oV'el' her deFitrucr,iofl.
with a loud VU1C<!l, sUJil1g' lo all the fowls that fly in the
1>.'8 and glDominess. a day O! douo. and ~bici (1t"I"Ies",
"And ~.·ret Ibese things I lward "
midst of hca\'cn, Corne 3<,<1 gather your6ehes together
"A. day of t,h. tt'l1mpet and al"I'm against the fenced people in bean'n, oaying, A.lI.lui«;
unto Ihe suppel' of the g,oot God;
oities, and against the high tOWEll'S.
and bonoI', and POWf'l', unto the Loyd our
uThat ye
ea.t the fi(;sh .jf kin~. and the flesh or
"And r will bl'h'g distress upon men, tbat they .hall
".!'\". tI'ue and l'ighteou. ere hi"judgments; for h. hath captnins, and
flush or mighty men, an,\ the flesh of
'Walk like blind m' n, becau'e lhey hnve .inued against judged the grc'tt wl.ore, which ~i,t cormpitbe e/lrth wi.h borses, and of them that oiL 0)) tlwlu. ;lnd the flesh of all
the Lord: "nrl tbetr blood shaH be poured O\'t as du:·', her fornieatiort. and hath avel!ged the blood o( bis ser- men, both (I'oe an,1 h""d, hoth small and I(reat.
.llLt theil' flesh aR the dung,
'-antE! at ller hana.
·'And 'I .,a.w the lx--AAtJ nlid th(! king'" of the Clil'tn, and
"Neithel' theil' silver nor tlle;r gold shw] he able to
"Ar.d ..gaitl they .. id, Alleluia. AnJ her smoke rose theil' annie., gather.,l togl'ther to make war against him
deliver Ihem in the day of too Lord's wl'ath; but tbe' up for e,ver and ."Pl'.
that 'at nn the hor~~, aod againot hi. llrmy,
WHOLE LAND lihall be dcroul'ed by tlte fil'e of his
"And tbe lour and twent,y elMrs and the fn1Jr beasts
"/l.1ld t.he bo""t "'a~ taken, and with biro the fruse
j(,;11ou~y: for he ~all make 6'1'6n a SPEEDY RID .. fc;ll duwn an(t \l;'QTbhiped God t}mt eat (m the: \hl"UJJO 1prophet t1Jrt.t wrought miracle:;; bcfOl'e him, ~~lth which
DANCE OF ALL THEM THA'r DWELL IN THE ""ying, A'nen; Allet";....
he deceivod tbom t.l:n~ had recch'ed tho murk o( the
LAND," Zeph if 2-18.
«Alld a voice came out of the throne, ~a.ying~ rrah1(~ beao:;t and thc'u tllIlt \Vol'i:;hipped his itn<lg(>. rrbc!:;e h .th
"I !lave cut ofl' tbe nations: their towe"" are desolate; OIlr Go.l, all ye bis servants, au.1 ye tbut fCi~r him, botl. \\'e"o ca't ali"e i;}ti, a lake or fire burning wilh brim.
I made their ~t)'eets wap.te, that. llonc pa~scth by: their snmH and gretH.
stone," Vaf,..:es J7-20.
tlties are def4truycd, so tbl~t t.here is no mall, that tben~
hAnd I heard a..'i it were the voiee of agr('nt Dlul1itud('.
From verl.::e~ t7, 18. we conclude Hwre \till he a nni ..
is 110ne iuhabitant..
. . .
and Q;fl, tbe vor-.ee of mnny wa.ters, 9.nd as the \'OlCe Q( V6TF-O.l ~1t\\it~ht0r. lillie':' bea~t" and,' fahe proplHJt,U or
11 Tht:'rofol'€ wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until tl1e
mighty thulldeti1lgSt Baying, Alleluia: for the Lord God Vt?l"S€ 20 are the same a-~ tile <f first beast," and tbG t,"QfOday tb~t. I ri.., up to the prey: for my determina.tion i5 omnipotent reigrlc:Jl.
horned bellst of Chop, xlii. Bu~ mark thei!' fa.te, , Borb
to gruhel' the nati(1)f;, tllilt r may aRf:emble the kingdoms,
n Let uS be glad and rejoice, and give honor to bim, q ca.~t alive into a talt€ of fire burning :with brlm1)tone J!
to pDur upon I.h('t'O OlinI'! indiguation J even aU my fi(:l·ce for the marriage of the Lamb is come, nlld his Wife bath Thi:'!)s a $ll'oug figure to reprcscr:t their being <l con ..
• ngor: f'lr t\LL 'fHE EhltTH sball be oevow·.d with made her,pel{roady," Verseal-i.
i eH.nod with til. 'pirit ofbis [Christ'_] mQuth, ""d de.
the fire of my jealousy." Chap. Hi, 6-8.
The raarriage {)f t.he Lqmh. 11,~(Hlti(tnf';(1 in v(,),:.1e 7, take,~ [I ,stl'()'y€d ;~'itb 1bt? briglltnosR flf hin: C-OUJjllg.
If these 'l~ela.t(l.tjous fronl the hlout,h of Jehovah whicl1 place befor<:: the return of our Lord fl'nm 11eave r1, frorn
To those who pl'cfien~ Chap. XX~ IO)t\."i. an ohjectio}) to 1hiQ
'\';0 UI:\S1> ahove tlllok"{t du not: prove the utter deoolatioH !ihe fact that when he comes, it is on his "l't!tUl'll fl'om the ,-jew, we wOldd say that .. arr;" in that verse is suppHe<L
ofth(' e~rth~ thetll~ll language fuH$ to uf'F:cribe flueh a wedding." Lulu! xii, ~6. 'Jhi.IJ Bhows the. c.hruuQbgy The word!), flwPl'~ eM!." Cllll as properly be supp1i('Ai,
'Ial~. 1'110 wrath of God, in the Heven lnst plagues, will of this f'<lrtion of toe chaprer,
. But aC:er
11my t.!WI'. nnt bo "r'''''lam !)(the wicked
doubl,le8s (lestl'oy a l'\)'g~ pprtioll of tho inhabitanlA of
The Bride, then, i. not the chu!'ch; f()t the malT;age I"e"cl'\'od to elljoy the hle"ings of the go"pel in th" {u.
tI,i." f'~l't,h jUe't Vdot tu tho f<.cC\..ml ad . . ent, and lho:{e that tnk~ plnce ill hen.von, before the Ul'id£.'t1'oom comes to ture
Notwilhot:tl1,nliing the B{'r.!'Ot and }1'nl1\€ Pl'Oph ..
PE"ilmtfl rdl!?l' th~l plagllef<, OJ', tl1€ ,.. J'cmll(1.uV' of tile wick· j I'cueeitl his church, whf} are his chndreti~uot bi~ Bride. et al'e
at Chl'i:-4;'H comin§{. -will 111(,1'f' flot be
~,(Rt.v. ,,;x, 21.] will be deAtroyert, as We F-IHdl pl'OVC' To ~ea.I·1l: wlJ3,t the Bnde ip, gea Ohap, xxi, 9] 10. The a l'Ptnnant
!rome diviSIOn ofmaukilld ,..,av<,Q flom ire,..
~(lfll t.he Nt!w Tel:'ltament~ at Chh~t/s COnling. Hel'e 'tlt(.l pllra~e, If hI,," Wife hath rnad€>. herself ready," is in har· mediate da4trnctiollt l.tet tlJe next,. and last \-'cri;e oCthe
lriU repeae a sentiment we "xpl'esed in laGt week's ItE- 'llony with o.lwt scripture where action is applied to in- cbaprel' an""'e"
animate objects.
HAnd tbe remnant were r.lain 'With thr-. sword f>f him
ht an inlportallt ",no. is the New Testament 1\0 e1):'
"A"d to her wa' g''anted tuat sl.e shouid bea'....y.d in ihat ,.t"pon tbe borse; which sword proc('<lded out tor
"os:itor of the Old, Ohl'ht WtlSi all expounder of lhe.Law title title", clea.n allu white~ f0T the fihe Ime') is the1,jght~ ilis mouth; anA all the {owls wt>renllc(] wlth their Beah/'
'.ud the Prophets; so were the .post,les. It iA "VBr Rat<> eo""ne"" ,,(,aiIltA,
Yel'il€ 21.
'" bring the propbreie.. of the Old Testament and com.
"A.nd I'e saith u !!to me. Wl'it~, me.e.d are they whicb
Dear rell.utlr, a, we have turned our al fcutlon to the
.;are them "ith tbe plain decllLl'ations of the !i'e\\'; bu: are called unto.he marriage s1lpper of tbe Lamb, And subject of the uef;ollltion (.(the earth, ""d the t,ime of itls
.. overlook the t{'stirnQny of Christ and t.he ft,poat1<'in"hile he sait.h un10 me, Thes{! are the true sayings of God. Ver- dCBolat,ion, ~·e ba.e be('n difolappoillted in finding 1Le lefO~
:I>rming our views of (ulute m'enfS, is dangerous. Such 8{i~ 8,9.
tim01IY So definite; and we arc inliced RRtonished that
".y be left to (ollow the wildest fancies. and come til
When ",ili the Holy City h. arrayed "'i~h tbe ri5hte- allY Olle sbo"ld recoiva tbe idea tb,It ally or the living
"tullclu$ious 8ubv(I'fSiv€ of the goepel plan. But let the QuSl1ess of sainu.? Answer. When the M.ints, ,,,ho are wiCKed "UleurvJve the dreaclful sc('neR cDnneoted with
,~CI)htil of the Old Testan.ent be oompared "'ith tbe to be raiRed aml changed til i",mortality, at the Meeom\ tbe comiug of the Son of God, We have hastily pro>-.
'tx,P".i •.io". and decla'at,;o!)s oftbe Now. and a harmony a,\vent. and are to follow the,r Lord up 10 heav('n, shall ""IIlcd but .. small portion of the te"timony, 8"ar<lb the
t·ll he leen throughout the divine whole.
inh\ll'it tb""e IDansi.",a in the" ~'ather's bon..," the New Scriptures fM the wbole truth on tbis subjMt.. alld "'''Y
.Governed hy this sentiment We sball easily alld eer. Jerusalem, [John xiv.] whiob Christ Rhcend.d to pr;:- lhe Hnll Spirit aid YOIL
J, W,
laml, -.rtain the truth of t.bis question..
plU'e fo" them. Theu follcws "the lnil1'riage supper of
~ ~, The time when the earth will be fully desolated. the Lamb," when the chUdr..., who are also the fPU'u,
Contldenoe In an nnC,,;thfnl man In time of houble, Is 11110
rliill WIll be aeeoruplisbed at the second comingo/ Ohrist. (inatead of the Bride,) are all !;lathered home. A most a broke., tooth aDd .. foot oul .r joiIlt,.-l'r"...rb#,
' .. rly 'poil"d: for the Lord
O"'tap. xxiv, 1-3.
No lallguage ean be employed to eXpl'ese the o tter deeO'iation o( the eal'lh Inllre emphatically th,,, the above,
"l'be c:xpreMiun in -verije 0 n row- men left,H ami tlle fig~
0 •• in ve""e J3, llJll4 be ulIdeJ'slo<.d !to "" to hAtmon.,.
with the ."pro""j,,"S o( til" chapte!' ahove qUilted, God',
"",rli is not yeu, and nay: Yea, tbe earth will b. "utterIy emptied," "Il,] made" wast"," and nay, it will not be
emptied and desol"teli. His word i8 "yea and amen"
G",lllleano whaL h. 6"Y6. W. thore£Ol·. nndel'gtand the
"(ew men l.ft," tn apply!,., t.he righteous wbo Ill'e not
bUl'ned with the Wicked. That is, the inhabitants Hf
tile earth will be burned, wirlJ the exception of the few
lmmol1alUy ()1 the sout-Frank (lonlelllllon,
'I'HE following is rrom the Comprehensive' ComNote on J osbUI1 viii, 29.
• i The Talmudists say- The reMan bodieli were
be buried imm.ediately was, lest tlte "n'ew crt the
carcCl88, should lead tfte cnm ',IOn people into the 'idea
tfLat the soul '/.lUIS also dead,. and Oms weaken tlte
opinion. which 11eeded a revelation from God to
make it bdiec€ll, that the soul was il1tl1lOrtai."
According to tb. above, it Was admitled mnny
years ago, that the doctrine of t},e $OIlI'S immort"lity. WaS an " opinion which needed l!. revelll.tion from
God to mnke it believed." Now we ask. lIn. thiR
"n~ee~sity" ever been supplied 1 and .. ns"·or, It has
not. Mnny ha~e searched in vain the book of the
revelation. or God, for somethmg to ""pport that
I: opinion."
Every pretended revelation from Oed
which bears the marks of being genuine, conrlernn;;
that" opinioll" nnd prol'~s the entire mortality of
mlly be gratified; for full assurance
And whQ is happy without it 1
•. To att~in what you desire, two things are ".ccs-
or need. All we need to do is. in hUmility, faith, and
fervor, to make our simple request to God, or t\S\;;
him for just ~llch things as we need) lind our desire
will be granted, 'l'he Lo: d hilS given liS tbe most
porfect mouel. in what is C,!!-Iled the Lord's prayer.
Therefore whEm ya prll)' try and imitl!.te it. It is
just fiR nrc<'".arv to "ray with the spirit and lIl1derst.lmding, 8S it is to be baptized, talk, sing, pl'each,
think, leel and live according to the\\'orQ of the Lord,
',1. You must bcli~ve that it ;s ..ttt\inahle.
.; 2. Youm,,~l seek it with your wliole heart.
"L You mn,t believe i.l,,~t it is attainahle. '}'hat
it ill so. ,see ror proof, Heb, vi. 11. 'V" tt",re find Ii\,
desire expressed th .. t the Hebrew" might VO"~OM it
to the end. Poul enjoyed it. 2 Tim. iv, 6-8. 'l'he
(1J Jll! 1& it fj lI' II iJ. m lE n lP l!i lJ> lllE)!J OC) lE.
eighth verse plainly "hows that 11m writer possessed
OF luuaENT "Hal.1IA.S.
full as~nrance. • There is laid np lor me a Crown or
~__~~~ I';ghteousness, which tI,e Lord. the righteou, Judil",
UND&JI. tbis head we design to quote from tl.e writings Qr shall give me at that dl1Y.' See al,o Rom. viii, 38,
men of emjnen~ piet.y. And, although their lestimDn] mn.y 39. 'For r am persuaded, that neither de'l h, nor
oont1l.in l50tne un~criptu\'i.\\ expreS\!\Ofil!, l.lnd s,euUmenbl, WQ life. nor angels. nor principl1lities, nor POII'U', nOr
think them worthy of 0. pI~ee. in t.bo .n,EVtEWon ftcoount of tlJings present, nor things to come. nor height, nor
d~l)th. nor any other co· ...ttlre, ~hali b" able to sepaIh. spili~ ofC<>llSecralion ond holineSBtb~'y hrollthe. 1. W.
rate u, f"om the luve of God wbich is in Christ Jt&uS om' I,m·d.'
Many others. be"ides the apoHlllll,
to L1", llliitingjoy of their souls, h ..ve found this truth
"God only hath immorlality."-Paul
"The soul th.t. sinn"t", it shall die."-Ezekipl,
JOliN BOLl' Ilt~E iLl. D} AND BENJAld:r~ HOLT RICE D. D.
.(>Sl'e( relll y.
"2, Thel'dore JOu must lnok un! ... Jesus, th" all_
"Hill breath goeth faIth, .•. in thaL very clay
his thoughts perish."-l)avid.
IN a <lomm!lni~.tion addreg....d to his parrllt, ()"t- thor and fini,her of faith.
IIeb. lIii. 2. Mere
It appears from the above confessiml. that cerlain ed July 16, 1822, there is n display of filial and f ... - bchef that as~m'aJlce i> Mtainable, will not bring
supporters of the doctrine of the soul'~ immortality. ternallove. mingled with Chli8tlan ILftection and joy. down th.e blessi.!!; to QUI' posses~it)}J, The prorJigal
were afraid that even natnre itself \\'ollid teaeh the evincing !I. high and sustained mental excitement. The, son b~lIHcd thft; lhpfe was. br~nd enatll'h ~nd til
common people bettcr than to heljeve tbe "opinion" father. mother, and Ill! the grown npchHdrell. had be-I spare l!l \llS fathe,' S \.ouse. ';'\l1le i.~ ~as feedn'g ~ll
in the nbS,!)nce of direct reve lation. A nd they would come hopefully pious. In reference to this subject he husks. Dut what 1I,.,uld Ih,s CO~"~llOn, hl"'~ avallhave uS believe that Joshua commanded the dead exp)'Psses himself tbus:
ed had he not COlne to the reSO,lItlOn, J WJII art~e
bodi"s to be taken down immediately, Jest the ignor.. WheD I look at my father's hou'le my heart is anu go. unto my f.ther l' .nn whnt ,his belief .and
..nt should learn from nalure l!. tluth, "'hieh has from filled with praise for whaL God has wrought. I nOli' ,'""olntfOn, had he not put thercsolv~lJlto e"e~tlt1!)ll'l
the beginning been plainly rCI'(!awd ; for God declar. rejoice in the asslIrance that the f"mily oJtar is fre- Ex~r.tH,t: IS neces~ary. Can we attain .ny ohJect M
ed to Adum, h ThOll .halt .1Irely die." Ood hns nel'- qnenled every day, and that thore is offered up the d~'Jre wlthaut usmg means adapted 10 the end HI
er revealed anything conc;!rning man';; former. pres- "aorifice of broken ,piritB .nd contrite heart.. Row VIew?
ent, or futnre state that is contrary to nature; for comforting l My dear parel1ts, mo.y you eVer abid" .'.' Sufl'el' then, till'> word ?f e"hartation. Give ~ll
the God of the Bible is the God of natlIre; hence if undo: the ~Imdow of the Almighty, find the bann('I' ~lhgence to 'ecure that. :"I>;ch 1 trost the Holy Sp.,rthe doctrine of I he SOIlI'S inHllortality was truth of Jesus ovcr you to b<\ love, and his food to be It has CIlused JOU to des]}'e Let your cry be cont!uthere WOllid be no uanger that the fnilh of the nn: ~we.t to YOllr ta.<tel:May Yollr bOllse he a Bethel. uall~ to tI,e Lord, that your soul OIay be filled. WI!h
learned, could bo ., wenkenoll" in that" opinion" to each of Jour souls." &c.
I pl·dect peace. Be encouraged. for ,he protTllSe IS,
even though Iher should bccollstantly surround.d h,·
Arter addressing most earnest and aifectionate ex _I .Ask) aud ye ~hall receive.' YO~l have a? ' Ad vothousands of dead c,\rca.ses.
' hortu tio";; to each of hi. sisters, h" adds collol'rning cMe WJth ~be . Father, Jesus Christ. tll"; nghteoliS.'
But by refel'('noe to DClIt. xxi, 22,23, we learn himself, ,. Of all others 1 hal'e the moM n"~on to.
I~M SRI;:!., 'If ye shull ask anythmg m my nam •.
that the commanumcnt of Joshua was according to prlli.e the I~ord, because he has kept DIe in p'.'rfcn /1 It'd! do It. John XlV) 14, &0. Ask, 0 asl<, tl,.t
tb .. commandment of Goa; a.nd it i~ not to be sup- peace. Precious seasons, delightful hOnt" I h,,\·" ~n yot~r JOy rnn): be full.
posed that the AJstem of truth re~ealod by the Gotl joyed, and the remellllJrance of thelD i~ RWN·t, The
lhe follo~mg, to the .ame frlentl, .JS so rull .of ~l!..
of nature, is out of harmony with nature itselr. 'l'he Lord has manifested hixllself to me by hi~ Spiril, and, fermI' of piety, that the reader will peruse lt WIth
:easoll there gi.ven for bllrying the clend imml'diatcly, I now fecI his presence; my hoort is slay",l 011 the I .kep mterest.
IS, not le8t a VIew of tbem should lead the common Lord; Jesus is precious; Il.nd I feel ILn iDCI'cased dc.. Nov: 9.-:Th? retro;;p:ct to) ou, as to .me, IS nll
I"oople .,,"way from any opillion foun(led on tl'uth, bUI, termination to give up all fo.· Ohdst, fuJ' be is donbt rnmgled. ";lth ellloll(>ns of regret and JOY· For,
" That thy land he not defiled, &c."
onCe we lVel'e ahens f"om the commomrea~th of lsraWhat a. gross l!lisrepresentation of revealed truth
I n another letter he SlIyS, "Thanks to my heaven- el, and &trangers to the .covenAnt,; of promIse.. Nearis the ..bove! He that originated the first lie eve.' ly Father, I can write to YOIl in a new strnin. My 1,1' fifteen y~llTS of I.ny life were ~pent at ~ d,stance
believed by man, WIIS no douht the author of this ("ermer communications have been full of complaint. ~rom God. I~ pursUit o~ !l. ph .. n~om, II vIsIOnary .~b­
perversion of God's Word_ Satan has a long time yet l did not tell you of half the di~trllS~ which 1 felt jeot, denommated by lIs votarIes, p!eahUre, W,t/,
been awaro t~at hi.s first sermon to 0111' race (I)r on accoullt of coldlle,;~ in my Master's seniee, lest I what eagerlJPss J ~ollowed that?n ....h,eh ~ have lung
that, part. of It whIch Fay" .. thou shalt not sUTel" .hould distress you Wilh the DlIcrntive, llut now J sm~ stamped vanity and vexatl?n of SPJrlt, the com·
d!e.) never ':"ollld be believed hy all without a spe- feel thaL 1 can never ~ufficiently ptaise the Lor<1 for pamons of nq youth could leshfy. But aIM! two
c14lr€llelalwn, He knows that dogma ohn " opin- nil that be ha» dime for me. 1 will tuk!) the cup of o~ tbem. have ~one. ne"or to return. One departed
iOD" needs a revelation to stren::.thcn it; and know- .... lvalion and cll.ll on his nome. I wOlild llll'o cail WIth bright eVidence of a work of grace mwrought by
ing also, that he has but a short tlme, he has aJrendl' on my soul. and all that is within me to IJle,;" him tbe Uoly Spirit-yes even in th~ triumph" of faith.
COlUmenced , system of reYelation, manifested b)· fOI' the great deliverance which he has wrought. Sllying, just b!,fore. she lort t~o world, • I !-m going
gl'<ll\t " Vower. signs, I),ing wonders, and deeeival.le. Sur..ly he hus deliv!>red me from the ~naT!> of the ~oon, my Sll.VlOur 18 near. 'rhe other mamfc~ted no
ne($S, &:c." He i~ not slow to confess thl1t all this (owler-he has set my fect in fl. 18rge plRee anti ol.de token .of a c~ange of hear~. Sbould .the.se perSQng
mystedous rnpping, w";tin~. ~pca~inlt, and movin!! me to rejoice h his great salvation. Nevl'r have I noll' give testimony respectmg the I~JlaTlty of our
tables &c., .&c., is to 'convince men I!ftJle imm1)T'ial- e"joyed .0 much ill religion a. "lOce the 23<1 of la"1 youtl!ful days, trow deep would be then ton~ of rep. ·ily of tlte soul.' He has sUl'coedc" in this lnbt mighl y ApJ'i]. 'l'hat WIIS, and eVer will be !l. mem/n'ab'e day rooMloll! Bllt soon the dRy of aeeount. Will come •
etfort wonderfully. MillIons are all'lllIdy d~ceived to me. Praise the Lord for it! He j~ all. I Om and all must lJ,\lswel' for the deeds done m the body.
ooyond hope. No view of It dead e,prcass con Illak .. nothing. The glory of Iny salvation, f.om firs& to
"Besides lhe persoll firs~ mentioned. ?nly two oth.ny impression llpon their millds now; for they aT(' last, sliall Le 1l.MJ1·!IJed to Jehovah."
e~80fmy youthful companIOns. asr beheve, have detaught tbat the long' Iwcded revd .. tion' has at In't
']'0 another he ~JCpresses himself tllU~: 1. Since my me~ t.hemt<elves, takeu up tll\lCToss, and followed thll
come; besides they are made to believe tbat the body nrrival .. t Lawrenceville J addressed to you II letter SaViour,
is a Inere prison hOllse, fJ'om which the soul escnpe" testif"ing the gJodneSJl of God to my MUI. r have
'Why wa. r made to he .., thy volee,
at death, ne..er more to be bound. The v DOW hllVl' now' to !lay, to the praise of his grace, that he has
And entllr Y'hUe there', "","';
IItrlmg rietn.9ion. In all thi!; it is Satin;'. ol~ect to oolltJ"llled his f.vors. At this tim" l cnioy an indeWhUe lhoIlS••d. make .. w,.",hedohoiee,
And rutbe, .,arve Hula come.'
rob Christ of his gIOl'y, the l·cHurreeti.,D of it." im po 1'1" When 1 hud reached the age of fifteen yearR and
ance, and bring the Bible into gen .. ral 'li~lepule: and scribable pe~ce, it pa,,~e~ k~owledge, and yet it is. a
Teaht.:. And It !~ now my carnest de"re five months. I IlllbJicly pl'Ofessed the retig ion of
thus hopelessly deceive the wo1'll1.• nd ulll1 to th"
number of the mii1:hty ho~t! wuich he will tinally tliat a!1 Ch,·.'stlanR ~a'y stI'I'. for .. deeper .... ol·k of Christ, aod joined myself to hi~ people. This confe~­
I sion WQS ",llne.sed on the 15th of Sept., 1816. Tho
marsh",11 to encompass tho city of NeVI' Jerusnl"lIl grace In theIr hearts. .
"I Rfn read)" to teFtify to the world that the ~ord vows tlIen mude to be the f.ord's, have often sinCll
and clImp of th •. ~lIillt~; will.'" he "hal! m.ke hi~ las,
been repeated in the clo~et and in the ~anctuary.
"Wort ill wrath againot tholte tl'at keep the COlllllland.
ments of God and faith of Je~u~. 0 may th~ Lord People n:ay call tlllS bl~s"",F. I,." "hnt Hame Lhey Eventful ero. in my life! Nuvcr by me to be rorgotflle.~e. faIth of nBSUr"nCO 1,,),11)('.+. I'''''fcct IO"e, SIl.IIC- ten! Its annual retllrn a!wa\'s brings grateful recsave the bon est from this fatal ~n"re.
titlcMian-it makes no diflcl'fol'C" with me whetber olllctions.
Ihey gi.~ it Ii lIame. 01 "" mill"" it c(lntinu~ a ble~-I. "On 1Mt Sabbath 1 was pr.l<!',iegd to obey the dy""d I'eallty, and, t1"'I\I,~ '0. my heavenly Father, lt I mg c()mmand ()fthe Lord Jesu~, 'Do this ill rememPrnyel·.
IS my priVIlege to eJ'J".v II-II '" yours also, lind the brance of lOe.' It \Vas a most precious sea'OD. The
PraseI' consists not in complimenting Deity, as Ihe privi'ege of all, to e ..j"~· Ill,· sa'nc. nlld 10,,0 beyolld inteI'eOllrse between my soul and heaven W!tll open
, and free. I was bl'ought into the uanquetlng house
mllnller of some is. They tell him whut he i~ an,1 i, anylhill;l: thnt I bave "t·.' <'I ,·xpclicnced."
not-w\",t theS ho~e been. are, ond shonld be-and . He tnlls writes to Olll' wll" 111\:1. at an ~arl! period of the Beloved; and his bnnller over me \\'as lo,,~,
Tmly I had communion with tbe FAIt«r. and with
,,-here they ,,"ul'Jd be, if God h.d detllt justly with IQ bfe, made tl. public pt·of,,>slOn of faith \U Jesus
his Son Jesus Chri.t, through tire Holy Spirit. lIf
tb~m ! (a.~ ~l.ough lll~ were unjukt). alld Ulany snch Chri~t:
" Oct. 31.- A hope of ctel'nal life i~ 'inde~d a trp3S- brethren .nd sisters were olUecls or my nffection.....In l'l'potlhvos.
N~w, "nch flTIlying as this is Un'
reasollable and unsellluural, IlllQ of course llselcs.'. if lire more precious 11mll gold, yen, thtn much tine {.~. 1\1I -;hQ ,,'ere purchased .by the redcn'l'tion th",
lI~t sillful. God requires 110 "\Ich I'OlInd abollt pa.l;n·, "old." W hell I ~"w you I~~t, "on expressed douhts IS m Chl'lst Jesus. I alFO WIth all my heart. desir/lrlllg, whtln we c.,me to the th"onc of hi. grace. H(· ~nd rellr~ n,"l"'cting YOUJ·,;oIf. 'YOll also wi,bcd to ed the conversion of impenitent sinn~rs. Indeed the
tells us tl come wlth boldnc" by Je;:u8 OtiTist. and ohtllin a bri)lhler evidence, a clearer witne;;s of your Lord was present to ble.s me with gospel measure,
we shall obtain 1I1€TCy. nnd find grace to help in time .~ptll.n~ with God. 'rhe desire is laUdable. a.nd it- pressed down, shllken together, a..Jd funning over,
OcrnmtmiCIl season .• grow better alld netter. Aud
~l> it Qtljl;ht to he. By tl.na hy I hope t() drink new
wine in the paradise auove.
; When aha.)) I wR.ke nod find m{; thorn 1
g1odou$ hour! 0 Llo~t Ilhode t
I sball be neM l and like '"-;'I nod,
And flesh ~nd llln no more cont.rol
'Ih(J Sl.t(lrt'Hl ploMuroa of lbe aOll!.'
""""~~<"~~-~-,,~"""...... '-"'"
F1'<1tn 111'<1. lIa.rber.
E~o. S!.u1'u:-I take this 0P!' lrtunity to write to YOll
inrorming you tlla.t yon have one more added to yonr
number tbat is trying to keep the 8ahl)atb of the
Lord our God. I comlnen~cd keeping the Sabbath
the last S.. bbath in Septemner, Myself and eompo.n·
ion went to prayer·meeting to hrothel' Oramer,,' in
M\lton bnt bad not got the light 011 the chaoge of the
Saullath. I did fi()t know "'hetller it WaS the change
of the day or tbe nfime of the d~y, but soon got hold
of the hi8tory of the cbang" mad" by tlte Pope, the
Mall of Sin, the OM that the Lord is to consume hy
the S"irit of his mouth, and destroy by the hright·
nes" of his oomin!".
We have good prayer·meetings on tne Sabbath
hut. we hove enem;es "n every hand to t,.y "s a.nd to
test our faith in these perilous times. Still WB are
trying to keep the commandments of God and live
ou t the f"ith of J eSIls.
Woon bret.hrAn Hlllehins and Sperry Were ..t our
place:I had 110 thought that I should be a. Seventb
cay man; hut J found thai I o()uld not avoid it; 1
must keep the Sabhath let otherg do ..8 they may.
I want to so live tbat 1 may enter in through the
gales into the City and h .. V6 right to the tree of life.
'fbi.~ iH the promise to those tbnt keep the com.
m9.ndmenls. 1 deAire the prayers of all the hrethren
o.ndsisters eonlleeted with the 'l"ird Angel's Mes.age
and all the fl'i('rds of Jesus th~t I rna) be kept by
the grace ot God in the spirit of the Message.
I am thankful that the.'e is a little F.cmnaut that
are l()oking for that ble8'M hope of seeing J eElUS as he
is and being mll/lelike bim.
YonI' un..,Gtthy brothel' looking for deliver/lIlOO at
the cuming of the Lord.
Saratoga, Co., N. Y., :Dec., 16/h, lB55.
1iniS of Ja~1l8 eVer since 1843, and '44 ; and though I then
thought that the burnin!; of the ea.rth wonld Oi;'!
cleansing or the 8anctnal'y, yet I feel to thank the
Lord that his way" aN not Our wilys and his thoughts
a,'e not Our tboughts. God's peopie are to 00 purified mode "'hile and tried, 0 let us endnre the trial of
Ollr f!lith whicb is more precious than the gold that
We are living in It time Wnel1 we need to have on
the whole ..rmor. 1 beiieve thut grooe will be given
to the humble followers cf Jesns to SUstain them in
whate"er trJal~ they may b? called to pass through
ami thoy WIll be led to "cjo,ee thM they ..re counted
worthy to suffer fO.r the cross ofChri~t. 'i'hen I look
bock on IT.y pnsL hfe. and see how tbe Lord has led
llIe, step by step, and has cal'l·' ..d me tbrollgh tnll>l!Y
dangers in which the enemy would f"'in bave drawn
Ill" awn)'. I fcel to prai.e his holy name Qnd. regret
t,hat I have lIot Ii_cd mOl'. to hi. honor and glo!'y. I
m~"Ln by ~he ,help of the Lord t() strive against eve,'."
eVIl And hve In ob.<hence to ..1I the reqilirelllents or
to" holy h,w
God alld the testimony of Jesus. [
w..nt to live SO near tbe Saviour that he can shed iu.
cre'Ring light on my pathway aml feel the evidence
from day to (lay that my ways please him; tho.t [
Illn.)' be found without fault ",!fore the throne of God,
'Ve ll'lIly live in '" tim~ when 'l'<eneed to wllteb ..nd
pray t.hat we enter not into lempt.tic" and stand alone
upon the protllil<eS of God ; ..nd though earthly friends
mlty ran, yet he never will leave tho;;e that put their
tr.wt in him; but lbey will be like '!'lount Zion which
cal1wt be removed out sbiderh forever.
W () h. ve the Sllre promise that if lVe seek first the
kingdom o( God and his rigbteousness, all tbings shall
be add,.(I, 0 I~t us seek meekness that we lllay 00 hid
m thu dlty of hI" ang''''; for he 8"'Y8 tne meek he will
g'lide illjudgrnelltalld the meell he will tcae" his ",.Y8.
may the LQrd hast<J!1 the time when his people will
be olle ; when Ihe IO'ld voice oftlle Third Angel'~ :lIes.
soge will be he.. rd. I desire a.n interest ill the prUyor~
of all the saints.
Yonr ~ister striving to OvOl'COme tbnt I loay meet
yOIl in the kiugrlo.o.
Franklin 00, blass.
•. I ~nid that the l5th of Sept em her, 181G, was, amI
....er will h. ",n eventful "I'll. to me. But there if< au·
"'ther day to which I sh",n CV(lr recur wi(1I as much,
If not mol'<) interest. It wns the 23d of last April.
On that day the Lord wrought a deeper work Qf
1!''ll.Ce in my so,\I than at allY former period, Yes.
ble~sed be his .holy IlRme fcr ever! ne condescended
to bestow a favor, for whieb T have b'on longIng for
ye:.rs-the Idtness of which 1 have enjoyed da,ly ev·
er since. 1 cannot tell Y')11 wh~t. r ha'e enjoyed fl'<>1n
bis rnllles~ I lwt let it sulli"" to BIJ.Y th~t Illy peace
bas lIo,,'~d like a river; nnd 1 CtUl testify thaG I h,we
,,"perieneed more of the presence of the Le" d, than
~u!1ng my whole previollS6xistcnco, The eal1'\cst. of
*he pU1'Cbased pOl'Session has been given 10 m~, and
] have r~joiced. III tho IlOpo of Ibe glory of God, and
6f the I','sl which remameth for his people.
"I wi.h yoll to nnderatand that I fld~~rt to this
slIbject, and dwell Oil it, because I "'ish to .. hnw
fvrti! the divi11C goodness as rnanife!-wd to 81} Un·
wnrthy a sin)1~r ,UI I am; and to testify the loving
kinduc~s of the Lord,
(, It m!l.y encourage my friend,. who. I trnst, h4S tasted
tbll.~ the Lord i~ grftciolls. Let m."gllin urge yon tosook
un!.\! yon o~taill th"t bright evidence or your accept·
ance which vou ooslr<l. Never give over ~b6 effort. 'I'he
adversary ever near to cheat you ont of tne promed ble~sing. :But the \'\"01'<1 of truth assures us, tbat
it wo ro.qist him, he will flee from us; and th.. t if we
draw nigh ta God, he will draw nigll to U9, 'Bles·
lied are ~hey that do bunger and thirst after right.
ecUSllCSS, for they >lhalt be filled.' 'lfye, being eviL
know how to give good gifts to your child"en, how
BRO. SMITa ,-I ha~e de~ired to write to you for
much mON shall your heavenly Father give the Ho· some time, feeling ... great interest in your excellent
Iy Spirit to them that ask him.' Such are toe prom· paper, I would like ta say for the encouragement of
bes which encouMlge us. If then you seek aurl find the brethren and sisters. I commenced k~eping thc
1I0t, RCIll'ch nnl'Towll into your heart, and sec if thm'" Sabbath tbe flPNt day of S'pwllloor. [ ~lways be·
is llnythillg cherished there inconsistent with lOU.' Iieved tee seventh dny Was the S.l>bath I ..nd wh'ln
Extracts of L"tter ••
BRO. C. BA'fES writes from Jo Davidss Co., III., Dec.
desires t() obtain this blessing; anything opposed to I saw the chun,,'" and the tn,u'k or the beast, 1 at once
boHne.., such as lUTe of the world, pride, sellishness, embra~ed the truth. How th~nkful I ~as that B!·n. ! 18th. 1855:- "1 woUI.d Wl'i te ~o you to inform you
4c. God does not como and dwell in the heart whel·. Hutchms and Speno' ClItne thiS way with the Trmd tha~ we feel that Our mte,est IS with the Rev/ew ~nd
lie fiuds I'iva/s, Hefore you venture to approach' I.he Angel's lifessnj.\o which "'as gl'eat light tn me. I felt the doetrinc~ that it advocates. We lI11d that there
boly presence of the Lord find off". sneritice to him, truly llS 131'0. Spe"ry ,,,id, It W'IS a resurI'eoUon 10 lire sume that profess to keep the Sabbath that are
examine YOIlI'S".lfctlrefully, and put fa.l· away every the Ad""nt faith. While he was explaining on the teaching the dootdnc of the age to r.O:ue· 'or prob&.
thing thnt can hlOder the biassing, If you feel how angels of Rev. ltiv, and said, God wru. a Gudof order. tion through the thollsand years. Eld$.' Stephen.on
Import....llt it i6 that helieveJ·s shonld be ... nctified [80.'" the light o.t Onoe. I t seemed as though r coulll and nail h~ve been in this I'egion and made some stir
wholly, in solll, body and spirit, you will excuse the !lot let tlle", go till I heard m01'e ofthe Thil'd Angel's arllong "", alld we need sOflle one to corne among "~
plainlless. of my ~peech. Allow me to propose II Message, My prayer has been ".el' smco they were th"l elm p,'escnt the trllth, that the fog m~y be clear.
'Iucotion. which bl1.S occurred to my miud sin.:. I ,here HUlt God w"uld BGIlU them b.,,1< bere or SOme ~d «w"y, ami tlle lrulh shine out,"
Yrote the preceding parllg''ltplo. Why may not you
AlMa; for the remnant Or(! starving. ftlld th" peo·,
be M uncommOn Christian'? Do you see any tiling pie art< anxiolls to hcar. Tnti)' "'e are living ill a'
~ p,'event it 1 18 not the J,ord on yOl\r sidG? H,... e .olemn time. Every thing pl'{)(llaims that we arc
FELL as'eep, o(()onsmnptlOn, in the 65th year of
JOu not the God of Jaooh for your ",.fuga? Have n.~r the elld, We do not ofton hear the word of his a~e. Wm. Glo_cr, of Sylvan. Mich. He had kept
10u not ao Advocaw \\'ith the Fatber, wbo is also God preached as it is.
tile lIibl. Sabbath about two years; and whell about
~ symlmthizing {rlend, having been in aU points tempt·
I f.eJ allKiou,., that those that We"., in tbe Fil'st and to die, he s~id, ,. I shall sleep but II little ,vhile before
4Id as hisdisciple~, yet Without sin 1 0 tnen strive Seo(md Angels' ;\Iessilges shoul<l see the Third An· Je""R will come and awake mc." He w"'~ a firm be.
for it, Keep 'tile wodd. the 1Iesh, ..nd the Devil' gel's Message also, which is .. Messuge as well as the Hever in the near coming of Christ.
OI)lIIimlaliy unde,' your feat, and heaven coutinually others.
HIl jQill~d the Bapti~ts IIbout forty years ,.go, and
ttl view; that lOll IDay have heaven within yon. Is
I H,cl <)ften to Sll.Y with tM Psalmist, (l1'eat peace "'.s inter<!fltod with them nntil 1819. whon he was
Ie not fIn' this time you h",ve been brought 'into the have tney which love thy law, and nothing sha~1 of· led to see the Bible doet"ine of life and i,.. mort.. lit!
.rt>urell at a very early pel'iod in life 7 Jg it not your felld thom. 0 how love I thy law: it IS 'lly meditn· through Christ alone, to be ghen til the saints at the
duty to be an uncommon, that is, a very hrlmble, self· tion nil the day,
second eomillg of Christ in their restlned.on,
denying, ~ro.s·bearing, (ii, a word,) 'BJBLIi: "URtS'
I feel A" thOllgh my feet weN On a rook concerning
He left hIS compltnion and ten children, fOUl' of
;rlAN'/ And it is no l"s8 your privilege than yoo' the SaholLth ~Ild Advent f.ith.
I reel to say. If God whom keep the S'llJbath, to mOllrll his loss,
is for u<, who can be against Il., The Lord is my
J. B, FtU"lllll,
" Pray for me, th",t I may have more f"ith, hllmi!· rock and my furtre"~, and Illy delh'eJ'er; Illy God,
ity, patienoe, yell, everyth!ng to ntako me Ohrl.t·hke. my strength, in ,,·hom l will tru;;!; my bllckler aud
011:0 in Van BllI'en, N. Y.. Nov. l'l, ofCvn~ump.
" Nov. 23,-The soul may be ill heaviness through tbe hum of my 8",I\ut;011. nnd my high tower.
tion, Culver L:",fure, aged l8 yen,'., 8 mOlllh, 18
'fhe doetl'illc of immortali,y through Christ is ~ dnYH, B,'o Lanr"re tirRt prof",~.ed fnith in (Jlll'iRt at
.,q,nifold teHlptations. 1 Pet, i, tl. 'fhen. and in all
lIu,ClI of difficulty, tltere is II!, opportunity for trust· glorious {.. ith for me, alld hA.• been for about eight the :l'ent.mreting in Van }:lm'elllHst August. lind Irom
in the LOl'd, nnd sooking him until he OOlllCS a.nd yeal's. 1 reel 10 say with Paul that I groan within that time untH his death, waR a st"iet ob"erver of tho
*",omplish a complete detiverfillC0. 1'Q be tempted ruySl>lf, Wailing for the adoption, to wit, the redemp· "ommandmellt~, !\ud w',s acti'~ly engage,l in strivIng
ill not a om-bnt to yieid to tellll'tn.tion. To ondllr. tim) of our houy. 0 tho ",,,nTJ'eclion 1 Who would to get tilQ minds of his young co.npttniom< tllrn",(\ to
~ is a ble8sing. Jamcs i, 12. But if temptatioll not I,m!!; for it. N.ysolf and Imsband are the only t.1le liIuf\iect of the &bba~h aor! it.< killdr.d tr!ltb~,
.kes effect, it will bring forth deatb, Verse l5. oneR in this place thttL keep tb" Lord's Sabba.th.
Having fiui,hed his short "'ork herp. he sleep~ in J".
fnankR to heaven's high King, 'tbe Lord knoweth
Yon". st!'iving to keep the commandments of God sus.
~w to deliver the godly out of teUlpt~tions.· 2 Pet. and the faith or Jesus.
_ _• _ _~
'l'helliet us commit our oaQse into the nands of
Saralqga Co., N. Y., Dca IGtk,I856.
SILENT PRAYER.-lll Lit" .xc"cmity of pain, tbe
\Ile Author ant! Finisher of our faill'l,' who' worketh
Ch istian feels there iR n .. cMh'ulnlioll but in hUlllble
!III lIS bo~h ta will and to do of his go()d pleasure.'
From Sisl&r Eiolunond.
acquiescence in Ihe Diville will. It limy lie that he
.ind aftorall OUl' exertions for deepelling the work of . DEAB BUTURBN AN" S,STeRS ;-Scattered as can pmy a litlie. hut Lhat little will he f"""ent. He
£race III our 80D1s may we lie passive m his b&nds. we at'() ill this dark world of.in and sorrow, awl cal 1- ulln arLicltiale. pel'fl.p" not .t all, "ot hi" prayer is
4hhou~h QUI' who]p·!i·... should be one continued' cd to pass through many trying seense, many thing, addre"Sed t() one wl,o FoeR the hc~rt; l1'ho e;m inter.
flene ()I doubt lind lv.tl', heaven will mnke ~",enda that are calcul~led to drllw our miwh a\'l'ay from God pret It,s langu"ge, who requires not w"nl~. bllt oJ·
ftr all. But IlBk and look for overcoming grace here, and the tnllh of the sOon coming 84 viollr, 1 would lbction. A pang endured wilho"t a lllllrmllf, or ollly
lIP\\'. There is enough .. nd to sp~re. Let me request say, Let us sU'iv6 With energy t.u overcome ~nd guin sllch an involuntftry groan QIi naLnrc extorlK, alld r"itb
, .at )'1>11 prayers be offered Ill' Oil Illy behllJf~thllt the the victary over ull our ~illS. My prayer icl, Search regl'''t~, is itself a E'Ul,yer. We I1nve a 'lrikill;!; j",tnnce
.t.ol'd Nould m..ke me '" faithful servant in his vine. me, 0 Go<l lind know illY he~rt; Iry rnc'r:;nd kno,,' of an nllKwor to &l:ent pra)'e!' in the CIt"" (l ~Io,"o,. In
JarJ, should he can rne there to labor; and tllat duro my thoughts nnd see if there be any wicked wILy ill a situation or extreme di"tl'eg~, Wht'll h" h"d "ot "tter·
IiIg my work of preparation I may be llsefal. "
me, and lead me in the way evorio,stillg,
\ cd a word, 'the LUI'd "ai<l unto hill!. 1 have hc,u'd thy
J. 8. T.
[ have been II> beliover in the truth oftnesoon com· crying.'-Ha1l.1Jah More.
die in the way of .bedlano., th.n ;<1 Ii •• and not know that in pas.lug round on the knee., and ..... finally pul into "'1
our sins wore for.given. Job Sill'S, T.hc'lugh be stny me, yet bands, and taken violently a.way. The bon was put into the
will I trust In him And tbe p •• lmist ''''Y", It i. hettet to hLP of a lady in the corner of the rootn., tben Ibruwn upcn the
lIATTLE CREEK, IiIICH., ;rAN. 3, 1846.
floor; Ihe. tbe guitar w.o Ihrust .galo,1 tne. I
~ru'I ,. Iho ord, Ih"n I<> put oon. enc. m rnlln. rr we !tV016rm hold of it, nnd after" strong pull, aure.eded In bolding
m obedience to 0.11 OUr known dutl.', we .hall not dlo "Dy too iI, but it evidently displeased the" operl!.!;o'." lor. blow witb
!7 BACK NUMBERS,-We b .... thus far '.It b""k
a \riolin, \vhich may hJw& been nimod a.t my h91\U~ nearly
bers to all our new .subscribe~ from tho oommennement
nu~ let us humb1c otll.'Belves Delore Gud] aud \Vith rusting dCL?(),liahe-ft both ~nstruwentfl. 1'1113" demon8tra'f(.ln~t WllB too
thle volume. To all who ma.y subs:cribe botween this and and
desire earne,tly bhe gift. of the Spirit Lot U8 .Iriktng-. 80 the I"gbt. ".r. o.,ll.d.
tne clo.o of tno tolume, wo shall sent! pap.rs (rom the
the "rent .rowning troth of the uo.~I •.. th 'fll d
Fourth. te.t ...• fh. boys were held by dlsinter.sted per.on"
",0) r
tho ligbt> put out, and It was «no.1uneod through the "umpet
df0 of tho volume, Md commence their silb~eript\on8 at
Angel 8 Message; keepIng our eye on the pn•• at lue end thai we should baye " Spiril light., an e.,rthqu.kc, find Spiro
_me point,. unless otherwise directed. We ba,ve pa.pers
of the rnoo. And let us all hnve a mind to work, buth for it w.,lking II Soon the gtove hega. to snake violently, then
all who wish Ibom to the commencement 'If this
ourselves and for others t" and ..Ve sha.lI see ~he work of God thl! ~Ilbl& and in~trlltn~nt.ij, and fi,na.llr the wholu floor. Then
An wbo willh th€!l bQck numbers win be pnrttculur w state
movina fOl'w~rd and t.he remnant preparinO' t
t d
n t\ br!ght spark dllrted m every ~lrt;chon t\OfOO8 the Notn1 Atld
nOS nn upo !\ VOt('c tbrough the trumpet SQ.1d, ";\11 <lJllp your ba.nd~;"'ye
tba.t we may knuw hmv JIUtny to B6fl:d.
mount ZIOn.
complied Md tI.nd set up a. applause th.t wool,j h~ve added
lIut let us no, be Impatient Or d,scourag.d, and forget that, th~e~ years to the.ll!e ~r.n .eto.r. The ligh~ ineross.d in
17 II THE SCATTEREO FJ.,OCKt is a. term uften used
the work i. the Lord'.. Let us tabor r"ithfuUy in nur
bl111.aney a.nd ""tmty m proportion to the nOl"" We made,
Ollr people, denoting thos_ who ke.p tne pommandments
Th~n thero WDg a. terrible tramping over tbo fioor, sounding
!lod and'ihe F.ith of Je.U!!. It 10 very .PP"'pt'lato as "ill 0.1 spheres) wtllmglya.nd Dlse ly ben.T1ng the repl'o,wh af I to mv Cnrs like the WilT dance of twenty Indians
Chrl.-!t, ,')triving to el'lter iu at the stra.ight gll,ta. Wbile we
I . Finn.Hy tt was a.onoulHed tbrou~h the trllmpet
th!it b"
be •• en from tb~ faet that w' sond out papers to Sabbath·
tHe doing eo, wo need Dot tremble for the ufun,,'! uf lrutll. would givo us H a. snow storm a.nd tht)'n retire H .MT, Dn."(!n~
keeper,; in ninl;teefl different St.n.t.esof this Unioli) from Ma.ine
The Lord will ta}tc on,rp of his own cause III) doee not neod port explained; Ii BnQ\Y EJorm mottnt. a. t.remenduouS' TtLttfingl
~ Ca1tfornia! bC:3ide5 the CnnJldas.
thumping,lIylng ahout of all the instrumen". &0. Sure
our he1p. ThiS }Jl.s:t message IS deahnod to &ecomphsh the ~ enough) such ~ 10 hilCl.bilo.l' I ne\'ur .heu,l'd hef...lfe, All thti.~
17 \If E hilve just been fl:'t\"ored wit.h a 61teering visit from work for wbleh it was sent: nomely, to prepare A. people tor 11,ld hl;)en done before was repes.ted at once, The "born']
Bro. llates, who spent with Us the lui Sabba.th. IIe intends the Lord; and it we IlorO humble ftnli wiIiing to work. we tntlo". was tfll~in,?, tbe bell. ringing, violins and guitars r.wangin~
hay a sbn.re in the glory tbat i~ -Borm to be
I ~ Th find WhlSt.h~~ n bout 1n every pnrt ~t the room The,n pa c<.d!M
W I{\bor for the pre3cnt among the fioattererl snintR in those
re en 0....
G.ad llll~ n hgnt" oJ ORe to my ell\'. TilE! oO\cor WIlS. rnli'od frt}1tl
the H.gl).!. iU ..H'lntly) when ~verl instrumt!nt dropped to tho
Wes~rn State::'!. One of tho fi~st to raise his voice in the sh11j is Bole) and \f0 sh~1l he safe l If Wij 11re only on bonTd~
tkmr JUlcIt in tbl1t part of the roOUl where it happen.ed to bel
proolamation of the grofit t.-uth~ of tbe Third Angel's
Rlld tile tn.h"e '\'1\$ thnwn hlllf ACroSS the room, falling upside
BRge l wh;cb ought most t.o interest tho minJs of men, a.t the
<\o\v»; I[,e trumpet fen nt my feet,
present timEt, wo hope hJ rot1-Y receh'e n eordil1~ wClCOt09 nad
H This olosed tbe~
mod reul<tl'kabJo m},f:teries I have
sapport, \vhor9'fer hl3 m'\.y go,
Dno. Sll4iTH :-1 trust my heari. stUl bents in unison in not e:ttlg~erMed in tbe lett.· Ii ; ;:.n the oontn).l'Y, many skle
tests were tried, equully wtln(lel'fuj ~nd t..t¢ccs~fl1f. thu t I
meo.sure with the neurts of Glxrs d~ar cbildtcn. Yet ba\"o not mentioned. lV, D CH(J~e,''l Chri8tittn SpirHu<'1Ust.
~--W.'l. qa,ntity of Bro.
Loughborougb'. worl, on the Tm·
deeply regret trow time to time, that I am no LnOrc like: We might n2k with \vhu.t propriety those spirits which ~ouhl
mortll.lity of the sout, a.rc now r«:lcch-cd, If ltny who ha.,·s OT*
dered them do not r~(lQin! ttHHtl iu dU6 tilllo they will pJe"sc J esns, II \Vbo diJ. no sin, neither wo"s guile Cound in his utter i<uch I~ nnsarthly bli1;;U<) tUH) create SUch a perfect uhi!.
mouth, who, when he Wag revilIH.i, Te,d:ed not. agnin; when nblloo ," could ))rotend to 1>0' spiriu uf light. and glory And
inform us,
be buffored l be threft.tened Mt, butcotnmUted himl!eJtto him wliy do they II choose dnrkness l'uther tbnn tight H Rut all
th:'lt ju,Igeth rigittc{Jusly" I a.m confUent t.hnt it rejuices
tn.v hsn.rt th h~l\f of tho n:1\'nuaement of tbe ou..uso of preBe.llt iHH.l'J queatiuus will rco.dBy snggest themselves to the mintl.
DEAR Ih:tEl'I:iRB~ ;~~ ..Tbo worl~ tn which we a.re (mgn;:;Q·l 1 is tl'uth. My humble a.nd fervent prayer j~1 tila,t Gud
gra~ of our re<\dars. -ED REVtEW.
the work of the I~ord If it were not so, \fO might better ohl'll&ly su.';tn,.in YOIl And aU others ongngod in publi2Mng the
-------Je&vt) it., and gh'e eur attention to sQulothing else i but the Rev;a!l', .and give unto ench mental and bodily strength a.d~
rl' .. aetFuud Bepo:"t.
Lord has given u.s WG mnch e\"Idimcn on Which to ground our equate t,Q your tllsk. I B.m grateful for the prospect of the
Amount in Trerumry. Dee. 19th. 1854,
fa.it.h, for UB ~ver to des\1ll.ir!or g\\'e up {uu faith and hopoa. Rf.vielTl w~~\dYt 1 ha.ve hca.rd many Il. lonely pilgrim say, ~ Don.l\U:m~ from thRot rln.te to F~b 21st, 19:55,
Tho lamp ot prophecy shines bri,ght upon our pa.thwaYI tho .:a r llhvutd hf~rdly kno\v bow to get along withouttbc .ReviewY
Aug.7thl frol))}\ Blinn,
waym1.rks which hrw13 been t\lrcndy passed in our voyn.go J
Since the c)os~ of our Tent meetings in Yt in cl)mpa.ny;
a.re f\, lJuffidcn~ gn,'tfraocy thnt W'o rHO Baiting by the rizht with t1m. Sperry, I vi~ited Northern N, Y.,
We spent 1854.
oha.r~, ll-nd th:1>t after brn.vi0:5 a· few moue aurges O'Ul' W!ly.. nbout one m 10th, Rnd held maotings in $cvera.J diff<lrent
Dec. 29th, Books sent to A Luo.,
11 &,00.
WOrD bark will he sa.fely a.nohored in the h:l.\'en of oternCLi towns ~ some or thes:e weetinga \Yore in now Il;:MlI, where good IB55.
t&et. Do you not hon.r tho hre'I.kcr:'l: ronT 7 Thn.t is ~l sur() n.thnHir.m WiU pnid to tho word ~ak()n. Others wero amor.g
::;opt 9th, f~
dolh~erl)jl to J, N L.,
" 18th! ((
Heut to F, "''beeior,
Indtc:1tioll thn.t ! anJ ia ne!\.r, As in~lV'iduu.ts we must ~teel' the brethren which we trust resultod in h-stiog bonefit to the
Nov. 12tb., H
den~~red tn J N. A J
very cn.rofuHy b2t\vetm the rOQk~ of Pre3:1m9tloD Dni tho I Church: eFpecin.Hy; some hehl at Bllelt'a 13rirIgo,
~8tb. II
whirlpool :}f Despair; in otbe:r words, wo m.ust keep on board;
\V(l ugr(lUed thot we could not mc-u-t our App!)intm9Dt. at
"Allowed (llJ 'l'm, g, Ingrahnlu's Dce'L
for tbe uld ship is safe I our FMber's at tbe hefm.
C, W. It baing so Inte in the season, n.nd tho !iislUnco so
Dec. 31st, Book, doliverod to Jo., 11:\t••,
Tbe apostle James, in writing to the tWGlvetribe" hasgiv. muob groater to that pl.co IbM wo supposod when tho ap·
en us 80Uln importa.nt direction'!, applioabl0 to the present p')lntm~nt Wa.9 mn.d0 J we did net de om it duty to vl<'Jit tho
time. My brethren, s ...y. ho, onunt it all joy when ye fal! in- brethren thore.
in Treasury, JI\.I1. he, 1856)
to divera tempta.tions; knowing this\ thn.t the trying of your
The next S.'lbbatb nftor our return from N. Y. I spant in
faith wndceth fH!.tien!)e, But Jet patience have her perff'ct StI'lWO, OUl"' meeting at th1.~ p~ace WM truly int,ereMtlng and
work; that ye tn'\.y ~)!J perfL"Ct ntd entire, wanting nothing, reft'QlIb'ing; especiaUy, the evening thUowitig the el.l.bbf\th.
Ag:\k be S1\Ylil Be pa.tient thCl't&Jre. brothren; unta tbe COIll~ II\}re we m0t witb Bro, Ba.!'!', who cxpe,1toJ to 10&\'"0 $o.'}D for
L TUE P 0, Md,.s, of J. N. Andr.". is Wawkou, Ali.·
nudt:en Co , Iowa..
ing of tbe Lonl
l\ril~S fwd )16.
The P. O. "dd ... ", of J "me' WitH. ia Battle Cre~k, Micb.
nOra h no time to )05(1 our p 1ti.:m~\1 j he,'e is the pa,tiouuc of
L:'tst Sabbath and }"irst-day, I spent at Lunenburg. Fi?soX
the B~lnta, Ir we wi \l lifJteo to t~e 1311 ~gQistions of tho E IHHny 1 Co'! when I found to. (pw wh() u.re kee}11ng tho S,lhhu.th o{ tbe fn a.Qdresslng lotters to: bim be careful to ad,.iro-gg Elder
James White), as there n.re oth~rs in this lllaceo ot taa.t nn.lllQ"
he wilt perl1lps tell us tlu.t the ship is III dl\n.~or i tb.\t &l'le Bible, (\nd looking foJr th~Lt bfaij~d bope, and the glorious ap3, The 1'. OJ addr.!'lI of J. l:t Waggoner ill Union Distriet,
Washt.nn", Co., Mich.
iA on the wron: e·.:mrcle, anI tiut uatess \V') f/OlZ'e the h(lim pon.dng or tho gre:lt. G!H1: n.n(iOUf SuvilH1r .TeslJ~ Obrt.st.
.4 The P. 0 addresa OfSlopocn Pi(}TOO i'f RoxhurYt V~
a.n,i sot her fight, sha lV'ill he lll~t. And then r whn.t (:!~-~I"lilstOn l'll"St-d,l.YI our cnngrog,lttCm was lftrge (cotl~i",1::!Jring the
tor th. pr.... t Bat·
ing joy to knmv tbnt wo h<l. vs S.lNotl au goJo,l 1\ ship!
brief. nQttoo) ",nJ very ~l.ttanti\l'e to tlJe WOlel spoken. Here
tie Oreek! Mlcb 1 (ll\l'S of ADVENT REV1EW.
30, p:tti6nt, \)r:;throo, tho ship ia t n the I';ght aou,'s:); n.", Booma tQ be n. field opetting to do good t hut lww few nre the
6. The p, O. Itddl'OdS of M. N Corne-Ii is DatU'!) Creek,
yet we have m;t with no d:l.nger but what is l~kl do,vn ou the la,borers here 0, that- the IJorri would fll,i::;o up more u.nd Mich.
ohn.rt.. ~~rn the la.st days perHou3 tirnea shrtoU eQme~~~bllt we fll.itbful 1a.borers, t-{l euLer Ch3 wide~:;lJl'aaJ. nn:i ripenin~
need Dryl ba rrightenotll anJ jllmp oVcrblhl.;',f, \Vo, 1ll1.l·Y t<l.k:'e hn.r\'cst!
the Qxhortlltlon or P~ui to his compn.nions, to It abl,le in tho
At this plucC', the Cn u'ch \\ro ~trh'fn~ for more n.uj greflt~
p, Ra,vloy ,· .. Tho lott.er whioh yo" say you sent in June,
I!:hipt but. we a:hnll not get s.shore as thay did .... ~l1 on broken ar vlebry in tho na,r1!O ()f our blessed Master. We anxiou:lly with one dolla.r for Wis. 'l'e1lt, uever rea.ohed us Yoar Jl)t ..
pioe08 of t.ho ship." Thank the Lord 1
dellire \vben the 100a, tIl.;, p!\hnJ a.ud th(l erO\;'H 1 a.re given to ter of July 17tn w;>, reeoil'ed, "Dd the 26 ""', for Vol. vr,
of(ldlted in No, 3) pl'escut volumo. 'rhe paper was seot to
nul wo h~v. no~ need of ""tiene. only, but of humility, the Mint. of G"d, to sh"re with them.
H. Pl""kett, and the monoy for himeredlt.d oa OUI' book bUI
The trin.ls ,.. hiGJ] we m90t n.i"(l' such a.s wo D4)ed We have too
Y onra ptc8$ing forwa.rJ Cor bome ..
W1M! a.ooidcntn.lly .omitted in REV18W, The INSTVCTOll Ibueo
mach prid., and too ilttle humble dependenoe !tud trust in
Imsyurg, VI.,»"", 19th., 18!;5.
J lness waa a189 n:n Qverslght on our part
,Ve uow s0nd you
I tile book numbe ... of the rl<aTRUCTOR, Vol. IIf and or.dlt tn.
God. The Lord h'" wrought ror us, in timo p"st, o.nd m~.i­
'money you then sont, for Vol. IV} cOl:ume~eing January,
(e~ted a.W1ng us, in BOme dGgre9) S(>nlO Qf tho- gifta of the
Spirit ltIauUestatioll. lit DIl_Io•.
ebuf4h. Is God less grMiQ1ls now '1 No. H!\ve we ohnnged
u lla.v-lnl; woun1 our devious WRy up four pa.ks of stai!'SI,
oar theory of truth 1 No. Wn,t then is tbe difficulty 1 J~me.
V'C entel'ed a. r;\.tber rough 'o::>king r11oID, about twenty feef"
Tho YOUT"'S I"6TQUCTQl< will he Issued in" f.w
Ia.ys} God :t'0sbteth tho proud, but givoth gral18 to the blllU" squfl1'e, At n. }nrge, heAVy, round tn.ble in the ceDtre Stl-t
J. VI_
ble. Submit yourselv•• therefore to Goi. )l.esi,t thG Devil, two harmloss looking boys, on~, r sbouM jUdge, ll,.bout tlrtcan
and ho will 600 from YOI1, • DfGW nigh. tG God, nnd 11. wll! \\,nd tho othel' seve.nteon year! otd On the table were two
dra.w nigh to' you. CleanSe your hl\nd~, ye stonora; and pur.. violins. a gUitJ1-Tl a smll.ll tea. bell. n.nd n. hu-ge tin @pot\king
D. Cb ..", ~. F. COOk, D, W.lleSeld, A. Shepa.rd, M, W,
trumpet;, Arollntl the 1VllU~ ware Bantf,!ld, on benches $nd
ify your beart., ye men of tID" millcl9. . . • . Humble chnira, twent.1"'flix bl.di&3 anrt gentlemen, wltitir:g for the time Hn"g,:aveJ Mrs. E. N. Harri., Wm. Bryant, T. Hal., M, j!,j.
lre. in tbo Bight of tho Lord, Gnd b •• ban Uft you up. -~h[llf~fast SCV:01 p, ~ • ..~for !tl6 ,0 p:rtorma~c(l1J to", beg,in son, (It" J. Crapo,) fl. Tmman, P Rowley, (for E, Br'nk,)
jibs B. Tllompson, J, Tilto., B.l1. Herbert, C, H.llarro ...,
Spenk not evil one of "not her, brelhren;
_ncb ill.
II Third te!l/ ~'"' .. A "iltrong 'min,ltHr' wonl,i,n deaire,d to Bot
Ie we observe ..II these "dmonitio"", ",e shall do well. God
G. W. Da.vls, $1,50. C R Walte", E. A. Averill (for H.
~fQresa.id wor~­
favorTi tile bumble, tbe deoided, tho obedi.ent. :me same
ing tools were aU placod on tho ta.bl<;; t~d nudifloee sof\t.Qd) O. Towner,) D. E. Elmer, e>eh $0,50. S. Jonnso •• 80,15.
APo,tlo ...y., Is any among you sick 1 lot him "aU ror the Bnd the fighte put out.. 1" It lllUInl'!ot one of the Inoet. unTo Movs OFFlOrh-~~E, p, Bol<J'f, J. P"rma.l(;l(f, each, et
elde.. of the ohurob. Mon oftwo mind. kno" not ".hetb.r to ea.rthly bln.sts or boHow\ngs WitS heard tbrougb t,ho trumpeta M... llry""I, Thos If..lo, N H Saterl_., e""h, $2. J. D,
obe,. this, or .. nd fOT "donto.. We may poaslhly reoo.er, if tbH,(, ever greeted my Cll"!! The " B troug-lllinded H lVO}ll4U lIougb a.nd othol"ll, $4. E. S. Lewis, .0,50.
w•• hoose the latter! but if we ehoo •• the formor, we .h ..n ''''all bray
HORs .. FOR J. N. LOUGHOOROVGH,-J. Strykor 12.
for 5uch u de
&. voicc
Dot oOnJ,.. be rais()~ ~ up, hut our sins will ba forgiven. The
TENT INN. Y,···E. D, Cook, 3. W.Bhodes,each, 82.
tbrough Ibe trumpe
'3. 8, 8.g...., $0,25.
pra,.or of fo.ith shall .ave til•• 'ok, nnd if be have committed her, and I BUCC~EdeA
ments wer'! th~n
.1 .... tbey ahall he forgiven nlm. Whether ... live or die, .. e ph\yed upon, or rafoor twnngtld, in .avery pa.rt or the room ~
REVIEW "OR THR PooR._·E. S. Le.. is, 80,25.
wut o~r SI..8 forgiven I and how muoh bolter iI would be, ~o the bell " ... rung ..,••tautly I th. vmlin hit me sever..l time.
To pA"Ir
& 01< VOL, VI.···Th08. Bale I".
"".JlM ..
*' •