Document 6445501


Document 6445501
In his address to slaves (see Second Reading), Peter urged them to
bear their unjust sufferings with patience as Christ, the Good
Shepherd, bore his sufferings for love of us. Slavery was a fact of life
in New Testament times. The New Testament writers do not, as might
have been expected, lead a campaign against it. Even if they had wanted
to do so, they must have been aware that such a stance could only be
judged subversive and would imperil the tenuous foothold Christianity
was gaining in the world of the day. Peter’s words have a wider
application. He singled out slaves only because their burden of suffering
was heavier than that of others.
We recognize and congratulate all Mother’s in our
parish on this annual Mother’s Day celebration. We
hope you have a wonderful day with your family and
loved ones.
Today we congratulate the 31 Second Graders from
our Elementary School and Religious Education
program who received their First Holy Communion
during a special Mass on Saturday morning. They
are: Wyatt Allen, Asija Brekalo, Parker Brickson, Ryan Cooper, Juliana
DeMoran, Michael Diaz, Abigail Fisher, Addison Fountain, Gabrielle
Gilmore, Matthew Gordon, Luke Junck, Lulu Kelly, Carson Kilpatrick,
Mathilde Marsh, Tony Mora, Isabella Patino, Charlotte Peters, Ethan
Richards, Jaden Richards, Kyle Richards, Siera Rushing, Thomas Seglio,
Ashlynn Seymour, Kaitlyn Shivers, Maya Showalter, Esmeralda
Stadthagen, Brennan Tarrant, Davis Voelkel, Claire Weatherly, Cohen
Weinhofer and Susie Williams.
THANKS! On the 7th of June our Bishop will ordain two new priest for
our diocese. As a result, there should be personnel changes and I (Fr.
White) probably will be involved. I cannot believe I am 75 years of age
and that I have been at St. Alphonsus for 10½ years. It has been a
wonderful, enriching and enjoyable experience. I am truly grateful for
the privilege of serving such wonderful, committed people for such an
extended period. Thank you so much for such a wonderful opportunity.
On June 14th, Fr. White will celebrate 50 years of Ordination to the
Priesthood. You are invited to join us in congratulating Fr. White on
this special occasion with a reception in the KC Hall immediately
following the Saturday Vigil Mass.
The Knights of Columbus are collecting new baby
items to give to Morning Star Pregnancy Center. Items
may be placed in the basket in the Vestibule of the
The Knights of Columbus are planning a Yard Sale
for Saturday, May 24th and are asking for donations (no
clothing please). All donations may be dropped off at
the back porch of the KC Hall.
St. Alphonsus’ Knights of Columbus and the St. Vincent
de Paul Society are having a 10-Week Drawing. Tickets
are $10 each. Each week, for nine weeks, a ticket will be
drawn for $50 with the final drawing being for $500, $200
and $100 (all prior winning tickets will be put back in the barrel for a
chance at the final drawing). First ticket will be pulled May 25th with
the final ticket being pulled July 27th. You may purchase a ticket from
any Knight or St. Vincent de Paul member. For more information, call
Carl at 228-327-0066. All proceeds will benefit our St. Vincent de Paul
Society to help the needy in our area.
The Parish Pictorial Directory has arrived. Parishioners
(who had their portraits taken) who have not already
picked up their free copy may do so by coming by the
Rectory Office during regular business hours through the
MAY 12
Acts 11:1-18; John 10:11-18
6:30 am
Mr. R.J. Domingue
8:15 am
Lt. Oskar Kusch
MAY 13
Acts 11:19-26; John 10:22-30
6:30 am
Int. Peter Murtough Family
8:15 am
Mr. Sean Dubuisson
MAY 14
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; John 15:9-17
6:30 am
Mr. William Brogan
8:15 am
Mr. Eduard van Thiel
MAY 15
Acts 13:13-25; John 13:16-20
6:30 am
The Troney Family
8:15 am
Mr. Richard Porterfield
MAY 16
Acts 13:26-33; John 14:1-6
6:30 am
Int. Ms. Bobbie Garcia
8:15 am
Mr. Tommy Brochard
MAY 17
Acts 13:44-52; John 14:7-14
8:15 am
Mr. Leo Noble
Mr. Tommy Noble
Mr. Jerry Richard
5:00 pm
Mr. Thomas Longon
MAY 18
Acts 6:1-7; 1 Peter 2:4-9; John 14:1-12
7:30 am
Mr. Henry Ryan
Ms. Betty Lou Callegari
9:00 am
11:30 am
Mr. John Reilly
5:30 pm
Mr. Luis E. Moreno Cruz
Sunday Collection.....…………...…………..…$11,927.28
Poor Collection………………………………...$ 4,260.41
May God Bless You for your generous and faithful support.
The Flowers on the Altar are in Memory of
Monica Goretski on Her Birthday
The Flowers on the Altar are in Honor of
Those Making Their First Holy Communion
Your prayers are requested at this time for the repose
of the soul of Robert “Bobby” Mitchell, brother of Myra
Kittle of this parish, who passed away May 2nd. We extend our
sympathy to the family and promise them a remembrance in our
prayers. May God grant him eternal peace.
Altar Society Members for next week are:
Jean Michaud, Marian Sullivan, & Joicelyn Mayfield
Religious Education News
Pat Cronin – 872-2652; [email protected];
May 12: New Wine 7:00 p.m. Parish Hall
May 15: RCIA 6:00-7:30 p.m. Parish Hall Meeting Room
May 18: Religious Education/May Crowning 10:10 –11:10am
Adult Formation 10:10 – 11:10 a.m. Parish Hall
Studying “Last Words of Fulton Sheen”
Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Mass 3-6 year olds
You are invited to come to a Marian Movement of
Priest Cenacle Mass on Tuesday, May 13th at 7:00
p.m. in the Church.
Rosary, Message reading, Consecration, Mass
A Luncheon for all Altar Society and Auxiliary
Members will be held on Saturday, May 17th at
12:00 Noon at C J’s Seafood House (Hwy 90,
across the street from Applebee’s).
Looking for an event that the whole family can enjoy? Make
plans to attend Our Lady of Fatima’s International Spring Fest. Festival
hours are: May 16th 4 pm-10 pm; May 17th 10 am–10 pm; May 18th
11:30am - 9pm. Enjoy live entertainment, try delicious foods, ride the
carnival rides, place a bid on a Silent Auction item or take a chance on
the $15,000 Drawdown ($100 per ticket, admits 4, includes dinner on
Sunday 6pm). For more information or to purchase a ticket, call Our
Lady of Fatima Church Office at 388-3887
Are you a mother of a preschooler? Are you looking for a
supportive community based in love and service? Then
come and join our awesome group of moms! Every Mom
Needs a Friend. Our Ocean Springs MOPS (Mothers of
Preschoolers) group is committed to providing practical
help, Christian growth, encouragement and deep relationships for
mothers of young children.
We will be accepting public sign up for our group on Tuesday May 20th,
2014 between 10am and 12pm at Little Children’s Park in downtown
Ocean Springs. We hope to see you there!
For more information, contact Esmeralda Stadthagen (parishioner) at
[email protected] or visit the MOPS International website at
You are invited to see Our Lady of Fatima’s Pilgrim
Virgin Statue on Tuesday, May 20th at 2:00 p.m. The
life-like statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be displayed
at The Meadows Family Home, 5405 Sioux Dr, Ocean
Springs, for all to venerate. This beautiful image of the
Blessed Mother and Her message will surely stir your
soul. For more information, call 875-2947.
The Gulf Pine Catholic Newspaper will recognize all
high school and college graduates in their June 6th
issue. If you wish to be included in this listing, please
call the rectory with your name and institution from
which you will be graduating by May 26th.
Attention Graduating Seniors: There are two $500 Scholarships available from
The Chris Nielsen Scholarship Fund to be given away this year. If interested in
applying for this scholarship, please contact Carl Brochard at 228-327-0066 or
email [email protected] to receive the requirements and registration form.
Deadline: June 1, 2014
From the Diocesan Office of Religious Education: The Catholic
Diocese of Biloxi will again offer a 3 year program called “New Wine”
beginning in September of this year. The program provides education
and formation for adults interested in being involved in lay ministry.
Interested individuals should contact their Pastor, Principal, DRE or
Parish Religion Coordinator no later than June 6th for more information.
**School Subsidy Policy**
Registration for the 2014/2015 School Year Going on Now
St. Alphonsus Finance Committee, in conjunction with the Parish Staff, wishes to
reiterate the established policy concerning subsidy of our young people at St.
Alphonsus Elementary School or St. Patrick High School.
In order for students to receive subsidized tuition at St. Alphonsus Elementary
School or St. Patrick High School, the following must be followed:
1. The Family must be registered in St. Alphonsus Parish
2. Contribute to the support of the parish through the regular
use of the envelope system or some other agreed upon service.
3. The family MUST attend weekend Mass with the Parish
Family at St. Alphonsus.
May 14: Early Dismissal 2:00 p.m.
May 16: Children’s Mass 8:15 a.m. / May Crowning
May 14: Enrichment Night 6:00 p.m.
May 15: Senior Farewell Mass
St. Michael $10,000 Giveaway tickets to benefit the Parish Life Center are now
on sale for $10 each, $100/book of 11. The giveaway will be held May 31 st at the
Fais Do Do, Biloxi Town Green. If you would like to purchase a ticket, call 228435-5578. You do not need to be present to win.
Attention Parents & Grandparents-- During the week
of June 23rd, our Church will be transformed into a
wacky and weird adventure filled experience for your
children. We are asking you to consider how you can help with this
year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). We are looking for helpers, teens
and older, to be teachers and leaders of various fun stations. The
commitment is minimal – 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 Noon for only five days. If
you love our faith and enjoy working with children -- We Need You.
Teens can receive service hours and mission experience for their college
applications. Because we are trying to keep the cost low and only charge
the amount to cover the take-home keepsakes for the children, we ask
that if you are unable to be present at the VBS event to please prayerfully
consider making a monetary donation to help offset our snack, craft and
other costs. You can also “sponsor a parish child” for only $25.00.
Checks can be sent to the Rectory office made out to St. Alphonsus
Religious Education with VBS in the memo line. For more information,
please contact Lisa McLoughlin (Director of Children and Youth
Ministry) at 352-433-6699. Registration forms may be picked up in the
Vestibule of the Church or at the Rectory Office.
The Lord Is My Help needs volunteers to pack take-out
lunches from 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. and/or to serve lunch from
11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (no cooking involved) during the
week of June 2nd – 6th. If you are able to volunteer your time
on any of these days at either/both of the times, please call Jean Petricca
at 818-2460. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
St. Alphonsus Youth – SR. CYO
June 9: Ship Island Trip
June 15: Potluck Dinner in Parish Hall
June 23-28: Notre Dame Vision Trip
July 9: New Orleans Trip
For more information about joining CYO at St. Alphonsus, call Scott
Hawkins at 228-238-2918.
Your prayers are requested for the deceased priests who have
ministered in the diocese, especially those who have died around
this time of year:
Reverend Msgr. Patrick J. Carey, May 1, 1979
Reverend Msgr. Patrick K. Bambrick, May 1, 2002
Reverend John T. O’Brien, May 18, 2009