First Sunday of Advent (A) 1st December 2013 Vol. 20 Issue 44 First Sunday of Advent (A) NEW YOUTH GROUP FEED THE HUNGRY A new Youth Club for 11 to 14 year olds has begun meeting on Saturday evenings in the Parish Hall between 6 and 9 pm. There is still room to accommodate more young people in a group, which is already very active. Come along and join us this Saturday or speak to Father Peter for more details. Food bags for this project to provide food for the needy at Christmas will be distributed at all Masses this weekend, and will be collected at Masses on 14/15 December. Some bags will be distributed this weekend and the remainder will be ready next weekend. Any contributions of tinned food, jars, biscuits, chocolates, toiletries etc. will be much appreciated. WINTER APPEAL With the onset of the colder weather we have had requests for blankets, sleeping bags and warm clothing, particularly coats and jumpers. If any one can help, please leave items at the Presbytery as soon as possible. REPOSITORY NEW STOCK IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE REPOSITORY: Advent Calendars, Candles, Christmas Cards, Cribs, Catholic Diaries, Calendars, plus the usual supply of rosaries and prayer cards etc. A very big Thank you A message from Erlinda Curioso Bedford As a Filipino member of St Francis Parish for many years, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all parishioners who have helped my people back home with their prayers and generous support since the devastating disaster. I am in frequent contact with my family there, and I am able to pass on to you their deep gratitude for all the help that has been offered. We pray that the good Lord will bless you always. THE PARISH WEB SITE: www. stfrancisparish.org.uk CHILDREN’S NEWS Children - have you brought a picture/ measurement for your Seed of Faith? The results will be published next week and the tallest plant will win a prize. Your plant may even be taller than Fr Bartlomiej’s! Today, the 1 December, is the first Sunday of Advent and the time when all families can begin lighting the Advent wreaths. Advent calendars will be given out at Mass - one per family. The next Children’s Day will be on Sunday, 15 December, following the 10.30am Mass and will finish with a joint carol service with St Francis School. If your child does not attend St Francis School and would like to attend, please fill in a form obtainable from the clergy, one of the musicians or the Presbytery (Grove House) as soon a possible. This will help with planning arrangements for the day. Holidays! Canon John is on holiday, and will be returning on Monday, 9 December. Fr Bartlomiej is acting Parish Priest. THE DIOCESAN WEBSITE: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk NOTICEBOARD Page 2 NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FOR LIFE On Saturday 7 December, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia. You can pray a rosary (or an extra one) and fast on bread and water, or offer whatever you can. FFI see http:// www.goodcounselnet.co.uk/Prayer-and-FastingDays.html A CALL FOR CHRISTMAS FLOWER HELPERS Have you ever thought that you would like to help with our Church flowers? As you know we try to make them extra special at Christmas and this needs a lot of work and helpers. Not all jobs are arranging live flowers, and there are many ways to help. If you are interested, come to the Presbytery (Grove House) at 1.30pm on 11 December for a cup of coffee and a bit more information or contact Lyn Coyle for more information. The Friendship Group Dates for your Diary Wednesday, 4 December: Line dancing in Parish Hall (11am - 12 noon) followed by coffee in Society Rooms. Monday, 9 December (12 noon): Christmas Lunch at Nolan’s Cafe (FULLY BOOKED). Wednesday, 11 December: Line dancing in Parish Hall (11am - 12 noon) followed by Christmas Celebrations with a shared table. NOTE: End of Sessions for Holiday period. Recommences 8 January, 2014. The Phoenix Youth Club The Phoenix Youth Club are thrilled to have been chosen by Waitrose at Allington to be one of the deserving organisations, for the month of December, to benefit from the ‘Community Matters Scheme’. We would be so grateful if you would be kind enough to consider supporting the Parish Youth Club, when you shop at Waitrose, by putting your green token into the box for Phoenix Youth Club. Thank you so much for your support Lydia ASCENT GROUP The next meeting will be this coming Wednesday (4 December) at 10.45am in the Parish Centre, and the subject will be “Light of the World”. Tea and biscuits will be served - plus a raffle. Any retired parishioners wishing to attend, please contact Angela Hunter. DEW ASSOCIATION Thanks to everyone for the $506 - 90 collected this month for Fr Alfred Kotol of the Comboni Missionaries in Uganda. He runs a Parish Health Centre, provides access to clean water and promotes education among the young - for Catholics and non Catholics alike. Again, our thanks for your kindness. Parish Website As you will know, the parish has its very own website: www. stfrancisparish.org.uk . On it you can find information about: • • • • • • Mass & service times Parish structure Directions to the church Catholic schools Links to websites of the Diocese & The Friars Links to other Catholic & Maidstone WebPages. Why not check it out? PARISH COLLECTIONS AND LOTTERY Last Weekend - All Masses: 1st Collection: *£1,487 - 17 This Sunday’s 2nd Collection: St. George’s Cathedral 2nd Collection: £612 - 55 Catholic Youth Services Next Sunday’s 2nd Collection: Area Bishop’s Fund *This figure does not include standing orders etc. which average £330 a week. Many thanks for your generosity. Parish Lottery Winner Week 22: No. 62 — Mrs J Boyce — £10 NOTICEBOARD Page 3 Helpers of God’s Precious Infants The next vigil at Marie Stopes Abortion Centre, Brewer Street, will be held on Wednesday, 11 December. It will commence with Holy Mass at St Francis at 10am and followed by prayerful and peaceful procession to the Abortion Centre with holy rosary, prayers and hymns. Return procession for blessing and refreshments in the Parish Centre. RED MISSION BOXES: Now is the time to bring your boxes in for counting. If you cannot manage this, please let Lorna Feltham know so she can arrange collection. Voluntary Action Maidstone: Do you care for a family member or friend? Are you aware of the range of support, benefits and services which may help you? FFI see poster and leaflet in Church Porch or contact Maidstone and Malling Carers Project (01622) 685276; [email protected] or www.vam-online.org.uk Life in Christ is an exciting new resource from the Southwark Catholic Youth Service. It is being launched on Saturday, 7 December at Amigo Hall, Southwark Cathedral 2pm - 4pm and consists of 43 sessions over 3 DVDs exploring the key themes from the Catechism. FFI go to scys.org.uk/#resources Prayer & Praise We meet on Thursday, 5 December (7.30pm) in St Joseph’s Chapel, Aylesford Priory. Mass at 8.15pm followed by Prayer Ministry. All welcome. Advent lunch talks, St Faiths Church, Brenchley Gardens 4 December, 12.30pm for soup and sandwich lunch followed by a talk by Neville Emslie, of the Canterbury Diocese, entitled Joseph’s Dream of a Saviour. VACANCY Class teacher required for two terms commencing January at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Stanford-le-Hope. FFI contact Mrs Jackson (Office Manager) on 01375 672217. Catholic Singles is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 010 941 3498, visit the website www.catholicsingles.org.uk or email info@catholic singles.org.uk ORDER OF SERVICE - Sung Liturgy 9.00am Mass 10.30am Mass Entrance Hymn 118 63 459 Kyrie 366 v.1 only Psalm Gospel Acclamation Offertory Hymn Sanctus Memorial Acclamation Great Amen Our Father Agnus Dei Communion Recessional Hymn sung (Psalm 121) Advent Alleluia v.1 Advent Alleluia v.1 7 sung (433) 243 sung (422) sung 585 St Francis’ Mass 424 952 sung 684 805 535 368 684 Phoenix Youth Club for young people, School Years 10 to 13, meet Fridays, 6.30pm to 9.00pm in Youth Room. Get to know the Bible with Father Paul: On Mondays at the Presbytery (Grove House) after the 10.00am Mass. Come along and join Father Paul in exploring the bible to help it come alive for us. A New Catholic web site examining the relationship between faith and culture has been launched. The Jericho Tree brings together articles and videos about faith, culture, lifestyle and news. Edited by Fr Stephen Wang, a Priest in Westminster Diocese, the site aims to provide a Catholic perspective on modern life and culture. Recent articles have explored topics such as Pope Francis’ vision of social justice; the niqab and the religious veil; the meaning of love; and the Christian presence in the mass media. www.jerichotree.com PRAYER INTENTIONS For all who have been bereaved and for the sick of our parish: Andy Cripps, Mark Pearson, Enid Swan, John Ratcliffe, Jean Carley, Cody Barker, Lars Fare, Luke Collins, Dolly Thompson, Mary Bowles, Pat Green, Monica Banyard, Josephine Ga , Liz Turner, Margaret O’Kill, Andre McKnight, Bridget Buckley, Shirley Wallace, Valerie Hoskins, Ged Woodham, Maria Jackson, Ann Skelton, Menola Romero, Doris Nicklin, Sadie Grace, Marie Shandley, John Folle , David Henstridge and all those in our local hospitals, hospice and nursing homes. For recently dead: Helen Cook (nee O’Shea) For those whose anniversaries occur at this me: Ellen Startup, Mary Kenward, John Booth, Elizabeth Co , Moira Hughes, Barbara Power, Anastasia Agnes, Mary Bishop, Alice Lay, Victoria Flynn, James McKinley, Teresa Harding, Tina Gilloway, Ethel Thomas, Teodor Klekot, Rosellin Gallagher, Baby Archie Morris, Maude Springe , Mary Weston, Carmina Sammut, Kathleen Waters, Elaine George, Bunty Nolan, Joan Carr, Christopher Brewer, Mary Dray, Kathleen Sturla, Cavan Buckley and Derek Jones. Mass Times and Intentions Sunday, 1st December 2013 St Francis 6.00pm (Sat) Holy Souls 9.00am Robert Cordwell RIP 10.30am Mary Kenward RIP 4.00pm Mother Superior, Kinga Jo’zefowicz RIP 6.00pm Alan Fleming’s Birthday Preston Hall 8.30am Patrick Thompson RIP 11.30am In reparation for abortions carried out this week in Brewer Street Nettlestead 10.00am Donor’s intention Wateringbury 11.00am Ordinariate Mass Monday, 2nd December 10.00am Harkin family 12.30pm Joan Cordelia White RIP Tuesday 3rd December 10.00am Holy Souls 12.30pm Reginald Frake RIP Wednesday 4th December 10.00am Russell Coatsworth RIP 12.30pm Victor Vokes RIP Page 4. Thursday, 5th December 10.00am Holy Souls and Sonia Heyward RIP 12.30pm Donal & Carmel O’Harte and their parents Patrick & Annie RIP Friday, 6th December 10.00am Encarnacion Bernardo RIP 12.30pm Lawrence Tall RIP Saturday, 7th December 10.00am Ann & Bob Barker RIP Sunday, 8th December St Francis’ 6.00pm (Sat)Rachel Martin RIP Holy Souls 9.00am For the successful pregnancy and f ortunate delivery 10.30am Grace & Arthur Collins RIP 6.00pm Clergy of St Francis’—their intentions Preston Hall 8.30am Doris & Charles Shepherd RIP 11.30am Norrie & Theo de Jong Nettlestead 10.00am Rose Joanna Brook RIP SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions are heard: Monday ‐ Friday: 12 noon. Saturday: 10.30 — 11.15am; 5.00 — 5.30pm There will be EXPOSITION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday: between Masses 10.30—12.30pm The Parish of St Francis Grove House, 126 Week Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1RH Telephone: (01622) 756217 Fax: (01622) 690549 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.stfrancisparish.org.uk Parish Priest: Canon John S Clark M.A. Ordinariate Priest: Fr Paul Gibbons Assistant Priests: Fr Bartlomiej Dudek and Fr Peter Kucharski Parish Deacon: Rev. Tom Coyle Schools St Francis’ Catholic Primary School. Headteacher: Queens Road, Maidstone, ME16 0LB. Telephone: (01622) 771540 St Simon Stock Catholic Secondary School. Headteacher: Mr Brendan Wall Oakwood Park, Maidstone ME16 OJP Telephone: (01622) 754551