maas scones


maas scones
maas scones
Makes about 16 - 18 scones
4 x 250 ml cake flour
40 ml baking powder
2 ml salt
80 g Clover Mooi River Butter, room temperature 1 egg
250 ml Clover Danone Inkomazi
125 ml water
1. Preheat oven to 240°C.
2. S
ift the flour, baking powder and salt together. Add the butter and rub into flour with
fingers very lightly.
3. B
eat the egg, maas and water together. Add to dry ingredients and mix into a medium
to firm dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and pat out to 3 cm thick. Cut into
rounds with a 5 cm cutter.
4. Place on a lightly greased baking tray and bake for 12 -15 minutes.
Fruit Scones
Add 250 ml mixed dried fruit or 250 ml chopped dates to the basic recipe.
Savoury Cheese Scones
Add 125 ml chopped sautéed spring onion, 250 ml grated Clover Mature Cheddar and 2 ml cayenne
pepper to the basic recipe.