I]Z=dbZhX]ddaZghCZlh Bluenose IV project under sail news


I]Z=dbZhX]ddaZghCZlh Bluenose IV project under sail news
C4 Bridgewater Bulletin and Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Lunenburg County Homeschoolers Group
Bluenose IV project under sail
By Katie Dauphinee
Donations of time and money are needed as the building of the Bluenose IV is
drawing closer by the day.
Mr. Phillip Snyder, the builder of the
Bluenose IV, says he will be using the original plans drawn by Mr. Roue. Mr. Snyder
also says he will be building the schooner
at Snyder’s Shipyard in Dayspring. The
keel laying starts on July 1, 2008.
They are going to use Douglas fir and
local wood to make the Bluenose IV. The
hull alone will take about two and a half
years to build, says Mr. Snyder. He does
not yet have the estimated cost for building the hull.
Michele Stevens, a fourth-generation
sailmaker at Michele Stevens Sailloft in
Second Peninsula, is going to be the sailmaker for the mighty schooner.
If the schooner is going to race, the
sails will be constructed from a laminate
cloth. For regular sailing, Dacron is used.
The sails are started by machine and
finished by hand. Melanie, Brenda and
Royal Stevens will work on all the hand
and bench work for the Bluenose IV sails.
It will take a team of five or six people
to complete the massive full suit of sails
Katie Dauphinee interviews Arthur Dauphinee, left, and Lloyd Zinck, who will be
making the pulley blocks for the Bluenose
measuring 11,000 square feet.
Mr. Arthur Dauphinee, president of
A. Dauphinee & Sons, says it will take
approximately four months to make the
ship’s pulley blocks, made of wood, cast
iron and brass fittings. It will take an additional two months to make the ship’s
For more information about this exciting project and to find out how you can get
involved, visit www.SchoonerBluenose.
Volunteering goes to the dogs
By miKaYLa jOuDReY
The seniors and staff
always look forward to
Gilbert the greyhound
seeing him all dressed
is a retired racing greyup for every season or
hound. Gilbert retired
special occasion. A big
about four years ago and
hit is his Santa coat and
moved to a happy, comfy
hat. Gilbert always enfamily home.
joys the pats and treats
For a year or so he
he receives, especially
basked in the loving
ice-cream days — yum!
warmth of his family.
In order to become a
Then one day as he sat Gilbert the greyhound is a former therapy dog, Gilbert had
deep in thought, he de- racing dog who enjoys his retire- to take an examination
cided, “I’ve had enough ment by entertaining seniors.
in large groups of huof this laziness, I’m
mans and dogs and then
going to get a job!”
individually. This was to see if he was
So, he told his mum and she agreed calm with certain noises and actions and
it was a brilliant idea. Soon enough, okay with wheelchairs, canes or rattling,
Gilbert became a certified Saint John big carts. Gilbert came through perfectly
Ambulance Therapy Dog.
with high marks!
When questioned why he decided to
Gilbert encourages all communitybecome a therapy dog, Gilbert explained minded pooches to see if they have what
it was because he wanted to do some- it takes to volunteer with the Saint John
thing for his community and people.
Ambulance Therapy Dogs. Check it out
So now he is doing something that is at www.sja.ca.
enriching the lives of seniors. They look
Pretty soon Gilbert is going to share
forward to seeing Gilbert on Thursdays.
his love and personality on an even
We asked Gilbert if he had a favourite higher level when he learns to ride the
person and he replied saying he was al- elevator at the South Shore Regional
ways fair and tried not to play favourites. Hospital.
He had plenty of personality and kisses
Stay tuned for further adventures of
to go around!
Local woman on theatre ship
bia, Romania to Bulgaria on the
Black Sea.”
Amara Zee is a theatre/tall
She said the best part of
ship, sailing and doing plays in
the tour was all the people she
Europe. Johanna Skoreyko, from
met and the interesting things
Wileville, just came back from
she saw. Johanna made good
working on it. She was the tour
coordinator. There is a web page
Their play was about five
where you can watch a video
people on the moonship and the
of their plays. It is www.cara- Johanna Skoreyko moon goddess, Triton. They land
on the Earth that was ruined by
There are a lot of acrobats in
global warming. Triton looks like a genie
the plays, and really good music. In one in the pictures on the web page.
of the plays, people are playing dogs and
Now Johanna is going to teach English
in France.
Johanna says, “I joined the ship in RotShe says, “The Amara Zee will go to
terdam and we sailed to Vienna where we Greece next and when I am finished in
spent the winter planning our Danube France, I would like to help them plan the
River tour, through Austria, Hungary, Ser- next tour in the Mediterranean.”
A dairy farmer’s life
By jeSSiCa RhODeniZeR
AGE 10
Most people don’t know what a day of
being a farmer is like.
My father, Glenn Rhodenizer, is a
farmer and he works really hard. I’d like
to tell you what a dairy farmer does.
When I asked my dad what his typical day is like, he laughed and said, “My
typical day is chaos.”
Dad gets up at six each morning and
goes right to milk the cows, feed them,
and clean them down. This can take a
while, but it’s the top priority of the day
to get the most milk out of them.
He comes home for breakfast and has
a bit of family time with us all because
we’re homeschooled.
Between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and supper, Dad and Grandad do a lot of different things. They
grow a lot of cabbage for sauerkraut, so
they seed it, get the ground ready, plant
the little tiny plants, and once the cabbage is big enough, they harvest it. They
have to store the cabbage and clean it for
kraut all winter and spring.
Depending on the time of year, Dad
makes hay. He uses cow manure to fertilize the ground. When the grass is big
enough, he mows it and comes out with
his tractor and bales the hay. This takes
place from June clean through October.
They work fields in lots of different
places, and travelling with farm equipment does take quite a bit of time.
The rest of the year he brings the
bales home so the cows can eat them.
Dad said he’s always fixing farm equipment, or greasing it, or trying to make
it last longer.
They milk again around five or six
o’clock. They have to check regularly to
see if the deer are in the cabbage, eating
it. They have to check in the night too.
He said he goes to bed at night some time
Jessica Rhodenizer and her dad, Glenn,
on the family farm, which includes dairy
cows, cabbage, sauerkraut and even a
lobster licence.
when the clocks don’t work.
Dad said the hardest part of his day
is when things don’t go right and things
are breaking down, because things fall
behind and you never really catch up.
The best part of his day is the end of the
day — if everything has gone well, he
feels like he’s accomplished something.
Dad told me he became a farmer because he liked the challenge in it. They
have a unique situation of cabbage, sauerkraut and cows, with a lobster licence
thrown in. It’s a real challenge.
There are very few dairy farmers left
in this area. The one thing Dad would
like people to know about farmers is,
“Farmers work very hard. Our food in
this country is of the highest quality.
“Stuff coming in is not good quality,
some is, but most isn’t, for a few cents
cheaper. They use things they should
never be using on their food.”
He laughed and said, “We need free
land, if you have any, just give us some.”
One thing I want to let people know
is how much work dairy farmers go
through to let people have milk, so they
appreciate it.
arts & entertainment
The greatest toy of the decade!
By eva DixOn
Age 7
Guess what! There is a new toy on
the market and millions of kids around
Canada and the USA are buying them!
They are called Webkinz.
Webkinz are special because each toy
is a stuffed animal that comes with a
unique secret code that lets you adopt
your pet on-line in Webkinz World.
Webkinz World is an on-line world
where you can play games, shop for
online items and food, answer quiz questions, dress up your pet and even invite
friends from your friends list over to
play in your virtual world with you.
First, you purchase your Webkinz pet.
If you are not a Webkinz member go to
the Webkinz World home page at www.
webkinz.com and click on new member.
Then you make up a user name and
password, but make sure the user name
and password are secret and nobody will
know them. That way other people cannot get into your account.
You make up a name for your Webkinz
pet and tell Webkinz World if the pet is a
boy or a girl. Then you enter your pet’s
secret code.
Secret codes are numbers and letters
found on the tag attached to your Webkinz stuffed pet. After the secret code is
entered the adoption is complete.
First you’ll see the pet’s adoption certificate. If you can print, you can print
out the certificate.
Then you’ll see the pet’s biography.
Click on “start playing with your pet”
or “add a new pet to this account.”
Once you’re in, you’ll see the welcome
celebration for your pet. There will be
a welcome present and free gifts in your
Webkinz dock.
Webkinz has something called
KinzCash. KinzCash is Webkinz World
money which you can use to decorate
your pet’s room and buy clothing and
food for your Webkinz pet.
You can shop at the W Shop or Curio
Shop for these things. The W Shop sells
everyday items like food and clothing
and things to decorate your pet’s room.
The Curio Shop sells rare items not
available in the W Shop such as the
Royal Estates bed. It can’t be purchased
in the W Shop or gotten with your 10th
pet or higher as a super exclusive. When
you have 10 pets or more you get a free
super exclusive bed of your choice.
I have six Webkinz pets of my own.
They are Cheeky (a monkey), Fluffy (a
white rabbit), Moonlight (a pink pony),
Jennie (a black cat), Delilah (a Googles)
and Lillie (a frog).
My Webkinz are all girls. I really love
them. It is so much fun that you just
want to play it all the time. My mum allows me to go to Webkinz World for one
hour a day. I break that time up into half
an hour at a time.
It is educational too because you can
answer questions in Quizzy’s Question
Corner where you choose from multiple
choice answers in science, math and
Webkinz World.
Now you see why so many kids love
Webkinz World.
Bridgewater Bulletin and Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Wednesday, September 26, 2007
arts & entertainment
Flat Fifth cuts new CD
My organic vegetable garden
By juStin RhODeniZeR
By nataLja CaRanDanG
Paul Buchanan and Eilidh Campbell,
with their group Flat Fifth, are currently recording their new CD in CBC
Studio H in Halifax.
Eilidh and Paul both teach music during the school year. Eilidh comes from
Aberfoyle, Scotland, and teaches fiddle,
while Paul teaches guitar and piano.
They are both excellent musicians and
sound wonderful together.
Paul, born in Toronto and raised in
Newmarket, Ontario, met Eilidh at the
2004 Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival.
Eilidh was playing fiddle with her group,
About a year later, after Eilidh moved
to Nova Scotia, they started playing together as Campbell and Buchanan.
In 2006, Paul asked a few other musicians to play in a group called Flat Fifth
he had started for the Lunenburg Folk
The group was chosen to be one of the
three acts competing for the final spot at
the 2006 Folk Harbour Festival. The Folk
Fiesta was their first gig, and they managed to win the competition.
Paul’s first and favourite instrument
is piano. He plays a wide variety of
styles including pop, blues, jazz, ragtime
and still even digs out his old classical
books now and then.
Eilidh plays fiddle, and her first love
is traditional Scottish and Irish fiddle
tunes. That’s what she grew up listening
Justin Rhodenizer, right, takes the stage at
the Mahone Bay Classic Boat Festival with
his music mentor, Paul Buchanan, of the
band Flat Fifth.
to and performing in Scotland.
I’m happy to be one of Paul’s students.
He’s an amazing teacher who encourages and directs me in my guitar lessons.
He even gave my sister, who takes fiddle
lessons from Eilidh, and me the opportunity to play a couple of sets with them
at the Mahone Bay Classic Boat Festival.
This boosted our confidence and showed
us that we could do things we didn’t
think we could.
Listen for Paul’s three hits on the airwaves — “Wish I Didn’t Know” (which
was at the top of the East Coast Music
charts for four weeks), “Who’s to Say,”
and “Alfalfa Honey.”
And keep an eye out for their new CD
this spring!
When the weather was not
too bad, I put my seedlings
I have grown organic vegoutside to harden off. When
etables since I was six. To
the frost passed, I transplantprevent pests, I grow nastured them to my garden. Meantiums and marigolds.
while, I sowed vegetables that
My garden is located on
could be started outdoors. In
a slight incline to the north,
one bed I sowed peas, swiss
which is supposedly not a
chard kale and carrots, along
good location. Actually, in my Natalja Carandang’s organic with the nasturtium and
case, it is a great location! My
marigold seedlings.
vegetables grow amazingly garden is the healthy result
In the other bed I sowed
no matter where the location of her hard work, patience
pole, bush, and broad beans,
is because I take good care and knowledge of gardenstrawberries and potatoes,
of them. I made all of my ing since she was six years along with the green cabbaggardens, except the frames, old.
es, Chinese cabbages, nasturby myself.
tiums and marigolds that I
This is how I made my garden this year grew from seedlings.
— in the fall, Mama built frames for two
This spring I also built my own greenraised beds. I hauled sheep manure from house. It is over a raised bed in which are
the barn so the soil could compost and it planted the nasturtiums, marigolds, tomawould be ready in the spring for planting.
toes, hot peppers, bell peppers and the one
Because manure is acidic, I put ashes tormatio plant that I grew from seedlings
(which are alkaline) on it to raise the pH to with broad beans that I sowed and eggabout seven.
plants from the local nursery.
When spring came, I began growing
Throughout the growing season, I mainseedlings indoors. I put them under a sky- tained and harvested my vegetables. I enjoy
light and watered them every day.
doing it because I love to be outside, see
These are the types of seedlings I grew things grow well when I take care of them,
— green and Chinese cabbages, Brussels and be able to eat food without poison.
sprouts, nasturtiums, marigolds, tomatoes,
I think it makes me a happier, healthier
hot peppers and one tormatio plant.
Real bunny love
By SaRah ReinhaRDt
Age 9
Time to box
By SpenCeR anD huDSOn maCaDam
Hi, my name is Spencer MacAdam
and I am almost 11. My brother is Hudson MacAdam and we are both members of the South Shore Boxing Club.
Boxing is a great sport and we love
it. You can box recreational or competitive. We do focus pads, skipping, shadow
boxing, sparring, push-ups, sit-ups and
bag work.
Our coach is David Penny (or Coach,
as we call him). He has been coaching
since 1996. He started with Level 1 coaching and one student. He now has a Level
3 and his classes are full.
What Coach Penny enjoys most about
coaching boxing is to watch the athletes
progress and improve physically and
mentally over a period of time. Boxing
also develops great discipline. It’s wonderful for young people to see what they
can achieve. Coach says it’s great to start
at a young age like my brother and me,
so you will see the benefits and results
from it down the road.
There is potential for a lot of kids to
experience these great benefits that boxing can give you, but because boxing is
a misunderstood sport they don’t get a
I’d like to tell you about my bunny. Her
name is Cinnamon, but we call her Cinny.
She’s a Netherland dwarf rabbit. She’s
five years old and she’s really cute.
I got her when she was only six weeks
old and she was only really, really tiny. She
could fit in the palm of my hand!
Cinny needs a lot of love and care but
she’s definitely worth it. I need to feed her
and give her fresh water twice a day, and
Planting pumpkins
By Gianni CaRanDanG
Boxing brothers Spencer, left, and Hudson
MacAdam work with their coach, David
Penny, at the South Shore Boxing Club.
chance. This sport is very technical and
we don’t fool around. All the proper gear
is used at all times.
Parents should bring their kids out to
try it and see what it’s all about. Our dad
boxes too and our mom is in kick-boxing. The whole family can do it.
We meet at the old Lions Club on 505
York Street on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Come and join us.
You’ll love it.
beans, broad beans, a cabbage,
Brussels sprouts and pumpIn the spring, I dug out
the grass from the two cold
The deer ate the bottoms
frames and put sheep maof the pole bean plants so I
nure in it (Mama built the
had to get fences and paint
cold frames).
them white. It took several
One cold frame was for
days to dry. Then I put them
the vegetables and the other
all around the garden.
Nestled under the leaves
one was for pumpkins.
I planted my pumpkins in
In May I started the seed- is one of Gianni Caranearly June. I got eight pumplings in the house. I put them dang’s prize pumpkins.
kins from the composter. The
in the landing next to a skypumpkins in the composter
light where they would get sunlight.
were not growing well until I got them
I watered them every day but some because they were growing in rotten vegdidn’t come up. I transplanted them out- etables.
side in June.
When I planted them in my garden only
I planted nasturtiums, pole beans, bush four survived. They made 13 pumpkins!
By miChaeLa RhODeniZeR
A natural dog lover
By amBeR BeCK-RameY
Age 12
When I grow up I want to have a kennel and training business because I love
working with and caring for dogs. They
are very intelligent animals, making it a
rewarding experience as a trainer.
I enjoy doing events to raise money
for the SHAID animal shelter so they
may purchase food for the dogs and cats
that are sheltered there.
Over the past year my sister and I
raised money by selling commissioned
items and at my birthday event I asked
for dog and cat food donations instead
clean her cage every second day.
Cinny likes to eat rabbit pellets but in
the spring, summer and fall, she mostly
eats clover, hay and veggies.
She’s not an outdoor bunny. We keep
her inside at night and in the daytime we
put her outside if it’s nice.
I hold her almost every day and I know
she enjoys that because she licks and
snuggles with me. And I kiss and snuggle
with her!
That’s why I think bunnies are one of
the most precious pets to have.
of gifts.
My sister and I felt so good taking a
trunk load of food to the shelter. I hope
to continue raising money for this necessary cause.
As a homeschooler, I get to learn entrepreneurial skills that I will need to run
my kennel business, by making natural
dog biscuits and selling them at local
fairs and our annual Homeschooler’s
Fair at the Bridgewater Mall.
My homeschooling has taught me to
appreciate all animals great or small and
that we should take care of them so that
they may feel the love and nurturing all
living animals deserve.
Spiders make good webs
and the webs are really
pretty when they’re done.
They’re really good because I don’t think the flies
see them and fly right in.
The spider runs over
Skyler’s recipes
By SKYLeR maCaDam
Age 6
Peanut Butter Munchies
1 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
Combine all ingredients
in a bowl. Mix well.
Using your hands,
and makes them comfortable by spinning its web on
it, because the web is soft
and it kind of feels like a
bed I think.
It’s really good because
when the spiders wrap up
the bugs they can’t bite
us or buzz around us anymore.
And in a book I saw
webs all over a tree and it
was white and so pretty.
roll the dough into oneinch balls and drop onto
greased cookie sheet.
Bake 10-12 min. 350 degrees (makes 30 cookies).
Sklyer’s Kisses
2 cups flour
1 cup soft margarine
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
30 Hershey’s kisses
This sprawling web prompted Michaela Rhodenizer to
investigate spiders.
(Hershey Chipits)
Using your hands, mix
together everything except kisses.
Drop one-inch balls of
dough onto greased cookie sheet.
Press a Chipit into top
of each cookie.
Bake for 20 min. or less
at 350 degrees (makes 30