Document 6469455
Document 6469455
22 Piedmont, California Let’s hear it for hometown wine By Pierre DuMont One of the nice things about living in the Bay Area is the proximity to the wine country. When out-of-town relatives or friends come to visit, we can be in Napa or Sonoma Valley in 90 minutes. Oakland’s Cerruti Cellars produces Rag Top Red, a great value. to you these “locowines.” The following wines were the cream of the crop of the recent tasting of the East Bay Vintners Alli- ance. The Passport to Urban Wine Country this weekend is an op- portunity to visit 20 wineries and taste the latest of what they are pouring. If you love wine and live in the East Bay, it is an event you shouldn’t miss. For ticket in- formation check their website at days. it is unjustly neglected in my book, as I have had outstand- ing AB wines from California and Portugal. This wine has rich cassis, spice, herbs and a touch of chocolate on the nose. It is SDFNHGZLWKIUXLWDQGLV¿UPDQG structured with substantial tan- QLQVRQWKH¿QLVK7KLVFRPSOH[ OD\HUHG ZLQH ZLOO EHQH¿W JUHDW ly from some time in the cellar. Outstanding effort. www.choui- • 2012 Campovida Grenache “Dark Horse Ranch” I am a huge fan of Grenache and am glad more wineries seem to be producing it. This bot- tle comes from a vineyard in the Russian River valley. This gorgeous wine offers up black- berry, spice, anise and pepper aromas. It is meaty and medium • 2010 Cerruti Cellars Rag bodied on the palate with a rich, mouth-coating texture. Delicious Top Red (Great Value) Cerruti Cellars has a great to drink now it should last for tasting room on Webster Street ¿YH\HDUVZZZFDPSRYLGDFRP QHDU-DFN/RQGRQ6TXDUH,WLVD • 2012 JC “The Imposter” good place to take visitors who This is a “kitchen sink” blend want to do a bit of wine tasting. Cerruti pours not only its own of Zinfandel, Syrah, Petite Sirah, wines but the outstanding Tudal Mouvedre, Grenache and Rous- wines from Napa Valley. This sanne. It is hugely i mpressive a nd wine, crafted from Gamay, Cab- EXUVWLQJ ZLWK GDUN IUXLW ÀDYRUV ernet, Merlot and Petite Verdot, The multiple varieties contribute is a juicy fruit-bomb that pleases to a tremendous complexity and instantly. It has gobs of cherry yet everything comes together fruit with just the right amount harmoniously in the mouth. The RIDFLGWRNHHSÀDYRUVFULVSDQG ¿QLVK LV ORQJ DQG VXSSOH 7KLV ZLQH KDV WKH VWXI¿QJ WR ODVW IRU clean. up to a decade. www.jeffcohen- • 2009 Chouinard Alicante Bouchet • 2010 Urbano Cellars San- Castro Valley’s Chouinard Winery produced this intriguing giovese This tiny Berkeley-based win- wine from 90-year-old vines in /RGL7KRXJKSRSXODULQWKHODVW ery has produced a very nice century, Alicante is an extremely California style Chianti. It has rare varietal in California nowa- lovely vanilla and cherry aromas on the nose with a touch of earth. There is luscious cherry fruit on the medium weight palate. Tan- nins are resolved on the supple, HDV\ ¿QLVK $ SHUIHFW SDUWQHU WR pizza or pasta. www.urbanocel- But for the past decade a new wine country has been quietly establishing itself even closer to home. Yes, the East Bay is becoming home to a growing number of successful wineries. Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda are becoming outstanding des- tinations to visit and taste wine and entertain visitors. Known loosely as urban winemakers, they have banded together to form the East Bay Vintners Alliance. The 22 mem- bers of the EBVA recently held a trade and media tasting at the Dashe/JC Cellars facility in Oak- land. It was a preview of their big annual event, Passport to Urban Wine Country, held the weekend of March 15-16. At the trade/media tasting last week I was blown away by the quality of wine the small, often unknown operations were pro- ducing. I also admired the ad- venturous spirit of some of the wineries in making wine from grapes like Alicante Bouchet and Barbera – not household names in California. Chouinard’s rare bottling of So in the spirit of the locovore Alicante Bouchet is fascinating and movement, I am happy to present different. March 12, 2014 Concert Continued from page 17 Jonah Kim, Cello Jonah Kim made his solo debut with Wolfgang Sawallisch and the Philadelphia Orchestra in 2003. The same year, he also appeared with the National Symphony Orchestra in DC. He graduated from the presti- gious Curtis Institute in 2006 at age 17, and since then has soloed with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Nation- al Symphony Orchestra, New Phil- harmonia, Symphony of the Amer- icas, Orquestra Sinfônica Nacional, and many others. Now 24, Kim has accomplished more than many musicians consid- erably more senior. In 2012 he gave a recital at the Kennedy Center’s Terrace Theater. His recitals have included performances at the Kim- mel Center, Kravis Center, Kenne- dy Center, the Phillips Collections and the Arsht Center. He has ap- peared on radio and TV programs for WETA, WHYY, WITF, MPBN, :;(/1351%&&%6DQG3%6 Michael Taddei, Bass Michel Taddei, Principal Bass of Berkeley Symphony, has a diploma from the Juilliard School’s Pre-Col- lege division. He was invited to be- FRPH VROR EDVV RI WKH /\RQ 2SHUD in France. His career has included tours as principal bass with the New York City Opera Company, cham- ber performances with the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, Earplay, the New Century &KDPEHU 2UFKHVWUD DQG WKH /HIW Coast Chamber Ensemble. +HKDVDOVRGRQH¿OPVFRUHUH cordings at Skywalker Ranch and is principal bass of San Francisco Chamber Orchestra and at the Men- docino Music Festival. He is Administrative Director of Music at the Crowden School in Berkeley, and is on the faculty of the Palo Alto Chamber Orches- tra’s chamber music workshop. He has toured with Yo Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble in the U.S. and Central Asia, and will rejoin them for a concert this season at the Hol- lywood Bowl. He has played on over 40 recordings on labels includ- ing Decca, EMI, and Erato. History of Berkeley Chamber series Earlier chamber music concerts at the Center for the Arts have in- cluded violinists Stuart Canin and Rene Mandel and violist Tiantian /DQ RQ 6HSWHPEHU YLROLQLVW Franklyn D’Antonio, cellist Isaac Melamed, clarinetist Roman Fuk- shansky, French horn player Alex Camphouse and Miles Graber in the second concert on November 3. Cellist Adaiha MacAd- am-Somer and violinist Noah Stricker performed the Concert No. 3 on January 19. Tickets for the March 16 concert in Piedmont are $25 and are avail- able in advance online at berkeley-, or by calling 841- 2800. Household Hazardous Waste facility open every weekend The Alameda County House- should bring proof of residency. hold Hazardous Waste facility in The drop off facility is closed Oakland is now open every week the weeks of Thanksgiving, from Thursday through Saturday, Christmas and New Year. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In the past it has The Household Hazardous been open only on selected dates. Waste location is at 2100 E. 7th Items that can be brought in Street at the corner of Kennedy for disposal include: paints, ad- Street, across from the Con Agra hesives, auto fuels and lubri- Grain towers west of I-880. Ad- cants, garden pesticides, bleaches, ditional days are available by ap- • 2011 Dashe Zinfandel Todd household batteries and propane pointment. Call 1-800-606-6606 Brothers Ranch containers. for details. For more information Dashe, a pioneer Oakland There is no cost and no appoint- see the website at wine producer, offers a large ment is necessary. Individuals variety of white, rose, red and dessert wines, but its specialty seems to be high-end Zinfandel. This Alexander Valley bottle carries on its tradition of rich, opulent Zin yet it also shows the acid, structure and balance nec- essary to keep Zin from being Formerly COMPANION CARE cloying. This wine is delicious In-Home services include: now and should be consumed ÕÀÞ]ÊÛiÊEÊ,iëÌiÊ >Ài}Û}ÊUÊiÀ>ÌÀVÊ >ÀiÊ>>}iÀÊ ÃÕÌ>ÌÊ RYHU WKH QH[W ¿YH \HDUV ZZZ ,iÌiÊÌÀ}ÊÜÌ Ê/ii >ÀiÊ-ÞÃÌiÊUÊÝ«iÀiVi`]Ê`i`ÊEÊÃÕÀi` see WINE on page 27 925-283-5076 The Cancer League Presents s fo r H o g a b d n p a e H Save the Date! Thursday, May 8 6pm Kindness is always fashionable. Proceeds of the sale of donated designer handbags will benefit local cancer research and patient care. Donations of new or gently used designer handbags are greatly appreciated. To make a donation contact Camilla Soghikian: [email protected] We will gladly pick up donations. 27 Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Wine Continued from page 22 • 2010 Carica Siren “Kick Ranch” Charlie Dollbaum crafts this blend of 75% Syrah, 12.5% Gre- nache and 12.5% Mouvedre at a hanger on t he old A lameda Naval Air Station. It shows the Syrah FKDUDFWHU DW ¿UVW WKHQ WKH *UH- nache red fruit and Mouvedre’s earthiness kicks in. It is big and full in the mouth with moderate WDQQLQ UHPDLQLQJ RQ WKH ¿QLVK 7KLV ZLQH ZLOO EHQH¿W IURP XS to a decade in the cellar. www. • 2009 R&B Cellars Caber- net Sauvignon Reserve “Lyric of the Vine” ,ZDV¿UVWLQWURGXFHGWR5% Cellars some years back as a producer of great value bargain Barnes Continued from page 25 ble. The ECB’s do-nothing pres- ident, Mario Draghi, is trying to make the problem disappear E\ UHGH¿QLQJ LW ³'HÀDWLRQ LV D self-reinforcing fall in prices that is broad-based across items and across countries.” Translation: priced wines. Now I have discov- ered they have expanded their line to include this luxury cu- vee. With grapes sourced form Bingham Ranch in Napa Valley, the wine is aged in 100% new French oak barrels which gives a lovely vanilla scented nose and a complexity and polish not found in unoaked wines. This block- buster Cabernet needs several years of aging to show its stuff and should last for two decades. anced, food-friendly, Burgundi- County. It is plush and rich yet It is perfectly ready to drink an style Pinot Noir. www.aubin- also layered and complex with now and cries out for roasted or ÀRUDO EOXHEHUU\ DQG SOXP DUR- grilled meats. www.lusucellars. mas leading to ripe blackberry com • 2010 Urban Legend Bar- DQG FDVVLV ÀDYRUV RQ WKH SDODWH bera Barbera is a delicious, juicy grape from the Piedmonte region of Italy. These grapes grown in A Member of Real Living $PDGRU &RXQW\ DQG YLQWL¿HG in Oakland show the grape has New Listing! great potential in California. The wine is soft and spicy with love- ly cherry fruit and spicebox aro- mas. It has a nice round mouth- • 2009 Verve P inot Noir Rus- IHHO DQG D VRIW VXSSOH ¿QLVK sian River Perfect with BBQ’d meat, pizza For years Oakland-based or risotto. Aubin Cellars has been produc- ing outstanding Pinot Noir under • 2010 Lusu Cellars Zinfan- the Verve label, drawing from del El Dorado vineyards in the Russian River I love the thought that this de- 9DOOH\7KLV3LQRWLV¿QHO\VWUXF- licious Zinfandel was created a tured offering up classic rose stone’s throw away in Berkeley. petal, stone and cherry fruit in 7LQ\/XVX&HOODUVVRXUFHGWKHVH āăāƫ+*%0ƫ2!*1!Čƫ%! )+*0ƫđƫû!.! ƫ0ƫĸāČćĊĆČĀĀĀ a beautifully textured medium grapes from a dry farmed, fami- ,!*ƫ1* 5ƫĂġĆ bodied frame. It is a well-bal- ly-owned vineyard in El Dorado So long as Germany is OK, allest ist gut. Bracket conclusions: The U.S. is moving along, but closer to 2.5 percent GDP than the mythic 3.5 percent or more modeled by cen- tral bank computer and a lot of other smart people. If GDP and jobs don’t accelerate, I suppose the Fed will keep pushing until ! they do, if that’s within the Fed’s power. 7KRVHZDJHDQGFUHGLWÀLFNHUV of brightness? Those are the pre- cursors to watch. Lou Barnes is a mortgage broker based in Boulder, Colo. He can be reached at lbarnes@ Cherished by the same family for the last 50 years, this quintessential 4 bdr/3ba traditional is located on one of Piedmonts most coveted blocks. This wonderful home has ideal features which include four bedrooms and two full baths up, level-in from the attached two car garage and lower level family room which opens to the lovely landscaped gardens. 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