Eyes Alcohol
Eyes Alcohol
Eyes As well as being a window of the Soul Eyes can indicate drug or Alcohol use The Eyes can be effective indicators of drug or Alcohol abuse. Generally the pupils of the eyes react three different ways to drug stimulation: Dilated pupils are very large almost filling the eye Constricted pupils grow very small almost to a pinpoint Bloodshot or glassy eyes can be light to heavy bloodshot and runny ( can also indicate allergies etc) Drug - Stimulants: (Dilated Pupils) Cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamines, methylphenidate, nicotine, Crack , diet medications and MDMA better known as “Ecstasy.” Drug - Depressants: (Constricted Pupils) Opiates the following are just a few of more common opiates, Opium, Heroin, Codeine, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Page 1 Methadone, Morphine, Oxycodone, Darvocet, Lorcet, Percocet, Percodan, Roxicet, Tylenol with Codeine, Vicodin Alcohol is also classified as a depressant, yet is generally indicated by (Dilated pupils) Drug - Cannabis: (Dilated Pupils, red bloodshot) Hashish/weed: red eyes, Drug Narcotics: (Constricted pupils) Opiates the following are just a few of more common opiates, Opium, Heroin, Codeine, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Methadone, Morphine, Oxycodone, Darvocet, Lorcet, Percocet, Percodan, Roxicet, Tylenol with Codeine, Vicodin Drug- Hallucinogens: (Dilated pupils) PCP, LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin, Drug - Inhalants: (Red runny watery eyes and nose) Paints, nail polish, glue, gasoline, fumes from whip cream in cans, some magic markers, almost anything with strong vapor Page 2 Signs of Drug or Alcohol Abuse Alcohol is absorbed by the stomach, enters the bloodstream, and goes to all the tissues. The effects of alcohol are dependent on a variety of factors, including a person's size, weight, age, and sex, as well as the amount of food and alcohol consumed. The dis-inhibiting effect of alcohol is one of the main reasons it is used in so many social situations. Other effects of moderate alcohol intake include dizziness and talkativeness. The immediate effects of a larger amount of alcohol include slurred speech, disturbed sleep, nausea, and vomiting. Alcohol, even in small amounts, significantly impairs the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely. Low to moderate amounts of alcohol can also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including domestic violence and child abuse. Hangovers are another possible effect after large amounts of alcohol are consumed; a hangover consists of headache, nausea, thirst, dizziness, and fatigue. Alcohol Abuse Physical Appearance Alcohol detected on the breath. Extra-ordinary use of mints, mouthwash or even garlic. Eyes unusually bright Red flushed face Drug Addict Mannerisms or Behavior Red/blood shot eyes Slurred speech. Page 3 Watch for drawn-out speech and rambling, sometimes illogical talk. Persistent cough Changes in weight (increase or decrease Lack of concentration Headaches Nausea Watch for telltale signs of hangover Disinterest in breakfast, Late sleeping Overall grouchiness throughout the day. Social/Emotional Warning signs of Alcohol Abuse Withdrawal from family - spending more time alone away from family members and less communication. Loss of interest in previous hobbies/activities Depression Mood Swings - including irritability, quick to anger and overly defensive Change in the choice of friends/peer group - not introducing new friends to you Problems at school - falling grades, complaints from teachers/staff, reports of cutting class and absences (may be harder to detect) Problems with the law Goes out with friends a lot/attends many parties (may be harder to detect) Secretive behavior - hiding things from you, locking bedroom door, not telling you who their friends are or where they are going Lying Running away Page 4 Drug Addict items around or hidden in the house, bedroom, etc. Hidden bottles or cans of alcohol. Signs of Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction - Prescription Drug Abuse The abuse of prescription drugs often begins with a legitimate visit to a doctor or emergency room. The patient is treated for pain, anxiety, or depression. The original intent of the drug use was to relieve a symptom. The fact that the drugs being given have a high rate of addiction is not discussed, or is under emphasized. People who have never taken an illegal drug in their lives are introduced to a substance that seems to remove the pain or solve a problem. Along with the medical advice being given to them, they are convinced they have found the solution to their problems. They are given the information that drugs are in fact a solution. This makes this type of addiction very hard to detect until it becomes life threatening. If you are someone you love is being prescribed any medication, do your own research, understand the side effects of the drug. Have an honest discussion with your physician about the chances for abuse of the drug you are being prescribed. Drug Addict Physical Appearance Appear drunk, but not been drinking Drug Addict Mannerisms or Behavior Abnormally slow movements, speech or reaction time, confusion and disorientation (often seen in opiates, benzodiazepines and barbiturates) Page 5 Acts intoxicated Slurred speech Stumbling gate Droopy eyes Drowsiness, Confusion, impaired judgment Un-warranted sleep episodes –fall asleep at dinner etc Listlessness Drug Addict items around or hidden in the house, bedroom, etc. Bottles of prescription medicines, pills, blister Signs of Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse Methamphetamine Abuse As with amphetamine use, it causes an increase in energy, a decrease in appetite, and produces an overwhelming feeling of well being. After the "rush" the effects can last 6 to 8 hours. In some individuals after the initial "rush" there may result a state of high agitation that can lead to violent behavior and the inability to complete simple cycles of action. Classified as a Schedule II stimulant, methamphetamine creates a high potential for abuse. Methamphetamine actually looks like off-color chunks of crystals, broken glass or ice. It is easily dissolvable in water or alcohol and is a white or off-white colored, sometimes odorless, and bitter-tasting crystalline powder. Drug Addict Physical Appearance Dilated pupils and rapid, darting eyes Frequent sweating Tooth decay Page 6 Skin lesions and frequent sores that take a long time to heal Constant picking at skin Weight loss Burns on lips or fingers (from smoking meth through hot glass or pipe. Drug Addict Mannerisms or Behavior Obsessive, fidgety behavior Repeatedly performing the same task over and over again. Constant, rambling conversation Wakefulness that lasts for days Absence from work or daily routine Depression. During withdrawal stages Dangerous sexual promiscuity. Frustration that they can't seem to focus or think Carelessness about appearance-drastic change in dress and hygiene . Violence and aggression: Meth affects the central nervous system, which in turn can affect a person's mood. Look for wild mood swings, hostility or abusive behavior. Loss of interest in school and extracurricular activities: Meth is highly addictive, and many users spend most of their free time looking for another way to find more of the drug. Therefore, interests that were once very important to your child may all of a sudden seem insignificant. Drug Addict items around or hidden in the house, bedroom, etc. Page 7 Strong smells Broken light bulbs Empty plastic bags hollowed out pens Plastic cigar tubes Soda cans with a hole in it and burn signs Bottle caps with residue on them used needles Signs Of Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction- Cannabis, Marijuana, Hash Abuse Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs among teens and is usually one of the first drugs abused by teens. I’m sure as a teen you know someone who uses marijuana, and it is likely that you might even use marijuana yourself. Marijuana, weed, pot, etc. is popular because it’s really easy to get and most teens don’t think it’s dangerous. For a lot of teens, marijuana isn’t even classified as a drug. Heroin is a drug. Cocaine is a drug. But not marijuana. You can’t overdose on marijuana and it’s a plant, so what could be the harm? There are serious health risks for those using marijuana, not the least of which is the possibility of marijuana being mixed with other mood and mind-altering drugs that could result in unexpected and serious reactions. Marijuana can also alter the blood pressure and pulse rate which puts one at risk for heart attacks. In fact, one study has suggested that an individual's risk for a heart attack increases fourfold during the first hour after smoking marijuana. Another risk of marijuana use among the young is the impairment of intellectual function (concentration, Page 8 memory, and judgment) and motor skills with the effects lasting up to days or weeks after immediate use. Finally, Marijuana is a gateway drug. I has been overwhelmingly shown that young people who have experimented with drugs started with smoking Marijuana. Drug Addict Physical Appearance Irritated, red bloodshot eyes Dilated (large) pupils Sleepy appearance Reduced motivation Dazed or expressionless appearance Dry lips or “cotton mouth” Strong odor of burnt rope or grass on person or clothes Drug Addict Mannerisms or Behavior Slowed and/or slurred responses Walking around in a daze or euphoric stupor Lack of emotion, “whatever” attitude Staring out into space or at nothing May go into fits of laughter or laugh when there is nothing to laugh about. Putting clothes in wash immediately upon coming home Taking a quick shower before being around other Suddenly very hungry, “munchies” Responding to unusual sensations (such as tingling arms) Increased appetite, especially cravings for sweets Page 9 Use of eye drops Difficulties in thinking, comprehending, and remembering Drowsiness Easily distracted Drug Addict items around or hidden in the house, bedroom, etc. Seeds that have been cleaned from marijuana Rolling papers “Blunt” cigars Bongs Larger bags with leafy residue or seeds in them Small or “designer” pipes In all instances of substance abuse, watch for a tendency on the part of the abuser to refrain and shun conversation and face-to-face meetings with others. You are watching for behavior that represents a somewhat dramatic change in character from previous experience. The signs of drug abuse and drug addiction can be and will be explained away by the person using the drugs. If these signs are present, don't hesitate. Call Narconon Drug Rehab for a free confidential consultation. packs Signs Of Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction - Opiates Heroin is a white to dark brown powder or tar-like substance. It is normally stored in very small plastic Page 10 baggies, (like a miniature zip-lock baggie) or in the corner of a plastic baggie which is then tied off or knotted. If you find small empty baggies with any residue in them this may suggest the use of heroin. Pills may also be stored in small baggies, as well as folded up pieces of paper, or in matchboxes and cigarette packs. These may be stored in other pill bottles. Discarded syringes, spoons hidden with burn marks on the bottom, with residue in them indicate drug use. The person’s physical appearance will also give clues of possible drug use, for example, heroin or other opiates will cause the person to have constricted pupils which will appear like pinpoints or small dots, and another clue is that someone on opiates will usually itch and scratch frequently. Depending on how the person is using the drug, their nose may be red and raw, if snorting, or they will have needle marks on their arms, behind the knees or ankles. They may or not be very pale, sweating when the temperature is not hot. If someone is withdrawing, they will have flu-like symptoms, cramps, and nausea and diarrhea. These will disappear immediately after using again. They are usually very thirsty. Opiates affect people in different ways: some may get very "hyper" (active or frantic) and run around working or looking busy while others get very lethargic (nodding or doping off). The person may go around asking others for money. This will not be small change for cigarettes, but more like $20 or $40 here or there. Drug Addict Physical Appearance Constricted, pinpoint pupils Page 11 A nose that appears raw and red (if they sniff the drug) Needle marks in arms, behind knees, or ankles Do they wear long sleeve shirts even in hot weather to cover their arms Are they very pale Sweaty and extremely thirsty Drug Addict Mannerisms or Behavior Do they nod off, or dope off, in inappropriate circumstances? Do they itch and scratch lightly frequently? Very sick one day, cold symptoms, cramps, diarrhea, upset stomach, then perfectly fine the next day Drug Addict items around or hidden in the house, bedroom, etc. Little baggies with white or brownish residue Empty bottles of prescription medicine for Percocet, Oxycontin, Darvocet, etc Used or new hypodermic needles Spoons that look like they have been burned on the bottom, possibly bent Spoons that look like they have been used to crush pills Signs Of Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction - Cocaine and Crack Cocaine addiction can occur very quickly and be very difficult to break. Animal studies have shown that animals will work very hard (press a bar over 10,000 times) for a single injection of cocaine, choose cocaine over food and water, and take cocaine even when this behavior is Page 12 punished. Animals must have their access to cocaine limited in order not to take toxic or even lethal doses. People addicted to cocaine behave similarly. They will go to great lengths to get cocaine and continue to take it even when it hurts their school or job performance and their relationships with loved ones. Drug Addict Physical Appearance Glassy eyes Very very large pupils (hidden by sunglasses on occasion) A nose that appears raw and red (if they sniff the drug) Needle marks in arms, behind knees, or ankles Do they wear long sleeve shirts even in hot weather to cover their arms Scabs/burns on mouth, burn marks on fingers or arms Scabs on arms, face, legs from picking Teeth that are weak/broken Loss of weight Drug Addict Mannerisms or Behavior Erratic, restless, anxious behavior, irritable Trouble sitting still or relaxing, nervous, aggressive Do they itch and scratch often picking at parts of their arms, legs, or face Long periods of no sleep After being up for extended periods of times will “crash” and sleep for extended periods of time Tends to move fast, often repeating the same action for hours (cleaning, fixing something) Page 13 May have no appetite or interest in food Ramble in their conversation, jumping from one subject to the next Constantly sniffing, despite lack of cold or allergies constantly licking lips, extremely thirsty May sweat profusely Sudden change in appetite or weight Drug Addict items around or hidden in the house, bedroom, etc. Little baggies with white powder or crystal-looking residue Glass pipes, pipes with a bulb at the end, steel pipe or antenna broken with small pieces of brillo pad in them Used or new hypodermic needles Empty soft drink cans bent and tiny holes poked in them with burn marks at tiny holes Very powerful butane lighters with a strong jet flame SIGNS OF DRUG ABUSE AND DRUG ADDICTION-LSD and HALLUCINOGENS ABUSE Drug Addict Physical Appearance Glassy eyes Possibly very large pupils Blank, vacant stare Sweating, salivating Flushed skin Drug Addict Mannerisms or Behavior Page 14 Daydreaming, inattentive Inappropriate and extended interest in common objects Staring for extended time at object or body part, viewing from different angles, The person may also have a similar interest in body parts, such as a finger, hand or food. Conversation tends to be esoteric, like a "head trip." Hallucinations He will experience anxiety for no apparent reason. Drug Addict items around or hidden in the house, bedroom, etc. Empty or full bottles of cold medicine Page 15
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