R&R Motivational Coaches, LLC. 1 2013 BUSINESS PLAN PRESENTATION


R&R Motivational Coaches, LLC. 1 2013 BUSINESS PLAN PRESENTATION
R&R Motivational
Coaches, LLC.
As Change Agents: Our purpose is to utilize excellent communication skills to
diligently practice being the best “Active Listening Coach” ever. We serve with
humility, gratitude, passion toward the realization that through serving there's true
growth and reward.
Alter meeting with motivational Master-speaker Les Brown, R&R Motivational Coaches, LLC,
has collaborated with HVRP, Veteran’s group a organization within Recovery and the Mental
Heath outreach to provide motivational speaking and life coaching seminars, sessions, classes,
executive and personal life coaching skills to various government agencies and educational
institutions throughout the United States.
Market Summary
We are extremely focused and dedicated to intervention that encompasses: strategic motivational
techniques, social interaction, active listening, effective communication’s (Verbal and non - verbal). We
are committed to minimizing depression and self-sabotaging behaviors and providing clarity within the
life-cycle of theoretical verses real re-adjustments to corporate down-sizing and corporate and personal
conflict resolution techniques. Our core areas we specialized in are:
• Corporate Sales & Executive Business Coaching
• Motivational Speaker & Life Coach (Cognitive and Behavior communications resolution skills)
• Strategic Business Processes Management, (Business Plan, Forecasting & Sales Strategies)
• Life Coach Strategic Mentoring (K1 through K12 and Human Services Strategic Development).
• Strategic Intervention Coaching (Advanced strategies and techniques to resolve & facilitate the entire
range of human interaction and /conflict resolution)
• Strategic Intervention Coaching is managed in various methodologies for individual problems (one to
one, couple’s, family, peer groups, work groups, teams, departments, divisions and corporations)
Including reducing recidivism the prison population..
• The Reentry initiative is a new innovative collaborative model that we propose introducing for specific
and measurable metric for Industrial Prison Complex, reentry into society and then back to work.
Mission Statement: “To instill inspiration,
knowledge, dedication, innovation, while
providing these individuals and businesses
the tools needed to realize their dreams,
mental and physical health while reaching
their full peak potential." (Balance Life)
Value Statement
 Value
Proposition: “We value everyone’s birthright for
continued learning and self-development and this right is
vital, which is to be a well-adjusted contributing citizen to
Vision Statement
Statement: “Our Vision to contribute and help
foster a world where people have on-going support as well
countless resources and options to lead successful,
significant and well balance lives”.
 Vision
Our competitors in our model are Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy
Robbins Madanes Training (RMT), Nightingale Conant, Lori Stack, Eric
Lofholm and HVRP VA Recovery an drug and alcohol Facility.
 These are all separate and distinct entities none of them really offer the
entire cradle to grave approach and solutions as we are focused on
training, implementation , coaching pre and post life recovery solutions.
 Our competitive advantage is that our model allows for the partnership
and collation with two of most committed, dedicated, passionate,
knowledgeable organizations in their fields. TCP is a business strategist
with extensive grant writing and business strategic solutions and Jobs 4
USA , which offer real-time, tangible, measurable, tools, skills, jobs and
entrepreneurship coaching and development on-boarding, training
and life survival skills. All services combined makes for an real
quantifiable, measurable, sustainable reentry and life coaching and a
multi tier impactful intervention for those whom are stuck and show
addictive behavioral patterns.
 Both TCP serves both Non profit and business clients and Jobs USA is
501(3)c Non for profit with faith based elements as well.
The Team
Richard L. Robinson (CEO), Rene Pryor (Pres.) and JoAnna Williams (Pres.) Barry V.
Dow M.Ed., (SVP) Operations and Roland W. Ware MBA, (Co - Founder - CTO)
Our successes are vast and lengthy between our degrees, accomplishments and not to
mention more than 100 million dollars in revenue sold, earned, raised for our corporate
roles, clients an entrepreneurial endeavors.
We offer a very complete, strong, and diversified value proposition, we offer collectively
well over a century (120) years of professional experience in business, sales, customer
service, mentoring, coaching, training, intervention and host of other essential business
communications and cutting edge interpersonal life skills.
The entire team has hands on training and certification in teaching, developing
curriculum, Teach the Teacher modeling, Mindset Coaching, Cognitive Behavior
The Team
Richard L.
Robinson Co Founder CEO
Roland W. Ware
Co - Founder CTO
[TBD] Manager
[TBD] Manager
Barry V. Dow M. Ed
SVP Operations
Web Master
[TBD Name]
[TBD Name]
Strategic Coalition Team
R&R Motivational
Coaches, LLC.
The Consummate
Jobs USA 4 Felons
and Teens
Jobs 4 USA
Roland W. Co Founder
Richard R. Co Founder
JoAnna Williams
President and CEO
Rene A. Pryor
President CEO
Company Objectives
Mitigating double jeopardy or catch 22 for those who have been precluded from gaining healthy
employment? Without employment options they can't support their families, lose morale, become depressed,
self-sabotaging and eventually become self defeated and enter into despair and hopelessness. It's at this point
we have lost them to illegal activity just to survive? This isn't comprehensive Reentry service but, rather a
prescription for failure Recidivism ~ Short Term initiatives:
Job placement centers or entities, 2) Reform of background checks for those whom have paid their
debts to society. 3) Reinstate or modification of voting and the stigma associated with recently freed
inmates that enable their inability to be hired or pass hiring practices. Thus mitigating double jeopardy
or catch 22 for those have been precluded from gaining healthy employment? Without employment
options they can't support their families, lose morale, become depressed, self-sabotaging and eventually
defeated in enter to despair and hopelessness. It's at this point we have lost them to illegal activity just
to survive? This isn't comprehensive Reentry service but, rather a prescription for failure Recidivism
Reform of background checks for those whom have paid their debts to society Identify key decisions
and issues that need immediate or near-term resolution.
Reinstate or modification of voting and the stigma associated with recently freed inmates that enable
their inability to be hired or pass hiring practices State consequences of decision postponement.
 Long Term initiatives:
Identify: Resources in community that encompasses financial options, career options. By focusing on
and Identifying key strategic and positive relationships (Family, Medical, Church and Accountability
The establishment of partnerships and coalition for the creation of the following:
Provide leadership, direction, ideas, and collaboration to help foster stable living conditions, pre and
post support groups, implement and train the require skills that are essential for any candidate for
employment. The on-boarding skills process will help to instill benchmarks for a new value system, a
creation of new subconscious mindset of positive behaviors, choices and habits. Integrating Faith
based organizations.
Continued awareness training on the cost of choices and actions:
Introduction of life problem solving skills such as Active Listening, Descripting, and Disarm and
Empathy interpersonal skill set. Cognitive distortion tools and All or none Thinking, Minimization
and Magnification Jumping to conclusions and Emotional Reasoning techniques to get better
awareness surrounding the consequences of actions or choices. Finally, introduction of the Bart Head
and both Double and Triple Column techniques. (Automatic Thoughts)
Financial Plan
“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship...the act that endows
resources with a new capacity to create wealth.” ~ Peter F. Drucker
Financial Projection Targets 2013
Forecast 2013 - $90,000.00
Forecast 2014 - $100,000.00
Forecast 2015 - $200,000.00
Forecast 2016 - $300,000.00
Forecast 2017 - $350,500.00
News Release
ETA News Release: [03/18/2013]
Contact Name: Laura McGinnis
Phone Number: (202) 693-4653
Release Number: 13-0499-NAT
US Department of Labor announces $20 million in grant funds available to help adult inmates in work release programs prepare to re-enter
the workforce
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration today announced the availability of approximately
$20 million in grant funds to help adult inmates prepare to re-enter the workforce. The department expects to award 15 grants of up to $1.4 million
each to organizations that will provide training and employment to inmates ages 18 and older participating in state or local work release programs.
"Funded programs will provide essential support for adults who have served their time and are looking for ways to re-enter the workforce, and
support themselves and their families," said acting Secretary of Labor Seth D. Harris. "These investments in rebuilding lives also reduce stress on
state and local budgets, and contribute to increased community stability."
ETA has invested in five generations of the Reintegration of Ex-Offenders-Adult Program, which historically have been employment-centered.
Research from the departments of Labor and Justice shows that ex-offenders are more likely to obtain employment and experience career growth if
they acquire industry-recognized credentials. Since program year 2011, ETA has required grantees to provide training that leads to an industryrecognized credential prior to the end of the performance period. Additionally, ETA has found that programs offering pre-release services have higher
post-release enrollment and more successful program outcomes.
These grants are being made available through the Training to Work-Adult Re-entry program and will build on research findings to provide services
to offenders who are enrolled in work release programs and are ready for work. Participants will have approved release dates typically ranging from
six to nine months and are still under state or local correctional supervision. Grantees will focus on in-demand industries and occupations in which
ex-offenders are eligible to work.
Each year, approximately 700,000 inmates are released from state and federal prisons, and return to their communities and families. Without
assistance to make a successful transition, the majority of former offenders return to criminal activity. In order to successfully reintegrate into their
communities, it is essential that these individuals have the skills and support necessary to compete for and obtain jobs.
Recipients of these grants must be located in or have existing staff presence, such as satellite offices or shared office space, in an area with high
poverty and crime rates. Any nonprofit organization with 501(3)(c) status that meets the requirements of the solicitation may apply. The solicitation
for grant applications, which includes information about how to apply, is at http://www.grants.gov. For more information about the Department of
Labor's range of employment and training programs, visit http://www.doleta.gov.
"Business has only two functions ~ marketing and innovation.”
~ Peter F. Drucker
(SWOT) Analysis
Year one (1) is primarily focused on the establishment of the brand, team an the infrastructure. Identify
target clients. Markets and strategy for acquiring leads, business networks in Coaching and Reentry
markets specifically. Target minimum #5 new client monthly.
Year one (1) Revenue goals are - $15,000. 00 MRR or $90.000.00 by EOY 2013
Year two (2) Equipment and goals of the coalition alliance is to secure $100,000.00 to 200,000.00 in grant
funding for operational cost, and office space, and material's cost, i.e. laptop, tablets, network servers,
Seminar hotel space and brochures, CD’s Social & Streaming Media.
Year three (3) Revenue goals are $25,000 MRR to $300,000.00 sustainable through years 3 , 4, and 5. The
book of business and forecast with embedded clients . Target delta is a minimum of #300 clients of various
sizes S,M, L and should be comprised of executive coaching, personal life coaching, reentry intervention
coaching, mentoring, public speaking and training seminars.
State specific, measurable objectives for achieving your five-year goals.
All revenues are divided equally by the coalition alliance at the pre determined and agreed upon
percentage rate of 33.3% each for total allocation of revue potential of 100 %.
Resource Requirements
List requirements for the following resources: The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration / Nonprofit
Organizations Working with the Reentry Population Grants
5 partners within (3) organizations forming a new comprehensive collaborative alliance Cutting Edge technologies and Training
with this discipline
Equitable distribution of acquired funds in equal 33.3% divided by 3 companies equals 100%
Department of Labor Announces $20 million in Funding Opportunity
for Nonprofit Organizations Working with the Reentry Population Promotion
The approaches the principles for creating a catalyst for change and a paradigm shift in communications, active listening and the
ethics and moral values that determines our behavioral patterns, from an experiential standpoint, provides participants with
specific techniques for inducing a motivated and better cognitive professional and personal life decisions.
This mindset and motivational technique’s has both internal and external concepts and exercises. Some of techniques from RMT,
Tony Robbins and, Brain Tracy, Vic Conant, Les Brown, and many others pioneers in the field of (NLP) Neuro Linguistics
programming, persuasion to produce peak performers Roland enables members to take these techniques and implement them
within their organizations, professional and personal relationships for immediate tangible results.
Risks and Rewards
Mantra: “In any given situation in life, your behavior and your intent must always be in
alignment.” ~ RRPROMC
 Why R&R Motivational Coaches LLC. Our Strategic and Core Services centered
on educating our clients in world-class marketing and business development
techniques using workshops, seminars, webinars and other technologies.
Contacts Us: www.rrpromc.com or www.jobs4usa.info
Roland Ware or Richard L. Robinson (702)764-3914 or (408) 896-2400
[email protected] and [email protected], particularly if you
are seeking funding.
8 R&R Motivational Coaches
Roland W. Ware
Motivational Speaker / Life Coach
[email protected]
TCPThe Consummate Professional