NSD1179 How to Install One Time Password Server Prefetch ASP.NET... Application on IIS 7 and IIS 7.5 Fact Situation


NSD1179 How to Install One Time Password Server Prefetch ASP.NET... Application on IIS 7 and IIS 7.5 Fact Situation
NSD1179 How to Install One Time Password Server Prefetch ASP.NET Web
Application on IIS 7 and IIS 7.5
Nordic Edge One Time Password Server, IIS 7.x, Prefetch ASP.NET Web Application
Installing the One Time Password Prefetch ASP.NET Web Application
The OTP prefetch application ships with two pages (two different scenarios).
Self Service - SelfService.aspx is a self service page. The user logs in and gets a number of
prefetch passwords by SMS or e-mail.
Centralized Administration - CentralizedAdmin.aspx is a centralized administration page.
An "OTP prefetch password"-administrator logs in and gets a number of prefetch passwords, for a
selected user account, by e-mail.
System Requirements
Nordic Edge One Time Password Server 1.6 or later
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later ●
IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5
Nordic Edge One Time Password Server installed and configured to use SMS or e-mail to send OTP
Add ASP.NET support if using IIS 7.5 (ASP.NET is not default included with IIS 7.5)
Download the OtpPreFetch.zip
Unzip OtpPreFetch.zip to ~inetpub/wwwroot/OtpPreFetch
Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
Expand Sites, right click on an existing Web Site (Eg. Default Web Site) and click in Add
Fill in the form with Alias and Physical path (the path to the directory where you unzipped
OtpPreFetch.zip). Click OK
IIS configuration is done
Open Intern Explorer and type the URL to the new OTP Prefetch web application. Eg. http://
localhost/OTPPrefetch ●
Verify that the Web Application is working as expected. Type a username and the corresponding
password and the user should receive a SMS with the Prefetch OTP code. INFO: The Prefetch
application will read the mobile number from the users object in the LDAP directory.
Figure: The SelfService.aspx Page
Figure: The SMS-message with the Prefetch OTP code.
Open ~/wwwroot/OtpPreFetch/bin/web.config with an editor like Notepad.exe. In the section <appSettings> you’ll find the host tag.
The tag <system.web> provides language and culture support. <configuration>
<add key="host" value=""/>
<!-- <globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="Auto" uiCulture="Auto"/> -->
<!-- NOTE: If Culture is set "Auto", Culture is set by the browser -->
<!--globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="sv-SE" uiCulture="sv-SE"/-->
<globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US"/>
Change, if necessary, the “host” value for your environment. ●
To change the language support to swedish, uncomment the following row:
<globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="sv-SE" uiCulture="sv-SE"/>
Comment out the row for english language support:
<!--globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US"/-->
Modify Content in SelfService.aspx or CentralizedAdmin.aspx
If you want to change the default value (5) in “Numbers of…” to, for instance 10, make these
<asp:ListItem>5</asp:ListItem><asp:ListItem Selected="True">10</asp:ListItem>
…and to add another digit
If you want to add an item or a method, in this case “chatAttribute” and Chat, to the “Send via”
drop down list, just add the tags below:
Send via:<asp:DropDownList ID="dlSendAttrib" runat="server" style="margin-left: 108px; margintop: 6px;">
<asp:ListItem Value="mobile">SMS</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="mail">e-Mail</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="chatAttribute">Chat</asp:ListItem>
Configuration for Centralized Administration Page
The CentralizedAdmin.aspx works as the SelfService.aspx except from some differences. These are:
The account which generates the prefetch passwords has to be an "OTP prefetch administrator"
The Help Desk may want to receive the generated OTP's instead of the user receiving the OTP's
How to configure an "OTP prefetch administrator" in the OTP Server, see NSD1183
How to configure the OTP Server to send an e-mail containing prefetched OTP's to a static "OTP
prefetch receiver", see NSD1184
Figure: The CentralizedAdmin.aspx Page
Revision History
14th december 2011
Updated with IIS 7.5 settings (Add ASP.NET
support) ●
Print screen of Prefetch OTP code
Changed test-steps to use Internet Explorer
instead of IIS Managers build in Browser
Version 1.6.1
Installation guide now describes adding the
11th januari 2011
application to an existing IIS web site (instead of
creating a new IIS web site)
Version 1.6 ●
Added Default.aspx
30th December 2010
Added language support
Renamed Login.aspx to SelfService.aspx
Renamed LoginAdmin.aspx to
1st June 2009 Initial document
One Time Password Server Configuration
Now, you have to add your IIS Web Server as a client in your One Time Password Server configuration.
How to add a client is described in the One Time Password Server 3.0 – Administrators Manual in
section 13 Client Configuration.