How to Reserve A Computer Lab at BMS


How to Reserve A Computer Lab at BMS
How to Reserve A Computer Lab at BMS
Check for available labs on the BMS Computer Lab Calendar. This
will save lots of time.
Click on Request Form link on the Computer Lab Calendar page. This
takes you to Eduphoria.
Log in and you will go straight to FormSpace. Click Submit New Form bottom left corner - then click Technology.
Middle School
Choose the form titled: Computer Lab Request – be sure to use the
BMS form. This highlights it orange and takes you to Select a
Workflow. Choose LAB REQUEST.
Fill out the form. Please be as thorough as possible. TEKS can now
be on the form or in eduphoria. Be sure you have TEKS for the
project in one place or the other!
When the form is complete, click the Submit Form icon at the
bottom of the form.
The form will go to Mary Howard, who will approve or deny the
request based on availability. Check for any questions she may
have about the project in this email, and respond directly to her.
You will be notified via email (from School Objects) as to the
status of your request.
Approved requests will be added to the calendar.