Oct 3, 2010 - St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
Oct 3, 2010 - St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
ST. ALPHONSUS C AT H O L I C COMMUNITY Est. 1867 St. Alphonsus Catholic Church 210 E. Logan, Lemont Parish Office Center Fax Religious Ed. Office School Office 20W145 Davey Road 630-257-2414 630-257-2476 630-257-2371 630-783-2220 Website: www.st-als.org E-mail: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-4 pm Mass Schedule Weekend Schedule 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 am Weekday Schedule Monday-Friday 7:30 am in the chapel Holy Days to be announced Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday—8:00 am—8:00 pm, chapel Sacramental Life Reconciliation Saturday—4:00 to 4:30 pm Or by appointment Baptism Baptisms are usually celebrated the second and third Sunday of every month. No Baptisms during Lent Marriage Prospective bride and groom must be registered parishioners for at least 6 months before a wedding date may be scheduled Sick and Homebound Contact the office, 257-2414 to receive a visit from a Minister of Care October 3, 2010 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 October 3, 2010 Archdiocese of Chicago October 2010 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last month, I received a letter from Archbishop Donald Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington, D.C., informing me of the introduction of the cause of canonization of Mary Virginia Merrick. Miss Mary, as she was known, grew up in a family of great wealth and privilege. At the age of twelve, she fell while playing outdoors and was paralyzed from the waist down. From that point onward, she used a wheelchair to get around; her mobility was limited to the use of only her hands and arms. Nonetheless, Miss Mary continued toattend school and would accompany her mother when she went to deliver food to the poor. Several years later, Miss Mary established The Christ Child Society, an organization dedicated to helping needy children. Reading the story of her life was a moving experience for me. In the midst of so many physical hardships, her response to the Lord was truly exemplary. Because of my own physical disabilities, I was touched by her life and the spirituality she developed. During the month of October, our parishes observe both Respect Life Month and Inclusion Awareness Sunday. Both are critically important because of the “culture of death” so present in society . . . One in which human life is disposable and the unique dignity of each person disregarded. Mary Virginia Merrick’s life is a beautiful example of how people of all abilities have gifts to bring to the Church and society; God uses every one of us to build up the Body of Christ. I invite each one of you, as individuals and as members of your parish community, to reflect today on the ways in which you can make people of differing abilities feel welcomed and appreciated. Providing everyone with opportunities to participate in worship and in service is a demonstration of our own open hearts and reminds us all about how much we can grow and learn when everyone is included in parish life. May God bless all of you and your families. Each day, I remember you and your intentions before the Lord and I ask that you remember me in your own prayers. Sincerely yours in Christ, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago Faith in Action In today’s Gospel the apostles entreat Jesus: “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). He responds with two stories about putting faith into action — the surest way to increase one’s faith. The story of “faith the size of a mustard seed” (Luke 17:6) shows that even a tiny bit of faith can work wonders when it is put into action. The story of the faithful servants who did “what [they] were obliged to do” (Luke 17:10) reminds us that putting the gift of faith into action is essential to the vocation of discipleship. In the reading from the second letter to Timothy we are encouraged to “stir into flame the gift of God . . . With the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us” (2 Timothy1:6, 14). Those who put their faith into action will be like “the just one” in today’s reading from Habakkuk, who, “because of his faith, shall live” (Habakkuk 2:4). ©Copyright, J.S. Paluch Co. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 October 3, 2010 Please Pray For St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) October 4th When Francis Zeffirelli’s Brother Sun, Sister Moon was released (1972), people were shocked by the movie’s graphic nudity in the dramatic conversion scene. Son of a wealthy merchant, Francis’ aimless adolescence ended when a failed military expedition led to his imprisonment and complete breakdown. Once home, Francis rediscovered God in the beauty of nature and the ugliness of human suffering, caring for lepers, praying in the little church of San Damiano, whose crucified Jesus he heard calling, “Repair my house, Francis, which is falling into ruins.” Francis sold his possessions — and his father’s — to fulfill this command. When his father objected, Francis disrobed: “I return the clothes, your name, and all you gave me: God alone is my Father now.” Later, the pope would dream of a ragged friar stretching forth a single hand to prop up the crumbling papal Cathedral of Saint John Lateran. Francis indeed helped rebuild the universal Church, founding the Friars Minor (Franciscan), dying at a young forty-four, bearing the stigmata of the Christ whose living icon he remains — in the Church and far beyond it. MJF and Jenny Paketuris Samantha Rodriguez Mason Briese & Matt Parker Patt Pearl & Pat Deder Liam Kelly Carlos Reyna, Kevin McGuire John McNicholas Mary Rohrich & Eileen S. Baby Evan & Baby Nicholas Susan Margaret Montalto Geraldine Beck Donald Cuttill Rest in Peace Jean Moon October 7th Feast of — Peter Scagnelli, ©Copyright, J.S. Paluch Co. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH Preach always; if necessary, use words. — Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi Interested In Becoming New Monthly Contemplative Prayer Group a Eucharistic Minister? There will be a New Eucharistic Minister Training session on Monday, October 4th beginning at 7:00 pm in the Church. All parishioners interested in this ministry are welcome. Please contact Sharon Kostes at (630) 243-8434 with any questions. We will continue to work with the Thomas Merton Contemplative Prayer Series by Ave Maria Press. And we will meet once a month, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the RE Building. Our study has been a growth experience and we have learned to value ourselves and one another. If you are interested in continuing or in starting with us please contact Doreen at 630.257.2414 or [email protected]. Next Meeting is October 5th. Hope to see you there! St. Alphonsus 11th Twenty-third Twenty-seventh Sunday In Sunday Church Ordinary Sunday in Ordinary inTime Ordinary Time Time Religious Education Update Page Page PageFour Four 34 Lemont, October June September 17,3, Illinois 2007 2010 5, 2010 News and Happenings NO CLASS NEXT WEEK… COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND! WELCOME TO THE FAMILIES NEW TO OUR PROGRAMS! Bell, Brown, Chavarria, Cochrane, Cryer, Crylen, Deal, DeBlecourt, Eaton, Francis, Hagen, Indestad, Kaye, Komendant, Madej, Mihalski, Pacyga, Parinello, Pilelis,Reed, Smith, Sullivan, Ybarra They join nearly 260 families looking to provide their children with a solid foundation in the Catholic faith that will serve them in leading lives with purpose and joy. We appreciate the 59 volunteer catechists and catechist-aides who generously give their time to assist parents and to make a difference in children’s lives. We welcome and thank our new lead catechists: Jennifer Eaton, Amanda Doornbos, Melissa Doornbos, Rachel Filippini, Tonia Tomas, Mary Gagen, Kelly Hagen, Matt Crites, Kim Crites; and our new catechist-aides: Katie Pellegrine, Liz Bosko, Jen Doornbos, Elise Cody, Brianne Cody, Alyssa Szymanski, Paige Szymanski, Sherry Bakovich, and Tigi Tasso. Ten of our catechist-aides are high schoolers… we have never had so many young people! They relate well to our kids and they are a great example! BACK IN SESSION! It was good to see all of the excited and enthusiastic faces this past week…. on the children, catechists, and parents! It is such a good feeling of community with all of the greetings, hand shakes, hugs, smiles, and laughter as some reconnected and others came for the first time. Our 2010-2011 journey has begun…. What blessings will it bring! SIGNED MASS Fr. Joseph Mulcrone from the Office of the Deaf will preside at and sign the 5:00 Mass on Oct. 3rd for the children and their families in our RE Program for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our children will have the opportunity to serve as acolytes and lectors. FAMILY: THE KEY LINK TO A CHILD’S RELIGIOUS FORMATION This is our theme for this program year. We view religious education as teaching a way of life. Since learning a way of life takes place primarily in the home, we see ourselves as assisting parents in their primary role as catechists to their children…. handing on the faith. It is up to the family to create the basic environment in which a sense of God's presence is awakened. It is where children are first introduced to Jesus; they learn basic prayers, right from wrong, and how to live harmoniously with others. The faith life of parents is part of the "religious curriculum" of the child. A parent's growing faith and good example at home are vital to a child's faith development. Consequently, during this year, each of us wants to pay greater attention to what we do as a family to practice our faith. Every family will be receiving a Handbook for Today’s Catholic Family and a faith journal. We will have a number of initiatives related to our theme during the course of the year. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT OPENING My current administrative assistant, Sherri Rodriguez completed her employment here on Friday to accept a full-time position in medical administration. We thank Sherri for her contribution to our program, and wish her well in this new phase of her life. Kevin Cody, Director, 630-257-2371 [email protected], Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 October 3, 2010 Around St. Al’s You haven’t tried MARKET DAY yet???!!??!! Check out our website: www.stals-stpats.org Girl Scouts from St. Al’s/St. Pat’s participated in the Lemont Service Unit Sponsored Second Annual Pancake Breakfast. The Breakfast was held on Saturday, September 25th at the First Church of the Nazarene. Place an order online at www.marketday.com for our October 16 Sale, use promo code NEWFIVE at checkout, and SAVE $5 when you spend $25!* St. Alphonsus/St. Patrick School School Code 3260 Many different troops were on hand who worked hard and had fun! Over 300 breakfasts were served to many hungry guests. Great job girls! Sale Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010 Pick-up Time: 9:30-10:30 am 20W145 Davey Road (Lemont Rd. North, west at Davey Rd. stoplight) Internet orders due by 11 pm CST Wednesday, October 13 *Offer good for first time purchase only. Minimum purchase requirement before tax. MEN’S AND WOMEN’S CLUB MEETINGS Men’s Club Meeting Monday - October 4th ~ 7:00 PM ~ Church Hall All men of the parish welcome! Women’s Club Meeting Everyone is invited to join us on this Tuesday evening, October 5th, in the Church Hall for our meeting. The meeting starts at 7:30 pm but if you’d like to join us for Adoration, please meet in the Chapel at 7 pm. Membership is $20/year and includes snacks and beverage at all meetings and a ticket to our Men’s and Women’s Christmas party. Please come and check us out and see what the Club is doing this year! If you can’t make it or have any questions, please call Jen at 630-863-2252. Women’s Salad Luncheon The Women’s Club would like to invite all women for a free lunch on Sunday, October 17th at 12:30 pm in the church hall. Please check next week’s bulletin or call Jen at 630-863-2252 for more details. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 Cardinal Arinze to Preside At Poor Clare Sisters Monestary Cardinal Arinzeis currently the Perfect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments for Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican. He will be saying 3 masses at the Poor Clare Sisters Monestary on Friday, Oct 8, Saturday, Oct 9 and Sunday, Oct 10. All masses will be at 7 AM. The Poor Clare Sisters Monestary is located at 12210 Will Cook Road in Palos Park. Welcome Little Ones To St. Alphonsus If you are expecting a baby, family and friends have showered you with gifts and you have no doubt furnished and decorated a nursery. In the same way your Catholic community, through the sacrament of Baptism, welcomes and offers spiritual strength and encouragement as your child begins a life-long journey of faith. Our baptismal preparation program, Welcome Little Ones to St. Alphonsus is a one hour discussion that will help you better understand the sacrament of Baptism. This class can be taken while awaiting the birth of your child or shortly after the baby is born. The discussion meets the first Tuesday of October December, February, April, June at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center located on Walnut Street. If you have not attended a baptismal preparation class at St. Alphonsus in the last three years you must participate in a Welcome Little Ones to St. Alphonsus session. Please take time now to consider which of the sessions fits into your plans to celebrate your baby’s first step on his or her Christian journey. Call the Parish Office at 630-257-2414 to schedule the baptismal preparation session along with your baptismal date. Next class date is October 5th.. October 3, 2010 IAL SOC CE I JUST Now that November 2 is around the corner, let’s talk about the elections. Separation of Church and State has been thrown around and misinterpreted way too much. The Church’s obligation to participate in shaping the moral character of society is a requirement of our faith. Our nations tradition of pluralism is enhanced, not threatened, when religious groups and people of faith bring their convictions and concerns into public life. As Catholic’s, we should be guided more by our moral convictions than by our attachment to a political party or interest group. Pope Benedict XVI, in his recent reflection on the Eucharist as “the sacrament of charity,” challenged all of us to adopt what he calls “a Eucharistic form of life.” The love we encounter in the Eucharist should shape our thoughts, our words, our decisions, including those that pertain to the social order. In the next few weeks, we will talk about the amendments, the referendums, and politicians that will be on the ballot on November 2, 2010. This political reflection makes us stronger in our faith when we are acting through the Spirit, doing God’s work on earth, and giving everyone the opportunity for —Life Liberty and pursuing Happiness. Remember In Your Prayers… Ryan Meder, USMC, Iraq Russell Neal, USA, Fort Campbell Scott Bosco, USA, Kuwait Robert McKinney, USAF, Afghanistan Mark Giancarol, USA, Iraq Christopher King, USA, Iraq Chris Hearne, USN, Virginia David Borkowski, USN, Mississippi David DiSanto, USN, San Diego Thomas Walsh, USMC Jacob Christine, USN, San Diego Jason Fricka, USAF, Afghanistan Kevin Doyle, USA And all those who serve our country. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 October 3, 2010 October 2010 - Respect Life Month “The Measure of Love... is to Love without Measure” How we care for an unexpected child, a parent suffering from cognitive impairment, or an infant with a disability does not reflect the degree of their humanity, but our own. We are as dependent on them as they are on us. There can be no compromise with the standard Jesus set and continually call us to: The measure of love is to love without measure. —United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Guest Speaker in Lemont - October 14th Mary-Louise Kurey Facing Infertility: A Journey of Faith, Hope, and Love Thursday, October 14th— 7pm SS Cyril and Methodius (Sivore school hall) Mary-Louise Kurey, former Director of the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago, will discuss her own journey, various treatments, and Naprotechnology, a scientific breakthrough that assists couples in giving birth to healthy children! For additional information please call 630-257-2543. HOPE AND FORGIVENESS AFTER ABORTION—888-456-HOPE Please join the Lemont Respect Life Ministry for a Peaceful Vigil of Prayer Sunday, October 31st Anytime from 7am to 9am Access Health Center 1700 75th St. in Downers Grove Movie Night Come join us to watch “Blood Money” October 28th, 7pm St. Alphonsus Church Hall Blood Money is a documentary film that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry. This film will examine the history of abortion in America from the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics to the devastating effects it has had on women. Lemont Parishes Respect Life Ministry Respect Life Coordinators: St. Cyril and Methodius - Kandy Carmen 630-243-0539, Vicki Anzalone 630-257-2543; St. James Diane Wall 630-243-0313; St. Patrick - Roseanne Garavan-Oskielunas 630-257-7254; St. Alphonsus - Kathy McKendry 708-819-0911. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 8 October 3, 2010 Sunday FRESHMEN SOPHMORES October 17, 2010 Teen Meeting 6:00 St Pat’s Parish Center “Meet Fr. Kurt” MATT DOHERTY SPEAKS TO THE TEENS One on one with Fr. Kurt All teens are welcome. Don’t miss this great opportunity to hear Fr. Kurt’s story and insights. Pizza and refreshments JUNIORS SENIORS Teen Service Project All Teens Welcome Sunday October 24, 2010 1-3:30 Open House For Teens ~ Sunday October 24, 2010 1:00 pm-2:00 pm- Pray at the abortion clinic at 1700 75th St. Downers Grove 2pm-3pm -Women’s Choice Services (Next door) Tour, information and Service project at the facility to help women and children. We will be car pooling to the facility please R.S.V.P. Mike Lundberg [email protected] Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 October 3, 2010 Knit and Crochet Group Meeting Monday-October 11, 2010 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Lemont Park District 16028 W. 127th Street, Lemont, IL FREE ADMISSION RAFFLES REFRESHMENTS Services Flu & pneumonia shots, Chair message, Blood pressure, Chiropractic/nutrition weight loss evaluations, Foot screening, Hearing screening…and more Information Provided About Alzheimer’s, Veteran’s benefits Lemont Park District & Library Consumer resource, Crime prevention Funerals, Investment broker Lemont Township government Hospice & palliative care Law enforcement senior services Medical insurance, Nutrition Retirement living options Social security, Unclaimed property or money …and more COLLECTING OLD EYE GLASSES AND CELL PHONES Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T.) Counseling By Fr. Rohrich Counseling services are available by Fr. Bob Rohrich at the DePaul Center, 212 Custer. Appointment times on weekdays are: 10:00 and 11:00 am and 5:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 pm. Father Bob counsels the engaged and married, as well as individuals for depression, anxiety, grieving, separation, divorce and other personal problems. The cost is a $10.00 donation for each session. Please call, 630-257-9235. Remember that the Knit and Crochet Group meets the first Wednesday of each month at Nancy Zuccarelli’s house at 1350 Overton Drive in Lemont. If you have not joined us before-no problem-come just the same. If you have joined us before or are a regular-we look forward to seeing you on October 6th at 7:00 PM Announcing the Formation of the St. Patrick Employment Ministry: H.O.P.E. Helping Our People seeking Employment A new ministry is being established at St. Patrick to help those who are un-employed or under-employed find employment. The new ministry is called Helping Our People seeking Employment, or H.O.P.E. The ministry will meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm in the St. Patrick Parish Hall (Cass Street building basement) starting October 14. The meetings will cover important employment seeking skills such as writing effective resumes, cover letters, job search strategies, and most importantly the opportunity to network. The meetings will include guest speakers from time to time to provide key insights to finding employment. The meetings are open to anyone seeking employment and employers with positions to fill. The St. Patrick HOPE ministry will coordinate with existing HOPE ministries at St. Elizabeth Seton in Tinley Park and Our Lady of the Woods in Orland Park to maximize employment networking and opportunity exchange. If you are in need of employment, or have employment opportunities to offer, please join us on Thursday, October 14 at 7 pm in the St. Patrick Parish Hall. Contact Larry or Roseanne Oskielunas at 630-257-7254 for more information. Twenty-seventh Twenty-third Sunday Sunday in Ordinary in Ordinary Time Time Page 10 I&M Canal Y.A.C.H.T. Club Young Adult Catholics Hanging Together For people in their 20’s & 30’s We raised our anchor and sailed to a new location: Illinois Bar & Grill ~ 1131 State St., Lemont Join us on the second (soon to be third) Tuesday of every month at Illinois Bar & Grill between September and May. Cost is $5 admission plus whatever you order off the menu. We meet from 7pm-9:30pm with the speaker beginning at 7:30pm. www.yamchicago.org Tuesday, October 12 The God of Surprise, Delight and Wonder Dr. Terry Nelson Johnson is director of faith formation at Old St. Patrick’s Church. For 18 years, he was on the faculty of Loyola Academy. He holds a doctorate in ministry from the University of St. Mary of the Lake. Dr. Terry is a nationally-acclaimed speaker, who is also the author and leader of the Beloved retreat, bringing everyone from confirmandi to whole parishes closer to God. Being a prolific writer, his reflections and essays have been widely published in local and national publications. Dr. Terry encompasses storytelling, poetry and humor to keep his audience tuned in and tuned on to God. 145,000 Stained Glass Window Collection 125,000 Thank you for your kind and generous response to the appeal for St. Al’s stained glass windows collection. We have collected $98,286.95of the total cost. 100,000 75,000 50,000 We will continue to keep you informed of the amount collected. Once again, thank you. 25,000 Additional Envelopes 15,000 If you need extra envelopes for the stained glass window fund, they are in the back of the church. Weekly Offering September 25th & 26th 2010 Week’s Need Sunday’s Collection Electronic Fund (EFT) Surplus (Deficit) Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus (Deficit) Last Year $12,232.00 $ 7,313.45 $ 654.47 ($ 4,264.08) ($38,776.84) $ 8,810 Thank you for your support of our parish. October September 3, 2010 5, 2010 St. Alphonsus Catholic Church Parish Registration Everyone 18 years and older should register for the parish. To register, please call the Office Center, 257-2414 or you can register online at www.st-als.org. Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Brian Ardagh Weekend Celebrants: Fr. Robert Rohrich Diaconal Ministry: Deacon Terry McGuire DRE: Mr. Kevin Cody School Principal: Ms. Renee Payne Pastoral Associate: Doreen Dabney Youth Minister: Michael Lundberg Office Coordinator: Mrs. Roseann Lucas Accountant: Ms. Carol Levas Music Director: Mr. Joseph Martorano Music Staff Ms. Christina Grinius Ms. Anne Madden Ms. Diane Marelli SPRED: Ms. Carol Levas Parish Pastoral Council Members Mike Bruno Paul Christin Diane Kaye Deb Kornacker Barbara Laubhan Bev Malak Paul Malak Renate Meyer Jim Pickering Keith Polk James Zuccarelli Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 11 October 3, 2010 Mass Intentions Saturday, October 2 Thursday, October 7 5:00 pm — Marie Gancarz — Dave & Phyllis Josephitis 7:30 am —Grayce Lehnhardt — Doherty Family Sunday, October 3 Friday, October 8 7:00 am — Edward McGury — Florence McGury 7:30 am — John A. Graf Bob Michalek — Family Patrick Hennerby — Patricia Stein 8:30 am — Chester Klos — Carol & John Cacciato Saturday, October 9 Parishioners of St . Alphonsus 5:00 pm — Christopher Wheatley — Tom & Nancy Golden 10:00 am —Jane Hobbs — Ralph & Bonnie Shroyer Josephine Piekosz — Piekosz family Josephine (Freehauf) Evans — Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cericola— Mary Fabis Jerry & Kay Baudino Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Fabis—Mary Fabis Mildred & Orville Tessem — Lin Eldred Sunday, October 10 11:30 am — Casey Galasinski — Family 7:00 am — Estelle Kogut — Friends Daniel Dylla — Jacqueline Dylla Josephine (Freehauf) Evans — Arlene Gould Helen Szmagalski — Daughter 8:30 am — Anniversary of Carol & John Cacciato (49 years) & Intentions of Jack & Syneta Olson Kim & Jerry Lewis (10 years) 60th Wedding Anniversary 10:00 am —Margaret M. Rimbo — Darlene Howen Stanley & Margaret Rimbo — Family Monday, October 4 7:30 am — Henry Graf Greg Tory — Litoborski Family 11:30 am — Parishioners of St. Alphonsus Tuesday, October 5 7:30 am — Patricia Goode—Tony Goode Janice Dombroviak — Grace,Rylee & Janice Alice Grove — MaryEllen Long Wednesday, October 6 7:30 am — Gertrude (Trudy) Hunter — Elizabeth Hendricks Joseph & Augusta Serio— Jody Sternat Date Liturgical Ministers Schedule Time Presider Lector Ministers & Sacristan Servers Ushers Music Oct. 9 *5:00 pm Fr. Brian Ardagh P. Josephitis D. Josephitis (S) G. August B. Rogers G. Smith (C) K. Perkey (C) I. Dziak J. Hopkins J. August G. August J. Nemeth S. Wall Cantor and Keyboard Oct. 10 7:00 am Fr. Bob Rohrich R. Kaiser G. Kaiser (S) G. Umentum J. Sternat J. Bruns G. Bozych J. Counter J. Bannon None 8:30 am Fr. Bob Rohrich D. Dabney C. Cacciato (S) C. Kuhlman D. Czaja E. Lambert Munoz Family J. Latz M. Bruno M. Kardas, Sr. M. Kardas, Jr. R. Burke Children’s Choir 10:00 am Fr. Tom White B. Kaufman A. Padalik (S) G. Padalik R. Meyer Aiello Family J. Ward B. Litoborski T. Dalton M. Mars R. Parry Parish Choir 11:30 am Fr. Tom White J. Chiaramonte D. Chiaramonte (S) K. Polk M. Malewski J. Polk Lyewski Family H. Rejlik J. Loisi Cantor and Keyboard 5:00 pm St. Pat’s Fr. Kurt Boras * Communion under both species St. Alphonsus Bulletin is a weekly publication of St. Alphonsus Catholic Community of Lemont, Illinois. All rights reserved. Printing by J. S. Paluch Co., Inc., Schiller Park, Illinois.
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