Document 6502974
Document 6502974
How to Measure Guide CORSA - How To Measure CORSA - Howillustrate To Measure The following diagrams the measurements we will need from you when ordering thru-hull exhaust components such as diverters or complete muffler systems. ordering easier, also havefrom the following ready when you call: Your boat such year, as make and The following diagrams illustrate To themake measurements we will need you wheninformation ordering thru-hull exhaust components CORSA -size, How To Measure model, (Mercury, Volvo, OMC), drive model easier, and is italso an EFI or the carbureted engine. diverters or engine complete muffler systems. To make ordering have following information ready when you call: Your boat The following diagrams illustrate the measurements we will need from you when ordering thru-hull exhaust components such as diverters year, or make and model, size, Volvo,easier, OMC),also drive model and is it information an EFI or carbureted complete muffler engine systems. To(Mercury, make ordering have the following ready whenengine. you call: Your boat year, make and Under Swim Platform Applications The following diagrams illustrate the measurements we will need from you when ordering thru-hull exhaust components such as diverters model, engine size, (Mercury, Volvo, OMC), drive model and is it an EFI or carbureted engine. or complete muffler systems. To make ordering easier, also have the following information ready when you call: Your boat year, make and For boats withsize, built(Mercury, in or bolt-on platforms thatand DOisNOT currently have thru-hull model, engine Volvo,swim OMC), drive model it an EFI or carbureted engine. exhaust, the following measurements Under Swim Platform Applications will determine if there is enough space under the swim platform to install a standard system or if a custom system will be required. Under Swim Applications For boats with in built in or bolt-on platforms that DO NOT currently have thru-hull exhaust, the following measurements For boats with built or Platform bolt-on swim swim platforms will determine if there is enough space under the swim platform to install a standard system or if a custom system will be that are not equipped with measured thru-hull exhaust, Distance from the top of thethat driveDO NOT currently have thru-hull exhaust, the following measurements For boats with built in or bolt-on swim platforms required.measurements the following will determine if (gimbal) housing to the underside theswim platform to install a standard system or if a custom system will be will determine if there is enough space underofthe swimunder platform. thererequired. is enough space the swim platform Distance measured from the top of the drive to install a standard system or if a custom system (gimbal) housing to the underside of the will be required. Distance measured from the top of the drive swim platform. (gimbal) housing to the underside of the platform. Distance measured from center Distanceswim measured from the topthe of vertical the line of the drive (gimbal) housing to the drive (gimbal) housing to the underside upper corner of the drive cavity. For bolt-on of the swim platform. Distance measured from the the distance vertical center swim platforms, measure to the line of the drive (gimbal) housing to the first mounting bracket. Distance measured vertical upper corner of the from drivethe cavity. Forcenter bolt-on line of platforms, the drive (gimbal) housing to the to the swim measure the distance Distanceupper measured vertical cornerfrom ofbracket. thethe drive For bolt-on first mounting line of the drive (gimbal) housing the swim platforms, measure thetodistance to the Also applies Twin Engine applications. first mounting bracket. upper to corner of the drive cavity. For bolt-on swim platforms, measure the distance to the first mounting bracket. When measuring distances on a Also applies toNOTE: Twin Engine applications. built in swim platform, measure to the Also applies to tangent Twin Engine of theapplications. radius as shown in the NOTE: When measuring distances on a illustration. NOTE: When measuring distances on a built in built in swim platform, measure to the swim platform, measure to ofshown the in the NOTE: When measuring distances on a tangent ofthe thetangent radius as swim platform, radius as shown inbuilt the in illustration to themeasure right. >to the illustration. Under Swim Platform Applications A A B A A B B B tangent of the radius as shown in the illustration. Also applies to Twin Engine applications. Location of Existing Exhaust Holes For boats that currently DO HAVE thru-hull exhaust, the following measurements will determine if the exhaust holes are in the standard Location Existing Holes location for your of particular motor or Exhaust if a custom system will be needed to meet the existing exhaust holes. Location of Existing Exhaust Holes For boats that currently DO HAVE thru-hull exhaust, the following measurements will determine if the exhaust holes are in the standard location for particular motor or Exhaust if a custom system will be needed to meet the existing exhaust holes. Xyour Location of Existing Holes (gimbal) housing to the horizontal center For boats that currently DO HAVE thru-hull exhaust, theline following measurements will determine if the exhaust holes are in the standard Distance measured from the top of the drive ofparticular the exhaust hole. location for your motor or if a custom system will be needed to meet the existing exhaust holes. X X Y Distance measured from the top of the drive For boats that are equipped with thru-hull (gimbal) housing to the horizontal center line exhaust, the following measurements will the top of the drive Distance measured of the exhaust hole.from Distance measured from the vertical center determine if the exhaust holes are to in the thehorizontal (gimbal) housing center line line of exhaust the drivehole. (gimbal) housing to the of the standard location for your particular motor vertical center line of the exhaust hole. or if a custom system will bemeasured needed to meet Distance from the vertical center the existing exhaust holes. line of the drive (gimbal) housing to the Distance measured from vertical center vertical center line of thethe exhaust hole. Also applies toline Twin applications. of Engine the drive (gimbal) housing to the Distancevertical measured from topexhaust of the hole. center line the of the drive (gimbal) housing to the horizontal Also applies to Twin Engine applications. center line of the exhaust hole. Also applies to Twin Engine applications. Distance measured from the vertical center line of the drive (gimbal) housing to the / GIL Marine - 140 Blaze Industrial Parkway - Berea, OH 44017 - 1-800-486-0999 - Fax 440-891-1868 verticalCORSA center Performance line of the exhaust hole. X Y Y Y - [email protected] Also applies to Twin Engine applications. CORSA Performance / GIL Marine - 140 Blaze Industrial Parkway - Berea, OH 44017 - 1-800-486-0999 - Fax 440-891-1868 - [email protected] CORSA Performance / GIL Marine - 140 Blaze Industrial Parkway - Berea, OH 44017 - 1-800-486-0999 - Fax 440-891-1868 - [email protected] 32 Customer Exhaust Measurement Sheet Name:___________________________________________ Date:_ ______________________________________ Dealer Name:_ ____________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Boat Manufacturer:_________________________________ Fax:_ _______________________________________ CORSA Customer Exhaust Measurement Sheet Model:___________________________________________ Year:________________________________________ Name: Sales Representative: _______________________________ Date: Dealer Phone: Circle oneName: of the following for each category below: Boat EngineManufacturer: Make : Mercury Model: Catalyst: Yes or Engine Size: 4.3 Engine Make : Volvo OMC Fax: Other ____________ Yamaha Year: No 302 305 Circle one of the following for each category below 350 351 Mercury 6.2 454 Volvo 502 OMC Engine Size: 4.3 350 351 6.2 # of Engines: Single 302 Twin 305 Triple #EFI: of Engines: Yes or Single No Twin 496 500 EFI 525SC Yamaha 454 502 575SC Other ____________ 496 500 EFI 525SC . 575SC Triple EFI: Yes______________________________________ or No Drive Type:_ . Drive Type:Stock ____________________________. Manifolds: CMI GIL Other___________ Manifolds: System Type : Stock Through HullCMI Splitter GIL Diverterother________________ Q & Q II Q & Q + Other. System Type :Through Through Hull _ Transom Exit: Transom Splitter Side Exit Diverter Q &TipQ 90° Tip Angle Transom Exit: Through Transom Side Exit _ X Dimension: _ _____________________ II 90° Tip _____________ Q & ___________ Q + Other _____________ Other Angle Tip Other ___________ XY Dimension: __________________________ Dimension: _______________________ . YA Dimension: __________________________ Dimension: _______________________ . AB Dimension: Dimension: __________________________ _______________________ BTransom Dimension: __________________________ Angle:______________________ (for CMI or Special Systems) Transom Angle: _______________________ (for CMI or Special Systems) Additional Comments Additional Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Customer Signature Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Sign and Fax or Mail to the Address Below _Customer Signature_____________________________________________ Date________________________________________ _ Sign and Fax or mail to the address below. CORSA Performance / GIL Marine - 140 Blaze Industrial Parkway - Berea, OH 44017 - 1-800-486-0999 - Fax 440-891-1868 33 - [email protected]