E What is the most innovative idea you


E What is the most innovative idea you
The Management Survey 2007
What is the most
innovative idea you
have seen among the
boards you advise?
Photographs by Bernard Vidal
very year since 1984, Habitat has queried management executives about some aspect of the
industry for its comprehensive management survey.
From the start, we brought together representatives of
different firms for an annual photo shoot, which put a
face on management. But for this year, we wanted to
get a little more insight into each executive’s personality. So, in addition to the serious survey question, we
asked some lighter, more personal questions: a favor-
Micki Smith
AKAM Associates
quote Just go out there and
do what you have to do
personality Independent,
original, analytical, and
determined, with a strong
ability to turn plans into
software Word
relaxation Needlepoint
ite phase or quotable quote, the personality type each
exec likes to work with best, favorite software program,
and a relaxation activity. The revealing results follow.
A.S.M. Estates
Ari Moskowitz, President
I manage a property that has made it a requirement that all approved alteration proposals include the replacement of the inunit fuse box with circuit-breakers and, in the event any walls
are being opened, the replacement of the plumbing risers feeding
that unit.
AKAM & Associates
Micki Smith, Executive Vice President
In a co-op where 80/20 tax questions were an issue, the co-op
paid shareholders’ homeowners insurance and then charged the
payment back to shareholders in their maintenance. This helped
the good income ratio and also helped to ensure that sharehold30 HABITAT JULY/AUGUST 2007
ers had insurance. A similar strategy also has been used with
garage spaces, again with success.
Alexander Wolf & Company
John D. Wolf, President
We feel the boards must be supportive of management. Shareholder/owners will always go to board members with any issues
they may have. It is important for that member to listen to the
issue and not make a judgment or jump to a conclusion based
on the information. It is best to methodically presume there is
more to the story than meets the eye. You should calmly contact the managing agent to get the full background, so that the
shareholder/owner or person involved can get a proper response.
More often than not, the managing agent has, in fact, acted ap-
John D. Wolf
Tasos J. Magoulas
Alexander Wolf & Company
quote The one who dies with the
most toys wins
personality Enthusiast
software Outlook
relaxation Golfing; watching my
kids play sports
All Area Property Management
quote There is nothing that
cannot be accomplished
personality A person who is
up for any challenge,
big or small
software Photoshop
relaxation The beach
Ari Moskowitz
A.S.M. Estates
quote Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
personality People who can get the job
done without stepping on other people
software BJ Murray relaxation Swimming
propriately, consistently, properly, on time, and in the best interests of the board. By inquiring this way rather than jumping to
conclusions, the board demonstrates its support for and shows
a united front with the agent, and does not undermine him. The
board member is then able to go back to the shareholder/owner
and respond intelligently, thoroughly, and in a manner supportive of the manager.
All Area Property Management
Tasos J. Magoulas, President
We recently implemented an electronic paperwork system in
one of our cooperatives. The board finds it easier to deal
with e-mails rather than paperwork. We find that this has
helped in response time as well. Things are done at a
faster pace, and it’s also a great way to backtrack when
you want to know the status of a pending item.
Andrea Bunis Management
Andrea Bunis, President
We have been fortunate that many of our board members have
come up with innovative ways to communicate with their owners. Recently, we implemented the idea to have brokers, prospective purchasers, and tenants submit their completed packages (e.g., sales and sublet applications) on CDs or flash drives.
We feel this is an excellent idea because it reduces the amount of
paper used and alleviates the need to transport large bundles to
board members. Management also keeps an electronic copy of
the package instead of a mass of paper.
Andrea Bunis
Andrea Bunis Management
quote No conflict, no interest
personality A confident person who also listens
software Blackberry software for e-mails
relaxation Going to the movies
Lynn Whiting
Stuart Smolar
Andrews Building Corporation
quote Paper trail
personality Analytical and pragmatic
software Excel
relaxation Kayaking
Andrews Building Corporation
Stuart Smolar, Director of Operations
Weekly management e-mail updates to board regarding consequential building issues.
Argo Corporation
Lynn Whiting, Director of Management
Prior to our appointment as managing agent, one of the buildings we manage had a major security breach when someone
gained unauthorized entry. The board was determined to correct the problem, but the expense of a doorman was prohibitive and not in keeping with the less formal style of the building. The board ultimately hired a company that provides the
Cyberdoorman service. The Cyberdoorman is off the premises
and monitors the building via multiple cameras in key loca32 HABITAT JULY/AUGUST 2007
Argo Corporation
quote Never say blah blah when
blah will do personality Resultsoriented, decisive, practical, with
a good sense of humor
software Outlook relaxation My
husband and I enjoy boating and
spending time outdoors
tions. When visitors arrive, they ring a bell and Cyberdoorman
announces himself and asks the name and destination of the
visitor. He then calls the apartment and, when given authorization, admits the visitor(s) into the building. As an added security feature, the buzzer system from apartments was disconnected so that only Cyberdoorman can provide entry to those
who do not have an access card.
In another situation, one of our boards wanted to improve
the admission process and obtain a real sense of the applicants
who were applying for apartments. The board, in cooperation
with Argo, decided to have a representative visit the applicant’s current home and observe their current living conditions
firsthand. Argo was instrumental in arranging for this service.
It has become a standard practice in this and other buildings
we manage. Visiting an applicant’s home tells you more about
them then an application or interview ever could.
Donald E. Wilson
Blue Woods Management
quote It is what it is
personality Outgoing, smart, reasonable
software No favorite
relaxation Golf
John Janangelo
Bellmarc Property Management
quote It’s easy to administer, it’s more
important to manage
personality Efficient, professional, and
software Outlook
relaxation Golf
Bellmarc Property Management
John Janangelo, President
As a firm, we try to communicate ideas and new programs
throughout our entire client base. The two most effective programs that we have instituted pertain to annual
meeting presentations and a formalized mechanism to
track open items pertaining to both operations and board
business. For annual meetings, we prepare and distribute
reports that highlight various types of financial information as well as charts and graphs that detail, among other
things, sales activity in the building. In addition, we supplement that material with a visual PowerPoint presentation. Another very effective tool has been our own Task
Paul J. Herman
Brown Harris Stevens
quote No good deed goes unpunished
personality Efficiently compulsive
software No favorite
relaxation Working in the yard/garden
Manager System that allows us to share with our boards
the status of all open items in real time.
Blue Woods Management
Donald E. Wilson, President
Most boards allow us to present a management report at the beginning of each meeting. We find that this helps to keep everyone
focused on the main issues and provides a structure for the meeting. The report is also written with the idea that if someone misses a meeting, that board member can read our report and have a
complete understanding of what we discussed and the status of
all open issues. Invariably, the report answers many questions
that board members may have and keeps the agent on track.
Lori Buchbinder
Buchbinder & Warren
quote Let’s go!
personality Decisive, team-oriented,
energetic, and positive
software Outlook/Skyline
relaxation Going to the beach with
my sons and husband
Brown Harris Stevens
Paul J. Herman
Senior Vice President, Director of Management
Alterations to individual apartments have been and continue
to be a major source of concern for most boards and one that
managing agents spend a great deal of time on. Strong alteration
policies with strict enforcement, consistent oversight by the reviewing architect, and fees based on length of the alteration have
been effective in helping control the process. We have found that
the boards that implement an alteration fee (a monthly charge for
the license to perform the alteration) that increases based on the
length of the alteration have been quite effective in keeping both
the apartment owner and contractor focused on the job at hand.
Many things can prolong the process, but, typically, changes
Martha Goupit
Caran Properties
quote C’est la vie!
personality Has a sense
of humor
software Explorer
relaxation Reading and
James Flaherty
Century Operating Services
quote With all due respect
personality Down-to-earth personality
software Outlook
relaxation Fishing
made midstream to the design or additions to the project by the
apartment owner will cause delays. Apartment renovation work
is very disruptive to the operation of the building as well as to the
residents, so you want to minimize the length of the job. Having
an alteration fee that increases with the amount of time the job
takes provides a motivation for both parties to keep the job on
Buchbinder & Warren
Lori Buchbinder, Principal
As prospective purchasers’ financial statements and tax returns
become more complicated, one of our co-op boards adopted the policy of having the financial portions of sales
applications reviewed by an independent certified public accountant. Applicants are advised that the financial
Dan Wurtzel
Michael Richter
Charter Management
Cooper Square R ealty
quote You are the sum of every decision you have ever made
quote Treat all equally because today’s disgruntled owner is tomorrow’s board president personality Honest, trustworthy, and energetic
software Excel
personality All types software Connect
relaxation Golf; listening to my son play the piano
relaxation Skiing; a book on the beach; coaching sports for my two kids
Carole Ferrara
Carole Ferrara
quote It is what it is
personality Personable
and businesslike with
an understanding of the
software Skyline
relaxation Quiet time
information is subject to the accountant’s review in advance of their submissions.
The accountant, who is well acquainted with the coop’s current and potential fiscal demands, is qualified to
determine whether prospective purchasers will be able to
meet their responsibilities. If the accountant is confident
and an applicant financially viable, the application proceeds to the interview phase. Another positive aspect of
this policy is that prospective purchasers’ confidential financial information is not released to all board members
but only to the president and the treasurer. This is a matter
of particular concern since board members in some buildings are less than diligent in properly discarding purchase
application packages or returning them to management.
We have recommended this accountant’s review process
to other boards, a number of which have also adopted it
with great success.
Caran Properties
Martha Goupit, Managing Director /Principal
Implementing the use of environmentally friendly products
in our co-ops and condos has been embraced by several
boards. With the introduction of more products to the market,
the boards have asked our suppliers to consider using natural, biodegradable, and nontoxic cleaning products. This will
lower the environmental impact of some of the more mainstream products commonly used. This shift in commitment
is an easy first step towards eliminating toxins from shared
common areas that affect owners’ environment and health. It
is an idea that all buildings should be embracing.
James V. O’Connor
Douglas Elliman Property Management
quote We judge ourselves by what we feel capable
of doing; others judge
us by what we have done
personality Energetic and
determined professionals
who bring passion and
humor to our workplace
software iTunes
relaxation Reading on
the beach in Montauk
Don Einsidler
Einsidler Management
quote We keep our fingers on the pulse of a building
personality Decisive, fair-minded, and organized
software Integrated Business Systems
relaxation Working in my garden, hiking
Alvin Wasserman
Fairfield Property Services
quote The true mark of a professional is
not how you begin but how you finish
personality Those who are inwardly at rest
software Outlook
relaxation Baseball
Carole Ferrara Associates
Carole Ferrara, President
This is actually a difficult question and not as simple as it might
appear. It’s difficult to define one idea or practice that becomes the
good one. It is an evolution of ideas and practices that become the
good one. The building that is sound both fiscally and physically
is the one with the board that has the good idea.
an annual basis. Since the building is of prewar construction, this
enables the corporation to address the required preventive maintenance and façade repairs as well as retaining a healthy capital
reserve account. That, in turn, has a positive impact on the value
and marketability of the apartments.
Charter Management
Michael Richter, President
Century Operating Services
James Flaherty, Director of Management
One of my clients has implemented a capital reserve assessment
that has been in place for many years in which the assessment
is included in the monthly maintenance and that allows the corporation to supplement the building’s capital reserve account on
Contractor identification tags. In these days of multiple apartment
alterations, we had difficulty identifying workmen in the building. A contractor ID tag policy was implemented whereby we tag
every worker and contractor as he or she signs in each day with
the superintendent. The tag identifies the contractor to all staff
and residents. Only those contractors who have been cleared with
proper insurance and whose work has been approved are given a
Gerard J. Picaso
Gerard J. Picaso Inc.
quote Do it now
personality Honest
software Word
relaxation Coaching girls’
fast-pitch softball
Daniel Wollman
Paul Gottsegen
Gumley Haft
quote Tomorrow is another day
personality Decision-makers
software Photoshop
relaxation Woodworking
tag. It is now easy to identify those workmen not authorized to
be in the building. Residents feel safer when they see a contractor
wearing a tag.
Cooper Square Realty
Dan Wurtzel, Chief Operating Officer
In this age of concerns about securing personal information,
many of our boards have allowed management to produce and
maintain electronic copies of sales application packets. As a result, we do not maintain hard copies of an individual’s financial
information; it could be misplaced, misfiled, or become accessible to individuals who are not supposed to see the information.
The process is efficient, environmentally friendly, and minimizes
the use of paper. Effective measures that protect privacy, streamline processing, and make the best use of technology are essential
in today’s changing society.
Halstead Management
quote Talk is cheap
personality Someone who has patience and is
a good listener
software X1 relaxation Listening to music
Douglas Elliman Property Management
James V. O’Connor, President
A practice that many of our boards have adopted is streamlining
the refinancing process so as to allow shareholders and unit-owners to take advantage of lower rates with their existing lenders
without having to go through the sometimes onerous requirements typically in place. It’s quicker and cheaper. In addition,
the lower monthly payments increase cash flow and help to minimize exposure all around.
Einsidler Management
Don Einsidler, Principal
Establishing committees (i.e., landscaping, screening, maintenance, pool, and social), consisting of shareholders or unit-owners and chaired by board members, helps promote community
Timothy Grogan
Mark Hoffman
John J. Grogan & Associates
quote It is what it is
personality Organized, energetic, and
software Yardi
relaxation Time with my family
Hoffman Management
quote Let’s not create our own problems
personality Demanding people who know
what they want
software I love the internet; you can learn
about anything in five minutes!
relaxation Golfing, fishing, or reading
John LiPuma
J.A.L. Diversified Management
quote We are here to protect you
personality A giver
software Spectra relaxation Golf
involvement. Ultimate decisions are made by the board after
review of the committee recommendations. This practice promotes healthy community involvement in the day-to-day running of the property but still leaves the ultimate decision-making
up to the board.
Fairfield Property Services
Alvin Wasserman, Director
Boards that conduct their meetings in a businesslike manner
are to be commended. I have observed efficient boards
that allow everyone to have a say while minimizing side
conversations and limiting speaking out of turn. These
boards place a time limit on discussions and systematically bring matters to a vote. Conducting business in this
way requires strong leadership with obliging board members. Professionally run board meetings last no more than
three hours and usually less than two hours. Generally
speaking, well-run meetings are a reflection of effective
property management.
Gerard J. Picaso Inc.
Gerard J. Picaso, President
In a building where the board had many changes over a three-year
period, the new board set up an e-mail for the co-op that the members monitor. It has given the shareholders a sense of stability.
Gumley Haft
Daniel Wollman, Chief Operating Officer
A practice implemented by one of our condominium boards
was the creation of two nonvoting board members as “associate
members.” This mentoring program prepares unit-owners to be
prospective board members. Associate board members attend all
board meetings and participate on all building matters. They are
not officers of the corporation nor are they permitted to vote on
Joan Konow
Key R eal Estate Associates
quote Be proactive not reactive
personality Capable and committed
software Excel
relaxation Being with friends and
family; taking relaxed walks
through the city
Anton C. Cirulli
Paul Brensilber
Lawrence Properties
quote To thine own self be true
personality A team player, highly motivated,
and dedicated
software Outlook
relaxation Anything to do with family
Jordan Cooper & Associates
quote Let me think about it
personality Type A
software Outlook
relaxation Managing properties
any matters that are brought before the board. An added benefit
from the board’s perspective is that an election is not involved in
selecting the associate member(s), and therefore the board has
the latitude in selecting an individual(s) whose skill set is complimentary to the current board.
newest members without having to reinvent the wheel each year.
Since instituting staggered terms will probably require changing
a building’s bylaws, it should not be implemented without first
consulting your attorney.
Halstead Management
Mark Hoffman, Principal
Paul Gottsegen, Executive Vice President /
Director of Management
One of the best ideas for forward-thinking boards is the institution of staggered terms for directors/managers. We recommend
this whenever possible, primarily because it can take newly elected board members several months to understand their roles and
achieve a skill-level of the real estate business equal to their fellow directors/managers. Most importantly, new members must
develop realistic, professional expectations of a building’s employees, their professionals, and their managing agent. Instituting
staggered terms ensures continuity and built-in mentoring to the
Hoffman Management
A luxury 24-hour doorman cooperative we manage adopted a
policy of not allowing delivery people into the building. Supermarket deliveries are brought up by the porter and restaurant deliveries are picked up by residents in the lobby. This is a good
idea for two reasons. First, the board has implemented a policy to
enhance the security of the residents and property. Second, while
many residents may not have liked this policy change, it shows
the ability of a board to find balance in its decisions to do what it
believed was in the best interests of all shareholders.
Ira M. Meister
Matthew Adam Properties
quote An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure
personality I really have no preference
software A number of photography
software applications
relaxation Spending time with my
family, reading, and taking advantage of cultural experiences
Ellen Kornfeld
The Lovett Company
quote Chance favors a prepared mind
personality A person who seeks to grow and
improve oneself through hard work
software B.J. Murray
relaxation Meditation and exercise
Steven Greenbaum
Mark Greenberg R eal Estate
quote There are no problems only solutions
personality Honest, intelligent
software E-mail
relaxation Music, fishing
Hudson View Associates
One board has made a decision to give out a monthly newsletter
to get the shareholders up to speed on what is happening in the
assessments and defeat the purpose of lowering maintenance.
They selected an interest-only mortgage to enable them to raise
the extra funds needed without raising maintenance because the
debt service on the new loan was less than that of the self-liquidating mortgage.
J.A.L. Diversified Management
John J. Grogan & Associates
Needing $600,000 to make major repairs and not wanting to
raise maintenance, a co-op board selected an unusual financing
method to meet its objectives. The co-op had a 20-year, self-liquidating mortgage obtained by a previous board that had hoped
to eliminate debt service and permanently reduce maintenance.
The current board determined that the goal of eliminating debt
would inherently require that capital funding be obtained from
Automatic debiting is one of the newest practices many of our
boards have implemented and promoted over the past 18 months.
Automatic debiting takes the place of manually writing checks or
online banking for residents. It eliminates the check-clearing process and makes the funds available to the buildings earlier in the
month. It also allows residents who generally pay their monthly
charges at different times throughout the month to pay their fees
Steven Gold, President
John LiPuma, President
Timothy Grogan, President
Eugene DeGidio
Maxwell K ates
quote Think where man’s glory begins and ends and
say, “My glory was I had such friends”
personality Interesting to work with all personalities
software Outlook relaxation Spending time with my
family and friends
David Baron
Metro Management Development
quote Let’s come up with a solution that
works for everyone
personality Hardworking, receptive to
ideas, and positive
software B.J. Murray/Yardi
relaxation Maintaining and driving an
antique show car
Beth Markowitz
Merlot Management
quote I can see both sides of the argument
personality Interesting, engaging, proactive, with
realistic expectations
software Excel relaxation Meeting friends or colleagues after work for a drink or dinner
in a more timely manner. In cases involving ownership by a
limited liability company or trusts, boards have mandated this
practice in order to insure timely maintenance payments. This
practice has also been implemented when a unit-owner falls behind in his or her monthly charges.
Jordan Cooper & Associates
Paul Brensilber, President
The agenda prepared by the management company is detailed,
provides proper backup, and also includes a time limit for discussion on each item. The clock is kept on each agenda item and
only discussed for the allotted time. Once time expires, if it is an
item that requires a vote, the vote is conducted. If discussion has
not been completed, it is tabled, and at the following meeting it
will be discussed and voted on. This allows for a focused meet-
ing at which decisions are made. Meetings do not ramble on,
items are taken in order and discussed in the proper place, and
new items are introduced during the “new business” portion oof
the gathering. The agent then follows up. Boards need to conduct
themselves as corporate representatives, stick to their agendas,
and not socialize at board meetings. This methodology allows
for boards to focus on and complete business matters.
Key Real Estate Associates
Joan Konow, Director of Management
Most New York residents hardly have time to retrieve their mail,
let alone read it. More and more people are utilizing the internet
and e-mail to quickly accomplish tasks from shopping for gifts
to obtaining a college degree from virtually any location. In response to this, several of our boards have implemented interacJULY/AUGUST 2007 HABITAT 41
Stephen R. Nardoni
Nardoni R ealty
quote As my mom used to say about
me, “He tried to say he was sorry like
he actually meant it”
personality Type A New Yorkers – firmly entrenched with codependency and
insecurity issues
software Etch-A-Sketch
relaxation Sailing
Frank Socci Jr.
NAI Long Island
quote The will must be stronger than the
skill to succeed
personality Easygoing
software No preference relaxation Golf
Michael J. Wolfe
Midboro Management
quote Always strive for excellence and perfection
personality Diverse; learn from diversity
software Excel
relaxation To be with my children
tive websites. The sites are linked to our website with several
levels of security providing specific access to each group, including management, board members, owners, renters, and the general public, particularly potential purchasers. It is a great vehicle
for us to post meeting notices and monthly financials that only
board members can access. Applications for purchase, sublet,
refinance, alteration, and various other documents are available
to owners. General building notices such as upcoming events are
posted for residents, and information on the building and neighborhood are available to the general public without a password.
This type of communication eliminates needless delays, as well
as aggravation, and facilitates better interaction between boards
and their managing agents.
Lawrence Properties
Anton C. Cirulli, Managing Director
Although we have our own intensive annual evaluation checklist,
one of our boards has taken this important assessment one step
further. They have initiated a personal approach. We all sit down
together over lunch and review our management performance.
We welcome this forum since it is an excellent opportunity for
us to confirm all the good things that we are doing, as well as to
fine-tune our service. This is an extremely constructive meeting,
allowing us to work on the relationship while working for the
good of the building.
The Lovett Company
Ellen Kornfeld, Vice President
One of our co-op boards in the Gramercy Park area wanted a
way to keep shareholders informed about building-related issues.
A constant complaint at their annual meeting was that the board
did not communicate with shareholders on a regular basis. When
a new group of members joined the board, they took the co-op’s
failure to keep shareholders up-to-date on important building
Peter Von Simson
New Bedford Management
quote The secret of success is to do the
common things uncommonly well
personality Self-confident people who are
willing to make a recommendation and
stand behind it
software Outlook relaxation Spending time
with my wife and two children
Neil Davidowitz
Orsid R ealty
quote Success is the ability to go
from one failure to another with no
loss of enthusiasm
personality Cooperative, intelligent,
ethical, and fair-minded
software Outlook
relaxation Coaching kids of all ages
Leslie Winkler
Penmark R ealty
quote What’s plan B?
personality Smart, wellrounded, optimistic
software No favorite
relaxation Tennis
matters as a mandate to develop a first-class quarterly newsletter
with photos and graphics.
Not only does the newsletter provide a forum to inform residents about building-related projects, it also serves as a “human
interest” communication tool. New shareholders are featured
quarterly, along with neighborhood restaurant picks. The newsletter also includes a letter from the board president on building
accomplishments and the state of the co-op. By keeping shareholders informed, the number of shareholder complaints has been
minimized and resident complaints have diminished.
Mark Greenberg Real Estate
Steven Greenbaum, Director of Property Management
A practice that MGRE has implemented in many of its buildings
is to send the agenda, minutes, financial information, and board
package to the directors before the meeting. This allows them to
review all the documents at their leisure. If there are any ques-
tions, they may even be answered before the meeting takes place.
By doing so, all the board members are prepared to have relevant
discussions and make important decisions. This saves time and
makes board meetings more productive.
Matthew Adam Properties
Ira M. Meister, President
One of our clients has just launched an incredible interactive
website. In addition to allowing the board, resident manager, and
property manager to communicate with the building residents
(you can never have enough communication), the site allows
residents to place service requests, check for package deliveries,
and review and download building documents (bylaws, alteration
agreements, etc.). It also provides information on neighborhood
events, discounts for local vendors and local restaurant menus
and deliveries. The site has become a virtual community.
Peter J. Burgess
Peter J. Burgess Management
quote Real success is finding your
lifework in the work you love
personality Dedicated team player
software Realty information
relaxation Backgammon
J. Brian Peters
Rose Associates
quote What’s going on?
personality Being from the Midwest, I can
appreciate and work with most people
software iPhoto
relaxation Sudoku
Maxwell Kates
Eugene DeGidio, Executive Vice President
The tendency when answering these types of questions is to give
general answers rather than specific ones. I am going to fall into
that trap at the outset but promise to answer in specific terms by
conclusion. It is the role of the managing agent to assist boards
in establishing effective practices to govern the operation of a
building. These practices, garnered from years of management
experience, are shared, recommended, and discussed with our
clients. A key to effective management is the dissemination of
pertinent information to residents. One of our boards suggested
maintaining and updating a design board in the lobby reflecting
the progress made in a capital improvement project. The board
Steve Miller
Plymouth Management Group
quote We must provide our boards with pratical advice and implement their decisions
personality Mellow, easygoing, skilled,
and efficient
software Yardi
relaxation Poker with the guys
reflected a timeline for the project and showed what work was
completed to date, what work was presently underway, and the
remaining balance of the schedule. The shareholders appreciated
knowing exactly what was going on.
Merlot Management
Beth Markowitz, President
Roof deck rules. Increasingly, buildings have roof decks that are
common spaces for everyone to enjoy and that add value to the
property. While you want your residents to have that amenity,
you want to make sure that no one abuses it and deprives others
of the enjoyment of the space or their apartments should they reside adjacent to or under the roof. Simple rules on parties, number of guests, smoking, cleaning up, noise, and other activities
Sandra Greer
Fred Rudd
Sandra Greer R eal Estate
quote I’m not a happy camper!
personality Energetic
software Internet/e-mail
relaxation Photography
Rudd R ealty
quote No good deed
should go unpunished
personality Cooperative
software Word
relaxation Barbecuing
Alan B. Gorelick
Saparn R ealty
quote This too shall pass
personality Gentle and kind
software Excel
relaxation Gardening
that residents might want to engage in up there allow everyone
equal use and the right to restrict use for those that do not comply. Outdoor space is a precious commodity in New York.
Metro Management Development
David Baron, Vice President
In a time when many cooperatives and condominiums struggle
to meet their day-to-day operating expenses, one of the cooperatives in our portfolio of managed properties has implemented an
innovative policy that allows for needed improvement without
depleting resources. This good idea is their water shutoff fee.
This is a fee charged for each instance that an apartment renovation necessitates water to be shut off, separate and apart from
their renovation deposit fees. The fee was implemented because
many of the shutoff valves in the building are original and nonfunctional. Often, water to an entire line of apartments or to the
entire building was shut down to accommodate renovations.
Multiple shutoffs (and the associated inconvenience) were not
uncommon for the same apartment when second bathrooms and
kitchens were done. Implementation of this policy has required
that shareholders better coordinate their contractors to limit the
water shutoff to once per renovation. The corporation applies
funds collected from this fee towards replacement of shutoff
valves, thus reducing the inconvenience to the residents while
upgrading the building at the same time.
Midboro Management
Michael J. Wolfe, President
Shareholders and residents always enjoy receiving building
newsletters developed by Midboro and our boards. The residents
are advised of all the projects that have been accomplished in the
building. It keeps everyone up to date and allows the residents to
realize the hard work involved in being a board member. Many
boards actively promote their building web page on www.midboro.com and encourage residents to use their log-in to read the
newsletters and other new items and updates that we provide.
Jeffrey Friedman
Jeffrey Weber
Vintage R eal Estate Services
quote Seek and ye shall find
personality Outgoing and upfront
software I’m not very computer literate. Fortunately, my colleagues are
relaxation Biweekly poker game
Weber-O’Connor Home Management
quote Have a nice day
personality Someone who is not afraid to make a
software B.J. Murray
relaxation Tennis
Marc H. Kurs
TKR Property Services
quote Communication is primary in management
personality Type A people who know what they
want and ask for it
software Adobe PDF
relaxation Spending time with my three
grandchildren. They make me smile
Morton Andrews
Georgia Lombardo-Barton, Executive Vice President
Implementing certain ideas benefit co-ops/condo in respective
areas: flip tax structures enhance buildings fiscally; new amenities improve residents’ quality of life; greater security measures
bring tranquility. Yet a very silent but potentially dangerous
circumstance overlooked in multiple dwelling living is that of
apartment hoarding, usually from aging residents with subtly
off-kilter mental conditions. A prominent Upper East Side coop board implemented periodic inspection for those apartments
in which the staff noted considerable housekeeping neglect during the seasonal air conditioner filter-cleaning process. In one
instance, we discovered a longtime senior resident in some phase
of dementia living with two small dogs. This once glamorous
“Classic 5” apartment was unrecognizable, with peeling wallpaper and piles of garbage and newspapers, some perched hazardously on the stove. Signs of rodents and dog feces throughout the
apartment led to an emergency meeting with the board. Knowing
that she had no surviving family, I immediately searched her file
and successfully contacted a former attorney who had befriended
her because of her noticeably unsettling condition. We arranged
more frequent visits from her physician. A cleaning service was
contracted to regularly tidy her apartment. Today, her quality of
living is stable, and we continue to routinely visited her.
Jonathan Klein
Wentworth Property
quote We make a living by
what we get, but we make
a life by what we give
personality People who step
outside the box
software WentworthConnect
relaxation I am an HGTV
addict; I built a new deck
in the backyard
NAI Long Island
Frank Socci Jr., Principal
Director of Property Management
After many years of holding meetings at board members’
homes, the new president of the board switched the location of
the meeting to our office. This simple change has resulted in
more professional behavior, and the members are more focused
on the agenda. The meetings are shorter, and the board is more
Nardoni Realty Company
Stephen Nardoni, President
I am thrilled that the board I work with embraces the use of
PDF files so we don’t have to deal with hard-copy paperwork
as much as we used to.
New Bedford Management
Peter von Simson, Director of Building Management
One of our buildings started a website where the board posts
meeting minutes, financials, and various required paperwork
material (for example, alteration agreements and sales packages that can be downloaded). It is such a good idea that we are
working to offer the service to all our buildings on a secured
web page through New Bedford’s website.
Orsid Realty
Neil Davidowitz, President
During the last several years, many of the buildings we manage
have implemented, revised, and updated individual apartment
alteration policies. The impetus for the changes is the magnitude and complexity of the alterations. The policies and guidelines attempt to address two types of issues. The first looks at
technical, construction-related concerns, and the second deals
with quality-of-life matters. Construction issues specifically
focus on policies like wet versus dry, central air conditioning
systems, Jacuzzis, the re-plumbing of branch lines and risers,
and ongoing inspections by building-retained professionals.
Quality-of-life policies focus on the permissible length of the
construction period, alteration “blackout” periods, fees charged
by the building, advance notice to neighbors, and documenting
the condition of adjacent apartments before construction.
Penmark Realty
Leslie Winkler, Vice President /Director of Management
Jay Silverberg
Zenith Properties
quote DBQBA (Don’t bring
questions; bring answers)
personality High-energy,
software Word
relaxation Running
Some of the boards are now organizing building social activities so that neighbors can meet, exchange ideas, and talk about
building issues in ways that are non-confrontational and inclusive. It allows the boards to get a good sense of what the
residents really feel about day-to-day issues and current board
policies and practices in a social setting conducive to the shared
experience. It reduces the “us” against “them” attitudes between
board members and other owners and helps residents more fully
understand why the board makes certain decisions.
Peter J. Burgess Management
Peter J. Burgess, President
Telephone conference board meetings: they help busy board
members on the go... but enable them to dedicate some time to
building business when it is difficult to get the group together.
Complete board meetings can be accomplished with decisions
made and minutes taken and distributed via e-mail.
Plymouth Management Group
TKR Property Services
Early morning board meetings. When they were first suggested
I thought the idea was crazy. Now, I love them. The board members are much more focused and that makes for very efficient
One of the buildings we manage has negotiated with the laundry
room vendor to pay for the gas, electric, and water bills that the
room uses. This takes some of the uncertainty out of the equation
for running the laundry room. Most buildings do not realize how
much of their energy use is in that room and they actually pay for
it even though they lease the space out. So we think this is a good
new idea and expect to see more buildings follow suit.
Steve Miller, President
Rose Associates
J. Brian Peters, Senior Managing Director
A regular newsletter. It sounds like the oldest idea in the book,
but it is actually done too infrequently by too few boards. Fancy
graphics aren’t necessary. Intricate multipage layouts aren’t either. All that’s needed is direct and factual information from the
board itself about its activities and building events. The benefits
in improved communication are enormous. And most managers
are happy to contribute to the effort.
Rudd Realty
Fred Rudd, President
Several boards in buildings we manage have created committees
with a chairperson and up to seven members in areas such as
finance, alterations, and capital improvements. Each meets separately and makes recommendations to the full board. We find
that these smaller, focused groups can boil down an issue and
in consultation with us and the appropriate expert (an architect,
accountant, etc.) make informed recommendations for full board
consideration. Board meetings are shorter and more efficient and
without the usual nonproductive banter. This division of responsibility is also important at annual meetings. Committee chairs
describe their work and recommendations giving shareholders
better insight into board decisions. Rather than seeing this as
ceding authority to committees, we find this active involvement
has increased board participation, energy, and effectiveness.
Sandra Greer Real Estate
Sandra Greer, President
We have encouraged our boards to get involved and mingle, not
only with unit-owners but with all residents of the building: tenants, sublets, commercial tenants. The board suggested that the
cooperative have a “building hotline e-mail” for everyone to use.
Implemented, it saved us so much time as we now do e-mail
letters, notifications, and updates. We let everyone know what’s
going on in their building with one e-mail. We’ve saved time,
paper, and postage. Everyone loves it, uses it, and is pleased. Of
course, we still send paper copies to those people who do not
have a computer or e-mail.
Saparn Realty
Alan Gorelick, Executive Vice President
One of our co-op boards decided that a good way to monitor the
condition of their building was to require its professional engineer to provide a more extensive narrative to the board when
filing the Local Law 10/11 report to the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB). With every five-year cycle, the engineer files the required report with the DOB. The engineer then
expands this report to explain to the board any possible conditions that may develop in the next five years and beyond. Many
of the points brought up in the expanded report are not required
by the DOB but are helpful to the board in staying ahead of the
curve in preparing for future capital improvements.
Marc H. Kurs, President, Chief Financial Officer
Vintage Real Estate Services
Jeffrey Friedman, President
Most co-op sales packages are at minimum of over 50 pieces
of paper. One board member came up with a simple form that
covers most of the highlights of the board package on two pieces
of paper. All purchasers are asked to complete this document. It
goes directly under the cover sheet of the package so that questions that can sometimes take 15 to 30 minutes to answer are
right up front. Of course, all the details are also included in the
Weber-O’Connor Home Management
Jeffrey M. Weber, President
The best idea that I find a co-op/condo can make is switching
from self-management to professional management. My firm
has saved many co-ops/condos thousands of dollars in finding
the right and best vendors for repairs, the best insurance coverage for buildings, and the lowest fuel and utility prices. The
money saved usually is greater than our fees. Also, by acting as
the go-between in arguments between shareholders and owners,
the quality of life in the co-op/condo is improved.
Wentworth Property Management
Jonathan Klein, President
Wentworth has always been very customer service-oriented.
One of our new clients asked us to host a “customer service”
day/night to acclimate residents to the change. It was such a success that we are now implementing customer service days and
evenings at many of our buildings. This was in response to our
commitment to our clients to offer a more proactive management style that involves everyone. This type of service improves
communication and leads ultimately to a better quality of life.
Zenith Properties
Jay Silverberg, President
In a war on maintenance arrears, the board of directors of Lindsay Park Housing Corporation, a 2,702-unit Mitchell-Lama
cooperative, has implemented a “no-frills” policy to offenders.
Rented parking spaces are revoked from shareholders in arrears, and they are denied the privileges of renting building party
rooms and purchasing swimming pool memberships. Additionally, a list of the worst offenders, those who consistently are in
arrears and have refused to at least enter into court stipulations,
are distributed under every door. The intent is not to embarrass
anyone, but to encourage shareholders to pay in a timely manner
so that the corporation may meet its financial obligations and
keep monthly maintenance charges down. Of course, legal action is pursued as well. While it might seem a bit harsh, this
policy has been extremely effective in reducing arrears in a very
large cooperative. H