Document 6517605
Document 6517605
EQAOResource - What is hazardouswaste? SectionlX Reading MultipleGhoiceQuestionsAnswerKey OntarioSecondary SchoolUteraryTes[ $ection lX: Beading Multiple-Choice {Recordthe best or mosteorect ansvirer on lhe StudentAnswerSheet.) ll m* snall boxesin the first sectioashow A couplete lists of hazardousmaterials. *Alternadva{, B Whar is the bestmeaningfor as usedin *re'?ISPOSING OF I{AZARDOUS WASTE" section? B howlo usehazardousnraterialssafely. A exceprions C hrltr to disposeofhazardousmareriais. B otherchoices 0 syobols piacedon paekagingmarcrials. G leftol,ermaterial D recommendations pl Wirlctr infomaationwould most encouraee peopleto diqposeofha"uardous wasteuaisiy? F the recycliagprogram G ths effecton tha snvironment [l [l Wtrar is the connestionber*'eent]re picfures sbovinactossthe rop of the selectionandthe information in the seiection? H the convenienthours ofdepct operation F The picturesarearrangedas an arch. J the addiiionalinfornation providedby thehotlirc G Tbepiciures areshownagainin &e third box. H The picturesshowexampiesofhazardous householditems. How manydifferentmethodsof disposaldoes thi.sselectioareconnns{rd? A J ' The piot*ressbo:#the labetsthat indicate hazardoushouseholdproducts. 8 4 H U&at doesthe rymbolin rheSafeUseof HazardousWastesecrioarnean? c 6 0 1 0 !l A Do not porrha.uardous wasteproducts dorln rhe drain. Aceordingto this selection how shouidpeople disposeofnail polish? 'Iake F it ro rhe depol G Takeit to the landfiii. ll Pourit dorvnthe sink drain. J Put itiathe regulargarbage. B Use *'atsr to cleanhazardowwaste containersin the sink. C Replaceyour sink after disposingof hazardouswasteproducts. D Do not washyourhandsafterusing hazardoutwasteproducrs, E&rcatsr Resourceswww. York Region District School Board OSSLT: Tips and Practice Tasks for Students 18.
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